Best Ospe Scheme
Best Ospe Scheme
Best Ospe Scheme
Distribution of Subjects:
Paper I:
Principles of Radiology, Principles of Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Paper II: Systematic and Operative Surgery: Musculoskeletal system, GIT, Renal system, Male and female reproductive system, Head and Neck, Thorax, Breast, Nervous system, Cardiovascular System, Orthopaedics and Traumatology.
The course outline is as follows :
5. Conditions causing chronic abdomen including malignant lesions of small and large bowel 6. Ano-rectal and peri-anal conditions requiring surgery. Abdominal, Pelvic and Genital Trauma and Hernia. 1. Principles in management of abdominal pelvic and urogenital trauma. 2. Inguinal/ Inguinoscrotal and femoral hernia. 3. Epigastric hernia/umbilical/ para-umblical hernia. 4. Incisional hernia. 1. Trauma. 2. Obstructive jaundice. 3. Liver abscess. 4. Hydatid cyst. 5. Malignancy (Hepatoma & secondaries). Gall Bladder 1. Acute and chronic cholecystitis. 2. Cholelithiasis and its complications. 3. Tumours Pancreas 1. Acute, relapsing and chronic pancreatitis. 2. Pancreatic masses including cysts 3. Benign and malignant neoplasia. Spleen 1. Trauma 2. Surgical aspects of spleen Urinary Tract 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Common congenital anomalies. Infection & its sequelae. Calculus disease and its sequelae. Bladder lesions. Enlarged prostate. Urogenital trauma. Neoplasms of kidney and urinary tract. Liver
External Genitalia, Male and Female 1. Developmental abnormalities. 2. Common pelvic conditions
Scrotal and testicular lesions 1. Scrotal swelling. 2. Testicular swelling. Skin & Soft Tissues 1. Common benign and malignant skin lesions. 2. Wounds/ulcers/abscesses/sinuses/fistulae. 3. Soft tissue lumps. Orthopaedics and Trauma 1. Common congenital malformations of locomotive system. 2. Bone fractures & their complications. 3. Sports injuries and afflictions of tendons and bursae. 4. Bone and joint infections. 5. Arthritis. 6. Bone and cartilage tumours. 7. Spinal trauma. 8. Spinal tumours. 9. Common spinal deformities and other surgically correctable lesions. Vascular and Nerve Disorders 1. 2. 3. 4. Vascular afflictions and limb ischaemia. Varicosities Deep venous thrombosis. Peripheral nerve injuries
tissue lumps, needle biopsies, aspiration of localized fluids, etc. 9. Have observed common surgical procedures, treatment of fracture/ dislocation and methods of general / local anaesthesia. 10. Apply bandage and splint/pop cast to the patients limbs. 11. Have observed instillation of chemotherapy and principles of radiotherapy.
b. Systems and Diseases 1: Congenital & Development Diseases; Congenital talipes equino varus (CTEV) and talipes valgus; congenital dislocation of hip (CDH); flat foot; Perths disease; Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. Specific required skills 2: 3: Clinical examination and x-ray interpretation of above mentioned diseases Observe the manipulation/application of POP cast for CTEV, pelvic harness, Von Rosen splint, hip spica.
Bone dysplasia (defect intrinsic to bone) Dwarf- Achondroplasia Bone and joint infections Acute osteomyelitis and septic arthritis. Chronic osteomyelitis. Tuberculous arthritis/Caries spine. Osteolysis/bone cyst, sequestrum, periosteal reaction
Specific required skills Clinical examination for above mentioned diseases Interpretation of related x-ray and laboratory reports Observe or assist in joint aspiration, curettage and sequestrectomy, drainage of abscess etc. 4: Metabolic Bone diseases Rickets; osteomalacia; osteoporosis; hyperparathyroidism; diabetes. Specific required skills Interpretation of related X-rays Interpretation of laboratory reports of serum Ca, PO4, Alk. phosphatase, parathormone. Management of diabetes with relation to injury /surgical procedure and infections. 5: Neuromuscular disorders Muscular dystrophies e.g. Duchenne type and Beckers type; spina bifida; cerebral palsy. Post-polio paralysis (PPP); neurofibromatosis Specific required skills 6: Clinical examination of sensations, deep tendon jerks, muscle power and tone clonus. Management suggesting and explaining of orthosis, walking aids (walking stick, crutches, walkers), wheel chairs.
