Radar Engineering Notes - Unit2
Radar Engineering Notes - Unit2
Radar Engineering Notes - Unit2
Doppler effect
CW radar block diagram
Isolation between Transmitter and receiver
Nonzero IF receiver
Receiver Bandwidth requirements
Applications of CW Radar Illustrative
Range and Doppler Measurement
Block Diagram and characteristics (Approaching and
Receding targets)
FM-CW Altimeter
Multiple frequency CW Radar
Important Formulae
Illustrative Problems
Questions from Previous Year Examinations
Doppler Effect:
A technique for separating the received signal from the transmitted signal when there is relative motion
between radar and target is based on recognizing the change in the echo-signal frequency caused by the
Doppler effect.
It is well known in the fields of optics and acoustics that if either the source of oscillation or the observer
of the oscillation is in motion, an apparent shift in frequency will result. This is the Doppler effect and is
the basis of CW radar. If R is the distance from the radar to target, the total number of wavelengths λ
contained in the two-way path between the radar and the target are 2R/λ.The distance R and the
wavelength λ are assumed to be measured in the same units.
Since one wavelength corresponds to an phase angle excursion of 2πradians, the total phase angle
excursion Ø made by the electromagnetic wave during its transit to and from the target is 4πR/λ
radians. If the target is in motion, R and the phase Ø are continually changing. A change in Ø with
respect to time is equal to frequency. This is the Doppler angular frequency ωd and is given by:
where fd is the Doppler frequency shift in Hz, and Vr = relative velocity of the target with respect to the
Radar. The Doppler frequency shift fd is given by
fd = 2Vr / λ = 2Vrf0 / c
where f0 is the transmitted frequency and c is the velocity of propagation of the electromagnetic waves
(same as that of light) = 3 X 108m/s. If fd is in hertz. Vr in knots, and λ in meters then the Doppler
frequency fd is given by
fd = 1.03 Vr / λ
A plot of this equation is shown in the figure below
Figure: Doppler frequency fdas a function of radar frequency and target relative velocity.
The relative velocity may be written as Vr= V .cos θ where V is the target speed and θ is angle
made by the target trajectory and the line joining radar and target. When θ=0 the Doppler
frequency is maximum. The Doppler is zero when the trajectory is perpendicular to the radar
line of sight (θ= 900).
The CW radar is of interest not only because of its many applications, but its study also serves
as a means for better understanding the nature and use of the Doppler information contained
in the echo signal, whether in a CW or a pulse radar (MTl) application. In addition to allowing
the received signal to be separated from the transmitted signal, the CW radar provides a
measurement of relative velocity which may be used to distinguish moving targets from
stationary objects or clutter.
CW radar:
Consider the simple CW radar as illustrated by the block diagram of Figure below. The
transmitter generates a continuous (unmodulated) oscillation of frequency fo, which is radiated
by the antenna. A portion of the radiated energy is intercepted by the target and is scattered,
some of it in the direction of the radar, where it is collected by the receiving antenna. If the
target is in motion with a velocity Vr relative to the radar, the received signal will be shifted in
frequency from the transmitted frequency fo by an amount +/-fd as given by the equation :
fd = 2Vr / λ = 2 Vr f0 / c . The plus sign associated with the Doppler frequency applies if the
distance between target and radar is decreasing (approaching target) that is, when the received
signal frequency is greater than the transmitted signal frequency. The minus sign applies if the
distance is increasing (receding target). The received echo signal at a frequency fo +/- fd enters
the radar via the antenna and is heterodyned in the detector (mixer) with a portion of the
transmitter signal fo to produce a Doppler beat note of frequency fd. The sign of fd is lost in this
The purpose of the Doppler amplifier is to eliminate echoes from stationary targets and to
amplify the Doppler echo signal to a level where it can operate an indicating device. It’s
frequency response characteristic is shown in the figure (b) below. The low-frequency cutoff
must be high enough to reject the d-c component caused by stationary targets, but yet it must
be low enough to pass the smallest Doppler frequency expected. Sometimes both conditions
cannot be met simultaneously and a compromise is necessary. The upper cutoff frequency is
selected to pass the highest Doppler frequency expected.
