Adebami O. J. Assessment of Knowledge On Causes and Care of Neonatal Jaundice at The Nigerian Primary and Secondary Health Institutions
Adebami O. J. Assessment of Knowledge On Causes and Care of Neonatal Jaundice at The Nigerian Primary and Secondary Health Institutions
Adebami O. J. Assessment of Knowledge On Causes and Care of Neonatal Jaundice at The Nigerian Primary and Secondary Health Institutions
Research Article
Department Paediatrics and Child Health, College of Health Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Osogbo, Nigeria
Dr. Olusegun Joseph Adebami,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Neonatal jaundice is the most common condition that requires medical attention in new-borns.
However, missed diagnosis of jaundice, poor monitoring, and prescriptions of wrong and ineffective medications by
the health workers for jaundice are known to be responsible for the persistence of acute bilirubin encephalopathy in
the sub region. Therefore, the aim of the present study was therefore to assess the knowledge in the care of neonatal
jaundice at the primary and secondary health care delivery in Nigeria so as to improve it.
Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at 12 local government primary health and maternity centers and 2 state
owned general hospitals (secondary health facilities) in Osun State, Southwest Nigeria between January and June
2014. Consent was obtained from the health workers at the health facilities. A structured questionnaire was
administered to all the staffs on duty and during the shifts of duty. The questionnaire contained questions to assess the
knowledge of the health workers with regard to neonatal jaundice causes, treatment and complications. Staff
judgment on the effectiveness of methods and drugs being prescribed were also assessed.
Results: One hundred and forty one (67.5 percent) were primary health care workers and 68 (32.5percent) were staff
in secondary health care facilities. There was significantly better understanding of causes, management and
complications of neonatal jaundice among secondary health care workers than primary health care workers (p at least
0.007). Common pharmacological agents prescribed were Ampiclox (Ampicillin-Claxacillin formulation), Glucose
water, Multivitamins, phenobarbitone, other antibiotics and injections at both health care levels.
Conclusions: There is therefore urgent need to train health workers of all cadres on causes, care, effective treatment
and complications of neonatal jaundice to reduce the high prevalence of bilirubin encephalopathy. Facilities like
effective phototherapy units should be made available at health facilities and training centres.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | October 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 10 Page 2605
Adebami OJ et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Oct;3(10):2605-2612
Severe neonatal jaundice is 100-fold more frequent in Out of three and forty three hundred questionnaires, 238
Nigeria than in industrialized countries1 Acute bilirubin were filled and returned covering 12 primary health
encephalopathy (ABE) is also very common in Nigeria.2 facilities and 2 state hospitals in the State. Twenty nine
It is known that missed diagnosis of jaundice, trivializing questionnaires were not analyzed because of
all cases of neonatal jaundice, poor monitoring, inappropriate entries and confusing information. Only the
prescriptions of wrong and ineffective medications for 219 questionnaires returned and appropriately filled were
jaundice has been found responsible for the persistence of analyzed. One hundred and forty one (67.5 percent) were
acute bilirubin encephalopathy and cerebral palsy in the birth attendants at the primary health care centers and 68
subregion.2 Among the babies who presented late with (32.5percent) were staff in secondary health care
acute bilirubin encephalopathy in a teaching hospital, facilities.
about 80% were seen by at least a health worker 24 hr.
before the brain damage and were given ineffective Of the 141 respondents at the Primary health care centers,
prescription, wrong counsel and reassurance.2 17 were Nursing officers, 8 Chief Community Health
officers, 9 Chief Community Health Extension Workers
Primary and the secondary health facilities and the (CHEW), 14 Principal CHEW, 26 CHEW, 32 Junior
workers are the closest health care providers to the CHEW and 35 Health Assistants.
community in terms of availability, accessibility and
affordability. The role of primary and secondary health Details of the 68 respondents at the secondary health care
care levels is very critical to neonatal jaundice were 5 Chief Nursing Officers, 7 Assistant Chief Nursing
management. Parents heavily depend in most cases on the Officers, 10 Principal Nursing Officers and 39 Nursing
advice and care being provided by these facilities without officers and 7 CHEW.
cross checking whether they are right or not. The aim of
the present study therefore, was to assess the knowledge The years of experience in practice ranged between 2 and
and ongoing practices in the care of neonatal jaundice at 32 years and average of 13.7 years among secondary
the primary and secondary health care delivery in Nigeria health care workers while the range was between 1 and
so as to improve it. 34 years and average of 17.8 years among the primary
level health workers.
