DR Flash S Answers To Biology

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Coniferous and deciduous forest occur

1. The word ecology is from a Greek in region
word which means Ans: Temperature region
Ans: Dwelling place 16. When the annual rainfall is below
2. List the level of organization of life to 300mm forest will give way to form
the level of ecological organization Ans: Desert
Ans: Cell tissue > organ> 17. List the four major local biome found
in Nigeria
system organism
consist of the factors found in Ans: Mangrove swamp, tropical
the surrounding and the factors that rainforest, montane and savanna
affect the organism 8. t y p e of forest include small,
Ans: Environment evergreen, broad leave trees, growing
Animals that dwell in tree tops are in shallow, brackish water or wet soil?
called Ans: Mangrove swamp
Ans: Arboreal 19 type of forest occur in region
5. The aphid lives on the young shoot of that lie between the equator and
plant, these young shoot can be latitude 5 N and 10°N and S
described as to the aphid Ans: Tropical rain forest
Ans: Niche 20. Which forest is found around delta
6. The feeding and breeding habitat of an region of Lagos, Bendel, Rivers and
organism in a habitat is called Cross-River
Ans: Ecological Niche Ans: Mangrove swamp
7. In ecology, a swarm of bees on a tree 21. Which forest has a total annual rainfall
is referred to as usually above 250mm
Ans: Population Ans: Mangrove swamp
8. The number of organism on a rotten 22. Which forest is made up of epiphytic
log is referred to as plant and wood climber
Ans: community Ans: Tropical rain forest
. is the largest of the level of 23. Which forest has mean total annual
rainfall of 2000mm
biological organizationAns: Biosphere Ans: Tropical rainforest
10. Lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere; 24. Which forest does the three form, three
which consist of the highest number of layers of strata and the three tops form
organisms a canopy hat prevents sunlight from
Ans: Hydrosphere reaching the forest floor
11. The second largest group of organisms Ans: Tropical raînforest
is found in which of the above 25. Which forest is made up of the biotic
Ans: Lithosphere communities of mountains
12. The living part of an ecosystem is Ans: Montane Savanna
called_ 26. Tropical grass land are often called
Ans: Biotic community Ans: Savanna
13. List the two important factors that 27. Which forest are characterized by low
determines the type of vegetation of a temperature, high rainfall and high
biome relative humidity, where biotic
Ans: Rainfall and Temperature community are greatly followed by
14.. type of forest occurs in abundant grazing animals
equatorial area where temperature is Ans: Montane forest
high all-round the year 28. West Africa Savanna has how many
Ans: Tropical rain forest belt
Ans: 3 belts
29. savanna borders the rain forest Ans: B
Ans: Guinea savanna 43. When food energy passes from
30. Which savanna is found in part of herbivore to canivore (a) some energy
Kaduna, Kwara and Benue State is increased (6) some energy is
Ans: Guinea Savanna decreased (c) remains unchanged (d)
31. Density population x area
of habitat none of the above
Ans: Size Ans: B
32. The average number of individual per 44. Which of the cycle is concemed with
unit area is? energy flow in the ecosystem (a) food
Ans: population density cycle (b) oxygen cycle (c) chlorine
33 refers to the way in which cycle (d) all of the above
individuals of a particular population Ans: A
are arranged in a given habitat 45. In a given ecosystem, number of
Ans: Distribution individuals of species remains more or
34.. refers to how often the specie less constant over a period of time. The
occur at different site in a habitat constancy of the number is maintained
Ans: Frequency by (a) parasite (b) predators (c) man
35. A rectangular or square frame made (d) available food
from thick wire used in population Ans: D
study is called 46. Which group of living organis1m given
Ans: Quadrant below is a link in food chain between
36.technique or population study green plant and hawk (a) grasshopper
involves marking tape at continuous frog snake (b) millipede
interval and stretching it across the centipede sparrow (c) grasshopper
ratsnail (d) earthworm -> hen>
Ans: transept method rat
37. The study of how a population changes Ans: A
Over time is called 47. The bacterial which attack dead
Ans: population ecology animals are (a) first ink of the food
38. Acidic soil support very little chain and are known as primary
vegetation? True or False producers (b) second link of the food
Ans:'True chain and are herbivorous (c) third link
39. In the ecosystem, lithosphere is of the food chain and are tertiary
concerned with? consumers (d) the end of food chain
Ans: Terrestrial life and are decomposers
40. The net primary productivity of an Ans: D
ecosystem is (a) total weight of green 48. Which statement is correct regarding
plant + respiratory loss (b) total weight man made ecosystem (a) they are
of green plant + respiratory loss (c) highly efficient (b) they are poor in
respiratory loss alone (d) none of the diversity (c) they are vulnerable to
above drought, floods and diseases (d) all of
Ans: A the above
41. Primary producer of an ecosystem is Ans: D
(a) herbivore (b) carnivore (c) both a 49. Detritus food chain starts from (a) dead
and b (d) green plant organic matter (6) green plants (c)
Ans: D zooplanktons (d) none of the above
42. Which of the following are consumers Ans: A
of second order (a) herbivore (b) 50. Whale is. (a) primary producer (b)
canivore (c) top camivores (d) none of camivorous secondary consumer (c)
the above decomposer (d) herbivores
Ans: B 60. In an
51. A natural ecosystem ,
ccosystem, they are more prey
(a) depends an predators. The relation is called
on man (6) depends on plant (c) ( a ) food web (b) predator prey
depends on animals (d) it is auto relation (c) pyramid of numbers (d)
operated succession
Ans: D Ans: C
52. Which of the following in an 61. Pyramid of numbers becomes partly
ecosystem exhibit one way flow (a) inverted, partly erect for? (a) aquatic
potassium (b) carbon (c) free energy ecosystem (b) terrestrial ecosystem (c)
(d) nitrogen tree ecosystem (d) all of the above
Ans: C Ans: C
53. Plankton, nekton and benthos are not 62. The pyramid and biomas and pyramid
the component of? (a) river ecosystem of number represents (a) the rate
(b) oceanic ecosystem (c) savanna of flow of energy (b) the rate of food
ecosystem (d) lake production (c) standing Crop (d)
Ans: C Relationship among organism
54. Micro consumers are (a) Ans: D
primary consumers (6) Ssecondary 63. Under what condition the upright
consumers (c) tertiary consumer (d) pyramid of biomass becomes inverted
decomposers (a) grassland ecosystem (b) terrestrial
Ans: D ecosystem (c) pond ecosystem (d) tree
55. The tropic level of mushroom is (a) ecosystem
producer (6) primary consumer (c) Ans: C
secondary consumer (d) decomposers 64. In an ecosystem, the largest population
Ans: D is (a) producer (b) consumer (¢)
56. The tropic level of sulphur bacterial is decomposers (d) omnivores
(a) producer (b) consumer (c) Ans: A
decomposers (d) 65. Which of the following has the greatest
sapotrophic amount of energy (a) insectivores (b)
Ans: A carnivore (c) herbivore (d) autotrophs
57. If plants (producers) of an ecosystem Ans: I
dies, then the system (a) cannot 66. Herbivores are (a) primary
produce food (b) is seriously affected consumers (6) secondary producers (c)
(C) can have more producers (d) is not secondary consumer (d) tertiary
much affected Consumers
Ans: B Ans: A
58. The order of organisms in an aquatic 67. Which one of the following systems
food chain is (a) bacterial seal > constitute the primary producers (a)
diatom diatom fish (b) higher plant (b) algae phytoplankton
crustaceans seal fish> polar (c) bryophytes (d) all of the above
bear (c) polar bear - diatom seal Ans: D
crustaceans (d) diatom 68. The second order of consumers in a
crustaceans fish > seal > bacterial food chain is (a) cattle (b) deer (c) tiger
Ans: D (d) goat
59. An ecosystem resist change because Ans: C
is in a state of (a) homeostasis (b) 69. In an ecosystem, energy flows in (a)
regular illumination (c) static one direction (b) two direction (c) four
imbalance (d) food accumulation direction (d) all direction
Ans: A Ans: A