Bone Tumours a. Benign Exostosis/multiple hereditary exostosis/enchondroma, fibroma, lipoma, neuroma, osteoid osteoma, giant cell tumour. B. Malignant Osteogenic sarcoma, Ewings sarcoma, chondrosarcoma, multiple myeloma, metastatic bone tumors from thyroid, lungs, kidney, breast and prostate. c. Principles, indications, techniques and orthotics related to amputation. Specific Required Skills
Neck Pain, Low Back Pain and Sciatica Deformities of scoliosis, kyphosis. Spinal injury, soft tissue injuries (sprains, strains etc.) Fractures (stable, unstable), neurological damage
Specific Required Skills 8: Examination and basic management. Application of cervical collar, cervical traction, lumbosacral corset. Observe internal fixation of spinal fracture Log rolling, prevention of bed sores, bladder care/catheter care and rehabilitation.
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Painful Disorders Rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis. Gout; frozen shoulder; tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, trigger finger, de Quervains disease.
Specific Required Skills Clinical examination of patients with arthritis (differentiate on x-ray) Interpretation of related investigations; x-rays and laboratory. Management; prescription writing for arthritis and painful muscle disorders. 9: Soft Tissue Injuries Sprains/ruptures of muscles, ligaments, tendons; nerve injuries. Arterial injuries clean/contaminated wounds.
10: Fractures Basic and advanced trauma life support Triage of injured patients in emergency room, Principles of fracture classification Principals of fracture treatment in children. Principals of fracture fixation Management of common orthopaedic emergencies. Mal-united fractures; non-unions. Specific Required Skills Examination; clinical examination of injured patient; record BP, pulse rate, respiratory rate peripheral pulses and capillary filling; recognition of associated injuries/complications e.g. Vascular, neurological, vascular compartment syndrome etc. Investigations; request and interpret urine and blood examination in trauma patient (CBC, ESR, blood urea and sugar etc; interpret x-ray of limbs with fractures and dislocations; Catheterize male and female patients.
Serving patients with bed pan and urine bottle. Prepare patients for surgeries and post operative care. Dressing of surgical wounds post operatively. Pass nasogastric tube. Injections I/V and I/M. Interpret and explain the urine, stool and blood findings with relevance to orthopaedic diseases. Request and interpret x-rays, ultrasound, CT, MRI scans Management; provide first aid to a person with bone injury like common sprains, fractures and dislocations (immobilization of body part, resuscitation of injured patient. Apply dressings, splints, plasters and other immobilization techniques in fracture patients in emergency; maintain clear airway of patient; reductions and observation of surgical fixations; internal and external fixation of fractures (plates, nails others); manipulation and application of plaster of paris cast/back slab; use of external fixators in treatment of open fractures; application of traction skin/skeletal.
Short Practice Of Surgery By Bailey And Loves Text Book Of Surgery By Ijaz Ahsan General Surgery (Lecture Notes Series) by Harold Ellis, Roy Calne, Chris Watson An Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease by Norman Browse Current Surgical Practice: by Norman L. Browse, Alan G. Johnson, and Tom. Vol. 6 Schwartz's Principles of Surgery by F. Charles Brunicardi, Dana K. Andersen, Timothy R. Billiar, and David L. Dunn 8th edition. 2004
Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.
The course outline is as follows : Pre-operative assessment of patients and pre-medication Local anaesthesia o Local anaesthetic agents (pharmacology) o Regional anaesthesia (spinal and epidural) Intravenous anaesthetic agents Muscle relaxants Inhalational anaesthetic agents Anaesthesia and associated diseases. Complications of anaesthesia. Perioperative management. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. CPR. Recovery from anaesthesia. Pain management and postoperative care. LOG BOOK The submission of a complete logbook duly Department should be compulsory to appear examination. PROCEDURES Pre-operative assessment of the patient. I/V cannulation and Intra-operative fluid management. Demonstration of induction of general anaesthesia and tracheal intubation. 4. Demonstration of spinal block. 5. Demonstration of epidural block. 6. Demonstration of local blocks in Eye, ENT and General Surgery. 7. Demonstration of CPR. 8. Post-operative care/pain management. 9. Introduction to the ICU. 10. Demonstration of anaesthesia machine and other instruments 11. Demonstration of sterilization procedures in O.T and ICU. 12. Demonstration of vital sign monitors and their application 1. 2. 3. signed by Head of in final professional
1. Textbook of Anaesthesia by G. Smith and A.R. Aitkenhead 2. Short Practice of Anaesthesia by M. Morgan, G. Hall. Latest edition 3. A Synopsis of Anaesthesia by J.Alfred Lee
4. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.
