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Biostat I OP Manual Rev1

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Operating Manual

Biostat i Twin Controller

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

Operating Manual micro-DCU - System

This document applies to B. BRAUN BIOTECH's digital bench-top BIOSTAT i Twin controller.. The controller can be used as a universal measurement and control system for spinner flasks, culture vessels and other customized applications.. The characteristics and specifications of the system are subject to change without notice. B. Braun Biotech International GmbH assumes no obligation regarding design or future manufacture, respectively, unless otherwise agreed to in writing. All information in this manual refers to the Biostat available for the BIOSTAT

twin controller together with the equipment

i fermentor system. As far as other fermentor systems are concerned, the related information is marked correspondingly. The manual considers all standard functions which are implemented at present.. If you happen to find errors or if you miss specific information, please do not hesitate to contact B. Braun Biotech for support.
Assembly, start-up and operation of the fermentor and the peripheral equipment is described in the

supplemental operating manuals for those devices. If the Biostat i twin controller should be connected to a host computer, you can contact B. Braun Biotech Inc.for supply of the extra manual "Hostcommunication", where the protocol for communication with the host computer is described in details. The Biostat i twin controller is one example of B. BRAUN BIOTECH's product program of sophisticated fermentation and peripheral laboratory equipment. For further information about this device and our complete product program please contact B. Braun Biotech Inc. 999 Postal Road Allentown, PA 18109 Phone: 800-258-9000 Fax: 610-266-9319 e-mail: [email protected] WebSite http://www.bbraunbiotech.com

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

Operating Manual micro-DCU - System



1.1 1.2 1.2.1 1.2.5

Design and Functions

General Information Versions and Extent of Functions General Features of all BIOSTAT

4 4 Twin controller Systems 4

Functions and Correlated Possible Applications of the BIOSTAT controller Systems

Twin 6

2.1 2.2 2.2.1

Delivery and Installation

Setup at the Working Place Connection of Peripheral Units and of the Culture Vessel Connection and Preparation of Peripheral Equipment

8 8 8

3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3

Operation of the controller

Basic and Safety Functions Operating Behavior On/off Switching Power Failure Menu Structure Operation of the micro-DCU General Operating Information Basic Menu Structure Operating Information

9 9 Error! Bookmark not defined. 9 10 10 10 12 12

4 5
5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.3 5.3.1


Calibration of pH-Electrode Calibration Principles and General Recommendations Operating Display pH - Calibration Routine Notes on Recalibration of the pH-Electrode During the Process Notes about the Calibration Routine Special Notes on Handling of the pH-Electrode Calibration of the pO2- Electrode Calibration Course of the Calibration Routine Special Notes on the Handling of the pO2-Electrode Pump Calibration Calibration and Dosing Counter Functions

13 14
14 14 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 20 21 21

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

Operating Manual micro-DCU - System

5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4

Operating Display Calibration of Pump Modules of a Pump-100 or Pump-300 Unit Special Notes

21 22 22

6.1 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.3 6.3.1 6.3.2 6.4 6.5 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.6 6.7 6.7.1 6.7.2 6.8 6.8.1 6.8.2 6.8.3 6.8.4 6.8.5 6.9 6.9.1 6.9.2 6.9.3 6.9.4 6.10 6.10.1 6.10.2 6.10.3 6.10.4 6.11 6.11.1 6.11.2 6.12 6.12.1 6.12.2

Main Function Control Loops

Extend of Controller Functions of the micro-DCU - system Controller Operation, General Setpoint Adjustment Operating Modes Parametrization of Controllers, General Deadband PID - Parameters PID - Controller Optimization Temperature Control Temperature Controller Operating Information Stirrer Speed Control pH - Control Function Description Operating Instructions pO2 - Control Modes of Operation pO2 - Controller with One Servo Controller pO2 - Controller with Two Servo Controllers Operating Information Special Notes Foam Control Function Principles of Foam Control Equipment for the Foam Control Operation of the Foam Control Special Notes Level Controller Function Principles of Level Control Equipment for the Level Control Operating Information Additional Notes Controller for Substrate Feed Functional Description Operation of the Substrate Supply SUBS Airflow - Controller Modes of Operation and Equipment Operating Information

23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 26 26 26 28 29 29 29 31 31 31 31 32 33 34 34 34 35 35 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 39 39 39

7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3

Main Function Maintenance

Recorders Technical Set-up Operating the Recorder Recorder Configuration

40 40 40 40 2

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

Operating Manual micro-DCU - System

7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.3 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7

Printers Technical Set-up Operating Information Host Computers and Connections Technical Set-up Operating Information Utility Functions Measurement Ranges Manual Operation of Digital Outputs, Standard Manual Operation of Analog Outputs, Standard

41 41 41 43 43 43 44 45 46 47

8 9
9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.4.1 9.4.2 9.4.3 9.4.4

Alarm MESSAGES of System Functions Factory Settings

48 49

General Information 49 Factory Settings for Measurement Ranges of Process Values 49 Factory Settings for Controller Parameters 49 Example: pO2-Controller with Airflow - Controller and O2 - Enrichment 50 Operation 50 Parametrization 50 Schematic Drawing, Set-up of Oxygen Enrichment System Error! Bookmark not defined. Schematic Drawing Pump Logic of DFC - SoftwareError! Bookmark not defined.

10.1 10.2 10.3

Technical Data and Ordering Information

Dimensions Ordering Information Technical Specifications

51 51 52

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

1 1.1

DESIGN AND FUNCTIONS General Information

The Biostat i twin controller is a digital measurement and control system designed for use with benchtop and pilot scale B. Braun Biotech International GmbH fermentors and can easily be adapted to control other manufacturers fermentors. , The manual below contains the information necessary for attending this measurement and control system. It describes all standard functions available with the software version 3.31).


Versions and Extent of Functions


General Features of the BIOSTAT

Twin controller

The digital measurement and control system is contained in a compact benchtop housing: Dimensions of 450 x 185 x 420 mm (W x H x D) with power supply for the internal components and for the control of peripherals, such as the Biostat i Interface Box (IFB) Space saving, stackable design when used with the IFB. Ability to control a variety of vessels. DFC-2-board with 80188 microcomputer system, 256 kByte EPROM, 256 kByte RAM (battery buffered) Operating terminal with film key pad and integrated alphanumeric LCD-display (4 lines with 20 digits) The sections below give the most import specifications of the different versions.


If you have a control unit with either an elder or a more actual software version, please contact B. Braun Biotech International GmbH for a corresponding version of the Operating Manual. 4

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Design and Functions of the BIOSTAT

Twin controller Fig. 1: Front view of the Biostat i twin controller

Integrated measurement amplifiers and sockets for the following electrodes Pt 100 - temperature sensor Ingold pH-electrode Ingold pO2-electrode conductive antifoam electrode Fig. 2: Rear view of the Biostat I twin controller

Sockets, external connections for peripherals: heating blanket 230 V, max. 1000 W cooling valve, contact or 24 V DC/AC remote stirrer speed control, setpoint signal 0 ... 10 V acid pump or CO2-valve (contact or 24 V DC/AC) base pump (contact or 24 V DC/AC) O2 - valve (contact or 24 V DC/AC) N2 - valve (contact or 24 V DC/AC)

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

Data outputs for: computer system (via serial interface RS 422) printer (via serial interface RS 232) recorder (via 6 analog outputs 0 ... 10 V) Software including the following functions: process display for all process values digital calibration for electrodes with recalibration functions temperature measurement and control via triggering of the heating blanket and a cooling water valve digital measurement of stirring speed, control via remote control unit MCU pH - measurement and control via triggering external acid and base pumps pO2 - measurement and cascade control via stirring speed and/or via O2/N2control valves foam measurement and control via triggering of an external pump configurable recorder outputs communication protocol for host computer system printer drivers 880 7124 880 7132 Mains supply 230 V / 50 ... 60 Hz Mains supply 115 V / 50 ... 60 Hz

1.2.3 Functions and Correlated Possible Applications of the BIOSTAT

Twin controller Systems

The table below gives an overview, which functions and combinations with peripheral devices can be realized with the different versions of the Biostat i twin controller:



Twin controller - version part, accessory Pt 100 - sensor Ingold - pH-electrode Ingold - pO2-electrode conductive electrode conductive electrode connector 0 ... 10 V / 0 ... 20 mA connector 0 ... 10 V / 0 ... 20 mA ext. heater / cooling valve or ext. thermostat ext. controller with motor acid / base pump

measurement - temperature - pH - pO2 - foam - level / contents - remote signal-1 - remote signal-2 controller - temperature - stirring speed - pH - value

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

gasmix stirrer airflow substrate 1 - antifoam or substrate 1 - level or substrate 2 - airflow connections - electrical heater

ext. O2 - / N2 - control valve

ext. pump ext. pump ext. airflow controller ext. temperature controller 230 V, max. 1000 W / heating blanket 230 V, max. 610 W contact or 24 V AC / DC setpoint signal 0 ... 10 V setpoint signal 0 ... 10 V contact or 24 V AC / DC contact or 24 V AC / DC contact or 24 V AC / DC contact or 24 V AC / DC contact or 24 V AC / DC contact or 24 V AC / DC

- cooling water valve - ext. stirring speed controller - massflow controller air - acid pump / CO2-valve - base pump - antifoam / substr.1 -pump - harvest / substr.2 - pump - O2 - valve - N2 - valve

connections for recording / host computer - host computer serial interface RS 422 - printer serial interface RS 232 - recorder 6 analog outputs 0 ... 10 V .