Isolation between transmitter and receiver is an important aspect to be studied and addressed
in simple CW radars where a single antenna serves the purpose of both transmission and
reception as described above. The related important aspects are explained below.
In principle, a single antenna may be employed since the necessary isolation between
the transmitted and the received signals is achieved via separation in frequency as a
result of the Doppler Effect. In practice, it is not possible to eliminate completely the
transmitter leakage. However, transmitter leakage is neither always undesirable. A
moderate amount of leakage entering the receiver along with the echo signal supplies
the reference necessary for the detection of the Doppler frequency shift. If a leakage
signal of sufficient magnitude were not present, a sample of the transmitted signal has
to be deliberately introduced into the receiver to provide the necessary reference
There are two practical effects which limit the amount of transmitter leakage power
which can be tolerated at the receiver. These are:
(1) The maximum amount of power the receiver input circuitry can withstand before
it is physically damaged or its sensitivity reduced (burnout) and
(2) The amount of transmitter noise due to hum, microphonics, stray pick-up
&instability which enters the receiver from the transmitter and affects the
receiver sensitivity.
Hence additional isolation is usually required between the transmitter and the receiver if the
sensitivity is not to be degraded either by burnout or by excessive noise. The amount of
isolation required depends on the transmitter power and the accompanying transmitter noise
as well as the ruggedness and the sensitivity of the receiver. For example, If the safe value of
power which might be applied to a receiver is 10 mW and if the transmitter power is 1 kW, the
isolation between transmitter and receiver must be at least 50 dB.
The amount of isolation needed in a long-range CW radar is more often determined by
the noise that accompanies the transmitter leakage signal rather than by any damage
caused by high power. For example, suppose the isolation between the transmitter and
receiver is such that 10 mW of leakage signal appeared at the receiver. If the minimum
detectable signal is 10-l3watt (100 dB below 1mW), the transmitter noise must be at
least 110 dB (preferably 120 or 130 dB) below the transmitted carrier.
The transmitter noise of concern in Doppler radar includes those noise components that
lie within the same frequency range as the Doppler frequencies. If complete elimination
of the direct leakage signal at the receiver could be achieved, it might not entirely solve
the isolation problem since echoes from nearby fixed targets (clutter) can also contain
the noise components of the transmitted signal.
The receiver of a pulsed radar is isolated and protected from the damaging effects of
the transmitted pulse by the duplexer, which short-circuits the receiver input during the
transmission period. Turning off the receiver during transmission with a duplexer is not
possible in a CW radar since the transmitter is operated continuously.
In CW Radars Isolation between transmitter and receiver might be obtained with a
single antenna by using a hybrid junction, circulator, turnstile junction, or with separate
polarizations. Separate antennas for transmitting and receiving might also be used.
The amount of isolation which can be readily achieved between the arms of
practical hybrid junctions such as the magic-T, rat race, or short-slot coupler is of
the order of 20 to 30 dB. In some instances, when extreme precision is exercised,
an isolation of perhaps 60 dB or more might be achieved. But one limitation of the
hybrid junction is the 6-dB loss in overall performance which results from the
inherent waste of half the transmitted power and half the received signal power.
Both the loss in performance and the difficulty in obtaining large isolations have
limited the application of the hybrid junction to short-range radars.
Ferrite isolation devices such as the circulator do not suffer the 6-dB loss inherent
in the hybrid junction. Practical devices have isolation of the order of 20 to 50 dB.
Turnstile junctions achieve isolations as high as 40 to 60 dB.
The use of orthogonal polarizations for transmitting and receiving is limited to
short range radars because of the relatively small amount of isolation that can be
An important factor which limits the use of isolation devices with a common antenna is
the reflections produced in the transmission line by the antenna. The reflection
Department of ECE (BATCH2019-20)
Page 5
Radar Systems Lecture Notes
Intermediate-frequency receiver:
But for maximum efficiency with CW radar, the reduction in sensitivity caused by the simple
Doppler receiver with zero IF cannot be tolerated.
