2000 - Trophic Relationships - Integrating Meiofauna Into A Realistic Benthic Food Web
2000 - Trophic Relationships - Integrating Meiofauna Into A Realistic Benthic Food Web
2000 - Trophic Relationships - Integrating Meiofauna Into A Realistic Benthic Food Web
1. This paper summarises the most important contributions on trophic relationships of
lotic meiofauna. In contrast to marine research, the few quantitative studies of the
freshwater meiobenthos have shown that these invertebrates not only take up particulate/
fine organic matter, but also dissolved organic substances attached to organic particles. In
lotic ecosystems, further estimates of grazing rate and bacterial/algal ingestion rate are
needed, particularly in situ measurements.
2. The effects of macroinvertebrate predators upon meiofauna are still under debate.
Depending on the type of experiments (laboratory vs. field) it seems that macrofauna may
or may not affect meiofauna. Field samples and analyses of gut contents of larval tanypod
chironomids have shown that the impact upon meiofauna was low and larvae were
nonselective predators. Predation amounted to 2.2% of the combined prey density and
prey consumption averaged 1.3 individuals per predator individual per year.
3. Adding taxonomic resolution by including the meiofaunal component within lotic food
webs distinctly increases the number of total species and, as a consequence, changes food
web statistics. Webs that included meiofauna revealed that these metazoans contributed
substantially to the percentage of intermediate species (species with predators and prey).
The resolution of dietary analyses of major consumers of macro- and meiobenthos showed
that many stream invertebrates feed on meiofauna.
Keywords: feeding habits, Meiofauna, stream food webs, trophic relationships
Actinosphaerium Rotifera Hollowday (1949)
Condylostoma Rotifera Arndt (1993)
Dileptus Rotifera, three species; microturbellaria Sander & Wickhman (1993);
Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
Trachelius Rotifera, three species Hollowday (1979); Schmid-Araya &
Schmid (1995)
Geocentrophora Rotifera, four species Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
Stenostomum Rhizopoda (Arcella) Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
Proales Rhizopoda (Rhadiophrys) Koste (1978)
Notommata Ciliophora Pourriot (1965, 1977)
Cephalodella Sessile Ciliophora; Rotifera, two species Pourriot (1965); Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
Dicranophorus Ciliophora; Rhizopoda (Difflugia); Rotifera Spittler (1976); Koste (1978);
Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
Aspelta Ciliophora Koste (1978)
Encentrum Ciliophora; Rhizopoda (Arcella); Rotifera, Koste (1978); Schmid-Araya &
four species Schmid (1995)
Prionchulus Rotifera, two species Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
Mononchus Rotifera, two species Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
Anatonchus Rotifera, four species; Oligochaeta Schmid-Araya & Schmid 1995
Chaetogaster Bacillariophiceae; Protozoa (Ciliophora), SchoÈnborn (1984); Schmid-Araya &
13 species; Rotifera, seven species Schmid (1995)
Brundiniella Protozoa; Acari; Chironomidae; Tardigrada; Roback (1978);
Ostracoda; Microcrustacea
Procladius Protozoa; Gastrotricha; Oligochaeta; Roback (1969); Loden (1974); Baker &
Ephemeroptera; Ceratopogonidae; Microcrustacea Mc Machlan (1979); Kajak (1980)
Macropelopia notata Bacillariophiceae; Rotifera, 14 species; Ephemeroptera, Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1995)
(Meigen) two species; Plecoptera, two species; Chironomidae,
29 species; Ostracoda
Macropelopia goetghebueri Bacillariophiceae; Rhizopoda, five species; Rotifera, Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
(Kieffer) 10 species; Oligochaeta; Chironomidae, eight species; (unpublished)
Tardigrada; Microcrustacea, three species