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


The following information referrs to the Biostat

i twin controller (Controller) and its connection to the Biostat i Interface Box (IFB) and Biostat i vessels


Setup at the Working Place

At a first setup after delivery carefully remove the controller from its packing. Check for any transport damages at this time Never connect a unit to any power suppy other than one rated for the systems specific requirements. 1. 2. If the delivery is incorrect, incomplete and/or if transport damages occurred, please contact your supplier, dealer or B. Braun representative immediately and send a claim report. You should place the controller on your work space it in that way that allows for easy access to all signal and control cables from the culture vessel and from/to the peripheral devices.


Connection of Peripheral Units and of the Culture Vessel

Note the peripheral connections possible with controller. The sockets on front and on rear panel are labelled correspondingly. If existing laboratory equipment should be connected, check the interface specifications in the supplement.

2.2.1 1.

Connection and Preparation of Peripheral Equipment You will have to calibrate the pH-electrode prior to mounting it into the culture vessel. Connect the pH-electrode to the controller and proceed as shown in section 5.1. Connect the IFB, if required for your process, to the controller, If your process requires, the following can be integrated into the IFB heater jacket outlet(for temperature control of single-walled culture vessels using the IFB) gas mixing (oxygen enrichment for fermentation processes or exclusive flow four-gas mixing for cell culture,.via sparge, overlay or both) stirrer controller for an overhead drive motor, three pumps per vessel, for acid, base, antifoam etc. Recorders / printers and the host computer system, can also be connected to the controller


If existing laboratory devices will be used,, note the specifications in the supplement. Calibrate the pumps, see section 5.3 for details. After autoclaving the culture vessel, connect all electrodes to their sockets on the front panel of the controller. Connect all lines of the peripheral equipment to the culture vessel. Calibrate the pO2-electrode, see section 5.2 for details. Adjust all measurement and control parameters. For adjustment of the controller see section 6. If applicable, adjust the parameters for data transfer to a recorder, printer and/or a host computer as shown in section 7. If not yet done, switch on all units.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


The controller may be,supplied with a modified basic configuration, additional functions and changed specifications of parameters. For such controller systems you will receive or you can order, respectively, an extra manual or documentation set. If your controller system does not match with the specifications given below and you do not receive an extra documentation for your system, please contact your B. Braun Biotech representative or directly the B. Braun Biotech International GmbH


Basic and Safety Functions

Operating Behavior

The measurement and control system stores all parameters that are adjustable by the operator (setpoints, calibration parameters, etc.) in memory with a battery back-up. These parameters will be backed-up when the controller is switched-off and are available again when the unit is restarted for another operation sequence or after power failure. The controller differentiates between the following different types of power failures. Switching of the controller on and off via the main powerswitch Cut-off (shut down) caused by a power failure (mains failure) 3.1.2 Turning the controller ON

The controller can be switched-on or off, respectively, via the main power switch on the front panel. After being switched-on the integrated measurement and control system is in the following defined state of operation : All controllers are switched off, actuators are in rest (neutral) position 3.1.3 Power Failure

In theMaintenance menu, a maximum power failure time (FAILTIME) can be set. See the Utility Functions section , on page 44, for details. In the case of a power failure, after being restarted or when power is available again, the system continues all activities as follows: After a power failure shorter than the time set for the FAILTIME, all controllers will continue with the setpoint active before the power failure. If the power failure lasts longer than set by the FAILTIME, the measurement and control system will not resume operation.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Menu Structure

The menus of the Biostat

i twin controller are divided into main function level and the menu level. Below you will find the structure for a Biostat i twin controller
Main functions Process Values Calibration : : : Menus and related functions Process Values (display of process data in special forms) Calibration function for probes and pumps, as used for - pH - measurement and control - pO2 - measurement and control - ACID - pump - BASE - pump - level measurement and control LEVEL - substrate control SUBS DDC controller functions: - temperature control TEMP - stirrer speed control STIRR - pH-control pH - pO2-Control pO2 - pump control function AFOAM - pump control function LEVEL - pump control function SUBS - AIRFLOW - control (optional) Functions for system maintenance and trouble shooting; configuration of in-/outputs, such as : - RECORDER - PRINTER - HOST - UTILITY - MEASUREMENT RANGES - manual operation (DIGITAL OUTPUTS) - manual operation (ANALOG OUTPUTS)

Control Loops


3.2.1 1.

Operation of the micro-DCU

General Operating Information Select the required main function with the corresponding main function key. The main functions are labelled on the keys. An active main function will be displayed in the first row of the LCD and indicated by an LED in the key. Each main function with the exception of PROCESS VALUES has several subfunctions arranged in a defined order. For example, you will always find the submenu pH-Sensor first whenever you select the main function CALIBRATION or the submenu Temp whenever you select the main function CONTROL LOOPS.


Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



To scroll throughthe main function menus, repeatedly press the main function key. See above figure for the order of the submenus within each main function. You may change from one main function to another at any time by pressing its main function key. Non-numerical entries in a submenu are used for selecting the state of operation (such as switching over auto man, off on). To switch over to an alternate state of operation press the ALTER-key. Always confirm the change of an entry by pressing ENTER. Otherwise the change will be ignored. If a menu includes more lines than visible on the actual display, either the top line or the lowest line of the information entry will include an arrow or . You can switch over to additional lines using the cursor-keys. Switching over usually takes place line-by-line, except with the Process Display, which displays a new page. Access to the menus for adjustment of system functions, like control parameters, is protected by a password. Note the information about the available passwords in the corresponding sections below. Passwords are not displayed on the screen when entered. If it is difficult for you to read the LCD, you can change its contrast. This is done with the main function MAINTENANCE, in the submenu UTILITIES.





Fig. 3:

Operating terminal of the measurement and control system

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Basic Menu Structure

1st line : For main functions with several subfunctions (except PROCESS VALUES) the first line identifies the function selected. Data may also be displayed in this line. The headline will always be displayed, even when you scroll down to following lines within the menu. Different main functions may offer the same headding. Note the LED's in the main function keys, the LED of the main function selected at this time will illuminate. Example : TEMP : 37.5 oC

2nd to 4th line : Information is entered on the lines below the headding. If more than 3 lines are used for display of the parameters, you can scroll down to following lines with the cursor keys. The headding will remain unchanged at this time. Example : pO2 : 88,5 % SP : 83,4 % MODE : auto PARAM: 3.2.3 Operating Information : Meaning, possible input


Symbol / entry

(in top line) (in lowest line)

: :

Additional lines available before the lised displayed. You can scroll up to above lines with the -key. Additional lines to follow within this menu. You can scroll down to following lines with the -key.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



The main function PROCESS VALUES menu lists one function per line. The display has no headline. If you scroll down to lines beyond the 4th line even the top line will change. Process value display, page 1: TEMP : STIRR: pH : pO2 : Process value display, page 2: ACID : 32 BASE : 200 AFOAM: 12 LEVEL: 1300 Process value display, page 3: SUBDC: 25.0 ml/m SUBS : 13.0 % FOAM : off LEVEL: off Optional process value display: AIRFL: 25.0 l/m EXT_1: 0.0 % EXT_2: 0.0 % ml ml ml ml 42.7 1200 10.3 80.4
o C rpm pH %

Symbol / entry TEMP, etc.

: :

meaning, possible input display of process value with physical unit, such as - process value of analog inputs (Temp, Stirr, etc.) - dosing counter - process values of digital inputs (Foam/Level) Display of additional lines accessible via , Dosing counter for antifoam agent supply Dosing counter of level control pump Dosing counter of substrate pump Display of substrate setpoint Display of foam or level signal Display of airflow rate Display of up to two input signals of remote devices. The entry is in terms of 0 ... 100 % for input signals of 0 ... 10 V. -keys


: : : : : : : :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


5 5.1

MAIN FUNCTION CALIBRATION Calibration of pH-Electrode

Calibration Principles and General Recommendations

The pH-electrode is calibrated by a two-point calibration, which determines the electrode parameters zero drift and slope using buffer solutions. The calibration is done before the electrode is installed in the culture vessel. For calibration, we For mounting the pH-electrode, please see the corresponding chapter in the Operating Information Culture Vessels for the BIOSTAT i or in the documentation of your specific fermentor. Warning: The calibration buffers can cause burns. Be careful when handling the buffers. You should wear protective gloves during the calibration procedure. The software of the Biostat i twin controller system calculates the pH-value from the electrode voltage with regard to zero drift and slope, considering the Nernst equation. To compensate for effects of temperature the actual temperature can be entered manually during the calibration. The pH - electrode is calibrated before mounting into the culture vessel, i.e., prior to its sterilization. The high temperature during the sterilization can cause a shift of the electrodes zero. The chemical compounds of the culture broth may also effect the measuring characteristics of the electrode, therefore the pH-electrode should be calibrated and checked for proper function regularly. To compensate for changes of the measurement characteristics of the pH-electrode the software offers a recalibration function. You can measure the pH-value externally in a sample taken from the process and enter this pH-value into the calibration menu. The system will then recalculate the calibration function and apply the new parameters for the pH-control function. For measuring the pH-value in such a sample, you should consider the following: Use only fresh samples. Take care that the sampling method and the containers do not influence the pH-value of the sample The devices used for external pH - measurement should ensure precise pH-measurement If the pH - value measured by the Biostat i twin controller and the externally measured pH-value significantly deviate from each other, we recommend to check your remote measurement procedure twice rather than changing the calibration parameters. Entering of wrong recalibration parameters into the system can considerably influence the control behavior and the supply of corrective agents, which then will disturb your process.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Operating Display


: : : :

7.30 23.4 7.00 4.01

pH o C pH pH

man ok ok

pH : 7.30 pH RECAL: 6.76 pH ZERO : 4 mV SLOPE: 58.4 mV Symbol / entry auto/man : : meaning, possible input

no ok ok

When the menu is selected, the cursor is placed at this entry, showing the mode which has been selected previously. Press ALTER to change the temperature compensation mode: - auto: pH-measurement during the process; with temperature compensation using the measured temperature; - man: mode for pH-calibration, with temperature compensation by the temperature which is entered manually change to man mode for pH-calibration using the temperature labelled on the buffer bottle for the reference pH-value;


: : : : :

display of culture vessel temperature, when in the auto - mode input of the calibration temperature when in the man - mode input of the pH - value of the zero buffer (as labelled on the buffer bottle for the actual temperature) confirmation of the calculation of the zero point; after confirmation the cursor jumps to the BUFS - entry input of the pH - value of the slope buffer (as labelled on the buffer bottle for the actual temperature) confirmation of the calculation of the slope. After confirmation the cursor jumps to the man/auto - entry. The temperature compensation will automatically switch over to auto mode display and input of separately measured pH-value for the recalibration of the pH-electrode - no: the electrode will not be recalibrated - yes: the electrode will be recalibrated: After pressing ENTER the cursor jumps to the RECAL: entry. Here you can enter the pHvalue measured in a sample taken from the process. After confirmation of the manually entered pH-value with ENTER the system adapts the zero - calibration to the actual conditions. display of the electrodes zero in [mV] display of the electrodes slope in [mV]

RECAL no / yes ...

