CPWD HVAC Specification 2024
CPWD HVAC Specification 2024
CPWD HVAC Specification 2024
HHAT- 229,
fa, HuTHa1, 7 fofi- 110011
oH o- 011- 23061418
H. 62(Specs.)/HVAC/CECSQ(E)E-9136410/2024,/
Copy to :
All the SDGs, Allthe ADGs, Allthe CEs CPWD/ E-in-C (PWD) GNCTD through
website for information and necessary action please.
1. Whereas every care has been taken to ensure that all relevant and essential provisions
required for execution of Construction and Maintenance Works are incorporated in this
Specification in a simplified and transparent manner, all executing entities referring to
are requested to bring it to the notice of the Directorate, if any conflicting provisions/
discrepancies are noticed in the Specification.
2. This specification is prepared for the use of CPWD. However, this may be used by other
government departments, PSUs, private bodies & other institutions or individuals at
their own discretion only. CPWD shall not be responsible for any ambiguity,
discrepancy, dispute or financial loss, arising directly or indirectly by using or following
items in specification by such Government/ Private bodies or individuals.
CPWD executing all types of air conditioning, heating and ventilation works
right from system design to installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance in
Govt. Buildings. This revised and enlarged edition of "CPWD General Specification
for Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning (HVAC) Works 2024 is of the need to
update the long pending HVAC Specifications published in 2017 Since, then there
have been changes in the field.
This updated specifications consist of technology based on sustainable
development, energy efficiency and green building norms related to central air
conditioning system, VRF System, Unitary System, air and water cooled chiller with
centrifugal, screw, scroll and magnetic centrifugal type compressor etc. Chapters on
Geo Thermal Space Heating and Cooling, indoor air quality, compliance to ECBC
energy efficiency norms, etc. has been included. I wish that these specifications will
be helpful to reduce the carbon footprint.
I acknowledge the hard work and sincere efforts put in towards this
publication by Sh. Shatrughna Prasad Chaudhary, Sp!. DG (Former Chairman of Drafting
Committee), Sh. Ujjwal Mitra, ADG (T & R), Chairman of Drafting committee and
other members Sh. Vikas Gupta CE (E), Sh. Vimal Kumar, CE (E), Sh. Vikash Rana,
CE (E), Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sao, CE (E), Sh. Neeraj Kumar Bansal CE (E), Sh. R. R.
Meena, CE (E), Sh. R.P. Gupta SE (E), Sh. Vivek Gupta, SE (E) toward reviewing
and finalizing the CPWD General Specification for HVAC 2024.
I also acknowledge and appreciate the efforts by Sh. Naimuddin, ADG (Tech),
Sh. R.R. Meena, CE CSQ (E), Shri R. P. Gupta, SE (E) TAS, Sh. Ashok Kumar
Meena (E) TAS and entire CSQ(E) team towards revision and finalisation of General
Specifications for HVAC 2024.
New Delhi
(Rajesh Kumar Kaushal)
Director General, CPWD
Ujjwal Mitra
� ffiqjR
Government oflndia
� 1l«A, � � 110011
Central Public Works Department
Additional Director General National Cpwd Academy ,Kamla Nehru Nagar,
Hapur Road, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201002
Tel: 0120-2711791, E-Mail: [email protected]
CPWD General Specifications for HVAC works 2024 is the revised version of the earlier
specifications released in 2017. There was a growing need to revise these specifications due
to major technological changes over a period as well as concept of energy efficiency gaining
momentum after introduction of ECBC 2017 and further amendments. Accordingly, changes
have been effected in this revision.
Almost all the chapters have been modified to align them with the tried and trusted changes
that have taken place in the field of air conditioning VRV/VRF System along with window
type and split type AC have been included in this edition. Magnetic Bearing Variable Speed
Centrifugal Water Chillers, chilled beams, radiant cooling system, Geo thermal based air
cooling system, variable flow hydronic system and variable air volume boxes are some of the
new technological additions which have found place in this edition. Similarly, inclusion of
BEE Star Rating for Chillers and other equipment are some of the few useful tabular
additions for all practicing HVAC engineers including designers ofHVAC systems
I am indeed grateful to Shri Rajesh Kumar Kaushal, Director General, CPWD, for reposing
trust in our team to undertake this work. I acknowledge the efforts put in by former Chairman
of drafting committee Sh. Shatrughna Prasad Chaudhary, Spl. DG and members of the
specification committee Sh. Vikas Gupta CE (E), Sh. Vimal Kumar, CE (E), Sh. Vikash
Rana, CE (E), Sh. Rajeev Kumar Sao, CE (E), Sh. Neeraj Kumar Bansal CE (E), Sh.
R. R. Meena, CE(E), Sh. R.P. Gupta SE(E),Sh. Vivek Gupta, SE (E) for their valuable
contributions and inputs in drafting the present specification which is technically update,
modern and user friendly.
I compliment Sh. Naimuddin, ADG (Tech), Sh. R. R. Meena CE CSQ(E), Sh. R. P. Gupta,
SE (E) TAS, Sh. Ashok Kumar Meena, EE(E) TAS, Sh. Sandeep Kumar Das, AE(E) TAS,
Sh. Harjeet Singh, AE (E) TLQA and other officials of CSQ (E) unit i/e CE (E)s Vimal
Kumar & Vikas Rana for contribution during their tenure as CE CSQ (E) who made their
sincere efforts to update the specifications and making the publication available in very short
CPWD envisages a lead role for itself in the execution, maintenance and standardization of
the built environment in India, while continuing to play the role of a government department
in facilitating the implementation of policies for sustainable development and transparency in
governance along with assimilation of knowledge and experience. CPWD strives to educate
its clients to aspire for green buildings and develops norms for the same. Its vision is to create
and maintain a sustainable and inclusive built environment within the available resources
while ensuring world class quality.
The Central Public Works Department (CPWD) is a 170 years old institution and is the
principal agency of the Government of India responsible for creating assets and providing
comprehensive services including planning, designing, construction and maintenance of
office and residential buildings as well as other infrastructures of various ministries,
departments of Government of India, autonomous bodies and public sector enterprises. Its
activities are spread throughout the country.
The following is the sequence of various editions of CPWD General Specifications for
HVAC Works.
• 1977
• 2004
• 2017
• 2017 (Amendments)
• 2024 (Present edition)
CPWD General Specifications for HVAC works 2024 is the revised version of the earlier
specifications released in 2017. There was a growing need to revise these specifications due
to major technological changes over a period of more than six years as well as concept of
energy efficiency gaining momentum after introduction of ECBC 2017. Accordingly,
changes have been effected in this revision.
Almost all the chapters have been modified to align them with the tried and trusted changes
that have taken place in the field of air conditioning VRV/VRF System, window type and
split type AC, screw, scroll, centrifugal and magnetic bearing variable speed centrifugal air
cool and water cool chillers, radiant cooling system Geo thermal based air cooling system.
Ground source thermal heating and cooling system, heat pumps etc. are some new
technologies based on green and sustainable energy source included in this edition and will
reduce huge amount of carbon emission in future. Smoke exhaust and pressurisation system,
area ventilation are also included. Similarly, the List of CFC and HCFC free Refrigerant
along with their ODP. GWP and application, minimum efficiency requirement for VRF air
conditioning and air-cooled chiller for ECBC and ECBC+ building are also included in this
edition. Automatic tube cleaning system, fire safety related to AHU, duct work, smoke
control, recommended rate of air circulation, pressurisation of stair case and lift lobby, are
also included in this edition.
6. Factory built air handling unit (AHU), fan coil Chapter -6 99-107
unit (FCU) and other air distribution systems These General Specifications cover the equipments and materials for the system, their
testing and/ or inspection as may be necessary before their dispatch from their respective
factory, their delivery at site, all preparatory works, assembling, installation and
adjustments, commissioning, final Testing, Adjusting & Balancing putting into
operation, equipment capacity computation and handing over of the complete system. These General Specifications are subject to revision from time to time. Each air-conditioning work has its own particular requirements. These General
Specifications shall be supplemented with tender specifications as may be required for
a particular work. The tender specifications, wherever they differ from these General
Specifications, shall have over- riding value and shall be followed for that particular
work. However, the deviation of tender specification with this specification shall be
duly justified and recorded by NIT/TS Authority.
1.1.3 Terminology
The definition of terms used in these specifications shall be in accordance with IS: 3615-
“Glossary of terms used in refrigeration and air-conditioning”. Some of the commonly
used terms are defined in Appendix ‘A’.
(iv) In the case of discrepancy between the schedule of Quantities, the Specifications and/
or the Drawings, the following order of preference shall be observed:
(a) Description of Schedule of Quantities, if any
(b) Particular Specification and Special Condition, if any.
(c) Drawings.
(d) CPWD Specifications.
(e) Bureau of Indian Standard Specifications
(f) ECBC 2017,
(g) National building code 2016,
All above mentioned documents amended up to date are applicable.
(viii) Making openings in the walls/ floors/ slabs or modification in the existing openings
wherever provided for carrying pipe line, ducts, cables etc. In case of new construction
work the opening shall be made in slab casting/ wall construction.
(ix) Providing wooden/ metallic frames for fixing grills/diffusers.
(x) Making good all damages caused to the structure during installation and restoring the
same to their original finish.
(xi) Balancing of all HVAC systems in accordance with generally accepted engineering
standards. A written balance report shall be provided (wherever asked for) to the
Engineer-in-Charge or his representative for HVAC systems as per chapter 17
(xii) A set of three copies of operations manual shall be provided to the Engineer-in-Charge
or his representative containing following information at a minimum-
(a) HVAC equipment capacity,
(b) Equipment operation and maintenance manuals,
(c) HVAC system control maintenance and calibration information, including wiring
diagrams, schedules, and control sequence descriptions,
(d) A complete written narrative of how each system is intended to operate.
(xiii) In case of new construction work (EPC as well as Non EPC) involving civil work,
HVAC work and other E&M services having working plant tonnage 200 & above, the
Contractor shall associate the Energy modeller and carried out the energy modelling of
complete building & Energy Performance Index modeling i/c all services and other
active/passive factors i/c Core & shell as involved in the complete design. The cost of
this energy modelling deemed to include in the tendered cost and nothing extra will be
paid on this account.
1.5.2 In case of EPC contracts the Contractor has to arrange Power, Water i/c water Softening
plant, Drainage, Tube cleaner system etc. by own resources at free of Cost, until
otherwise specified in the tender.
irrespective of the fact whether such items are specifically mentioned in the tender or
(v) The all material dispatch shall also accompanied with the acceptance test/ quality
tests/performance test certificate as carried out by the Manufacture and by third party.
(ii) The scheme of colour code painting of pipe work services for air conditioning
installation shall be as per National building code and is indicated below:
(iii) Colour bands shall be 150 mm wide, superimposed on ground colour to distinguish type
and condition of fluids. The spacing of band shall not exceed 4.0m.
(iv) In addition to the colour bands specified above all pipe work shall be legibly marked
with black or white letters to indicate the type of service and the direction of flow
identified as follows:-
High temperature Hot water : HTHW
Medium temperature Hot water : MTHW
Low temperature Hot water : LTHW
Chilled water : CHW
Condenser water : CDW
Steam : ST
Condensate : C
1.13.1 Initial Inspection & testing
(i) Initial inspection of materials & equipment e.g. chiller, AHU, FCU, Cooling tower,
Pumps, VRF units shall be carried out by Engineer-in-charge or his authorized
representative in factory. For items requiring assembly at site the inspection shall be for
the components to be assembled. The Engineer-in-charge can ask for factory inspection
of other items also and the same shall also be deemed to be included in tender cost. The
all main material equipment etc. as required in inspection & testing is deemed to be
included in tender cost. For item/ equipment requiring initial inspection at
manufacturer’s works, the contractor will intimate the date of testing of equipment at
the manufacturer’s works before dispatch. The contractor shall give sufficient advance
notice regarding the dates proposed for such tests to the department’s representative(s)
to facilitate his presence during testing. The Engineer-in-charge at his discretion may
witness such testing. Equipment will be inspected at the manufacturer/ authorized
dealer’s premises, before dispatch to the site by the contractor. For equipment sourced
from abroad, the contractor shall include in his bid the costs of journey & stay, other
costs if any, for sending his technically competent representative to witness the
performance and pre-dispatch tests at the manufacturer’s works. Evidence to this effect
by way of travel documents etc. shall be produced before the payment against delivery
is released. The Engineer-in-charge, at his discretion, may also witness such testing
subject to Government Orders at that time.
(ii) The department also reserves the right to inspect the fabrication job at factory and the
successful tenderer has to make arrangements for the same.
(iii) The materials duly inspected by Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative
shall be dispatched to site by the contractor.
(iv) No additional payment shall be made to the contractor for initial inspection /testing at
the manufacturer’s works by the representative of the Engineer-in-Charge. However,
the department will bear the expenses of its representative deputed for carrying out
initial inspection/testing.
(v) Factory testing of VRF having aggregate capacity more than 100 HP at NABL Certified
Test Bed in India. Factory testing of Chillers shall be as per BIS/ BEE/ ARI.
contractor will be free to carry out necessary adjustments etc. during this period without
stopping the plant. Record of inside conditions will be made during this period to check
that the same are as per NIT requirements. The plant will be said to have successfully
completed the running-in-period, if no break down or abnormal/ unsatisfactory
operation of any machinery occurs during this period. After this the plant will be made
available for beneficial use. After the plant has operated without any major break down/
trouble and inside conditions are maintained as per NIT requirements for the above
specified running in period, it shall be taken over by the department subject to guarantee
clause mentioned below. This date of taking over of plant after trouble free operation
during the running in period shall be the date of acceptance.
(ii) Any loss of refrigerant or oil during the running in period shall be made good by the
contractor free of charge.
(iii) Capacity test of the chilling unit & other major equipment shall be carried out as and
when conditions become stabilized as per details given under Appendix ‘G’.
(iv) Seasonal testing may be carried out as & when outside conditions become suitable for
the Major Season Test.
(i) The contractor shall guarantee the complete system to maintain the specified conditions
under all conditions of ambience and internal loads subject to the condition that
designed outside conditions & designed internal loads are not exceeded. Also the inlet/
outlet temperatures at the specified flow of water in the chiller unit shall be guaranteed.
(ii) All equipment shall be guaranteed for a period of 12 months from the date of acceptance
and taking over of the installation by the Department or greater period as mentioned in
the NIT against unsatisfactory performance and/or breakdown due to defective design,
material, manufacture, workmanship or installation. The equipment or component or
any part thereof so found defective during the guarantee period shall be repaired or
replaced free of cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. In case it is felt by
the department that undue delay is being caused by the contractor in doing this, the
same will be got done by the department at the risk & cost of the contractor. The
decision of Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final.
(iii) Any leakage of refrigerant and/or oil due to defective design, manufacture,
workmanship or installation during the guarantee period shall be made good by the
contractor free of charge.
1.16.2 When the major seasonal test cannot be carried out on commissioning of the installation
due to any reason not attributable to the contractor, the installation will he handed over
to the Department for beneficial use after completion of successful running in test of 7
days subject to a minimum aggregate of 120 hours as per para 1.15 above. The balance
payment shall be released to the contractor on his furnishing a bank guarantee in the
specified format from a scheduled bank for an equivalent amount. The bank guarantee
shall be valid for a period of 6 months. However, it will be extended till the successful
completion of the major seasonal test. This bank guarantee shall be independent of the
one furnished for performance guarantee.
1.16.3 The following shall be considered major seasonal test for the purpose of the above
payment terms: -
a) Air-conditioning system : Summer or monsoon
b) Central heating system : Winter
c) ETAC : Summer
d) Cold room/ Walk in cooler : Summer
(b) EPC Mode I and II: As mentioned in the NIT the contractor shall develop all Drawings
for HVAC work including Equipment layout, Ducting, Piping, Foundation Support,
Automation etc. In case of applicability of BIM model as per NIT, these drawing shall
be abstracted from BIM.
1.17.2 Drawings for approval on award of the work (Not applicable in case of Window
and Split AC)
The contractor shall prepare & submit three sets of hard copy & one Digital/ soft copy
in AutoCAD format of following drawings (2D/3D) and get them approved from the
Engineer-in-Charge before the start of the work. The approval of drawings however
does not absolve the responsibility of contractor to supply the equipments/ materials as
per agreement, if there is any contradiction between the approved drawings and
agreement. In case of applicability of BIM modeling as per NIT then all drawings and
data’s shall be develop and extracted from BIM platform.
(i) Lay out drawings of the equipments to be installed in various rooms such as plant room,
AHU rooms, hot water generator room, cooling tower and other equipments.
(ii) Drawings including section, showing the details of erection of entire equipments
including their foundations, water basin for the cooling towers / air washers, etc.
(iii) Plumbing drawings showing the layout of entire piping, dia & length of pipes, valves
and isometric drawings showing connections to various equipment.
(iv) Ducting drawings showing sizes, locations of dampers, grilles & diffusers.
(v) Electrical wiring diagrams for all electrical equipments and controls including the sizes
and capacities of the various cables and equipments,
(vi) Dimensioned drawings of all electrical and control panels,
(vii) Drawings showing the details of all insulations and vapour barrier works,
(viii) Drawings showing details of supports for pipes, cable trays, ducts etc.
(ix) Any other drawings relevant to the work.
The department shall, at its discretion, use the soft copy of such drawings to prepare
and examine the integrated services layout, resolve conflicts, and advise the contractor
to modify the execution drawings suiting & adjusting to all the services requirements.
The contractor shall be bound to modify & execute accordingly.
1.17.3 Completion Drawings (Not applicable in case of Window and Split AC)
One set of Digital/ soft Copy and three sets of the following laminated drawings shall
be submitted by the contractor while handing over the installation to the Department.
Out of this one of the sets shall be laminated on a hard base for display in the A.C. plant
room. In addition one set will be given on compact disc.
(i) Plant installation drawings giving complete details of all the equipment, including their
(ii) AHU room installation drawings,
(iii) Plumbing layout drawings including insulation giving sizes and lengths of all the pipes
and the sizes and locations of all types of valves, and including isometric drawings for
the entire piping including the pipe connections to the various equipment and insulation
details wherever required,
(iv) Duct layout drawings with their sizes and locations, and sizes and locations of all
dampers, grills & diffusers,
(v) Line diagram and layout of all electrical control panels giving switchgear ratings and
their disposition, cable feeder sizes and their layout,
(vi) Control wiring drawings with all control components and sequence of operations to
explain the operation of control circuits,
(vii) BMS drawings (wherever applicable)
(viii) Electrical cabling layout
(ix) Mechanical Ventilation layouts.
1.20 RATES :
1.20.1 The work shall be treated as on works contract basis and the rates tendered shall be for
complete items of work (except the materials, if any, stipulated for supply by the
department) inclusive of all taxes, GST (including works contract tax, if any), duties,
and levies etc. and all charges for items contingent to the work, such as, packing,
forwarding, insurance, freight and delivery at site for the materials to the supplied by
the contractor, watch and ward of all materials (including those, if any, supplied by the
department) for the work at site etc.
1.20.2 Prices quoted shall be firm. Price adjustments shall however be governed by Clause
10C, 10CC the Conditions of Contract given in form CPWD 7or 8 of the tender
documents, for works executed under these forms, as applicable. All relevant
documents shall be produced by the contractor to the Engineer-in-charge, whenever
called upon by him to do so, for working out such adjustments in rates.
An air-conditioning system is a means of cooling/heating, dehumidification/
humidification, filtration and its distribution to the various conditioned spaces,
maintaining indoor air quality, energy efficiency and other resources. Various types of
air-conditioning systems commonly used are:-
(a) Unit type equipments, which may be a window type room air-conditioner or a split type
(b) VRV/ VRF system
(c) Central plants (Water Cooled / Air Cooled), which are of two types :-
(i) Central DX-Plants with AHUs etc.
(ii) Central chilled water plants with AHUs, Fan Coil Units, Chilled Beams, Embedded
chilled water pipes in slabs & walls, etc.
For each application there will specifically be only one system, which will be just right
for it.
(d) Heat Pumps/ Ground Source Heat Pumps.
(e) Adiabatic Cooling / Heating.
For normal comfort conditions, values under 1.0 percent column should be used for
cooling loads and 99 percent column for heating loads. For critical applications, values
under 0.4 percent column should be used for cooling loads and 99.6 percent column for
heating loads.
Maximum dry bulb temperature and co-incident wet bulb temperature shall be
considered for design.
2.2.2 Indoor design conditions Indoor Design Temperature
Indoor design temperature for different type of buildings shall be as given below,
however These are not applicable for outdoor running mean temperatures below 15°C.
proportion of fresh air introduced into air conditioned building may be varied to
achieve economical and efficient operation. When the fresh air can provide a useful
cooling effect, the quantity shall be controlled through air side economizer to balance
the cooling demand. However, when the air is too warm or humid the quantity may be
reduced to a minimum to reduce the cooling load.
(iv) Condenser
(a) Water temperature IN : 32.2 deg C
(b) Water temperature OUT : 36.4 deg C
(c) Temperature rise : 4.2 deg C
(d) Fouling factor : 0.001 (British unit)
(e) Maximum permissible 10 m
of water- pressure drop : head
(v) Chiller
(a) Water temperature IN : 12.2 deg C
(b) Water temperature OUT : 6.67 deg C
(c) Temperature drop : 5.5 deg C
(d) Fouling factor : 0.0005 (British unit)
(e) Maximum permissible 10 m
of water- pressure drop : head
2.3.2 PIPING
(i) Maximum flow velocity : 2.5 m/s
(ii) Maximum friction : 5 m/100 m run
(ii) Maximum velocity at supply air grilles/ diffusers 150 m/min
(iii) Maximum friction in duct 1cm WG/100 m run
2.3.6 DUCTING FOR ETAC system and VENTILATION System ( normal operation )
in Basement :
Value of all above parameters be kept as 1.5 times of values specified at para 2.3.4
Example of Building air conditioning load (TR) for preliminary calculation using
the table given below.
To estimate the cooling demand (air conditioning load TR) of an office building having
air conditioned area of 1,000 m2
Using the *Lo values (m2/TR) given below in the table for office category building, the
estimated total air conditioning load (TR) of the building will be
Preliminary estimated air conditioning load (TR)
= area (m2)/ Cooling demand density (m2t/TR)
= 1000/36
‡ Refrigeration loads are for entire application
# Air quantities for heavy manufacturing areas are based on supplementary means to
remove excessive heat.
* Air quantities for hospital patient rooms and office buildings (except internal areas)
are based on induction (air-water) system.
Refrigeration and air quantities for applications listed in this table of cooling load check
figures are based on all-air system and normal outdoor air quantities for ventilation
except as noted.
Schools, College, Universities
Factories Assembly Areas 24 15 9
Manufacturing 20 15 10
Manufacturing# 10 8 6
Hospitals Patient Rooms* 27.5 22 16.5
Public Areas 17.5 14 11
Hotels, Motels, Dormitories 35 30 22
Libraries and Museums 34 28 20
Office Buildings* 36 28 19
Private Offices* - - -
Stenographic Department - - -
Residential Large 60 50 38
Medium 70 55 40
Large 13.5 10 8
Medium 15 12 10
Shopping Centres, Department
Stores and Specialty Shops
Department Stores Basement 34 28.5 22.5
Main Floors 35 24.5 15
Upper Floors 40 34 28
Dress Shops 34.5 28 18.5
Drug Stores 18 13.5 11
Shoe Stores 30 22 15
Malls 36.5 23 16
Refrigeration for Central
and Cooling Plant
Urban Districts 47.5 38 28.5
College Campuses 40 32 24
Commercial Centres 33 26.5 20
Residential Centres 62.5 50 37.5
Source: ASHRAE GRP 158, Load Calculation Manual (Heating & Cooling), Table
A1.1- Cooling load Check figures
* Hi values of cooling demand density may be used for existing buildings where
building envelope cannot be improved
* Av values may be used for unitary (WT or Split type) units and for AC areas
surrounded by non AC area else
* Lo values may be used for new buildings.
(ii) Humidity and its acceptable variation,
(iii) Air movement,
(iv) Air purity or quality,
(v) Air changes per hour,
(vi) Air and/or water velocity requirements,
(vii) Local climate,
(viii) Space pressure requirements,
(ix) Capacity requirements as per load calculation analysis,
(x) Redundancy,
(xi) Spatial requirements,
(xii) Fire safety and security concerns,
(xiii) Initial cost,
(xiv) Operating cost, including energy and power costs,
(xv) Maintenance cost,
(xvi) Reliability,
(xvii) Flexibility,
(xviii) Controllability,
(xix) Life-cycle analysis,
(xx) Sustainability characteristics,
(xxi) Acoustics and vibration, and
(xxii) Mold and mildew prevention.
(xxiii) Peak cooling/heating load
(xxiv) Minimum load which system has to cater to at any time.
(xxv) System redundancy and reliability
(xxvi) Availability of cooling water in adequate quantity and quality
(xxvii) Energy and water Conservation.
(xxviii)Availability of Space for installation of Central Plant/ cooling Towers be added.
A comparison of various systems is given in the Table 2.3. However this is for general
guidance and justification for choosing a particular system hall be evaluated by the
technical Sanctioning Authority.
As a general guideline WTAC, Splits and Ducted Splits shall be used where the
Cumulative load in proximity is less than 100 TR and VRF Systems shall be limited
where the cumulative load does not exceed 500 TR. Other considerations listed in 2.5
shall override this general guidance. VRF Systems have been found to be beneficial
where multiple indoor units are required and some or most of them may not be
operational concurrent with the rest of the system. Decision on system selection in such
cases shall be clearly documented.
Both EPC/Non EPC NIT’s the NIT approving authority shall clearly mention in NIT
the provision of particular type of HVAC system.
2.6 WINDOW TYPE A.C. (Unitary)
These are provided where-
(i) Window for fixing the AC is available or necessary opening in wall is provided for the
(ii) Sound level of up to 50 dB inside the room is acceptable.
(iii) BEE star rated WTACs are available. As far as possible 5 star rated A.C. may be
provided in all new installation for conserving electrical energy.
(iv) As far as possible the use of Window AC shall be avoided.
(i) While installing the A.C care be take that WTAC is not provided at back of sitting/ chair
in room.
(ii) Standard A.C are provided with control plate and wire at right side of A.C (as seen from
front) hence power outlet points should be provide at right side of window etc.
(iii) Standard installation procedures, as given by the manufacturers, may be followed.
(iv) Removal of condensate drain to be planned.
(i) Where window for installation of WTAC is not available, Split Type AC are planned.
(ii) Almost Silent (Low dB level) operation of A.C is important, considering VIP rooms,
conference rooms, etc.
Various types of split air conditioners may be categorized based on type of compressor
for outdoor unit and air-distribution for indoor unit, as below:
(a) Outdoor unit with variable speed compressor : It is also called an inverter AC or
variable speed AC, which works on part load depending on the demand for the
conditioned space. This uses a variable-
(b) Frequency drive to control the frequency and thereby the speed of the compressor
(c) Free-blow indoor unit : It could be high wall mounted, ceiling suspended cassette
(exposed type), or floor-mounted.
(d) Furred-in indoor unit (ceiling suspended) : It is mounted in the ceiling and provided
with a duct collar and grille.
(e) Ducted indoor unit : It requires ducting for air distribution.
(i) Wherever split A.C. are planned in the new buildings, necessary openings in wall may
be provided by with use of 75 mm PVC pipe sleeves at suitable locations for taking
refrigerant pipes and cable to outdoor unit, so as to avoid unnecessary cutting/ damage
to walls at a later stage. The slope of sleeve of PVC pipe should be towards exterior to
avoid seepage of water into the room. This opening should be sealed properly after
installation to avoid entry of vermin and rain water.
(ii) For condensate drain, 40 mm PVC/ HDPE pipe be also provided and taken to nearest
drain or up to the stack for collection & disposal of condensate. The slope of such pipe
also should be downwards. As far as possible, joints should be avoided in this pipe.
(iii) The length of connecting refrigerant pipes between outdoor and indoor unit be kept to
minimum feasible at site. However it should not exceed 9 m, as the efficiency of the
unit gets severely affected on increase of distance. The refrigerant pipes should be taken
along the walls/ columns etc. duly clamped to their surface by saddles. If walls etc. are
not available, tray be used to support the refrigerant pipes. Where bending of refrigerant
pipes is required, proper pipe bending tool should be used to avoid pinching of pipes.
(iv) The refrigerant pipes should be properly insulated as per the recommendations of the
manufacturer of split type AC units. The insulation over refrigerant pipes be examined
once in a year and in case of any deficiency/ defect the same may be replaced.
(v) Wall mounted unit and similar exposed indoor unit are provided with installation plate
for ease in installation. Care shall be taken to ensure that enough clearance space is
available below the ceiling in order to have free intake of return air.
(vi) Outdoor unit is mounted on an epoxy-coated steel frame with rubber gourmet to
minimise vibrations in an open area so that the fan of the air cooled condenser
can discharge hot air to the atmosphere, without any obstruction. Care should be taken
to ensure that free intake of air is also available to the outdoor air cooled condenser.
Also precaution should be taken that hot air from any one outdoor unit does not mix
with the outdoor air intake of any other air cooled condenser.
(vii) The location of the Outdoor unit shall be shown in the drawing and shall be ensured that
the outdoor unit shall be easily approachable for maintenance activities.
2.7.3 Limitations :
Split air conditioner is generally not recommended for,
(i) Where distance between indoor unit exceeds beyond the maximum of 30 m (or higher
as per the recommendation of the manufacturer) from the outdoor unit for units up to
17500W (5 TR). The horizontal distance between the indoor unit and outdoor unit
should not exceed 10 m for reciprocating compressor, nor for scroll compressor. The
vertical distance between the indoor unit and the outdoor unit should not exceed 10 m
for units with reciprocating compressor, and 25 m for unit with rotary/scroll compressor.
(ii) Area requiring close control of both the indoor temperature and relative humidity.
(iii) Sound recording rooms where criteria for acoustics are stringent.
(iv) Special applications like sterile rooms for hospitals and clean room applications where
(v) High filtration efficiency is desired.
(vi) Large multi-storeyed buildings where multiplicity of compressors may entail
(vii) Subsequent maintenance problems.
VRF ODUs are typically provided with rectifier-inverter power system, which provided
a Variable Voltage & Variable Frequency (V3F) supply to compressor motor, in order
to support variable speed. This in turn provides variable refrigerant flow through the
refrigerant lines meeting the demand of cooling/ heating. The speed of the motor is
controlled through a feedback system sensing the refrigeration demand from the IDUs.
VRFs come in two system format, two pipe and three pipe systems. In a 2 pipe system
all of the zones must either be all in cooling or all in heating. A three pipe Heat Recovery
(HR) systems has the ability to heat certain zones while others require cooling. In this
case the heat extracted from the zone requiring cooling is put to use in the zone requiring
heating. This is made possible because the heating units are functioning as a condenser.
In order to cater to fresh air needs, VRF system outdoor unit should be connected with
TFA-AHU. A control box equipped with electronic expansion device and
communication printed circuit board (PCB) is needed for TFA-AHU so that it can
communicate seamlessly with the VRF system outdoor unit.
VRF system is available with air cooled or water cooled condenser. The water cooled
system are more efficient than air cooled system .The NIT authority shall mentioned the
type of system water/air cooled in NIT.
These systems are basically extensions of split type A.C’s and are much less efficient
as compared to central A.C. plant hence should not be provided except in following
(a) In the existing building, requiring central AC but the space for providing AC plant,
height of ceiling for ducting, water supply for chilled water based AC plant, is not
(b) It is not possible to provide central A.C. plant and run the chilled water lines up to cool
the rooms with fan coil units to cool the rooms.
Such system is normally provided where high diversity in demand is available i.e. small
Guest houses, small hotels, small offices, Art Galleries, etc.
A comparison of the VRF/ VRV systems with the Central Chilled water system was got
done. Also recommendations of BEE were taken in case of a large building AC
requirement. It is added below for making decision.
large no. of outdoor units would be
required to fulfill the requirement of
3500-4000 TR
5. Design is very complex. Requires Design is very simple. Handles only
whole building to have refrigerant chilled water after plant room and only
piping, cabling and control from air after AHU. Can be easily centrally
individual rooms. In case refrigerant controlled through BMS.
pipe leaks, whole gas is leaked
involving huge cost. Also leaking
gas is a fire and health hazard.
6. Its CoP (Coefficient of Its CoP varies from 5.4 (for 750 TR
Performance) varies from 3 to 4.2; a chiller) to 6.3 (for 1000 TR chiller)
higher CoP implies greater
7. Its part load efficiency is good if Its part load efficiency is good even at
used at more than 50 % rated one – third of the rated capacity.
8. Air Quality of conditioned space: Air Quality can be control.
RH, CO2, Bacteria, Dust, pollutants
control, air changes, air distribution
Controls are very limited and
9. Fire safety: Only water in the AHUs and Air in
Refrigerant in system goes to all rooms through ducts. Refrigerant is
areas of the building and is limited to only within chilling units.
combustible at high temperatures Hence very safe.
releasing toxic products of
10. Electrical Logistics: The Plant Room is adjacent to the
Out door units in large number are Substation. Interconnection cost is low.
located on the terrace far away from In the building power supply is
the substation. All the FCs require required only to AHUs.
power cabling. Power distribution
logistics and cost is very high.
In respect of VRF System, the air quantity handled by the indoor units shall determine
the number of units that will be required in each space. Once the indoor units of various
types and capacities are selected, the cumulative total of the capacities of all the indoor
units shall be computed and the outdoor unit/s shall be selected for 80% of the
cumulative indoor unit capacity. In case, standby capacity is desired, additional
indoor/outdoor units will need to be provided.
(i) Refrigeration unit (Central plant) comprising of compressor, condenser, expansion
valve, evaporator & interconnecting refrigerant piping.
(ii) Hot water generators.
(iii) Cooling towers.
(iv) Condenser water pumps
(v) Chilled / Hot water pumps (Primary and Secondary System as applicable).
(vi) Chilled / Hot water piping (required in central chilled water system).
(vii) Condenser water piping including pressurised make up water tank.
(viii) Air handling units (AHUs) comprising of supply air blower, cooling coil and/ or heating
coil, humidification system (wherever specified), & filters (the room in which AHU is
installed is called weather maker room).
(ix) Air distribution system comprising of ducting, variable air volume (VAV) valves, fire
control dampers, grilles & diffusers.
(x) Treated fresh air system (TFA), Free Cooling System,
(xi) Demand Control Ventilation System.
(xii) Heat Recovery Wheel / Heat recovery pipe/any other measure for energy conservation
for areas, requiring high fresh air intake.
(xiii) Electric power supply & distribution.
(xiv) Controls & control wiring.
Depending upon the application and design requirements, which the air-conditioning
system must meet, some of above components shall have to be arranged in certain
sequence to condition the air.
23 Chilled water type central plant
(i) The chilled water type central plant becomes necessary when a number of smaller zones
require air-conditioning. In this case, the chilled water is generated in a centrally located
plant room and is piped to various AHUs, which in turn are individually located near
the space they air-condition. The chilled water so circulated shall be fed to multiple air
handling units, fan coil unis radiant panels or thermally active structures serving various
areas in the building. In thermally active structures, chilled water is circulated through
an array of pipes laid on the floor or in the ceiling.
(ii) The BHP per ton of refrigeration in the case of chilled water system is high compared
to the direct expansion system. Depending upon the type of compressor used, Central air conditioning plants are
of two types.
(i) Screw type central air conditioning plant
These plants use screw type compressors. These are generally used in capacities ranging
from 80 TR and up to 400 TR at present. The capacity of the compressor may be
modulated down to 20 percent of full load capacity.
(ii) Centrifugal type central air conditioning plant
These plants use centrifugal compressors. Centrifugal compressors are not suitable for
circulating and expanding the liquid refrigerant in remote heat exchange surface. They
are, therefore, used only to chilled water/ brine for circulation through remote heat
exchanger surface (AHU coils).
(viii) From the fire safety point of view, storage areas of combustible articles such as film
stores and explosives shall not be served by the AHUs, which are serving other areas.
Other fire precautions as per National Building Code, local municipal byelaws and other
statutory requirements shall be complied with.
(ix) For 24 hrs A/C areas & where the secondary chilled water pumps are provided, to save
energy, the secondary pumps may be provided with variable speed drive (VFD) to
regulate water flow as per load requirement.
(x) For 100% (Fresh air) AHUs requiring 24 hrs. operation, variable speed drive (VFD)
may be provided to regulate the flow of dehumidified air as per load requirement.
(xi) In case the cooling is done by positioning fan coil units (FCUs) within the conditioned
spaces and circulated chilled water through them, it should also be supplemented by
circulating conditioned air through 100 % FA AHU (Treated Fresh Air AHU) by a
network of ducting, grills and diffusers to the conditioned spaces for better comfort
conditions in terms of ventilation, & humidity control and Oxygen requirements.
(xii) For areas like operation theatre, animal house and where specifically required
functionally, AHUs with 100% fresh air shall be used. The return/ used air in such cases
shall be exhausted to atmosphere by installing a suitable exhaust air system. This
exhaust air system shall consist of single skin blower section and a filter section. This
exhaust air system may be ceiling suspended/ floor mounted as per the site availability.
(xiii) In 100% fresh air areas and areas having high occupancy such as lecture theatres,
auditoria, etc., requiring high volume of fresh air, pre-cooling of fresh air be done by
providing Heat Recovery Wheel.
(xiv) In addition to controlling the inside temperature it is necessary to control the
concentration limit of various pollutants as per Chapter 22 (Table 22.1). This is done by
providing Demand Control Ventilation System using sensors for detecting the
concentration and varying the Fresh Air Supply through motorised dampers.
efficient method to generate hot water. Hot water can be generated in an auxiliary
condenser/desuperheater where hot gas leaving the compressor gives up its superheat
before going to the main condenser.
Coal & Oil fired hot water generators are now not in use due to very low energy
efficiency and pollution considerations. The hot water so generated is piped through
either heat convectors/ radiators or AHUs, depending upon the system followed. Heat
convectors/ radiators are used where no humidity control is required. In order to provide
better comfort conditions, this type of heating can be supplemented with preheated fresh
air circulated through AHUs and ducts. The central heating scheme can also be
designed along with the central chilled water air-conditioning scheme where cooling
during summer and heating during winter are required in one of following manners:
(a) Laying separate pipe lines for chilled and hot water flow from A.C. plant room to AHUs.
Here AHUs will have separate cooling and heating coils. For humidity control in
monsoon re-heat coils in the main initial section of S.A. duct shall be provided.
(b) In case of space constraints in respect to laying of separate pipe lines & cooling, heating
coils, same water lines and heat transfer coils may be designed to carry chilled water
during summer/ monsoon for cooling and hot water during winter for heating. In this
case however humidity control by reheat shall not be possible, as strip heaters used
earlier are not allowed due to Fire Protection consideration.
(ii) System Component :
A complete central heating system may include the following components :
(a) Hot water generator,
(b) Hot water pump,
(c) Hot water piping,
(d) Convector/ radiator
(e) Heat transfer units (AHUs), variable air volume (VAV) valves, fire control dampers,
grills & diffusers
(f) Treated fresh air system (TFA),
(g) Demand Control Ventilation System.
(h) Heat Recover Wheel.
(i) Air filters,
(j) Air distribution system,
(k) Controls and control wiring and,
(l) Power supply control and distribution arrangement.
Some or all of the above components shall have to be arranged in a proper sequence to
condition the air.
(iii) System Design and plant selection:
It shall be done as per para above.
(b) During summer when cooling is required, the chilled water plant is operated as a
conventional system with the chilled water being circulated through the cooling coils
of the AHUs and FCUs to cool and dehumidify areas and condenser water being
circulated through the cooling tower.
(c) During winter, when heating is required, the condenser water is circulated through the
cooling coils of AHUs and FCUs. The warm condenser water heats the air passing over
AHU/ FCU cooling coils and gets cooled in the process. The cooled condenser water
is then circulated through the condenser to condense the refrigerant vapour and it gets
heated up in the process. The cooling coils thus perform the function of the cooling
tower. The chilled water from the chiller is circulated through the cooling tower. The
temperature of chilled water being lower than the ambient air, the chilled water gets
heated by the ambient air. The chilled water from the cooling tower is then circulated
through the chiller to evaporate the refrigerant & it gets cooled in the process. The
cooled water is then circulated through the cooling tower. The cooling tower performs
the function of the cooling coil. This winter heating is known as reverse cycle heating
and can be accomplished by interconnection of chilled water and condenser water
supply and return headers through change over valves.
