Strategic HRM: Employees As Strategic Resources
Strategic HRM: Employees As Strategic Resources
Strategic HRM: Employees As Strategic Resources
Strategic HRM
stratgic HRM focus on this three area HR Practices HR Policies HR Philosophies Strategic Human Resource Management refers with the over all direction the organization wishes to pursume the objective to the people it address broat organizational concern related changes structure, culture, organizational effectiveness performance matching resources to the requirement developing distintive capabilities and management policy of change. Over all it consider any major people related issues that are affected by the strategic plan of the organization. Main job to achieve the sustable competitive advantage.
is often attributed to lack of motivation. Employees often are aware of the base performance line to maintain a current performance level that is higher.
competences. Develop the skills and high performance business partner to become more effective in influencing business leaders and managers to added Business solutions. Also high impact and business focused HR solutions that enjoy the commitment and support of the organization.