The effects of flicker noise are overcome in the normal super heterodyne receiver by using an
intermediate frequency high enough to make the flicker noise small compared with the normal
receiver noise. This results from the inverse frequency dependence of flicker noise. Figure
below shows the block diagram of a CW radar whose receiver operates with a nonzero IF.
Separate antennas are shown for transmission and reception. Instead of the usual local
oscillator found in the conventional super heterodyne receiver, the local oscillator (or reference
signal) is derived in the receiver from a portion of the transmitted signal mixed with a locally
generated signal of frequency equal to that of the receiver IF. Since the output of the mixer
consists of two sidebands on either side of the carrier plus higher harmonics, a narrowband
filter selects one of the sidebands as the reference signal. The improvement in receiver
sensitivity with an intermediate-frequency super heterodyne might be as much as 30 dB over
the simple zero IF receiver discussed earlier.
Figure: Block diagram of a CW Doppler radar with nonzero IF receiver, also called sideband
super heterodyne Receiver.
One of the requirements of the Doppler-frequency amplifier in the simple CW radar (Zero IF) or
the IF amplifier of the sideband super heterodyne (Non Zero IF) is that it has to be wide enough
to pass the expected range of Doppler frequencies. In most cases of practical interest the
expected range of Doppler frequencies will be much wider than the frequency spectrum
occupied by the signal energy. Consequently, the use of a wideband amplifier covering the
expected Doppler range will result in an increase in noise and a lowering of the receiver
sensitivity. If the frequency of the Doppler-shifted echo signal were known beforehand,
narrowband filter-that is just wide enough to reduce the excess noise without eliminating a
significant amount of signal energy might be used. If the waveforms of the echo signal are
known, as well as its carrier frequency, a matched filter could also be considered.
Several factors tend to spread the CW signal energy over a finite frequency band. These must
be known if an approximation to the bandwidth required for the narrowband Doppler filter is
to be obtained.
If the received waveform were a sine wave of infinite duration, its frequency spectrum would
be a delta function as shown in the figure (a) below and the receiver bandwidth would be
infinitesimal. But a sine wave of infinite duration and an infinitesimal bandwidth cannot occur
in nature. The more normal situation is an echo signal which is a sine wave of finite duration.
The frequency spectrum of a finite-duration sine wave has a shape of the form [sinπ(f-f0)δ]/π(f-
f0)] where f0 and δ are the frequency and duration of the sine wave, respectively, and f is the
frequency variable over which the spectrum is plotted (Fig b).
Figure: Frequency spectrum of CW oscillation of (a) infinite duration and ( b ) finite duration
Note that this is the same as the spectrum of a pulse of sine wave, the only difference being the
relative value of the duration δ. In many instances, the echo is not a pure sine wave of finite
duration but is perturbed by fluctuations in cross section, target accelerations, scanning
fluctuations, etc., which tend to broaden the bandwidth still further. Some of these spectrum
broadening-effects are considered below.
Causes for Spectrum broadening:
Spread due to finite time on target: Assume a CW radar with an antenna beam width of
θB deg. scanning at the rate of θ’S deg/s. The time on target (duration of the received
signal) is δ = θB/θS sec. Thus, the signal is of finite duration and the bandwidth of the
receiver must be of the order of the reciprocal of the time on target (θ’S /θB). Although
this is not an exact relation, it is a good enough approximation for purposes of the
present discussion. If the antenna beam width is 20 and the scanning rate is 360/s (6
rpm), the spread in the spectrum of the received signal due to the finite time on target
would be equal to 18 Hz, independent of the transmitted frequency.
