Unit 13
Unit 13
Unit 13
mmunication in
Orgganisation UNIT 13
After study
ying this unitt, you should
d be able to:
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Inteernet and Intrranet
13.3 Multimedia Preesentations
13.4 Infoormation & C
Communicattion Technology
13.5 Virttual meetinggs
13.6 Teleeconferencinng
13.7 Viddeo Conferennce
13.8 Messsaging toolss
13.9 Richh Media andd Lean Media
13.10 Soccial media m
13.11 Sum
13.12 Key
13.13 Selff-Assessmennt Questions
13.14 Refferences and Further Reaadings
13.1 IN
Informationn technology has chang ged the wayy of every business opperation
from desiggning the prroduct to managing
m thhe logistics and supply chain.
Today Infoormation techhnology is im mpacting thee business very
v rapidly. Instant
flow of infformation annd messagess has becom me the lifelinne of effectiive and
timely deccision-makinng. Many prresentation software arre available which
have transfformed the way of preesentations too. Today it is easierr to be
connected to
t all the staakeholders off the businesss with the help
h of Inform mation,
Communication and T Technology (ICT). Variious applicaation tools help h in
saving timee and moneyy and have become
b effeective tools of communiication.
The use of social mediaa profiles tooo has increased to highliight the pressence in
the market.. In this unitt we will study all these aspects and learn how ICT
I has
penetrated our daily as well as proffessional livees.
n in
13.2 INTERNET AND INTRANET Technology and
As we know that intranet is a private computer network but in order to
operate it has to use internet protocols, network connectivity to access,
communicate and share vital information within the virtual boundaries of an
organisation. Intranet uses the same client-server model running on the
TCP/IP protocol which is identical to an internet. The features of intranet are:
● It is a private network
● Only the users have access
● It is a more secured network
● It has limited users
● The traffic is limited
Table 1 presents the comparison between internet and intranet.
Visitors Traffic
T Higgh Low
Presentation is an important part of
o organisatiions. Properr, systematicc, lively
presentationns can leave deep, longg-lasting im
mpacts in thee minds of clients,
team and all
a the stakeeholders direectly or indiirectly invollved in a buusiness.
Power-poinnt presentatiions are no doubt effecctive but Multimedia
M sooftware
have surelyy developed an edge oveer these in ddue course ofo time. The simple
reason is multimedia
m presentation
ns are equippped with different
d toools and
features whhich can leaave the audiience totallyy fascinated. New cuttinng edge
features likke stock photos, audiio narrationn, backgroun nd music, custom
transitions, animationss, animated icons, sounnd effects ettc. are availlable in
multimediaa presentations.
For corporates, time iss the most important
i reesource. Orgganisations wish
w to
establish sttrong impactts right away in the firsst meeting orr first conveersation
with their stakeholders
s s. Organisatiions use muultimedia preesentations ini trade
show displaays; demonsstrate the funnctioning off their produccts with the help of
the presentaation softwaare.
Recall valuue in the custtomers’ min
nd, long-lastiing impacts, a customer turning
up into a potential ccustomer arre the pointts in the priority
p list of the
organisations. To achieeve all thesee targets, creeative presenntations havve to be
equipped with
w various tools. Follo owing is thee list of com mmonly useed tools
included inn multimediaa presentation
● Text
● Imagess
● Video
● Sound
● GIFs
● Animaation
● Charts
● Transittions
● Narratiion
● Sound FX
Now, let us exploree the five most effecctive multim media preseentation
ns which cann be used in making thee presentations more liveely and
n in effective although many multimedia applications are available in the virtual Technology and
world. The features of frequently used multimedia presentations software are
given below:
1) Focusky (https://focusky.com/):Focusky is an open source
presentation software that is highly recommended for multimedia
presentations for organisations. This tool helps in creating beautiful
animated presentations and can make the communication highly
effective. With the help of Focusky effective presentations can be
designed foreducational purposes, business presentations in meetings,
technology, fashion, and other sectors as well. Animated presentations
leave a deeper impact on the audience and help in longer retention.
Activity 1
Use and explore presentation software other than Power-Point and design a
presentation on “Barriers of Communication”.
mmunication in
13.4 IN
The term "Information
" n and Comm munication T Technology" (ICT) referrs to all
of the techhnologies and servicees involved in computting, data protocol p
managemennt, telecomm munications, and the internet. ICT T aims to provide
newer andd more innoovative way ys for peopple to interaact, networkk, gain
access to innformation, excel, and learn
l all at thhe same tim
me. Informatiion and
communicaation technoology (ICT) now has a significant economic impact.
The technoology sector hholds a signnificant portioon of econommic activity around
the globe, as econom mies, employyment, and personnel have h becomee more
automated and the worlld has becom me a global vvillage.
