DR Flash S Answers To Biology
DR Flash S Answers To Biology
DR Flash S Answers To Biology
70. In food web, hyenas and vultures are 80. Clay soil is made up of sand, clay and
(a) primary consumers (b) humus; Tue or False?
predators (c) Scavengers (d) Ans: True
decomposers 81. Which soil is well aerated
Ans: C Ans: Sandy
71. A wolf had just eaten a lamb. When 82. Loamy soil is made up of sand, clay,
tiger saw that wolf attacked and silt and humus; True or False?
consumed it, the tiger in ecological Ans: True
terms is (a) producer (b) primary 83. Rock that are formed from molten
consumer (c) secondary consumer (d) magma on cooling
tertiary consumer Ans: Igneous rock
Ans: D 84. Rock that formed after eruption above
72. Eutrophic lake means (a) poor in the earth surface are called what
nutrient lake (b) lake rich in nutrient Ans: Extrusive rock
(c) lake poor in flora and funna (d) 85. Bar salt is an example of which rock
lake lacking water Ans: Igneous rock
Ans: B 86. Shale is an example of which rock
73.The number of primary producer Ans: Sedimentary
within a specified area would be 87. Rocks that are formed by consolidation
maximum in (a) pond product of welding are called?
ecosystem (6) grassland ecosystem (c) Ans: Sedimentary
desert ecosystem (d) forest ecosystem 88. Relative humidity can be measured by?
Ans: A Ans: Hygrometer
74. Which one of the following component 89. Capillary action in clay soil is very
of the ecosystem comes from outside high; True or False
(a) oxygen (b) temperature (c) insects Ans: True
(d) energy 90. Capillary action in sandy soil is very
Ans: D low or False
75. On the global basis, the maximum Ans: True
productivity is shown by (a) 91. Which soil retains water most
aquatic ecosystem (b) grassland Ans: Clay soil
ecosystem (c) forest ecosystem (d) 92. Which instrument is used to measure
desert ecosystem wind speed
Ans: A Ans: Anemometer
76. The pyramid of number in a grassland 93. Air pressure can be measured by
ecosystem is (a) always erect Ans: Barometer
(b) always inverted (c) either erect or 94. Which instrument is used to measure
inverted (d) iregular water depth
Ans: A Ans: depth gauge
77. Which instrument in ecological studies 95. Dolomite is an example of which rock
is used for catching forest running Ans: Sedimentary
invertebrates 96. Rocks formed from pre-existing rocks
Ans: Pooter are called
78. Which instrument is used for coaxing Ans: Metamorphic rock
small animals from soil 97.Quartzite is an example of which rock
Ans: Tullgren funnel Ans: Metamorphic
79. Sandy soil is ade up of sand, clay, silt 98. The composition of the soil that consist
and humus True or False? of decaying plant and animal remains
Ans: True IS
Ans: Humus
99. Soil contains air; True or False Ans: Parasitism
Ans: True 116. The ability to hold on to the surface
100. refers to the proportion of of the host body for some time is an
sand, silt and clay in the soil example of parasitic adaption True or
Ans: Soil texture False?
101. The arrangement of the primary Ans: True
particles and the aggregate of soil is 117. Presence of specialized boring
called? organ is an example of parasitic
Ans: Soil structure association true or false
102. Which soil is easily carried by Ans: True
erosion 118. Secretion of enzyme to dissolve
Ans: Sandy soil tissue is an example of parasitic
103. Which soil is easily water logged association true or false?
Ans: Clay soil Ans: True
104. Which soil has a high cation 119. Possession of compound eye is an
exchange capacity example of parasitic adaption true or
Ans: Clay soil false?
105. Which soil has particles that are Ans: False
sharp to feel when rubbed 120. Presence of good means of
Ans: Sandy soil reproduction which ensures production
106. Light intensity can be measured by of many offspring is an example of
Ans: Photometer parasitic association true or false?
107. The energy flow in food chain is Ans: True
unidirectional: True or False? 121. Root like structure of parasitic
Ans: True fungi which penetrate cell wall is
108. which savanna exist around lake called
chad ns: Haustoria
Ans: Sahel savanna 122. The dodder plant is a full parasitic
109. which biome have an average plant true of false
temperature of 10°C with dwarf shrubs Ans: Truue
Ans: Tundra 123. The penetrating organ of parasitic
110. Air is less dense than H,O True or plant is called
False? Ans: Haustoria
Ans: True 124. Mistletoe is a
partial parasite plant
111. Bacterial which are involved in true or false
mutualistic combination with ruminant Ans: True
animals are usually found with which 125. Haustoria of parasitic plant do not
stomach compartment cause damage to the parasitic plant true
Ans: Rumen and reticulum or false?
112. In lichen, which member prevents Ans: True
the other member form desiccation 126. The mouth part of lice is adapted to
Ans: Fungi
113. Rhizobium is found in part of Ans: piercing and sucking
bean plant 127 The mouth part of fleas is adapted
Ans: Root module to what?
140. The euphobia plant grows in what chromosomal genetic material (d) none
region? of the above
Ans: Xerophyte Ans: C
141. The gas associated with 153. Bacterial and other monera do not
greenhouse effect is? possess _? (a) ribosome (6)
Ans: CO2 mitochondria (c) nucleotide (d) plasma
142. is formed when oxides of membrane
nitrogen and hydrocarbons reacts in the Ans: B
presence of sunlight to form hazy 154. Cassava is an example of which
mixture of gases crop
Ans: Smog Ans: Biennial
143. A method of preventing soil 155. List the body cavity, body
erosion which prevent water from symmetry of liver fluke
washing away the top soil down the Ans: Bilaterally symmetrical,
slope of a land is called acoelomates
Ans: Contour ploughing 156. Platyhelminthes lack anus.
Ans: Truee Ans: Cytoplasmic strand
157. Nematodes are cylindrical 174. The umbrella shape of mushroom
unsegmented with false body cavity Is called
true or false Ans: Pileus
Ans: True 175. The umbrella shape of the
mushroom is attached to the structure
The true
or false
of annelids are not
that bears it by
Ans: true Ans: Annulus
159. Sea lily falls into which phylum 176. Water leaf is an angiosperm
Ans: Echinoderm true/false
160. Newts falls under what class Ans: True
Ans: Amphibians 177. Bacteria vius are called
161. Animals that lay hard shell eggs Ans: Bacteriophage
are usually 178. The protein coat in the bacteria
Ans: Oviparous Virus is?
162. How many heart chamber has the Ans: Capsid
duck 179. Polio is an example of which
Ans: 4 Virus?