OOP Project Phase2

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Project: Java Oven Shop – PHASE-11

In Phase-II you are going to implement the data layer using Object Serialization. You will also
implement a partial GUI to handle all the Customer entity only.

Data Layer (25%)

Using the attached Class Diagram, implement all the public methods to handle data operations. You
can create your own private utility methods whenever needed. Customers and orders IDs must be
JavaFX Presentation Layer (25%)
Using JavaFX, implement the following in one Application. Orders are NOT needed in this task. All
tasks are related to the customer entity.

1. List all customers

2. List one customer with all details
3. Add a new customer
4. Update an existing customer
5. Delete an existing customer.
Pay enough attention to the design in general and layouts organization.

Evaluation Criteria:

The breakdown of the project grade is as follows:

1. Project Code/Implementation – 80%: You can earn this 80% as follows:

a. code completeness [50%]: the code is complete and working. The student implemented all the
requirements with no errors.
b. quality of implementation [20%]: includes meaningful naming of identifiers, no redundant
code, simple and efficient design, clean code without unnecessary files/code, use of comments
where necessary, proper white space and indentation use of a meaningful variable name,
abiding by Java naming conventions etc.
c. Java Docs [10%] -> Generated a good quality java doc for all the methods and classes.
- For not working solution with errors:
In case your implementation is not working then 40% of the grade will be lost and the remaining
60% will be determined based on the code quality and how close your solution is to the working

2. Project Report – 20%: the report that shows the code and the results of all the test cases. You should
show the screenshots and the document must meet the following criteria:
a. A cover page that lists your names and QU ID's.
b. the source code of all the developed Java classes (font size should be 12 points, please)
c. Screenshots of all project tasks
3. Copying and/or plagiarism: -100%

Deadline for submission for PHASE-2 is Saturday 17-April-2021 END OF THE DAY.

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