70. In food web, hyenas and vultures are 80. Clay soil is made up of sand, clay and
(a) primary consumers (b) humus; Tue or False?
predators (c) Scavengers (d) Ans: True
decomposers 81. Which soil is well aerated
Ans: C Ans: Sandy
71. A wolf had just eaten a lamb. When 82. Loamy soil is made up of sand, clay,
tiger saw that wolf attacked and silt and humus; True or False?
consumed it, the tiger in ecological Ans: True
terms is (a) producer (b) primary 83. Rock that are formed from molten
consumer (c) secondary consumer (d) magma on cooling
tertiary consumer Ans: Igneous rock
Ans: D 84. Rock that formed after eruption above
72. Eutrophic lake means (a) poor in the earth surface are called what
nutrient lake (b) lake rich in nutrient Ans: Extrusive rock
(c) lake poor in flora and funna (d) 85. Bar salt is an example of which rock
lake lacking water Ans: Igneous rock
Ans: B 86. Shale is an example of which rock
73.The number of primary producer Ans: Sedimentary
within a specified area would be 87. Rocks that are formed by consolidation
maximum in (a) pond product of welding are called?
ecosystem (6) grassland ecosystem (c) Ans: Sedimentary
desert ecosystem (d) forest ecosystem 88. Relative humidity can be measured by?
Ans: A Ans: Hygrometer
74. Which one of the following component 89. Capillary action in clay soil is very
of the ecosystem comes from outside high; True or False
(a) oxygen (b) temperature (c) insects Ans: True
(d) energy 90. Capillary action in sandy soil is very
Ans: D low or False
75. On the global basis, the maximum Ans: True
productivity is shown by (a) 91. Which soil retains water most
aquatic ecosystem (b) grassland Ans: Clay soil
ecosystem (c) forest ecosystem (d) 92. Which instrument is used to measure
desert ecosystem wind speed
Ans: A Ans: Anemometer
76. The pyramid of number in a grassland 93. Air pressure can be measured by
ecosystem is (a) always erect Ans: Barometer
(b) always inverted (c) either erect or 94. Which instrument is used to measure
inverted (d) iregular water depth
Ans: A Ans: depth gauge
77. Which instrument in ecological studies 95. Dolomite is an example of which rock
is used for catching forest running Ans: Sedimentary
invertebrates 96. Rocks formed from pre-existing rocks
Ans: Pooter are called
78. Which instrument is used for coaxing Ans: Metamorphic rock
small animals from soil 97.Quartzite is an example of which rock
Ans: Tullgren funnel Ans: Metamorphic
79. Sandy soil is ade up of sand, clay, silt 98. The composition of the soil that consist
and humus True or False? of decaying plant and animal remains
Ans: True IS
Ans: Humus
99. Soil contains air; True or False Ans: Parasitism
Ans: True 116. The ability to hold on to the surface
100. refers to the proportion of of the host body for some time is an
sand, silt and clay in the soil example of parasitic adaption True or
Ans: Soil texture False?
101. The arrangement of the primary Ans: True
particles and the aggregate of soil is 117. Presence of specialized boring
called? organ is an example of parasitic
Ans: Soil structure association true or false
102. Which soil is easily carried by Ans: True
erosion 118. Secretion of enzyme to dissolve
Ans: Sandy soil tissue is an example of parasitic
103. Which soil is easily water logged association true or false?
Ans: Clay soil Ans: True
104. Which soil has a high cation 119. Possession of compound eye is an
exchange capacity example of parasitic adaption true or
Ans: Clay soil false?
105. Which soil has particles that are Ans: False
sharp to feel when rubbed 120. Presence of good means of
Ans: Sandy soil reproduction which ensures production
106. Light intensity can be measured by of many offspring is an example of
Ans: Photometer parasitic association true or false?
107. The energy flow in food chain is Ans: True
unidirectional: True or False? 121. Root like structure of parasitic
Ans: True fungi which penetrate cell wall is
108. which savanna exist around lake called
chad ns: Haustoria
Ans: Sahel savanna 122. The dodder plant is a full parasitic
109. which biome have an average plant true of false
temperature of 10°C with dwarf shrubs Ans: Truue
Ans: Tundra 123. The penetrating organ of parasitic
110. Air is less dense than H,O True or plant is called
False? Ans: Haustoria
Ans: True 124. Mistletoe is a
partial parasite plant
111. Bacterial which are involved in true or false
mutualistic combination with ruminant Ans: True
animals are usually found with which 125. Haustoria of parasitic plant do not
stomach compartment cause damage to the parasitic plant true
Ans: Rumen and reticulum or false?
112. In lichen, which member prevents Ans: True
the other member form desiccation 126. The mouth part of lice is adapted to
Ans: Fungi
113. Rhizobium is found in part of Ans: piercing and sucking
bean plant 127 The mouth part of fleas is adapted
Ans: Root module to what?

114. The association between the Ans: piercing and sucking

hermite crab and the hydra is called 128. The tapeworm lives a sedentary life
Ans: Commensalism in the bones of human true or false
I15. The association between the Ans: False
taenia solium and pig is
129. The taenia solium lacks hooks true 144.
or false?
The method of preventing soil
erosion which involves barriers placed
Ans: False along the contour of a land is called
130. The segment closer to the scolex Ans: Terracing
are more matured true or falsee 145. Ginger falls into which type of
Ans: False crop (a) lactose (b) fibre (c) stimulant
131. The taenia saginata uses its hooks (d) spices
to attach to the intestine true or false Ans: D
Ans: False 146. The chief component of cell wall is
132. The tapeworm has no mouth true (a) cellulose and chitin (6) cellulose
or false? and protein (c) amino acid and
Ans: True polysaccharide (d) cellulose and
133. The tapeworm has no respiratory carbohydrates
system true or false Ans: C
Ans: True 147. Bacterial whose cell is curved or
134. Tapewornm has no nervous system comma is called?
true or false Ans: Vibro
Ans: False 148. Main difference between gram +ve
135. Tapeworm has no circulatory and gram -ve lies in the (b) cilia (b)
system true or false? cell wall (c) nucleus (d) cytoplasm
Ans: True Ans: IB
136. Tapeworm has no excretory system 149. The habitat of E. coli is (a) water
true or false (b) colon (c) organic food (d) soil
Ans: false Ans: B
137. The secondary host of tapeworm 150. Nucleoid is present in (a)
is? bacterial (6) virus (c) slime mould (d)
Ans: pig or cow fungi
138. An inactive tapeworm during its Ans: A
life cycle is called 151. When ccci are present in bunch
Ans: Bladder worm they are called?
I39. When an organism exceed it Ans: Staphylococci
tolerance range it experiences 152. Plasmids aree (a) viruses (b)
Ans: Physiological stress new miro-organism (C) extra-

140. The euphobia plant grows in what chromosomal genetic material (d) none
region? of the above
Ans: Xerophyte Ans: C
141. The gas associated with 153. Bacterial and other monera do not
greenhouse effect is? possess _? (a) ribosome (6)
Ans: CO2 mitochondria (c) nucleotide (d) plasma
142. is formed when oxides of membrane
nitrogen and hydrocarbons reacts in the Ans: B
presence of sunlight to form hazy 154. Cassava is an example of which
mixture of gases crop
Ans: Smog Ans: Biennial
143. A method of preventing soil 155. List the body cavity, body
erosion which prevent water from symmetry of liver fluke
washing away the top soil down the Ans: Bilaterally symmetrical,
slope of a land is called acoelomates
Ans: Contour ploughing 156. Platyhelminthes lack anus.