Importancce of Inform
mation and Communica
C ation Technology
a) ICT an
nd e-commeerce
The ICCT infrastruccture that foormerly drovve simple credit
c or debbit card
transacctions and ceentralized record-keeping for commeercial organiisations
continuue to expandd in retail annd other custoomer-facing
g environmennts, and
e-comm merce now m merges with the shoppinng experiencee itself.
Consum mers can nnow shop for f goods aand servicess online froom the
convennience of their
t own homes.
h Usiing database technologgy and
shoppeer-friendly wwebsites or applications
a , today's connsumers maay shop
for gooods and servvices online from
f the com
mfort of theiir own homees or on
their mobile
m phonnes. And cu utting edge technologiees like augmented
reality (AR), virtuual reality (VR),
( and aartificial inttelligence (A
AI) are
allowinng potential consumers tot have quicck, interactivve access to product
informmation and evven try them out.
nd a New Business
b) ICT an
Ecomm merce and the expanssion of ICT T have broought considerable
changees to how coommercial orrganisationss function beehind the sceenes, in
additioon to new rooutes for puurchasing annd new mean ns of showiing and
promotting goods.. Mobile devices
d andd real timee communiccations,
combinned with devvelopments in data analyytics and arttificial intellligence,
enable retail sales ppeople to woork more effficiently.
c) Manuffacturing In
ICT is a useful suppport mechaanism in the manufacturring sector, capable
of makking design and producction more rrobust, effecctive, and efficient
throughh the use of
o computerr-based preccision enginneering, virttualized
ms, and compputer simulaation. Despitte ongoing concerns abbout the
potentiial impact of
o trade volatility, tariffs, and thee global ecoonomic
slowdoown the induustry remains optimistic..
d) New Methods
M of Manufactur
M ring
ICT is a useful suppport mechaanism in the manufacturring sector, capable
of makking design and producction more rrobust, effecctive, and efficient
h the use ofo computerr-based preccision enginneering, virttualized
2188 system
ms, and compputer simulattion.
n in e) Customer feedback loops Technology and
Customer feedback loops and data analytics are both powered by
information and communication technology. Both of these factors enable
manufacturers to strengthen their relationships with customers while also
adding value to the products they create through customization.
f) Reduction in network latency
As the Fourth Industrial Revolution or Industry 4.0 progresses, new
communications technologies such as 5G will reduce network latency,
increase bandwidth and increase manufacturers' capacity for real-time
and near-real-time response.
With 5G integration and Internet of Things (IoT) technology,
manufacturers will be able to increase their use of sensors, cloud
platforms, centralised tracking, quality inspection and other related
systems. Finally, advances in information and communication
technology are spawning a new breed of "industrial wearables." Smart
glasses and biometric sensors that can connect individual workers to
remote databases or industrial resources, as well as robotics, are
examples of tools and equipment.
g) ICT and advancements in health care systems
Information and communication technology (ICT) has developed a
variety of applications in the health care sector. These applications have
tremendously affected domains of patient care, public health, operating
costs, and the traditional bureaucracy linked with the medical profession
and life sciences. Electronic health records (EHRs) allow healthcare
workers to enter patient data into a centralized, digitized system that is
accessible to relevant stakeholders such as medical personnel,
pharmacies, and insurers. Systems can be configured with alerts and
integrated with user authentication and security policies to allow patients
access to their health information.
h) Education's ubiquity and universal accessibility
ICT facilitates electronic learning, also known as eLearning, by
combining database technology with communications and interactive
programming techniques. Individuals and organisations can participate in
vocational or special interest training courses that combine formal
instruction, quizzes, practical exercises, research, and interactive
multimedia elements, all in the learner's own time and at their own pace,
using e-learning platforms such as Coursera and Lectora.
Information and communication technology (ICT) in schools and
colleges provides students with engaging, interactive, and self paced
learning methods that increase their independence and involvement in
the learning process while also increasing their levels of digital literacy.
i) ICT and Environmental Impact
With sustainability and environmental stewardship high on the priority
list for individual consumers, governments, and organisations,
mmunication in
n mation and communicaation technnology pressents a two-sided
On thee one hand, while ICT is estimateed to contrib
bute 2% to 5% of
global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, these technoologies also help to
reduce emissions.
Aside from the physical beenefits of lless reliancce on paper-based
mentation, IC CT aids in monitoring
m cclimate channge, mitigatiing and
adaptinng to its efffects, and eaasing the trannsition to a green and circular
A virtual meeting
m is w
when people in different departmentss/divisions/ssections
interface siimultaneouslly utilizing innovation
i too achieve a common objjective.
