6 Figure Drop Servicing
6 Figure Drop Servicing
6 Figure Drop Servicing
My Unconventional Approach To Starting And Scaling A Drop
Servicing Business That Generates $350k A Year With Just 3 Hours A
Week Of Work
Sean Anthony
Copyright© SAPVentures,
Allrights reserved.
How to work With Me To
Personally Help You Start And
Scale Your Drop
Servicing Business Today!
What’s going on, reader!
I have one goal with this book: to give you everything I believe you need to start and
scale a
$100k/yr+ drop servicing business.
My best strategies, tactics, and learnings over the past 4 years are in this book.
And even though that’s the case .. I still tend to get quite a few people asking how
they can get more personal help when it comes to starting and scaling their online
business ..
.. And that’s why I’m now offering a FREE Scaling Session to all Productized Profits
book readers.
Sean Anthony
P.S. - Due to high demand, the spots for free Scaling Sessions is extremely limited.
P.P.S. - Don’t forget to join the free Productized Profits Facebook group!
Click Here To Book Your Free Scaling Session
In this book I want to show you how to start and scale a wildly profitable drop
servicing business from anywhere in the world, that you can eventually run with
just a few hours per week.
.. And I want you to do this all while loving your life and enjoying the freedom that a
lean, green, profitable machine like this can give you.
350k Three HourS PER
How I Fell Into This
About 2.5 years ago I was getting ready to sell a couple businesses I had in the e-
commerce space and was looking for my next venture.
It was a nightmare because every time I brought on a new client they wanted
something different!
Around mid-2018 I made a change to offer only ONE core service (LinkedIn lead
gen) to ONE vertical industry (B2B SaaS).
I nearly 10x’d my business in 5 months!
The best part was that I didn’t do any of the service delivery myself .. and I was
working only 3-4 hours a week.
Of course, I don’t say this to brag, but to show you that by following the simple
steps in this book and executing every day .. I was able to build a multi 6 figure
business in a matter of months from scratch.
If I was able to make drop servicing work with zero guidance .. I’m confident that with
the right blueprint you can smash it out of the park.
I believe there’s no better business opportunity in 2020 and beyond than a drop
servicing business.
A business where you can sell and deliver digital services to clients all over the
world, help them get incredible results, make a handsome profit, and do it all
A business you can start with literally $0, no experience, no ‘techy’ skills, and without
having to deliver the service yourself.
Through all that, there is nothing that has been more profitable and rewarding than a
scalable drop servicing business.
There were 2 books that served as the catalyst to my online business career:
1. 4-Hour Workweek (4HWW) by Tim Ferris
2. Built to Sell by John Warrillow
This book you’re reading now will teach you how to create your own 4HWW .. making
$100K/yr+ income while changing the lives of your clients and living your dream
It will also teach you how to build your business the right way .. into a money-making
machine that can be scaled and eventually sold (if you want to).
You’ll be able to build a business that gives you the opportunity to quit your job,
travel the world, and spend more time with friends and family.
You’ll learn and develop evergreen high income skills that will ensure you never go
hungry again.
You’ll also learn about the only things that matter to building a 6-figure online
business, so that you can finally say goodbye to “shiny object syndrome”.
If you already own a service business you’ll find strategies in here on how to
create better offers, get more clients, remove yourself from the business, and
scale to the next level.
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Reading this book will give you the tools and guidance to
. ● Start your drop servicing business and scale it to 6-figures (the right way)
● Scale your business from 6-figures to multiple 6-7 figures
I manage my LinkedIn drop servicing agency, Growth Response, with 3 hours or less
per week. It makes roughly $350k/yr with just a lean team of 5 part-time virtual
assistants getting paid
This is not an exaggeration, but the result of designing my business the right way,
then automating and delegating the work that I hate doing.
I’m incredibly ‘lazy’ and because of that had to develop a model that allowed me
to live that laid back sort of lifestyle.
The Sacrifice
Before we continue, I want to clarify again that this business model has 3 goals:
1. Create VALUE
2. Make an IMPACT
3. Make a PROFIT
We’re here to create value and impact for our clients at scale .. making buckets of
money doing it and enjoying our lives.
If you are a creative entrepreneur who cares more about becoming the best
practitioner in your field over making a ton of money and living a great lifestyle,
this likely won’t be the book for you.
There’s no way around it. You’ll have to sacrifice some of your creative desires in
order to build a wildly profitable and scalable business that can run largely without
Just wanted to get that off my chest in case you were one of those people who cares
more about “being” the business rather than “growing” the business.
Drop Servicing Explained
As a Drop Servicer, think of yourself as the middleman or “Online General
You are the orchestrator .. selling services to clients and outsourcing the actual
work to highly skilled, cost-effective laborers.
In the next section I’ll compare Service Business 1.0 vs. 2.0 .. and what separates the
winners from the losers.
Service Business (SB) 1.0 - 50-70 Hours Per Week,
Let’s talk about SB 1.0. To illustrate this, I’ll use plumbers as an example.
Every client is a different project. Every client gets different pricing. Every client gets
different deliverables. Billing happens after work is performed.
The plumber in this example is working 50-70 hours a week .. feeling burnt out,
frustrated, bullied, and unappreciated because he has to clean shit all day and battle
on price with every client.
The client on the other hand is feeling cheated and deceived, because the
expectation was not set correctly and the price is not what was expected.
Now .. take this scenario and apply to an agency, a freelancer, a consultant, or any
type of online service provider.
They end up working 50-70+ hours a week, barely scraping by, getting burnt out and
bullied by clients.
Service Business 2.0 - 2-10 Hours Per Week, Wildly
product on Amazon?
1. You find the product, read the description, see the price and what’s included
2. You like the product so you click “Buy Now” and pay it
3. The product gets shipped out to you in 2-7 days
4. Yay, you receive the product and it’s what you expected
In SB 2.0, there is ..
● Set pricing
● Set features
● Set deliverables
● Set timeframe
Every client gets the same thing, at the same price, in the
You can build repeatable systems around marketing, sales, and delivery that allow
you to remove yourself from the business while it continues to grow month over
The lesson here is to sell and deliver your services like products.
It is so crucial that you adopt this ‘productized’ mindset and make the shift in
your business. Once you productize your services, everything else will fall in
Your working hours drop from 50-70 per week, to 2-10 per week and you have a
highly systemized machine that continues to pump out cash every single month.
t’s impossible to step back from the business because they haven’t productized
their offerings to make everything systemized where it runs without them pulling all
the strings.
Chapter Summary:
3 course table
What I’m saying is that every client should NOT be receiving a completely
different service. Client A should be getting the same core service as Client B
If each client were to have completely different work done, how are you supposed
to build systems and processes?
