Modul Ajar Recount
Modul Ajar Recount
Modul Ajar Recount
Pd Jenjang/Kelas X
Asal Sekolah SMAN 1 Jenggawa Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi Waktu 8 x 45 menit ( 4 pertemuan) Jumlah Peserta 33
Profil beriman, bertakwa kepada Tuhan Elemen/Domain Berbicara-
Pelajar YME, dan berakhlak mulia Menyimak
Pancasila bernalar kritis Membaca-
kreatif Memirsa
Mandiri Menulis-
Kreatif Mempresentasi
Bergotong royong kan
Menyimak-Berbicara Pendekatan Genre Based
Capaian Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik menggunakan Pembelajaran Approach
Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk berkomunikasi dengan guru,
teman sebaya dan orang lain dalam berbagai Model Pembelajaran -PBL (pertemuan
macam situasi dan tujuan. Mereka menggunakan ke-2)
dan merespon pertanyaan dan menggunakan -PJBL (pertemuan
strategi untuk memulai dan mempertahankan ke-3 & 4)
percakapan dan diskusi. Mereka memahami dan Fase E
mengidentifikasi ide utama dan detail relevan dari
diskusi atau presentasi mengenai topik yang dekat
dengan kehidupan pemuda. Mereka menggunakan
bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan opini
terhadap isu yang dekat dengan kehidupan
pemuda dan untuk membahas minat. Mereka
memberikan pendapat dan membuat
perbandingan. Mereka menggunakan elemen non
verbal seperti bahasa tubuh, kecepatan bicara, dan
nada suara untuk dapat dipahami dalam sebagian
Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik membaca dan
merespon berbagai macam teks seperti narasi,
deskripsi, recount, eksposisi, recount, dan report.
Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau
untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka mencari
dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari
berbagai macam jenis teks. Teks ini dapat
berbentuk cetak atau digital, termasuk diantaranya
teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif.
Pemahaman mereka terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu
atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai macam
teks mulai berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasi
tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan
keterampilannya untuk melakukan inferensi
sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersira
dalam teks.
Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik menulis berbagai
jenis teks fiksi dan non-fiksi, melalui aktivitas
yang dipandu, menunjukkan kesadaran peserta
didik terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca. Mereka
membuat perencanaan, menulis, mengulas dan
menulis ulang berbagai jenis tipe teks dengan
menunjukkan strategi koreksi diri, termasuk tanda
baca dan huruf besar. Mereka menyampaikan ide
menggunakan kosa kata dan kata kerja umum
dalam tulisannya. Mereka menyajikan informasi
menggunakan berbagai mode presentasi untuk
menyesuaikan dengan pembaca/pemirsa dan
untuk mencapai tujuan yang berbeda-beda,
dalam bentuk cetak dan digital.
Pertemuan ke-1
Peserta didik dapat melengkapi kata pada teks recount yang rumpang
dengan benar.
Pertemuan ke-2
Peserta didik dapat menemukan informasi terperinci pada video teks
recount dengan benar.
Peserta didik dapat menganalisis struktur teks,tujuan, unsur kebahasaan
Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi informasi terperinci teks recount
dengan benar.
Pertemuan ke-3
Peserta didik mampu membuat teks recount berkelompok.
Peserta didik mampu membuat teks recount secara individu
menggunakan media canva.
Pertemuan ke-4
Peserta didik mampu mempresentasikan teks recount secara individu
dengan benar.
3. Kata Kunci KATA KUNCI :
4. Sarana Prasarana A. Fasilitas yang dibutuhkan
Media/alat : Laptop/komputer, LCD, Video, Audio, HP,
Jaringan Internet dan Loud Speaker.
