Krasnov Et Al. - 2012 - Gender-Biased Parasitism in Small Mammals Patterns, Mechanisms, Consequences
Krasnov Et Al. - 2012 - Gender-Biased Parasitism in Small Mammals Patterns, Mechanisms, Consequences
Krasnov Et Al. - 2012 - Gender-Biased Parasitism in Small Mammals Patterns, Mechanisms, Consequences
of parasites per infested host individual, whereas prevalence and during some time periods but not in others. Furthermore,
is the proportion of infested hosts. Obviously, mean intensity the inequalities in infestations are male-biased in some cases,
of infestation is a product of mean abundance and prevalence. while they are female-biased in other cases.
These measures are straightforward, simple to understand
and may be easily calculated. Recently, the role of parasite Gender-biased parasitism and host taxa
diversity as a major selective force for hosts was recognised
(see review in Bordes and Morand 2009). In other words, the Higher mammalian taxa appear to differ in the manifestation
mean number of parasite species found on a host individual of gender-biased parasitism (Table 1). In particular, gender-
(e.g., species richness of a parasite infracommunity) repre- biased parasitism by fleas is mainly female-biased in bats
sents an important measure of parasite pressure. but male-biased in rodents. For example, female little brown
Diversity of patterns of gender-biased parasitism is sum- bats Myotis lucifugus (Le Conte) and Leisler ’s bats Nyctalus
marised in Table 1. In these studies, parasite infestation was leisleri (Kuhl) hosted higher densities of ectoparasites, includ-
measured according to parasite abundance, distribution or ing fleas (e.g., Myodopsylla insignis Rothschild), than did
diversity. From this table, it is evident that gender bias in males (Dick et al. 2003, Kanuch et al. 2005). Among European
parasite infestation occurs in some host-parasite associa- vespertilionid bats studied by Zahn and Rupp (2004), the
tions but not in others, at some locations but not in others, greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis Borkhausen), the
Mean number of flea species
Figure 1 Mean flea species richness in male (black columns) and female (white columns) rodents and soricomorphs from central Slovakia.
Data from Morand et al. (2004).
found in male than female wood mice, Apodemus sylvaticus of flea assemblages were also observed in winter only in males
in England (Behnke et al. 1999), many other studies failed to of G. andersoni, D. dasyurus, G. henleyi and M. crassus, being
detect gender-biased parasitism by nematodes in other popula- parasitised by richer flea assemblages than females, whereas
tions of this species (Fuentes et al. 2004 for Spain, Milazzo the opposite was true for A. russatus. Sexual difference in
et al. 2010 for Italy). Moreover, no gender-biased parasitism flea prevalence was found in winter but not summer popula-
was reported for rodents such as the yellow-necked field mouse tions of D. dasyurus and G. henleyi, with a higher percent-
(Apodemus flavicollis Melchior) (Ferrari et al. 2004), the white- age of infested males than females (Figure 3). The majority of
footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus Rafinesque) (Luong rodents in the Negev Desert exhibit peak reproduction in win-
et al. 2009) and the bank vole (Myodes glareolus Schreber) ter (Shenbrot et al. 1994, 1997, 1999, Krasnov et al. 1996).
(Ribas et al. 2009), while female-biased infestation by nema- Although the number of studies specifically aimed to exam-
todes was detected in the Cape ground squirrel Xerus inauris ine seasonal patterns in gender-biased parasitism is extremely
Zimmermann in South Africa (Hillegass et al. 2008) and in two scarce, some observations suggest that its seasonal variation
species of octodontids from Argentina (Rossin et al. 2010). can be linked to reproductive cycles. For example, infesta-
tion of Japanese macaques, Macaca fuscata yakui Kuroda, by
Gender-biased parasitism and parasite taxa nematodes was characterised by male bias during the mating
season (fall), but female bias during the birth season (spring)
Infestation patterns of conspecific hosts from the same popula- (MacIntosh et al. 2010).
tions by different parasites often demonstrate contrasting pat-
terns of gender bias. In South Africa, Hillegass et al. (2008) Spatial variation of gender-biased infestation: host
investigated parasites in X. inauris and found males harboured population structure, parasite community structure,
thrice as many ectoparasites as females, while females har- environment
boured thrice as many helminths as males. Matthee et al.
