Building Thinking Classrooms
Building Thinking Classrooms
Building Thinking Classrooms
Chapter 1
Goal: Learn about the different types of tasks that you can use to build a
thinking classroom, where to fine them, and how to design your own.
Numeracy tasks
Issues with widely used word problems are that once decoded, mathematics
is a trivial part to solving. Curriculum tasks are often what students do when
they know what to do- after they have been shown. This leads to mimicking.
To combat this, begin by asking students to solve before being shown what
to do.
Thinking tasks are best within the first five minutes when beginning a lesson.
What are some of the things in this Starting lessons off with a task to
chapter that immediately feel get students involved and thinking
In this chapter you read about the It shows students the 'right' way
negative consequences of to achieve a solution. In other
mimicking. Can you think of any classroom aspects this is a
positive benefits? If so, do these positive regarding behaviours,
positive benefits outweigh the however it does not outweigh the
negative consequences? benefits when thinking critically.