Ans: Truee Ans: Cytoplasmic strand
157. Nematodes are cylindrical 174. The umbrella shape of mushroom
unsegmented with false body cavity Is called
true or false Ans: Pileus
Ans: True 175. The umbrella shape of the
mushroom is attached to the structure
The true
or false
of annelids are not
that bears it by
Ans: true Ans: Annulus
159. Sea lily falls into which phylum 176. Water leaf is an angiosperm
Ans: Echinoderm true/false
160. Newts falls under what class Ans: True
Ans: Amphibians 177. Bacteria vius are called
161. Animals that lay hard shell eggs Ans: Bacteriophage
are usually 178. The protein coat in the bacteria
Ans: Oviparous Virus is?
162. How many heart chamber has the Ans: Capsid
duck 179. Polio is an example of which
Ans: 4 Virus?

163. The DNA of nostoc is found Ans: RNA virus

Ans: Cytoplasm 180. Herpes virus is an example of
164. The mitochondria of oscilatoria is which virus
found where Ans: DNA virus
Ans: Oscilatoria as n0 181. Which disease is characterized by
mitochondria fever, meningeal symptom and
165. The body of fungi is differentiated paralysis of some body part
into leaves, stem and root. True or Ans: Polio
false 182. Which disease is characterized by
Ans: False spots with blisters, fever?
166. Fungi absorbs bread as Ans: Chicken pox, small pox
Ans: Glucose 183. HIV is an example of which vius?
167. Chlamydomonas has how many Ans: RNA virus
contractile vacuole 184. HIV attacks and destroys certain
Ans: 2 group of white blood cells called?
168. What is the shape of the Ans: Helper T cells or lymphocytes
chloroplast of chlamydomonas 185. Treponema pallidum has which
Ans: Cupped shaped shape?
169. The eye spot of chlamydomonas Ans: Spiralle or corkscrew
respond to 186. Sexually transmitted diseases are
Ans: Light called?
170. Spirogyra is a filamentous Ans: Venereal disease
unbranched algae true/false 187. The bacteria that causes dysentery
Ans: True has which shape?
171. All lls that makes up the Ans: Rod-like
spirogyra are similar true/false 188. The causative agent for lock jaw
Ans: True is?
172. What is the shape of the Ans: Clostridium Tetani
chloroplast in spirogyra 189. The causative agent for whooping
Ans: Cup shape cough is called?
173. The nucleus of spirogyra is Ans: Haemophilus pertussis
suspended by
190. The causative agent for leprosy is Ans: Truue
called? 205. The muscles of the heart are
Ans: Mycobacterium leprae smooth muscle. True or False
191. The process whereby the hair of Ans: False
hide is removed by the action of 206. Arcella is a shelled amoeba, True
bacteria is called? or False?

Ans: Tanning Ans. True

192. What is the causative agent for 207. The type of skeleton that uses fluid
athlete's foot pressure is?
Ans: Tinea pedis Ans: Hydrostatic Skeleton
193. What is the causative agent for ring 208. Sea Anemone possess which type
worm? of skeleton?
Ans: Tinea versicolor Ans: Hydrostatic Skeleton
194. Which fungi is used to ripen 209. Chitin is hardened by the deposit of
cheese? Ans: proteins
Ans: penicillin 210. Chitin is a carbohydrate similar to
195. An infected female mosquito Ans. Cellulose
injects which stage of plasmodium into 211. A tough elastic and
humans? Semitransparent dewid of blood vessel
Ans: Sporozoite and nereo is called
196. On reaching the liver, plasmodium Ans: Cartilage
reproduces asexually to form another 212. acts as a shock
type called? absorber cushioning the bones moving
Ans: Merozoite against bones.
197. Which stage of plasmodium attacks Ans. Cartilage
the red blood cell? 213. The type of cartilage that allows
Ans: Merozoite the expansion of the pubis during child
198. River blindness is transmitted by? birth is
Ans: Black ly Ans. Elastic
199. Which disease is characterized by 214. List three important minerals that
the presence of blood in faeces and makes up the organ of inorganic
urine contracted from contaminated components of the bone
water? Ans: Ca, Mg, Phosphorus
Ans: Schitosomas/Bilhazasis 215. The lightest bone of the body are
200. Which feathers of the birds are found where?
found on the head Ans: Ear
Ans: Bristle 216. The part of the bone that is found
201. A common opening for both between the two head is
excretion and reproduction in pigeon Ans: Shaft
is? 217. The bone of the patella are
Ans: Cloaca example of the short bones, True or
202. The membrane surrounding the Ans: True
muscle fibre is called 218. The scapular is an example of short
Ans: Sarcolema bone, True or False
203. Each muscle fibre is filled with Ans: False
specialized cytoplasm called? 219. List the main bones that makes up
Ans: Sarcoplasm the cranium
204. Skeletal muscles are voluntary Ans: Parental, Frontal, Oscipital,
muscles, True or False? Temporal
220. The large hole found at the base of 236. The Joint found at the wrist is?
the cranium is called? Ans: Gliding and sliding
Ans: Foramen Magnum 237. Bone to bone is held together by
221. allow the movement of
Ans: Ligament
bones of the head of a baby in order to 238. The type of joint that restricts
pass through the pelvic of the mother movement on only one plane is
Ans: Frontalis Ans: Joint
222. The Vertebral Column is also 239. The synovial membrane encloses a
called spinal column, True of False space called?
Ans: True Ans: Synovial Cavity
223. The vertebral column is made up of 240. The type of cartilage that seals the
how many short bones end of bones involved in joint
Ans: 33 formation is
224. In Rabbit, the tail vetebral is how Ans: Hyalin cartilage
many in number? 241. The humerus fits into the scapular
Ans: 16 to form which type of joint?
225. How many cervical vertebra is Ans: ball and Socket joint
found in Rat? 242. The femur forms which type of
Ans: joint with the ischium
226. The transverse process of the Ans: ball and socket
cervical vertebral is called 243. The type of joint that exists at the
Ans: Cervical Rib finger is
227. Which vertebral contribute to the Ans: Hlinge
formation of the rib cage 244. In the elbow, the hinge joint is
Ans: Thoracic Vertebrate formed between and_
228. Which vertebrae prevents sagging Ans: humerus and Ulna
in posture of tall people? 245. At the kneel, the hinge joint is
Ans: Lumbar between. -andAns: Femur and tibia
229. Which vertebral has numerous
holes for the passage and protection of 246. The type of joint that allows
nerve fibre? shaking of the head from side to side is
Ans: The Lower Rilbs Ans: Pivot joint
230. Which vertebrate supports a 247. Bones of the toes are called
pregnant girl? Ans: Phalanges
Ans: Lumber 248. Bones of the ankle are called:
231. The bones involved in gliding joint Ans: Tarsals
are held together by which cartilage? 249. Fine bones of the foot are called?
Ans: Fibro Cartilage Ans: Metatarsals
232. The joint that exist among the bone 250. The hollow or cavity found at the
of the skull is hip bone is called
Ans: sucture Ans: Acetebullum
233. The joint that exist between the 251. Bones of the wrist are called?
bones of the pelvic girdle is Ans: Carpals
Ans: Sucture Joint 252. Bones of the hand are called?
234. The joint that exist between the Ans: metacarpals
sacrum and iliac of the pelvic girdle is 253. Bone of the digits are called?
Ans: Sucture joint Ans: Phalanges
235. The joint that exist between the 254. The trochlea of the Humerus fits
clavicle and sternum is? into the elbow joint through a notch
Ans: Gliding Joint called?
Asn: Sigmoid notch parenchyma cell (E) xylem and sieve
255. Which vertebra provides process tubes
for the attachment of abdominal Ans: (E)
muscles 268. The fibre cells of plant are a type
Ans: Lumbar Vertebrae of (A) parenchyma (B) sclerenchyma
256. A small piece of bone at the base (C) collenchyma (D) meristematic
of the vertebra is called? cells (E) phloem
Ans: Centrum Ans: (B)
257. The extra process peculiar to the 269. One important difference between
lumbar vertebra is the anatomy of roots and the anatomy
of leaf is that
Ans: Anapophysis
The process that form the pivot (A) only leaf have phloem and only
joint of the axis vertebra is called roots have xylem
Ans: Odontiod process (B) The cells of roots have cell wall
259. Which vertebra has the most that are lacking in leaf cells.
massive centrum (C) A waxy cuticle covers leaf but it is
Ans: Lumbar absent in root
260. A depression in the scapular is (D) Vascular tissue is found in root but
called? is absent from leaves
Ans: Glenoid Cavity Ans: (C)
261. Which vertebra has the longest 270. What tissue make up the wood of a
neural spine? tree (A) Primary xylem (B) secondary
Ans: Thoracic Vertebra xylem (C) secondary phloem (D)
262. The sacra vertebra in man is how mesophyll cell (E) vascular cambium
many in number? Ans: (B)
Ans:5 271. All of the following cell types are
263. The polished part of the neural arch corectly matched except
at the anterior view of the vertebra is (A)mesophyll- photosynthesis
called? (B) guard cell - transpiration