(d) This system can be used in places where winter ambient temperature is more than
7.20C (W.B) & Quality of water shall have hardness less than 60 PPM.
(ii) Limitations
(a) The reverse cycle heating cannot be resorted to when the outside wet bulb temperature
drops below 7.20C.
(b) Further, if the quality of condenser water is bad, circulation of condenser water through
the cooling coils may foul the tubes of the cooling coil and may also lead to scale
formation inside the tubes of the cooling coils. Hence this system is used where hardness
of water is less than 60 PPM.
2.10.5 Central Heating through Heat Pumps and Ground Source Heat Pumps
A heat pump is an electrical device that extracts heat from one place and transfers it to
another. Air sourced heat pumps draw heat from the outside air during the winter
heating season, and rejects heat outside during the summer cooling season. There are
two types of air source heat pumps. The most common is the air-to-air heat pump. It
extracts heat from the air and then transfers heat to either the inside or outside depending
on the season. The other type is the air-to-water heat pump, which is used with hydronic
heat distribution systems. During heating, in the winter season, the heat pump takes heat
from the outside air and then transfers it to the water in the hydronic distribution system.
During cooling, in the summer season, the process is reversed: heat pump extracts heat
from water in the home distribution system and pumps it outside to cool.
Ground source heat pump uses the earth, or ground water, or both as the source of heat
in the winter, and as the sink for heat removed from the conditioned areas in the summer.
Heat is removed from the earth by using groundwater or an antifreeze solution; the
liquid’s temperature is raised by the heat pump; and the heat is transferred to indoor air.
For year round air conditioning, the process is reversed during summer months, heat is
taken from indoor air and transferred to the earth, by the ground water.
outside to maintain the required level of air purity. Ventilation is required to control the
(a) Oxygen Content — Prevent depletion of the oxygen content of the air;
(b) Carbon dioxide and Moisture — Prevent undue accumulation;
(c) Contaminants — Prevent undue rise in concentration of body odours and other
contaminants such as tobacco smoke;
(d) Bacteria — Oxidize colonies of bacteria and fungus to prevent their proliferation.
(e) Heat — Remove body heat, heat generated by electrical & mechanical equipment, solar
heat gains through walls & glass, etc.
Mechanical ventilation is one of several forms of ventilation options available. It usually
consists of fans, filters, ducts, air diffusers and outlets for air distribution within the
building. It may include either mechanical exhaust system or exhaust can occur through
natural means.
Natural ventilation and natural exhaust are also options. The scope of this section is
therefore restricted to mechanical ventilation. The rate of ventilation for various general areas in normal conditions shall be as given
in table 2.4 below
CMM required for ventilation system is thus calculated Based on the volume of the
room and from the above table as-
Contractor shall furnish calculations for fan and duct sizing to the Engineer-in -Charge
and obtain approval before work is taken up. For Stairwell pressurization and lift lobby
pressurization calculations shall be based on two doors open condition. While the
Stairwell and lift shaft shall be pressurized for all floors at the same time, lift lobby
shall be pressurized only on the floor under fire and the two adjacent floors. To achieve
this automatic dampers actuated by the intelligent fire alarm system shall be provided
0.25 N x E x Tm
Q = Ventilation rate in CMM
N = number of cars in peak usage;
E = average CO emission per car, in g/h; and
Tm = average time a car remains operating in the car park, in Seconds.
(vi) The higher among ventilation rate as per (iv) and (v) above shall be adopted for design.
(vii) In order to save energy consumption, the fan motors shall have VFD.
(viii) CO sensors shall be provided for basement car park spaces with total car park space
greater than or equal to 600 m2 duly integrated for automatic operation of fans in case
of increase of CO level, greater than required.
(ix) In the case of basement floor parking areas, a push-pull arrangement of ventilation can
be used.
(x) The contractor shall do a detailed computation of the ventilation requirement with the
aid of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and shall submit it for the approval of
the Engineer-in-Charge before carrying out the works.
(xi) Demand Control Ventilation shall be employed by linking CO sensors with both
supply and exhaust fans as well as Jet Fans. Normally the ventilation fans shall provide
6 to 8 air changes but CO sensors shall monitor the air quality on a continuous basis
and shall modulate fan speed during lean hours when movement of cars in the
basement is minimum. CO Sensors shall be grouped according to the zone covered
by the exhaust fan.
(xii) The system used for ventilation of the basement shall also be used for smoke
ventilation during fire emergencies. Smoke exhaust shall be designed as per relevant
section of NBC 2016.This shall be achieved by employing dual speed fans. Fans used
for smoke exhaust shall be suitably fire rated.
(xiii) CO Sensors shall ideally be located between 0.9 m and 1.8 m above floor level.
However, for practical reasons (in order to protect from vandalism), the sensors may
be installed at just above 1.8 m height from floor.
The minimum hood exhaust flow rates for different types of cooking equipment and
exhaust hoods per linear metre of hood length should be as per Table 2. 6.
If more than one duty category appliance is placed under one hood, the hood exhaust
flow should be calculated on the basis of the heaviest duty appliance.
For Type II hoods, the recommended exhaust flow rates are from 150 to 460 litres per
second per linear metre of hood length for oven hoods, and 460 to 770 litres per second
for condensate hoods.
The recommended kitchen exhaust fan should consist of a backward type impeller
Oil and Grease problems can be greatly reduced through the use of proper filtration
device in the hood exhaust system.
The air exhausted through a kitchen hood shall be replaced/make up 100 percent with
clean outside air. The makeup air can be supplied untreated, or treated in an air washer
so that slight negative pressure is maintained in the kitchen to prevent exfiltration of the
pollutants to the public areas. This is achieved by exhausting approximately 10% more
air than the supply air quantity. Kitchen room pressure shall be maintained at slightly
(20 Pa) lower pressure than adjacent areas to prevent heat and odors spreading to
adjacent areas.
For kitchens adjacent to a building exterior wall, the kitchen pressure should be slightly
higher than the ambient to prevent ingress of dust, heat and insects.
Exhaust and supply air flow rates should be controlled by installing variable frequency
drives (VFD) on the fan motors.
Air curtains can also be used at entry / exit points of the kitchen to prevent the kitchen
pollutants from going into the public areas.
The following general guidelines should be followed in design of Kitchen exhaust duct
design, installation and maintenance:
(i) Minimum sheet gauge should be 16 gauge mild steel Galvanised or 18 gauge stainless
(ii) All joints and seams shall be fully welded and made grease tight.
(iii) Ductwork shall lead directly to building exterior and should not be interconnected with
any other type of building ductwork.
(iv) Horizontal duct runs should be minimised and pitch towards the hood or an approved
reservoir for continuous drainage of liquid grease and condensate. The slope should be
2 percent for runs under 23 m. For horizontal runs greater than 23 m, 8 percent slope
should be provided. A grease drain outlet shall be provided in form of a leg under a
vertical riser.
(v) Maximum velocities are limited by pressure drop and noise and should normally not
exceed 12.5 m/s.
(vi) The minimum air velocity for exhaust ducts should be 2.5 m/s.
(vii) For new single speed fan system, a design duct velocity of 7.5 m/s to 9 m/s is
(viii) Access doors duly nut bolted with lead/fire rated gasket shall be provided for
scavenging/ grease removal during maintenance.
(ix) The entire hood casing shall be welded and rendered air tight. An all-round grease
gutter shall be provided with necessary slope towards valved drains.
(x) Grease filters shall be impingement, preferably change-of direction type made of 1mm
thick Stainless Steel 304 with non-clogging continuous draining baffles. Filter shall be
light in weight and easily removable for cleaning. Filter surface shall exhibit low
flammability from licks of flame and the depth of filter shall be a minimum of 50 mm.
A continuous filter frame of Stainless Steel 304 shall hold the bank of filters and the
velocity across the grease filters shall not exceed 1.25 mps. Filters shall be placed
according to the equipment under the hood. Blanks shall be placed over work tables and
(xi) Each exhaust hood should be protected by a 2 hours rated fire damper set for not more
than 80 deg. C.
(xii) Sprinklers shall be provided inside the hood over the equipment. Sprinklers shall be
water mist type 163°C rated. Sprinkler header shall be brought out of the hood and
terminated in a ball type brass valve.
(xiii) All wiring inside shall be through 90 deg. C rated wires in galvanized steel conduit
brought out in galvanized steel junction box over the hood with a suitably rated EL
(xiv) Kitchen exhaust ducting shall be rectangular/round fabricated out of CRCA sheets
conforming to IS 4030 – 1973 /SS Sheet conforming to IS: 4030. The fabricated duct
shall be degreased and applied with one coat of primer and 2 coat of fire retardant paint.
(xv) Upright sprinklers shall be provided inside the duct at every 3.2m till the vertical riser.
All sprinklers shall be water mist 260°C rated.
(xvi) Replacement air in air-conditioned or spot cooled kitchens shall be supplied as close to
the hood as possible. This shall be achieved by use of Compensating Exhaust Hoods
with supply air forming integral part of the hood.
(4) Designated Smoking Rooms
To curb any movement of contaminated air from the smoking zone to non-smoking
areas, it should be ensured that the smoking zone operates at a negative pressure in
comparison with the surrounding non-smoking areas.
Ventilation system of the smoking zone should be separate from that of the non-
smoking areas. To maintain the required indoor air quality standards in the smoking
zones, the smoking zones should have higher ventilation rates than non-smoking areas
and should be designed for at least 60 cubic feet per minute per person.
The contaminated air from the smoking zone should be exhausted directly to the
outdoors. It should be ensured that there is no recirculation of this air contaminated with
tobacco smoke, to the non-smoking zones of the building.
If the smoking zone is mechanically ventilated, it should have an air circulation rate of
not less than 30 air changes per hour.
Pressure Difference
Reduce Operation Emergency operation
Building Height
(Stage 1 of a 2 (Stage 2 of a 2 stage or
Stage system)(Pa) single stage system)(Pa)
Less than 15 m 8 50
15 m or above 15 50
(i) If possible the same levels shall be used for lobbies and corridors, but level slightly
lower may be used for these spaces if desired. The difference in pressurization levels
between staircase and lobbies (for corridors) shall not be greater than 5 Pa.
(ii) For Basement Parking Ventilation the static can be calculated by duct friction method
using a ductolator.
(iii) Mechanical Plant Rooms:
In the case of air conditioning plant rooms, generator rooms, substation, boiler room
etc., located in the building basement, a push-pull arrangement of ventilation may be
(iv) Designated Smoking Rooms
To curb any movement of contaminated air from the smoking zone to non-smoking
areas, it should be ensured that the smoking zone operates at a negative pressure in
comparison with the surrounding non-smoking areas.
(v) Toilets
Where the toilets are scattered and located at different places, a local exhaust system
with propeller type exhaust fans mounted on the toilet walls exposed to the atmosphere
is recommended. However, in multi-storied buildings, where the toilets are generally
located one above the other in the various floors, the toilet shaft can be used for
exhausting the air through sheet metal ducts with a centrifugal fan installed on the
For axial fans requiring a shaft power of 2.5 kW or more, the fan efficiency grade shall
be FEG 60 or more and FEI index equal to or greater than 1 & for centrifugal fans
requiring a shaft power of 2.5 kW or more, the fan efficiency grade shall be FEG 71 or
more and FEI index equal to or greater than 1. The minimum operating total efficiency
of the selected fan at the desired point of operation for a given application shall be within
10 percentage points of its peak total efficiency value.
Having defined the fan CMM & static to be developed, the fan is selected on basis of
following criterion-
(i) Pressurization system for lifts lobby, lift shaft, stair case shaft :
(a) Fans are normally installed at terrace and are to be enclosed in GI housing.
(b) Some duct work is required for connecting up to the shaft.
(c) These fans shall be operated automatically in case of fire on signal from IBMS or
directly from Fire Control Panel of AFAS. Panels for these fans can be provided in lifts
machine rooms. Auto manual switch is required to be provided to facilitate local testing.
(ii) Basement car parking ventilation :
(a) Normally centrifugal fan are provided in fan room in basement. In case fan room is
not available, ceiling mounted axial fans may be provide.
(b) All exhaust fan provided for the scheme, shall be fire rated for 250°C for 2 hrs.
(c) Normal ventilation fans for min. 06 air change/ hrs are kept on during working hours.
However, CO2 sensor may be provided which will continuously monitor the air quality
and operate the normal fans only when required and there by conserve energy.
(d) For each zone, zonal electrical panel is required to be provided which shall get the signal
from fire alarm panel to activate the fans in case of fire to achieve 12 air changes per
(e) While selecting the fans noise level of fans may be kept under consideration to make
sure that the noise level is kept below 80 decimal at all times except in case of fire.
(f) Selection of Fan type for Ventilation System
*Compartmentation for low hazard and moderate hazard industrial buildings and
storage buildings shall be done in consultation with local fire department.
(b) In addition, there shall be requirement of a minimum of two compartments if the floor
plate size is equal or less than the areas mentioned above. However, such requirement
of minimum two compartments shall not be required, if the floor plate is less than 750
m2. Compartmentation shall be achieved by means of fire barrier having fire resistance
rating of 120 min.
2.12.3 Fire Safety requirement related to Duct work:
(i) Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridors, etc, shall not pass through the exits/exit
passageway/ exit enclosure. Exits and lift lobbies, etc, shall not be used as return air
(ii) As far as possible, metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air instead of space
above the false ceiling.
(iii) Fire or fire/smoke dampers shall be located at least in supply air ducts, fresh air and
return air ducts/ passages at the following points :
(a) At the fire separation wall,
(b) Where ducts/passages enter the vertical shaft,
(c) Where the ducts pass through floors, and
(d) At the inlet of supply air duct and the return air duct of each compartment maintain, test
and also replace, if so required.
(iv) Fire Damper shall be integrated with Fire Alarm Panel and it shall also manually
operated. Fire Damper shall be of motorized type/fusible link type.
(v) The ducting within compartment would require minimum fire resistance rating of 30
If such duct crosses adjacent compartment/floor and not having fire dampers in such
compartment/floor, it would require fire resistance duct work rating of 120 min.
(vi) The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of non-
combustible type.
(c) Inlets and extracts may be terminated at ground level with stall board or pavement lights
as before. Stall board and pavement lights should be in positions easily accessible to the
fire brigade and clearly marked ‘AIR INLET’ or ‘SMOKE OUTLET with an indication
of area served at or near the opening.
(d) The smoke exhaust fans in the mechanical ventilation system shall be fire rated, that is,
250°C for 120 min.
(e) Power supply panels for the fans shall be located in fire safe zone to ensure continuity
of power supply.
(f) Power supply cabling shall meet circuit integrity requirement.
(g) No system relating to smoke ventilation shall be allowed to interface or cross the
transformer area, electrical switchboard, electrical rooms or exits.
(h) Smoke exhaust system having make-up air and exhaust air system for areas other than
car parking shall be required for common areas and exit access corridor in
(i) Basements/underground structures and shall be completely separate and independent of
car parking areas and other mechanical areas.
2.14 Controls :
The HVAC Systems shall have minimum following below given controls in addition
to control as mention in Chapter 12.
(a) Where a unit provides both heating and cooling, controls shall be capable of providing
a temperature dead band of 3.0°C within which the supply of heating and cooling energy
to the zone is shut off or reduced to a minimum.
(b) Where separate heating and cooling equipment serve the same temperature zone,
temperature controls shall be interlocked to prevent simultaneous heating and cooling.
(c) Separate thermost at control shall be installed in each
(i) guest room of Resort and Star Hotel,
(ii) room less than 30 m2 in Business,
(iii) air-conditioned classroom, lecture room, and computer room of Educational,
(iv) in-patient and out-patient room of Healthcare Dampers
All air supply and exhaust equipment, having a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD), shall
have dampers that automatically close upon:
(a) Fan shutdown, or,
(b) When spaces served are not in use
(c) Backdraft gravity damper is acceptable in the system with design outdoor air of the
system is less than 150 liters per second in all climatic zones except cold climate,
provided backdraft dampers for ventilation air intakes are protected from direct
exposure to wind.
(d) Dampers are not required in ventilation or exhaust systems serving naturally
conditioned spaces.
(e) Dampers are not required in exhaust systems serving kitchen exhaust hoods.
(b) Controls that can remotely decrease or increase the operating temperature set points by
four degrees or more in all noncritical zones on signal from a centralized control point
Controls that can provide an adjustable rate of change for the temperature setup and
(c) The centralized demand shed controls shall have additional capabilities to
(i) Be disabled by facility operators
(ii) Be manually controlled from a central point by facility operators to manage heating and
cooling set points
2.15.3 Valve Labels and Charts :
Each valve shall be provided with a label indicating the service being controlled by it,
together with a reference number corresponding with that shown on the valve charts
and on the as-built drawings. The labels shall be made from 3-ply (black/white/black)
trifoliate material showing white letters and figures on a black background. Labels shall
be tied to each valve with chromium plated linked chain.
2.16 Refrigerant :
Refrigerants are classified into two classes based on their toxicity, namely Class A
(Permissible Exposure Limit > 400 ppm) having lower chronic toxicity and Class B
(Permissible Exposure Limit <400 ppm) having higher chronic toxicity.
They are further classified into four classes based on their flammability, namely, Class
1 (no flame propagation), Class 2L (lower flammability), Class 2 (flammable) and Class
3 (higher flammability).
Flammability Toxicity
Low Toxicity High Toxicity
No flame propagation A1 B1
Lower flammability A2L B2L
Flammable A2 B2
Higher Flammable A3 B3
Ozone depletion potential (ODP) of the refrigerant should be zero and shall be as
permitted under The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation and Control)
Amendment Rules, 2014 as amended from time to time up to date. The ODP of F11
refrigerant is 1.0.
Global warming potential (GWP) of the refrigerant should preferably be low to reduce
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The GWP of CO2 is 1.0.
The ODP and GWP values and safety group of different common refrigerants are given
in Table 2.11
The manufacturing of all HVAC equipment with HCFC will be banned in the India
from 01 January 2025 in accordance with The Ozone Depleting Substances (Regulation
and Control) Amendment Rules, 2014. Therefore HVAC system/ equipment based on
HCFC refrigerant shall not be used.
Therefore the NIT approving Authority shall decide for selection of equipment/systems
with refrigerant with high energy efficiency, least negative impacts on health, safety
and environment as per the latest developments and Government of India Guidelines.
2.17.2 Type: A packaged unit can be either water cooled or air cooled.
(viii) In the case of large installations it is advisable to have a separate isolated equipment
room if possible.
(ix) The equipment room should be adequately dimensioned keeping in view the need to
provide required movement space for personnel, space for entry and exit of ducts, the
need to accommodate air intakes and discharge, operation, maintenance and service
(x) Arrangements for draining the floors shall be provided. The trap in floor drain shall
provide a water seal between the equipment room and the drain line. Water proofing
shall be provided for floor slabs of equipment rooms housing, evaporative cooling units.
(xi) Wherever necessary, acoustic treatment should be provided in plant room space to
prevent noise transmission to adjacent occupied areas.
(xii) In case the equipment is located in basement, equipment movement route shall be
planned to facilitate future replacement and maintenance. Service ramps or hatch in
ground floor slab should be provided in such cases. Also arrangements for floor draining
should be provided.
(xiii) In the case of large and multi-storied buildings, independent Ventilation/ Air Washer
Units should be provided for each floor. The area to be served by the air-handling unit
should be decided depending upon the provision of fire protection measures adopted.
The Units should preferably be located vertically one above the other to simplify
location of pipe shafts, cable shafts, drainers.
air washers are generally used for certain special applications where high percentage of
saturation of air is required.
(iii) Where ex-filtration of air from the ventilated space is to be prevented from reaching the
other areas, a slight negative pressure is to be maintained in the ventilated space. This
can be achieved by keeping the exhaust air quantity slightly higher than supply air
(make up air) quantity. This is especially necessary where odours and fumes are
required to be prevented from reaching other areas.
located one above the other in the various floors, the toilet shaft can be used for
exhausting the air through sheet metal ducts with a centrifugal fan installed on the
(c) Car Parks
In the case of basement floor parking areas, a push-pull arrangement of ventilation can
be used. One set of axial flow fans can push fresh air into the basement area and another
similar set can evacuate the fume-laden air.
(d) Mechanical Plant Rooms
In the case of air conditioning plant rooms, generator rooms, substation, boiler room
etc., located in the building basement, a push-pull arrangement of ventilation as
mentioned at (c) above may be used.
(e) Designated Smoking Rooms
To curb any movement of contaminated air from the smoking zone to non-smoking
areas, it should be ensured that the smoking zone operates at a negative pressure in
comparison with the surrounding non-smoking areas.
Ventilation system of the smoking zone should be separate from that of the non-
smoking areas. To maintain the required indoor air quality standards in the smoking
zones, the smoking zones should have higher ventilation rates than non-smoking areas
and should be designed for at least 60 cubic feet per minute per person.
The contaminated air from the smoking zone should be exhausted directly to the
outdoors. It should be ensured that there is no recirculation of this air contaminated with
tobacco smoke, to the non-smoking zones of the building.
If the smoking zone is mechanically ventilated, it should have an air circulation rate of
not less than 30 air changes per hour.
(iii) Product Cooler/ AHU,
(iv) Air filtration and distribution,
(v) Piping systems which include refrigerant piping, condenser water piping, hot
water/steam piping for defrosting,
(vi) Controls and control wiring,
(vii) Power supply control and distribution arrangement.
(viii) Dehumidifier
Depending upon the application and design requirements, which the cold storage system
must meet, some of the above components shall have to be arranged in a certain
sequence to give the required conditions.
Table 2.1
Summary for Outdoor Design Conditions
(Clause 2.2.1)
S.No. Location Name Cooling DB/MCWB Evaporation WB/MCDB Heating DB
99.6 99.0
0.4 Percent 1.0 Percent 2.0 Percent 0.4 Percent 1.0 Percent 2.0 Percent Perce Perce
nt nt
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16)
1 Ahmedabad 42.1 23.0 41.0 22.8 39.9 22.9 28.5 33.7 28.0 32.7 27.5 32.1 11.0 12.3
2 Akola 43.2 22.0 42.0 21.7 40.9 21.5 26.8 34.3 26.2 32.1 25.7 31.0 12.9 14.1
3 Allahabad 43.7 23.4 42.2 23.5 40.8 22.7 28.8 33.0 28.4 32.8 28.0 32.6 7.9 9.1
4 Amritsar 42.2 23.8 40.9 23.6 39.2 23.5 29.1 33.9 28.7 33.6 28.3 33.2 2.0 3.2
5 Aurangabad 40.2 22.6 39.2 22.7 38.2 22.4 26.6 35.2 25.7 33.1 25.1 31.7 10.6 12.0
6 Barmer 43.1 24.2 42.0 23.6 41.0 23.3 28.5 37.9 27.8 35.3 27.2 33.3 9.5 10.7
7 Belgaun 36.4 19.2 35.4 19.3 34.4 19.4 24.0 29.3 23.6 28.4 23.2 27.6 13.3 14.5
8 Bengaluru 34.2 19.8 33.4 19.8 32.6 19.8 23.6 28.9 23.1 28.3 22.7 27.7 15.2 15.9
9 Bhagalpur 42.4 26.8 40.7 27.4 38.9 25.6 30.0 37.1 29.6 36.4 29.2 35.2 11.4 12.6
10 Bhopal- 41.8 21.6 40.6 21.4 39.4 21.3 26.2 31.5 25.8 30.7 25.4 30.0 10.0 11.2
11 Bhubaneshwar 38.6 26.6 37.3 26.6 36.2 26.5 29.4 34.1 29.0 33.6 28.6 32.9 14.0 15.1
12 Bhuj 41.0 23.9 39.7 23.8 38.5 23.9 28.8 34.8 28.3 33.8 27.8 32.9 8.0 9.8
13 Bikaner 44.2 21.3 42.9 22.0 41.6 22.3 28.2 34.4 27.6 33.8 27.1 33.4 5.6 7.0
14 Chennai- 38.7 25.9 37.0 25.8 36.2 25.8 28.4 33.1 28.0 32.3 27.6 31.9 19.9 20.8
15 Chitradurga 36.2 20.8 35.4 20.8 34.6 20.9 25.5 31.4 24.7 30.4 24.1 29.5 15.8 17.0
16 Dehradun 37.7 21.6 36.2 21.3 34.7 21.4 26.8 30.3 26.4 29.9 26.0 29.5 5.3 6.4
17 Dibrugarh 34.0 27.0 33.2 26.8 32.3 26.7 28.3 32.6 27.8 31.8 27.4 31.3 7.5 8.7
18 Gorakhpur 41.4 26.2 40.3 26.0 39.1 26.4 29.9 35.2 29.7 35.5 29.4 34.7 7.9 9.0
19 Guwahati 34.5 26.5 33.6 26.5 32.8 26.5 28.7 32.7 28.2 31.9 27.9 31.3 10.8 11.8
20 Gwalior 43.7 22.0 42.6 22.3 41.3 22.2 28.2 32.9 27.8 32.2 27.4 31.7 6.0 7.1
21 Hissar 44.6 23.8 43.2 23.9 41.7 24.0 29.1 35.7 28.7 35.2 28.2 34.5 6.1 7.2
22 Hyderabad 40.2 21.8 39.1 21.7 38.0 21.8 25.7 31.5 25.1 30.8 24.7 30.2 13.9 15.1
23 Imphal 31.1 23.3 30.2 23.5 29.6 22.9 25.0 29.5 24.6 28.6 24.3 28.3 3.9 5.0
24 Indore 40.8 19.7 39.6 19.8 38.4 19.7 25.6 30.3 29.6 25.1 24.7 29.0 9.1 10.4
25 Jabalpur 42.4 20.7 41.1 20.7 39.7 21.0 26.7 31.4 26.2 30.4 25.7 29.6 8.4 9.6
26 Jagdalpur 39.3 22.5 38.0 22.6 36.8 22.5 26.3 31.5 25.7 30.5 25.4 29.9 9.9 11.2
27 Jaipur-Sanganer 42.5 21.3 41.2 21.3 40.0 21.3 27.5 31.2 27.0 30.9 26.6 30.5 7.2 8.6
28 Jaisalmer 43.5 23.9 42.3 23.8 41.1 23.8 28.0 35.3 27.5 34.8 27.1 34.4 8.4 9.7
29 Jamnagar 37.1 24.4 36.1 25.6 35.3 25.1 29.2 33.0 28.4 32.5 27.9 32.0 10.0 11.7
30 Jodhpur 42.7 21.2 41.4 21.6 40.2 21.8 27.5 32.4 27.1 32.1 26.7 31.8 8.8 10.1
31 Jorhat 34.4 28.2 33.6 27.7 32.9 27.3 28.7 32.7 28.3 32.7 28.0 31.8 9.6 10.6
32 Kolkata- Dum- 37.4 27.0 36.3 27.0 35.4 26.8 29.6 34.5 29.1 33.8 28.7 33.0 11.5 12.7
33 Kota 43.5 23.0 42.4 22.6 41.2 22.6 27.3 35.2 26.8 33.0 26.5 31.8 9.9 10.8
34 Kurnool 41.5 23.0 40.5 23.1 39.4 22.9 26.2 33.7 25.8 32.9 25.4 32.2 17.0 18.0
35 Lucknow- 42.1 22.8 40.8 22.5 39.2 23.5 29.2 33.8 28.8 33.2 28.4 32.5 6.9 8.1
36 Mangalore 34.3 24.9 33.8 24.9 33.2 24.7 27.1 31.3 26.7 30.8 26.5 30.5 20.6 21.4
37 Mumbai- 35.9 22.7 34.9 23.1 33.9 23.4 27.7 31.2 27.4 30.9 27.1 30.6 16.8 18.0
38 Nagpur- 43.9 22.5 42.8 22.4 41.4 22.2 27.4 32.3 26.8 31.6 26.4 31.0 11.8 13.0
39 Nellore 40.7 26.8 39.2 27.1 38.0 26.9 29.0 35.8 28.5 34.9 28.1 34.1 20.4 21.1
40 New-Delhi- 42.2 22.7 40.7 22.9 39.4 23.1 28.7 34.0 28.2 33.4 27.9 32.9 6.2 7.2
41 Panjim 34.1 25.6 33.5 25.6 33.0 25.5 28.2 31.9 27.7 31.3 27.4 30.9 19.7 20.4
42 Patna 41.0 23.4 39.5 23.4 37.9 23.8 28.9 33.7 28.6 33.0 28.2 32.3 8.2 9.3
43 Pune 38.1 19.7 37.1 19.6 36.0 19.7 24.6 29.8 24.2 29.0 23.7 28.3 9.7 10.9
44 Raipur 43.6 23.3 42.2 23.3 40.8 23.0 27.1 31.8 26.8 32.0 26.5 31.2 11.3 12.6
45 Rajkot 41.1 22.2 40.0 22.0 38.9 22.6 27.9 33.4 27.4 32.2 27.0 31.3 11.9 13.4
46 Ramagundam 43.4 25.6 42.2 25.1 40.7 25.8 28.3 37.3 27.9 35.6 27.4 34.4 12.5 13.7
47 Ranchi 38.9 22.1 37.7 21.8 36.4 21.5 26.2 31.7 25.6 30.4 25.2 29.2 9.1 10.4
48 Ratnagiri 34.1 22.8 33.3 23.2 32.7 23.5 27.2 30.6 27.0 30.3 26.7 29.9 18.2 19.2
49 Raxaul 38.6 23.1 36.9 24.5 35.5 24.6 28.9 33.0 28.4 32.0 28.1 31.8 7.5 8.5
50 Saharanpur 41.3 23.8 39.6 24.6 38.1 24.0 28.5 33.6 28.1 32.9 27.8 32.5 1.7 3.0
51 Shillong 24.2 19.7 23.5 19.4 22.8 18.9 20.7 23.3 20.3 22.7 19.9 22.2 -1.0 0.1
52 Sholapur 41.1 22.2 40.1 22.5 39.0 22.3 26.6 33.1 25.9 32.1 25.4 31.4 15.9 17.1
53 Surat 37.8 22.5 36.4 22.9 35.2 23.1 28.1 31.9 27.7 31.4 27.4 31.1 14.4 16.6
54 Sundernagar 36.1 19.1 34.6 19.6 33.1 19.4 25.2 30.1 24.8 29.2 24.4 28.0 1.8 2.8
55 Tezpur 34.2 27.4 33.3 26.5 32.5 27.1 28.9 32.8 28.4 31.8 28.0 31.4 10.5 11.4
56 Thiruvananthap 33.8 25.8 33.2 25.7 32.8 25.6 27.6 31.7 27.2 31.2 26.9 30.8 22.1 22.7
57 Tiruchchirapalli 39.0 25.8 38.1 25.7 37.3 25.5 27.8 35.0 27.2 34.1 26.7 33.5 20.0 20.8
58 Varanasi 43.0 22.5 41.8 22.7 40.1 23.2 28.9 33.8 28.6 33.2 28.2 32.6 7.8 8.9
59 Veraval 34.8 23.6 33.7 25.5 33.0 26.3 29.3 32.1 29.0 31.7 28.6 31.3 15.0 16.2
60 Visakhapatnam 33.7 27.0 32.9 27.5 32.3 27.3 29.1 32.0 28.7 31.6 28.3 31.2 20.1 20.8
Table 2.2
(see Note
person Pers Outdoor
Air Rate (See
Note 4)
Persons per
per 100 m2
1000 ft2 or
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)
i) Correctional
a) Cell 5 2.5 0.12 0.6 25 10 4.9 2
b) Dayroom 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 30 7 3.5 1
c) Guard Station 7.5 2.5 0.06 0.3 15 9 4.5 1
d) Booking/waiting 10 3.8 0.06 0.3 50 9 4.4 2
ii) Educational 2
a) Daycare (through 10 5 0.18 0.9 25 17 8.6 3
age 4)
b) Daycare sickroom 10 5 0.18 0.9 25 17 8.6 1
c) Classrooms (age 7.5 5 0.12 0.6 25 15 7.4 1
d) Classrooms (age 9 7.5 5 0.12 0.6 35 13 67 1
e) Lecture classroom 10 5 0.06 0.3 65 8 4.3 1
f) Lecture hall 10 3.8 0.06 0.3 150 8 4.0 2
(fixed scats)
g) Art classroom 10 3.8 0.18 0.9 20 19 9.5 2
h) Science 10 5 0.18 0.9 25 17 8.6 2
i) University/college 10 5 0.18 0.9 25 17 8.6 1
j) Wood/metal shop 10 5 0.18 0.6 20 19 9.5 1
k) Computer lab 10 5 0.12 0.6 25 15 7.4 1
l) Media centre 10 5 0.12 0.3 See 25 15 7.4 1
m) Music/theatre/dan 10 5 0.06 0.3 35 12 5.9 1
n) Multi-use 7.5 5 0.06 0.3 100 8 4.1 1
iii) Food and
beverage service:
a) Restaurant dining 7.5 3.8 0.18 0.9 70 10 5.1 2
b) Cafeteria/fast- 7.5 3.8 0.18 0.9 100 9 4.7 2
food dining
c) Bars, cocktail 7.5 3.8 0.18 0.9 100 9 4.7 2
iv) General:
a) Break rooms 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 25 10 5.1 1
b) Coffee stations 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 50 11 5.5 1
c) Conference/meeti 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 50 6 3.1 1
d) Corridors - - 0.06 0.3 - - - 1
e) Storage rooms - - 0.12 0.6 See - - - 1
v) Hotels, motels
a) Bedroom/ living 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 10 11 5.5 1
b) Barracks sleeping 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 20 8 4.0 1
c) Laundry rooms, 5 2.5 0.06 0.6 10 17 8.5 2
d) Laundry rooms 5 2.5 0.12 0.6 10 17 8.5 1
with in dwelling
e) Lobbies/ 7.5 3.8 0.12 0.3 30 10 4.8 1
f) Multipurpose 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 120 6 2.8 1
vi) Office buildings:
a) Office space 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 5 17 8.5 1
b) Reception areas 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 30 7 3.5 1
c) Telephone/data 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 60 6 3.0 1
d) Main entry 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 10 11 55 1
vii) Miscellaneous
a) Bank vaults/ safe 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 5 17 8.5 2
b) Computer(not 5 2.5 0.06 0.3 4 20 10.0 1
c) Electrical - - 0.06 0.3 See - - - 1
equipment rooms Note
d) Elevator machine - - 0.12 0.6 See - - - 1
rooms Note
e) Pharmacy 5 2.5 0.18 0.9 10 23 11.5 2
(preparation area)
f) Photostudios 5 2.5 0.12 0.6 10 17 8.5 1
g) Shipping/receivin - - 0.12 0.6 See - - -- 1
g Note
h) Telephone closets - - 0.00 0.0 - - - 1
i) Transportation 7.5 3.8 0.06 0.3 100 8 4.1 1
j) warehouses - - 0.06 0.3 See - - - 2
f) Health 20 10 0.06 0. 40 22 10.8 2
g) Health 20 10 0.06 0.3 10 26 13.0 2
h) Bowling alley 10 5 0.12 0.6 40 13 6.5 1
j) Gambling casinos 0.18 0.9 120 9 4.6 1
7.5 3.8
k) Game arcades 3.8 0.18 0.9 20 17 8.3 1
m) Stages, studios 5 0.06 0.3 See 70 11 5.4 1
10 Note
Air Class Characteristic
1. The rates in this table are based on all other applicable requirements being met.
2. This table applies to no-smoking areas only. Rates for smoking-permitted spaces shall
be determined using other methods.
3. Volumetric airflow rates are based on an air density of 1.2 kgDA/m', which corresponds
to dry air at a barometric pressure of 1 atm (101.3 kPa) and an air temperature of 21°C.
Rates may be adjusted for actual density but such adjustment is not required for
compliance with this standard.
4. Actual occupant density should be considered, the default occupant density shall be
used only when actual occupant density is not known. Default combined outdoor air
(per person) rate is based on the default occupant density.
5. If the occupancy category for a proposed space or zone is not listed, the requirements
for the listed occupancy category that is most similar in terms of occupant density,
activities and building construction shall be used.
6. For high school and college libraries, use values shown for public assembly spaces-
7. The prescribed value may not be sufficient when stored materials include those having
potentially harmful emissions.
8. Default occupancy for dwelling units shall be two persons for studio and one-bedroom
units, with one additional person for each additional bedroom.
9. Air from one residential dwelling shall not be recirculated or transferred to any other
space outside of that dwelling.
10. When combustion equipment is intended to be used on the playing surface, additional
dilution ventilation and/or source control shall be provided.
11. The prescribed value does not allow for humidity control. Additional ventilation or
dehumidification may be required to remove moisture.
12. The prescribed value does not include special exhaust for stage effects, for example,
dry ice vapours, smoke.
Table 2.3
HVAC System Analysis and Selection Matrix
(Clause 2.5)
ground. Very
small shaft
desirable for
viii) Electric Supply Distributed Distributed electric supply Zone-wise Minimal
electric supply required distributed distribution
required electric supply cost by
required centralized
supply near the
ix) Initial cost Minimum Initial Initial cost marginally higher than Moderate Initial Even with
cost fixed speed system cost but HVAC
marginally diversity, a
higher than central system
variable speed may not be less
unitary product costly than
x) Operating cost Higher operating Strategic scheduling of multiple Strategic More energy-
cost, strategic pieces of equipment can save scheduling of efficient
scheduling of reasonable operating cost, but equipment can primary
multiple pieces higher peak energy requirement save operating equipment and
of equipment can cost better than multiple pieces
save marginal unitary product, of HVAC
operating cost, but higher peak equipment
but equipment is energy allow staging
less efficient requirement of operation to
match building
loads while
xi) Maintenance Comparatively Maintenance cost marginally Maintenance Comparatively
cost less maintenance higher than fixed speed cost higher than higher since
cost both fixed and centralized
variable speed equipment
unitary system room requires
but less than operator with
central system no access to
workspace, but
with fewer
pieces of
equipment to
xii) Reliability Reliable Reliable equipment but low Reliable Reliable
equipment but service life equipment but equipment with
low service life moderate much longer
service life service life
xiii) Flexibility Has to be placed Has to be placed at fixed locations Can be placed Flexibility
at fixed locations at distributed available in
locations terms of
xiv) Level of control Limited control Limited control level available Moderate close control
level available control level level available
xv) Noise and Noise and It is generally available in split Noise and Noise and
vibration vibration system only for which noise and vibration on vibration away
within/adjacent vibration is substantially reduced roof terrace or from occupied
to occupied in occupied and adjacent spaces as ground, away spaces
spaces for compared to a window type air from occupied
unitary window conditioner spaces; however
type air the same can be
conditioners reduced with
which is good
substantially installation
reduced in case practices
of split system
xvi) Constructability Multiple and Multiple and similar-in-size Multiple and Require more
similar-in-size equipment makes standardization a similar-in-size coordinated
equipment construction feature equipment installation
makes makes with added
standardization a standardization benefit of
construction a construction consolidated
feature feature primary
equipment in
central location
Table 2.4
Recommended Rate of Air Circulation for Different Areas
Sl. No. Application Air Change per
(1) (2) Hour
1) Assembly rooms 4-8
2) Bakeries 20-30
3) Banks/building societies 4-8
4) Bathrooms 6-10
5) Bedrooms 2-4
6) Billiard rooms 6-8
7) Cafes and coffee bars 10-12
8) Canteens 8-12
9) Cellars 3-10
10) Changing rooms 6-10
11) Churches 1-3
12) Cinemas and theatres 10-15
13) Club rooms 12, Min
14) Compressor rooms 10-12
15) Conference rooms 8-12
16) Corridors 5-10
17) Dairies 8-12
18) Dance halls 12, Min
19) Dye works 20-30
20) Electroplating shops 10-12
21) Entrance halls 3-5
22) Factories and work shops 8-10
23) Foundries 15-30
24) Garages 6-8
25) Glass houses 25-60
26) Gymnasium 6, Min
27) Hair dressing saloon 10-15
28) Hospitals-sterilising 15-25
29) Hospital-wards 6-8
30) Hospital domestic 15-20
31) Laboratories 6-15
32) Launderettes 10-15
33) Laundries 10-30
34) Lavatories 6 -15
35) Lecture theatres 5-8
36) Libraries 3-5
37) Lift cars 20, Min
38) Living rooms 3-6
39) Mushroom houses 6-10
40) Offices 6-10
41) Paint shops(not cellulose) 10-20
42) Photo and X-ray dark room 10-15
43) Public house bars 12, Min
44) Recording control rooms 15-25
45) Recording studios 10-12
46) Restaurants 8-12
47) Schoolrooms 5-7
48) Shops and supermarkets 8-15
49) Shower baths 15-20
50) Stores and warehouses 3-6
51) STP rooms 30, Min
52) Squash courts 4, Min
53) Swimming baths 10-15
54) Toilets 6-10
55) Underground vehicle parking 6, Min
56) Utility rooms 15-30
57) Welding shops 15-30
Table 2.5
Pressurization of Staircases and Lift Lobbies
Sl No. Component Height of Building
(*) Lift lobby with fire doors (120 min) at all levels with pressurization of 25-30 Pa is required. However, if
lift lobby cannot be provided at any of the levels in air conditioned buildings or in internal spaces where
funnel/flue effect may be created, lift hoistway shall be pressurized at 50 Pa. For building greater than 30 m,
multiple point injection air inlets to maintain desired pressurization level shall be provided. If the lift lobby, lift
and staircase are part of firefighting shaft, lift lobby necessarily has to be pressurized in such case, unless
naturally ventilated.
