Glass 8 Mech
Glass 8 Mech
Glass 8 Mech
How the critical or Griffith flaws are introduced into the glasses?
• Contact with any material which is harder than glass causes a flaw.
• Abrasion with hard material degrades the strength of the glass
• Contact with another piece of the same glass or with metal objects used to
handle glass is sufficient to generate flaws.
• Chemical attack can also generate flaws.
• Touching of glass with a fingertip will generate flaw through the attack on
the surface due to the NaCl deposition from the skin.
• Thermal stresses induced during rapid cooling of a glass introduce flaws
through thermal shock.
• Heating glasses for prolonged times – reduce their strength by formation of
a small number of surface crystals or by bonding of dust particles to the
glass surface.
Protection of glass surfaces from flaw formation is very difficult
• The surface of a freshly produced glass has a very high co-efficient of
friction for contact against other materials.
• Flaw generation can be reduced if a lubricant is applied to the fresh glass
surface before any flaws are formed.
• Lubricating coatings are often applied to the surface of glass containers just
after they exit from the annealing lehr.
• This coating must be resistant to wear, since any contact which penetrates
the coating will result in flaw formation on the underlying glass.
• Flaws can be removed by removing the outer surface of the material by
chemical etching or mechanical polishing.
• Etching blunt the flaw tip and reduces the flaw length, while polishing
simply reduces the length of the flaws to below the Griffith criterion.
• Flame polishing removes flaws through viscous flow in the near-surface
Strengthening of glass
The strength of the glass can be increased mainly by 2 methods :
1. By preventing formation of flaws
2. By removing those which do form
Removal is only effective for short times since new flaws are readily formed.
Preventing their formation by coating has proven to be limited value.
We have to accept the fact that flaws will be present, we have to
concentrate on the prevention of crack growth.
Since crack growth requires presence of tensile stress at the flaw tip,
creation of a near-surface compression region should prevent crack growth.
No growth will occur until the applied stress is large enough to overcome the
residual compressive stress and produce a tensile stress at the crack tip.
Compressive stress can be produced by the following processes:
1. Ion-exchange-exchange of alkali ions can be used to strengthen glass by producing a
compressive layer near surface region.
• If the exchange is carried out at temp well below Tg, very little relaxation will occur
during the exchange process.
• Special silicate glasses having high Na diffusivities have been developed for ion
exchange strengthening. These glasses have composition containing roughly equimolar
concentration of soda and Al2O3, where both Tg and Na-mobility are high.
Commercial borosilicate Practical strength of glasses:
The strength calculated in the above expression are much higher than those found in the
practical applications of bulk glasses.
The reduction of strength is attributed to the presence of flaws in the structure of glass.
These flaws act as stress concentrators, increasing the local stresses to levels exceeding
theoretical strength and causing fracture of the glass.
Griffith treated this problem in detail and derived the expression:
• Glasses do not strengthen significantly due to their low Na2O content, while relaxation
during exchange prevents the development of large compressive stresses.
2. Thermal tempering: it involves formation of a compressive layer by
rapidly cooling a glass from at or above the upper limit of glass
transformation range.
• Since interior of the glass will cool more slowly than the surfaces, the
fictive temp of the interior will be lower than that of the surface and
equilibrium density will be greater than that of surface region.
• As the interior and surface regions are bonded together, elastic
strains must arise to counter the difference in equilibrium densities.
• The surface region is placed in compression, while interior is placed in
• Differenced in fictive temperature is function of the differences in
cooling rate between interior and surfaces of glass, so that magnitude
of compressive stress increases with increasing cooling rate and glass
• Thermal tempering is not very effective for very thin wall container or
fibres because only a small difference in cooling rate occurs, or
• For low expansion glasses such as vitreous silica or many commercial
borosilicate glasses where volume difference as function of fictive
temperature difference is small.
Application or formation of compressive coating:
• A compressive surface layer can be formed if a thin layer of material having a lower thermal expansion
co-efficient than the bulk glass can be created.
• Cooling the composite will create a compressive surface layer with a balancing tension region in the bulk glass.
• Application of a glaze can be carried out by fusing a thin sheet of glass with a lower Tg to the surface of a bulk
glass or by more traditional glazing methods involving application of a low melting glass frit.
• A variation of ion exchange method using an ion which is smaller that initially present in glass can also produce
a surface region of low thermal expansion co-efficient.
• If exchange of Na from the glass with Li+ from a bath occurs at temperature above Tg of the glass, relaxation
will occur, and chemical stuffing stress will not exist.
• Since the surface region now consists of Li+ rather than Na+, thermal expansion co-eff will usually be reduced in
this region.
• Cooling the glass will force the lower expansion region into the compression, while bulk glass in tension.
• The exchange of Li for Na offers another route to strengthening of glasses by formation of a surface crystallized
region. If the glass is an alkali alumino silicate, it may be possible to crystallize only the exchanged region,
forming a very low thermal expansion such as virgilite / spodumene.
• Cooling the material will place the crystallized region in compression and the substrate in tension.
• Formation of region which can be crystallized may also be possible
after in implantation of Mg2+ ions or by exchange of Ag+ for Na+ to
form a region with a nucleation density where crystallization will
occur more readily than in the bulk glass.
• Low expansion region can be obtained by removal of alkali from
surface region of soda-lime-silicate glasses.
• Exposure to SO2 vapor, which is often carried out to improve
chemical durability, leaches alkali ions from the surface, producing a
silica rich near surface region.
• Reduction in alkali concentration reduces the thermal expansion
co-eff and produces a compressive layer after cooling the glass.
Most acceptable measurement of is diamond indenter where
a square pyramid shaped small diamond indenter is pushed
into the material under a known load.
The size of the indentation is generally of the order of a few
microns under 5 to 1000gm load.