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Extensive Usage of Teachers' Portfolio in Reflection of Physics Subject Teaching Strategies For Public Secondary Schools in Moshi District Council, Tanzania

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

Extensive Usage of Teachers’ Portfolio in

Reflection of Physics Subject Teaching Strategies for
Public Secondary Schools in Moshi District
Council, Tanzania
Bertine J. Munishi1: Mwenge Catholic University-Tanzania
Dr. Victorini Salema2: Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Mwenge Catholic University
Dr. Kezia Mashingia3: Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Mwenge Catholic University
Corresponding Author; Bertine J. Munishi1

Abstract:- The use of portfolio in monitoring students’ Keywords:- Teacher’s Portfolio, Teaching Strategies, Physics
authentic learning process has gained momentum in recent Subject, Reflection, Extensiveness.
years by which this study sought to assess its extensiveness
in secondary schools in Moshi District, Tanzania. The I. INTRODUCTION
study addressed extensive usage of teacher’s portfolio in
reflection of Physics subject teaching strategies. Guided by Portfolios are now acknowledged as a useful instrument
the Reflective Practice Theory (RPT) the study employed a for educators in the field of science at all levels of schooling,
convergent design under a mixed-methods research aiding in the genuine evaluation of teaching and learning. As
approach. The target population for the study consisted of Swaran-Singh et al. (2022) pointed out, a portfolio is a
2,830 individuals including; heads of schools, physics deliberate compilation tool that efficiently displays an
teachers, students and District School Quality Assurance individual's work, development, and accomplishments
Officers (DSQAO) in 61 secondary schools. Simple throughout time. Its main roles involve intentional selection,
random, stratified random, and expert sampling contemplation, evaluation, tracking progress, customization,
techniques were used to obtain DSQAO, heads of schools, active involvement, and flexibility. Furthermore, portfolios
Physics teachers and students making a total of 363 offer concrete proof of a person's abilities, accomplishments,
respondents. The validity of research instruments was and capabilities, making them a beneficial tool for prospective
ensured by research experts in the faculty of education employers or customers (Chere & Mothetsi, 2022). Portfolios
specialized in Assessment and Evaluation at the are widely acknowledged as a flexible and versatile tool that
University. The reliability of Likert scale items in allows educators to assess teaching and learning dynamics
questionnaire was assured through Cronbach’s Alpha across different educational levels in a meaningful way.
coefficient which had outputs of .84 and .79 for teachers' Portfolios serve as a complete collection of an individual's
and students respectively. The trustworthiness of achievements, enabling teachers and students to reflect on
qualitative data collection instruments was established their practice, establish specific objectives, and track their
through peer debriefing and triangulation. The professional development.
quantitative data were descriptively analyzed in
percentages, and frequencies, mean scores while A teacher's portfolio is an important resource that acts as
qualitative data were analyzed thematically. The study a complete documentation of their professional background,
adhered to ethical rules in research such as: anonymity, credentials, and proof of teaching success (Aras, 2021).
informed consents and confidentiality. The study found Teacher portfolios that are effective show various key signs
that although teachers are preparing portfolio documents, that indicate the teacher's capacity to reflect on and highlight
doubts regarding the organization and timely accessibility their instructional methods (Kır, 2023). Portfolios should
of these documents hinder their ability to enhance teaching contain a variety of items, like lesson plans, student work
and learning. The study concludes that teachers prepare samples, and assessments, to demonstrate the teacher's
documents for teaching and learning in physics, but methods and practices effectively. Additionally, incorporating
improper portfolio organization remains a threat to reflective narratives enables the teacher to explain the
providing constructive feedback for students' physics reasoning behind their teaching choices and the effect of
achievement. The study recommends proper organization certain strategies on student progress. By including these
and compilation of portfolios for effective tracking of components, a teacher's portfolio can efficiently record their
students' learning progress. teaching methods and act as a beneficial tool for career growth

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1813

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

and progress (Malicay, 2023). Nevertheless, even though there To build students' lifelong learning skills effectively, it is
are advantages in utilizing teachers' portfolios to encourage crucial to utilize carefully crafted teaching strategies. These
active learning, Indonesian teachers frequently do not have the tactics and procedures used by educators to help students learn
required expertise to develop and execute them adequately and achieve specific learning goals are known as strategies
(Nurhayani et al., 2023). Furthermore, the absence of clear (Bagaskara et al., 2022). These carefully planned tactics aim to
guidelines or standards for teacher portfolios in terms of involve students, stimulate critical thinking, and improve their
structure, content, and evaluation could cause inconsistencies comprehension of the material. Common teaching methods
and uncertainties in their use, ultimately reducing their consist of hands-on activities to promote experiential learning,
efficacy as a tool for reflection. integrating technology for a dynamic educational setting,
focusing on active student involvement in student-centered
In Ghana, teachers have a restricted grasp and knowledge approaches, and utilizing traditional lecture-style teaching.
of portfolios, which prevents them from reflecting on teaching Implementing these successful teaching techniques is essential
methods effectively (Ankrah et. al., 2023). Likewise, in for providing students with the necessary skills to excel in
Kenyan educational institutions, teachers' ability to reflect and both academic settings and future pursuits (Li et al., 2023).
build portfolios is greatly influenced by the sizable number of Nonetheless, the issue of teachers' lack of understanding and
students in each class (Mutuku, 2019; Onguko et al., 2020; recognition of portfolios as a tool for reflection is still
Simatwa et al., 2019). Moreover, in Uganda, teachers have a worrisome, and more research is needed to examine the
problematic grasp of portfolios, leading to inconsistencies in implementation and effectiveness of these teaching methods in
material, structure, and assessment (Bakaira, 2023). This lack the field of physics education.
of awareness and understanding of portfolios as a reflective
tool among teachers, especially in the field of physics The learning and teaching of physics is commonly
education, is a major issue. viewed as a challenging topic in secondary schools, which has
resulted in low student achievement as shown in table 1.