In addition to the spread of the received signal spectrum caused by the finite time on
target, the spectrum gets widened due to target cross section fluctuations. The
fluctuations widen the spectrum by modulating the echo signal. The echo signal from a
propeller-driven aircraft can also contain modulation components at a frequency
proportional to the propeller rotation. The frequency range of propeller modulation
depends upon the shaft-rotation speed and the number of propeller blades. It is usually
in the vicinity of 50 to 60 Hz for World War 2 aircraft engines. This could be a potential
source of difficulty in a CW radar since it might mask the target's Doppler signal or it
might cause an erroneous measurement of Doppler frequency. In some instances,
propeller modulation can be of advantage. It might permit the detection of propeller-
driven aircraft passing on a tangential trajectory, even though the Doppler frequency
shift is zero.
The rotating blades of a helicopter and the compressor stages of a jet engine can also
result in a modulation of the echo and a widening of the spectrum that can degrade the
performance of a CW Doppler radar.
If the target's relative velocity is not constant, a further widening of the received signal
spectrum occurs. If ar is the acceleration of the target with respect to the radar, the
signal will occupy a bandwidth
If, for example, ar is twice the acceleration due to gravity, the receiver bandwidth is
approximately 20 Hz when the Radar wavelength is 10 cm.
When the Doppler-shifted echo signal is known to lie somewhere within a relatively wideband
of frequencies, a bank of narrowband filters as shown below spaced throughout the frequency
range permits a measurement of frequency and improves the signal-to-noise ratio.
The bandwidth of each individual filter should be wide enough to accept the signal
energy, but not so wide as to introduce more noise. The center frequencies of the filters
are staggered to cover the entire range of Doppler frequencies.
Figure: (a) Block diagram of IF Doppler filter bank (b) frequency-response characteristic of
Doppler filter bank.
A bank of narrowband filters may be used after the detector in the video of the simple
CW radar instead of in the IF. The improvement in signal-to-noise ratio with a video
filter bank is not as good as can be obtained with an IF filter bank, but the ability to
measure the magnitude of Doppler frequency is still preserved. Because of fold over, a
frequency which lies to one side of the IF carrier appears, after detection, at the same
video frequency as one which lies an equal amount on the other side of the IF.
Therefore the sign of the Doppler shift is lost with a video filter bank, and it cannot be
directly determined whether the Doppler frequency corresponds to an approaching or
to a receding target. (The sign of the Doppler maybe determined in the video by other
means.) One advantage of the fold over in the video is that only half the number of
filters are required than in the IF filter bank.
A bank of overlapping Doppler filters, whether in the IF or video, increases the
complexity of the receiver. When the system requirements permit a time sharing of the
Doppler frequency range, the bank of Doppler filters may be replaced by a single
narrowband tunable filter which searches in frequency over the band of expected
Doppler frequencies until a signal is found.
Applications of CW radar:
Measurement of the relative velocity of a moving target, as in the police speed monitor
or in the rate-of-climb meter for vertical-take-off aircraft.
Control of traffic lights, regulation of tollbooths, vehicle counting.
As a sensor in antilock braking systems, and for collision avoidance.
In railways, as a speedometer to replace the conventional axle-driven tachometer. In
such an application it would be unaffected by errors caused by wheel slip on
accelerating or wheel slide when braking.
Monitoring the docking speed of large ships.
Measurement of the velocity of missiles, ammunition, and baseballs.
CW radar allows operation in the presence of clutter and has been well suited for low altitude
missile defense systems. A block diagram of a CW tracking illuminator is shown in the figure
above. Note that following the wide-band Doppler amplifier is a speed gate, which is a narrow-
band tracking filter that acquires the targets Doppler and tracks its changing Doppler frequency
The inability of the simple CW radar to measure range is mainly due to the lack of a Timing
mark. The timing mark permits the time of transmission and the time of return to be recognized
but it increases the spectrum of the transmitted waveform. The sharper or more distinct the
mark, the more accurate the measurement of the transit time. But the more distinct the timing
mark, the broader will be the transmitted spectrum. This follows from the properties of the
Fourier transform. Therefore a finite spectrum of necessity must be transmitted if transit time
or range is to be measured. The spectrum of a CW transmission can be broadened by the
If there is a reflecting object at a distance R, the echo signal will return after a time T = 2R/c.
