Rogue Trader 2nd Edition (Public) - Kill Marine Supplement

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Rogue Trader 2nd Edition

Kill Marine Supplement


Astartes Specific Rules

Astartes Organs
Geneseed Flaws
And They Shall Know No Fear
Corruption Rules
Insanity Rules
Battle Traumas
Primarch Curses
The Pride of Ultramar (Ultramarine Primarch’s Curse)
Black Rage (Blood Angels Primarch’s Curse)
Death Before Dishonour (Imperial Fists Primarch’s Curse)
The Secret (Dark Angels Primarch’s Curse)
Curse of the Wulfen (Space Wolves Primarch’s Curse)
Steel Over Flesh (Iron Hands Primarch’s Curse)
Lure of the Shadows (Raven Guard Primarch’s Curse)
Chogorian Savagery (White Scars Primarch’s Curse)
Unyielding (Salamanders Primarch’s Curse)
Power in Humility (Luna Wolves Primarch’s Curse)
Exhaustive Obsession (Death Guard Primarch’s Curse)
Ghosts of the Butcher (World Eaters Primarch’s Curse)
Glory in Faith (Word Bearers Primarch’s Curse)
Flawed Perfection (Emperor’s Children Primarch’s Curse)
Slighted Reality (Iron Warriors Primarch’s Curse)
Heart of Darkness (Night Lords Primarch’s Curse)
Hunger for Knowledge (Thousand Sons Primarch’s Curse)
We are One (Alpha Legion Primarch’s Curse)
Primaris Marines
Primaris Marine Organs
Sinew Coils
Magnificat (Amplifier)
Belisarian Furnace (Revitalizer)
Primaris Debt

Astartes Character Creation

Choosing a Homeworld
Generating Characteristics
Starting Skills, Talents, and Traits
Astartes Chapters
Universal Past
Roboute Guilliman: The Avenger
Aurora Chapter
Doom Eagles
Iron Snakes
Howling Griffons
Scythes of the Emperor
Sanguinius: The Saint
Blood Angels
Angels Encarmine
Blood Drinkers
Flesh Tearers
Flesh Eaters
Knights of Blood
Rogal Dorn: The Praetorian
Imperial Fists
Black Templars
Astral Knights
Crimson Fists
Fire Lords
Lion El’Johnson: The Lion
Dark Angels
Angels of Redemption
The Fallen
Angels of Vengeance
Angels of Absolution
Leman Russ: The Wolf
Space Wolves
Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon
Iron Hands
Red Talons
Steel Confessors
Sons of Medusa
Brazen Claws
Iron Lords
Corvus Corax: The Raven
Raven Guard
Knights of the Raven
Death Spectres
Jaghatai Khan: The Khan
White Scars
Dark Hunters
Mantis Warriors
Storm Lords
Vulkan: The Forge
The Lost Sons and Secretive Chapters
Angels of Vigilance
Black Dragons
Blood Ravens
Deathwatch (Black Shield)
Legion of the Damned
Red Scorpions
Silver Skulls
Soul Drinkers
Storm Giants
Storm Wardens
Sons of War
Sons of the Phoenix
Necropolis Hawks
Storm Reapers
Storm Reapers
Astartes Potentiality
Positive Quirks
Emperor’s Balance
Born to Lead
Careful Listener
Crusader Incarnate
Straight Shooter
Ready to Support
Warp Sensitive
Master Tactician
Shining Angel
Primarch’s Strength
Die Harder
Saviour in Darkness
Honour Bound
Duel Master
Lord of the Wild
Void Dimensional Imagination
Ghost Moves
Steady Aim
Deft Touch
Machine Spirit Soother
Negative Quirks
Second Impressions
Mind in the Clouds
Open Minded
Single Track Mind
In Crossfire
Death’s Door
Can’t Trust Anyone
Technological Ineptitude
Warp Susceptible
Bloody Reaper
Primarch’s Hubris
Die Faster
Unneeded Hero
Oath Breaker
Glory Hog
Planetary Habit
Lack of Spatial Imagination
Show Off
Shaky Hands
Fat Fingers

Kill Marine
Scout Specialization
Devastator Specialization
Assault Specialization
Tactical Specialization
Techmarine Specialization
Apothecary Specialization
Librarian Specialization
Chaplain Specialization
Sergeant Specialization
Pilot Specialization
Tank Commander Specialization
Biker Specialization
Rider Specialization
Terminator Specialization
Deathwatch Specialization
Terror Specialization
Berserker Specialization
Destroyer Specialization
Havoc Specialization
Infiltrator Specialization
Astartes Elite Advances
Chapter Master
Chief Librarian
Deathwatch Champion
Deathwatch Chaplain
Deathwatch Epistolary
Deathwatch Forge Master
Deathwatch Keeper
Deathwatch Kill-marine
Deathwatch Watch Captain
Emperor’s Champion
Great Wolf
High Marshal
Iron Father
Iron Priest
Lord Executioner
Master of the Marches
Master of the Hunt
Master of the Forge
Master of the Fleet
Master of the Arsenal
Master of the Apothecarion
Master of Rites
Master of Relics
Master of Recruits
Master of the Signal
Master of the Watch
Rune Priest
Sanguinary Priest
Sword Brethren
Wolf Lord
Wolf Priest
Astartes Abilities
Solo Abilities
Squad Abilities
Squad and Chapter Abilities and Non-Astartes
Astartes Psychic Powers
Blood Angel
Imperial Fists
Dark Angels
Space Wolves
Iron Hands
Raven Guard
White Scars

Astartes Equipment
Astartes Equipment Acquisition
This supplement is based on Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, Rogue Trader 2 (my Homebrew) and
most of the work done by Erik Hastings and his wonderful work with Angel of Death:
Most of the character generation is his work, also, talents and gear. It will be copied here to
have a reference in one doc. As there is no Influence in Rogue Trader 2, the changes are done
in cursive.
While the Primaris stuff is mainly “Shas’o” from the homebrew called The Gold Experience.
Astartes Specific Rules
The Kill Marine rules are specifically created for a singular Marine, that not only works alone
without his Battle-Brothers but works alone for long periods of time. This makes him a potential
candidate to work with a Rogue Trader. Be it due to some kind of Chapter oath to the Dynasty
from long time ago, an alliance of convenience due to align in goals or even being assigned by
an Inquisitor or Watch-Commander (Deathwatch option).

First off, the Space Marines are far ahead of the curve from the Explorers. Especially starting
ones. To “balance” this issue, the Kill Marine “owes” experience. This totals to 10,000xp.
- Each time the Kill Marine gains experience, half of it goes to repay the debt. The player
can opt to use more of it, to pay the debt quicker.
- The starting experience (1000xp) can be also used to pay towards the debt.
- Upon paying the debt in full, the character gains experience as per normal. Also, he
gains additional Characteristic Aptitude he doesn’t have.
- The character can lower the debt at start by burning 3 out of 4 of his starting Fate Points
to lower the debt to 5000xp. In essence starting at 1 Fate Point.

It is not advised to have more than 1 Kill Marine in the party but it’s possible. In an event, that
the party is formed of only Kill Marines, the debt mechanic doesn’t apply and everybody gains
additional Aptitude.
Astartes Organs
It takes a considerable deal of time to transform a normal human into a Space Marine. They
receive implants known as gene-seed which transform their bodies and give them superhuman
abilities - making them capable of spitting acidic venom, absorbing the memories of the dead by
eating their flesh, darkening their skin to protect it from radiation, and operating for long periods
without sleep by switching off parts of their brains at a time.
Multi-Lung: Amphibious
Secondary Heart: Unnatural Strength, Unnatural Toughness
Ossmodula: Unnatural Toughness
Biscopea: Unnatural Strength
Melanchromic Organ: Unnatural Toughness
Occulobe: Heightened Senses (Sight)
Lyman’s Ear: Heightened Senses (Hearing)
Preomnor: Resistance (Poison)
Oolitic Kidney: Resistance (Poison)
Neuroglottis: Resistance (Poison)
Mucranoid: Resistance (Cold, Heat)
Omophagea: By consuming the enemy, the character may be gain access to the enemy’s
experiences including temporarily gaining a new skill.
Larraman’s Organ: Only a 5% chance of dying from Blood Loss instead of 10%
Catalepsean Node: There is no perception penalty to staying awake for long periods of time.
Sus-an Membrane: When falling unconscious due to Critical Damage, this organ activates and
prevents wounds from becoming worst at the cost of suspending all activities in the Space
Marine. It takes a -20 Medicae test to revive them from this suspended state.
Betcher’s Gland: The Space Marine may spit as a ranged attack with the following profile:
Range: 3m, Damage: 1d5 E, Pen 4, Toxic (1). If the DoS of the attack is three (3) or higher, then
the target is blinded for 1d5 rounds as well.
Black Carapace: This incredible skin organ enables the Space Marine to interface perfectly
with his power armour, granting them trait Giant Among Men when they are in their Power
Progenoids: Perhaps the most vital organ a Space Marine has, this is where their geneseed is
kept until death. A Space Marine’s geneseed is his biological legacy on the Chapter as it can be
implanted into a new Initiate to transform them into a Space Marine. When they die, it is the
responsibility of the Apothecary to extract it and ensure that his legacy is kept safe for the next
generation. These may be extracted with a successful Medicae +0 test and takes two rounds.
Geneseed Flaws
Some chapters have flaws in the geneseed, making some organs broken or mutated.
Chapter(s) Geneseed Flaw

Blood Angels
Lamenters Red Thirst.
Knights of Blood

Red Thirst
Angels Encarmine

Red Thirst
Blood Drinkers

Red Thirst
Flesh Tearers

Imperial Fists
Black Templars
Betcher’s Gland Disabled.
Astral Knights
Sus-an Membrane Disabled.
Crimson Fists

Betcher’s Gland Mutation. Produces Promethium equivalent. If

sparked after breathing out, it works like a Hand Flamer with range
Fire Lords
of 1 meter.
Sus-an Membrane Disabled.

Betcher's Gland Disabled.

Raven Guard
Mucranoid Disabled.
Knights of the Raven

Betcher's Gland Disabled.

Death Spectres Mucranoid Disabled.

Betcher's Gland Disabled.

Raptors Mucranoid Disabled.

Enlarged canine teeth, extreme hirsuteness and possibility of

Space Wolves mutational degeneration into a Wulfen due to genetic
incompatibility with the Canis Helix.

Salamanders Causes a mutation resulting in jet black skin, sometimes with an

additional cracked texture making them look like obsidian stone as
well as bright red, glowing eyes. To the ignorant, this gives a
daemonic appearance. This grants the Salamanders +10 bonus
Intimidate but -10 penalty to Charm, Deceives and Inquiry. The
penalty is ignored for Salamanders, their serf and those that
believe Salamanders to be their allies.

Defective Ossmodula causes mutations resulting in razor sharp

bone blades protruding from the forearms and head, able to pierce
Black Dragons ceramite. With a Unique Past, Black Dragons hone their skills with
these blades and have them coated in Adamantium to become
“Dragon Claws”

Blood Ravens ?

Carcharodons ?

Minotaurs ?
And They Shall Know No Fear
Space Marines do not deal with Fear as do other men. They are only marginally affected by
fearsome foes and then only by those of truly mind-breaking terror. However, being under
constant pressure can break even a mind of an augmented superior human. Follow the below
rules for Insanity and Corruption.

Corruption Rules
The Space Marine ignores Malignancy and Mutation tests. However, his Corruption Threshold is
higher than normal, which is Corruption Bonus - 5 (minimum of 0). So, if a Space Marine gains
60 Corruption Points, his Corruption Threshold is equal to 1 (Corruption Bonus 6 minus 5),
which means that he ignores Corruption gain of 1. When the Space Marine gains 100
Corruption points, he is considered damned, leaving the light of the Emperor. He might die
before than happens, if other people notice his downfall.

Insanity Rules
The Space Marine gains Insanity Points differently than mortals, also, he ignores the Shock
Table, instead gaining Battle Traumas and activating Primarch Curses. The Space Marine
ignores the Insanity Threshold rules.

Whenever the Space Marine encounters an enemy with the Fear Trait, he makes a Fear test. If
he fails, he recognizes the foe as an enemy that must be defeated by all cost. He will charge,
shoot and do all he can do to kill it. If he wishes to stop, regroup, retreat, he must succeed on a
Challenging (+0) Willpower Test with a penalty of 10 times the Fear Rating. If he succeeded on
the test, he snapped out of it and regains full control of his actions. If he failed the test, he can’t
take the test until the subsequent turn, being too concentrated on the enemy during this and the
next turn to stop. If the enemy was killed, the test automatically succeeds. If there were more
enemies, the Space Marine only needed to test his Fear against the highest Fear Rating enemy.

Each failed test strains the Space Marine psyche. For every two failed Fear tests, the Space
Marine gains 1 Insanity Point.

The Space Marine can gain Insanity Points due to nerve wracking situations but while the
Space Marine psyche ignores such situations like being bombarded, there are some non-
combat situations that can shatter that glass house. The Space Marine gains from 1 to 10
Insanity Points depending on the situation he was thrown in. While a 1 Insanity Point gain would
be something like betrayal of those he trusted, then a 10 would be the reveal that his Chapter
Master is a heretic and traitor.
Insanity Points Trauma Modifier Effect

0-20 +0 -

40 - Level 1
21-40 -10
Primarch Curse

60 - Level 2
41-60 -20
Primarch Curse

80 - Level 3
61-80 -30
Primarch Curse

81-99 -40 -

100+ - Character removed from play.

Battle Traumas
For every 10 Insanity Points a character gains, he must test Willpower to see if his insanity has
manifested as literal damage to his mind. This roll is modified depending on the number of
Insanity Points the character already possesses as noted on table. If the test is failed, the
character’s mental state is affected. These mental wounds are known as Battle Trauma, and are
randomly rolled. If a player rolls a result that he has previously suffered for failing a previous
Insanity Test, he must roll again.

Roll Trauma

Battle Rage
The Battle-Brother singles out particular enemies for the Emperor’s fury and
becomes fixated on killing them. This most often occurs when facing powerful foes
such as enemy commanders or war machines. The Battle-Brother is driven to
destroy them without regard for lesser foes or anything less than vital Mission
Whenever the Battle-Brother scores Righteous Fury on a foe, he becomes fixated
on its destruction and must kill it. The Space Marine must then direct his attacks
against this target to the exclusion of all else until it is slain. When Battle Rage is
triggered, the Battle-Brother may make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test to avoid
its effects. The GM may also allow a similar Willpower Test if the Battle-Brother or
his allies are clearly in danger from a more powerful source.

3-4 Ear of the Emperor

All Battle-Brothers pray to the Emperor to guide their hand in battle and help them to
do their righteous duty. Some, however, hear his voice and even converse with him
through their dreams and mediations. For the most part this has no effect on the
Battle-Brother’s daily existence, and even his fellow brothers will see little unusual in
his constant prayer and religious muttering. Sometimes the Emperor can demand
unusual service from the Battle-Brother, which may be at odds with the goals of his
At the start of a Mission, the GM rolls a dice. If the result is odd, then the Emperor
has chosen the PC for a special objective which the GM tells him about in secret.
This should be a small objective (a Tertiary one) and can be literally anything, even
something that is completely at odds with the group’s primary goal.

Ancestral Spirits
All Space Marine revere their ancestors, tracing the line of heroes and commanders
back to their primarch and the founding of their Chapter. Some experience this
connection far more vividly than others and can even find themselves having
memories of things they didn’t do or places they have not visited. This is known as
ancestral spirits, the mind of a long-dead Battle-Brother passed down through the
blood—a mind that in times of stress can even push its way to the surface.
The GM secretly chooses a trigger for the Battle-Brother based on an event or
5-6 encounter related to his ancestral spirit. This could be meeting a member of a
specific Chapter, facing a remembered foe in battle, or visiting a certain kind of
world. When the trigger event occurs, the Battle-Brother makes a Challenging (+0)
Willpower Test or his ancestor surfaces for 1d5 hours. During this time he still has
control of himself (this is not, after all, possession) but his personality may change,
he will choose actions that might be out of character, and he may muse wistfully
about his role in battles centuries past.
The GM should have the player develop his ancestor’s personality independently
and encourage him to roleplay it when affected by this Trauma.

Righteous Contempt
While Space Marines begin their life as men, the implantation of their Chapter’s
gene-seed shapes their flesh and mind into something far greater and in the end no
longer entirely human. All Battle-Brothers accept this superiority as part of reaching
their pinnacle as a warrior and serving the Emperor, but for some it can make them
scornful or dismissive of “lesser” beings.
The Battle-Brother has no time for those not of the Adeptus Astartes and has, to a
degree, lost touch with his humanity. When dealing with humans (i.e. those not of
the Adeptus Astartes) the character’s Fellowship is lowered by 20. In addition, he
never willingly seeks the help of humans, who he views as weak and untrustworthy.

9-10 Endless Redemption

Some Battle-Brothers feel the weight of the Imperium on their shoulders and
consider themselves solely responsible for the preservation and protection of the
Emperor’s domain. This is where the lines of duty and fanaticism can become
blurred, and the reality of battle becomes mired in the individual’s personal zeal.
This is known as the endless redemption, a sin of duty carried by the Battle-Brother
that can never be repaid regardless of the amount of glory or blood laid at its feet.
The Battle-Brother is driven by duty and must not fail at all costs. When undertaking
a mission, he must attempt to complete (or push his group to complete) all
previously agreed objectives regardless of cost and danger. In extreme
circumstances the GM may allow the character a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test to
resist this duty and retreat if attempting an objective would mean almost certain
Primarch Curses
The Primarch Curses activate upon reaching a specific number of Insanity Points.

The Pride of Ultramar (Ultramarine Primarch’s Curse)

Ultramarines have always prided themselves on being considered the ideal Space Marine in the
Imperium beginning with their Primarch Roboute Guilliman. The longer they serve, the more
they become engrossed with this pride to the point where they are overwhelmed by it.
Level 1 (The Emperor’s Finest): The character will recklessly volunteer the entire team to the
most dangerous of tasks, as it is only natural the Ultramarines should triumph. Perception -10
Level 2 (Sons of the Codex): This character believes that the Codex Astartes is superior to all
other tactics and refuse any deviation from it, especially from non-Codex Compliant Chapters.
Intelligence -10 Modifier.
Level 3 (Leaders not Followers): This character will demand to be a squad leader regardless
of the situation, for he is an Ultramarine! If this character is not the designated Squad Leader,
then he suffers a -50 Fellowship penalty.

Black Rage (Blood Angels Primarch’s Curse)

When the Primarch Sanguinius died at the hands of his brother Horus, all Blood Angels felt a
rage break free of their restraints and went into a frenzy like no other. This disorder has passed
down genetically through the geneseed, and an indistinguishable red haze begins to affect the
Space Marine’s every thought.
Level 1 (Bloodlust): This character will never suffer a foe left alive, and will always attempt to
kill something in every fight unless he passes a Willpower test. Willpower -10 Modifier.
Level 2 (Close Quarters Killing): This character no longer favours ranged combat and will leap
into melee at every chance he can get, frothing and baying for blood. Ballistic Skill -40 Modifier.
Level 3 (Uncontrollable Thirst): A literal thirst for blood consumes this character after every
combat, and he must drink it if possible after every combat. He may make a Willpower -20 Test
to endure this, or suffer five (5) levels of fatigue if he is unable to feed.

Death Before Dishonour (Imperial Fists Primarch’s Curse)

Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, always believed that nothing was flawless and that
he was more flawed than the rest when the Emperor was struck down. This shame of failure
has carried through the geneseed of the Imperial Fists.
Level 1 (Suffer Not Failure): If this character is the Designated Squad Leader, he shall make
unreasonable demands of his subordinates and sees any refuse as insubordination. Fellowship
-10 Modifier.
Level 2 (Beware Hubris): This character spends almost every single free thought criticizing his
own actions and constantly vows to do better. Willpower -20 Modifier.
Level 3 (None are Flawless): This character reviews and checks everything obsessively,
seeing faults everywhere and not willing to compromise anything unless there is blood to be
spilt. Fellowship -10 Modifier, Willpower -10 Modifier.
The Secret (Dark Angels Primarch’s Curse)
Lion El’Johnson was a mysterious Primarch, and told little to his sons before he was supposedly
betrayed. Dark Angels are beset with his memories and secrets as they serve, understanding
more about the dark shame the Chapter has.
Level 1 (Dark Dreams): This character is constantly beset by horrid nightmares, perhaps even
memories of the Lion. He must pass a Toughness +0 test beginning every session or suffer one
(1) level of fatigue immediately.
Level 2 (Scorn of Outsiders): This character becomes withdrawn and critical of others who is
not of his Chapter, refusing to even consider becoming the Squad Leader if they are not all the
same Chapter.
Level 3 (Deep Suspicions): This character has lost all trust in outsiders of his Chapter,
assuming that they cannot be trusted at all. Willpower -40 Modifier.

Curse of the Wulfen (Space Wolves Primarch’s Curse)

Raised by literal wolves, Leman Russ was boisterous and antagonistic to those who dared
challenge him in combat. Following in this tradition, Space Wolves will never back down from a
fight when the first battle-cry is shouted.
Level 1 (Shadow of the Wolf): This character embraces ancient wolf-like habits that puzzle
and scare those who are not aware of the traditions of the Space Wolves. Fellowship -20
Level 2 (Prey’s Scent): This character’s senses have been unnaturally sharpened to a
dangerous level as even the slightest scent of his foe’s blood will trigger ancient and unknown
instincts. If he passes a Perception +20 Modifier test after taking a wound off an enemy, he is
Stunned for 1d5 rounds.
Level 3 (Fight or Flight): This character is proud of his warrior tradition and will never back
down from a fight! If he is to flee, he must pass a Willpower Test. If he passes, he suffers 1d10
levels of Fatigue as shame courses through him.

Steel Over Flesh (Iron Hands Primarch’s Curse)

Iron Hand’s Primarch Ferrus Manus had hands made of iron, and was obsessed with the
concepts of machines. His geneseed sons suffer the same compulsion, always pushing to
replace what they perceive to be the weak flesh with the strong metal.
Level 1 (A Disdain for Flesh): This character is engulfed in a hatred of his own flesh, purposely
and openly mocking it at every chance. Unless he has at least five cybernetics, he suffers a
Fellowship -30 Modifier.
Level 2 (Cold Fury): This character has no tolerance whatsoever for what he considers to be
“weak” compared to him. He must pass a Willpower test whenever this happens, and should he
fail by three DOF, then he will attempt to destroy the weakness.
Level 3 (Zero Tolerance): This character’s hatred of weakness has begun to encompass his
entire team, as he sees weakness everywhere that must be replaced by machine. If he is the
squad leader, Willpower -30 Modifier.
Lure of the Shadows (Raven Guard Primarch’s Curse)
Corvus Corax, Primarch of the Raven Guard, suffered from a very independent and aloof
nature. As a Raven Guard Space Marine serves, he too begins to develop an aloof attitude
towards others.
Level 1 (Bird’s Eye): This character becomes disdainful of frontal attacks and will refuse any
order as such to the point of insubordination. Fellowship -20 Modifier.
Level 2 (On a Branch): This character becomes severely aloof and says or talks very little with
anybody else. Fellowship -20 Modifier.
Level 3 (Flying Alone): This character does not follow squad tactics any more and works
alone. If the Squad Leader is not of the same Chapter, he is unaffected by the Squad Leader’s
ability. Fellowship -20 Modifier.

Chogorian Savagery (White Scars Primarch’s Curse)

The homeworld of Jaghatai Khan was a savage and brutal warrior culture, with barbaric acts
that continued into his adulthood. All White Scars share this savage attitude within them and are
constantly trying to hold it back, but time chips away at these restraints.
Level 1 (A Moment Unrestrained): This character is consumed by the need to kill everything
and hunt it down to the ends of the galaxy. Upon charging an enemy, he must pass a Willpower
+0 test or be engulfed in a reckless fury where he will continue to charge the enemy until they or
he is dead.
Level 2 (Suppressed Rage): This character’s attitude has begun slipping back into his original
warrior culture, making harsh remarks constantly with a hint of edge behind them. Fellowship -
30 Modifier.
Level 3 (Uncontrolled Battle-lust): This character is unable to contain himself and looks for
every opportunity to express his rage, such as killing enemies of the Emperor wherever they
may be. Willpower -40 Modifier.

Unyielding (Salamanders Primarch’s Curse)

The Primarch Vulkan was notoriously stubborn when his mind was set, be it on rescuing
civilians or killing his foes. This attitudes has been inherited through his geneseed, with
Salamanders sharing in the same unmoving will.
Level 1 (Unrelenting): This character’s mind is one-track and when it is made up, it cannot be
changed. He must make a Willpower +10 Test to even consider an alternative. Perception -20
Level 2 (Intransigent): This character is stubborn to a fault and refuses to even consider
another’s viewpoint, making it hard for anybody to cooperate. Fellowship -30 Modifier.
Level 3 (Obstinate): This character no longer will ever change his mind, such is the extent of
his unmoving will. If he is the squad leader, all other characters do have their abilities

Power in Humility (Luna Wolves Primarch’s Curse)

The Luna Wolves, sons of Horus, have always seen themselves as loyal to their commanders
no matter what. However, when the mantle of command is offered, they take it without
hesitation and expect their men to follow commands as well. As such, when an opposing
opinion is raised, they are more quickly to accuse insubordination no matter what context, and
this can often escalate into dire stand-offs.
Level 1 (Humble Follower): This character is subservient when not given the reins of
command, leaving them with a -20 Intelligence penalty if they are not the Squad Leader.
Level 2 (Paranoid Leader): This character will broker no argument from their subordinates,
meaning that whilst they are the Squad Leader, they suffer a -40 Fellowship penalty if their
squad acts out of line.
Level 3 (Righteous Rebellion): This character’s attitude swaps from supportive to demanding
within moments, leaving many reeling and unable to comprehend such a change in attitude.
Every time a big decision is made and this character is not the Squad Leader, they must pass a
Very Hard (-30) Willpower test. If they fail, they will try to contest the decision made.

Exhaustive Obsession (Death Guard Primarch’s Curse)

It is said that the Death Guard Legion was amongst the more terrifying foes to face on the
battlefield, as their endurance would carry on long after the foe had dropped dead tired.
However, in the later years the earlier energy begins to disappear alongside whatever reserves,
leaving many constantly weakened as they pursue something rather fervently. Of course, one
could perhaps subvert such degradation of the body through other means...
Level 1 (Lacklustre Thoughts): This character is beginning to lose some of their earlier vitality,
growing paler every day as they find their attention often fragmented from multiple thought
streams, opting to focus on a singular idea instead. They gain a -20 Toughness penalty.
Level 2 (Thin Skinned): This character’s skin has become nearly translucent as all energy to
revitalize their mortal body has gone into a singular obsession, perhaps a wrong against them.
This character gains a -30 Willpower penalty.
Level 3 (Weakened Muscles): This characters famous strength and endurance is all but gone,
all the energy entirely fixated around a single thought or action that drives their entire being.
This singular thought now consumes their entire existence, a wrong that must be righted no
matter what the cost. They gain a -20 Strength and Toughness penalty.

Ghosts of the Butcher (World Eaters Primarch’s Curse)

The World Eater’s biggest source of rage was the implanted Butcher’s Nails in their head,
constantly pushing their victim to commit wanton destruction and bloodshed. While they may
have it necessarily, the howls of rage and anger echo strongly to the point where is it embedded
in the geneseed of the World Eaters, leaving all those with it more quick to fly into a bloody and
uncontrollable fit. Hope that it is against the rightful targets, lest one become branded for
Level 1 (Gritted Teeth): This character’s mind is so desiring of bloodshed that they are almost
on the edge for it constantly, requiring a Hard (-20) Willpower test to not immediately draw
weapons the moment an enemy shows themselves.
Level 2 (Red Haze): This character’s vision is constantly tinted red from the amount of
adrenaline to kill constantly pumping through them, making it very difficult to tell from friend to
foe. They must pass a Difficult (-10) Perception test every time they are within Charge distance
to an ally to figure out they are not the enemy.
Level 3 (War God): This character’s mind shuts down the moment it sees bloodshed and the
opportunity to bath their weapons in it. This character gains a -50 Penalty to all actions that
does not involve Weapon Skill in the midst of combat.

Glory in Faith (Word Bearers Primarch’s Curse)

For the Word Bearers, faith was simply not a spiritual need; it was their reason for life. A strong
holy belief in a doctrine salves the soul’s needs, giving those who live a purpose for living well
and to its fullest. This tends to start out minor and small, but eventually such need for spiritual
guidance will consume those who bear the Word Bearer geneseed.
Level 1 (Champion of Faith): This character takes much pride and joy in practising their faith,
meaning that the moment something challenges such refuge must be destroyed. The character
must pass a Difficult (-10) Willpower test to not fly into rage the moment their faith is insulted.
Level 2 (Fervent Preacher): This character sees a life goal to spread the joy of their faith, often
attempting to convert others to their way of thinking with little regard to their own personal
beliefs. When the Squad Leader is not of the same Chapter as the character, they suffer a -20
Willpower penalty.
Level 3 (Blind Zealotry): This character’s faith dictates their every breath and action, with any
action not listed as allowed believed to be complete heresy, including retreating or pausing in
the killing. To that end, this character must pass an Arduous (-40) Willpower test following any
combat situation to not blindly chase down the survivors and burn them as the heretics they
always are.

Flawed Perfection (Emperor’s Children Primarch’s Curse)

The Emperor’s Children have immense pride within, often seeing themselves as the most
glorious and worthy of Space Marines. Over time, such prideful attitude has sunken into their
geneseed, leaving all those who carry its geneseed have an innate sense of superiority when it
comes to anything they do. However, when such perfection is not easily attainable, they obsess
over it to a frightening and singular degree, never breaking until it is deemed to be the most
perfected version.
Level 1 (Minor Obsession): This character is starting to show some signs of worrying
compulsion, often looking fairly annoyed or repulsed when something is not perfect. This
character suffers a -10 Willpower and Perception penalty.
Level 2 (Single Crack): This character is actively attempting to constantly fix and perfect
everything, from how their armour shines to the detailing on their prayer seals, tolerating
absolutely no flaw even at the urging of others that it is ideal. This character must fail an Easy
(+30) Perception test beginning every session. If they pass, they suffer a -40 Perception penalty
as something about their gear is constantly demanding their attention.
Level 3 (Perfect Reality): This character’s obsession with perfection has extended to
encompass that of everything they see, especially when it comes to those they are working with.
This character suffers a constant -30 Modifier to all stats if they are unable to fail the Perception
test from the previous stage.
Slighted Reality (Iron Warriors Primarch’s Curse)
In this grim and dark galaxy, one must make do with the situation they are given. However, in
the minds of the Iron Warriors, they at least deserve credit for attempting to make sense of this
mad and insane reality. The lack of such recognition or praise drives their heart into a cold and
bitter place, where they realize all they do means little in the end.
Level 1 (Overlooked): Deeds of this character, in their mind, are beginning to be glanced over,
insulting their pride and honour. After every battle, this character must make a Difficult (-10)
Willpower test to not lose their solo abilities for a considerable time.
Level 2 (Unrecognised): This character is beginning to feel that their greatness is being
shoved aside, inciting sparks of jealousy and distrust. They begin to see once-favoured allies as
backstabbers, losing whatever amicable tone they once had. This character no longer benefits
from the Peer talent.
Level 3 (All for Naught): All this character does, they believe, will be reduced to dust in the
end. Everything they do shall forever go without the proper honours or accolades, reducing this
character to a bitter husk of themselves. For why should they do anything if it is to be ignored?
This character must make a Very Hard (-30) Fellowship test at the start of every session or be
unable to make Skill tests to benefit the squad.

Heart of Darkness (Night Lords Primarch’s Curse)

The Night Lords have a powerful drive within them to constantly strike fear into the hearts of
their enemies through any means. This can sometimes involve going after their families or
friends, showing what will happen to those who cross them who bear the Night Lords geneseed.
Of course, such action is considered dishonourable, but victory sweeps away all the stains of
Level 1 (The Shadow): This character is beginning to favour stealth approaches more and
more regardless of what their team does, often not contributing much or sharing in their glory.
They suffer a -30 Fellowship penalty if not the Squad Leader.
Level 2 (Watching Eyes): This character has forgone any notion of honour in favour of striking
where the enemy has a close connection to, opting to find enjoyment in the horror on their faces
as opposed to the blood spilled. This character must pass a Very Hard (-30) Willpower test
before every session. If they fail, they do not gain any benefits from the Squad Leader’s ability
and will prefer to strike at civilian targets if in range.
Level 3 (Terror Incarnate): This character is aching to carve a bloody legacy in which the mere
mention of their name will send all running screaming in fear, and such a reputation can only be
gained by striking at those that least expect it. This character suffers a -40 Fellowship penalty
and will attempt to hang up the bodies of those they slay in a gruesome manner that offends all.