Table 1 Low Student Achievement

Year Candidates who sat for the National Examinations Candidates who Passed Percentage
2020 12,0342 58,808 48.87
2021 11,5846 64,096 55.33
2022 11,4472 78,009 68.34
Source: Candidates’ Item Response Analysis (CIRA, 2022)

These low pass rates, revealing that more than 30% of strategies. In spite of these attempts, there are still doubts
students failed to meet the necessary standards, suggest among teachers about fully grasping the importance of
possible problems with how physics is taught and learned in integrating portfolio-based assessment for showcasing
high school. The poor physics results and decreasing student teaching methods in Physics at secondary schools in Tanzania.
numbers in secondary schools from 2020 to 2022 highlight the Thus, the present research evaluated the extent to which
importance of investigating the reasons for low performance teacher portfolios are utilized to improve reflection on
and creating programs to improve physics teaching. Despite a teaching strategies in physics subjects in public secondary
gradual increase in pass rates from 2020 to 2022, the overall schools in Moshi district Council, Tanzania.
performance remains below expectations, highlighting the
need for further efforts to address the root issues in secondary  Statement of the Problem
physics education. A major challenge in Tanzanian secondary schools is the
lack of effective reflection on teaching strategies for the
In 2012, the Tanzanian Institute of Education (TIE) physics subject, which is often seen as difficult and results in
implemented a curriculum framework focusing on practical low student achievement. Improving the utilization of
skills and competencies in secondary education (Komba & successful teaching methods in physics education is
Shukia, 2023). This model promotes the utilization of various acknowledged as essential to enhancing student learning.
teaching and evaluation techniques to aid in student education. (Nyirahagenimana and colleagues, 2022). Yet, it is not clear
Furthermore, the 2014 Tanzania Education and Training how much teacher portfolios have been used to support
Policy (ETP) emphasizes the significance of enhancing reflection and enhance physics instruction (Bin, 2021).
student competency by utilizing diverse teaching methods and Although NECTA's policy guidelines stress the importance of
adaptable assessment techniques (Msamba et al., 2023). The portfolios in evaluating teaching and learning methods,
assessment guidelines provided by the National Examinations obstacles in teaching Physics continue to exist. Concerns have
Council of Tanzania (NECTA, 2021) and the policies set by been raised by students, teachers, quality assurance officers,
the URT (2021) highlight the significance of incorporating school administrators, parents, and education researchers
reflective assessment tools and implementing strong teaching regarding the utilization of teacher portfolios to improve

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1814

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

Physics education in Tanzanian secondary schools. Past growth. The concept advocates for self-awareness and self-
research has investigated how portfolios can aid teachers in reflection, offers a systematic method for ongoing learning
reflection, critical thinking, and professional growth, but they and career growth, and fosters critical examination and
have not concentrated on portfolios' role in improving analysis of personal experiences, assumptions, and beliefs.
reflection on teaching methods (Chye et al., 2019; Ayaz and Nonetheless, the theory's strong dependence on subjective
Gök, 2022; Beka, 2021; Tshering et al., 2022; Ndomba, 2021). interpretation and the amount of time and effort needed for
Hence, the current study aims to assess the extensive usage of reflective practice are viewed as its drawbacks, as they may
teacher’s portfolio in reflection of Physics subject teaching lead to bias and hinder the objectivity of reflection, while also
strategies in public secondary schools in Moshi District presenting obstacles in its execution.
Council, Tanzania.
 Research Question
This research study sought to answer the question: To The review of research studies focuses on examining
what extent does teacher’s portfolio help in reflection of how teacher portfolios demonstrate strategies for teaching
physics subject teaching strategies in Moshi District Council, physics. The focus is on using teacher portfolios for reflection
Tanzania? in educational environments.

 Significance of the Study Chye et al. (2019) carried out research on the utilization
This research is important as it could provide useful of e-portfolios to enhance reflection: Findings from an
information for school administrators, physics teachers, and analysis based on activity theory in Singapore. 40 teachers
students. It seeks to assist physics educators in improving the were randomly selected from five schools and 259 students
consistency between their teaching materials and teaching were randomly chosen from the same five schools as part of
techniques, encouraging more intentional recording of the research. The research employed a descriptive survey
teaching methods. By demonstrating how portfolios can design, utilizing a questionnaire for the teachers and
display teaching methods, students may gain a deeper conducting interviews with the parents. By analyzing the
understanding of educators' commitment. Furthermore, the information, the authors suggest a framework that showcases
results could assist administrators in assessing and backing how the different parts of the activity system (subject, object,
Physics Educators, impacting decision-making on teacher community, tools, rules, and division of labour) interact when
education and accreditation. This study broadens knowledge using e-portfolios for reflection. The use of a descriptive
on utilizing teaching portfolios to improve teaching methods, survey design and questionnaires for teachers, along with
specifically in physics education, enhancing current literature interviews with school heads, in the study has led to worries
on this reflective instrument. about the depth and richness of the data gathered. Surveys and
questionnaires may have limitations in capturing the complex
II. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK experiences and perspectives of participants, which can
introduce biases and limitations in understanding students'
The research was influenced by the Reflective Practice reflections and experiences with e-portfolios. Also, the results
Theory (RPT) created by Donald Schön during the 1980s. of the research predominantly depend on e-portfolios, which
RPT stresses the significance of thoughtfully reviewing their may pose challenges in their implementation in developing
experiences, actions, and beliefs to improve professional nations such as Tanzania because of technological and
practice and support ongoing learning and advancement. It economic limitations. Therefore, it is necessary for the study
requires individuals to consciously and systematically reflect to be carried out within the Tanzanian context, taking into
on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors in connection to consideration Tanzania's technological and economic status.
their professional duties and obligations. Through
participating in reflective practice, professionals are able to Ayaz and Gök (2022) carried out research on how the
develop a better understanding of how they make decisions, utilization of e-portfolio application impacts the reflective
solve problems, and perform in general. This enables them to thinking and learning motivation of school teacher candidates
recognize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as create in Turkey. The study utilized a quasi-experimental design
new viewpoints to enhance their performance. involving a pretest-posttest control group. The research
utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods.
The Reflective Practice Theory is very important for this The results of the research show that the experimental group
study as it corresponds with the goal of a teacher's portfolio, had higher post-test mean scores in reflective thinking
allowing teachers to think about their teaching approaches, compared to the control group. This indicates that the
methods of instruction, and results of student learning. By utilization of e-portfolios had a positive impact on the
utilizing the portfolio, educators can assess their work, development of reflective thinking in prospective teachers.
identify strengths and areas for growth, and adjust their Furthermore, the research utilized a quasi-experimental design
teaching methods to improve student learning, acting as an featuring a pretest-posttest control group, the lack of random
essential tool for tracking and evaluating their professional assignment may result in biases and constraints in determining