Knowledge of neonatal jaundice causes and treatment
This was a cross-sectional study conducted at twelve
local government primary health and maternity centers Table I shows the comparison of knowledge of neonatal
and two state owned general hospitals (secondary health jaundice causes and treatment among primary and
facilities) in Osun State, Southwest Nigeria between secondary health care birth workers. There was
January and June 2014. These centers were chosen significantly better understanding of neonatal jaundice
because of their closeness in terms of location to the causes such as blood group incompatibility, G6PD
tertiary hospitals in the State. It was assumed that their deficiency, low birth weight and infection among
geographical closeness to the two teaching hospitals secondary health care workers than primary care workers
would bring the knowledge and practice in them close to (p at least 0.007). Similarly, secondary health care
the optimum. workers were better informed on appropriate approach to
management of neonatal jaundice like the need for
Consent was obtained from the health care workers. A referral, laboratory tests to determine the cause(s) and
structured questionnaire was administered to all the staffs severity, possible treatment options like phototherapy and
on duty during the shifts of duty. Excluded was those /or exchange blood transfusion when severe (p=0.000).
staff that was off duty or on leave. The questionnaire
contained questions on years of experience, questions to Counsel of health workers to mothers on the modalities
assess the knowledge of the health workers with regard to of treatment for neonatal jaundice
neonatal jaundice causes, treatment and complications.
Staff judgment on the usual counsel to mothers of babies Table II shows the comparison of usual counsel of health
with jaundice and the effectiveness of treatment usually workers to mothers of babies with neonatal jaundice on
prescribed. Mode and places of referral were also the treatment of jaundice in their babies. The secondary
assessed. The data generated were entered into HP health care workers significantly counseled better on the
personal computer and analyzed with the Statistical need for follow up, need for phototherapy and need/or
Package for the Social Sciences (SSPS version 17). exchanged blood if severe.
Simple frequencies and chi-square test of significance
were calculated. The level of significance was taken as p
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | October 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 10 Page 2606
Adebami OJ et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Oct;3(10):2605-2612
Table 1: Comparison of knowledge of neonatal jaundice causes and treatment among Primary and Secondary
Health Care Birth Attendants.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | October 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 10 Page 2607
Adebami OJ et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Oct;3(10):2605-2612
Table 2: Comparison of frequency of usual counsel to mothers on the modalities of treatment of neonatal jaundice
of health workers among Primary and Secondary Health Care Birth Attendants.
Table 3: Comparison of frequency of prescription for neonatal jaundice among 141 Primary and 68 Secondary
Health Care Birth Attendants.
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | October 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 10 Page 2608
Adebami OJ et al. Int J Res Med Sci. 2015 Oct;3(10):2605-2612
Table III shows comparison of frequency of prescription Knowledge of dangers (Complications) of severe
for neonatal jaundice among 141 Primary and 68 jaundice
secondary health workers. Common pharmacological
agents prescribed were Ampiclox (Ampicillin-Claxacillin Table IV shows comparison of knowledge of dangers
formulation), Glucose water, Multivitamins, (Complications) of severe jaundice among the primary
phenobarbitone, other antibiotics and injections. Others and secondary health care workers. The secondary health
were solution extracts made from pawpaw leaves and/or care workers were better informed about severe jaundice
seed in water, exposure to early sunlight, native herbal causing visual, auditory, speech/ language handicapping,
preparations and solution of naphthalene balls in water. cerebral palsy and even death.
Significantly higher proportions of primary health care
workers prescribed non-pharmacologic medications more
for babies with jaundice.
Table 4: Comparison of knowledge of dangers (Complications) of severe jaundice
among 141 Primary and 68 Secondary Health Care Birth Attendants.
Primary health care birth attendants Secondary health care midwives n=68
Variable Yes No I don‟t know Yes No I don‟t know p-
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%) value
Poor vision 28 (19.9) 31 (22.0) 82 (58.1) 42 (61.8) 12 (17.6) 14(20.6) 0.000
Poor hearing and 23 (16.3) 27 (19.1) 91(64.5) 48 (70.6) 10 (14.7) 10 (14.7) 0.000
Poor speech and 25 (17.7) 32 (22.7) 84 (59.6) 41 (60.3) 07 (10.3) 20 (29.4) 0.000
Poor development 28 (19.9) 49 (34.8) 64(45.4 ) 48 (70.6) 09 (13.2) 11 (16.2) 0.000
like delayed sitting,
crawling, standing,
Convulsion/Epilepsy 27 (19.1) 53 (37.6) 61(43.3) 37 (54.4) 12 (17.6) 19 (27.9) 0.000
Brain damage 23 (16.3) 44 (31.2) 74(52.5) 33 (48.5) 14 (20.6) 21 (30.9) 0.000
Poorly growth and 15 (10.6) 39 (27.7) 87(61.7) 35 (51.5) 11 (16.2) 22 (32.4) 0.000
stained teeth
Death 13 (9.2) 29 (20.6) 99 (70.2) 39 (57.4) 17 (25.0) 12 (17.6) 0.000
International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences | October 2015 | Vol 3 | Issue 10 Page 2609
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which is regarded as the most important cause of severe hemolysis, inadequate conjugation, low levels of binding
jaundice and bilirubin encephalopathy in Nigeria.11 In the proteins (albumin, Y and Z proteins), low levels of
present study, 9.2% and 50.0% of primary health care and enzymatic activities, inadequate intake with increased