Hunger for Knowledge (Thousand Sons Primarch’s Curse)

Embedded within the geneseed of the Thousand Sons is an innate lust for knowledge of all
forms, both scholastic and forbidden. Knowledge to them is the greatest form of strength a
human can possess, as it opens up every path in the universe to them. There are some things
that be cannot unseen however, so care must be taken lest they go down a path in which there
is not turning back.
Level 1 (Thirsty Mind): This character has taken an interest in all forms of knowledge,
constantly committing as much as they can to their head so as to be prepared for anything,
often neglecting their health at the same time. This character suffers a -10 Toughness penalty.
Level 2 (Knowledge is Power): This character’s obsession of knowledge has led them down
the belief that if one is not well-versed in the arts of humanity, they are ignorant fools blind to the
potential of learning. If this character does not have a combined total of 12 skills in Common,
Scholastic, Forbidden, and Trade, they suffer a -40 penalty to all stats. The Infused Knowledge
talent from Dark Heresy 2nd Edition does not count towards this total.
Level 3 (Dark Knowledge): This character, in all their readings, have discovered a dark truth
that no matter what can never be erased from their mind, leaving them constantly paranoid as to
whoever seeks those of this knowledge. If this character is not in a Squad composed only of
their Chapter, they suffer a -40 Fellowship penalty.

We are One (Alpha Legion Primarch’s Curse)

No other Legion besides that of the Alpha Legion can claim to be so mysterious and deceiving,
with nobody ever sure of what goes on within. Those who bear its geneseed often suffer from
an identity crisis as to their self and the other. Perhaps though, their mind is actually in reality
planning this all out to confuse both ally and foe, but none can truly understand such internal
Level 1 (Losing Self): This character’s own sense of their unique existence is beginning to
disappear, with more and more of their actions seemingly resembling that of others as opposed
to their own. This character suffers a -10 Willpower and Fellowship penalty.
Level 2 (The Other): This character is beginning to develop a habit of mimicking others as
opposed to being their own self, almost as if they were a marionette or puppet. This character
must pass a Hard (-20) Willpower test before every session. If they fail, they will replace their
highest characteristic with that of the party’s lowest characteristic stat.
Level 3 (Identity Non-Existence): This character rarely takes off their helmet or make any
distinguishing traits any more, perfectly anonymous as they desire to be. If they do not have at
least another member of their Chapter in the squad, they suffer a -40 penalty to all
Primaris Marines
Taken from “The Gold Experience” with changes in cursive.
The Primaris Marines are in most ways superior to their lesser brethren. They possess three
new organs and are tougher and more capable in close combat than their manlet brethren.
Nonetheless, they are still Space Marines as a base, and it is from there that we will work. A
Primaris Marine, despite having innate superiority, will still be affected by his chapter, and
maybe even other factors – Belisarius Cawl is known to be quite cheeky, after all, and there’s no
guarantee he’s told the full truth of the Primaris Marines to anyone yet…

Changes to normal Character Creation:

Fate Points: Starts with 3 Fate Points, instead of 4.
Characteristics: Increase Strength and Toughness by 10.
Wounds: Increase by 2.
Missing Implants: Due to Belisarius Cawl geneseed manipulation, all Primaris Marines have
regained their lost Implants, so for example Imperial Fists and successors regain the use of their
Betcher’s Gland and Sus-an Membrane.

Primaris Marine Organs

The three new Primaris Organs are listed below. Apply their bonuses to your character.

Sinew Coils
A Primaris Space Marine’s muscle and sinews are reinforced with metallic coil-cables that can
contract with incredible force, magnifying his strength and striking a second blow for every
attack traded.
Effect: When making a Swift or Lightning Attack actions, the Primaris Marine gains additional
hit. This hit isn’t affected by the Weapon Skill Bonus limit.

Magnificat (Amplifier)
Drawing upon his work as the inventor of the Black Carapace, Belisarius Cawl found half of the
plans to create the Immortis Gland, the organ that made the Primarchs near-invincible. This,
however, is the dextrophic lobe, the right half, as the left half, the sintarius, was wholly
eradicated. This thumbnail-sized lobe in the brain’s core secretes hormones that increase the
body’s growth functions while also intensifying its advanced systems, specifically boosting the
Biscopea and Ossmodula, the source of the Marine’s unnatural strength and toughness. Yes,
each Primaris is part Primarch.
Effect: The Primaris Marine improves their Strength and Toughness Characteristics by 10. This
is already taken care of for you during Characteristic Generation. The Primaris is also noticeably
taller than lesser manlet marines. Be proud.
Belisarian Furnace (Revitalizer)
A dormant organ that links both hearts and exerts self-produced chemicals into the warrior’s
bloodstream when under stress or suffering trauma, allowing for rapid regrowth of tissue, bone,
and muscle, before falling dormant for some time.
Effect: When a Primaris Marine is reduced to Critical Damage for the first time during a mission,
his Revitalizer kicks in, granting him the Regeneration (Unmodified Toughness Bonus) quality
for a number of rounds equal to his unmodified Toughness Bonus. No test is required for this
Regeneration, and wounds regenerated by this organ are considered to have healed naturally.
At the conclusion of the effect, the organ goes dormant for a significant time. This should take
days, if not at least weeks or months. Most common is to choose that it returns to function in the
subsequent session, not the next one. The GM decides on per case basis.

Primaris Debt
The Primaris start with more stuff than normal Astartes. With this their debt increases to
15,000xp from 10,000xp. If they burn all of their Fate Points (they start with 0), their debt
decreases to 7,500xp.
Also, combining Primaris Marines, Space Marines and Non-Astartes should be discouraged.
The GM should think of a solution on how to handle the debt issue.
Astartes Character Creation
Choosing a Homeworld
The Chapters of the Space Marines recruit new initiates from specific recruitment worlds, but
some Chapters are willing to accept recruits from anywhere. This basically means that a Space
Marine can, in theory, hail from any type of planet associated with their Chapter. It should be up
to the GM to determine if their homeworld type is appropriate for the character and Chapter they
are choosing.
Picking a Homeworld works exactly the same way as in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition. They will
generate their favoured or unfavoured characteristics the same way. However, they start with 4
total Fate regardless of the Homeworld. This is to symbolize the blessing of the Emperor upon
his chosen warriors. The character also gains seven (7) additional Wounds.

Generating Characteristics
Space Marines are considered to be the pinnacle of humanity in the Imperium. They are
superhuman in nature, possessing strength and toughness far beyond that of an average
citizen. To that end, Space Marine characteristics all begin at +25 as opposed to +20. Influence
doesn’t exist in Rogue Trader 2, so it is not generated. You could increase it by another 5 (+30)
to be superhuman. However, the Debt should increase by 5000 experience (this amount doesn’t
decrease when using the Fate Points rule).
Starting Skills, Talents, and Traits
While their training may vary Chapter to Chapter, all Space Marines are taught the exact same
basics when it comes to combat survival and knowledge. Combined with their many genetic
implants, such as the highly vital geneseed, the Space Marine is innately able to do several
things a normal person would not be able to do. This is a comprehensive list of all the
skills/talents that a Space Marine character begins with; please note that organ contributions are
also here, but will be elaborated later.
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Awareness, Common Lore (Adeptus Astartes) +10,
Dodge, Forbidden Lore (Horus Heresy and the Long War), Intimidate, Linguistics (Chapter
Runes) +10, Linguistics (High Gothic), Linguistics (Low Gothic), Medicae, Navigate (Surface),
Operate (Surface), Scholastic Lore (Adeptus Astartes) , Parry
Starting Talents: Ambidextrous, Bulging Biceps, Die Hard, Hardy, Iron Jaw, Jaded, Quick
Draw, Rapid Reload, Resistance (Cold, Heat, Poison, Disease, Fear), True Grit, Weapon
Training (Astartes, Chain, Bolt, Low-Tech)
Starting Traits: Amphibious, Heightened Senses (Sight, Hearing), Unnatural Strength (4),
Unnatural Toughness (4)
Aptitudes: Choose up to 4 Aptitudes, at least 2 of them must be a Characteristic Aptitude.
These can be chosen after choosing Chapter and Quirks.
Astartes Chapters
Angel of Death homebrew with slight changes in cursive. Each Chapter has bonus called
Chapter Ability. It’s divided into Chapter Squad Ability, whenever the Astartes is leading a
Squad, and Chapter Solo Ability, whenever he isn’t.

Universal Past
For players not satisfied with their Chapter Unique Pasts, a list of universals Space Marine
pasts is available for one to use. These are available for every single Chapter to use.

Roll Universal Past

Space Marine Crusader: This character once took part in a great Crusade of Imperial forces, a
1 great feat that is sure to bring much honour!
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +5, Willpower +5 and Survival

Trainer of Initiates: While not exactly the most glamorous role there could be, one cannot deny
2 that this is a highly vital position in the Chapter and is to be respected for such.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +5, Fellowship +5 and Charm

Proven Medic: Thanks to this character, the gene-seed of a fallen Battle Brother has been
3 successfully retrieved and brought back to the Chapter so as to continue their legacy.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +5, Toughness +5 and Medicae

Machine Cult Blessing: This character has performed some great deed for the Adeptus
4 Mechanicus, and as such, is blessed with the knowledge of their ways.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +5, Willpower +5 and Tech-Use

Duel to the Death: Duels between champions are common in the battlefield of the 41st Millennium,
5 and this character has participated in one and triumphed over his foe.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +5, Weapon Skill +5 and Intimidate

Emperor’s Tarot: The Emperor’s Tarot is a form of divination that this character heavily believes
6 in, as it has foretold a rather grim and ominous future that this character has no fear of.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +5, Willpower +5 and Trade (Soothsayer)

Expert Marksman: Even among his peers, this character has a tremendous eye and can hit
7 almost anything in the most impossible conditions.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +5, Ballistic Skill +5 and Trade (Armourer)

Rhino Crewmember: This character was formerly a dedicated Rhino APC crewmember,
8 responsible for ferrying around Space Marines to the frontline.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +5, Perception +5 and Operate (Surface)

Former Squad Leader: The role of a squad leader is never permanent as circumstances change,
9 and this character once held that role before being forced to surrender it.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +5, Fellowship +5 and Command

Thunderhawk Pilot: A Thunderhawk is the most common gunship used by Space Marines across
the galaxy as these vehicles strafe the ground with devastating payloads, and this character was
10 once a pilot of such aeronautica.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +5, Intelligence +5 and Operate (Aeronautica)
Roboute Guilliman: The Avenger
Roboute Guilliman is legendary amongst all Primarchs for being the one who led the Loyalist
Legions against the traitor Warmaster Horus during the beginning of the Long War. He penned
the Codex Astartes, a now standard-issue Space Marine book on tactical doctrine and
organization, anticipating the day in which no Primarch would be there to guide their sons.
Guilliman’s throat was soon shortly afterwards slashed open by the traitor Fulgrim, leading him
to remain entombed within a stasis pod for over 10,000 years. Recent events however have
seen the son of the Emperor finally rise from his slumber, whole once more, and ready to lead
the Imperium to glory once more.

All Astartes descended from Guilliman suffer the Primarch’s Curse The Pride of Ultramar.
Homeworld: Macragge (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Command, Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes)
Starting Talents: Halo of Command, Hatred (Tyranids)
By the Codex: If this character is the Squad Leader, the rest of the squad may use this
character’s total Scholastic Lore (Codex Astartes) roll as opposed to their own. If this character
is not the Squad Leader, this character may substitute a Knowledge roll with that of a Scholastic
Lore (Codex Astartes).
Background Aptitudes: Knowledge or Leadership

Ultramarine Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Ultramarine background.
Roll Ultramarine Unique Pasts

March for Macragge: The greatest threat to have ever threatened destruction of
the entire Ultramarine Chapter was Hive Fleet Behemoth’s invasion of their
1 homeworld Macragge. This character was taught by a mentor who partook in
that drastic event.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Codex Flexible: While majority of the Ultramarines worship the Codex Astartes
and adhere to its every word, some believe that Guilliman’s teachings are more
2 guidelines on how one should act as opposed to how one must act. This
character is one of those in the minority.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Command

Necron-Tau Incident: One of the more famous conflicts in the Chapter was
when an encounter with the Tau and Necrons on a single world, resulting in an
3 unlikely alliance to combat shared enemies. This character hails from that
incident or has studied it well.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Return of Guilliman: The infamous Cawl came to Macragge following the fall of
Cadia to present a new suit of power armour that would revive the Ultramarine
4 Primarch and allow him to fight once more! This character witnessed this event
with their own eyes during their time as an Initiate.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Ultramarine Pride: The greatest flaw, many would argue, is that Ultramarines
are unable to see past themselves, having developed an innate sense of pride in
5 being the most known Space Marine Chapter within the Imperium. This
character is unable to contain that pride, and they make it known.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Charm
Aurora Chapter
Homeworld: Firestorm (Forge)
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Hull Down, Hotshot Pilot
Armoured Core: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains a +20 Modifier to all
Operate (Surface) tests. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they increase Frontal Vehicle
Armour of any vehicle they are driving by 10 AP.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Tech-Use

Aurora Chapter Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Aurora Chapter background.
Roll Aurora Chapter Unique Pasts

The World Engine: Known most famously as the greatest Necron threat to have
ever threatened the Imperium, the Aurora Chapter forth whatever fleet elements
1 it had to combat the massive void construct. This character has studied fleet
manoeuvres used by their Chapter in this conflict against the Necrons.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Battle of Satys: Hive Fleet Leviathan threatened the world of Satys, but the
Aurora Chapter was there to mount a valiant defence against the neverending
swarm. This character was trained by veterans of the valiant defensive siege.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Zeist Campaign: The Tau Empire expanded quickly, but just as quickly the
Aurora Chapter joined the Zeist Campaign to reclaim lost Imperial worlds from
this xeno foe.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Plague Wars: The Daemon Prince Mortarion launched a direct invasion of

Ultramar, and this slight to their honour was not tolerated by any son of
Guilliman, including the Aurora Chapter. This character bore witness to the
grand march lead by Primarch Guilliman himself to defeat the traitors in the field
of battle.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Grylos Defensive: An Ork Waagh invaded the world of Grylos and would have
succeeded had it not been for the deployment of an Aurora Chapter armoured
5 spearhead. This character was trained by veterans of this glorious counter-
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Doom Eagles
Homeworld: Gathis II (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Parry
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Never Die
Doom Marine: If this character is the Squad Leader, all squad members using a Jump Pack
when charging grants a +20 Modifier to the Charge attack. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, while using a Jump Pack they may replace their Charge movement rating with that of
their Run movement rating.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Doom Eagles Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Doom Eagles background.
Roll Doom Eagles Unique Pasts

13th Black Crusade: As Abaddon the Despoiler moved towards Cadia, all
Imperial forces were urged to march to its defence and the Doom Eagles were
1 not found wanting. This character was taught by veterans of this momentous
defensive action.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Defence of Jericho Reach: The Doom Eagles had an active role in defending
Jericho Reach, especially through service with the famous Deathwatch. This
2 character has been trained by Deathwatch veterans to continue their legend one
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Deathwatch)

Fleet Training: The Doom Eagles have a sizeable Chapter fleet, meaning that it
is vital for some of their Battle-Brothers to understand fleet tactics. This
characters is one such trained individual.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Awakening of Faugris: The world of Faugris turned out to be an awakening

Necron Tomb, so it was up to the Doom Eagles to deploy their forces to buy
4 time for Imperial reinforcements. This character was taught by a veteran of this
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

The Reclusiam: Unique to the Doom Eagles is the habit of picking up objects of
incredible foreboding, usually those found on the battlefield that show the
5 horrors of life. This character is tasked by their Chapter to find such relics to add
to their collection.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Scrutiny
Iron Snakes
Homeworld: Ithaka (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Command, Parry
Starting Talents: Hatred (Dark Eldar), Keen Intuition
The Undertaking: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains a temporary four (4)
AP to all body areas when hit by an enemy melee attack. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, they gain a +20 Modifier bonus to Survival rolls.
Background Aptitude: Defence or Social

Iron Snakes Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Iron Snakes background.
Roll Iron Snakes Unique Pasts

The Rescue of Ambold Eleven: When a contingent of the Imperial Guard were
cut off and beset by all sides by heretics, the Iron Snakes fearlessly dove in and
1 rescued their allies from guaranteed destruction. This character has been taught
by veterans of this incredibly effort.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Imperial Guard)

Guarding the Reef: The Reef is an area of Imperial space that the Iron Snakes
have purged of Orks and have stood eternal vigilance against since. This
2 character has prepared for the day the Greenskins will return to their world and
have studied extensively the Orks.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Orks)

Cleansing of Fornax Aleph: During the Sabbat Crusade, the world of Fornax
Aleph was infested with daemons and it was the responsibility of the Iron
3 Snakes to purge the world of the heresy. This character was trained by veterans
of this battle.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

Tameaon Deliverance: Returning from a battle, the Iron Snakes found

themselves ambushed by the Tau and it was only by the timely intervention of
4 the Legion of the Damned that saved them. This character has been taught to
never let such a disaster occur again.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Indomitus Crusade: Guilliman called upon all his sons to march with him to
Terra, and the Iron Snakes were not found wanting. This character was taught
by those who joined in this Crusade personally.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Survival
Howling Griffons
Homeworld: Mancora (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Survival
Starting Talents: Hatred (Daemons), Step Aside
Oath of War: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad may temporarily gain two Hatred
talents starting every session. If this character is not the Squad Leader, the character gains a
bonus +20 Modifier to all Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) rolls.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Psyker

Howling Griffons Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Howling Griffons background.
Roll Howling Griffons Unique Pasts

Ambush of Mancora: Whilst returning from a triumphant fight, a good portion of

the Howling Griffons was unexpectedly wiped out in a sudden ambush. This
1 character has sworn vengeance for this horrific event, never to let their guard
down every again.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Jorun Retaliation: The Howling Griffons were sent to investigate a mysterious

renegade battlegroup and found them in the thralls of the Dark Eldar, leading
2 them to purge them all. This character was taught by veterans of this
manipulative event.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Dark Eldars)

Indomitus Crusade: Guilliman called upon his sons to accompany him to a

Crusade to Holy Terra, and the Howling Griffons eagerly hailed the summon.
This character was trained by a veteran of this recent event.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Charm

Oath of Dennar IV: The Howling Griffons responded to an emergency call from
the undefended world of Dennar IV, and bravely fought to protect its people from
4 the vile forces of Chaos. This character is one of those within the Chapter to
have taken an oath to forever defend this planet no matter what.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Peer (Imperial Farmer)

Liberation of Vanqualis: The world of Vanqualis came under attack by the

Greenskins, but the Howling Griffons were able to respond fast enough to keep
5 the world in Imperial hands before it was too late. This character was taught by
veterans of the battle.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Scythes of the Emperor
Homeworld: Sotha (Destroyed)
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Parry
Starting Talents: Counter Attack, Hatred (Tyranids)
Reaper of Souls: If this character is the Squad Leader, all melee weapons used by the squad
gain the Power Field weapon trait. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character does
not suffer the Unwieldy or Unbalanced weapon on their melee weapons.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Scythes of the Emperor Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Scythes of the Emperor
Roll Scythes of the Emperor Unique Pasts

Damocles Crusade: Following their primogeniture Chapter, the Scythes of the

Emperor joined the Damocles Crusade to push the Tau back from Imperial
space. This character was trained by a veteran of the Crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Strength +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Corinth Crusade: The Scythes of the Emperor joined with several other Space
Marine Chapters to make a successful push into Ork-controlled territory, driving
2 them back and staving off a WAAGH for some more time. This character was
taught by a veteran who fought in the Crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Stand of Miral: Upon the world of Miral, the hated Tyranid foes caught up to the
Chapter and for a moment, it seemed as though it was time to make a final
3 glorious stand for the Emperor. A rare survivor of the event directly taught this
character what it means to face death in the eye and survive.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Intimidate

Verdeworlds Campaign: The trickster Eldar tried to claim Imperial planets for
their own but the Scythes of the Emperor with other Space Marine allies pushed
them out. This character was trained by someone with experience of this event.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Eldar)

Salvation Team: To find survivors following a Tyranid attack, the Scythes of the
Emperor form bands of Battle-Brothers known as Salvation Teams whose
5 purpose is to find these survivors no matter what. This character was trained to
function as part of one at some point during their training.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny
Sanguinius: The Saint
Sanguinius was a legendary figure even amongst Primarchs, for he was a mutant with literal
wings sprouting from his back. Such was his looks however that this deviation was forgiven, as
the man could only be matched by Fulgrim in terms of beauty. On the eve of the Horus Heresy,
Sanguinius challenged Horus in a final duel but was laid low, and it was this sacrifice that
inspired the mortally wounded Emperor to finally cut down his traitorous son.

All Astartes descended from Sanguinius suffer the Primarch’s Curse Black Rage.
Blood Angels
Homeworld: Baal (Feral)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Counter Attack, Never Die
The Red Thirst: If this character is the Squad Leader, all melee weapons in the squad gain a
bonus penetration value of two (2). If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character’s
melee weapons gains four (4) penetration.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Leadership

Blood Angels Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Blood Angels background.
Roll Blood Angels Unique Pasts

Flashes of Rage: The geneseed of the Blood Angels is plagued with the genetic
memories of Sanguinius, and many of the Chapter will succumb to the drives of
1 the Black Rage within. This character sees the occasional glimpse of this in their
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Frenzy

Nobility Above All: While not as known for it as the Salamanders or Space
Wolves, the Blood Angels are considered to be one of the more humane
2 Chapters when it comes to their care for the average Imperial citizen. This
character shares in that belief, that honour and nobility come before glory.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Command

The Sanguinor: A most mysterious entity that bears a mask of Sanguinus’s

face, this figure has appeared several times in the history of the Blood Angels to
3 aid those in need it the greatest. This character has encountered this entity, be it
in a personal vision or seeing the visage in a heated battle.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Gain 1 Fate points.

Leviathan Comes: The homeworld of the Blood Angels, Baal, was threatened
once by the massive Hive Fleet Leviathan. This character was an Initiate of the
Chapter when this occurred.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

War for Armageddon: One of the greatest Imperial conflicts against the Orks
took place on the planet of Armageddon, where famous heroes such as
5 Commissar Yarrick rose to glory. This character is a learned student of that
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Angels Encarmine
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Operate (Aeronautica)
Starting Talents: Leap Up, Sprint
Herald of Blood: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad may reduce Fatigue they take
from all sources by 1d5 to a minimum of one (1). If this character is not the Squad Leader, the
character may attempt to recover 1d10 Fatigue points by passing a free Challenging (+0)
Toughness test once a day.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Leadership

Angels Encarmine Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Angels Encarmine background.
Roll Angels Encarmine Unique Pasts

Devastation of Baal: When the Blood Angels homeworld was threatened by

Hive Fleet Leviathan, the Angels Encarmine was among the first to respond the
call. This character was taught by the honoured veterans of such an event.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Stromark Civil War: A bloody and highly disruptive civil war was swiftly put
down by the Angels Encarmine through precise application of force, with
majority of the rebels surrendering after witnessing their Dreadnoughts in action.
This character has studied the specific deployment and fear tactics used to inflict
this terror.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 or Intimidate

Rynn’s World: The Angels Encarmine was deployed to fight against the
Greenskins on Rynn’s World alongside other Space Marine Chapters. This
character was taught by a veteran of this campaign against the Orks.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 or Hatred (Orks)

Gathering of Heroes: Several Blood Angels Chapters came together in a

legendary battle against daemons, with the Angels Encarmine giving their lives
4 to seal away a Warp Daemon rift. This character has studied extensively the
legends surrounding it so as to honour their memory.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 or Hatred (Daemons)

Achilus Crusade: A great Crusade to reconquer Imperial space from the

clutches of Chaos, the Angels Encarmine were among the first to respond to the
5 call to arms from the Imperium. This character has been taught by veterans of
this massive Crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)
Blood Drinkers
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Charm, Parry
Starting Talents: Disarm, Swift Attack
Bloody Drink: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad’s Rending weaponry does an
additional six (6) bonus damage. If this character is not the Squad Leader, the character may
drink the blood of any human enemy to regain 1d10 wounds though not without consequences.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Leadership

Blood Drinkers Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Blood Drinkers background.
Roll Blood Drinkers Unique Pasts

Devastation of Baal: As Hive Fleet Leviathan drew closer to consuming the

homeworld of the Blood Angels, the Blood Drinkers hailed the call to return back
1 to their roots and defend their Primarch’s home at all costs. This character was
trained by veterans of the desperate defence.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Rynn’s World: As the Greenskins threatened to consume the homeworld of

allies, the Blood Drinkers responded with all haste to protect their allies. This
character was taught by several veterans of the wars against the Orks.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Rite of Holos: A mysterious ritual amongst the Blood Drinkers in which they
partake the consumption of blood, but some see visions past their Black Rage of
3 an unknown deal maker. This character is one of the few who know the truth
behind this figure.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Daemons)

Gathering of Heroes: When a Warp Ritual threatened to spill forth a never-

ending daemonic army into the Imperium, the Blood Drinkers with brother Blood
Angel Chapters sent forth its best to seal up the rift in heroic combat. This
character has studied much of the anti-daemon tactics used to great
effectiveness in the encounter.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Forbidden Lore (Chaos Tactics)

Cleansing of Death: The Space Hulk Death of Integrity was cleared out by the
Blood Drinkers and their allies, who retrieved a priceless relic for the Adeptus
5 Mechanicus. This character has been taught much of the tactics used to clear
the Space Hulk of its dangers.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Logic
Homeworld: Fleet-Based Chapter
Starting Skills: Charm, Trade (Soothsayer)
Starting Talents: Adamantium Faith, Takedown
Lamenters’ Luck: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad may chose to spend Fate to
auto-pass any test by this character’s respective characteristic bonus, but cannot use Fate for
any other purpose (Burning a Fate point to survive death is exempted). If this character is not
the squad leader, whenever spending a Fate Point, he must roll 1d10, on 9+ he regains it, while
on 1 it was spent and nothing happened.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Knowledge

Lamenters Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Lamenters background.
Roll Lamenters Unique Pasts

Second Tyrannic War: Barely starting their Crusade of repentance, Lamenters

immediately ran into the jaws of Hive Fleet Kraken and were forced to fend for
their lives. This character has been taught by veterans of this close encounter.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Jericho Reach: More famously known as the Achilus Crusade, the Lamenters
attempted to aid the campaign but an unlucky accident with their fleet resulted in
2 the few survivors of the incident being placed in Deathwatch teams. This
character has been trained by the veterans of the deployment.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Deathwatch)

Charadon Campaign: The Lamenters fielded companies against the Orks

alongside cousin Space Marine Chapters, leading to a surprising victory overall.
This character was trained by veterans of this successful victory.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Penitent Fleet: Being stuck on a Penitent Crusade, the Lamenters must take
care not to lose any ships lest they be lost to the Chapter forever. This character
has been trained to as to help the Chapter fight fleet engagements.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Resurging Rage: For many years, many believed that the Lamenters’ bad luck
was offset by the lack of the Black Rage in their members, but it would seem
5 that such a disorder still plagues this Chapter. This character is one of the few
beginning to show this resurging thirst for blood.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Frenzy
Flesh Tearers
Homeworld: Cretacia (Death World)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Frenzy
Bloody Berserker: If this character is the Squad Leader, the entire squad doubles the positive
bonuses from the Frenzy status, making them a +20 modifier instead of +10. If this character is
not the Squad Leader, this character can enter the Frenzied status without a round of
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Flesh Tearers Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Flesh Tearers background.
Roll Flesh Tearers Unique Pasts

Siege of Hypnoth: The Flesh Tearers received notice that Hypnoth was
revealed to be an awakening Tomb World and immediately descended upon it,
1 ripping apart Necron limbs in close combat. This character has been trained by
masters of the siege.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Third War for Armageddon: One of the biggest and greatest Imperial-Ork
conflicts of the galaxy, the Flesh Tearers eagerly contributed Battle-Brothers to
the bloody fight. This character has been taught by veterans of this war.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Cryptus Campaign: As Hive Fleet Leviathan came closer to the Blood Angels’
homeworld of Baal, the Flesh Tearers were tasked with the vital role of
3 performing a staged defence of the Cryptus system to slow down the Tyranid
advance. This character was trained by veterans of this incredible event.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Daemons of Acralem: When Acralem turned into a daemonic rift, the Flesh
Tearers were sent in to seal it up the only way they know how: slaughtering
4 every daemon that dared step into the materium. This character has studied
many anti-daemonic tactics should this event occur once again.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

Eypharos Campaign: The Eldar of Biel-Tan are highly aggressive and

launched a strike against the world of Eypharos, which the Flesh Tearers
5 responded to with an oath of vengeance to slaughter. This character has been
trained by veterans of this event on how to kill the Eldar.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Eldar)
Flesh Eaters
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Charm, Interrogate
Starting Talents: Adamantium Faith, Double Team
Shared Blood: If this character is the Squad Leader, when a member of the squad suffers
Blood Loss they instead regain all Fatigue. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this
character is immune to Corruption gain from consuming flesh.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Flesh Eaters Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Flesh Eaters background.
Roll Flesh Eaters Unique Pasts

War of the False Primarch: A most confusing and deceptive conflict, the War of
the False Primarch saw brother turn on brother once again in a manner not
1 unlike that of the Horus Heresy. This character has extensively studied Flesh
Eater records of the event.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Devastation of Baal: The Flesh Eaters, like all other Blood Angel successors,
heeded the call to travel to Baal and aid in the defence of Sanguinius’ home
2 against Hive Fleet Leviathan. This character was taught by a veteran of the
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Golance War: Vile Eldar forces invaded the planet of Golance and attempted to
subjugate it for nefarious purposes, but the Flesh Eaters stood firm and fought
3 them to a bloody stalemate. A veteran of this event taught this character tactics
and skills.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Eldar)

Alvatine Suppression: On the desert world of Alvatine, the Flesh Eaters

deployed a powerful armoured force to match the terrain. This character was
trained by the Chapter in case such an event must be repeated one day.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)

Greenskin Incursion: Over the many years, the Flesh Eaters have had to fend
off wave after wave of Ork invasion leading to them developing a sort of
5 proficiency against them. This character has previously fought Orks as part of
their Chapter duties.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Knights of Blood
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Survival, Parry
Starting Talents: Hard Target, Step Aside, Keen Intuition, Enemy (Inquisition)
Loyal Traitors: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains a +20 Modifier to Survival
tests. If this character is not the Squad Leader, the character gains a +10 Modifier to Willpower
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Finesse

Knights of Blood Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Knights of Blood background.
Roll Knights of Blood Unique Pasts

Devastation of Baal: All successor Chapters hailed the Blood Angel’s call to
fight the Tyranids, even those declared renegade showed to honour their past.
1 This character has studied multiple anti-Tyranid tactics used by the Knights of
Blood in this event.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Tyranid Tactics)

Tau Slaughter: On the planet of Lub’grahl, the Knights of Blood killed much of
the filthy Tau before being slaughtered in return by the infamous Commander
2 Farsight. To that end, this character has sworn to avenge the fallen by killing
Tau everywhere they go.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Achilus Crusade: A massive Crusade that called upon all Imperial forces to
fight against Chaos, the Knights of Blood could not officially participate due to
3 their renegade status but aided the Imperium in precise ways. This character
was trained by veterans of this campaign.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Last Stand: Majority of the Knights of Blood Chapter gave their lives in a heroic
rearguard action, allowing the Black Rage to cloud their mind. This character
has been thoroughly inspired by this final glorious stand.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Peer (Blood Angels)

Renegade Deployment: The Knights of Blood continue to aid the Imperium

through careful deployments in which their forces will never come into direct
contact, so as to not bring up the fact they are Renegades in name. This
character is one of those who would pick and deploy the companies in such a
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Deceive
Rogal Dorn: The Praetorian
Rogal Dorn was one of the most steadfast Primarchs, known as being a genius tactician when it
came to siege warfare. It was this stern and unyielding nature that lead to the Emperor selecting
Dorn as the primary architect for the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra, bestowing upon the Imperial
Fists the honour as defenders of Terra. He disappeared upon a Chaos vessel after the Horus
Heresy, but all that was found was his hand so many hope he still lives.