: :


: :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


5.1.3 1. 2.

pH - Calibration Routine Press the main function key Calibration once to select the menu for pH-calibration. In the menu the cursor is on the auto/man - entry. To enter the reference temperature labelled on the buffer bottles for the relationship of pH versus temperature of the buffer press ALTER to select man (manual) temperature compensation. Confirm with ENTER. The cursor jumps to the TEMP - entry. Fill zero buffer of pH 7.0 into a beaker. Place the pH-electrode into the beaker. Measure the temperature of the buffer and enter this as reference temperature into the TEMP entry. Confirm with ENTER. The cursor jumps to the BUFZ - entry. Check the reference pH-value of the zero buffer labelled on the bottle for the actual buffer temperature. Enter this pH-value in the BUFZ-entry and confirm with ENTER. The cursor then jumps to ok and the system starts an automatic monitoring of the electrode. If the measured signal is constant within the given limits, the system stores the measured voltage as the electrodes zero. Then the cursor automatically jumps to the BUFS entry. Fill some slope buffer of either pH 4.0 or pH 9.0 (depending on the expected pH-range in the process) into a beaker. Remove the electrode from the beaker with zero buffer, flush with (demineralized) water and place into the beaker with the slope buffer. Never dry the electrode tip using a paper cloth. This may disturb the calibration. Check the reference pH-value of the slope buffer labelled on the bottle for the actual buffer temperature. Enter this pH-value in the BUFS-entry and confirm with ENTER. The cursor then jumps to ok and the system starts an automatic monitoring of the pH-electrode. If the measured signal is constant within the given limits, the system stores this as electrode slope. The cursor automatically jumps to the man/auto-entry and switches over the temperature compensation to auto-mode. For the pH-measurement the system calculates the pH-value from the electrode voltage using the Nernst equation with regard to the calibrated zero drift and slope and to the temperature measured in the culture vessel. At step 4 and 6, when the cursor is on the ok entry, you can shorten the automatic monitoring of the electrode. Wait about 10 seconds and press ENTER then. The system stores the actual signal as reference value of zero and slope.






5.1.4 1. 2.

Notes on Recalibration of the pH-Electrode During the Process Use a fresh sample taken from the process in such a way, that its pH-value cannot be effected by the sampling procedure. Measure the pH-value using a precise pH measuring system. Enter the value into the corresponding entries of the pH-calibration menu, see description of the menu for details. The zero and slope measured during the first calibration are displayed in the calibration menu until they were overwritten by manually entered values. By comparing the pH-value measured in the process and the one measured in the sample you can evaluate the accuracy of the pH-electrode. This will also indicate whether the sterilization or the process conditions have changed the measuring characteristics of the electrode and whether the pH-electrode should be serviced or replaced.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Notes about the Calibration Routine The automatic monitoring of the electrode at steps 4 and 6 of the calibration routine shown above considers the following references and limits : measured signal stable within 0.2 % of the measurement range for 60 sec.; voltage for electrode zero is kept within the range of -30 ... +30 mV; electrode slope within the range of 54 ... 60 mV/pH If the measured signal is outside these limits, the system displays an alarm message, such as **ALARM**, Calibr. out of range, date time. The calibration has failed and the pH cannot be measured correctly. In this case you should check whether : all parts are properly connected; you had followed the above calibration procedure accordingly. If the error message appears again, the electrode must be serviced or replaced. The pH-value displayed during the calibration procedure is invalid. The system will display the correct value after completion of the calibration course.


Special Notes on Handling of the pH-Electrode The electrode has a restricted maximum lifetime that depends on the operating conditions and the application. The electrode should be serviced or replaced, whenever the functional check and the calibration indicate malfunctioning. You will find more detailed information about handling and mounting of the pH-electrode in the documentation of the culture vessels and their equipment. Also note the documentation delivered with the electrode.

Note: Depending on the type of the delivered pH-electrode, the handling, operation and maintenance may differ from the information contained herein. You will find more detailed information about the electrode, the recommended service periods, the estimated lifetime and proper handling during calibration in the documentation of the manufacturer.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Calibration of the pO2- Electrode

The pO2 - electrode is calibrated in percentage oxygen saturation, % pO2. The calibration is a twopoint calibration. Usually a measuring solution without oxygen gives the zero-current and a solution saturated with oxygen is defined as 100 % saturated. The resulting electrode parameters zero current and slope are used to calculate a calibration function for pO2-measurement of the process. When used for pO2-measurement in a fermentor the pO2-electrode will be calibrated in the culture vessel after the sterilization. For measurement of the electrodes zero the culture medium can be gassed with nitrogen to replace any oxygen in the medium. Supply of air or a specific gas mixture required for the process up to saturation with oxygen gives the electrodes slope, 100 % pO2. The calibration menu for the pO2-electrode displays the actual pO2 as percentage saturation % pO2, the zero current and the slope. This allows a simple function control of the pO2-electrode. 5.2.1 Calibration Operating display pO2 TEMP NITR AIR : 89.3 % : 23.4 oC : 0.0 % : 100 % auto ok ok

pO2 : 89.3 AIR : 100 ZERO : 3.6 SLOPE:160.3 Symbol / entry auto/man : :

% % nA nA


meaning, possible input When the menu is selected, the cursor is placed at this entry, showing the mode being previously selected; press ALTER to change the temperature compensation mode: - auto: temp. compensation using the measured temperature; - man: temp. compensation using the temperature which is entered manually Display of vessel temperature, when in the auto - mode; input of the calibration temperature when in the man - mode Display of zero pO2; Confirmation of the calculation of the zero point; after confirmation the cursor jumps to the AIR - entry; Display of the pO2 - value at optimum aeration of the culture medium for slope calculation Confirmation of the calculation of the slope. After confirmation the cursor jumps to the auto/man - entry. The temperature compensation will automatically switch over to auto mode Display of the electrodes zero in [nA] Display of the electrodes slope in [nA]


: : : : :


: :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Course of the Calibration Routine It is necessary to polarize a pO2-electrode the first time it is used or when it has been disconnected from the amplifier for more than 5 to 10 minutes. Polarization may take up to 6 h (shorter, only if the electrode has been disconnected for a few minutes). In a culture vessel the pO2-electrode will be calibrated after sterilization. Any effects of the sterilization on the electrode, such as impacts of heat or chemical reactions of compounds of the medium with the membrane or the electrolyte will be considered for the calibration. For zero calibration you can measure the pO2 after the autoclave sterilization, before air (or gas containing oxygen) is supplied. Since the heating of the medium causes the dissolved gasses to be exhausted, the pO2 should be near zero, then. The measured signal can be identified as 0 % pO2.This method will be precise enough for most of the applications. If a very precise zero measurement is required, the medium can be gassed with an oxygen-free gas (N2 of 99.8 % purity, for instance) to replace any remaining dissolved O2. The electrode slope will be calibrated when the culture medium is saturated with oxygen.

Steps of Operation for Calibration Do not supply air or any gas containing oxygen before the zero pO2-calibration is done. For zero calibration using the supply of oxygen-free gasses, gas the medium with the intended gas and wait until the measured pO2 is constant near 0 %p pO2.


Press main function key Calibration twice to enter the pO2-calibration menu. The cursor will be in the auto/man entry. If the mode is man press ALTER to change into automode for temperature compensation considering the actual temperature in the culture vessel. Confirm your selection with ENTER, the cursor jumps to the NITR - entry. Confirm the measured value as NITR : 0,0 % with ENTER. The cursor then jumps to ok. The system starts an automatic monitoring of the electrode. After autoclaving and prior to supply of any gas containing oxygen the measured NITR-value should be near 0 % pO2. If the measured electrodes zero current is constant near 0 nA (within the given limits), the system stores this as zero reference. The cursor automatically jumps to the AIR entry.



Gas the culture vessel with air or the gas mixture provided for the process at the required flow rate. Confirm AIR : 100 pO2 with ENTER. If the slope reference should not be 100 % pO2, enter the intended value into the AIR entry and confirm a changed input with ENTER. The cursor then jumps to ok. The system starts an automatic monitoring of the electrode. If the measured signal is constant within the given limits, the system stores this as slope. The cursor automatically jumps to the auto-entry. During the process the system calculates the pO2-value from the measured electrode`s current with regard to calibrated zero, slope and the temperature. Since the calibration refers to the reference conditions (flow rate and type of gas) applied for the calibration, the actual pO2 measured can exceed 100 % O2, depending on the flow rate and kind of gas supplied.

