A Beginner's Guide To RT-PCR, QPCR and RT - QPCR
A Beginner's Guide To RT-PCR, QPCR and RT - QPCR
A Beginner's Guide To RT-PCR, QPCR and RT - QPCR
Why are RT-PCR, qPCR and RT-qPCR not gene expression changes (see Figure 1C). Despite these
one and the same? standardized abbreviations, it is important to note that
this nomenclature guideline is not always adhered to,
When discussing this topic, it is important to highlight and qPCR is commonly used to describe RT-qPCR.
the common misconception that RT-PCR, qPCR and Similarly, RT is used to denote real-time PCR rather than
RT- qPCR are synonymous. Indeed, the similarities reverse transcription, thus causing confusion over which
between the closely related techniques often result method is being described. For this Beginner’s Guide, we
in the incorrect use of the acronyms. In an attempt to will be using the MIQE abbreviations as described above.
prevent this, the Minimum Information for Publication
of Quantitative Real-Time PCR Experiments (MIQE) Overview of qPCR and RT-qPCR
guidelines, first published in 2009, proposed a
standardization of abbreviations. They stated that Quantitative PCR, whether involving a reverse
‘RT- PCR’ should only be used to describe reverse transcription step or not, is routinely used in molecular
transcription PCR and not real-time PCR, as is often biology labs and has revolutionized the way in which
confused. Reverse transcription PCR allows the use of research is carried out due to its relatively simple
RNA as a template to generate complementary DNA pipeline (Figure 2). Its advantages over standard PCR
(cDNA). Using the reverse transcriptase enzyme, a include the ability to visualize which reactions have
single-stranded copy of cDNA is generated. This can worked in real time and without the need for an agarose
then be amplified by a DNA polymerase, generating gel. It also allows truly quantitative analysis. One of
double-stranded cDNA, feeding into a standard PCR- the most common uses of qPCR is determining the
based amplification process (see Figure 1A). This copy number of a DNA sequence of interest. Using
technique can be used in molecular cloning of genes absolute quantitation, the user is able to determine the
of interest (GOIs), but most commonly, it serves as the target copy numbers in reference to a standard curve of
first step in RT-qPCR. According to MIQE, the acronym defined concentration in a far more accurate way than
‘qPCR’ describes quantitative real-time PCR, which is ever before. RT-qPCR, on the other hand, allows the
the PCR amplification of DNA in real time, measured by investigation of gene expression changes upon treatment
a fluorescent probe, most commonly an intercalating dye of model systems with inhibitors, stimulants, small
or a hydrolysis-based probe, enabling quantitation of the interfering RNAs (siRNAs) or knockout models, etc.
PCR product (see Figure 1B). This technique is used to This technique is also routinely used to detect changes
detect the presence of pathogens and to determine the in expression both prior to (as quality control) and after
copy number of DNA sequences of interest. The final (confirmation of change) RNA-Seq experiments.
acronym ‘RT-qPCR’ is used for reverse transcription
quantitative real- time PCR. This is a technique Sample preparation
which combines RT- PCR with qPCR to enable the The most crucial step in the qPCR and RT-qPCR pipeline
measurement of RNA levels through the use of cDNA is arguably sample isolation. No matter how good your
in a qPCR reaction, thus allowing rapid detection of assay design is, if the starting material is contaminated
48 June 2020 © The Authors. Published by Portland Press Limited under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND)
Beginner's Guide
or degraded, you will not get accurate results. A good- the precursor of protein synthesis), transfer RNA (tRNA;
quality sample is the starting block of good-quality data. decodes mRNA during translation with the ribosome)
When isolating DNA for qPCR, it is essential that it is and ribosomal RNA (rRNA; reads the amino acid order
free from contaminants that may inhibit the reaction. during translation and links them with the ribosome),
Most often, extraction is carried out using commercially but often (not always) fails to isolate smaller RNAs
available kits, which have the advantage of being user- such as non- coding RNA (ncRNA; functional RNA
friendly, simple and quick, especially when integrated transcribed from DNA, but not translated into proteins)
with a robotic system. The type of RNA extraction and micro RNAs (miRNAs; regulate gene expression
carried out depends on the type of RNA required. The by inhibiting mRNA translation). With the explosion
most common extraction method used is with total RNA of interest in enhancer RNAs (eRNAs; small RNAs
extraction kits. This isolates messenger RNA (mRNA; transcribed from enhancers) which can vary in length
Figure 2. Workflow of a standard qPCR and RT-qPCR experiment. Following sample isolation, the integrity is analysed
prior to cDNA generation and commencement of the qPCR assay using either intercalating dyes or hydrolysis probes.
Fluorescence is detected throughout the PCR cycles and used to generate an amplification curve which is used to quantitate
the target sample during data analysis.