All Astartes descended from Dorn suffer the Primarch’s Curse Death Before Dishonour.
Imperial Fists
Homeworld: Phalanx (Fleet-Based, usually recruits from Hives)
Starting Skills: Logic, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Hatred (Heretics)
Master of Defence: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad all gain a temporary two
(2) AP in all body locations when hit by ranged weapons. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, this character gains a temporary four (4) AP in all body locations when hit by ranged
Background Aptitude: Defence or Knowledge

Imperial Fists Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Imperial Fist background.
Roll Imperial Fists Unique Pasts

The Siege of Cadia: When Cadia was besieged by the forces of Chaos, the
Imperial Fists defended a number of areas on the planet from mutant incursions.
1 While not personally a participant of the momentous event, this character has
studied the tactics used against these mutants well.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Forbidden Lore (Chaos Tactics)

Defenders of Terra: Amongst all his sons, the Emperor chose Rogal Dorn to be
the chief architect for the construction of the Imperial Palace on Holy Terra. This
has placed a sense of pride in all Imperial Fists, including this character.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Lysander’s Crusade: Captain of the First Company, Darnath Lysander is a

famed hero in the Imperial Fists and has led his men to many a victory,
3 particularly over Orks. This character has been taught much about this regard of
his Crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

The Phalanx: The Imperial Fists do not have a homeworld, but instead travel
the galaxy in their Fortress-Monastery ship The Phalanx. This character has
4 spent much of their time onboard this ship with the expectation that they may
one day have to aid in crewing it.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Navigate (Stellar)

Anti-Eldar Action: The defences of the Imperial Fists are most frustrating for
Eldar foes, as they are unable to break such a defence without an intense battle
5 they have no desire for. This character has studied to continue this tradition of
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Eldar)
Black Templars
Homeworld: Eternal Crusader (Fleet-based, usually recruits from Death)
Starting Skills: Parry, Survival
Starting Talents: Frenzy, Never Die
Hatred Incarnate: If this character is the Squad Leader, then all party members gain whatever
Hatreds this character has with the bonus doubling if the party member already has that Hatred.
If this character is not the Squad Leader, then he gains Hatred (All).
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Black Templars Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Black Templars background.
Roll Black Templars Unique Pasts

Crusade of Wrath: The Black Templars hate Chaos with a passion, and this
can possibly be best exemplified by the razing of Benevolence, a Word Bearer’s
Shrine world. This character has been taught by veterans of the event.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Abhor the Witch: Amongst all the mutants they seek out to destroy, the Black
Templars have a burning passion for psykers. This character grew up
2 conditioned to kill every non-useful psyker on sight, especially those who are
heretical or alien.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Psykers)

Verdeworlds Campaign: Once, the Black Templars joined forces other Space
Marine Chapters to purge the Eldar from worlds rightfully belonging to humanity.
This character was trained by a veteran of the campaign.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Eldar)

Solemnus Crusade: Following the War of Armageddon, the Black Templars

formed a crusade taskforce to hunt down the Orks. This character witnessed the
formation of this task force as an Initiate, but may not have participated.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Varadon Crusade: A fellow Chapter, the Shadow Wolves, fell to a Tyranid

invasion as the Black Templars frantically tried to cut their way to rescue them
but were not able to aid in time. Such a valiant last sacrifice however has
inspired this character as an Initiate to study and focus their hatred on the
Tyranid threat in the galaxy.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)
Astral Knights
Homeworld: Obsidia (Highborn)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Survival
Starting Talents: Eye of Vengeance, Hatred (Necrons)
Glory in Sacrifice: If this character is the Squad Leader, then the squad may reroll all
Willpower tests except for Psychic tests. If this character is not the Squad Leader, then he gains
a +20 bonus to all Fear tests.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Astral Knights Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Astral Knights background.
Roll Astral Knights Unique Pasts

Obsidia Nobility: The Astral Knights recruits from Obsidia, a world in which the
caste system is observed. This character was previously of a noble family
hailing from that world.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Nobility)

Castigation of Acralem: A major daemon threat arose on the world of Acralem,

and it was only through the combined efforts of the Astral Knights and the Grey
2 Knights with some Imperial support the threat was suppressed. This character
was trained by a veteran of that event.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

Purging of Varvenkast: The entire Astral Knight Chapter was once shamefully
deceived by a traitorous Chapter Master into killing many on Varvenkast. This
character has studied the event and has vowed to never allow it to occur again.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

The World Engine: Legendary amongst all Space Marine Chapters is the event
of the World Engine, where much of the Astral Knights Chapter sacrificed
4 themselves to stop this galactic threat. This character was taught by one of the
rare survivors of this event.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Forbidden Lore (Necrons)

Inquisitorial Legacy: Some would argue that the Astral Knights’ greatest
accomplishment was a recording of a Necron world, its culture, and its tactics for
5 the Inquisition to learn from. This character has been given a copy of the data
when meeting with an Inquisitor.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Peer (Inquisition)
Crimson Fists
Homeworld: Rynn’s World (Agri)
Starting Skills: Charm, Parry
Starting Talents: Devastating Assault, Hatred (Orks)
Defenders of the People: If this character is the Squad Leader, then all members of the squad
gains Charm at Known Rank and if they already have it, gain a +10 bonus to Charm. If this
character is not the Squad Leader, then he then gains the Counter-Attack talent.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Leadership

Crimson Fists Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Crimson Fists background.
Roll Crimson Fists Unique Pasts

Traitor-Hunters: The Crimson Fists are eager to prove their loyalty to the
Imperium, and are often tasked to hunt renegade Space Marine Chapters when
1 they turn away from the Emperor’s light. This character has been taught much
on how to hunt traitor Brothers.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Clues from the Crowd

Unlikely Allies: Among the many conflicts against the Greenskins, the Crimson
Fists were once aided by a surprising ally, the Eldar. To that end, this character
2 has studied their race with incredible detail so as to attempt to discern their
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Eldar)

Toran VI Massacre: Like majority of Space Marine Chapters, the Crimson Fists
have had their own fair share of running into heretics throughout their years of
service. This character was trained by veterans in such affairs.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Zeist Campaign: The Tau have become a recent nuisance as of late to the
Imperium, and the Crimson Fists have been sent to fight them many times. This
character was taught by a veteran of these encounters.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Renewal and Rebirth: While they do not fear death, the Crimson Fists fear for
the day their Chapter is destroyed and it only with the recent revival of Roboute
Guilliman that they have been able to revive their Chapter for the edge of
extinction. This character was an Initiate when they witnessed their Chapter’s
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Gain 1 Fate point.
Fire Lords
Homeworld: Mundus Pyra (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Marksman, Weapon Training (Flame)
Ruler of Flames: If this character is the Squad Leader, then the squad deals a bonus four (4)
damage to all flame weaponry. If this character is not the Squad Leader, then he gains the
Divine Protection talent.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Fire Lords Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Fire Lords background.
Roll Fire Lords Unique Pasts

Blood Star Campaign: The Imperial Scarus Sector came under a massive
daemonic incursion, of which the Fire Lords took part in its defence. This
character has studied the tactics used to battle such Warp monstrosities.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

Scouring of Bellicas: Many mock the Fire Lords for their intense focus on
flamer weapons, but as shown by their invasion of the Tomb World Bellicas,
2 enough fire can eradicate any enemy of the Emperor. This character was trained
by veterans of the invasion force.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Grizzen Campaign: During an ordinary suppression of a rebellious world, the

Fire Lords decided to try terrifying the locals into submission by fielding a new
3 variant of the Land Raider, the Land Raider Redeemer. This character has
studied the design and can almost be considered an expert in it.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)

Feast of Blades: All Imperial Fist Successor Chapters participate in a ritual

known as the Feast of Blades, where they compete with each other for honour
4 and glory. This character, during their time as an Initiate, has been brought to
witness this meeting of Brothers.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Imperial Fists)

Ritual Tattoos: The Fire Lords believe in tattooing one’s body with symbols and
imagery of the flames that is to consume the enemy. This character is a skilled
tattoo artist of his Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Trade (Scrimshawer)
Homeworld: Stygia-Aquilon (Research)
Starting Skills: Command, Parry
Starting Talents: Takedown, Two-Handed Wielder (Both)
Personal Honour: If this character is the Squad Leader, all basic weapons in the squad may be
fired in melee with no penalty. If this character is not the Squad Leader, all melee and pistol
weaponry deal an additional four (4) damage.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Executioners Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Executioners background.
Roll Executioners Unique Pasts

Badab War: The Executioners honoured a blood oath to the Astral Claws and
joined their side in the Badab War, only helping to plunge the sector into a
1 chaotic civil war with little sense. This character has extensively studied the
event so as to prevent it from happening again.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Necron Hunters: Time and time again, the Executioners have run into the
Necron foe and has since developed multiple anti-Necron strategies. This
character has learned much of these strategies already.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Nova Sulis: During the Executioner’s early years, they aided many honourable
Chapter allies in fighting against a heretical aspect of the Ecclesiarchy, earning
3 glory and respect from all involved. This character in particular has chosen to
maintain these respectful relationships.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Adeptus Ministorum)

Siege of Darkenvault: Perhaps one of the first encounters with the hated
Tyranid foe, the Executioners could hardly defend themselves and have since
4 then developed new tactics to combat the alien foe. This character is trained in
these ways in the event that they encounter them again.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Forbidden Lore (Tyranid Tactics)

Cult Purge: In the early days of their Penitent Crusade, the Executioners have
participated in many cult purges across worlds they come across. This character
is taught by veterans of those purges, trained in anti-cult combat tactics.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)
Lion El’Johnson: The Lion
Lion El’Johnson was a noble knight in his own right prior to his meeting with the Emperor of
Mankind. His noble and loyal bearing was instilled in all Dark Angels, with the idea that one
should simply be satisfied with excellent service in the name of humanity. A mysterious event in
which he was struck down following the Horus Heresy has resulted in the Dark Angels placing
their Primarch in stasis within the Rock, awaiting for the day where he emerges whole again to
strike down those betrayed him.

All Astartes descended from El’Johnson suffer the Primarch’s Curse The Secret.
Dark Angels
Homeworld: The Rock (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Deceive, Interrogation
Starting Talents: Constant Vigilance (choose one), Coordinated Interrogation
Seek the Traitor: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains Interrogation skill as
though it were at a Known level (if it is already Known, they gain a +10 Modifier). If this
character not the Squad Leader, this character is able to spend a Fate point to auto-pass
Deceive or Interrogation tests with DoS equal to his Fellowship Bonus.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Psyker

Dark Angels Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Dark Angels background.
Roll Dark Angels Unique Pasts

Rock Defender: The Rock is the Chapter’s Homeworld, and is constantly

vulnerable to voidship attack as it has been reduced to nothing more than a
1 large asteroid. This character was taught by fleet admirals how to defend their
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Stellar)

DRivalry with Space Wolves: Lion El’Johnson was wronged by Leman Russ,
and this grudge has carried over to the Sons of the Lion as they pick fights with
Space Wolves always. This character has continued this tradition of rivalry!
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Deceive

Hunting the Fallen: The deepest and darkest secret of the Dark Angels relates
to the mysterious Fallen Angels that they prioritize hunting over all. This
3 character has been told the secret meaning behind this so as to continue the
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Interrogation

Striking the Leviathan: Hive Fleet Leviathan has come close to the areas the
Dark Angels operate it in several times, so it is only natural they lead pre-
4 emptive raids to drive off the Tyranids. This character has been taught anti-
Tyranid tactics for this purpose.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Forbidden Lore (Tyranid Tactics)

Siege of Vraks: One of the most famous Space Marine battles to be fought, this
conflict involved the Dark Angels fighting against the Alpha Legion in a intense
duel of honour and pride. This character was taught by a veteran of that battle.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Scrutiny, Trade (Archaeologist)
Starting Talents: Flash of Insight, Keen Intuition
Digging up the Past: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains the Flash of Insight
talent (If they already have this talent, they may gain a bonus clue). If this character is not the
Squad Leader, they gain a +30 Modifier to all Trade (Archaeologist) rolls.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Knowledge

Consecrators Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Consecrators background.
Roll Consecrators Unique Pasts

Achilus Crusade: During the Achilus Crusade, the Consecrators engaged

several time against Orks in fleet-based actions, fighting them and suffering
1 severe losses. This character has studied much of the tactics used against the
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Operate (Aeronautica)

Massacre at Darkmor: A hunt for Fallen Angels turned into a full on

engagement against Chaos Space Marines, with the Consecrators taking to the
2 front lines against the hated foe. This character was taught by a veteran of the
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Explorator Allies: The Consecrators have gain much favour from the Adeptus
Mechanicus in their endeavours to recover ancient relics for the Imperium. This
3 character was taught by Explorator allies in some of the ways they would hunt
for hidden relics.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Logic

Stealth Strike: A crucial trait of the Conscrettors’ deployment pattern is that they
appear without warning, strike swiftly, then disappear. This character has been
4 trained so as to emphasize this Chapter trait, so as to deploy even sneakily than
their comrades.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Stealth

Space Hulk Boarders: Artefacts are not solely found on planets, as many are
lost in drifting Space Hulks throughout the galaxy. To that end, this character
has been schooled in the ways of boarding and securing Space Hulks.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scholastic Lore (Voidship)
Angels of Redemption
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Interrogation, Scrutiny
Starting Talents: Hatred (Heretics), Sprint
Fanatic Hunter: If this character is the Squad Leader, the Squad deals a bonus four (4)
damage against a certain enemy type picked from this character’s list of Hatreds at the start of
every session. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they gain a +20 Modifier to all Scrutiny
Background Aptitude: Social or Offence

Angels of Redemption Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Angels of Redemption
Roll Angels of Redemption Unique Pasts

Negotiator Training: Not all conflicts with the Fallen must end in bloodshed, the
Angels of Redemption realized as some of the misguided are willing to turn
1 themselves in for redemption. This character has been trained so as to convince
the Fallen to surrender themselves.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Charm

Third War for Armageddon: The greatest of Imperial-Ork conflicts, the Angels
of Redemption reluctantly deployed some of their companies to aid the great
defence. This character has been trained by a veteran of the event.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Abandonment of Gaitlinghive: In the hour of the greatest need, the Angels of

Redemption received a clue regarding a hidden Fallen Angel and immediately
redeployed all forces away from the most crucial defence lines, inciting much
criticism from the Imperium. So as to not allow this to happen again, this
character has been taught to ensure such leads are truthful.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Scrutiny

Sepulchre Sigma Incident: A mysterious incident in which the Angels of

Redemption fought pass several questionably loyal dungeon guards to retrieve
4 an unknown sarcophagus and bring it back to the Chapter. This character knows
the truth behind the incident, but has no intention of revealing it for now.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Deceive

To Galaxy’s End: The Angels of Redemption believe that it is their sole purpose
of life to hunt down the Fallen, but some are fanatic zealots of that creed. This
5 character is one such zealot, willing to chase down the Fallen to the edge of the
galaxy if so need be.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)
The Fallen
Homeworld: Caliban (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Acrobatics, Dodge
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Contact Network, Death Dealer (choose one), Enemy (Dark
Fight or Flight: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad increases their Toughness by
+15 but decrease Agility by -5. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character gains
Agility +10.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Fieldcraft

The Fallen Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the The Fallen background.
Roll The Fallen Unique Pasts

Life in Reclusion: Some Fallen Angels find themselves incognito at the edges of the
Imperium, unknown to any, a rare situation in which it is possible for one to try to retire
1 from the horrors of war. This character has spent some time in reclusion, temporarily
giving up their tools of war in favour of tools of farming or craftsmanship.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Charm

Repentance: Following Luther’s attempt to kill their Primarch, some among the Fallen
have recognized their folly and now are loyal renegades, striking out against the
2 enemies of the Emperor in a never-ending penitent Crusade. This character is one such
individual who shares such a belief.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Frenzy

Warp Taint: Much of the Fallen was sucked into the Warp following the battle with the
Lion, being scattered throughout the galaxy in both time and space. This character has
been sucked through and has changed upon re-entry into reality.
3 Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Psy Rating (1)
(They are counted as unsanctioned if they do not start out as a Librarian. If this
character already has a Psy Rating, they increase it by one (1))

Hunted: Dark Angels are constantly hunting the Fallen, and such an experience can
either be tiring if one does not adapt. This character has been hunted by the Dark
4 Angels for a long time now, but has picked up many useful tricks to survive.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Survival

Escape Artist: When the Fallen are captured, depending on the situation the Dark
Angels may bring them back to the Rock for a proper execution, giving the prisoners
5 time to plan and execute from captivity. This character has escaped in such manner at
least once.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Security
Angels of Vengeance
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Athletics, Survival
Starting Talents: Swift Attack, Never Die
Martyrdom: If this character is the Squad Leader, when they have lost at least ten (10) wounds
the entire squad gains a +10 Modifier to all rolls. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they
gain a +10 Attack Modifier to all wounds for every five (5) wounds lost. NOTE: These bonuses
are accordingly lost/gained based on the wound count of the character.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Finesse

Angels of Vengeance Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Angels of Vengeance background.
Roll Angels of Vengeance Unique Pasts

The Forgotten Wars: A muted and shadow war was fought against the Fallen
and the Dark Angels, with the Angels of Vengeance being one of the Chapters
1 involved. This character has been taught by veterans of this war the ways of
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Deceive

Siege of San Apolis: On San Apolis, a siege was successful thanks to the
efforts of the Angels of Vengeance, who used their Terminator companies to
2 break the defences. This character has extensively studied the tactics of this
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Massacre at Darkmor: When the Angels of Vengeance descended upon

Darkmor to hunt the Fallen, they were in reality lured into a devastating trap by
3 heretics. This character has been taught so as to never let this blind hatred
cloud their judgement.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Awareness

Grymm’s Landing: A heretical rebellion on the recruitment world of Grymm’s

Landing was so intense that the Angels of Vengeance had to exterminate all
4 living beings on the planet. This character has been trained by veterans of the
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Forever Forward: The Angels of Vengeance believe that death is only a

stepping stone towards victory, and such fanaticism has lead to them willingly
5 charging in to the jaws of death. This character has been trained to be the
vanguard of such actions, charging into melee and enduring and killing.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Parry
Angels of Absolution
Homeworld: Allhallow (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Charm, Command
Starting Talents: Aura of Command, Hatred (Tau)
Absolved Sins: If this character is the Squad Leader, members of the Squad may spend a Fate
point to pass Fear tests by this character’s Willpower bonus. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, this character gains a +20 Modifier to all Fear and Pinning tests.
Background Aptitude: Defence or Leadership

Angels of Absolution Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Angels of Absolution background.
Roll Angels of Absolution Unique Pasts

Hunt on Archangel VII: A fortress on Archangel housed traitorous Fallen

Angels, so the Dark Angels and Angels of Absolution worked together to break
1 the walls and drag the traitors to judgment. This character has studies the event
for future references.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

13th Black Crusade: When Abaddon led his attack on Cadia, the Angels of
Absolution acted as forward scouts to discover the presence of the Fallen
2 among the enemy’s ranks. This character was trained to spot the Fallen in these
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Awareness

Vengeance From the Void: The Angels of Absolution took part in an Adeptus
Astartes Crusade to put down several revolts lead by Chaos Space Marines
3 early in their service. This character bears the pride of the Crusade as part of
their training from the Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Corinth Crusade: Imperial forces mounted a grand Crusade against the Orks
known as the Corinth Crusade, and the Angels of Absolution participated with
other Space Marines. This character was taught by a veteran of this Crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

The Forgiven: The Angels of Absolution believe that their Primarch has already
forgiven them for the sins of the Fallen, and thus fight with no regret or lingering
5 hate. This character has been taught to tend to the faith of their Battle-Brothers
so as to maintain such high morale.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Adeptus Astartes)
Leman Russ: The Wolf
Primarch Leman Russ was known as the Emperor’s Executioner and led his Space Wolves on
multiple personal campaigns during his time. He was known for his boisterous and easy-going
nature, willing to have a quick fight any time to raise his mood. Along with his personal retinue,
Leman Russ disappeared into the Warp to hunt down his traitorous brothers following the Horus
Heresy but swore to return during the “Wolftime.”

All Astartes descended from Russ suffer the Primarch’s Curse Curse of the Wulfen.
Space Wolves
Homeworld: Fenris (Death)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Parry
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Resistance (Psychic)
Wolf Pack: If this character is the Squad Leader, each member of the Squad may spend their
Reaction Action to distract a foe and force the next Attack from another squad member to be
unavoidable. If this character is not Squad Leader, this character’s weapons gain the Proven (2)
quality. If the weapon already has the Proven quality on it, then they increase the value of it by
one (1).
Background Aptitude: Offence or Finesse

Space Wolves Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Space Wolves background.
Roll Space Wolves Unique Pasts

Wrath of Magnus: Recently, the Space Marine home system of Fenris came
under sustained attack by the traitor Magnus the Red. This character was an
Initiate when it happened.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Rivalry with Dark Angels: Leman Russ was wronged by Lion El’Johnson, and
this grudge has carried over to the Sons of the Wolf as they pick fights with Dark
Angels always. This character has continued this tradition of rivalry!
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Intimidate

Defender of the Weak: Space Wolves believe that it is the responsibility of the
strong to defend those who cannot fight, and will fight for any and all Imperial
lives under their responsibility. This character embraces this morality proudly.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Imperial Citizens)

Battle of Armageddon: The Battle for Armageddon was one of the bloodiest
battles against Orks and the Space Wolves sent a portion of its Chapter to
defend the planet. This character was taught be a veteran of that war.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Wolf Rider: In the more recent centuries, the idea of wolf riding has stricken
many a Space Wolf Initiated and they have adapted to the concept of riding their
massive pets into battle at times. This character was one such Initiate.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Survival
Ferrus Manus: The Gorgon
Ferrus Manus was unique amongst all Primarchs as his hands were coated in necrodermis, a
sheen of liquid iron that made them immune to all wear, tear, and age. This aspect inspired
much of the Iron Hand’s logic as they strove to made themselves more machine than man in the
spirit of their Primarch. However, not many knew that Ferrus Manus loathed the direction that
his sons were going and had plans to remove these cursed hands of his as soon as peace
reigned. He was slain by his own brother Fulgrim before this dream was realized.

All Astartes descended from Manus suffer the Primarch’s Curse Steel Over Flesh.
Iron Hands
Homeworld: Medusa (Forge)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Hatred (Heretics), Mighty Shot
Weak Flesh: If this character is the Squad Leader, increase all rolls on the Critical tables from a
Critical Hit by two (2). If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character may acquire
Cybernetics at two degrees more available.
Background Aptitude: Tech or Fieldcraft

Iron Hands Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Iron Hands background.
Roll Iron Hands Unique Pasts

Machine over Flesh: Sourced from the belief that Ferrus Manus replaced his
own hands of flesh for ones of machine, the Iron Hands believe that all flesh is
1 weak and that iron was the only cure. This is heavily indoctrinated in this
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Tech-Use

Drop Site Massacre: Ferrus Manus was betrayed by his very own brother at
Istvaan V, the Emperor’s Children Primarch Fulgrim decapitating his head to
2 commit his soul to Slaanesh. This character holds a deep burning hatred for this
event and seeks to avenge their Primarch however so.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Resistance (Psychic)

Containing the Orks: The territories of the Iron Hands push close to Ork
infested areas, making them the first responders to any serious WAAGH
3 invasion by the Greenskins. This character has been trained to be a part of this
response group.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Emotional Inhibitor: Iron Hands are constantly enraged by everything, be it

their own weak flesh or the death of their Primarch, to the point where they must
be installed inhibitors so as to not run berserk and feed the Warp with such
emotion. This character’s rage is so refined however that it is possible for it to
slip past the inhibitor at times.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Frenzy

Armoured Force: Among all the Space Marine Chapters, the Iron Hands have
the most developed armoured force and they make sure that it is always at
5 fighting capacity. This character was once trained to become a crewmember of
such a force.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)
Red Talons
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Forbidden Lore (Heresy), Interrogation
Starting Talents: Coordination Interrogation, Hatred (Heretics)
Frothing Rage: If this character is the Squad Leader, all attacks by the Squad made against
heretical elements (not including daemons) gain a +10 Modifier. If this character is not the
Squad Leader, this character gains the Frenzy talent (If they already have Frenzy, they gain a
+5 bonus to all attacks while Frenzied).
Background Aptitude: Offence or Social

Red Talons Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Red Talons background.
Roll Red Talons Unique Pasts

Orask Wars: When the world of Orask was threatened by a Tyranid splinter
fleet, the Red Talons immediately deployed to counter this threat and drive off
the foe. This character was taught by veterans of this initiative.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Pentarchy of Blood: The High Lords of Terra called forth Space Marine
Chapters to help hunt down renegades, and the Red Talons eagerly joined the
2 effort. This character has studied many texts and records relating to this
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Command

Fleet Origins: The Red Talons originally got their name from a famed voidship
in the Iron Hands Legion, The Red Talon. This character strives to remember
this humble beginning by learning void techniques.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Battle of Amion: When rebel forces attempted to prolong a war to force

Imperial withdrawal, the Red Talons instead focused all their efforts into an
4 armour assault that broke the enemy line and overran them. This character was
trained by those who partook in this crucial assault.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)

War of the Beast: A great Imperial-Ork conflict that saw perhaps the greatest
Greenskin threat rise in history, the Red Talons were among those who sent
5 troops to help fight. This character has attempted to unearthed records of this
event so as to better fight the Orks.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Steel Confessors
Homeworld: Kalevala (Destroyed Forge)
Starting Skills: Forbidden Lore (Adeptus Mechanicus), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus), Weapon Tech
Binary Understanding: If this character is the Squad Leader, the Squad gains a +20
Fellowship Modifier when interacting with the Adeptus Mechanicus. If this character is not the
Squad Leader, this character gains Linguistics (Binary).
Background Aptitude: Social or Tech

Steel Confessors Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Steel Confessors background.
Roll Steel Confessors Unique Pasts

Battle for Kalevala: The original Homeworld of the Steel Confessors, Kalevala,
was lost to Tyranids despite their best efforts. This loss has forever haunted this
1 character, to the point where they have cultivated a raging hatred against the
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Battle for Kracsis IV: The Tyranid threat appeared to consume the current
Homeworld of the Steel Confessors, and the Steel Confessors fought valiantly to
2 drive them off. This character bore witness to this fight, watching as
superhumans fought giant beasts in an effort to protect their home.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Gain 1 Fate point.

Secret Beginnings: The Steel Confessors were created by the Adeptus

Mechanicus in secret, without official sanctioning from any other Imperial
3 organization. This character has extensively studied how such secrecy was
maintained for a considerable amount of time.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Deceive

Machine Training: While they are no longer part of the Adeptus Mechanicus,
the Steel Confessors often receive tutelage from them in how to properly
4 administer the rites of the Machine Cult. This character has been taught by such
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Tech-Use

With One’s Hands: The legend of Ferrus Manus lives strong in the Steel
Confessors, and with aid from the Adeptus Mechanicus, many Battle-Brothers
5 are skilled in the art of constructing their own weapons. This character is once
such individual.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Trade (Armourer)
Sons of Medusa
Homeworld: Taelus (Asteroid Voidborn)
Starting Skills: Charm, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Contact Network, Nowhere to Hide
Divergent Loyalties: If this character is the Squad Leader, this character may spend a Fate
point to reverse any rolls by them or their squad (12 becomes 21, 64 becomes 46, etc). If this
character is not the Squad Leader, this character gain a +20 Modifier to Tech-Use tests.
Background Aptitude: Leadership or Social

Sons of Medusa Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Sons of Medusa background.
Roll Sons of Medusa Unique Pasts

Angevin Crusade: The Angevin Crusade was an effort in which the Sons of
Medusa participated to liberate several worlds from the control of the
1 Greenskins. This character has been taught by several veterans of this
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Badab War: The tumultuous Badab War was a conflict that saw the Sons of
Medusa tested as their loyalty wavered with comradeship as the war grew quite
complex. This character was trained by a veteran of these troubled times.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Destruction of Warspite: Warspite, a Sons of Medusa Strike Cruiser, was

tragically lost with all hands onboard and has haunted this Chapter’s history ever
3 since. This character has made an effort to learn fleet tactics so as to not let
such weakness present itself again.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Chamber Ferrum: The Sons of Medusa group their Techmarines into an order
known as Chamber Ferrum within the Chapter, in which they maintain all of their
4 Battle-Brother’s equipment. This character was trained by a member of this elite
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Tech-Use

Deathwatch Service: Several Sons of Medusa are famed members of

Deathwatch, serving alongside Battle-Brothers of other Chapters to fight the
5 xeno threat. This character has been trained by a veteran Deathwatch Marine in
hopes of joining one day.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Deathwatch)
Brazen Claws
Homeworld: Talus IV (Destroyed Imperial)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Deny the Witch, Hatred (Heretics)
Crusade of Retribution: If this character is the Squad Leader, the Squad may spend a Fate
point to reduce any Corruption gain by 1d5. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this
character’s Hatred (Heretics) bonus is increased to a +20 Modifier.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Brazen Claws Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Brazen Claws background.
Roll Brazen Claws Unique Pasts

13th Black Crusade: As Cadia fell under siege from Warmaster Abaddon once
more, the Brazen Claws heeded the call and deployed troops to defend the
1 planet from the forces of Chaos. This character was trained by a veteran of the
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Fall of Medusa V: A massive conflict in which the Brazen Claws fought multiple
foes, notable troops of the sadistic Dark Eldar. This character has been trained
by veterans of the engagement.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Dark Eldar)

War in the Warp: The Eye of Terror is a place that barely any can comprehend,
but the Brazen Claws managed to survive fighting in it for a long period of time.
This character was taught by veterans how to survive in such hostile conditions.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Survival

Crusade of Steel: The Crimson King of the Necrons raised forth a threat to
endanger the Imperium, so thus it was up to the Brazen Claws to rally forth and
4 defend it from conquest. This character has been trained by veterans of this
Imperial-Necron conflict.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Daemon Slayer: While in the Eye of Terror, the Brazen Claws have
encountered daemons of all kinds and discovered ways to slay them as easily
as breathing. The methodology used has been passed down to this character.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)
Iron Lords
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Operate (Voidship), Survival
Starting Talents: Marksman, Takedown
Secure Containment Protocol: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains a +30
Modifier to all Attacks made against enemies that are fleeing the battlefield. If this character is
not the Squad Leader, enemies cannot disengage from this character in melee without making a
Very Hard (-30) Agility test.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Leadership

Iron Lords Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Iron Lords background.
Roll Iron Lords Unique Pasts

Hive Fleet Kraken: The Iron Lords were highly successful against Hive Fleet
Kraken when the xenos attempted to break through to assimilate the Barghesi.
This character was taught many of the anti-Tyranid tactics used.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Forbidden Lore (Tyranid Tactics)

Zeist Campaign: When the Ultramarines announced the Zeist campaign to

reclaim Imperial Worlds from the Tau, the Iron Lords immediately leapt at the
2 chance to slaughter xenos. This character was trained by veterans of the
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Judgement of Hellenus: The world of Hellenus was so overcome by mutants

that the only solution was to purge the entire planet, such was the judgement of
the Iron Lords. This character has studied this event extensively.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Hatred (Mutants)

Deathwatch Preference: The mass xenophobia of the Iron Lords makes them
perfect for recruitment into Deathwatch, as both desire to kill the alien. This
4 character has been trained so as to eventually be chosen for service with
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Peer (Deathwatch)

Defence of Valedor: When Hive Fleet Leviathan overran the world of Valedor,
the Iron Lords on the planet gave their lives to as to ensure that the Sisters of
5 Battle escaped with what little they had. This character has lost a close Battle-
Brother in that event, but vows to ensure that their death was not in vain.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Adeptus Sororitas)
Corvus Corax: The Raven
The Primarch Corvus Corax, also known as the Raven-Lord, had an incredibly moody but
righteous attitude towards the world. He tolerates no injustice as his sons hunt down those who
would threaten the Imperium, sticking often to the shadows before they strike. Corax has since
disappeared from the galaxy, supposedly to seek repentance for his failures during the Horus
Heresy. His whereabouts are currently unknown, but many are hopeful that he is still alive.

