Employability Skills - Facilitator Manual - 2

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Employability Skills




Post Box No. 3142 CTI Campus, Guindy, Chennai - 600 032.
Employability Skills

Employability Skills
Facilitator Manual - 2
Common for all trades

Developed & Published by

National Instructional Media Institute

Post Box No. 3142,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032
Email - [email protected]
Website: www.nimi.gov.in

Printed in India at
National Instructional Media Institute
Post Box No. 3142,
Guindy, Chennai - 600 032

First Edition : August 2021 Copies:500


Employability Skills

Instructional Design
The content is envisaged to be developed with VARK (Visual Aural (Auditory) Read (Reading/writing) Kinesthetic)
learning styles with customized strategies to improve communication and learning generally. Hence, the
content has been structured in the form of workbooks to build meaningful learning experiences assuming that
the ITI trainees need to start learning English and communication from scratch. A facilitator guide has also been
developed to enable the Employability Skills course instructors deliver the lessons in the structured format for
effective internalization of the content by the ITI trainees.
Structure of the lessons
The Employability Skills content is designed with lessons in an hourly structure. The lessons are designed to enable
learning from the simple to complex concepts in an activity based format. The lessons shall provide adequate
scope for internalization of concepts through illustrations and meaningful activities structured from guided,
controlled to free use. Formative assessment shall be built in at appropriate intervals to facilitate consolidation
of the learning. Cohesion between the lessons shall ensure that concepts are revisited all along the learning
process thereby making the learning process meaningful, rewarding and enjoyable.
The lessons are structured using the ICARE model of instructional design. ICARE model is an end-user oriented
model that facilitates meaningful learning in an activity-based approach. The acronym ICARE stands for:

I – Introduce – lesson objectives, concepts

C – Connect – through illustrations (visuals and verbal with appropriate examples, wherever needed)
A – Apply – opportunities to practice the concepts in the form of activities
R – Reflect – through KWL chart (what was Known, Wanted to be known and eventually Learnt), recap
E – Extend – opportunities to explore alternative resources/materials (optional), project

Module refers to the 4 topics dealt with in workbook 1 and 8 topics to be dealt with in workbook 2 for 80
hours duration in each workbook.

Lesson refers to the content developed for training for specified number of hours for each of the 12
modules in the workbooks. Each lesson is for one hour duration.

Objectives shall be outcomes based restricted to three per lesson as the duration of each lesson shall be
one hour only.

Concept refers to the specific topics that the lesson is based on.

KWL chart chart is a tool used to enable learning with visible transition from recognition of prior knowledge
to acquisition of new knowledge. What the trainees want to know serves as an intermediary step between
what they know and what they eventually learn.
Illustration provides contextual examples to make the learning meaningful and internalize the concept

Context setting refers to preparing the classroom environment conducive to impart the training.

Activities provide opportunities to put the new concepts into active use in a guided, controlled and free
manner. The activities are designed for collaborative learning in pairs and groups.
Let’s Learn introduces additional concepts, as required.

Recap enables the trainees review their learning and proceed to learn the next lesson.

Employability Skills

Extension provides scope for furthering the learning by application of the concepts in wider contexts than
those dealt with in the workbook. It fosters learner autonomy and collaborative learning.

Recall is a chunking strategy that has been included at regular and meaningful intervals to consolidate
the learning and help smooth transition between lessons and topics. The recall section is designed with
multiple choice questions with due emphasis on application of the concepts learnt than on the theory
underlying them. This may be used by the instructors for periodical formative assessments to check
progress. Alternately, it may be used by the trainees to test their own learning levels.
Project refers to the extension of the classroom into the world of work like market scan, job search,
preparation for entrepreneurial ventures. Trainees may put the skill acquired through employability skills
training to effective use here. (optional)
Corpus is the vocabulary on which the content is built on refers to the range of words that ITI trainees
need to internalize to be able to productively use (active vocabulary) and understand using contextual
clues (passive vocabulary) for social and professional communicative purposes.
The vocabulary base for the content has been built on corpora (samples) of real world in tune with
the requirement of ITI trainees in real-life (realia). The words are categorized into high-frequency and
low-frequency words. Words that the trainees may be familiar with are in normal font and those that they
need to learn and internalize to use (some words) and recognize (most words) are in bold font.

Employability Skills


The National Instructional Media Institute (NIMI) sincerely acknowledges and appreciates the invaluable
contribution made by the following content developers without whose support the Employability Skills Student
Workbook would not have been completed in a very short span of time.
Facilitator Manual Development & Coordination
Dr. T. Jayasudha, Deputy Director, NIMI

Facilitator Manual Development Team

Ms. Shivani Sharma, Program Development & Impact Evaluation, Medha
Ms. Sushmitha Sridhara, Manager – Facilitator & Content Development, My Quest, Quest Alliance
Ms. Sonali Gupta, Specialist – Facilitator & Content Development, Quest Alliance
Mr. G. Michael Johny, Assistant Manager, NIMI
Design & Layout
Mr. S. Gopalakrishnan, Assistant Manager, NIMI

NIMI appreciates the Data Entry operators and CAD staff for their valuable contribution to bring the student
workbook in its present form.
NIMI is happy to thank all the other staff members who have helped in the development of this book.

Employability Skills

Welcome, Employability Skills Facilitators

With the surging population and massive development in the industry in many sectors like production,
manufacturing, services, etc., the demand for skilled craftsmen is on the rise. India is to occupy an enviable
position with the youngest employable population for the next few decades. In order to capitalize on the
demographic dividend, it is important to enable employability of the craftsmen within the country and foster
their mobility to the industrialized countries of the world. Hence, there is a felt need to customize the training
in the ITIs to match the needs of the industry with the necessary skills to communicate and perform on the job.
The Employability Skills content for training the ITI trainees has been re-structured into user-friendly student
workbook(s) to enable them get trained effectively to become employable on completion of the training.
The content has been developed with active industry contribution. ITI instructors need to follow the guidelines
in this manual developed in alignment with the student workbook and effectively impart the training. Also,
ensure to make the maximum use of the manual to facilitate the training to help the ITI secure jobs in the
relevant industries.
Why are Employability Skills needed?
India needs to attract resources to meet the changing needs of the industry, increase access to labour market
relevant qualifications by focusing on sectors that have the potential for high-productivity by creating a range of
job opportunities alongside enabling employment prospects and mobility across the world.
A great number of ITI trainees comprise youth from the lower-income groups and opt for vocational education
to become skilled workforce. While the focus of vocational education is to provide access and equity to all
sections of the population, the quality of vocational education and training is also of paramount importance.
Hence, upgrading of technical and pedagogical competencies of ITI trainees/instructors with adequate exposure
to specialized skills is the need of the hour. In the light of these circumstances, the employability skills content
has been developed to meet the needs of the ITI trainees/instructors and the industry requirements.
Communication skills and the ability to perform on the job are fundamental requirements for getting placement.
ITI trainees hail from socio-economically disadvantaged strata of the society and are mostly first generation
trainees. Therefore, it is necessary to scaffold English literacy along with relevant 21st century skills to enable
upward mobility through employment. There is demand-supply mismatch with respect to the employability of
ITI trainees as knowing something and knowing how to do something are not the same.

Employability Skills

What are ITI Employability Skills?

The Employability Skills curriculum is common to all the trades under the Craftsmen Training Scheme. The
curriculum has been restructured to meet the demands of the industry. The number of hours of instruction of
the Employability Skills training has been enhanced from 110 to 160 hours to provide a comprehensive training
for ITI trainees.
It is envisaged that India has the potential to emerge as the Skill Capital of the world by introducing various
schemes, interventions and programmes to bridge the demand-supply mismatch and render the skilled
workforce employable. The employability skills content caters to the emerging needs of the ITI trainees. It shall
help to build the requisite skills essential for procuring jobs in the relevant industries.

