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Temperature and Heat

• A measure of average Kinetic Energy of the
atoms (or molecules) of the substance.
• Nearly all materials expand as their temperature
is raised and contract when the temperature is
• Temperature is measured using thermometers
whose operation is based on expansion.
Temperature Scales
• The Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are based on
the freezing and boiling temperature of water:
The freezing temperature of water in Celsius
and Fahrenheit are 0 C and 32 F. The boiling
temperature are 100 C and 212 F
• Temperature in Kelvin scale is based on the
microscopic motion af atoms and molecule. At
the temperature 0 K, the motion of atoms and
molecules cease to exist.
Devices to measure temperature. A traditional Thermometer
graduated in Celsius and Fahrenheit:
1 C = 1.8 F

100 Celsius TC 0

212 32
Fahrenheit TF

TF = 1.8 TC+ 32 , TK = TC + 273

• What temperature on the Fahrenheit scale is
the equivalent of 20C?
TF = 20X1.8 + 32 = 68 F

• What temperature on the Celsius scale is the

equivalent of 50F?
TC = (50 – 32)/1.8 = 10 C
• At what temperature do the Fahrenheit scale
and the Celsius scale record the same
TF = 1.8 TC + 32, TF = TC= -40 

• At what temperature do the Kelvin scale

and the Celsius scale record the same
• Heat is the energy exchanged between two
systems due to temperature difference.
• Heat is measured in the units of calories.
• Dietary Calories is equivalent to 1 kcal (or
1000 calories).
• The mechanical energy equivalent to 1-cal is
4.18 J.
• To burn 1 Cal, 4180 J of work must be done.
Specific Heat Capacity
• Based on atomic/Molecular structure different
substances store and dispense energy differently.
• Specific Heat Capacity “C” of a substance is
defined as the heat needed to raise the
temperature of unit mass of the substance by one
degree. If a total of Q calories are used to raise the
temperature of “M” grams of a substance by
“T”, then the Specific is:

M T
Calorimetric Balance
• Calorimetry is a measure of conservation of
energy. In an insulated system consisting of
several components the net heat exchanged
is equal to zero. In other words the amount
of heat lost by some components must be
equal to the net heat absorbed by the other
Qlost+ Qgained= 0

• Find the equilibrium temperature if 100 grams
of water at 20 C is added to 50 grams of water
at 60 C . Specific heat capacity of water is
equal to 1 cal/g C.

A 50 grams object at 120 C id dropped into an

insulated cup containing 100 grams of water at
40 C. Find rhe specific capacity of the object if
the equilibrium temperature is equal to 45 C
Thermal Expansion
• All substances expand as their temperature
is raised with the exception of water around
the freezing temperature.
• Expansion of solids is a consequence of
increased vibrational energy of the atoms
(or molecules) of the object.
• Thermal expansion depends on materials.
• 1-D Expansion
L = L0(1+αT)
• 2-D Expansion
A = A0(1+βT) β=2α
• 3-D Expansion
V = V0(1+γT) γ =3α
Here α, β, and γ are the coefficient of linear, surface, and
volume expansion, respectively. Use the following link for
an example.

• Two pieces of wire of lengths 98 cm and 95 cm
having coefficient of linear expansions of 10 -4/ C
and 4X10-4 / C , respectively , are given. To what
temperature should these two wires be raised to
have the same length?
Heat Transfer
• Heat can transfer out of a system in one of
the following ways:

1. Conduction
2. Convection
3. Radiation
Heat Transfer
• Conduction: The scheme of heat transfer by
solids due to difference in the temperature.
The heat flows through the solid to equalize
the temperature.
• Convection: The scheme of heat transfer by
liquids and gases. Heat is carried by the
atoms and molecules mostly due to the
change in density of the fluid.
Heat Transfer
• Radiation: By solids, liquids, and gases.
Any system at any given temperature
radiates electromagnetic waves.
• The amount of radiated energy depends on
the temperature of the system. Hotter
systems radiate more energy.
Change of Phase
The three basic phases of matter (Plasma
state is an extension of the gaseous state) are
• Solid
• Liquid
• Gas
Transition among the phases of matter
requires energy manipulation. Let’s use the
states of water, as am example. The
following slide depicts the changes in state
as a result of adding heat to the system.
Change of Phase

Melting Steam
100 C


0 C Vaporization
Phase Change
• It should be noted that steam is not the
gaseous state of water. In this state the gas is
not visible.
• In adding or removing heat from water, as
long as there is no phase transition (like going
from water at 60 C to water at 10 C), the
amount of heat in the transaction can be
calculated from:

Q = m C (Tf – Ti )
Phase Change
• If in the process of adding or removing heat
phase transition occurs, then the previous
equation is not valid (because during the
change of phase the temperature remains
constant and Q = m C (Tf – Ti ) results in zero.
Hence the latent heat (L )is defined as the heat
needed for phase transition of unit mass at
constant temperature. For instance, the latent
heat of evaporation of water is the heat needed
to vaporize 1 g of boiling water at constant
temperature of 100 C
Latent Heat
• Latent Heat of transformation is the heat to be
added or removed from a system for
transformation of unit mass at constant
L =Q/m

• Latent Heat of Condensation

• Latent Heat of Evaporation
• Latent Heat of Fusion
• Latent Heat of Liquidification(?)
Absolute Zero
• Volume of all gases at constant pressure
changes by 1/273 of their volume at 0 C for
each degree Celsius change in temperature.
V = V0 (1+ T/273)
• Pressure of all gases in a container of a
fixed volume changes by 1/273 of their
pressure at 0 C for each degree Celsius
change in temperature. P = P0 (1+ T/273)
Absolute Zero
• Pressure of a gas at -273 C is zero
• Volume of a gas at -273 C is zero
• -273 C is the lowest limit of temperature.
• -273 C is known as 0 K
• No negative temperature on Kelvin scale
• The absolute zero is the temperature when
the kinetic energy of atoms is minimized.
The Zeroth Law
• Thermal Equilibrium
• 0th Law:
Two system in a thermal equilibrium
with a third system are in a thermal
equilibrium with each other.

Ideal Gas
• State of a Gas
• Volume, Pressure, Temperature
• Ideal gas Law
PV = nRT R = 8.31
n = N/A (No. molecules / Avagadro No.)
• Boltzmann Constant
A = 6.02X1023
K = R/ A K = 1.38 x 10-23 J K-1
State of the gas
• State variables
• Pressure, volume, temperature
• State diagram (P-V diagram)

• Thermodynamic processes V
Thermodynamic processes
• Isothermal process
• Boyle’s law PV=Const.
• Isobaric process
• Pressure = constant
• Isochoric process
• Volume = constant
• Adiabatic process
• No heat exchange
• Cyclic process
• Final state of the gas = initial state of the gas
W = F Δx =
= (p A)(Δx) = p Δv

W = p Δv

Positive work done in expansion

Negative work done in compression
• Work done in Isobaric expansion
W = p(V2 – V1)
• Work done in Isochoric process
• Work done in a clockwise cyclic process
W = area of the loop
• Work done in a counterclockwise cyclic process
W = - (area of the loop)
First law
• First law of thermodynamics:
• The change in internal energy of a system is equal to the
difference between the heat put into the system and the
work done by the system:

∆U = Q – W

• In Adiabatic process Q = 0
• In Isochoric process W = 0
• In Isothermal process ∆U = 0
Second Law
• Heat transfers spontaneously from higher to
lower temperature.
• Heat Engine QH QC

W = QH - QC

Eff = Q = QH
= 1 -

2nd Law:
It is impossible for a heat engine to have
an efficiency of 100%

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