So you must make sure that every client receives the same core thing.
charge less to make more
“Want to make more money? Double your prices.”
There’s a time and a place for that, but if you’re under 6-figures there’s a few
problems here ..
1. You don’t have a solid track record and confidence yet so you haven’t
earned the right to charge a premium price
2. You cause more friction during the sales process because higher prices
means higher expectations and more involvement
3. Your sales volume decreases and your revenue relies too heavily on a
small number of clients, meaning if one leaves so does a giant chunk of
your income
This reduces friction during the sales process, gets you more clients, and gives you
the opportunity to build up your portfolio of case studies and testimonials.
“But Sean .. I don’t want a lot of clients! I just want a handful of super high-paying
clients who stay forever!”
If you are charging a premium price .. you better be damn good at delivering a
premium result consistently.
Remember .. the goal is value, freedom, and profits .. NOT higher prices.
ized Your Business CAN Be Productized
“But Sean .. my business is DIFFERENT! There’s no way I could apply this.”
Everyone wants to think their business is that special little snowflake different from
If you do a series of steps for a particular task more than once, it can be systemized.
Now if you don’t ever do a set of tasks more than once that’s a different issue (see
“Every Client Is The Same” above).
But once you’ve fixed that, your business can be converted into a systemized,
scalable machine.
Chapter Summary:
● Every client should be getting the same service. Client A should get the
same thing as Client B, C, D, etc. This is a crucial first step to
productizing your services.
● Lower your prices to reduce friction during the sales process, get more
clients, and build a portfolio of testimonials and case studies. You can raise
your prices once you have a track record to demand premium prices.
● Your business CAN be systemized and productized. Any time you do a series
of steps more than once, it can be systemized.
Desiging YOUR LEAN,
The Power Of The Five Ones
Many of you will be triggered by this
“We are a full-service agency that helps small businesses with their marketing needs! SEO,
web design, copywriting, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Landing Pages, Sales Funnels, Email
Marketing .. we are your one-stop shop!”
You are basically telling your prospect, “I’m desperate for business and mediocre at 20
different things.”
As a result you struggle to generate leads, get haggled on price, and attract pain
in the ass clients who have unrealistic expectations and work you to the bone.
If you focus on the power of the five ones, you’ll never have this
The five ones are probably the simplest, easiest shift you can make to skyrocket your
business past the 6-figure mark.
crystal clear ..
You know precisely what to say to get prospects interested in your offer ..
.. and your sales increase because your prospects can finally understand what the hell
you do!
“But Sean .. why would I limit myself to one when there’s such a big pool out there?!”
Salesforce, PayPal, Tesla .. some of the biggest companies in the world all started
with the five ones. Look where it got them.
ALWAYS start small and laser-focused .. then add on to that later if you need to.
How to pick a killer vertical niche
“What’s the best niche for X?”
Join any Facebook group and you’ll see hundreds if not thousands of variations of this
question. People get so hung up on this, and the answer is no one knows.
When trying to pick a vertical niche (VN), ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. Are they clearly defined?
a. Realtors, SaaS companies, Roofers, Restaurants .. these are
examples of clearly defined niches.
2. Are they accessible to you?
a. Stick to niches where you can get a hold of the decision maker.
Avoid targeting large or enterprise companies unless you can get a
hold of Bill Gates.
3. Can they pay you?
a. Stay away from niches like “college students” who can’t rub two nickels
The bottom line is make sure to pick one that passes the 3QT.
Being the specialist positions you as the top choice for your niche .. making your
messaging stronger, sales process easier, and paycheck larger.
Be the specialist that earns 4-10x more.
You’ve picked your VN, now it’s time to pick a problem to solve.
The goal is to be solving ONE specific ‘house on fire’ (HOF) problem for ONE specific
For reference - a HOF problem is one that your niche needs to solve immediately ..
or else they face dire consequences.
below ..
On the left you have the generalist who does everything for everyone and their
On the right you have the specialist who focuses on solving a specific HOF
problem, lead generation in this case.
Let’s say you went to a business owner who needs leads, like,
Left or Right?
You need to get clear on ONE HOF problem your niche has that you want to solve.
A pro tip is to make sure that the HOF problem you choose is something that’s
recurring. This means you can charge for it over and over again because it can’t be
solved by a one-time solution.
Lead generation is a great example because businesses need leads every single
Also keep in mind, even if it’s not clear, you can position something to solve a
For example - bookkeeping services can be positioned as a growth solution for business owners
who are wasting time doing their books rather than growing their business.
A quick note before you pick what service to deliver ..
One of the biggest mistakes I see entrepreneurs making is they try to reinvent
Try to invent and sell things that have never been sold before.
If you’re new to entrepreneurship (i.e. not making $100k/yr+), this is a death sentence.
You will end up spending most of your money and time educating your market on
what it is you’re selling.
Unless you’re Elon Musk and have deep pockets to spend on educating your market ..
you should always sell what’s already being sold.
Find a starving crowd (your VN), find a specific HOF problem they have, look at
what they are already buying to solve that HOF problem, and sell them more of
that with your own twist.
There’s a reason that weight loss and diet stuff continues to sell year after
So you’ve picked your one VN and your one HOF problem to solve.
Now it’s time to pick a service that’s going to solve that HOF problem
for your VN. I’ll be referring to your service as the “Horizontal Niche”
The best place to start is with the HOF problem and work backwards.
Look at what your VN is already paying for to solve that HOF problem and make a
list of things that you have interest in delivering.
I would then research competitors using simple Google searches like “best lead
generation companies for SaaS”.
I would also research marketplaces like Fiverr and Upwork for lead generation
services and sort by “best-selling” to see the services that are already hot sellers.
As you do this, create a list of the different HNs you find being offered as well as the
price points. Remember .. you NEVER want to try and create demand by “inventing”
a new service!
Once you’ve done your research and created a list of 5-10 potential HNs, you’ll want
to run each of them through these 4 questions:
1. Is it tied to growth/revenue?
a. Does the HN help the business owner grow or make more
money? This is the easiest to sell because everyone wants
2. Is it recurring?
a. Can you deliver and charge for it month over month?
3. Is there demand?
a. Have you found at least 3 other competitors selling a similar service?
4. Is it scalable?
a. Can you systemize the service and create SOPs to hand off?
Once you’ve run each through the test, decide on one final HN that you’re going to roll with.
Pro tip: if you’re already delivering services, just isolate a VN and HN that you’re
already working with and focus on that!
In the next chapter we’ll talk about crafting an Enticing Offer and mapping out
service delivery.