5. Asesmen Asesmen individu
Asesmen kelompok
Keduanya Jenis
Performa (monolog cara membuat/mengoperasikan sesuatu)
Tertulis (tes objektif, esai)
6. Kegiatan Pembelajaran Pengaturan Peserta didik:
Utama Individu
Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang berisi cerita pengalaman kita d
masa lampau. Tujuan Recount Text biasanya untuk menceritakan kembali dan
memberikan informasi serta menghibur pembaca. Unsur – unsur kebahasaan yan
perlu diperhatikan yaitu Karena cerita yang dituliskan adalah hal yang terjadi di
masa lampau, tenses (bentuk waktu) yang kita gunakan adalah Simple Past Tens
Selain itu, terdapat pula penggunaan adverbial phrase atau bisa kita sebut sebaga
‘keterangan tempat dan waktu.
Struktur teks dalam membuat kerangka atau runtutan dalam menyusun sebuah te
terdapat 3 struktur pada Recount Text yaitu :
1) Orientation yaitu Di bagian awal, kita perlu menuliskan tokoh atau karakter,
lokasi, dan juga waktu terjadinya. Di bagian ini, kita memperkenalkan dan
memberikan informasi pada pembaca agar memahami keseluruhan cerita yang k
2) Events yaitu menceritakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau
sesuai rangkaian kejadian/peristiwa. Untuk menandakan rangkaian peristiwa, kit
bisa menggunakan on the first day, when, on the next day, on our last day, in
Sunday morning, dan sebagainya., dan
3) Re-orientation yaitu kesimpulan atau ending-nya dari pengalaman yang
diceritakan. Kita juga bisa menambahkan kesan akan cerita yang dituliskan,
misalnya apakah itu pengalaman yang menyenangkan atau tidak.
Past tense
Karena kita menceritakan kejadian di masa lampau, kita menggunakan tata baha
past tense di dalam recount text.
Time connective
Time connective adalah kata-kata yang berfungsi sebagai penghubung waktu un
mengurutkan kejadian misalnya after, before, at first, then, after that, dll.
Adverbs adalah kata keterangan untuk menunjukkan waktu, tempat, atau cara
misalnya yesterday, three months ago, last year, at home, slowly, carefully, dan
My Last Holiday
Last month, I went to Pari island with my big family. That was my second time
travel there. I did not remember my first time because I was still three years old.
Our boat departed from Muara Angke port to the island at 7.00 a.m. We arrived
Pari island in approximately two hours. After that, we went to our guest house th
we booked two months ago. When we got there, almost all family members wer
busy unpacking. I just sat in front of the guest house and did nothing. Then I
realized that it was still 10 a.m. So, I went out to rent a bicycle. My brother did n
want to join me because he went to sleep. He said that it was too shiny to do
We finally had lunch at 1 p.m. I was so hungry after cycling for an hour, and did
have any snacks. After lunch, my brother said that he wanted to go snorkeling. B
my parents said it was too hot. Well, it was 2 p.m. So, they were right. It was sti
hot outside.
But my brother insisted on doing it. He then asked me and our cousin Irwan to jo
him to do the thing he really wanted to do by the time we arrived there. It was
snorkeling. Irwan agreed and pushed me to join.
I did not know why I agreed to join them. When we went snorkeling, the fisherm
who became our guide brought us to the beach far enough from our guest house.
We went snorkeling there. The water was very clear. We could see groups of tin
fishes and beautiful coral under the sea. After snorkeling cheerfully for
approximately three hours, we returned to our guest house.
When we were home, I realized that my back was so itchy. At first, I did unders
why. After my mother found out, she started to nag at me. It was sunburnt. I did
enjoy the rest of the other days staying there.
In summary, my second trip to Pari island was not really better than my first. I
would like to visit this place again together with my family in another chance. B
would not do snorkeling at 2 a.m. for three hours anymore.
8. Kegiatan Pertemuan ke-1
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
Kegiatan Penutup
Refleksi :
Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Peserta didik dapat melakukan/memberikan penilaian baik dalam
bentuk narasi/gambar/emotikon tertentu untuk menunjukkan
pemahaman tentang topik hari ini.