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1815

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

causal connections between the e-portfolio application and the Ndomba (2021) conducted research on the development
measured results. Random assignment is important for of reflective skills in teacher trainees in Kilimanjaro and
ensuring that participants are assigned to experimental and Ruvuma Regions, Tanzania, utilizing a case study approach.
control groups fairly, thus minimizing the impact of Results from structured interviews with 10 teachers showed
confounding variables on the results. The absence of random different strategies like participatory techniques, inquiry-based
assignment in the study hinders the ability to definitively learning, and portfolios to develop reflective abilities. The
prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship between e- research highlighted the popularity of participatory methods as
portfolio use and outcomes. This restriction could have an they are easy to use and implement, underscoring the unique
indirect effect on how teacher portfolios demonstrate teaching benefits of each method for developing skills. While
strategies in the process of teaching and learning. Ndomba's (2021) research uncovered the evaluation of
reflective abilities in education, the results cannot be applied
Beka and Kulinxha (2021) in Southern Europe, broadly as it focused on a specific entity through a case study.
specifically Kosovo, conducted research on how portfolios can According to Cohen et al. (2018), case studies do not mainly
be used by pre-service teachers for self-reflection and aim for generalization, but rather, they signal to researchers
professional development. The study aimed to investigate how the potential for similar results in alternate contexts. Hence, it
portfolios help pre-service teachers reflect on themselves and is necessary for the present research to be carried out to
develop professionally. Qualitative research design was acquire a more comprehensive insight into the Development
utilized in the study, along with semi-structured interviews. and Assessment of Reflective Skills among Teacher Trainees
Specific sampling technique was used to select 20 respondents in Tanzania.
from graduate students. Semi-structured interviews were used
as the tool for gathering data. Thematic analysis was Generally, numerous reviewed studies emphasized the
conducted on the data to discover patterns and themes that are significance of teachers' portfolios in the instruction and
connected to the significance of portfolio preparation, education of Physics subjects (Ayaz & Gök, 2022; Martínez et
reflection, and how they influence professional growth. The al., 2022). Nevertheless, it is crucial to take into account
study emphasizes the different perspectives of pre-service restrictions and predispositions in particular research. Chye et
teachers on portfolio development, showing varied levels of al. (2019) conducted a study showing that e-portfolios are
comprehension and involvement. The research does not fully challenging to introduce in countries like Tanzania because of
discuss how teacher portfolios showcase teaching tactics. technology and financial limitations. In Kosovo, Southern
Although the study intended to investigate how portfolios Europe, a study was conducted by Beka and Kulinxha (2021)
contribute to professional development, it primarily on using Portfolios for self-reflection and professional
concentrated on the general aspects of portfolio creation and development among Pre service teachers. Moreover, Tshering
self-reflection, neglecting to thoroughly examine how et al. (2022) carried out research investigating the reflective
portfolios capture, analyze, and enhance teachers' teaching practices and challenges faced by physics teachers. Moreover,
strategies. Hence, it is necessary to carry out research to delve Ndomba (2021) investigated the growth and evaluation of
deeper into how portfolios can record, assess, and enhance reflective abilities in teacher candidates in Kilimanjaro and
teachers' instructional approaches. Ruvuma Regions, Tanzania. To fill this void, the current study
utilized a convergent design, suitable sampling methods, and
Garrido (2023) in Chile examined how science teachers appropriate data collection tools. Nevertheless, it is important
incorporate reflection into their teaching methods in different to mention that the existing literature did not fully address the
educational programs. Through purposive sampling, the study significance of teacher portfolios in showcasing the teaching
examined science teachers in higher education using a methods employed by physics teachers in public secondary
qualitative method. Data was gathered through interviews, schools in Moshi District, Tanzania. Hence, the study
observation, and stimulated recall interviews in order to show examined how extensively teacher portfolios are utilized to
how teachers evaluate their approaches. Despite aiming to improve reflection on physics teaching methods in public
offer in-depth insights, the study's impact is weakened by the secondary schools in Moshi District Council, Tanzania.
absence of implementation details and findings. The literature
review focuses mainly on the methodology, excluding any
concrete results. Diversifying participant samples in various
institutional contexts or science education fields could
enhance the study's relevance. In general, there is a need for a
comparable research project to assess how teachers' portfolios
showcase their teaching methods, especially in the Tanzanian

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1816

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943


This study employed convergent design under mixed This section presents research findings on the role of
methods research approach. The purpose of using this design teacher portfolios in reflecting Physics teaching strategies in
was to collect both quantitative and qualitative data Moshi District Council, Tanzania. Data collected through
simultaneously and compare the results to obtain a more questionnaires interviews and analysis of documents is
complete understanding of the research problem (Creswell & analyzed to assess the extent of reflection of teaching and
Creswell, 2018). The sample group included 61 school Head learning.
of Schools, 123 teachers of Physics, 2,745 students from 61
public high schools, and 1 Quality Assurance Officer from the Research question for this study aimed to assess the
district. This study included 338 students, 12 Physics extent to which teacher’s portfolio help in reflecting Physics
Teachers, 12 Head of schools, and 1 DSQAO, totaling 363 teaching strategies in public secondary schools in the Moshi
respondents, selected through a combination of probability district council, Tanzania., Data was obtained through
and non-probability sampling methods. Information was questionnaires which provided items to teachers and students
gathered through surveys for Physics educators and students, to rate the extent Likert scale. Head of schools, and District
interviews for School Principals and Quality Assurance School Quality Assurance were interviewed. The five-level
Officers, and document evaluation for Physics Teachers. Likert scale was employed to make the unit of analysis in
Research experts from the department of education in which 1= (VLE) Very Low Extent, 2= (LE) Low Extent,
Assessment and Evaluation at MWECAU validated data 3=(M) Moderate, 4=(HE) High Extent, 5=(VHE)Very High
collection instruments to ensure the validity of both Extent, F=frequencies, P=Percentages. The rate of percentage
quantitative and qualitative tools, with the participation of described as ≤ 20=extremely minority; 21-49= minority; 50-
MWECAU research experts. Pilot testing was conducted in 59=moderate; 60-69= majority; 70-89= very high majority;
three public high schools to detect any uncertainties or 90-99=extremely majority; 100= overwhelming majority
challenges in understanding the tools, guaranteeing they are (Taherdoost, 2019). A mean score greater than 3 for the item
clear and understandable to participants. Cronbach's Alpha indicates that the portfolio helps in reflecting teaching
Coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability of the teacher strategies in the teaching and learning of the Physics subject.
and student questionnaires in the research, showing values of A mean score less than 3 indicates that the portfolio does not
0.84 and 0.79, respectively, which demonstrate strong internal help in reflecting teaching strategies in the teaching and
consistency. Peer debriefing and triangulation were used to learning of the Physics subject. An exactly mean score of 3
confirm the reliability of qualitative instruments in interview implies uncertainty regarding whether the portfolio helps or
guides. The research process was conducted in accordance not in reflecting teaching strategies in the teaching and
with ethical considerations. Quantitative analysis of data for learning of the Physics subject.
descriptive statistics was conducted through SPSS version 22,
utilizing frequencies, percentages, and mean scores. Thematic Response for teachers and students are summarized in
analysis was used to analyze qualitative data, involving the Table 2.
processes of becoming familiar with the data, organizing it,
coding, reducing and presenting it in its original form.