Chapter Summary:
● Abide by the five ones until you get to at least $100k/yr+. One niche,
problem, service, price point, set of deliverables.
● Become the specialist by picking a vertical niche that passes the 3QT.
● Focus on solving ONE specific ‘house on fire’ problem for ONE specific
person. Any problem positioned around growth is a winner.
● Pick a service that solves the HOF problem for your VN. Ensure that it is
high-value/ROI, in demand, scalable, and recurring.
Lettuce Head vs. Salad Kit
Go to the produce section of any grocery store. Find a lettuce head
Often times you can find a lettuce head for $0.50, while a salad kit is in the
range of $3-8. The salad kit contains roughly 5x less lettuce but costs 6-16x
Why is that?
Well, for $5 the salad kit takes all the headache and prep time out of cutting the
lettuce, putting dressing, adding toppings, and dumping it into a Ziploc bag.
They put it into one complete and easy to eat salad that you can take
The lettuce head is raw materials .. while the salad kit is a packaged product with
clear, enticing benefits.
When service providers offer a menu of different options and claim to do everything
for everyone, they end up looking like the lettuce head.
The value of their services drops and this is why prospects battle with
them on price. They attract the wrong people who are only looking for
By productizing your services and having a core “Enticing Offer”, you go from
selling lettuce heads to salad kits. In this chapter we’ll discuss how to be the salad kit
instead of the lettuce head.
Kit Being the salad kit comes down to crafting an enticing offer that solves a HOF
problem for your VN.
1.High ROI
called a scam.
Example #1: Dominos
They were struggling to get sales and the business was tanking until they rolled out
the following offer ..
#1 - It has a high ROI. You get a tasty pizza that satisfies your hunger.
#2 - You know what they're selling (pizza), what's in it for you (satisfy your hunger
craving), and why you should buy from them (30 minutes or less or it's free).
#3 - It's believable, and if you don't get the pizza in 30 minutes or less it's free (risk
This company turned a huge problem in the graphic design market into a super
profitable business.
#1 - It has a high ROI. You get unlimited graphic design at a steal of a price that
people are used to paying more than quadruple for.
#2 - You know what they're selling (graphic design), what's in it for you (unlimited
design work), and why you should buy from them ($399/month when people are
used to paying
#3 - It's believable. They have buckets of social proof and a 14-day free trial.
This company has solved the problem of keeping your books up to date .. without the
$40,000/yr+ cost of hiring someone in-house.
"Get a professional bookkeeper starting at $119/month."
#1 - It has a high ROI. You get your books done by a team of professional
bookkeepers so you can focus on running your business.
#2 - You know what they're selling (bookkeeping), what's in it for you (never have to
hire an
in-house bookkeeper or do it yourself), and why you should buy from them ($119-
$299/month when people are used to paying $3,000/month+).
#3 - It's believable. More social proof, reputable partners, and a free trial.
Dominos offers pizza to those who are hungry for pizza and want it quickly for a great
Design Pickle sells unlimited graphic design to business owners who are tired of
paying too much for their existing designer and want a cost-effective solution.
Bench Accounting sells bookkeeping services to small business owners who don't
want to pay
$40,000+ a year to hire someone in-house.
An EO is one that .. in addition to the 3 elements above .. focuses on solving ONE
specific problem for ONE specific person.
“We offer digital marketing services. Every client has different needs, so every project has a
different scope.”
"Helping restaurants get more customers through done-for-you Instagram marketing starting at
In the first example you have no idea what the offer is. No idea what the VN, HOF
problem, or HN is.
explains it. Once you’ve done that, we can map out your MVS 1.0.
MVS 1.0
At this point you should have picked a service to deliver (your HN) and crafted an EO.
Now, let’s map out service delivery on version 1.0 of your HN. I call this the MVS,
minimum viable service.
MVS 1.0 is the minimum service you need to offer to solve the HOF problem for your
The goal of version 1.0 is to get you launched as quickly as possible instead of
wasting months or years trying to get it perfect.
If you don’t know what steps are involved, you have 2 options:
● Hire a whitelabel provider, freelancer, virtual assistant, or software who can
do the entire service for you in exchange for a fee
● Educate yourself through courses, coaching etc, learn a service/system
that will get a result, then map it out and provide that to others
We’ll go more into detail with these two later in the book.
Both of these are valid options, you just have to choose what’s best for your
you’ve mapped out your MVS 1.0 you also want to give
it a name. This adds value to it when you pitch it to
LinkedIn lead generation
LinkedIn Sales Acceleration System
You’ll have to experiment with this, but we like to start with something called
the “3X Rule”. The 3X Rule is the simplest way to have 66%+ profit margins
What is it?
You simply take the costs of delivering your service, determined in the MVS 1.0
section above, then multiply that by 3.
Let’s say your HN is Facebook Ads and you’re working with a whitelabel provider
for delivery. The whitelabel provider charges you $500 to do the entire service
for you.
This won’t always work, but it’s one of the easiest places to start.
If you’re stuck trying to figure out what to price your services, start with the 3X Rule
and adjust as you go along.
Chapter Summary:
● Be the salad kit, not the lettuce head. Sell packaged/productized services
rather than raw materials.
● Craft an Enticing Offer that is high ROI, answers the 3 purchasing
questions, and is believable. Create an enticing offer and value proposition
statement that focuses on the one problem you solve for one specific
● Map out version 1.0 of your service (MVS) by specifying what gets done,
who/what does it, time to complete, labor cost, and tools cost. Then give it a
name. It’s OK if you don’t have this finalized yet, you just want to have an
● Price your service using the 3X Rule if you are just starting out. Do this by
taking the total service delivery cost and multiplying it by 3. This starts you
out on 66%+ profit margins
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The Only Asset You Need
“But Russell Brunson said I’m only one funnel away from building a 6-7 figure business!
All we had were an EO, a message, a demo/pitch deck, and a Stripe account to take
Now I’m not recommending you do a bare bones launch like that, but all you really
need is a simple landing page which should take you 2-3 days max to setup.
1. Headline
When a prospect lands on your page they should know exactly who you are, who
you help, annd how you help them.
Dig deep into the primary pain points of your market related to the HOF problem.
You want to explain it in a way that gets your prospect thinking, “this guy/gal gets
me, he must have the solution.”
3. Introduce your solution
Introduce your solution at a high-level and how it helps to solve the HOF problem.
Talk about the benefits and future-pace your prospect on what life would be like
once they solve the problem.
If you have testimonials or case studies, you can put them here.
You can also leverage the portfolio of your freelancer/whitelabel provider if they are
doing the service for you.