Virtual meetings in genneral are easy to executte, and do not n require as much
planning time
t as ann offline meeting
m doees.Virtual meetings
m caan run
successfullyy if plannedd well in adv
vance. In preesent times where
w the pandemic
situation haas made thinngs complex x, virtual meeetings have gained importance
because theey can be coonducted from m the remotte corners annd at the sam
me time
they are cost and time eeffective.
Platform for
f Virtual Meetings
In a businness setup meetings
m arre organizedd throughou ut the year. Every
meeting haas a differennt agenda, different
d partticipants, annd different setups.
Some partticipants wiill attend th he meeting;; some mayy like to see s the
recordings of the meettings later. Therefore,
T thhe organiser of the meetting has
to look intto various ooptions beforre choosing the right platform
p for virtual
meetings. Organizing
O a virtual meeeting is not ccomplicated but there arre some
key parameeters to be kkept in mindd while chooosing the rig ght virtual m
platform. They
T are as follows:
a) Option
n to record the meeting
This iss a helpful device
d me welcomedd participantt is not able to join
if som
the gatthering due to any reasoons or somee participantts need to have the
n in option to review the recording later to note down some important facts Technology and
and figures discussed in the meeting. Even at times, higher management
may like to see a few glimpses of the meetings for one or the other
reason. In such cases the recording feature of the meetings can play an
important role.
b) Chat options
Most of the meeting platforms permit participants to type observations
and queries in the chat box. This is a useful instrument for a large
number of participants like workshops, conferences etc. where questions
cannot be taken up individually. The questions in the chat box can be
answered by the professionals thus the individual queries, questions can
be addressed quite well.
c) Sync the meeting information with calendar
Search for an internet meeting application that will synchronize meeting
schedules with your day-to-day activities schedule. This is a prominent
tool and will ensure that participants do not miss any meetings. This
feature will also help in planning the time effectively as the managers
can always prioritize their other tasks quite productively.
d) Feature to customize meeting rooms
Some internet meeting applications do permit customizing "meeting
rooms" aligned with the organisation's needs. This can be valuable in
case there is a meeting with a forthcoming customer(s) where
organisations’ strengths are to be highlighted.
e) Presence of engagement features
Internet meeting tools can consolidate tests, games, and applications to
be executed for the meetings. These extra provisions are a colossal
resource with regards to keeping the participants fully involved and
engaged during the meeting.
f) Option to modify records
It tends to be amazingly helpful to discover a meeting device that permits
you to modify reports with the group and team up progressively.
Today remo ote work loccations have become verry common due d to expannsion of
the businessses and orrganisations. This has ggiven rise to t teleconferrencing
where eachh and every team memb mber who is even remottely located can be
reached andd can be connnected. Org
ganisations hhave realizedd the importance of
communicaation as propper messagess, informatioon; facts andd figures havve to be
communicaated to all thhe employeess, customers, and clientss.
The way to wo or more people usinng telecomm
o connect tw munication services
who may be
b evenly sppread out in different locations so thhat any meeeting or
n in communication channel can be established with them. Today's technology Technology and
has equipped us with a variety of teleconferencing features that foster fast
communication and allow users to collaborate, coordinate, and cooperate
from remote locations.
Benefits of Teleconferencing
There are multiple benefits of teleconferencing that every business can reap.
Profit maximization and reducing cost have to be balanced simultaneously
thus relying upon teleconferencing certainly helps businesses in certain ways.
They include:
● Saving time
● Saving money
● Increased productivity
● Scope for face-to-face conversations with a video teleconference
● Fastening up the decision-making process
● Fosters collaboration and develop professional work culture
How to Set Up a Teleconference Call
Teleconference Étiquettes
Clients, business partners, stakeholders expect certain professional etiquette
during business parlance. Some of the key etiquette during teleconference are
as follows:
● Respect the time element i.e. be on time
● Eliminate all the distractions and background noise which may disturb
the decorum of the meeting
● Do professionally introduce yourself after joining the call.
● Wear proper business attire as your clothes speak a lot about your
● Do not eat anything during the teleconference
● Do not override others’ points. Be a patient listener as well.
mmunication in
13.7 V
Apart fromm teleconferrencing serv vices, variouus organisattions and business
units often
n use video teleconferennces to orgaanize webinnars, meetinggs, and
various onnline eventss. Video teeleconferenccing is an advanced tool t of
communicaation. It is ann audio plus visual expeerience that empowers
e thhe users
to commun nicate with each other and see eaach other inn real-time. Video
teleconferences optionns are very lucrative foor the busineess as it givves the
freedom to the users too have face to face live conversation
c ns. Thus the various
expenses liike the cost of transporrtation, traveelling, and various
v operrational
expenses arre all curtaileed.