The student will be able to: Select/advice the required radiological examination correctly Identify gross abnormalities in the films List indications and advantages of modern techniques Recognize major abdominal viscera and their imaging characters
Required Radiological Examinations and Abnormalities Plain Radiography Chest Normal anatomy and projections Pneumothorax Pneumonia Effusion Cardiomegaly Plumonary oedema Fractures Surgical emphysema Neoplastic Diseases Chronic inflammatory disease Skull Normal anatomy and projections Fracture Lytic and sclerotic lesion Calcifications Pituitary fossa Paranasal sinuses
Abdomen Normal anatomy and projections Renal & urinary tract stones, gall stones and other calcifications
Free gas under diaphragm, (perforation) Enlarged liver and spleen Spine Normal anatomy and projections. Disc space reduction Vertebral collapse Barium Meal and with double contrast (where applicable) Normal anatomy and various projections Gastric outlet obstruction Stomach mass/filling defect Oesophageal outline/varices/strictures Intussusception Colonic defects Malabsorption pattern Stricture Any filling defect Ulcerative colitis Intravenous Urogram Hydronephrosis and renal masses Micturating Cystourethrogram Reflux Cholecystogram Gall bladder diseases and stones Echocardiogram Be able to interpret the report CT Scanning Be able to interpret the report MRI Basic principle
1. Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis by Chapman S. and Nakielny R. 4th ed. Elsevier Science Limited; 2003.
2. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.
Distribution of subjects
Paper-I All except Paper-II Paper-II will include: 1.Infectious Diseases 2.Metabolic Diseases 3.Immunology 4.Oncology 5. Acid and Base Balance 6. Dermatology
7.Endocrinology including Diabetes 8.Genitourinary System 9. Genetics 10.Water and Electrolyte Balance 11.Psychiatry
The course outline is as follows : Rheumatic fever and infective endocarditis. Valvular heart diseases. Mitral valve Aortic valve Ischaemic heart disease. Angina Myocardial infarction Cardiac arrhythmias Atrial fibrillation Ventricular tachycardia Premature atrial and ventricular beats. Heart failure. Left ventricular failure. Congestive cardiac failure. Cor pulmonale. Congenital heart diseases (brief). Cyanotic/acyanotic heart diseases. Fallots tetralogy Atrial septal defect Ventricular septal defect Patent ductus arteriosus Cardiomyopathies Pericardial diseases. Constrictive pericarditis
Pericardial diseases Pericardial effusion A therosclerosis/arteriosclerosis. Hypertension. Peripheral vascular disease. Symptoms and signs Arteriosclerosis Acute & chronic ischaemia of the leg Aneurysms Buerger's disease Raynaud's disease variocose veins Venous thrombosis Investigations. Electrocardiography, Xray chest, Echocardiography, Thallium Scan, Stress Testing, Holter And Angiography Etc.
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common cardiovascular diseases. Systemic hypertension Ischaemic heart diseases Congestive cardiac failure Valvular diseases and infective endocarditis Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Palpitation, breathlessness, chest pain, raised JVP, jaundice etc.
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking in CVS. GPE in CVS clubbing, koilonychia, oslers nodes, splinter haemorrhages, cyanosis. Pulse, JVP, blood pressure. Inspection, palpation of precordium. Percussion, auscultation of precordium mitral, tricuspid, aortic, pulmonary areas. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in CVS diseases.
Procedures (Observe/ Assist):
ECG taking and basic reading i.e. Normal, Acute MI, Ischemia, complete heart block, APC, VPC, SVT, VT etc.
X-ray chest interpretation (Cardiology). Should observe, learn and even may assist electroversion therapy (DC shock) with indications, complications etc. Observe Echo and should recognize chambers and valves on echo print. Observe pericardial effusion aspiration. Should learn thrombolytic therapy, heparinisation/anticoagulation therapy and control, antiplatelet therapy, nitrates infusion, digitalization, treatment of acute pulmonary edema, o2 therapy. Cardiac monitoring. Basics of ETT.
COURSE OUTLINES: Asthma. Environmental lung diseases/occupational. Asbestosis Silicosis Bagassosis Pneumoconiosis Byssinosis Farmers lung Pneumonia Community acquired Nosocomial Lobar and bronchopneumonia Adult respiratory distress syndrome Acute respiratory failure Mechanical ventilation. Bronchiectasis. Chronic obstructive airway diseases. Chronic bronchitis Emphysema Interstitial lung diseases. Pulmonary thromboembolism Acute corpulmonale. Type-I and type-II respiratory failure Pleural effusion. Pneumothorax. Tuberculosis Tumors of the lung Disorders of chest wall and pleura Chest trauma Deformities of the rib cage
Dry pleurisy, pleural effusion, empyema, pneumothorax. Basics of pulmonary function tests. Imaging in pulmonary diseases/investigations
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common pulmonary diseases. Bronchial asthma Pleural effusion Pneumonia Hemoptysis Pulmonary tuberculosis Chronic obstructive airway disease Type-I and type-II respiratory failure Bronchogenic carcinoma Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Breathlessness Wheezing Haemoptysis Orthopnoea Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (PND) Pain in calf on walking Undue coldness, redness or blueness of extremities Chest pain Cough/expectoration/sputum
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking in respiratory system dyspnoea, cough, expectoration, haemoptysis. Chest pain, wheezing. Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation front of chest. Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation back of chest. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations. Interpretation of pulmonary function tests. General medication and prescription writing in pulmonology Any deficient program.
