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Climate Change and Water Crisis in Pakistan

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Climate Change and Water Crises in Pakistan: Implications on Water Quality

and Health Risks

Article in Journal of Environmental and Public Health · November 2022

DOI: 10.1155/2022/5484561


20 884

3 authors, including:

Waseem Ishaque Rida Tanvir

National University of Modern Languages National University of Modern Languages


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Journal of Environmental and Public Health
Volume 2022, Article ID 5484561, 12 pages

Research Article
Climate Change and Water Crises in Pakistan: Implications on
Water Quality and Health Risks

Waseem Ishaque ,1 Rida Tanvir ,2 and Mudassir Mukhtar 3

Director Area Study Centre (China), NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of International Relations, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan
HoD Media and Communication Studies, NUML, Islamabad, Pakistan

Correspondence should be addressed to Waseem Ishaque; [email protected]

Received 24 September 2022; Accepted 7 October 2022; Published 22 November 2022

Academic Editor: Muhammad Tayyab Sohail

Copyright © 2022 Waseem Ishaque et al. Tis is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.

Pakistan is vulnerable and most afected by adverse impacts of climate change. Te study examines the impact of climate change
on Pakistan during the year 2022, resulting into unprecedented heatwave and drought in summers followed by the abnormal rains
and foods during monsoon season. Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan’s economy, which has been devastated by both
drought and foods. While the food water is gradually receding, the stagnant contaminated water is causing several health risks for
the inhabitants. Tis research argues that water security is the emerging national security challenge for Pakistan. Te article
investigates the status of water availability vis-a-vis the burgeoning population, agriculture, and other uses of water. Impact of
abnormal melting of glaciers, nonavailability of dams for storage of rainwater, and lack of smart means for agriculture water have
been examined to empirically validate the arguments.

1. Introduction water security issues around the globe, and threatens food
security, agricultural yield, food supply, and prices with
Climate change has become international buzzword today serious implications on sustainable development, poverty,
and it is “no longer an unfamiliar term, which can be and inequality. Te UNICEF warns about the availability
comprehended through personal knowledge, experience, and use of water in a nicely crafted statement that “the world
and interactions” [1]. Te phenomenon of climate change is needs to get water smart, and everyone has to realize that
largely attributed to human induced actions, more specif- they have a role to play, and we cannot aford to wait” [5].
cally in terms of emissions of greenhouse gases in the at- Te “climate change is happening right now, and its efects
mosphere [2]. Terefore, the phenomena of climate change are being felt around the world” [6].
are producing many threats on the Earth surface, ranging Pakistan is vulnerable to the negative consequences of
from droughts, heavy precipitation, and heatwaves to un- climate change, therefore, susceptible to unusual weather
precedented tropical cyclones [3]. All these disasters have patterns, which can create strategic challenges [7]. Te rising
varying degree of impact over diferent geographical zones, temperatures are causing rapid melting of glaciers in
resulting into environmental, health, economic, and social northern areas and unusual rains as seen in monsoon this
impact. Tere is no denying the fact that the world we live in year have created mayhem through foods, unprecedented in
today is far more vulnerable and afected by the negative Pakistan’s history in last 30 years. United Nations Secretary
impacts of climate change. However, the greatest health General Antonio Guterres stated that Pakistan is facing “the
impact is being witnessed in the countries which have least unrelenting efects of epochal levels of rains and fooding”
share in greenhouse emissions [4]. Tere is also strong [8]. Te men and material losses are enormous and there-
realization to attend to climate emergency, which is causing fore, Pakistan is likely to face water crisis, food shortages,
2 Journal of Environmental and Public Health

and serious implications for human security. Reacting to the

recent food situation in Pakistan, the Finance Minister Mr
Miftah Ismail stated that “Pakistan is dealing with the worst
efects of the climate change, which has caused over US$ 30
billion loss to Pakistan’s economy and displacing 33 million
people” [9]. Tis study explores the impacts of climate 8%
change on the availability, usage, and storage of water in 23%
Pakistan. Te drought and foods of year 2022 have been
taken as case study for analyzing the impacts of climate
change across Pakistan by sampling both rural and urban
areas. Figure 1 shows the sectoral usage of available water in