Table 2.6
Appliance Category and their Recommended Hood Exhaust Flow Rates
Sl Appliance Category Light Medium Heavy Extra Heavy
No. Surface Temperature °C 200°C 200°C 315°C 370°C
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
i) Cooking equipment a) Electric/gas ovens a) Hot top/ element a) Open burner ranges Appliances
ranges using solid
b) Electric/gas b) Griddles b) Broiler fuels for
steamers c) Wok ranges example,
c) Cheese melters c) Fryers wood,
d) Pizza ovens d) Pasta cookers charcoal
e) Food warmers e) Conveyor ovens briquettes
f) Grill
g) Rotisseries
ii) Plume velocity (m/s) 0.25 0.43 0.75 0.93
iii) Hood type Hood exhaust flow rates per linear metre of hood length
litre per second
a) Wall mounted canopy 309 463 618 850
b) Single island 618 772 927 1080
c) Double island (per side) 386 463 618 850
d) Back shelf 463 463 618 -
Table 2.7 (as per BEE Star leveling program
Minimum Requirements for Unitary, Split, Packaged Air Conditioners
(Clause 2.13) (Minimum 5 star)
Capacity ISSER
For all capacities 5
Table 2.8
Minimum Efficiency Requirements for VRF Air conditioners
(Clause 2.13)
For < 40kWr 6.4
For > 40kWr and <70kWr 6.5
For > 70kWr 6.6
Table 2.9
Minimum Efficiency Requirements for Computer Room Air Conditioners
(Clause 2.13)
Sl.No. Equipment type Net Sensible Minimum SCOP-
Cooling Capacitya 127b
Down Upflow
1 All types of computer room ACs All Capacity 2.5 2.5
a. Net Sensible cooling capacity = Total gross cooling capacity - latent cooling capacity – Fan power
b. Sensible Coefficient of Performance (SCOP-127): A ratio calculated by dividing the net sensible
cooling capacity in watts by the total power input in watts (excluding reheater and dehumidifier) at
conditions defined in ASHRAE Standard 127-2012 Method of Testing for Rating Computer and Data
Processing Room Unitary Air Conditioners)
Table 2.10
Scheme of Colour Code of Pipe Work
Services for Air Conditioning Installation
( Clause 2.15.1)
Sl Description Ground Lettering First Colour
No. (2) Colour Colouring Band
(1) (3) (4) (5)
i) Cooling water Sea green Black French blue
ii) Chilled water Sky blue Black Black
iii) Central heating Dark blue Black Canary
iv) Condensate Black White
drain pipe
v) Vents White Black
vi) Valves and pipe White with Black
line fittings black handles
In addition to the colour bands specified above, all pipe work shall be legibly marked with
black or white letters to indicate the type of service and the direction of flow, as identified
Hot water : HW
Chilled water : CHW
Condenser water : CDW
Steam : ST
Condensate drain : CN
Table 2.11
ODP and GWP Values (100 year values) and safety group of different refrigerant types
( Clause 2.16)
S No REFRIGERANT ODP GWP Safety Group {see
accepted standard
Refrigerant Number Composition
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
This chapter outlines the general guidelines for planning space requirements, equipment
location, floor loading & other structural requirements for various types of HVAC
(ii) Dimensions indicated are clear space requirements. The minimum clear height of the
packaged unit room shall be same as that of the space to be air-conditioned to facilitate
laying of ducts.
(iii) The Space requirement shall be fine-tuned during detailed engineering based on
manufacturer’s recommendations.
(ii) Additional space for circulation shall be taken as 20-25% of the above total space.
(iv) The minimum clear height of the plant room shall be 4.5 m below soffit of beam for
chillers of capacity upto 500 TR and 5.5 m below soffit of beam for chillers of capacity
greater than 500 TR.
(v) The entrance to A.C. plant room for centrifugal / screw type units shall be through
rolling shutter/ suitable door shutters of steel or strong material to take self load having
minimum width of 3 m & height not less than 4 m for centrifugal/ screw type units .
Supporting of pipe within plant room spaces should be normally from the floor.
However, outside plant room areas, structural provisions shall be made for supporting
the water pipes from the floor/ceiling slabs. All floor and ceiling supports shall be
isolated from the structure to prevent transmission of vibrations.
Plant machinery in the plant room shall be placed on levelled plain/reinforced cement
concrete foundation block and provided with anti-vibratory supports.
Appropriate sound insulation and noise control measures shall be taken in plant room
space as per Part 8, Building Services, Section 4 Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise
Control of the NBC 2016.
Floor drain channels or dedicated drain pipes in slope shall be provided within plant
room space for effective disposal of waste water, if necessary by automatic level
controlled sump pumps. Fresh water connection may also be provided in the air
conditioning plant room.
Level of Cooling Towers shall be above the condenser water header. Cooling Tower
level shall be at least 100-120 Cm above the terrace level for connection of out let, drain
pipes etc.
(ii) The minimum clear height of the AHU room shall be the same as that of the air-
conditioned space to facilitate laying of ducts.
3.4.2 Equipment Location :
AHU rooms should be contiguous to the respective areas to be air-conditioned by them.
Their location should also take into consideration the feasibility of routing the ducts as
well as provision of chilled water lines, water connections for the humidification
equipments, fresh air inlet point and drain outlets. In multistoried constructions, the
AHUs should be located in a vertical configuration to facilitate laying of chilled water
lines. Individual AHUs shall not serve more than one floor from the fire safety point of
view. Similarly each fire compartment shall have a separate AHU. Where the AHUs
are located in the basement or in any floor below the air-conditioned floors, individual
shafts shall be provided for each AHU from the AHU room for the supply and return
air, from the fire safety point of view.
The Structural loading requirement shall be decided by the NIT approving authority as
per actual requirement based on information from manufacturer and Codal requirement.
(iii) The minimum clear height of the equipment and air washer rooms shall be 3.6 m. The
actual height required would depend upon the capacity of the equipment and
manufacturer’s recommendation.
(i) The space requirement shall have to be worked out in individual cases depending upon
the system selected.
(ii) Sufficient space should be kept around the equipment for operation and maintenance
(iii) Normal room height in the building should be adequate for the equipment room as well
as the cold room.
(d) Where the cold rooms are located on the ground floor, the flooring shall be effectively
treated to prevent any seepage of water from the ground into the cold room.
(e) Suitable insulation along with vapor barrier shall be provided on all the sides of the cold
room including the roof and flooring, especially in low humidity applications.
(ii) SHGC shall be determined for the overall single or multi glazed fenestration product
(including the sash and frame) in accordance with ISO-15099 by an accredited
independent laboratory, and labelled or certified by the manufacturer.
(iii) Visible light transmittance (VLT) shall be determined for the fenestration product in
accordance with ISO-15099 by an accredited independent laboratory, and labelled or
certified by the manufacturer. For unrated products, VLT of the glass alone shall be de-
rate by 10% for demonstrating compliance with the VLT requirements for the overall
fenestration product.
(iv) For all climatic zones, vertical fenestration ( Certified/rated) shall meet the following
requirements, for all three energy efficiency levels, i.e. ECBC, ECBC+, and Super
ECBC, as given below :
(a) Maximum allowable Window Wall Ratio (WWR) : 40%
(b) Minimum allowable Visible light transmittance (VLT) : 0.27
(c) Vertical fenestration shall comply meet the requirement of maximum Solar Heat Gain
Coefficient (SHGC) and U-factor requirements as given below:
Table 3.1
Rated/ Certified Vertical Fenestration Assembly U-factor and SHGC
Requirements for ECBC Buildings
Composite Hot and dry Warm Temperate Cold
Maximum U- 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00
factor (W/m² K)
Maximum 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.62
Maximum 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.62
SHGC North for
latitude < 15°N
Maximum 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.62
SHGC North
Table 3.2
Rated/ Certified Vertical Fenestration U-factor and SHGC Requirements for
ECBC+ buildings and SuperECBC building
Table 3.3
Defaults for Unrated Fenestration (Overall Assembly including the Sash and
3.9.3 Roof :
If the building is air conditioned, the roof of the air conditioned areas & W.M. room
shall have insulation on the roof (preferably over deck insulation wherever possible)
and insulation in the walls. U-factors shall be calculated for the opaque construction in
accordance with ISO-6946. Testing shall be done in accordance with approved ISO
Standard for respective insulation type by an accredited independent laboratory, and
labelled or certified by the manufacturer.
The Insulation to roof shall be applied externally as a part of roof assembly and not as
part of false ceiling. The U-value for roof shall be minimum as given below (in
compliance to ECBC 2017 as amended up to date):
Table 3.4
Roof Assembly U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for ECBC Compliant Building
Table 3.5
Roof Assembly U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for ECBC+ Compliant Building
Table 3.6
Roof Assembly U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for SuperECBC Building
Table 3.7
Opaque Assembly Maximum U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for a ECBC
compliant Building
Business < 10,000 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.40
m2 AGA
School <10,000 m2 0.85 0.85 0.85 1.00 0.40
Table 3.8
Opaque Assembly Maximum U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for ECBC+
Compliant Building
Table 3.9
Opaque Assembly Maximum U-factor (W/m2.K) Requirements for SuperECBC
3.9.5 Skylights :
Skylight roof ratio (SRR), defined as the ratio of the total skylight area of the roof,
measured to the outside of the frame, to the gross exterior roof area, is limited to a
maximum of 5% for ECBC Building, ECBC+ Building, and Super ECBC Building.
Skylights shall have the maximum U-factor and maximum SHGC as given below (in
compliance to ECBC 2017 as amended up to date)
Table 3.10
Skylight U-factor (W/m2.K) and SHGC Requirements
3.10 Check List for Space Provisions for Central Air Conditioning Works
(i) A.C Plant room
(ii) AC plant room water connection & drainage
(iii) Cooling tower location
(iv) AHU room
(v) AHU room water connection & drainage
(vi) Shaft for carrying chilled water pipes
(vii) False ceiling co-ordination
(viii) Ceiling height to accommodate ducting
(ix) Water requirement
(x) Routes of piping/ cable
(xi) Thermal/ acoustic insulation
(xii) Air tightness of windows/ doors
(xiii) Insulation for AC areas on top floors.
Some of the good practice for spacing of various component of central plant are as given
(a) Plant Room adjacent to Electric Substation to reduce connectivity cost and to
accommodate Chillers, pumps primary/secondary, Electrical Panel, BMS, Piping and
Valves. See enclosed layout sketch for plant room and ESS.
(b) Cooling Towers on the Ground floor/ terrace of the Plant Building, including structural
arrangement for erection of cooling towers and staircase approach to the terrace.
(c) AHUs in Vertical alignment so that chiller pipes from the plant can be taken inside
AHU without passing through corridors.
(d) Suitable cuts in the AHU floor to take Wet Riser Pipes/ and Rising Mains to feed AHUs.
(e) Adequate corridor width and height for AC Ducting.
(f) Structural provision and Route for entry of chiller pipes and cables from plant room to
(g) AHU Room: fresh air opening, water connection, Drainage arrangement, Acoustic
(h) Insulation of wall/ceiling between AC non-AC areas.
3.11 Some of the good practice for spacing of various component of central plant are as
given below:-
(i) All the doors/ windows of air-conditioned areas shall be made airtight.
(ii) Air leakage for glazed swinging entrance doors and revolving doors shall not exceed
5.0 l/s m2.
(iii) Air leakage for other fenestration and doors shall not exceed 2.0 l/s m2.
(iv) The following areas of the enclosed building envelopes shall be sealed, caulked,
gasketed or weather stripped to minimize air leakage:
(a) Joints around fenestration and door frames
(b) Openings between walls and foundation and between walls and roof and wall panels.
(c) Opening at penetrations of utility services through roof, walls, and floors
(d) Site-built fenestration and doors
(e) Building assemblies used as ducts and plenums
(f) All other openings in the building envelope
(g) For air conditioning areas, where the return air is collected/ carried back to AHU rooms
above false ceiling, the false ceiling shall be airtight.
(v) Plant Room adjacent to Electric Substation to reduce connectivity cost and to
accommodate Chillers, pumps primary/secondary, Electrical Panel, BMS, Piping and
Valves. See enclosed layout sketch for plant room and ESS.
(vi) Cooling Towers on the Ground floor/ terrace of the Plant Building, including structural
arrangement for erection of cooling towers and staircase approach to the terrace.
(vii) AHUs in Vertical alignment so that chiller pipes from the plant can be taken inside AHU
without passing through corridors.
(viii) Suitable cuts in the AHU floor to take Wet Riser Pipes/ and Rising Mains to feed AHUs.
(ix) Adequate corridor width and height for AC Ducting.
(x) Structural provision and Route for entry of chiller pipes and cables from plant room to
(xi) AHU Room: fresh air opening, water connection, Drainage arrangement, Acoustic
(xii) Insulation of wall/ceiling between AC non-AC areas.
4.1.1 Scope
This chapter covers the requirements of packaged type air-conditioning plants with
water-cooled condensers of 5, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 TR capacities.
4.1.3 Cabinet
(i) The cabinet will have a frame work of either M.S. angles or formed M.S. sheet sections
in order to provide structural rigidity. Properly formed close fittings and easily
removable sheet metal panels shall be provided all around this frame work to make a
closed & streamlined cabinet. The sheet used shall be of minimum 1.25 mm thickness.
(ii) Inside and outside surfaces shall be finished with polyester epoxy powder coating.
(iii) The fan section and coil section of cabinet shall be insulated with at least 25mm resin
bonded fibre glass lining on the inside duly finished with minimum 0.5mm thick
aluminum sheet.
(iv) An insulated condensate tray shall be provided beneath the cooling coil so as to avoid
dripping over the equipment installed in the lower portion of the cabinet. The drip tray
should have a drain connection for leading away the condensate.
(v) A conditioned air outlet from the cabinet should be provided with suitable flanges in
order to connect it to the canvas of the supply air ducting at the cabinet top.
(vi) A return grill of streamlined design shall be provided in the elevation in front of the
filter section. This grill should be easily removable for inspection / maintenance of filter.
4.1.4 Compressor
(i) Compressor shall be scroll hermetic or semi hermetic type suitable for CFC/HCFC free
(ii) It shall be fitted with suction and discharge stop valves, permitting full servicing
facilities, built in safety controls, filters, release valves, control valve and other standard
(iii) The compressor shall be installed on vibration isolating resilient material, so as to ensure
operation with the minimum noise and vibrations.
(iv) Each compressor shall be provided with protection against high refrigerant pressure and
low refrigerant pressure, anti-cycle timer, indication lamps, fault alarm etc. through
microprocessor controller.
(v) Compressor shall be designed for 4.4 deg C suction temperature and 43.3 deg C
discharge temperature.
4.1.6 Condenser
(i) Condenser shall be of horizontal shell and tube construction with M.S. shell and
integrally finned copper tubes. Thickness of tube shall be minimum 1.0 mm before
(ii) The end covers shall be removable type and suitable provision shall be made in the unit
cabinet, enabling easy cleaning of condenser tubes.
(iii) The condenser shall serve as liquid receiver for the refrigerant circuit & shall be
complete with following: -
(a) Inlet and outlet refrigerant connections.
(b) Inlet and outlet water connections.
(c) Relief / purge valve and connections.
(d) Drain valve, air vent, test cock connection, facility with valves for descaling of tubes
4.1.9 Fan and Drive
(i) Fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced single/double inlet centrifugal type,
designed for quiet operation. The fan wheel shall be constructed of aluminium or
galvanised steel. Self-oiling bearing easily accessible for maintenance, with thrust
collar shall be provided. Preferably, the bearings shall be life lubricated sealed type,
mounted on vibration absorbing resilient supports.
(ii) The fan shall be belt driven through adjustable pulley permitting air quantity to be varied
by adjusting the fan speed. Suitable fan belt tension adjusting arrangement shall be
(iii) The fan motor shall be mounted within the cabinet. This shall be of TEFC enclosure,
squirrel cage, induction motor of suitable HP for the duty involved. This shall be located
with proper alignment with fan pulley for the belt drive.
(iv) Starter (DOL) and independent SPP shall be provided.
(v) The CMH and static pressure of the fan shall be as specified in the schedule of work.
4.1.10 Interlocking
The compressor motor shall be interlocked with the following:
(i) Air flow switch in the evaporator fan discharge
(ii) Differential pressure switch in the condenser water line
(iii) Condenser water pump
(iv) Cooling tower fan motor
4.1.11 Filters
(i) Cleanable aluminum wire mesh/ synthetic media type air filters, at least 25 mm thick,
shall be provided, swung fit to prevent air by pass.
(ii) Face velocity across the filters shall not exceed 100 m/min.
4.1.12 Humidification
Where close control of RH is required provision of pan type humidifier shall be made
as per para
4.1.14 Insulation
Insulation of packaged units shall be as per para 4.1.3 (iii) & Chapter 11 of these
4.1.15 Power Consumption Rating for Packaged Air Conditioner under test conditions
4.2.1 Scope
This chapter covers the requirements of packaged type air-conditioning plants with air-
cooled condensers of 5, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 TR capacities.
4.2.3 Cabinet
The cabinet shall be provided separately for the two portions as shown per para 4.1.3.
4.2.5 Condenser
The condenser shall be air-cooled and shall be in general conforming to para 5.5.4
4.2.10 Filters
These shall be as per 4.1.11
4.2.11 Humidification
Where specified, this shall be provided as per 4.1.12
4.2.12 Insulation
Insulation of packaged units shall be as per para 4.1.3 (iii) & Chapter 11 of these
The system selected is a modular system, with number of indoors connected to centrally
located outdoor units. The outdoor units for all the system shall be air cooled type.
(c) The unit must have in built drain pump, suitable for vertical lift of 750 mm.
(d) Unit must be insulated with sound absorbing thermal insulation material, Polyurethane
foam. The sound pressure level of unit at the highest operating level shall not exceed 46
dB (A).
(e) The unit must have drain pump kit if. The drain pump must be suitable to lift drain up
to 1000 mm from the bottom of the unit.
(v) Installation
(a) The units shall be mounted on ribbed rubber pads for vibration isolation. The contractor
shall supply the required charge of refrigerant, lubricant and other consumables, for
commissioning and testing of the equipment.
(b) All the equipment shall be thoroughly tested and checked for leaks. All safety controls
shall be suitably set and a record of all setting shall be furnished to the project
(c) Providing and fixing M.S. structural support for condensing unit with vibration isolator
pad in-between support and structure and vibration isolation suspender and pads for
evaporating units shall be in scope of contractor.
(d) OEM of VRF units or authorized vendor of the OEM shall verify, validate and certify
the installation and testing/commissioning of copper piping system.
(vi) Painting
Shop coats of paint that have become marred during transportation or erection shall be
cleaned off with mineral spirits, wire brushed and spot primed over the affected areas,
then coated with enamel paint to match the finish over the adjoining shop- painted
(c) All joints in copper piping shall be swaged joints using low temperature brazing and/ or
silver solder. Before jointing any copper pipe or fittings, its interior shall be thoroughly
cleaned be passing a clean cloth via wire or cable through its entire length. The piping
shall be continuously kept clean of dirt etc. The nitrogen gas must be purged for
protecting copper pipe during brazing operation. After brazing allow it for natural
(d) Refrigerant lines shall be sized to limit pressure drop between evaporator and
condensing unit to less than 0.2 kg per Sq.cm.
(e) After the refrigerant piping installation has been completed the refrigerant piping
system shall be pressure tested using, Freon mixed with nitrogen at a pressure of 20 Kg
per Sq. cm. (High side) and 10 Kg per Sq. cm (Low side). Pressure shall be maintained
on the system for 24 hours.
(f) The system shall then be evacuated to a minimum vacuum of 70 cm. of mercury and
held for 24 hours, during which time; change in vacuum shall not exceed 12 cm of
(g) All refrigerant piping shall be installed strictly as per the instructions and
recommendations of air conditioning equipment manufacturers.
(h) The refrigerant copper tubes shall be comply with ASTM B280 (Standard specification
for seem less copper tube for air conditioning and refrigeration).
(i) The refrigerant Copper tube fittings shall conform to ASME B16.18/B16.22/ B16.26/
B16.50. However, copper tube fitting used for brazed connections in air conditioning
and refrigeration system shall comply with ASME standard B16.22. The refrigerant
copper tube fitting shall be of same manufacturers as of copper tubes. The thickness of
all copper tubes fitting shall be equal to or greater than thickness of copper tubes.
(j) All pipes must be tested for defects using Eddy Current Testing and other test as per
ASTM B280-16.
(k) Joints in refrigerant piping should be kept as minimum as possible. The use of elbows,
sockets, bends etc. shall be avoided and as per requirement the copper tubes shall be
suitably bend with automatic bending machine.
(l) Each copper tube shall be marked (embossed) with manufacturer name, OD in mm, wall
thickness in mm, lot number, month & year of manufacturer and conforming standard
(as applicable).
(m) The copper tube fitting shall be marked (embossed) with manufacturer name, OD in
mm and wall thickness in mm.
This chapter describes central Air-conditioning plant with factory assembled & tested
chilling units comprising of scroll/ centrifugal/ screw compressor, as the case may be,
direct driven with electric motor, water/ air-cooled condenser, chiller, connecting
refrigerant plumbing, microprocessor based safeties and controls including first charge
of refrigerant & compressor oil.
5.3.2 Drive gear
(i) The centrifugal compressor shall be variable speed.
(ii) The variable speed compressor shall have compressor/ chiller manufacturer’s factory
matched variable speed drive.
(iii) Where the impeller is designed for operation at speed higher than the drive motor,
necessary speed increasing gear shall be connected to the impeller shaft in a self
aligning and balanced way. The gears and pinion shall be pressure lubricated.
(iv) Variable speed drive shall be installed with appropriate controls in accordance with para
5.3.3 Bearings
The compressor shall incorporate the necessary design features to take both axial and
radial thrusts. The bearings shall be of self aligning type. The bearing shall be pressure
lubricated during operation and shall be completely sequenced and interlocked with the
start up of the machine in such a way that oil pump should start earlier than the machine
and the machine should start after some time, provided the required oil temperature and
pressure is maintained during the start up period.
The seal should have small face area and low rubbing speed. It should provide an
efficient seal under both vacuum and pressure lubricated during compressor operation.
The seal must effectively prevent the leakage of refrigerant along the shaft during shut
down periods. During operation an oil film should prevent outward leakage of
refrigerant or ingress of moisture.
5.3.6 The compressor shall be complete with all accessories such as drive arrangement
(for open drive machines), capacity control, safety controls.
5.3.7 Capacity Control
Capacity Control with VFD :
The centrifugal compressor shall be equipped for modulating capacity from 100% to
25% at constant condenser entering water temperature through variable frequency drive
with appropriate controls.
(vii) Power factor correction capacitors as required to maintain a displacement power factor
of 95% at all load conditions shall be provided for VFD Motor.
5.4.6 There shall be oil pump or other means of differential pressure inside the compressor
for forced lubrication of all parts during startup, running and during shut down. An oil
sump heater shall be provided in the casing.
5.4.7 The open type compressor shall also have a suitable shaft seal, to prevent leakage of
5.4.8 The units shall be complete with automatic capacity control mechanism, to permit
modulation between 25% to 100% of capacity range.
5.4.9 Interlocking
It shall be as per details given in para 5.3.9.
5.4.10 The driving motor shall be double squirrel cage type or suitable hermetic/ Semi
hermetic/ open type as required, protected against damage by means of built in
protection devices. Motor protection shall be minimum IP 54.
5.4.11 Compressor motor and starters
These shall be as per details given under para 5.3.10, all compressor motors in screw
chillers shall be provided with VFD having THD less than 5% and VFD shall be
factory fitted.
(i) Continuous BHP rating shall be as per para 5.3.10(iv)
(ii) Motor Starters: Motor starters shall be zero electrical inrush current (Variable
Frequency Drives).
(iii) Power factor correction capacitors as required to maintain a displacement power factor
of 95% at all load conditions shall be provided.
5.5.3 Compressor
(i) Single stage or multi stage Semi/ hermetic sealed
(ii) Fully accessible housing with vertical circular joints.
(iii) Direct driven
(iv) Magnetic bearings
(a) Levitated shaft position shall be actively controlled and monitored by an X-, Y-, and Z-
axis digital position sensor.
(b) The compressor shall be capable of coming to a controlled, safe stop in the event of a
power failure by diverting stored power from the DC bus to the magnetic bearing
control system.
(c) Magnetic bearing control shall be equipped with auto vibration reduction and
balancing systems.
(v) Pre-rotation guide vanes positioned by solid rod linkage and connected to an easily
serviceable, externally mounted electric actuator.
(vi) Mechanical linkage system that continuously monitors compressor-discharge gas
characteristics and optimizes diffuser spacing to minimize impeller gas-flow
(vii) The driveline (compressor and motor) and chiller starter shall be individual unit
assemblies or integrated allowing for independent inspection, service, and
repair/replacement. If an integrated driveline and starter package is utilized which is
not fully field repairable, the supplier must provide one spare package with the unit.
(viii) The chiller shall utilize a single compressor that delivers the specified performance at
all load and lift conditions.
5.5.4 Motor
(i) Semi-hermetic permanent magnet motor / BLDC.
(ii) Electrical connection: Steel terminal box with gasketed front access cover; overload
and overcurrent transformers.
(b) High instantaneous current overload – with indicating message on the control panel and
reset button; shut down chiller upon detection of starting current exceeding 115% of
design inrush starting current for 1 second.
(c) Phase rotation insensitivity
(d) Single phase failure protection circuit with indicating light – shut unit down if power
loss occurs in any phase at startup.
(e) High temperature safety protection system on IGBTs with indicating light and reset
button; via thermistors embedded on IGBT heat sinks – shut unit down if IGBT
temperature exceeds acceptable limits.
(f) Power fault protection for momentary power interruptions – interrupt power to the
compressor motor within 4 line cycles upon detection of power interruptions longer
than ¾ of a line cycle.
(g) High and low line voltage protection.
5.6.1 Scope
This chapter covers the requirements of condensers suitable for screw, Scroll and
centrifugal types of refrigeration machines for central air-conditioning and cold room
5.6.2 Type
This section covers the following types of condensers: -
(i) Water cooled condensers, and
(ii) Air cooled condensers.
Evaporative condensers are excluded from the scope of these specifications.
(vi) Intermediate tube supports of steel shall be provided at not more than 1250 mm intervals
to prevent sagging and vibration of the tubes. The condensers shall have water boxes
designed for multi pass flow.
(vii) The tubes may be provided with special tabulating arrangement to improve heat transfer
where such an arrangement is a standard design of the manufacturer.
(viii) The condensers shall be provided with removable heads on either side made of cast iron
or steel with neatly machined surface for effective jointing with the shell for easy
accessibility for cleaning/replacement of the tubes. Suitable baffles shall be
incorporated to achieve the required number of passes. It should be possible to descale
the tubes without disconnecting the water line connections, wherever marine water
boxes have been specified in the tender documents.
(ix) The condenser shall be provided with baffle arrangement for preventing direct
impingement of hot gas over the tubes and to enable even distribution of the gas over
the tube bundles.
(x) The condenser shall include necessary provision for sub-cooling of the refrigerant
where the refrigerating machine is selected with such sub-cooling requirement. The
arrangement shall be such that the cold water entering the condenser first cools the
liquid refrigerant in the sub-cooler.
(xi) The condenser shall be sand blasted from both inside & outside.
(iv) Suitable number and capacity of propeller type fans shall be provided for moving the
air through the entire condenser coils. For more uniform flow over the condenser coil,
the condenser shall be designed on the draw through principle. The air velocity over
the condenser coil shall be maintained upto 200 mpm maximum.
5.7.1 Scope
This chapter covers the requirements of chillers suitable for centrifugal, scroll and
screw types of refrigerating machines for air-conditioning.
5.7.2 Types
This section covers the shell and tube type water chillers. These may be again of the
following types: -
(a) For centrifugal type units the chiller shall be of flooded type or falling film type.
(b) For screw type units the chiller shall be of Direct expansion (DX) type or Flooded type
or falling film type.
(c) For scroll type units chiller shall be shell and tube type or brazed plated type.
(ii) The chiller shall be designed for a working pressure on the refrigerant side suitable for
the refrigerant offered, and on the water side for 10 kg./sq.cm. gauge.
(iii) The end plates of chiller shall be made of MS of thickness not less than 25mm.
(iv) The shell of the chiller shall be made of MS of thickness not less than 8mm with electric
fusion welded seams.
(v) The tubes shall be of seamless, hard drawn copper with a minimum tube wall thickness
of 0.71 mm for plain tubes & minimum 0.63mm at the root of fins.
(vi) The tubes shall be plain for DX type chillers and may be either plain or internally finned
for flooded type chillers as per manufacturer’s design.
(vii) The tubes shall be rolled into grooves in the tube sheets and flared at ends.
(viii) Intermediate tube supports of steel or polypropylene shall be provided at spacing not
less than 1250 mm for flooded type chiller and 500mm for DX type chiller to prevent
sagging / vibration of tubes.
(ix) The flooded chillers shall have water boxes designed for multipass flow. The DX type
chillers shall be provided with adequate number of properly spaced baffles so that the
water passes through the tube bundle many times.
(x) The chiller shall be smooth finished with one coat of zinc chromate primer before the
insulation is applied.
(xi) The chiller shall be sand blasted from both inside (before insertion of tubes) & outside.
(c) The water side of the chiller shall also be tested to a hydraulic pressure of 10
kg./sq.cm at the works.
(d) Pressure test certificates shall be produced in respect of each chiller. Insulation
The insulation shall be done as per chapter 11.
Table 5.1
Minimum Efficiency for Water cooled Chiller
kW of cooling ISEER
<260 6.10
>=260 & <530 6.80
>=530 & <1050 7.40
>=1050 & <1580 7.90
>=1580 8.20
Table 5.2
Minimum Efficiency for Air cooled Chiller
kW of cooling ISEER
<260 4.00
>=260 4.30
Then, control system builds all the coordination which enable access to chillers internal
data. This data is used as input data to design efficient chiller control program.
5.9.1 Design aspects of Refrigerant Plumbing
(i) Refrigerant piping shall be designed and installed so as to
(a) ensure circulation of adequate refrigerant at all loads.
(b) ensure oil return to crank case of compressor positively and continuously.
(c) keep pressure losses within limits, especially in suction lines.
(d) prevent oil/liquid refrigerant from entering the compressor when the compressor is
working as well as when it has stopped.
(e) prevent trapping of oil in evaporator or suction lines, which may return to the
compressor in the form of slug.
(v) Isolating valve shall be provided to enable isolation of each compressor in case of
multiple compressor units (as built in valves), strainer, drier and any other components
as may be required for proper operation and maintenance.
(vi) Thermostatic / Electronic type expansion valve/ float valve shall be provided in
refrigerant circuit of DX system/ flooded system.
5.9.2 Material
(i) Refrigerant plumbing shall be with copper tubes, with tube thickness conforming to L
type to ATM standards. The tubes shall be bright annealed copper upto and including
15 mm size. The tube shall be suitable for the duty involved.
(ii) Fittings like bends, tees, sockets etc. shall be of wrought copper or forged brass and
shall be suitable for the duty involved. Flare type compression fittings of forged brass
shall be allowed upto 15 mm piping size. Tubes upto and including 15 mm size may
be bent to form 90 degree bends with inside radius not less than 3 tube diameters. For
bigger sizes, bend fittings as mentioned above must be used.
(iii) Where specified in the tender specification, mild steel may be provided for refrigeration
piping, with seamless MS tubes and fittings of heavy class conforming to IS: 1239. All
liquid lines and instruments lines shall however be of copper only.
(iv) Valves shall be of the packed, back-seating type for both copper and MS refrigerant
plumbing work, and these shall be of forged or cast brass construction.
5.11.2 It will provide start, stop, safety, interlock, capacity control and indications for
operation of the chiller units through a alphanumeric / graphical display.
5.11.3 Controls shall provide to view and change digital programmable essential set points,
cause of shutdown and type of restart required.
(a) Leaving chilled water temperature,
(b) Percent current limit.
(c) Remote reset temperature range.
(d) Reset of current limit.
5.11.4 All safety and cycling shutdowns shall be enunciated through the alphanumeric/
graphical display and consist of of system status, system details, day, time, cause of
shutdown and type of restart required.
5.11.5 Cycling shutdown shall include low leaving chilled water temperature, chiller/
condenser water flow interruption, power fault, internal time clock and anti-recycle.
5.11.7 The default display screen shall indicate the following minimum information
(i) date and time
(ii) return and leaving chilled water temperatures
(iii) return and leaving condenser water temperatures
(iv) differential oil pressure
(v) percent motor rated current
(vi) evaporator & condenser refrigerant saturation temperatures
(vii) chiller operating hours (hour run) and
(viii) number of compressor starts
(ix) oil sump temperature
(x) status message
(2) Digital programming of set points through the universal keypad including:
(i) leaving chilled water temperature
(ii) percentage current limit
(iii) pull-down demand limiting
(iv) weekly schedule for starting and stopping the chiller, pumps and tower
(v) remote reset temperature range
(iv) system safety shutdown-manual restart
(v) system cycling shutdown-auto restart
(vi) start inhibit
(4) The text displayed within the system status and system details field shall be
displayed as a color coded message to indicate severity:
Red for safety fault, orange for cycling faults, yellow for warnings, and green for
normal messages.
5.11.9 Security access shall be provided to prevent unauthorized change of set points, to allow
local or remote control of the chiller and to allow manual operation of the pre rotation
vanes and oil pump.
5.11.10The chiller shall be provided with ports compatible with open protocol building
management system offered, to output all system operating information, shutdown/
cycling message and a record of last four cycling or safety shutdowns to a remote printer
(option). The control centre shall be programmable to provide data logs to the printer
at a set time interval.
5.11.12On initiation of start, the microprocessor control system shall check all pre-start safeties
to verify that all prestart safeties are within limits. (If one is not, an indication of the
fault will be displayed and the start aborted).
The complete chilling unit shall be installed over a RCC foundation and shall be
adequately isolated against transmission of vibrations to the building structure. Special
attention shall be paid to the alignment of the driving and driven shaft. Final alignment
shall be checked at site in presence of the Engineer-in-charge using a dial indicator.
Necessary foundation bolts, nuts, leveling screws etc wherever required for mounting
the unit shall be provided by the contractor.
The equipment shall be supplied as per manufacturer’s standard finish painting.
This chapter covers the detailed requirements of factory built double skin air handling
unit (AHU), single skin fan coil unit (FCU) and other air distribution systems like chilled
beam, floor radiant cooling, and variable air volume systems for central air-conditioning
system as well as for central heating systems.
6.2.2 Rating
(a) The capacity of the cooling/heating coil, the air quantity from the blower fan and static
pressure of blower fan shall be as laid down in the tender documents. Where these
parameters as calculated by the tenderer exceed the specified values, the coils and the
blower fan shall satisfy these calculated values.
(b) The coil shall be designed for a face velocity of air not exceeding 155 m/min.
(c) The requisite static pressure demanded by the air circuit shall be developed by the fan
at the selected operating speed. The static pressure value shall not in any case be less
than 40 mm water gauge in normal cases, not less than 65 mm water gauge where
microvee filters are also used and not less than 100 mm water gauge where absolute
filters are also used. The fan motor HP shall be suitable to satisfy these requirements
and the drive losses.
(d) The air outlet velocity from the blower fan shall not exceed 610 m/min.
(e) Noise level at a distance of 2M from AHU shall not exceed 70 dBA. However, when
requirement of noise level is more stringent than as mentioned above than the
requirement shall be mentioned in NIT.
(f) All AHU shall be AHRI / Eurovent certified.
(g) All fans shall be certified by Air Movement and Control Association (AMCA) also.
fresh air application or for unit with mixing box framework shall be made of thermal
break hollow extruded aluminium profile.
(ii) Double skin panels shall be minimum 25mm thick for units upto 20,000 CFM and for
units capacity above 20,000 CFM panel thickness shall be 40 mm, made of minimum
0.8mm pre-plasticized and pre-painted with PVC guard, GSS sheet on outside and
minimum 0.8mm galvanized sheet with minimum 275 GSM zinc coating inside with
Polyurethane foam insulation of density not less than 38 kg/cu. m injected in between
by injection moulding machine. These panels shall be bolted from inside/ screwed from
outside on to the framework with soft rubber gasket in between to make the joints
airtight. The gaskets shall be inserted within groove in extruded aluminium profile of
the framework. For units installed outdoor, the thickness of double skin panels shall be
minimum 40 mm and shall be provided with canopy. All GI components provided shall
have minimum 275 GSM zinc coating.
(iii) Frame work for each section shall also be bolted together with soft rubber gasket in
between to make the joints air tight. Suitable doors with nylon handles, aluminium die-
cast powder coated hinges & latches shall be provided for access to various panels for
maintenance. However, AHU in the form of complete single unit shall also be
acceptable with access door(s) for maintenance to various sections. The entire housing
shall be mounted on galvanised steel channel frame work made out of G.I. sheet of
thickness not less than 2mm. For higher capacity above 30000 CFM AHUs hot dip
galvanized steel channel framework made of minimum 3 mm thick G.S. sheet shall be
used. All GI components provided shall have minimum 275 GSM zinc coating.
in/out connections, vent plug on top and drain at the bottom. The coil shall be designed
to provide water velocity between 0.6 to 1.8 m/s in the tubes.
(v) The fins shall be of aluminium. The minimum thickness of the fins shall be 0.15 mm
nominal. The no. of fins shall not be less than 12 Nos per inch length of coil. Fins may
be of either spiral, Sinewave, corrugated or plate type. The tubes shall be mechanically
expanded to ensure proper thermal contact between fins and tubes. The fins shall be
evenly spaced and upright. The fins bent during installation shall be carefully realigned.
For coastal areas complete coil i/c fins shall be treated with Anticorosive Coating and
for 100% F.A. application fins shall be hydrophilic type.
(vi) The coil shall be suitable for use with the refrigerant specified or with water as the case
may be. Refrigerating coils shall be designed for the maximum working pressure under
the operating conditions. Water coils shall be designed for a maximum working
pressure of 10 kg./sq.cm.
(vii) Shut off and regulating valves at the inlet and outlet of water shall be provided. In the
case of DX coils, solenoid valve and expansion valves shall be provided at the inlet of
(viii) Chilled water/ Hot water coils shall be (AHRI Certified).
(v) AHU fan motors shall be provided with variable frequency drive with Inbuilt Harmonics
filters where VAVs (Variable Air Volume control) are provided in the ducts.
(vi) For energy efficiency of system, where VAVs (Variable Air Volume control) are
provided in the ducts, VFD, in place of starter shall be provided in Air Handling Units.
VFD with harmonics filters should be specified. Whenever VFD is fitted, direct shaft
driven motors are normally used.
(vii) Where VFD is provides an alternative starting arrangement with DOL/Star Delta shall
be provided as an alternative.
(ix) Air Filter pressure drop alarm with choking indicator.
6.2.5 Controls
These shall be as per details given under chapter 12 ‘Controls’.
6.2.6 Insulation
The insulation of casing shall be as per para (ii) & that of drain pan shall be as
6.2.7 Installation
The air handling unit shall be so installed as to transmit minimum amount of vibration
to the building structure. Adequate vibration isolation shall be provided by use of
rubber/ neoprene pads and/or vibration isolation spring mountings.