Procedures (Observe/ Assist):
How to start O2 therapy, indications, complications. Learn pleural aspiration and assist Endotracheal suction, assist
Pleural biopsy, observe FNA biopsy, observe Under water seas aspiration, observe/assist Management of respiratory failure Observe bronchoscopy
Anatomy, physiology of skin related to clinical dermatology Infestations: scabies, pediculosis. Bacterial and mycobacterial infections Fungal and viral diseases. Acne vulgaris Eczemas. Psoriasis Lichen planus Bullous disorders. Pigmentary disorders Disorders of nails. Disorders of hairs. Sexually transmitted diseases.
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common dermatological diseases. Should recognize lesions of: Leprosy Syphilitic lesions (chancre, secondary syphilis, gumma) Tinea (corporis, capitis, inguinale, unguam) Candida (oral, skin) Scabies Lice Mosquito bite Acute & chronic eczema Lesions of small pox, chicken pox, herpes simplex, herpes zoster SLE. Psoriasis Lichen planus Impetigo contagiosum Moluscum contagiosum Acne vulgaris
Seborhoea Exfoliative dermatitis Skin neoplasm like squamous cell cacinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma Leukoderma Pityriasis versicolor Alopecia and hirsutism Sexually transmitted diseases Furnculosis, cellulitis Drug eruption Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Alopecia Eruption and rashes Itching Pigmentation and depigmentation
Skills To Be Learnt: History taking in Dermatology Clinical examination of various skin lesions Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in Dermatology Procedures (Observe/ Assist):
Scraping for fungus Use of magnifying glass Observe skin biopsy Use of Woods lamp
Meningitis Bacterial. Tuberculous. Viral etc. Brain abscess Encephalitis Hydrocephalus o Epilepsy and other convulsive disorders o Cerebrovascular diseases (stroke). Ischemic Embolism Infarction
o o o o o
o o o
Haemorrhage Intra-cerebral Subarachnoid Dementia and Alzheimers disease. Parkinsons disease and other movement disorders. Motor neuron disease. Multiple sclerosis. Cranial nerve disorders. Transient mono-ocular blindness (amaurosis fugax). Trigeminal neuralgia. Facial palsy (Bells). Vertigo, nystagmus Spinal cord disorders. Spinal cord compression Hemiplegia, paraplegia, quadriplegia Myelitis. Spondylosis. Syringomyelia and syringobulbia. Peripheral nerve disorders. Peripheral polyneuropathy Gullian Barry syndrome Mononeuritis multiplex. Space occupying lesions of brain and spinal cord. Muscular dystrophies Myopathies, myasthenia gravis
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common CNS disorders: Cerebrovascular accident Paraplegia Polyneuropathy Muscular dystrophies and Motor neuron disease Parkinsonism Meningitis Tetanus Hemiplegia Facial Palsy Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Behaviour I.Q Speech disturbances
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Memory Confusional states Dementia Tremor Fasciculations Athetosis Chorea Gait abnormalities Convulsions/fits Coma Syncope/dizziness Vertigo Deafness Blindness Numbness, tingling, sensory loss Rigidity / paralysis. Movement disorders
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking in CNS. Higher mental functions level of consciousness, behaviour, speech, memory. Examination of cranial nerves. Examination of motor system. Examination of sensory system crude touch, pain, temperature. Fine touch, pressure, vibration, joint position. Cortical sensations Two point localization, two point discrimination. Reflexes Examination of cerebellar system Examination of nystagmus Examination of rigidity Assessment of movement disorders Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in Neurology
Procedures (Observe/ Assist):
o Oral cavity Infections and inflammatory disorders Benign and malignant diseases o Esophagus. Dysphagia with special reference to Ca oesophagus GERD Achalasia Candiasis of oral cavity and oesophagus o Stomach Gastritis. Peptic ulcer o Intestines o Malabsorption syndromes. o Tropical sprue o Coeliac disease o Inflammatory bowel diseases. Ulcerative colitis Crohns disease o Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). o Liver o Ascites. o Jaundice. o Congenital hyperbilirubinaemia o Gilbert syndrome o Dubin Johnson syndrome o Rotor syndromes o Haemolytic o Obstructive o Hepatitis o Viral, acute and chronic o Toxic o Drugs o Auto immune hepatitis. o Cirrhosis of liver. o Hepatic encephalopathy. o Carcinoma liver and transplant. o Acute and chronic pancreatitis. o Upper GI bleeding, lower GI bleeding o Drugs contraindicated in liver diseases
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary diseases. Acid peptic disease Tender hepatomegaly Hepatosplenomegaly Jaundice Chronic liver disease Acute and chronic diarrhoea Variceal bleeding and peptic ulcer bleeding. Abdominal Kochs infection
Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Oral ulceration Dysphagia Heart burn Nausea/vomiting Indigestion/flatulence Diarrhoea and constipation Melena, hematemesis, bleeding per rectum Jaundice Hepatomegaly Abdominal distension/ascites
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking in GIT vomiting, diarrhoea, pain abdomen, constipation, haematemesis, melena, dyspepsia, distension. Examination of GIT Inspection, palpation. Percussion, auscultation. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in GIT diseases. Any deficient programme.