Peserta didik dapat menuliskan pertanyaan yang ingin diketahui
lebihlanjut dalam kolom komentar.
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama
Peserta didik menerima apresiasidan motivasi dari guru.
Pertemuan Ke-2
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
Membimbing penyelidikan
Guru mendatangi kelompok yang memiliki kesulitan atau kebingungan
dalam menyelesaikan soal yang telah diberikan.
Kegiatan Penutup
Refleksi :
Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Peserta didik dapat melakukan/memberikan penilaian baik dalam
bentuk narasi/gambar/emotikon tertentu untuk menunjukkan
pemahaman tentang topik hari ini.
Peserta didik dapat menuliskan pertanyaan yang ingin diketahui
lebihlanjut dalam kolom komentar.
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama
Peserta didik menerima apresiasidan motivasi dari guru.
Pertemuan ke-3
Kegiatan Awal
Kegiatan Inti
Menyusun perencanaan
Guru memberi informasi bahwa kegiatan pembelajaran adalah membuat
teks recount berkelompok dan kemudian membacakannya di depan teman
teman mereka.
Guru menjelaskan bahwa dalam pembuatan teks recount langkah-langkah
yang diperlukan adalah :
membuat orientasi
membuat events
membuat reorientations
Kegiatan Penutup
Refleksi :
Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Peserta didik dapat melakukan/memberikan penilaian baik dalam
bentuk narasi/gambar/emotikon tertentu untuk menunjukkan
pemahaman tentang topik hari ini.
Peserta didik dapat menuliskan pertanyaan yang ingin diketahui
lebihlanjut dalam kolom komentar.
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama
Peserta didik menerima apresiasidan motivasi dari guru.
Pertemuan ke-4
Kegiatan Awal
Guru dan peserta didik berdoa bersama sebelum memulai pembelajaran.
Guru memeriksa kehadiran peserta didik.
Guru mereview materi yang dibahas minggu lalu.
Guru memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran.
Kegiatan Inti
IC (Independent Construction)
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk mempresentasikan hasil karya teks
recount individunya di depan teman-teman mereka.
Guru memberikan penilaian berdasarkan rubrik speaking.
Mengevaluasi Pengalaman
Guru meminta peserta didik untuk menyampaikan pengalaman tentang
menulis dan mempresentasikan teks recount individu.
Guru memberi apresiasi dan saran untuk perbaikan.
Kegiatan Penutup
Refleksi :
Peserta didik dan guru melakukan refleksi pembelajaran.
Peserta didik dapat melakukan/memberikan penilaian baik dalam
bentuk narasi/gambar/emotikon tertentu untuk menunjukkan
pemahaman tentang topik hari ini.
Peserta didik dapat menuliskan pertanyaan yang ingin diketahui
lebihlanjut dalam kolom komentar.
Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan kendala yang dihadapi selama
Peserta didik menerima apresiasidan motivasi dari guru.
Listening Section
Last week jason..(1) to a big party at his friend house. The party...(2) at and he
got home at 1.30. After he got home he watched Tv and....(3) on the sofa. Suddenly he
fell off the sofa and he ....(4). It was 9 in the morning! He....(5) to the kitchen and had
a cup of tea. He....(6) breakfast. At 9:15 he....(7) he his bicycle out of to garage.
Oh no! It ....(8) broken. He.....(9) his bicycle and ran to school. He got to school at
9.50 but the school was very quiet.
He was really worried because nobody at school , he .....(10) to go back home.
His parents ....(11) still in bed when he ....(12)
Then he....(13) the calender and he ...(14).
He ...(15) that it was sunday.
A. Watch the video carefully by clicking the link, and then answer the
questions based on it !
Yesterday my family and I went to the zoo to see the elephant. When we got to
the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals.
After getting the food, we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and
reptiles which only come out at night.