All Astartes descended from Corax suffer the Primarch’s Curse Lure of the Shadows.
Raven Guard
Homeworld: Deliverance (Forge)
Starting Skills: Dodge, Stealth
Starting Talents: Assassin Strike, Hatred (Orks)
Quoth the Raven: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad may move without a Stealth
penalty for being in Power Armour. If this character is not the squad leader, this character may
re-roll failed Stealth tests.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Finesse

Raven Guard Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Raven Guard background.
Roll Raven Guard Unique Pasts

Drop Site Massacre: The shame of the Drop Site Massacre lives on forever in
many Space Marine Chapters, the Raven Guard especially for being ambushed
1 themselves. This character has sworn an oath of vengeance for those killed in
the bloody battle.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretic)

Battle Against Tau: The Raven Guard have had several bloody encounters
against the Tau Empire, most notably during the Prefectia Campaign. This
character has studied under a veteran of such conflicts.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Fed the Ravens: One of the more eccentric traditions of the Raven Guard calls
for them to leave their dead to be eaten by carrion birds following successful
extraction of the geneseed. While repulsive to some humans, this character has
witnessed this tradition first hand and understands the true meaning behind it
compared to their peers.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Intimidate

Guerilla Tactics: When Imperial forces are forced to withdraw in hasty fashion
following a severe defeat, the Raven Guard prefers to hide their forces in the
4 background and swap to hit and run tactics to exhaust their enemy. This
character has been trained for such a tactical shift.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Stealth

Dark Eldar Bait: Nothing pleases the Raven Guard than striking against the
Dark Eldar, who pride themselves on similar tactics but to a more sadistic
5 degree. This character harbours a pride of their Chapter outsmarts these
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Forbidden Lore (Drukhari Tactics)
Knights of the Raven
Homeworld: Coralax (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Deceive, Stealth
Starting Talents: Cover Up, Face in a Crowd
Raven-Speak: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains Linguistics (Chapter
Ciphers) at the Trained level (if this skill is already at the maximum level, then there is a +10
Modifier on it). If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character does not generate any
negative subtlety through acquisition rolls.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Social

Knights of the Raven Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Knights of the Raven background.
Roll Knights of the Raven Unique Pasts

Jeghan Insurrection: During a rebellion by disloyal Imperial citizens, the

Knights of the Raven were put on the defensive for a long while until they
1 swapped to flame tactics. This character was taught by a veteran of that event,
who emphasized the importance of flamers.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Weapon Training (Flame)

Redemption of Honour: The Knights of the Raven have come to blows with
other Space Marine Chapters at times, and this has forced them to go on a
2 Crusade to repent by attacking Hive Fleets. This character has been raised to
joined on this Crusade one day.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Zeist Campaign: The Tau have intruded onto Imperial territories at times, and
the Knights of Raven have been deployed to fight against them. This character
was taught by those experienced with anti-Tau tactics.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Forbidden Lore (Tau Tactics)

Raven’s Descent: While they are successors of the Raven Guard, few of the
Chapter actually possess the experience to be as deadly as them at times. This
character was trained by one of the few who do know how to do so.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Stealth

Achilus Crusade: A massive Crusade launched by a collection of Imperial

forces, the Knights of the Raven have elected to participate and have sent
5 several of their Companies alongside to fight the forces of Chaos. This character
was taught to join this effort one day.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Heretics)
Death Spectres
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Deceive, Scrutiny
Starting Talents: Target Selection, Takedown
Secret Sacrifice: If this character is the Squad Leader, this character suffer a -10 Modifier to all
actions while other members of the squad gain a +5 Modifier to all actions. If this character is
not the Squad Leader, this character gains a +5 Modifier to all actions.
Background Aptitude: Leadership or Social

Death Spectres Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Death Spectres background.
Roll Death Spectres Unique Pasts

Vern IV Offensive: Death Spectres have once launched a series of offensive

manoeuvrers against the Dark Eldar to great success. This character has
studied much of the tactics used against these raiders.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Forbidden Lore (Drukhari Tactics)

Achilus Crusade: The Achilus Crusade was a great endeavour by the Imperium
to take back several lost worlds, and the Death Spectres contributed to it. This
character has been trained to join this crusade one day.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Macharian Crusade: Known in Imperial history as one of the greatest

offensives of all times, the Death Spectres have had the honour of participating
in it. This character has been taught by decorated veterans of this crusade.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Command

Lazar Blockage: The Death Spectres and the Necrons have clashed multiple
times as more and more Tomb worlds awaken, with the most famous being
4 conflict against Orikan the Diviner. This character was taught by survivors of that
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Throne of Glass: The Chapter Master of the Death Spectres, when elevated,
has the incredibly duty of sacrificing their life force on the so-called “Throne of
5 Glass” to bolster the entire Chapter’s combat ability. This character is one of the
few aware of this ultimate sacrifice of their leader.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Deceive
Homeworld: Numina (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Stealth, Survival
Starting Talents: Step Aside, Leap Up
Snake Eater: If this character is the Squad Leader, then the squad may chose to conceal their
armour’s colours to inflict a -20 Perception penalty to all tests made to see the squad. If this
character is not the Squad Leader, this character gains a +20 Modifier to all Survival tests.
Background Aptitude: Leadership or Fieldcraft

Raptors Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Raptors background.
Roll Raptors Unique Pasts

Egammonon Revolt: The Raptors have participated in the Sulsalid Campaign,

notably in the quelling of rebellious forces at Egammonon. This character was
trained by a veteran of that event.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Sancta Angelis Campaign: Whilst completely isolated from friendly

reinforcements, a battle-group of Raptors managed to survive, find, and hunt
2 down an Ork Warboss. This character has reverently studied the many tactics
used in this guerilla warfare.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Forbidden Lore (Ork Tactics)

Taros Campaign: Assigned as the rearguard to a withdrawing Imperial force,

the Raptors bravely held out against the Tau until all allied units had left before
3 retreating themselves. This character was taught by veterans of that rearguard
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tau)

History of Destruction: Again and again, the Raptors have been pushed to the
edge of destruction, but they return each time with a clearer understanding of
4 both the horror and necessities that war has. This character has been trained to
adapt and survive at all costs, regardless of protocol or honour.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Survival

Vehicular Adaptation: When vehicles must be deployed onto the battlefields,

the Raptors ensure that they are made for survival in mind as opposed to a
5 brute show of force. This character is trained to pilot such vehicles in the event
that they must pilot in the heat of battle.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)
Jaghatai Khan: The Khan
Jaghatai Khan, Primarch of the White Scars, was raised in a very intensive warrior culture that
saw bloodshed as a commonplace thing. He was amongst the more battle-hungry Primarchs,
rivalling Leman Russ in terms of ferocity and attitude towards fights. He disappeared shortly
after the Horus Heresy whilst pursuing the Dark Eldar. Some speculate that he is trapped inside
their Webway, constantly fighting for his way back into the Imperium.

All Astartes descended from Khan suffer the Primarch’s Curse Chogorian Savagery.
White Scars
Homeworld: Quan Zhou (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Operate (Surface), Tech-Use
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Hatred (Dark Eldar)
The Horde: If this character is the Squad Leader, this character may spend a Fate point to
consult with warrior spirits of their world for a clue in which direction to go (This may be treated
as the Keen Intuition talent). If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character may
attempt a Challenging (+0) Operate (Surface) test to immediately turn a piloted vehicle 180
degrees around.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

White Scars Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the White Scars background.
Roll White Scars Unique Pasts

The Long Scars: The White Scars have the tradition of creating scars on their
body as part of their Chapter’s tradition, hailing all the way back to Jaghatai
Khan. This character takes pride in such scars.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Command

Sabbat World Crusade: The Sabbat Worlds Crusade was an endeavour by the
Imperium to reclaim the worlds touched by the holy Saint Sabbat when she
walked the galaxy, and the White Scars were participants in it. This character
has studied the works of the Saint Sabbat with a fascination of this particular
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Necron Vengeance: Encounters with the Necrons have usually yielded poorly
in the favour of the White Scars over the years, leaving a sour and rage-filled
3 attitude towards them. This character has been taught by a veteran of such
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Fastest in Space: Assault bikes are the favoured vehicle of the Chapter on land
as they are the fastest, but in the void, the White Scars adapted to using fighter
4 craft instead to remain the fastest. This character has been trained to fly such
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Stellar)

War for Armageddon: The White Scars were a participant in the great War for
Armageddon against Orks. This character was tutored by a veteran of this
massive conflict.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)
Dark Hunters
Homeworld: Phobian (Death)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Hatred (Chaos), Marksman
Machine Rage: If this character is the Squad Leader, all weapons by the squad do a bonus
2d10 damage against vehicles. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character’s pistol
weapons gain the Melta weapon quality against vehicles of Chaos (If the weapon already has
the Melta quality, the weapon deals double damage against vehicles).
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Dark Hunters Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Dark Hunters background.
Roll Dark Hunters Unique Pasts

Dellrond Campaign: For five long years, a single company of the Dark Hunters
held out against an Ork WAAGH on the planet of Dellrond. This character has
been taught the anti-Greenskin tactics utilized by the Chapter’s heroes.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Forbidden Lore (Ork Tactics)

Assault of Petk: A Dark Hunters assault on the Tomb World of Petk

mysteriously disappeared shortly after it was initiated, with none know the final
2 fate of their battle-brothers. This character has sworn an oath of vengeance
against the Necrons for such a horrid fate.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Lonal Ambush: The Dark Hunters provided the solid distraction that was
needed for their allied Space Marines to perform a deadly strike against Hive
3 Fleet Leviathan. This character was trained by veterans of this momentous
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Death Cult: While the entire Chapter’s demeanour is usually grim, some Battle
Brothers take a more fatalistic approach to where they eagerly await death. This
character is one such individual.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Resistance (Psychic)

Shadow of the Machine: Born from a momentous event in which they faced
down several Chaos Titans, the Dark Hunters have a very deep mistrust of any
5 machine. This character takes it a step further, learning how to break into
machines and shut them down forcefully.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Security
Mantis Warriors
Homeworld: Fleet-Based Chapter
Starting Skills: Charm, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Coordination Interrogation, Step Aside
Honorable Repentance: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains +10 bonus to
social interactions with Imperial Citizens. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character
may reroll damage die results of one (1) against all infantry enemies.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Social

Mantis Warriors Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Mantis Warriors background.
Roll Mantis Warriors Unique Pasts

Revelation of Badab: The Mantis Warriors are infamously known for the poor
judgement that led them to siding against the Imperium in the Badab War,
1 unaware that those they defended worshipped Chaos. This character has sworn
an oath of vengeance against those who would puppet their Battle-Brothers.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Fleet Repentance: To atone for their mistakes, the Mantis Warriors willingly
committed themselves into a Penitent Crusade in which they must traverse the
2 galaxy at large with their fleet, meaning that maintaining it is a crucial aspect
now. This character has been trained to help in this regard.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Redemption of Herodian IV: The Penitent Crusade of the Mantis Warriors

came to an end when they rushed to the besieged world of Herodian IV and
evacuated its civilian population before the Tyranids could overwhelm the
planet. This character was trained by a veteran of that crucial effort that saw the
Chapter restored to glory.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Shadow Hunter: The Mantis Warriors were tricked into fighting their fellow
Adeptus Astartes by those who deceived them and lied about their
helplessness, placing shame upon the Chapter that could never be truly washed
away. This character has studied and trained themselves to never allow such
travesty to occur again.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Fair Judgement: Following the final battle of the Badab War, the Mantis
Warriors were placed on trial by their fellow Adeptus Astartes who delivered a
5 fair verdict. This character is forever grateful for such justice, studying the many
records of that fateful judgement.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Scholastic Lore (Judgement)
Storm Lords
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Charm, Operate (Surface)
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Hatred (Orks)
Horsemen Riders: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains a +30 to all Operate
(Surface) tests on Assault Bikes and Land Speeders. If this character is not the Squad Leader,
this character may move their operated vehicle at twice tactical speed.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Tech

Storm Lords Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Storm Lords background.
Roll Storm Lords Unique Pasts

Blackfist Scalping: On the world of Lycelle, the Storm Lords competed with
fellow Chapters in a friendly rivalry to claim the most Greenskin kills. This
1 character was trained to maintain such low-key rivalry in all instances when with
their Battle-Brothers.
Starting Modifiers: Strength +10 and Intimidate

The Witching Moon: The Storm Lords came with fellow Adeptus Astartes
Chapters to purge a corrupted Forge World of the taint of Chaos, putting all
2 populace to the blade as an eclipse rose overhead. This character was taught
by veterans of this event.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Chaos)

Third War for Armageddon: The Ork menace of Armageddon saw many
Space Marine Chapters come together to face the threat, and the Storm Lords
3 were once such Chapter. This character was trained by veterans of this
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Command

First Blood: The Storm Lords have long prided themselves on the capability of
striking first before any ally, ensuring that the first blood spilled on the battlefield
4 is theirs. This character fiercely believes in that mandate and has a personal
goal to spill blood first in every battle.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Athletics

Rynn’s World: When Rynn’s World came under siege from the Orks, the Storm
Lords were among those who responded to the call for aid from the Crimson
5 Fists and deployed their forces there. This character was trained by those who
stood side-by-side with the famous Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Crimson Fists)
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Awareness, Parry
Starting Talents: Hip Shooting, Keen Intuition
Plunder and Loot: If this character is the Squad Leader, following a battle, all Acquisition tests
by the squad gain a +20 Modifier though the item quality is downgraded appropriately. If this
character is not the Squad Leader, this character may gain additional ammunition for a single
weapon following every battle at the GM’s digression.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Marauders Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Marauders background.
Roll Marauders Unique Pasts

Ferax Hive: When a cult of cannibals and mutants arose on Ferax Hive, the
Marauders were there to beat them back and smash the rebellion. This
character has been trained by veterans of this battle.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Mutants)

Orphean War: Necrons took over the Orphean Sector, despite the best effects
of the Marauders and other Chapters, leaving the High Lords of Terra with no
2 other choice but to declare it forever lost. This character has been taught by the
few veterans of that disastrous event.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Diata Purge: The Chapter Master himself of the Marauders led a direct attack
against Chaos Space Marines to claim a great victory over the traitors. This
character was trained by those who fought in this glorious victory.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Chaos)

Zypher Campaign: The Orks had a hold of sub-sector Zypher for too long; it fell
to the Marauders and other allied Space Marine Chapters to conquer the sector
4 back from the Greenskin. This character was trained by veterans of this
triumphant campaign.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Mantis Predecessors: The Marauders provided the geneseed that would

eventually become the Mantis Warriors, meaning that the two Chapters are
5 closer than one believes. This character has spent time with their descendant
Chapter in an effort to learn their ways.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Intimidate
Homeworld: Dabenlar III (Imperial)
Starting Skills: Charm, Command
Starting Talents: Clues from the Crowd, Nowhere to Hide
Strength in Scars: If this character is the Squad Leader, if this character lose half their
maximum wound count then the entire party gains a +20 Modifier to all Attack actions (This
bonus is lost if they restore their wound count to above half). If this character is not the Squad
Leader, this character gain a +10 Modifier to all Charm tests.
Background Aptitude: Leadership or Social

Rampagers Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Rampagers background.
Roll Rampagers Unique Pasts

Dabenlar III: The Rampagers gained their homeworld by crushing a rebellion

against the Imperium on it, following it with a purge to ensure that only the loyal
1 remained. This character has extensively studied the records of the tactics used
to subdue the people.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Intimidate

The Ghost War: Known more commonly as the 7th Black Crusade, the
Rampagers took part in the effort to track down the rogue Chaos forces when
2 they broke past Cadia’s blockade. This character has studied much about this
event’s strange order of battle.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Defence of Mackan: When the Blood Angels attacked a contingent of the Black
Legion, the Rampagers went for to reinforce their attack to ensure that no traitor
3 lived that day. This character has been inspired by the event to maintain cordial
relations with their cousin Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Blood Angels)

Feast of Allies: The Rampagers have many feasts to commemorate victories,

and it would be remiss to not invite fellow Chapters to participate if appropriate.
This character has made several friends with these celebrations.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Peer (Adeptus Astartes)

Scar Carver: To be chosen for the ceremonial scar carving within the
Rampagers is an honour, but one must also be chosen to carve the scars into
5 their Battle-Brother as well, which is no small task. This character has previously
been chosen to mar the face of their Battle-Brothers to signify their rank.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Trade (Scrimshawer)
Vulkan: The Forge
The Primarch Vulkan shared had passion for labouring on one’s equipment, and he spent
almost all free time working at the forge. He was known for being the most approachable of all
Primarchs, with a jovial tone to all who are friends of the Imperium, but do not mistake this
amiable attitude as a weakness as he is more than willing to take up a Thunder Hammer and
stop onto the battlefield. Vulkan mysteriously disappeared fighting the great Ork threat known as
“The Beast” and he has never been seen since. It is believed widely among the Salamanders
that if they were to hunt down the Artefacts of Vulkan, lost relics made by their great Primarch,
then Vulkan shall return to them.

All Astartes descended from Vulkan suffer the Primarch’s Curse Unyielding.
Homeworld: Nocturne (Death)
Starting Skills: Tech-Use, Trade (Armourer)
Starting Talents: Armour Monger, Contact Network
Forged in Fire: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad’s weapons lose any Unreliable
or Unbalanced quality. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they are immune to the effects
of Fire including damage from Flame weapons.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Tech-Use

Salamanders Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Salamanders background.
Roll Salamanders Unique Pasts

Rites of Fire: The Salamanders’ culture heavily revolves many rituals regarding
fire as their homeworld Nocturne is engulfed in volcanoes. This character has
taken part in many of them, burning into their hands the symbols of the Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Intimidate

Artefact Hunters: The Artefacts of Vulkan are the most sought out relics of the
Salamanders, and it is only through riddles and guesswork they are able to
2 recover them after much struggle. This character is taught much of the legends
regarding these relics.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Scrutiny

Thieving Necrons: Such is the quality of the craftsmanship of the Salamanders

that a certain Necron Overlord has expressed interest in “acquiring” some of
3 Vulkan’s relics. This character has been trained to be aware of this potential
theft and react appropriately.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Defence of Nocturne: Nocturne, the homeworld of the Salamanders, has come

under assault by Chaos Space Marines in recent times. This character was but
an Initiate of the Chapter when they witnessed this event.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

The War for Armageddon: The great Ork incursions of Armageddon have
caused such a ripple amongst all the Imperium that several Space Marine
5 Chapters sent members to fight in it. This character was taught by a veteran of
that ancient war.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)
The Lost Sons and Secretive Chapters
Following the Horus Heresy, all traitor legions fled into the Eye of Terror or disappeared into the
galaxy at large, unable to ever be a complete threat again due to the chaotic nature and
fragmentation they all suffered. However, there are some within the traitor legions who
remained loyal to the Emperor despite the efforts of their traitorous Battle-Brothers. Many have
been killed off on the eve of the Heresy, but some survive and brought themselves- and most
importantly, their pure geneseed- back to Holy Terra for judgement and assignment.
Also, some chapters noted here were from loyalists Primarchs, however, their history is
shrouded in mystery and nobody really confirmed their geneseed. We can only suspect all of
this and ascribe certain Primarch Curse to each of them.
Angels of Vigilance
Homeworld: Pervigilium (Fortress)
Starting Skills: Awareness, Parry
Starting Talents: Clues from the Crowd, Hatred (Chaos)
Warp Watch: If this character is the Squad Leader, members of the squad may spend a Fate
point to auto-pass an Awareness test by this character’s Perception Bonus. If this character is
not the Squad Leader, he gains a Ballistic Skill +10 Modifier to all Overwatch shots.
Background Aptitude: Defence or Fieldcraft

Angels of Vigilance Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Angels of Vigilance background.
Roll Angels of Vigilance Unique Pasts

Third War for Armageddon: One of the great Imperial-Ork conflicts of all time,
the Angels of Vigilance in a rare deployment fought against the Orks with others.
This character has been taught by a veteran of the event.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

13th Black Crusade: When Cadia was under attack from the forces of Chaos,
the Angles of Vigilance fulfilled their ancient purpose and deployed to defend the
2 planet from Abaddon. This character was schooled in the ways of defending this
vital planet.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)

Limited Deployment: The Angels of Vigilance believe that if they must deploy,
they should always leave companies behind to continue the eternal watch even
3 if against orders. This character has always been in one of those companies left
behind to defend until recently.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Command

Pre-emptive Strike: When forces of Chaos look to muster to strike from the Eye
of Terror, the Angels of Vigilance gather together companies to march directly
4 into it and strike the enemy first. This character has been taught by veterans of
such experience of surviving in the Eye of Terror.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

Fleet Engagement: To be able to effectively counter all threats emerging from

the Eye of Terror, the Angels of Vigilance must also cover fleet-based
5 disciplines. This character is one of those within the Chapter trained in the art of
fleet warfare should this need arise.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)
Black Dragons
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Unyielding.
Homeworld: Fleet-based Chapter
Starting Skills: Dodge, Parry
Starting Talents: Assassin Strike, Hatred (Mutants)
Just Another Wound in His Service: If this character is the Squad Leader, then any member
of the squad with mutations gains Weapon Skill +10. If this character is not the Squad Leader,
this character may choose to undergo mutation instead of being immune.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Black Dragons Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Black Dragons background.
Roll Black Dragons Unique Pasts

Cursed Founding: The Black Dragons are part of the 36th Millennium's
Founding, which is ominously known as the “Cursed Founding.” This character
1 has studied the many circumstances that has led to this highly worrying
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Forbidden Law (Adeptus Astartes)

Death of Antagonis: The world of Antagonis was subjected to Exterminatus

when the Black Dragons failed to save it, barely able to evacuate before Imperial
2 warships scorched the planet. This character was taught by veterans of the
shameful event.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Cleansing of Cable: When confronting heretics on Cable, the intimidating

figures of the Black Dragons was so terrifying that the enemy opted to commit
3 suicide as opposed to fight them. This character has studied the events leading
up to the event so as to master such frightening tactics.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Intimidate

Third War of Armageddon: As is common among many Space Marine

Chapters, the Black Dragons took part in the war against Greenskins on
Armageddon. This character was taught by veterans of the war.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Controlled Mutations: As they tend to mutate unnaturally, the Black Dragons

must keep a careful eye on their geneseed and their bodies, lest they fall to the
5 corruption of Chaos. This character was instructed to keep this delicate balance
between mutations.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Medicae
Blood Ravens
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Hunger for Knowledge.
Homeworld: Omnis Arcanum (Fleet-Based Chapter)
Starting Skills: Inquiry, Psyscience
Starting Talents: Clues from the Crowd, Keen Intuition
Collectors of Truth: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains the Psyscience skill
at the Trained level (if this skill is already Trained or better, then they gain a +20 Modifier to
using the skill). If this character is not the Squad Leader, he gains +20 bonus Acquisition Near
Unique and Unique items.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Fieldcraft

Blood Ravens Unique Pasts

The following pasts may be taken only by characters with the Blood Ravens background.
Roll Blood Ravens Unique Pasts

Liberation of Aurelia: Best on all sides by traitors and xenos, the Blood Ravens had to
fight through a gauntlet of battlefields before finally confronting the Daemon Prince that
was once their Chapter Librarian, saving the entire sector in the process. This character
1 was one of those who bore witness to this extraordinary effort during their time as an
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Gain 1 Fate point

13th Black Crusade: As Abaddon led his host of destruction and chaos towards Cadia,
the Blood Ravens heeded to call and deployed troops in an effort to stop the Warmaster
2 from entering into Imperial space. This character was trained by a veteran of this
legendary effort.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Targa Campaign: The Blood Ravens mounted a solo campaign against the Tau to
conquer several worlds back from them, and it was fairly successful with little major
3 defeat. This character was trained by those who participated in this glorious effort.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Tartarus Campaign: When the world of Tartarus came under attack by an Ork
WAAGH, the Blood Ravens were obliged to deploy their Battle-Brothers in an effort to
4 keep the world from falling. This character was taught by a veteran of this early conflict.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Judgement of Carrion: This particular Space Hulk has haunted the Blood Ravens
within the Aurelia sector, appearing and disappearing in times of highest duress to the
5 Chapter. This character was taught by one of the few brave enough to step forth on this
ancient vessel and survive.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Survival
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Lure of the Shadows.
Homeworld: Fleet-based Chapter
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Parry
Starting Talents: Coordinated Interrogation, Takedown
Silence is All: If this character is the Squad Leader, then the squad gains the Intimidate skill at
Known level and if they already have it, gain a +10 bonus. If this character is not the Squad
Leader, this character may auto-pass Command tests by their Agility Bonus.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Carcharodons Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Carcharodons background.
Roll Carcharodons Unique Pasts

Badab War: The single largest known rebellion of disloyal Imperial citizens, this
event has caused much disruption and it is only with the participation of the
1 Carcharodons Astra was it eventually quelled. This character was schooled in
the art of suppressing such heretical rebels.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Explorator Aid: Let it be known that the Adeptus Mechanicus never forget an
ally, as one of their Explorator fleets was saved by the timely arrival of the
2 Carcharodons Astra. This character was given the opportunity to learn from
Techpriests saved by their Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Tech-Use

7th Black Crusade: Fighting alongside their Blood Angels cousins, the
Carcharodons Astra drove back Abaddon once again in a tide of chainteeth and
3 blood. This character has been inspired to see the Blood Angels as brother-in-
arms due to this event.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Peer (Blood Angels)

Angevin Crusade: In the midst of the Angevin Crusade, the Carcharodons

Astra appeared to aid a crashed Imperial crew from being wiped out by the Dark
Eldar. This character has studied anti-raider tactics to continue this legacy.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Forbidden Lore (Drukhari Tactics)

Lost Sons: The Carcharodons Astra have long been hidden from most Imperial
records, with few even remotely able to realize they are a Raven Guard
5 successor Chapter. This character is trained to maintain that a level of secrecy
even with others.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Deceive
Deathwatch (Black Shield)
Choose the Primarch’s Curse based on the Original Chapter.
Homeworld: Watch Fortress where he taken up the black
Starting Skills: Deceive, Forbidden Lore (Xenos - Any One)
Starting Talents: Xenosavant, Keen Intuition
Taken the Black: If this character is the Squad Leader, then the squad increases their damage
to Xenos by 2. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character gains a +10 bonus to
relevant test used to track, find and search for Xenos.
Background Aptitude: Knowledge or Fieldcraft

Deathwatch Unique Pasts

The character with the Deathwatch background chooses one Unique Past from his Original
Chapter or Universal Past.
Legion of the Damned
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse The Pride of Ultramar.
Homeworld: Cousteau XI (Destroyed Feudal) (Suspected Fire Hawks)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Survival
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Whirlwind of Death
From Beyond: If this character is the Squad Leader, the character gains Fear (2) but suffers
the Warp Instability trait. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they gain the Baneful
Presence (2), From Beyond, and Warp Weapon traits.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Offence

Legion of the Damned Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Legion of the Damned
Roll Legion of the Damned Unique Pasts

Indomitus Rearguard: Closing in on Terra, Guilliman’s force was pursued by the forces
of Chaos within the Warp with little chance of escape until the Legion of the Damned
1 appeared to buy the Primarch’s force enough time to complete his journey. This
character participated in the rearguard.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Gain 1 Fate Point.

Rescue of Andraxas: As the Ultramarines tried to fight waves upon waves of Orks, they
soon found themselves overwhelmed and it was only through the appearance of the
2 Legion of the Damned that saved the battle for Imperial Forces. This character was one
of those who saved the Ultramarines against the Greenskins.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Counter-Attack of Thersuis: When the Dark Eldar clashed with the Black Templars,
the Legion of the Damned appeared from the Warp to turn the tide of battle and deliver a
3 glorious Imperial victory that day. This character was one of those who fought at this
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Dark Eldar)

Razing of Idharae: The Craftworld Idharae was discovered by Imperial forces and was
immediately invaded upon, with the Legion of the Damned appearing to aid in the
4 destruction of this Eldar world. This character helped put to the torch the Eldar
population of the Craftworld.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Eldar)

Timeaon Deliverance: As the Tau ambushed Space Marines on the world of Timeaon,
the xeno then in turn were ambushed by the arrival of the Legion of the Damned. This
5 character was one of those who came to rescue their cousins from doom.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tau)
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis), Scrutiny
Starting Talents: Keen Intuition, Technical Knock
Flexible Teacher: If this character is the Squad Leader, members of the squad have their role
ability replaced with that of this character’s role ability. If this character is not the Squad Leader,
this character may replace their role solo ability with that of another role at the beginning of
every session.
Background Aptitude: Fieldcraft or Knowledge

Mentors Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Mentors background.
Roll Mentors Unique Pasts

Fall of Invilous: A simple boast by a planetary governor lead to the fall of an

entire Imperial planet to the forces of Chaos, despite the efforts of the Mentors.
This character has vowed to avenge this horrible defeat.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Biel-Tan Rivalry: The Mentors have often clashed with the Eldar hailing from
the Craftworld of Biel-Tan, leading them to become very well versed in anti-Eldar
2 strategies. This character has already acquired extensive experience from their
instructors on anti-Eldar tactics.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Forbidden Lore (Aeldari Tactics)

Charadon System: The Orks currently control the Charadon System but are
right now being fiercely contested by the Mentors alongside other Imperial
forces. This character was taught by a veteran of this ongoing war.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Lost Geneseed: Lately the Mentor’s geneseed has become precariously low,
resulting in the Chapter having to be far more careful with whatever supply they
4 currently have. This character has been trained to keep the geneseed of their
Battle-Brothers as safe as possible.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Medicae

Destruction of Gorszt: Vile Necron forces invaded the planet of Gorszt and
annihilated all Mentor forces upon the planet, leaving a mark of great shame
5 upon the Chapter. This character has taken this incident to heart and has
extensively studied anti-Necron tactics as a result.
Starting Modifiers: Strength +10 and Forbidden Lore (Necron Tactics)
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Slighted Realism.
Homeworld: Daedelos Krata (Fleet-Based Chapter)
Starting Skills: Deceive, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Takedown
Independent Command: If this character is the Squad Leader, the squad gains the Deceive
skill at the Trained level (if it is already Trained or better, then they get a +10 Deceive Modifier).
If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character gains Command at the Trained level (if it
is already there, then they get a +10 Command Modifier)
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Social

Minotaurs Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Minotaurs background.
Roll Minotaurs Unique Pasts

Rynn’s World: When Rynn’s World came under threat from the Ork threat, the
Minotaurs immediately deployed to help defend against the invasion. This character was
1 trained by those who took part in this desperate defence.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Badab War: One of the most controversial conflicts in the Imperium, the Minotarus took
part on the side of the Imperium. This character has attempted to study the events
2 around the incident in an effort to discover the truth of the rebellion.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Inquiry

Cursed Founding: The Minotaurs were ominously part of the Cursed Founding, leaving
many to worry about the Chapter’s future, turning to any and all forms of fortune-telling
3 to determine the fate of the Minotaurs. This character is one of the few within the
Chapter to have specialized in the habit of fortune telling.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Trade (Soothsayer)

Hunting Traitors: The High Lords of Terra find it difficult to order Space Marine
Chapters to hunt down renegade and traitorous Chapters, but the Minotaurs harbour no
4 such regret and are thus often tasked to this dirty deed. This character was trained by
several who have killed renegade Space Marines.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Survival

Stuck in the Warp: For the longest of time, the Minotaur’s massive fleet was stuck in
Warp transit as many believed the Chapter to have been lost forever before its
5 reappearance into real space. This character was taught by those who were once stuck
within how vital their voidship were to ensuring their own survival.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)
Red Scorpions
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Flawed Perfection.
Homeworld: Zaebus Minoris (Feral)
Starting Skills: Interrogation, Scrutiny
Starting Talents: Clues from the Crowd, Nowhere to Hide
Purity of the Soul: If this character is the Squad Leader, all squad members gain a +5 Modifier
to all actions until Corruption/Insanity is gained for the first time by any character that session. If
this character is not the Squad Leader, this character may reduce all Corruption/Insanity gain by
1d10 to a minimum of zero.
Background Aptitude: Defence or Social

Red Scorpions Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Red Scorpions background.
Roll Red Scorpions Unique Pasts

2nd Tyrannic War: As Hive Fleet Kraken moved into Imperial space, the Red
Scorpions participated in engaging and hindering its movements. This character
was taught by veterans of those who fought against the xeno foe.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Tyranids)

Third War for Armageddon: The war on Armageddon against the Greenskin
encompassed many Space Marine Chapters, with the Red Scorpions joining in
the effort. This character was trained by veterans of the battles.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Deathwatch Preferred: The extreme ideals of purity and xenophobia found

within the beliefs of the Red Scorpions make them an ideal member of
Deathwatch, for hatred of the xeno is perhaps the most powerful weapon the
organization employs. This character has been scouted and is hoped to join
Deathwatch one day.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Peer (Deathwatch)

Galen V: On the rebellious world of Galen V, the Red Scorpions utilized their
war machines to break the weak-willed enemy as massive treads trampled all in
4 their path. This character has studied the art of vehicle operation so as to
hopefully reproduce such effective results one day.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Surface)