Procedures (Observe/ Assist):
Learn N/G tube passing and feeding Learn and observe aspiration of peritoneal fluids Learn and observe endoscopies, upper and lower GIT Preparing a patient for GI endoscopies
Infections of the kidneys Infections of the lower urinary tract Inflammatory lesions of the kidneys
Introduction to dialysis & renal transplant Drugs causing renal disease (brief).
Analgesic nephropathy. Lead, uric acid, hypercalcemia, radiation & hypersensitivity Nephropathy. Drugs contra indicated in renal insufficiency Drugs to be used with caution in renal disease. Polycystic kidneys. Renal vascular disorders Renal artery stenosis Renal vein thrombosis Tumours Hemolytic uremic syndrome. Prostatic diseases
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common Renal & Urinary system diseases Nephrotic syndrome Nephritic syndrome Acute renal failure Chronic renal failure
Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Lumbar /pelvic pain Anuria, oliguria Hematuria Dysuria, pyuria Urgency / frequency of micturation
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking lumbar pain, anuria, oliguria, hematuria, dysuria, urgency/frequency of micturition, pyuria, urinary retention, nocturia, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain. Examination of abdominopelvic and lumbar area Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in upper & lower urinary tract diseases.
Procedures (Observe/ Assist): Observe and assist insertion of Foleys catheter/Red rubber Learn and observe peritoneal and hemodialysis Indications and outcomes of renal transplant Observe I/V urograms
o Anterior pituitary. Growth hormone disorders o Acromegaly o Gigantism. o Short stature Infertility o Diseases of hypothalamus and posterior pituitary. Empty sella syndrome Diabetes insipidus Syndrome of inappropriate ADH secretion (SIADH). o Thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) Hypothyroidism (myxedema, cretinism) Inflammatory lesions Benign and malignant tumors o Adrenal Gland. Cushing Syndrome Aldosteronism Primary/Secondary. Hirsutism. Addisons disease Acute Addisonian crisis
Inflammatory lesions Adrenocortical tumors including Pheochromocytoma o Endocrine Pancreas Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycaemic states Other associated endocrine disorders o Testes Sexual precocity Heterosexual precocity Gynaecomastia Inflammations Tumours o Multiple endocrine neoplasia Type I Type II
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common endocrine disorders Diabetes mellitus Thyroid diseases Cushings disease Infertility and common reproductive disorders
Skills To Be Learnt:
History taking and correlate with a specific diagnosis. Examination of thyroid gland, male and female genital organs etc. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in endocrinology
COURSE o o o o o o o o o OUTLINES: Osteoarthritis Osteoporosis Rheumatoid arthiritis and related arthropathies Pagets disease of the bone. Osteopetrosis (marble bone disease). Multiple myeloma Multi-System Immunological Diseases Systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE) Serum sickness
o o o o o o o o o o o o o o
Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma). Mixed connective tissue diseases (brief). Sjogrens syndrome (brief). Ankylosing spondylitis. Bechets syndrome (brief). Vasculitis syndromes (brief). Anaphylactoid purpura Polyarteritis nodosa Hpersensitivity vasculitis Wegners granulomatosis Temporal arteritis Takayasus arteritis Thromboangitis obliterans (Burgers disease) Sarcoidosis (brief).