6.3.2 Casing
All sheets used for casing panels shall be with 1.25 mm thick pre painted
precoated/powder coated GI sheet.
6.3.4 Fan
This shall consist of two lightweight aluminum impellers of forward curved type, both
statically and dynamically balanced, along with properly designed GI sheet casings.
Fans shall be slow-speed direct driven. Fans shall have three speeds (100%, 70% &
50%) and shall be quiet in operation. The maximum sound power level of the unit shall
not exceed NC 35.
Fan motors shall be single phase 220V 50Hz or 3 phase 400V with built in thermal
overload protection and shall be capable of reliable starting and vibration free operation
upto 90% of the rated voltage. Motor shall be mounted on Heavy Gauge motor
mounting plate, minimum 3 mm thick and capable of being removed easily.
The 3-speed type Brushless Direct Current type (BLDC) motor can also be used as it
has high torque, high PFC value, longer life cycle, and reduced noise pollution levels,
while generating up to 140% more instant air volume and shall be factory wired to a
terminal block mounted within the fan section. Motors shall be having extended shaft
on both sides.
The drain pan shall be insulated as per para 6.3.5.
All equipment shall be supplied as per manufacturer’s standard finish painting.
6.6.1 System description
Chilled beam system is an air conditioning system for cooling, heating and ventilation
in spaces for good indoor climate and individual space control. The chilled beam system
is an air/water system that utilizes the heat transfer properties of water and provides
comfortable indoor climate energy efficiently.
(a) Ventilation
Ventilation using active chilled beams is an efficient mixing ventilation application that
results in uniform air quality. Supply air is diffused from linear slots on either both sides
or on only one side of the chilled beam. Ventilation in passive chilled beam systems is
typically arranged using mixing ventilation with ceiling or wall diffusers. Alternatively,
floor diffusers can be used.
(b) Cooling
Active chilled beams use the primary air to induce and recirculate the room air through
the heat exchanger of the unit, resulting in high cooling capacities and excellent thermal
conditions in the space. Passive beam operation is based on free convection in the heat
exchanger and supply air distribution is realized with separate diffusers.
(c) Heating
Integration of heating into chilled beams is recommended when heating capacity is low
enough (200-300 W/m) and the U-value of the windows prevent a down-draught under
the window.
6.6.5 Technical specifications
(i) The active chilled beam shall have an integral recirculation air path through the
perforated front panel. The induced room air flow rate shall be manually adjustable via
three setting positions without influencing the primary air supply flow rate. The airflow
rate of the chilled beam shall be adjustable without plugging or changing the nozzles.
(ii) The primary air flow rate shall be adjustable over a wide range via a supply air unit
integrated into the chilled beam.
(iii) Outdoor air flow rate control shall not have any effect on coil cooling and heating
(iv) The beam with adjustable air flow rate shall have only one duct connection. The
appearance of the chilled beams with constant air flow and variable air flow rate shall
be the same.
(v) The front panel shall be openable from either side in order to allow general maintenance
and cleaning. The front panel shall be removable without any special tools.
(vi) The air supply to the room space shall be either unidirectional or bi-directional.
(vii) The position of the duct connection shall be changeable without the use of any special
(viii) The frame, front, and side panels shall be made of galvanized steel plate.
(ix) All visible parts shall be white/ painted to match the ceiling colour.
(x) All pipes shall be manufactured from copper, and connection pipes with a wall thickness
of 0.9-1.0 mm.
(xi) The fins shall be manufactured from aluminium.
(xii) Optionally, heating shall be incorporated within the heat exchanger by means of two 10-
mm pipes, connected in series.
(xiii) All joints shall be soldered and factory pressure-tested.
(xiv) The pipework’s operation pressure should be 1.0 MPa.
(xv) The active chilled beam shall have an air flow adjustment damper as an option and a
measurement tap to allow air flow measurement.
(xvi) As an option, an exhaust valve shall be integrated into the chilled beam.
(xvii) In tropical countries like India, The chilled beam should have drain pan and pump to
collect and dispose-off the condensate.
6.7.1 The VAV unit assembly shall be pressure independent and shall reset to any air flow
between zero and the maximum catalogued air volume. At an inlet velocity of 10mps,
the differential static pressure for any unit shall not exceed 2.5mm WG. Sound rating
of air distribution assemblies shall not exceed NC 35 at 50mm WG pressure.
6.7.2 The air flow sensor shall be of cross configuration located at the inlet of assembly and
shall have multiple pick up points, designed to average the flow across the inlet of
assembly. The air flow sensor shall amplify the sensed air flow signal.
6.7.3 The terminal unit controller shall be a dedicated, microprocessor based, pressure
independent VAV controller complete with electronic flow transducer. The controller
shall be capable of stand alone operation and have the capability to network with a
building automation system, personal computer or portable operator interface device.
6.7.4 The actuator shall be bi-directional and direct coupled to the damper shaft. The actuator
must be capable of operating in the stalled position without overheating or mechanical
6.7.5 Terminal controller, flow transducers and electric actuator shall be factory wired,
calibrated and pretested to ensure full functional unit. The zone sensor shall be
furnished by the terminal unit manufacturer and shall include temperature set point
adjustment and access for connection of a hand held operator terminal. The DDC
control package shall be calibrated and factory set for maximum and minimum flow
rates as shown on the drawings.
6.7.6 The air terminal unit shall be installed and field adjusted to maintain controlled pressure
independent airflow. The units shall be provided with a minimum of four duct diameters
of straight inlet duct, same size as the inlet, between the inlet and any takeoff, transition
or fitting. To facilitate field measurements terminal unit manufacturer shall furnish a
portable hand held operator interface. The operator interface shall have capability of
changing all inputs, set points and operating parameters of the VAV controllers by
connection to the zone sensor.
6.7.7 All control components should be mounted inside a protective metal shroud. All VAV
terminals shall be connected to the grille or diffuser through an insulated flexible duct
and grille/diffuser.
This chapter covers the general requirements of cooling towers for packaged units,
central air-conditioning plants and cold rooms.
7.2 TYPE
The cooling tower shall be of Mechanical draft type having fiber glass re-enforced
plastic (FRP) construction with PVC fill and FRP basin. Fan on Mechanical draft towers
may be on the inlet air side or exit air side. In case of former it is called forced draft
type and in case of later it is called Induced draft type. On the basis of direction of air
flow and water flow, Mechanical draft cooling tower can be counter flow or cross flow
type as per the manufacturer design.
In the counter flow induced draft design, hot water enters at the top, while the air is
introduced at the bottom and exits at the top. Both forced and induced draft fans are
used. In cross flow induced draft towers, the water enters at the top and passes over the
fill. The air, however, is introduced at the side either on one side (single-flow tower) or
opposite sides (double-flow tower). An induced draft fan draws the air across the wetted
fill and expels it through the top of the structure.
(i) Rating
The cooling tower shall be rated for the heat rejection capacity specified in the tender
specifications. All cooling towers shall be certified by CTI (Cooling Tower Institute).
(ii) Range
The Cooling tower shall be designed to cool the requisite quantity of water through 5.00
degree C or as specified in the tender specifications, against the prevailing wet bulb
(viii) The drift loss shall be less than 0.003%.
(v) The supporting framework for the tower casing and the water basin shall be made of
hot dip galvanised steel and it shall be further protected with epoxy painting.
(vi) The fill shall be of film PVC. Thickness of PVC fills shall not be less than 0.3mm.
These shall be of such construction as to provide low air resistance, large wetted surface
for a high heat transfer efficiency, and easy replace ability. Fill shall be fire retardant
and chemically inert to atmospheric impurities. Film fill, because it offers greater heat
transfer efficiency, is the fill of choice for applications where the circulating water is
generally free of debris that could plug the fill passageways.
(a) The water distribution may be either through self-rotating or fixed type sprinklers or
through balancing, sub balancing and spreader troughs (unpressurised system) “open
gravity type with polypropylene nozzle”, ensuring uniform water loading and
distribution of water over the fill. All pipes and fittings shall be of PVC. The sprinklers
shall operate from the residual velocity head at the headers. Due care shall be taken
with regard to corrosive effects and maintainability in the design of the water
distribution system. In case of multiple towers, an external valved equalizer of size not
less than 150% of the suction connection shall be provided.
(b) Drift eliminators of PVC shall be provided for maximum removal of entrained water
droplets. The spacers and tie rods used shall be of plastic material.
(c) The fan shall be multi-blade axial flow type, made of aluminium alloy or FRP. The fan
assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced. For forced draft cooling towers,
centrifugal fans shall be used.
(d) The fan drive shall be from a three phase TEFC squirrel cage induction motor of
efficiency class IE3 as per IS 12615, either direct or through a spiral gear work. The
entire drive arrangement shall be designed for a minimum noise with VFD having THD
less than 5% and it shall be rigidly supported to the tower structure.
(e) Motor shall be located outside the humid interior of cooling tower.
(f) The motor starter shall be in accordance with para 13.9.
(g) To ensure safety of personnel at the time of working on cooling tower a steel ladder
shall be provided in such a manner and location as necessary to give safe and complete
access to all the parts of the cooling tower requiring inspection or adjustments. The
ladder shall be bolted to the tower at the top and grouted in masonry at the bottom end.
(h) Cooling tower noise shall not exceed the value specified in the tender specifications.
Tower shall be mounted on suitable vibration mounts.
(d) Air Inlet Louvers :
Louver sections will be individually removable sections with PVC inlet shields. The
combined inlet shields will be UV resistant PVC, installed on the air inlet face to
minimize air resistance, prevent water splash out. A removable galvanized
steel/stainless steel wire mesh air intake screen.
(iii) Fans
Centrifugal type mounted on steel shaft with belt drive, bearings.
The cooling tower shall be installed on M.S. girders fixed in masonry foundations with
cement concrete footing. Second class brick work and cement mortar having one part
cement & six parts sand shall be used for the masonry work. 12mm sand cement plaster
shall be provided over the brickwork.
These may be located at a well-ventilated place either at ground level and contiguous
to the plant room, or on the terrace of the building in consultation with the Architect.
In case the cooling towers are located on the terrace of the building, the structural
loading of the terrace shall be considered. For this respective columns are to be raised
by two feet at the terrace. Cooling towers shall be installed in such a way that their load
is transferred directly to the columns for which necessary Mild steel-I sections shall be
provided by the air- conditioning contractor. The cooling towers shall be rested on Mild
Steel-I sections & not on terrace slab. Sufficient free space shall be left all around for
efficient operation of the cooling tower.
Cooling tower shall be not less than 75cm above the ground/ floor level unless
otherwise stated in the tender specifications. 6mm neoprene pads shall be placed
between the tower and the girder for vibration isolation whereas directed by the
Engineer-in-charge. Guy-wires of suitable sized shall be used to secure firmly to its
base wherever necessary.
The cooling towers shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finish painting.
The All Cooling towers shall be CTI (Cooling Technology Institute) certified and
(vii) Blow down losses depend upon cycles of concentration and the evaporation losses and
is given by relation:
Blow Down = Evaporation Loss / (C.O.C. – 1).
(viii) Liquid/Gas (L/G) ratio, of a cooling tower is the ratio between the water and the air
mass flow rates. Against design values, seasonal variations require adjustment and
tuning of water and air flow rates to get the best cooling tower effectiveness through
measures like water box loading changes, blade angle adjustments.
Thermodynamics also dictate that the heat removed from the water must be equal to the
heat absorbed by the surrounding air:
L(T1 –T2) = G(h2 – h1)
L/G = (h2 – h1) / ( T1– T2)
7.12 Minimum in Built provisions i/c Instrumentation for measuring of the of the
following parameters shall be provided
(a) Wind velocity
(b) Wet bulb temperature (for both intake and exhaust air)
(c) Dry bulb temperature (for both intake and exhaust air)
(d) Hot water temperature (cooling water IN temperature)
(e) Re-cooled water temperature (cooling water OUT temperature)
(f) Circulating water flow
(g) Make-up water quantity and temperature
(h) Purge water quantity and temperature
(i) CT fan motor amps, volts, kW
(j) TDS of cooling water
(l) Restrict flows through large loads to design values.
(m) Segregate high heat loads like furnaces, air compressors, DG sets, and isolate cooling
towers for sensitive applications like A/C plants, condensers of captive power plant etc.
A 1°C cooling water temperature increase may increase A/C compressor kW by 2.7%.
A 1°C drop in cooling water temperature can give a heat rate saving of kCal/kWh in a
thermal power plant.
(n) Monitor L/G ratio, CW flow rates w.r.t. design as well as seasonal variations. It would
help to increase water load during summer and times when approach is high and
increase air flow during monsoon times and when approach is narrow.
(o) Monitor approach, effectiveness and cooling capacity for continuous optimisation
efforts, as per seasonal variations as well as load side variations.
(p) Consider COC improvement measures for water savings.
(q) Consider energy efficient FRP blade adoption for fan energy savings.
(r) Consider possible improvements on CW pumps w.r.t. efficiency improvement.
(s) Control cooling tower fans based on leaving water temperatures especially in case of
small units.
(t) Optimise process CW flow requirements, to save on pumping energy, cooling load,
evaporation losses (directly proportional to circulation rate) and blow down losses.
8.1 Scope
This chapter covers the general requirements of water circulating pumps for central air-
conditioning, central heating, etac and cold room applications. This section does not
cover either humidification pumps or spray pumps for spray over coils.
8.2 Type
The pumps shall be centrifugal type direct driven with a 3 phase, 415 + 10%volts, 50
hz., a.c. Motor. The motor for chilled water pumps shall be suitable for use with variable
frequency drive. The motor starter for condenser water pump shall be in accordance
para 13.9. The motor shall be screen protected drip proof (SPDP) or fan cooled or totally
enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) type. The efficiency class of motors shall be i.e. 3 class (IE
3) or better as per IS:12615 with class ‘F’ insulation. The pumps may be either of
horizontal split casing (HSC) type or vertical split casing end suction type with
operating speed not exceeding 1500 rpm, or solid casing, mono block type with
operating speed not exceeding 3000 rpm as specified in the tender documents.
The pump motor shall be TEFC squirrel cage induction motor having efficiency class
IE3 (as per IEC 60034) with class 'F' insulation, 1500 RPM synchronous speed,
operating on 415 V +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz AC supply. The motor shall be non-
overloading type. Performance characteristics of pumps shall be part of technical
The pump and motor shall be mounted on a common base plate. All external and
exposed cast iron parts of pumps should have an epoxy-based coating . Chilled water
pump set shall be complete with thermal insulation with, aluminum cladding at suction
and discharge, necessary anti vibration pads, MS base plate, and all other accessories
complete as required.
8.3 Rating
The pumps shall be suitable for continuous operation in the system. The head and
discharge requirements shall be as specified in the tender documents. The discharge
rating shall not be less than the flow rate requirement of the respective equipments
through which the water is pumped. The head shall be suitable for the system and shall
take into consideration the pressure drops across the various equipments and
components in the water circuit as well as the frictional losses. Pump motors greater
than or equal to 3.7 kW (5 hp) shall be controlled by variable speed drives wherever
specified in the BOQ. Efficiency of the pumps at selection should be 70% or above.
(iii) The impeller shall be of bronze or gunmetal. This shall be shrouded type with machined
collars. Wear rings, where fitted to the impeller, shall be of the same material as the
impeller. The impeller surface shall be smooth finished for minimum frictional loss.
The impeller shall be secured to the shaft by a key.
(iv) The shaft shall be of stainless steel and shall be accurately machined. The shaft shall
be balanced to avoid vibrations at any speed within the operating range of the pump.
(v) The shaft sleeve shall be of bronze or gunmetal. This shall extend over the full length
of the stuffing box or seal housing. The sleeve shall be machined all over and ground
on the outside.
(vi) The bearings shall be ball or roller type suitable for the duty involved. These shall be
grease lubricated and shall be provided with grease nipples/cups. The bearings shall be
effectively sealed against leakage of lubricant.
(vii) The shaft seal shall be a mechanical seal stuffing box type unless otherwise specified,
so as to allow minimum leakage compatible with the operation of the seal. In case,
stuffing box type is used, it shall be of adequate length and shall be packed with graphite
asbestos or any other suitable material for the operating temperature. A drip well shall
be provided beneath the seal.
(viii) In the case of HSC pumps, the same shall be directly coupled to the motor shaft through,
a flexible coupling protected by a coupling guard. In case of mono block pumps with
solid casing, the motor and pumps shall be on a common shaft.
(ix) The pump and motor shall be mounted on a common base plate either of cast iron or
fabricated from rolled steel section. The base plate shall have rigid, flat and true
surfaces to receive the pump and motor mounting feet.
Each pump shall be provided with the following accessories: -
(i) Pressure gauges at suction and discharge sides complete with syphon and gauge cock
in SS construction.
(ii) Butterfly valves on suction and discharge, and
(iii) Reducers, as may be required to match the sizes of the connected pipe work.
(iv) Non-return valve at the discharge.
(v) Y-Strainer on suction side of pump.
(vi) Strainers with perforated SS screen – perforations not larger than 3 mm.
(vii) Double Arch flexible bellows or metallic flexible bellows on suction and discharge lines
complete with control guide rod assembly.
The thermal insulation of the pump casing for hot/chilled water circulating pumps shall
be of the same type and thickness as provided for the connected pipe work and is
discussed in Chapter 11.
(i) The pump and motor assembly shall be mounted and arranged for ease of maintenance
and to prevent transmission of vibration and noise to the building structure or excess
vibration to the pipe work.
(ii) More than one pump and motor assembly shall not be installed on a single base or
cement concrete block. The mass of the inertia block shall not be less than the
combined mass of the pump and motor assembly. The inertia block shall be vibration
isolated from the plant room floor by 25 mm. neoprene or any other equivalent vibration
isolation fittings. Where spring mountings are used for vibration isolation, these shall
be complete with leveling screws and lock nuts and shall be placed over a concrete
plinth for distribution of the mass of the assembly over the plant room floor. The pump
motor sets shall be properly aligned to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
The pumps shall be supplied with the manufacturer's standard finish painting.
(a) Primary pumping system : The main objective of the primary pump is to circulate
chilled water within the production loop. This pump is typically located anywhere
(either upstream or downstream of the chiller), provided the pump satisfies the
following conditions:
• It maintains the minimum dynamic pressure head (inlet pressure) at the heat exchangers
(evaporator coil) at the chiller.
• It accommodates the total pressure (static plus dynamic head) on system components
such as the chiller’s evaporator and valves.
• It meets the minimum net positive suction head requirements. This means system inlet
pressure at the pump must be positive and high enough for the pump to operate properly.
(b) Secondary pumping system : The main objective here is to distribute the chilled water
to the various cooling coils overcoming the frictional resistance offered by the pipes,
valves and bends in the entire network. The distribution system may contain other
components such as expansion tanks, control valves, balancing valves, check valves
and air separators. These pumps are usually configured in header fashion for system
8.10.4 Variable Primary Chilled water or hot water pumping system
Wherever specified in the BOQ the chilled water or hot water pumps circulating the
water should be without secondary pumping set. This means the chilled water pumps
will be one set only for circulating water through chillers. Similarly, for hot water
circulation also there will be 1 set of pumps for circulating water through hot water
generators and the heating coils. The cooling and heating coils will be provided with
pressure independent balancing cum control valves (PIBC Valves). These valves will
modulate the flow of water through cooling coil/heating coils based on the requirement
of cooling or heating. If the requirement of water flow reduces in the circuit, then a
pressure differential switch will signal the controller of variable speed pumping system
(VSPS System). The controller will then signal the VFD’s of pumps to ramp down or
ramp up the speed of pumps as per the flow requirement in the circuit. In order to
maintain a minimum flow in the circuit a bypass line between the supply and the return
water pipes should be installed towards the end of circuit. This bypass line should have
modulating valve controlled by flow sensor. When the speed of the pump is reduced to
the minimum permissible limit and if still the water requirement is lower than these
modulating valves should gradually open to maintain the minimum flow in the circuit.
8.10.5 Primary-secondary
A primary-secondary pumping scheme divides the chilled water system into two
distinct circuits that are hydraulically separated by a de-coupler (neutral bridge). In
primary-secondary systems, chilled water flows through the chiller primary loop at a
constant flow rate, whereas in the secondary loop, flow rate is varied according to the
load. The hydraulic independence of each loop prevents variable flow in the secondary
loop from influencing the constant flow in the primary loop. The speeds of the
secondary pumps are determined by the controller measuring differential pressure (DP)
across the supply and return mains of the chilled water loop or across the most critical
load in the pipe network. Primary-secondary variable flow systems are more efficient
than constant flow systems, since unnecessary pumping is avoided in the distribution
loop, resulting in better energy efficiency.
During part-load conditions, the two-way valves begin to close, causing an increase in
system differential pressure which is detected by a DP (differential pressure) sensor.
Subsequently, the secondary pump control panel reduces the pump speed and flow of
the secondary pump to match the load requirement.
The decrease in flow from the secondary loop means the chilled water will flow from
the supply side to the return side to maintain constant volume through the chillers. This
happens since the production loop (primary side) flow is greater than the distribution
loop (secondary side) flow. Similarly, when the load increases at the space area, zone
temperature increases, which makes the two-way valves open more. This reduces
differential pressure across the cooling loads, causing the secondary chilled water
pumps to ramp up.
In these changing load patterns, a hydraulic de-coupler located between the suction
headers of the secondary and primary pumps acts as a balancing line, allowing chilled
water to flow in either direction, from supply to return and vice versa. Without this de-
coupler line, both the primary and secondary pumps would be in series, making the
system unbalanced and causing operational problems.
8.10.6 Primary-secondary-tertiary
When the buildings to be served are distributed over a larger area, such as a university
campus, so-called “primary-secondary-tertiary” schemes help to reduce pump pressures
in the system. By splitting the system head between the secondary and tertiary pumps,
excessive pressurisation in zones which don’t need high pressure is
reduced. In these systems, all cooling coils or building loops may be served by a third
set of pumps – tertiary pumps. These distributed pumping systems are well suited for
large, multiple zone buildings, or multiple building systems with central energy plants.
These systems are actually a collection of smaller systems operating independently of
each other, but all of them use the same distribution piping and the central chiller plant.
Tertiary pumps are sized for requirements of the specific cooling coil alone. Pump head
is also calculated only to overcome the frictional loss in the tertiary loop.
Each of the tertiary pumps has its own pump controller, responding quickly to any
changes in loop pressure caused by fluctuating demand. These pumps are usually speed
controlled and when used as part of a suitable building connection strategy, they work
in coordination with speed controlled central plant distribution (secondary) pumps.
This chapter covers the general requirements for sheet metal air duct work for air
distribution with associated items such as air outlets and inlets, fresh air intake and fire
dampers. The air duct material and construction requirement shall be confirming to IS
655: 2006 (reaffirmed 2022) as updated up to date/SMNCA standard.
9.2.1 Ducts
(i) The ducts shall be fabricated from Galvanized Sheet Steel (GSS) conforming to class 4
of IS: 277 as amended up to date for Insulated Ducts and class-3 of IS 277 for un-
insulated ducts or The Aluminum sheet shall conform to IS : 737 as amended up to
date. The steel sheet shall be hot dip galvanized with Matte finish with coating of
minimum 120gm/sqm (GSM) of zinc, GI Sheet shall be laid free, eco-friendly and
RoHS compliant.
(ii) Stainless steel sheet shall conform to IS 6911 as amended up to date.
(iii) Steel products shall conform to IS 2062 as amended up to date.
(iv) All sheet metal connections, partitions and plenums required for flow of air through the
filters, fans etc. shall be at least 1.25 mm thick galvanized steel sheets, in case of G.I.
sheet ducting or 1.8 mm thick aluminum sheet, in case of aluminum sheet ducting and
shall be stiffened with 25 mm x 25 mm x 3 mm angle iron braces.
(v) Aluminum ducting shall normally be used for clean room applications, hospitals works
and wherever high cleanliness standards are functional requirements.
(vi) Hanger rods shall be of mild steel and of at least 10 mm dia for ducts up to 2250 mm
size, and 12 mm dia for larger sizes.
(vii) All nuts, bolts and washers shall be zinc plated steel. All rivets shall be galvanized or
shall be made of magnesium - aluminum alloy. Self-tapping screws shall not be used.
The Construction of Ducts shall be as per IS 655 “Specification for metal air
ducts”/SMNCA standard until otherwise deviated in this specification.
The various accessories, assembly materials shall be conform to below given IS Code.
(i) The steel jointing flange shalt conform to IS: 2062 as amended up to date.
(ii) Hexagon head bolts and nuts shall conform to IS: 1363 (Part 1) as amended up to date
and IS : 1363 (Part 3) as amended up to date respectively.
(iii) The steel rivets shall conform to IS: 2998 as amended up to date. When the duct material
is stainless steel sheet or polyvinyl chloride lined steel sheet, the rivet shall be made of
stainless steel or copper conforming to IS: 2907 as amended up to date.
(iv) The adhesive to be used for connection of glass wool duct shall conform to IS: 848 as
amended up to date.
(v) Steel bars for the support material shall conform to IS : 2062 as amended up to date.
(vi) Steel flats for support material shall conform to IS : 2062 as amended up to date.
(vii) Steel tubes for support material shall conform to IS : 3601 as amended up to date.
9.3.1 Rectangular Ducts :
(i) Ducts shall be fabricated at site or factory fabricated and shall be generally as per IS:
655 "Specifications for metal air ducts", unless otherwise deviated in these General
Specifications. The factory made Ducts shall be IS Marked as per IS: 655 as amended
up to date.
(ii) The interior surfaces of the ducting shall be smooth.
(iii) All the ducts upto 600 mm longest side shall be cross broken between flanges by a single
continuous breaking. Ducts of size 600 mm and above shall be cross broken by single
continuous breaking between flanges and bracings. Alternatively, beading at 300 mm
centres for ducts upto 600 mm longest side, and 300 mm centres for ducts above 600
mm size shall be provided for stiffening.
(iv) As far as possible, long radius elbows and gradual changes in shape shall be used to
maintain uniform velocity accompanied by decreased turbulence, lower resistance and
minimum noise. The ratio of the size of the duct to the radius of the elbow shall be
normally not less than 1:1.5.
(v) Flanged joints shall be used at intervals not exceeding 2500 mm. Flanges shall be
welded at corners first and then riveted to the duct.
(vi) Stiffening angles shall be fixed to the sides of the ducts by riveting at 1.25 meters from
joints for ducts of size 600 mm to 1500 mm, and 0.6 mm from joints for ducts of size
larger than 1500 mm. Bracings for ducts larger than 1500 mm can alternatively be by
diagonal angles.
(vii) Plenums for filters shall be complete with suitable access door of size 450 mm x 450
(viii) All factory fabricated duct shall be supplied in L sections, the length of any piece shall
not be more than 1800 mm for duct with longest side of cross section as 600 mm and
above and 3000 mm for rest.
(ix) Dimensions of long side and short side of rectangular duct shall be as per given below
Long size 150 250 350 450 550 650 750 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500
(In mm
Short size
(In mm) 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400
100 O O O O O
150 O O O O O O O
200 O O O O O O O O
250 O O O O O O O O
300 O O O O O O O O
400 O O O O O O O O O
500 O O O O O O O O O O
600 O O O O O O O O O
700 O O O O O O O O
800 O O O O O O O
1000 O O O O O O
1200 O O O O O
3 The mark shows the standard size and inside of the thick line frame shows the recommended sizes.
4 The maximum value of the ratio of vertical dimension to lateral dimension in recommended sizes shall be 1:4.
5 The long side of duct by same sheet flange technique shall be 2200 mm at the maximum.
(x) Tolerance on both long side and short side -0, +4 mm.
(xi) The thickness of sheet of short side of rectangular duct shall be the same as that of long
side. The thickness of sheet of rectangular duct, namely galvanized steel ducts, stainless
steel ducts shall be as given below :
Table -9.2
Thickness of Sheet for Galvanized Steel Sheet Duct
Table- 9.3
Thickness of Sheet for Stainless Steel Sheet Duct
Note: Provision of table 9.2 & 9.3 are for low pressure duct. Therefore for medium and high
pressure duct the provision of IS 655 will be applicable.
Lateral Reinforcement of Duct
Spacing Reinforcement
Long Side of Minimum Size Maximum Spacing
Duct (L) of Steel Angle Angle Flange Slide-on Flange Same Sheet Flange
mm Reinforcement Technique Technique Technique
mm mm mm mm
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
250 < L < 750 25x25x3 925 925 925
750 < L,< 1200 30x30x3 925 925 925
1200 < L < 2200 40x40x3 925 925 + Tie rod 925 + Tie rod
L>2200 40x40x5 (3) 925 925 + Tie rod -
Note : The value given in parenthesis shows that when tie rods are also used.
Longitudinal Reinforcement of Duct
Long Side of Duct (L) Minimum Size of Steel Angle Position of Reinforcement
mm mm
(1) (2) (3)
1200 < L < 2200 40x40x3 One point or more
L>2200 40x40x3 Two points or more
Note :
1. The value given in parenthesis shows that when tie rods are also used.
2. The mounting of steel angle shall be made by rivets of nominal diameter not less than
4.5 mm or electrical spot welding and the spacing between welding shall not exceed
100 mm.
3. For ducts not thermally insulated with a long side exceeding 450 mm diamond brake or
reinforcement rib with a pitch not exceeding 300 mm shall be mounted.
4. The longitudinal reinforcement shall be evenly spaced on the side of duct so that the
specified number of reinforcements is obtained.
Angle reinforcement may be outside or inside of the duct.
(xiii) Reinforcement of Stainless steel sheet Duct: it shall be same as for Galvanized steel duct
except that the reinforcement section shall be stainless steel and rivet shall also be of SS.
(xiv) Joint of Galvanized Steel Sheet Duct and Stainless :
Materials for Joint of Ducts by Angle Flange Technique
1500 < L 100
40X40X3 1820 4.5 65 M8 100
< 2200
Notes :
1. The bolts shall be located symmetrically at the central portion of flange.
2. Electrical spot welding may be employed other than riveting. The spacing shall be within
100 mm
3. The diameter of connecting bolt shall not exceed a certain diameter which ensure enough
edge distance.
Tolerances on External Diameters of Circular Duct, Circular Spiral Duct and Socket
(b) The thickness of sheet for galvanized steel sheet duct and for stainless steel sheet circular
and circular spiral duct shall be as given below
Table – 9.8
Thickness of Sheet for Galvanized Steel Sheet Duct and Stainless Steel Sheet Duct
Table – 9.9
Thickness of Sheet for Circular Spiral Galvanized Steel Sheet Duct
Reinforcement of Circular Galvanized Steel Sheet or Stainless Steel Sheet Duct
Connecting Materials for Flange Joint
Note : The diameter of connecting bolt shall not exceed a certain diameter which ensures enough
edge distance of flange.
the ceiling adjacent to the air outlet. The metal sheet used for construction of these shall
be minimum 1.6 mm thick extruded aluminum sheet.
(v) Linear diffusers shall have a flanged frame with the outside edges returned 3.5 mm and
shall have one to four slots as required. The air quantity through each slot shall be
adjustable. The metal sheet used for the construction of these shall be minimum 1.6 mm
thick extruded aluminum sheet.
(vi) Grilles and diffusers constructed of extruded aluminum sections shall have grille bars set
straight, or deflected as required. These shall be assembled by mechanical interlocking
of components to prevent distortion. These grilles and diffusers shall have a rear set of
adjustable blades, perpendicular to the face blades for deflection purposes.
(vii) All supply air outlets shall be fitted with a volume control device, made of extruded
aluminum gate section. The blades of the device shall be mill finish/ block shade pivoted
on nylon brushes to avoid rusting & rattling noise, which shall be located immediately
behind the outlet and shall be fully adjustable from within the occupied space without
removing any access panel. The volume control device for circular outlets shall be
opposed blade radial /shutter type dampers, or two or more butterfly dampers in
conjunction with equalizing grid. Opposed blade dampers shall be used for square and
rectangular ceiling/wall outlets and intakes. Each volume control damper shall be AMCA
(Air Movement and Control Association) certified for Air leakage (Class I) & Air
Performance. Pressure drop shall not exceed 5 Pa when tested at 300 m/min face velocity
on a 600x600 mm size damper.
(viii) All the products supplied by contractor should supplement in performance by selection
curves of product ratings from the manufacturer.
(ix) Laminar supply air diffusers shall be made of 2 mm thick powder coated aluminum sheet
duly insulated with 5mm thick closed cell polyethylene foam insulation having factory
laminated aluminum foil and joints covered with self-adhesive aluminum tape and having
holes 2/3 mm dia including frame work.
of minimum 400mm long. It shall be complete with locking device, motorized actuator &
control panel.
(iii) Fire dampers shall be motorized smoke & fire dampers type. It shall be supplied with
spring loaded UL stamped fusible link (certified according to UL 33) to close fire damper
in the event of rise in duct temperature. Fire damper shall also close on receipt of fire alarm
signal to cut off air supply instantaneously. An electric limit switch shall also be operated
by the closing of fire damper, which in turn shall switch off power supply to AHU blower
motor as well as strip heaters. Fire cum smoke damper shall operate based on heat as well
smoke detection.
(iv) Fire dampers shall be tested and certified with dynamic fire damper requirements of UL
standard 555 and with smoke damper requirements of UL standard 555S. Fire cum smoke
damper shall be tested and/or certified with requirement of UL standard 555 and UL
standard 555S. Fire Ceiling Damper shall be tested and certified with requirement of UL
Standard 555C.
(v) The Fire damper shall also meet requirements with:
(a) NFPA 80, 90A, 92, 101 and 105 (latest edition)
(b) National Building Code of India 2016
(vi) Fire dampers shall be certified for 90 minutes rating against collapse & flame penetration
as per UL 555.
(vii) Fire dampers shall be compatible with the fire detection system of building & shall be
capable of operating automatically through an electric motor on receiving signal from fire
alarm panel.
(viii) Necessary wiring from fire alarm panel up to AHU electric panel shall be provided by the
department & further from AHU electric panel to fire damper shall be provided by air
conditioning contractor.
(ix) Damper shall have a UL standard 555 fire resistance ratings of 3 hours and damper shall
have a UL standard 555S elevated temperature rating of 2500C.
(x) Dampers shall have a UL standard 555S leakage rating of leakage class I (8 cfm/ft2 at 4
in. WG (101.6 mmWG), velocity rating of 4000 fpm and differential pressure rating of 4
in. WG (minimum).
(xi) Electric actuator shall be external mounting type with 230 V AC, 2 position or modulating.
An access door shall be provided as per NFPA 80 & 105 requirement.
(xii) The Fire Damper shall be installed such that the fire integrity of the partition is maintained.
Sleeves, if any, used for mounting the damper shall be designed for the rated fire resistance
and the opening in the partition fire sealed with an appropriate and approved sealant.
9.7 Louvre dampers :
Louvres dampers shall be provided in all branches. Any duct feeding more than four
outlets shall be regarded as a branch and louver dampers provided whether shown or not.
Louvre dampers shall be multi-blade type with opposed blades or parallel blades of air
foil construction rotating in permanently lubricated ball/ roller bearings. Blades shall be
1200 x 250 maximum mounted in a channel frame. Blades shall be connected with
suitable linkage for gang operation by an operating rod extending beyond the frame and
insulation if any and terminating in a locking quadrant with damper position indicator.
Damper larger than 1200 mm in width shall be furnished in multiple sections. Dampers
shall be enclosed in a sheet steel box with flanges at both ends. Thickness shall be one
size larger than the upstream duct.
This shall be done as per details given in Chapter 11.
9.10.2 Material
(i) An un-insulated flexible duct shall be made of double lamination of metalized polyester
film permanently bonded to a coated spring steel wire helix. Duct shall be in tear &
puncture resistant construction.
(ii) For insulated flexible duct where specified, inner core for the same should be made of
double lamination of metalized polyester film permanently bonded to a coated spring steel
wire helix. Fiberglass insulation of minimum 14 kg/cu.m density, 25 mm thickness shall
be wrapped over the inner core & covered with strong outer jacket cum vapour barrier
made of fibre glass reinforced metalized polyester film laminate.
(iii) Care must be taken to install all the flexible duct in fully extended position & bends made
with adequate radius as per manufacturer recommended practices.
(iv) Length of flexible duct shall be limited to less than 1000 mm.
position of the dampers at all times. In case of false ceiling the indication device shall be
below the false ceiling.
(viii) Where electrical heaters are mounted in the duct, these shall be of low temperature totally
enclosed type fitted with radiation fins. A removable panel for access to the heaters shall
be provided in the duct. Any hole in the duct for electrical wiring must be provided with
suitable bushes to avoid leakage along with suitable lining. A manually reset thermostatic
safety switch shall be provided near the duct section having heaters. In addition, the
heaters must be interlocked with the connected fan motor of the AHU.
All duct supports, flanges, hangers shall be hot-dip galvanized.
Air systems shall be balanced in a manner to minimize throttling losses. The entire air
distribution system shall be balanced with the help of an anemometer. The measured air
quantities at fan discharge and at the various outlets shall be within + 5 percent of those
specified/quoted. For fans greater than 0.75 KW (1.0 HP), fans must then be adjusted to
meet design flow conditions. Branch duct adjustments shall be permanently marked after
the air balancing is completed so that these can be restored to their correct position if
disturbed at any time.
The entire air distribution shall be adjusted and balanced for delivery of design air
quantities or as required for achieving design space conditions. Tests shall be carried out
for each fan or AHU section. After all adjustments are made, the air readings shall be
recorded on the drawings vis-à-vis the space conditions. All dampers after adjustment
shall be set and locked in position. The provision related to balancing as mentioned in
Chapter 17 shall be complied.
(i) Duct measurements (for insulated ducts) shall be taken before application of insulation.
(ii) Duct work shall be measured section wise on the basis of external surface area by
multiplying the axial length from flange face to flange face for each section by the
corresponding duct perimeter in the centre of that section length.
(iii) Uniformly tapering straight sections shall also be measured as in (ii) above. However, for
special pieces like tees, bends etc. area computations for surface areas shall be done as
per the shape of such pieces.
(iv) The quoted unit rate for external surfaces of ducts shall include all wastage allowances,
flanges, gaskets for joints, vibration isolators, bracings, hangers and supports, inspection
chambers/access panels, splitter dampers with quadrants and levers for position
indication, turning vanes, straightening vanes, and all other accessories required to
complete the duct installation as per the specifications. These accessories shall not be
separately measured.
(v) Grilles and diffusers (except linear diffusers) shall be measured by the cross sectional
areas, perpendicular to the airflow, and excluding the flanges. Volume control dampers,
where provided shall not be separately accounted for.
(vi) Linear diffusers shall be measured by linear measurements only, and not by cross-
sectional areas, and shall exclude flanges for mounting of the linear diffusers. The supply
air plenum for linear diffusers shall be measured as described above for ducting.
(vii) Fire dampers shall be measured by their cross sectional area perpendicular to the direction
of the airflow. Quoted rates shall include the necessary collars and flanges for mounting,
inspection pieces with access door, fusible link/solenoid with wiring, but excluding the
fire detectors, etc.
10.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements of plumbing work in chilled water, hot water, water
in condenser circuit and drains, to be executed as part of heating, ventilating and air
(iv) Flexible coupling V groove joints.
(v) Flexible connections shall be provided at the pumps, and other machine where requires
as per following specifications-
(a) The Flexible connections shall be flanged type expansion joint. Flanges shall be non-
compressible and mechanically strong type and the Neoprene rubber shall be provided in
between the flange ends.
(b) The connections shall work for a temperature range of minus 10°C to 70°C.
(c) The length and working pressure of bellows shall be as follows:
(d) Connections shall be provided with control rods to control the excessive elongation or
compression of piping systems.
(e) these shall be capable to withstand torsional movement upto 3o without damage.
16. 450mm 45 0.457mm 0.559mm
17. 500mm 57 0.559mm 0.711mm
18. 550mm 57 0.559mm 0.711mm
19. 600mm 57 0.559mm 0.711mm
20. 650mm 56 0.559mm 0.711mm
21. 700mm 56 0.559mm 0.711mm
22. 750mm 55 0.559mm 0.711mm
23. 800mm 55 0.559mm 0.711mm
(v) Underground systems shall be buried in a trench of not less than 600 mm deeper than the
top of the pipe & not less than 450mm wider than the combined OD of all piping systems.
