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(New Investors subscribing to the scheme through SIP must submit

this form along with Common Application Form) APPLICATION
(all points marked * are mandatory) NO.
Sponsor: Edelweiss Financial Services Limited | Trustee Company: Edelweiss Trusteeship Company Limited | Investment Manager: Edelweiss Asset Management Limited
Edelweiss Mutual Fund, 801, 802 & 803, 8th Floor, Windsor, Off C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (E), Mumbai 400098, Maharashtra.

Distributor Code Sub-Broker Code Sub-Broker Code Employee Unique E-Code RIA CODE

*Investors should mention the EUIN of the person who has advised the investor. If left blank, the fund will assume following declaration by the investor “I/We hereby confirm that the
EUIN box has been intentionally left blank by me/us as this transaction is executed without any interaction or advice by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the above
distributor/sub broker or notwithstanding the advice of in-appropriateness, if any, provided by the employee/relationship manager/sales person of the distributor/sub broker”.
Upfront commission shall be paid directly by the investor to the AMFI registered Distributors based on the investors’ assessment of various factors including the service rendered by the
distributor. For Direct investments, please mention ‘Direct’ in the column ‘Name & Distributor Code’


All sections to be filled in English and in BLOCK LETTERS. Use this form If you are making a one time investment. For SIP investment use the separate SIP Form. All columns marked * are mandatory.

2 UNITHOLDER INFORMATION Folio No. (For Existing Unit Holders)

Sole / 1st Unit Holder
PAN Date of Birth D D M M Y Y Y Y Mobile No.
Aadhaar No. CKYC No.
as ap
3 INVESTMENT DETAILS Edelweiss - Scheme Plan Option/Facility
(Default Plan/Option/Facility will be applied in case of no information, ambiguity or discrepancy) Dividend Reinvestment Facility is not available under Edelweiss Long Term Equity Fund (Tax Savings)
Dividend Sweep to Scheme __________________________________________________________________________________________
Installment Period : From Date D D M Perpetual (99 years) (Default) or 10yrs or 5 yrs or D D M M Y Y Y Y
M Y Y Y Y To Date
Amount Per Installment : Amount in words :
1st Installment Cheque Details : Cheque / DD No. Amount (r)
Drawn on Bank & Branch : _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Photo ID Proof number in case of Micro SIP of 1st Applicant _______________ 2nd Applicant _______________ 3rd Applicant _____________
I/We hereby authorize Edelweiss Mutual Fund and their authorized service providers to debit my/our following bank account by NACH clearing / Auto Debit for collection of SIP Payments. Note: Please allow 1 month Auto Debit to register and start

Frequency Details [Please ]

Daily SIP Weekly SIP Fortnightly SIP Monthly SIP Quarterly SIP
Preffered Debit Date Preffered Debit Date
All Business Day 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th of any month 10th and 25th DATE : ___/___/_____ (Any date except last DATE : ___/___/_____ (Any date except last
three dates of month) three dates of month)

SIP Top-up (Optional) (Please to avail this facility) Top-up Amount A (The amount should be in multiples of R500 only)
Top-up Cap Maximum SIP Amount A SIP Top-up Frequency : Half Yearly Yearly Top-up Cap (Refer Instruction No.26)

4 UMRN DETAILS (Refer Instruction No.9)

Use Existing One Time Debit Mandate (In case of multiple registered OTM's the last created UMRN Number will be the default option.)
Bank Name ________________________________________________________________ Bank Account No. ___________________________
5 DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE (To be signed by ALL UNIT HOLDERS if mode of holding is ‘joint’)* DATE : ____ /____ /______ PLACE : _____________________
I / We declare that the particulars furnished here are correct. I / We authorise Edelweiss Mutual Fund acting through its service providers to debit my / our bank account towards payment of
SIP instalments through an Electronic Debit arrangement. If the transaction is delayed or not effected at all for reasons of incomplete or incorrect information, I/we would not hold the user
institution responsible. I/We will also inform Edelweiss Mutual Fund about any changes in my bank account. This is to inform you that I/We have registered for making payment towards my
investments in EDELWEISS MUTUAL FUND by debit to my /our account directly or through NACH. I/We hereby authorize to honour such payments and have signed and endorsed the Mandate
Form. Further, I authorize my representative (the bearer of this request) to get the above Mandate verified. Mandate verification charges, if any, may be charged to my/our account. I also
hereby agree to read the respective SID and SAI of the mutual fund before investing in any scheme of Edelweiss Mutual Fund using this facility.



