2 Files Merged
2 Files Merged
2 Files Merged
I n;coHl/C well 1lw ,·l'!i11 h t''\LTtl' d hy him/her. hen ce I hL' rel>_\· sr ar c IP \ O luntanl) g 1 \(.> the
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i.:onsol<tiitln. and for h is • hc1 -;at isfo1.:t i un 100. once ende<n or i s apprO\ cd and rea l izcd .
Thcrcfli1 c. for the t nu h f"ul ncss or t h i s note. I hereby a lli.\. Ill) signature lid c )\\ . dated t h
is day o f' _ ]0
--- . .
amc and Sig.natu1 e ol La ndo\'ll 'I
I. l r;\ l s ;:-.. J rs. Lei m B. .-\ ntolin _ _ _ of ll:giJ I age and a rcitlt'llf (>f
Cand on Ci ty, lloco-; ·'.!.!: hcrchy confln11 t he amou nt to be gi1 c11 ' n l11 n tari l} by t he landowner
\\I lh t ht: amou nt of One ." I illion Pt> sos _ ( amou11t i n wp1 ds) t!u__L.Otll),000. 00
\ ainou n t i n figu res) '"11i:.'i1c frii itm111!! 1\ iiosc names ami sigrn11111 cs <ippcar heiow.
I. El\' B. A 'YfOLI:\
!\nrne and Signature of .\ g.cn l
\:amc Hnd Signat11rc 1)1'(
\Vhere for the effr·ct and seal this agreement we hereby affix our signatures
over 1>rintcd name this _ day of _ _ _, 20 at