The format should be to intro the client, their situation before using your service,
and their situation after using it.
Talk about your service and how it works to solve the HOF
This should be the specific packages with deliverables laid out.
You can also include a buy button, but we recommend you don’t do that right away.
You’ll see the reason why next.
7. Call-to-action
Under your packages you need to have a call-to-action telling your prospect what to
do next.
I highly recommend you have this be a “Book A Call” button that leads to your
In the beginning you want to get to know your potential clients by talking to them.
You’ll also be able to close more deals over the phone rather than just sending
people to a landing page.
By the way - don’t worry if you’re not a phone sales expert, we’ll cover that in the
following chapters.
It has an easy-to-use drag and drop builder to create landing pages in minutes.
Optimized your social profile
If you’re anything like me .. the first thing you do when you hear about a
company, product, or person is you pull up Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, and
Instagram to do a bit of snooping.
You try to get a feel about what they’re about, what they do, who they help, and
what they offer.
This is why you want to have optimized social media profiles that are like
salespages tailored to your ideal client.
Your message should be consistent across all of your social media profiles so that
when a prospect does research on you, it leads them all back to the same place.
If you run a service-based business, the main 3 platforms you should focus on
optimizing are LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.
Here are some guidelines you can use to optimize each platform.
● Use a profile photo where you are smiling
● Use a cover photo that shows your authority or directs your niche to some kind
of opt-in
● Remove any distasteful posts or photos from your timeline. This includes
photos of you drunk, political rants, controversial debates, etc.
● Add your “Helping {VN} to {solve HOF problem} through/by {HN}” headline to
your profile
● Use a profile photo where you are smiling
● Remove any distasteful posts or photos from your feed. This includes photos
of you drunk, political rants, controversial debates, etc.
● Add your “Helping {VN} to {solve HOF problem} through/by {HN}” headline to
your profile
● Add a CTA with a link to an opt-in
There are of course tons of other little things you can optimize.
What I’ve written above is the 80/20 of what you need in order to get clients and
grow your business from your social profiles..
Keystone Authority Content (KAC) is used to quickly establish trust and position
you as an authority for your VN on a certain topic related to your EO.
“Damn, this is incredibly valuable stuff related to X! I can do it myself but I think I’d rather
hire Sean to do it.”
Here’s an example from Growth Response that has led to $100k+ in deals closed.
Chapter Summary:
● Create a landing page in 2-3 days or less using a software like
Clickfunnels. Include the elements listed in this chapter.
● Optimize your Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn in 1 day or less using
the guidelines above. These are the Big 3 for service-based businesses.
● Optional: Create a Keystone Authority Content piece that provides value
to your niche while positioning your service as the solution to their
First 3-5 CLIENTS
PQC Client Acquisition Strategy
The easiest way to get your first 3-5 clients is through a strategy I call
Yes this will require you to sell yourself and your services.
I can hear the moaning and groaning already, but here’s the reality ..
If you want to scale your service business to $100k/yr+ in the fastest time
possible, it’s not going to happen from sitting around waiting for referrals or
creating content all day everyday.
There are only 2 things that matter until you hit 6-figures+:
1. Generating appointments
2. Taking appointments
In the Prospect section, you will learn #1. How to get a cold market interested in
your offer and set an appointment with them.
In the Qualify and Close sections, you will learn #2. How to qualify leads in 15mins
or less, then how to convert leads into clients and collect payment upfront.
If you learn these skills, you can build any business you want with blazing speed
and never go hungry again.
How to get people interest In Your Offer
How do you go out to a cold audience who has never heard about you before and get
them to raise their hand with interest in your EO?
There is a misconception out there that if you "build a great product/service, the
customers will come."
Buying into that lie is the fastest way to run your business into the ground.
It is YOUR responsibility to go out to your market, grab their attention, and get them
interested in what you have to offer.
to it as "Hunting" :-)
Hunting is the act of identifying your ideal target clients and directly reaching out
to drum up interest for your solution.
● Cold email
● LinkedIn DMs
● Facebook DMs
● Instagram DMs
What you'll be doing with these channels is testing your message with your
market to validate your EO and gauge interest.
Where most people go wrong is they write something like the below ..
"Dear Sir,
I have a marketing agency, 10+ years in business and many happy clients. We are best-in-
class and have proven solutions for any industry.
Please let me know if you would be interested in one of our marketing solutions to grow your
The trick is to, again .. focus on solving ONE specific problem for ONE
specific person. Make the message about THEM .. not about you.
That is the only way to be relevant to your market.
And being relevant is one of the best ways to build trust and attention from the
ground up.
If you're selling Facebook Ads for eCommerce stores and prospecting on LinkedIn,
you might say something along the lines of ..
"Hey Sean .. I noticed you run an eCommerce store and thought I'd reach out.
My company, X, specializes in helping eCommerce stores like yours to generate more sales
using Facebook Ads.
Here's a [case study/article/video/etc] on how we've helped [other ecommerce store] to [get
result/solve problem].
Would you be interested in a quick call to see if there's any way we could help you?"
People loveee talking about themselves and their business. It’s human
Most people won't respond on that first message so we typically send a few
"Hey Sean .. just quickly following up on my last message. Any thoughts on having a quick
brainstorm call?"
The goal of this is to start a conversation and get an appointment .. NOT to get a sale
right away.
Once a prospect responds with interest, you want to book time with them for a
15min discovery call.
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(We'll talk about how to do that in the next section.)
Crazy how powerful a good offer paired with a good message is, hey?
Get your EO and messaging right, master 1-2 of these hunting channels, and you'll
never have a short supply of leads again.
Let’s talk about what to do once you’ve got an interested lead who wants to learn
Qualify - How To Qualify Leads In 15mins Or Less
Before we attempt to close a lead into a client, we need to first determine if they
are a fit for our EO.
There are 4 main things you are trying to determine on the discovery call.
You do not want to be asking straight up "Hey, what is your current and desired
call at GrowthResponse.io:
"Tell me a bit more about your business .. what is your product/service? Who is your ideal
customer?" "On average, what is a typical customer worth to you over 12 months?
Ballpark number is fine .." "How are you currently generating leads of your ideal
"In terms of lead generation, what does success look like for you?"
"Just curious .. what's stopping you from doing this on your own or in-house?"
"If we could help you to generate 10-20 new sales appointments a month, can you afford to pay
$X,xxx a month?"
perfect fit. I'd love to setup a time to walk you through our entire system so you have a clear
idea of how it works. How does [date/time] work for you?"
As you can see, we've used strategic questioning related to both the prospect and
our solution to determine their current situation, desired situation, our ability to
help them, and their ability to pay.