Table 2:- Teachers (TRs) Responses on The Extent to which Teachers’ Portfolio Help in Reflecting Teaching Strategies in Teaching
and Learning of Physics Subject in Public Secondary Schools in the Moshi District Council, Tanzania (n=12)
f % f % f % f % f %
i.My portfolio demonstrates my teaching strategies. 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 33.3 8 66.7
ii.The portfolio accurately represents my instructional 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 100.0 0 0.0
approaches. 4.00
iii.The portfolio displays a variety of teaching and 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 100.
learning strategies. 0 4.00
iv.The portfolio captures the progression of teaching 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 8 66.7 4 33.3
throughout the year. 4.33
v.The portfolio is used to analyze the effectiveness of 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 100.
teaching and learning strategies. 0 5.00
vi.The portfolio reflects the integration of technology in 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 33.3 8 66.7
teaching and learning. 4.67
vii.The portfolio shows efforts to create an inclusive 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 33.3 0 0.0 8 66.7 4.33
learning environment.

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1817

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

viii.Portfolios show that active learning techniques are 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 12 100. 5.00
being used. 0
ix.The portfolio is used to reflect the alignment of 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 33.3 8 66.7 4.67
teaching with learning goals.
x.The portfolio is used to show the effectiveness of 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 33.3 0 0.0 8 66.7 4.33
classroom management strategies
Grand mean 4.5
Source: Field Data (2024) 1=Very Small Extent (VSE), 2= Small Extent (SE), 3=Moderate Extent (M)E, 4=Large Extent (LE),
5=Very Large Extent (VLE), F=frequencies, P=Percentages.

Data in Table 2, indicates that an overwhelming majority teacher's pedagogical toolbox and approach to instruction.
(100%) of teachers rated the portfolio as displaying a variety These findings are in line with the study by Aras (2021) who
of teaching and learning strategies to a large extent and very affirmed that, portfolios contribute to reflecting on teachers’
large extent. The mean score is 4.00, indicating that teachers instructional approaches, needs assessment, and professional
perceive the portfolio as highly effective in showcasing development plans, portraying professional growth.
diverse instructional methods. The data implies that the
portfolio is a valuable tool for teachers, providing them with a Data in Table 2 shows that an overwhelming majority
comprehensive and flexible resource to enhance their teaching (100%) of teachers rated the portfolio as being used to analyze
practices and support student learning. Teachers perceive the effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies to a large
portfolios as effective tools for reflecting teaching strategies in extent and very large extent. The mean score is 5.00,
the teaching and learning of physics. This indicates a broad indicating that teachers find portfolio as a critical tool for
consensus among teachers regarding the utility of portfolios in evaluating and improving instructional methods, ultimately
showcasing diverse instructional approaches and methods enhancing the educational outcomes for students. This implies
used in their teaching practices. The portfolios are viewed not the underscores of widespread that portfolios not only
only as repositories of teaching strategies but also as reflective document teaching strategies but also serve as systematic
tools that support professional growth and instructional frameworks for evaluating their impact on student learning
improvement among educators in the district. The researcher outcomes. This reflective process not only enhances teaching
during a face-to-face interview with head of school (HoS) had effectiveness but also supports professional growth by
this to say: fostering a culture of self-assessment and evidence-based
pedagogy among educators in the district. Portfolios play a
A toolbox with only one tool – it wouldn't be very vital role in shaping and refining teaching strategies to better
effective; our teachers understand this. Their physics meet the educational needs of students in physics education.
portfolios act as a treasure trove of different teaching The researcher during a face-to-face interview with Head of
strategies, highlighting their commitment to engaging students School had this to say:
in a variety of ways. These portfolios aren't just a collection
of lesson plans; they're a reflection of the teacher's Their portfolios aren't just a collection of strategies;
pedagogical toolbox (Personal communication with HoS “12”: they're a dynamic toolbox that fuels a cycle of continuous
April 23, 2024). improvement. The strong portfolios are a cornerstone of
effective teaching, and using them for analysis is key. By
 The District School Quality Assurer (DSQA) had this to reviewing student work, assessments, and feedback within
say: their portfolios, teachers can see firsthand how their chosen
These portfolios offer a unique window into a teacher's strategies are impacting student learning (Personal
pedagogical toolbox. They're not just a collection of lesson communication with HoS “3”: March 15 ,2024).
plans; they're a reflection of the teacher's approach to
instruction. By incorporating diverse methods - group The head of school “1” had this to say: portfolios serve
projects, simulations, interactive games these portfolios as a comprehensive tool for both teachers and students. They
demonstrate the teacher's ability to cater to different learning not only help in planning and implementing diverse teaching
styles and keep students actively engaged in the complexities strategies but also in reviewing and improving them. Our
of physics (DSQA personal Communication, April 24, 2024). teachers regularly update their portfolios with new techniques,
assessment results, and feedback, which facilitates ongoing
The information from the interview implies that the professional development and instructional refinement
physics teacher's portfolios serve as comprehensive (Personal communication with HoS “1”: March 12, 2024).
repositories of diverse teaching strategies, reflecting their
commitment to engaging students in varied ways. These
portfolios go beyond mere lesson plans, showcasing the

