Visible Impact of Negligence in Early Childhood Care and Education On Indian Pre-Schools

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Visible Impact of Negligence in Early Childhood

Care and Education on Indian Pre-Schools
Sara Fathima; Dr. Pallavi Pandey
Research Scholar, Mansarovar Global University, Sehore, Bhopal, M.P
Supervisor, Mansarovar Global University, Sehore, Bhopal, M.P.

Abstract:- The fundamental objective of Early Childhood left to the discretion of states, institutions, and schools. With
Care and Education (ECCE) is to promote comprehensive this new policy, the 34-year-old National Education Policy has
development across several domains, including physical been superseded. A key feature of NEP 2020 is the
and motor development, cognitive skills, socio-emotional introduction of the 5+3+3+4 educational structure, which
and ethical growth, cultural and artistic expression, as well outlines a systematic progression through four distinct stages
as early communication, language, literacy, and numeracy of education. Additionally, the policy emphasizes
skills. The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) universalizing Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE),
emphasizes the importance of ensuring universal access to with the aim of ensuring that all children are adequately
ECCE by 2030, with the goal of preparing all children for prepared for Grade 1 by 2030. This shift in pedagogical and
formal schooling by the time they enter Grade 1. For curricular structure underscores the critical importance of
children aged 3 to 6, pre-schools play a crucial role in early childhood education. Pre-schools are now envisioned as
laying the educational foundation necessary for their foundational institutions where children between the ages of 3
advancement to Grade 1. The NEP introduces a and 6 will receive basic education, effectively preparing them
restructured pedagogical and curricular framework to for formal schooling. The policy advocates for a curriculum
highlight the critical importance of these formative years. that is play-based, activity-based, and inquiry-based, with the
The policy advocates for a curriculum that is rooted in overarching goal of fostering physical and motor development,
play-based, activity-based, and inquiry-based learning, cognitive growth, socio-emotional and ethical maturity,
aiming to foster holistic developmental outcomes. To cultural and artistic expression, and the development of
realize this vision, NCERT has been tasked with communication, early language, literacy, and numeracy skills.
developing a "National Curricular and Pedagogical This emphasis on developmentally appropriate practices builds
Framework for Early Childhood Care and Education" upon the foundations laid by the ECCE policy of 2013. NEP
(NCPF ECCE) for children up to the age of 8. 2020 assigns the NCERT the task of developing a "National
Furthermore, the policy proposes the introduction of Curricular and Pedagogical Framework for Early Childhood
preparatory classes to bridge the gap between anganwadis Care and Education" (NCPF ECCE) for children up to the age
and primary schools. It also outlines plans for training and of 8. In addition, preparatory classes are proposed to bridge
certification programs for ECCE educators, primarily the gap between anganwadis and primary schools. The policy
through digital platforms, with the overarching objective also underscores the necessity for training and certification
of achieving universal access to early childhood education. programs for ECCE educators, with a significant focus on
digital platforms. These initiatives aim to ensure universal
Keywords:- Awareness of National Educational Policy India access to early childhood education. Despite recognizing the
2020, Secondary School Teachers Education Policy, need for substantial investments in ECCE, the policy does not
Development, Higher Education, Teachers and Telangan address the role of private players in achieving the 2030 goals,
State. nor does it consider the regulation of private pre-schools.
Moreover, the policy lacks a clear roadmap for
I. INTRODUCTION implementation, including budget allocations and its
integration into the Right to Education framework. Given
The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020), these outlined goals and strategies, it is anticipated that the
approved by the Union Cabinet of India on July 29, 2020, NCERT’s ECCE framework will align with modern
represents a transformative vision for the country’s education international standards, ensuring that any pre-school adhering
system. Replacing the National Policy on Education of 1986, to global best practices will meet the framework's
NEP 2020 offers a comprehensive framework that spans requirements. ECCE is acknowledged as a critical precursor to
elementary to higher education, including vocational training formal schooling, with the early years spent in pre-school
across both rural and urban areas. The policy seeks to overhaul playing a pivotal role in preparing children for future
the education system by 2021. Although the language policy educational endeavors. An effective ECCE program
within NEP serves as a broad guideline, its implementation is contributes to higher enrollment rates, reduces early dropout