2. Materials and Methods

Te year 2022 is unprecedented in Pakistan’s history of last
three decades. Te summers produced extreme tempera-
tures which resulted in unusual melting of glaciers in
northern areas of Pakistan resulting in partial collapse of
bridge near Hassanabad in Hunza [10] as shown in Figure 2.
Later, the exceptional monsoon rains produced ex-
traordinary foods across the country, with huge men and Industry
material losses. Te evolving trends indicate that Pakistan is Agriculture
most vulnerable to climate change. Te foods have devas- Domestic Use
tated the agriculture, livestock, and infrastructure. Te loss
to national economy is estimated at US$ 30 billion [11]. Te Figure 1: Sectoral distribution of water consumption in Pakistan.
survey and data analyses of past two and half decades reveal
that Pakistan confronted from absolute dry and drought
situations to devastating foods to the extent of witnessing emission is causing to the ozone layer. Te growing de-
both phenomenon in one calendar year as happening in the pletion of the ozone layer is resulting in increased Ultraviolet
ongoing year 2022. Te study has been completed by (UV) radiations level on the surface of Earth, which has
considering drought and foods data from primary and detrimental impact on human health resulting in cancer and
secondary sources with particular focus on this year. Te weak immune system [14]. Tese UV radiations have dev-
feld visits to rural and urban areas of Sindh, Khyber Pak- astating efect on the agriculture sector as well due to low
htunkhwa (KPK), and Baluchistan were conducted for yield of the crops [15]. Scientists have been talking about the
obtaining the frst-hand information and data on the im- infamous “black hole” in the Antarctic region for years. But
pacts of food situation. Te relevant ofcials in the ministry the recent research in the year 2022 has discovered a hole in
of climate change and meteorological ofces were also the Tropics (Tropics are the regions of the Earth near the
interviewed and their views have been incorporated in the equator) which is seven times bigger than the Antarctic
study for developing a comprehensive picture, conducting region [16]. Te more alarming situation is that, despite all
rationale analyses, and arriving at workable fndings. Te this, the industrialized countries are less concerned by the
study is very contemporary and relevant and expected to deteriorating ozone and increase in global warming. Various
provide valuable policy guidelines to relevant government protocols and initiatives like Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen
ministries in Pakistan as they are grappling with the ongoing accord, and Paris accord had been initiated by the United
food situation and rehabilitation process. Figure 3 high- Nations Framework on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Due to
lights the vulnerability of Pakistan to climate change risks in the Sovereign status of the global order, these agreements
the global context, which has been explored further in the were not a binding, therefore, the industrial powers con-
study to empirically prove the vulnerabilities and risks. tributing the most carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases to
the environment withdrew from these accords as it did not
3. Findings serve their economic interests. Te major global contribu-
tors of the CO2 emissions are given in Figure 4:
3.1. Deciphering the Impact of Climate Change on Pakistan. Figure 4 gives an account for the 10 most polluted countries
Climate remains the most debated yet least addressed issue in the world as of 2020. However, China remains leading in that
for decades. World leaders have often joined heads to tackle aspect in the year 2022 as well. United States remain on second
this global phenomenon but with little to no success. From number with 4.4 billion tons of CO2 emissions, while India is
motivational speeches to documentaries and movies on the third producing 2.3 billion tons of CO2.
efects of climate change on the Earth has been narrated time According to Figure 5, the above countries might not
and again but to no avail [13]. Te developed countries appear as the top 10 global CO2 contributors, but they fall in
remain aloof of devastating efects of greenhouse gas the top 10 per capita CO2 contributors, due to their large-
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 3

Figure 2: Partial collapse of Hassanabad bridge.

Global Climate
Index 2021
1 Puerto Rico
2 Myanmar
3 Haiti
4 Philippine
5 Mozambique
6 Te Bahamas
7 Bangladesh
8 Pakistan
9 Tailand
10 Nepal

1-10 11-20 21-50 51-100 100

Figure 3: Climate risk indexing and Pakistan’s vulnerability [12].

4 Journal of Environmental and Public Health











China United States India Russia Japan Iran Germany South Korea Saudi Arabia Canada

Figure 4: 10 most polluted countries as of 2020 [17].