A minimum thickness of 600mm of compacted backfill over the top of the pipe is
(iv) Trench bottom shall have a minimum of 150mm of sand, pea gravel or specified backfill
material, consolidated to suit operating weight & to act as a cushion for the piping.
(v) For pipes buried in ground outer protective insulation jacket shall be seamless, extruded,
black, UV resistant, high-density polyethylene (HDPE).
(vi) For leak identification purpose 2 wire dignostic wiring shall also be provided.
(vii) Fitting can be fabricated at site over the carrier pipe and correct quantity of PUF shall be
poured manually.
(viii) Field joints insulation shall consist of PUF poured manually in a site-fabricated GI
cladding fixed around the joint
(ix) For pipes buried in ground minimum thickness of the HDPE jacket and PUF shall be as
(i) The material of butter fly valves shall be as under:
Body- Cast iron
Disc- Cast Bronze or Stainless Steel
Seat- Either integral or Nitrile rubber
O-ring-Nitrile/ Silicon
(ii) Balancing valve shall be of cast iron flanged construction with EPDM/ SG iron with
epoxy coated disc with built in pressure drop measuring facility (pressure test cocks) to
compute flow rate across the valve. The test cocks shall be long enough to protrude out
of pipe insulation.
(iii) Non return valves shall be of gun metal construction upto 65 mm, the metal conforming
to class 2 of IS: 778. For 75 mm and above, the valve shall be of bronze or gun metal,
body being of cast iron. While screwed or flanged ends may be provided upto 65 mm,
flanged ends shall be provided for larger sizes.
(iv) Air valves shall be of gunmetal body.
(i) Strainers shall be of 'Y" type or pot type as specified.
(ii) 'Y' strainers shall be provided on the inlet side of each air-handling unit and pump in
chilled water and condenser water circuit.
(iii) Pot strainers, where specified, shall be provided in return water headers, for chilled water
and condenser water if enough floor area is available in the refrigeration plant room, as
an alternate to individual Y type strainers with pumps.
(iv) The strainers shall be designed to the test pressure specified for the gate valves.
(v) Filtration area of Y-strainer shall be minimum four times the connecting pipe size.
(vi) Strainers shall have a removable bronze/ stainless steel minimum 1mm thick screen with
3 mm perforations and permanent magnet.
(vii) Strainers shall be provided with flanges or threaded sockets as required. They shall be
designed so as to enable blowing out accumulated dirt and facilitate removal and
replacement of screen without disconnection of the main pipe.
(viii) Strainers shall be provided with equal size isolating gate valves on either side so that the
strainers may be cleaned without draining the system.
(ix) Pot strainer shall be fabricated out of MS sheet and the sizes shall be as under: -
10.8 Pressure Independent Balancing cum Control Valves (PIBCV)
Each PICV is an automatic temperature control valve, an automatic flow - regulating valve
and a flow-limiting valve packaged into one body. The PICV regulates and maintains a
constant flow to the coil, irrespective of differential pressure variations, and is used in
heating and cooling systems for both air handling units and fan coil units.
(i) In case specified in NIT, each Air handling unit / Fan Coil / DOAS / TFA unit shall be
provided with a 2-way pressure independent balancing and control valves with Actuator
unit. The control shall be modulating type for AHUs / DOAS / TFA and On/OFF type for
FCUs. The PIBCV shall be a self-balancing, pressure independent, 2-way control valve
with 100% authority on the control valve.
(ii) The pressure drop across the PIBCV should not exceed 20kPa for FCUs and 30kPa for the
(iii) The differential pressure controller should maintain a constant differential pressure across
the control valve, irrespective of fluctuations in the system pressure. Each valve should
have a precisely adjustable maximum flow limitation as per designed flow rate of coils
which is capable of being field adjusted. All valves should have testing ports for verifying
the flow by measuring the differential pressure.
(iv) The valve and actuator must be capable for both Logarithmic control characteristics and
linear control characteristics to ensure compatibility for both water/air and water/water
exchanger. The actuator shall be electrical gear motor type. The response time should not
be more than 7.5 s/Nm of stroke length.
(v) Flow setting of the valves should be simple and capable of being reset on site.
(i) Pressure gauge of appropriate range and 150 mm. dial size shall be provided at the
following locations.
(a) Supply and return of all heat exchange equipments.
(b) Suction and discharge of all pump sets.
The pressure gauge shall be duly calibrated before installation and shall be complete with
shut off cocks.
(ii) Direct reading industrial type thermometer of appropriate range shall be provided at the
inlet and outlet of all heat exchange equipments. The thermometers shall be installed in
separate wells.
(iii) Appropriate number of additional sockets shall be provided for the installation of pressure
& temperature transducers for BMS.
(i) Expansion tanks for chilled water and hot water shall be of M.S. construction and of
adequate capacity, to contain 200% of the maximum expansion likely to take place in the
system. The tank shall be insulated and be complete with float valve, gauge glass, drain,
overflow and make up connections, with gate valves and vent piping wherever required.
(ii) The piping shall be enlarged at the connection to the expansion tank to permit entrained
air to separate and to be vented through the tank. The expansion tank should be located
at the pump suction side at the highest point of the system.
(iii) Valves, strainers and traps must be omitted from the expansion line since these may be
accidentally turned off or become plugged.
(iv) Pressurized expansion tank with air separator, can be used where the conventional type
expansion tank is not feasible to be provided.
(i) The installation work shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed drawings
prepared by the Air-conditioning Contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
(ii) Air-conditioning contractor shall utilize the structural provisions for Air-conditioning
services wherever provided by the Department in the building and make his own
arrangements for additional changes.
(iii) Expansion loops or joints shall be provided to take care of expansion or contraction of
pipes due to temperature changes.
(iv) Tee-off connections shall be through equal or reducing tees, otherwise ferrules welded
to the main pipe shall be used. Drilling and tapping of the walls of the main pipe shall
not be resorted to.
(v) Wherever reducers are to be made in horizontal runs, eccentric reducers shall be used if
the piping is to drain freely, in other locations, concentric reducers may be used.
(vi) Open ends of piping shall be blocked as soon as the pipe is installed to avoid entrance
of foreign matter.
(vii) All pipes using screwed fittings shall be accurately cut to the required size and threaded
in accordance with IS: 554 and burs removed before laying.
(viii) Piping installation shall be supported on or suspended from structure adequately. The
Air-conditioning contractor shall design all brackets, saddles, clamps, hangers etc. and
shall be responsible for their structure integrity.
(ix) Pipe supports, preferably floor mounted shall be of steel, adjustable for height and
prime-coated with zinc chromate paint and finish-coated gray. Spacing of pipe supports
shall not be more than that specified below: -
(x) Extra supports shall be provided at the bends and at heavy fittings like valves to avoid
undue stress on the pipes. Pipe hangers shall be fixed on walls and ceiling by means of
metallic or rawl plugs or approved shear fasteners.
(xi) Insulated piping shall be supported in such a manner as not to put undue pressure on the
(xii) Anti-vibration pads, springs or liners of resilient and non-deteriorating, material shall
be provided at each support, so as to prevent transmission of vibration through the
(xiii) Pipe sleeves of diameter larger than the pipe by least 50 mm shall be provided wherever
pipes pass through walls and the annular spaces shall be filled with felt and finished
with retaining rings.
(xiv) Vertical risers shall be parallel to walls and column lines and shall be straight and plumb.
Risers passing from floor to floor shall be supported at each floor by clamps or collars
attached to pipe with a 12 mm thick rubber pad or any other resilient material as
approved by the Engineer-in-charge.
(xv) The space in the floor cut outs around the pipe work (after insulation work where
applicable) shall be closed using cement concrete (1:2:4 mix) or steel sheet, from the
fire safety considerations, taking care to see that a small annular space is left around the
pipes to prevent transmission of vibration to the structure.
(xvi) Riser shall have suitable supports at the lowest point.
(xvii) Where pipes are to be buried under ground, the top of the pipes shall be not less than 75
cms. from the ground level. Where this is not practicable, permission of the Engineer-
in-charge shall be obtained for burying the pipes at lesser depth. The pipes shall be
surrounded on all sides by sand cushion of not less than 15 cms. After the pipes have
been laid and top sand cushion provided, the trench shall be refilled with the excavated
soil and any extra soil shall be removed from the site of work by the Air conditioning
(xviii) Where pipes are directly buried in ground, the pipes shall have “Pypcote” wrapping or
as specified in IS 10221.
(xix) All pipes and their steel supports shall be thoroughly cleaned and given one primer coat
of Zinc chromate before being installed.
(xx) After all the water piping has been installed, pressure tested in accordance with clause
10.10, all exposed piping in the plant room shall be given two finish coats of paint,
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Similar painting work shall be done over insulated
pipe work, valves etc. The direction of flow of fluid in the pipes shall be indicated with
identifying arrows.
(xxi) 3 mm gasket shall be used for flanged joints.
(xxii) Cut-outs in floor slabs shall be sealed with cement concrete or steel plate after the
plumbing work is done, from the fire safety point of view.
(ii) Piping repaired subsequent to the above pressure test shall be re-tested in the same
(iii) System may be tested in sections and such sections shall be securely capped.
(iv) It shall be made sure that proper noiseless circulation is achieved through all the coils and
other heat exchange equipments in the system. If proper circulation is not achieved due
to air-bound connections, the contractor shall rectify the defective connections. He shall
bear all the expenses for carrying out the above rectification, including the tearing up and
refinishing of floors, walls, etc. as required.
(v) Insulation shall be applied to piping only after the completion of the pressure testing to
the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
(vi) Pressure gauges may be capped off during pressure testing of the installation.
(vii) The contractor shall provide all materials, tools, equipments, instruments, services and
labour required to perform the tests and to remove water resulting from cleaning after
(i) After completion of the installation, all water system shall be adjusted and balanced to
first minimize throttling losses; then the pump impeller shall be trimmed or pump speed
shall be adjusted to meet design flow conditions.
Exceptions to above:
(a) Where Variable frequency Drives are used as starter &capacity control.
(b) Impellers need not to be trimmed nor pump speed adjusted for pumps with pump motors
of 7.5 kW (10 hp) or less,
(c) Impellers need not to be trimmed when throttling results in no greater than 5% of the
nameplate horsepower draw, or 2.2 kW (3hp), whichever is greater.
(ii) Automatic control valves (Pressure Independent Balancing cum Control Valve) and three
way diverting valves shall be set for full flow condition during balancing procedure.
Water circuit shall be adjusted by balancing cocks provided for balancing. These shall
be permanently marked after the balancing is completed so that they can be restored to
their correct positions, if disturbed.
(iii) The other provision regarding balancing as mentioned in Chapter 17 shall also be
Measurements of plumbing work shall be on following basis: -
(i) Piping shall be measured along the centre line of installed pipes including all pipe fittings
and accessories but excluding valves and other items for which quantities are specifically
indicated in the schedule of work. No separate payment shall be made for fittings and
(ii) The rates for piping work shall include all wastage allowances, pipe supports, hangers,
nuts and check nuts, vibration isolators, suspension where specified or required, and any
other item required to complete the piping installation. None of these items will be
separately measured nor paid for.
(iii) Piping measurement shall be taken before application of the insulation in the case of
insulated pipe work.
The insulation of pipes carrying hot or chilled water shall be carried out as per Chapter-
11.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements of thermal insulation for chilled water / hot water
piping, pumps and tanks, duct work, and acoustic lining in duct work and weather maker
rooms. This does not cover exposed roof insulation and under deck insulation work.
However, all shall need to be covered with vapor barrier and cladding with aluminum
(ii) For Insulation of duct work: -
(a) Resin bonded glass wool.
(b) Polyvinyl Nitrile (Closed cell rubber foam)
(c) Crosslinked closed cell Oxide acetate insulation foam- CFC/HCFC free
(d) XLPE (Closed cell cross linked polyolefin foam)
(iv) For suction line, Chilled water pipe and Chiller insulation: -
(a) Expanded Polysterene (T.F.Quality)
(b) Polyvinyl Nitrile (Closed cell rubber foam)
(c) Crosslinked closed cell Oxide acetate insulation foam- CFC/HCFC free
(d) XLPE (Closed cell cross linked polyolefin foam)
Polyvinyl Nitrile foam 55 0.034
Crosslinked Closed cell
Oxide acetate foam - 30 0.032
(ii) For thermal insulation of ducts:
Material Minimum Density(Kg / cu.m)
Resin bonded glass wool 24
Polyvinyl Nitrile foam 40
Crosslinked Closed cell Oxide acetate insulation foam- 30
Fibre Glass Insulation used for duct insulation shall be factory faced with aluminium foil
on one side reinforced with kraft paper & fused to the insulation material.
Polyvinyl Nitrile foam Insulation used for duct insulation shall be factory faced with
aluminium foil on one side.
Crosslinked Closed cell Oxide acetate insulation Foam used for duct insulation shall be
factory faced with aluminium foil on one side.
(iv) The specification for resin bonded glass wool insulation & resin bonded mineral wool
insulation shall conform to IS 8183 as amended up to date. The specification for expanded
polystyrene shall conform to IS-4671 as amended up to date.
(v) The insulation material for all applications shall have following properties also:-
(a) CFC/HCFC free,
(b) fire rating class O and class 1,
(c) anti-fungal, anti-mold and anti-bacterial
(d) RoHS free
(vi) Expansion tank Insulation
Expanded polystyrene insulation of density not less than 20kg per cu.m. shall be used.
(vii) For pipe insulation (for chilled water as well as hot water application
Pipe Size (mm) Material Thickness (mm)
150 & below Glass fibre /Exp. Polystyrene 50
Above 150 Glass fibre /Exp. Polystyrene 75
150 & below Oxide acetate foam- CFC/HCFC free 32
Above 150 Oxide acetate foam- CFC/HCFc free 45
(viii) For Duct insulation
Application Material Thickness (mm)
Thermal for AC area Fiber Glass 12.5
Thermal for Non AC Fiber Glass
Acoustic Fiber Glass 25
Thermal for AC area Oxide acetate foam CFC/HCFc free 9
Thermal for Non AC Oxide acetate foam CFC/HCFc free
Acoustic Oxide acetate foam CFC/HCFc free 10
(ii) Pipes shall be preferably pre insulated at factory, meeting the requirement or the
insulation shall be finished at site as under:
(a) For pipes laid inside the building, the insulation over the pipe work shall be finished with
0.63 mm thick aluminium sheet cladding over a vapour barrier of 120 gm/ sq.m.
polythene sheet with 50 mm overlap and tied down with lacing wire and complete with
type 3, grade-I roofing felt strip (as per IS 1322 as amended upto date) at the joints..
(b) For pipes outside the building laid above ground the finishing over the pipe insulation
shall be finished with 0.63 mm G S sheet cladding over a vapour barrier of 120 gm/sq.m
polythene sheet with 50mm overlap and tied down with lacing wire and complete with
type 3 grade I roofing felt strip applied by means of cold setting CPRX compound.
(c) For pipes outside the building laid underground the insulation shall be covered with 500
gauge polythene faced hessian, (the polythene facing outwards), with 50 mm overlap. All
joints shall be sealed with bitumen. A layer of 0.50 mm x 20 mm G.I. wire mesh netting
shall be provided over it butting all joints and it shall be laced down with GI wire, sand
cement plaster (1:4) 20 mm. thick shall be provided in 2 layers of each 10mm and shall
be water proofed by applying hot bitumen & fixing tar felt over the plaster. It shall be
finally finished with a coat of hot bitumen.) In case of factory pre insulated pipes, buried
underground, a water leakage sensing wire shall also be provided, to detect the location
of water leakage at later date.
(d) In case of factory pre insulated pipes, all joints shall be properly insulated at site as per
recommendation of manufacturer
(iii) All valves, fittings, strainers etc. shall be insulated to the same thickness and in the same
manner as for the respective piping, taking care to allow operation of valves without
damaging the insulation.
(iii) Resin bonded glass wool/ mineral wool as specified cut to size will be friction fitted in
the frame work and covered with tissue paper.
(iv) Aluminum perforated sheet having perforation between 20-40%of thickness not less than
0.8mm shall be fixed over the entire surface neatly without causing sag/ depression in
between and held with screws. Sheet joints should overlap minimum 10mm.
(v) Aluminum beading of 25mm wide and thickness not less than 1.00 mm shall be fixed on
all horizontal/ vertical joints by means of screws.
12.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements of equipment safety controls, refrigerant flow
controls, system controls, and variable speed drive (VSD). For chilling units all the
controls shall be microprocessor based.
12.2.2 Condenser
The safety control for a condenser shall comprise a safety pressure relief valve on the
shell. This shall operate to relieve the pressure at the set point without prior leakage. For
small condensers, a fusible plug may be provided to melt at a predetermined temperature.
12.2.3 Chiller
(i) Antifreeze shall be provided with water chiller, set at a few degrees above the freezing
point. This shall operate, when the temperature of water in the chiller falls below the set
point to trip the compressor motor. The reset provided for the safety shall be manual.
(ii) Flooded type of chiller in addition, shall be provided with safety pressure relief valve.
12.2.4 Refrigeration Plant
(i) In addition to the safety controls as above for the individual components of a refrigeration
plant, the following safety controls shall also be provided for the plant.
(a) Compressor motor over current cut-out.
(b) Condenser water flow switch.
(c) Chilled water flow switch.
(d) Condenser air flow switch in the condenser fan discharge (in case of air-cooled
(e) Air flow switch in the evaporator fan discharge in case of direct expansion coils.
(ii) The above controls, on operation, shall trip the compressor motor, and these shall be
provided with manual reset arrangement.
(iii) The compressor motor shall also be interlocked electrically with,
(a) Condenser water pump in case of water cooled condenser, and condenser fan with air
cooled condensers,
(b) Chilled water pumps in case of chilled water system and evaporator fan in case of direct
expansion system, and
(c) Antifreeze thermostat in case of chillers.
(iv) Indicating lamps shall also be provided on the control panel for indicating operation of
the safeties and interlocks.
super heat control and external equalizer port shall be provided for each valve. Each
expansion valve shall be easily removable for cleaning and adjusting.
A similar operation system shall be followed in shutting off of the unit. Change over
from one operating unit to another shall be possible through the status switch of the plant
to be shut down by change to manual position and thus overriding its anti-cycle timer. It
should be possible to introduce the changed unit by running it to speed and changing over
the status switch to "auto" position.
(iii) Pump down shut down shall be provided through low pressure (LP) safety irrespective of
the status switch position, auto/manual.
(iv) It should be possible to start the compressor motor only after the cooling tower fan motor
(where provided), chilled water (where provided) and condenser water pumps are
(v) The compressor motor shall be able to be started or run, only after all the safeties as per
para 12.2 are satisfied.
(vi) The blower motor shall be interlocked with strip heaters (where provided) such that power
supply to strip heaters will become ON, only after the blower has been started and run to
full (designed) speed.
(vii) Where only the blower motor and not heaters is connected to standby generating set in
any particular application, a timer shall be provided, such that the heaters may get
energised, only after a period of time, after the blower is run.
(viii) In the event of signal from high limit safety of heaters the power supply to the blower
motor and the heater bank shall automatically and instantly be switched off.
(ix) The power supply to AHU shall be cut off on receipt of a signal from the Fire Alarm
12.6.2 Humidistat
Humidistat shall be provided with air handling unit for areas, which require humidity
control. One humidistat shall activate the reheat coils in case the space humidity rises
beyond the preset limit. Another humidistat shall energize the humidifier when the
humidity falls below the preset limit. These humidistat shall also de-energize these
devices when the desired humidity is reached.
Humidistat shall be snap-acting type having humidifier/dehumidifier control from 20-80
percent relative humidity, with differential of 5 percent. Humidistat shall have nylon
element with three bobbins, and removable knob to prevent tempering of set point.
12.6.5 Spray humidifiers, where specified, shall be as per details given under para
12.6.7 Strip heaters shall be of finned type construction with a surface temperature not exceeding
45 deg. C. The same shall be suitable for 230 V, AC supply. The heaters shall be
adequately insulated electrically from their mountings unit/ casing.
12.6.8 Dehumidifiers, where provided shall use adsorption type desiccants. The desiccant used
shall be non-toxic, non-corrosive having a life of about 5 years with constant employment
in regeneration cycle.
below the 60% of the rated CFM of the AHU or 15 air changes, whichever is higher.
During the rest of the night hours, the Programmable timer shall give a signal to the VSD
to run the AHU at a pre-determined reduced speed so as to provide only 25% of the
normal CFM or the minimum CFM achievable closest to 25% but not below 25% of the
normal CFM. Due to the clogging of the air filter if the inside temperature conditions are
not achieved even at 100% AHU speed then the VSD will close an N.O. contacts to
activate an alarm. The VSD shall have the provision to switch over to the manual mode
as and when required. The system shall comprise of dedicated Variable Speed Drives
(VSDs) designed for HVAC applications to accept 2 feedback signals (from temperature
sensor installed in the AC area and programmable timer controller) and have 2
programmable set points (inside temperature conditions, and 60% of the normal CFM
condition as stated above) using HVAC terminology, to regulate the speed of the AHU
motors in response to the variations in load and filter cleanliness conditions to maintain
temperature and Air flow differential in supply and exhaust conditions. In case, any
additional sensor (s) including wiring etc are required to meet the system requirements
the cost of that shall be deemed to be included in the cost of the VSD. The VSD control
shall have:
(a) RFI (Radio frequency interference) Filters for EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility)
(b) Voltage Vector Control technology to generate advanced sinusoidal output voltage, 100%
true RMS value of the fundamental voltage at rated speed and nominal torque, cause no
motor de-ration and keep motor temperature limits within permissible class B limits.
(c) Displays in user’s friendly Alpha Numeric Characters for all operating parameters,
programming parameters and faults.
(d) Built in energy meter.
(e) Built in run time counter.
(f) Local control panel (key pad)
The system shall also comprise a suitable programmable timer & PLC with required
electronic components, to allow 2 feedback signals (Temperature & Minimum CFM) to
be passed on to the VSD during the day hours. In the night hours only one signal from
the programmable timer shall go to the VSD to run it at pre-determined reduced speed.
The room/ space air temperature and air flow shall be sensed by a temperature and air
flow transmitters, which shall generate suitable DC signal to provide feedback to the
VSD, which in turn shall regulate the speed of the AHU fan to maintain the designed
conditions as described above.
VSD shall be designed, with built-in PID controller, control panel (keypads & display),
IP 20 enclosure for use on standard centrifugal fans. The VSDs should not cause any de-
ration of the connected motors and must ensure that class B temperature levels of the
connected motors are never exceeded. The display should be in alpha-numeric characters
and programming facility should be in user-friendly HVAC terminology. The VSDs
should be able to accept up to 2 feedback signal from temperature & air flow transmitter
simultaneously and to program 2 set points in it.
The system shall also have following features incorporated:
(i) Heat sink over temperature protection
(ii) Under voltage protection
(iii) Over voltage protection
(iv) Alpha-numeric display facilities
(v) ON indication
(vi) Trip indication
(vii) Selectable display of various parameters line voltage, frequency, speed, power, torque,
motor temperature percentage, VSD temperature percentage, KWH.
(viii) Raise and lower speed push button in local mode.
(ix) Frequency range variation from 0 to 50 Hz.
(x) Remote start and stop facility including indications there of with necessary hardware and
terminal blocks, including toggle switch etc. to over ride remote start & stop at the time
of maintenance/ repairs.
(xi) Off delay facility through timer or PLC with 30 sec to 120 sec. time delay, to be connected
to air flow switch.
(xii) Safeguard facility against single phasing.
(xiii) Tripping of AHU blower motors in response to the fire alarm signal from AFAS.
(xiv) Inter locking of Exhaust and AHU blowers such that power supply gets fed to exhaust
blower only when the supply air flow is there.
(h) Auto-derating of maximum drive current shall be incorporated in VSD to allow continued
operation at reduced speed in case of VSD over temperature phase loss or mains
imbalance without damaging the VSD.
(i) Displays in user’s friendly Alpha Numeric Characters for all operating parameters,
programming parameters, faults,
(j) Built in energy meter.
(k) in run time counter.
(l) Local control panel (key pad)
The system shall also comprise a suitable PLC if required, with electronic components.
VSD shall be designed, with built-in PID controller, control panel (keypads & display),
IP 20 enclosure for use on standard centrifugal pumps. The VSDs should not cause any
de-ration of the connected motors and must ensure that class B temperature levels of the
connected motors are never exceeded. The display should be in alpha-numeric characters
and programming facility should be in user-friendly HVAC terminology. The VSDs shall
be able to accept up to two feedback signals from differential Pressure transmitters
simultaneously and to program set points in it.
The system shall have following features incorporated:-
(i) Heat sink over temperature protection
(ii) Under voltage protection
(iii) Over voltage protection
(iv) Protections against input transients, loss of A.C. line phase, short circuit, ground fault,
frequency converter over temperature.
(v) Alpha-numeric display facilities
(vi) ON indication
(vii) Trip indication
(viii) Selectable display of various parameters like output line voltage, output frequency, speed,
power, motor temperature percentage, heat sink temperature, VSD temperature
percentage, KWH, hours run, differential pressure.
(ix) Raise and lower speed push button in local mode.
(x) Frequency range variation from 0 to 50 Hz.
(xi) Remote start and stop facility including indications thereof with necessary hardware and
terminal blocks, including toggle switch etc. for override of remote start & stop of at the
time of maintenance/ repairs.
(xii) Safeguard facility against single phasing.
12.8.3 Where both building management system and air quantity flow control / chilled water
flow control through VFD are provided for same application, control panel for sequencing
of VFD shall not be required.
12.9.1 Air- Side Economizers (Ambient Cooling)
Each individual cooling fan system that has a design supply capacity over 72 CMM (2,500
cfm) and a total mechanical cooling capacity over 22 kW (6.3 tons) shall include either:
(i) An air economizer capable of modulating outside-air and return-air dampers to supply
100% of the design supply air quantity as outside-air; or
(ii) A water economizer capable of providing 100% of the expected system cooling load at
outside air temperatures of 10°C (50°F) dry-bulb/7.2°C (45°F) wet-bulb and below
Exceptions to above are:
(a) Projects in the hot-dry and warm-humid climate zones are exempt
(b) Individual ceiling mounted fan systems < 192CMM (6,500 cfm) are exempt
12.9.2 Partial Cooling
Building’s intrinsic thermal mass can be used to reduce peak cooling loads by circulating
cool night-time air to pre-cool the building prior to daily occupancy in the cooling season.
The building control system can operate ventilation fans in the economizer mode on a
scheduled basis. Care should be taken to prevent excessive fan operation that would offset
cooling energy savings. It should also be ensured that night humidity does not preclude
the use of this strategy.
Economizers shall be capable of providing partial cooling even when additional
mechanical cooling is required to meet the cooling load.
(a) Substrate
The substrate or wheel matrix should be only of pure aluminum foil so as to allow:
(i) Quick and efficient uptake of thermal energy.
(ii) Sufficient mass for optimum heat transfer
(iii) Maximum sensible heat recovery at a relatively low rotational speed of 20 to 25 rpm.
Nonmetallic substrates made from paper, plastic, synthetic or glass fibre media, will
therefore, not be acceptable.
The substrate shall not be made from any material which is combustible or supports
combustion like synthetic fibrous media.
The rotor depth shall be minimum 270 mm to maximize recovery efficiency ratio.
(b) Pressure drop
The pressure drop across the rotary heat exchanger shall not exceed 2.5mm for every
0.5mps face velocity, or part thereof, for the minimum stated/ required latent recoveries /
(c) Desiccant
(i) The desiccant shall be water molecule selective and non-migratory.
(ii) The desiccant shall be of molecular sieve 3Å so as to keep the cross contamination to
absolute minimum and also ensure the exclusion of contaminants from the air streams,
while transferring the water vapor molecules.
(iii) The desiccant, of sufficient mass which shall not be less than 5 kg per 1000 CFM of air,
shall be coated with non-masking porous binder adhesive on the aluminum substrate so
as to allow quick and easy uptake and release of water vapor.
(iv) The rotor/wheel matrix shall have equal sensible and latent recovery.
(v) The weight of desiccant coating and the mass of aluminum foil shall be in a ratio so as to
ensure equal recovery of both sensible and latent heat over the operating range.
(d) Rotor
(i) With optimum heat and mass through matrix formed by desiccant, of sufficient mass,
coated on an aluminum foil, the rotor should rotate at lower than 20 to 25 RPM, thereby
also ensuring long life of belts and reduced wear and tear of seals.
(ii) The rotor shall be made of alternate flat and corrugated aluminum foil of uniform width.
(iii) The rotor honeycomb matrix foil should be so wound and adhered as to make a
structurally very strong and rigid media which shall not get cracked, deformed etc. due to
change of temperature or humidity.
(iv) The rotor having a diameter upto 2800 mm shall have spokes to reinforce the matrix.
(v) From 2000 mm diameter upwards, the option of a special wing structure, to prevent the
rotors from wobbling or deforming due to the successive pressure differentials, will be
(vi) Sectioned wheels, with pie segments, capable of being assembled in the field, shall be
available as an option, above 2000 mm in diameter.
(vii) The surface of the wheel/rotor shall be highly polished to ensure that the vertical run out
does not exceed + 1 mm for every 1 metre diameter, thereby ensuring, negligible leakage,
if labyrinth non contact seals are provided, and minimal drag, if contact wiper seals are
(viii) The radial run out also shall not exceed + 1 mm for every 1 meter diameter, thereby
minimizing the leakage/drag on the radial seals, and minimize the fluctuation in the
tension of the drive belt.
(ix) The rotor shall be a non clogging aluminum media, having a multitude of narrow
aluminum foil channels, thus ensuring a laminar flow, and will allow particles upto 800
microns to pass through it.
(x) The media shall be cleanable with compressed air, or low pressure steam or light
detergent, without degrading the latent recovery.
(e) Cassette/Casing
The recovery wheel cassette/casing shall be manufactured from tubular / sheet metal
structure to provide a self-supporting rigid structure, complete with access panels, purge
sector, rotor, bearings, seals, drive mechanism complete with belt.
The rotor/wheel should have a field adjustable purge mechanism to provide definite
separation of airflow minimizing the carryover of bacteria, dust and other pollutants, from
the exhaust air to the supply air. It shall be possible, with proper adjustment, to limit cross
contamination to less than 0.04% of that of the exhaust air concentration.
(v) The net organics in the honeycomb media shall not exceed 2%.
(vi) The desiccant rotor shall have integral long life bearings supported by a simple fixed shaft
design to allow a simple slide out of the rotor/bed.
(vii) The desiccant media shall have a perimeter flange which should encircle the entire
perimeter so as to allow greater durability and to roll the rotor on the ground, without
damage. The perimeter flange should be smooth and consistent to serve as a perimeter
seal surface, thus ensuring long life for the perimeter seal, without being cut, torn or
otherwise damaged.
(viii) The desiccant media shall not fracture due to repeated temperature and moisture cycling
and all the materials of construction shall be non toxic.
(ix) The surface of the media shall have a special edge hardening so as to ensure a smooth
surface and long life of both the media and the seal contacting it.
(x) The desiccant media shall not use any organic burn off process, as this shall weaken the
media structure.
This focus on independent equipment selection wastes a lot of energy. In this system,
normally the chiller will operate at a fixed chilled water temperature. At low load
conditions, the chiller compressor would operate at a higher than needed head to provide
colder water than required which the chilled water pump will distribute at a higher
pressure than what is required. All these bring inefficiency into the system though the
individual controls are provided to control them.
Demand-based control is a method of applying direct-coupled network control. It is based
on the idea that a building HVAC system is a single system the energy efficiency and
comfort performance of which are optimize d when the operation of all the components
is coordinated to meet actual needs in the spaces served.
Demand based control is intended to fill the vacuum created by development of variable
frequency drive for HVAC equipment.
Demand based control ties the operation of all the equipment to end use requirements-
actual space requirement in single building HVAC applications but this does not mean
that chillers and cooling towers operate directly from the room temperature sensor. Rather
in this control, all the components of air conditioning plant are directly coupled and work
as a single system.
With variable-speed equipment and network capabilities, the long standing dictum that
equipment must be decoupled to operate effectively has been re versed. Direct coupling
leads to simpler, more-efficient operation. It is intuitive that coordinating the operation
of a chiller plant and chilled-water distribution network is required to achieve the highest
overall cooling system efficiency. When cooling needs to adjust in response to space
conditions, demand based control coordinates the operation of all elements to provide
cooling where it is needed according to predefined efficiency relationship.
Equal marginal performance principle is applied to optimize the pumps operation under
all loading conditions. A circuit consisting of cooling towers, chiller pumps, and
conditioning fans with VSD could be optimize in this manner. These components could
be directly coupled and controlled using demand-based control to operate the circuit as a
single system and provide the cooling capacity required. Thus, with demand-based
control, equipment is coordinated to operate according to power (kilowatt) set points,
which is s impeller, more stable, and much more efficient than the use of temperature or
pressure set points is.
13.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements for the electrical works associated with heating, air
conditioning, ventilation and cold room applications, namely, switch boards, power
cabling, control wiring, earthing, p.f. capacitors and remote control-cum-indicating
panels. Electric motors are not covered here, as these are covered as part of the respective
equipment specifications.
(i) Unless otherwise specified in the tender specifications, all equipments and materials for
electrical works shall be suitable for continuous operations on 415 V / 240 V + 10%(3
phase/single phase), 50 Hz. AC system. Where the use of high voltage equipments is
specified in particular works, all the respective equipments shall be suitable for
continuous operation on such specified high voltage.
(ii) All electrical works shall be carried out complying with the Indian Electricity Rules, 1956
as amended to date.
(iii) All parts of electrical works shall be carried out as per appropriate CPWD General
specifications for Electrical works, namely, Part I (Internal) 2023, Part II (External)
2023work, and Part IV (Sub-station), 2013 all as amended to date, National Electrical
Code of India 2023 and National Building Code of India 2016.
(iv) All materials and components used shall conform to the relevant IS specifications
amended to date.
(x) Where terminations are done on the bus bars by drilling holes therein, extra cross section
shall be provided for the bus bars. Alternatively, terminations may be made by clamping.
(xi) Provision shall be made for proper termination of cables at the switchboards such that
there is no strain either on the cables, or on the terminators. Cables connected to the
upper tiers shall be duly clamped within the switchboard.
(xii) Identification labels shall be provided against each switchgear and starter compartment,
using plastic engraved labels.
(xiii) Metallic danger board conforming to relevant IS shall be fixed on each electrical
(xiv) Switchboard housing only isolators near cooling towers shall be housed in weather proof
enclosure. The mounting arrangement shall be as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge
to suit the site conditions.
(xv) All the AHUs shall be in preferably vertical alignment. A rising main starting from
Ground floor with tap off at each floor will feed power to the AHU. The AHU Panel shall
be cubicle type, wall mounted/floor mounted as required.
(xvi) All the AHUs are on emergency supply so that in case the power supply is off, all the
AHU motors continue to supply air to the indoor areas.
(iii) ISI marked steel conduit pipes, wherever used, shall be of gauge not less than 1.6 mm
thick for conduits upto 32 mm dia and not less than 2.0 mm thick for higher sizes. All
conduit accessories shall be threaded type with substantial wall thickness.
(iv) Control cables shall be of adequate cross section to restrict the voltage drop.
(v) In the case of control wires drawn through steel conduits, the wire drawing capacity of
conduits as specified under the CPWD General Specifications for Electrical Works (Part
I) 2023 shall not be exceeded.
(vi) Runs of control wires within the switchboard shall be neatly bunched and suitably
supported/clamped. Means shall be provided for easy identification of the control wires.
(vii) Control wiring shall correspond to the circuitry/sequence of operations and interlocks
approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
(viii) In cold storage involving temperatures below zero deg. C, polythene cables shall be used
instead of PVC cables.
(i) Provision of earth electrodes and the type of earthing shall be as specified in the tender
(ii) The earth work shall be carried out in conformity with CPWD Specifications for
Electrical works (Part-I), Internal 2023.
(iii) Metallic body of all medium voltage equipment’s and switch boards shall be connected
by separate and distinct earth conductors to the earth stations of the installations; looping
of such body earth conductors is acceptable from one equipment, or switch board to
(iv) Armoring of cables shall be connected to the body of the equipment’s/switch board at
both the ends. Compression type glands shall be used for all such terminations in the case
of PVC cables.
(iii) Back indication to show the status of operation of all the motors (except small motors as
in humidifiers of AHUs and FCUs) and also of the electric strip heaters (AHU wise) shall
be provided.
(iv) Panel shall be fabricated from 1.6 mm thick steel sheet. This shall be of freestanding
floor mounting type design. This shall be complete with necessary termination
arrangements, multicore cables, tag blocks, control transformer, designation plastic
labels, double earth studs etc. as required.
All panels shall be supplied with the manufacturer's standard finish painting or as
indicated in the Schedule of Work.
(vi) Motors should be installed with soft start energy savers and Variable Speed drives based
on the application required.
(iii) The VFD shall be able to operate under the following conditions:
(a) Rated input voltage 400V +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50 Hz +/- 2 Hz
(b) Ambient temperature as specified.
(c) The VFD shall be suitable for manual as well as remote control.
(iv) The VFD shall be able to supply the motor with a sine shaped supply and fully circular
magnetic flux to obtain full motor torque at rated frequency, without the motor becoming
warmer than in normal mains operations.
(v) The VFD shall be able to vary the output frequency from 0 to 100 percentage and output
voltage from 10% to full mains voltage even at -10% of full mains voltage. The VFD
shall regulate the output to continuously adapt as the case may be to the current load on
the pump or the fan so as to minimize energy consumption.
(vi) The VFD shall be able to work as a Stand-Alone unit, where all safety requirements have
been fulfilled, or as part of a larger BMS system , where the control is centralized and
operated via serial communication using integrated RS 485 ports.
(vii) The control panel shall be detachable and be able to function in a central control panel, if
(viii) The VFD shall be able to regulate all types of motors without load reduction and without
the motor temperature becoming higher than under normal mains operation.
(ix) The VFD shall be able to control motors of different sizes connected in parallel, and it
must be possible to stop a machine during operation without the risk of tripping. The
VFD shall be able to run without the motor being connected, for the purpose of servicing.
Servicing must not require access from the back of the VFD.
(xi) The VFD shall be able to avoid at least 4 bypass frequencies with adjustable bandwidth
to avoid mechanical resonance.
(xii) The VFD shall have filters in the intermediate circuit to ensure that the 5th harmonic
transmitted to the mains supply is limited to approx. 30%.
(xiii) The current limiting function shall be quick enough for the VFD to resist short-term
earthing and short circuiting on the output terminals without any damage to the
(xiv) The VFD shall have integrated protection against the mains transients in accordance
with VDE 0160, single phasing, in the mains or motor, or short-circuiting of motor
phases. If the speed reference is lost, it shall be a programming option to either maintain
the motor speed or regulate to stop.
(xv) The VFD shall be able to give off a warning or stop the motor if the motor is overheated.
This function must form an integral part of the VFD.
(xvi) The output circuit shall ensure the possibility of unlimited switching between VFD and
motor regardless of load and speed, without any damage to the VFD, and without extra
equipment being required.
(xvii) The VFD shall have an override function which in the case of overloads during operation
and starting reduces the motor current to prevent damage.
(xviii) The VFD shall have a power factor of 1 on the supply side (AC) at all loads and speeds;
extra AC coils for stable operation shall not be required.
14.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers the requirements for all heating and reheat systems for Air
Conditioning applications .Heating shall be required to maintain inside design conditions
when the ambient temperature is low. Heating in the form of reheat shall be required
where RH has to be maintained at specified levels for which the dehumidified air needs
to be cooled down to a lower temperature than space requirements and then reheated to
specified levels.
A central heating system includes hot water generator and associated works like Factory
built air handling units, Fan coil units, VAVs, Convector/grill/diffuser, radiators, treated
fresh Air units, Heat recovery wheels, air filters, water treatment system i/c plant, Air
filter and air distribution system, Fire Control and safety, Water circulating pumps,
Ducting, Water plumbing work, insulation work, controls & control wiring & electrical
works. Specifications for all associated works are same as for air-conditioning works
covered from chapter 6 to 13. For system design refer Chapter 2 and chapter 5 may be
14.2.2 Hot water generators shall either be electrically heated type or can be operated on the
refrigeration cycle as a Heat Pump. Electrical heating or heating using fuels such as coal
or oil shall be discouraged since these methods are inefficient and consumes energy. Only
exception to this are situations where steam or hot water is available as a by product such
as in a factory, hotel or hospital. In all other cases Heat Pumps shall be the source of hot
14.2.4 Heating of the space shall also be achieved by employing reverse cycle ie, by providing
changeover valves in the chilled and condenser water piping.