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

rates, and supports the development of foundational literacy importance of ECCE for two years, aligning with these recent
and numeracy skills in the early grades. One of the global developments. The experiences provided during pre-school
indicators under Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, years are crucial for a child's personality development and
within the thematic area of Early Childhood, tracks student have a significant impact on their future education. The NCF
participation one year before entering primary school. This underscores that ECCE involves providing care, resources,
indicator reflects the percentage of five-year-olds engaged in and experiences that promote a child's overall development—
organized learning programs. According to the 2022 UNESCO mental, physical, social, and emotional—and readiness for
report titled "Setting Commitment: National SDG 4 school. The NEP 2020 has overhauled the previous 10+2
Benchmarks to Transform Education," the global participation educational structure, replacing it with a 5+3+3+4 model that
rate in organized learning for children at least one year before now includes learners from ages 3 to 18. The first five years of
primary school increased from 65% in 2002 to 75% in 2020. schooling, covering children aged 3 to 6 years, were
In India, this participation rate reached 87.2% in 2020. The previously overlooked in the 10+2 system. The NEP 2020
Indian government has set ambitious targets to raise this rate establishes a strong foundation for ECCE starting at age 3,
to 95% by 2025 and achieve universal participation (100%) by with the goal of enhancing learning, development, and overall
2030. The Yearly Status of School Education in States and well-being. Under the NEP 2020, the foundational stage of the
Union Territories of India 2022 report highlights the critical first five years of schooling is divided into two segments:
role of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and the  The first three years, for children aged 3-6, will be spent in
ongoing efforts under the National Education Policy (NEP) Anganwadis, Preschools, or Balvatikas.
2020. This policy aims to expand early childhood education  The next two years will see children aged 6-8 attending
institutions, particularly focusing on the inclusion of children classes 1 and 2, respectively.
from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. For the first
time, the NEP acknowledges the importance of initiating Early childhood education plays a vital role in addressing
ECCE from age 3, emphasizing a holistic approach to the disadvantages associated with a family's socioeconomic
development that includes physical and motor skills, cognitive status. The presence or absence of early childhood education
abilities, socio-emotional and ethical growth, cultural and can significantly influence a child's adjustment to school,
artistic expression, communication, early language skills, academic performance, and continuity in education. One of the
literacy, and numeracy. However, implementing ECCE primary goals of NEP 2020 is to prepare an initial cadre of
initiatives presents several challenges. Ensuring the safety of high-quality ECCE teachers in Anganwadis. Current
pre-primary children, especially in settings where Anganwadis Anganwadi workers and teachers will undergo systematic
and Balvatikas are co-located with schools, is paramount. training aligned with the curricular and pedagogical
Additionally, extensive training for schoolteachers will be framework developed by NCERT. Those with qualifications
required to effectively deliver the Vidya Pravesh module and of 10+2 or higher will be offered a one-year Diploma program
to mentor Anganwadi and Balvatika staff. These educators in ECCE, potentially delivered through digital or distance
must also be sensitized to the specific needs of childcare. The learning methods, such as DTH channels and smart phones,
existing teacher shortage may worsen due to the added enabling teachers to obtain ECCE qualifications with minimal
responsibilities associated with ECCE, necessitating the disruption to their ongoing work.
recruitment of additional educators. Similarly, a significant
number of resource persons will be needed for Anganwadis II. REVIEW OF LITERATURE
and Balvatikas. Schools may also need to expand their
infrastructure, including the construction of additional The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 introduces
classrooms and the provision of child-friendly toilets and transformative changes with potential implications for all
drinking water facilities. Implementing the BALA (Buildings stakeholders, as emphasized by Kalyani Pawan (2020). Jha et
As Learning Aids) concept, along with providing child- al. (2020) critically examine the limitations inherent in the
friendly furniture, play equipment, learning materials, and pre- policy. As the third policy in India's educational history,
school books, will be essential. The hub-and-spoke model, following a 34-year gap since the previous policy in 1986,
where schools mentor nearby Anganwadis and Balvatikas and NEP 2020 aims to deliver quality education that aligns with
cluster-level education officials provide training to resource global standards, promotes educational equality, and
persons, will require robust logistical arrangements. encourages private sector involvement. Suryavanshi (2020)
Furthermore, as the mid-day meal scheme is extended to underscores the importance of teacher development in Indian
include pre-primary children, adjustments in the type of food universities, suggesting that the Chinese university model
served, as well as the timing and method of serving, will be could offer valuable insights. According to Kumar et al.
necessary. The inclusion of vaccinations, food supplements, (2020), NEP 2020 stands as a potential milestone in Indian
and other health interventions in the ECCE program could education, providing a comprehensive framework that
further expand the scope of work in schools. The significance encompasses primary to higher education, including
of ECCE has been recognized in previous policies as well. The vocational and technical training. Despite its imperfections,
National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986 and the National the policy offers a thorough analysis of the global educational
Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 emphasized the

