Team Atis Flour Research Proposal BTLE 2022

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CUSTARD APPLE (Annona squamosa L.


Maribeth Baj-Iwon, Maria Batuna, Sara Jane Batuna, Jovilyn Chawana, Leny Grace
Ogasna, Mary Jane Lopnao, Jingjing Bimmactad, Jebilyn Jacinto, Janice
Monchiguing, Julie Lucas, Lourdes Pedro


Custard apple bagasse (CAB) flour was already found to increase nutritional
characteristics in food formulations (Souza et al., 2018). Hence, this study would also
like to explore the viability of using CAB flour in making puto and kutsinta. Specifically,
the study aims to determine which combination of CAB flour and all-purpose flour
(APF) would be the best formulation in terms of the aroma, flavor, taste, texture,
general acceptability, and shelf life of the prepared puto and kutsinta and to determine
the significant or marketability of the said product. The mixture of CAB flour and APF
will be prepared with the following formulations 0%, 5%, 15%, and 30% CAB.
Custard apple (Annona squamosa L.), locally known as “atis”, is one of the top
ten exotic fruits in the Philippines. It is also among the least commercialized fruits as
it is only produced mostly on a backyard scale, thus having limited supply year round
(Dy, 2016 as cited by Pobar, 2018). The fruit of the custard apple is characterized by
its relatively large size, heart-like shape, length of 6 to 9 cm, and a knobby surface.
When it is ripe, it appears light yellowish green in color. Its flesh is white, sweet, soft
and juicy, with a mild and very agreeable flavor. It is highly nutritious as it contains
relatively high amounts of vitamins A, B, C, E, K1, antioxidants, polyunsaturated fats,
and essential minerals like manganese, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium
among others (Souza et al., 2018; Stuart, 2016).
The study of Souza et al. (2018) explored the viability of custard apple bagasse
(CAB) flour in terms of its nutritional content and its viability for making cookies. The
findings show that CAB flour can be used to increase nutritional characteristics in food
formulations, adding value to the leftovers and reducing losses across the custard
apple manufacturing chain. Specifically, in terms of the macronutrients, it was found
out that it contains just the right amount of fats (5.35%) and crude fiber (3.5%). On the
other hand, the protein content (5.68%) is a bit low for it to be viable for protein-
enrichment. In terms of the micronutrients, it was found out that it contains high
amounts of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, Ca, and Mg which satisfies at least 20% of the necessary
daily intake for each mineral. In terms of the viability in making cookies, it was reported
that consumers responded favorably to the CAB-enriched cookies. Another study by
Pobar (2018) has explored the use of CAB flour in making calamay, butterscotch,
doughnut, and boat tart. It was also found out that all of these products are acceptable
in terms of appearance, taste, flavor, texture and overall liking. In addition, these
products were also found to be marketable in their target demographic.
Hence, this study would also like to explore the viability of using CAB flour in
making puto and kutsinta. Specifically, the study aims to determine which combination
of CAB flour and all-purpose flour (APF) would be the best formulation in terms of the
aroma, flavor, taste, texture, general acceptability, and shelf life of the prepared puto
and kutsinta. If the proposed study proves to be successful, then it’s possible to add
economic value to atis by turning it into flour that can be used in making puto, kutsinta,
and other flour-based products. In addition, this will encourage the community to plant
36 37 38
4 more atis trees and even create a dedicated atis tree plantation of mass production of
39 40 41
35 the atis fruit and the atis flour.
42 43 44
48 49 55 The preparation of the CAB flour will follow the method used in the study of
Souza et al. (2018). The custard apple fruits will be obtained from Namnama, Alfonso
Lista, Ifugao. They will then be washed with flowing water then submerged in
chlorinated water (200 ppm). After that, the custard apple fruits will be air-dried until
no more residual water remains. The dried custard apple fruits will then be manually
peeled and deseeded to obtain the pulp which is the main component of the CAB.
The pulp, together with its juice, will then be laid out on non-stick trays and sun-
dried. To create the CAB flour, the dried pulp will be powderized using a food
processor. The powdered pulp will then be sieved to achieve homogeneous particle
size. The prepared CAB flour will then be stored in a container prior to the actual puto-
making process.
The CAB flour and APF mixture will be prepared following the formulations
shown in Table 1. The desired amount of each of the components will be mixed and
homogenized in a bowl using a whisk.