Year 1 – Workbook 1 – 80 hours

Module Topic Duration in hours

1 Behavioural Skills 10
2 English Literacy 30
3 Communication Skills 20
4 IT Literacy 20

Year 1 – Workbook 2 – 80 hours

Module Topic Duration in hours

5 Entrepreneurship 20
6 Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace 10
7 Occupational Safety, Health and 10
Environment Education
8 Essential Skills for Success 10
9 Labour Welfare Legislation 05
10 Quality Management 05
11 Preparation to the World of Work 10
12 Customer Interaction/Service 10

Note: Behavioural Skills module is meant to lay the foundation for Employability Skills. The trainees will be able
to build rapport with the instructor and benefit from the training to find a suitable job on completion of the
course. Hence, the 6 lessons developed may be used effectively to impart training for 10 hours.

Employability Skills

How to deliver Employability Skills?

Learning by doing:
The content for Employability Skills is designed with an end-user pedagogical orientation. The exposure to
concepts is very minimal while adequate opportunities to internalize the concepts through meaningful activities
is built in. The activities are graded as the guided, controlled to free activities to help the trainees learn at their
own pace. The transition from one lesson to another is smooth with recall sections to check progress. The
activities are designed for experiential learning. The simplest definition of experiential learning is “learning by
doing”. In the experiential model, Kolb described two different ways of grasping experience: Concrete Experience,
Abstract Conceptualization. He also identified two ways of transforming experience: Reflective Observation,
Active Experimentation. These four modes of learning are often portrayed as a cycle.

Ways to facilitate Learning by Doing:

Classroom activity: Simulated in-class activities that help trainees share gain relevant experience about the given
topic, enabling them to draw their own takeaways.
Interactions: Direct the trainees to work in pairs and groups as required as peer learning and collaboration make
learning easy, meaningful and fun.
Trainee Autonomy: Examples: Extension activities at the end of the lessons and project at the end of IT literacy
are meant to foster inquiry-based or project-based learning. Ensure to help the trainees explore it outside the

Employability Skills

How to prepare yourself to deliver employability skills?

What does the trainee already know about the topic?

Why should they be interested in the learning outcomes?
Think of the trainee How are the learning outcomes aligned with the trainee’s life and
future career?
What are your trainees’ preferred learning styles?

Read Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

the topic!
Prepare lesson plan material.
Prepare your plan
Write clear instructions in your own words for all activities.
Plan your learning space.

Be a Guide:
Do not prescribe right and wrong answers.
Each mistake is an opportunity to learn!

Encourage trainees to be Explorers:
Enable an ‘I can learn’ attitude.
Encourage collaborative learning and problem solving!
Instead of just knowledge, give them the tools to be lifelong learners.

Ensure trainee handbook is complete.

Follow-up Create opportunities for one-on-one interactions after class.
Seek feedback from trainees!

Employability Skills


No. Topic Page No.

1. My Life Plans 4
2. Introduction to Entrepreneurship 5
3. Being Entrepreueurial 6
4. My Values as An Entrepreneur 8
5. Recall 9
6. My Business Idea 10
7. Map the Market I 11
8. Map the Market II 13
9. Overall Market Analysis 14
10. Recall 16
11. My Final Business Idea 16
12. Business Test Run 18
13. Business Planning 19
14. Pitching for My Business 20
15. Recall 22
16. Accounting 22
17. Marketing 23
18. Ethical Business Practices 25
19. Vision Boarding 26
20. Recall 27
Assessment Rubric for Entrepreneurship Skills 28

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

1. Efficiency in the Workplace 32
2. Growth 33
3. Personal Growth 34
4. Best Practices - Relevant for Industries 35
5. Factors Affecting Productivity – Identification of
Problems – Case Study (Construction) 36
6. Factors Affecting Productivity – Discuss Solutions to the
Problems 37
7. Factors Affecting Productivity – Identification of Problems –
Case Study – Training of Migrant Workers 38
8. Factors Affecting Productivity – Discuss Solutions to the
Problems 39

Employability Skills

No. Topic Page No.

9. Impact of Lack of Productivity on the Society – Environment,
Health and Safety 40
10. Tips for Maintaining and Improving Productivity Tips for
Maintaining and Improving Productivity 41
Assessment Rubric for Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace 42

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

O 1. occupational Safety and Hygiene 46

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) 47
3. Occupational Hazards 48
4. Classification of Hazards 49
5. Ergonomics 50
6. Occupational Diseases 51
7. Machine Guards – Types 52
8. Environmental Education 53
9. Pollution, Ozone Depletion and Global Warming 54
10. Preventing Environmental Pollution – 3Rs 55
Assessment Rubric for Occupational Safety, Health and
Environment Education 56

Essential Skills for Success

1. Self-Awareness – 1 60
2. Self-Awareness – 2 61
3. Stress Management 62
4. Stress Management – Tools 63
5. Problems Solving 65
6. Decisions and Negotiations 66
7. Time Management 70
8. Money Management 73
9. Migrating Opportunities – Should I do It? 74
10. Migrating Opportunities – Best Practices 75
Assessment Rubric for Essential Skills for Success 76

Labour Welfare Legislation

1. Labour Welfare – Benefits Guaranteed under Various
Acts, Factories Act 80
2. Employees State Insurance Act, Apprentices Act 81
3. Payment of Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act 82

Employability Skills

No. Topic Page No.

4. Workmen’s Compensation Act, POSH 83

5. Interpreting Applicable Labour and Industrial Laws 84
Assessment Rubric for Labour Welfare Legislation 85

Quality Management

1. Quality Management 89
2. Total Quality Management, Quality Circle 90
3. Quality Management System, PDCA 91
4. Fishbone, 5S, 5D, KAIZEN 92
5. Standardization 93
Assessment Rubric for Quality Management 94

Preparation to the World of Work

1. Introduction to the World of Work 98
2. Career Awareness – 1 99
3. Career Awareness – 2 – Market Scan 100
4. Career Plan – Interests and Abilities 101
5. Recall 101
6. Setting Goals for Career 102
7. Resume Writing 103
8. Applying for Jobs Online 104
9. Interview Skills 105
10. Recall 106
Assessment Rubric for Preparation to the World of Work 107

Customer Interaction and Service

1. Importance of Customer Service 111
2. Forms of Greeting 111
3. Probing to Identify Customer Needs 113
4. Probing – Ask-listen-repeat Technique 114
5. Closing a Sale or Service 115
6. Customer Feedback – 1 116
7. Customer Feedback – 2 117
8. Handling Grievances – 1 118
9. Handling Grievances – 2 119
10. Relationship Building with Customers 120
Assessment Rubric for Customer Interaction and Service 121


Why is ‘Entrepreneurship’ in Employability Skills?

Every individual wishes to do work that brings them joy as well as taps into their abilities and potential. However,
Economic independence of every individual is needed for the pursuit of making this potential a reality. The
reality of India’s economy is that the country’s top 8 sectors created 1.35 lakh jobs in 2015, while about 1.25Cr
Indians turned 18 years old. So, the question of ‘if companies are not going to employ individuals, how can one
employ self?’ is fast becoming a question that must be addressed.
Understand the Topic
In this module, trainees will understand what it means to be an entrepreneur – that it is an amalgamation of
knowledge, skills and mindsets. Mindsets are ways of believing and thinking that guide how an individual operates
in the world and the decisions he/she makes. Trainees will gather knowledge on entrepreneurial concepts and
connect them to their beliefs, aspirations and the market reality to learn to set up a venture that shall thrive in
the fast changing and evolving markets.
How to deliver the ‘Entrepreneurship’ module?
Some of the main beliefs that shall have to be operated with, and tasks shall have to be done would be for the
instructor to understand the skills and mindsets first. The four mindsets that the module talks about – self-
awareness, self-belief, independence and grit – will have to be emphasized, reinforced and focused on constantly
in each lesson, because these are the driving forces that shall assist in encouraging the trainees to strive to do
better. Encouraging and motivating the trainees to apply as much as they can, will be the next biggest job.
An important principle of entrepreneurship is trial and error. However, just like anyone else, the trainees will
hesitate to try for fear of failure. The instructor shall b a large motivating factor for them to experiment and learn
from their experiences, so that they can move towards achievement and success. Ensuring that trainees engage
in the extension activities will become important for them to try their business ideas. Help them in recollecting,
discussing and reflecting on their learning on a regular basis for the same.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional but highly recommended)
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict the
concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A ‘Let’s Learn’ section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concepts dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional, but deeply recommended to be followed through by trainees since it shall make
their experience richer.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.


How to prepare yourself to deliver the Entrepreneurship module?