(2010) examined prevalence, abundance, species richness and The extent, occurrence and direction of gender-biased parasit-
the level of aggregation of ectoparasites (eight ticks, five mites, ism within the same parasite-host associations may vary not
one louse and five fleas) on male and female R. pumilio in nine only on temporal but also on spatial scale. We already men-
localities of the Western Cape, and asked whether the occur- tioned the study of Matthee et al. (2010) on ticks, mites, fleas
rence and the extent of host gender-biased parasitism varied and lice exploiting R. pumilio in several localities in South
among higher parasite taxa and among species within these taxa. Africa. It was found that the occurrence and extent of gen-
The occurrence and extent of gender-biased infestation varied der-biased infestation varied within a parasite species among
among parasite species within a higher taxon as well as among localities from being male-biased to being female-biased by
higher parasite taxa. In other words, there was gender bias in being absent. Although the general trend in the majority of
host infestation by some parasites, whereas male and female these parasites was male bias, the reasons behind substantial
hosts were similarly infested by other closely related parasites. spatial variation in gender differences remained unexplained.
Meta-analyses indicated significant male bias of infestation for
two ticks, one mite, the louse and one flea; significant female 1.2
bias in one mite; and no difference in infestation between male
and female hosts for the remaining parasites. In addition, when
gender difference in parasite abundance were considered across 1.0
parasite species within higher taxa, significant male bias was
found for ticks, but not for mites or for fleas.
Mean flea species richness
Seasonal variation of gender-biased infestation
This led Krasnov and Matthee (2010) to continue their investi- 0.6
gation and to ask about factors that affected the manifestation
Standardized difference in mean abundance
0.6 0.5
0.4 0.4
-0.2 0.0
-0.4 -0.1
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 -0.3
Scores of PF -2.5 -2.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
<== mean and total parasite species richness Scores of HF2
mean parasite abundance ==> <== proportion of reproductive males ==>
Figure 4 Relations between a composite variable (the first princi- Figure 6 Relations between a composite variable (the second prin-
pal component) describing parasite community in a locality (PF) and cipal component) describing host population in a locality (HF2) and
the standardised difference between male and female Rhabdomys the standardised difference between male and female Rhabdomys
pumilio in abundance of the flea Listropsylla agrippae in South pumilio in species richness of mites in South Africa. Data from
Africa. Data from Krasnov and Matthee (2010). Krasnov and Matthee (2010).
consistent or clear-cut trend (Presley and Willig 2008). These with heavy burdens of parasites. However, levels of parasite
significant gender biases in infestation by bat flies were not aggregation in natural systems can co-vary both positively
associated with sexual size dimorphism among 87 bat species and negatively with parasite-induced host mortality depend-
from Venezuela (Patterson et al. 2008). ing on the biological characteristics of both host and parasite
However, the results obtained by studies of tick parasitism species.
suggested some relations between gender-biased parasitism In the study of flea distribution on males and females of
and gender differences in body size. Harrison et al. (2010) nine species of desert rodents, Krasnov et al. (2005) found
investigated whether the male-biased parasitism of A. sylvati- that aggregation differed significantly between males and
cus by the tick Ixodes ricinus is determined by either host body females in only three species. However, further across-
size or host gender. Their analysis suggested that the observed species analysis revealed a positive correlation between
gender bias was driven by body mass as opposed to “pure” gender difference in the aggregation level and the degree of
gender, owing to whatever proximate reason (larger indi- sexual size dimorphism (Figure 9) (Krasnov 2008). A positive
viduals being larger targets for parasites, trade-off between relation between the degree of gender difference in flea aggre-
growth and expense of immunity, among-individual variation gation and the degree of sexual size dimorphism suggests that
in behavioural responses to parasitism following variation in sex-biased mortality cannot be rejected as an explanation of
body size). Similarly, results of Kiffner et al. (2011) supported gender-biased flea infestation, at least, in some hosts.