(applicable for Lumpsum Additional Purchase as well as SIP Registrations)
Tick (?
) Date D D M M Y Y Y Y
UMRN For Office use only
Create (?
) Date
Sponsor Bank Code Utility Code
I/We hereby authorize EDELWEISS MUTUAL FUND To Debit (?
) SB / CA / CC SB NRE / SB NRO / Other
Cancel (Ð )
Bank A/c. Number
With Bank IFSC or MICR
An Amount of Rupees
FREQUENCY Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly As & when presented DEBIT TYPE Fixed Amount Maximum Amount
Reference /Folio No. Phone No.
I Agree for the debit of mandate processing charges by the bank whom I am authorizing to debit my accounts as per latest schedule of charges of the bank.
From D D M M Y Y Y Y Signature Primary Account holder Signature Account holder Signature Account holder

To D D M M Y Y Y Y
Or Until Cancelled 1. Name as in Bank Records 2. Name as in Bank Records 3. Name as in Bank Records
This is to confirm that the declaration has been carefully read, understood & made by me / us. I am authorizing the User entity / Corporate to debit my account, based on the instructions
as agreed and signed by me.I have understood that I am authorized to cancel / amend this mandate by appropriately communicating the cancellation / amendment request to the User
entity / corporate or the bank where I have authorized debit
GPrS [Please ] (Refer Instruction No.27)

My SIP GOAL Buying Home Child’s Education Retirement Planning Wealth Creation
(Select Any One Goal)

My Goal Amount : A. ___________________________________________________

1. Investors who have already submitted a One Time Mandate (OTM) form or already registered for OTM facility should not submit OTM form again as OTM
registration is a one-time process only for each bank account. However, such investors who wish to add a new bank account towards OTM facility may fill
the form.
2. Investors, who have not registered for OTM facility, may fill the OTM form and submit duly signed form with their name mentioned.
3. Mobile Number and Email ld: Unit holder(s) should mandatorily provide their mobile number and email id on the mandate form. Where the mobile
number and email id mentioned on the mandate form differs from the ones as already existing in the folio, the details provided on the mandate will be
updated in the folio. All future communication whatsoever would be, thereafter sent to the updated mobile number and email id.
4. Unit holder(s) need to provide along with the mandate form an original cancelled cheque (or a copy) with name and account number pre-printed of the
bank account to be registered or bank account verification letter for registration of the mandate failing which registration may not be accepted. The Unit
holder(s) cheque/bank account details are subject to third party verification.
5. Investors are deemed to have read and understood the terms and conditions of OTM Facility, SIP registration through OTM facility, the Scheme
Information Document, Statement of Additional Information, Key Information Memorandum, Instructions and Addenda issued from time to time of the
respective Scheme(s) of Edelweiss Mutual Fund.
6. Date and the validity of the mandate should be mentioned in DD/MM/YYYY format.
7. Utility Code of the Service Provider will be mentioned by Edelweiss Mutual Fund.
8. Tick on the respective option to select your choice of action and instruction.
9. The numeric data like Bank account number, Investors account number should be left padded with zeroes.
10. Please mention the Name of Bank and Branch, IFSC/ MICR Code and also provide an original cancelled copy of the cheque of the same bank account
registered in One Time Mandate.
11. Amount payable for service or maximum amount per transaction that could be processed in words. The amount in figures should be same as the amount
mentioned in words, in case of ambiguity the mandate will be rejected.
12. If the investor wishes to opt for more than one dates/frequencies for debit from the bank account as in case of Systematic Investment Plan, it is advisable
to select - "As & when presented".
13. There is no maximum duration for enrolment.
An investor has an option to choose the 'End Date' of the SIP by filling the date or the Default Date i.e. December 2099 will be the end date.
14. Please affix the Names of customers/and signatures as well as seal of Company (where required) and sign the undertaking.
15. Investors enrolling for Daily SIP should select "As & when presented" as payment frequency in the OTM.