What life paths are your trainees most likely going to take after they
graduate? What is your trainees reality of job prospects after they
How can they be best prepared with the knowledge and skills to have the
Think of the trainee
confidence to set up their own venture?
If they have their life plans chalked out, irrespective of what path it is, what
mental module or way of thinking (mindsets) will it require them to have
to be successful and happy at work?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about


Prepare your plan Prepare the lesson plan material.

Write clear questions for reflection.
Arrange the classroom seats in a manner that enables discussion.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them experience and draw their own takeaways.
What if they make a mistake? What if somebody simply does not
understand what role modeling means? It is an opportunity for them to
learn through more examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with reticent trainees after the class to encourage them to
Follow Up
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class, ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!


Key Learning Outcomes

At the end of this module, you shall be able to:
• reflect on one’s career plans after graduation and infer what it takes to be successful
• explore the job scenario in the country and locality and analyze the need for entrepreneurship in that
• identify the skills and qualities needed to be an entrepreneur identifying the values one stands for
• create and list multiple business ideas for the sector
• articulate the need to focus on understanding the customer and conduct surveys to understand need
• identify, compare and analyze your market competition, government schemes and other market forces
• enhance the scope of the business ideas by adding a customer value lens
• decide on a unique value proposition, business ethics for your business idea
• present your business idea and gather feedback about the same
• create a business plan, sales pitch, business marketing strategy for your business.


1. My Life Plans

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
Tell the trainees that this module will be completely activity based and they shall go through the
stages of setting up their own business based on their strengths and interests!
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from the introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish to
learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart, to get a better
understanding of the concept. Highlight that the 4 ingredients in the recipe for success will
be discussed in detail through the lesson.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions as well as share in the class, by telling them that
there is no correct or wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.

Warm Up Activity
The path to success is not easy. It requires everyone to have many
skills and certain qualities to be successful. Highlight this point to
trainees by drawing two arrows on the board. One will be a straight
arrow and one will be a zig-zag arrow.

Ask trainees which arrow depicts the path to success. After getting a few responses share with
them the path to success is like the zig zag arrow with lot of ups and downs. Next, ask them how
one can overcome the challenges and the ups and downs in this path. Share that one needs
many skills and qualities to overcome challenges and that this lesson will talk about 4 such

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Encourage the trainees to read the decision tree illustration. Help them to answer the
question asked in it and arrive at the career option they wish to choose.
3. Ask the trainees to complete activity 1 and write the reason for their career choice in the
space provided. Encourage the trainees to share answers in pairs.
4. Instruct the trainees to read the success stories of the famous personalities given in the
visual in activity 2 and answer the question for the activity. Help them elicit the qualities of
the personalities from their stories.
5. Guide the trainees to read the descriptions of the 4 qualities. Encourage them to ask clarifying
questions or any doubts they may have.


10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Recall the activities from the start of the lesson. Guiding questions you may ask trainees to
elicit the responses:
• What are your career plans after your ITI course?
• What are the 4 important qualities that successful people have?
• Out of the 4 qualities which one is your strength? Which one do you need to improve?
They should be able to express their career plans after they complete their ITI course, recall
the 4 qualities of successful people and identify the quality that is their strength and one
which is their area of improvement which will help them succeed in their chosen career
5. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

2. Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Material required: Chocolates, trainees’ workbook 10 mins

Tell the trainees that this module will be completely activity based and they shall go through the
stages of setting up their own business, based on their strengths and interests!
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from the introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish to
learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustrations and charts given after the KWL chart, to get
a better understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions as well as share in the class, by telling them that
there is no correct or wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Keep the chocolates on the table. (The chocolates should be lesser than the total trainees in the
class). Ask the class to come and pick up one chocolate per person. Lay down the condition that
everyone should try and get a minimum of one chocolate. After the first failed attempt, ask the
trainees to try one more time.
Ask the trainees to think why everyone did not get a chocolate and some were left out.
Link the situation to the job crisis in the country using the following questions:
Is there any similarity between the current class scenario and the job situation in the market?
Does everyone get a job after completing their studies? Is it because they are not qualified or
there are too many qualified people trying for one job?


40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Mention the key points from the illustrations of ‘The State of Employment report of India
2019’. Ask the trainees to read it up on the internet themselves.
3. Ask the trainees to think if they agree with the statistics shared in the report, and why.
Encourage them to share their views with their partner or friend.
4. Instruct the trainees to form groups of 4 and discuss the status of employment of the people
in their State or locality.
5. Ask them to brainstorm about various lucrative alternatives to market generated employment.
Discuss the difference between wage employed individuals and self-employed individuals.
6. Encourage a discussion amongst the trainees about being self-employed. Instruct the trainees
to refer to the information given as prompts in the workbook.
7. Urge them to make connections with the benefits they have discussed and read about, with
entrepreneurs they know of in their lives. Help them reflect on and write about four such

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• Think about other benefits of being self-employed.
• What do you feel about being self-employed/ being an entrepreneur?
• What connections can you draw between the four qualities from the previous lesson to
The trainees should be able to realize the reality of employment and job conversions in the
country and their areas, assess the situation of the industry they wish to enter and reflect on
taking up self-employment as a possibly lucrative option.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

3. Being Entrepreneurial

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
Tell the trainees that this module will be completely activity based and they shall go through the
stages of setting up their own business, based on their strengths and interests!
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from the introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses


3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish to
learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Explain to the trainees that the third “What I Learned” column is to be filled at the end of the
lesson with their learnings from the lesson.
5. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart, to get a better
understanding of the concept.
6. Encourage the trainees to ask questions as well as share in the class, by telling them that
there is no correct or wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Instruct the trainees to get into groups of 4. Tell them that the game for the day is making
objects using the team member’s bodies. Call out the following 4 objects – a house, car, bus and
dog. All the members of the group have to participate into getting the shape made. The team
that makes the object first, wins!
After the activity, ask the trainees how they decided which person would be what part of the
object. Ask them if the activity was easy or difficult to do.
Summarize the activity by saying that there are various ways in which people make decisions,
and that they shall explore how to make decisions in business through this lesson.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 and ask them to read the case study.
3. Instruct them to go back to the illustration of the mindsets from the previous lesson and
the infographic of the skills from this lesson. After reading, instruct the trainees to fill the
table from activity 1 for the mindsets and skills they observed from the story and fill in with
relevant examples. Clarify any doubts that the trainees might have.
4. Explain the meaning of SWOT to the trainees and ask them to fill it out for themselves in
activity 2.
5. Encourage the trainees to brainstorm about what they would do to successfully complete
activity 3. Urge them to use the SWOT analysis they have done for themselves, to help decide
what idea they would pick. Motivate them to do the activity and have fun with it!
6. If they have a lot of ideas for what they would want to do, urge them to do a SWOT analysis
of the different ideas to select one by introducing the concept of ‘opportunity cost’.
7. For activity 3, ask the trainees to get into pairs and discuss the case studies and the decisions
they would make in each case.
8. In case you notice most trainees struggling with or having very diverse discussions about,
open up the discussion to the whole class and encourage a whole class debate on it.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.


4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• What is a SWOT analysis? How would conducting a SWOT analysis help to make decisions
in any situation?
• What would opportunities for you as an entrepreneur look like after doing the SWOT
The trainees should be able to identify the mindsets and skills an entrepreneur would require,
and how it would help him/her make business decisions. They would also be acquainted with
a tool to be able to make decisions in business.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

4. My Values as An Entrepreneur

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
Tell the trainees that this module will be completely activity based and they shall go through the
stages of setting up their own business, based on their strengths and interests!
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from the introduction of the topic to
the activities.
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish to
learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Explain to the trainees that the third “What I Learned” column is to be filled at the end of the
lesson with their learnings from the lesson.
5. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart, to get a better
understanding of the concept.
6. Encourage the trainees to ask questions as well as share in the class, by telling them that
there is no correct or wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making
mistakes is the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees to think about how decisions are taken in their families. Who makes the
decisions and what do they think about when they make these decisions.
Now, encourage them to think as if they are the head of the family. Now, how would they want
to make decisions? Would they do something differently from how the people in their family
are currently making it?
Tell the trainees that we all make decisions on the basis of some beliefs and values that we hold
dear. We shall see how these might play out when they are making business decisions.