“body mass” (parasite infestation increases with an increase
in body mass) but not “gender” as the main factor explaining
the pattern of infestation of the rodents A. flavicollis and M. Consequences
glareolus by the ticks Ixodes and Dermacentor.
The above examples suggest that the pattern of the relations As we have seen, performance of parasites often differs in male
between parasite infestation and host body mass as opposed and female hosts. Furthermore, parasites may have different
to host gender could vary among parasite taxa. The rules that probability to encounter either a male or female host. Finally,
govern infestation of fleas or bat flies could differ from those the rate of parasite transmission between hosts may depend
of ticks because of fundamental differences in their life histo- on whether they are transmitted among male or female hosts.
ries (e.g., relative time spent on and off host). It is, therefore, likely that differences in the pattern of parasit-
ism on male vs. female hosts have important consequences
Sexual size dimorphism, gender-biased parasitism for parasite individuals, populations and communities.
and gender-biased mortality
Host gender and behaviour of parasite individuals
Moore and Wilson (2002) demonstrated a positive relation
between male-biased parasitism and sexual size dimorphism as Selection of an appropriate habitat with necessary and exploit-
well as a positive correlation between male-biased mortality and able resources is one of the main tasks for a living organism.
male-biased parasitism across various mammalian taxa, thus If an organism succeeds in fulfilling this task, its reward is
supporting the hypothesis that parasites may contribute to the translated into an increase or, at least, non-decrease of fit-
association between sexual size dimorphism and male-biased ness. The evolutionary motivation of parasites does not differ
mortality. Gender differences in parasite-induced host mortal- from that of free-living species. Given better performance of
ity are not usually taken into account in observational studies many parasites on one host gender as opposed to another host
because of certain limitations of the census data. Nevertheless, gender, it would be advantageous for parasites (especially
for the census data, these differences can be inferred from the those that are capable of actively attacking hosts) to be able to
gender differences in the pattern of parasite aggregation. discriminate between male and female hosts than merely rely
Parasite distribution among hosts is universally character- on differential exposure of male and female hosts to para-
ised by a high level of aggregation. Most parasite individuals sites. The ability to discriminate between host genders would
occur in a few host individuals, while most host individuals enable parasites to choose actively a more “beneficial host,”
have only a few, if any, parasites (Anderson and May 1978, which may result in higher fitness reward. If so, this ability
Shaw and Dobson 1995). This distribution of parasite indi- would be favoured by natural selection.
viduals among hosts is caused by a variety of factors (Poulin As we have already seen, mites of the genus Spinturnix
2007) and can have important consequences for different demonstrate female bias in the infestation of bat hosts. To
aspects of the evolutionary ecology of parasites (e.g., Morand assess whether observed gender-biased parasitism results from
et al. 1993). In particular, the aggregation of parasites among an active choice made by the parasite, Christe et al. (2007)
host individuals arises due to heterogeneities in host popula- examined short-term preferences of the mite S. andegavi-
tions and/or infection pressure (Shaw and Dobson 1995) and nus on male and female M. daubentoni. In their laboratory
represents one of the factors of parasite-induced host mortal- experiments, mites were placed in an open Petri dish glued
ity (Anderson and Gordon 1982). Consequently, it is often to the centre of a small box, and a pair of deparasitised bats
thought that the level of aggregation can serve as an inverse (a male and a female) was placed into the box. Parasites and
indicator of parasite-induced host mortality (Anderson and bats were able to move inside the box, so both direct attacks
Gordon 1982) because an increase in the degree of aggre- by mites and mite transfer between bats were possible. After
gation suggests that at least some of the hosts are infected a timed period, the number of parasites present on each bat
-0.12 -0.10 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12
Contrasts in male:female body mass ratio
Figure 9 Relation between male/female body mass ratio and male/female ratio of the parameter b of Taylor ’s power relation between mean
flea abundance and its variance in nine rodent species from the Negev Desert, using the method of independent contrasts. Data from Krasnov
et al. (2005); analysis from Krasnov (2008).