Ans: Prezygapophysis (C) sievetube transpiration

of sugar
264. The polished part of the neural arc (D) vessel- water transport
at the posterior view of the vertebra is (E) companion cells - formation of

secondary xylem and phloem

Ans: Postzygapophysis
265. Vascular tissue include all the Ans: (E)
following cell except 272. which of
following tissue gives
(A) vessels (B) sieve cells (C) rise to secondary root (A) endodermis
tracheids (D) companion cells (E) (B) phloem (C) cortex (D) epidermis
cambium cells (E) pericyele
Ans: (E) Ans: (E)
266. The photosynthetic cells in the 273. Additional vascular tissue
interior of a leaf are what kind of cells produced as secondary growth in root
(A) parenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) or stem originate from which cell. (A)
shclerenchyma (D) phloem (E vascular cambium (B) apical meristem
endodermis (C) endodermis (D) phloem (E) xylem.
Ans: (A) Ans: (A)
267. A functional plant cell that lacks a 274. A student examining a leaf growth
nucleus is section under a microscope finds many
(A) xylem (B) sieve tubes (C) loosely packed cells with relatively
companion cells (D) companion and thin walls. The cell have numerous
chloroplast, these cells are; (A)
Parenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) ii. Solute are actively transported into
xylem (D) scerenchyma (E) sieve elements
endodermis v. Sugar is transported from cell to
Ans: (A)) cell in leafs.
275. pores on the leaf surface that v. Sugar moves down the stem.
function in gas exchange are called Ans: 2-4-3-1-
Ans: Stomata 5
276. Bark 281 Root hairs are most important to
(A)Is composed of phloem + periderm plant because
(B) Is associated with annual cr0ops (A) they anchor a plant to the soil
not perennial (B) they store starch
(C)Is formed by apical meristerm (C) increase Surface area for
(D)Forms annual rings absorption
Ans: (A) (D) provide habitat for nitrogen fixing
277. The opening of stomata is thought bacteria
to involvee Ans: (C)
(A) an increase in osmotic 282. All of the following are elements
concentration of the guard cell that plants need in very small amount
(B) a decrease in the osmotic conc. Of except (A) Ha (B) Fe (C) CI d Cu (E)
stomata Zn
(C) active transport of water into guard Ans: (A)
cell 283. In the nutrient of a plant, which
(D)decrease in turgor pressure in guard element is classified as macro element?
cell (A)Zn (B) Ci(C)Ca (D) Mg
Ans: (A) Ans. (A)
278. water entering the vascular bundles 284. Which of the following is the
of the root from the cortex must pass major role of K in plant
(A) Osmotic regulation (B)
through: (A) companion (B) phloem photosynthesis (C) ATP synthesis (D)
(C)endodermal cytoplasm (D)
epidermis Reproduction (E) Lipid metabolism
Ans:. Ans: (A)

