Cse - CS403 - Formal Language and Automata Theory - R16
Cse - CS403 - Formal Language and Automata Theory - R16
Cse - CS403 - Formal Language and Automata Theory - R16
(Multiple Choice Type Questions)
1. Answer any ten from the following, choosing the correct alternative of each question: 10×1=10
Marks CO No.
(i) The set of all strings over ∑ = {a,b} in which all strings having bbbb as 1 2
substring is
(a) (a+b)* bbbb (a+b)*
(b) (a+b)* bb (a+b)*bb
(c) bbbb (a+b)*
(d) bb (a+b)*
(iii) Fill in the blank in terms of p, where p is the maximum string length in 1 2
Statement: Finite languages trivially satisfy the pumping lemma by
having n = ______
(a) p*1
(b) p+1
(c) p-1
(d) None of the mentioned
(iv) Which of the functions are not performed by the turing machine after 1 4
reading a symbol?
(a) Writes the symbol
(b) Moves the tape one cell left/right
(c) Proceeds with next instruction or halts
(d) None of the mentioned
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B.TECH. / CSE / R16 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS403 / 2020-2021
(v) How many sub strings of different lengths (non-zero) can be found 1 2
formed from a character string of length n?
(a) n
(b) n2
(c) 2n
(d) n(n+1)/2
(vii) Let S and T be language over ={a,b} represented by the regular 1 1,3
expressions (a+b*)* and (a+b)*, respectively. Which of the following is
(a) ScT (S is a subset of T)
(b) TcS (T is a subset of S)
(c) S=T
(d) SnT=Ø
(viii) Let L denotes the language generated by the grammar S – OSO/00. 1 1,3
Which of the following is true?
(a) L = O
(b) L is regular but not O
(c) L is context free but not regular
(d) L is not context free
(ix) There exists a language L. We define a string w such that w∈L and 1 2
w=xyz and |w| >=n for some constant integer n.What can be the
maximum length of the substring xy i.e. |xy|<=?
(a) n
(b) |y|
(c) |x|
(d) none of the mentioned
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B.TECH. / CSE / R16 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS403 / 2020-2021
(x) If we select a string w such that w∈L, and w=xyz. Which of the 1 2
following portions cannot be an empty string?
(a) x
(b) y
(c) z
(d) all of the mentioned
(xi) If L1 and L2 are context free language and R a regular set, then which 1 1,3
one of the languages below is not necessarily a context free language?
(a) L1 L2
(b) L1 ∩ L2
(c) L1 ∩ R
(d) L1 ∪ L2
(xii) The set of all strings over the alphabet S = {a, b} (including e) is 1 1,3
denoted by
(a) (a + b)*
(b) (a + b)+
(c) a+b+
(d) a*b*
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three from the following: 3×5=15
Marks CO No.
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B.TECH. / CSE / R16 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS403 / 2020-2021
(Long Answer Type Questions)
Answer any three from the following: 3×15=45
Marks CO No.
7. (a) What are the differences between Finite Automata and Push Down 2 1
(b) What do you mean by epsilon-NFA? Compare DFA, NFA and epsilon- 5 3
(b) Draw Merger graph and merger table for following machine 7 2
(c) Explain the tuples of PDA. How does PDA determine the acceptance of 5 2
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B.TECH. / CSE / R16 / EVEN / SEM-4 / CS403 / 2020-2021
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