Apsectrotanypus Bacillariophiceae; Rhizopoda, four species; Rotifera, Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
seven species; Oligochaeta, two species; Chironomidae, (unpublished)
six species; Microcrustacea two species
Ablabesmyia Oligochaeta; Rotifera; Chironomidae; Microcrustacea Loden (1974), Coffman & Ferrington (1984)
Conchapelopia pallidula Bacillariophiceae; Rotifera, 36 species Chironomidae, Schmid-Araya & Schmid (1997)
(Meigen) eight species; Tardigrada; Microscrustacea; Ostracoda
Conchapelopia viator Rhizopoda, two species; Rotifera, seven species Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
(Kieffer) (unpublished)
Krenopelopia Rhizopoda; Rotifera, three species; Chironomidae Schmid-Araya, Hildrew & Roberston
Food web statistic Aire, Nidd, Morgan's Deep Doe Run Duffin Oberer
Wharfe Dee Clydach Rheidol Thames Cam Creek Creek UT KY Creek Broadstone Seebach
19291 19491 19491 19502 19722 19482 19671,2 19731 19671 19963 19854 19955 19986 19977
Number of species, S or web size 60 34 ? 18 10 18 13 18 11 32±39 24 33 130 166
Species proportions
Top species (T) 1.29 0.41 0.28 ± ± ± 0.25 0.33 0.18 0.41±0.78 0.17 ± 0.07 0.10
Intermediate (I) 0.32 0.32 0.48 ± ± ± 0.63 0.50 0.64 0.03±0.43 0.71 ± 0.85 0.86
Fig. 2 Feeding relationships in the benthic food web of the acid stream Broadstone in South England during summer 1996 and spring
1997. The y-axis represents body length of the different taxa, while circle size indicates species richness. Horizontal dotted lines delimit
the boundaries of meiofaunal sizes. Li, Diptera, Limoniidae; TRI, Trichoptera; TE, Terrestrial; SI, Sialis; OLI, Oligochaeta; CE, Diptera,
Ceratopogonidae; SM, Diptera, Simuliidae; PLE, Plecoptera; CO, Coleoptera; AC, Acari; CHI, Diptera, Chironomidae; TU, Turbellaria;
NE, Nematoda; OS, Ostracoda; CY, Cyclopoida; CL, Cladocera; HA, Harpacticoida; RO, Rotifera; TA, Tardigrada; PLEG, plecopteran
eggs; TUEG, turbellarian eggs; PR, Protozoa; DI, Diatoms; BAC, Bacteria; FPOM, fine particulate organic matter; CPOM, coarse
particulate organic matter.
ratio and the fraction of intermediate species. Other also improved by resolving specifically the meiofauna
recent data listed 49 species in an intermittent stream in the diet of macroinvertebrates. There was a decrease
in Australia (Closs & Lake, 1994), where the meio- in the fraction of top and basal species, while the
fauna included 11 Chironomidae and five microcrus- proportion of intermediate species increased. Conse-
tacean species. Fewer species were found and quently, the predator-prey ratio, linkage density and
analysed in the food web of Duffin Creek in Canada linkage complexity increased with species richness,
(Tavares-Cromar & Williams, 1996). These studies mainly attributed to the meiofauna.
examined either the spatial, or temporal, variation of Our own observations and recent quantification of
the food web; organic detritus was the primary the gut contents of major consumers of macro-and
resource utilised by all nonpredatory species in the meiobenthos (Schmid & Schmid-Araya, 1997) showed
community. In Duffin Creek, time-specific webs that many stream invertebrates feed on meiofauna.
differed from a summary web in terms of the number The trophic position of meiofauna has probably not
of links, number of species, number of top and been well understood. For example, benthic rotifers
intermediate species, and linkage density. can occupy several trophic roles: herbivores (i.e.
Including the meiofauna the Broadstone Stream web Proales, Euchlanis), microbial feeders (most bdelloids),
(Table 2) increased the number of total species and omnivores including omnivorous predators (i.e.
therefore changed food web statistics. The food web of Dicranophorus) feeding on other larger ciliates and
a calcareous gravel stream in Austria (Table 2) was rotifers (Table 1). Another role for rotifers in the