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Additional Notes about the Calibration Routine The pO2 - measuring value displayed during the calibration course is invalid. The correct process value is only available after running the calibration. The automatic monitoring of the electrode after confirmation of the NITR and AIR entries considers the following references and limits: measured signal stable within 0.2 % of the measurement range for 60 sec.; current for electrode zero is kept within the range of NITR 0 ... +15 nA; electrode slope within the range of AIR: 25 ... 200 nA If the measured signal is beyond these limits, the system displays an alarm message, such as **ALARM**, Calibr. out of range, date time. In this case the calibration routine has failed and the pO2 cannot be measured correctly. However, the system will accept the calibrated zero and slope. You should repeat the calibration and check whether : all parts are properly connected; you had followed the above calibration procedure accordingly. If the error message appears again, the electrode must be serviced or replaced At step 4 and 6 of the calibration routine, when the cursor is on the ok entry, you can shorten the automatic monitoring of the electrode. Wait about 10 seconds and press ENTER then. The system stores the actual signal as reference value of either zero and slope.


Special Notes on the Handling of the pO2-Electrode The pO2-electrode is subject to wear and tear, due to the impacts of heat during sterilization and due to possible chemical reactions of compounds of the culture medium with the membrane or the electrolyte. Such effects may alter the membrane structure, ingredients of the media may bind to the membrane or ions may permeate into the electrolyte. Over time, t his will change the measurement characteristics Therefore the electrode has a restricted maximum lifetime that depends on the operating conditions and the application. The electrode must be serviced whenever the electrode measures currencies exceeding the limits given above, while no oxygen is present, or the electrode shows a slow response. The service of the pO2-electrode is restricted to cleaning of the anode replacement of the membrane module refilling with fresh electrolyte We recommend that you should refill with new electrolyte after about 5 sterilizations or after about 6 weeks of use for measurement. Depending on the physical/chemical properties of the culture solution it may be necessary to do this more often. If replacing the electrolyte does not improve the measurement characteristics, the anode must be cleaned and/or the membrane module must be replaced. See the information concerning maintenance and service in the documentation of the electrodes manufacturer. You will find detailed information about installing the pO2-electrode in the documentation of the culture vessels and their equipment. However you should note, that the required operation and maintenance measures may differ from the information herein, depending on the type of the pO2-electrode delivered. Specific information about proper handling of the electrode, the recommended service periods and the estimated lifetime is available in the documentation from the manufacturer.

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Pump Calibration
Calibration and Dosing Counter Functions

To monitor the corrective solution consumption the Biostat i twin controller can totalize the dosing times of the pumps and use them as process values. For this it converts the dosing times into delivered volumes with regard to the specific flowrates of the pumps. This is possible for the following pumps and operation modes : 1st pump: supply of an acid, mode ACID 2nd pump: supply of alkaline solution, mode BASE 3rd pump: for supply of antifoam agent, mode AFOAM 4th pump: substrate supply or harvest pump for level control, mode LEVEL 5th pump: for substrate supply, mode SUBS The flowrates can be calculated automatically from the measured running time of the pumps and the delivery of the pumps during the calibration. The flowrates can also be entered directly via the operating terminal. You can zero the dosing counters for the pumps at any time via the operating terminal. Since the calibration and dosing counter functions are the same for all pumps, only those for the acid pump will be described in details herein. 5.3.2 Operating Display ACID : 1280 ml MODE : calib TOTAL: 200 ml FLOW : 1.2 /m Symbol / entry ACID : : meaning, possible input Display of acid volume delivered; the counter will be set to zero : - at switching on the unit with the mains switch; - when switching the operation mode over from calib to total Display of delivered volume of alkaline agent (BASE) Display of delivered volume of antifoam agent AFOAM Display of actual value of the LEVEL dosing counter Display of the substrate volume delivered Enter mode of the dosing counter : - calib: calibration of flow rate (delivery) of the pump; - total: dosing counter active; switching from calib to total mode sets the counter to zero. Enter operation mode start/stop of the pump calibration routine. This entry is only active in the calib-mode. When switched into calib - mode, the delivered volume can be entered herein Display of actual pump delivery or input of delivery rate. It is possible to enter a delivery rate manually at any time strt

for the other pumps instead of ACID the following entries are shown : BASE AFOAM LEVEL SUBDC MODE : : : : :

strt/stop TOTAL FLOW

: : :

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5.3.3 1.

Calibration of Pump Modules of a Pump-100 or Pump-300 Unit Place a piece of tubing of suitable length with one end into a beaker filled with water, mount the tubing into the pump head and place the outlet end into a measuring beaker. The tubing must be the same size that will be used for medium transfer (such as 1.6 x 1.6 or 3.2 x 1.6 mm). To avoid errors in calibration due to the clearance volume of the tubing, activate the pump manually until the tubing is completely filled. Press the main function key Calibration several times to select the menu of the pump which should be calibrated (ACID, BASE, AFOAM or LEVEL). Move the cursor to line MODE : total. Press the ALTER-key once to change to MODE : calib. Confirm with ENTER. Then the cursor jumps to strt. Press ENTER to start the pump for calibration. At the same time the entry at TOTAL will be deleted. The pump delivers liquid for a certain period. The system automatically switches over to stop while the cursor remains in this entry. Confirm stop with ENTER. Then the cursor jumps to TOTAL. Measure the volume delivered into the measuring beaker and enter the measured volume in entry TOTAL. Confirm your input with ENTER. Now the system calculates the flowrate, which will then be displayed. Again, confirm with ENTER . The cursor jumps to entry MODE. The operation mode automatically changes from calib to total. The existing entry of TOTAL will be deleted. If you want to calibrate another pump, select the corresponding menu using the main function key Calibration and repeat the steps shown above.

2. 3.




Special Notes You must use tubing of the same size for calibration and delivering the addition solution (tubing size 1.6 x 1.6 or 3.2 x 1.6 mm, for instance). Otherwise the system will calculate the dosage using wrong calibration parameters. You can do the calibration before start-up and sterilization, however, recalibration is possible at any time using tubing of the same size as connected to the storage bottles. The dosing counter will be set to zero when the Biostat i twin controller is switched-off. When disabling the controller with stop the dosing counter will not be set to zero but will continue with the actual value after restart. During a fermentation run you should handle the assemblies with special care to prevent loosening the connections to the culture vessel or damages of the tubings.

Caution: Acid or alkaline agent used for pH-control can cause burns, when the tubing get loose and the agents are released unintentionally. Damages to the tubing can cause the corrective solutions, and in turn the vessel contents to be contaminated.

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All control loops in the measurement and control system operate as DDC controllers. The controllers are implemented as PID controllers, setpoint controllers or on/off controllers and adapted to the control loops concerned. Depending on the connected actuators the control output is either continuous or pulsewidth-modulated. Both single- and split-range control operation are possible. The controller structure (P-I-D) can be parametrized according to the task, if necessary. The controller functions possible with the Biostat i twin controller are shown below. The controllers can be operated in different modes. Switching between the operating modes is carried out with bumpless transfer. OFF AUTO CASC : : : controller switched off with defined output controller in operation controller operating as servo controller in cascade mode

In the operating display you can enter the actual value and the operating mode. Controller parametrization is accessible by entering the required password in the PARAM - entry. Then the parametrization menu appears for adjustment of PID parameters and deadband. The Biostat i twin controller can be connected to a host computer and run in remote operation mode. Setpoints and operating modes of the individual controllers are then determined by the host computer. In this mode the Biostat i twin controller operating terminal will be locked against inputs.


Extend of Controller Functions of the micro-DCU - system

Temperature controller Stirrer controller pH controller pO2 controller : : : : PID cascade controller with pwm-splitrange outputs for heating / cooling PID controller with analog output for motor control PID controller with pwm-split-range outputs for the acid & base pump PID cascade controller for one or two servo controllers. Servo controller(s) can be the - stirrer controller - substrate dosing controller - Gasmix controller for control valves for supply of N2 and O2 or - as an option: airflow controller On/off (cycle/delay time) controller for antifoam On/off (cycle/delay time) controller for harvest pump Setpoint controller for an external continuous substrate pump or, as an alternative, for an internal pump, which has no control function (ACID/BASE or AFOAM/LEVEL) Setpoint controller for a massflow controller Setpoint controller for pulse-width modulated splitrange outputs for N2 and O2 of a separate Gasmix unit (optional equipment). This controller is not displayed.

Foam controller Level controller Substrate controller

: : :

Optional controllers: Airflow controller Gasmix : :

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Controller Operation, General

All DDC controllers are operated in almost the same way. The Control Loops menu of each of the controllers has two different displays: The settings for the setpoints and the operating modes of the controllers are done in Operating Displays, which is directly accessible. If more than 3 lines are required for displaying the settings of a controller, you can scroll up and down to following lines showing additional parameters using the cursor keys , . Any settings not required for routine operation, will be made using the parametrization functions.. The Parametrization Displays are only accessible via a two-digit password The second page is accessible via a password. 6.2.1 Setpoint Adjustment Setpoints are entered and displayed in the SETP entry. Entered values must be within the measuring range of the variable. Values exceeding the measuring range will be ignored. 6.2.2 Operating Modes Operating modes are entered and displayed in the MODE - entry. Modes are selected via the ALTER - key. Some controllers only allow specific operating modes. If a selected mode is not plausible for the controller, the inputs will be ignored. In off - mode the controller is inactive; the output adapts to a defined position (corresponding to the neutral position of the actuator). In auto mode the controller is active. Setpoint values can be altered via SETP. In casc mode the controller operates as a servo controller in a cascade control loop. The setpoint value is specified by the master controller; it cannot be adjusted via SETP.