279 George Washington completely 285. Which of the following is

removed the bark from a cherry tree botanically classified as a fruit
but was stopped by his father before (A) asperagus (B) celery (C) green
cutting the tree down. It was noticed beans (D) carrots (E) potatoe
that the leafs retained their normal Ans: (C)
appearance for several weeks but that 286. The first biochemical pathway to
the tree eventually died. The tissue that evolve in living things was most likely
George left functional was (A) Fermentation (B) glycolysis (C)
(A) phloem (B) xylem kreb cycle (D) electron transport chain
(C) cambium (D) cortex (E) Ans: (A)
companion cells 287. The fruit of a tomato develops
Ans: (B) from (A) anther (B) ovary (C) ovule
280. Amange the following 5 events in (D) receptacle (E) stigma
an order that explains the mass flow of Ans: (B)
material in the poem 288. Tomato seed were once (A) ovary
i. Water diffuses into the sieve (B) ovule (C) pollen grain (D) sperm
element Ans: (B)
ii. Leaf cells pr0oduce sugar by
289. Fetilization occurs in the (A) corpuscles (C) contains platelets (D) is
anther (B) ovule (C) petals (D) root (E) the fluid part of the blood
style Ans: (D)
Ans: (A) 301.Bicarbonate ions (HCO;) in plasma
290. During double fertilization, two indicate the presence of
sperm fuse with a female cell to (A) carbonic acid (B) uric acid (C)
produce (A) seed and fnuit (B) ovule carbohydrate (D) CO
and ovary (C) embryo and zygote (D) Ans: (D)
endosperm and zygote 302. Plasma does not contain
Ans: (D) (A) erythrocyte (B) antibodies (C)
291. The function of the sepal is to serum albumin (D) serum glubolin
(A) produce the pollen (B) attract Ans: (A)
pollinators (C) protect the other 303. Which one is true about fat
floral structures (D) serve as the (A) an inavating material
receptive landing surface for the (B) constituent of protoplasm
pollen (C) a substance that resist water flow
Ans: (C) (D) all of the above
292. Which plant supporting tissue Ans: (D)
looks likea car inflated tyre? 304. due to osmotic pressure in marine fish,
Ans: turgid parenchyma kidneys (A) excretes salts (B) excrete
293. The plant supporting tissue that can be small amount of water (C) produces
found in young leaf is urine (D) all of the above
Ans: Colenchyma Ans: (D)
294. The inner cylinder is also called? 305. amino acid chain in a protein molecule
Ans: Stele is (A) straight (B) coiled (C) curved
295. The number of chromosome in each (D) concave
cell except gametes in man are (A) 23 Ans: (B)
(B) 28 (C) 46 (D) 48 306. element of C, H and Oz are protein in
Ans: (C) (A) minerals (B) carbohydrates (C)
296. Genetically identical parents and vitamin (D) proteins
offsprings are known as Ans: (B)
Ans: Clone 307. trace elements do not include (A)
297.In plant, gamete fusion occurs in (A) iodine (B) Zn (C) Mn (D) Ca
sexual reproduction (B) asexual Ans: (D)
reproduction (C) bisexual reproduction 308. minerals do not include (A) iodine (B)
(D) unisexual reproduction calcium (C) sodium (D) iron
Ans: (A) Ans: (A)
298. Male gamete have all the 309.elements that is not a part of minerals
characteristics but is (A) Mn (B) CI (C) Phosphorus (D)
(A) smaller size (B) less motile (C) Iron
larger in numbers (D) move to female Ans: (A)
gamete 310. All are wrong about minerals but (A)
Ans: (B)) water insoluble (B) inorganic
299. Tissue fluid is also known as; compound (C) fat soluble (D) organic
(A) Iymph fluid (B) plasma fluid (C) compound
interstitial fluid (D) neurotic fluid Ans: (B)
Ans: (C) 311.general feeling of inability and
300. In blood of mammals, plasma (A) tiredness may be due to lack of
contribute 45% of blood (B) contains (A) protein (B) carbohydrate (C) fat
(D) vitamins
Ans: (D) (A) anesthetic (B) evolution (C) soil
312. lack of fat soluble vitamin causes texture (D)) digestion
(A) intemal bleeding of the gum Ans: (B)
(B) loosening of the teeth 324. Biology enables us to carry out
(C) painful swollen joint comparison study between (A) human
(D) multiple fractures and animals (B) humans and universe
Ans: (D) (C) human and minerals (D) living and
313. Disease like rickets, scurvy and non-living things
beriberi occur due to deficiency of? Ans: (D)
(A) amino acid (B) carbohydrate (C) 325. In ecosystem, secondary consumers aree
lipids (D) vitamins (A) plant (B) herbivore (C) canivore
Ans: (D) (D) omnivore
314.Processed food generally lack Ans: (C)
(A) fibre (B) minerals (C) starch (D) 326. Physical digestion means;
vitamin (A) mechanical breakup of food
315.One of the activities of assimilation (B) cellular breakup of food
phase is to develop (A) soluble (C) chewing up of food
molecules (B) diffusible molecules (C) (D) mechanical breakdown of food into
new protoplasm (D) insoluble smaller piece
molecules Ans: (D)
Ans: (C) 327.Only cells that undergo division in
316. Energy is produced in the (A) epidermia are found in (A) conified
assimilation (B) absorption (C) (B) granular (C) malpighian (D)
digestion (D) nutrition cuticular
Ans: (A) Ans: (C)
317.C12H201 is the general formula (A) 328. In ethanol emulsion test, the resulting
monosaccharide (B) polysaccharide emulsion is: (A) sky blue colo9ur (B)
(C) disaccharide (D) trisaccharide cloudy white colour (C) peak colour
Ans: (C) (D) violet colour
318. Female gamete are called? (A) oval Ans: (B)
(B) egg (C) ovum (D)) all of the above 329. Peptidase is also known as (A)
Ans: (D) protease (B) erepsin (C) pancreatic
319.At some point, a food chain always amylase (D) pancreatic lipase
end upon (A) animals (B) micro- Ans: (B)
organisms (C) plante (D) humans 330.Corolla refer to the collection of (A)
Ans: (C) sepals (B) petals (C) carpels (D)
320. Most fish and white meats are (A) Stamen
starch free (B) cation free (C) fat free Ans: (B)
(D) glycogen free 331.In the
co-ordination system, neurons
(A) make up the nervous tissue (B)
Ans: (C)
321. Labour of producing new life is shared differ in size (C) differ in shape (D) all
between two people in (A) asexual of the above
reproduction (B) higher animals (C) Ans: (D)
lower animals (D) water organisms 332. Muscular co-ordination is controlled
Ans: (B) by (A) medulla oblongata (B) mid
322. The word biology is derived from the brain (C) hypothalamus (D)
language (A) Latin (B) Greek (C) cerebellum
English (D) Hebrew Ans: (D)
Ans: (B)
323.One of the greatest things of biology is
333. Raw materials for photosynthesis Ans: (C)
include (A) light (B) organic nutrient 344. CO2 is reduced to carbohydrate
(C) water (D) all of the above through (A) oxygen (B) H;0 (C)
Ans: (D) Hydrogen (D)light dependent
334. Guard cells of stomata are (A) Ans: (C)
irregular in shape (B)) convex (C) long 345. Sugar made in leave is transported
and cylindrical (D) kidney shaped through? (A) mesophyll cells (B) lower
Ans: (D) epidermis (C) xylem tissue (D) phloem
335.Chlorophyll is found in oval shaped tissue
structure known as (A) stomata (B) Ans: (D)
mitochondria (C) chloroplast (D) 346. Sucrose develop from excess sugar is
centriole transported for storageto
Ans: (C) (A) seeds (B) stem tubers (C) root
336.The light dependent stage cannot be tubers (D) all of the above
carried out without (A) oxygen (B) ans: (D)
CO2 (C) water (D) CO 347.Amount of light entering the eye is
Ans: (C) controlled through (A) conjunctivitis
337.The plant can be de-starched in (A) (B) eye lid (C)eye lashes (D) iris
14hrs (B) 24hrs (C) 42hrs (D) 48hrs Ans: (D)
Ans: (D) 348. In dim light, circular muscle (A)
338.To form one glucose molecule, the contract (B) relax (C) denature (D)
number of water molecules required inactive
are Ans: (B)
Ans: 6 349. Eye ball is kept fim and refracting
339.To facilitate entering of CO2 in leafs, is light through (A) aqueous humour (B)
done through stomata, as well as vitreous humour c saturated humor (D)
through the water film on the (A) aqueous and vitreous humour
upper epidermis (B) lower epidermis Ans: (A)
C) spongy mesophyll (D) palisade 350. In the outer courier of the upper lid of
mesophyll the eye, is the (A) lacrimal tear gland
Ans: (C). (B) naso-lacremal duct (C) libral
340. Leafs are not essential for the (A) ligament (D) orbital path
intake of CO, (B) starch formation (C) Ans: (A)
process of photosynthesis (D) 351. Inner most layer of the eye ball
receiving sunlight (A) Iris (B) retina (C) ciliary muscle
Ans::(B) (D) pupil
341. Enzyme required to convert Ans: (B)
polypeptide to amino acid Is (A) 352. Waste of Aerobic respiration include;
pepsin (B)) maltose (C) erepsin (D) (A) CO2 B) lactic acid (C) ethanol
diastase (D) energy
Ans: (C) Ans: (A)
342. Even in the presence of sunlight and 353. Air pressure in thorax increase in
water, photosynthesis cannot occur due (A) anaerobic (B) inspiration (C)
to lack of (A) mineral nutrient (B) expiration (D) digestion
essential metallic element (C) essential Ans: (B)
non-metallic elements (D) CO% 354. Front of the ribs are attached to the
Ans: (D) (A) diaphragm (B) sternum (C)