Crucible of Endikon IX: Eldar Corsairs descended upon Endikon IX, leaving
the Red Scorpions with little other response besides rapid and immediate
5 deployment to protect the populace from the alien raiders. This character was
trained by veterans of those who fought against the elusive Eldar.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Eldar)
Silver Skulls
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Slighted Realism.
Homeworld: Varsavia (Death)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Trade (Soothsayer)
Starting Talents: Crushing Blow, Takedown
Head-Collector: If this character is the Squad Leader, all melee attacks made by the squad, if
they were to hit the body, hit the head instead. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this
character deals a bonus 1d10 damage to melee attacks against the enemy’s head.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Silver Skulls Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Silver Skulls background.
Roll Silver Skulls Unique Pasts

Battle of Lazar: A mysterious Necron Overlord arrived to turn the tide of the
battle on the world of Lazar, leading to a grievous Imperial defeat. This character
has sworn vengeance on the Necrons for their fallen Battle-Brothers that day.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Necrons)

Zeist Campaign: Called for by the Ultramarines, the Silver Skulls eagerly
heeded to call to march against the Tau expansions and retake fallen Imperial
worlds. This character was trained by veterans of this campaign.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Tau)

Third War for Armageddon: The Silver Skulls were not found wanting when
they deployed their troops to participate in one of the greatest Imperial-Ork
3 conflicts of all time. This character was taught by those who fought against the
Greenskins during this conflict.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Expedition to Beta-Garmon IV: The world of Beta-Garmon IV was a bloody but

necessary undertaking for a Rogue Trader, and it is said that the Silver Skulls’
aid to the Rogue Trader was never forgotten. This character has since then
maintained cordial and friendly relations with the Rogue Traders operating in the
grey areas of the Imperium.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Rogue Trader)

Gildar Rift: The Silver Skulls have fought many Chaos warbands over the
years, but none was more threatening than that of the Red Corsairs, where a
planetary invasion following a grand naval engagement was necessary to
destroy the heretical threat. This character was trained by a veteran of such a
great engagement.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Hatred (Heretics)
Soul Drinkers
Homeworld: Brokenback (Fleet-based Chapter, unknown preference)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Survival
Starting Talents: Combat Master, Takedown
Brothers in Death: If this character is the Squad Leader, then all squad members gain the
Combat Master talent. If the party member already has this talent, then they gain one (1) AP to
all body locations instead. If this character is not the Squad leader, then he gains the Never Die
Background Aptitude: Defence or Finesse

Soul Drinkers Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Soul Drinkers background.
Roll Soul Drinkers Unique Pasts

Terran Crusades: The Soul Drinkers were among the most active during the
Age of Apostasy, where they fought against several Eldar foes. This character
has studied the tactics used by the Chapter at the time.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Forbidden Lore (Aeldari Tactics)

Honour Duels: Amongst the Chapter’s traditions is the idea that duels would be
fought between Brothers for the sake of honour. This character has participated
in some honour duels themselves and excelled at them.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Parry

Necron Raiders: When their voidship was almost out of energy entirely, the
Soul Drinkers descended down and fought Necron forces so as to rescue the
3 human populace and be rewarded with fuel. This character has studied several
of the tactics utilized by the Soul Drinkers against the Necron menace.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Forbidden Lore (Necron Tactics)

Invasion of Phalanx: The Soul Drinkers broke free from their imprisonment only
to find their prison, the Phalanx, under daemonic siege, and they unhesitatingly
4 volunteered to fight the creatures of the Warp on the front lines. This character
was taught by a veteran of the heroic last stand of their Chapter.
Starting Modifiers: Willpower +10 and Hatred (Daemons)

True Brothers: Despite all the bad blood between them, the Imperial Fists
honoured the Soul Drinkers’ last stand by inscribing the names of both Chapter’s
5 fallen together on a wall in Phalanx. This character is inspired by such fellowship
that both Chapters showed in the face of death.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Imperial Fists)
Storm Giants
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Unyielding.
Homeworld: Fleet-based Chapter
Starting Skills: Navigate (Stellar), Operate (Void)
Starting Talents: Hotshot Pilot, Weapon Tech
Rapid Engagement: If this character is the Squad Leader, the entire party may use this
character’s Movement stat instead of their own. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this
character may Disengage from melee with a Full Move instead of a Half Move.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Defence

Storm Giants Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Storm Giants background.
Roll Storm Giants Unique Pasts

Second Purging of Lastrati: A simple rebellion on the world of Laatrati turned

into a serious Chaos incursion that the Storm Giants had to quell. This character
1 has studied this event extensively so as to maintain high vigilance against
Chaos cults.
Starting Modifiers: Perception +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Third War for Armageddon: One of the greatest Ork threats of all time, many
Space Marine Chapters participated in the event and the Storm Giants were
among them. This character was trained by a veteran of this war.
Starting Modifiers: Toughness +10 and Hatred (Orks)

Equal Brothers-In-Arms: The Storm Giants believe firmly that those who stand
with them, regardless of status, are peers without question in their eyes. This
3 character has trained with the Imperial Guard at times and have learned their
easygoing customs.
Starting Modifiers: Fellowship +10 and Peer (Imperial Guard)

The Emperor is a Man: Amongst the Storm Giants, there is an underlying belief
that their great leader of the Imperium is simply the pinnacle of mankind as
4 opposed to a God. This character has poured much time into studying this in
trying to figure out the truth behind this.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Scrutiny

Deep Strike Expertise: A favoured tactic utilized by the Storm Giants if they
must fight on the ground is to deep-striking deep into crucial enemy locations to
5 end the fight quickly. This character has been trained to use this tactic efficiently
and quickly.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Navigate (Surface)
Storm Wardens
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Glory in Faith.
Homeworld: Sacris (Feudal)
Starting Skills: Parry, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Starting Talents: Counter-Attack, Step Aside
Honour in Service: If this character is the Squad Leader, this character may chose to give their
Reaction action to another squad member. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this
character replenishes a Fate point following combat in which they have killed a Master-level foe
in melee.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Leadership

Storm Wardens Unique Pasts

The following pasts may only be taken by characters with the Storm Wardens background.
Roll Storm Wardens Unique Pasts

Battle of Port Mad Dog: When the Storm Wardens found themselves having to to dock
at a pirate port for resupply, they rushed and took hostage the leader of the pirates to
1 ensure their safety until the resupply was complete. This character has been trained by
those who used such intimidation tactics to ensure their safety.
Starting Modifiers: Strength +10 and Intimidate

Traversing Hadex: As their Strike Cruiser was boarded by enemy forces, the Storm
Wardens fought valiantly while navigating a dangerous anomaly to shake off more
2 enemy reinforcements. This character was taught by veterans who owe their lives to the
skilled navigation of the voidship’s crew.
Starting Modifiers: Agility +10 and Operate (Voidship)

Adeptus Mechanicus Ties: The Adeptus Mechanicus have a rather close tie to the
Storm Wardens, no doubt in part to the Chapter siding with them against Rogue Trader
3 interests. This character has been taught by Techpriests in gratitude.
Starting Modifiers: Intelligence +10 and Tech-Use

Ambush of the Maw: As Chaos forces drew near to a region known as the Maw, the
Storm Wardens launched forth a devastating ambush that saw many traitors slew that
4 day. This character was trained by veterans of this successful effort.
Starting Modifiers: Ballistic Skill +10 and Hatred (Heretics)

Achilus Crusade: An Imperial effort against the growing Tau Empire, the Storm
Wardens took part in the Crusade to aid the fight. This character was trained by a
5 veteran of this Crusade against the xeno foe.
Starting Modifiers: Weapon Skill +10 and Hatred (Tau)
Sons of War
As Cadia fell at the hand of Abaddon via the 13th Black Crusade, the Imperium seemed closer
than ever to shattering forever. The forces of the Adeptus Astartes were far too spread out thinly
to rally together, not even mentioning the horrendous losses suffered by many Chapters. It
seemed then that the era of the Space Marine was over.

But then, emerging from the laboratories of Archmagos Cawl, came about a new hope: The
Primaris Space Marines. Hundreds of veteran Space Marines soon joined the fight and aided in
pushing back the forces of Chaos. With their presence now made, Space Marines once again
stand proud as new Battle-Brothers join their ranks to solidify humanity’s greatness.

NOTE: Due to the still developing lore on Primaris Chapters, they do not have a unique past roll
and most roll from the universal past table.

Sons of the Phoenix

This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Flawed Perfection.
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Charm, Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy)
Starting Talents: Aura of Command, Peer (Ecclesiarchy)
Reborn Phoenix: If this character is the Squad Leader, all members of the Squad gain the Peer
(Ecclesiarchy) talent. If this character is not the Squad Leader, when this character enters
Critical Wounds they gain a +20 Modifier to all actions until they regain Wounds.
Background Aptitude: Leadership or Social

This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Curse of the Wulfen.
Homeworld: 108/Beta-Kalapus-9.2 (Quarantined)
Starting Skills: Intimidate, Scholastic Lore (Legend)
Starting Talents: Frenzy, Never Die
Making Legends: If this character is the Squad Leader, members of the Squad gain a +10
bonus to all Charge attacks. If this character is not the Squad Leader, this character deals a
bonus 1d10 damage on all Charge attacks.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Social
Necropolis Hawks
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Lure of Shadows.
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Awareness, Security
Starting Talents: Keen Intuition, Step Aside
In the Streets: If this character is the Squad Leader, all Long range attacks against members of
the squad suffer a -10 Modifier. If this character is not the Squad Leader, all Point-Blank attacks
made by this character deal a bonus 1d10 damage.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Offence

Storm Reapers
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse Chogorian Savagery.
Homeworld: Jagun (Feral)
Starting Skills: Athletics, Intimidate
Starting Talents: Hatred (Dark Eldar), Inescapable Shot
Kill and Kill Again: If this character is the Squad Leader, members of the squad may spend
Fate to turn an attack into a Critical Hit (This does not increase the damage from the attack). If
this character is not the Squad Leader, this character may spend Fate to automatically pass a
Ballistic Skill test with a Heavy Weapon by their Ballistic Skill Bonus.
Background Aptitude: Offence or Social

Storm Reapers
This Chapter suffers from the Primarch’s Curse The Secret.
Homeworld: Unknown
Starting Skills: Parry, Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis)
Starting Talents: Aura of Command, Two-Handed Wielder (Pick one Specialization)
Tactical Flow: If this character is the Squad Leader, he increases the number of Squad Ability
uses by 1. If this character is not the Squad Leader, they gain the Counter-Attack talent.
Background Aptitude: Finesse or Leadership
Astartes Potentiality
From this point on, the doc differs from Angel of Death homebrew.
Each Astartes is different. Each comes from a different world, creed and status. Most aren’t
even equal. To show this difference in potential, a new character chooses one Positive Quirk
and one Negative Quirk (specific Quirks overrule this).
Quirks give talents and if the character already has the talent listed, the one after OR is taken.

If you want, you may roll for random quirks. You roll for Positive Quirk first. Unless noted, the
Quirk on the other column is the opposite one and must be rerolled if the first one was gained.
Reroll any duplicates.
Roll Positive Quirk Negative Quirk

Emperor’s Balance Twice-Cursed

1-4 Reroll if Twice-Cursed Roll again for Positive Quirk
Do not roll for Negative Quirks. Roll again for Negative Quirk.

5-8 Born to Lead Second Impressions

9-12 Careful Listener Mind in the Clouds

13-16 Crusader Incarnate Open Minded

17-20 Unstoppable Stoppable

21-24 Frontliner Single Track Mind

25-28 Straight Shooter In Crossfire

29-32 Lifesaver Death’s Door

33-36 Ready to Support Can’t Trust Anyone

37-40 Tech-Knack Technological Ineptitude

41-44 Warp Sensitive Warp Susceptible

45-48 Knowledgeable Curious

49-52 Master Tactician Dependant

53-56 Shining Angel Bloody Reaper

57-60 Primarch’s Strength Primarch’s Hubris

61-64 Die Harder Die Faster

65-68 Saviour in Darkness Unneeded Hero

69-72 Honour Bound Oath Breaker

73-76 Duel Master Glory Hog

77-80 Lord of the Wild Planetary Habit

81-84 Void Dimensional Imagination Lack of Spatial Imagination

85-88 Ghost Moves Show Off

89-92 Steady Aim Shaky Hands

93-96 Deft Touch Fat Fingers

97-100 Machine Spirit Soother Ogryn-Blood

Positive Quirks

Emperor’s Balance
Quirk Talent: Sound Constitution
Quirk Bonus: The character doesn’t gain a Quirk Bonus but at the same time doesn’t gain a
Negative Quirk. The character increases one Characteristic by 5, however, it can’t be the same
from the Chapter Past.

Born to Lead
Quirk Talent: Halo of Command or Inspiring Aura
Quirk Bonus: The character can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed on Command
tests with DoS equal to his Fellowship Bonus.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Second Impressions Quirk.

Careful Listener
Quirk Talent: Constant Vigilance (Perception) or Keen Intuition
Quirk Bonus: Hearing heartbeats, eavesdropping on conversations behind closed doors. This
character gains additional 1d5 DoS to any Awareness tests done to hear fine details.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Mind in the Clouds Quirk.

Crusader Incarnate
Quirk Talent: Hatred (Choose one) or Purity of Hatred (Choose one)
Quirk Bonus: All Hatred Talents give bonus +10 to Ballistic Skill tests and the character gains
Vengeful (9) on melee attacks against those targets.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Open Minded Quirk.

Quirk Talent: Furious Assault or Frenzy
Quirk Bonus: Whenever this character kills an enemy, he can spend a Reaction to make a free
Charge against another opponent.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Stoppable Quirk.

Quirk Talent: Combat Master or Whirlwind of Death
Quirk Bonus: Whenever this character fights in melee, enemies do not get bonuses for Double
Team talent against him.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Single Track Mind Quirk.

Straight Shooter
Quirk Talent: Target Selection or Divine Protection
Quirk Bonus: Whenever this character makes a Ranged Attack against an enemy who is
fighting his ally, the target receives -20 penalty to Dodge this attack.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take In Crossfire Quirk.

Quirk Talent: Superior Surgeon or Field Vivisection (Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill)
Quirk Bonus: This character gains a free reroll to any failed test for First Aid or Extended Care
Medicae Special Ability.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Death’s Door Quirk.

Ready to Support
Quirk Talent: Bodyguard or Shield Wall
Quirk Bonus: Whenever this character assists another, they gain +20 bonus instead of +10
bonus. Also, he gains +10 bonus to Parry, when it’s used by the Bodyguard talent.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Can’t Trust Anyone Quirk.

Quirk Talent: Technical Knock or Weapon-Tech
Quirk Bonus: This character halves times for any technological action, rounded up. Also, he
can unjam one weapon as a Free Action instead of Half Action.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Technological Ineptitude Quirk.

Warp Sensitive
Quirk Talent: Strong Minded or Witch Finder (non Psyker) or Warp Conduit (Psyker)
Quirk Bonus: If the character is a Psyker, he gains +10 bonus to all Focus Power Tests.
Otherwise, he gains +10 bonus to resist any Psychic Power or Warp based effect.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Warp Susceptible Quirk.

Quirk Talent: Infused Knowledge or Archivator
Quirk Bonus: The character gains a +10 bonus to all Lore tests.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Curious Quirk.

Master Tactician
Quirk Talent: Double Team or Mastery (Scholastica (Tactica Imperialis))
Quirk Bonus: If the character is the Squad Leader, he increases the number of Squad Ability
uses by 1. Otherwise, he gains a free use of Regroup Squad Ability for himself only, once per
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Dependant Quirk.

Shining Angel
Quirk Talent: Iron Resolve or Iron Faith
Quirk Bonus: This character gains a +10 bonus to Fellowship when dealing with non-Astartes,
loyal Imperial citizens. He can reroll any Charm or Inquiry test done when dealing with them.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Bloody Reaper Quirk.
Primarch’s Strength
Quirk Talent: Devastating Assault or Crushing Blow
Quirk Bonus: This character increases his Unnatural Strength by 2. Also, when calculating
weight (carry, lift and push) increase the sum by 4 (to a total of 6 with the new increases of
Unnatural Strength).
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Primarch’s Hubris Quirk.

Die Harder
Quirk Talent: Never Die or Hard Target
Quirk Bonus: This character increases his Unnatural Toughness by 4 whenever he has Critical
Damage and less than 5 Wounds left.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Die Faster Quirk.

Saviour in Darkness
Quirk Talent: Instrument of His Will or Sound Constitution
Quirk Bonus: This character gains a +30 bonus to any relevant test made to save a fellow loyal
Astartes and non-Astartes. This can be to a test made to stop a roof from falling upon civilians,
retreating from enemies with a wounded ally on his back and similar “heroic” situations. GM is
the final arbiter.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Unneeded Hero Quirk.

Honour Bound
Quirk Talent: Adamantium Faith or Hardened Soul
Quirk Bonus: Whenever the character takes an Oath, he gains +10 bonus to all relevant tests
pertaining to fulfilling his Oath. Whenever he fails to fulfill the Oath, he gains +10 bonus to the
Willpower test, however, on failure he rolls additional 1d10 Insanity Points.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Oath Breaker Quirk.

Duel Master
Quirk Talent: Blademaster or One-on-One
Quirk Bonus: The character issues a challenge against an enemy. Whenever he fights him one
on one, he gains additional 2 DoS to successful Weapon Skill tests and wins on ties on
Opposed tests against his enemy.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Glory Hog Quirk.

Lord of the Wild

Quirk Talent: Weapon Intuition or Mastery (Navigation (Surface))
Quirk Bonus: The character gains +10 bonus to tests, whenever in a chosen planet
environment (jungle, desert, mountains, frozen wastes, wasteland, etc.). These tests include,
but are not limited to (GM is the final arbiter): Navigation, Survival, Awareness, Toughness,
Stealth, Operate, Acrobatics and Athletics skill tests.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Planetary Habit Quirk.
Void Dimensional Imagination
Quirk Talent: Blind Fighting or Grenadier
Quirk Bonus: Whenever this character makes a Shipboard Action (counting Shooting and
Maneuver Actions), he gains +10 bonus to tests. Also, outside of Voidship Combat, the
character gains +10 bonus to void relevant tests (void walking, breaching bulkheads, etc.).
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Lack of Spatial Imagination Quirk.

Ghost Moves
Quirk Talent: Preternatural Speed or Sprint
Quirk Bonus: This character gains Unnatural Agility (2).
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Slowpoke Quirk.

Steady Aim
Quirk Talent: Precision Killer (Ballistic Skill) or Inescapable Attack (Ballistic Skill)
Quirk Bonus: The character halves the time to use the Aim action for Ranged Attacks. Full
Action Aim becomes Half Action, while a Half Action becomes Free Action.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Shaky Hands Quirk.

Deft Touch
Quirk Talent: Mastery (Demolitions) or Mastery (Sleight of Hand)
Quirk Bonus: The character negates penalties to delicate actions with Power Armour. Also,
gains +10 bonus to Sleight of Hand and Demolitions test.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Fat Fingers Quirk.

Machine Spirit Soother

Quirk Talent: Hotshot Pilot or Mounted Warrior (Ballistic Skill or Weapon Skill)
Quirk Bonus: The character gains a free reroll to all Operate tests.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Ogryn-Blood Quirk.
Negative Quirks

Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character Burns a Fate Point to survive a deadly blow or
situation, he rolls 1d10. On a 9+ roll, he regains the burnt Fate Point. The Emperor still has work
for him. However, on an 1, 2 or 3 result he loses the Fate Point and needs to burn another one -
he doesn't roll another 1d10.
Quirk Notes: The character is “twiced cursed” and must take an additional Negative Quirk but
also an additional Positive Quirk (except for Emperor’s Balance).

Second Impressions
Quirk Penalty: Whenever the Astartes meets anybody new, their Disposition falls by two levels
towards him, as he doesn’t have a good first impression. This change stays for a long time, until
the person gets to know the Astartes.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Born to Lead Quirk.

Mind in the Clouds

Quirk Penalty: The Astartes are made for action, not conversation. Whenever the Astartes
must partake in a long conversation, he might lost track of flow of conversation, bring up
answers to questions asked many minutes ago or be completely not interested in holding the
long conversation.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Careful Listener Quirk.

Open Minded
Quirk Penalty: The Astartes is more susceptible to Xenos and Chaos influences. Whenever he
gains Corruption Points, increase the gain by 1 and increases his Corruption Threshold to 6
from 5. Also, he receives a -10 penalty to all Opposed test trying to convince him, dominate his
mind and similar by Xenos or Chaos characters.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Crusader Incarnate Quirk.

Quirk Penalty: The Astartes is more susceptible to any action made to stop in his tracks. All
tests to resist Snare and Stunned effects are done with a -10 penalty. Enemies gain a +10
bonus to all Takedown and Stun Actions. Also, enemies gain +20 bonus to free attacks,
whenever the Astartes leaves melee without Disengage.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Unstoppable Quirk.

Single Track Mind

Quirk Penalty: When there are too many close enemies, the Astartes tries to track every
movement at the same time and this costs him in performance. Whenever the Astartes is
surrounded by enemies, he receives a penalty to Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill tests equal to -
5 per every opponent above the first to a maximum of -30.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Frontliner Quirk.

In Crossfire
Quirk Penalty: Any Ranged Attack to shoot at targets that this character is in melee which
results in 3 or more Degree of Failure proceeds with the attack hitting this character. Also,
whenever this character makes Ranged Attacks into melee with an ally melee fighting his target
which results in 3 or more Degree of Failure ensues that the attack hits the ally. If there are
more than one ally, roll randomly who gets hit.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Straight Shooter Quirk.

Death’s Door
Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character is inflicted Critical Damage, he increases it by 1, unless
the increase would mean his death. This increase is after True Grit reduction.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Lifesaver Quirk.

Can’t Trust Anyone

Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character fights side by side with anyone whom he doesn’t fully
trust with his life (up to his Perception characteristic in meters), he must reroll any successful
Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill that resulted in doubles as he was distracted with his “allies”
actions. The second test can be rerolled only with Fate Points.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Ready to Support Quirk.

Technological Ineptitude
Quirk Penalty: This character doubles the time needed to perform any technological action.
Also, his jammed weapons double the time needed to unjam them - a Free Action becomes a
Half Action, a Half Action becomes Full Action, while a Full Action takes two Full Actions to
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Tech-Knack Quirk.

Warp Susceptible
Quirk Penalty: Whenever this character is a target of a Psychic Power, the Psyker gains +10
bonus to Focus Power Test. Also, any Warp based effect that would harm the character
increases damage by 1d10 or increases Corruption gain by 1 (not both).
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Warp Sensitive Quirk.

Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character has a chance to learn something new or a secret and
something is stopping him, he must make Challenging (+0) Willpower test. Upon failure, he will
try to do all he can, even using violence, to get past the obstacle to learn this new knowledge.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Knowledgeable Quirk.
Quirk Penalty: The character relies too much on his allies. Whenever in a Squad, the character
can’t use his Solo Abilities, he must leave it.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Master Tactician Quirk.

Bloody Reaper
Quirk Penalty: The character receives -20 penalty to all social interactions with civilians. Also,
military personnel who barely or never interacted with an Astartes. This doesn’t count towards
Intimidate tests.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Shining Angel Quirk.

Primarch’s Hubris
Quirk Penalty: The character can’t stop competing over being the best there is. He chooses
one hubris (marksmanship, strength, speed, tactics and strategy, leadership, etc.). Whenever
somebody does better than him (for example rolls more DoS than the character’s last test on
the same thing), he will try to best him. The GM can order the character to make a Willpower
test in order to leave it be, for now. Also, in “free time”, however small the Astartes has them, he
will try to show others in anyway he can that he is the best there is.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Primarch’s Strength Quirk.

Die Faster
Quirk Penalty: Whenever an enemy scores a Righteous Fury against this characters, he can
choose a Critical Hit between 1 to 5 instead of rolling 1d5. If a mook can’t make a Righteous
Fury, then increase the damage by 1d10.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Die Harder Quirk.

Unneeded Hero
Quirk Penalty: The character must always try to save his comrades or civilians. Whenever he
can’t do so, is prevented or the situation dictates he must abandon them, he must make a
Challenging (+0) Willpower test. Upon failure, he receives -10 penalty to all tests until the end of
the session. Multiple instances do not stack.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Saviour in Darkness Quirk.

Oath Breaker
Quirk Penalty: The character can’t take parts in Oaths. Whether he broke a sacred Oath and
wants to repent, sees them as meaningless or something else. There is no path for redemption
for the character, only glorious death.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Honour Bound Quirk.

Glory Hog
Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character sees an important enemy (Elite or Master level), he
must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test. On failure, he must issue a challenge to the target
for one on one duel. If the target declines or will not fight in one on one, the character can make
another test. However, if he fails again, he receives a -10 penalty to all attacks against the
target. If the target accepted but during combat the character’s allies intervened, he receives -10
penalty for the rest of the session. A target is defeated when he is dead.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Duel Master Quirk.

Planetary Habit
Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character isn’t in his accustomed planetary environment (jungle,
desert, mountains, frozen wastes, wasteland, etc.) while on a planet, he receives -10 penalty to
tests. These tests include, but are not limited to (GM is the final arbiter): Navigation, Survival,
Awareness, Toughness, Stealth, Operate, Acrobatics and Athletics skill tests.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Lord of the Wild Quirk.

Lack of Spatial Imagination

Quirk Penalty: Whenever the Astartes rolls doubles on any successful Navigation skill, he is
forced to reroll the test and take the other result. The second test can be rerolled only with Fate
Points. There’s a chance he might get lost if he is a lone but that is an extreme case.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Void Dimensional Imagination Quirk.

Show Off
Quirk Penalty: The character never misses an opportunity to show off his moves. Whenever it
is to make a fancy move, melee strike or ranged shot (player’s choice). At the start of the
combat, he must make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test. Upon failure, he must show off in that
combat. When he wants to do so, he receives a -30 penalty to his test. If he fails, he will try
again until he succeeds. If the combat ends too fast and he didn’t have a chance to show off, he
will be whine to his comrades or sulk.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Ghost Moves Quirk.

Shaky Hands
Quirk Penalty: The character’s hands always shake, no matter how hard he tries to keep them
still. This can lead to him dropping objects (requiring an Agility test or receiving a penalty). Also,
all Aim actions are done in double time. Half Action Aim is Full Action, while a Full Action needs
2 Full Actions.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Steady Aim Quirk.

Fat Fingers
Quirk Penalty: Whenever out or in a Power Armour, this character has problems with delicate
stuff or even small objects. They break easily in his hands. He receives -20 penalty to relevant
tests when handling delicate or small objects (this is -30 with Power Armour).
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Deft Touch Quirk.

Quirk Penalty: Whenever the character is in small spaces, the Astartes must make a
Challenging (+0) Willpower test. If he fails, his mind goes “blank” (reciting prayers over and over
or thinking about Codex Astartes) and he receives -10 penalty to all non-combat tests. Even, if
the place has windows or is an Open-Topped vehicle.
Quirk Notes: Can’t take Machine Spirit Soother Quirk.
Kill Marine
- Astartes.
Instant Changes:
- The Kill Marine doesn’t gain additional Skills, Talents nor Aptitudes.
- Specializations: The Kill Marine chooses two Specializations from the below list, that he
gains on start. He gains the Scout Specialization for free.
- Specialization Restrictions: The Kill Marine cannot gain Deathwatch, Librarian nor
Techmarine Specialization during the campaign without some serious explanations.
- Specialization Bonuses: At the start of the session, the Kill Marine chooses
Specializations that are active, it means their bonuses (not Talents) are active. He can
have up to his Intelligence Bonus number of active Specializations.
- On his own: The Kill Marine cannot be Inspired, Terrify (Command Skill Special Ability)
nor affected by any similar ability (like Rogue Trader’s Exceptional Leader) by characters
that aren’t from his Chapter (or Deathwatch, if he has the Deathwatch Specialization).
However, he can use Inspire, Terrify and similar abilities on those under him. Also, he
doesn’t need to be in a Space Marine Squad to use certain Squad Abilities.
- Duty Before Death: The Kill Marine can burn Fate Points to survive Critical Damage
death and still fight. Instead of burning a Fate Point to survive his death due to damage,
he can instead burn it to remove all Critical Damage, regain 1d5+1 Wounds and still
stand fighting.
Unlocked Advances
Another Specialization (X) Adapting (X to Y)
Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Special Prerequisite: None.
Aptitudes: - Aptitudes: -
Effect: Whenever the Kill Marine finishes Effect: The Kill Marine must adapt to new
(buys all the Talents) a Specialization, he can situations. When buying this talent, the Kill
buy access to a new one by buying this Marine chooses one Aptitude, that isn’t his
talent. Exception to this rule is Starting Homeworld or Chapter one, and changes it to
Experience. The Kill Marine can spend his a different one. He may only change
starting experience to buy another Characteristic Aptitudes into Characteristic
specialization like for example the Aptitude and non-Characteristic Aptitudes to
Deathwatch specialization. non-Characteristic Aptitudes. He can’t change
to or from the Psyker Aptitude. He can take
this talent as many times as he wants, noting
every time what change was done. It is
important for accurate notes to be taken,
since it can be problematic to calculate how
much and why someone spent on something,
if they change the Aptitudes.

One Astartes Company One Astartes Army

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: At least 1 Oath fulfilled alone Prerequisite: At least 3 Oaths fulfilled alone,
Aptitudes: Strength, Leadership One Astartes Company
Effect: The Kill Marine can use Solo Abilities Aptitudes: Perception, Leadership
four (4) times instead of two (2). Effect: The Kill Marine adds his Perception
Bonus to the number of rounds Solo Abilities

Copycat Astartes (X) Priority Target

Tier: 1 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Peer (Specific Adeptus Prerequisite: Intimidate +20, Halo of
Astartes Chapter) or GMs discretion Command
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Fellowship, Defence
Effect: The Kill Marine due to long Effect: The Kill Marine makes a Half Action
observation or being taught by a Space Difficult (-10) Intimidate test. Enemies who
Marine from a different chapter, learned their target Kill Marine’s allies, that are up to the
Chapter Solo Ability. He can switch between Kill Marine’s Fellowship Bonus in meters from
Chapter Solo Abilities - once at the start of him, receive a penalty of -20. This works for
the session and second time during the ranged weapons only.
session. This talent can be taken multiple
times, each time choosing a different chapter.

Desperate Times, Desperate Measures Imperial Armour

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Fellowship 45, Peer (Any Prerequisite: Exotic Weapon Training (Any
Imperial Faction) two Imperial weapons)
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Effect: Whenever the Kill Marine makes an Effect: The Kill Marine treats any future
Acquisition on a planet or station that is Exotic Weapon Training talents as Tier 1 for
mainly in the hands of an Imperial faction he the purposes of experience expenditure. This
has Peer talent for, he treats his Space only works for Exotic Weapons that are of
Marine Acquisition like he was buying from Imperial or Archeotech manufacture.
his own Chapter. This works only for the first

Blade Mastery Death Blow

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: One-on-One, Blademaster Prerequisite: Crushing Blow, Deathdealer
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse (Melee)
Effect: The Kill Marine gains the Unnatural Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
Weapon Skill (2) Trait, when fighting an Effect: The Kill Marine counts his full Weapon
enemy one on one. Skill Bonus instead of half when calculating
damage from Crushing Blow.

Astartes Strike Masterful Blow

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Killing Strike Prerequisite: Astartes Strike, Death Blow,
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Blade Mastery
Effect: Once per combat, the Kill Marine may Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
make his All Out Attack unavoidable by Effect: Whenever making a Righteous Fury
Dodge or Parry. with a Melee Weapon, the Kill Marine can
forgo the 1d5 Critical Damage and instead roll
additional 2d10 damage. If any of those dice
resulted in natural 10, then he rolls additional
1d10. He repeats the process if he rolled 10
again. This can be done only on one hit in an

Pinpointed Field Death Shot

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Eye of Vengeance Prerequisite: Mighty Shot, Deathdealer
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse (Ranged)
Effect: Whenever the Kill Marine spends a Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
Fate Point to activate Eye of Vengeance, his Effect: The Kill Marine counts his full Ballistic
Degrees of Success decrease the Force Field Skill Bonus instead of half when calculating
Rating of the target by 5 for every DoS. damage from Mighty Shot.

Too Close for Comfort Masterful Shot

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Hip Shooting Prerequisite: Pinpointed Field, Death Shot,
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Too Close for Comfort
Effect: Once per combat, the Astartes can Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
shoot while engaged in melee with his Basic Effect: Whenever making a Righteous Fury
or Heavy weapons. This works for one turn. with a Ranged Weapon, the Kill Marine can
forgo the 1d5 Critical Damage and instead roll
additional 2d10 damage. If any of those dice
resulted in natural 10, then he rolls additional
1d10. He repeats the process if he rolled 10
again. This can be done only on one hit in an

Solo Reaction Quick Grenade

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Step Aside Prerequisite: Agility 45, Grenadier
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Aptitudes: Agility, Offence
Effect: If the Kill Marine is alone, there are no Effect: Once per combat, the Kill Marine can
allies up to 4 meters from him, he gains throw a grenade (Standard Attack) as a Free
additional Reaction. Action or Reaction. He can throw only one
grenade per turn.