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

landscape and must be implemented meticulously to address This disparity highlights a broader societal issue: a lack
the challenges required for achieving universal quality of clarity on what and how to teach children in this age group.
education. Deb (2020) discusses the integration of Indian The neglect of ECCE is evident in many pre-schools.
cultural values into the NEP 2020 teaching framework. Recognizing these critical concerns, the New Education Policy
Notably, the policy mandates early childhood education for (NEP) 2022 places a strong emphasis on ECCE, integrating it
the previously neglected age group of 3-6 years, aiming to into the new 5+3+3+4 pedagogical structure under the
support the developmental needs of children across all societal Foundational Stage. Unlike the existing 10+2 structure, which
segments, particularly underprivileged and economically begins formal education at age 6, the new framework includes
disadvantaged groups (Aithal & Aithal, 2019; Aithal & Aithal, children from age 3, providing a robust foundation in ECCE to
2020). This analysis is primarily descriptive, relying on enhance overall learning, development, and well-being. While
secondary data from various websites, periodicals, journals, the NEP 2022's focus on ECCE is a significant step forward,
and publications, which were then evaluated and analyzed to this attention is long overdue. Earlier policies and
draw conclusions. commissions also acknowledged the importance of ECCE. For
instance, the concept was first introduced in the National
 Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Policy on Education (NPE) in 1986. However, the rapid
Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) advancements in technology, culture, and communication,
emphasizes a play-based and activity-centered approach to along with the growing interest in education, have rendered
learning, which includes elements such as alphabets, language the NPE 1986's implementation of ECCE inadequate.
development, puzzles, painting, and music for young children.
Research indicates that over 85% of a child's brain  Revamping Early Childhood Care and Education: Insights
development occurs before the age of six, underscoring the from the New Education Policy 2022
critical need for early education. The Committee In 2013, the Indian government introduced the National
recommended integrating ECCE for children aged 3-6 into the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) policy to offer
formal school system through the 5+3+3+4 curriculum integrated services that support the continuous and holistic
structure. ECCE will be delivered through various channels, development of children up to the age of six. Despite these
including (i) stand-alone Anganwadis, (ii) Anganwadis co- efforts, the full implementation of this policy across
located with primary schools, (iii) pre-primary sections within government Anganwadi centers, pre-primary schools, and
existing primary schools, and (iv) independent pre-schools. private nurseries faced significant challenges. The New
Additionally, the National Council for Educational Research Education Policy 2022 represents a pivotal shift by mandating
and Training (NCERT) will be responsible for developing a that all schools incorporate ECCE by 2030, ensuring that
national curricular and pedagogical framework for ECCE. To every child is adequately prepared for school by the time they
ensure that Anganwadi workers are adequately prepared to enter Grade 1.
provide quality early education, those with senior secondary
qualifications or higher will be required to complete a six-  Building a Strong Foundation for Lifelong Learning
month certification program in ECCE. Through Early Childhood Care and Education
UNICEF defines early childhood as the period from
III. THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD conception to eight years old, marking it as a crucial phase for
CARE AND EDUCATION (ECCE) a child’s holistic development, including social, emotional,
cognitive, and physical growth. This stage is fundamental in
The first five years of life are crucial for a child's establishing a strong foundation for lifelong learning and well-
learning and development, as the brain is most receptive and being. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) extend
sensitive to learning during this period, particularly from ages beyond merely preparing children for primary school.
3 to 5. Numerous psychologists and physiologists emphasize Although ECCE traditionally focuses on the education of
that early brain stimulation has a profound and lasting impact children aged 3 to 6, it ideally represents a comprehensive
on learning abilities. Therefore, these formative years are approach that includes programs and policies benefiting
essential for the holistic growth and development of a child. children up to six years of age, along with their educators and
However, access to quality Early Childhood Care and parents. The New Education Policy 2022 highlights ECCE,
Education (ECCE) remains limited for many young children in emphasizing its multifaceted role in early childhood
India. The current state of education for children aged three to development.
six years is highly uneven. Urban pre-schools often introduce
concepts such as numbers up to 100 and letters from the
alphabet, typically covered in Grades 1 and 2. Conversely,
Anganwadis in rural areas may focus primarily on storytelling
and teaching a few specific letters or rhymes.