Declaration: 1/We hereby declare that the particulars provided in this mandate are correct and complete and hereby agree to participate in the NACH/ECS/Direct
Debit/Standing Instructions (SI) and make payments through the NACH platform according to the terms and conditions thereof. I/We further hereby agree and
acknowledge that I/we will not hold the AMC and/or responsible for any delay and/or failure in debiting my bank account for reasons not attributable to the negligence
and/or misconduct on the part of the AMC I/We hereby declare and confirm that, irrespective of my/our registration of the above mobile number in the 'DO NOT
DISTURB (DND)', 'or in any similar register maintained under applicable laws, now or subsequent to the date hereof, I/We hereby consent to the Bank communicating
with me/us in any manner whatsoever on the said mobile number with respect to the transactions carried out in my/our afore mentioned bank account(s). I/We hereby
agree to abide by the terms and conditions that may be intimated to me/us by the AMC/Bank with respect to the NACH/ECS/Direct Debit/SI from time to time.

Authorisation to Bank: This is to inform that I/We have registered for ECS/NACH (Debit Clearing)/Direct Debit/Sl facility and that the payment towards my/our
investments in the Schemes of Edelweiss Mutual Fund shall be made from my/our above mentioned bank account with your Bank. I/We hereby authorize the
representatives of Edelweiss Asset Management Company Limited, Investment Manager to Edelweiss Mutual Fund carrying this mandate form to get it verified and
executed. I/We authorize the Bank to debit my/our above-mentioned bank account for any charges towards mandate verification, registration, transactions, returns, etc,
as applicable for my/our participation in NACH/ECS/Direct Debit/SI.


1800 425 0090 +91 40 23001181 IQ to 5757590 www.edelweissmf.com [email protected]