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1818

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

Information from the interview implies that the portfolios to explore and leverage technology effectively, ultimately
maintained by teachers are not static collections of strategies, fostering a dynamic and responsive learning environment for
but dynamic tools that drive continuous improvement in students in physics education. Thus, portfolios serve as
teaching. These strong portfolios are essential for effective instrumental resources for teachers to demonstrate and
teaching practices, serving as a foundation for analysis and continuously improve their approach to integrating technology
reflection. The teacher portfolios go beyond passive in teaching and learning practices. During a face-to-face
documentation - they actively shape and guide the teachers' interview with the Head of School “7”, the Hos stated:
professional practice. The portfolios serve as living, evolving
records that enable teachers to assess their impact, identify Portfolios are not just showcases of traditional teaching
areas for improvement, and make adjustments to better meet methods; they actively reflect the integration of technology to
the needs of their students. These findings from this study are enhance student engagement and learning. Technology is a
consistent with those of the study conducted by Babaee et al. powerful tool that can revolutionize education, especially in
(2021) who affirmed that, portfolios are effective as an science subjects like physics. By documenting their use of
evidence-based strategy for demonstrating effective teaching technology within their portfolios, our teachers achieve two
and learning strategies and supporting lifelong learning. These key things (Personal communication with HoS “7”: April 15,
portfolios are not static collections, but dynamic tools that 2024).
drive the teachers' continuous improvement and reflective
practice. The in-depth nature of the portfolios allows for a  About integrating technology, Head of School (HoS 8) had
nuanced understanding of the educators' skills, decision- this to say:
making, and professional growth over time. The focus on integrating technology, documenting its
use, and reflecting on its effectiveness fosters a culture of
During document analysis, the study revealed several key continuous learning and professional growth among our
issues. Firstly, some documents, such as lesson plans, are educators. We actively encourage teachers to explore new
primarily prepared to fulfill the employer's requirements, tools, share best practices, and find innovative ways to
rather than being effectively utilized for teaching. These plans leverage technology to create dynamic and responsive learning
are often influenced by follow-up from administrators, leading environments (Personal communication with HoS “8”: April
teachers to focus on the preparation process rather than its 19, 2024).
practical application in the classroom.
The information from the interviews points toward that
Secondly, the portfolio documents are not well- teachers are actively integrating technology into their teaching
organized, making it difficult for teachers to track student practices to enhance student engagement and learning in
progress. The documents are scattered and not compiled in a subjects like physics. Portfolios serve as reflections of this
single file, making them cumbersome to use when needed. integration, showcasing how technology is leveraged to
This poor organization hinders the potential of portfolios as a revolutionize education. Through documenting the use of
tool for effective student assessment and reflection. technology and reflecting on its effectiveness within their
portfolios, teachers not only enhance student learning but also
Lastly, due to heavy workloads, some physics teachers cultivate a culture of continuous learning and professional
are unable to plan effectively, resulting in inconsistencies in growth. This focus on integrating technology fosters
document preparation. This is further supported by Bakaira innovation, encourages the exploration of new tools, and
(2023), who found a problematic understanding of portfolios promotes the creation of dynamic and responsive learning
among teachers, leading to inconsistencies in content environments that benefit both educators and students alike.
organization and evaluation. However, to improve the The findings from the study are in line with the Reflective
effectiveness of portfolios, teachers need to plan thoroughly Practice Theory (RPT), which emphasizes the importance of
and utilize them appropriately, ensuring that they serve as teachers engaging in ongoing reflection on their practices to
valuable tools for student reflection and learning. improve their teaching effectiveness. The high ratings from
both teachers and students regarding the integration of
Data in Table 2 indicates that, an overwhelming majority technology in teaching and learning through the use of
(100%) of teachers rated that portfolio reflects the integration portfolios suggests that the portfolio is an effective tool for
of technology in teaching and learning. The mean score is facilitating reflective practice. The RPT's emphasis on using
4.67 for teachers. This implies the importance placed on tools and strategies that enable teachers to critically examine
integrating technological resources to enhance teaching their teaching methods and make informed adjustments to
strategies and student engagement in physics education. By enhance student learning.
documenting technology integration through portfolios,
teachers not only highlight their use of digital tools but also Data in Table 2 indicates that an overwhelming majority
demonstrate how these tools support learning objectives and (100%) of teachers rated that portfolios demonstrate the use of
promote innovative teaching methods. This reflection process active learning techniques to a large extent and very large
supports professional development by encouraging educators extent. The mean score is 5.00, indicating extensive consent

