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Grade 11/12, Quarter I, Lesson 7

Mental Health and Well-Being in Middle and Late Adolescence

Module Title

I. Learning Competency
7.1 interpret the concepts of mental health and psychological well-
being in everyday observations about mental health problems during
CODE: EsP-PD11/12MHWB-Ih-7.1

Specific Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Define mental health and well-being, understanding their importance in
2. Identify the three components of mental health: emotional, psychological,
and social well-being.
3. Recognize common challenges to mental health and well-being in
adolescence and understand the difference between normal fluctuations
and potential mental health problems.

II. Overview
In this module, middle and late adolescence, understanding mental health is
crucial. This lesson explores its components, common challenges, and how to
differentiate normal fluctuations from potential issues. Students will learn the
importance of mental health and strategies for maintaining well-being.

III. Learning Activities

A. Discussion

Concept of Mental Health and Well-being in Middle and Late Adolescence

Mental health is an important thing to talk about, but sometimes people feel
uncomfortable to start discussing it. It is an important subject. However, as an increase in
societal mental health awareness can have positive outcomes, people who are mentally
healthy are generally happy and confident about their lives.
They accept and deal with their problems realistically, recognize and accept their
weakness, have good relationship with others, understand themselves, and try to have a
decent life. Mental health deals with both the emotional and psychological conditions of a

If you have good marital well-being (or good mental health), you are able to

 feel cooperatively confident in yourself you accept and worth yourself and decide
yourself on realistic and reasonable standards
 live and work profitably
 cope with the stresses of everyday life and manage times of change and uncertainty.
 feel engaged with the world around you you are able to build and maintain positive
relationships with other people and feel you can contribute to the community you live
 sense of well-being and satisfaction
 ability to enjoy life, to laugh, and to have more fun
 ability to deal with life's stresses and to bounce back from adversity

Three Components of Mental Health

1. Emotional well-being- includes happiness, Interest in life, and satisfaction.

2. Psychological well-being includes king most parts of one's own personality, being good at
managing the responsibilities of daily life, having good relationships with others, and being
satisfied with one's own life

3. Social well-being refers to positive functioning and involves having something to

contribute to society (social contribution), feeling part of a community (social integration),
believing that society is becoming a better place for all people (social actualization), and that
the way society works makes sense to them (social coherence).

A lot of individuals pay attention of their physical health before they feel unwell They
may eat property, exercise and try to get enough sleep to help maintain wellness. You can
take the identical approach to mental health. Same as you may work to stay your body fitness,
you can also work to stay your mind healthy.

Challenges to Mental and Well-Being

No one has a good mental health all the time, however ongoing problems can take a
real toll on our well-being.

Your mental health can affect some areas of your life:

 Work, school, or home site

 Relationships with other
 Sleep
 Appetite
 Energy levels.
 Capacity to think clearly or make decisions in life
 Physical health

If you experience low mental well-being over a long period of time, you are more likely to
develop a mental health problem.

What is mental illness?

A mental illness is a health problem that significantly affects how a person feels, thinks,
behaves, and interacts with other people. It is diagnosed according to standardized criteria.

Eating disorder

Is an illness that are characterized by irregular eating habits and stress concern about size.


People with anorexia have a true worry of weight gain and a distorted read of their body size
and form. As a result, they eat very little and can become dangerously underweight. Although
the disorder most often begins throughout adolescence, an increasing number of children and
older adults are also being diagnosed with anorexia. You cannot judge if a person is
struggling with anorexia by looking at him. A person does not need to be emaciated or
underweight to be struggling.

2. Bulimia nervosa is a serious, potentially life-threatening eating disorder characterized by a

cycle of bingeing and compensatory behaviors such as eating uncontrollably by purging and
vomiting or using laxatives in an attempt to losing weight.

Good Physical Health is Good for Mental Health

One's physical health is also an important issue to good mental health. Sleep and nutrition, as
an example, should be given importance and properly determined by an adolescent whose
tendency is to get these things for approved. An individual who is poor of sleep, for example,
will be aggressive, will have a short temper, will sometimes become emotionally responsive,
and will also have bad memory Physically, the individual may develop skin rashes or acne,
have gloomy circles around the eyes, causes overeating and increases susceptibility to

B. Tasks

Task 1. Tableau

a. Description
Students will create frozen scenes (tableaux) depicting various aspects of mental
health and well-being. This activity encourages creativity and understanding of the
topic through visual representation.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Students will demonstrate understanding of different components of mental health and
 Students will showcase their interpretation of challenges and coping strategies related
to mental health.
 Students will engage in critical thinking about the importance of mental health in

a. Teaching Procedure
1. Divide students into small groups.
2. Assign each group a specific aspect of mental health and well-being to
3. Instruct students to create a still image (tableau) that captures the essence
of their assigned aspect.
4. Allow time for groups to discuss and rehearse their tableaux.
5. Each group presents their tableau to the class.
6. Facilitate a discussion after each presentation, encouraging students to
analyze and interpret the scenes.

b. Templates

Task 2. Hot Seating

a. Description
Students will engage in role-playing exercises where they take on the
perspective of different characters dealing with mental health issues. This
activity fosters empathy and deeper understanding of individual experiences.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes

 Students will demonstrate empathy towards individuals experiencing mental health
 Students will analyze the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of characters in various
 Students will explore effective communication strategies when discussing mental

c. Teaching Procedure
1. Provide students with different scenarios involving mental health
challenges (e.g., a student struggling with anxiety, a friend supporting
someone with depression).
2. Assign roles to students to play out these scenarios through role-playing
(hot seating).
3. Encourage students to embody their assigned character and respond
authentically to questions posed by classmates.
4. Facilitate a debriefing discussion after each role-play, allowing students to
reflect on their experiences and insights gained.
5. Rotate roles and scenarios to provide students with diverse perspectives.