343. Amino acids are assimilated to form external intercostal muscles (D)
new (A) cell walls (B) shoot cells (C) internal intercostal muscles
protoplasm (D)cytoplasm Ans: (B)
0 0
355. Air inhaled in addition to the tidal is blood and water (C) blood and sperm
called (A) complemental air (B) (D) blood and fluid
residual air (C) supplemental air (D) Ans: (A)
saturated air 367. During ejaculation, passing of urine is
Ans: (A) prevented through? (A) pyloric
356. Dry mass is lost through (A) lenticels sphincter gland (B) sphincter muscle
(B) respiration (C) stomata (D) (C) more blood in the blood space of
limiting factor of enzymes the penis (D) none of the above
Ans: (B) Ans: (C)
357.Cuticular transpiration occurs in 368.To induce sleep, narcotic drugs taken
(A) microorganism (B) plant (C) may include; (A) heroine (B) morphine
animals (D) none of the above (C) opium (D) all of the above
Ans::(B) Ans (D)
358.Only partial breakdown of glucose 369.If the drug of an addicted person is
molecule takes place in (A) aerobic (B) withheld, the person experiences
anaerobic (C) passive respiration (D) (A) insomnia (B) sleep and stupor (C)
active respiration drawl symptoms (D) death
Ans: (C) Ans: (C)
359.6000kg of energy can be produced by 370. Morphine is a type of (A) cannabis (B)
the oxidation of (A) I mole of glucose amphetamines (C) narcotic drugs (D)
(B) 2 mole of glucose (C) 23 mole of deprevent dugs
glucose (D) 4 mole of glucose Ans: (C)
Ans:(B) 371.Alkaloid found in opium do not
360. include (A) morphine (B) codine (C)
Breathing microorganisms includes
(A) internal respiration (B) extenal cocaine (D) opium
respiration (C) expiration (D) Ans: (B)
transportation 372.Depending on how long a plant lives,
Ans:( (C) the division can be based on (A)
361.Zygote with 3 copies of chromosome simple body (B) been wooden or
21 is known to cause (A) sickle cell herbaceous (C) perennial or biennial
anemia (B) autom (C) Parkinson (D) environmental factors
disease (D) down's syndrome Ans: (C)
Ans: (D) 373.Specialized shoot being the
362.Sperms are nourished and activated reproductive organ in flowering plant
through? (A) vasdeference (B) seminal is called? (A) branch (B) vegetative
vesicle (C) semen (D) prostrate gland bud (C) flower (D) shoot apices
Ans: (C) Ans: (C)
363. Sperm duct finally opens into (A) 374. Flowering plant having rhizome do not
ureter (B) uretra (C) testes (D) testicles include
Ans: (B) (A) canna (B) lavang (C) ginger (D)
364.Organ producing reproducing cell are garlic
called (A) gametes (B) gonads (C) ans: (D)
globules (D) glands 375. Aphid feed on plant juice through their
Ans::(B) (A) penetrators (B) sharp claws (C)
365. Number of chromosome in a gamete proboscis (D) long beaks
are Ans: (C)
Ans: 23 Haploid, half number of 376. Food substance like starch can be
chromosome stored in (A) vascular bundles (B)
366. In reproduction, semen refers to epidermis (C) cuticle (D) pith
mixure of (A) fluid and sperm (B) Ans: (D)
377.People living at high altitude shave 389. Bacterial capable to produce their own
(A) better digestive system (B) better food are known as (A) saprophytes (B)
phagocytosis process (C) increased parasites (C) autotrophs (D) penicillin
immunity (D) have more hemoglobin Ans: (C)
in the blood 390.Cytoplasm of bacteria contain smnall
Ans: (D) ring of DNA known as
378. While training for long distance, it is (A) chromatin (B) chromatide (C)
better to train at (A) ground (B) low plasmid (D) pyramid
altitude (C) zero gravity (D) high Ans: (C)
altitude 391.Basal metabolic rate of a child is
Ans: (D) than old person
379.In each villi, the sugar and amino acid (A) higher (B) lower (C) exactly same
are diffused in (A) lymphatic capillary (D) approximately same
(B) blood vessels (C) micro villi8 (D) Ans: (A)
large intestine 392. Most complicated food molecule are
Ans: (B) (A) protein (B) fat (C) carbohydrate
380. In each villus, fat is transported (D) glucose
through (A) lymphatic capillary (B) Ans: (B)
blood vessels (C) micro villi (D) vilus 393. Amino acid are not used for
Ans: (A) (A) repair of wom out body part
381. Almonds can grow successfully if stalk (B) formation of the hormones
and scion are (A) of related species (B) (C) detoxification of picnic acid
of different species (C) of similar (D) formation of enzyme
groups (D) of different class Ans: (C)
Ans: (A) 394. Bile is carried from gall bladder
382. Marcotting is suitable for (A) tapioca through bile duct to
(B) oleander (C) chiku (D) sugar cane (A) liver (B) duodenum (C) small
Ans: (C) intestine (D) large intestine
383.Low branch with nodes bent down and Ans: (B)
covered with soil in (A) marcotting (B) 395. All are tnue about bile except
layering (C) coting (D) budding (A) contains enzyme (B) very quickly
Ans: (B) digest food (C) secreted by small
384. Layering can be done on plants such as intestine (D) it is acidic in nature
(A) bulbs (B) lime (C) sugar cane (D) Ans: (D)
leander 396. Profuse growth of algae occurs due to
Ans::(B) (A) hydrogen sulphide in H,0
385. Backflow of blood from right ventricle (B) nitrate and phosphate in H0
to right atrium is prevented through (C) CO in water
Ans: Tricuspid Valve (D) Chlorine in water
386. Semi lunar valve are present at the Ans: (B)
base of (A) pulmonary artery only (B) 397. Loss of control of hand and feet occurs
aorta only (C) pulmonary veins (D) due to (A) lead poison (B) sulphur
pulmonary artery and aorta dioxide (C) NO (D) CO
Ans: (D) Ans: (A)
387. Rod shaped bacterial is referred to as 398. Energy reserve are normally stored as
Ans: bacillus (A) glycogen (B) simple sugar (C)
388.Chitin is a form of (A) complex complex sugar (D) sucrose
peptone (B) complex DNA (C) Ans: (A)
complex fat (D) complex carbohydrate 399. The enzyme that bring about the
Ans: (A) conversion of glycogen to glucose is
(A) insulin (B) adrenaline (C) Ans: (B)
glucagon (D) galactose 410. Gregor Mendel developed one
Ans: (C) fundamental principle of
400. Source of vitamin may include (A) botany (B) genetics (C) chemistry
(A) plant food (B) microorganism (D) inheritance
living in the guts (C) meat and eggs Ans: (B)
(D) fish 411.Evolutionary change are always
Ans: (C) (A) non inherited (B) inherited (C)
401.Oxygenated blood is supplied to the dominant (D) recessive
rest of the body through Ans (B)
(A) hepatic portal vein (B) dorsal aorta 412. The Persian scientist who expressed
(C) hepatic artery (D) hepatic vein the term "Artificial selection" was
Ans: (B) Ans: Jean Lamarck Beruli
402. The term fat can be used to refer to 413. The organic evolution mechanism was
(A) solid animal fat (B) liquid animal proposed by
fat (C) plant fat (D) all of the above Ans: Charles Darwin
Ans: (D) 414. Variation that are controlled by a large
403.Adipose tissue stores excess fat number of gene alleles are called.
(A)Around the heart (B) around the (A) Independent variation (B)
kidney (C) under the skin (D) all of discontinuous variation (C)
the above. Ans: (C) intermediate variation (D) continuous
404. Fats are present in the protoplasm variation
especially in the Ans: (D)
(A) cell sap (B) proto9plasmic 415. Example of continuous variation
membrane (C) cytoplasm (D) centriole includes; (A) feet size only (B) weight
Ans: (B) size (C) blood group (D) A and B
405. As compared to carbohydrates, fats are Ans: (D)
lower in the proportion of 416. Nitrogenous base adenine of one
(A) hydrogen (B) oxygen (C) carbon nucleotide forms pair with
(D) nitrogen (A) T (B) C (C)G (D) A
Ans: (B) Ans: (A)
406. Fat globules are formed by combining 417. How many total chromosome are
soap and (A) proteins (B) glucose (C) present in Human body
lymph (D) glycerol Ans: 46
Ans: (D) 418. Fundamental principle of genetics
407. Mendeleeve crossed a true breeding were developed by
plant with (A) oval seeded plant (B) (A) Gregor Johan (B) Edward Gena
circular seeded plant (C) wrinkled C)Watson-Grick D) Darwin &
seeded plant (D) elongated seeded Larmark
plant Ans: (A)
Ans: (C) 419. The round structure of DNA around
408. If a true breeding tall plant was crossed Histone protein are called (A)
with true breeding short plant, the Monohybrid genes (B) hybrid genes
result is (A) all short (B) all tall (C) (C) Chromosome (D) neuclosomes
half tall., (D) half short Ans: (D)
Ans: (B) 420. The process in which sequence of
409. Phenotype is the expression of nucleotide of DNA is copied in the
(A) genotyipic make up (B) physical form of mRNA nucleotide is called
make up (C) chemical composition (D) (A) uenonination (B) uranslation (C)
metabolim segregation (D) transcription
Ans:(D) 430. The gene by which the A, B, 0, blood
421. What is the term used for a cross in group system is controlled is classified
which two contrasting trait are studied as (A) Gene I (B) Gen A (C) Gene B
for a time (A) dihybrid cross (B) (D) Gene o
monohybrid cross (C) phenotype (D) Ans: (A)
genotype 431. The expression of a genotype in the
Ans: (A) form of a trait (A) homozygous