secondary health care workers were aware of G6PD entero-hepatic circulations and poor blood brain
deficiency respectively. This is higher than 3.4% barrier.16-18 Preterms are therefore more susceptible to the
observed by Ekanem et al among 205 primary health care development of bilirubin encephalopathy and those who
staff in Calabar.4 Olusoga et al3 did not include the are jaundiced among them should be referred early.17-19
knowledge of G6PD in the survey among the community
health workers in Sagamu; because they thought it will be The knowledge of phototherapy and /or exchanged blood
too technical. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6- transfusion is quite low among the primary health
PD) deficiency is the most common disease producing workers in the present study where 24.1% and 16.3% of
enzymopathy in humans. G6PD catalyzes the entry step respondents had knowledge of phototherapy and
of G6P into the Pentose Phosphate Shunt (PPS) in the red exchanged blood transfusion respectively; hence the use
cells. While many other body cells have other of non-conventional method of treatment for neonatal
mechanisms of generating NADPH, the red blood cells jaundice. Finding of present study is however lower than
rely completely on G-6PD activity because it is the only 39.5% in calabar4 and 54.5% in Sagamu.3 The present
source of NADPH that protects the cell against oxidative study also reported 82.4% and 61.8% for phototherapy
stress and injury.12 Deficiency of this enzyme which and exchanged blood transfusion respectively among the
occurs in an X-linked recessive inheritance mode nurses /midwives at the secondary health facilities. Use
(therefore commoner in males) predisposes the individual of sunlight phototherapy is popular among the
to severe haemolysis, jaundice and anaemia when respondents of both health facilities similar to other
exposed to infections, certain foods and some previous studies.3,4 For moderate to severe jaundice,
medications. Prevalence of G6PD deficiency vary from phototherapy with electric generated blue-light or light-
20.6% in Ibadan13 to 37.3% in Ilorin.14 Ignorance of this emitting diode (LED) devices is the treatment of choice,
important cause is reflected in the continuous use of failing which exchange transfusion becomes necessary to
iatrogenic and highly provocative agents like naphthalene avert bilirubin-induced neurologic dysfunction.20-22 In
balls on babies, more so, in the treatment of jaundice. many resource-limited settings, there is no phototherapy
Many of the local herbal preparations contain menthol at all in the primary health care centers and sparsely used
which is contraindicated in G6PD deficient individuals. in the most secondary health facilities. The use of
effective phototherapy for jaundiced infants is frequently
Also, the act of prescribing oral antibiotics for treatment hampered by non-availability of conventional
of jaundice is a reflection of ignorance on the seriousness phototherapy devices powered by electricity.23-25 Several
of neonatal sepsis as a cause of jaundice. In the present studies especially in the tropics have reported a common
study, more than 80% and 70% of primary and secondary practice of exposing jaundiced infants to direct sunlight
health workers respectively favoured the use oral as a form of treatment despite concerns about the
antibiotics as part of the management for neonatal potential dangers from infrared and ultraviolet rays and
jaundice. This is higher than Olusoga et al finding of sunburn.9,23 Exposure of newborns to direct and
54.5% in Sagamu3 and Ekanem et al of 70.7% in unfiltered sunlight should be discouraged because of the
Calabar.4 Though prevalence of neonatal sepsis is high in potential and invisible harms from ultraviolet radiation
the developing countries because many deliveries are and infrared rays.20
unsupervised and occur in unhygienic environment.
However, treatment of sepsis in the newborn should be The prevalence of „physiological jaundice‟ which needs
intensive when sepsis is perceived to be the cause of the no treatment and therefore responds to any “treatment”
jaundice. Newborn babies especially the preterm are and give a fictitious confidence to many health workers
physiologically immunocompromised.15 Sepsis in and has been attributed to the underestimation of
newborn result in poor sucking, dehydration, release of irreversible brain damage that could occur in bad
hemolysis with resultant hemolysis, increased blood brain management of severe jaundice.2 Moreso, many of the
barrier permeability for unconjugated bilirubin, thereby health workers are unaware of the deleterious effects
increasing the probability of bilirubin encephalopathy severe jaundice can cause on the immature brain of a
development. Therefore, sepsis, in newborn is managed newborn. In the present study, less than 20% of the
with parenteral antibiotics. Use of oral antibiotics usually primary health workers are aware of the sequelae of
result in ineffective treatment of babies with sepsis, late severe neonatal jaundice. This is lower than 49.3% at a
presentation or may precipitate development of antibiotic primary health post in Calabar7 and 67% among the
resistance to commonly used and cheaper antibiotics. mothers attending antenatal care clinic in Benin.9
Significantly higher proportions of health care workers at There is therefore urgent need to train health workers of
the primary health care level in the present study were all cadres on causes, care, effective treatment and
ignorant of predisposition of low birth weight and complications of neonatal jaundice to reduce the high
preterm to severe jaundice. It is known that about 80% of prevalence of bilirubin encephalopathy being reported in
preterm may be jaundiced as a result of higher rate of the developing countries. Teaching health institutions
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