Beck and Sznaider 2006 A Literature On Cosmopolitanism - An Overview
Beck and Sznaider 2006 A Literature On Cosmopolitanism - An Overview
Beck and Sznaider 2006 A Literature On Cosmopolitanism - An Overview
Content I. General
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.6 1.7 Anthologies Introductions History of Ideas/History of Thought Normative Cosmopolitanism Methodological Cosmopolitanism Sociology Ethnography Debate on Methodological Nationalism Empirical Studies Criticism of the Cosmopolitan Vision
II. Topics
2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 Politics of Cosmopolitan Democracy Critics of Cosmopolitan Democracy Cosmopolitan Citizenship Europe Global Cities Developing Countries/Post-Colonialism Cosmopolitan Civil Society and New Social Movements Cosmopolitan Law and Justice Humanitarian Interventions Cosmopolitan Memory Global Culture Banal Cosmopolitanism Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism
Beck (Department of Sociology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munich) and Sznaider (School of Behavioral Sciences, Academic College of Tel-Aviv Yaffo, Israel) (Corrsponding author email: [email protected]) London School of Economics and Political Science 2006 ISSN 0007-1315 print/1468-4446 online. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA on behalf of the LSE. DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-4446.2006.00098.x
1.2 Introductions
Beck, U. 1999 Introduction. The Cosmopolitan Manifesto, in U. Beck World Risk Society, Cambridge: Polity Press. Beck, U. 2000 What is Globalization? Cambridge: Polity Press. Beck, U. 2000 The Cosmopolitan Perspective. Sociology in the Second Age of Modernity, British Journal of Sociology 151: 79106. Beck, U. 2002 The Cosmopolitan Society and its Enemies, Theory, Culture and Society 1912: 1744. Beck, U. 2004 The Truth of Others: A Cosmopolitan Approach, Common Knowledge 10: 43049. Boehm, M.H. 1931 Cosmopolitanism, Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences 4, New York: MacMillan. Cohen, R. and Fine, R. 2002 Four Cosmopolitan Moments, in S. Vertovec and R. Cohen (eds) Conceiving Cosmopolitanism. Theory, Context, and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Featherstone, M. 2002 Cosmopolis. An Introduction, Theory, Culture, and Society 19(12): 116. Fine, R. 2003 Taking the Ism out of Cosmopolitanism. An Essay in Reconstruction, European Journal of Social Theory 6(4): 45170. Hollinger, D. 2001 Not Universalists, Not Pluralists. The New Cosmopolitans Find Their Own Way, in: Constellations 82: 23648. Malcomson, S.L. 1998 The Varieties of Cosmopolitan Experience, in P. Cheah and B.Robbins (eds) Cosmopolitics. Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation, Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press. Pollock, S., Bhabha, H.K., Breckenridge, C.A. and Chakrabarty, D. 2000 Cosmopolitanisms, Public Culture 12(3): 57789. Schefer, S. 1999 Conceptions of Cosmopolitanism, Utilitas 113: 25576. Waldron, J. 2000 What is Cosmopolitan?, Journal of Political Philosophy 8(2): 22743.
Heater, D. 1996 World Citizenship and Government. Cosmopolitan Ideas in the History of Western Political Thought, Houndsmills/ London: MacMillan.
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Cosmopolitan Democracy. An Agenda for a New World Order, Cambridge: Polity Press. Fine, R. 2003 Kants Theory of Cosmopolitanism and Hegels Critique, in Philosophy & Social Criticism 296: 60930. Fine, R. and Smith, W. 2003 Jrgen Habermass Theory of Cosmopolitanism, Constellations 104: 46987. Habermas, J. 1997 Kants Idea of Perpetual Peace, with the Benet of Two Hundred Years Hindsight, in J. Bohman and M. Lutz-Bachmann (eds) Perpetual Peace. Essays on Kants Cosmopolitan Ideal, Cambridge, London: MIT Press. Harris, L. 2003 The Cosmopolitan Illusion, Policy Review 118. Held, D. 1995 Democracy and the New International Order, in D. Archibugi and D. Held (eds) Cosmopolitan Democracy. An Agenda for a New World Order, Cambridge: Polity Press. Held, D. 1995 Democracy and the Global Order. Reections on the 200th Anniversary of Kants Perpetual Peace , Alternatives 204. Kant, I. [1784] 1991 Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose, in H. Reiss (ed.) Kants Political Writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Kant, I. [1795] 1957 Perpetual Peace, translated by Lewis White Beck, New York: Liberal Arts Press. Kuper, A. 2000 Rawlsian Global Justice: Beyond the Law of Peoples to a Cosmopolitan Law of Peoples, Political Theory 28: 64074. Lutz-Bachmann, M. 1997 Kants Idea of Peace and the Philosophical Conception of
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a World Republic, in J. Bohman and M. Lutz-Bachmann (eds) Perpetual Peace. Essays on Kants Cosmopolitan Idea, Cambridge, London: MIT Press. Mertens, T. 1996 Cosmopolitanism and Citizenship. Kant against Habermas, European Journal of Philosophy 4: 32847. Miller, R.W. 1998 Cosmopolitan Respect and Patriotic Concern, Philosophy & Public Affairs 273: 20224. Nussbaum, M. 1994 Patriotism and Cosmopolitanism, Boston Review 195: 334. Nussbaum, M. 1997 Kant and Cosmopolitanism, in J. Bohman and M. LutzBachmann (eds) Perpetual Peace. Essays on Kants Cosmopolitan Ideal, Cambridge/ London: MIT Press.