Before having lunch, we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride
it. Dad fell off when he let go of the rope, but he was ok.
During lunch, we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the
animals being fed. When we returned home we were very tired but happy. It
was because we had so many fun activities at many places at the zoo.
3. ... our family felt tired after visiting the zoo, but we were still happy.
A. Since
B. Because
C. Although
D. Nevertheless
Last weekend, I visited my pen pal's house. His Name is Anto. There were
many activities I did there. Ithe morning, Anto and I had breakfast. We had
traditional food. I liked it very much.
After breakfast, he took me to the garden behind his house. The garden was
very big and beautiful. There is a big birdcage in the garden. There were many
kinds of birds in that cage. I spent a long time feeding the birds. I also took
pictures of those beautiful birds.
After visiting the bird cage, Anto and I went to the flower garden not far from
his house. We rested, had lunch under a big tree, and watched butterflies flying
above colorful flowers. In the afternoon, we swam in the pool in the backyard.
It was so much fun. I really enjoyed my time with Anto.
Instruction :
I. Read the following the text, then identify the social function, generic
structure and language features in the table provided !
One day later, when I was alone at home, I intended to try my riding ability.
So, myself tried bravely. All ran fluently in the beginning, but when I was
going back to my home and I passed through a narrow slippery street, I got
nervous. I lost my control and I fell to the ditch.
After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my father would
be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the contrary,
my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since that
accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.
The task :
Analyze the purpose, generic structure, characteristic, language feature,
and kind of verb of the text !
BJ Habibie
BJ Habibie Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie called BJ. Habibie was born on twenty five
Gregorian calendar months 1936.
He was the Third President of the Republic of the Republic of Indonesia (1998–
Habibie was born in Parepare, South Sulawesi Province to Alwi Abdul Jalil
Habibie and R.A. Tuti Giambattista Marino Poespowardojo.
His father was a grower from Gorontalo of Bugis descent and his mother was a
Javanese peeress from Yogyakarta. His elders met while learning in Bogor.
Once he was fourteen years old, Habibie’s father died. Following his father’s
death, Habibie continued his studies in the national capital then in 1955 moved to
In 1962, Habibie came to the Republic of Indonesia for 3 months on leave.
Throughout this point, he was reacquainted with Hasri Ainun, the girl of R.
Mohamad Besari.
The 2 married in 1962, returning to Germany shortly later.
Habibie and his mate settled in Aken for a brief amount before moving to
In 1963 they had their 1st son, Ilham Akbar Habibie, and later another son, Thareq
Kemal Habibie.
Peserta didik membuat teks recount (personal experiences) berkelompok.
Peserta didik membuat teks recount (personal experiences) individu menggunakan
media canva.
Listening Section
Listen carefully and fill the blanks page on the tags !
1) Went 9) left
8) was
1. A
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. D
7. C
I. Analysis :
1. The purpose from the text is to retell about my first experience to ride
2. Generic Structure :
o Orientation :
a.) One day, when I was ten years old, my father bought an old motorcycle.
b.) That was " Absolut Revo".
c.) I think it was small light object and easy to ride it.
o Ending
Personal Comment : After that, I told my father about the last accident. I imagined my
father would be angry and never let me ride again. But the reality is exactly on the
contrary, my father was very proud of me. He just gave me some advices and since
that accident, I got my father's permission to ride motorcycle.
3. Characteristic
o Who : Me and my father.
o When : When I was 10 years, One day.
o Where : At home, Around a field in my village.
o Why: My father bought motorcycle and promised to teach me riding.
o Focus on individual : Me and my father.
o Adverb of time : When I was 10 years, One day.
o Adverb of place : At home, Around a field in my village.
o Adverb of conditional : Firstly, Finally, So, Since that.
4. Language Future
o Using chronological connection : Firstly, Finally, So, Since that.
o Using Simple Past Tense : Bought, Persuaded, Refused, Promised,
Whimpered, Surrendered, Began, Realized, Intended, Tried, Passed, Fell, Told,
Imagined, Gave.