40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. For activity 1, instruct them to get into groups of 3 or 4 to read the case study and answer
the question in the space in the stars.
3. Now, urge them to read about the values listed from the earlier book and how they play
out in the case study given in activity 1. Help them compare it to the notes they have made
about Bharti’s values in activity 1, and see similarities and differences.
4. Encourage them to reflect on the values important to them from the list in the previous
part and write them in the space provided. Ask them to write down any other values that
might be important to them outside of the list. Urge them to think and write about why the
values they have selected are important to you. Ask them to share their reflection with their
5. Instruct them to think about how these values and beliefs would play out when they are
running their venture. Ask them to also think about the benefits and pitfalls of operating
one’s business from a set of values and beliefs.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Recall the activities from the start of the lesson. Guiding questions you may ask trainees to
elicit the responses:
• What values are important to you?
• How do the values play out when you are making business decisions?
• Do you think there might be a problem when you would apply these values? What
problems do you anticipate?
The trainees should be able to identify to need to make business decisions on the basis of
what they believe in, and the implications of the same. They must be able to identify those
beliefs and visualize how they might play out when they make business decisions.
5. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

5. Recall

Materials needed: Trainee workbook, pencil, eraser 10 mins

1. Prepare the class for the formative assessment of the lessons (1 - 4) that have been
2. The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test for rote memory.
3. Instruct the trainees on the purpose of formative assessment (recall).
4. Make them recognize that is done for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus on more.


40 mins
1. While conducting the test, ensure that the participants answer the questions
2. Assess the learning of the participants based on their performance and ensure that suitable
remedial measures are taken for them to continue learning without any impediments.
3. Compare the performance of the participants with the previous recall lesson. Track the
improvement made by each participant.
4. Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
10 mins

1. Discuss the performance of the participants and suggest methods to improve their
2. Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
3. Focus more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

6. My Business Idea
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Encourage them to recollect the meaning of all the market
forces mentioned.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Tell the trainees that you have a challenge for them. Read the following story:
Sunanda is a homemaker in the city of Karnal in Haryana. Her husband is a daily wage worker
and they have two children. Sunanda buys a soap bar (tikiya) every 2 days to wash her family’s
clothes. It costs Rs.10. However, the quality of the washing bar is not good. It very quickly melts
in water and is very harsh on her skin. Her hands keep burning after using the bar.
Encourage the trainees to think of the wildest ideas within 5 minutes to solve Sunanda’s
After the trainees have finished sharing, ask them to read up about HUL’s foray into the Indian
rural markets by introducing liquid pouches.
Help traineesto reflect on how companies have captured larger markets by addressing the needs
of their customers.


40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Ask trainees to get into pairs and tell each individual to select a sector of their choice from the
table in Activity 1. Ask them to share the reason for selecting the sector with their partners.
3. Instruct them to read the example table in Activity 2 to understand how they can think of
business ideas related to their sector. Urge them to go back to the infographic at the start of
the lesson.
4. Now, ask them to think about an individual related to the sector they have chosen and list
down a problem they are facing. Encourage them to brainstorm with their friends and write
down a large list of possible solutions to identified problem.
5. Tell them to repeat the process with another person in mind.
6. Now, instruct them to think deeper about general problems of the sector that they have
observed and list down pre-existing as well as new solutions to the problems. They could use
the internet to look for solutions to the problems also.
HINT: Keep encouraging them to think and assure them that there is nothing like wrong or bad

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• What are your strengths? What values are important to you in life? How do your business
ideas relate to these two things?
The trainees should be able to realize the need to base business ideas by understanding
gaps people are facing related to the product, in the market. They realize the need to read
up about the innovations happening in their respective sectors.
5. Encourage the trainees to read about the funds available for the sectors they are working in
and work on the extension activities on their own.

7. Map the Market I

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins

1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.


4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Encourage them to recollect the meaning of all the market
forces mentioned.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees if they have heard the phrase, ‘customer is god’? If yes, ask them what they
understand by the phrase and if they agree or disagree with the phrase, and why. Encourage a
discussion and debate between the trainees who support or oppose the statement.
Summarize the discussion by asking the trainees why such a phrase might have been coined at
all. Mention to them that they shall understand the meaning and implications of the statement
in depth in this lesson.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Ask them to read the case study in groups of 3 or 4, and discuss questions attached to it.
Encourage them to record their responses in the space given below it.
3. Enquire if the trainees believe that it is important to know the customers. Encourage them to
read the illustration about what they would want to gather by knowing the customers - their
needs, interests and concerns. Ask them to give you examples of what kind of business ideas
they could come up with, by knowing any of these aspects of their customer’s lives.
4. Explain to the trainees that a wholesome way of gathering information from the customer is
by speaking with them. Direct them to read the survey questions written.
5. Question them if theyha’ve had experiences of where they were stopped and questioned by
individuals who were selling products. Encourage them to think about the kind of questions
they were asked by the customer care employee.
6. Guide them through the design and the questions of the 2 customer survey templates.
7. Ask them what information would they need before starting their ventures and what
questions they would want to ask to get that information.
8. Motivate them to record those questions and compare them with the templates available.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as


• Why is it important to understand the customer that your business is going to be catering
to? How will it help the venture?
• What are some kinds of questions that you could ask to understand your target customer
more? What is a possible business idea that could come of the questions you ask and the
information that you might receive?
• What challenges might you face while gathering this information?
The trainees should be able to realize the need for understanding the customer segment
that their business is intending to catering to, be aware of the themes under which
information could be gathered and the kind of questions that could be asked to gather useful
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

8. Map the Market II

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Encourage them to recollect the meaning of all the market
forces mentioned.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees the question, “What would happen if Flipkart or Amazon promote their
websites in rural villages rather than cities and towns? Would they change what they are selling
and how they are selling it?”. Ask trainees to discuss what would be different between the
customers for e-commerce websites in rural and urban India. Explain to the trainees that most
successful companies analyze the customer group, what is the ground reality and various other
factors before deciding on a successful business idea. Just like them, in this lesson, the trainees
will learn about how various market forces should be kept in mind while deciding on a business

40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Encourage the trainees to read the illustration about market forces. In order to complete
activity 1, help trainees understand that the way they went about understanding the
customer before deciding on a business idea, they shall understand their competitors in the
same way in this activity.


3. Help them identify competitors for the products they are ideating over. Guide them as they fill
up the boxes in the table for each competitor with a number on the scale and corresponding
information in the ‘notes’ column.
4. After they fill up the table, ask the trainees to think about the awareness they are gathering
about the sector their business idea falls in, based on the analysis of their competitors.
5. Help the trainees know that the government has different schemes for individuals falling in
different sectors. Instruct them to read up about the 4 schemes mentioned in the book, and
clarify their doubts if any.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• How does knowledge of your competitors affect the business idea you are planning to
work on?
• How does knowing the various government schemes available for the sector and business
you have chosen, help improve your business idea?
The trainees should be able to have complete access to knowledge about the sector they are
planning to start their venture in, and for that they must be aware of the 4 segments of the
market they should gather information on - their customers, competitors and the market,
the government structure available for support and technological innovations in the sector.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

9. Overall Market Analysis

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins

1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Encourage them to recollect the meaning of all the market
forces mentioned.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.


Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees to get into groups of 4. Instruct each person to select one item they have in
their bag, and put it on the table in front of them. Now, tell them that there is a situation they
have to get out of. Each group is shipwrecked on an island with only these four items they have
pooled in. They have five minutes to figure out solutions to get off the island only using these
four items. Encourage them to think of the wildest solutions only with the four items.
At the end of the activity, tell them that they assessed the information they had (the items in
this case), to figure out solutions to a larger problem (here, getting off the island). Inform them
that they shall be doing the same for their business ideas in this lesson.
40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Ask them to fill up the illustration at the start of the lesson, to gather all the information
they’ve learnt about their market in the last couple of sessions.
3. For activity 1, encourage and guide them to reflect on what they are learning about the
sector they are planning to work in. this could be important information for anyone starting
a venture in the sector, or insights about working there, or the new things they have learnt
about it.
4. Instruct trainees to relook at their business ideas. Remind trainees that they are free to
alter or change their business idea if they wish to do so after analyzing the data they have
5. For activity 3, ask trainees to carefully observe both the images given in activity. Encourage
them to pair up and think about the questions asked. Assist them if required.
6. Once they have answered the questions, ask trainees to read the content given about
the value of products. Encourage them to reflect on how this information relates to their
7. Instruct the trainees to think about the value they are creating for their customers through
the final business idea that they have decided in activity 2 and write it in the thought bubbles

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• How did the knowledge of various market forces help you enhance your business idea?
• Were you able to enhance or modify your business idea based on the knowledge of the
various market forces at play?”
• What is the value that your business will add to customers? What are some ideas you
have for the same?
Trainees should be able to collate the data they have gathered about the various market
forces and use it effectively to enhance their business idea, identify the value that they are
creating with their business.
5. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.


