Appendix A: External Communication
Appendix A: External Communication
Appendix A: External Communication
Version 2
2. 3.
Key Dependencies:
August 28, 2008 Page A-1
DEQ Business Continuity Plan Upon what functions and processes is this business process dependent? 4 Telephone lines Point of contact and Contact information Computer and Communication Systems Team Leader Web Communications Specialist
Version 2
Recovery Time Objective for the dependency Within 6 hours - at least one phone technology must be made available Within 24 hours It is critical to be able to monitor what is being broadcast about the event via the media.
Vital Records:
Description News Media Web file Auto Email Utility Where Office of Communications shared directory in folder named Media Office of Communications shared directory in folder named media Contact Primary Contact Person: Web Specialist Primary Contact Person: Web Specialist
Equipment/Office Supplies:
Description Television (cable TV connectivity preferred) Laptop and Printer Where No specific unit is required. The location of the set should be at the alternate location for the Communications Team. Cable TV connection is important. Laptop with standard DEQ applications that can be networked by cable or wirelessly. Contact Web Specialist
Web Specialist
Description Office space for 8 people Meeting room space for 5 people Where See appendix E See appendix E
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Contact numbers for the BC Executive team for gathering information and relaying updates 1 to 3 laptops as available. Network connections.
Deploy television for tracking media reporting Begin work on crafting answers to likely media questions
Communications Outreach Specialist Crosswalk with DEQ content experts Communications Team Leader
Establish hotline with outgoing message and can receive incoming messages
Submit press release to Business Continuation Coordination Center and other agencies if applicable for review
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DEQ Business Continuity Plan Step 9 Submit press release regarding current recovery status Conduct interviews/particip ate in and arrange for news conferences as appropriate Additional Resources Required Normal methods as available.
Step Detail At appropriate time within 6 hours after recovery of communications began, submit a press release describing the agencys situation.
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DEQ Business Continuity Plan Step 3 Assign staff to communicate with other DEQ Recovery teams Additional Resources Contact numbers for the BC Executive team for gathering information and relaying updates Crosswalk with DEQ content experts
Step Detail Essential to keep abreast of events and other recovery team efforts. Assign this responsibility to someone.
Begin work on crafting answers to likely media questions Establish hotline with outgoing message and can receive incoming messages
Submit press release to Business Continuation Coordination Center and other agencies if applicable for review Submit press release regarding current recovery status Conduct interviews / participate in and arrange for news conferences as appropriate
Determine list of likely questions from media and determine responses appropriate for depicting Agencys efforts in positive manner Early deployment of a hotline is important. This can be someones existing telephone number and voice-mail, if necessary. Establish an outgoing message that summarizes the situation. Publicize the phone number through news release / media contacts. The Business Continuity Coordination Center must aware of press releases and approve them before they are issued. Additionally, when appropriate, contact other agencies for review of information to be released. Depending on situation, the State my have one central communication center. At appropriate time within 6 hours after recovery of communications began, submit a press release describing the agencys situation.
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Event Log
Team activation date/time:_________________________________ Team Leader:____________________________________________
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