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common rheumatological diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis Osteoarthritis Multiple Myeloma SLE etc. Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Joint pain and joint swelling Joint deformities Muscle cramps Muscle weakness Muscular wasting Other related systemic signs and symptoms Skills To Be Learnt: History taking and correlate with a specific diagnosis. Examination and assessment of the pattern of involvement of bones, joints, skin and other organs Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in rheumatology. Procedures (Observe/ Assist): Observe aspiration of fluids from joints (knee) Observe bone marrow aspiration/terphine
Hyperlipidemia Hemochromatosis Porphyrias Wilsons disease Gout and hypercalcemia Storage diseases. Lipid. Leukodystrophies Niemann pick disease. Gauchers disease. Glycogen. Fabrys disease. Hereditary connective tissue disorders Osteogenesis imperfecta. Ehlers danlos syndrome. Chondrodysplasias. Marfan syndrome. Alport syndrome. Disorders of amino acid metabolism and storage Homocystinuria. Alkaptonuria. Hartnup disease. Renal glycosuria
o Clinical syndromes. Sepsis and septic shock, meningococcaemia Acute infectious diarrhoeal diseases and bacterial food poisoning. Hospital acquired infections. o Common disease syndromes caused by the following bacteria and their drug therapy. Pneumococci Staphylococci. Streptococci. Hemophilis influenzae. Shigella. Gonococci.
Pseudomonas. o Following diseases in detail. Tetanus. Enteric fever/salmonellosis. Cholera. Tuberculosis. Leprosy. Amoebiasis/giardiasis/trichomoniasis. Malaria. AIDS. Rabies. Infectious mononucleosis. o Helminthic infestations Ascariasis Hookworm Whipworm (trichuriasis) Threadworm (entrobiasis) Taenia (tapeworm) Hydatid diseases
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common infectious diseases in Pakistan Malaria Typhoid fever Acute diarrhoeal diseases Acute / chronic respiratory tract infections Generalized septicemia etc. Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: o o o o o o o o o o o o Fever Headache, pain Anorexia/ weight loss Haemoptysis/ chest pain/ epigastric Cough/expectoration/sputum Dysuria, pyuria Diarrhoea / vomiting Melena, hematemesis Jaundice/hepatomegaly Eruption and rashes Itching Joint pain and joint swelling etc.
Skills to Be Learnt: History taking and correlate with a specific diagnosis. Examination and assessment of the pattern of fever, involvement of organ systems and any positive findings. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations Symptomatic treatment and prescription writing in infectious diseases. Procedures: Perform: Injection I/V, I/M, S/C, intradermal Oxygen therapy Urinary catheterisation collection of samples Collection of blood samples/ blood film preparation Observe I/V lines/Fluids/Blood/Blood products, direct, branula, cutdown, CVP N/G tube passing and feeding Foleys catheter/Red rubber catheter IOP record maintenance Aspiration of fluids (Pleural, Pericardial, Peritoneal, Knee) Lumbar Puncture O2 therapy Nebulisation etc.
Anaemias. Classification Iron deficiency Megaloblastic o B-12 deficiency o Folic acid deficiency Anaemia of chronic disorder Haemolytic anaemia o Hereditary o Acquired o Intra-corpuscular o Extra-corpuscular Aplastic anemia Haemoglobinopathies. Sickle cell syndromes
Thalassaemias Myeloproliferative diseases. Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) Polycythemia vera Myelofibrosis Essential thrombocytosis Leukemias. Acute Chronic Lymphomos Non-Hodgkins Hodgkins Blood groups and blood transfusion. Bone marrow transplantation. Disorders of haemostasis. Thrombocytopenia Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) Von Willebrands disease. Vessel wall disorders. Disorders of coagulation. Haemophilia Vitamin K deficiency. Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Anticoagulants Therapy Heparin Oral (warfarin etc.) Vit. K infusion Antiplatelet drugs
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common haematological disorders Anaemias Bleeding disorders Myeloproliferative or lymphoproliferative diseases Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis: Lassitude Dyspnoea Infections Edema Gum hypertrophy
Bleeding tendency Bruising purpura Lymph node enlargement Weight loss Facial swelling Bone pain Jaundice Hepatosplenomegaly Hypersensitivity/ allergic reactions etc.