Qatar Quwait Saudi Arabia Canada United States Germany China Spain France Tailand

Figure 5: 10 most polluting countries per capita 2022 [18].

scale reliance on oil and small number of populations. 3.2. Examination of Water Calamities in Pakistan. Water is
United Nations Secretary General Mr Antonio Gutters paid an essential need for ecosystem and human life. In recent
an ofcial visit to Pakistan on 9-10 September 2002 to show times, it has been a growing concern that “precious blue” is
solidarity to food victims and assess the devastations becoming inadequate resource for future of human survival
through feld visits and ofcial briefngs. He stated that the [23]. Te amount of fresh water has remained constant on
“nature has attacked Pakistan, which contributes less than Earth surface since last 100 years; however, the access to
1% of global emissions” [19] while facing the consequences water resources is unbalanced [24] with the rapid population
of developed countries emissions and pollution of climate. growth, urbanization, and deforestation. Similarly, other
He further added that “it was outrageous that action to issues, such as technological waste, growing industrializa-
reduce greenhouse gas emissions was being put on the back tion, global warming, and climate change, all are among the
burner, today it is Pakistan and tomorrow, it could be your key contributing factors for extreme water scarcity [25].
country” [20], pointing toward industrialized countries. Te Although the water scarcity has emerged as a global chal-
Global Climate Index (GCI) 2021 has also vindicated lenge today, it has severely hit the underdeveloped countries
Pakistan’s vulnerabilities to climate risks as shown in Table 1 like Pakistan with serious implications on all sectors.
below, where Pakistan stands number 8 [21] in the vul- Pakistan stands among top 10 severely “high water risk
nerability Index. Te analysis presented highlights the severe countries” with agriculture as most afected sector [26].
impacts of climate change on Pakistan ranging from extreme Moreover, roughly 80% of the population is facing grave
heat and drought to dreadful foods. [22]. shortage of water during at least 1 month in a year which is
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 5

Table 1: Global climate index 2021 [22].

Cri Fatalities per 100000 Losses in millions Losses per unit Number of events
2019 Country Fatalities
score inhabitants US$ PPP GDP in % 2000–2019
1 (1) Puerto Rico 7.17 149.85 4.12 4149.98 3.66 24
2 (2) Myanmar 10.00 7056.45 14.35 1512.11 0.80 57
3 (3) Haiti 13.67 274.05 2.78 392.54 2.30 80
4 (4) Philippine 18.17 859.35 0.93 3179.12 0.54 317
5 (14) Mozambique 25.83 125.40 0.52 303.03 1.33 57
6 (20) Te Bahamas 27.67 5.35 1.56 426.88 3.88 13
7 (7) Bangladesh 28.33 572.50 0.38 1860.04 0.41 185
8 (5) Pakistan 29.00 502.45 0.30 3771.91 0.52 173
9 (8) Tailand 29.83 137.75 0.21 7719.15 0.82 146
10 (9) Nepal 31.33 217.15 0.82 233.06 0.39 191