Alone Armour On a Mission

Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Trader (Armourer) +10 Prerequisite: Iron Jaw
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
Effect: The Astartes is capable of donning Effect: The Kill Marine gains a free Reaction
and removing his Power Armour alone. He use of Iron Jaw talent. Also, whenever he
does double the time need to do so. This uses the Iron Jaw talent as a Free Action, he
can’t be done with Artificer Armour, as that is gains +20 bonus to the test.
too holy for such a thing.
Scout Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: When not wearing Power Armour, the Kill Marine gains +10 bonus to Stealth

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Scout can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed on Awareness or
Navigation (Surface) tests with DoS equal to their characteristic bonus.

Environmental Training (X) Light Armour Master

Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Navigation (Surface) +20, Prerequisite: Agility 45
Survival +10 Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Effect: Whenever the Space Marine is out of
Effect: The character chooses one planetary his Power Armour and using a Scout Armour,
environment (burning, ice, jungle, desert, he increases the AP value of all of the
wasteland, forest, swamp, urban, etc.), he locations by 1.
gains a +10 bonus to Awareness, Navigation,
Survival and Stealth tests in that environment.
He can choose this talent multiple times,
choosing a different environment every time.

Death from Afar Felling Champion

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Felling Champion, Mighty Shot Prerequisite: Deathdealer (Ranged),
Aptitudes: Perception, Finesse Marksman
Effect: Whenever the Scout Aims for longer Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
than a minute with a weapon that has the Effect: Whenever the Scout uses Aim with a
Accurate Quality (and isn’t a Pistol or Heavy) weapon that has the Accurate Quality (and
making a single shot, he increases the isn’t a Pistol or Heavy) making a single shot,
damage and penetration by his Perception his weapon gains Felling (X), where X is his
Bonus. Perception Bonus.

Terminal Penetration Long Watch

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Felling Champion Prerequisite: Stealth +20
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
Effect: Whenever the Scout fires at a Horde Effect: Whenever the Scout sits in a spot,
with a weapon that has the Accurate Quality without moving or making any actions for
(and isn’t a Pistol or Heavy) making a single longer than a minute, he inflicts a -20 penalty
shot, he inflicts damage to the Horde for to all Awareness tests to spot him. He must
every 2 DoS on his attack after the first. be wearing Scout Armour or a Chameleoline

Best Equipment Usage Fast Travel

Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Environmental Training (Any
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft one)
Effect: Whenever the Scout gains bonuses Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
from Equipment to Awareness or Navigation Effect: Whenever travelling long distances,
(Surface), he increases the bonus by 10. the Scout doesn’t slow down due to difficult
terrain and always travels the fastest way
possible for him. This talent works only on
those planetary environments the Scout
bought Environmental Training for.

A Honour to Wear Training for This Moment His Whole Life

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Best Equipment Usage, Light Prerequisite: A Honour to Wear, Fast Travel,
Armour Master Felling Champion
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft
Effect: Whenever the Scout wears his Scout Effect: The Scout increases the number of
Armour, he gains +30 bonus to all social Squad Abilities uses by 1. Also, the Scout
interaction tests with other Scout characters. gains +10 bonus to all social interactions with
other Astartes.
Devastator Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Whenever the Devastator shoots at a horde with Semi or Full Auto Attacks, he
decreases the Magnitude by his Ballistic Skill Bonus.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Devastator Marine ignores all negative elements of his ammunition. Also, all
Heavy weapons in the hand of the Devastator Marine do additional 2 damage.

Penetrating Shots Storm of Iron

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Precision Killer (Ranged), Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50
Perception 40 Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
Aptitudes: Perception, Offence Effect: Whenever attacking a Horde with
Effect: Whenever the Devastator Marine Semi Auto, Full Auto Attacks or a weapon
makes a ranged attack that gains bonus from with Spray, the Devastator Marine doubles,
the Aim Action. He can increase the after totalling all modifiers and bonuses, the
Penetration of his weapon by 2 in exchange amount of damage to the Horde’s Magnitude.
for every 10 bonus (so from Accurate
weapons he can gain +6 penetration).

Bolter Drill Cover Support

Tier: 3 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 50 Prerequisite: None.
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
Effect: Any Bolt weapon in the hands of the Effect: Whenever the Devastator Marine
Devastator Marine increase their Rate of Fire uses a Heavy weapon, while behind Cover,
of Semi Auto and Full Auto by 1, if they have he gains +10 bonus to attacks with that
it. weapon.

Further Target Selection Lucky Suppressor

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Target Selection Prerequisite: Target Selection
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
Effect: Whenever the character makes a Effect: Whenever using the Suppressing Fire
Semi Auto or Full Auto Attack, he may Action, the Devastator makes a Challenging
allocate extra hits to targets that are further (+0) test instead of Hard (-20). Also, he
than up to his Ballistic Skill Bonus in meters chooses the first target hit, while the rest are
instead of two meters limit from the original done randomly.

Point Blank Death Demo Lord

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Bolter Drill, Storm of Iron Prerequisite: Demolitions +20
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Effect: Whenever the Devastator Marine is Effect: The Devastator Marine gains a free
firing at Point Blank Range with a Heavy reroll to failed Demolitions tests. Also, his
weapon using Semi Auto or Full Auto, he can planted explosives (like Melta Bombs) gain
exchange extra hits to his target for additional Proven (X+1), where X is his Intelligence
damage to the first hit. For every extra hit Bonus.
exchanged this way, he increases the
damage by 1d10 to maximum of additional
4d10 damage. For Storm weapons, this
exchange is for every two additional hits.

Rocket Man Master of Arms

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Penetrating Shots Prerequisite: Rocket Man, Bolter Drill, Storm
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence of Iron, Demo Lord
Effect: Whenever the Devastator Marine Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence
uses a missile launcher of any kind, his Effect: On the start of his turn, the Devastator
weapon gains Vengeful (9) against vehicles. Marine’s Heavy weapons gain an additional
If the missile already has Vengeful (9), then it Quality (or increase it) - Accurate, Blast (1),
gains Vengeful (8) against them. The Felling (3), Scatter or Tearing. This Quality is
Devastator Marine also halves any penalties lost at the start of his next turn, where he can
to moving targets, creature or vehicle, when choose again.
shooting from missile launchers.
Assault Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Gains a free reroll to Operate (Aeronautica) when using a Jump Pack or

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: Whenever the Assault Marine uses the Charge Action with his Jump Pack, his
weapons deal additional 1d10 damage for every two Degrees of Success, to a maximum
bonus of 2d10. This works only for his final attack during a Charge.

Dual Strike Full Charge

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Two Weapon Wielder (Melee) Prerequisite: Preternatural Speed, Weapon
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Skill 50
Effect: The Assault Marine attacks with both Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
his melee weapons for more damage. He Effect: Whenever the Assault Marine makes
makes a Full Action Challenging (+0) at least half of his Charge Move during his
Weapon Skill attack with one of his weapons. Charge Action, his melee weapons gain
The target may Dodge or Parry like normal. If Proven (X), where X is his Weapon Skill
the attack hit, he rolls for both weapon’s Bonus.
damage and reduces only by Armour. After
that, he totals the damage and reduces it by
Toughness Bonus of the target. In essence,
the target applies his Toughness Bonus only
once to both attacks.

Bull Charge Knock Charge

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Thunder Charge Prerequisite: Thunder Charge
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Effect: Instead of making an Opposed Effect: Whenever the character uses the
Strength test against each target, the Assault Thunder Charge, if he hit his target, he can
Marine can make a Standard Unarmed Attack make an Opposed Strength test with him. If
against each target without bonus for he succeeded, the target is knocked Prone
Standard or Charge. Whenever he charges a similar to the Knock Down Action.
Horde, he gains 1d5 Unarmed attacks against

Master of the Jump Everybody Jam!

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Operate (Aeronautica) +20 Prerequisite: Full Charge, Operate
Aptitudes: Agility, Tech (Aeronautica) +30
Effect: The Assault Marine doubles the use Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
time (or usages) of a Jump Pack. Effect: Whenever the Assault Marine is in the
air (at least Low Altitude), he can make a
Charge at the ground to make a powerful
blow. He must be armed with a two-handed
Power Weapon (or Power Fist) and a Jump
Pack. He makes a Full Action Difficult (-10)
Operate (Aeronautica) test. If he fails, he just
lands. However, if he succeeds, he makes a
blast zone. His weapon gains Blast (X),
where X is his DoS on the test to a maximum
of Blast (4). He isn’t counted as a target of the
blast, but receives 1d10 Impact damage that
can’t be reduced.

That's not a Knife. This is a Knife. Wings of Death

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Preternatural Speed, Weapon Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50, Strength 50
Skill 50 Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence Effect: Whenever the Assault Marine
Effect: Whenever the Assault Marine Charges a Horde, he reduces its Magnitude
Charges with a Chain weapon against a by his Weapon Skill Bonus. If he uses a Jump
vehicle, his weapon gains Razor Sharp Pack during the Charge, he damages the
Quality. If it already has it, he increases Horde every 1 DoS instead of 2 DoS. This
damage by 1d10. only works for one attack, which is the last

Too Fast, Too Astartes Titan Charge

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Master of the Jump, Prerequisite: Bull Charge, Knock Charge,
Preternatural Speed, Sprint Too Fast, Too Astartes
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Effect: Before making an action with Effect: Whenever the Assault Marine uses
movement, the Assault Marine can spend a Thunder Charge and his target is knocked
Fate Point to double his movement speed. He Prone due to his Knock Charge, he can make
must be wearing a Jump Pack for this. a free Charge against another enemy. This
Charge gains bonuses from other talents but
can be made only once.
Tactical Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine gains +10 bonus to all strategy and tactics relevant tests.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine gains a free reroll to failed Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) and
Common Lore (War) tests.

Tactical Acumen Tactical Positioning

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Tactica Prerequisite: Step Aside, Intelligence 45
Imperialis) +10, Common Lore (War) +10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
Specializations: Air Combat, Armoured Effect: The Tactical Marine as a Free Action
Tactics, Assault Doctrine, Defensive Doctrine, chooses one ally, it can be himself, that is
Orbital Drop Procedures, Recon and Stealth behind Cover. Until the start of the Tactical
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft Marine’s next turn, all ranged attacks against
Effect: The Tactical Marine is a genius that character are made with -20 penalty.
strategist and tactician. He excels in specialist However, after a successful attack was made,
forms of stratagems. This Talent can be taken that did damage to the character, the Cover is
multiple times, up to the Tactical Marine’s considered “blown” and the Tactical Marine
Intelligence Bonus, each representing a cannot grant this bonus to anybody using that
different tactic and strategy doctrine listed Cover until end of combat.
below. He gains +10 bonus to Command,
Scholastic Lore (Tactica Imperialis) and
Common Lore (War) tests, when using the
chosen doctrine. He gains another +10 bonus
if he operates only with Space Marines.

Bannerlord Concentrated Fire

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Command +10 Prerequisite: Command +20
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Aptitudes: Fellowship, Offence
Effect: Whenever the Tactical Marine spends Effect: Once per combat, the Tactical Marine
a Fate Point to regain uses of Squad Abilities, can nominate a target with his Half Action.
he regains two instead of one. He can’t go Until the start of his next turn, all attacks
over his maximum. made by him or his ally to the target inflict
additional damage equal to his Intelligence

Bolter Mastery Know Thy Enemy

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Mighty Shot Prerequisite: Forbidden Lore (Xenos Tactics
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Offence any 2)
Effect: Whenever the Tactical Marine uses Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
Bolt weapons, he increases the damage of Effect: The Tactical Marine treats all
Mighty Shot talent up to his Ballistic Skill, Forbidden Lore (Xenos Tactics) (and Chaos)
instead of half. as Basic Skills. If he has them, he gains +10
bonus to the test.
Squad Ability Mastery (X) Tactical Reorganization
Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Command +30, Scholastic Lore Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Tactica
(Tactica Imperialis) +20 Imperialis) +20
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Leadership Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Effect: The Tactical Marine chooses one Effect: Once per session, by spending an
Squad Ability, it counts as if the Squad spent hour over tactical maps, strategic information
their Fate Points. This talent can be taken or similar data, the Tactical Marine regains
multiple times, each time with a different one use of Squad Ability.
Squad Ability.

Strategic Targets Master Tactician

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Know Thy Enemy Prerequisite: Strategic Takedown, Squad
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence Ability Mastery (Any one), Bannerlord
Effect: Whenever combating Hordes, the Aptitudes: Intelligence, Leadership
Tactical Marine as a Half Action can grant Effect: The Tactical Marine increases the
another ally a bonus against them. That number of Squad Ability uses by half of his
character, after calculating damage to the Intelligence Bonus, rounded up.
Horde’s Magnitude, increases the damage by
the Tactical Marine’s Intelligence Bonus.
Air Combat: Covers atmosphere and near-orbit engagements with air superiority fighters as
well as close support and bombing with ground attack aircraft.
Armoured Tactics: An understanding of armoured warfare, how best to use armour, as well as
how best to exploit the weaknesses of such vehicles.
Assault Doctrine: Covers all kinds of assaults, from charging a bunker to opposed amphibious
Defensive Doctrine: How to set up a good defensive line, including layering units, creating
areas of enfilading fire, and good clear kill zones.
Orbital Drop Procedures: A knowledge of orbital drop doctrine and how to use it to maximise
troop concentration and ensure shock and awe in the enemy.
Recon and Stealth: An understanding of the best methods of recon and stealth, such as how to
approach a defensive position unseen or quietly destroy sentry positions.
Void Combat: Covers starship combat between anything from lightly armoured escorts up to
battle barges and space hulks. It is also includes knowledge of high orbit fire support doctrines
and the best way to use ships in orbit to aid ground troops.
Techmarine Specialization
It assumed when taking this Specialization that the Kill Marine went to Mars to train to become
a Techmarine or other equivalent way to gain this rank.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Gains the Mechanicus Implants Trait and can buy Implants with +20 bonus to
Acquisition tests.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine gains a free reroll to all failed test of Tech-Use, Forbidden Lore
(Archeotech) or Trade (Any that deals with technology).

Omnissiah’s Protection Rite of Pure Thought

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Forbidden Lore (Archeotech) Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants
+10 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Effect: The Techmarine has replaced the
Effect: The Techmarine many times will gain creative half of his brain with sacred cranial
access to unknown Archeotech. Sometimes circuitry. The character can no longer feel
it’s very dangerous and only those dedicated emotion, and instead embraces the crystal
to the Omnissiah have their minds shielded purity of logic, making him immune to Fear,
enough. The Techmarine gains +20 to Pinning and any effects that stem from
Willpower tests to avoid mind emotional disturbance. The GM will remove
control/manipulation if the source is any Mental Disorders that no longer apply,
technological. and grant appropriate new ones of equal
severity. The Techmarine’s fellow allies may
find him somewhat cold, though other
followers of the Omnissiah will rejoice in his
newfound freedom.

Rite of Awe Rite of Fear

Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants Prerequisite: Vocal Implant, Mechanicus
Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech Implants, Rite of Awe, Willpower 40
Effect: The Omnissiah has augmetically Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech
blessed the Techmarine’s voice box, allowing Effect: The Techmarine’s infrasonic dirges
him to recite infrasonic liturgies that trigger cause terror in the weak. All humans,
awe and fear. All humans, regardless of their regardless of their ability to hear, within a 50-
ability to hear, within a 50-metre radius feel a metre radius treat the character as if he has a
sense of dread and take a –10 penalty to their Fear Rating of 1. While incanting the dirge, he
next Skill Test. Characters may ignore these may not communicate in any other way. The
effects with a successful Willpower Test. rite requires two minutes of chanting, and
Whilst incanting the rite, the character may most would not consider halting the
not talk or communicate with others. The rite incantations prior to their completion. Humans
requires two minutes of litanies, and it is without auditory augmentation cannot hear
considered very bad form to break off the infrasonic sound, and though still affected, will
recitation before completion. Humans without not know the Techmarine is speaking.
auditory implants cannot hear infrasonic
sound, and though still affected, will not know
the Techmarine is speaking.

Machine Spirit Unlock (Vehicles) Master Enginseer

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Trade (Vehicalum) +30 Prerequisite: Tech Use +20, Mechanicus
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Implants
Effect: Whenever making a vehicle, he can Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
increase the Armour by 2 or increase Speed Effect: The character’s knowledge of engines
by 2 meters or increase Maneuverability by and their machine spirits surpasses all but the
10. most venerable servants of the Machine-God.
The character can feel the plasma pulsing
through a reactor’s conduits as if it was in his
own veins. The character gains a +10 bonus
on Tech-Use Skill Tests. The character may
spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed
on a Tech-Use Skill Test for enhancement,
repair, or upgrade of a machine’s system,
taking the minimum amount of time possible
on the task. In addition, at the GM’s
discretion, the character may repair objects
without all the parts to hand, jury-rigging a
working device as good as the original.

Machine Spirit Unlock (Armour) Machine Spirit Unlock (Weapons)

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Trade (Armourer) +30 Prerequisite: Trade (Armourer) +30
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
Effect: Whenever making a piece of Imperial Effect: Whenever making an Imperial
Armour, he can increase the AP by 1 or weapon, the Techmarine can remove one of
increase Max. Agility by 10. the below Qualities: Inaccurate, Overheats,
Unbalanced, Unreliable, Unwieldy.

Rational Arguments Quality of Work

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Peer (Adeptus Mechanicus) Prerequisite: Machine Spirit Unlock
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Social (Weapons)
Effect: Whenever dealing with Adeptus Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
Mechanicus, the Techmarine can replace his Effect: All weapons in the hands of the
Fellowship for Intelligence for social Techmarine lose Qualities: Inaccurate,
interaction skill tests. Overheats, Unbalanced, Unreliable,

Weapon-Tech Mastery The Flesh is Weak (X)

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Weapon-Tech, Tech-Use +20 Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Aptitudes: Toughness, Tech
Effect: The Techmarine, when using the Effect: The Techmarine’s body has
Weapon-Tech talent, can decide to use it undergone significant bionic replacement,
after he hits his target, but before damage is trading frail flesh for unyielding metal. The
rolled. character is more machine than man now,
and has the resilience to prove it, though his
allies might look somewhat skeptical upon his
bionically enhanced form.
This Techmarine gains the Natural Armor (X)
Trait, where X is equal to half of the number
of Cybernetics he possesses (rounded up), to
a maximum of an amount equal to his
Toughness Bonus. If he gains a new
Cybernetic, the value of the Trait increases to
reflect the new Cybernetic. Note that this only
applies to Cybernetics such as bionic
replacement limbs and organ replacements,
sub-systems, and mechadendrites , and not
to Traits and Talents that grant similar effects.
Note that the character only benefits from the
Armor Points benefit of the Machine Trait until
the value of this talent exceeds his
Toughness Bonus value.
This also gives the Techmarine +20 to tests
involving depresurasion/vacuum damage.

Gun Blessing Electrical Succor

Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Prerequisites: Mechanicus Implants, Ferrous Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants
Implants Aptitudes: Toughness, Tech
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Effect: The Techmarine calls upon the sacred
Effects: Using the Techmarine’s sacred flow of energy to replenish his weak flesh.
ability to subtly affect ferrous materials, he Whilst in contact with a functioning, powered
can un-jam a number of weapons with a wave machine, or fully charged battery, the
of his hand. With a wave the character can character may make an Ordinary (+10)
unjam a number of guns equal to his Toughness Test. If he succeeds, he removes
Intelligence Bonus. The Techmarine may one level of Fatigue plus one additional level
bless any weapon in a 10 meter radius. To do of Fatigue for each degree of success. This
so, he makes a Challenging (+0) Intelligence takes one minute of meditation and ritual
Test. A success indicates that he has rallied incantation to activate
the spirits of the weapons. This blessing is a
Full Action.

Luminen Shield Luminen Barrier

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Luminen Capacitors, Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants, Luminen
Mechanicus Implants Capacitors, Luminen Shield
Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech
Effect: Focusing his energy in all directions at Effect: Much like the celebrated Electro-
once, the Techmarine is capable of creating a Priests, the Techmarine can draw upon all of
hazy field of static, strong enough to turn his power to create a shimmering barrier of
aside incoming blows and stop weapons fire pure energy, one capable of deflecting any
in its tracks. As a Full Action, he may activate attack. As a Full Action, the player can
a Luminen Shield which remains active for a activate a Luminen Barrier which remains
number of Rounds equal to the character’s active for a number of Rounds equal to the
base Willpower Bonus. The shield has a Techmarine’s base Willpower Bonus. The
rating equal to the half the character's barrier has a Rating equal to the
Willpower Characteristic, rounded up (e.g. an Techmarine’s base Willpower Characteristic.
character with a Willpower of 43 would have a As long as the barrier is active, the
Luminen Shield with a Rating of 22). As long Techmarine can attempt to stop incoming
as the shield is active, the character may Ranged and Melee attacks by rolling a 1d100
attempt to stop incoming Ranged and Melee and comparing it to the barrier’s Rating. If the
attacks by rolling a 1d100 and comparing it to roll is equal to or under the Rating, the attack
the shield’s Rating. If the roll is equal to or is stopped completely. If the roll is over the
under the Rating, the attack is stopped Rating, the attack penetrates the barrier and
completely. If the roll is over the Rating, the causes Damage as normal. This roll is made
attack penetrates the shield and causes before reductions for Armour and Toughness
Damage as normal. This roll is made before Bonus. If the 1d100 roll ever results in a 01-
reductions for Toughness and Armour. If the 05, the barrier stops the attack, but is
1d100 roll ever results in a 01-04, the shield overloaded in the process. It instantly
stops the attack, but is overloaded in the collapses, and the Techmarine must pass a
process. It instantly collapses, and the Challenging (+0) Toughness Test or gain 1
Character must pass a Challenging (+0) level of Fatigue. A Techmarine can use
Toughness Test or gain 1 level of Fatigue. Luminen Barrier a number of times equal to
The character can use Luminen Shield a his Willpower Bonus every 24 hours;
number of times equal to his Willpower Bonus however, upon the second activation of the
every 24 hours; however, upon the second ability within 24 hours, and upon each
activation of the ability within 24 hours, and subsequent activation in that time, he gains 1
upon each subsequent activation in that time, level of Fatigue.
he gains 1 level of Fatigue.

Cybernetic Boost Cybernetic Calibrations

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: One or more Cybernetic Limbs, Prerequisite: Two or more Cybernetics,
Tech-Use Tech-Use +10, Cybernetic Boost
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
Effect: As a Half Action, the Techmarine may Effect: The Techmarine, either through
spend a Fate Point and make a Challenging initiation into the mysteries of the Omnissiah
(+0) Tech-Use Test. If he succeeds, he gains or tinkering that would certainly attract
either the Unnatural Agility (X) or Unnatural negative attention from such individuals, has
Strength (X) Trait, where X is equal to one, fine-tuned his cybernetic implants to a point of
plus one for every two additional Degrees of optimization.
Success he scores on the Test (or increases All of this Techmarine’s Cybernetics count as
existing versions of those Traits by X). These being one level of Craftsmanship higher than
Traits persist for a number of Rounds equal to their base Craftsmanship (so, for instance, a
his Intelligence Bonus. The Techmarine may Poor Craftsmanship bionic arm would
end the effect at any time. At the end of each become Common Craftsmanship, or a Good
Round in which the Techmarine allows it to Craftsmanship limb would become Best
persist, he gains 1 level of Fatigue. Craftsmanship

Energy Cache Forge Master

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Mechanicus Implants Prerequisite: Quality of Work, Machine Spirit
Aptitudes: Toughness, Tech Unlock (All three), Master Enginseer, Flesh is
Effect: The Techmarine has learned to focus Weak
the power stored within his Potentia Coil with Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech
greater efficiency. He no longer gains Fatigue Effect: Once per session, the Techmarine
from using Luminen Charge, Luminen Shock, can either remove Qualities or add Qualities
Luminen shield, Luminen barrier and Luminen to weapons. He chooses one weapon, it
Blast. doesn’t need to be his, and it gains one of the
following Qualities:
Adding Quality:
- Melee Weapons (Balanced, Concussive (0),
Defensive, Power Field, Razor Sharp),
- Ranged Weapons (Accurate, Gyro
Stabilised, Proven (4), Reliable, Shocking)
Removing Quality:
- Melee Weapons (Primitive (X), Unbalanced,
- Ranged Weapons (Inaccurate, Overheats,
Primitive (X), Recharge, Unreliable)
This last until the end of session.
Apothecary Specialization
It assumed when taking this Specialization that the Kill Marine trained to become an
Apothecary and gained the Prime Helix Honours or similar way.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine heals additional 1d5 Wounds on Medicae tests and halves
penalties to Medicae for Critical Damage.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine can spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed on Medicae test
with DoS equal to his Intelligence Bonus.

Steady Hands Quick Diagnose

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Medicae +20 Prerequisite: Medicae +20
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse Aptitudes: Intelligence, Finesse
Effect: Whenever the Apothecary Marine Effect: The Apothecary Marine halves time
must make any Medicae test to apply a drug needed to use the Diagnose Medicae Special
(like De-Tox) or First Aid and receives penalty Ability. It might become a Free Action if he is
due to environmental circumstances (heavy equipped with medical augur like Auspex,
rain, earthquake, fired at, etc.), he negates Medicae Mechandrite or Diagnostor Helmet.
the penalties. GMs discretion.

Toxin Mastery Guardian of Purity

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Toxic Killer Prerequisite: Willpower 45
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence Aptitudes: Intelligence, Defence
Effect: All toxins and drugs used by the Effect: All members of the Squad with the
Apothecary Marine have additional penalty Apothecary Marine reduce all Corruption gain
equal to his Intelligence Bonus times 5. by 1. He must be equipped with narthecium.
Also, gains +20 bonus to test involving
extracting and maintaining geneseed of fellow

Flesh Render Toxic Killer

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Strength 45, Weapon Skill 45 Prerequisite: Scholastic Lore (Chymistry)
Aptitudes: Strength, Offence +20, Trade (Chymistry) +20
Effect: When inflicting Damage with a melee Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence
weapon that has the Tearing quality, the Effect: Whenever rolling for Toxic quality of
Apothecary Marine rolls a single additional the Apothecary Marine weapons, he rolls
die for Damage and picks the highest roll. For additional 1d10 and chooses the higher
weapons that inflict several dice worth of result.
Damage, only a single additional die is rolled.

Master of Poisons Master of Life

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Quick Diagnose, Toxic Killer Prerequisite: Steady Hands, Quick
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft Diagnose, Superior Chirurgeon
Effect: Whenever the Apothecary Marine Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
crafts poisons, drugs or antidotes, he halves Effect: The Apothecary doubles the number
the time needed to do so. of patients under Extended Care Medicae
special ability. Also, he doubles the amount of
removed damage.

Genophage Creator Death to Life

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Master of Poisons, Forbidden Prerequisite: Master of Poisons, Master of
Lore (Chymistry) +10 Life
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence
Effect: The Apothecary Marine can create a Effect: Once per session, the Apothecary
Genophage Toxin. It can be applied to one Marine chooses a species (Tau, Tyranid,
clip of needler ammunition (only one shot). Human, Space Marine) and chooses one
He must have a sample of the target and it weapon, it doesn’t need to be his. This
takes one hour to create the toxin. If the weapon gains Toxic (X-2), where X is the
attack pierced the enemy (overcame Armour Apothecary Marine Intelligence Bonus. This
Points), the target must make a Hard (-20) stays for number of rounds equal to
Toughness Test. Upon failure, the target Apothecary Marine Intelligence Bonus. If the
receives 1d10 plus Apothecary Marine’s species are immune to Toxic, then the
Intelligence Bonus in Toughness Damage. Apothecary Marine chooses a specific target
From this point on, at every start of the for it to negate the immunity. Creatures with
target’s turn, he must make the test again or Undying and Machine Traits ignore this Toxic
receive the damage. He continues to test until quality.
he succeeds. Upon having 0 Toughness, the
target dies. If the Genophage hits any other
target, it is treated like Toxic (2) Quality.
Librarian Specialization
It assumed when taking this Specialization that the Kill Marine was accepted to the Librarium
and gained the Lexicanium rank or similar way.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Gains the Psyker Trait, Psyker Aptitude, Psy Rating 2, Sanctioned Psyker and
two initial powers.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Librarian Marine increases his Psy Rating limit to 11.

Revealed Powers Mind Fortress

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Weapon Intuition Prerequisite: Strong Mind
Aptitudes: Willpower, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Effect: The Librarian Marine reduces the Effect: The Librarian Marine gains +20 bonus
penalty to use weapons he isn’t proficient with to resist all Psychic Powers that try to cloud,
by 10 but only with weapons that are Warp dominate or influence his mind. Also, if an
based (daemonic weapons) or have the enemy fails the test by 5 DoF or more (or the
Force Quality. Librarian wins the Opposed test by 5 DoS or
more), he receives 1d5 E damage to the
Head, that can’t be reduced.

Unlocked Blood (X) Psychic Mastery (X)

Tier: 3 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Psy Rating 6+ Prerequisite: Psy Rating 4+, Psychic Power
Aptitudes: Willpower, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Willpower, Fieldcraft
Effect: The Librarian Marine chooses a Effect: The Librarian Marine chooses one
different Chapter Psychic Discipline than his Psychic Power he bought, he gains +10
own. He gains access to it. The Librarian can bonus to Focus Power Tests using that
take this talent multiple times but the power. This talent may be taken up to the
prerequisite Psy Rating increases by 1 after Librarian’s Willpower Bonus times, choosing
each time this talent is bought. The talent a different power each time.
can’t be bought anymore when the
Prerequisite Psy Rating increases to 11.

Might of the Mind Rite of Sanctioning

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Revealed Powers Prerequisite: Favoured by the Warp,
Aptitudes: Willpower, Offence Willpower 50
Effect: Whenever the Librarian Marine rolls Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
for Force Quality damage, he adds +2 for Effect: The Librarian Marine chooses one
each d10. Psychic Phenomena. Whenever rolling on the
Psychic Phenomena, the Librarian Marine
can substitute the result for his chosen one,
except if the result is Perils of the Warp.

Power Overwhelming Mind Wall

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Rite of Sanctioning Prerequisite: Mind Fortress, Might of the
Aptitudes: Willpower, Offence Mind
Effect: Whenever the Librarian is making a Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Push Focus Power test, he gains +10 bonus Effect: Whenever the Librarian Marine sees
to the test. someone using Psychic Powers, he can use
his Reaction to give them a penalty. They
make an Opposed Willpower test. For every
DoS the Librarian Marine won, the target
psyker receives -5 penalty to the Focus
Power Test (to a maximum of -30). If the
Librarian Marine wins with 8 or more DoS, the
psyker automatically fails his Focus Power
Test and rolls for Psychic Phenomena.

The Power of Humanity Emperor’s Might

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Psychic Mastery (Any one), Prerequisite: Mind Wall, The Power of
Power Overwhelming Humanity
Aptitudes: Willpower, Finesse Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Effect: The Librarian Marine can spend a Effect: Whenever the Librarian Marine is
Fate Point to automatically pass Focus Power affected by a power that reduces his Psy
Tests with Degrees of Success equal to his Rating (Untouchables or similar), he negates
Willpower Bonus. However, he can’t have the first two points of reduction. Whenever the
less than +0 total modifier to his test. This can Librarian Marine is affected by a power that
be done only once per session and only with gives him penalty to use Focus Power Tests
those Psychic Powers he bought Psychic (strange Warp phenomena, Baneful
Mastery for. Presence, etc.), he reduces the penalty by
Chaplain Specialization
It assumed when taking this Specialization that the Kill Marine was accepted to the Reclusiam
and gained his Crozius and Skull Helmet or similar way.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Chaplain gains +10 bonus to all Interaction tests made against other
Astartes. This bonus can be waived in cases of rival or enemy chapters.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Chaplain gains a free reroll to all social tests made against other Astartes, even
rival or enemy chapters.

The Fight Continues Litany of Hate

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Fellowship 45 Prerequisite: Hatred (Any two)
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Effect: Whenever the Squad fails to fulfill an Effect: At the start of combat, the Chaplain
Oath due to a mistake, running out of time or can make a Half Action Challenging (+0)
sudden change, that they no influence over, Command test. Upon success, he shares one
the Chaplain gives +30 bonus to the of his Hatred talents with his allies.
Willpower test to all members of the Squad.
However, if they fail the test, they gain
additional 1d10 Insanity Points.

