in animals anatomy and functions of different systems (digestive, circulatory, Earthworm respiratory, nervous and reproductive) of cockroach and frog
3 Biomolecules Entire chapter _
4 Breathing and Entire chapter _
Exchange of gases
5 Body fluids and Entire chapter _
6 Excretory products and Entire chapter _
their Elimination
7 Locomotion and Entire chapter _
Movement 8 Neural Control and Neuron and nerves; Nervous system Reflex Action and Reflex Coordination in humans: central nervous system, Arc peripheral nervous system and visceral nervous system; Generation Sensory Reception and and conduction of nerve impulse. Processing (Human eye and ear) 9 Chemical Coordination Entire chapter _ and Integration Zoology Class-XII Chapters To teach as per NTA syllabus Topics to not teach
(Advances in Delivery Science and Technology) Kevin P. O'Donnell, Hugh D. C. Smyth (Auth.), Hugh D.C. Smyth, Anthony J. Hickey (Eds.) - Controlled Pulmonary Drug Delivery - Springer-Verlag Ne