very alarming. Under scarce surface water, ground water of global warming have reached Pakistan in a sweeping
resources (last resort to water supply) are being over utilized. manner [34]. Te issue that industrialized countries failed to
If appropriate measures are not initiated in time with “whole realize that the environment does not belong to a single
of nation” and “whole of government” approach, the situ- country and when one country damages the ozone layer, the
ation would get worse in time to come and the entire country entire world would pay the price for that. Te year 2022 was
will face the severe crises of water scarcity by 2025, by most one such year for Pakistan when the efects of climate change
projections “Pakistan could run dry” [27]. Te evolving brought heavy rainfalls in Pakistan resulting in major loss of
situation has serious implications on the national security of lives, infrastructural damage, and massive economic losses
Pakistan, as it will create challenges for sustainable agri- to the tune of US$ 30 billion [35]. Te NASA issued satellite
culture production which contributes around 23% of imagery on the food situation in Pakistan, which is given in
Pakistan’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and creates job Figure 7.
opportunities for around 42% of population [28]. According Torrential rainfall and fooding have wreaked havoc
to the report published by Pakistan Institute of Development across Pakistan killing over 1600 people including children
Economics (PIDE), Pakistan ranks 14th out of 17 very high- and destroying infrastructure. According to statement given
risk countries afected by water scarcity, as more than 1/3rd by Sherry Rehman Minister for Climate Change: “One third
of available water is wasted due to bad management [29]. of the country is literally under water, a catastrophe of
Since 1962, after the formalization of Indus Water Treaty unknown precedent” Te data are given in Table 2 and
(IWT) with India, per inhabitant water availability has Figure 8. Terefore, the devastating foods caused by un-
plummeted from 5229 cubic meters to about 1187 in 2017, precedented impact of climate change have hit Pakistan the
which is continuously on the downward slide [30]. Te latest most this year seriously impacting all the sectors of economy
UN report on Pakistan’s growing population indicates that and society [36].
by 2050, the population is likely to exceed 366 million [31],
which will compound the water demand, which is predicted
to reach 274-million-acre feet (MAF) by 2025 against 3.4. Analysis on Drinking Water Quality in Pakistan. Te
available water supply of 191 MAF. Tis demand and supply quality of available drinking water in Pakistan is in a
gap would continue to grow year on year basis due to growing dreadful state. Both surface and subsurface water sources are
population and bad water management [32]. Figure 6 shows contaminated and disease prone [37] in major cities as well
graphical representation of expected water situation in as rural areas. In the overall context, per capita the avail-
Pakistan by 2025 viz-a-viz the population [33]. ability of water is decreasing precipitously in Pakistan, and
the country is ranked as “water stressed” country and fast
heading toward “water scarce” country in coming few years
3.3. Analysis on Flood Devastations in Pakistan in Year 2022. [38]. Te evolving situation also creates challenges for
Most of Pakistan’s economy is dependent on the agricultural availability of water for agricultural production, and daily
sector; however, the industrial sector also contributes a great usage requirements, therefore intensifying the human se-
deal to the economic growth of Pakistan. Te growing curity issues in Pakistan [39]. Water pollution is the most
population is directly impacting the environment as the common word today in Pakistan, which can be ascribed to
number of vehicles on roads and the number of industries to numerous aspects afecting quality of available water [40].
accommodate these individuals will also increase. Te Te common causes are an upsurge in the atmospheric
population of Pakistan at the time of independence was 32.5 temperatures, with an inbuilt tendency to take heat to the
million; however, as per the 2021 census, the population has threshold of drinking water, microbes, organic chemicals,
increased to 225 million. Although, Pakistan remains sig- nutrients, and heavy metals [41]. Te research fndings have
nifcantly low on the global CO2 emissions list, yet the efects discovered other factors as well afecting water quality,
6 Journal of Environmental and Public Health

6000 300

Water availability (m3 /capita) 5000 250

Population (millions)
4000 200

3000 150

2000 100

1000 50

0 0
1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2000 2005 2013 2025
Axis Title

Per Capita Water stress line Absolute scarcity line

Population Water scarcity line
Figure 6: Water availability in Pakistan by 2025 taken from Dr Muhammad Ashraf’s research report.

Figure 7: NASA satellite imagery of foods in Pakistan, September 01, 2022.

Table 2: Province wise loss sufered because of heavy rain fall [36].
Province Death toll Fully damaged Injured Economic loss
Punjab 188 16,590 houses 2023 Agricultural
Baluchistan 253 17,608 houses 164 Agricultural
Sindh 422 307,306 houses 1101 Agricultural
KPK 264 30,233 houses 327 Agricultural
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 7

Figure 8: Flood devastation in Swat (KPK) and Baluchistan.