was counted. It was found that mites demonstrated a clear to be more active than females in their host search, while
preference for adult females over adult males. However, female fleas appeared more selective than males regarding
the occurrence of this preference depended on the phase of host gender. In male fleas, the blood meal is required for
host reproduction. There was a significant directional gender the dissolution of the testicular plug and thus for successful
preference in early summer (beginning of reproductive season), insemination of a female (Krasnov 2008). In addition, male
while both hosts were randomly selected in late summer (mat- fleas are able to mate after a single blood meal, so that find-
ing period). In contrast, there was no apparent host preference ing of a host (either gender) at the earliest opportunity would
between adult females and sub-adult males. Unfortunately, give a male an advantage over other males of the same age
movements of bats have not been recorded; thus, it was unclear cohort in mating competition. Consequently, the strategy of
whether the lack of preference between adult females and adult a male flea could be to trade off the quality of a host against
males in late summer was due to random selection of a bat by the time required for host search. In contrast to male fleas,
mites or due to a bat’s attempts to mate, which could result female fleas require multiple blood meals before successful
in transfer of mites from one bat to another. Furthermore, the
lack of clear preference between adult females and sub-adult
males could reflect the equal “appropriateness” of these host
categories. Indeed, natural mite prevalence was found to be 90
significantly higher in adult females than in sub-adult females,
while the opposite was true for adult vs. sub-adult males. The 80
signals allowing mites to discriminate between host genders
remained unknown; however, Christe et al. (2007) speculated
Proportion of fleas (%)
reproduction (Krasnov 2008). Therefore, they may trade off precondition for gender-biased transmission. In another study,
the time required for host search against the quality of a host. Ferrari et al. (2007) used mathematical models to explore the
In other words, a fitness increment for a female flea due to dynamics of parasite infection for a macroparasite having a
exploitation of a more beneficial host could be higher than direct cycle when it is shared by two genders of the same
that due to earlier host location. There is evidence that fleas host species. The aim of the model was to distinguish between
may use various stimuli to locate their hosts such as vibra- two processes underlying male-biased parasite transmission,
tion, increased concentration of carbon dioxide, increased air namely gender differences in immunocompetence and gen-
temperature, and silhouette (Cox et al. 1999). However, when der differences in spatial behaviour. Model simulations were
a flea is faced with the dilemma to choose between hosts of compared with results from field experiments described in
approximately the same size, a crucial role is likely played by Ferrari et al. (2004) (see above). However, the main aim of
an odour cue. Indeed, positive responses of fleas to host odour the study was not achieved. Simulations fitted the experimen-
were reported (e.g., Krasnov et al. 2002). tal results well, but the observed pattern could be explained
by both mechanisms. These results suggested that gender-
Host gender and dispersal of parasite individuals biased infestation and/or gender-biased transmission could be
determined by several, not mutually exclusive, factors.
