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Constitution Amendment

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We, the entire citizens of Okija in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra
State, Nigeria, having solemnly resolved and firmly affirmed to live in peace, love,
unity and harmony and to provide for ourselves a Constitution with the aim of
promoting good governance, social justice, development and welfare of all
citizens of Okija, do hereby make and give to ourselves the following

Article 2: Supremacy Of The Constitution

b. This Constitution shall be supreme and have binding force on all persons and
authorities indigenous to Okija both at home and in diaspora on all issues or
matters relating to the administration of the town, which includes but not
limited to the following; all laws, bye laws, administration of branches, women
wing, youths quarter and village unions, youth formations, etc shall be subject to
this constitution which is binding on all residents and citizens of Okija.

Historical Background

The three quarters/main village groups are further divided into 9 sub units
otherwise known as “The nine obi areas”.

Historically and from time immemorial, there was nothing like Igwe in Okija.
What Okija had was Okpara (eldest man) system of government in charge of every
village. The Okpara isi-ana and the head of Ulasi, respectively, were the rallying
point of all the village Okparas in Okija.

Following the independence of Nigeria in 1960, the then Eastern Nigeria

Government decided to establish a House of Chiefs and directed all the
communities to forward the names of their traditional rulers for inclusion into the
House of Chiefs. For this purpose, all the villages in Okija called on the Ubahu-
abu-Ubahu quarter as the most senior group of villages to produce the first Igwe
for Okija. With the transfer of headship of Ulasi between Umuohi and Ubahu, the
Ubahu village group as the new head of Ulasi was called upon to produce the Igwe
Okija on behalf of the Ubahu-abu-Ubahu quarter/village group. Two contestants
emerged for the Igweship from Ubahu, namely; Chief R.O. Oraelosi and Chief
J.E.N. Okezie. An election was conducted by the then Divisional Officer for
Onitsha with delegates from all the villages in Okija participating and voting in the
said election, and Chief R.O. Oraelosi emerged the winner.

It was failure to adhere to the Okija Chieftaincy Constitution and Code of Conduct
(Revised and Amended 1994) and an attempt by some elements trying to
manipulate the process in choosing a successor to the throne of Okija following the
death of Igwe G.O. Okezie that brought another crisis in Okija.

However, in a bid to find a lasting solution to the crisis bedeviling Okija

community, the Government of Anambra State in a letter referenced
MLGC/AD/489/022 dated 20th July, 2022, directed that each of the nine (9) Obi
areas should elect a 3 man representative to form a Caretaker Committee for Okija.
The election of a 3 man representative was conducted in each obi area in Okija on
the 3rd day of August, 2022.

Following the election of a 3 man representatives from each obi area, the Interim
Administration for Okija Community was inaugurated on the 5th day of August,
2022 by the Government of Anambra State with Ikemba Ken Emeakayi and Hon.
Barr. Ikenna Obidiegwu elected as the Acting President General and Acting
Secretary General respectively. The terms of reference given to the Interim
Administration for Okija Community includes;- “The Interim Administration will
represent the people and interest of Okija Community in general, take a critical
look into the customs of Okija Community and come out with a constitution that
will be widely acceptable by the generality of Okija Community for future
administrations, and a more unified peaceful co- existence in the community…”.

The Government of Anambra State in another letter referenced

MLGCCA/CM/18/T.2/158 dated 7th March, 2023, informed the Interim
Administration for Okija Community that the Committee has the mandate to
produce both the Town Union and Chieftaincy Constitution for Okija Community.

f. To acquire and develop properties in the name of the Union, consistent

with the aims and objectives of the Union.

Article 7: Membership:

a. Membership of the Union shall be open to every

male and female citizen of Okija who has attained 18 years and

d. Registration shall be in accordance with the manner and procedure

laid down by the branches, in accordance with the existing
Regulations/Bye Laws.

j. Any person considered by the village/branch as not suitable to

subscribe to the Unions aims, objective and philosophy may be
refused membership, subject to a right of appeal to the next
higher organ of the union, provided that the decision
of the National Executive Committee shall be final.

Article 8: Duties And Obligations Of Members:

C.Every member shall have the obligation to pay an annual due,

development levy, security levy, and any other levies as may be
approved by the central body. The amount payable will be determined
from time to time by the National Executive Committee and ratified by the
General Assembly.
E. Every member shall be issued a membership/identity card of the Union
through his/her branch upon payment of a fee as may be determined by the
National Executive Committee. The membership/identity card shall
be issued by the National Secretariat of the Union and duly signed by the
President General and Secretary-General.