which include surface debris, sporadic water supply, im- situation is even challenging when viewed in the context of
proper discharge of water supply, proximity of sewage water availability of only two major dams in Pakistan, Tarbela, and
to drinking water lines, industrial waste which has now Mangla which were constructed in late 1960s and 1970s;
become very common in almost all major cities in Pakistan, however, “their capacities are reducing due to silting.” While
discharge of untreated sewage water and highly incompetent construction of new dams is highly politicized, charged with
technical workers and service providers on water disposal massive outrage from political parties and masses, therefore,
projects [42]. Te pollution of water due to geological and not likely to happen in near future. It is expected that the
natural factors depends on the presence of diferent availability of less water is likely to increase food shortages
chemicals and their concentration in the geological for- and create confict among the federating units and the
mations in selected areas, while anthropogenic pollution is federation. Similarly, the negative impacts of climate change
caused by extensive use of herbicides and pesticides, coal can cause melting glaciers and unusual pattern of rains,
mining, oil refning, careless disposal of garbage, and septic which may lead to fooding as we are witnessing in year 2022.
tanks [43]. Because of such developments, fresh drinking
water is available to hardly 20% of population, while 80%
3.6. Food Security. Te Indus Basin, which is the bedrock of
population is content with drinking of contaminated water
agriculture support in Pakistan is seriously threatened by the
[44]. Te recent foods have further aggravated the situation
negative impacts of climate change. Te changing weather
as vast swaths of land in Pakistan is still under water, which
patterns may result in the reduction of crops yield “(15–20%
is now contaminated causing several health issues. Te
in cereals) and livestock (20–30%)” [48], impacting nega-
ongoing situation has also impurifed subsurface drinking
tively the dairy and poultry as the agriculture and livestock
water due to seepage of contaminated food water deep in
sectors are the “backbone of Pakistan’s economy, which
Earth, and government’s inability for efective disposal of
contributes 23% to GDP and accounts 60% exports of
sewage water.
country” [49]. Te food security is vulnerable to climate
change due to reduction in crops and adversarial infuences
3.5. Water Security. Food and energy security is directly on livestock. Reduced water in real harvesting season is
infuenced by water security for agrarian society like Paki- changing the crops patterns and the lands are vulnerable to
stan, which contributes more than 23% in national GDP. droughts and fooding as well, which also create massive
Agriculture is the backbone of Pakistan as it employs more migrations. Te devastations of ongoing foods have created
than 40 million population and guarantor of breadbasket of serious food shortages in Pakistan and infation is also all
the country. Terefore, “the loss of major river systems in the time high. Pakistan’s Prime Minister has already rung the
past had a domino efect on the thriving civilizations, which alarm bells by stating that Pakistan is vulnerable to serious
became extinct one after the other” [45]. Pakistan is tran- food shortage, and it is feared that essential food items may
sitioning from water strained country with declining “per be imported this year and next year as all cultivable lands are
capita fresh drinking water, which is less than 1800 cubic under water [50].
meters per year (m3/y) to water scarce country (per capita
less than 1000 m3/y)” projected by 2035 [46]. Similarly, river 3.7. Implications of Climate Change on the National Mosaic of
water also receding to 800 m3/y is expected in 2026 due to Pakistan
growing population. Terefore, “water security is emerging
threat for Pakistan” [47]. Pakistan is a lower riparian state 3.7.1. Competition over Water Resources. Agriculture-based
reliant on the nature and other countries for river’s water. economies are heavily dependent on the natural resources of
India has constructed more than ffty big and small dams on the state. Tis is extremely critical situation for the state to
the rivers coming to Pakistan, which are a constant source of cope with the needs of the masses and economic challenges
irritation in the bilateral relations and vital for Pakistan’s when there is a scarcity of sustainable renewable and
water and energy security. Similarly, Afghanistan is also nonrenewable resources. Countries like Pakistan where
considering construction of dams on Kabul River, which is socioeconomic challenges, such as rising population, lack of
likely to create two front dilemmas for Pakistan. Te political will, internal security issues, urbanization, lack of
8 Journal of Environmental and Public Health







1930 1950 1970 1990 2010 2030 2050
Figure 9: Per capita availability of water reservoirs in Pakistan [52].