10. Recall

Materials needed: Trainee workbook, pencil, eraser 10 mins

1. Prepare the class for the formative assessment of the lessons (6 -9) that have been
2. The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test for rote memory.
3. Instruct the trainees on the purpose of formative assessment (recall).
4. Make them recognize that is done for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus on more.
40 mins

1. While conducting the test, ensure that the participants answer the questions
2. Assess the learning of the participants based on their performance and ensure that suitable
remedial measures are taken for them to continue learning without any impediments.
3. Compare the performance of the participants with the previous recall lesson. Track the
improvement made by each participant.
4. Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
10 mins

1. Discuss the performance of the participants and suggest methods to improve their
2. Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
3. Focus more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

11. My Final Business Idea

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish
to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of what SMART goals are and why they are beneficial.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.


Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees to think of one unique thing that sets them apart from the rest of the people in
their lives. Tell them to present that uniqueness to the class in the most creative way – by giving
a speech or singing about or drawing about it.
After they all present, let them know that in this lesson, they shall be thinking about the
uniqueness of their businesses in the same way.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Guide them through recollecting and assessing the business ideas that they have decided.
Help them fill up the checklist table for one business idea they have. Clear their doubts if
3. Help them check for the final business idea they have selected by filling out the image in
activity 2.
4. Read the content written about the meaning of a unique selling proposition.
5. Instruct them to pair up and recollect the UVP taglines for the businesses mentioned in
activity 3. Let them know that the pair that comes up with the taglines first, wins!
6. Brainstorm with your trainees to identify unique selling proposition taglines for their business
ideas. Instruct them to write it down and present them to the class.
7. Ask them to give feedback to each other. Instruct your trainees to incorporate the feedback
and make their taglines better.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• Why is it important to have a uniqueness to one’s business idea?
• What is the most unique business idea they’ve heard in their lives?
• How does one decide on what the unique value proposition for a business should be?
The trainees should be able to realize the need to set themselves apart in the sector they are
choosing to enter by deciding on a value proposition for their business that is unique. They
should have thinking tools available to them to figure out how to decide the uniqueness of
their business.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.


12. Business Test Run

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser, crayons 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish
to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees to pair up with a friend from their class. Tell each pair to think about unique
features for presenting themselves well to their employers. Ask each individual to think about
what they need to improve in their appearance to present themselves better. Now, ask the
other person in the pair to tell the person what they might want to improve.
Ask the trainees to compare the information they are thinking about when they think about
improving their appearance with what their partner is telling them. Ask them if they areable
to see a difference.Let the trainees know that they shall get feedback from their friends and
customers on their business ideas, because it would help them improve their ideas.
40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Ask the trainees to pair up and discuss the unique qualities of movie posters and what they
would want to incorporate from those qualities, into their business poster.
3. Encourage them to make their posters eye catching, colourful and unique.
4. Give them 5 minutes to sell to think about how they shall sell the business idea in front of
their classmates, using their business poster.
5. Urge each trainee to come in front of the class and talk about their ideas.
6. Simultaneously, ask the other trainees to write down what they are liking about the idea and
what they believe can be changed in each person’s business.
7. Ask each trainee to fill in feedback as and when they hear it from each trainee.
8. Urge them to reflect on all the feedback they are getting on their idea and if there is something
they would like to change about it. Instruct them to rewrite the idea in the space given.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as


• What is the importance of feedback while running a business venture?

• What is the most useful feedback you have gotten on your business idea, from the
The trainees should be able to realise the importance to ask their customers or friends on
things they want to test in their business. And, take the risk to try out whatever ideas they
are getting around their business.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

13. Business Planning

10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column .
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of what SMART goals are and why they are beneficial.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask all the trainees to pair up for the game that is going to be played. Give them the instruction
that each pair will have one minute to create a list of as many red things they know. Do not give
them any time to think or prepare. Once they are done, ask each pair to share the number of
items they could come up with.
Now, tell them that this time they have to do the same thing but with green things. Ask them
to decide on a number that they want to get at in the second round. Give them 2 minutes
to prepare and then 1 minute to make the list. Once they are done, ask the trainees, “Was
there a difference in the approaches each pair took both times?” Encourage responses from
as many trainees as possible. Discuss how they might have achieved a longer list in the second
round because they had time to discuss, prepare and plan and also they had a goal to aim for.
Introduce the topic for this session by linking this activity to how in the same way, it is important
to plan one’s business and set goals for it for better achievement.

40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Encourage the trainees to reflect on the planning activity done in the session. Ask the trainees
to also try and recollect the previous session where they did a test run of their business and
think of all that they had done to prepare for it.
3. For activity 1, ask them to use the same thinking to create their checklist of the top 5 things
they need to do before starting their business.
4. Introduce the trainees to the business planning template in activity 2.


5. Guide them to read the different parts of the template and solve any initial doubts they may
have about any of the descriptions in the box.
6. Instruct them to think and fill the boxes for their business. Ask them to keep in mind the
information they have gathered from previous sessions to fill in the boxes.
7. Encourage them to check whether the goals they have set follow the SMART goal criteria
they were introduced to.
10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses are as
• Now that you have learnt business planning, do you think it will benefit your business? If
yes, how?
• Will these tips about goal setting and planning be useful for other aspects of your life? If
yes, how?
The trainees should be able to realise the need for planning for their business, share the
decisions they made for their business using the planning template, and use the SMART
goals format to set effective goals for their business.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extension activities on their own.

14. Pitching for My Business

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they wish
to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Highlight that the 4 parts of a business sales pitch are described
in activity 1 and will be discussed in detail through the lesson.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask trainees to get into pairs. Inform them that they will take turns to play the role of an
interviewer and an interviewee. The interviewee has 1 minute to tell the interviewer about
himself/herself and convince the interviewer to hire him/her. After the minute is up, the
pairs will switch roles and repeat the process.
Once everyone has had a chance to give their 1 minute introduction, ask the class how
they felt. Ask them, “Was it hard to decide what you would want to share about yourself
in a minute?”. Encourage all trainees to reflect, respond and share their experiences as an


Then, ask about their experiences as an interviewer. Probe with questions such as:
• “Was the information provided by the interviewee enough to make a decision about
hiring them?”
• “What kind of information would be helpful for you to be able to make a decision?”
After eliciting responses, share with the class, “Just as we make a pitch about ourselves when
we go for a job interview, we also will make a sales pitch for our businesses, which is the
objective of this lesson.”

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. For activity 1, ask trainees to first read the description for the 4Ps in pairs. Encourage them
to ask doubts if they have any.
3. Once they have understood the 4Ps, instruct trainees to now think of their 1 minute business
sales pitch. Remind them to reflect on the session’s warm up activity. Use questions such as
“Just like your 1 minute pitch about yourself, what are some important details you want to
mention in your business sales pitch?”.
4. Instruct the trainees to use the illustration given and fill in the boxes of the 4Ps with their
pitch ideas. Mention that the 4Ps are the framework to create an effective 1 minute pitch.
5. Once they have all written their sales pitches, ask the trainees to make groups of 5 or 6. In
these groups, instruct trainees to take turns in trying out their pitch in front of other group
members. Ask them to stick to the 1 minute time limit.
6. After each pitch is done, encourage group members to share feedback to the trainee about
his/her pitch. Tell trainees, “The feedback must be in the format of sharing one good thing
about the pitch and one thing that can be improved”
7. Instruct the trainee to write this feedback in the table provided in activity 2.
8. Instruct trainees to continue this process with each of the group members.
9. Encourage them to get into pairs and read Edison’s story.
10. Ask them to talk to their partners about what they’re learning from the story and write them
in the space provided.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses:
• Were you able to use the 4Ps framework to create a sales pitch for your business?
• Was this framework helpful? If yes, why?
• How will you incorporate the feedback you have received from fellow classmates to make
your pitch better?
The trainees should be able to express the need and importance of a good sales pitch, share
their experiences of creating a sales pitch for their business and realize the importance of
giving each other feedback on the same.
5. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.