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

among teachers regarding the extensive utilization of these acknowledgment of portfolios as tools for demonstrating
techniques. This indicates that teachers rely on portfolios not successful classroom management, there may be varying
only to document their implementation of active learning degrees of clarity or consensus among teachers regarding the
strategies such as group activities, experiments, and problem- extent to which portfolios effectively capture and portray these
solving exercises but also to provide tangible evidence of their strategies. The use of portfolios to highlight classroom
effectiveness in enhancing student participation and management strategies underscores their multifaceted role in
understanding. During a face-to-face interview with the head documenting comprehensive teaching practices and promoting
of school "3," the following statement was made: effective learning environments in physics education within
the district. During a face-to-face interview with the district
Portfolios serve as dynamic repositories where teachers school quality assurance officer, the researcher made the
document and highlight their use of active teaching strategies following statement:
in physics. These portfolios include examples of interactive
demonstrations, hands-on experiments, and collaborative Effective communication and education are crucial when
projects that engage students actively in learning scientific it comes to utilizing Portfolios to demonstrate successful
concepts. By showcasing these techniques, our teachers classroom management strategies. They highlighted the need
illustrate their commitment to fostering a deeper for collaborative efforts between teachers, students, and
understanding of physics through experiential learning administrators to ensure that everyone has a clear
(Personal communication with HoS “3”: March 15, 2024). understanding of the purpose and benefits of using Portfolios
in this context (Personal communication with DSQAO
 Another head of schools “4” shared: Interview, March 24, 2024).
Portfolios play a pivotal role in demonstrating the
application of active teaching and learning techniques in  The head of school “5” also shared:
physics. Our teachers utilize portfolios to capture moments of At our school, physics teachers used their portfolio to
student engagement during laboratory sessions, simulations, highlight a classroom organization system that included visual
and real-world applications of physics principles. These schedules, designated learning areas, and structured routines.
documented experiences not only showcase the effectiveness The portfolio documented how these strategies contributed to
of active learning but also encourage continuous improvement a calm and focused learning environment, fostering student
and innovation in our instructional practices (Personal independence and responsibility. It provided concrete
communication with HoS “4”: March, 19. 2024). evidence of effective classroom management practices that
support student success (Personal communication with HoS
Information from the interview implies that portfolios “5”: March 21, 2024).
serve as dynamic platforms showcasing teachers' commitment
to active learning strategies such as group activities, The information implies that effective communication
experiments, and problem-solving exercises in physics and education are essential for implementing successful
education. Emphasizing active learning as essential, the classroom management strategies using portfolios. It
portfolios document the implementation of these strategies, emphasizes the importance of collaboration among teachers,
highlighting a hands-on approach to teaching that engages students, and administrators to ensure that everyone
students and fosters deeper understanding of physics concepts. comprehends the purpose and advantages of utilizing
These findings are in line with the study by Marinho et al., Portfolios in the educational context. This suggests that clear
(2021) who affirmed that, portfolios are used as an assessment communication and shared understanding are crucial for the
of active learning techniques in schools to generate learning, successful implementation of Portfolios as a tool for
enhance knowledge reconstruction, and develop students' demonstrating classroom management strategies. It also
reflective capacity. This approach suggests a focus on indicates that all stakeholders need to be actively involved and
experiential learning and student engagement, with portfolios informed to maximize the benefits of using Portfolios in this
serving as evidence of effective teaching methods that context. The findings from this study align with those of
prioritize interactive and collaborative learning experiences in Lestari et al. (2021), who confirmed that portfolios are
physics education. effective in enhancing learning outcomes, motivating learning,
and improving the quality of student learning. Portfolios serve
Data in Table 1 indicates that a majority (66.7%) of as comprehensive tools for students to reflect on their
teachers rated the portfolio as effectively demonstrating progress, showcase their achievements, and engage actively in
classroom management strategies to a large extent and very their own learning process.
large extent. Conversely, a minority (33.3%) of teachers
indicated moderate extent in their perception of the portfolio's Generally, portfolios are used by physics teachers to
effectiveness in showcasing these strategies. The mean score reflect the teaching strategies employed in the teaching and
is 4.33, indicating a generally positive assessment by teachers learning of Physics subject. These portfolios serve as a
regarding the portfolio's role in illustrating effective classroom valuable tool for both teachers and quality assurers to monitor
management practices. This implies that while there is the effectiveness of instructional approaches. However, the

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1820

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

study revealed that due to heavy workloads, some physics The students also were asked to respond on the Extent
teachers are unable to plan effectively, resulting in Teacher’s Portfolio Help in Reflecting Teaching Strategies in
inconsistencies in document preparation. Additionally, the Teaching and Learning of Physics Subject in Public
portfolios are not well-organized, making it difficult for Secondary Schools in the Moshi District Council and their
teachers to track student progress and utilize them as intended. responses were presented in Table 3.
These challenges hinder the full potential of portfolios as a
means to enhance reflection in Physics teaching strategies.

Table 3 Students (STs) Responses on The Extent Teacher’s Portfolio Help in Reflecting Teaching Strategies in Teaching and
Learning of Physics Subject in Public Secondary Schools in the Moshi District Council, Tanzania (n=338)
f % f % f % f % f %
i.The teacher explains what students will learn in a 0 0.0 10 3.0 9 2.7 83 24.6 236 69.8 4.61
physics lesson and why it's important to students.
ii.The teacher helps to clear up any wrong idea’s 0 0.0 7 2.1 17 5.0 168 49.7 146 43.2
students might have about physics subject. 4.34
iii.The teacher uses really good ways to teach physics 6 1.8 9 2.7 12 3.6 95 28.1 216 63.9
that make it easy to understand. 4.50
iv.The teacher uses different ways to teach physics, like 9 2.7 10 3.0 20 5.9 180 53.3 119 35.2
doing experiments and showing videos. 4.15
v.The teacher's teaching methods make students feel 0 0.0 3 0.9 21 6.2 114 33.7 200 59.2 4.51
creative and think of new ideas in physics.
vi.The teacher uses technology, like computers and 0 0.0 17 5.0 12 3.6 63 18.6 246 72.8 4.59
tablets, to teach physics in a simple way.
vii.The teacher talks with the students and asks them 0 0.0 6 1.8 17 5.0 70 20.7 245 72.5 4.64
questions to make physics class more interesting.
viii.The teacher uses real-world examples and 0 0.0 1 0.3 9 2.7 216 63.9 112 33.1 4.30
applications in teaching physics
ix.The teacher helps students learn physics by teaching 0 0.0 3 0.9 10 3.0 157 46.4 168 49.7 4.45
them how to solve problems step by step.
x.The teacher lets students do simple experiments with 0 0.0 0 0.0 5 1.5 79 23.4 254 75.1 4.74
their hands to learn physics.
Grand Mean 4.58
Source: Field Data (2024) 1=Very Small Extent (VSE), 2= Small Extent (SE), 3=Moderate Extent (ME), 4=Large Extent (LE),
5=Very Large Extent (VLE), F=frequencies, P=Percentages.