The dashed line in the figure represents the echo signal. When the echo signal is heterodyned
with a portion of the transmitter signal in a nonlinear element such as a diode, a beat note fb
will be produced. If there is no Doppler frequency shift, the beat note (difference frequency) is
a measure of the target's range and fb= fr where fr, is the beat frequency only due to the target's
range. If the rate of change of the carrier frequency is f0(dot) then the beat frequency is given
In any practical CW radar, the frequency cannot be continually changed in one direction only.
Periodicity in the modulation is necessary, as in the triangular frequency-modulation waveform
shown in fig.b. The modulation need not necessarily be triangular. It can be saw tooth,
sinusoidal, or some other shape. The resulting beat frequency as a function of time is shown in
fig.c for triangular modulation. The beat note is of constant frequency except at the turn-
around region. If a frequency change of Δf is modulated at a rate fm , then the beat frequency is
fr = (2R/c).2fm.Δf = 4Rfm.Δf /c
Or R = c fr / 4fm.Δf .............................. [Eq.1]
A block diagram illustrating the principle of the FM-CW radar is shown in the figure below. A
portion of the transmitter signal acts as the reference signal required to produce the beat
frequency. It is introduced directly into the receiver via a cable or other direct connection.
Ideally the isolation between transmitting and receiving antennas is made sufficiently large so
as to reduce to a negligible level the transmitter leakage signal which arrives at the receiver via
the coupling between antennas. The beat frequency is amplified and limited to remove any
amplitude fluctuations. The frequency of the amplitude-limited beat note is measured with a
cycle-counting frequency meter calibrated in distance.
In the above, the target was assumed to be stationary. If this assumption is not applicable, a
Doppler frequency shift will be superimposed on the FM range beat note and an erroneous
range measurement results. The Doppler frequency shift causes the frequency-time plot of the
echo signal to be shifted up or down as shown in the figure (a). On one portion of the
frequency-modulation cycle the beat frequency (fig. b) is increased by the Doppler shift, while
on the other portion, it is decreased.
Figure: Frequency-time relationships in FM-CW radar when the received signal is shifted in
frequency by the Doppler effect (a) Transmitted (solid curve) and echo (dashed curve) (b)
beat frequency
If for example, the target is approaching the radar, the beat frequency f b(up) produced during
the increasing or up portion of the FM cycle will be the difference between the beat
frequency due to the range fr and the Doppler frequency shift fd .Similarly, on the decreasing
portion, the beat frequency fb (down) is the sum of the two.
The range frequency fr may be extracted by measuring the average beat frequency; that is,
½[fb(up)+ fb (down)] = fr. If fb(up) and fb(down) are measured separately, for example, by
switching a frequency counter every half modulation cycle, one-half the difference between the
frequencies will yield the Doppler frequency. This assumes fr> fd . If, on the other hand, fr<fd ,
such as might occur with a high-speed target at short range, the roles of the averaging and the
difference-frequency measurements are reversed; the averaging meter will measure Doppler
velocities, and the difference meter measures range.
FM-CW Altimeter:
The FM-CW radar principle is used in the aircraft radio altimeter to measure height above the surface of
the earth. The large backscatter cross section and the relatively short ranges required of altimeters
permit low transmitter power and low antenna gain. Since the relative motion between the aircraft and
ground is small, the effect of the Doppler frequency shift also may usually be neglected.
The band from 4.2 to 4.4GHz is reserved for radio altimeters, although they have in the past operated at
UHF. The transmitter power is relatively low and can be obtained from a CW Magnetron, a backward-
wave oscillator, or a reflex klystron, but now they have been replaced by the solid state transmitter.
The altimeter can employ a simple homodyne receiver, but for better sensitivity and stability the super
heterodyne is preferred whenever its more complex construction can be tolerated. The block diagram
of the FM-CW radar with a sideband super heterodyne receiver is shown in the figure below.
Figure: Block diagram of a FM-CW radar using sideband super heterodyne receiver
A portion of the frequency-modulated transmitted signal is applied to a mixer along with the oscillator
signal. The selection of the local-oscillator frequency is a bit different from that in the usual super
heterodyne receiver. The local-oscillator frequency fIF is the same as the intermediate frequency used in
the receiver, whereas in the conventional super heterodyne the LO frequency is of the same order of
frequency as the RF signal.