Looking at the male-biased pattern of parasitism from To test whether gender-biased transmission may occur (a) in
the parasite perspective, it was suggested that if parasites the absence of clear gender-biased infestation and (b) not only
increase their fitness through dispersal, then they would ben- in parasites with direct life cycles (like that in H. polygyrus)
efit from a tighter association with male hosts (Lundqvist but also in parasites that require intermediate hosts for trans-
1988, Bursten et al. 1997, Smith et al. 2005). Indeed, Bursten mission, Luong et al. (2009) carried out a similar study using
et al. (1997) found that juvenile male California ground a trophically transmitted nematode, Pterygodermatites pero-
squirrels Spermophilus beecheyi Richardson harboured more mysci Lichtenfels, with a rodent definitive host (Peromyscus
fleas Oropsylla montana Baker, than conspecific juvenile maniculatus Wagner) and an insect intermediate host (a cricket,
females, while adult rodents did not demonstrate any gender Ceuthophilus pallidipes Walker). No gender-biased infesta-
differences in flea infestation. The only behavioural difference tion was found in populations of the definitive host. Luong et
between male and female juvenile rodents was the farther natal al. (2009) experimentally reduced infection in either male or
dispersal distances of the former. Moreover, the dispropor- female rodents with an anti-helminthic drug and then measured
tionate infestation of juvenile males was mainly due to male the level of infestation in the intermediate host, using it as a
fleas. Bursten et al. (1997) suggested that male-biased parasit- proxy for infection of the rodent host. Although treatment of
ism characteristic for juvenile hosts might be an adaptation of rodent hosts decreased the prevalence of infestation in crickets
fleas to decrease inbreeding. The greater number of male fleas independent of gender of the definitive host that was treated,
on farther-dispersing host individuals presumably allows these the abundance of parasites in crickets appeared to be higher
parasites to increase their chances of mating with unrelated if female as opposed to male hosts were treated. This study
females. However, female fleas that stay on shorter-dispersing supports earlier findings that male hosts are major contribu-
hosts ensure successful development of their offspring in tors of parasite infective stages and are main drivers of parasite
hosts’ burrows with guaranteed resources. transmission.
Gender-biased parasitism and parasite populations Gender-biased parasitism and parasite communities
Among various implications of gender-biased parasitism, the In host-parasite associations that demonstrate male-biased
important consequence of higher number of parasites on one infestation, the effects of higher mobility and/or lower immu-
gender or higher proportion of infested individuals being of nocompetence of male hosts might not be restricted to a partic-
a certain gender is that heavily infected hosts of this gender ular parasite species but rather apply to the entire assemblage
may drive the population dynamics of parasites. Ferrari et al. of closely related parasites harboured by them. Although the
(2004) experimentally reduced the helminth community in effect of host gender on composition of parasite communi-
either males or females of A. flavicollis in northern Italy by ties (e.g., species richness) is well known (e.g., Morand et al.
using anti-helminthic drugs and then measured the prevalence 2004), to the best of our knowledge, the effect of host gender
and parasite burden (according to counts of eggs in faeces) on parasite community structure has been considered in only
in individuals of the untreated gender. This study focused on one study. Krasnov et al. (2011) examined patterns of co-
the dominant helminth species, the nematode H. polygyrus. It occurrences in infracommunities of fleas parasitic on male
was found that the removal of parasites from female hosts had and female hosts of 16 rodent species from Africa and Eurasia
no effect on parasites in male hosts, while removal of para- by comparing frequencies of co-occurrences with those
sites from male hosts led to a substantial decrease of parasitic expected by chance. In 12 of 16 rodent species, significant
burdens in female hosts. These results unequivocally proved non-randomness on flea co-occurrences was detected either
that male hosts are responsible for driving the parasite popu- equally for males and females (in three species) or was found
lation dynamics in the host population. Importantly, gender- in males more frequently than in females (in nine species).
biased infestation has not been found in control populations, Whenever this non-randomness was detected, it indicated an
suggesting that gender-biased infestation is not a necessary aggregative structure of infracommunities. In other words,
Examples presented in this review demonstrate that gender bias Figure 12 Gender-biased parasitism results from both susceptibil-
in parasitism occurs often, although it is not always even within ity and exposition to parasitism, which, in turn, depend on the host’s
the same host-parasite association. Manifestation and extent of behaviour and hormonal status.
gender-biased parasitism may (a) differ among host-parasite
associations, (b) depend on biological features of a particular
host and/or parasite species, (c) vary spatially or temporally, and Acknowledgements
(d) be mediated by environmental factors. Ultimately, gender-
We thank Allan Degen and two anonymous referees for helpful com-
biased parasitism may be caused by gender differences in size, ments on the earlier version of the manuscript. This is publication no.
behaviour and anti-parasitic defences. Proximately, it may be 755 of the Mitrani Department of Desert Ecology.
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