5. Kind Of verb
1. Action Verb : Persuaded, Teach, Refused, Promised, Surrended, Ride,
Tried, Imagined.
2. Saying Verb : Told.
3. Linking Verb : Was, It.
4. Thinking Verb : Think.
5. Mental Verb : Feel.
Three years ago, I and my classmates visited Borobudur Temple. We went to Borobudur
temple by bus. We left our school at nine o’clock. It took us 24 hours to arrive there. I
arrived there nine o’clock the next day. Along the road, we saw many vehicles, unique
houses, prominent buildings, and some other tourists.
After we arrived at the Borobudur temple, one of my teachers went to buy tickets. After we
waited him for a moment we entered into Borobudur temple area. Then we went up to the
top of the temple. Borobudur temple was built at Budur Village, Magelang, Jawa Tengah by
Syailendra Dynasty. Borobudur Temple is the biggest temple in the world. It has 504 statues
and 1.400 reliefs. From the top of the temple we can see such beautiful scenery. I and my
friends went around the temple together. Finally, after having some visits, we should go to
the hotel to stay and continue our study tour the next day.
We felt tired that day but we felt so happy to visit Borobudur temple which is well-known
as one of the greatest legacies Indonesia has ever had. I hope the temple can be loved by all
of the visitors and the government.
Rubrik Penilaian
Rubrik Listening
jawaban benar
Penilaian= X 10
jumlah soal
Rubrik Reading
jawaban benar
Penilaian= X 100
jumlah soal
Rubrik Writing
Rubrik Speaking
Rubric 4 3 2 1
Accuracy The errors present in The speech is still The errors present in The serious errors
speech are so minor understood although it speech would present in speech make
so that the message consists of many frequently create the messages difficult
would be errors. confusion. to understand.
Fluency Speech is natural and Speech is generally Some definite Long pauses,
continuous. Any natural and continuous. stumbling, but utterances left
pauses correspond to Occasional slight manages to re- unfinished, or no
those which might stumbling’s or pauses phrase and response
have been made in at un- natural points in continue
native language the utterance
(original text reads
"made by a native
Gestures Consistently Succifienctly Limited poise with No poise and
poised with poised with limited use of inappropriate
appropriate appropriate appropriate movement
gestures gestures gestures
Read the text and answer the questions that follow by choosing correct option !
3. … and felt proud that I finished the 42.195 kilometres.’ What is the opposite of the underline word?
A. pleased
B. ashamed
C. sad
E. happy
Ichiro Suzuki is a famous and successful Japanese baseball player. He was born in Toyoyama, Japan
in 1973. From the age of seven he practised for several hours a day, trained by his father. By the age
of 12, Ichiro knew he wanted to be a professional baseball player. Although some teams were put off
because he was so small, he turned professional at the age of 18. In 1992 Ichiro played in a Kobe’s
Orix Blue Wave, but for a long time he couldn’t get into the first team. The manager didn’t like
his style. In 1994, a new manager came and promoted Ichiro. By the end of the year he was famous.
Japan’s media called him the ‘human batting machine’. In 2000 Ichiro signed a three-year contract
with the Seattle Mariners. He was the first Japanese position player ever to play
in America. He immediately started breaking records and making history. He still plays for the
5. The text is a…
A. sports report.
B. description of a baseball match.
C. portrait of a baseball player.
D.history of Japanese baseball.
E. Ichiro’s letter.
6. The text tells us that some teams did not want Ichiro because of his …
A. size.
B. nationality.
C. age.
E. selfishness.
8. To ensure that they would win the battle, the foreign army … sent to the battle ground, some of
which include weaponry and logistical support.
A. be
B. is
C. was
D. were
E. has been
9. The defeat in the Battle of Surabaya … the militia movement only for a while. The heroic spirit had
spread out and inflamed others to continue fighting for the country’s independence.