15. Recall
10 mins
Materials needed: Trainee workbook, pencil, eraser
1. Prepare the class for the formative assessment of the lessons (11 -14) that have been
2. The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test for rote memory.
3. Instruct the trainees on the purpose of formative assessment (recall).
4. Make them recognize that is done for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus on more.
40 mins

1. While conducting the test, ensure that the participants answer the questions
2. Assess the learning of the participants based on their performance and ensure that suitable
remedial measures are taken for them to continue learning without any impediments.
3. Compare the performance of the participants with the previous recall lesson. Track the
improvement made by each participant.
4. Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall

10 mins

1. Discuss the performance of the participants and suggest methods to improve their
2. Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
3. Focus more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

16. Accounting

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column .
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Highlight that the 4 values to keep in mind when talking to
customers will be discussed in detail through the lesson.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.


Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees one big thing they want to save for the future. Ask them how much money it
would require to get it. Ask them to share with their partners why it is important for them to buy
that thing, and how they intend to save the money for it.
40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Instruct the trainees to think about and fill up the table in activity 1. Guide them to think
through all the expense heads they spend on.
3. Urge them to reflect on, and record their responses for the question asked after the
4. Urge them to read and examine the table in activity 2. Clear their doubts if any.
5. Instruct the trainees to read the two situations in activity 3 and use the template in activity
2 to solve them. Guide them through filling the tables.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Check if they have doubts. Clarify the doubts, if any.
3. Summarize the activities and ask them to share their learnings. To check whether the lesson
objective was met, here are some guiding questions you could ask:
• Why should one keep track of money in business and in our personal lives?
• What difficulties am I facing in understanding and filling up the accounting template?
What can I do to solve it?
The trainees should be aware of the importance of keeping accounts in the business and deeply
understand the concepts that go into the accounting template.
4. Encourage the trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

17. Marketing

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Highlight that these 5 marketing methods will be discussed in
detail through the lesson.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.


Warm Up Activity
Ask the trainees to think of a famous brand and write the name on a chit of paper. Now call on
5 people as volunteers. Each volunteer will come to the front of the class and stand in front of
the blackboard, with their back facing it. You will open a chit and write the name of the brand
on the blackboard. The volunteer will not be able to see the name, but the rest of the class can.
The class now has to try and describe the brand to the volunteer, who will try and guess the
name. The class cannot say the name of the brand or the product name, but can describe it in
any other way.
Complete all 5 products in this way. In the end, ask the trainees, “Why do we associate certain
words with certain products?”. Elicit responses from the class. Introduce the topic of the lesson
by mentioning that the marketing creativity used to promote the product helps us make these
40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Encourage the trainees to participate in activity 1. Encourage them to be creative and unique
in their attempts to sell the pen to their classmates. Instruct everyone to write down what
they are seeing people do to sell the pen, in the space given.
3. Once they have all tried selling, ask everyone to vote for the best sale. Ask them why they
think the sale was the most unique. Allow for debate and discussion among the trainees.
4. Instruct trainees to read the definition of marketing given in activity 2 and answer the
question given. Few guiding questions you can ask the trainees are:
• “Think of the brands you buy of the products you use the most. Why do you buy only
those brands?”
• “What are some unique ads you have seen? What product were they selling? Did it
convince you to buy the product?”
5. Instruct the trainees to make pairs and read the case study given in activity 3. Encourage
them to discuss and write the answer to the question asked.
6. Read out aloud, the content on different marketing methods and ask the trainees to refer
to the illustration given in the start of the lesson. Encourage them to discuss the various
marketing methods amongst themselves and clarify any doubts or questions they may
7. Encourage the trainees to think of their own businesses and decide on 1 or 2 marketing
methods from the list to sell their product.
8. Instruct them to write the methods and their ideas in the box provided in activity. Encourage
them to think of the 5Ws and 1H of their strategy.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking them about their learnings and
takeaways. Some guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses could be as
• How does having a unique marketing strategy help a business?
• How do you think your business will succeed from the different marketing methods you have
The trainees should be able to express what marketing is, the different methods of marketing
and identify two methods that they will use in their business.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.


18. Ethical Business Practices

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept. Highlight that the 4 values to keep in mind when talking to
customers will be discussed in detail through the lesson.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Ask trainees to go through the 2 scenarios given in the concept section of the workbook. Divide
the class into two groups. One group is ‘for’ and one group is ‘against’. Read the first case aloud
and instruct the ‘for’ group to share their views on why one should take the food, and the
‘against’ group to share why one shouldn’t take the food. Do the same for the second scenario.
Be open to hear opinions from everyone and try not to share your opinions until everyone has
shared. By the end of the debate, call out how difficult it is to make a judgement sometimes and
that it is hard to have a right or wrong answer. Share with the class that this lesson will touch
upon such ethical questions and will help them identify what it means for their businesses.
40 mins
1. Instruct the trainees to make groups of 3 to 4 and read the case study given in activity 1.
2. Help clarify any doubts or questions they may have about the case study.
3. Ask them to discuss the answers to the questions asked in activity 1 and write them in the
space provided. Encourage them to debate and discuss all possible solutions and points of
4. Guide them to read the ethics of business points given in activity 2. Encourage them to ask
clarifying questions and resolve their doubts.
5. Go over each point and ask them what they understand by each point. Take 3-4 opinions
on each point. Ask them to refer to the illustration at the start of the lesson for a simpler
6. Based on their reading, instruct the trainees to complete activity 2 by adding any other
principle or value that is important to them and that they will follow in their business, in the
space provided.
7. Instruct them to read the questions given in the ‘Let’s Learn’ section. Encourage discussion
around the points and solve doubts, if any.
10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Summarize the activities and ask them to share their learnings. To check whether the lesson
objective was met, here are some guiding questions you could ask:


• What are some difficult or tricky scenarios that may come up during your business? How
will you ethically resolve such issues?
• What are some ethical principles we should keep in mind for our businesses?
• Apart from business, will these scenarios come up in other areas of your life?
• If yes, what are a few things you will keep in mind when making your decision?
The trainees should be aware of the complexity of various scenarios that they may face
during their business, and should thus, be able to express the principles that will help them
decide on an ethical course of action.
4. Check if they have doubts. Clarify the doubts, if any.
5. Encourage the trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

19. Vision Boarding

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser, crayons, 10 mins
A4 sheets
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focuses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they already know
about the lesson topic in the first “What I Know” column. Then, have them fill what they
wish to learn from the lesson in the second “What I Want to Know” column.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the story illustrations given after the KWL chart to get a
better understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
Warm Up Activity
Distribute a sheet of paper to each trainee. Ask them to close their eyes and imagine what they
want their life to be like 10 years down the line. Tell them to take 10 minutes and draw out
whatever they imagined.
Let the trainees know that what they are imagining their life to be, is like creating a vision for
where they want to be. They shall be doing something similar for their business in the lesson.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees that they need to write the answers to the questions as they listen to
you reading the content for the activities.
2. Instruct them to find a partner or friend in the room for Activity 1. Ask them to imagine the
story they’d like to be written about them and share that with their friend.
3. Guide them to fill up the story in the space provided.
4. After they are done recording their story, ask them how it made them feel to write their
possible success story.
5. Ask them to read the concept of a vision statement in activity 2 and match the table


6. Ask the trainees to reflect on the business idea they’ve selected to work on and imagine
what they would want its vision statement to be. Ask them to think about what larger market
or customer changes will happen if their ideas were to work in the market. Guide them to
convert those thoughts into a line and write it in the space provided.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of the KWL chart.
2. Ask the trainees to share their learnings and check whether the lesson objective was met.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts.
4. Summarize the activities and close the lesson by asking trainees about their learnings and
takeaways. Guiding questions you may ask trainees to elicit the responses:
• What are you learning about storytelling that is going to help your business in the
• Why does it become important for an organization to have a vision?
• List down 5 actions you can do to start working on your vision.
The trainees should be aware of the importance of looking ahead and actively imagining
what they envision their business changing in the market that it is choosing to operate in,
and where they want to take their business.
5. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

20. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee workbook, pencil, eraser 10 mins
1. Prepare the class for the formative assessment of the lessons (16 -19) that have been
2. The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test for rote memory.
3. Instruct the trainees on the purpose of formative assessment (recall).
4. Make them recognize that is done for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus on more.