14.2.5 Reheat can also be provided by using heat pipes in the AHU or HRU.
14.2.6 Duct mounted heater either strip or tubular shall not be used because of the fire hazard.
(iii) Shell shall be insulated with non-setting, non-corrosive glass wool insulation blanket.
This shall be covered with 2 mm thick aluminium sheet, or 1.25 mm thick MS sheet,
painted with heat resistant paint. The surface temperature of the cladding shall not be
exceeding 45 deg. C.
(iv) Electric heating elements shall be replaceable, immersion type having solid copper facing
designed for low heat concentration, not exceeding 70 W/ 1000 sq.mm. The elements
shall be located near the bottom of the shell. The number as well as wattage of the
elements shall be clearly indicated in the technical particulars by the Air-conditioning
Contractor so as to guarantee production of hot water at the specified rate.
(v) The elements shall be connected to suitable terminal box with hinged cover and shall be
complete with provision for termination of electric supply cables, as required. The
elements shall be distributed in 3 phase equally for balanced loading, and shall be brought
out in the terminal box for switching in stages as required. The number of stages shall be
indicated by the Air-conditioning Contractor.
(vi) Suitably rated contactors shall be housed in the control box mounted on or near the hot
water generator for the switching of the heater elements in the desired stages. This shall
be complete with necessary interconnecting wiring/cabling between the control box and
terminal box.
(vii) Hot water generator shall be provided with but not restricted to the following accessories.
(i) Safety valve,
(ii) Drain valve,
(iii) Pressure release valve,
(iv) Vent cock,
(v) Thermometer,
(vi) Pressure gauge
(vii) Electrically operated pressure switch
(viii) Each Compressor shall have a suction check valve, suction filter, suction service valve
and discharge check valve. Isolation valves shall be provided on all connection to the
compressor to allow condenser to be used as a pump down receiver.
(xvii) The Equipment shall be packed on metallic skids to permit easy installation.
(xviii) Hydrostatic and refrigerant leak tests shall be carried out at the manufacturer’s works
before the dispatch of the Chiller.
(D) Condenser
(i) The condenser shall be Single/Multi pass.
(ii) The Condenser vessels shall be cleanable shell and tube type with integral finned copper
tubes mechanically expanded into heavy fixed steel tube sheets Evaporator
(iii) The Dry Expansion/flooded Evaporator shall be cleanable shell and tube with seamless
(iv) carbon steel shell, with grooved copper tubes mechanically fixed into heavy fixed steel
tube sheets. OD of tubes should be minimum 19 mm & with thickness of 0.63 mm.
(v) The dry expansion evaporator/flooded shall have complete accessories i.e. Electronic
expansion valve, filter drier, necessary temperature sensor and connections for drain and
(vi) The dry expansion evaporator/flooded shall have a built in distributer for feeding
refrigerant evenly under the tube bundle to produce a uniform boiling action and baffle
plates shall ensure vapour separation.
(vii) The water heads shall be of carbon steel and designed for easy removal for mechanical
tube cleaning and/ or tube removal. It shall be designed for multiple pass arrangement
for optimum water velocity through tubes for efficient heat transfer and lower pressure
(ii) Anti-freeze probe that activates the anti-freeze alarm (with automatic re-arm at limited
(iii) High pressure gauge (with manual re-arm);
(iv) Low pressure gauge (with automatic re-arm at limited interventions);
(v) Mechanical flow switch supplied as standard
(vi) Condensation pressure control by means of rev. regulator for functioning with low
external temperatures
(vii) High pressure safety valve
(viii) Compressor internal over-temperature protection
(ix) Compressor external over-temperature protection
(x) Single Phasing & Reverse Phasing protection
(xi) Automatic Defrost System
(xii) Compressor / Fan / Circulation Pump – Shut Down & Re start Sequencing all the
necessary control cables between the heat pump and hot water storage tank is included
in the scope of work.
14.9 Testing
Following listed tests shall be conducted after installation of the heat pumps:
(a) Capacity test to confirm heat output for Heat pump
(b) All controls and safety tests.
(c) Efficiency test.
(d) Safety valve flow test.
(e) Hydraulic test.
All necessary equipment or instruments required for conducting above tests shall be
arranged by the contractor. Heat pump will be accepted subject to clearance of above
14.10 Drawings
Contractor shall furnish following drawings in triplicate within one month from the date
of order to the consultants.
(a) Foundation details of Heat pump and storage tanks.
(b) Dimension detail of Heat pump and storage tanks and Piping arrangement.
(c) Heat pump electrical wiring diagram.
(d) Heat pump operation manual.
(e) P & I diagram.
(f) General arrangement & Terminal point details.
14.11 Pre-commissioning
On completion of the entire erection of equipment, piping, connection to the pipe system
and electrical system, contractor shall fill the entire system with cold water and test for
leakage and other erection defects. All such defects shall be removed. All motors shall
be tested and shown for its operation as per the parameters of the OEM and as approved
by the NU.
All equipment shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finished painting.
15.1 SCOPE
This chapter includes supply air fan, exhaust air fan and evaporative type air cooling
plant. Specification for all associated works such as ducting, plumbing, electrical works
etc. are same as for air-conditioning works covered under chapter 9, 10 and 13. For system
design refer chapter-2.
15.2 General
All types of fans having motor capacity equal to or more than 5 HP shall have VFD drive.
accredited lab. Fans shall be certified to bear the AMCA label for air & sound
(ii) Mounting plate shall be of heavy gauge sheet steel/galvanized steel construction,
streamlined venture inlet (reversed) for supply applications. The size shall suit the fan
(iii) Fan blades shall be constructed of aluminium or steel. Fan hub/blade shall be of heavy
welded/fabricated or bolted steel construction with blades bolted to the hub. Fan blades
and hub assembly shall be statically and dynamically balanced at the factory.
(iv) Motor shall be standard (easily replaceable) single phase, permanent split capacitor or
shaded pole for small sizes, totally enclosed with pre-lubricated sleeves or ball bearings,
designed for quiet operation with a maximum speed of 1000 RPM for fans of 3 cm. dia
or larger and 1440 rpm for fans of 31 cm. dia and smaller. Motors for larger fans shall
be suitable for 415 + 10% volts, 50 cycles, 3 phase, power supply. Motors shall be
suitable for either horizontal or vertical services, as indicated in drawing/schedule of
(v) The following accessories may be required and provided with propeller fans, as indicated
in the tender specifications.
(a) Wire guard on inlet side and bird screen at the outlet.
(b) Gravity operated louver shutters built into a steel frame.
(c) Regulators for controlling fan speed for single phase fan motors.
(vi) Fan shall be AMCA certified for Air and Sound performance in accordance with AMCA
210 and AMCA 300.
(vii) Motors should be in conformity to IS:12615 of Bureau of Indian Standards and shall have
BIS / ISI mark. Motor name plate shall bear the BIS marked. The fan speed shall be as
per OEM best selection ensuring compliance to key critical parameters like airflow, Static
pressure, noise level & fan total efficiency as required in the NIT and this specification.
(vii) Motors should be in conformity to IS:12615 of Bureau of Indian Standards and shall have
BIS / ISI mark. Motor name plate shall bear the BIS marked. The fan speed shall be as
per OEM best selection ensuring compliance to key critical parameters like airflow, Static
pressure, noise level & fan total efficiency as required in the NIT and this specification.
(viii) Fan shall be AMCA certified for Air and Sound performance in accordance with AMCA
210 and AMCA 300.
Table 15.1
Compressors more than 1.20 –
TABLE 15.2
TABLE 15.3
curved type, curved, but
highest for clean air
efficiency applications
evaporates, a cooling effect on the surrounding air occurs. Evaporative coolers use only
a fraction of the energy of traditional air conditioning systems. Unfortunately, except for
in very dry climates, they may increase humidity to a level that makes occupants
uncomfortable. Two-stage evaporative coolers do not produce humidity levels as high as
that produced by traditional single-stage evaporative coolers.
15.12.1 Features
(i) In the first stage of a two-stage cooler, warm air is pre-cooled indirectly without adding
humidity (by passing inside a heat exchanger that is cooled by evaporation on the outside).
(ii) In the direct stage, the precooled air passes through a water-soaked pad and picks up
humidity as it cools. Because the air supply to the second stage evaporator is pre-cooled,
less humidity is added to the air (because cooler air can’t hold as much moisture as
warmer air).
(iii) This result in a cool air with a relative humidity between 50 and 70 percent, depending
on the climate, compared to a traditional system that produces about 80 percent relative
humidity air.
(iv) An advanced two-stage evaporative cooler uses 100 percent outdoor air and a variable
speed blower to circulate cool air.
15.12.2 Benefits
(i) Two-stage evaporative coolers can reduce energy consumption by 60 to 75 percent over
conventional air conditioning systems.
(ii) This relative improvement depends on location and application. Evaporative coolers work
best in very dry climates.
The packaged air washer shall be of GI sheet metal sectionalized construction and shall
include fan section, cooling pad section, motor drive etc.
(i) Fan Section:
The impellers of the fan or fan shall be of GI sheets, double inlet backward curved
centrifugal design, both statically and dynamically balanced. The fan housing shall be of
sturdy construction made from double skinned GSS casing having 0.6mm precoated GI
sheet outside and plain 0.6mm thick GI sheet inside with 25 mm thick puff insulation
with smooth air inlets. The fan shall be mounted on properly aligned shaft and mounted
on self-aligning bearing blocks. The casing of the cab section shall be made of 16 G
(1.6mm) GI sheets suitably reinforced to provide rigidity. The frame work shall either be
folded G.I. sheets or of hot dipped galvanized iron.
The fan section shall be complete with V belt drive, belt guard and motor mounting base.
(iii) Water Sump:
The water sump below the pad section shall be of minimum 1mm SS 304. The tank shall
be complete with makeup, overflow and drain connections. A float valve shall be
provided for makeup water line.
The pump set shall be of construction, with end suction and top discharge with flanged
connections, bronze impeller and casing all mounted directly on a squirrel cage, drip proof
induction motor of suitable capacity.
15.13.2 MOTORS:
The motor for each blower shall be totally enclosed, fan cooled, squirrel cage induction
type and conform to specifications, class F insulation with IP 55 protection.
Necessary accessories shall be provided wherever necessarily required for proper
operation and shall also include:
(i) Necessary GI piping for water circulation
(ii) Vibration isolations pads for the blowers and pumps
(iii) Canvass connections at the outlet of each fan
(iv) Nuts, bolts, shims etc. as required for the grouting of the equipment
(v) Float valves in the air washer tank, along with quick fill connection
The air velocity limits are as follows:
(i) Average velocity across air washer filters shall not exceed 2.5 m/sec (500 FPM)
(ii) Velocity at blower outlet shall not exceed 10 m/sec (2000 FPM)
NOZZLES to wet, scrub and clean the media installed at the inlet. These nozzles will be
provided on a pipe grid such that the total face of the first bank of rigid media is kept fully
wet and also gets pressure cleaning.
The wet section will have a also have another subsequent layer of 150 mm thick rigid
media which will act as the cleaning media for the smoke and smell, these media banks
will be designed @ 2.5 m/s to give 90% adiabatic efficiency. For the second bank 2 mm
thick FRP specially fabricated header will be provided for the water distribution using
perforated PVC piping 15 mm brass bleed off cock along with 20 mm heavy duty brass
float. PVC drain/overflow and bleed off outlet are to be provided on all wet sections.
15.14.5 PUMPS
The unit will have a horizontal single phase 220 Volts + 6% 50 c/s single phase power
supply mono block self-priming pump assembly to provide re-circulated tank water and
a pressurized flow via a piping system for proper pad and media water distribution. The
pump capacity will be such that it can take care of the bank of nozzles provided for
cleaning the first bank and also feed water to wet the second bank.
All equipment shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finished painting.
16.1 SCOPE
This chapter describes cold rooms with factory assembled Dx-type refrigeration unit,
product cooler and defrosting & reheat arrangement required for cold room work.
The compressor shall be multicylinder, reciprocating/ Scroll open/ hermetic/ semi
hermetic type. The compressor shall be complete with crank case heaters, forced feed
lubrication system, isolation valves strainer, safety controls, interlocking, instruments etc.
as are required for efficient and safe operation of the unit.
16.4 MOTOR
The electric motor driving the compressor for open type unit shall be squirrel cage fan
cooled, induction motor having drip proof enclosure and class `B’ insulation where as for
sealed units, it shall be totally enclosed type.
The motor shall be suitable for operation on 415 volts 3 phase 50 Hz supply. The motor
HP shall be at least 110% of the maximum power requirement of the compressor. The
motor shall be provided with bank of capacitors for power factor improvement with
motors of 5 HP & above. The motor starter shall be as per para 13.9.
The condenser shall be shell & tube type, water cooled and shall match the compressor
capacity. The condenser shall be selected for 4.2 deg C temperature rise of water (water
in 32.2 deg C and water out 36.4. deg C). The condensing temperature shall not exceed
40 deg C. The total heat rejection shall be calculated based on evaporator temperature and
condensing temperature. The condenser shall be designed for fouling factor of 0.0002
(metric). The condenser shall have integrally finned copper tubes and thickness at the root
of fins shall not be less than 0.63mm. The minimum tube thickness of copper tubes shall
be not less than 1.0mm. The water velocity in tube shall not exceed 3 m/s and pressure
drop in condenser shall not exceed 8 m of water.
The condenser shall be complete with all connections, isolating valves, water inlet &
outlet connections with thermometers & pressure gauges, globe valve on water out let,
flow switch in water line. Liquid receiver of adequate capacity along with Suction
accumulator and oil receiver shall be provided. The entire unit shall be mounted on a steel
galvanized/powder coated base frame with mounting arrangements necessary.
shall have adequate slope to ensure efficient drainage of defrosted condensate. The drain
pan & drain pipe shall be provided with insulated heating element to prevent frosting.
The cooling coil shall be with copper tubes & copper fins. The tube thickness shall not
be less than 0.5mm. The hot water coils for defrosting and re-heating shall also be with
copper tubes and copper fins. The tubes & interconnecting pipe shall be designed in such
a manner that water does not remain trapped inside the cold rooms when water circulation
is stopped. Suitable manual heating arrangement may also be provided to clear the tubes
of any accidental frosting inside.
The fan shall be statically and dynamically balanced, medium speed preferably direct
driven by a suitable HP TEFC squirrel cage induction motor complete with starter. The
motor shall be specially insulated to withstand saturated conditions and suitable for
operation on specified inside temperatures.
16.10 Insulation for walls, ceiling and floor including sandwich type panels and insulated doors
shall comply with the specifications provided in Chapter 11.
All equipment shall be supplied with the manufacturer’s standard finished painting.
17.1 SCOPE
This chapter covers initial inspection and testing of compressor, condenser, chiller &
AHUs at manufacturer’s works, initial inspection of other equipment/ materials on receipt
at site, final inspection testing , Adjusting, Balancing & commissioning of all equipment
and systems at site & description of testing, Adjusting , balancing and requirements &
17.2.2 Compressor
(i) Salient features such as model, No. of cylinders, capacity control, provision of crank case
heaters, type of lubrication etc. shall be verified against the requirements visually without
opening the compressors.
(ii) Manufacturer’s internal test certificates shall be scrutinized to check compliance with the
requirements as specified in the order.
(iii) Rate of leak test shall be checked by developing 7kg/sq.cm (gauge) pressure on HP side
and 1 kg/ sq.cm on LP side using dry Nitrogen air or carbon dioxide. The leakage through
the valves, shaft seal, cylinder heat gasket etc. should not be more than 0.3 kg/sq.cm per
cylinder in 4 minutes time. Alternatively this may be demonstrated through vacuum.
(iv) Pneumatic pressure test shall be carried out at 22 kg/ sq.cm and by submerging the
compressor in water for 1 hour & there shall be no leakage.
(v) Free running test shall be carried out at the rated speed specified in contract. This test
shall be carried out for 30 minutes in open space. During this running test following
operations are to be noted :
(a) Manual loading / unloading of capacity control
(b) Lubrication oil pressure
(c) Safety valve operation
(vi) Vacuum test for the compressor for 0.5mm Hg.
17.2.3 Condenser
(i) Salient features like number of tubes, inside diameter of tubes (from which the gauge of
the tube can be verified), no. of passes, material of fins, length of condenser, provision of
fittings like safety valve, water, gas connection shall be verified during stage inspection.
The tube thickness shall be checked.
(ii) Manufacturer’s internal test certificates shall be furnished and it shall be verified against
contract requirements.
(iii) Pneumatic pressure test at twice the normal condensing pressure for gas side of condenser
shall be carried out.
(iv) Hydraulic test at 10 Kgf/ sq.cm. for water side of the condenser shall be carried out.
17.2.4 Chiller
(i) Salient features like type of chiller, number and inside diameter of tubes (from which
gauge of the tubes can be verified), material of tubes, type, material and the number of
fins, wherever applicable, diameter and length of chiller and provision of fittings be
verified against requirements specified in the contract during stage inspection. Tube
thickness shall be checked.
(ii) Manufacturer’s internal test certificate shall be furnished and same shall be checked as
per contract requirements.
(iii) Pneumatic pressure test at twice the normal condensing pressure for gas side of condenser
shall be carried out.
(iv) Hydraulic test at 10 Kgf/sq.cm. for the water side of chiller shall be carried out.
Note: In case of imported centrifugal chilling machine, initial inspection shall be carried out at
site before installation in respect of items needing physical inspection and verification.
The test certificates for all the specified tests shall be produced which shall be accepted
if found in order.
Factory Testing:
The complete unit shall be factory tested at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% capacity at
constant condenser water temperature and witnessed by Representatives of the
Department or as given in bid document for performance at the rated conditions by
simulating the actual design conditions. One unit of each capacity shall be tested.
All controls and switchgear shall be tested for proper functioning and set of design values.
The capacity in TR / kcal/hr shall be calculated from measurements of temperature
difference and flow rate of water, in condenser and chiller. The power consumption shall
be checked from current measurement of the motor. All calculated and checked results
shall match the specified data within tolerances as stipulated by ARI.
All instruments and personnel for tests shall be provided by the contractor. Contractor
shall inform the client about the chiller testing schedule min. 10 to 15 days before the
chiller is ready for factory testing.
(iv) Salient features like, type, material, no. and gauge of fins and tubes and no. of rows of
cooling coil shall be furnished and verified with reference to contract requirements during
stage inspection.
(v) Hydraulic pressure to the extent of 10 Kgf/sq.cm or pneumatic pressure of 21 kgf/ sq.cm
shall be applied to cooling coil and this pressure should be maintained for 1 hour and no
drop should be observed indicating any leaks.
17.3.2 Pumps
(i) Salient features such as model and make shall be checked as per contract requirements.
(ii) The manufacturer’s test certificates with Sr. No., head, discharge will be furnished and
verified against contract requirements.
(i) After completion of the entire installation as per specification in all respects, the AC
contractor shall demonstrate trouble free running of the AC equipments and installation
for a period of minimum 120 hours of running as detailed under para 1.15.
(ii) After the trial run as in para 1.15 above, the AC contractor shall offer the plant for the
seasonal test, namely test for summer or monsoon season whichever occurs earlier. The
test results as per Appendix G shall be furnished.
(iii) The equipment capacity computations as per para ‘B’ under notes of the Annexure ‘G’
shall be carried out.
(iv) The Input KW of the unit / TR at full load shall also be checked against contract
requirements, if any.
(v) Pressure drops across chiller and condenser at specified flow rates shall be checked
against the contract requirements.
(vi) All instruments for testing shall be provided by the AC contractor. These shall be as per
Note `A’ of Appendix G. The accuracy of the instruments shall be as follows:
(a) Temperature: Liquid in glass thermometer having accuracy + 1 deg. C as per IS: 4825.
(b) Wet bulb Temperature: Sling psychrometer conforming to IS:6017.
Scale Error:
For less than 0 deg. C : 0.3 deg C + 0.2 deg. C.
For over 0 deg. C : 0.2 deg. C + 0.1 deg. C.
(c) Pressure Gauge: With the accuracy of + 1% for maximum scale value from 10 to 90%,
and + 1.9% for maximum scale value for rest of the scale conforming to IS: 3695.
(d) Water flow meter : Water flow shall be measured using the arrangement installed as per
schedule of work.
In case the tendering firms do not have testing instruments of the accuracy mentioned
above, they should specify the accuracy of the instrument available with them for testing
at the tender stage.
(vii) The Testing, Adjusting and Balancing (TAB) shall be carried out during execution of
work as well as at the stage of final inspection and commissioning for aggregate system
capacity 100 TR and above.
17.5.2 Testing, adjusting, and balancing (TAB) is the process of checking and adjusting all
HVAC systems in a building to produce the design objectives.
This process includes:
(i) balancing air and water Hydronic balancing,
(ii) adjusting the total system and Equipments
(iii) Measuring electrical performance of HVAC equipments,
(iv) establishing quantitative performance of all equipment,
(v) verifying automatic control system operation and sequences of operation, and
(vi) sound and vibration measurement
(vii) Measurement of duct leakages etc.
These procedures are accomplished by checking installations for conformity to design,
measuring and establishing the fluid quantities of the system as required to meet design
specifications, and recording and reporting the results.
Report forms. : Test data sheets arranged in logical order for submission and review.
They should also form the permanent record to be used as the basis for any future TAB
All tests, Adjusting and balancing shall be carried out in the presence of Engineer-in-
charge or his.
The instrument shall be capable of storing data and then down loading into a Computer.
The HVAC contractor shall provide a minimum but not limited to the following
(i) Microprocessor based calculation meter to measure DB and WB temperature, RH and
Dew point
(ii) Velo meter to measure air volume and air velocity
(iii) Pitot tube
(iv) Electronic rotary vane Anemometer
(v) Accubalance flow measuring hood
(vi) Manometer
(vii) Techo meter
(viii) Anemometer
(ix) Sound level meter
(x) Vibration analyzer
(xi) Hygrometers
(xii) Air differential pressure gauges
(xiii) Hydronic Differential pressure gauges
(xiv) Bourdon tube gauges
(xv) Psychometers
(xvi) Flow meters
(xvii) Duct leakage test kit
The contractor shall be responsible to provide necessary sockets and connections for
fixing of the testing instruments, probes etc.
The all equipments, materials, labour, Technicians and skilled man power, T&P, testing
point, testing arrangements and other requirement for TAB is to be arrange by the
contractor and it is included in the scope of work of the contractor.
(vii) Prepare report test sheets for both fans and outlets. Obtain manufacturer’s outlet factors
and recommended test procedure. A summation of required outlet volumes allows cross-
checking with required fan volumes.
(viii) Determine the best locations in the main and branch ductwork for the most accurate duct
(ix) Place all outlet dampers i/c fire dampers in full open position.
(x) Prepare schematic diagrams of system as-built ductwork and piping layouts to facilitate
(xi) Check filters for cleanliness and proper installation (no air bypass). If specifications
require, establish procedure to simulate dirty filters.
(xii) For variable-volume systems, develop a plan to simulate diversity (if required).
(xiii) Providing operation and maintenance manuals. Manual contents are defined as the
manufacturers' data on the HVAC equipment installed and must include the following:
• The manufacturers' method for adjusting and setting components for correct operation
under actual load conditions;
• The manufacturers' recommended tolerance for maximum and minimum operating
• The recommended correction, or Ak factors, to allow adjustment of flow, rpm, etc.;
• A list of spare ports, identification numbers, and diagrams of their proper locations; and
• Pressure drops for air and hydronic flows through the component or unit at design flow
(xiv) Clean interior of all plenums, casings and ducts and install all filters before starting
(xv) Make sure all controls systems are calibrated and functioning properly.
(B) Systems are to be balanced by first adjusting the total flow at the fan, then by adjusting
main dampers and branch dampers. Only final minor adjustments are to be made with
register and diffuser dampers. Balancing of the air system shall be accomplished without
causing objectionable air noise. Baffles and orifice plates required for proper air balance
shall be furnished and installed by the contractor. the following are some of the tests,
Balancing and adjustments however the testing , balancing and adjustment shall be carried
as standards mentioned in clause 17.5.1.
(i) Test all fan systems to provide proper cfm/ cmh.
(ii) Adjust fresh air, return air and exhaust dampers to provide proper air quantities in all
modes of control.
(iii) Test and record fresh air, return air and mixed air temperature at all air handling units.
Test and record data at all coils after air and hydronic systems are balanced. Measure wet
and dry bulb temperature both entering and leaving on cooling coils.
(iv) Make point tube transverse at all main supply and return ducts to set proper air quantities.
Adjust all zone and branch dampers to proper cfm/cmh.
(v) Test and adjust each register, grills, diffuser or other terminals equipment to within 5%
of design air quantity. Each opening shall be defined on the test report by size,
manufacturer’s model, room location, design cfm and actual cfm. Outlets shall be
adjusted to minimize objectionable drafts.
(vi) Test and record static pressure drop across all filters and major coils.
(vii) High velocity duct systems shall be tested for leakage. If excessive or audible leakage is
detected, the defect shall be repaired by the contractor. Sufficient static pressure readings
shall be taken from the air handling units to the terminal units to establish system static
(viii) Test and record system static pressures, suction discharge and total.
(ix) Test and adjust system for design outside air.
(x) Each grille, diffuser, register shall be identified as to location and area.
(xi) Size, type and manufacturer of diffusers, grilles, registers, and all tested equipment shall
be identified and listed. Manufacturer's ratings on all equipment shall be used to make
required calculations.
(R) Check all air vents at high points of water systems and determine all are installed and
operated freely. Bleed any air out of systems.
(S) Check and set operating temperatures of chillers to design requirements.
(T) Systems are to be balanced by opening all valves, closing all by-pass and setting all
mixing valves to full coil flow. Water systems shall be cleared of air. Verify that the
system has been properly cleaned, flushed and treated before testing. Basically, the
following tests and adjustments are required.
(i) Test and adjust all pumps to deliver the proper gpm. Record rpm, motor amperage,
discharge and suction pressure. Pumps shall operate without objectionable noise or
cavitation. Plot actual pump and system performance points on manufacturer’s pump
(ii) Check all expansion tanks for proper filling pressurization. Verify operation of automatic
fill and relief valves.
(iii) Check the operation of all automatic valves.
(iv) Test and adjust correct water flow through chiller, major items of equipment and main
water circuits. The balancing valves, provided on the equipment shall be used for
(v) Check capacity output of chillers and set water flow rate for proper data.
(vi) Check and adjust each coil to provide proper gpm. Record water and air temperature
changes and water pressure drop.
(vii) Set pressure drops across coil by-pass to match coil full-flow pressure drop.
(viii) Check and set operating temperatures of chillers to design requirements.
(ix) Record and check the following items also at each cooling elements: Flow Rate, Inlet
Water Temperature, Leaving Water Temperature, Pressure drop of each coil, Pressure
drop across by pass valve, Pump operating suction and discharge pressures and final total
discharge head, List of all mechanical specifications of pumps Rated and actual running
amperage and KW of Pump Motor.
17.5.5 Unit capacity in Tons Refrigeration shall be computed from the temperature readings,
pressure readings and water/ brine flow measurements. Flow measurements shall be
preferably through flow meters. Pumps shall be tested for the discharge head, flow and
BHP. Where it is not possible to measure the flow, atleast the discharge head and BHP
(on the input side) shall be field tested.
(iii) Water flow rates :
Chilled Water 2% of flow
Other 5% of flow
(iv) Heat flow rates :
Heat exchangers 5% of design capacity
17.5.7 Procedure
Review all pertinent plans, specifications, shop drawings and other documentation to
become fully familiar with the systems and their specified and intended performance.
Furnish equipment and instruct sheet metal trade on proper use for conducting duct
leakage tests. Conduct first test as a way of instructing the above trades in the presence
of the Department’s representative.
Test relative barometric pressures in various building area, as deemed necessary by the
Department’s representative and at least in all areas served by different systems.
Test performance and continuously record on a 24 hour basis, temperature and humidity
levels where control equipment is provided for that purpose in certain critical areas.
Before commissioning of the equipment, the entire electrical installation shall be tested
in accordance with relevant BIS codes and test report shall be furnished by a qualified
and authorized person. All electrical work shall be inconformity with CPWD General
Specification for Electrical Works Part-I Internal 2023 and Part-II External 2023,
Substation Specification 2013.
17.5.8 Training
The contractor shall provide training including all equipments, man power, aids, and other
requirements as required for training of man power of the Department and the Client
department as directed by the Engineer in charge and this is included in the scope of work.
Training shall minimum the following, however this is only indicative list and the
contractor has to give training for other aspect as directed by Engineer-in-charge.
(i) Purpose of the systems
(ii) O & M Manuals
(iii) Control drawings and schematics.
(iv) Start up and operation parameters.
(v) Interaction with other systems
(vi) Optimization for energy conservation.
(vii) Health and safety.
(viii) Special maintenance and replacement.
(ix) Occupant interaction.
(x) System response to different operating conditions.
(xi) Emergency situations.
All training shall be videotaped for future reference and for facilitating subsequent
training modules.
17.5.9 Reports
Provide 3 copies of the complete Testing, Adjusting and balancing reports to the
department( both hard and soft copies). Report shall be neatly typed and bound suitable
for a permanent record.
17.5.10 Final documentation
The contractor shall leave the system operating in complete balance with water and air
quantities as shown on drawings. Set stops on all balancing valves and lock all damper
quadrants in proper position. Secure all automatic damper and valve linkages in proper
positions to provide correct operating ranges. Proper damper positions shall be marked
on ducts with permanent indication. Notify the department of any areas marginal or
unacceptable system performance.
The above tests and procedures are mentioned herein, for general guidance and
information only, but not by way of lamination to the provisions of conditions of contract
and design/ performance criteria.
Upon commissioning and final handover of the installation, the HVAC contractor shall
submit (within 4 weeks) to the engineer-in-charge/ department 6 (six) portfolios of the
following indexed and bound together in hard cover ring binder (300 x 450 mm)
in addition to the completion drawings as per para 1.17.3.
At the close of the work and before issue of final certificate of completion by the
Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall furnish a written guarantee indemnifying the
department against defective materials and workmanship for the Defects liability period.
The contractor shall hold himself fully responsible for reinstallation or replace free of
cost to the department.
(i) The above tests are mentioned herein for general guidance and information only but not
by way of limitation to the provisions of conditions of Contract and Specification.
(ii) The date of commencement of all tests listed above shall be subject to the approval of the
Engineer in charge and in accordance with the requirements of this specification.
(iii) The contractor shall supply the Commissioning Engineer and all necessary instruments
and carry out any test of any kind on a piece of equipment, apparatus, part of system or
on a complete system if the Engineer in charge requests such a test for determining
specified or guaranteed data as given in the Specification or on the Drawings.
(iv) Any damage resulting from the tests shall be repaired and/or damaged material replaced
to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge.
(v) In the event of any repair or any adjustment having to be made, other than normal running
adjustment, the tests shall be void and shall be recommended after the adjustment or
repairs have been completed.
(vi) The Contractor must inform the Engineer in charge when such tests are to be made, giving
sufficient notice, in order that the Engineer in charge or his nominated representative may
be present.
(vii) Complete records of all tests must be kept and 3 copies of these and location drawings
must be furnished to the Engineer in charge.
(viii) The Contractor may be required to repeat the test as required, should the ambient
conditions at the time not given, in the opinion of the Engineer in charge, sufficient and
suitable indication of the effect and performance of the installation as a whole or of any
part, as required.
(ix) For Testing, Adjusting, Balancing & commissioning the third party specialized agency
having sufficient experience and competency for above work shall be associated by the
agency and the credential for the same shall be submitted to Engineer-in-Charge for
approval. The specialized agency shall be engaged only after approval of credential by
18.1 Scope
18.1.1 Scope of work shall comprise the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the
Building Management System (BMS) performing the following general functions:
(i) Building Management and Control with recording of Energy Data
(ii) Monitoring and Control of Controllers, Remote Devices and Programmable Logic
Controllers and Energy Data Analysis
(iii) Hardwired and Hand-held Operator Interface
(iv) Video display integration
(v) Data collection, Data Storage , Alarm Management & Trending
(vi) Report Generation
(vii) Network Integration
(viii) Data exchange and integration with a diverse range of other computing and facilities
systems using industry standard techniques.
(ix) Collection and storage of Weather and Outdoor IAQ Data.
NOTE: The scope of BMS here is for Air-conditioning applications only. It shall be expandable
to include other building services at the option of Engineer-in Charge. The BMS software
and supervising shall therefore have the capability to expand the system to minimum
125% of the present capability.
18.1.2 The systems shall be complete with all components, controls, equipment and devices as
specified in SOR.
18.1.3 Scope of work shall include commissioning of the BMS in line with ISHRAE Standard
18.1.4 Standards and Codes
Applicable standards and codes are listed in Appendix C.
18.1.5 Technical Submissions
Documentation as specified in the SOR along with manufacturer’s catalogue shall be
submitted for the approval of Engineer-in-charge.
18.1.6 All systems, sub systems, equipment, controls and devices offered shall have maintenance
facility in India and details of vendor’s/ distributor’s service facility nearest to the place
of installation shall be furnished with the offer.
18.1.7 There are different open protocols like BACnet, LON works, MODBUS etc. available for
control and / or monitoring the connected equipment of the BMS. Any particular protocol
shall be utilized for the work depending on the protocols available in the equipment to be
controlled / monitored. Being one of the most widely used protocol, the requirements of
hardware and software components to meet the BACnet protocol are given in various
section of these Specifications with a heading labelled “BACnet specific:”. Similar, if not
exact, functionality shall be provided in case protocols other than BACnet are proposed
to be utilized in which case the Contractor shall submit specifications of the proposed
protocol, meeting the intent of these specifications, for approval of the Engineer-in-
charge. The decision as to what protocol is to be deployed on the work shall rest solely
with the Engineer-in-charge.
18.2.1 Management Level
The software shall enable the operation of the entire installation and shall perform tasks
such as process visualization and monitoring, installation control, message and alarm
processing, logging, subordinate management and optimization functions, unlimited data
storage and centralized archiving. It shall be 100% web-based for use as well as
configuration. Access to the operating system of the server must not be necessary in any
case. For example, the creation of a new project, the creation of new users, the
configuration of user groups or even restarting Windows services must be possible
entirely via the web interface intended for this purpose. The use of HTML5 technology
shall allow access from everywhere and at any time. The web interface should not require
a plug-in in order to be displayed and must be compatible with all types of latest-
generation web browsers (standard or mobile). The creation and modification of the entire
picture area, as well as the project navigation, must be performed via a separate and
independent tool in order to avoid interfering with the use of the project during its
development. This tool shall enable the programming of sub-stations, and it must be
possible to use the configuration and the various visualization systems. The software shall
support system generated alarms with statistics of alarm types, notification via email,
SMS, etc. System shall be suitable for integration with SAP S/4HANA ERP (E-NIRMIT
software of CPWD) Also, the system shall be able to exchange data over internet on real
time basis and shall be equipped to accept REST-API requests and push the data to E-
NIRMIT ERP) BACnet specific software shall be certified and complying to BACnet
Cross-Domain Advanced Operator Workstation (BXAWS) and BACnet Protocol
revision version 18.0 or later as per ASHRAE BACnet Standards and the Addendums
released as of date.
18.2.2 The field buses shall be connected via a network (LAN/WAN). The architecture shall
allow the hardware resources (clustering) used by the software to be modulated and
optimized. The application shall include only services (SaaS) that start up with the
operating system and that do not require a Windows session to be opened. The operating
system must be Windows 10 or later versions.
18.2.3 The historical data, alarms and user logbooks shall be saved in an MS SQL 2016 database
or higher. The architecture is to enable modules to be added as required and without any
particular restrictions, in order to expand the capacity and options of the system.
The following functionalities are required in the WS Software:
(i) Web user interface
(ii) All operation and configuration actions must be carried out via a group- or user-specific
(iii) Each module (data point list, alarm list, user action logbook, charts, reports) can be
adjusted to the user’s needs (position and selection of information displayed, colour,
duration) without the need to involve a specialist.
(iv) At least the following views must be available:
(v) Data point list
(vi) Historical trends
(vii) Real-time trends
(viii) Comparative trends (the same data points in different time periods)
(ix) Alarm list
(x) User action logbook
(xi) Reports
18.2.4 It must be possible to completely personalize the views (colors, columns displayed,
information displayed etc.) without the user having access to changing the configuration
for the respective view. The interface must be intuitive and user-friendly with regard to
its speed and its logical structure.
18.2.5 The following modules must be accessible without having to change the interface or the
web application:
(i) Dashboard
(ii) Picture module
(iii) Energy management module
(iv) Data point list module
(v) BACnet browser
(vi) Trend module
(vii) User action logbook module
(viii) User and group administration module
(ix) Data point creation module
(x) Alarm creation module
(xi) Alarm list module
(xii) Report module
(xiii) Automated export module
(xiv) Notification management module
(xv) Module for the configuration of the entire topology and the communication buses
(xvi) Global configuration module
(xvii) Module for managing the time and calendar programs
Every user is to have the option to define documents as favorites. This configuration shall
not affect the other users’ favorites.
To be able to work as efficiently as possible, the user shall be able to define a document
that opens as standard when a module is opened.
A clear navigation structure for displaying all project pictures and available documents
must be available in every module so that every page can be found quickly. Also standard
tree structure shall be available for graphics creating.
End user shall easily be able to create trends and alarms of any parameters without having
to get the BMS vendor to visit the site and with a minimum training.
Along with the alarms, the software shall have capability to add relevant video files to be
linked to guide the end user carry out the relevant maintenance function. Also the software
shall capability to store relevant vendor/service provider information required for periodic
maintenance activities.
Graphics of the equipment shall incorporate the actual location of the field devices as per
site conditions which will help the end user to identify the relevant field device.
All documents shall be in the same tree as the navigation within the corresponding sub-
menus or directly below a picture via the web interface and during the creation of
documents, it must be possible to create document templates so that new documents can
be created.
All templates and documents must be exportable via the web interface in order to make
creating new projects easier.
The display of the individual elements, such as pictures, operating elements, navigation
and the arrangement of same shall be automatically adjusted to the size of the browser
It must be possible to import the BACnet objects into the engineering tool using EDE
files. When importing sub-stations it must be possible to update them with a single click.
They shall be scanned via the BACnet network.
(xii) Calendar
(xiii) Loop
(xiv) Proprietary objects
With the BACnet Web Services protocol, it shall be possible to scan DDC in order to
download the available data points, pictures and navigation into the higher-level
management system and display them. An OPC UA client driver must be available.
It must be possible to convert the OPC UA client to DA 3.x using an integrated OPC
gateway. The engineering software must enable the scanning of the different OPC UA or
DA servers in order to import the data points quickly.
Using a tab showing the topology of the project, it must be possible to display on one
page the number of connected bus systems and the number of data points for each bus.
This topology page must be accessible via the web interface.
It must also be possible to use the view of the page showing the topology of the project
to configure the advanced parameters of each bus, and to define specific functions for
each sub-station via the web interface without any restrictions. It must be possible to
parameterize the advanced configurations of the different drivers entirely via the web
The interface shall be used for the optional integration of the building management system
into the IT application structure of the customer or company. The API shall be used to
create connections to external programs and thus use data in higher-level or more
advanced systems.
(iv) Drop-down menu allowing multi-state or binary values to be displayed and changed. The
drop-down menu will, as standard, use the descriptions of states in the displayed list and
not the actual value of the data point.
(d) Dynamic pictures depending on the status of a data point. These can be animated in
various ways
(i) Display a fixed picture depending on the value of a data point or the state of an alarm
(ii) Display a sequence of pictures with a time interval that can be managed depending on the
value of a data point or the state of an alarm.