Parametrization of Controllers, General

For optimum adaptation of the DDC controllers to the control loops of the fermentor, you may change the important control parameters of the different controllers via the parametrization displays : DEADB XP, TI, TD MIN, MAX : : : Deadband adjustment (only for PID controllers) PID-Parameter (only PID controllers) Controller output limits

Within a controller display the parametrization display is only accessible via the required password. The Biostat i twin controller is pre-programmed with control parameters that ensure stable operation of the control functions. Under normal circumstances changing the control parameters is not necessary, with the exception of those control loops which are strongly influenced by the process, such as pH and pO2 control. For the control parameters preset in the factory see the tables on page 49. Note: Because the corresponding sections below show the passwords, this manual should only be available for personnel, who are qualified and authorized to enter parameter displays and change the given settings. Inadequate changes of the parameters can cause malfunctioning of the BIOSTAT

Twin controller.

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For PID controllers a deadband can be adjusted. For actual values that vary stochastically, a predefined deadband allows for more stable control with minimized actuator changes. The controller output remains constant or is set to zero (specific feature of pH - controller) if the control deviation is within this deadband. In the case of splitrange controller outputs, a deadband can prevent the controller output from oscillating (such as alternating acid-alkali titration by the pH-controller). The deadband is adjusted in the entry DEADB, it is the percentage [%] of the measurement span of the actual value and is symmetrical to the adjusted setpoint. Example for pH control: measurement range pH = 2 - 12 pH, measurement span 10 pH adjusted deadband 1% = 0.1 pH, adjusted setpoint 6.0 pH Here the control is inactive at an actual value within 5.9 pH - 6.1 pH. The acid pump will be activated when the actual value exceeds the upper limit, the alkaline agent pump will be activated when the actual value falls below the lower limit. 6.3.2 PID - Parameters

The PID controller can be optimized via the following PID parameters : XP TI TD : : : Proportional range in % of measurement range (P-section) Reset time in seconds (I-section) Rate time in seconds (D-section)

The PID parameters can be adjusted in the corresponding entries. The digital controller implemented operates according to the positioning method. Setting individual PID parameters to zero determines the control principle. For easy optimization of the controllers you can change the parameters during operation. Set the parameters for the controller functions as follows: to work as P-controller PI-controller PD-controller PID-controller : : : : : required PID - parameter TI = 0, TD = 0 TD = 0 TI = 0 all PID - parameters have defined set values


PID - Controller Optimization

You will need some detailed knowledge about the control theory for optimum adaptation of a PID controller to the corresponding control loop. For detailed information about proven adjustment rules you may refer to any standard literature. Therefore the following specifications are only general guidelines: The D section (TD) should only be activated in the case of stable actual values, since the controller output will change rapidly if the actual values are varying stochastically. This would lead to an unstable control. As a rule the TI : TD ratio should be 4 : 1. In the case of a periodically oscillating control loop you can increase Xp and/or increase TI/TD to minimize or even prevent ocillation. If an actual value responds to the setpoint too slowly after a setpoint jump or if the actual value shows a continuous change (drift), you can decrease Xp and/or decrease TI/TD

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Temperature Control

The temperature control system is specifically designed for operation of a heating blanket and a cooling valve at single-walled culture vessels of the BIOSTAT i - fermentor system.


Temperature Controller

The temperature is maintained is a single-loop PID controller. The vessel temperature is the reference input. The controller output activates the cooling valve and the heater in split-range operation via pulsewidth-modulated outputs. As a special feature, the master controller can be switched from PD operation (which is active at start-up) to PID - operation when approaching the setpoint. This can almost completely eliminate overshooting of the control. 6.5.2 Operating Information Operating display page 1 :

TEMP : SETP : MODE : PARAM: Symbol / entry TEMP SETP MODE : : : :

37.5 oC 33.4 oC auto _

meaning, possible input Display of actual value Display or input of controller setpoint Display and input of control mode: - auto: automatic operation according to given setpoint; - off: controller is switched off, outputs are in operating state Enter 2-digit password 19 to have access to the controller parameters. When entering the password it will not be shown in the display.


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Operating display page 2, with cursor within the upper 4 lines :


: 37.5 oC : -100 % : 100 % : 10.0 %

Operating display page 2, with cursor moved down to the lowest line :

TEMP : 37.5 oC TI : 300 s TD : 75 s DEADB: 00.0 % Symbol / entry MIN MAX : : : Note : meaning, possible input Display and input of minimum controller output limit. For the temperature controller this parameter limits the output for cooling Display and input of maximum controller output limit. For the temperature controller this parameter limits the output for heating The values for MIN and MAX depend on the individual measurement range. If the measurement ranges are changed, the min and max values for the outputs are changed correspondingly and cannot be exceeded Enter proportional range Enter integral portion (reset time) Enter differential portion (delay time) Enter dead band More lines are available via the , - keys


: : : : :

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Stirrer Speed Control

The stirrer speed control acts as a setpoint controller for the motor controller , located in the IFB. It transmits an analog control signal for the motor controller to setting the stirrer speed. In conjunction with the pO2-controller the stirrer speed controller can be servo controller in the pO2 - cascade control loop. For 10 l - culture vessels of the BIOSTAT i the speed must be limited to max. 600 rpm. At higher speeds the culture vessel and motor can become unstable. The stirrer speed cannot be limited by factory setting of the system. The full speed range must be available if the motor is mounted to any other culture vessel.. Therefore always consider the max. permissible speed when adjusting the setpoint! Operating display: STIRR: 750 rpm SETP : 750 rpm MODE : auto PARAM: Symbol / entry STIRR SETP MODE : : : : meaning, possible input Display of actual value Display or input of controller setpoint Display and input of control mode: - auto: automatic operation at given setpoint - casc: cascade operation. The controller is servo controller and triggers the output of the master controller; - off: the controller is switched off, outputs are in operation state Enter 2-digit password 19 for access to the controller parameters


Operating display page 2, with cursor within the upper 4 lines : STIRR: MIN : MAX : XP : 750 rpm 004.2 % 100.0 % 200.0 %

Operating display page 2, with cursor moved down to the lowest line : STIRR: 750 TI : 5 TD : 0 DEADB: 000.0 Symbol/entry MIN, MAX XP TI TD : : : : : rpm s s %

meaning, possible input limiting controller output to minimum or to maximum Enter proportional range Enter integral portion (reset time) Enter differential portion (delay time) 28

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Enter dead band


pH - Control
Function Description

The pH - controller of the Biostat i twin controller is a software function that acts as a PID controller. This function triggers the corrective solution pumps for supply of acid and alkaline agent in split-range mode via two pulse width-modulated outputs. This allows for a reversible control of both pumps. If gaseous CO2 should be applied for pH - control instead of acids (as often applied in tissue cell culture), the output of the controller can be connected to a CO2 - control valve. The acid and base signals will remain switched-off as long as the deviation remains within the parameter dead bands. This will prevent unnecessary supply of acid or alkaline agent to the culture broth and will limit the consumption of these corrective agents (this is also true for CO2, if applied). 6.7.2 Operating Instructions Setting the Setpoint and Controller Mode

Operating display page 1 : pH SETP MODE PUMP : : : : 7.25 pH 7.10 pH auto ACID/BASE

Operating display page 2: pH : 7.25 pH MODE ; auto PUMP : ACID/BASE PARAM: Symbol / entry pH SETP MODE : : : : meaning, possible input Display of actual value in the headline Display or input of controller setpoint Display and input of control mode: - auto: automatic operation with the given setpoint; - off: controller is switched-off; outputs are in the operation state Display and selection of the required pump(s) - ACID/BASE: both acid and base pump are operated - ACID/-----: the acid pump is operated but not the base pump; thus the base pump is free for use as the substrate pump - -----/BASE: the base pump is operated but not the acid pump; thus the acid pump is free for use as the substrate pump Enter 2-digit password 19 for access to controller parameters; during entry the password will not be displayed



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Parametrization Parametrization display, with cursor within the upper 4 lines : pH XP TI TD : 7.25 pH : 30.0 % : 30 s : 0 s

Parametrization display page 2, with cursor moved down to the lowest line: pH : 7.25 pH TI : 30 s TD : 0 s DEADB: 0.5 % Symbol / entry XP TI TD DEADB , : : : : : : meaning, possible input Input of proportional range Input of integral portion (reset time) Input of differential portion (delay time) Input of dead band More lines are available below; move over using the , - keys

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pO2 - Control
Modes of Operation

The measurement and control system of the Biostat i twin controller includes a pO2-controller for universal use. Thus the pO2 control function can be applied as required for the intended process. It is possible to adapt the pO2 control to specific process requirements. In particular the following control strategies can be performed : pO2-control by operating a single process value. These servo controllers can be selected: stirring speed (STIRR) substrate supply (SUBS) gas supply by mixing of 2 gasses (GASMIX) gas supply using the optional massflow controller (AIRFL) pO2-control by operating two process values. The same servo controllers can be selected. 6.8.2 pO2 - Controller with One Servo Controller

In the pO2 control using one servo controller the pO2 controller acts as the master controller. Its output directly operates the input of the servo controller. In standard configurations the pO2-controller operates either the stirrer speed controller, the substrate supply or the Gasmix controller, respectively. By use of the Gasmix servo controller two gasses can be mixed, such as N2 and O2, for instance. For this the Gasmix controller operates a valve for O2 supply and a valve for supply ofO2 in spliltrange mode via pulse-width modulated outputs. This method is often applied for bubble free gas supply to the culture medium via a membrane aeration system. 6.8.3 pO2 - Controller with Two Servo Controllers For the pO2-cascade control serial operation can be selected. In this case the pO2controller operates two servo controllers one after another, according to their priority. In the pO2-controller you can predefine a min/max range for each servo controller. The pO2-controller operates the individual servo controller, as long as the corresponding setpoint is within its min/max range. If you set the reverse min/max settings you will get the reverse control . When the pO2-control is switched on, the output of the pO2-controller operates the servo controller 1 (CASC1) with the given setpoints within the range of the preset min/max settings. As far as selected, the servo controller 2 receives the MIN setpoint of the pO2controller. If the setpoint signal reaches the MAX value defined for the servo controller of priority 1, the output of the pO2-controller will automatically switch over to the setpoint input of servo controller 2 (CASC2). The delay time for swiching over is 5 min (default setting) and can be modified. Then the following setpoints will be transmitted: servo controller 1 : servo controller 2 : at predifined MAX output for CASC1 controlled output of pO2-controller

If the O2-consumption of the process is reduced again, the controllers return to the previous control principle in reverse order. This control principle allows for an accurate pO2-control during the process, the pO2 can be kept constant even at larger variations of the O2-consumption without any manual control required. Above this the PID-parameters of the servo controllers 1 and 2 can be set independently from each other to provide an optimum adaptation of the controls to the behaviour of the control system.