public policies for managing population, and natural re- approach between demand and supply of available water, the
sources are growing at a faster pace as compared with its population is incentivized for illegal water proliferation. Te
economic growth. Even the geographical position of the state tacit approval from the water management departments has
near the equator is unable to supplement its growing needs resulted in water theft cases mostly in Southern Punjab and
and demands. It is an alarming situation for the Pakistan that interior Sindh, as there are many illegal drillings, hidden
in the presence of other socioeconomic challenges, the drastic pipelines, and unrecorded water connections from main
impacts of climate change have also increased its economic supply lines. Such illegal water channels mostly exist adjacent
and political challenges, while the insufciency of water to sanitation systems in cities and rural areas, contaminating
reservoirs is creating serious concerns of inter-provincial the available water. Te increase in anthropogenic activities is
disharmony. Te rising population has not only afected the also causing water stress on natural reservoirs.
quantity of water reservoirs but has also depleted the quality Another reason of growing water scarcity is unlawful
in the same manner. Te increase in anthropogenic activities construction and sanitation systems near or over the water
is causing water stress on natural reservoirs, while since in- channels, which continuously contaminate water, especially
dependence in 1947, the country is facing persistent decline in during foods blend these altogether. Te role of adminis-
the availability of water year on year basis due to multitude of tration is highly crucial in this matter to control such cata-
factors examined above. According to the estimates of Mr. strophic constructions and lessen the pressure on water
Jamshed Iqbal Cheema, Chairman Pakistan Agriculture consumption. Te unprotected constructions along rivers,
Scientists Association (PASA), in 1947, the capita water lakes, and streams often cause blockage of natural water
availability was 5600 cubic meters, which decreased by 406% channels particularly in monsoon and rainy season resulting
from 5260 cubic meters in 1951 to 1038 cubic meters in 2010 into loss of lives, roads network, and infrastructure damage as
and 877 cubic meters in 2020. Te PASA estimates that the enormity of food damages to clean water channels is
available water will further deplete by 2025 to a level of 660 immeasurable. In 2010 foods, Pakistan witnessed unimag-
cubic meters and by 2050 will reach 575 cubic meters as inable losses as around 20 million people were victims, 1.7
shown in Figure 9 below [51]. million died, 436 healthcare centers were devastated, 80%
Te causes of water shortages in Pakistan exist in two food reserves were smashed, 2.9 million households were
types: (a) incidental causes related to poor water manage- severely damaged, nearly 1.1 million houses were damaged
ment policies at local level, (b) operational causes include the and $ 9.7 billion economic loss in 135 districts. While the
political conficts (over the water resources on provincial/ issues of accessing the safe water channels was still in demand
institutional level) and the societal diferences over water after food (96.8% before vs 96.7%). In year 2022 foods, these
management and distribution. Water issue is not only re- losses have increased manifolds and caused unprecedented
lated with the environmental degradation, but also linked damages to natural water resources. Around 33 million
with the social factors as abnormal population growth causes people are direct victims, death troll rising above 1500, while
a rise in demand of clean water resources, disturbance of 110 district of Baluchistan (Quetta, Pishin, Killa Saifullah,
equilibrium between communities, provinces, and water Nushki, Jafarabad, and Washuk), Punjab (Koh e Suleman
resources distribution. As Pakistan consists of multiple ranges, Rajanpur, D. G Khan), Sindh (Mirpur Khas, Tatta,
ethnicities and diversifed geographical terrain but compe- Sajawal, and Shaheed Benazir Abad) and Khyber Pak-
tition over the access of water resources has often created htunkhwa (Swat and lower/upper Dir) are declared as most
tensions and conficts among the federating units. Te calamity hit areas. While 30% water channels are severely
growing vulnerabilities of communities over the insuf- afected, and 63% food victims are struggling for sufcient
ciency of water reservoirs promote lawlessness, antistate clean water channels. Te economic losses sufered have been
sentiments and sense of deprivation among its own na- estimated to the tune of US$ 30 billion. Te analyses amply
tionals. Due to lack of strong monitoring mechanism over highlight the insufciency of available water and demand,
channelization of available water, for creating a balanced compounded by adverse efects of foods during this year.
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 9