1.5.2 Ethnography
Appadurai, A. 1991 Global Ethnoscapes. Notes and Queries for a Transnational Anthropology, in R.G. Fox (ed.) Recapturing Anthropology. Working in the Present, Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. Burawoy, M., Blum, J.A., George, S., Gille, Z. and Gowan, T. et al. 2000 Global Ethnography: Forces, Connections and Imaginations in a Postmodern World, Berkeley: University of California Press. Gille, Z. and Riain, S.O. 2002 Global Ethnography, Annual Review of Sociology 28: 271334. Rabinow, P. 1986 Representations as Social Facts. Modernity and Post-Modernity in Anthropology, in J. Clifford and G.E. Marcus (eds) Writing Culture. The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press.
and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Beck, U. 2006 Power in the Global Age, Cambridge: Polity Press. Beitz, C. 1994 Cosmopolitan Liberalism and the States System, in C. Brown (ed.) Political Restructuring in Europe. Ethical Perspectives, London/New York: Routledge.
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Brennan, T. 2001 Cosmopolitanism and Internationalism, New Left Review 7: 7584. Habermas, J. 2001 The Post-National Constellation, Cambridge: Polity Press. Held, D. and Koenig-Archibugi, M. (eds) 2005 Global Governance and Public Accountability, Oxford: Blackwell (forthcoming). Holden, B. (ed.) 2000 Global Democracy. Key Debates, London/New York: Routledge. Pogge, T.W. 1992 Cosmopolitanism and Sovereignty, Ethics 103: 4875. Rosenau, J.N. 1998 Governance and Democracy in a Globalizing World, in D. Archibugi, D. Held and M. Khler (eds) Re-imagining Political Community. Studies in Cosmopolitan Democracy, Cambridge: Polity Press. Shaw, M. 2000 Theory of the Global State. Globality as Unnished Revolution, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Papastergiadis, N. 2005 Small Gestures in Specic Places: On Collaboration and the Politics of Art, in Scott McQuire and Nikos Papastergiadis (eds) Empires, Ruins and Networks: A Transcultural Agenda in Art, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. Linklater, A. 1998 Cosmopolitan Citizenship, in Citizenship Studies 21. Preuss, U. 1998 Citizenship in the European Union. A Paradigm for Transnational Democracy?, in D. Archibugi, D. Held and M. Khler (eds) Re-imagining Political
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2.3 Europe
Balibar, E. 1998 The Borders of Europe, in P. Cheah and B. Robbins (eds) 1998 Cosmopolitics. Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Beck, U. and Grande, E. 2006 Cosmopolitan Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press forthcoming. Brenner, N. 1998 Global Cities, Glocal States. Global City Formation and State Territorial Restructuring in Contemporary Europe, Review of International Political Economy 51: 137. Delanty, G. and Rumford, C. 2005 Rethinking Europe. Social Theory and the Implications of Europeanization, London/New York: Routledge. Greven, M.T. and Pauly, L.W. (eds) 2000 Democracy beyond the State? The European Dilemma and the Emerging Global Order, New York/Oxford: Rowman & Littleeld. Kaldor, M. 1995 European Institutions, Nation-States and Nationalism, in D. Archibugi and D. Held (eds) Cosmopolitan Democracy. An Agenda for a New World Order, Cambridge: Polity Press.
International Politics, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. OBrien, R. et al. 2000 Contesting Global Governance. Multilateral Economic Institutions and Global Social Movements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Smith, J., Chateld, C. and Pagnucco, R. (eds) 1997 Transnational Social Movements and Global Politics. Solidarity Beyond the State, Syracuse: Syracuse Uiversity Press. Spivak, G.C. 1998 Cultural Talks in the Hot Peace. Revisiting the Global Village , in P. Cheah and B. Robbins (eds) Cosmopolitics. Thinking and Feeling Beyond the Nation, Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press.
Holocaust and Human Rights, Journal of Human Rights 32: 14357. Levy, D. and Sznaider, N. 2005 The Holocaust and Memory in the Global Age, Philadelphia Temple University Press.
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Caglar, A. 2002 Media Corporatism and Cosmopolitanism, in S. Vertovec and R. Cohen (eds) Conceiving Cosmopolitanism. Theory, Context, and Practice, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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3.2 Globalization
Albrow, M. 1997 The Global Age, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Held, D., McGrew, A., Goldblatt, D. and Perraton, J. 1999 Global Transformations. Politics, Economics, and Culture, Stanford: Stanford University Press. Held, D. 2000 Regulating Globalization? The Reinvention of Politics, International Sociology 152: 394408. Held, D. 2002 National Culture, the Globalization of Communications and the
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Bounded Political Community, Logos 13: 117. Held, D. 2002 Globalization, Corporate Practice and Comopolitan Social Stadards, Contemporary Political Theory 11: 5978. Held, D. and McGrew, A. (eds) 2002 Governing Globalization. Power, Authority and Global Governance, Cambridge: Polity Press. Nye, S. and Donahue, J.D. (eds) 2000 Governance in a Globalizing World, Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press.
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Portes, A. 2000 Globalization from Below. The Rise of Transnational Communities, in D. Kalb, et al. (eds) The End of Globalization. Bringing Society Back In, New York: Rowman and Littleeld.
Acknowledgement We would like to thank Pia Rafer for her diligent assistance in compiling this list.