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Operating Information Setting the Setpoint and Controller Mode Operating display, cursor in the first line: pO2 SETP MODE CASC : 88.5 % : 83.4 % : auto :STIRR


Operating display, cursor in the last line: pO2 : 88.5 % MODE : auto CASC :STIRR PARAM: Symbol / entry pO2 SETP MODE CASC : : : : : STIRR : meaning, possible input display of actual value in the headline display or input of controller setpoint auto: automatic operation with the given setpoint; off: controller is switched-off; outputs are in the operation state. display or selection of servo controller 1 and, if necessary, servo controller 2 the output of the pO2-controller operates the setpoint of the stirrer controller. The operation mode of the stirrer speed controller will automatically switched over to casc -mode. the output of the pO2- controller operates the setpoint of the substrate 1 controller. The mode for the substrate 1 controller will be set to casc automatically. the pO2-controller operates the setpoint of the gasmix controller. The controller is not shown on the display the output of the pO2 controller operates the setpoint of the airflow controller. The operating mode is automatically swiched over to casc. The AIRFL servo controller can only be selected, if the optional massflow controller is available. Enter 2-digit passwort 19 for access to controller parameters





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Parametrization Parametrization display, page 1, with cursor within the upper 4 lines : pO2 : 88,4 % DEADB: 0.5 % HTIME: 5 min STIR MIN : 0 %

Parametrization display, page 1, with cursor in the lowest line : pO2 MAX XP TI : 88,4 % : 100 % : 100 s : 100 s

Parametrization display, page 2 , with cursor in the lowest line : pO2 XP TI TD Symbol / entry DEADB HTIME STIR, etc. : : : : STIR : SUBS : GASM : AIRFL : : 88,4 % : 100 s : 100 s : 0 s

meaning, possible input Enter dead band display or input of the delay time for switching over from cascade 1 to cascade 2 selection of servo controller using the ALTER key display / setting of the controller parameters for the stirrer controller while used as servo controller display / setting of the controller parameters for the substrat controller while used as servo controller display / setting of the controller parameters for the gasmix controller while used as servo controller Display and adjustment of the controller parameters related to the servo controller Airflow; only if this servo controller is available (Option) Enter proportional range Enter integral portion (reset time) Enter differential portion (delay time) More lines are available below; move over using , - keys


: : : :


Special Notes For the pO2-controller two sets of parameters are internally available. Access is only possible to the PID - set, which has been activated before within Mode.

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Foam Control
Function Principles of Foam Control

When foam has contact with the foam sensor for longer than 6 seconds the foam amplifier releases a limit value signal, which is the input signal for the foam controller. The sensitivity of the foam measurement amplifier can be adjusted in the display of the foam controller. The delay time prevents erroneous activation of the foam control and supply of antifoam agent caused by short time contact or splashes of the liquid against the probe. The controller output operates an externally connected Antifoam pump. The pump is switched-on and off periodically as long as foam is detected (sensor signal = on). Running time and the cycle time (= dosing time + delay time) for intermittent operation can be entered via the controller display. The amount of antifoam agent delivered by the pump depends on the hose dimensions. After calibration of the pump using the corresponding calibration function a dosing counter displays the delivered volume. The antifoam pump connected to the Biostat i twin controller can be used as substrate pump, if the foam control function is not required. 6.9.2 Equipment for the Foam Control

The following parts are necessary for setting up this version of the foam control system: Height adjustable, single conductive foam probe. Measuring principle is conductivity measurement; the stainless steel parts of the culture vessel act as the opposing electrode Integrated peristaltic pump in the BIOSTAT I supply unit. Autoclavable bottles for antifoam agent with connectors and tubings for sterile supply

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Operation of the Foam Control Operating Display, page 1: FOAM : off MODE : auto CYCLE:01:30 m:s PULSE:00:05 m:s chg

Operating Display, page 2, with cursor in the lowest line: FOAM : off SENSI: 3 PULSE:00:05 m:s PUMP : AFOAM Symbol / entry FOAM : : meaning, possible input Display of actual signal of sensor FOAM in the headline; the function displayed (FOAM/SUBS) will automatically switched over according to the preselected function Enter controller mode : - auto: controller is active, automatic operation; - off: controller is switched-off; outputs are in the operation state; 1. Place cursor at auto or off, respectively 2. Press ALTER to switch over the mode and confirm with ENTER Enter cycle time in Minutes:Seconds [mm:ss] Enter pump running time in Minutes:Seconds [mm:ss] Enter probe sensitity; 4 levels of sensitivity are adjustable Display and selection of the pump which is connected to the controller: - AFOAM: the antifoam controller operates the antifoam pump - -----: the antifoam controller does not operate the antifoam pump. The antifoam pump can be used for the substrate supply function.



: : : :


Special Notes If chemical foam control using commercially available antifoam agents (such as greases, oils, oil-water-emulsions, silicone-oils, paraffines) is applied, you should note that these agents can affect the growth of the cells and cell metabolism. Therefore the amount of agent supplied to a culture vessel should be minimized. Dosing of antifoam agent should only be activated, when foam has contact with the probe. Adjust sensitivity of the probe in such a way that bubbles, foam residues or culture medium splashing against the probe will not activate the controller. Adjust cycle time long enough to differentiate between splashing or short contact of foam or medium caused by stirring and/or aeration and longer contact with foam. The reference potential for the foam electrode is provided via the Pt-100. Thus the foam measuring system only works if both the foam electrode and the Pt-100 are mounted into the top-plate of the culture vessel of the BIOSTAT i.

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Level Controller

Taking samples during a fermentation run will reduce the volume of media in the culture vessel, therefore you may need to add media to the culture vessel from time to time. You will also supply media or specific substrates for fed-batch or continuous processes. This can cause the maximum working volume of the vessel to be exceeded and the surplus volume needs to be removed. The level control function of the Biostat i twin controller provides a monitoring of the volume in the culture vessel. In addition you can automate the removal of surplus medium as well as the supply of medium and specific substrates, in order to keep the volume in the culture vessel constant. 6.10.1 Function Principles of Level Control

The insertion depth of the level probe determines the controlled filling volume of the culture vessel. Therefore you will need to gauge the capacity of the vessel and determine the insertion depth of the probe. When the culture medium comes into contact with the probe, the level amplifier generates a digital signal, which is the input signal for the level control function. You can adjust the sensitivity of the amplifier to consider the conductivity of the medium and to avoid unintended controller activities due to contact of foam with the probe or by splashing of liquid against the probe. The level amplifier offers the two modes HARV (harvest) and FEED. In the HARV mode the level controller output operates the LEVEL pump, as long as the level signal is on. The pump acts as harvest pump. In the FEED - mode, it operates the pump, when the level signal is off. Then the pump acts as dosing pump. The pump operates at running and delay times, which can be adjusted in the corresponding operating display. The amount of medium which is removed or supplied, depends on the running time and the hose dimensions. If the pump is calibrated using the corresponding pump calibration function, the dosing counter displays the exact delivery volumes. 6.10.2 Equipment for the Level Control

The following parts are necessary for setting up this version of the level control: The level probe is a height adjustable, single conductive electrode. Measuring principle is conductivity measurement; the stainless steel parts of the vessel act as the opposing electrode Integrated peristaltic pump in the BIOSTAT I supply unit. Containers for samples or autoclaveable bottles for substrate, with connectors and tubings. If you need to remove any culture medium contamination-free you can use autoclaved sampling bottles as required for the supply of antifoam agent or nutrient solution. 6.10.3 Operating Information You will operate the level controller in the same way as the antifoam controller. See the above section for details. 6.10.4 Additional Notes To adjust the level probe at the required height for control of a certain filling volume, you'll have to measure the vessel capacity, taking into account the displacement of accessories n the vessel, such as vessel electrodes. You should label the volumes on the vessel, as far as necessary. However, you should note, that high stirring speeds and/or intensified gassing of the culture can produce an increased level in the culture media, compared to the level at low stirring or gas supply..