40 mins

1. While conducting the test, ensure that the participants answer the questions
2. Assess the learning of the participants based on their performance and ensure that suitable
remedial measures are taken for them to continue learning without any impediments.
3. Compare the performance of the participants with the previous recall lesson. Track the
improvement made by each participant.
4. Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall
10 mins

1. Discuss the performance of the participants and suggest methods to improve their
2. Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
3. Focus more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.


Assessment Rubric for Entrepreneurship Skills

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying what 40-55%

Level 1 entrepreneurship is, recognizing skills and qualities of an entrepreneur,
creating business ideas with customer value lens, presenting business
ideas to gather feedback, creating sale pitch and business marketing
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying what entrepreneurship is, 56-65 %
Level 2 recognizing skills and qualities of an entrepreneur, creating business ideas
with customer value lens, presenting business ideas to gather feedback,
creating sale pitch and business marketing strategy.
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying what entrepreneurship is, 66-75 %
recognizing skills and qualities of an entrepreneur, creating business ideas
with customer value lens, presenting business ideas to gather feedback,
creating sale pitch and business marketing strategy.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability inidentifying what 75 % and
entrepreneurship is, recognizing skills and qualities of an entrepreneur, above
creating business ideas with customer value lens, presenting business
ideas to gather feedback, creating sale pitch and business marketing

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

Why is ‘Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace’ in Employability Skills?

ITI trainees are going to join the workforce immediately on completion of their training. It is important that they
get to know what aspects of appropriate behaviour they need to demonstrate. They also need to identify ways of
being productive at work. Trainees need to know how one can grow in the profession and work towards personal
career growth. Awareness about best practices, factors that affect productivity and problem solving methods are
very important to be effective in the workplace.
Understand the Topic
In this module, trainees will understand what it means to be effective at the workplace – that it is not enough
to be a skilled worker, but it is equally important to be efficient at work. This awareness created in productivity
will guide the trainees to recognize ways and means to maintain efficiency in the workplace. Trainees will gather
knowledge on concepts related to productivity and connect them to their workplace thereby follow best practices
on the job by working in teams.
How to deliver the ‘Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace’ module?
Instruct the trainees on the importance and relevance of being productive at the workplace. Make them identify
best practices, factors that affect productivity and how to solve problems. Help them recognise the adverse
effects of lack of productivity. Help them in recollecting, discussing and reflecting on their learning on a regular
basis so that they internalize them and make effective use of their skills to be effective at work.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here. The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional but highly recommended)
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict the
concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A ‘Let’s Learn’ section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concepts dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional, but deeply recommended to be followed through by trainees since it shall make
their experience richer.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

How to prepare yourself to deliver the ‘Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace’ module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about productivity?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
relevance of learning about maintaining efficiency at workplace?
Think of the trainee
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about being efficient
workers? Do they know about the methods of maintaining efficiency at the

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything

about maintaining efficiency at work!
Prepare your plan Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in
pairs/ groups to interpret concepts.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to
enable the trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete
the activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list
of dos and don’ts of maintaining efficiency and working in a team.
They will learn only from experience! Let them see you practising
what you ask them to do.
What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to
help the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an
Deliver opportunity for them to learn through examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they
can in the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better
if they are encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent
in understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to
Follow Up
participate better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body
language in class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on
the feedback and recommendations you receive!

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify the need to be productive at work
• recognise the best practices to be followed at work
• identify the importance of collaboration and teamwork
• recognize the benefits that workers can gain by being efficient at work
• identify the need for identifying factors that affect efficiency
• recognise methods to eradicate the factors that hamper effective work
• identify the impact of lack of work efficiency on professional growth
• internalise tips to become efficient at work.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

1. Efficiency in the Workplace

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees to choose a partner to interpret the visuals given in activity 1 and
identify the factors that lead to productivity. Direct them to note down the points in the
space provided.
2. Direct the trainees to work in pairs to analyse the visual given in activity 2 and note down
ways in which efficiency at work can be affected. Tell them to make a list and share it with
the class.
3. Tell the trainees to read and internalise the details given in the table in activity 3. Let them
list the ways in which different sections of the society can benefit from efficient work. Have
the trainees share it with the class. Consolidate the concepts learned and offer suggestions.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

2. Growth

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Tell the trainees that inefficiency at work does not affect the employee alone. It has a bad
effect on the productivity of an organisation and also affects that of the country. Hence, it
is important to be always efficient at work. Direct the trainees to work in pairs to identify
factors that affect the economic growth of the country with the given table in activity 1 as
the starting point. They may refer to the illustration section, if necessary.
2. Instruct the trainees to interpret the types of challenges given in activity 1 into two categories
– those related to mind-set and those related to practical reasons. Make them fill the table
given after sorting the challenges.
3. Divide the trainees into groups of 4 members. Direct them to list how they can improve
their own selves to become efficient and effective. Let them list ways of improving for the
given three factors. Ask them to fill three more factors in the space provided and list ways of
achieving them. Consolidate the lesson with the concepts discussed. Give feedback and offer

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

3. Personal Growth
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins
1. Instruct trainees that they shall have to know about themselves if they wish to grow. Direct
them to refer the illustration section and fill the columns in activity 1 individually.
1. Ask them to read the topics given in column 1 in the table given in activity 1. Then, let them
read the questions given against each topic in column 2 and write their responses in the 3rd
2. Introduce the concept from the let’s learn section on “personal growth”. Ask the trainees
read the column on ways of personal growth in column 1 of the table given in activity 3 and
tick those that they are already following.
3. Help the trainees reflect on the ways of personal growth that they are not following. Make
them identify ways to follow them in pairs. Let them note it down in the space provided in
activity 4.
4. Instruct the trainees to read the details about time management given in the visual in
activity 5 on pomodoro technique. Let them identify the relevance of pomodoro in time
management which will help in personal growth.
5. Based on activity 5, let the trainees fill up their time management plan to prepare for the
examination individually using pomodoro technique. Instruct them to write their plan in the
space provided in activity 5. Consolidate the lesson. Offer feedback and tips to work towards
personal growth and time management.
10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

4. Best Practices – Relevant for Industries

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Direct the trainees to go through the details in the visuals in activity 1. Ask them to imagine
themselves to be Principal of an ITI and listy the best practices they will follow for better
academic outcomes and employability of the trainees. Let them note it in the space
2. Instruct the trainees to use their trade background and identify the best practices that they
can follow from the cues given in the visual in activity 2. Let them work in pairs and note
down their points and share it with the class.
3. Brainstorm the ways in which internet / information technology can help in getting updated
about best practices and development in the different sectors. Make the trainees list them
in the space provided in activity 3 and share it with the class.
4. Ask the trainees to work in pairs to think of innovative and creative ways to attract customers
of all ages to the restaurant that they own. Let them note down their views in the space
provided in activity 4. Consolidate the lesson. Help the trainees on how they can interact
better by offering suggestions. Remember to give positive feedback and limit your suggestions
to one or two.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

5. Factors Affecting Productivity – Identification of Problems –

Case Study (Construction)

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Explain what a case study is. Show them the example of case study given in the let’s learn
section. Elaborate on the need to identify key factors that affect productivity in a company.
As company’s profit, the salary of employees all depend on productivity, it is important to
ensure that productivity and efficiency are maintained. Help the trainees use the problems
given in the case study on what affected construction productivity of ABC company to match
with the factors given in the visual in activity 1. Let them note their views and share with a
2. Instruct the trainees to discuss on the factors given in the visual in activity 2 in relation to the
ABC company case study. They may make notes and share it with the class.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