Skills To Be Learnt: History taking in general General physical examination, pallor, cyanosis, jaundice, clubbing, koilonychia, lymph nodes, edema, pulse, cyanosis, fever, headache, anorexia, weight loss, pain, facial swelling etc. Examination and assessment of the extent of the disease Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in Haematology. Procedures (Observe/ Assist): Injection I/V, I/M, S/C, intradermal Collection of samples of blood/blood film preparation Perform I/V lines/fluids/blood/blood products, direct branula, cutdown, CVP etc. Observe bone marrow aspiration/ trephine
COURSE OUTLINES: Mood disorders. Major depressive episodes Unipolar Bipolar Dysthymic Atypical Maniac episodes Anxiety disorders. Acute anxiety states Panic disorders Generalized anxiety disorders Psychic Traumatic disorders Obsessive-compulsive disorders Phobic disorders
Important Topics To Be Discussed:
Case discussion for diagnosis and management of common Psychiatric disorders like Anxiety Depression Schizophrenia Manic depressive psychosis Phobias Eating disorders Understand the Symptomatology to reach the Differential Diagnosis:
Skills To Be Learnt: History taking in psychiatry Clinical examination of patients Counseling and psychoanalysis especially in patients with
suicidal and homicidal attitude. Interpretation of related radiological and laboratory investigations General medication and prescription writing in psychiatry Psychotherapy Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Procedures To Be Performed/Observed/Assisted:
Perform: Injection I/V, I/M, S/C, intradermal Oxygen therapy Urinary catheterisation collection and samples of blood
Observe: Observe I/V lines/fluids/blood/blood products, direct, branula, cutdown, CVP N/G tube passing and feeding Foleys catheter/Red rubber catheter, IOP record maintenance Endotracheal tube placement Endotracheal suction/maintenance of airway/nursing on side etc. Aspiration of fluids (Pleural, Pericardial, Peritoneal, Knee) Lumbar puncture O2 therapy Nebulisation ECG taking/reading X-ray chest reading Barium series I/V urograms Bone and joint X-ray reading for medical problems (Rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, collapse vertebra, caries spine, multiple myeloma, cervical rib etc.) Preparing a patient for endoscopies, upper and lower GIT THE LOG BOOK/CLINICAL CARD RECORD The student is expected to make a record of his/her achievements in the log book. The log book is a collection of evidence that learning has taken place, it is a reflective record of achievements. The log book shall also contain a record of the procedures which student would have performed in 3rd, 4th & 5th year.
1. Practice of Medicine by Davidson. 2. Clinical Medicine by Parveen J Kumar & Michaell, Clark 3. Hutchison's Clinical Methods by Michael Swash. 21st edition 4. Basic psychiatry by Myre Sim, e. B. Gordon 5. Oxford Text Book of Psychiatry 6. ABC of Dermatology. Latest Edition. 7. Smith's General Urology by Emil A. Tanagho and Jack W. McAninch 15th edition. 2007 8. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26.
The course outline is as follows : Introduction. Obstetric history taking and examination. Conception, implantation and development of placenta, fetal circulation, abnormalities of placenta. Foetal skull and bony pelvis. Diagnosis of pregnancy. Physiological changes associated with pregnancy. Ante-natal care. Early pregnancy loss and its management (Abortions) Physiology of labour. Mechanism of labour. Management of labour. Complications of 3rd stage of labour. Abnormal labour e.g. Prolonged labour/obstructed labour. Pre-term labour. Induction of labour. Pre-maturity. Post-maturity. Conduction of normal delivery. Operation delivery. Forceps delivery. Vacuum delivery. Caesarean section. Ante-partum haemorrhage. Hydramnios. Hyperemisis gravidarum. Medical Disorder associated with pregnancy e.g. Pregnancy with anaemia Pregnancy with heart disease Pregnancy with diabetes Pregnancy with jaundice/hepatitis Renal problems during pregnancy Pyrexia in pregnancy Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy e.g. PET Eclampsia Essential hypertension Obstetric shock. Intra uterine growth retardation and its management. Fetal distress and its management.
31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46.
Fetal Monitoring. Fetal presentations. Breech presentation. Occipito posterior position. Brow presentation. Face presentation. Cord prolapse/compound presentation. Transvese lie/unstable lie. Multiple pregnancy. Puerperium (normal and abnormal). Examination of the new-born baby. Resuscitation of new-born. Minor problems of the new-born. Breast feeding and its importance. Obstetric injuries/ruptured uterus. Haematological disorder of pregnancy e.g. Rh incompatibility Thalassemia major/minor Role of Ultrasound in obstetric. Foetal congenital abnormalities. Vital statistics.
Log Book of 20 assisted deliveries.
1. Obstetrics by Ten Teachers by Stuart Campbell and Christoph Lees. 17th Ed 2000 2. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Neville F. Hacker, J. George Moore, and Joseph C. Gambone. 4th ed. 2004 3. Notes on Obstetrics & Gynecology. Stirrat, Mills, Draycott. 5th Ed. 2003. 4. Text book of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Rashid Lateef 5. Obstetrics and Gynecology by Arshad Chauhan 6. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.
The course outline is as follows : 1. Introduction. 2. Anatomy of female i. Genital organs ii. Development of female genital organs 3. Puberty and adolescence. 4. Ovulation and its clinical importance. 5. Normal menstruation. 6. Menstrual abnormalities. 7. Gynaecological history taking and examination 8. Minor gynaecological operative procedures. 9. Amenorrhoea 10. Infertility. 11. Contraception. 12. Ectopic pregnancy. 13. Trophoblastic tumours. 14. Vulval lesions 15. Tumours of vagina. 16. Tumours of cervix. 17. Tumours of uterus. 18. Tumours of ovaries. 19. Tumours of fallopian tubes. 20. Menopause, Hormone replacement therapy. 21. Genital prolapse. 22. Pelvic floor injuries. 23. Urogynaecology. 24. Problems of marriage and sex. 25. Vaginal discharges. 26. Infections of female genital tract i. Infections of upper genital tract ii. Infections of lower genital tract 27. Pre-operative preparations. 28. Post-operative complications and its management. 29. Role of USG in gynaecology
Log Book of 20 patients of Gynaecology.