A. hampered
B. rallied
C. angered
D. refused
E. advanced
10.Sukarno had … wanted the declaration to be read at Ikada Plain, the large open field in the centre
of Jakarta, but due to unfounded widespread apprehension over the possibility of Japanese sabotage,
the venue was changed to Sukarno's house at Pegangsaan Timur 56.
A. secondly
B. finally
C. lastly
D. initially
E. eventually
LKPD 1, 2, 3, 4, dan 5
Asesmen Diagnostik Non-Kognitif
A. Petunjuk Pengerjaan
1. Baca dengan seksama uraian kuisioner dibawah ini
2. Pilih salah satu jawaban a / b/ c sesuai dengan kecenderungan anda
B. Naskah Soal
Nama Peserta Didik :…
NIS :…
Program Keahlian :…
Kelas :…
1. Ketika berbicara, kecenderungan gaya bicara saya...
A. Cepat
B. Berirama
C. Lambat
2. Saya...
A. Mampu merencanakan dan mengatur kegiatan jangka panjang dengan baik
B. Mampu mengulang dan menirukan nada, perubahan, dan warna suara
C. Mahir dalam mengerjakan puzzle, teka-teki, menyusun potongan-potongan
3. Saya dapat mengingat dengan baik informasi yang...
A. Tertulis di papan tulis atau yang diberikan melalui tugas membaca
B. Disampaikan melalui penjelasan guru, diskusi, atau rekaman
C. Diberikan dengan cara menuliskannya berkali-kali
4. Saya menghafal sesuatu...
A. Dengan membayangkannya
B. Dengan mengucapkannya dengan suara yang keras
C. Sambil berjalan dan melihat-lihat keadaan sekeliling
5. Saya merasa sulit...
A. Mengingat perintah lisan kecuali jika dituliskan
B. Menulis tetapi pandai bercerita
C. Duduk tenang untuk waktu yang lama
6. Saya lebih suka...
A. Membaca daripada dibacakan
B. Mendengar daripada membaca
C. Menggunakan model dan praktek atau praktikum
7. Saya suka...
A. Mencoret-coret selama menelepon, mendengarkan musik, atau menghadiri rapat
B. Membaca keras-keras dan mendengarkan musik/pembicaraan
C. Mengetuk-ngetuk pena, jari, atau kaki saat mendengarkan musik/pembicaraan
8. Saya lebih suka melakukan...
A. Demonstrasi daripada berpidato
B. Diskusi dan berbicara panjang lebar
C. Berolahraga dan kegiatan fisik lainnya
9. Saya lebih menyukai...
A. Seni rupa daripada musik
B. Musik daripada seni rupa
C. Olahraga dan kegiatan fisik lainnya
10. Ketika mengerjakan sesuatu, saya selalu...
A. Mengikuti petunjuk dan gambar yang disediakan
B. Membicarakan dengan orang lain atau berbicara sendiri keras-keras
C. Mencari tahu cara kerjanya sambil mengerjakannya
11. Konsentrasi saya terganggu oleh...
A. Ketidakteraturan atau gerakan
B. suara atau keributan
C. Kegiatan di sekeliling
12. Saya lebih mudah belajar melalui kegiatan...
A. Membaca
B. Mendengarkan dan berdiskusi
C. Praktek atau praktikum
13. Saya berbicara dengan...
A. Singkat dan tidak senang mendengarkan pembicaraan panjang
B. Cepat dan senang mendengarkan
C. Menggunakan isyarat tubuh dan gerakan-gerakan ekspresif
14. Untuk mengetahui suasana hati seseorang, saya …
A. Melihat ekspresi wajahnya
B. Mendengarkan nada suara
C. Memperhatikan gerakan badannya
15. Untuk mengisi waktu luang, saya lebih suka …
A. Menonton televisi atau menyaksikan pertunjukan
B. Mendengarkan radio, musik, atau membaca
C. Melakukan permainan atau bekerja dengan menggunakan tangan
16. Ketika mengajarkan sesuatu kepada orang lain, saya lebih suka …
A. Menunjukkannya
B. Menceritakannya
C. Mendemonstrasikannya dan meminta mereka untuk mencobanya
Asesmen Sumatif
One holiday, Vandra visited his aunt in a village. It was his first experience of traveling by
train, but he enjoyed it. He arrived at the railway station at 3 p.m. His uncle’s house was not far
from the railways station, so he decided to go there by horse cart.
Vandra stopped a horse cart. To his surprise, the rider was a woman. She was dark skinned and
looked strong. Along the journey, they had a chit-chat. The rider told him about her life. She is
a wife with three children. She was simple, but had a great dream. She wanted her children to be