Once you determine a fit, it's very important that you put time on the calendar for
Once you have the demo booked, it's on to the Close step ..
Payment Upfront
In this step, you will be giving a demo of your solution and making an offer to the
prospect at the end to get started with you.
You do this using a simple slide presentation that you create on Powerpoint, Google
Slides, or Keynote.
By this step, you should have ample information through the mixture of your own
research and what was collected on the discovery call to make a compelling pitch
on why the prospect should use your service.
1. Introduce your EO
● Talk about the
● Paint a mental
○ "The gobiggest goals/objectives of the
service of Shoppicture by future-
you getal of this program is to help you generate qualified leads and
target oify users who want to prevent bot fraud using your SaaS. We
want to help 20 more appointments a month so that you can
hit your monthly revenue
f $xx,xxx in the next 3-6 months."
● Dig into
○ "A e 3 biggest pain points of your prospect that can be solved with your
eved Service
○ Yos discussed on our last call, your current strategy of referrals and
networking coents is not setting you up to reach your goals.
● Demo
● Only your service works to solve their problem
show features that are relevant to the prospect
● Map
○ [P
○ [Fefeature back to the benefit that solves
the pain suain] – Not generating enough
leads and customers
○ [B ature] – "This is where we optimize your LinkedIn headline and profile
cuenefit] – "By doing this, you transform your profile from a resume into
h-converting sales letter designed to attract and convert your highest
Seal the deal
● Give price
○ "For our Sales Acceleration Program, we only charge $1,500/mo for
our Basic plan, and $2,000 for our Pro plan .."
When a prospect to say "yes", you just need to send over a service agreement and
collect payment on the call using a payment processor like Stripe.
some cases, the entire demo step can be grouped in with the discovery call if
You can also automate the demo using a video sales letter, but that's a separate
conversation for
later in this book.
I recommend using this PQC process to close at least your first 3-5 clients before
you try to automate anything.
This way you can collect feedback, hear common objections, and make changes as
Chapter Summary:
● Use the PQC client acquisition strategy to get your first 3-5 clients at a
● The only 2 things that matter to getting to $100k/yr+ is setting
appointments and taking appointments. Anything else is a distraction.
● Outbound prospecting aka “Hunting” is going out to a cold audience to
drum up interest for your offer. Use it on channels like Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram, and cold email to generate leads and discovery calls.
● Qualify leads in 15mins using the 4 questions on a discovery call. Schedule
qualified leads for a demo to close them while you’re on the discovery call.
● Use the demo framework to close qualified leads into clients.
The #1 Source Of All Client Issues
Before we switched to productized drop servicing, we had a local marketing agency
where we did all the work ourselves.
1. New client signs up for our “Facebook advertising services” and we started
working right away
2. Client calls after 1 week pissed off, asking why their Facebook ads aren’t
running yet, so we explain “oh it actually takes 10 business days to launch”
3. Client requests changes to their copy, images, etc every few days after launch
4. Client asks for an updated report on performance every day
5. Client asks if we could add Google Ads, tweak their SEO and website too
6. Client demands the world .. tells us to jump and we say “how high”
7. Client becomes upset and cancels service because “nothing worked
I disagree.
client issues.
If you don’t set expectations, your clients will set unrealistic ones of their own.
They will push the boundaries of your service because they weren’t aware there were
any to begin with.
This will lead to client dissatisfaction, countless emails and support tickets, and
eventually the client leaving you.
Even worse .. they might tell others not to do business with you and leave bad
reviews because they were so unhappy.
we switched to productized services in our business, we were literally slaves to
our clients. Instead of having 1 boss like in a corporate job .. we had 20.
So .. how do avoid becoming a slave to your clients? How do you prevent them from
making unrealistic demands?
Here’s how:
● Set clear expectations with your client upfront before the work begins.
Doing so will tell your clients exactly what you CAN do and CAN’T do. You
do this via an agreement, onboarding questionnaire, and kickoff call
● All clients care about is getting what was promised. When you set
expectations up front the client is able to get better results because they’ll
be happier knowing that you’re giving them what you promised, and you can
focus on delivering
● By productizing your services, being crystal clear on the deliverables,
and taking the prospect through your sales process, most of the heavy
lifting will already be done
This is one of the best parts about productized services. Expectations are often
set upfront because the client knows exactly what’s being delivered as part of
working with you.
Now, let’s talk about how to onboard your new clients properly.
Once a prospect says “Yes, I’d like to move forward”, you need to make sure that
things get off on the right foot.
I won’t dive into the nitty-gritty details, but here’s an overview of what our NCO looks
In the questionnaire, we gather info from the client that’s required to run a
On the kickoff call, we simply set expectations on the timeline of the service,
expected results, and give them another overview of what exactly we’ll be doing.
● Calendly - for call scheduling
There are many different ways you can run your NCO process, but this is a solid
place to start. Just remember to create your process so that it meets the 3 goals
mentioned above.
As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, there are two ways you can deliver your service
1. Hire a whitelabel provider, freelancer, agency, or use a software that can
do the entire service for you in exchange for a fee
2. Educate yourself through courses, coaching etc, learn a service/system
that will get a result. Then map it out, deliver it, validate it, and
outsource it
First, it can take some trial and error to find the right provider who delivers the
service successfully and to your standards.
Second, it can be hard to scale a business this way since the provider may have
limitations on the volume of clients they can take on. They can also make changes or
go out of business which would leave you scrambling.
Third, communication can be tricky since you would be the client-facing person
but not the one with in-depth knowledge on the service.
This is a solid place to start if you want to get your drop servicing business going
3. You implement it on your own account to get some results, then you map out
the system as your MVS 1.0
4. You now go out and sell it to prospects for $500/mo and do delivery
yourself for the first couple clients to ensure it gets them a successful
5. You create an SOP (standard operating procedure) for the steps
involved in service delivery
6. You hire a virtual assistant (VA) for $2.50-3.50/hr to follow the SOP and
manage your clients (you’ll learn how to do this in the next chapter)
I found a VN I wanted to serve (SaaS), found their HOF problem (lead gen), and
decided on a HN to solve that problem (LinkedIn prospecting).
I took a course to learn how to prospect on LinkedIn, did it successfully myself to get
clients, delivered it myself for the first few clients, then systemized everything by
using software, creating SOPs, and hiring VAs to manage service delivery.
The beauty of this strategy is that you’re not building your business based on
someone else’s limitations and standards.
Chapter Summary:
Gather Client Feedback
At this point you should have at least 3-5 clients.
You should be successfully delivering your MVS 1.0 and getting them results.
You should also be keeping your ears open, listening to your clients, and getting
feedback when it comes to your service.