422. How many hydrogen bond are present genotype (B) heterozygous genotype
between cytosine and Guanine (C) phenotype (D) genotype
Ans: 3 Ans: (C)
423. On comparing wrinkled seeded plant 432. Watson Greek model of DNA was
and round seeded plants, the round proposed in what year? (A) 1958 (B)
seeded plant is classified as 1955 (C) 1944 (D) 1954
(A) genotype (B) dominant (C) ANS: (A)
recessive (D) phenotype 433. If a person has a blood group O his
Ans: (B) antigens are
424. The law which states that gene of Ans: no antigen
different trait can segregate 434. What is present on the inside of a
independently during the formation of double helix (A) nitrogenous base (B)
gamete is phosphate sugar (C) neuclotide (D)
(A) law of independent assortment (B) ribose sugar
law of segregation (C) law of Ans: (A)
dominance (D) all of the above 435. Allele that are represented by a lower
Ans: (A) case letter are called
425. What is the term used to predict the Ans: recessive
outcome of specific breeding or cross 436. The examples of trait include
experiment is called (A) colour of eye (B) height (C)
Ans: allele intelligence (D) all of the above
426. The diagram which is used to predict Ans: (D)
the outcome of specific breeding or 437. In Mendeleeve experiment, the ratio of
cross experiment is called round to wrinkled seed is
Ans: Punnet square (A) 1:3 (B) 4:0 (C) 3:1 (D) 2:2
427. According to Gregor Mendel, the Ans: C
feature that must be present in the 438. If Bb is a gene pair of an individual,
organism chosen for genetic then the alleles for this gene pair are
(A) number of trait (B) contrasting trait (A) ab (B) (B) (C) ba (D) (B)
(C) cross and self-fertilization (D) Ans: (D)
all of the above. 439. The passing of trait to offspring from
Aans: (D) parents is called
428. The offspring of generation pl Ans: inheritance
(parental generation) is (A) f 440. The total number of P plant used in
generation (B) gi generation (C) f Mendel experiment are
generation (D) p2 generation (A) 32000 (B) 28000 (C) 3000 (D)
Ans: (C) 25000
429. The two polynucleotide together Ans: (B)
makes up the molecules called 441. The kind of situation in which allele of
(A) mRNA molecules (B) DNA gene pair are expressed completely
molecules (C) RNA molecules (D) themselves is called (A) segregation
Allele molecule (B) dependent assortment (C) co-
Ans: (B) dominance (D) dominance
Ans: (C) 453. With an increase in seed size upon
442. Example of epigeal germination germination, the dry mas of seeds
(A) maize (B) swor bean seed (C) (A) increases (B) decrease (C) vanishes
broad bean (D) pea plant D)grow proportionally
Ans: (B) Ans: (B)
443. Sessile flower do not have 454. Dominant seed are usually
(A) scent (B) iregular shape (C) (A) succulent b dry (C) wet (D) soft
pedicle (D) petals Ans: (B)
Ans: (C) 455. With the split of testa, the radicle
444. Stamen are not usually pendulous in emerges and grow.
plant. So pollination takes place by (A) upwards (B) downwards (C)
(A) wind (B) insect (C) water (D) perpendicular to light (D) parallel to
animals light.
Ans: (B) 456. In reproduction of plant, seeds maybe
445. Disadvantage of natural vegetative (A) endospermic only (B) non
propagation include endospermic (C) ectospermic (D) A
(A) lack of dispersal mechanismn and B
Ans: (A) Ans: (D)
446. Before fertilization, the ovary has 457. In order to restore the vigor of species,
(A) I nucleus (B) 2 nucleus (C) three pollination must be (A) self (B) cross
nucleus (D) more than four (C) wind (D) insect
Ans: (B) Ans: (B)
447. Pendulous stamen and slender filament 458. Onion and garlic are examples of
are characteristics of plant pollinated (A) rhizome (B) corm (C) stem tuber
by (A) wind (B) insect (C) water (D) (D) bulb
soil Ans: (D)
Ans: (A) 459. Landing platform is provided to insect
448. Plant pollinated through insect are through? (A) calyx (B) epicalyx (C)
(A) small pollen (B) light (C) short pedicle (D) petals
stamen (D) nectar guide Ans: (D)
Ans: (D) 460. In hypogeal germmination, the cotyledon
449. The purpose of bracts include are (A) carried above the ground (B)
(A) protection of stamen (B) protection remain below the surface of the soil
of stigma (C) enclosure of flowers (D) (C) not exist (D) lifted along with the
enclosure of sepals. plumule
Ans: (C) Ans: (B)
450. Offispring receive valuable qualities 461. Cotton is an example of (A) plummed
from both parent
in seed (B) plummed fruit (C) radiated
(A) cross pollination (B) self- seed (D) radicated fruit
pollination (C) wind pollination (D) Ans: (A)
insect pollination 462. Example of corm includes
Ans: (A) (A) Gronvoial (B) canna (C) lallang
451. number of petals in clitorial flowers D) ginger
are (A) 4 (B) 6 (C) 6 (D) 7 Ans: (A)
Ans: (B) 463. In plants, ovary is inferior in (A)
452. flowers of grass are usually hibiscus (B) clitorial (C) sun flower
(A) single (B) form inflorescent (C) (D) rose
unisexual (D) bisexual Ans: (C)
Ans: (B)
464. In cortex of reproduction which part of (A) fruit wall (B) seed coat (C)
mango is flesh (A) pericarp (B) mesocarp (D) endocarpP
receptacle (C) placenta (D) funicle Ans: (A)
Ans: (A) 472. Development fruit ithout
465. First step in seed germination is fertilization is called
(A) passing through the gut of an Ans: Pathenocarpy
animal 473. The water of coconut is (A) liquid
(B) exploding along the structure mesocarp (B) liquid endocarp (C)
(C) absorption of water degenerated liquid endospe4mr (D)
(D) taking in of O2 liquid nucleus
Ans: (C) Ans: (C)
466. If male and female flower are borne on 474. The fruit of rice and wheat is called
different plants, the plant is called (A) achene (B) siliua (C) follicle (D)
(A) bisexual (B) dioecious (C) caryopsis
unisexual (D) trisexual Ans: (D)
Ans: (B) 475. In tomatoe, fruit is a (A) drupe (B)
467. Fruit is best defined as berry (C) pepo (D) pome
(A) ipened ovule enclosing one or Ans: (A)
more seed 476. A seed is a
- (A) ripened
(B) ipened ovary enclosing one or ovule (B) ripened ovary (C) ripened
more seeds endosperm (D) fused carpel
(C) ipened endosperm enclosing one Ans: (A)
or more seeds 477. All of the following structure are
(D) ipened nucleus enclosing one or present in dicot seed except (A) radicle
more seed (B) endosperm (C) coleoptile (D) seed
ans: (B) coat
468. A true fruit is one where . Ans: (C)
(A) only ovary of the flower develops 478. Fruits are matured whereas seed
into fruit (B) ovary and calyx of the are matured
flower develops into fruit (C) ovary, Ans: ovary and ovule
calyx and thalamus of the flower 479. The seed coat is fomed from.
develops into fruit (D) all flower whorl Ans: Integument
of the flower develops into the fruit. 480. A seed contains (A) stored food (B)
Ans: (A) embryo (C) seed coat (D) all of the
469. Arrange the following into corect above
order Ans: (D)
i. appledrupe A 481. Cotyledon are formed from (A)
ii. pea- B. hesperidium embryo (B) seeds (C) ovary (D) ovule
ii. orange - C. legume
Ans: (B)
iv. mango- D pome 482. All are dicotyledonous seeds except
(A) I-A, 2-C, 3- D, 4- B (A) mango (B) castor oil (C) rice (D)
(B) 1- D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-C pea
(C) 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A Ans: (C)
(D) 1- B, 2-C,3-A, 4-C 483. Which of the following is a
Ans: (C) endospermic seed (A) cereal (B) millet
470. The edible fleshy part of mango Is (C) orchid (D) custard apple
called Ans: (C)
Ans: Mesocarp 484. The endosperm formed as part of
471. Ovary wall give rise to double fertilization is? (A) haploid (B)
diploid (C) tuiploid (D) polyploidy
Ans: (C) (B) multi-capillary syncarpous
485. Seed dormancy may be due to_ gynoecium
(A) immature embryo (B) hard seed (C) multi-capillary superior ovary
coat (C) presence of germination (D)complete inflorescence
inhibitors (D) all of these Ans: (A)
Ans: (D) 494. Lotus fruit is (A) capsule (B) bery
486. During seed germination, seed coat (C) etairo of berries (D) entairo of
rupture due to (A) differentiation of achene
cotyledon (B) massive glycolysis of Ans: (D)
endosperm and cotyledon (C) sudden 495. Bet nut is (A) drupe (B) berry (C) nut
increase in cell division, (D) massive (D) caryopsis
imbibition of H20 Ans: (B)
Ans: (D) 496. A fruit in which is monocapellary
487. Abulminious seed showing hypogeal superior and dehisce by one suture is
germination is (A) castor oil (B) beans (A) legume (B) regma (C) follicle (D)
(C) grain d maize siliqua
Ans: (D) Ans: (C)
Proteinaceous part of maize endosperm 497. The fruit of graminae is (A) regma (B)
is (A) apophasis (B) scutellium (C) caryopsis (C) achene (D) siliqua
aleurone layer (D) peripheral layer Ans: (B)
Ans: (C) 498. A gas required in germination for bean
489. Vivpary is seed is (A) Nitrogen (B) 02 (C) H2
(A) seed germination with subterrane (D) Water vapour
cotyledone Ans: (B)
(B) seed germination with epiterian 499. Seed dormancy allows the plant to
cotyledon (A) overcome unfavourable climate
(C) fruit development without condition