The output of the mixer consists of the varying transmitter frequency fo(t) plus two sideband
frequencies, one on either side of fo(t) and separated from fo(t)by the local-oscillator frequency fIF. The
filter selects the lower sideband, fo(t) -- fIF and rejects the carrier and the upper sideband. The side band
that is passed by the filter is modulated in the same fashion as the transmitted signal. The sideband filter
must have sufficient bandwidth to pass the modulation, but not the carrier or other sideband. The
filtered sideband serves the function of the local oscillator.
When an echo signal is present, the output of the receiver mixer is an IF signal of frequency (fIF+fb)
where fbis composed of the range frequency fr and the Doppler velocity frequency fd. The IF signal is
amplified and applied to the balanced detector along with the local-oscillator signal fIF. The output of the
detector contains the beat frequency (range frequency and the Doppler velocity frequency), which is
amplified to a level where it can actuate the frequency-measuring circuits.
In the above figure, the output of the low-frequency amplifier is divided into two channels: one feeds an
average-frequency counter to determine the range, and the other feeds a switched frequency counter
to determine the Doppler velocity (assuming fr>fd). Only the averaging frequency counter need be used
in an altimeter application, since the rate of change of altitude is usually small.
A target at short range will generally result in a strong signal at low frequency, while one at long range
will result in a weak signal at high frequency. Therefore the frequency characteristic of the low
frequency amplifier in the FM-CW radar may be shaped to provide attenuation at the low frequencies
corresponding to short ranges and large echo signals. Less attenuation is applied to the higher
frequencies, where the echo signals are weaker.
Multiple-frequency CW Radar:
Although it was indicated earlier that CW radar can not measure range, it is possible under some
circumstances to do so by measuring the phase of the echo signal relative to the phase of the
transmitted signal. Consider a CW radar radiating a single-frequency sine wave of the form sin2πfot(The
amplitude of the signal is taken to be unity since it does not influence the result) the signal travels to
the target at a range R and returns to the radar after a time T = 2R/c where c is the velocity of
propagation. The echo signal received at the radar is sin [2πfo(t –T)]. If the transmitted and received
signals are compared in a phase detector, the output is proportional to the phase difference between
the two and is given by :
Δφ= 2πf0T =4πfoRlc.
………… [ Eq. 2]
However, the measurement of the phase difference Δφ is unambiguous only if Δφ does not exceed 2π
radians. Substituting Δφ = 2π into the above equation (Eq.1) gives the maximum unambiguous range as
λ/2.At radar frequencies this unambiguous range is much too small to be of any practical interest.
Unambiguous range may be extended considerably by utilizing two separate CW signals differing slightly
in frequency. The unambiguous range in this case corresponds to half wavelength at the difference
The transmitted waveform is assumed to consist of two continuous sine waves of frequency f1 and f2
separated by an amount Δf. For convenience, the amplitudes of all signals are set equal to unity. The
voltage waveforms of the two components of the transmitted signal v1T and v2T may be written as
where Ø1 and Ø2 are arbitrary (constant) phase angles. The echo signal is shifted in frequency by the
Doppler Effect. The form of the Doppler-shifted signals corresponding to the two frequencies f1 and f2
Where Ro = range to target at a particular time t = to(range that would be measured if target were
not moving)
fd1 = Doppler frequency shift associated with frequency f1
fd2 = Doppler frequency shift associated with frequency f2
Since the two RF frequencies f1and f2are approximately the same (that is f2=f1+ Δf, where Δf <<f 1)the
Doppler frequency shifts fd1and fd2 can be assumed to be equal to each other.
Therefore we may writefd1= fd2= fd
The receiver separates the two components of the echo signal and heterodynes each received signal
component with the corresponding transmitted waveform and extracts the two Doppler-frequency
components given below:
The two frequencies of the two-frequency radar were described as being transmitted
simultaneously. They may also be transmitted sequentially in some applications by rapidly
switching a single RF source.