Article 10: Duties And Functions Of Officers Of The Union:

3. Shall convene and preside at all functions and meetings of the National
Working Committee, National Executive Committee, National
Delegates Conference and General Assembly of the Union.
(I have a concern in this point number 3. In my opinion, it is not proper
that the PG being the incumbent should preside over the National
Delegates Conference. It is not fair for one to be a referee in a match he
may directly of indirectly compete).

8.Shall be a signatory to all cheques for fund withdrawal, together with

either the Secretary General, the Financial Secretary, or the Treasurer.

10. Shall preside over a constituted panel of mediators in matters

involving individuals and/or villages with a view to promote peace and
(notice that I rephrased point number 10 to avoid according absolute
power on the incumbent).

11. Shall have power (in consultation with his executive) to permit
observer(s) into the Union's meetings.

Article 15: Composition Of Special Delegates Conference:

A. The Special Delegates Conference shall be comprised of ten (10) delegates
elected from each obi area in Okija, one of whom must be a woman.

Article 18: Functions Of National Working Committee:

F. Shall supervise the effective running of Nkwo Okija market and other
traditional markets and social infrastructures within Okija.
G. Shall ensure, as at when due, that the audit report of the Union is sent
to National Executive Committee, National Delegates Conference, Board
of Trustees and General Assembly.

K. The quorum shall be….

(a two third quorum may be generally accepted).

Article 20: Functions Of National Executive Committee:

A. Shall initiate, discuss and agree on policy directions and programmes
that will help the Union to achieve her aims and objectives.

B. Shall fix amounts for registration fees, annual dues, development

levies, security levies, and other levies that it may deem necessary for the
development of Okija.

Article 21: Composition Of Board Of Trustees

B. The Union shall be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission of


C. Names and particulars of members of the Board of Trustees shall be

used in registering the Union with the Corporate Affairs Commission and other
government agencies

Article 22: Functions Of Board Of Trustees:

C. Shall act as mediators in case of any crises in the National Working

Committee or National Executive Committee.
E. Shall receive audited financial report of the Union and offer opinion on
the report.

Article 23: Branches Of The Union:

E. The branch seeking approval and recognition shall pay an administrative fee
to the Union. The fee amount shall be determined from time to time by the
National Executive Committee.
J. Every approved and recognized branch shall have the power to make rules and
regulations to govern its affairs, so long as the rules and regulations and
any amendment thereto are not in conflict with the provisions of this

N. Each member of a branch shall on admission and payment of the

prescribed fee, be given a copy of the Union's Constitution.

Q. A transfer certificate shall be issued to a member leaving a branch of the

Union to another on the condition that the member seeking transfer is
not towing the branch.

Article 26: Eligibility And Tenure Of Officers:

H. The candidate must be an elected delegate to the Special Delegates

Conference, elected from and by his/her obi area.

Article 27: Mode Of Election Of Officers:

E. Election into the national offices of the Union shall be by open secret
(notice that open secret ballot is ambiguous. I propose: SHALL BE BY

I. Winners shall be determined by a simple majority of the votes casted at

the Special Delegates Conference. In the event of any tie in the
votes, the election into the office concerned shall be repeated until a
winner emerges.

M. Any elected or appointed officer of the Union may resign from his/her
office by giving a 30 days' notice in writing, addressed to the President
General and in the case of the President General, his resignation
shall be addressed to the Chairman of Board of Trustees. Such resignation
shall be accepted or rejected by the President General or Chairman of
Board of Trustees as the case may be.

Article 28: Code Of Conduct And Removal From Office:

J. The decision of the National Executive Committee to sanction any employee of the
Union found liable for a breach of this code of conduct, shall be final.

Article 30: Financial Guidelines:

C. The Union shall open an account with the Access Bank Okija Branch.

Article 8: Okija Cultural And Traditional Administrative System:

The Obi and the Ichies shall be selected from and by his village group/obi area.


1. Besides the headings of the articles, all words or sentences in bold are
corrections emanating from spelling errors, absence of commas where
applicable etc.

2. Phrases or sentences written in red are suggested proposals for the committee’s


The word NATIONAL loosely connotes to a state or country. I humbly suggest

that wherever the word NATIONAL is used in this Constitution be replaced with

I heartily commend the members of the constitution committee for your tireless
and thankless effort towards delivering to Ndi-Okija a befitting and unity oriented
Constitution. Posterity will treat you kindly.

Furthermore, I sincerely salute the entire Interim Management Team led by our
indefatigable lion (Ikemba Ken Emeakayi). We are not ignorant of your effort,
dedication and sacrifice to Ndi-Okija. Please continue accommodate our criticisms
which sometimes may appear foolish, childish or unwarrented.

In my view, criticism is the yardstick with which leadership measures their

successes and areas of impediments taking into cognizance that no human on earth
is perfect.

Nneji Ifenna Fidel

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