(iii) Static pictures
(iv) Input of analogue values via an alphanumeric keyboard
(v) Input and display of the binary and multi-state values due to their respective status texts
(vi) Modification of analogue values using numerical increment/decrement buttons
(vii) The pictures can consist of dynamic 3D elements for optimum display of the different
(e) The dynamic 3D elements enable the following types of installations to be drawn
(i) Ventilation systems
(ii) Heating systems
(iii) Air-conditioning systems
(iv) Hydraulic circuits for heating and air-conditioning
(v) Domestic hot water systems
(vi) IRC (end device management)
(vii) Air Distribution Systems
(f) The main properties of the various BACnet objects shall be displayed in the picture.
For each data point, it shall be possible to display various icons or satellite buttons
which enable the following actions
(i) Display the object priority active at this moment
(ii) Button for resetting the BACnet 8 priority (automatic mode)
(iii) Icon displaying the current status flag of the object
(iv) Links to a quick chart
(v) Links to the schedule of the data point
(vi) Acknowledgement of alarms
All pictures shall be displayed on any internet browser (standard or mobile) during
operation without the need to install a plug-in. All pictures shall be visualized in full-
screen mode or in the display area intended for this purpose.
If a picture is displayed in full-screen mode and the user clicks on a link leading to another
picture, the subsequent picture must also be displayed in full-screen mode. It must be
possible for all pictures, and without any further development steps, to display the list of
the data points, used in the picture shown, with just one click.
18.2.10 Alarms
(a) It must be possible to process the following alarm types:
(i) System alarms generated by the supervisor.
(ii) Alarms generated by the different auxiliary modules such as the energy management
(iii) Alarms generated by the sub-stations connected to the field buses.
(iv) Alarms with programmable conditions generated by the supervisor that are connected to
the data point values.
(b) It must be possible to personalize the alarm filters completely and easily without
requiring the intervention of a technician. It must be possible to define these filters
using the following filter types
(i) Filter by alarm type (system, module, bus etc.)
(ii) Filter by alarm priority
(iii) Filter by BACnet notification class
(iv) Filter by BACnet object or data point of every other connected bus
(v) Intelligent, automatic filters depending on variable, dynamic parameters
Automatic filter by image - This makes it possible to create an alarm list for a department
or building in just a few clicks.
(c) For each alarm it must be possible, either individually or based on filters, to generate
the following actions at the start/end of the alarm
(i) Sending a parametrizable e-mail with alarm information
(ii) Sending parametrizable text messages with alarm information via e-mail
(iii) Sending parametrizable text messages with alarm information via an SMS modem
(iv) Sending predefined reports without any restrictions, so that information is available not
only on the consequences of alarms, but also on the causes.
(v) Continuous printout of various alarms on continuous stationery printer
It must be possible to personalize completely each of the aforementioned alarm-based
actions for each user so that they have the information they require in the way that they
want it.
(d) It must also be possible to manage all alarm-based actions depending on a calendar.
All alarm lists must automatically be able to display the following data without any
further development steps
(i) Historical data for the selected filter
(ii) Statistical data linked to the alarm events (top 5, frequency) with the display of the data
for the selected filter as a table or chart
(iii) It must be possible to activate the following functions from all alarm lists based on the
rights of each user (these functions are available with just one click)
(iv) Acknowledge all types of status changes if necessary
(v) Add comments
(vi) Display the alarm details (different depending on the bus or the alarm type)
(vii) Display the historical data of a single alarm
(viii) Display the statistics for a specific alarm
(ix) Display a menu listing all the documents or pictures displaying this alarm. These
documents and pictures must be accessible with one click via this menu.
(x) For alarms issued by field buses, display a window with all the properties of the object
affected by the alarm.
(xi) Download a help document for this alarm allowing the operator to quickly see how to
correct the problem.
(xii) Display a quick chart of the data point affected by the alarm in order to use a curve to
quickly detect why, and for how long, the data point has been affected by the alarm.
(xiii) A link allowing the end of an alarm to be forced manually.
(xiv) Display all remaining bus or project objects linked to the object affected by the alarm.
It must be possible for every user to personalize all alarm lists without this affecting either
the filter, the configuration of the list or the display of this list for the other users.
(e) The user-specific personalization of the list must enable the following parameters to
be configured
(i) The colors used for each alarm type
(ii) The columns displayed to allow each user to display the information that interests them
without being able to modify the list filter.
(iii) The arrangement of the columns
(iv) It should be possible to lock the alarms individually. A list view of the locked alarms must
be available.
It must be possible to completely parameterize the x and y axes according to the user’s
choice in order to provide the maximum amount of information. Consolidated values
must be displayed for binary and multi-state values.
(c) All charts shall be exported with one click in the following formats
(i) PDF report format containing not only the different charts but also all the values displayed
in table form.
(ii) CSV format containing all the values and different information on the data points,
including the time stamp.
(iii) Picture format (png, jpg and vectorial) includes only the selected chart.
(iv) E-mail format including the aforementioned PDF export.
All charts shall be used in two different views without any additional configuration. One
of these is the standard chart view and the other is a table view of all the values with a
time stamp, as well as information about the data points that can be selected by the user.
(d) It must be possible to access the following functions for every point displayed with
one click via a chart
(i) A dynamic window listing all documents and pictures relating to the relevant data point.
It must be possible to open these documents and pictures with one click.
(ii) A dynamic window with the option to navigate the historical values of a data point.
(iii) BACnet specific A dynamic window showing all the properties of the data point, with the
option to change the adjustable BACnet object properties.
(iv) BACnet specific A dynamic window for analyzing or changing the configuration of the
Trend Log object for the BACnet data points connected to such an object.
(v) A dynamic window with the option to navigate in the historical values of a data point.
BACnet specific When a BACnet object is connected to a BACnet object Trend Log, the
history of the Trend Log must be stored in the database automatically. When a Trend Log
object is used as a history storage method, it must be downloaded to the sub-station
automatically and transparently when a chart that displays this BACnet object is opened.
This function must be transparent for the user and must not slow down the system usage.
When a chart is being used, it must be possible to change the values represented by the
curves on the screen with one click, in order to improve the response time of the system
when displaying longer time periods.
(f) When displaying curves showing values other than actual values, it must be possible
to display multiple aggregations for the same curve depending on the user selection.
The following calculation methods must be available at the minimum
(i) Average value
(ii) Minimum
(iii) Maximum
(iv) Energy Management aggregation (calculation method for the energy management)
(g) It must be easy to select the time periods for the curves without changing the view.
It must be possible to change the time period displayed with one click using
predefined dynamic time periods or using a calendar for the start and end dates. At
the minimum, the following predefined dynamic time periods must be available
(i) Last month
(ii) This month
(iii) Last week
(iv) This week
(v) Yesterday
(vi) Today
(h) When creating a chart, it must be possible to define a fixed or dynamic standard
time period that is always used when the chart is opened. Each user must be able to
personalise all charts without this affecting the filter, the standard configuration or
the display of the chart for the other users. The user must be able to define the
following parameters during the user-specific personalization
(i) The colour used for each curve
(ii) Information on the data points in a table view or chart
(iii) The number of charts per view
(iv) The default time period when the chart is opened
(v) The default aggregation used when the document is opened
(vi) The configuration of the x and y axes
(vii) The markers used
In all modules it shall be possible to display the data graphically ad hoc (quick chart)
without having to configure charts. Historical data shall be used automatically for the
display, and if this is not available, the current data shall be used automatically and what
is known as a “live chart” (real-time chart) is displayed.
(ix) The reports exported by e-mail or saved in the system memory are non-editable PDF
(x) In the reports generated, the first page must be reserved for general export information.
For example, information stating the user who made the export, or which page is being
displayed out of how many pages.
18.2.14 Personalization
It shall be possible for each user to personalize the look and feel of the information
displayed and available in each document. Each user shall be able to select the
background colors and the text colors in these documents without any change to the
original document or to the display of the document for the other users.
The position and selection of the columns displayed in the tables shall also be
personalized for each user without affecting the display of the documents for the other
users. Each user shall be able to define the position of the quick actions for which they
are authorized.
The personalization shall enable each user to define their environment so that they can
work as efficiently as possible. Every user shall be able to create their own directory and
navigation structures and use Drag Drop to include documents and pictures in the relevant
Additional modules shall be added in future as extension without restrictions and without
impacting the stability of the product.
211 Energy monitoring module
(k) The system will allow easy communication with an energy monitoring module. This
module will have the following functions:
(i) Meter points
(ii) Calculated data points
(iii) Unit conversion
(iv) Fully-definable additional attributes
(v) Alarm calculation that can generate a report sent by e-mail and printed out
(vi) Display of comparative diagrams for definable periods
The calendar views shall be switched between the weekly, monthly and yearly views.
(ii) Also, the bridge/gateway/supervisory controller shall have the capability to connect with
all the 3rd Party devices/equipment as per equipment summary sheet, IO Point summary
and BOQ.
(iii) BMS vendor to ensure seamless integration of the Energy Meters, VFD, UPS systems,
CPM, Chemical Dosing, STP, Water Meters, DG Sets, Fire Alarm System, Diesel Fuel
Meter, Basement Ventilation System, BTU Meters, through Modbus/BACnet /M BUS
protocols so that all the parameters of the equipment are to be made available at the BMS
(iv) All the BMS functionalities shall be resident in the network controllers.
(v) They shall communicate over BACnet over Ethernet/IP. They shall also be capable of
future integration for applications through 3rd party BACnet /Modbus/M-BUS devices
and protocols.
(vi) Contractor shall specify the number of field level DDCs/modules that can be connected
to the system controller.
18.4.2 Digital Control Processors (DDC) shall be a 32 bit minimum 400 mHz microprocessor
types with flash memory for all data file and control programs (DDC Programs) and using
RAM only for operating data. Each DDC have at least 1 RS485 port. DDC have IT
security like TLS 1.3, IEEE 802.1x, IEEE 802.11 for wifi etc.
18.4.3 Each DDC shall have Lithium battery to support complete operation of the RAM for unto
30 days in the event of a power failure to the DDC. A low battery voltage status shall
generate an alarm condition.
18.4.4 Each DDC have communication protocol BacNet IP and Future cloud connectivity ready
with communication protocol MQTT, Rest API.
18.4.5 DDC shall have internal real-time clock with minimum 30-day battery backup power. All
time-based controls (time scheduling, integrations and other real-time based controls)
shall be performed with this real-time resident clock. Clock synchronization of the DDC
on the whole bus shall be automatic
18.4.6 DDC using clocks generated by software or timers for clocking shall not be accepted.
18.4.7 The battery backup power shall support the real-time clock. Upon power restoration all
clocks shall synchronize automatically.
18.4.9 The DDC shall be dedicated standalone in nature and would be placed near the instrument
they are controlling to reduce the installation and wiring cost.
18.4.10 Analogue input support of the following minimum types shall be provided:
(i) 0/4-20mA
(ii) 0-10 volts
(iii) 0-5 volts 0/2-10 volts
(iv) Resistance signals (Pt3000, Pt1000, Pt100, Ni1000)
18.4.11 Digital Inputs shall be, but not limited to the following types:
(i) Normally open discrete contacts
(ii) Normally closed discrete contacts
Microcontrollers confirming to proven Industry Standard meeting Functional requirements
and Data Transfer facility shall be used where specified.
(ii) The connection of the POT to a controller shall not affect normal operation of the
controller or the bus communication in any way.
(iii) The connection of the POT to any controller on a bus shall provide display access to all
controllers on the bus. Each DDC shall have provision for plugging of the POT.
(iv) It shall be possible for the POT to be connected to any controller on the bus to view and
control any point on any other controller on the bus under password protected menus.
POTs in which only a predefined number and set of points are available shall not be
(v) A failure of any DDC on the bus, Interface unit or Central PC station or any other device
of the system shall not affect the operation of the POT.
Systems in which the POT is connected to only a single interface master port and
hard wired to other controllers shall not be accepted.
(vi) Use of a POT at DDC shall allow the user to display software information and via
password control, modify DDC software.
(vii) All displays on the POT shall be in English language text and data points shall have
customized descriptions as per application requirement.
(viii) The POT shall be equipped with multiple lines (with minimum of 4 lines of 20 characters
each) backlit alphanumeric LCD display and a control keypad. The keypad would include
Command keys, data entry keys and cursor control keys. Alternately, touchpad displays
shall be provided.
(ix) Access shall be through self-prompting menus with cursor controls for moving through
the menus. Menu selection shall be with arrow key controls for moving to next/previous
menu and to step forward backward within a menu
18.4.13 Controllers shall be responsible for monitoring and controlling directly connected
HVAC/MEP equipment such as AHUs, VAV Terminals, FCU Terminals, Pump Systems,
Electrical Breakers and/or other building automation systems as required. DDCs shall be
Programmable Controllers.
The automation station / controller shall be a modular unit used for autonomous control,
regulation, monitoring and optimization in building automation technology as per
EN ISO 16484 (BACnet) or any other suitable alternative.
The controller shall support Parallel, independent processes with definable, varyingly
short cycle times shall make it possible to solve fast control tasks. The automation station
shall contain all modules and interfaces required for operation, connection of plant
devices and communication with devices, plant and room automation as well as with the
management level.
The I/O mix of the physical inputs/outputs of the automation station shall be extended
with I/O modules. Integrated communication interfaces and additional communication
modules shall extend the integration capability via field bus protocols to sensors and
actuators. The I/O and communication modules shall be connected directly to the
automation station without additional wiring. I/O and communication modules shall also
be remotely controlled via any IP network. Remote operation via IP networks shall be
possible in the local network (LAN) and in the IT (WAN) network also via Internet.
Communication via IT networks (WAN) and communication with the cloud shall be
The automation station shall have network port for IP Connectivity.
The integrated Bluetooth interface shall enable the configuration and commissioning of
the station as well as the operation of the individual inputs/outputs via an app on mobile
end devices.
BACnet specific The automation station shall support communication via the
standardized BACnet/IP communication protocol as per EN ISO 16484-5 without
additional measures (native). The BACnet scope of functions shall comprise the BACnet
B-BC profile (BACnet Building Controller). As a BACnet server, the automation station
shall provide all the objects required for the building automation applications, as well as
the related properties and necessary services. Analogue, binary and meter signals to be
uniquely represented by the corresponding standard BACnet objects. Time and calendar
functionalities shall be implemented according to the BACnet standard as Schedule and
Calendar objects. Events (alarms) need to be monitored and transmitted with intrinsic
and/or algorithmic BACnet standard mechanisms and recorded using Event Log objects.
Data acquisition shall be time-controlled with the Trend Log object and implemented via
value changes or triggered.
The station shall have web server integrated and shall provide a secure user interface for
configuration during local commissioning as well as visualization and use during
BACnet specific
The web server shall support the visualization and operation of the BACnet objects
parameterized in the station. The plant shall be automatically displayed in a hierarchical
tree structure. The visualization shall also be extended with dynamic plant schematics.
The web visualization shall be responsive for operation via mobile end devices and PC
operating stations.
(iii) Subordinate plant sections
(iv) Time programs and special calendars
(v) Diagrams
(vi) Text documents
(vii) Websites
(b) The alarms and events generated by the automation shall be visualized as intuitive
symbols (normal/alarm/fault)
(i) Alarm lists
(ii) Dynamic images
(iii) Data point lists
(iv) The alarm lists shall be shown as:
(v) Current and historical alarms
(vi) Can be sorted and filtered
(vii) Flat event lists
(viii) Grouped lists summarizing all the events of an object
Alarm notification shall be set up according to priority, system, user and system section.
Authorized users shall acknowledge the alarm and event entries via the interface.
Alarms and faults shall be sent by email or text message.
Historical data from own Trend Log objects shall be displayed in combined diagrams
with up to six data rows. The diagram rows shall be selected and deselected. Configurable
recording intervals (polling) or a recording in case of value change according to BACnet
COV shall be set up. The display shall be switched between raw values and a compressed
display via the interface.
The diagrams shall have an infinitely variable and zoomable time range. Alternatively,
defined time intervals (last hour, last day, last week) shall be selected directly. The
uncompressed historical data shall be permanently stored on the internal SD card The
data shall be compressed for fast data transmission. Recorded data shall be exported as a
csv text file.
BACnet specific
There shall be a clear graphical user interface for the operation of own BACnet Schedule
time programs and the special-day calendars (BACnet calendar). A standardized interface
shall provide a summary of the weekly program calendar and the prioritized special-day
The station must be able to obtain current, region-specific weather forecast data
(temperature (min, max), duration of sunshine, global radiation, amount of precipitation,
relative humidity, wind speed and direction) for energy-efficiency, without additional
components as an IoT functionality via a standing Internet connection and must be able
to include these in the control strategy.
Based on IEC 62443-3-3, there shall be security mechanisms and technologies such as
data encryption, zone segmentation via integrated network separation, user- and user role-
specific authorizations, or switching interfaces on/off.
(d) Energy Management Applications: The controller shall have the ability to perform
any or all of the following energy management routines
(i) Time of Day Scheduling
(ii) Calendar Based Scheduling
(iii) Holiday Scheduling
(iv) Exception Scheduling
(v) Temporary Schedule Overrides
(vi) Optimal Start
(vii) Optimal Stop
(viii) Night Setback Control
(ix) Enthalpy Switchover (Economizer)
(x) Peak Demand Limiting, Load Shed
(xi) Temperature Compensated Duty Cycling
(xii) CFM Tracking
(xiii) Chilled Water Reset
(xiv) Condenser Water Reset
(xv) Chiller Sequencing
(xvi) Demand Ventilation
(b) Memory: The operating system and the application programs for the controller shall be
stored in non-volatile FLASH memory. The controller shall have a minimum of 128 MB
of flash memory. In the case of a power failure, the controller shall first try to restart from
the RAM memory. If that memory is corrupted or unusable, then the controller shall
restart itself from its application program stored in its FLASH memory.
(c) Inputs: The controller shall have on-board universal inputs with a minimum of 16-bit
analog to digital conversion. Each universal input shall have over-voltage protection.
Universal inputs shall have the following integrated, software selectable terminations: 0-
10 VDC, 4-20mA. Each universal input shall be software selectable as analog or binary.
(d) Outputs: The controller shall have on-board universal outputs with a 16-bit digital to
analog conversion.
(e) Real Time Clock (RTC): Each controller shall have an integrated real-time clock, for time
programs Date, time and time zone shall be set in the DDC when the user data is loaded.
Where BACnet protocol is used, the BACnet services shall be used to synchronize the
time and date automatically if the correct BACnet time server data is specified. The DDC
shall also be used as a BACnet time server.
(f) Terminal Block Connectors: The controller shall have removable screw terminal blocks
that can accommodate wire sizes of 1.5 Sq.mm and 2.5 Sq.mm copper wire. Terminals
shall be color coded: black terminals for power, green terminals for input and outputs,
and grey terminals for twisted-shielded-pair communication.
(g) Power Supply: The power supply for the controller shall be 230VAC / 24 volts AC (-
15%, +20%) power. Voltage below the operating range of the system shall be considered
an outage. Department shall provide 230 V AC 50Hz supply voltage. The contractor shall
make his own arrangements to convert/rectify to any other voltage.
(h) Mounting: The controller shall be able to be mounted on standard DIN rail or to a panel
using integrated mounting holes on 1” centers. Inputs/Outputs: to follow the BOQ for
optimum selection of IO modules with the spare IOs.
(i) Modular Expandability: The controller shall allow expansion of the device Input and
Output capacity via Expansion Modules, making it possible to add I/O as desired to meet
the requirements for individual control applications.
The controller shall support up to four expansion I/O modules. Total point count with
expansion modules shall be 100 points.
18.5 Field devices, Sensors and cabling
18.5.1 Electronic Data Inputs and Outputs
Input/output sensors and devices shall be matched to the requirements of the respective
connected controller panel for accurate, noise-free signal input/ output. Control input
response shall be high sensitivity and matched to the loop gain requirements for precise
and responsive control.
(a) Temperature sensors shall be Resistance Temperature Detector types of Pt3000, Pt1000,
Pt100 or Ni1000. These shall be two wire type sensors and shall conform to following:
Space temperature sensors shall be wall/surface mounted and shall be provided with blank
commercial type looking covers Duct temperature sensors shall be rigid stem or averaging
type as specified and shall be suitable for duct installation Immersion temperature sensors
shall be provided with matching Stainless steel thermo- well of lengths as specified.
Outdoor air temperature sensors shall have weatherproof enclosures and shall be directly
wall/surface mounted Outside air, return air, discharge air, return air, space and well
sensors shall have + 0.55 degrees C accuracy between 0 degree and 100 degree C.
(b) Relative humidity sensors shall be capacitance type with an effective sensing range of
10% to 90% .Accuracy shall be +/-5% or better.
Duct mounted humidity sensors shall be provided with a sampling chamber. Wall
mounted sensors shall be provided with covers identical to temperature sensors. Sensor
housing shall plug into the base such that the same can be easily removed without
disturbing the wiring.
(d) Water Hardness Analyzer
Water hardness analyzer shall be on-line conductivity type and shall provide analog
output proportional to specified range.
Control relays and analog output transducers shall be compatible with controller output
signals. Relays shall be suitable for the loads encountered. Analog output transducers
shall be designed for precision closed loop control with pneumatic repeatability error no
greater than 2%.
The actuators shall be designed to deliver the required torque and have close off
pressure ratings as required by the specified process data. The actuator shall incorporate
magnetic coupling to ensure torque limitation which shall be independent of voltage
supply. Unless specified, in case of power failure the actuator shaft position will remain
stay-put at the last position just before power off. It shall be possible to replace the
actuator / remove the actuator / dismantle it from the valve body without having to remove
the valve body. The actuator shall have a built in electronic switch to enable switch- over
of direct / reverse action of valve/damper. It shall be possible to change the direct/reverse
action of valve without having to remove the actuator from valve body or change linkage
18.5.4 Differential Pressure Switch
The differential pressure switch shall monitor the difference in pressure between 2 points
and shall activate a NO/NC contact. The construction shall be diaphragm type with an
adjustable set point and a set point range to suit the application. It shall have IP55
protection. Differential pressure switch range should be selected to suit the required
specific application. These are used for installation across the filters on the air side and
also for determining the run status of the fans. DPS shall include necessary mounting
accessories such as flange with tubes.
18.5.8 Level Switch (Hi-Med-Lo)
Type : Magnetic Level Switch
Mounting : To suit application.
Connection : Flanged ANSI 150 lbs RF Carbon steel
Float material : 316 SS
Stem Material : 316 SS
Output : NO/NC switching outputs
Enclosure : IP 68
18.6 All field devices shall be installed by the controls supplier. BMS vendor shall submit their
system architecture schematic with necessary cabling drawings for the specific project
with the data sheets of the individual components that has been taken into account in the
design. The system shall be supplied and installed by competent vendor. The vendor shall
confirm to the Engineer-in -Charge that they have service set up to extend programming
and services for the entire BMS system for 15 years from the date of recorded completion
of work.
18.7 BMS vendor shall submit working drawings for all their works at site including cable
layouts, cable schedule and DDC panel details; contractor shall also submit all data sheets,
graphics layout of the screen for approval. Submittal shall be approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge before any work is carried out at site.
18.8 It shall be the responsibility of the BMS vendor, to coordinate with all the MEP
Contractors and vendors for soft integration of all equipment’s and devices as per SOR
to ensure successful integration. Handover of the System shall not be deemed complete
without all integrations successfully completed and verified by the Engineer-in -Charge.
18.9 Programming, testing and commissioning
The entire system shall be programmed, tested and commissioned by the BMS supplier
using qualified and trained personnel with necessary service tools/software that has been
provided by the manufacturer. They shall co-ordinate as necessary with the other
equipment suppliers wherever 3rd party integrations are required to successfully bring
their data to the BMS Platform.
18.10 Training
Necessary training shall be conducted by the BMS contractor and shall utilise IOM
manuals, data sheets and as-built drawings and necessary documentation; Operator
training shall be carried out for a minimum period of eight hours including a site
familiarization of the facility, various critical functioning of the BMS, data recovery,
transfer and storage, text editing and graphics, review of sequence of operation,
preparation of reports and modifying the same for presentation to management, trouble
shooting of various important functions, password control. The training shall be done
immediately upon system completion and before handing over.Unless this training is
conducted and verified by the Engineer-in – Charge the BMS system shall not be deemed
to be complete.
Operator training shall include multiple sessions encompassing:
(i) Selection of all displays and reports
(ii) Use of all specified OS functions
(iii) Use of portable operators terminals
(iv) Trouble shooting of sensors (determining bad sensors)
(v) Password assignment and modification
plant control system shall have the capability to monitor and control chillers and primary
chilled water pumps and monitor the various parameters of the secondary pumps and
provide the chiller plant operator with control, monitoring, and management information.
The Chiller Plant Manager shall have the capability of communicating over owner's
TCP/IP compatible network or over a dedicated Ethernet network. CPM shall be provided
with a modem card and connected to a telephone line remote monitoring. The system
shall be capable of being dialed up and the chiller & system parameters shall be accessible
from a remote location.
(ii) Field - mounted microprocessor - based chiller plant controller and DDC Controllers for
connecting to Chilled Water Primary Pumps, CDWP, CTs and Motorized Isolation
(ii) It shall be able to optimize energy use by subtracting chillers when the cooling load does
not require them to be enabled.
(iii) Provide runtime equalization and wear on each chiller by using different rotation
(iv) Control System condenser and chilled water pumps and associated equipment attached to
(vii) Specify chiller rotation type as (based on different capacities of the chillers):
(a) Normal
(b) Peak (last on- first off)
(c) Base (first on - last off)
(d) Swing ( unevenly sized units)
(viii) Allow automatic rotation of sequence.
(ix) Control soft loading when system supply temperature is far from set point.
(x) Provide text description to assist the operator in understanding current chiller plant
control operation and help to anticipate the next chiller plant control decision.
(xi) Alarm Processing. Any object in the system shall be configurable to alarm in and out of
normal state. The operator shall be able to configure the alarm limits, warning limits,
states, and reactions for each object in the system.
(xii) Trend Logs. The operator shall be able to define a custom trend log for any data in
the system. This definition shall include interval, start-time, and stop-time. Trend
intervals of 1, 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes as well as once a shift (8 hours), once a day, once
a week, and once a month shall be selectable.
(xiii) Alarm and Event Log. The operator shall be able to view all logged system alarms and
events from any location in the system.
(xiv) Reports and Logs. Provide a reporting package that allows the operator to select, modify,
or create reports. Each report shall be definable as to data content, format, interval, and
date. Report data shall be archived on the hard disk for historical reporting. Provide the
ability for the operator to obtain real time logs of designated lists of objects
(a) Custom Reports: Provide the capability for the operator to easily define any system data
into a daily, weekly, monthly, or annual report.
(b) Standard Reports: These reports shall be readily customized to the project by the owner.
(xv) Scheduling. Provide the capability to schedule each object or group of objects in the
system. Each schedule shall consist of the following:
(a) Weekly Schedule. Provide separate schedules for each day of the week.
(b) Exception Schedules. Provide the ability for the operator to designate any day of the year
as an exception schedule.
(c) Holiday Schedules. Provide the capability for the operator to define up to [99] special or
holiday schedules. These schedules may be placed on the scheduling calendar and will
be repeated each year. The operator shall be able to define the length of each holiday
(d) Optimal Start/Stop. The scheduling application outlined above shall support an optimal
start/stop algorithm.
(xvi) Maintenance Management. The system shall monitor equipment status and generate
maintenance messages based upon user designated run time, starts, and/or calendar date
(xvii) Chiller Sequencing: Provide applications software to properly sequence the chiller plant
to minimize energy use. This application shall perform the following functions:
(a) The chiller plant control application shall have the ability to control a combination of
chillers of any type including centrifugal, screw and scroll chillers of various capacities;
(b) This application shall be able to control both constant and variable flow systems as well
as parallel, series and decoupled piping configurations.
(c) The chiller plant control application shall be able to control multiple chiller plants per
(d) Alarm Indications - The chiller plant control status screens shall display chiller plant and
individual chiller alarm messages.
(xix) Staggered Start. This application shall prevent all controlled equipment from
simultaneously restarting after a power outage. The order in which equipment (or groups
of equipment) is started; along with the time delay between starts shall be user-selectable.
(xx) Anti-Short Cycling. All binary output points shall be protected from short cycling. This
feature shall allow minimum on-time and off-time to be selected.
19.1 Scope
(i) Scope of work shall comprise the supply, installation, testing and commissioning
of various kinds of Air Filters in the air circulation and fresh air intake systems. It
also includes electronic air cleaning devices as well as Ultra Violet Germicidal
Irradiation systems.
(ii) The system shall be complete with all components, controls and equipment and
(iii) Scope of work shall include commissioning of the filters/systems in line with
ISHRAE Standard 10003-2020.
(iv) The filter shall be as per ASHRAE 52.1, ASHRAE 52.2, ISO 16890, EN 779, EN
Microvee Filters shall be cleanable panel type and media shall be random fiber mats
(non-woven) stitched with a HDP mesh covering on both sides, suitably arranged
in a pleated formation inside the frame so as to give the desired filtration rating and
airflow. These filters shall have fractional efficiency of 99% for 5 micron particle
size and conforming to MERV 11 or 12 grades. The thickness of the aluminium
frame shall be 1.25 mm minimum. Filter panel thickness and size shall be as
specified Filters shall be rendered fire retardant.
The filter shall have minimum ePM1 80% rating (conforming to IS 17570:
2021/ISO16890:2016). Each unit shall be provided with a factory assembled filter
of Panel type less than or equal to 300mm depth glass fiber media type air filters
having Recyclable ABS frames. Filter Media should be Glass Fiber separated with
Holt met glue. Initial Pressure Drop (IPD 85 Pa wg (+/- 10%)), and recommended
Final Pressure drop at clogged condition (FPD) >/=300 Pa wg (+/- 10%). The Dust
holding capacity of the filter should be 650 gms @30 mmwg. Filter should be
energy efficient and should not consume energy more than 200 watts (W) per
hour.Filters should be Maintenance free. Filter banks shall be easily accessible and
designed for easy withdrawal and renewal of filter cells. Filter framework shall be
fully sealed. Face velocity across these filters shall not exceed 500fpm. Filters shall
carry certificate from manufacturer for the IS 17570: 2021/ISO 16890 : 2016
Conformity and a sample test report. The filter area shall be made up of panels of
size convenient for handling. Filters shall be changed once reaches on its final
pressure drop and disposed as per State Pollution Control Board norms.
caps, plastic vertical support channels, and a nominal 1” header for front or side-
access applications.
(i) Sizes shall be as noted on drawings or other supporting materials.
(ii) Manufacturer shall provide evidence of facility certification to ISO 9001:2008
(b) Construction
(i) Filter media shall be specifically manufactured for the removal of molecular and
particulate contaminants. Sorbent shall be broad spectrum grade of carbon
incorporating Rapid Adsorption Dynamics (RAD) designed for the removal of a
wide range of odours and VOC’s.
(ii) Total media area shall be at least 0.038 square feet per rated cfm of filter.
(iii) The media shall be formed into uniform pleats using hot-melt separators, assembled
into multi-media packs and bonded into a high impact resistant plastic frame to
prevent air bypass.
(c) Molecular Performance Testing
(i) A full size, 24” x 24” filter, shall be tested as per Global test standard for molecular
filters in IAQ application ISO10121-3.
(ii) At a minimum the initial removal efficiency and test concentration shall be
provided for:
• Ozone
• Nitrogen dioxide
• Sulphur dioxide
• Toluene
(d) Initial Resistance Performance
Initial resistance to airflow shall not exceed 0.37 inches w.g.(+/-10%) at 500 feet
per minute velocity
(vi) All filters shall be type tested for their efficiency and dust-holding capacity. Each
type filter shall have a prototype test certificate and where specified in SOR, the
contractor should get the filters tested in an approved test facility.
(vii) After installation, all filters shall be tested for leakage in an approved manner.
and collector section and shall be installed before the cooling coils. Other forms of
air filtration systems such as charged media filters, dielectric media filters, or
ionizers (which do not have second stage collector cells) shall not be accepted.
The electronic air cleaner (EAC) shall be capable of removing ultra-fine
particulates of size as small as 0.01 microns including microscopic haze particles,
smoke, dust and other biological forms like Virus, mold spores, fungi and bacteria
etc. System must have been tested on anti-microbial capability to Trap & Kill
airborne infectious diseases.
(ii) The EAC must be UL 867 certified in line with US OSHA safety standards
implemented through NRTL accredited labs such as Intertek, Underwriters
Limited, etc. certified international labs only. Product to comply and tested as per
globally accepted IS-17570:2021 / ISO 16890:2016 & ASHRAE 52.2 - 2017 of
particles performance set standards in line with general ventilation & Indoor Air
Quality (IAQ) standard with no consumable media filter.
The EAC must be tested for its anti-microbial capability on E. coli (ATCC 15597),
Corona Virus & other microbial species as per ASTM E2149 & FDA GLP
Regulations (40 CFR Part 160) in FDA accredited global labs only.
The EAC shall have valid test reports to ensure that it meets the following safety
criteria with reference to UL 867 and IS-17570:2021/ ISO 16890:2016 for all air
purification modules.Ozone level of EACs provided shall be within acceptable limit
of 50 ppb as per UL 867 safety standard on complete systems and not just
Performance Testing
▪ EMC compatibility
▪ LVD ( low voltage) test
The vendor/contractor shall submit a design analysis conditional qualification test
report to confirm that tests have been conducted based on the above criteria and that
the EAC has passed these tests.
The EAC filtration shall be certified with a minimum rating of MERV 14 or above
tested as per ASHRAE 52.2-2017 standard from a global accredited laboratory.
The Ionizer and Collector shall operate on high voltage DC power controlled by
an electric panel integrally fitted on each module of the EAC .They shall be of one
single high voltage or of dual voltage for the Ionizers and Collectors as per
manufacturer’s design.
For the EAC to perform effectively against PM1, PM 2.5 pollutants, the EAC
shall have a fractional efficiency test report from a third-party ASHRAE test
compliant laboratory to confirm CME (Composite Minimum Efficiency) of the
following: Particle Size CME *
0.3-0.4μm 90
1.0- 3.0μm 94
3.0-10 μm 95
* Manufacturer to specify.
The entire Filtration system shall be washable and reusable without need for
replacements. Electrostatic media filters that collect particles on disposable media
pads shall not be acceptable.
The average initial pressure differential drop across the entire filtration system shall
not exceed 60 pa tested at 2.5 m/s airflow. It shall be washable for repeated use.
The EAC shall be complete with hot- dipped galvanized or coated with non-
corrosive polyester based material cabinets to protect against rust, heavy duty
commercial use electronic cells, solid state power supply, protective screen and
prefilter .
The EAC shall have the capability for the optional addition of high performance
granular activated carbon (Charcoal) filter. The activated carbon filter shall be able
to reside into the EAC cabinet as and when necessary without the need for any
modification, no foam or charcoal coated media will be accepted.
(c) The UVGI system shall be designed to irradiate the entire face area of the cooling
coil. The face velocity of dehumidified air over the coil will be 500 FPM or lower.
The UVGI system shall be designed with UVGI intensity to achieve minimum 2
log reduction of infection causing pathogens in the air stream. If a 300-600 mm gap
is available between the coil and fan inlet section, which facilitates 0.25 to 0.4
second exposure time, air stream disinfection shall be done inside the AHU.UVGI
dose of URV 10 and above shall be preferred. If adequate exposure time is not
possible within the AHU, air stream disinfection shall be done in the supply air duct
and only AHU coil surface disinfection shall be done within the AHU.
UVGI irradiation of minimum 100 uW/cm2 on the coil shall be applicable only in
case of 24x7 operation of UVGI. Else the irradiation intensity shall be suitably
increased to for effective removal of biofilm on the coil surface.
(d) The UVGI system shall be suitable to operate with 230V, single phase A.C. supply,
6 Amp current. The UVGI system shall be suitable for installation in an AHU
without any modification to the AHU. The UVGI system shall be installed in front
of the cooling coil with lamp facing coil to cover the drain pan. The selection and
placement of the UVGI system shall ensure full irradiation of the entire face area
of the cooling coil and drain pan. The UVGI System shall be free standing and be
mounted in such a manner that lamps are in perpendicular plane to air flow.
(e) Depending on the manufacturer’s recommendation and IP rating of the ballast
module,( electronic driver ) it may be installed on the UVGI lamp mounting racks
or outside the AHU.
(f) The entire framework and support inside AHU shall be fabricated out of Aluminum
Alloy. All material used shall be UV resistant .The framework shall be free standing
and suitable for quick assembly. All parts shall be corrosion resistant.
(g) Electronic ballasts with a high power factor of more than 0.95 shall be used. Ballast
if mounted inside the AHU shall be in an IP 67 rated enclosure. The ballasts shall
be constant current output ballast over input voltage range of 190 to 270 VAC (or
better range), 1 phase, 6 Amp current to ensure effective lamp life. Microprocessor
based control panel with the following (minimum) display shall be provided.
● Individual/System Lamp run hours for timely and easy replacement
● Individual lamp On/Off/Error Indicator
● Programmable (optional) Real time On/Off switching for system
(h) The panel shall be BMS compatible with NONC contact point. Panel shall be IP
42/ suitable rating. All power and control cables shall be FRLS (Fire retardant low
(ii) The vendor /contractor shall specify in detail a layout of the number of UV-C
sources required and their respective position (distance from the coil and alignment
on the coil).
(a) Safety interlock switches shall be installed on all access doors where UV intensity
may be present. CAUTION Labels shall also be installed on these access doors.
(b) The UVC lamp shall be of pure fused quartz or of soft glass, properly doped with
Titanium Oxide in order to filter out 99.99% of the 185 nm. Wavelength to avoid
the production of ozone. UVGI lamps shall be preferably shatterproof i.e. the
unbreakable so that the broken glass does not circulate through AHU & duct
(c) The distance of lamp location from the coil and the UVGI intensity it delivers shall
be ascertained from the manufacturer's rating chart.
(d) Performance measurement shall be done using a radiometer at site to verify if the
design intent of UVGI intensity is achieved.
(iii) The UV lamps shall meet following criteria:
Lamp shall be High Output (HO) Quartz or soft glass type. The lamp shall produce
UVC @ 253.7 nm only. Lamp intensity measurements shall be verified at site. The
lamp tube shall be 15 mm (T5) diameter .The lamp output shall not drop by more
than 20% after 12000 hours of operation. UVGI lamps shall be UL 1995 & UL
2043 standards certified.
7-8 ISO Coarse > 95% G (G1 equivalent to MERV 1,
G2 equivalent to MERV 2 to
MERV 4, G3 equivalent to
MERV 5 to MERV 6, G4
equivalent to MERV 7 to
9-10 ePM10 F5
11-12 ePM2.5 F6
13-16 ePM1 F (F7 equivalent to MERV 13,
F8 equivalent to MERV 14
and F9 equivalent to MERV
15 & MERV 16)
(ii) Type of filter (conforming to ASHRAE 52.1, 52.2), efficiency and their typical
Minimum Particle size range (as per Test (as per Particle Typical air Filter/
Efficiency ASHRAE 52.2) ASHRAE 52.1) size cleaner type
Reporting 3 to 10 1 to 3 0.3 to 1 range, μm &
Values (MERV) μm μm μm Arrestanc Dust typical
e spot contaminant
Filtration efficiency
MERV 1 < 20% — — < 65% < 20% Throwaway
MERV 2 < 20% — — 65–70% < 20% fiberglass or
synthetic panel
MERV 3 < 20% — — 70–75% < 20% filters.
Spanish moss,
Aluminum mesh,
Dust mites,
latex coated animal
Sanding dust,
hair, or foam rubber
Spray paint dust,
panel filters.
MERV 4 < 20% — — > 75% < 20% Textile fibres,
Carpet fibres, etc.
(passive) woven
polycarbonate panel
Pleated Filters
MERV 5 20–35% — — 80–85% < 20%
MERV 6 35–50% — — > 90% < 20% extended surface,
25 to 125 mm
MERV 7 50–70% — — > 90% 20–25% (1 to 5 in.) thick
with cotton-
polyester blend
media, cardboard
Hair Spray,
Fabric Protector,
Dusting aids,
Cartridge Filters
Cement Dust,
Graded density
Pudding mix,
MERV 8 > 70% — — > 95% 25–30% viscous coated cube
Snuff, Powdered
or pocket filters,
milk, etc.
synthetic media.
synthetic media
panel filters.
MERV 9 > 85% < 50% — > 95% 40–45% Bag Filters Non-
supported (flexible)
MERV 10 > 85% — > 95% 50–55% micro fine
65% fiberglass or
65– 1.0–3.0
MERV 11 > 85% — > 98% 60–65% synthetic media.