A large difference in frequency between the two transmitted signals improves the accuracy of
the range measurement since large Δf means a proportionately large change in ΔØ for a given
range. However, there is a limit to the value of Δf since ΔØ cannot be greater than 2π radians if
the range is to remain unambiguous. The maximum unambiguous range Runamb is
Therefore Δf must be less than c/2Runamb.Note that when Δf is replaced by the pulse repetition rate, the
above equation gives the maximum unambiguous range of a pulse radar.
A qualitative explanation of the operation of the two-frequency radar may be had by
considering both carrier frequencies to be in phase at zero range. As they progress outward
from the radar, the relative phase between the two increases because of their difference
infrequency. This phase difference may be used as a measure of the elapsed time. When the
two signals slip in phase by one cycle, the measurement of phase, and hence range, becomes
The two-frequency CW radar is essentially a single-target radar since only one phase difference
can be measured at a time. If more than one target is present, the echo signal becomes
complicated and the meaning of the phase measurement becomes doubtful.
The theoretical rms range error with which range can be measured with the two-frequency CW
radar was estimated to be
Where E = energy contained in received signal and No = noise power per hertz of bandwidth.
The above Equation indicates that the greater the separation Δf between the two frequencies, the lesser
will be the rms error.
However if the frequency difference Δf increases unambiguous Range decreases. The selection of
Δf represents a compromise between the requirements of accuracy and ambiguity. Both accurate
and unambiguous range measurements can be made by transmitting three or more frequencies
instead of just two.
For example, if the three frequencies f1,f2 and f3are such that f3 – f1 = k( f2–f1) where k is a factor of the
order of 10 or 20, the pair of frequencies f3, f1(with greater Δf)gives an ambiguous but accurate range
measurement while the pair of frequencies f2, f1(with lesser Δf) resolve the ambiguities in the
measurement of Range. Likewise, further accuracy improvement with out reducing the ambiguous
range can be obtained by adding more frequencies. As more frequencies are added the spectrum and
target resolution approach that obtained with a pulse or an FM-CW waveform
Important Formulae:
In a FM CW Radar:
Target’s Range velocity fr is given by (Assuming there is no Doppler shift):
fr = 4Rfm.Δf /c
where :
Illustrative problems:
Example1: Determine the Range and Doppler velocity of an approaching target using a triangular
modulation FMCW Radar. Given : Beat frequency fb(up) = 15KHz and fb (down) = 25KHz , modulating
frequency : 1MHz, Δf : 1KHz and Operating frequency : 3Ghz
We know fr = ½[fb(up)+ fb (down)] = ½( 15+25) = 20 Khz
From the Relation between reflection coefficient ρ and VSWR ς : | ρ | = (ς- l) / (ς+1) we can
ς = (1+ ρ ) /(1- ρ ) and using the value of the reflection coefficient of 0.1 in this relation we
1.The transmitter power is 1 KW and safe value of power which might be applied to a receiver is 10mW.
Find the isolation between transmitter and receiver in dB. Suggest the appropriate isolator.
2.(a) What is the Doppler effect? What are some of the ways in which it manifests itself? What
are its radar applications?
(b) what is the relation between bandwidth and the acceleration of the target with respect to
3.(a) How to find the target speed from Doppler frequency?
(b) Write the applications of CW Radar.
(c) What are the factors that limit the amount of isolation between Transmitter and Receiver
of CW Radar? [4+6+6]
4.(a) Explain the operation of the two frequency CW Radar.
(b) How to select the difference between the two transmitted signals of CW radar? [8+8]
5.(a) With the help of a suitable block diagram explain the operation of a CW Radar with non
zero IF amplifier
(b) list down and explain the applications of CW radar
6.(a) Draw the block diagram of a FMCW Radar using side band super heterodyne receiver and
explain it’s operation.
(b) With a transmit (CW) frequency of 5GHz, calculate the Doppler frequency seen by a
Stationary Radar when the target radial velocity is 100 km/h (62.5 mph)? [10+6]