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

 Strategic Recommendations for Enhancing Early IV. FOSTERING EMPOWERMENT IN EARLY

Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) under NEP 2020 LEARNERS: ESSENTIAL OBJECTIVES OF THE
To ensure that all children entering Grade 1 are prepared ECCE CURRICULUM
for school, it is essential to achieve universal access to high-
quality early childhood development, care, and education by The ECCE curriculum under the National Education
2030. The goal of ECCE is to foster holistic development Policy (NEP) 2020 is designed to offer an enriching,
across several domains, including physical and motor skills, developmentally appropriate, inclusive, and child-centered
cognitive abilities, socio-emotional and ethical growth, education, aiming to prepare students for lifelong learning and
cultural and artistic expression, and early language, literacy, future success. The primary objectives of the ECCE
and numeracy skills. This approach should incorporate curriculum are:
flexible, multi-faceted, play-based, activity-based, and  Holistic Development: The ECCE framework in NEP 2020
inquiry-based learning methods. Emphasis should also be emphasizes nurturing the comprehensive growth of young
placed on nurturing social skills, sensitivity, good behavior, learners, addressing their cognitive, social, emotional,
courtesy, ethics, personal and public hygiene, teamwork, and physical, and creative dimensions. It aims to create well-
cooperation. The development of a National Curricular and rounded individuals by providing a balanced and inclusive
Pedagogical Framework for ECCE, covering children up to learning experience.
the age of 8, will be undertaken by the National Council of  Play-Based and Activity-Centered Strategies for Effective
Educational Research and Training (NCERT). This framework Learning: The curriculum advocates for a play-based and
will consist of two parts: one for children aged 0-3 years and activity-centered approach, offering children hands-on
another for those aged 3-8 years. It will be aligned with experiences and active engagement. This method promotes
current ECCE guidelines, the latest research, and both national learning through exploration, experimentation, and
and international best practices. meaningful activities.
 Advancing Inclusivity and Equity in Educational Practices:
 Effective Planning and Execution of Early Childhood Care The ECCE curriculum highlights inclusivity by ensuring
and Education (ECCE) that every child has equal access and opportunities,
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) regardless of gender, socio-economic background, ability,
will oversee the curriculum and pedagogy for Early Childhood or cultural differences. It strives to foster a learning
Care and Education (ECCE) to ensure a seamless transition environment that values and respects diversity.
from pre-primary to primary education, with a strong focus on  Strategic Approaches to Inclusivity and Equity in
foundational learning. The planning and execution of the Education: The curriculum centers on key skills such as
ECCE curriculum will be a collaborative effort involving the creativity, critical thinking, communication, problem-
Ministries of Human Resource Development (HRD), Women solving, collaboration, and self-expression. The goal is to
and Child Development (WCD), Health and Family Welfare equip young learners with essential skills needed to
(HFW), and Tribal Affairs. To facilitate the effective navigate and succeed in a dynamic world.
integration of ECCE into the school education system, a  Well-Being and Health Strategies for Educational Settings:
specialized joint task force will be established to provide The curriculum supports the well-being and health of
ongoing guidance and support. children, focusing on aspects like nutrition, personal
hygiene, physical fitness, and emotional wellness. It aims
 ECCE Curriculum Framework: Supporting Holistic to create a safe and nurturing environment that promotes