successful. As a mother, she was willing to work hard for her children’s education. She never
gave up. She belived that her hard work would be paid off.
Vandra was amazed at the horse cart rider’s story. What a great woman.
At the frist break, Arin went to the school library. As usual, she walked towrds she fiction
section, her favourite one. She took an interesting storybook from the shelf, then sat at the
corner. The book was about a handsome and brave prince who tried to free a princess from a
Arin way very sleepy. She didn’t realise that she fell asleep while reading. On her dream, she
was the princess who was saved by the prince. The giant didn’t let Arin go. He held her strongly
and she struggled to get loose. Consequently she fell down to the ground. Suddenly, Arin heard
people laughing. She opened her eyes and saw several students looking and laughing at her.
Arin was confused, but she finaly realised what had happened. She dreamt about the story in the
book she read. For matters wors, she tell down from the chair due to her dream.
On Monday morning Adi woke up late.. Before leaving for school, his mother reminded him of
having breakfast, but he refused. He was afraid of being late. Adi arrived at school only one
minute before the bell rang. All students walked towards the school yard. They would have a
flag hoisting ceremony.
It was very hot and the sun shone very brightly. During the ceremony, Adi felt dizzy and his
eyes were blurred. He tried to stand up still, but he could bot hold on. He trembled and fainted.
He didm’t know what happened next . When he opened her eyes, he was in the medical room
with his class teacher and Riski, his best friend. Riski gave him a glass of hot tea and a piece of
I just returned from my holiday in my uncle’s house in Malang. During the time, i visited many
interesting places, such as Jatim Park 1 and 2, Museum Angkut, Batu Night Spectacular and
Mount Bromo. However, the most memorable is my trip to mount Bromo. However, the most
memorable is my trip to Mount Bromo. It is the most exotic place i’ve ever seen.
At that time i went with my uncle’s family. We went there by car in middle of night and arrived
at around 3:30 a.m. There were already many people there. They all wore thick jackets, gloves
and beanies, so did we. It was so cold that we were going to freeze. Soon, we could adapt to the
Later on we moved to Penanjakan Peak to see the sunrise. Later on we withnessed such a
magnificent sunrise. Luckily, the weather was so fine that we all could see that shinning golden
ball very clearly. Then, we walked up to the top of Mount Bromo. It was really hard because we
had to walk through thick sand desert while it was rather cold. Arriving at the top, it was so
amazing! Trush me, you should go there one day. What a wonderful place!
Overall my last holiday is the best moment of my life. I wash i have another chance to explore
Malang City.
Last week my friend and i were bored after two weeks of holidays, so we rode our bicycles to a
beach, which is only five kilometres from where we live.
When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see only a few visitors there. After having a
quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realised why there were not many people
there. it was also quite windy.
After we bought several hot chips at the take-away store nearby, we rode our bicycles down the
beach for a while , on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the behind us. Unwittingly, we
were many miles down the beach.
Before we made the long trip back we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and
then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, we realised that all
the way back we would be riding into the strong wind.