What are things that they are confused about or need further
Are you finding things that are cumbersome and not essential to getting the
desired result? Keep your eyes and ears open for these things, then take note
of it.
Your MVS 1.0 will not be perfect and you’ll have to make improvements over
time. Gathering feedback from your clients is how you determine what
changes to make.
Create Version 2.0
When delivering MVS version 1.0, most people will people will begin adding things
here and there to it.
Eventually the service offering becomes bloated, inefficient, and so complex that
running the business becomes a nightmare.
After enough “extra add-ons”, the service offering becomes so convoluted that it
fails to deliver value and solve the original problem for the niche.
The business goes from solving one specific problem for one specific person .. to
solving no problems for anyone.
The key to avoiding this is to trim the fat, and ONLY focus on what gets your
customers their desired result.
you can see, we eliminated more than half of the deliverables from
We talked to our clients and determined what was absolutely essential to getting
them their desired result (more leads).
We also noticed that 90% of their leads were coming from the outbound messages
on LinkedIn, so we decided to cut everything else that was distracting us and just
focus on that.
Here are 5 questions to ask yourself, after gathering client feedback, to determine
what to keep or eliminate:
1. Is it required to get the client to their desired state?
2. Is it high-value/high-ROI?
3. Is it scalable?
4. Is there a lot of positive feedback from clients?
5. Is it cost-effective?
mated Sy s t em s F o r
R e p et it iv e Tasks
When I first started my agency I did everything manually.
I sent the prospecting messages, booked the calls on my calendar, sent the sales
agreement, the welcome email, the onboarding questionnaire .. pretty much
everything in my business.
started. After all, you need to learn the flow of things before
Nowadays though I have a rule in place that I’m never allowed to do a task
more than twice. If I’m about to do a task for the 3rd time, I ask myself ..
We talked about how to eliminate in the last section, so this one will be about how to
I won’t go too deep into automation because that could be an entire library books on
its own, so I’ll talk about the 1 tool that can help you become a master at
Zapier is an “if this then that” automation tool that helps different apps talk to
each other. For example, here’s one of our simple automation flows using
Now, imagine doing those steps manually for every single
each one.
Instead, we use Zapier to take care of that automatically without us
Automation can be used for marketing, lead gen, sales, customer support, even
service delivery in some cases.
You want to first search for a software that can take care of the entire process for
If you can’t find one that does that, Zapier is your next best bet to help multiple apps
talk to each other.
Delegate - How To Create SOPs And Hire Overseas
Employees For As Low As $2.50/Hr
You won’t be able to eliminate and automate every single thing in your business.
The reality is that there are some tasks that just need human attention in order to
Once you’ve determined that something can’t be eliminated or automated with tools,
you want to start by creating an SOP.
Google Doc.
Your SOP needs to be detailed enough where a 6th grader can take it and
complete it. This seems like a ton of work in the beginning, and it can be.
However think of it this way .. you are using this SOP to buy
yourself TIME. Your SOPs will ensure that you never do another
Once you’ve got your SOPs completed, it’s time to hire your
As from the Philippines, my preferred hiring
. Why?
Few reasons:
1. They speak English
2. They are excellent at completing tasks if you give them a clear SOP to follow
3. They are cheap!
You might think that $2.50/hr is criminal .. but in the Philippines that’s a full-time
salary that can help them support their family.
Most of my current VAs have been with me for years now, and when I add a new
team member it’s typically a friend/family of an existing VA.
Create your SOPs, head to OnlineJobs.ph, and make a job posting to hire
It’s the key to transitioning from SB 1.0 working 50-70 hours a week, to SB 2.0
working 2-10 hours a week.
Chapter Summary:
● Listen to your clients and gather feedback from them about your service.
Find out what they like/don’t like, what provides the most value, what gets
the desired result.
● Eliminate tasks from your business that aren’t creating value and
getting your client’s results.
● Create version 2.0 of your MVS by trimming the fat from your service
offering. Ask yourself the 5 questions and remove any feature that
doesn’t get 4 or more “Yes”.
● Automate repetitive tasks by first searching for a tool/software that can
handle your entire task in one. If you can’t find a tool that does this, use
Zapier to create “if this than that” automations between multiple tools.
● If you can’t eliminate or automate a task, you’ll need to delegate it. Do
this by creating SOPs using a simple Google Doc and Loom to film a
video of you doing a walkthrough.
● Hire a filipino VA from OnlineJobs.ph to perform the SOP for $2.50-$3.50/hr.
Stop doing low-level tasks. Do it twice, then create an SOP and delegate it!
Build The Machine
At this point you are cruising
dialed in.
You are ‘Hunting’ consistently, generating leads and appointments like clockwork.
You are getting on the phone and converting these leads into paying clients
predictably. You have an optimized 2.0 service offering that focuses only on
You have automation, SOPs, and VAs handling most of the low-level
If you don’t have these things dialed in, don’t think about
scaling just yet. You’re not ready for scale until you have a
solid foundation.
Once you do though .. the next step is building a sales funnel that can automate
customer acquisition.
A sales funnel is just a series of steps your website visitors take on the way to
buying your product or service.
An automated sales funnel works for you 24/7 and can take a prospect from ice
cold to a conversion event (book a call, free trial sign up, purchase) without you
lifting a finger.
now, you should ONLY be setting up a funnel once you’ve validated your EO by
If you try to setup a funnel before you’ve validated your EO, you’ll just end up
frustrated from wasting your time and money.
There are many different ways you can set this up. This is the 5-step process we use:
I could be sleeping, sitting on a beach, petting my dog, and a hot lead could show
up on my calendar, ready to chat about buying my EO.
This is ‘The
ve reserved the in-depth training on how to set this up for students only, but if
you want to see one live in action just head over to ProductizedProfits.com and
go through it.
In the next section we’ll talk about your best salesman that never sleeps.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had an amazing salesperson who would work for you free of
charge, 24/7/365?
“Are you crazy Sean? .. I’m not working 24/7/365 without pay!”
A VSL is a video sales presentation that explores a HOF problem and introduces your
EO as the solution.
We use it once we’ve validated our offer by getting 3-5+ clients and delivered the
service successfully.
Ideally you want to have testimonials / case studies as well to strengthen your VSL
It can persuade a prospect to sign up for your service or book a call without you
lifting a finger. It also has the potential to automate the discovery and demo
Your VSL will resemble your demo deck with some added social proof, features and
Again, I’ve reserved the in-depth training on creating a VSL from scratch for
students only .. but if you join my Facebook group you may see one in action :-)
o n c e y o u c r e a t e your VSL and set it live, you’ll have your best salesman ready
2 4 /7 / 3 6 5 .
to work for you
In the next section we’ll talk about driving traffic to your Machine and scaling your
business even faster using Facebook ads.