80% Legionella,
300 to 900 mm (12
Humidifier dust,
to 36 in.) deep, 6 to
Lead dust,
12 pockets.
Milled flour,
Coal dust,
Box Filters
Auto emissions,
Rigid style
MERV 12 > 90% > 80% — > 98% 70–75% Nebulizer drops,
cartridge filters 150
Welding fumes,
to 300 mm (6 to 12
in.) deep may use
lofted (air laid) or
paper (wet laid)
MERV 13 > 90% > 90% < 75% > 98% 80–90% Bag Filters
MERV 14 > 90% > 90% 75–85% > 98% 90–95% 0.3–1.0
(flexible) micro fine
All bacteria,
fiberglass or
MERV 15 > 90% > 90% 85–95% > 98% ~95% Most tobacco,
synthetic media.
300 to 900 mm (12
Droplet nuclei,
to 36 in.) deep, 6 to
12 pockets.
Cooking oil,
Most smoke,
Box Filters
Insecticide dust,
Rigid style
MERV 16 > 95% > 95% > 95% > 98% > 95% Copier toner,
cartridge filters 150
Most face
to 300 mm (6 to 12
in.) deep may use
Most paint,
lofted (air laid) or
pigments, etc.
paper (wet laid)
MERV 17 — — ≥ 99.97% — — <0.3
MERV 18 — — ≥ 99.99% — — (unattached),
MERV 19 — — ≥ 99.999% — —
Carbon dust,
Sea salt,
≥ 99.9999% All combustion,
MERV 20 — — — — Radon Progany,
20.1 About
A Geothermal (or Geo-exchange) is a type of Space Conditioning system that can
do heating, cooling and Domestic Hot water. The earth absorbs almost 50% of all
solar energy and remains a nearly constant temperature depending on geographic
location. Working with an underground loop system, a geothermal unit utilizes this
constant and stable temperature to exchange energy between the building and the
earth as needed for heating and cooling.
20.4 Description
Geothermal Heat Pumps draw energy out of the ground which stays relatively
constant year round. According to the Environmental Protection Agency,
geothermal heat pumps can reduce energy consumption—and corresponding
emissions—up to 45% compared to air source heat pumps and up to 72% compared
to electric resistance heating with standard air-conditioning equipment. GHP
systems have relatively few moving parts, and because those parts are sheltered
inside a building, they are durable and highly reliable. The underground piping
often carries warranties of 25–50 years, and the heat pumps often last 20 years or
piping are closed. The water or antifreeze fluid is recirculated over and over and
no new water (make up water) is introduced to the loop. The heat is transferred
thru the walls of the piping to or from the source, which could be ground, ground
water, or surface water.
Types of closed loop systems;
20.5.2 Vertical Loops - Vertical loops utilize bore holes drilled to an average depth of
100-140 metres depending upon the exchange required. Once the loop pipe is
inserted into the bore, it is grouted using a suitable mixture similar to the soil
thermal conductivity. This mixture is determined after performing the TRT test
(Thermal Response Test) for finding the soil conductivity.
20.5.3 Horizontal Loops - Horizontal loops utilize trenches dug to an average depth of
four to six feet. As one of the more cost effective loops to install, horizontal loops
are commonly found in open fields, parks or under parking lots.
These may work only in mild climates where exchange is small quantity. In
harsh climates the horizontal loop is not effective.
20.5.4 Water Body Loops - Water loops utilize a "slinky" assembly of geothermal loop
piping placed at the bottom of a pond, lake, or other large body of water. An
extremely cost effective loop system, lake loops are an easy alternative if the
option is available.
20.5.5 Open Loop Systems - Open loops pump natural water from a well or body of
water (lake, river) into a heat exchanger inside the heat pump and then return the
water back to the water source. The supply and return lines must be placed far
enough apart to ensure thermal recharge of the source. Due to loss of water
however these systems are very rare.
20.6 Benefits
(i) High Efficiency and Stable Capacity
(ii) Comfort and Air Quality
(iii) Simple controls and Equipment
(iv) Low Maintenance Cost
(v) Low Cost Water Heating
(vi) No Outdoor Equipment
(vii) Packaged Refrigeration Equipment
(viii) An earth-coupled heat pump can be applied practically anywhere for residential,
commercial and industrial heating & cooling systems.
(ix) An earth-coupled heat pump system has the lowest operating cost of any space
heating or cooling system.
The system consists of a borehole, pipe system, circulation pump, a chiller or heater
with constant power rate, and continuous logging of the inlet and outlet
temperatures of the flow. The equipment is normally contained within a single unit
for ease of transport and efficient use.
The thermal response data (i.e. temperature development in the borehole at a certain
energy injection/extraction) allows estimation of the effective thermal conductivity
of the ground and the thermal resistance of the borehole.
This data is then transported to suitable software with specialized loop exchange
design capabilities.
This data is not to read in absolute or in excel pattern.
At steady-state conditions, there is heat transfer from the heat pump fluid to the
ground. The temperature difference between the ground and the fluid in the loop
provides the impetus for the energy to move.
Hence the Software design must be able to take into considerations all these factors
and determine the design of the loop system.
20.11 Effects of ground water
Ground water movement through the bore hole field can have a large impact on its
performance. Ground water recharge (vertical flow) and ground water movement
(horizontal flow) can all carry away large amounts of energy. Evaporation can also
cool the surface soil and improve horizontal loop performance.
All geothermal pumps must be, Brine to Water heat pumps with inverter based
scroll compressor electronic expansion valve control, plates heat exchanger, group
of security, ability to be cascaded up to 6 drives and ability to manage up to 6 groups
of drive unit.
Performance: All the pumps must be capable of heating and cooling and DHW
(Domestic Hot Water) as the building intends to run the system in heating and
cooling mode depending upon the outdoor conditions.
Power Range
Heating power- B0W35 (As per EN 14511) = 21.1 to 86.7 kW,
Active cooling power, B35W7 (As per EN 14511) = 22.3 to 90.3 kW,
Max. DHW temperature without support = 60 Deg C
Consumption Range
Maximum consumption, B0W35= 20.3kW / 31.8 A As per EN 14511, including
circulation pumps and Inverter.
Circulator Pump DN 40 or 65 Flanged Connection, Multiple settings for Constant
Speed, Constant Pressure and Proportional Pressure, capable of handling System
Pressure of 6/10/16 BAR,
Liquid Temperature (-10Deg C up to +110 Deg C), complete with TFT Control,
working Voltage 230 Volts AC having Three digital inputs, Two output relays &
One analog Input for External Sensor.
Pumped liquid: Water / Brine, Liquid temperature range: (-)10 to 110 °C, Density:
983.2 kg/m³, Pump housing: Cast iron (EN-GJL-250 / ASTM A48 -250B /
Impeller: Glass Fiber reinforced Polyether Sulfone (PES 30% GF), Range of
ambient temperature: 0 to 40 °C Maximum operating pressure: 10 Bar, Flange
standard: DIN,
Pipe connection: DN 40 or 65, Pressure rating: PN6/10/16 (@): 340 mm, Power
rating: 15 to 800 W (Approx.), Mains frequency: 50 Hz, Rated voltage: 1 x 230 V,
Pumps shall be suitable to operate at 220 ± 10% volts, 50 Hz, single phase AC
supply, connections of three digital inputs, two output relays & one analog Input
for external Sensor and TFT display for monitoring.
Outer finishing semi-rigid PVC in AISI 316 stainless steel designed with Flexible
corrugated spiral coil with optimum contact surface and better heat transfer.
The critical item here is to ensure the surface pipework is encased in sand or round
pea gravel or ensure that there is no damage to pipes laid horizontally.
Ideally 100mm below and 100mm above the pipework as a minimum. This is to
ensure no damage during the backfill process. When backfilling is important that
sharp material (broken stones or other) is avoided in close proximity to the
pipework. If the sand/gavel bed thicker this is best. Once the pipe is in the sand bed,
the material excavated for the trench can be used again for filling in.
20.16 Antifreeze
Propylene glycol Food Grade with water to complete brine circuit in the system.
Freezing point shall be demonstrated with a Refractometer for the brine and design
parameters based on climate.
Due to environmental reasons Ethylene glycol shall not be permitted as Antifreeze.
Circulation System must be able to handle the density/viscosity. The System must
be able to maintain “flow and Return” under the freezing conditions. The Pipes
must not “burst”.
Ground Source Heat Pumps
21.1 About
Adiabatic cooling systems remove heat by evaporating water in a stream of warm,
dry (low humidity) air. In the process of going from a liquid to a gas, the evaporated
water simultaneously humidifies and cools the air stream to within a few degrees
of the wet bulb temperature.
Adiabatic Cooling
22.1 Indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the types and concentrations of contaminants in indoor
air that are known or suspected to affect people’s comfort, well-being, health, learning
outcomes and work performance. Primary classes of these contaminants include
particulate matter (both biological, including allergens, potential pathogens, and non-
biological), organic gases (e.g., volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds), and
inorganic gases (e.g., carbon monoxide, ozone, and nitrogen oxides). Other factors
contributing to IAQ include water vapor and odors. Indoor concentrations of
contaminants are influenced by outdoor concentrations, ventilation and infiltration,
indoor emissions, and a number of other contaminant-specific sources and sink
mechanisms (e.g., deposition, chemical reactions, and air cleaning).
1. Air conditioning:
The process of treating air so as to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity, purity,
distribution and air movement and pressure to meet the requirements of the conditioned
3. Atmospheric Pressure:
The pressure of air exerted on the surface of earth by the atmospheric column is called
atmospheric pressure. At sea level, the atmospheric or barometric pressure is 760mm
column of mercury (29.92 in Hg/ 406.8 inch water column/ 101.325 Kpa).
Generally atmospheric pressure is used as a datum for indicating the system pressures in
air-conditioning and accordingly, pressures are mentioned above the atmospheric pressure
or below the atmospheric pressure considering the atmospheric pressure to be zoro. A `U’
tube manometer will indicate zero pressure when atmospheric pressure is measured.
NOTE — Mechanical and electrical equipment installed in the building, such as, air
conditioning, ventilation, lighting, lifts, power, pumping stations, fire fighting systems,
security systems are controlled and managed through BMS.
8. Coefficient of Performance, Compressor, Heat Pump:
Ratio of the compressor heating effect (heat pump) to the rate of energy input to the shaft
of the compressor, in consistent units, in a complete heat pump, under designated operating
in various spaces of hospital, clean rooms, protected space in case of smoke control
operation, etc.
21. Enthalphy :
A thermal property indicating the quantity of heat in the air above an arbitrary datum in
kilo joules per kg of dry air (or in Btu per pound of dry air).
protection rating of 1-1/2 hours. Fire dampers installed in assemblies having a fire-
resistance rating of 3 hours or greater shall have an hourly fire-protection rating of 3 hours.
37. Humidity :
It is the amount of water vapour present in a certain volume of air.
39. Hydronic System Balancing :
Adjusting water flow rates through hydronic distribution system devices,such as pumps
and coils, by manually adjusting the position valves or by using automatic control devices,
such as automatic flow control valves.
41. Infiltration/Exfiltration :
The phenomenon of air leaking into (infiltration) or leaking out (exfiltration) out of an air
conditioned space
42. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) :
Indoor air quality refers to the nature of conditioned air that circulates throughout the space/
area where one works or lives, i.e. the air we breath when we are indoors. IAQ refers not
only to comfort which is affected by temperature, humidity and odours but also to harmful
biological contaminants and chemicals present in the conditioned space.
Bad Indoor Air Quality can be a serious health hazard. Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been
recognized by ASHRAE as the surrogate ventilation index or the only measurable variable
for the indoor air contaminants.
49. Operative Temperature :
A uniform temperature of a radiantly black enclosure in which an occupant would
exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual non-
uniform environment. It is the combined effects of the mean radiant temperature and air
temperature calculated as average of the two. It is also known as dry resultant temperature
or resultant temperature.
52. Plenum :
An air compartment connected to one or more distributing ducts.
55. Psychrometry :
Psychrometry is the science involving thermo dynamic properties of moist air and the
effect of atmospheric moisture on materials and human comfort. It also includes methods
of controlling thermal properties of moist air.
An air compartment or chamber to which one or more ducts are connected and which forms
part of an distribution system.
58. Refrigerant:
The fluid used for heat transfer in a refrigerating system, which absorbs heat at a low
temperature and low pressure of the fluid and rejects heat at a higher temperature and
higher pressure of the fluid, usually involving changes of state of the fluid.
60. Relative Humidity :
Ratio of the actual water vapor in the air as compared to the maximum amount of water
that may be contained at its dry bulb temperature. When the air is saturated, dry bulb, wet
bulb and dewpoint temperatures are all equal.
69. Shade factor :
The ratio of instantaneous heat gain through the shading device to that through a plain glass
sheet of 3mm thickness.
80. Velocity Pressure :
The pressure exerted by movement of air which makes the air to travel to longer
Sl.No. IS Code Year Reaffirmed Description
1. I.S. 3615 2020 - Glossary of Terms Used in Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning.
2. I.S. 3624 1987 2018 Bourden Tube Pressure and Vacuum
3. I.S. 7403 1974 2018 Code of practice for selection of standard
worm and helical gear boxes
4. I.S. 996 2009 2019 Single phase small A.C. and Universal
5. I.S. 1239 2004 2014, 2019, Mild steel tubes, tubular and other wrought
2021 steel fittings
6. I.S. 3589 2001 2022 Electrically welded steel pipes for water,
gas and sewage
7. I.S. 6392 2020 - Steel pipe flanges
8. I.S. 778 1984 2020 Copper Alloy gate, globe and check valves
for general purpose
9. I.S. 277 2018 2022 Galvanized steel sheets
10. I.S. 737 2008 2018 Wrought aluminum and aluminum alloy
sheet and strip for general engineering
11. I.S. 655 2006 2022 Specification of Air ducts
12. I.S. 732 2019 - Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring
13. I.S. 900 2019 - Code of Practice for Storage, Installation
and Maintenance of Induction Motors
14. I.S. 1248 2021 - Direct acting indicating analogue electrical
measuring instruments and their
15. I.S. 1554 (Part-I) 1988 2020 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables:
Part 1 for working voltage upto and
including 1100 volts
16. I.S. 1554 (Part-II) 1988 2020 PVC Insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric
Cables - Part 2 : for Working Voltages from
3"3 kV up to and Including 11 kV
17. I.S. 8183 2024 - Bonded Mineral Wool - Specification
18. I.S. 4671 2018 - Specification for expanded polystyrene for
thermal insulation purposes.
19. I.S. 11561 2018 2022 Code of practice for testing of Water
cooling towers.
20. I.S. 7896 2023 - Air Conditioning Outdoor Design
Conditions Data For Indian Cities.
21. I.S. 8148 2018 2022 Ducted and Packages air conditioners
22. I.S. 2370 2014 - Walk-in Cold Rooms - Specification
23. I.S. 5111 1993 2022 Testing of refrigerant compressors
(ISO 917 : 1989)
24. I.S. 10594 2021 - Thermostatic Expansion Valve
25. IS 12615 2018 - Line Operated Three Phase a.c. Motors (IE
CODE) "Efficiency Classes and
Performance Specification
26. IS/ISO 817 1966 2019 Code of practice for training and testing of
metal arc welders
27. IS 8188 1999 2020 Reviewed in 2020) Code of practice for
treatment of water for cooling towers
28. IS 1391(Part 1) 2023 - Specification for Room Air conditioners :
Unitary air conditioners
29. IS 1391 (part 2) 2023 - Specification for Room Air conditioners:
Split air conditioners
30. IS 12976 2023 - Code of practice for solar water heating
31. IS 3103 1975 2018 Code of practice for industrial ventilation.
32. IS 4831 2019 - Recommendation on units and symbols for
33. Is 2312 1967 2020 Specs for Propeller type AC ventilating fans
34. IS 4736 1986 2021 Hot Dip Zinc coatings on Mild steel tubes
35. IS 3588 1987 2014 Spec for electrical Axial flow fans
36. IS 4894 1987 2019 Specification for centrifugal pumps
37. IS: 5111/ ISO : 1993 2022 Testing of refrigerant compressors
38. IS 732 2019 - Code of practice for electrical wiring
39. IS 3043 2018 - Code of practice for earthing
40. IS 1255 1983 2016 Code of practice for installation and
maintenance of power cables up to and
including 33 kV rating
41. IS 10773 1995 2021 Wrought copper tubes for refrigeration and
air - Conditioning purposes - Specification
42. IS 4759 1996 2021 Hot - Dip zinc coatings on structural steel
and other allied products - Specification
43. IS 2629 1985 2021 Recommended practice for hot-dip
galvanizing of iron and steel
44. SP 7 2016 National Building code of India – 2016
45. ECBC 2017 2017 Energy Conservation Building Code of
46. SP 30 2023 National Electrical Code of India (NEC)
47. CEA Authority 2023 Central Electricity Authority (Measures
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply
relating to Safety Regulations, 2022)
and Electric Supply
Regulations, 2022)
48. IS 3069 2020 - Glossary of Terms, Symbols and units
relating to thermal insulation Materials
49. IS 661 2019 - Thermal Insulation of Cold Storage —
Code of Practice
50. IS 14164 2008 2019 Industrial application and finishing’s of
thermal insulation materials at temperatures
above -80°c and up to 750°c - code of
51. IS 13095 2020 - Butterfly valves for general purposes.
52. IS : 5312 2004 2019 Swing Check Type Reflux (Non-Return]
Valves for Water Works Purposes
53. IS 3950 1979 2022 Specification for surface boxes for sluice
54. IS: 12992 (part - 1) 1993 2018 Safety relief valves, spring loaded design.
55. IS : 3483 1965 2020 Code of practice for noise reduction in
industrial buildings.
56. IS: 8418 1999 2019 Specification for horizontal centrifugal self-
priming pumps.
57. IS 12615 2018 - Line Operated Three Phase a.c. Motors (IE
CODE) "Efficiency Classes and
Performance Specification
58. IS 966 2023 - Desiccated Coconut – Specification
59. IS 17570 (Part 1 to 2021 - Air Filter for general Ventilation
60. ISO: 16000 (Part 1 2021 - Indoor Air Quality
to 34)
61. ISO 13964 1998 1998 Air quality — Determination of ozone in
ambient air — Ultraviolet photometric
62. IS : 9842 2024 - Preformed Fibrous Pipe Insulation -
63. IS/IEC 61439 (Part 2020 - Low voltage switchgear and control gear
1-7) assemblies
64. IS : 3961 2021 Recommended current rating of cables
65. IS : 1079 2017 2022 Hot rolled carbon steel sheets
66. IS : 513 2016 2021 Cold reduced low carbon sheet
67. IS : 5504 1997 2018 Spirally welded pipes
68. IS : 13114 1991 2022 Forged brass gate, globe and check valves
69. IS : 10221 2008 2021 Code of practice for coating & wrapping of
underground mild steel pipes
70. IS : 10617 2018 2022 Hermetic compressors
71. IS : 11329 2018 2022 Finned type heat exchangers for room ac
72. IS : 16656 2017 2001 Refrigerants - defenitions & safety
(ISO 817 : 2014) classifications
73. IS 16678 (Part 1 to 2018 2022 Refrigeration systems and heat
4) pumps -safety and environmental
(ISO 5149 (part 1 requirements
to4) : 2014)
74. IS : 3315 2019 - Specification for evaporative
Air coolers (desert coolers)
75. IS: 12976 2023 - Code of practice for solar
Water heating systems
76. IS 16590 2023 - Liquid chilling package units-specification
77. IS 16590 2017 2022 Water cooled chilling packages using the
vapour compression cycle — specification
78. ASTM C 578 Standard Specification for Rigid, Cellular
Polystyrene Thermal Insulation
79. ASTM D 1248 Standard Specification for Polyethylene
Plastics Extrusion Materials for Wire and
80. NFPA 13 Standard for the installation of sprinkler
81. NFPA 72 National fire alarm signaling code
82. NFPA 90 A Standard for the installation of air
conditioning and ventilation systems
83. NFPA 92 Standard for smoke control systems
84. NFPA 92A Standard for smoke control using barriers
and pressure differences
85. NFPA 96 Standard for ventilation control and fire
protection of commercial cooking
86. ASHRAE 52 Filter testing standard 52
87. ASHRAE Standards and handbooks
88. ASHRAE 52.2 Method of cleaning general ventilation air
cleaning devices for removal efficiency by
particle size
89. ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality
90. ASHRAE 90.1 Energy standard for buildings
91. ASHRAE 189.1 Standard for design of high performance
92. ASHRAE 170 Ventilation of health care facilities
93. ASHRAE 55.1 Thermal environment conditions for human
94. ISHRAE 2017 HVAC Data book
95. IS: 13621 1998 2021 Sound power rating of air - Conditioning
and air - Source heat pump equipment
96. IS: 1475 2001 2022 Self - Contained drinking water coolers –
97. IS : 16753 2022 - High Efficiency Filters and Filter Media
for removing Particles from Air
98. IS : 17584 2022 - Refrigerant properties
99. IS: 7872 2020 - Deep Freezers- Specification
(Clauses1.3, 18.1.4)
I.S. 660 Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration
I.S. 659 Safety Code for air conditioning
I.S. 3016 Code of Practice for Fire precautions in welding and cutting operations
I.S. 818 Code of practice for safety and health requirements in electrical and gas welding
and cutting operations.
IS. 5216 Code for safety procedure and practice in electrical works
I.S. 3696 Safety code for scaffolds and ladders
Name Of Job _____________________ ____Location _________________________________________________
Sizes X = sq.ft X = Cu Ft SUN TIME SUN TIME
INTERNAL HEAT TEMP. ( 1-________BF) X (Trm____ __F – Tadp_______F) = ___________F
LIGHTS WATTS X 3.4 X 1.08 X ________F temp rise
APPLIANCES ETC X OUTLET ROOM SENS. HEAT = ________F (rm outlet air)
ADDITIONAL HEAT GAINS X TEMP. 1.08 X _____________ CFMda
SAFETY % CFM 1.08 x___________Fdesired diff
ROOM SENSIBLE HEAT BYPASS _______CFMsa - ____________CFMda= ___________CFMba
HEAT GAIN %+LEAK LOSS %+H.P % EDB Trm____F + CFMda X (Toa___F – Trm____F)= Tedb______F
EFFECTIVE ROOM SENSIBLE HEAT LDB Tadp____F + ___BF X( Tedb____F – Tadp___F) = Tldb ______F
LATENT CFMX FX ( 1- BF) X 0.68
1. Manufacturer
2. Model
(a) Overall dimensions (mm)
(b) Weight (kg)
(c) Size of foundation
(d) Refrigerant
(e) Test pressure (max.) (kg./sq.cm)
(f) Maximum revaluations per minute
(g) Minimum revolutions per minute for proper lubrication
(h) Type of capacity control
(i) No. of steps of capacity control
(j) Capacity of the m/c at suction & condensing temperatures specified in Tender specification.
3. Type
4. (a) Refrigerant
(b) Weight of refrigerant per unit
8. Output in TR and input power consumption in KW, at the selected operating conditions
% of Load TR Input KW at 0.0002 (metric) Input KW at ARI fouling
fouling factor for condenser factors for condenser
& 0.0001 (metric) fouling and chiller factor for chiller
100% load
75 % load
60% load
50% load
40% load
25% load
9. Type of capacity control
10. Capacity control range
11. Type of lubrication
12. Material of bearing
13. Operating weight (Kg.)
14. Overall dimensions of the machine
17. Details of all the functions of Microprocessor control system are to be enclosed.
Whether enclosed- Yes/ No.
1. Manufacturer
2. Shell dia (mm)
3. Type of fins, if any, in tubes
4. No. of passes
5. Water flow (L.P.M.)
6. Water velocity (M.P.S.)
7. Pressure drop at above velocity (M. of water)
8. Condensing Temp (deg C)
9. Tube material
10. Tube outside diameter (mm)
11. Tube thickness (mm)
12. Tube length (mm)
13. No. of tubes
14. Tube surface, inside (sq.m.)
15. Tube surface, outside (sq.m.)
16. Water temperature :
(i) entering –deg C
(ii) leaving – deg C
1. Manufacturer
2. Type
3. Shell dia (mm)
4. Tube length (mm)
5. No. of tubes
6. tube material
7. Tube diameter (mm)
8. Tube surface inside (sq.m.)
9. Tube surface outside (sq.m.)
10. Type of fin
11. Refrigerant temp. (deg C)
12. No. of passes
13. Water flow (LPM)
14. Water velocity (MPS)
15. Pressure drop (M. of water)
16. Temperature of water :
(i) entering –deg C
(ii) leaving – deg C
2. Material and thickness of drain pan
3. Fan Section :
(i) Manufacturer
(ii) Type of fan
(iii) Fan speed (RPM)
(iv) No.of fans
(v) Fan wheel diameter (mm)
4. Drive arrangement
5. No.of belts in case of belt drive
6. Material and thickness of fan wheel and blades
7. Material and thickness of housing
8. Fan outlet area (sq. m.)
9. Outlet velocity (MPM)
10. Total air quantity (CuM./ Min.)
11. Static pressure at outlet (mm of water)
12. Whether statically and dynamically balanced
13. Type of bearings.
(iv) Make and size of solenoid valve where provided
(v) Material of nozzles
(vi) No. of nozzles
8. Type of bearings
9. Type & material of seal
10. Speed (rpm)
11. Discharge (LPM)
12. Head (Mtr.)
13. Efficiency
14. Performance curves (whether enclosed with the tender)
1. Motors (Give separate particulars for each application)
(i) Manufacturer
(ii) Type and frame reference
(iii) Rated output (KW)
(iv) Range of working voltage (V)
(v) No. of phases
(vi) Rated frequency
(vii) Rated speed (RPM)
(viii) Full load current (amps)
(ix) Class of insulation
(x) Efficiency and power factor at the following loadings 100%, 75%, 50% 25% of
(xi) Rated full load.
(xii) Type of bearings
3. Switch board :
(i) Manufacturer
(ii) Type
4. Circuit Breaker
(i) Manufacturer
(ii) Type
(iii) Rated normal current (amps)
(iv) Short circuit ratting (MVA)
(v) Whether following are provided –
(a) O/L trip
(b) E/F trip
(c) Under voltage trip
5. Measuring Instruments :
(i) Manufacturer
(ii) Range
(iii) Dial size
(iv) Glass Index
1. Make and type of thermostats
2. Make and type of humidistats
3. Make and type of damper motor
4. Make and type of other control components
1. Material
2. Manufacturer
3. Whether ducting is as per IS: 655
Sl. No. Item Test Results
1. Ambient conditions D.B. Temp - deg C
W.B.Temp - deg C
2. Compressors R.P.M
Suction pressure - Kg/sq.cm
Discharge pressure -Kg/sq.cm
Oil pressure -Kg/sq.cm
3. Compressor Motors R.P.M.
Voltage - Volts
(i)at 100% load - amps
(ii) at partial load
(a) - amps
(b) - amps
(c) - amps
4. Water Chillers Water flow rate - LPM
Water temperature
Entering - deg C
Leaving - deg C
Water pressure
Entering -Kg/sq.cm
Leaving -Kg/sq.cm
5. Condensers Water flow rate - LPM
Water temperature
Entering - deg C
Leaving - deg C
Water pressure
Entering -Kg/sq.cm
Leaving -Kg/sq.cm
6. Pumps R.P.M.
Motor current -amps
Discharge pressure -Kg/sq.cm
Suction pressure -Kg/sq.cm
7. Cooling Towers Water temperature
Entering - deg C
Leaving - deg C
Wet bulb approach - deg C
Fan motor current - amps
Fan motor voltage - volts
Fan motor R.P.M
8. Air handling units Total air quantity
across coil - cu.m / min
Coil face area - Sq.m.
Air temperature
Entering (D.B.) - deg C
Entering (W.B.) - deg C
Leaving (D.B.) - deg C
Leaving (W.B.) - deg C
Water pressure
Entering -Kg/sq.m
Leaving -Kg/Sq.m
Water temperature
Entering - deg C
Leaving - deg C
Water flow rate - LPM
9. Fresh air intakes Face area - Sq.m
Air quantity - Cu.m/ min
10. Room conditions at the Temperature
working plane (No. of D.B. - deg C
readings shall W.B. - deg C
be taken and averaged
11. Controls Function of each control shall
be tested and report furnished
A. Test Instruments
1. All instruments for testing shall be provided by the air conditioning contractor.
2. Thermometers used for measurement of temperature of water/ refrigerant shall have
graduation of 0.1 deg C and shall be got calibrated from N.P.L. or any recognized test
house beforehand.
3. Thermometers used in the psychomotor shall have graduations of 0.2 deg C and shall be
calibrated as at (2) above.
4. Pressure gauges shall also be got calibrated beforehand from a recognized test house.
5. Orifice type of flow meters shall be used for measuring flow rate through the condensers
and chillers.
1. Condensing unit:
The capacity shall be computed from the water temperatures and water flow rate
measurements of the condenser water and the compressor motor current readings. A
reference may be made, if necessary to the manufacturer’s motor performance
characteristics for arriving at the B.H.P. consumption.
2. Water chilling unit:
The capacity shall be computed from the water temperature and water flow rate
measurements of the chiller. Heat rejection from the condenser shall be computed from
the water temperature and water flow rate measurements at the condenser.
3. Cooling Tower:
Water quantity measured at the condenser and the temperature of water at the cooling
tower shall be recorded. Wet bulb approach shall be checked against design data recorded
in the tender documents.
in the capacity so computed. Air quantity shall be measured in the supply duct and
checked with the quantity specified in the tender documents. a tolerance of + 10% in the
air quantity shall be acceptable. The enthalpy difference of air entering and leaving the
coil shall be computed from air temperature and recorded.
7. For the purpose of system capacity, the refrigeration tonnage obtained from the main
refrigeration plant will be accepted.
8. If due to any reason, internal load mentioned in the tender specifications is not available
psychometric computations for actual load conditions will be done and the plant, if found
satisfactory will be accepted.
(Clauses1.14, 17.4)
The section covers the maintenance schedule during warranty period and 5 yrs subsequent to
the warranty period.
The maintenance provided during the warranty period shall be fully comprehensive and shall
include but not limited to all equipments, labour part and emergency calls providing and site
response within 24 hours. However during the maintenance period after the warranty is over,
the materials shall be arranged by the department if any replacement is warranted. However
consumable materials shall be arranged by the department during 6 yrs period including that of
warranty period.
The maintenance shall also include a minimum of 12 monthly preventive maintenance visits
by qualified personnel who are thoroughly familiar with the type of equipment and system
provided for this project.
Chiller Monthly 1. Check refrigerant level, leak test with electronic Leak
Inspection detector. If abnormal, trace and rectify as necessary,
and Service Inform department in writing on the rectification.
2. Inspect level and condition of oil. If abnormal, trace
fault and rectify as necessary. Inform department in
writing on the rectification.
3. Check the liquid line sight glasses for proper flow.
4. Check all operating pressure and temperature.
5. Inspect and adjust, if required, all operating safety
6. Check capacity control, adjust if necessary.
7. Lubricate vane/ linkage/ bearings.
8. Visually inspect machine and associated components,
and listen for unusual sound or noise for evidence of
unusual conditions.
9. Check lock bolts and chiller spring mount.
10. Review daily operating log maintained by
department’s operating personnel.
11. Providing written report to Department, outlining
services carried out, adjustment made, rectification
carried out and if the deficiency is of a major nature,
arrange with department for shut- down to rectify
Chiller Annual 1. Perform all functions for monthly check
Inspection 2. Check all flanges for tightness
Prior to 3. Change oil in oil sump
expiry of 4. Replace filter
warranty 5. Check oil temperature control
period 6. Check motor terminals
7. Check connections in starter
8. Check motor earthing, meggar motor and connection
wiring on each leg
9. Check motor temperature cut-out, tighten motor
10. Check starter contacts, arc shield, transformer.
11. Check dashpot oil, clean dashpot and replace oil when
12. Test and calibrate overload setting.
13. Inspect, calibrate and adjust to original specifications
all gauges, safety and operating controls including low
temperature and high pressure cutout, oil pressure
switch, load limit relay and electrical interlocks.
14. For water cooled condenser systems, inspect condenser
tubes for fouling. If fouling exceeds original
specifications, the contractor shall carry out cleaning of
the tubes at his own expense.
15. For air-cooled condenser coils, dust should not be
allowed to accommodate on the condenser coil
surfaces. Cleaning should be as often as necessary
(approximately every three months) to keep coil clean.
Exercise care when cleaning the coil, so that the coil
fins are not damaged. Under no circumstances this unit
be cleaned with acid based cleaner.
Water Monthly 1. Inspect all water pumps
pumps Inspection 2. Check all seals, glands and pipelines for leaks and rectify
as necessary.
3. Re-pack and adjust pump glands as Necessary.
4. Check all pump bearings and lubricate with oil or grease
as necessary.
5. Check the alignment and condition of all rubber couplings
between pumps and drive motors and rectify as necessary.
6. Check all bolts and nuts for tightness and tighten as
Water Annual 1. Perform all function for monthly checks
pumps Inspection 2. Check motor earthing, meggar Motor and connection
prior to wiring on each leg.
expiry of 3. Tighten motor terminals
warranty 4. Check starter contacts
period 5. Test and calibrate overload setting.
Expansion Annual 3. Inspect expansion tank, Drain, clean and flush out tanks
tank inspection as necessary
prior to
expiry of
Air Monthly 1. Inspect all air handling and fan coil units.
handling inspection 2. Check all air filters and clean or change filters as
units and necessary.
fancoil 3. Check all water coils, seals and pipelines for leaks and
units rectify as necessary.
4. Check and re-calibrate modulating valves and controls.
Adjust and rectify as necessary to ensure compliance to
the original specifications.
5. Purge air from all water coils.
6. Check all fan bearings and lubricate with grease as
7. Check the tension of all belt drives and adjust as
8. Check and clean all the condensate pans, trays and
9. Check measure and re-calibrate all sensors if necessary.
10. Check, clean and service smoke detectors. Carry out a
system test to
ensure that the smoke detector will trip the AHU’s.
11. Check spring vibration isolators for abnormal vibration.
Rectify if necessary.
12. Coil to be cleaned by (a) spray of high-pressure clean
(not exceeding 30 psi (b) with chemical spray, if
Air Annual 1. Perform all functions for monthly checks.
handling Inspection 2. Tighten motor terminals
units and prior to 3. Check starter contacts.
fan expiry of Test and calibrate overload settings.
coil units warranty
Air cooled Monthly 1. Check condenser fan motor load ampere.
packaged check 2. Check fan and motor mounting brackets.
units and 3. Check shafts and bearings. Lubricate with grease as
precision- necessary.
computer 4. Check the tension of all belt drives and adjust as
air- necessary.
condition 5. Check for refrigerant leaks with electronic leak detector.
equipment 6. Check electrical terminals and contactors operation and
connection for tightness.
7. Check compressor motor current.
8. Check refrigerant line driers and moisture indicators.
Air cooled Annual Perform all functions listed in the monthly checks.
packaged inspection
units and prior to
precision- expiry of
ac warranty
equipment period.
Air Monthly 1. Check operation of all modulating and fixed dampers
distribution and annual controlling air flow through unit. Lubricate all damper
system inspection bearings and linkages as necessary.
prior to 2. Carry out space temperature checks on air-conditioned
expiry of areas
warranty With thermo hydrograph. Balance air flow as necessary
period to
Compliance with requirements of original
specifications. These checks include the calibration of
sensors, thermostat, etc.
3. Check noise level of discharged air from diffusers.
Ventilation Monthly 1. Check adjusts as necessary the air flow of all fans is in
check and compliance with the original specifications.
annual 2. Check the tension of all belt drives and adjust as
inspection necessary.
prior to 3. Check and lubricate all fan bearings.
expiry of 4. Tighten motor terminals.
warranty 5. Check starter contacts.
period 6. Test and calibrate overload settings.
7. A system check shall be carried out for all Mechanical
ventilation (MV), Pressurization and Exhaust system to
verity the performance of the systems.
Switch Six-monthly 1. Clean and adjust all switch gear, contactors, relays and
board and annual associated electrical equipment at intervals not
inspection exceeding six months.
prior to the 2. Check and prove operation of thermal over load and
expiry of protection devices.
the warranty 3. Check and ensure tightness of all equipment fastenings
period and cable terminations within switch boards.
4. Vacuum clean all switch board cubicles.
Piping Monthly and 1. Check all piping system for leaks and repair these where
system annual they have occurred.
inspection 2. Check for damage & deterioration of insulation or
prior to sheathings.
expiry 3. Rectify as necessary
of warranty
Consumable The department shall supply the following consumable
materials materials as and when required :-
1. All oils and greases required for lubrication of
compressors, fan bearings, motors bearings, pivots
and other moving parts.
2. All refrigerant required for topping up. Refrigerant
loss if due to manufacturing defect or due to
negligence shall be made good by the contractor.
3. All consumable filter elements/ rolls.All chemicals
for the correct chemical treatment of the cooling tower
and chilled water system.
4. All carbon brushes required to replace worn brushes
in electric motors.
5. All electric contact points required to replace worn
electric contact points in switchgears, motor starter
gears, electronic control gears and electric relays.
6. All electric fuses required to replace blown fuses. Just
before the expiry of the warranty of the contract, the
contractor shall carry out a complete system
operability test on all the systems or sub-systems as
called for in the contract.
7. The purpose of the test is to verify that the
performance of all the systems or sub-systems in the
contract is in accordance to the specifications. All test
shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer-in-
Charge or his representative.
8. The warranty period is deemed to be over if the
department or his representative is completely
satisfied with the system performance during the test.
1.1 Construction Inspection
Prior to Performance Testing, verify and document the following:
(i) System controls are wired correctly to ensure economizer is fully integrated (i.e.
economizer will operate when mechanical cooling is enabled)
(ii) Economizer lockout control sensor location is adequate (open to air but not exposed to
direct sunlight nor in an enclosure; away from sources of building exhaust; at least 8 m [25
ft] away from cooling towers)
(iii)System is provided with barometric relief, relief fan or return fan to control building
(ii) Return air damper modulates closed and is completely closed when economizer damper is
100% open
(iii)Economizer damper is 100% open before mechanical cooling is enabled
(iv) Relief fan or return fan (if applicable) is operating or barometric relief dampers freely
swing open
Step 8: Continue from Step 1 and disable the economizer by adjusting the lockout control set-point.
Verify and document the following:
(iii) Relief fan (if applicable) shuts off or barometric relief dampers close. Return fan (if
applicable) may still operate even when economizer is disabled
This checklist is only suggestive and not exhaustive and it is for guidance purpose only. The NIT
authority shall make suitable modification, addition /alteration in the provision in the NIT as per
(m) All AHUs in vertical alignment for entry of chilled water pipe and cables from Plant Room without
passing through corridors.
(n) Chilled water pipe and cable route from plant room to the building coordinated.
(o) VF Drive for chillers, pumps, AHUs, C Tower included.
(p) AHU: fresh air opening.
(q) Envelope insulation, Roof insulation.
(r) Indoor Air Quality, automatic control included.
(s) Clients detailed functional requirements included.
(t) For all the areas, inside conditions to be maintained, specified.
(u) Winter heating provided?
(v) Space provision for plant room, terrace (for Cooling Towers), AHU Rooms, corridor width and
height adequate.
3. Design related
(a) Heat Load Calculation
(b) Detailed Design Sheet
(c) Technical summary of steps taken to reduce Heat Ingress.
(d) Technical steps taken to reduce IKW/TR from 1 KW to lowest possible level. Specify the target
IKW with summary of steps taken is.
(e) Plant equipment layout drawing with dimensions to include chillers, pumps, AC Electrical Panel,
VFDs, Cabling, Piping, and Valves etc to ensure that space is adequate.
(f) Space for future chillers.
(g) Terrace layout drawing for cooling towers.
(h) Chiller pipe/ cable route from Plant to the Building.
(i) AHU Room: AHU layout with Panel, piping, valves.
(j) Ducting drawing from AHU to conditioned areas through corridors.
(k) AR for rates adapted
(l) BOQ for complete job with all associated works included.
(m) If any exclusion, Specify.
(n) Approved Makes of materials, equipments.
(o) Governing specifications.
S. No. Reference under which Issued Item No. Page No. Remarks
S. No. Reference under which Issued Item No. Page No. Remarks