Fossils Provide Evidence For Evolution
Fossils Provide Evidence For Evolution
Fossils Provide Evidence For Evolution
• The remains (or impressions) of dead animals or plants that lived in the
remote past are known as fossils.
• The fossils provide evidence for evolution. For example, a fossil bird
called Archaeopteryx looks like a bird but it has many other features
which are found in reptiles. This is because Archaeopteryx has feathered
wings like those of birds but teeth and tail like those of reptiles.
Archaeopteryx is, therefore, a connecting link between the reptiles and
birds, and hence suggests that the birds have evolved from the reptiles.
Thus, fossils provide the evidence that the present animals (and plants)
have originated from the previously existing ones through the process of
continuous evolution.
• For example, if a dead leaf gets caught in mud, it will not decompose
quickly. The mud around the leaf will set around it as a mould, gradually
harden to form a rock and retain the impression of the whole leaf. This
forms a leaf fossil which can be dug out from the earth a long time later .
The fossil of a dead insect caught in mud is also formed in a similar way
to leaf fossil. All such preserved impressions of the body parts of the
once living organisms are also called fossils.
• Fossils are obtained by digging into the earth.
• The relative method works like this : When we dig into the earth, we
find fossils at different depths. The fossils which we find in layers
closer to the surface of the earth are more recent; the fossils which are
found in deeper layers are older; whereas the fossils found in the
deepest layers of earth are the oldest ones.
• Fossils which we find today were once living objects. All the living
objects contain some carbon-14 atoms which are radioactive. When a
living object dies and forms fossil, its carbon-14 radioactivity goes on
decreasing gradually. In the carbon dating method, the age of fossils is
found by comparing the carbon-14 radioactivity left in fossils with the
carbon-14 radioactivity present in living objects today.
• There are various kinds of fossils.
• Some of the important fossils which have been studied are those of
ammonite, trilobite and dinosaur.
• The estimation of the age of dinosaur fossils have told us that they
first appeared on earth about 250 million years ago and became extinct
about 65 million years ago.
• It is clear from the above discussion that we can even study about
those species which are extinct (no longer exist), by
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
• Charles Robert Darwin gave the theory of evolution in his famous book
‘The Origin of Species’.
• We will now understand Darwin’s theory of evolution by ‘natural
selection’ by taking an example.
• For example, one of the progeny may be tall (having long legs) than
the other progeny. Thus, there may be a variation of height in the
progeny .
• Now, the advantage of long legs to the progeny is that when no food
(grass, etc.) is available on the ground, then this progeny having long
• legs can reach the leaves on tall trees, eat them as food and survive .
On the other hand, the progeny which have short height (due to short
legs) cannot reach the leaves on tall trees, they will not get any food,
they will starve and hence die . Thus, nature has selected the animal
with long legs to survive (because it is the fittest animal under these
circumstances). Now, since long legs help in survival, the long-legged
animals will live long enough to produce their offsprings. The
offspring will inherit long legs.
• So, all the future generations will have long legged animals . In this
way, the animals having short legs have evolved into animals having
long legs due to variation. This is an example of evolution.
• We can now define natural selection as follows :
• ‘how the variations (which lead to origin of new species) arise’. With
the progress in genetics, the source of variations was explained to be
the ‘genes’. Genes vary in natural population. Genetic variation is the
raw material of evolution. So, the Darwin’s theory was modified
accordingly. These days, the most accepted theory of evolution is the
Synthetic Theory of Evolution in which the origin of species is based
on the interaction of ‘genetic variation’ and ‘natural selection’.
1. the formation of new and distinct species in the course of
• (iii ) Variations caused in individuals due to natural selection.
It should be noted that geographical isolation is the major
factor in the speciation of sexually reproducing animals
• because it interrupts the flow of genes between their isolated
populations through the gametes. The geographical isolation,
however, cannot be a major factor in the speciation of a self-
pollinating plant species because it does not have to look to
other plants for its process of reproduction to be carried out.
Geographical isolation also cannot be a major factor in the
speciation of an asexually reproducing organism because it
does not require any other organism to carry out