pollination (B) develop healthy seed

(D) seed germination inside the fruit (C) reduce viability
whilc attachcd to the plant (D) prevent dcterioration of sccd
Ans: (D) Ans: (A)
490. Drupe is recognized by . 500. Protective covering over the radicle
(A) fleshy seed coat (B) stony during seed germination is
endocarp (C) thin seed coat (D) stony (A) suspensor (B) coleorinhza (C)
mesocarpP coleoptile (D) seed coat
Ans: (B) Ans: (B)
491. The edible portion of coconut is? (A) 501. Gemination is epigeal in (A) rice (B)
endosperm (B) mesocarp (C) seed coat wheat (C) zea mays (D) helianthus
(D) pericarp Ans: (D)
Ans: (A) 502. A fruit which develop from a condense
492. A simple one seeded fruit with inflorescence is called (A) a simple
pericarp fuse with the seed coat is fruit (B) an entairoe of fruits (C) an
known as (A) caryopsis (B) achene (C) aggregate fruit (D) a composite fruit
nut (D) cypsela Ans: (D)
Ans: (A) 503. Multiple fruit are those which are
493. Aggregate fruit is defined as one which produced by
develops from (A) several ripened ovary of a single
(A) multi-capillary apocapous flower
gynoecium (B) several ripened ovary of several
flowers of an inflorescence
(C) parts other than the ovary Ans: (B)
(D) fusion of calyx with ovary. 515. The middle fleshy part of a fruit is
Ans: (B) called
504. Example of wind seed include Ans: mesocarp
(A) Tacoma (B) sharea (C) tirdax (D) 516. Fruit with a lathery ring is (A)
cotton esperidium (B) peppo (C) drupe (D)
Ans: (A) pome
505. Rubber fruit depend on seed dispersal Ans: (A)
of (A) wind (B) insect (C) explosive 517. Fruit that does not split open at
mechanism (D) water maturity is called (A) indehiscent (B)
Ans.(C) dehiscent (C) multiple (D) aggregate
S06. Legumes depend on the seed dispersal Ans: (A)
of (A) wind (B) insect (C) explosive 518. Single seeded nuit with a membrane
mechanism (D) water wing is called (A) samara (B) nut (C)
Ans: (C) drupe (D) peppo
507. Peas and beans splits along the Ans: (A)
519. The florla part in dicot are in multiple
(A) pericarp (B) suctures (C) of (A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 7
micropyle (D) radicle Ans: (A)
Ans:(B) 520. Seeds of gymnosperm are bone on/in
S08. The fruit categorized with skin (A) fruit (B) flower (C) spore (D)
covering a soft flesh that surrounds a cones
singular hard pit is (A) calyx (B) durpe Ans: (D)
(C) pome (D) peppo 521. I have airspace within my fruit, what is
Ans: (B) likely my dispersal method? (A) wind
509. The fruit categorized with thick rims (B) water (C) animal (D) explosive
with thin membranes inside that mechanism
separate the flesh into segment is Ans: (B)
(A) expiredium (B) aggregate (C)
pome (D) drupe
Ans: (A)
510. Fruit categorized by central seeded
core surrounded by flesh of the fruit is
(A) dupe (B) pome (C) esperidium
(D) berry
Ans: (B)
511. Fruit categorized by small and juicy
thin skin is (A) esperidium (B) pome
(C) berry (D) rupe
Ans: (C)
512. Which nutrient is not commonly found
in fruit? (A) fibre (B) vitamin c (C)
cholesterol (D) calcium
513. Pear belongs to which category of fruit
(A) drupe (B) pome (C) peppo (D)
Ans: (B)
514. Fruit that split open at maturity are
called? (A) indehiscent (B) dehiscent
(C) clesminated (D) pathonocarpy


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