Mutual Fund Investment are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.
1. Please refer to the Key Information Memorandum (KIM), Statement of Additional Information (SAI) and Scheme Information Document (SID) for Applicable NAV, Risk
Factors, Load and other information of the Scheme / Plan before investing.
2. Complete Application form and SIP OTM Form along with the first investment cheque should be submitted to the AMC / Karvy ISC's.
3. Investors should mandatorily give a cheque for the first Installment. The first cheque should be drawn on the same bank account which is to be registered for NACH.
Alternatively, the cheque may be drawn on any bank, for which investor should provide a photocopy of the cheque or cancelled cheque of the bank/branch for which
NACH is to be registered.
4. First SIP cheque and subsequent SIP installments via NACH should be of the same amount.
5. If any chosen day falls on a non business day, the next business day will be considered as the transaction date.
6. Incorrect / Incomplete applications are liable to be rejected.
7. Investors OTM will get registered at PAN level only.
8. Investor can register multiple OTM's. However, registration of multiple OTM's under same bank account number is not allowed.
9. UMRN details (Refer Point - 4 in SIP Enrollment Cum One Time Debit Mandate Form) is for the existing OTM registered investors only. Investors having multiple
registered OTM's under the folio needs to mention the UMRN Number for bank details. If not mentioned then the last created UMRN Number will be considered as
default option by the AMC.
10. Investors SIP/Purchase transactions are liable to get rejected if the purchase amount exceeds the maximum amount limit mentioned on the OTM mandate.
11. SIP request under existing registered OTM will start within 7 calendar days.
12. OTM instructions will take a minimum of one month for registration with the bank and hence the first debit will be carried out only after one month, on the SIP date
mentioned on the form. The AMC reserves the right to modify the SIP period depending on the one month period for registration to ensure minimum number of
installments as mentioned in Scheme Information Document (SID) .
13. You can choose to discontinue this facility by giving 10 days written notice to any of AMC/ Registrar Investor Service centers.
14. Top-up: After completion of the tenure, in case the investor wants to continue his SIP investment for another tenure with the existing folio, then the investor has to
submit a duly filled & signed SIP through OTM Mandate.
15. Request for change in bank mandate to be submitted atleast 30 business days before the due date of next SIP installment.
16. The bank account provided for OTM (Debit) should be in the list of banks participating in NACH .
17. MICR code or IFSC code should be mandatory filled on OTM mandate, MICR code starting and / or ending with 000 are not valid for OTM.
18. The investor agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of NACH facility of NPCI & Auto Debit as applicable at the time of investment and as may be modified from
time to time.
19. The investor undertakes to keep sufficient funds in the account till the date of execution of the debit. The investor hereby declares that the particulars given overleaf
are correct and complete. If the date of debit to the investors account happens to be a non Business day as per the fund, execution of the debit will not happen on the
day of the holiday and allotment of Units will happen as per the terms and conditions listed in the concerned Scheme Information Document (SID). The Fund, its
registrars, Auto Debit Banks and other service providers shall not be liable for, nor be in default by reason of, any failure or delay in completion of its obligation under
this agreement, where such failure or delay is caused , in whole or in part, by any acts of God, civil war, civil commotion, riots, strike, mutiny, revolution, fire, flood, fog,
war, change of government policies, unavailability of banks computer system , force majeure events or any other cause of peril which is beyond their reasonable
control and which has the effect of preventing the performance of contract by them.
20. Investors will not hold Edelweiss AMC, its registrars, banks and other service providers responsible if the transaction is delayed or not effected or the investor's bank
account is debited in advance or after the specific sip date due to the local holidays or any other reason.
21. Edelweiss AMC reserves the right to reject any application without assigning any reason thereof.
22. Please refer SID for minimum SIP investment amount under each Schemes.
23. Please refer the Key Information Memorandum (KIM) and Scheme Information Document (SID) of the respective Scheme for applicable NAV, risk factors, load
(exit/entry) and other information on the respective Scheme before investing.
24. Incorrect, incomplete or ambiguous forms will not be accepted and will be returned to the investor within 10 business days via normal post.
25. As per Prevention of Money Laundering Act 2002, it is mandatory for all investors to be KYC compliant. For more details please refer point XI on “Instructions to
Investor for Filling up the Application Form.
26. Instructions for Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) Top-up
1. SIP Top-up Facility is not available under Micro SIPs
2. SIP Top-up is a facility wherein an investor who wishes to enrol for SIP, has an option to increase the amount of the SIP installment by a fixed amount at pre-defined
intervals i.e. half yearly and yearly. The SIP Top-up amount should be filled in the SIP Enrolment Form itself.
3. The SIP Top-up amount should be in multiples of r 500/- only.
4. The SIP Top-up option is only available for monthly SIP.
5. In case the top-up frequency is not indicated under Monthly SIP, it will be considered as half yearly interval.
6. Top-up cap is the maximum amount beyond which the Top-up amount is capped.
7. The OTM Maximum amount should include the Top Up amount also.
27. Terms and Conditions for GPrS are as follows:
1. Eligible Schemes: Edelweiss Arbitrage Fund, Edelweiss Balanced Advantage Fund, Edelweiss Large Cap Fund, Edelweiss Long Term Equity Fund (Tax Savings),
Edelweiss Multi-Asset Allocation Fund, Edelweiss Large & Mid Cap Fund, Edelweiss Equity Savings Fund, Edelweiss Mid Cap Fund, Edelweiss Multi-Cap Fund,
Edelweiss Tax Advantage Fund
2. Investors / unit holders have the option to choose only one goal along with a single target amount for each Eligible Scheme under a particular folio. No additional
purchase/switchin/Systematic Investment Plan/Systematic Transfer Plan shall be permitted in the folio considered under this facility.
3. This Facility cannot be opted under the existing investments. Investors who wish to avail this Facility will have to start SIP(s) under a new folio number.
4. Investor/Unit holder has to submit a duly completed Common Application Form' along with 'SIP Enrolment Form' for availing this Facility.
5. Registration under the Facility will be completed within 30 days from the date of submission of the relevant Forms.
6. Investor/Unit holders are requested to note that changing the specified goal and / or the target amount will not be permitted under the GPrS Facility.
7. Any request for discontinuing the GPrS Facility should be submitted 10 working days prior to the next SIP installment date.
8. This Facility will not be available to investors/unit holders who opt to hold the units in demat mode.
9. Investors are requested to note that, the goal and the target amount specified under the GPrS Facility has to be determined by the investors themselves and that
there is no assurance that goal/target amount will be realised through SIP investment in the Eligible Schemes of the Fund.
10. Investors / Unit holders are requested to note that other features of SIP investment such as minimum investment amount, frequency, number of installments,
investment Dates etc., as mentioned Scheme Information Document of respective Scheme shall remain unchanged.


1800 425 0090 +91 40 23001181 IQ to 5757590 www.edelweissmf.com [email protected]

Mutual Fund Investment are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

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