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Controller for Substrate Feed

Functional Description

The supply unit supports an external continuous pump intended for substrate feeding. The controller does not use feedback of the actual speed of the pump. The display of the process value SUBS represents the controllers setpoint. The amount of substrate supplied with the pump depends on the running time and the hose dimensions. If the pump is calibrated using the pump calibration function (refer to the pump calibration instructions in section 5.3), the dosing counter displays the exact deliveries. You can operate the substrate controller using a time dependent setpoint profile. Such a profile can have step changes and ramp changes with max. 10 segments and be started and stopped at any time. 6.11.2 Operation of the Substrate Supply SUBS Setting the Setpoint and Controller Mode Operating display SUBS SETP MODE PUMP : 20 % : 020.0 % : auto : SUBS

Operating Display with cursor in the lowest line: SUBS : MODE : PUMP : PARAM: Symbol / entry SUBS SETP MODE : : : : 20.0 % auto SUBS __

meaning, possible input Display of setpoint of substrate controller Display or input of the setpoint for the pump delivery (flow rate) Enter controller mode : - auto: automatic operation with the given setpoint; - off: controller is switched-off; outputs are in the operation state; - casc: substrate controller is switched to cascade operation for the pO2-controller; i.e. the pO2-controller delivers the setpoint for the substrate controller - profil: automatic operation using a defined setpoint profile Display and selection of the connected pump : - SUBS: the controller operates an external continuous pump; - ACID: the substrate controller operates the ACID pump, i.e. the pump is not used by the pH-controller; - BASE: the substrate controller operates the BASE pump, i.e. the pump is not used by the pH-controller; - AFOAM: the substrate controller operates the AFOAM pump, i.e.the pump is not used by the AFOAM-controller; - LEVEL: the substrate controller operates the LEVEL pump, i.e. the pump is not used by the LEVEL -controller Access to the controller parameters via 2-digit password 19



Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502

37 Parametrization of the Substrate Dosing Function SUBS, Input of a Setpoint Profile Parametrization display page 1 SUBS : 15.0 MIN : 000 MAX : 100 TIME0: 0:00 Parametrization display page 2 TIME1: TIME2: TIME3: TIME4: Parametrization display page 3 TIME5: TIME6: TIME7: TIME8: Parametrization display page 4 TIME9: 7:00 SP : 90 % 4:50 5:30 6:00 6:15 SP SP SP SP : : : : 55 70 80 90 % % % % 1:10 2:00 3:15 4:00 SP SP SP SP : : : : 15 20 35 40 % % % %_ % % % SP :

10 %

Symbol / entry MIN MAX TIME0...9 SP Additional notes

: : : : :

meaning, possible input Display and input of the minimum controller output limit Display and input of the maximum controller output limit Display and input of the time for max. 10 profile changes Display and input of the setpoints for the profile changes

If the time for the first breakpoint is not set to 00:00 h:m the system uses the current setpoint for the start of a profile. In a program for a setpoint jump (step change) both setpoints can have the same time. When a profile is defined and started for pO2-control, correlating active profiles for SUBS will be stopped automatically. The controller will be switched over to cascade-mode.

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Airflow - Controller
Modes of Operation and Equipment

Airflow controllers allow an automatic continuous control of the air supply according to the oxygen consumption in the process. This is a more sensitive and efficient method for air supply than by the on/off operation of the pO2-solenoid valves usually applied. Airflow controllers are separate massflow controller modules. The airflow controller will be installed in the inlet airline of the culture vessel and can be directly connected to the Biostat i twin controller. It will be triggered by an analog setpoint signal. For equipment of your system you will need the following parts: Biostat i twin controller - 300 with software version 3.3 or later For the BIOSTAT A, depending on the size of the vessel and the intended gas flow: airflow - controller 3 l/min, cat.-no. 880 7400, or airflow - controller 10 l/min, cat.-no. 880 7418, A suitable laboratory stand or the optional rack for the BIOSTAT A, cat.-no. 880 8007 (as required for the placement of the airflow control modules at the working place) 6.12.2 Operating Information Operating display : AIRFL: 3.00 slpm SETP : 3.00 slpm MODE : auto PARAM:_ Parametrization display : AIRFL: 3.00 slpm MIN : 0 % MAX : 100 %

Symbol / entry AIRFL SETP MODE

: : : :

meaning, possible input display of actual flowrate entry of setpoint for the flowrate enter controller mode : - auto: automatic operation with the given setpoint; - off: controller is switched-off; outputs are in the operation state;. access to controller parameter, enter 2-digit password 19 for this min limit of controller output max limit of controller output


: : :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


7 7.1


Technical Set-up

Two types of recorders are available for the Biostat with digital display and a Hartmann und Braun

i twin controller, the Arucomp SK 10 recorder

Arucomp SK 10 recorder with analog display, Hartmann und Braun 7.1.2 Operating the Recorder The recorder is contained in an extra housing and will be connected to the corresponding socket Recorder of the micro - DCU. Below an overview on the most important (default) settings for connection to a fermentor, like the BIOSTAT A is given. Additional information about individual functions and the adjustment of operation parameters can be found in the Operating Manual 2) of the recorder. 7.1.3 Recorder Configuration

The controller system includes a recorder output board with plug connection. The socket Recorder offers 4 analog outputs 0 ... 10 V for connection of a 6-channel dot printer. It is possible to assign up to 4 process values to these outputs. The signal ranges of the outputs are fixed and correspond with measurement range for the process values. Operating display page 1: Recorder CHAN1:TEMP CHAN2:STIR CHAN3:pH Operating display page 2, with the cursor in the lowest line : Recorder CHAN4:pO2

Symbol / entry CHAN1

: :

meaning, possible input Enter process value for recorder output channel 1. Select other process values with the ALTER key. Confirm selection with ENTER. Moving over with a cursor key without ENTER will ignore your selection see CHAN1 More lines are available. Move over using ,

CHAN2..4 ,

: :


Included in the documentation set if part of the system configuration on delivery. Otherwise available on request. Please contact B. Braun Biotech International GmbH for this. 40

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Technical Set-up

Connection of a protocol printer to the controller allows for easy on-line recording of a hardcopy of the fermentation run. Thus the course of important parameters can be monitored and/or unexpected events can easily be detected. The printer can be a standard matrix printer with serial interfaces and small fonts. It will print the parameters numerically into a corresponding table. The protocol will include the data of the PROCESS DISPLAY and the following parameters (see example of a protocol below) : Date, time of the print (showing the time of an event during the fermentation run) All process values Alarm messages 7.2.2 1. Operating Information Connection of a Printer Connect the printer to the RS 232 interface of the Biostat i twin controller (socket printer). Note the information for connecting and presetting the printer in the operating manual of the device. Switch over to the menu for the printer settings, see the menu, the tags and the information about the entries below. Set the cycle time for the output of data. Start the printout. Starting and stopping is possible at any time during the process. Setting the Operation Parameters Operating display : Printer CYCLE: 20 min MODE :start PARAM: __ Symbol / entry CYCLE MODE : : : meaning, possible input Enter cycle time for printout of one line of the protocol in the table. Possible cycle times are in the range of 1 ... 60 minutes. Enter operation mode of the printer, select via the ALTER - key. : - stop: no data will be printed - start: printout of data is active Enter 2-digit password 19 for access to interface parameters.

2. 3. 4.


Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Parametrization of the Printer Printer Parameters display: Printer SPEED: 9600 bd DATA : 8 bit STOP : 1 bit Printer Parameters display:, with cursor in the lowest line : Printer DATA : STOP : PARTY: 8 bit 1 bit no


: : : : :

meaning, possible input Enter signal transfer rate within the range of 300..19,200 baud; default is 9,600 baud Enter number of data bits: 7 ... 8; default is 8 Enter number of stop bits: 0 ... 2; default is 1 Enter kind of parity bit: even, odd, no parity; default is no

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Host Computers and Connections

Technical Set-up

The Biostat i twin controller can be connected to host computer via the integrated serial interface RS 422. Operation principle is Multidrop - operation using a 4-wire network. The protocol is compatible with the protocol of the measurement and control system DCU. It includes measurement values and setpoints at fixed order. You can adjust the interface parameters via a password - protected operation display. User definable transfer rates are within 300 ... 19.200 baud. 7.3.2 1. 2. Operating Information Connect host computer to the controller via the serial interface RS422 Host on the rear of the unit. Check the documentation of you host computer for necessary settings. Switch over the operating terminal to the menu for host communication. Operating display: Host ADR : PARAM: 2 XX

Symbol / entry ADR PARA

: : :

meaning, possible input Display of BIOSTAT B - address Enter 2-digit password 19 for access to interface parameters

Operating display Parameters": Host ADR : 2 SPEED: 9600 bd DATA : 7 bit Operating display page 2, with cursor moved down to the lowest line : Host DATA : 7 bit STOP : 1 bit PARTY: even Symbol / entry ADR SPEED DATA STOP PARTY : : : : : : meaning, possible input Enter controller - address 1 ... 16 Enter transfer rate within 300 ... 19,200 baud; default is 9,600 baud Enter number of data bits: 7 ... 8; default is 7 Enter number of stop bits: 0 ... 2; default is 1 Enter kind of parity bit: even, odd, no parity; default is even

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Utility Functions

Within the Utility - menu you can find and reset, if necessary, some general system settings, such as the date or real time clock. The display also shows the implemented software version and any specific configuration, if applied. Operating display, page 1: Utility DATE :17.12.1990 TIME :14:30 h:m VERS : 3.01

Operating display, page 2: Utility CONFG:BA01D FAILT:02:00 h:m CONTR:alter

Operating display, page 2, with cursor in the lowest line : Utility FAILT:02:00 h:m CONTR:alter PARAM: ___ Symbol / entry DATE TIME VERS CONFG FAILT : : : : : : meaning, possible input Display or input of date Display or input of time (system clock) Display of software version Display of configuration identification3 Display or input of the failtime for power failures. If a power failure is shorter than the preset failtime, the process will be continued with the given settings of all parameters. If the power failure takes longer, the system behaves like being switched off with the mains switch after return of the power supply. Select contrast of the LCD - display using the ALTER - key. Entry of password for access to the configuration parameters; this is a special password only available for authorized service personnel.