Data in Table 3 indicates that an overwhelming majority We emphasize the importance of teachers clearly
(94.4%) of students rated that the teacher explains what articulating the learning objectives in physics lessons and their
students will learn in the physics lesson and why it's important relevance to students. This practice is fundamental to ensuring
to them to a large extent and very large extent. In contrast, a that students understand the purpose and goals of each lesson.
small minority (3.0%) of students rated this aspect to a Our teachers use various strategies, such as outlining learning
moderate extent. The mean score is 4.61, indicating a highly outcomes at the beginning of class, connecting concepts to
positive perception among students regarding the clarity and real-world applications, and engaging students in discussions
significance of lesson objectives explained by their teachers. about why understanding these principles is essential for their
This implies that most students appreciate and benefit from future academic and personal growth (Personal
understanding the relevance of their physics lessons, which communication with HoS “11” April, 2024).
likely contributes to their engagement and learning outcomes.
This appears to be a key strength that fosters student
engagement, supports learning, and reflects the teachers'
commitment to effective instructional practices. Maintaining
this level of clarity and relevance is likely a critical factor in
the students' physics learning experience and outcomes.  Another head of school “6” commented:
During face-to-face interview with the heads of schools about Our physics teacher understands the importance of
teacher explains what students will learn in the physics lesson making the subject relevant for students. Their portfolio likely
and why it's important to them, the head of school “11” said: contains a wealth of lesson plans that prioritize explaining the
"why" behind the "what." Physics education goes beyond just

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1821

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

memorizing formulas. It's about fostering understanding and multimedia presentations to make complex physics concepts
engagement. By capturing this approach in their portfolios, accessible to students. These methods not only engage
the teacher showcases a valuable strategy (Personal students actively in the learning process but also cater to
communication with HoS “6”: March 25, 2024). diverse learning styles, ensuring that all students have the
opportunity to grasp and apply physics principles effectively
Information from the interviews implies a shared (Personal communication with HoS “7”: March 15, 2024).
commitment among the heads of school "6" to ensuring that
physics teachers effectively communicate lesson objectives Evidence from the interview infers that effective
and their relevance to students. This commitment is reflected teaching methods play a crucial role in science education,
in their emphasis on strategies such as outlining learning especially in physics. The feedback from students suggests
outcomes, connecting concepts to real-world applications, and that the teacher's physics portfolio likely demonstrates a
fostering discussions about the broader significance of physics commitment to providing clear explanations and engaging
principles. This approach aims to foster understanding and activities in instruction. This emphasis on clear and engaging
engagement among students by emphasizing the "why" behind teaching strategies reflected in the portfolio indicates a
the "what" in physics education. By capturing this student- proactive approach by the teacher to ensure that students
centered and explanatory approach in their portfolios, the receive comprehensible explanations and interactive learning
teacher demonstrates a valuable strategy that enhances the experiences, ultimately fostering success in understanding
learning experience and promotes deeper comprehension of complex physics concepts. The findings of the study are
physics principles. These findings of the study are in line with consistent with those by Geelan (2019), who affirmed that
the study by Chao, (2023) who affirmed that, cultivating teachers who exemplify high-quality physics teaching
students' ability in junior high school physics teaching can contribute to high-quality understanding in students. Effective
strengthen discipline thinking and improve teaching teaching practices in physics, characterized by clarity,
effectiveness. Empowering students with strong foundational engagement, and depth of understanding, significantly
skills in physics not only enhances their academic enhance students' comprehension and mastery of the subject
performance but also enriches their overall learning matter.
experience by fostering critical thinking and analytical skills
essential for future academic success. Data in Table 2 indicates that a vast majority (88.5%) of
students rated that the teacher uses various methods to teach
Data in Table 3 indicates that an overwhelming majority physics, such as conducting experiments and showing videos,
(92%) of students rated that the teacher uses highly effective to a large extent and very large extent. In contrast, a small
methods to teach physics, making it easy to understand to a minority (5.7%) of students rated this aspect to a moderate
large extent and very large extent. In contrast, a very small extent. The mean score is 4.15, suggesting a strong consensus
minority (4.5%) of students rated this aspect to a moderate among students regarding the effectiveness and diversity of
extent. The mean score is 4.50, suggesting that most students teaching methods employed. This implies that most students
perceive the instructional approaches in physics as clear and perceive the use of experiments and multimedia presentations
accessible, which likely contributes to enhanced learning as beneficial, likely enhancing their engagement and
outcomes and overall satisfaction with their educational understanding of physics concepts. The teachers are not
experience. The strong student agreement points to the relying on a single, one-size-fits-all teaching method, but
teachers' mastery of pedagogical techniques that facilitate rather drawing from a toolkit of different techniques. This
meaningful, engaged learning of physics. This foundation of caters to diverse learning preferences and styles within the
clarity and relevance likely contributes significantly to the student population. During the face-to-face interview with
students' overall physics learning experience and outcomes. heads of schools about teachers uses various methods to teach
The researcher during a face-to-face interview with DSQA physics, such as conducting experiments and showing video,
had this to say: the head of school “8” commented that:

Teaching methods are essential for effective science … we prioritize hands-on learning experiences in physics
education, especially in a subject like physics. Imagine a education. Our teachers actively engage students by
student confronted with a barrage of complex physics conducting experiments that demonstrate theoretical concepts
concepts without clear explanations or engaging activities. in action. Additionally, they incorporate multimedia resources
That would not be a recipe for success. Feedback from like videos and simulations to provide visual and interactive
students indicates that the Physics teacher's portfolio likely representations of complex physics principles. By utilizing
reflects a commitment to providing clear and engaging these diverse methods, our teachers cater to different learning
instruction (DSQA personal communication, April 24, 2024). styles and enhance students' understanding through
experiential and visual learning (Personal communication with
 The head of school “7” also shared: HoS “8”: April 17, 2024).
Our teachers utilize a variety of strategies such as
interactive demonstrations, hands-on experiments, and  Another head of school “9” shared:

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1822

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

Think back to your own school days. Did you ever have … we recognize the importance of utilizing technology
a subject where the teacher just talked and talked? It wouldn't to facilitate learning in physics. Our teachers utilize computers
be very inspiring, would it? Our physics teacher understands and tablets to deliver interactive lectures, access online
the importance of keeping students actively involved. Their databases for research, and collaborate on projects using
portfolio likely showcases a treasure trove of diverse teaching digital platforms. These technological tools not only support
methods (Personal communication with HoS “9”: April 18, personalized learning but also empower students to explore
2024). physics concepts through hands-on activities and digital
simulations, enhancing their understanding and application of
The information from the interview implies that the scientific principles (Personal communication with HoS “12”:
physics teacher values student engagement and employs April 23, 2024).
diverse teaching methods to keep students actively involved in
the learning process. By acknowledging the importance of The information from the interviews implies a strong
interactive and varied teaching approaches, the teacher's endorsement of technology integration in physics education
portfolio likely reflects a range of strategies aimed at across both schools. These insights suggest a shared goal of
enhancing student participation and interest in physics. This leveraging technology to enrich student engagement, deepen
approach suggests a commitment to creating an inspiring and understanding, and foster application of scientific principles in
dynamic learning environment where students are actively physics education. This emphasis on technology aligns with
engaged and motivated to participate in their own learning the study by Masatu et al. (2022), which similarly underscores
experiences These findings of the study are consistent with the benefits of using digital tools to enrich learning
those of Hua (2018), who affirmed that students prefer experiences and support personalized learning in physics
instructional videos featuring the teacher's hands, and these education.
videos can enhance their success in passing introductory
physics courses. Hua's research underscores the effectiveness The data from Table 2 reveals that an overwhelming
of visual learning tools, such as videos that demonstrate majority (96.1%) of students rated that the teacher assists in
physical concepts through direct manipulation and explanation learning physics by teaching them step-by-step problem-
by the teacher. solving methods to a large extent and very large extent. In
contrast, a minimal minority (0.9%) of students rated this
Data in Table 2 Indicates that, an extremely majority aspect to a moderate extent. The mean score of 4.45 indicates
(91.4%) of students rated that the teacher uses technology, like a strong consensus among students regarding the effectiveness
computers and tablets, to teach physics in a simple way to a of the teacher's approach in guiding them through problem-
large extent and very large extent. Conversely, extremely solving processes. This high rating suggests that most students
minority (5.0%) of students rated that the teacher uses perceive the step-by-step method as beneficial, likely
technology, like computers and tablets, to teach physics in a enhancing their understanding and proficiency in tackling
simple way. The mean score of 4.59 indicates most students physics problems systematically. The step-by-step guidance
perceive the use of computers and tablets as beneficial, likely likely goes beyond just teaching rote algorithms. It helps
enhancing their understanding and engagement with physics students develop a deeper, more holistic comprehension of the
concepts through interactive and innovative learning underlying physics principles and the logic behind the
experiences. This suggests that students highly value and problem-solving process. The researcher during a face-to-face
appreciate teachers who leverage technology, such as interview with DSQA had this to say:
computers and tablets, to simplify the teaching of physics. The
majority of students acknowledge the effectiveness of Problem-solving approach are a key part of our focus on
integrating technology into their learning experience, student success in our schools. These portfolios empower our
enhancing their understanding of physics concepts. During the teachers to be masters of their craft, ensuring they have the
face to face interview with head of school “10” shared: tools and approaches needed to create confident problem-
solvers in the exciting world of physics (DSQAO, personal
I embrace the integration of technology in physics communication, April 24, 2024).
education as a means to enhance learning experiences. Our
teachers leverage computers and tablets to present interactive  The head of school “11” shared:
simulations, virtual labs, and multimedia resources that make I recognize the value of teaching step-by-step problem-
complex physics concepts more accessible and solving methods in physics education. Our teachers provide
comprehensible to students. By using technology effectively, clear explanations and demonstrations that outline each stage
our teachers create dynamic lessons that cater to diverse of problem-solving processes. By scaffolding learning
learning styles and foster deeper engagement with the subject experiences, our teachers support students in applying
matter (Personal communication with HoS “10”: April 19, theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, enhancing their
2024). problem-solving abilities and promoting analytical thinking in
physics (HoS 11, personal communication, April 22, 2024).
 Another head of school “12” said:

IJISRT24AUG943 www.ijisrt.com 1823

Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165 https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG943

The statement implies that problem-solving approaches reflection.

are integral to the focus on student success in schools. The
portfolios provided to teachers serve as tools to enhance their VI. CONCLUSION
skills and expertise, empowering them to cultivate confident
problem-solvers in the field of physics. By emphasizing Based on the findings, the researcher concludes that
problem-solving skills and providing teachers with the teachers' portfolios are effective in planning and delivering the
necessary tools and approaches through portfolios, the physics subject, as they help in organizing and prioritizing
educational institutions aim to equip students with the instructional content, thereby enhancing teaching effectiveness
capabilities to tackle challenges and excel in the dynamic and improving the overall quality of the subject. However, the
realm of physics. The finding of the study are in line with study also reveals that while teachers tend to prepare various
those by Ernita, (2022) who affirmed that, a participatory documents to support the teaching and learning of physics, the
learning model using critical problem-solving techniques improper organization and utilization of the portfolio remains
significantly impacts students' learning achievement in a significant challenge. This shortcoming limits the potential
physics. for providing meaningful and constructive feedback to
students, ultimately posing a threat to their overall physics
Generally, the data in Tables 1 and 2 indicate that the achievement.
grand mean scores for teachers and students are 4.50 and 4.58
respectively, which implies that teacher portfolios help in RECOMMENDATION
reflecting teaching strategies in the teaching and learning of
physics in public secondary schools in the Moshi District Based on the conclusions, the study recommended that,
Council, Tanzania to a large extent as indicated by the average The School Quality Assurer should put more emphasis on the
grand mean (4.54) for students and teachers. Teachers rated proper organization of portfolio documents. Additionally, the
portfolios as potential tools for clearly demonstrating their Government through the Ministry of Education should
teaching strategies, accurately representing their instructional conduct capacity-building training for physics teachers on how
approaches, and displaying a variety of teaching and learning to organize and utilize portfolios. Furthermore, physics
strategies. Contrary, the study underscores improper teachers should familiarize themselves with and utilize
organization of portfolio that distorts its significant role in portfolios to provide proper feedback and track the learning
capturing the progression of teaching throughout periodically. progress of their students. Finally, Heads of Schools should
This hampers the process of analyzing the effectiveness of monitor and report on the resources needed for the preparation
teaching and learning strategies, integrating technology, and and compilation of portfolios to enable effective tracking of
promoting active learning techniques among Physics students. student learning progress.
It was also noted that, there are indications of varying
perspectives among students on certain aspects, such as the REFERENCES
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