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Beginner's Guide
considerably, it is essential that the extraction methods experiment (termed one-step RT-qPCR) or is generated
are carefully considered to ensure isolation of the RNA separately from the qPCR (two- step RT-qPCR), as
of interest. In addition to extraction considerations, it is shown in Figure 3. The advantage of one-step RT-qPCR
essential that RNA is not contaminated with DNA, since is that there is less experimental variation and fewer risks
this cannot be distinguished from cDNA in the qPCR of contamination, as well as enabling high-throughput
reaction. To overcome this, most protocols rely on the screening; hence, this option is usually used for clinical
use of a DNase I treatment which digests any DNA. screening. However, it does mean that the sample can
During isolation, sample degradation is always a only be used a limited number of times, whereas two-
possibility. Accordingly, any good pipeline will involve a step RT-qPCR enables more reactions per sample and
quality control step to assess the integrity of the sample. flexible priming options and is usually the preferred
This can be done quickly by evaluating the A260/280 ratio option for wide-scale gene expression analysis, but does
(comparing the absorbance at 260 vs 280 nm, a measure require more optimization.
of contamination by proteins) and the A260/230 ratio
Figure 3. One-step vs two-step RT-qPCR. One-step RT-qPCR involves the generation of cDNA via reverse transcription and
qPCR amplification of the target sequence in one reaction. Two-step RT-qPCR separates out the two steps (RT-PCR and qPCR),
thus enabling more target sequences to be analysed in the qPCR reaction.
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Beginner's Guide
DNA polymerase extends the primer, the probe is cleaved, This can also be aided by the use of carefully designed
enabling the reporter molecule to emit a fluorescent signal. primers and by validating their specificity, for which
Since such probes are target specific, they inherently there are many examples online including the
have greater specificity than intercalating dyes. Harvard primer bank. More recently, new-generation
Consequently, when you detect a signal using a probe, intercalating dyes such as EvaGreen® have been
you can be confident that the signal is genuinely from developed, which have lower background noise and a
your GOI, since it requires the primers and the probe stronger signal, enabling improved melt curve analysis
to bind at the target sequence for signal detection. and amplification detection. Despite their disadvantages,
Intercalating dyes, however, are non- specific, and intercalating dyes are significantly cheaper to use than
therefore, further downstream analysis in the form of probes, as you can use the same dye for multiple different
a melt curve is required to ensure that the signal being primer pairs (as long as the reactions are run separately).
detected is genuinely the target of interest (Figure 4C). Since hydrolysis probes are sequence specific, every GOI
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Beginner's Guide
requires an individual set of primer pairs and probe. In of fluorescence. As the reaction progresses into the
consequence, this method is usually only chosen if the exponential growth, fluorescence reaches a level which is
user wants to measure just a few targets of interest, such significantly higher than the baseline; this is referred to
as in diagnostic testing. Since the development of the first as the threshold level. The threshold level is the heart of
commercial qPCR machines, instrumentation has come quantitation, as the point at which your sample crosses
a long way in terms of both reliability and sensitivity. this threshold is recorded as the Ct or Cq value. The
From the first machines, which could measure a small threshold is set in the exponential phase, so the reading is
number of samples, we are now able to carry out high- not affected by reagent shortages, etc. in the plateau phase.
throughput screening using 96- and 384-well plates. This The second crucial factor in quantitation is the use of a
advance is further enhanced through the development reference gene (RG), an endogenous control present in
of detection systems. The detection of multiple emission all samples at a consistent concentration which does not
spectra in many newer machines enables multiplexing of change in response to biological conditions. Often, genes
up to five or six colours at one time, facilitating high- such as GAPDH and β-actin are used; however, the levels
Figure 5. Quantitation of RT-qPCR and qPCR. (A) Amplification curve generated during the run as the reaction is measured
in real time. Due to fluorescence detection, an amplification curve is generated (blue curve) which involves an initiation
phase [low level of fluorescence, often termed the baseline (black line)]. A threshold is determined (green line) once the
amplification curve is in the exponential phase, and where the amplification crosses this line determines the Cq/Ct value used
to quantify data. Negative controls, i.e., water controls, should be around the baseline value. (B) A serial dilution of standards
of known concentration are used to generate a amplification curve, which when Cq values are plotted against their log
concentrations produce a standard curve. Target sequences of unknown concentrations can then be accurately quantified
using their Cq as shown by the hashed cyan line.
52 June 2020 © The Authors. Published by Portland Press Limited under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND)
Beginner's Guide
and the Ct value (Figure 5B). This standard curve can to real-time RT-PCR or RT-qPCR allows high-throughput
then be used to quantitate the concentration of the screening of patients, which is critical during a public
unknown experimental samples and is often used for health emergency. These tests have been rapidly designed
identifying DNA copy numbers. The second approach following the deposition of the SARS- CoV-2 genome
is relative quantitation, which enables you to calculate allowing prompt design of primers and probes specific for
the ratio between the RG and the GOI. The accuracy Covid-19. The most common test for SARS-CoV-2, which
of this quantitation depends on the RG; therefore, it is has been implemented by the World Health Organization
crucial that this remains unchanged, so as to prevent (WHO), Public health England (PHE) and National
erroneous results. The method used to express the Health Service (NHS) laboratories, is real-time RT-PCR
ratio between the RG and GOI is called the delta delta (RT-qPCR) using a system similar to TaqMan probes. The
Ct method (2-ΔΔCq). The Ct (Figure 5A) of the RG is Drosten group, based in Berlin, has designed a real-time
removed from the GOI Ct, so as to remove any errors RT-PCR assay which detects the RdRp gene of SARS-CoV-2
in sample loading. This generates a ΔCt value for all
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Grace Adams is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University
of Leicester. She started in the field of Biochemistry in 2010 as an undergraduate at the University of Leicester.
During her PhD, she worked with Professor Shaun Cowley to study the role of Class I Histone Deacetylases
in gene expression. In both her PhD and postdoctoral work Grace used RT-qPCR extensively to study gene
expression changes. Email: [email protected]
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