: :

Example for configuration code. Note the entry in the display of your system if questions arise concerning the implemented extent of functions or for trouble shooting, when calling our hotline. 44

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Measurement Ranges

The menu shows the measurement ranges of the process values. Setting of the parameters is possible in a submenu, which is also protected by a password. Only authorized service personnel is allowed to change the measurement ranges! Operating display, page 1: Meas. Ranges PARAM:___

Page 2 of the Operating Display, with cursor within the upper 4 lines : Meas. Ranges PV :TEMP MIN : 0.0 % MAX : 100.0 % Symbol / entry PARAM PV MIN MAX : : : : : meaning, possible input Enter password 753 to select the second page of the display. Display or input of a process value. For selecting another process value use the ALTER - key. Display or input of the starting point (lower limit threshold) of a measurement range. Display or input of the ending point (upper limit threshold) of a measurement range.

On delivery the following measurement ranges of process values are adjusted as default (you should note that these settings can be different for the Biostat i twin controller delivered to you, for connection to a BIOSTAT A and/or to other fermentors): Process value TEMP : STIRR: pH : pO2 : ACID : BASE : AFOAM: LEVEL: SUBDC: SUBS: AIRFL: EXT1..2: Limit of measurement range lower limit 0.0 0 2.00 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 upper limit 100.0 1,200 12.00 100.0 500 500 500 10,000 10,000 100 10.00 100.0 degC rpm pH % ml ml ml ml ml % l/m % Physical unit

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Manual Operation of Digital Outputs, Standard

The menu Manual Operation - Digital Outputs Std. is used for service support. It displays the state of the digital outputs of the system. Within this menu no inputs are possible. Menu display : MAN OP DIG 1: a off 3: a off 5: a o Symbol / entry 1 ... 16 a, etc. : : : a: o: s: Meaning digital output, channel 1 ... 16 display of mode of output: automatic: internal function acts on output, i.e. controller operating state: no internal function acts on output sterilization: sterilization program acts on output (only available for control systems with sterilization programs, i.e. not valid for BIOSTATA, for instance) host: host computer connected acts on output display of state of: - off: output statically switched off - on: output statically switched on display of state of pulse-width modulated output : - 0: output switched off - 100: output fully (100%) switched on - 20: output switched on in pulse-with modulated state. In this example the output is switched on at a rating of 20%. The cycle time (pulse - pulse) depends on the controlled system and is in the range of 5 ... 10 s OUT STD 2: a off 4: a o 6: a off

h: off/on :

0 ... 100 :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Manual Operation of Analog Outputs, Standard

The menu Manual Operation - Analog Outputs Std. is used for service support. It displays the state of the analog outputs of the system. Within this menu no inputs are possible. Menu display : MAN OP ANA 1: a o 3: a o 5: a 10 OUT STD 2: a o 4: a 50 6: a 90

Symbol / entry 1 ... 8 a, etc.

: : : a: o:

Meaning analog output, channel 1 ... 8 display of mode of output: automatic: internal function acts on output, i.e. controller operating state: no internal function acts on output display of state of output: output switched off (voltage of 0 V) output switched on (voltage of 10 V)

0 ... 100

: 0: 100 :

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



When they occur, alarms will be displayed within an extra alarm menu, showing date and time of the alarm. If several alarms occur, they will be stored in an internal buffer, which can hold up to ten alarms. A single alarm message will dissappear after pressing any main function key. For more than one alarm, the next alarm will be displayed afterwards. Examples of alarm displays : ** ALARM ** Power failure 22.01.01 14:33

** ALARM ** HEATER failtime 22.01.01 14:33 Symbol/entry Heater failure Motor failure Power failure Calib. out of range BUFRAM read error EEPROM read error : : : : : : : meaning, possible input Display of heater alarm (malfunction of heater) Display of a motor alarm (malfunction of motor or motor control) Display of general power failure of mains supply Display of a warning (error message) of the probe calibration; see description of the Calibration menu for details System error; a software reset has been applied or the battery is malfunctioning System error; the parameters specific for the system cannot be processed; not all functions are available (system partly out of order)

How to Answer Alarm Messages : 1. If the process continuous although an alarm has occured, check which kind of alarm it is and whether the process has been interfered. Disturbances of the process may be indicated at the chart paper of the recorder or the printout of the printer. You may continue the process, if possible or need to interupt it. If the alarm has stopped the fermentation run, you may try to continue by restarting the fermentor. Check at the display and at the chart paper of the recorder or the printout of the printer at which state of operation the fermentation run has been stopped, which kind of alarm it is and whether the process has been interfered. At malfunctioning of the related device of fermentor and if the system cannot be restartet: check all adjustments for the related component readjust given setpoints, etc., if necessary. For information about the system parameters adjusted in the factory see section 1, Factory Settings on next page. 4. If it is impossible for you to restart the fermentor system by this, and in any case one of the system errors BUFRAM read error or EEPROM read error occurs you should contact your B. Braun service representative or directly the B. Braun Biotech International GmbH.



Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


9 9.1

FACTORY SETTINGS General Information

For the Biostat i twin controller - the following system parameter settings are configured in the factory. The parameters can be changed according to specific requirements. In the case of unintended changes of the parameters or for a general reset you can recreate the original state.


Factory Settings for Measurement Ranges of Process Values

See the definitions given in section 7.5. Additional information is in preparation. You will receive such setting information together with the Biostat i twin controller or on special request. Please contact B. Braun Biotech International GmbH for this.


Factory Settings for Controller Parameters

CL-Tag TEMP STIRR pH pO2/STIRR pO2/AIRFL pO2/SUBS pO2/GASMIX AIRFL (option) MIN [%] --0 --0 0 -100 -100 0 MAX [%] --100 --100 100 100 100 100 DEADB [%] 0 0 0.5 0,5 0,5 0 0,5 --XP [%] 7 --30 150 100 120 5 --TI [s] 1000 --30 100 50 60 200 --TD [s] 250 --0 0 0 0 0 --RAMP [%] --20.0 -------------

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Example: pO2-Controller with Airflow - Controller and O2 - Enrichment

After switching on the pO2 - controller first operates the AIRFL - controller. At this time the GASMIX - controller receives the MIN setting assigned in the pO2 - controller. If the setpoint setting of the AIRFL - controller reaches its maximum, the output of the pO2 controller switches over to the setpoint input of the GASMIX - controller, see fig. on the next page. The AIRFL - controller receives the MAX setting defined in the pO2 - controller. For control of the pO2 the GASMIX - controller operates a 3/2-way valve for supply of air and O2.


Operation pO2 SETP MODE CASC : : : : 88.5 % 83.4 % auto AIRFL


Symbol / entry pO2 SETP MODE

: : : :

meaning, possible input Display of actual value des Istwertes Display and input of the controllers setpoint Display and input of the controllers operating mode: - auto: automatic operation with the given setpoint; - off: controller is switched off; outputs are in operating state Display and selection of servo controller 1 and 2: The pO2 - controller operates the setpoint of the Airflow - controller The pO2 - controller operates the setpoint of the Gasmix-controller. Note that the Gasmix controller is invisible in the operating display Access to the controller parameters via 2-digit password 19


: AIRFL : GASM : :



Parametrization Parametrization display page 1 : pO2 : 88,4 % DEADB: 0.5 % HTIME: 5 min MIN : 0 % Parametrization display page 2 : pO2 MAX XP TI : 88.4 % : 100 % : 100 s : 100 s



: : : : : :

meaning, possible input Display and input of the Totzone (Dead band) Display and input of delay time for switching from cascade 1 to 2 Selction of the servo controller using the ALTER key Display and input of the parameters for the Airflow - controller Display and input of the Parameter for the Gasmix - controller

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


Technical Data and Ordering Information


Space requirements Weight : : W x H x D about 450 x 185 x 420 mm about ____ kg


Ordering Information
Cat.-no. Version, specifications, additional notes BIOSTAT 880 843/0

Twin controller

Mains supply 115 V / 50 ... 60 Hz

Information about the availability of Biostat systems is available on request.

i twin controller for use with other fermentor

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502



Technical Specifications
System set-up : microprocessor-board (DFC-2) with integrated measurement amplifiers and actuator controls; measurement amplifiers according to the specifications of the version Biostat i twin controller 100, 200 or 300 microprocessor-system with 80C188 processor, offering - 128 kByte RAM, 128 kByte EPROM, - 8 analogue inputs, 8 analogue outputs, - 8 digital inputs and 16 digital outputs automatic restart after power down with adjustable FAILTIME Operating panel : illuminated LCD-Display with 4 lines x 20 characters film keyboard with 20 keys temperature sensor Pt 100, measurement range 0 ... 100 degC; digital PID-controller with split range outputs RPM-measurement with Hall sensors; measurement range 0 ... 1,200 rpm; digital PID-controller for motor controller pH-electrode with pasty electrolyte ( 12 mm); digital sensor calibration; measurement range 2 ... 12 pH PID-controller with split range outputs for acid / alkali; dosing counter for acid-/alkaline agent - pump pO2-Electrode ( 12 mm); digital sensor calibration; measurement range 0 ... 100 % pO2 (with reference to oxygen saturation of the measurement solution); digital PID-cascade controller digital on/off controller and dosing counter for use with - conductive foam sensor; - antifoam agent pump digital limit controller and dosing counter for use with - conductive level sensor; - harvest or substrate pump control of max. 2 feed pumps via pwm - outputs - adjustable delivery rate 0 ... 100% - dosing counters for feed pumps 4 analogue outputs 0 ... 10 V - configurable assignment of parameters to channel via serial interface RS 232 C - with configurable printing intervals and process variables for protocol via serial interface RS 422, protocol of measured values, set points and controller mode






Level control

Substrate pump control

Recorder connection

Protocol printer connection :

Host connection

Biostat i Twin Controller Rev. 1.0 - 0502


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