IPHP 11 - 12 Q1 0402 Knowing Myself SW2
IPHP 11 - 12 Q1 0402 Knowing Myself SW2
IPHP 11 - 12 Q1 0402 Knowing Myself SW2
Name: Date:
This activity aims to increase the learners’ awareness of their strengths and how to
develop them. At the same time, this activity also aims for learners to suggest ways
how to overcome their weaknesses.
1. Write your top three strengths and weaknesses.
2. Provide a way to retain or develop your strengths.
3. Suggest possible ways how to overcome your weaknesses.
My strengths are the following:
A. I am creative.
I can develop this by creating blogs and posts in social media about
specific themes.
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Unit 4: The Human Person as Unity
Lesson 2: Knowing Myself
A. I am afraid of heights.
my fears.
1. My strengths are the following:
A. __________________________________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________________________
A. __________________________________________________________________________________
B. __________________________________________________________________________________
C. __________________________________________________________________________________
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
Unit 4: The Human Person as Unity
Lesson 2: Knowing Myself
Suggested Rubric
Performance Levels
Criteria 1 2 3 Score
Beginning Average Advanced
Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency