1 TTUTA-Members - Update-15 02 2021
1 TTUTA-Members - Update-15 02 2021
1 TTUTA-Members - Update-15 02 2021
• Greetings
Welcome to our monthly news-
letter! You will find that it is • Update on Negotiations
• Education Act
• Maternity Pro-
tection Act
The General Council decided that the
• Sexual Offences
Association should put out a Notice
for members to submit proposals for
the 2017-2020 Collective Agreement • Public Service
period. The notice published on 1st Regulations
February, 2021 with the deadline
• OSH Act
date for submission being Friday
12th March, 2021. Kindly send • T&T Constitu-
your submissions to tion
Given that there is a need to continue to reach and educate our mem-
bers using the virtual setting, we have decided to convert District Out-
reach to a series of out Town Hall Meetings. The tentative schedule is
In recent times the Association has made to apply for sick leave as
had to deal with many cases of soon as the sick leave certifi-
persons having to repay the Minis- cate is received from the doc-
try of Education (MOE) money tor. Teachers are required to
that was paid to them while on ex- submit their application for
tended sick leave. The Association such leave as soon as it is hu-
is now issuing the following guide- manly possible to do so. If this
lines on extended sick leave: is not possible, then the Officer
should give a written explana-
• Extended sick leave is NOT tion for the late submission of
a right—so teachers are not the sick leave certificate.
‘automatically’ entitled to it.
Min. 2007 Starting Salary
2007 A 2008 Yes
2008 B 2009 Yes
D 2011 Yes
2010 E 2012 Yes
2011 F 2013 Yes
Max. 2015 NO
2013 1st 2016 Yes
2014 1 st
2017 NO
If you are claiming this benefit as the spouse of the deceased, you
are first in line to receive such and are required to submit both origi
nals and copies of the following documents:
Marriage Certificate (common law spouse are not eligible to claim).
• Death Certificate of the deceased.
• Statutory Declaration claiming benefits as next of kin (not having di-
vorced the deceased)
• Letter of Application from claimant with signature affixed.
• Supporting Affidavit (if necessary), should any of the relevant per-
sons’ names be omitted from or stated differently on Certificates
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