How To Scale Even Faster With Facebook Ads
Like many of the concepts in this book, this could be a separate book of its own.
There are entire courses, coaching, mentorship programs, and mastermind groups
out there specifically for Facebook ads.
In this section I’m going to give you the high-level strategy on how we use it to get
clients and scale our business.
Do NOT advertise on Facebook unless you’ve done everything else before this and
have the financial capacity to invest.
This is just for people who are willing to invest (and potentially lose) thousands of
dollars to accelerate their business.
Also, this particular strategy is only for those who have high-ticket services
($2,000+ client lifetime value).
If you have an EO that converts .. you can build a 6-7 figure business very quickly.
If you are hoping for a miracle without a strong foundation and proof of concept ..
you’ll only be accelerating your path to failure.
With that said, here is what our paid traffic sales funnel looks like:
We use Facebook ads to drive people into our Machine, so they can watch our VSL,
qualify themselves, and book a call on our calendar for a sales pitch / demo.
The only real work we’re doing is setting up the ad campaign, optimizing the
campaign, and hopping on the phone with hot leads to seal the deal.
Our goal with our campaign is to find the “Winning Formula” of these 4 key elements.
This can be a costly process (think $5-10k sometimes), which is why I say you need
to have a solid foundation, a high-ticket offer, and a financial cushion to even think
about investing in this.
Over the last 3 years we’ve spent close to $600k on the Facebook advertising
platform alone across multiple businesses .. so we can confidently say it works.
It just requires testing, optimizing, patience, and immense discipline to get there.
Chapter Summary:
● The “Machine” is an automated sales funnel that can take a prospect from
ice cold to booked on your calendar without you lifting a finger. You set one
up after you’ve validated your offer and proof of concept by getting 3-5
● Your best salesman that works for you 24/7/365 is YOU. Just in video form.
You can use a video sales letter (VSL) to automate the majority of your sales
● If you want to accelerate your path to building a big business quickly,
Facebook ads may be a good option for you. Just be aware that you MUST
have a solid foundation first. Be ready to invest, and potentially lose,
thousands on trying to find your “Winning Ad Formula” of Angle, Ad,
Audience, Creative.
3 Ways To Grow Any Business
According to billionaire business strategist Jay Abraham, there are only 3 ways to
grow any business:
(more often) Let’s talk about how to triple our business using these 3
growth strategies.
1) More Clients
The most obvious way to grow your business is to get more clients.
There are many different ways to do this, but I’ll list out some of the best ways here:
● Social proof - gather testimonials / case studies from existing clients and use
it to increase your sales conversion rates. Let’s say out of 100 leads you are
currently converting 15 of them into paying clients, a 15% conversion rate.
Now let’s say you get a few incredible results for your clients, collect a case
study, and your conversion rate increases to 30%. You’ve just doubled
your conversion rate and clients!
● Referrals - talk to existing happy clients and ask them if they know anyone
else who would benefit from your service. We offer a 10% referral
commission for anyone who becomes a client from a referral.
● Strategic Partners - reach out to other companies who serve your VN, but
are not direct competitors. For example, if I’m targeting SaaS companies
with my LinkedIn service I might reach out to lawyers or accounting firms
in Silicon Valley.
● Hiring a VA to prospect - hire a VA to do all the prospecting across cold
email, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook. We have multiple VAs on our
team dedicated to prospecting and appointment setting. This leads to more
leads and ultimately more sales.
● Hiring a salesperson - once your sales process is dialed in, you can hire a
commission-based sales rep to close the deals. This gives you time back so you’re no
longer doing all the sales calls if you don’t want to.
Run paid advertising campaigns to a funnel - we talked about this in the previous
You can setup your own ‘Machine’ and run paid Facebook ads to it to get
more clients without manual work.
2) More Revenue
to in this section.
What I’m talking about is adding more revenue per client, your average Client
Lifetime Value (CLTV).
The best way to do this is to add an upsell or cross-sell to your core EO.
This could be a higher level of service, an add-on to your core EO, or simply
adding more of the same.
For example, at Growth Response our upsell is to add additional accounts for 15%
off. We have clients who have 5 salespeople using our service for $1k-1.5k/mo each.
A cross-sell would be our sales process course, where we teach our clients how to
convert the leads generated through our service into clients.
Important note: do not worry about this section until you have your core EO dialed
in, delivered it successfully, and have gathered feedback from your existing clients
to get an idea of what else they need.
3) More Often
There are so many service providers out there who are just one and done with
their clients. They have a one-time offer, deliver it, then say goodbye to the
client forever.
The best way to get clients to buy more often is to have a continuity offer.
If you go back to the chapter about solving HOF problems, I talk about finding
recurring problems so that you can create an EO that clients pay you over and over
It all starts with finding a HOF problem that businesses need to solve over and over,
and working backward from there.
You want to find HOF problems like this so you can get paid every single month.
Chapter Summary:
● There are only 3 ways to grow your business. More clients, more revenue,
more often.
● Once you’ve validated your EO by getting 3-5+ clients and put some
systems/processes into place from previous chapters, you can start to
attack these 3 growth strategies. I recommend going at them one at a
time so you’re not overwhelmed.
The 3 Keys To Unlocking Peak Productivity
The goal of this book is to help you build a VIP (Value, Impact, Profit) drop
servicing business that allows you to be your own boss while positively impacting
your clients and living your ideal lifestyle.
The problem is when you don’t have a boss, there’s no one there to tell you what to
do each day.
Now I’m sure you’re aware, humans are not particularly good at managing their
time and focusing on the things that matter.
Over the last 4 years I’ve tried countless different apps, tools, software, and
methods for being more productive.
Most of them failed miserably, but I’ve found 3 simple keys to unlocking peak
productivity. 3 keys that allow me to get my most important shit done day in
bit ..
Getting clear on my purpose was the biggest game changer for me.
If you asked me just a few years ago what my purpose in life was, I would have
said “to quit my job, be free, and make a lot of money.”
There’s nothing wrong with that, but what happens once I quit my job?
me what to do and I’m making $100-200k/yr+
I needed something
It's my mission and purpose to show those who are willing to deviate from the 'rat
race' mentality a better way to live their life.
A way to build an impactful business around their purpose, that generates them true
wealth and financial independence without robbing them of their time and freedom,
and that delivers extraordinary value to their clients.
think about. That purpose drives me to put in the work every single day.