3.7.2. Negative Impact on Agriculture Sector. Pakistan is Organization (WHO) report, approximately, 2.5 million
heavily relying on agricultural sector for its international deaths occur annually in Pakistan from widespread diarrheal
exports and domestic food demands, but in the presence of diseases caused by bacterial and protozoan agents present in
water crisis and conventional irrigation system for its ag- inferior quality of drinking water. Around 80% population is
ricultural production, the country will face severe challenges exposed to unsafe water as UNICEF Pakistan has also shared
of water scarcity in times to come. According to Global Food the alarming fact that the well-being and health standards of
and Security Index 2021, Pakistan ranked 80 out of 113 youngsters are at risk; therefore, each year, 53,000 children
countries [53] and Global Food and Security Index 2022, it under the age of 5 years lose their lives due to unhygienic
has further slipped by four numbers and now ranks 84 out of water as 70% of household work and domestic usage of water
113 countries [54]. Pakistan lags behind all South Asian in Pakistan is dependent on bacterial water sources. Te
countries in food insecurity. Te lack of progress in agri- foods of 2022 have compounded the problems of availability
cultural sector is also linked with the mismanagement of and access to clean drinking water. Te feld visits to rural
land and water resources, unsatisfactory policies of water and urban Sindh, KPK, and Baluchistan vindicated scarcity
governance, exponential population growth, and the nega- and contamination of drinking water, which has been re-
tive impacts of climate change. Pakistan has also failed to ported by several NGOs and media as well. Te stagnant
adopt new strategies like advanced water management in water has been contaminated due to mixing of sewage water
agricultural sector, usage of adaptation methods in yields and created ideal breading grounds for bacteria causing
productions to enhance water consumption in eco-friendly serious health risks. Nonavailability of compatible medical
manner, educate farmers about the water recycling and support, inaccessibility, and nondisposal of food water have
water productivity techniques. While water scarcity is a created many health risks and entire population in afected
highly charged political issue in Pakistan as there is a turf war areas is vulnerable to adverse efects of contaminated water.
between the provinces and the federation. However, Punjab In most areas, the disposal of food water is left to the nature
government took good initiative and introduced national and the government agencies have demonstrated inability to
water policy of Pakistan to ensure regularization of water manage it, therefore, spread of waterborne diseases will
governance system in the country. In the presence of fragile continue for prolonged period in future.
agriculture sector development, climate degradation impacts
have worsened the livelihood and yield production. 4. Policy Recommendations
Terefore, on a year-on-year basis, the agriculture yield is
squeezing, demand of water is increasing, and unplanned 4.1. Legislation for Interministerial Coordination. Te min-
urbanization is resulting into loss of precious agriculture istry of climate change should take a lead role and coordinate
land. Te overall impact of these issues is creating negative with all the provinces on the issues of water security. All
repercussions on agriculture production and aggravating related agencies and departments should work in harmony
food security situation in Pakistan. with this ministry for synergetic response. Similarly, in-
ternational engagements would be essential component for
successful policy implementation; therefore, Ministry of
3.7.3. Water Quality and Public Health Risks. Te avail- Foreign Afairs and Ministry of Climate Change should
ability of clean drinking water is biggest national security remove overlaps and avoid duplications wherever required.
challenge for Pakistan today. Te water proliferation and
loss of water supply sources from government record is not
only raising the administrative issues but also causing 4.2. Proper Enforcement of Legislation. “Pakistan Water
multiple public health problems. Te contamination of Apportionment Accord 1991” highlights the judicious dis-
water along with the presence of sanitary pipelines expose tribution of Indus River System (IRS) water among the
the population with the contagious and chronic diseases like federating units of Pakistan. However, this accord was
diarrhea, cholera, jaundice, typhoid, hepatitis C, liver cancer, unable to deal with the conficts arising due to unfair dis-
and gastrointestinal infections. Te water scarcity in Paki- tribution of water at times. To resolve this issue, “Indus River
stan has enormous impact on health care system as well as System Authority” (IRSA) was established in 1992 [55],
the country is struggling with the diseases that are almost through an act of Parliament to work as an institution for
nonexistential in developed countries. Te signifcant Indus water resources regulation and monitoring in Paki-
fndings of this study are that in Pakistan, 50% diseases stan. However, the problems related to fair water distri-
spread through contaminated water and provide most bution, monitoring and installation system, and the
suitable medium of spread and transfer various bacterial and treatment plants lagged during the implementation phase.
viral infections from human to human or animals to human Tere always remained issues between Punjab and Sindh
as the country is facing the 40% of mortality rate caused by regarding unfair water theft. Despite establishment of
the contaminated water intake, while the frontline victims of “Council of Common Interest” (CCI) to resolve the griev-
waterborne diseases are pregnant women, newly born ances of provinces, but issues persist due to weak imple-
babies, and early teenage groups. It is also important to note mentation mechanism and weak governance. Te
that the primary source of water in Pakistan is sub-surface devolution of power under 18th amendment of the con-
water channels, which over a period have become the hub of stitution, devolved the water distribution among the rural
diferent variants of pathogens. According to World Health and urban areas of each province as an internal matter of the
10 Journal of Environmental and Public Health