Beacon of the Emperor Shared Hatred

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Fellowship 50 Prerequisite: Litany of Hate, Purity of Hatred
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence (Any one)
Effect: Whenever an ally that is in the range Aptitudes: Fellowship, Offence
of the Chaplain’s Fellowship in meters gains Effect: Whenever the Chaplain shares his
Corruption points, he decreases the amount Hatred talent with Shared Hatred, he can
gain by 1d5 points to a minimum of 0. spend a Fate Point to share his Purity of
Hatred also.

Contemplation Crozius Impetus

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Beacon of the Emperor, The Prerequisite: Litany of Hate
Fight Continues, Charm +20, Scrutiny +10 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Offence
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Effect: Whenever the Chaplain inflicts
Effect: After a character gains Insanity points damage, after reductions, with his Crozius
or Corruption points, he can come to the Arcanum to an enemy, his allies gain +10
Chaplain to contemplate on his behaviour - bonus to attack against that target. This
be it with prayer or some kind of ritual. After bonus lasts until the start of the Chaplain’s
at least an hour (changes depending on the turn. The target must fall under one of the
chapter’s rituals), the character reduces the Chaplain’s Hatred talents.
amount gained by 1 (minimum of 0). If the
Chaplain spends a Fate Point, he reduces by
another point (minimum of 0). The Chaplain
can’t use this talent on himself, only with
another Chaplain. The Chaplain decreases
his Insanity and Corruption Thresholds by
one (from 5 to 4), in essence gaining less
points in the long run.

Shared Destiny Sanctified Attacks

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Fate Points 1+ Prerequisite: Corruption Points below 20
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Aptitudes: Willpower, Offence
Effect: The Chaplain can spend or burn his Effect: All weapons in the hands of the
own Fate Points to benefit other characters Chaplain are considered Sanctified. If they
as if they did it (to gain a bonus, reroll a test are Sanctified, they deal additional damage
or burn to survive). equal to the Chaplain’s Willpower Bonus.

Mentor Inspiring Litany

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Command +10, Charm +10, Prerequisite: Contemplation, Crozius
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft Impetus, Sanctified Attacks, Mentor
Effect: All members of the Squad gain +10 Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
bonus to skill tests in those skills that the Effect: The Chaplain can make a Full Action
Chaplain has at least at Rank 2 (+10), except to make a Challenging (+0) Charm or
for Dodge and Parry. Command test. If he succeeds, those in his
social range, gain a temporary Fate Point on
their turn that they can use to gain +10 bonus
before a test or to have a reroll. The Fate
Point can’t be used for anything else. It is lost,
when the Chaplain starts his next turn.
Sergeant Specialization
It assumed when taking this Specialization that the Kill Marine gained the rank of Sergeant or

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Whenever the Sergeant leads Space Marines, he gains +10 bonus to
Command tests.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: Once per round as a Free Action, the Kill Marine can give an ally a +10 bonus to his
next test. This bonus stays until the start of the Kill Marine’s next turn.

Commander’s Voice A True Leader

Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Inspiring Aura Prerequisite: Command +20
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Effect: The Sergeant can use Inspire, Effect: Whenever the Sergeant rerolls
Command Skill special ability as a Free (because of Fate Point or an ability) his
Action instead of Half Action. He still can use Command test, he gains +20 bonus to the
it once per round. reroll.

Into the Jaws of Hell Word of a Leader

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Adamantium Faith, Halo of Prerequisite: Peer (Any non-Astartes
Command Imperium Faction)
Aptitudes: Willpower, Leadership Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
Effect: Allies within 10 meters can subtract Effect: The Sergeant gains +10 bonus to all
the Sergeant’s Fellowship bonus from their social interactions with non-Astartes loyal
degrees of failure on a failed Fear or Pinning members of the Imperium.
test, so long as the Sergeant passes the test.
If this reduces the degrees of failure to 0 or
less, a character counts as having passed the
test with 1 degree of success. The effects of
this talent apply to members of the Squad
and other allies (like Imperial Guard).

Overwhelming Aura Call to Vengeance

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Halo of Command Prerequisite: Commander’s Voice
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Aptitudes: Fellowship, Offence
Effect: The Sergeant doubles the effect of Effect: Whenever a member of Sergeant’s
Halo of Command. Squad falls (dies, burnt Fate Point to survive
or is knocked unconscious), then the
Sergeant can spend a Fate Point and use a
Full Action to call for vengeance. All members
of the Squad can make one Half Action or
one Full Action that is made on the
Sergeant’s initiative. This must be an attack
or offensive action against the killer of their
comrade or movement towards that target.

Honour or Death The Commander’s Burden

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 45 Prerequisite: Fate Points 2+
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership
Effect: All weapons in the hands of the Effect: Whenever the Squad uses their Fate
Sergeant gain Proven (2) or increase their Points to enhance Squad Abilities, the
quality by 2. Sergeant can instead spend two Fate Points
to active the enhanced version. If the Tactical
Marine burns his Fate Threshold to 1 or 0 and
he can’t spend two Fate Points, he instead
gains additional use of Squad Ability.

In the Leader’s Steps Stand Up Soldier!

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: A True Leader, Word of a Prerequisite: Commander’s Voice, Into the
Leader Jaws of Hell
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft
Effect: Whenever the Sergeant moves, any Effect: Once per round, the Sergeant can use
ally that moves in the same direction a Free Action to make a Challenging (+0)
increases their Agility Bonus by 2 for the Command test. If he succeeds, he can order
purposes of determining Movement, if they one of his allies to stand up from prone, drop
are in Sergeant’s Fellowship in meters range to ground or make a free Tactical Advance
at end or start of their movement. action. Once per combat, after an ally was hit
with Critical Damage, he can use a Reaction
to make a Very Hard (-30) Command Test. If
he succeeds, he can decrease the Critical
Damage by his Fellowship Bonus to a
minimum of 1.
Pilot Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Whenever the flying vehicle that the Kill Marine is piloting is hit, after Evasive
Maneuvers, it decreases the damage by 2.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine has a free reroll to Operate (Aeronautica) tests when piloting a Flyer
or Spacecraft vehicle.

My Small Baby Damage Controller

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Hull Down Prerequisite: My Small Baby
Aptitudes: Agility, Tech Aptitudes: Perception, Tech
Effect: The Pilot Marine halves all penalties Effect: All flying vehicles piloted by the Pilot
due to Size of his flying vehicle. Marine are considered having Damage
Control. If they have it, the Pilot Marine can
instead of asking to reroll, decrease the roll
by 1 (to a minimum of 1).

Swirling Ship Fast Turn

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Hotshot Pilot Prerequisite: Hotshot Pilot
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
Effect: Whenever piloting a Open-Topped Effect: The Pilot Marine can make the Tight
flying vehicle, the Pilot Marine swirls the ship, Turn vehicle action as a Half Action instead of
granting -10 penalty to anybody trying to hit Full Action.
him or the passengers/crew with a Called

Backflip Machine Spirit Friend

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Swirling Ship, Fast Turn Prerequisite: Operate (Aeronautica) +20
Aptitudes: Agility, Tech Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
Effect: The Pilot Marine can make a Full Effect: Whenever the Pilot Marine uses one
Action Backflip. He flies his full tactical of the vehicle weapons, he can use another
movement, then makes a Difficult (-10) with a Free Action.
Operate (Aeronautica) test. If he succeeds,
then he makes a 180 degree turn, otherwise
the craft only turns 90 degrees.

Strafe Shooting Barrel Roll

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Ballistic Skill 45, Operate Prerequisite: Fast Turn
(Aeronautica) +10 Aptitudes: Agility, Tech
Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse Effect: Whenever the Pilot Marine makes an
Effect: Whenever the character shoots with Evasive Manoeuvring, he can make it as Half
Semi-Auto or Full Auto from vehicle weapons Action with a -20 penalty.
at targets below, he can allocate shots to
targets that are 10 meters apart instead of 2

Barrel of Death Pilot’s Life

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Barrel Roll, Strafe Shooting Prerequisite: Damage Controller, Barrel of
Aptitudes: Perception, Offence Death
Effect: Whenever the Pilot Marine shoots Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft
with vehicle weapons, he decreases all Effect: Before a Critical on the vehicle is
penalties by 20 due to maneuvers or resolved, the Pilot Marine can make a
movement. Challenging (+0) Agility test. If he succeeds,
he can exit the vehicle and move up to his
Half Move from it. Jump Pack grants +20
bonus to the test and makes it a Full Move. If
the Pilot Marine spends a Fate Point, then all
his crew and passengers can make the test
also. However, only up to his Perception
Bonus in number, crew having priority.
Tank Commander Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine reduces penalties due to terrain while driving his Tracked or
Hover/Skimmer vehicle.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine has a free reroll to Operate (Surface) tests when piloting a
Hover/Skimmer or Tracked vehicle.

Steady Ride Penetrating Cannon

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Operate (Ground) +20 Prerequisite: Eye of Vengeance
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander
Marine drives a Tracked or Hover/Skimmer Marine shoots his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked
vehicle, he reduces penalty to shoot personal vehicle’s main weapon, he increases the
weapons from the vehicle by 10 for himself Penetration by his Perception Bonus against
and his passengers. other vehicles.

Ram Points Precise Bombard

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Hull Down Prerequisite: Mighty Shot
Aptitudes: Toughness, Offence Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander
Marine makes the Ram! action with his Marine stops his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked
Tracked Vehicle, he inflicts additional damage vehicle and Aims for at least two rounds, he
equal to the DoS on the test and doesn’t roll increases the damage of his vehicle main
the 1d5 damage for colliding in the Ram! weapon by 1d10. He must be the one
action. shooting the weapon.

War Machine Tank Bulwark

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Precise Bombard, Operate Prerequisite: Ram Points
(Ground) +30 Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Offence Effect: The Tank Commander Marine can
Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander use terrain for cover with his Hover/Skimmer
Marine stops his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked or Tracked vehicle. This can range from
vehicle for two turns, he can fire all vehicle structure walls, holes in the ground or any
weapons as one Full Action. other place that his vehicle can stop behind.
All attacks done against the vehicle will be
done against his Front Armour, unless the
enemy makes a Called Shot, then it can
choose depending on his position.

Incoming Death Machine Bunker Down

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: War Machine, Steady Ride Prerequisite: Tank Bulwark
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse Aptitudes: Intelligence, Defence
Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander Effect: The Tank Commander Marine can
Marine drove his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked make a Full Action with his Hover/Skimmer or
vehicle in the last round using Full Action Tracked vehicle to add AP to his vehicle
Tactical Maneuvering, he reduces the cost for equal to his Intelligence Bonus.
the next Tactical Maneuvering by one step,
so a Full Action becomes a Half Action and a
Half Action becomes a Free Action. He is still
limited by one subtype per round.

Under Fire Constant Death Machine

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Bunker Down Prerequisite: Under Fire, Incoming Death
Aptitudes: Perception, Defence Machine
Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Marine drives his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked Effect: Whenever the Tank Commander
vehicle over terrain that is under fire Marine shoots his Hover/Skimmer or Tracked
(bombardment by artillery for example), he vehicle weapons with Semi or Full Auto, he
increases his vehicle AP by his Perception ignores the limit of 2 meters, but can only fire
Bonus against that bombardment. on one side (he can’t fire at targets in Front
and Side at the same time with the same Full
Auto). Also, his Incoming Death Machine
works all the time the Tank Commander
Marine drove twice his Tactical Speed (no
matter if he used his Full Action for it or not).
Biker Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine doesn’t receive penalty due to speed to shoot his weapons
while riding his bike.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine has a free reroll to Operate (Surface) tests when piloting a Wheeled

Erratic Ride Bike Jump

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Hull Down Prerequisite: Mounted Warrior (Melee),
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Skilled Rider
Effect: Whenever the Biker Marine drives his Aptitudes: Agility, Offence
bike, he increases the bike’s AP by his Agility Effect: The Biker Marine can make a Charge
Bonus. Attack from his bike. If his bike moved last
turn, it moves again the same speed and
stops harmlessly, unless there’s something
on the way.

Speed Monster Speed Devil

Tier: 3 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Hard Target Prerequisite: Speed Monster
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse
Effect: Whenever the Biker Marine drives his Effect: The Biker Marine increases his Bike
bike using the Floor It! Maneuver, he gains base movement by 2 meters. Also, he gains
+20 bonus to the test and enemies receive - additional Degree of Success on a successful
40 penalty instead of -20. Floor It! Maneuver.

The Slide Easy Peasy

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Speed Monster Prerequisite: Hull Down, Step Aside
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Effect: The Biker Marine can make 180 Effect: The Biker Marine gains additional
degree turns using his bike, however, he can Reaction to use the Jink Maneuver for his
make only one such turn per round. bike. He ignores all penalty due to size to that

Daredevil Bike Grit

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Erratic Ride, Bike Jump Prerequisite: Daredevil
Aptitudes: Agility, Defence Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Effect: The Biker Marine reduces all damage Effect: Whenever the Biker Marine’s bike is
by his Agility Bonus to his Bike or himself due hit with Critical Damage, he decreases it by
to acrobatic maneuvers, like jumping from his Agility Bonus to a minimum of 1.
high ground or accidently slamming into a
Death on Bike Hit and Kill
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Weapon Skill 50 Prerequisite: Death on Bike, Bike Grit,
Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Finesse Speed Devil
Effect: The Biker Marine gains +10 bonus to Aptitudes: Weapon Skill, Offence
melee attacks if he drove his bike at least its Effect: The Biker Marine can use his Swift
Tactical Speed and +20 if he drove at least Attack or Lightning Attack to make additional
twice in the last turn. However, he doesn’t hits. He uses the Hit & Run Maneuver. He
gain the bonus if he attacked his previous rolls the test with -10 penalty for Swit Attack
turn. or -20 penalty for Lightning Attack. He
allocates hits to all valid targets that he has
range to along the way of his Hit & Run
movement. One target can be only hit once.
Rider Specialization
When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine gains +10 bonus to all Survival tests made for Vehicle Combat
Actions of his mount.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine can substitute his Fellowship with Perception for any Fellowship
based test for animals and his Companion Beast. Also, he can use his Perception Bonus
instead of Fellowship Bonus for his Rider Talents.

Soul Mates Sharing Life

Tier: 1 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Survival +10 Prerequisite: Soul Mates
Aptitudes: Perception, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft
Effect: The Rider Marine chooses one beast Effect: The Rider Marine can share Talents
that he personally trained as a follower or with his Companion Beast. They don’t have to
mount. From this point on it’s a Companion have the prerequisite Characteristics but must
Beast and whenever the beast attacks the have the needed Skills and Talents. He can
same target that the Rider Marine attacked share up to his Intelligence Bonus in Talents.
last round, he gains +10 bonus to attack Each change is a Half Action.
tests. He can change his Companion Beast,
whenever the old one dies or retires.

Sharing Destiny Devastating Natural Weapons

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Sharing Life, Fate Points 1+ Prerequisite: Soul Mates
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Leadership Aptitudes: Fellowship, Offence
Effect: The Rider Marine can spend and burn Effect: The Companion Beast natural
his Fate Points for his Companion Beast. weapons have additional damage and
Also, the Companion Beast gains one Fate penetration equal to half of the Rider Marine’s
Point to spend but not to burn as long as the Fellowship Bonus.
Rider Marine has at least 1 Fate Point.

Charging Rider Charging Shooter

Tier: 2 Tier: 1
Prerequisite: Skilled Rider Prerequisite: Charging Rider, Mounted
Aptitudes: Agility, Fieldcraft Warrior (Any)
Effect: Whenever the Rider Marine’s Living Aptitudes: Ballistic Skill, Finesse
mount makes a Charge Action and moves Effect: Whenever the Rider Marine uses his
near the Rider Marine, then he can make a ranged weapons while mounted on a Living
Reaction Difficult (-10) Survival test. If he mount, he reduces the penalties by 10.
succeeds, he Mounted the mount.

Dressing for War Guarded Companion

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Devastating Natural Weapons, Prerequisite: Soul Mates
Tech-Use +10, Trade (Armourer) Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Tech Effect: If the Rider Marine didn’t attack last
Effect: The Rider Marine gains +30 bonus to round and is near his Companion Beast, up to
Tech-Use and Trade tests made to install, Rider Marine’s Agility Bonus in meters, then
remove or repair upgrades to his Companion the Companion Beast gains AP equal to the
Beast (like Power Fangs etc.). Rider Marine’s own Armour (location by

Quick Commands One Being, Two Bodies

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Command +10, Survival +20 Prerequisite: Quick Commands, Charging
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Finesse Shooter, Sharing Destiny
Effect: The Rider Marine can make Aptitudes: Perception, Leadership
commands to his trained animals as a Free Effect: The Rider Marine and Companion
Action. He can issue up to his Fellowship Beast share Initiative. At the start of turn, they
Bonus in commands but only one per can switch places in the Initiative order. The
creature. Rider Marine doesn’t need to issue
commands to his companion, he knows what
he needs to do (the player is in full control of
the animal during combat). Also, the
Companion Beast can make a Full Action
distraction action. He gains +20 bonus to
Dodge test and enemies who are in melee
with him receive -20 penalty to Dodge and
Parry attacks from the Rider Marine.
Terminator Specialization
This specialization can’t be gained with just normal experience expenditure, GM’s approval is
needed. The minimum is gaining the Crux Terminatus, the honours allowing the Astartes to
wear the Terminator Armour.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: Gains Weapon Training (Terminator).

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: The Kill Marine increases Max. Agility by 10 of his Terminator Armour.

Bulwark of Steel Stalwart Defender

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Strength 50 Prerequisite: Step Aside, Bulwark of Steel
Aptitudes: Strength, Defence Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence
Effect: The Terminator Marine gains +30 Effect: The Terminator Marine can make a
bonus to all test to resist being knocked prone Half Action Stalwart Defence. All his attacks
like the Knock Down Action or Takedown are made with -10 penalty. However, he can
Talent. make as many Parry Reactions as he wants.
Still limited by one Evasion per attack. He
can’t Dodge or share these Reactions in
anyway. He loses this benefit if he moves. He
must be wearing his Terminator Armour.
If using Horde mechanics, this talent allows
the Terminator Marine to Parry the Horde
melee attacks.

Light Body Light of the Emperor

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Agility 50, Strength 50 Prerequisite: Bulwark of Steel
Aptitudes: Agility, Finesse Aptitudes: Willpower, Tech
Effect: The Terminator Marine can make the Effect: The Terminator Marine increases his
Dodge Reaction with his Terminator Armour Terminator Armour Force Field rating by 10. If
but with -30 penalty. he has the Iron Halo on the Terminator
Armour, he increases that Force Field by 10.

Safe Shell Towering Terror

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Adamantium Faith, Towering Prerequisite: Intimidate +20
Terror Aptitudes: Fellowship, Social
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence Effect: Whenever dealing with non-Astartes
Effect: The Terminator Marine treats all Imperials, the Terminator Marine gains +20
enemy Fear Traits by one lower. If a Fear bonus to Intimidate and Command tests. He
Rating is 0 or lower, he is immune to the Fear must be wearing his Terminator Armour.
Trait of that creature. He must be wearing his
Terminator Armour.

Body of Steel Thousand Glancing Blows

Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Light Body, Bulwark of Steel Prerequisite: Light of the Emperor
Aptitudes: Toughness, Defence Aptitudes: Agility, Defence
Effect: The Terminator Marine can reroll any Effect: Whenever the Terminator Marine is
failed Toughness test, when he wears his shot at with Rending or Impact ranged
Terminator Armour. weapons on Semi-Auto or Full Auto, he
ignores the first hit. He must be wearing his
Terminator Armour.
If using the Horde mechanics, the Hordes
gain additional 1d10 damage per 20
Magnitude instead of per 10 against the
Terminator Marine, when he wears his
Terminator Armour.

Stalwart Destroyer Under Control

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Thousand Glancing Blows, Prerequisite: Thousand Glancing Blows,
Towering Terror, Stalwart Defender Body of Steel, Safe Shell
Aptitudes: Perception, Offence Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Effect: Whenever the Terminator Marine in Effect: Whenever the Terminator Marine in
his Terminator Armour attacks a Horde, he his Terminator Armour uses weapons with
decreases it by 1 per hit he makes. Also, he Blast, he ignores up to 2 meters to determine
negates any penalty for attacking targets in if he or allies will be affected by his weapons.
the Horde like officers or leaders. For example, he can shoot an enemy that is
right in from of him with a weapon that has
Blast (1) or Blast (2), but not Blast (3), and he
will not be affected.
Also, the Terminator Marine can fire his Basic
and Heavy weapons while in melee wearing
Terminator Armour. However, he can’t be in
melee with more than his Perception Bonus
enemies at a time. He can fire his ranged
weapons while in melee with a Horde.
Deathwatch Specialization
The character must have been accepted to Deathwatch to gain this Specialization. This can
be either for a character that once was in the Deathwatch (and finished his time there) or is
still working for the Deathwatch.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine treats all Forbidden Lore (Xenos) skills as Known. If he has it at
least at rank Known, he gains +10 bonus. The GM can decide that some Minor Xenos is
unknown even for the Deathwatch, so the Kill Marine will not get this benefit.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: Whenever the Kill Marine inflicts a Righteous Fury against a Xenos enemy, he rolls
additional 1d10 damage. If this dice would be a natural 10, he rolls another 1d10 damage. No
further rolls.

To be Unclean To be Impure
Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Prerequisite: Strong Mind Prerequisite: Forbidden Lore (Xenos - Any
Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence two) +10
Effect: Whenever the Deathwatch Marine Aptitudes: Intelligence, Knowledge
makes an Opposed test against a Xenos Effect: The Deathwatch Marine can reroll a
Psychic Power to control his mind or similar failed Forbidden Lore (Xenos) once but can
action (like mind control spores), he can do so again with a different Forbidden Lore
spend a Fate Point to automatically succeed (Xenos).
the test with his Willpower Bonus in DoS.

To be Abhorred To be Reviled
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Linguistics (Any two Xenos Prerequisite: Hatred (Any Xenos)
languages) +10 Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft Effect: The Deathwatch Marine gains +10
Effect: The Deathwatch Marine treats all bonus to all attacks against Xenos for those
Linguistics skills pertaining to Xenos he has the Hatred talent.
languages as Basic Skills. He gains +10
bonus if he has the skill at Known.

To be Hunted To be Purged
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Survival +20, Awareness +20 Prerequisite: Crushing Blow or Mighty Shot
Aptitudes: Intelligence, Fieldcraft Aptitudes: Strength, Offence
Effect: The Deathwatch Marine gains a Effect: The Deathwatch Marine treats his
bonus of +10 to any tracking, searching and weapons as having Tearing Quality against
similar test for those Xenos he has Forbidden Xenos targets. If the weapon already has the
Lore for. Also, he gains +10 bonus to Tearing Quality, he increases the damage by
Awareness test to find these Xenos (or the 2.
enemy gains -10 penalty to their Stealth test). If using the Horde mechanic, the Deathwatch
Marine inflicts additional 1d5 damage to
Horde Magnitude, whenever the Horde is full
of Xenos.

To be Cleansed Mark of Xenos

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Weapon Training (Flame) Prerequisite: Adamantium Faith, Jaded
Aptitudes: Perception, Offence Aptitudes: Willpower, Defence
Effect: Whenever the Deathwatch Marine Effect: The Deathwatch Marine treats Xenos’
uses a weapon with Flame Quality against a Fear Trait Rating as 1 lower (2 lower due to
Xenos, if the Xenos fails the test, the Jaded). If the Fear Trait would have a rating
Deathwatch Marine rolls additional 1d10 and of 0 or lower, he is immune to that creature’s
chooses the better result. Fear Trait. This is counted before the Xenos
If using the Horde mechanics, the increases his Fear Trait due to Horde Traits.
Deathwatch Marine divides the Range by 2
instead of 3 to count the amount of hits to
Horde’s Magnitude with a Spray (Flame only)
weapon to a Xenos Horde.

Of Great Importance The Fate of All Xenos

Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Command +10, Charm +10 Prerequisite: Catechism of the Xenos (all To
Aptitudes: Fellowship, Fieldcraft be … Talents and Mark of Xenos)
Effect: The Deathwatch Marine can once per Aptitudes: Perception, Offence
session demand support from Imperial Effect: Whenever the Deathwatch Marine
factions. This is either by gaining +30 bonus kills a Xenos target that is at least Elite or
to all social tests to gain that support or +30 Master level, he can spend a Fate Point to
bonus to Acquisition tests to “buy” the gain two Half Actions or one Full Action, like
support. This must be done only against he had another turn, that must be used to
Xenos targets. Also, he might use the talent target and/or attack another Xenos target.
to gain +10 bonus to Acquisition test to buy Whenever he kills a Master level Xenos, he
himself equipment. This doesn’t need to be regains all of his Fate Points.
specifically against Xenos.
Terror Specialization
This Specialization has roots in the Night Lords Legion. It is advised that only specific
chapters (or warbands) gain access to this specialization.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: The Kill Marine inflicts additional 1d10 damage to Surprised enemies.

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

Shadow Terror ?
Tier: 3 Tier: ?
Prerequisite: Stealth +30 Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: Agility, Offence Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: Whenever a target is attacked by the Effect: ?
Terror Marine in melee or within short range
of his Pistol, while he and his allies are
Surprised, they all count the Terror Marine as
having Fear (1) Trait. If they fail their Fear
Test, the Degree of Failure counts the
number of rounds the Terror Marine has the
Fear Trait against them.

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?
Berserker Specialization
This Specialization has roots in the World Eaters Legion. It is advised that only specific
chapters (or warbands) gain access to this specialization.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: ?

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?
Destroyer Specialization
This Specialization has roots in the Traitor Legions. It is advised that only specific chapters (or
warbands) gain access to this specialization.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: ?

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?
Havoc Specialization
This Specialization has roots in the Traitor Legions. It is advised that only specific chapters (or
warbands) gain access to this specialization.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: ?

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?
Infiltrator Specialization
This Specialization has roots in the Alpha Legion. It is advised that only specific chapters (or
warbands) gain access to this specialization.

When the Kill Marine has access to this Specialization, he gains a bonus.
Initial Bonus: ?

Upon buying all the talents in the Specialization, the Kill Marine gains Specialization Mastery.
Mastery: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?

? ?
Tier: ? Tier: ?
Prerequisite: ? Prerequisite: ?
Aptitudes: ?, ? Aptitudes: ?, ?
Effect: ? Effect: ?
Astartes Elite Advances
Some chapters have very specific roles that might combine two or more, like the Iron Hands
Iron Father, which is a Techmarine and a Chaplain.

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Chapter Master
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Chief Librarian
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Champion
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Chaplain
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Epistolary
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Forge Master

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Keeper
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Deathwatch Kill-marine
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?
Deathwatch Watch Captain
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Emperor’s Champion
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Great Wolf
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

High Marshal
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Iron Father
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: From Iron Hands Chapter or their successors, Access to Chaplain
Specialization, Access to Techmarine Specialization
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Iron Priest
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Lord Executioner
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Marches

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Hunt

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Forge

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Fleet

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Arsenal

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Apothecarion

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of Rites
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of Relics
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?
Master of Recruits
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Signal

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Master of the Watch

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Rune Priest
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Sanguinary Priest
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Sword Brethren
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Wolf Lord
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?

Wolf Priest
Experience Cost: ?
Requirements: ?
Instant Changes: ?
Unlocked Advances: ?
Astartes Abilities
At the start of the session, the group (Astartes only) can take an Oath, which is fulfilled upon
completing an objective the group wants to achieve - killing a specific Xenos, defeating Chaos
Leader, saving someone, etc. The GM is the final arbitrator if the objective is Oath worthy and
they must be able to complete it in the session or the next one. After that, they all spend 1 Fate
Point, essentially starting the game with one less Fate Point. They gain one use of Squad
Abilities on top of existing one. This Oath stays until they fulfill it or they break it. Upon fulfilling
they gain 1 temporary Fate Point for the current and next session. Upon breaking it or failing to
fulfill it, they make a Challenging (+0) Willpower test (without any modifiers or ability to reroll the
test) and upon failure they gain 1d10 Insanity Points. They can’t take the same Oath twice, each
Oath must be taken at least once, then they reset and all are available.
The Kill Marine doesn’t need to be in a Squad to take an Oath, however, if he fails, he gains
1d5+5 Insanity points instead of 1d10.
Until they fulfill it, they gain bonuses based on the Oath they take.
Oath of the Astartes Oath to the Emperor
Effect: Whenever assisting another Astartes, Effect: Whenever an Astartes must make a
they gain +20 bonus to test, instead of +10 Willpower test against Fear, Pinning or mind
bonus. Also, the Astartes can give Fate influencing Psychic Powers, he gains +20
Points to their Squad members to use for bonus to the test.
rerolling tests, gaining +10 bonus or healing

Oath of Glory Oath of Knowledge

Effect: Whenever the Astartes makes a All Effect: The Astartes gain a +10 bonus to all
Out Attack, Charge Attack or Full Auto Attack, relevant non-combat tests, that are made to
he gains +10 bonus to the test and reroll any gain information about the enemy, scout him
1s or 2s on the damage dice. out, find him, search for him or learn about his
weaknesses. This chosen enemy (Orks, Tau,
Eldar, etc.) is part of their Oath.

Oath of Loyalty Oath of the Weapon

Effect: All Psychic Powers that make an Effect: Upon taking the Oath, each Astartes
Astartes attack his allies automatically fail to chooses one of their weapons. Ranged
work on the Astartes. Also, all Command weapons gain the Reliable Quality and if they
tests are done with +10 bonus to Inspire the had it, they Never Jam. Melee Weapons can’t
Squad. be destroyed by the Power Field Quality.
These weapons gain +10 bonus to attack,
while other weapons have a -5 penalty.
Solo Abilities
Solo Abilities are something every Astartes can do, no matter if he is in a Squad or not.
However, there are limits to how many times he can use them. During a session, he can
activate up to two Solo Abilities and only one can be active at a time. If a Solo Ability is active,
then activating another Solo Ability overrides the previous one. He can regain one use of Solo
Ability by spending a Fate Point. Also, he can enhance the Squad Ability by spending a Fate
Feat of Strength Burst of Speed
Action: Free Action, at the start of Turn Action: Free Action, at the start of Turn
Effect: Increase Unnatural Strength by 3 and Effect: Gain Unnatural Agility (2), gains +10
gains +10 bonus to Strength tests (doesn’t bonus to Agility tests (doesn’t increase
increase Bonus). This lasts for 1d5 Rounds. Bonus) and ignores Agility Tests for running
Fate Point: Increase Unnatural Strength by 6 or charging on Difficult Terrain. This lasts for
and gains +20 bonus to Strength tests 1d5 Rounds.
(doesn’t increase Bonus). This lasts for 5 Fate Point: Gain Unnatural Agility (4), gains
Rounds. +20 bonus to Agility tests (doesn’t increase
Bonus) and ignores Agility Tests for running
or charging on Difficult Terrain. This lasts for
5 Rounds.

Mental Fortress Extreme Endurance

Action: None Action: None
Effect: Re-roll a failed Willpower Test to Effect: Re-roll a failed Toughness Test. He
resist a Psychic Power or an attempt to gains +20 bonus to the reroll.
subvert his will. He gains +20 bonus to the Fate Point: He automatically succeeds on the
reroll. reroll with Toughness Bonus DoS.
Fate Point: He automatically succeeds on the
reroll with Willpower Bonus DoS.

Renewed Vigour Unstoppable Force

Action: Free Action or Reaction Action: Free Action, at the start of Turn
Effect: Ignore the effects of one Critical Effect: Re-roll a failed Strength or Agility Test
Damage result, such as Stunning, levels of to escape Grappled or Snare. He gains +20
Fatigue, or unconsciousness. Note, however, bonus to the reroll.
this does not allow the use of limbs that have Fate Point: He automatically succeeds on the
been completely blown off or critical hits that reroll with Strength or Agility Bonus
result in death. Also, any new critical hit (whichever is higher) DoS.
effects suffered during the Renewed Vigour
affect the Astartes as normal. This lasts for
1d5+1 Rounds.
Fate Point: Ignore all effects of Critical
Damage (except for death) and regain 1d5+1
Wounds. This lasts for 5 Rounds.
Squad Abilities
These abilities can be only used by the Squad Leader, giving people in the Squad bonuses or
abilities. If someone who isn’t a Leader uses a Squad Ability, they gain bonuses only for
themselves. There must be at least 3 Astartes in a group to Qualify for a Squad Ability.