Before I got clear on my purpose, I would waste thousands of hours doing meaningless
My productivity would run off a cliff the moment things got tough, because I had
nothing to drive me forward.
What do you want people to say about you when you’re gone?
This may change over time, but take a day or so to write down everything that
comes to mind until you found something that really hits home.
This purpose will serve as your driving force every single day.
Where you just coasted through your day like a zombie .. without accomplishing a
single meaningful thing?
Where you skipped the gym just because you didn’t feel like it?
You need to have a clear agenda for what you will be doing and what you want to
accomplish each and everyday.
one of the simplest ways to do this is to get a written planner and plan your entire
I’ve used the Best Self Co. journal for around 2 years and its worked wonders.
easier and manageable. Yes, you still want to have the big-
picture goals.
at a time. Pick up the Best Self Co. planner and set a clear
agenda everyday.
Time blocking is crucial to getting your most challenging tasks done everyday.
I’m not talking about responding to emails, taking phone calls, dropping your kids off
at school, or whatever.
Uninterrupted, highly concentrated work on the essential tasks that move your
business forward.
For me that might mean creating this book, creating a product, creating new enticing
offers, hiring and training a team member, or setting up automated sales funnel
These are things that move my business forward substantially, so I put time blocks
on my calendar and planner to ensure I work on it daily.
My goal is to do two deep work time blocks of two hours each everyday. Four hours
in total.
n get just four hours of focused, uninterrupted deep work in everyday ..
you will be shocked at how much you can get done over a relatively
I recommend you read the book “Deep Work” by Cal Newport if you want to learn
more about this
Everyone wants to go fast.
They want fast results, fast money, fast feedback loop, fast responses, fast
Understand that the key to success is not who can do everything the fastest .. it’s
who can do the RIGHT things consistently, over the longest period of time.
When you are consistent with small, meaningful daily actions .. it compounds
exponentially over time.
warren Buffet is one of the wealthiest men in the world.
It took him 42 years to reach $1B .. but only 27 years to reach $60B thanks to
That one day you go to the gym won’t have an immediate effect .. but keep at it
and a year from now you might be shredded.
That one day of prospecting might not generate any instant sales .. but a few
months from then you may have an entire pipeline of ready to buy leads.
That one date you go on might not result in you getting married .. but a few dozen
more of those and you may be engaged.
Consistent daily actions compound over time and add up to give you extraordinary
If you’d like an awesome read on this topic I highly recommend you pick up “The
Slight Edge” by Jeff Olson.
Chapter Summary:
How I Leverage My Business For Free Travel And
Hotel Stays
Over the last 2 years I’ve traveled to 16 different places including 7 different
countries nearly for free.
my area. How?
Every expense that I have in my business, I pay with credit cards to get points.
You’ll have to do your own research based on what country you’re in, but you
want to look for cards that have a sign-up bonus for spending a certain amount
from the time you sign up.
You also want to look for cards that have extra point bonuses for certain expenses.
For example, I have an American Express Business Gold credit card that gave me a
75,000 sign-up bonus, as well as 5X points on advertising spend up to $150,000 a
This means in the first year of signing up for the AMEX Business Gold card I
accumulated $8,250 worth of points for no extra work!
All I did was pay for my normal business expenses and I got rewarded for it.
If you’re wondering what are my primary business credit cards right now, here they
● Chase Sapphire Preferred
● AMEX Business Platinum (free WeWork access)
You might not be spending $150k+ in your business a year, but why not reap the
benefits from every dollar you spend?
ing, And E v e t T ic k e t s
U s in g G if t C a rds
Another way that I love to use points is through gift cards.
I can exchange my credit card points for gift cards at shops, bars, entertainment, and
Over the last year I’ve taken my fiancee out for dozens of date nights at steakhouses
and nice restaurants.
at the bar.
Why not turn every dollar you spend on your business into free money, gifts, and
enjoying your life?
Chapter Summary:
● Leverage business credit cards to get rewards points that you can use for
free travel and gift cards. Look for credit cards with sign-up bonuses and
extra points for certain categories.
● Every expense in your business should be generating you points. If not,
you’re missing out on free stuff that make your life fun and enjoyable.
The Ultimate Productized Profits Software & Tools List
● ActiveCampaign (email marketing automation)
● Zapier (task automation)
● Google Drive (for online docs and storage)
● Google Apps / G-Suite (for email)
● Slack (team messaging)
● Zoom (for team meetings, webinars, sales calls, and demos)
● Asana (for SOPs and project management)
● Stripe (hassle-free merchant account)
● Payfunnels (simple and easy invoicing)
● Clickfunnels (best standalone funnel and landing page builder)
● Elementor Pro (for WordPress users)
● Loom (free Chrome browser extension to create screenshare videos)
● Fiverr (for offer research and small jobs you need done)
● UpWork (for hiring freelancers, whitelabel agencies, or in-house contractors)
● OnlineJobs.ph (for hiring filipino VAs)
● Freeeup (for specialized and premium freelancers)
Business Strategy
● 4 Hour Work Week
● Built To Sell
● Profit First
● Work Less, Make More
● The Automatic Customer
● From Impossible To Inevitable
● Building A Storybrand
● The Irresistible Offer
● The Boron Letters
● Cashvertising
● Fanatical Prospecting
● SPIN Selling
● Pitch Anything
● The Sales Acceleration Formula
● Predictable Revenue
● Social Selling Mastery
● The Ultimate Sales Machine
Throughout this book I’ve shown you the opportunity with the Productized Profits
The blueprint to building a wildly profitable drop servicing business from anywhere
in the world, that you can eventually run with just a few hours per week .. and that
delivers extraordinary value to your client’s lives.
I’ve shown you how to pick your niche, find a problem to solve, and build your offer
from scratch.
I’ve laid out a client acquisition strategy to get at least your first 3-5 clients quickly
and for nearly free.
I’ve taught you how to deliver incredible service to your clients, whether that’s
through building a team of VAs or hiring a whitelabel provider to take care of it for
I’ve revealed the #1 source of all client issues and how to keep them happy in the
long run.
usiness by eliminating, automating, and
I’ve given you strategies to grow and scale your business into the multiple 6 and 7
I even shared my simple productivity tips and how to get stuff for free by leveraging
your business expenses.
It’s up to you to take action and implement what you’ve learned here.
If you put in the work and follow what’s outlined in this book, you will build your
dream business and a life of freedom for yourself and your family.
To your success!
If you would like my personal guidance in implementing the model laid out in this
book, so that you can build your 6-figure drop servicing business in the next 3-6
months, click here to schedule a Scaling Session to chat with me!
We’ll get clear on your goals, your business, and map out a plan to get you there as
quickly as possible.