provinces; however, water crises remain at large seriously 4.5. Climate Emergency and Disaster Response Mechanism.
impacting inter-provincial harmony. Te Pakistan Council Pakistan was successful in convincing the world leaders
of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) is assigned the during recently concluded United Nations General As-
task of ensuring clean drinking water across Pakistan. sembly (UNGA) sessions about vulnerabilities to climate
Implementation of water-related policies requires a great deal risks and the unprecedented impact during year 2022. UN
of realization and urgency on the part of the political elites of Secretary General Antoni Guterres and US President Joe
Pakistan. Te gravity of the issue needs to be addressed as a Biden personally appealed for help for Pakistan to alleviate
national emergency, otherwise, Pakistan is vulnerable to water the sufering and quick rehabilitation of food victims. It is
scarcity situations normally witnessed in African continent. suggested that Pakistan should consider climate diplomacy
as an urgent priority and initiate the process of engagement
at bilateral and multilateral levels with developed countries
to reduce the vulnerabilities and risks of climate change.
4.3. Judicious Distribution of Water. Being a lower riparian,
Additionally, the disaster response mechanism also needs to
Sindh is often complaining about the water shortage, es-
be re-energized with strong interagency coordination. Te
pecially in the pre-monsoon period each year. Te claims
existing structure of national and provincial disaster man-
made by Sindh government at numerous occasions re-
agement authorities should be reinforced through capacity
garding Punjab stealing its share of water have been denied
building and professional training. Appropriate equipment
by Indus River System Authority (IRSA). After the 18th
for rescue and relief operations also needs to be provided at
amendment, the allocation of resources to the provinces has
vulnerable sites for immediate response to save maximum
been ensured to be judicious; however, the internal distri-
lives. Te infrastructure development in food afected areas
bution of these resources to the rural and urban areas is the
should be expedited for which essential resources should be
responsibility of the provinces. Te IRSA is mandated to
mobilized well in time. Such preparations should be done
address, regulate, and develop standard operating proce-
and rehearsed every year during pre-monsoon season for
dures (SOPs) for water allocation to the provinces. Re-
synergetic and a beftting response to minimize reaction
grettably, each province has its own peculiarities in terms of
time and save maximum lives.
agricultural needs and population, therefore, making the
interpretation and implementation of the accord more
difcult. To resolve water distribution issues on sustainable 5. Conclusion
basis, the “whole of government approach” is recommended
Climate change is the evolving global threat, and Pakistan
along with on-site consultative visits by the representatives
is most vulnerable from its negative impacts. Te year
of provincial and federal governments and political leaders
2022 witnessed extreme drought on one hand, followed
for expeditious resolution of conficting issues. Creating
by unusual foods over the short span of 2-3 months.
unnecessary fault lines is detrimental to national integration,
Terefore, for Pakistan, alarm bells are ringing to take the
which should be avoided at all costs.
holistic stock of situation by declaring climate emergency
and adopt “whole of nation” and “whole of government”
approaches for a comprehensive response ensuring
4.4. Water Treatment Plants and Recycling of Water. strong interagency cooperation and capitalizing on the
Pakistan is in dire need of installing treatment plants as every synergetic application of all Elements of National Power
year, hospitals are fooded with patients, both adults and (EoNP) for optimum results. It is essential to integrate the
children sufering from diseases resulting from contami- respective departments under the umbrella of national
nated water. People living in both urban and rural areas are and provincial disaster response agencies for harmonious
exposed to contagions and microbial bacteria, which enter functioning, coordination, and execution. Tere is dire
the body through water, unsafe for drinking. Not everyone need to create strong national realization to “conserve,
in Pakistan can aford bottled water, therefore, it is the preserve, and proportionally distribute existing water
responsibility of the state to provide its citizens with safe resources” [57]. Moreover, smart means for spending
drinking water. As we know that Pakistan receives a major agriculture water and recycling of water for uses other
portion of heavy rains between the months of July to than drinking would be helpful as such practices have
September, where majority of rainwater ends up in rivers, been adopted by most of developed countries. Te con-
ponds, while the rest of it results in heavy foods of cities and struction of more water reservoirs is the need of time and
inhabitants. Te government through installation of treat- current foods across Pakistan are the testimony of this
ment plants can flter clean drinking water for ensuring fact. It is felt that this study shall help the relevant
public health. Similarly, more wastewater recycling plants government ministries as an academic policy input for
are the need of time, which should be installed at priority. In addressing water security issues in Pakistan on sustain-
rural areas, wastewater treatment is almost nonexistent, able basis.
leading to pollution of surface and groundwater [56]. Te
government should pay instantaneous attention to the Data Availability
evolving challenges of treatment of wastewater for sparing
clean water for drinking purposes and balanced delivery of Te data used to support the fndings of this study are in-
recycled water to other uses like irrigation. cluded within this article.
Journal of Environmental and Public Health 11

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