Audio Con
Audio connferencing iss a typical telephone cconference call that haas been
practiced for
f a long tiime now. During
D an auudio confereence, the atttendees
have to gennerally makee a call on a specific nummber, dial in
n the code, aand join
a telephonee call. An aaudio conference is a goood tool to organize meeetings,
announcem ments regarding any new w rule, channges in the policy,
p inforrmation
about new products, ettc. The only drawback of o audio conferencing is it does
not offer viisuals.
Instant meessaging toools are real--time online conversatioon tools thatt aid in
connecting two or morre people. Th hey providee the best plaatform not only
o for
messaging but also facilitate
fa sm
mooth exchannge of textt, audio, filles and
content andd video com mmunication n. A custom mer-driven appproach is vital
v in
every business and itt has been observed foor a couplee of instancces that
messaging tools play a prominen nt role in suupporting thhe smooth flow
f of
informationn between aall the stakehholders of thhe business. Instant messsaging
tools can heelp a businesss in variouss ways. Som
me of them arre as followss:
● Connecting with cuustomers and
d clients;
● Effectiive in generaating new leaads in busineess;
● Aid in providing qquick live chaat solutions and suggestiions to the clients
n in Features of messaging tools for external communication Technology and
There are various messaging tools which are used for external business
communication. Some are free of cost and some are specifically designed to
communicate within the organisations. These applications offer following
services depending on the requirements of the business house. Some of them
are listed below:
There are many messaging tools which provide a more secure platform for
real-time, internal team communication. Many apps offer free premium plans
or free-trial periods so the best option can be chosen. These apps help in
building a strong team.
● Offer an internal team chatalong withflexible business solution features
like dynamic productivity tools aligned with robust security, and strong
administrative control.
● Voice and video calls, screen sharing, whiteboard solutions for smooth
communication and collaboration within the teams.
● Broadcast messages which help in targeting and placing the product.
● Facility of unlimited file transfer.
● Customised chat spaces.
● Accessibility of all servers at one interface.
● Push-to talk option on the channel which can promptly start
communication with others once the push button is pressed.
● Capacity to alter sent messages.
This shows that messaging tools are important for both internal as well as
external communications.
Activity 2
Think of the messaging app you use the most. List out the characteristics of
the with respect to business communication.
mmunication in
n ……………
13.10 L
Media playys an importtant role in communicati
c ion. It can be
b rich or leaan. The
Media rich hness theory was develloped by Richard L. Daft D and Rob bert H.
Lengel in the
t 1980’s whichw descrribes a commmunication model
m whereeby the
communicaation media is characterrized by its ability to caarry and repproduce
informationn sent over tthe availablee communication channeels. Media richness
theory defiines differennt communication on thhe basis of its ability too carry
informationn, ranging frromlow (or lean)
l to high
h (rich).
LEAN ME EDIA (inforrmation) hass very less vvisual inform
mation withh a low
interaction rate. Exammples of leaan media incclude letterss, reports, memos.
Email is coonsidered a lean mediaa, as the faccial, vocal, and
a body-laanguage
queues aree not preseent. Figure 1 shows hhow variouss media toools are
positioned. The writtenn media is the leanest and face-to--face interacction is
positioned as very highh on the richn
ness of mediia.
ure 1: Inform
mation Richnesss Continuum
n in Due to various reasons, rich media is an effective tool for promotion. The Technology and
advantages of rich media are as follows:
● Enhanced Brand awareness: As rich media ads are very creative and
innovative, their brand recall value is very high. Due to these innovative,
impactful rich media strategies, the brand awareness of the brand is
bound to stay for a longer time in the minds of the customers.
● User experience: Rich media ads do not compel the users to drop or
switch to another site.
Therefore, lean media and rich media have their own relevance in business
13.11 SUMMA
Proper in nternet andd intranet connectivvity have bridged various
communicaation channeels all over the world. Presentatioon of produccts and
services ussing variouss online preesentation toools have gained considerable
importancee in the paast few yeaars. Proper presentationns positioniing the
products annd services helpscreatee impact in the minds of the custtomers.
Proper preesentations have a verry strong reecall value. There aree many
presentationn software which impaact the busiiness in thee long run. Today,
faster moddes of comm munication like video calls, video conferencinng and
instant messsaging toolss are transfeerring the meessages in seconds all over
o the
globe. Thee transfer of informatio on at speedd aids in th he decision-m making
process andd faster delivvery of goodds and serviices. Such toools have heelped in
saving timee and cost oof organisatioons globallyy. In this uniit we have covered
all these asspects to havve a better understandin
u ng of the reelationship between
technologyy and commuunication.
n in
13.12 KEY-WORDS Technology and