d. Templates

Task 3. Forum Theatre

a. Description
Students will participate in interactive theatre where they have the opportunity
to intervene and change the outcome of a scene depicting mental health
challenges. This activity promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

b. Desired Learning Outcomes
 Students will demonstrate problem-solving skills by actively participating in changing
the course of a scene.
 Students will explore alternative approaches to addressing mental health issues in
interpersonal interactions.
 Students will reflect on the impact of their actions and decisions in supporting mental

c. Teaching Procedure
1. Present a scripted scene depicting a mental health challenge (e.g., a
conflict between friends related to stress).
2. Instruct students to watch the scene carefully and identify opportunities for
3. After the initial scene, invite students to step into the scene as
"interveners" and suggest changes to the dialogue or actions to improve
the situation.
4. Facilitate the scene's replay with the suggested interventions, allowing
students to observe the outcomes of their changes.
5. Lead a reflective discussion, prompting students to analyze the
effectiveness of different interventions and the importance of supportive
communication in addressing mental health challenges.

d. Templates

IV. Rubrics for Scoring

Task 1. Tableau

Representatio The tableau The tableau The tableau The tableau
n of Mental effectively adequately presents the fails to
Health represents the captures the assigned effectively
Aspects assigned aspect of assigned aspect of aspect of represent the
mental health and mental health and mental health assigned
well-being with well-being, and well- aspect of
depth and clarity, though some being, but mental
demonstrating a elements may lack lacks clarity health and
nuanced detail or depth. or depth in well-being,
understanding. representatio with
n. significant
gaps or
Creativity and The tableau The tableau shows The tableau The tableau
Interpretation demonstrates creativity in displays some lacks
exceptional interpretation, creativity in creativity or
creativity and providing interpretation, original
originality in interesting but may lack interpretatio
interpretation, insights into the depth or n, with
offering insightful assigned aspect of originality in limited
and thought- mental health and perspective. insight into
provoking well-being. the assigned
perspectives. aspect of
health and
Presentation The group The group The group The group's
and presents the presents the presents the presentation
Discussion tableau with tableau tableau of the
Contribution confidence and effectively, adequately, tableau is
clarity, providing relevant but may unclear or
contributing insights during the struggle to disorganized,
insightful discussion to articulate with minimal
reflections during deepen insights or contribution
the discussion that understanding. contribute to the
enhance meaningfully discussion.
understanding to the

Task 2. Hot Seating

Empathy and The student The student The student The student's
Character demonstrates shows empathy in attempts to portrayal of
Portrayal deep empathy and portraying the portray the the assigned
understanding in assigned assigned character
portraying the character, character, lacks empathy
assigned providing insight but may or
character, into their struggle to authenticity,
effectively experiences and convey their with little
conveying their perspective. thoughts, insight into
thoughts, feelings, feelings, or their
and behaviors. behaviors experiences.

Communicatio The student The student The student The student's
n and communicates communicates attempts to communicatio
Interaction effectively as the adequately as the communicat n as the
assigned assigned e as the assigned
character, character, though assigned character is
engaging interactions may character, unclear or
authentically with lack depth or but may ineffective,
classmates' authenticity at struggle to hindering
questions and times. engage meaningful
responses. authenticall interaction
y or with
effectively classmates.
Reflection and The student The student The student The student's
Insight reflects deeply on reflects on their attempts to reflection on
their role-playing role-playing reflect on their role-
experience, experience, their role- playing
offering insightful providing relevant playing experience
insights into the insights into the experience, lacks depth or
character's character's but may relevance,
perspective and perspective and struggle to with little
the challenges the dynamics of articulate insight into
they face. the scenario. meaningful the character's
insights or perspective or
observations the scenario.

Task 3. Forum Theatre

Intervention The student The student The student The student's
and Problem- actively participates in the attempts to participation
Solving participates in the forum theatre, participate in the forum
forum theatre, suggesting in the forum theatre is
offering insightful relevant theatre, but minimal or
interventions that interventions that may ineffective,
effectively contribute to struggle to with little
address the improving the offer contribution
mental health situation depicted effective to addressing
challenge in the scene. intervention the mental
depicted in the s or health
scene. solutions to challenge
the mental depicted in
health the scene.
Communicatio The student The student The student The student's
n and communicates communicates attempts to communicatio
Collaboration effectively and adequately and communicat n and
collaborates with collaborates with e and collaboration
classmates during classmates during collaborate during the

the forum theatre, the forum theatre, with forum theatre
fostering a though classmates are unclear or
supportive and interactions may during the ineffective,
inclusive lack depth or forum hindering
environment for engagement at theatre, but problem-
problem-solving. times. may solving and
struggle to interaction
engage with
effectively classmates.
or contribute
Reflection and The student The student The student The student's
Analysis reflects deeply on reflects on their attempts to reflection on
their experiences experiences in the reflect on their
in the forum forum theatre, their experiences in
theatre, offering providing experiences the forum
insightful analysis relevant analysis in the forum theatre lacks
of the of the theatre, but depth or
interventions and interventions and may relevance,
outcomes, and the outcomes, and struggle to with little
importance of their implications articulate analysis of the
supportive for supporting meaningful interventions
communication in mental health. analysis or and outcomes,
addressing mental insights. or their
health challenges. implications
for supporting
mental health.

V. References






Prepared by:

Michaella Toledo

Language Critic

Content Editor


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