Development in Early Childhood overall well-being.
The ECCE curriculum outlined in the National Education  Integrating Local and Cultural Relevance in Education:
Policy (NEP) 2020 is designed to provide a comprehensive The ECCE curriculum incorporates local and cultural
and developmentally appropriate learning experience for knowledge, languages, and traditions, helping children
children aged 3 to 8. It emphasizes a play-based and activity- develop a sense of identity and appreciation for their
centered approach, acknowledging the value of experiential cultural heritage.
learning. This method allows children to explore, discover,  Foundational Principles for ECCE Curriculum
and learn at their own pace. The curriculum aims to cultivate Development:
creativity, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and
 The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE)
problem-solving abilities. In line with the new 5+3+3+4
curriculum should be designed to align with the physical,
educational structure, the NEP 2020 incorporates a nursery
social, cognitive, and emotional development of young
section, highlighting the need for specialized training for
learners. It should be stimulating, engaging, and
nursery educators. This training will focus on early childhood
exploratory, guided by the following principles:
education techniques, play-based learning strategies, child
development principles, and creating supportive and inclusive
learning environments.
 Child-Centered Needs: Preschool programs should be
developed by parents and educators with a focus on

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Volume 9, Issue 8, August – 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

addressing children's needs for acceptance, empathy, REFERENCES

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developmental aspects comprehensively. National Education Policy 2020: A Critique. Rajiv
 Play and Active Learning: Play and active learning are Gandhi Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1-29.
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V. CONCLUSION to the Future of Indian Education System and Its effects
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set to transform how educators engage with young learners. [6]. Kumar, K., Prakash, A., & Singh, K. (2020). How
This framework is designed to support the holistic National Education Policy 2020 can be a lodestar to
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rounded individuals through a comprehensive and balanced [7]. Suryavanshi, S. (2020). Reflections from a Comparative
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ECCE goals under NEP 2020 will require substantial support UNIVERSITY NEWS, 58(33), 96-102.
from civil society organizations, experts, and other
stakeholders. The policy emphasizes the importance of high-
quality early childhood education and care, incorporating play
and experiential learning through games and songs. It also
seeks to extend ECCE services to underserved areas, including
tribal regions, and stresses the need for targeted training for
teachers in Anganwadi Centers. NEP 2020 views ECCE as a
vital extension of primary education, with clearly defined
approaches to improving learning outcomes. The policy
represents a significant step towards enhancing foundational
education and highlights the critical role of ECCE in shaping
future academic success. To achieve its ambitious objectives,
NEP 2020 will necessitate a collective effort from
governments, communities, parents, and caregivers. By
working collaboratively, we can ensure that every child has
access to high-quality ECCE programs, laying a strong
foundation for their future success. Investing in ECCE is an
investment in the future of our nation, fostering a more
equitable, inclusive, and prosperous society. With NEP 2020
as our guide, we are on the path to creating a brighter future
for India’s children, where every child can reach their full

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