The amount of times Squad Abilities can be activated is equal to the Squad Leader Command
Ranks (so at +30 it’s 4) plus one (and another one if an Oath was taken). The Squad Leader
can spend a Fate Point to regain one use of Squad Abilities. If a Squad Ability is active, then
activating another Squad Ability (that isn’t Instant) overrides the previous one. The whole Squad
can enhance a Squad Ability by spending a Fate Point each. These points are fully regained
after a considerable time - after a couple of days, if not weeks or months. The common choice is
in the subsequent session, not the next one. The GM’s decision.

Astartes count as being in the Squad if their stay in range to their closest member of the Squad.
Vocal communication (with helmets or microbeads) up to 30 meters or vision up to the Squad
Leader’s Fellowship Bonus times 10 meters in range.
If they leave the Squad due to range or actions, they can rejoin by getting into range and using
a Half Action. They can make a Challenging (+0) Perception test to rejoin as a Free Action but
on failure they lose a Half Action.

The Kill Marine can use the following Squad Abilities without being in a Squad: Bolter Assault,
Dig in, Fire for Effect, Furious Charge, Regroup and Tank Buster.
Bolter Assault Fire for Effect
Action: Full Action Action: Half Action
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Effect: All characters may make a Charge Effect: All characters may make a Ranged
Move (the minimum movement is equal to Standard Attack as a Reaction.
their slowest member) and after that they can Fate Point: Instead of Standard Attack, they
make a Standard Attack with their Bolt can make a Semi Auto or Full Auto Attack.
weapons (non-Heavy) or throw a grenade.
They must move at least half of their Charge
Move towards an enemy to have the
Standard attack.
Fate Point: Instead of making a Standard
Attack, the characters can make a Semi Auto
or Full Auto Attack.

Fire Support Furious Charge

Action: Half Action Action: Full Action
Duration: Until end of Combat Duration: Instant
Effect: The Squad gains +20 bonus to Effect: All characters may make a Charge
Suppression Fire tests, while on Overwatch, Move (the minimum movement is equal to
their Agility Bonus counts as 2 higher for the their slowest member) and after that they can
purposes of finding out who goes first. make a Standard Attack with their melee
Fate Point: Those under the Suppression weapons. They must move at least half of
Fire receive -20 penalty to resist Pinning, their Charge Move towards an enemy to have
while on Overwatch the bonus increases to 8. the Standard attack. They can reroll damage.
Fate Point: Instead of making a Standard
Attack, the characters can make a Swift or
Lightning Attack, counting the ability to use
Two Weapon Attacks.

Squad Advance Tank Buster

Action: Half Action Action: Free Action
Duration: Until end of Combat Duration: Instant
Effect: Tactical Advance Action is Half Effect: One, chosen Astartes with Heavy
Action. Weapon or demolitions can make a Free
Fate Point: Tactical Advance is Free Action. Action Run towards a vehicle or gains +10
bonus to hit a vehicle.
Fate Point: If the Astartes gets to the vehicle
in his Run Movement, he can instantly make
a test for Demolitions to plant it and use the
rest of his movement to run away. If using a
Heavy Weapon, he can instead gain Vengeful
(9) against the vehicle.

Dig In Go to Ground
Action: Full Action Action: Reaction
Duration: Until end of Combat Duration: Instant
Effect: All Astartes double the AP of Cover Effect: All Astartes can make a free Half
they are using. This bonus works only if in the Move to get behind Cover. This can be
previous and current Round they remain activated only after being attacked with
stationary. Ranged Attack. If the attack is Semi or Full
Fate Point: They can move freely, doubling Auto, then all hits after the first count as if the
any AP of Cover they use. Astartes made it behind Cover (AP of the
Cover counting towards the next hits), if he
was able to.
Fate Point: They can make a free Full Move
to get behind Cover.

Regroup Soak Fire

Action: Full Action Action: Reaction
Duration: Instant Duration: Instant
Effect: All Astartes may take a free Full Move Effect: Used whenever an Astartes is the
to move anywhere and this movement target of Semi or Full Auto that can be
doesn’t trigger Overwatch or Suppression Dodged. All Astartes that would eligible
Fire. targets can share the hits the original Astartes
Fate Point: The Astartes can also reload their would get. They can’t Dodge these hits and
weapon, if it has a Reload of Half Action or the original Astartes must have been hit with
Free Action. at least one hit.
Fate Point: This can be used for single shot
ranged weapons, like a Lascannon fire, and
they can divide the Damage between them.
Strongpoint Tactical Spacing
Action: Full Action Action: Full Action
Duration: Special Duration: Until end of Combat
Effect: One Astartes is chosen as Centre. He Effect: An Astartes can give his Reaction to
can then call target with Free Action or another Astartes for him to use. It can be
Reaction. All Astartes in support range gain a instantly used.
bonus of +20 to attack tests, can reroll Fate Point: While active, all Astartes gain
damage against the target and use a additional Reaction.
Reaction to make a Standard Attack. This
Ability works until the target is killed or the
Centre moves or Dodges.
Fate Point: The Centre can Dodge.
Squad and Chapter Abilities and Non-Astartes
Non-Astartes are that not Astartes. This means they do not count towards the Squad and a
single Astartes can’t form Squads and gain bonuses from them. He needs at least two other
Astartes to do so. The Kill Marine, however, can form single person Squads to gain access to
some Squad Abilities and Chapter Abilities.

There is a way for an Astartes to work side by side with normal humans and that’s with
experience. Of course, when speaking about “normal humans”, I mean Explorer who are
faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from normal humans. They are unique in
their own way and the protagonists in the campaign, they have a chance to fight like an

For this reason, we have two Talents that can be bought with GM’s approval.
Brothers in Spirit Walking With Angels
Tier: 2 Tier: 3
Prerequisite: Spending a long time fighting Prerequisite: Spending a long time fighting
side by side with human fighters side by side with Astartes
Aptitudes: None Aptitudes: None
Effect: The Astartes can treat a number of Effect: The Explorer felt the inspiring
Non-Astartes up to his Fellowship Bonus as presence of the Astartes and it forever
Astartes for the purposes of Squad Abilities changed him. If the Astartes has Brothers in
and Chapter Abilities. However, whenever he Spirit and all Humans in his Squad have this
activates them with Non-Astartes in the talent, then the cost to activate Squad
Squad, he increases the cost by 2. Meaning, Abilities and Chapter Abilities is reduced by 1
he uses three activations to activate one (so an increase of 1). Also, the Explorer can
Squad Ability with Non-Astartes, while it costs spend a Fate Point to activate a Solo Ability
him 2 Squad Ability activations to activate a but can’t enhance it with another Fate Point
Chapter Ability. The latter stays until he goes and the duration of it is halved, rounded up.
to solo mode with it. He will need to pay the
price again. Non-Humans, Xenos, will never
count as Astartes. He still can’t take Oaths
with Non-Astartes.
Typically a “long time”, should be at least 30 or 50 sessions of gameplay or couple of years in-
game time.
Astartes Psychic Powers
Based on “Angel of Death” homebrew. Changes in cursive.

Inspiring Word -> Word of the Emperor -> Glory of the Emperor
War Cry -> Word of the Emperor, Fury of the Ancients - > Glory of the Emperor
Paragon -> Fury of the Ancients - > Glory of the Emperor

Fury of the Ancients: With a roar of fury, the Glory of the Emperor: When there is naught
psyker summons a spectral beast that but darkness, this character shines with the
charges enemies with the might of their blessing of the Emperor upon his allies to aid
ancestors behind it. them.
Cost: 400xp Cost: 500xp
Prerequisites: Willpower 40 Prerequisites: Willpower 50, Psy rating 5
Action: Full Action: Half
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
test Range: 10 metres (radius) x PR
Range: 10 metres x PR (must be a straight Sustained: No
line) Subtypes: Concentration
Sustained: No Effects: Restore allied wounds equivalent to
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration the psyker’s PR. This cannot heal critical
wounds and costs one (1) fate point.
Fury of the Ancients Psychic Barrage
Range: 10m x PR Dmg: 1d5 x PR I Pen 0
Special: -
Effects: Deal 1d5 x PR Impact damage per
hit to enemy targets caught in the attack.
They must also make a +0 Pinning test, or be

Inspiring Word: Fear may grip the hearts of Paragon: Exemplifying the best of
their comrades, but this psyker knows exactly Ultramarine pride, this character radiates with
how to remind them that the Emperor stands such power that nearby allies feel like one of
with them. Macragge.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: None
Action: Half Action: Full
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
test Range: 5 metres (radius) x PR
Range: 10 metres (radius) x PR Sustained: Full Action
Sustained: Half Action Subtypes: Concentration
Subtypes: Concentration Effects: An ally in the range of this field may
Effects: For the number of allies equal to the use the matching characteristic stat of the
PR in range, they may re-roll all Willpower- psyker to make use instead of their own
related tests. characteristic stat.
War Cry: Taking in a deep breath, the psyker Word of the Emperor: Chanting holy litanies,
lets out a shout that embodies the might of this psyker wields the power of the Emperor
the Ultramarines, terrifying all nearby as a hammer of holy smiting.
enemies. Cost: 300xp
Cost: 300xp Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 3
Prerequisites: None Action: Full
Action: Half Focus Power: Hard (-20) Opposed Willpower
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Opposed Willpower test
test Range: 10 metres x PR
Range: 5 metres x PR Sustained: No
Sustained: No Subtypes: Attack, Concentration
Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: A number enemies equivalent to the Word of the Emperor Psychic Bolt
PR that failed the Opposed Willpower test are Range: 10m x PR Dmg: 1d10 x PR E Pen 0
stunned for a single round. Special: -
Effects: All enemies hit with the Warp
Instability trait suffer 1d10 x PR Energy
damage and must make a test per the Warp
Instability trait. Else, they suffer only half
Blood Angel
Might of Heroes -> Blood Boil -> Wings of Sanguinius
Blood Lance -> Blood Boil, Shackle Soul -> Wings of Sanguinius
Fear the Darkness -> Shackle Soul -> Wings of Sanguinius

Blood Boil: Focusing all their hatred on the Blood Lance: The psyker summons a
target, the character’s intense power forces crimson lance and fires it, skewering all who
the enemy’s dare stand in its way.
blood to rise to super hot temperatures and Cost: 400xp
cook them alive. Prerequisite: None
Cost: 500xp Action: Half
Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 4 Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Action: Full Range: 10 metres x PR (must be in a straight
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Opposed Willpower line)
test Sustained: No
Range: 10 metres x PR Subtypes: Attack, Concentration
Sustained: No
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Blood Boil Psychic Bolt
Range: 10m x PR Dmg: 1d10 x PR R Pen 5
Blood Boil Psychic Bolt Special: -
Range: 10m x PR Dmg: 1d10 + (2 x PR) E Effects: Any character, friendly or enemy, in
Pen 0 the way of the lance gets hit with 1d10 x PR
Special: - Rending damage that ignores Toughness and
Effects: The target of this attack suffers has a Penetration value of five (5).
1d10+ (2 x PR) Energy damage that ignores
Armour. If this attack kills the target, then
everybody within five (5) metres take 2d10
Energy damage to their least armoured
portion of the body. A successful Attack will
cause the psyker to suffer one (1) level of
fatigue as the power is quite intensive.

Fear the Darkness: A psychic shadow falls Might of Heroes: The character calls upon
across the battlefield as the character engulfs the might of Sanguinius to strengthen their
themselves in an aura of fear and madness. strikes for a duration of time.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 300xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Prerequisite: None
Action: Half Action: Half
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower
test test
Range: Self Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: This character gains Fear (1) and all Effects: This character gains an additional +5
enemies in melee must make a Fear test x PR Strength.
every time this character attacks.
Shackle Soul: Reaching into the target’s soul Wings of Sanguinius: This character
with psychic powers, this character grabs it concentrates for a brief moment before letting
and freezes them in terror as the enemy feels out an instinctive shout of pain as a set of
their existence threatened wings drenched in blood emerge from their
Cost: 400xp back.
Prerequisite: None Cost: 500xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 6
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower Action: Full
Opposed test Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x PR Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: The target is locked in place and is Effects: The character gains the Flyer (PR)
unable to do anything. However, they may trait, with the movement equal to their PR.
attempt to break free of control with a Hard (-
20) Willpower test.
Imperial Fists
Noble Praetorian -> Ultimate Sacrifice -> The Golden Son
Wave of Penance -> Ultimate Sacrifice, Into the Crucible -> The Golden Son
Stonebane -> Into the Crucible -> The Golden Son

Noble Praetorian: This character shines with Ultimate Sacrifice: The selfless devotion of
the will of Rogal Dorn, inspiring allies to fight the Imperial Fists shines through this
harder than ever before. character, and challenges all foes to dare
Cost: 300xp besmirch it.
Prerequisite: None Cost: 300xp
Action: Full Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 3
Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower test Action: Half or Reaction
Range: Self, all allies in Line of Sight Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower test
Sustained: Half Action Range: Self
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: Full Action
Effects: All affected characters may re-roll Subtypes: Concentration
failed attack rolls once per turn. Effects: All enemies must target this
character, though they may attempt a
Challenging (+0) Willpower test to target
somebody else.

Stonebane: Summoning a weapon made out The Golden Son: The psyker is engulfed in
of pure psychic power, this character wields it an aura that emanates and resembles Rogal
to smash through all fortifications. Dorn, terrifying all those who fear his name.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 500xp
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 6
Action: Half Action: Full
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: Self Range: Self
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: Full Action
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: This character gains a two-handed Effects: This character gains Fear (2), which
weapon based off the Astartes Thunder all enemies must make a test against every
Hammer for the duration of the cast. This round.
weapon does not do any damage to enemies,
and immediately destroys any cover that is hit
with this weapon.

Into the Crucible: This character is filled with Wave of Penance: The collective pain of the
the spirits of fallen Imperial Fists, who rapidly Imperial Fists is channelled through the
accelerate his healing. character as they strike the enemy with a bolt
Cost: 400xp of power.
Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 6 Cost: 400xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 3
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Action: Half
Range: Self Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower test
Sustained: Full Action Range: 10 metres x PR
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: No
Effects: This character gains Regeneration Subtypes: Attack, Concentration
Wave of Penance Psychic Barrage
Range: 10m x PR Dmg: 1d10 x PR X Pen 4
Special: Tearing
Effects: Enemies hit by this attack suffer
1d10 x PR Explosive damage per hit.
Dark Angels
Weaken Resolve -> Mask of Shadows -> Force Barrier
True Strike -> Mask of Shadows, Mind Worm -> Force Barrier
Hellfire -> Mind Worm -> Force Barrier

Force Barrier: This character summons a Hellfire: With a strike of lightning, the
powerful psychic shroud to cover their entire character summons a fireball that blasts their
body, making it harder for enemies to pierce. foes apart.
Cost: 500xp Cost: 300xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 4
Action: Full Action: Half
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower
Range: Self test
Sustained: Half Action Range: 50 metres x PR
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: No
Effects: The character gains four (4) bonus Subtypes: Attack, Concentration
Armour to all locations. Hellfire Psychic Blast
Range: 50m x PR Dmg: 1d10 + PR E Pen
Special: Blast (2 x PR), Flame
Effects: The targeted area is engulfed with a
blast of flames with the range of 2 metres x
PR. Enemies hit by this blast take 1d10 + PR
Energy damage with the Flame quality and a
Penetration value of the PR.

Mask of Shadows: The psyker completely Mind Worm: With some careful psychic
conceals their mind from any and all psychic implanting, this character tricks their target’s
intrusions, remaining forever a mystery. mind into doubting itself.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 50 Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 5
Action: Half or Reaction Action: Full
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Focus Power: Hard (-20) Opposed Willpower
Range: Self test
Sustained: Half Action Range: 5 metres x PR
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: No
Effects: The character gains a +20 Modifier Subtypes: Concentration
to all Opposed Willpower tests. Effects: The target suffers a -10 Modifier to
all their rolls until they are able to take a day
of recovery. All Interrogation tests against the
target also gains a +30 Modifier.

True Strike: The psyker augments their Weaken Resolve: The character strikes at
weapons with the powers of the Warp, their enemies’ mind and weakens their will to
especially against other psykers. fight.
Cost: 400xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: None
Action: Half Action: Half
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Opposed
Range: Self Willpower test
Sustained: Half Action Range: 5 metres x PR
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: Half Action
Effects: If the enemy target has a psy rating Subtypes: Concentration
that is equal to or higher than one (1), Effects: The target suffers a Willpower
successfully hitting them in melee doubles the penalty of -5 x PR until they are able to snap
damage done by the Force weapon quality out of it with a Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Space Wolves
Thunder Clap -> Howl of Wolves -> Fury of the World Spirits
Storm Caller -> Howl of Wolves, Tempest’s Wrath -> Fury of the World Spirits
Living Lightning -> Tempest’s Wrath -> Fury of the World Spirits

Fury of the World Spirits: Calling upon Howl of Wolves: A loud bestial cry is emitted
ancient deities of Fenris, the character by the psyker, scaring all those who dare
summons two challenge the will of Leman Russ.
spectral wolves to aid them in combat. Cost: 400xp
Cost: 500xp Prerequisite: Willpower 50
Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 6 Action: Full
Action: Full Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Opposed
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Willpower test
Range: 5 metres (radius) x PR Range: 10 metres (radius) x PR
Sustained: Full Action Sustained: No
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: Within the range, two spectral wolf Effects: A number of enemies up to the PR of
minions with the Warp Weapons trait are the psyker must make a Fear (2) test.
summoned. They move on the same turn as
the caster, and can attack in melee using the
caster’s Weapon Skill. Their teeth and claws
deal 2d10 Rending damage and has the
Vengeful (7) quality. If the wolves are hit, they
are immediately banished and cannot be
summoned for the remainder of the combat

Living Lightning: From the caster’s Storm Caller: With a strike of their tool, the
fingertips erupts a bolt of lightning akin to
psyker summons a thick blizzard that
those that strike the surface of Fenris. obscures and
Cost: 400xp stings all those caught in it.
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Cost: 400xp
Action: Full Prerequisite: None
Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower testAction: Full
Range: 30 metres x PR Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Sustained: No Range: 5 metres (radius) x PR
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Concentration
Living Lightning Psychic Bolt Effects: The area surrounding the psyker is
Range: 30m x PR Dmg: 1d10 x PR E Pen 2 now considered to be low-visibility terrain to
Special: Shocking all enemies. This character and friendly
Effects: Deal 1d10 x PR Energy damage to characters are unaffected.
the enemy hit by the attack.

Tempest’s Wrath: A massive snowstorm is Thunder Clap: Slamming their hands

summoned in the skies above by the together, the resulting sound pierces
character, effectively grounding anything eardrums across the battlefield as a gust of
above them. wind hits all.
Cost: 400xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 50 Prerequisite: None
Action: Full Action: Full
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower test
Range: 150 metres (radius) x PR Range: 10 metres (radius) x PR
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: No
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Attack (Psychic Blast),
Effects: All fliers, creature or vehicular, lose Concentration
half their movement and must make a Hard (- Thunder Clap Psychic Blast
20) Toughness (in the case of creatures) or Range: 10m (radius) x PR Dmg: 1d5 x PR I
Operate (Aeronautica) (in the case of Pen 2
vehicles) to stay in the air every turn. If they Special: Concussive (0)
fail this test, they are immediately forced to Effects: Everybody caught in the range of the
the ground and cannot take flight while this attack must fail a Routine (+20) Perception
power is cast. test or suffer 1d5 x PR Impact damage that
ignores Soak.
Iron Hands
Betrayal of the Flesh -> Punish the Weak -> Metal Machine
Mechanical Uprising -> Punish the Weak, Derus Ex Ferrum -> Metal Machine
Hands of Iron -> Derus Ex Ferrum -> Metal Machine

Betrayal of the Flesh: Hatred of the flesh is Derus Ex Ferrum: The psyker links their
what fuels this character as they attempt to mind with that of his allies, uniting them all
crush enemies with their psychic powers. under the strength that is the Iron Hands.
Cost: 400xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Action: Full Action: Full
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Range: 5 metre x PR Range: 1 metre (radius) x PR
Sustained: No Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: All allies in range gain a bonus +5
Betrayal of the Flesh Psychic Bolt Strength, with every cybernetic the psyker
Range: 5 m x PR Dmg: 2d10 + 7 E Pen 6 has adding an additional +5 Strength.
Special: -
Effects: For every cybernetic the target has,
the damage is reduced by five (5).

Hands of Iron: With a mighty howl, this Mechanical Uprising: A spoken word is all
character coats their hands in psychic energy that is needed, and this psyker can cause
that resemble the hands of Ferrus Manus. every machine and bionic item in the local
Cost: 400xp area to immediately short circuit.
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Cost: 400xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Focus Power: Ordinary (+0) Willpower test Action: Full
Range: Self Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Opposed
Sustained: Half Action Willpower test
Subtypes: Concentration Range: 5 metres (radius) x PR
Effects: All Unarmed attacks made by this Sustained: No
character gain an additional 1d10 damage roll Subtypes: Concentration
and their hands gain the Power Field quality. Effects: With the area, all enemies that have
bionics installed and have failed the Opposed
Willpower test take 1d5E damage that
ignores armour and Toughness. Their
cybernetics are also short circuited and do
not work until a Difficult (-10) Tech-Use
restores them. Those with the Machine Trait
are Stunned for 1d10 turns.

Metal Machine: The might and will of Ferrus Punish the Weak: This character abhors
Manus is channelled through the character as weakness, and this feeling is cast into a
they embody machines themselves. shadow of utter contempt that surrounds
Cost: 500xp them.
Prerequisite: Willpower 40, Psy rating 6 Cost: 400xp
Action: Full Prerequisite: Willpower 50
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Action: Full
Range: Self Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Sustained: Half Action Range: 1 metre (radius) x PR
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: Half Action
Effects: This character gains Machine (2) Subtypes: Concentration
while this power is cast, and may ignore the Effects: All characters caught up in the radius
effects of the Toxic/Hallucinogenic quality. field surrounding the psyker must past a Hard
(-20) Toughness test or be Blinded for 1d5
rounds. They also suffer 1d10 Energy
Raven Guard
Curse of the Raven -> Corax’s Ingenuity -> Raven Wings
Unkindness of Deliverance -> Corax’s Ingenuity, Wraith-Conceal -> Raven Wings
Murder of Crows -> Wraith-Conceal -> Raven Wings

Corax’s Ingenuity: The psyker temporarily Curse of the Raven: With an eerie screech,
taps into the lighting speed that was Corvus the psyker curses an enemy to be marked by
Corax and blesses their party with it for the the will of the Raven Guard for death.
briefest of moments. Cost: 400xp
Cost: 300xp Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Action: Half
Action: Full Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Opposed
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Willpower test
Range: 5 metre (radius) x PR Range: 10 metres x PR
Sustained: No Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: All allies in the area gain a bonus Effects: The enemy targeted by this attack
Half Action on their next turn. will suffer bonus damage equal to the
psyker’s PR for every wound they suffer
throughout the encounter.

Murder of Crows: The character points their Raven Wings: Ghostly spectral wings appear
hand to a target and around them, several behind the psyker, and they are able to make
spectral ravens emerge and begin attacking use of them briefly to cover a sizeable portion
with their claws and beaks at the enemy. of ground.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 500xp
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Prerequisite: Psy rating 7
Action: Half Action: Full
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x PR Range: Self
Sustained: No Sustained: No
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: This character gains the Flyer (PR x
Murder of Crows Psychic Barrage 2) trait, with the value of it being PR x 2. They
Range: 10 m x PR Dmg: 5d5 R Pen 3 lose this trait at the end of their next turn and
Special: Primitive (3) suffers one (1) level of fatigue.
Effects: The enemy takes 5d5 Rending
damage to the head, and is Blinded for one

Unkindness of Deliverance: The psyker Wraith-Conceal: One of the unique talents of

summons spectral ravens that swarm the Corvus Corax, this character is able to hide
enemy and blind them in sheer mass. their presence and reduce the noise they
Cost: 300xp make by a considerable amount.
Prerequisite: Willpower 50 Cost: 400xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Psy rating 5
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Action: Full
test Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: 10 metres x PR Range: 1 metre (radius) x PR
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: Half Action
Subtypes: Attack, Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: All characters in the range of the
Unkindness of Deliverance Psychic Barrage psyker are now harder to hear, applying a -40
Range: 10 m x PR Dmg: 1d5 I Pen 6 Perception Modifier to enemies attempting to
Special: - detect them.
Effects: Enemies hit by this attack are
Stunned and unable to do anything whilst this
power is being sustained. They may break
out of it with a Hard (-20) Weapon Skill test.
White Scars
Howling Wind -> Stormlance -> Spirits of the Steppes
Fatality -> Stormlance, Heart of the Khan -> Spirits of the Steppes
Horde Rush -> Heart of the Khan -> Spirits of the Steppes

Fatality: The character reveals in the brutality Heart of the Khan: The psyker infuses one of
of a kill and prefers to make it as gore-filled their comrades with the glory and power of
and bloody as possible so as to send a Jaghatai Khan, bolstering their courage and
message to the enemies of the Imperium. combat ability.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: Willpower 40 Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 4
Action: Reaction Action: Full
Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower Focus Power: Challenging (+0) Willpower
test test
Range: 5 metres x PR Range: 1 metre x PR
Sustained: No Sustained: Full Action
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Concentration
Effects: Following a kill by this character, Effects: The target increases their Weapon
they may spend their Reaction to cast this Skill and Agility respectively by PR x 5.
power. If it is successful, then all enemies
within range of this attack must suffer a Fear
(3) test.

Horde Rush: With a maniac scream, this Howling Wind: The character calls upon
character pushes their body faster and harder harsh winds to knock their enemies down so
to mimic the ideals of the White Scars. as to give them a most gruesome death.
Cost: 300xp Cost: 400xp
Prerequisite: None Prerequisite: Psy rating 5
Action: Half Action: Full
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Range: Self Range: 5 metres x PR (must be a straight
Sustained: Half Action line)
Subtypes: Concentration Sustained: No
Effects: The psyker may make a Free Full Subtypes: Attack (Psychic Storm),
Movement every turn. However, the moment Concentration
they end this power, they suffer two (2) levels Effects: All hit by this wind, friendly or hostile,
of Fatigue must pass a Hard (-20) Agility test or be
knocked down Prone

Spirits of the Steppes: The psyker lets out a Stormlance: Psychic lightning is channelled
howl that brings together the souls of the through and empowers the wielder’s weapon,
White Scars fallen in battle, leading them into as they prepared to brutalize their foes.
a glorious charge that none can withstand. Cost: 400xp
Cost: 500xp Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 6 Action: Half
Action: Full Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Range: Self
Range: Self Sustained: Half Action
Sustained: No Subtypes: Concentration
Subtypes: Concentration Effects: One weapon of the caster gains the
Effects: The next Charge this character Shocking quality.
performs gains a +40 modifier, any damage
done to the enemy with the Attack is doubled,
and the weapon gains the Proven (2) trait for
damage calculations. It also cannot be
Dodged or Parried.
Heat of the Furnace -> Vulkan’s Anvil -> Nocturne’s Fire
Flames of the Forge -> Vulkan’s Anvil, Fury of the Salamander -> Nocturne’s Fire
Spontaneous Combustion -> Fury of the Salamander -> Nocturne’s Fire

Flames of the Forge: Ancient flames used to Fury of the Salamander: The psyker
forge this weapon appear and engulf it as this summons forth a spectral copy of the
caster chants eldritch words. deadliest creature on Nocturne and let it
Cost: 400xp rampage the battlefield.
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Cost: 400xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Willpower 40
Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test Action: Full
Range: Self Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Sustained: Half Action Range: 2d10 Metres x PR (must be a straight
Subtypes: Concentration line)
Effects: One weapon of the caster gains the Sustained: No
Flame quality. Subtypes: Attack, Concentration

Fury of the Salamander Psychic Barrage

Range: 2d10 m x PR Dmg: 1d10 + (5 x PR)
E Pen 0
Special: Flame
Effects: All characters hit by this attack
suffers 1d10 + (5 x PR) Energy damage.

Heat of the Furnace: Around the character, Nocturne’s Fire: The psyker channels the
the air grows superheated to the point where power of Nocturne’s volcanoes into them and
all who try to approach them feel as though unleash it on the battlefield, creating a giant
they’re boiling alive. blast of fire that is constantly spewing lava
Cost: 400xp forth.
Prerequisite: None Cost: 500xp
Action: Half Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 6
Focus Power: Challenging (+00) Willpower Action: Full
test Focus Power: Hard (-20) Willpower test
Range: 1 metre (radius) x PR Range: 5 metres x PR
Sustained: Half Action Sustained: Full Action
Subtypes: Concentration Subtypes: Attack, Concentration
Effects: All who try enter the cast range of
this power must pass a Challenging (+0) Nocturne’s Fire Psychic Storm
Toughness test or suffer a level of Fatigue. Range: 5m x PR Dmg: 1d10 E Pen 6
Special: Flame
Effects: The area around the psyker is
engulfed in a torrent of flames that hits all in
range for 1d10 Energy damage that ignores
Toughness. The psyker must pass a Hard (-
20) Willpower test every turn or be hit with it
as well.
Spontaneous Combustion: Almost Vulkan’s Anvil: The never-faltering stride of
everything is capable of catching fire, and Vulkan is called upon and it imbues the
once the caster knows how to do so, it is character with incredible resistance to pain.
remarkable easy to set a foe alight with a Cost: 400xp
snap of their fingers. Prerequisite: Willpower 50, Psy rating 5
Cost: 400xp Action: Full
Prerequisite: Psy rating 4 Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Willpower test
Action: Half Range: Self
Focus Power: Difficult (-10) Opposed Sustained: Half Action
Willpower test Subtypes: Concentration
Range: 5 metres x PR Effects: The psyker gains a protection field
Sustained: No with a rating of 5 x PR. If this is overloaded,
Subtypes: Concentration then they are Stunned for one turn.
Effects: The target is now on Fire.
Astartes Equipment
For Astartes Equipment please check the Imperial Armour Volume: Astartes.
Astartes Equipment Acquisition
Overall, you can’t acquire Astartes equipment. Almost always, you will be hunted down
by the Inquisition, Space Marine Chapter the item should belong to or even Adeptus
Mechanicus for it being in normal mortal hands. Some that do fall into non-Astartes hands are
very hard to use. Most of the time, the weapons are gene-locked, could cause pain or even
death to non-Astartes trying to squeeze the trigger. Their weight is another problem and they
pack a bigger punch, that could break non-augmented human bones.
However, sometimes certain people are able to acquire Astartes equipment. Mainly
because they are insanely rich or well connected, most of the times both. For this reason, the
Dynasty could Acquisition Astartes items. Below are rules for this and for the Kill Marine also.

Non-Astartes trying to Acquisition an Astartes item treat the item as three steps lower than what
is noted. This supersedes the rule for Scale - if an item becomes Near Unique or Unique due to
this, you can’t use the Scale Modifier. Second, items not Acquisitioned in places not right for
them have harder time to get them or there aren’t any. The GM decides ultimately how it goes.
The rule of thumb is that nothing outside a Chapter Homeworld, Forge World or Hive World
should be able to have these items “on sale.” If an item’s Rarity becomes lower than Unique,
then nobody can Acquisition it.

Kill Marine on the other hand is an unique case.

- Upon his own Chapter Homeworld, he treats all the equipment’s Rarity as noted.
- If he has Peer (His Space Marine Chapter) and Acquisitions the item upon his own
Chapter Homeworld, he treats all item Rarity as one higher.
- Upon a Forge World and Hive World, he treats all the equipment’s Rarity as one lower.
- Upon a different Chapter Homeworld, he treats all the equipment’s Rarity as one lower.
- If he or anybody in his party has Peer (Specific Space Marine Chapter), he can
Acquisition items like it would be on his own Chapter Homeworld.
- If the Kill Marine has Deathwatch Specialization, he can Acquisition items from Ordo
Xenos or Deathwatch. He treats all items Rarity as noted. If he doesn’t have it, he treats
all Deathwatch items as two levels lower.
- If the Kill Marine has the Crux Terminatus honours or the Terminator Specialization, he
treats all Terminator items as noted, otherwise they are two levels lower.
- Non-Astartes treat

Also, the Space Marine equipment should be subject to Upkeep tests more frequently than non-
Astartes equipment. For example, the Kill Marine Acquisitions Special Ammunition, he gains 3
clips for the chosen weapon, after he spends all the ammo, he rolls for Upkeep. If he succeeds,
he gets another 3 clips and repeats the test upon using all of them. This stops the moment he
fails the Upkeep test - he needs to Acquisition more.

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