When we finally arrived home, we were both totally exhausted!
My elder sister and i are moving into a new house this weekend, so we decided to do shopping
to furnish the place.
First, we went to an appliance store not too far from our new house, and we bought a
refrigerator for the kitchen. You really can’t live without one because you have to keep your
food cold or frozen so it doesn’t spoil. Then, we bought a washing machine to wash and dry our
clotes. We don’t want to go to a laundromat to do this every week like we used to do when we
are in a boarding house. Next, we bought a rice cooker. We certainly need one because it can
make life easier. You simply put the rice into the cooker and press the cooking button, then you
can do other chores while the cooker is cooking the rice finally, we picked up a microwave
oven. if we are in a hurry and don’t have time to cook, we can place the food in the microwave
and heat it up quickly.
We haven’t purchased everything we need to furnish our new place, but we think we have the
basic appliances to make life more comforable for now.
21.The text tells us about the writer and her sister’s …..
A. new house
B. household chores
C. shopping experience
D. activities at new house
22.Where did the story take place?
A. At their new house
B. At an appliance store
C. At a furniture store
D. At their boarding house
23.From the text, it can be inferred that the writer and her sister….
A. bought a dishwasher
B. just moved to a new house
C. use to wash their clothes
D. stay at a boarding house at the time
24.“…. so it doesn’t spoil” ( Paragraph 2 )
The word ‘it’ refers to ….
A. the rice
B. the food
C. the house
D. the refrigerator
One morning i met my father outside the school gate. Prior to this, i received my teacher’s
permission to be temporarily excused from class. i would collect some items from my father.
My father handed me my exmination result slip which he had signed. Also, he handed a consent
form for the Track and Field Training Camp which i would take part in. My father scolded me
for being irresponsible. i just kept silent and told him that i had to return to my class. My fater
the quickly left for work.
I rushed back to my class . However, i did not place my wallet, which contained money, in my
pocket carefully. I dropped it and i didn’t notice it. The money was the fee for the Track and
Field Training Camp!
Aspek yang
No Bentuk Penilaian Instrumen Penilaian Waktu Penilaian
1 Diagnostic Questioner dan Soal Tes Qustioner Sebelum KBM di
wawancara Wawancara mulai
2 Formatif Unjuk kerja Pengamatan unjuk Pada saat
Laporan tertulis kerja presentasi
Penilaian laporan Pengumpulan
tertulis tugas
3 Sumatif Tes tertulis Soal tes Pada saat Ujian
Asesmen Diagnostik
Kunci Jawaban
1. A
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D
Jumlah jawaban A :…
Skor yang diperoleh : Jumlah Jawaban B :…
Jumlah Jawaban C :…
Kesimpulan Hasil Tes dan Rekomendasi
Apabila jawaban yang Anda dengan kecenderungan gaya belajar visual
paling banyak adalah A Anda akan mencapai prestasi belajar yang optimal apabila memanfaatkan
kemampuan visual Anda.
Anda dapat membuat sendiri peta konsep atau ringkasan materi perkuliahan.
Apabila jawaban A dan C Anda memiliki gabungan gaya belajar visual dan kinestetik.
sama banyak Ada hal tertentu yang Anda akan belajar efektif jika menggunakan gaya belajar visual,
dan ada hal lain yang Anda akan belajar efektif jika menggunakan gaya belajar
kinestetik. Bahkan, kadang jika kedua gaya belajar digunakan, akan lebih optimal.
Apabila jawaban B dan C Anda memiliki gabungan gaya belajar auditori dan kinestetik.
sama banyak Ada hal tertentu yang Anda akan belajar efektif jika menggunakan gaya belajar
auditori, dan ada hal lain yang Anda akan belajar efektif jika menggunakan gaya
belajar kinestetik. Bahkan, kadang jika kedua gaya belajar digunakan,
akan lebih optimal.
1. C 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. C 6. C