1. Gynaecology by Ten Teachers by Stanley G. Clayton and Ash Monga 2006. 2. Essentials of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Neville F. Hacker, J. George Moore, and Joseph C. Gambone. 4th ed. 2004 3. Notes on Obstetrics & Gynecology by Stirrat, Mills, Draycott. 5th Ed. 2003. 4. Text book of Obstetrics and Gynecology by Rashid Lateef 5. Obstetrics and Gynecology by Arshad Chauhan 6. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility.
The course outline is as follows : List of suggested topics for teaching the undergraduates is given below, however the individual faculties can alter/add topics as per their discretion in respective institution: Common problems of children in Pakistan and statistics of Pakistani children Clinical methods in paediatrics Nutrition (breast feeding, infant feeding , weaning) and nutritional disorders:(PEM, rickets, vitamin A deficiency, iodine deficiency, iron deficiency ) Growth and development. Common pediatric infections: measles, tetanus, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, aids Malaria, enteric fever, tuberculosis, chicken pox, common skin infections Expanded program of immunization (EPI) .newer vaccines Diarrheal diseases. Acute respiratory infections (ARI). IMCI (integrated management of childhood illness). Neonatology: resuscitation of new born, care of normal new born, birth asphyxia, premature and low birth weight babies, neonatal jaundice, neonatal sepsis, neonatal fits, respiratory distress of new born, common skin conditions of neonates; pyloric stenosis, myelomeningocele, hydrocephalus, common congenital abnormalities and birth trauma. Neurology: meningitis, febrile, convulsions, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, mental handicap, cerebral malaria, encephalitis Cardiology: congenital heart diseases [VSD, PDA, TOF, ASD], rheumatic fever. Congestive cardiac failure, clinical assessment of a cyanotic neonate/infant. Haematology: anaemias, thalassemia, leukemias, bleeding disorders. Nephrology: nephrotic syndrome, urinary tract infections, acute glomeulonephritis Endocrinology: hypothyroidism, short stature, diabetes Pulmonology: croup, asthma, tuberculosis, pneumonias , pleural effusions. Gastroenterology: abdominal pain, malabsorption, hepatitis, cirrhosis, acute liver failure Diarrhea[acut/echronic] dysentery, worm infestations, giardia, amoebiasis, rectal polyp. Genetics: patterns of inheritance, Downs syndrome,
Social pediatrics: right of child, child abuse, enuresis, encoparesis, hyperactivity Dyslexia, attention deficit disorder Miscellaneous: poisoning, prevention of home accidents, behavioral disorders. Pediatric surgery: hernia, intussusceptions, intestinal obstruction, tallipes, congenital dislocation of hip, vesico ureteral reflux.
1. Students will demonstrate his ability to obtain a relevant clinical history from a parent or an older child. 2. Student will demonstrate his ability to perform adequate clinical examination of a child of any age (including newborn). 3. Student will be able to interpret clinical and laboratory data to arrive at a diagnosis. 4. Student will be able to advise appropriate nutritional measures for healthy and sick children (Breast feeding, avoidance of bottle, proper weaning) 5. Student will be able to counsel the parents on health promotive and disease preventive strategies for the child e.g. immunization procedures; hand washing) 6. Student will be able to recognize and manage common health problems of children. 7. Student will recognize the danger signs of disease in children and be able to appropriately refer children with severe disease to appropriate specialists/hospitals. 8. Student will demonstrate his ability to perform essential clinical procedures relevant to children e.g. Resuscitation of newborn. Basic cardio-pulmonary resuscitation. Anthropometric measurements. Measuring blood pressure Starting intravenous lines/ draw blood sample Administration of oxygen therapy Giving nebulizer therapy [bronchodilator] Use of growth chart
OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING SKILLS: 1. Lumbar puncture 2. Bone marrow aspiration 3. Supra pubic puncture 4. Subdural tap 5. Thoracentesis 6. Pericardiocentesis 7. Liver biopsy 8. Renal biopsy 9. Observe passing of catheter 10. Observe pericardial tap
1. Text book of paediatrics by Pervaiz Akbar 2. Essentials of Paediatrics by Nelson. Latest Edition. 3. Online Journals and Reading Materials through HEC Digital Library Facility