Table 1. The formulation of flour to be used in the study.

Formulation (% CAB) CAB Flour (g) APF (g)
0% 0 100
5% 5 95
15% 15 85
30% 30 70

To prepare the puto batter, mix 3 cups flour mixture, 2 cups white sugar, 3
tablespoons baking powder, 3 cups water, 2 large eggs, and 1 cup margarine. The
puto batter will then be poured over greased molds (about ¾ full) and steamed for 30
minutes over low fire. The cooked puto will then be cooled down, then packaged for
To prepare the kutsinta batter, mix 3 cups flour mixture, 2 cups brown sugar,
3 cups water. The mixture will then be strained to remove lumps. Then kutsinta batter
will then be poured over grease molds (about ¾ full) and steam for about 45-50
minutes over low fire. The cooked kutsinta will then be cooled down, then packaged
for distribution.
Sensory Attributes
The sensory attributes of the puto and kutsinta samples will be rated by 50
untrained respondents. A written consent will be secured prior to the distribution of the
puto and kutsinta samples to each of the respondents. The sensory attributes to be
evaluated are the aroma, flavor, taste, texture, and overall acceptability. These
sensory attributes will be rated using a 9-point likert scale with a scoring of: (1) disliked
extremely, (2) disliked very much, (3) disliked moderately, (4) disliked slightly, (5)
neither liked nor disliked, (6) liked slightly, (7) liked moderately, (8) liked very much,
and (9) liked extremely.

Shelf Life
The shelf life will be observed by tracking the daily changes on the puto and
kutsinta products while placed in a room temperature condition (Pobar, 2018). These
observable changes may include discoloration on the exterior, appearance of molds,
and/or change in odor among others.

Statistical Tools
Both descriptive and inferential statistical tools will be used. For the descriptive
statistical tools, the mean will be used in summarizing the ratings on each of the
sensory attributes. For the inferential statistical tools, the Analysis of Variance
(ANOVA) will be used to check the significant difference among the treatments in
terms of the sensory attributes. In addition, an independent t-test will be used for post-
hoc analysis. All hypothesis testing will be done at ɑ = 0.05.


Table 2. Detailed-Line Item Budget

Requested from
Item Total Amount Other Sources
All-purpose flour 70
Margarine 20
Oil 35
Egg 20

Baking Powder 20
White Sugar 60
Brown Sugar 65
Distilled Water 75
Packaging 150
Chlorine Tablets
TOTAL P 515.00

Table 3. Program of Activities

Description of Activity Duration in Months Expected Output

Procurement of Materials 1 month Obtained all the materials

needed for the experiment.
Conduct of Data Gathering 3 months Obtained all the necessary
data needed.
Analysis of Data 1 month Analyzed the data and
answered the objectives.

Research Presentation 1 month Defended the research

Submission of Final Report 1 month Submitted final report.


Dy, R. (2016). Forgotten but promising fruits. &title=forgotten-

Pobar, R. A. (2018). Utilization of Atis “Annona squamosa Linn” Desserts. International

Journal of Environmental and Rural Development. 9(2), 102-107.

Souza, F. T. C., Santos, E. R., Silva, J. C., Valentim, I. B., Rabelo, T. C. B., Andrade,
N. R. F. and Silva, L. K. S. (2018). Production of Nutritious Flour from Residue
Custard Apple (Annona squamosa L.) for the Development of New Products.
Journal of Food Quality. https//

Stuart, G. (2016). Atis, Annona squamosa linn sugar apple.

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