6. Factors Affecting Productivity – Discuss Solutions to the


Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Direct the trainees to go through the visual given in activity 1 (wordle). Help them pick 5
words that relate to problems and solutions in productivity from the wordle. Let them share
their choice of words with a partner and note if their words are similar or different. They
may refer to the case study of ABC construction company given in the previous lesson, if
2. Direct the trainees to interpret the details given in the chart in activity 2. Let them choose five
problems that construction companies may face from the given visual and propose solutions
for them by working in pairs. Tell them to note their responses and share it with the class.
Consolidate the lesson highlighting the concepts discussed and offer suggestions, if any after
giving positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

7. Factors Affecting Productivity – Identification of Problems –

Case Study – Training of Migrant Workers

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Ask trainees whether they have noticed migrant workers in their locality. Generate their
perceptions about such migrant workers. Help them read and interpret the illustration
2. Tell the trainees to work in pairs to interpret the visual given in activity 1 about the different
levels of solving productivity related issues in an organization. Ask them to think of their
problem as an employee at a particular level and identify the level at which the particular
problem can be solved.
3. Ask the trainees to interpret the table given in activity 2 to analyse the level at which different
problems have to be approached. Instruct the trainees to use the pointers given in the table
to analyse the problem they identified in activity 1. Consolidate the main ideas discussed
and offer positive feedback. Give one or two suggestions based on what you observed.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

8. Factors Affecting Productivity – Discuss Solutions to

the Problems

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Brainstorm with the trainees about the various problems that migrant workers may have.
Ask them to refer to the visual information given in activity 1. Direct them to discuss possible
solutions to the problems shown in the visual in pairs and share their responses with the
2. Migrant workers need to know about their duties and rights. Find a migrant worker to know
if they are aware about their duties and rights. Explain the information that they need to
know and have to speak to their employers about. Trainees may make use of the information
given as visuals in activity 2 and make notes in the space provided. Consolidate the main
points of the lesson and reinforce the importance of knowing rights of migrant workers as
the trainees themselves may migrate for work sometime in their lives.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

9. Impact of Lack of Productivity on the Society –

Environment, Health and Safety

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Ask questions related to the behaviour of workers in their workplaces. If they are idling and
wasting both time and resources, what may the consequences be? Help them recognize the
impact of lack of productivity on the environment. Direct the trainees to choose a partner and
critically analyse, interpret and discuss the causes of low productivity using the information
given in the visual in activity 1. Guide them to make notes and share their responses with the
2. Explain to the trainees how low productivity affects not just the individual but the society at
large. Make the use the information given in the visual in activity 2 to discuss with a partner
about the negative effects of low productivity.
3. Make the trainees interpret the visuals given in activity 3 to discuss ways to prevent pollution.
They may be asked to work in pairs.
4. Direct the trainees to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of following safety rules in
an organization. They may use the visuals given in activity 4 as discussion clues. Consolidate
the discussion with positive feedback and one or two suggestions.

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.4. Encourage trainees to
work on the extended activities on their own.
Ask trainees to write 4 sentences of their own to describe the learning so far.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

10. Tips for Maintaining and Improving Productivity

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Tell the trainees the importance of being productive at work. With the visual given in activity
1 on how a case study is carried out, ask the trainees to discuss on the parameters given.
Direct them to brainstorm and add more details, if required.
2. Ask the trainees to look at the visual given in activity 2 to interpret the key aspects of
improving productivity. Let them know that productivity is a continuous process. Direct the
trainees to select any three factors that they think are important to focus on as employees.
Have the trainees work with a partner and write their responses in the space provided.
3. Instruct the trainees to interpret the bar graph given in activity 3 and discuss their views
with a partner. At the end of the lesson, consolidate the main points, offer feedback and
suggestions, if any.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Maintaining Efficiency at the Workplace

Assessment Rubric for Maintaining Efficiency at Workplace

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying how to be productive, recognizing 40-55%
Level 1 importance of teamwork and best practices, eliminating factors that
affect efficiency, identifying tips to be effective at work and working
towards professional growth.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifyinghow to be productive, 56-65 %
Level 2 recognizing importance of teamwork and best practices, eliminating
factors that affect efficiency, identifying tips to be effective at work and
working towards professional growth.
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifyinghow to be productive, 66-75 %
recognizing importance of teamwork and best practices, eliminating
factors that affect efficiency, identifying tips to be effective at work and
working towards professional growth.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifying how to be 75 % and
productive, recognizing importance of teamwork and best practices, above
eliminating factors that affect efficiency, identifying tips to be effective
at work and working towards professional growth.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

Why is ‘Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education’ in Employability Skills?

Occupational safety is a basic necessity in the worksite for any employee. It is all the more important for ITI
trainees as they encompass the vast majority of the workforce in the industrial world. An introduction to the
PPE, hazards, pollution, housekeeping, handling of tools and equipment will enable both safety and better
performance when the ITI trainees get employed.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of safety. You can also talk to trainees about the situations that
they may encounter in the worksite that may affect their health, safety and the environment. Help them build
confidence to work safe, stay healthy, protect the environment and wear PPE as required. Finally, you can tell
them that you will help them learn this topic in an activity-based practical way. Assure them that they will truly
benefit from learning both the concepts and the effective ways of using them at work.
How to deliver ‘Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Education’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
occupational safety, health and environment education. That can be done by telling them that this is not an
impossible task and that it can be mastered easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic
through simple activities. Encourage your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this
topic, which has really been made easy and practical for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment
Education module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about safety?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
relevance of learning about occupational safety, health and environment?
Think of the trainee
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about occupational safety,
health and environment education? Do they know about the various PPE,
signage and hazards?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

occupational safety, health and environment education!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.
What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
Deliver for them to learn through examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify the importance of occupational safety and hygiene
• recognize the need to follow safe work practices to prevent hazards
• identify, classify and prevent hazards in the workplace
• identify safe ergonomics and explore ways to prevent ergonomic hazards
• identify occupational diseases and ways to prevent them
• learn the types and use of machine guards
• identify pollution, its sources and ways to engage in activities that help in preventing environmental
• identify what global warming and depletion of ozone layer are
• identify what 3Rs is and prevent environmental pollution.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

1. Occupational Safety and Hygiene

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Direct the trainees to work in pairs to identify the hazards shown in the visual given in activity
1 to discuss about the best practices that can be used to prevent them. Trainees may make
notes in the space provided.
2. Help the trainees identify the colour coding and signs used to provide an accident-free work
environment in the visual given in activity 2. Make them discuss about the safety signs in
pairs and note their responses.
3. Introduce what fire safety is to help the trainees identify the sources of fire given in the visual
in activity 3. Let the trainees choose a partner and discuss the causes of fire and solutions to
prevent fire.
4. Direct the trainees to imagine to be pipefitters in Indian Oil company. Help them brainstorm
the safe work practices that they will follow. Also, have them discuss about the kind of
induction training that Indian Oil company should provide them.
5. Instruct the trainees to choose a partner and discuss the steps to be followed in using a
fire extinguisher with the help of the visual given in activity 5. Consolidate the concepts
discussed, offer positive feedback and one or two suggestions, if any.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees to go through the illustration section to identify the different PPE and
safety signs. Ask them to choose a partner and identify the visuals in activity 1 and write
down what each sign stands for.
2. Direct the trainees to work in pairs to identify the PPE in the visual given in activity 2 and
discuss the purpose for wearing the PPE. Let them note down their responses in the space
3. Tell the trainees that many accidents are caused because workers do not wear the appropriate
PPE. Help them identify some reasons on why workers suffer injury by not wearing PPE. Let
them take the few reasons given to start the brainstorming and discussion. Consolidate the
topics covered in the lesson. Give suggestions, if required after giving positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

3. Occupational Hazards
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
Help the trainees identify what hazards are and their types from the illustration section. Direct
them to interpret the visual given in activity 1 to identify the sources and causes of hazards and
ways of preventing them. They may be asked to work in pairs.
1. Ask the trainees to interpret the visual in activity 2 to analyse why some professions are
affected by occupational stress while others are not. Let them work with a partner and note
down their views. Have the trainees share their responses with the class.
2. Put the trainees in pairs to discuss activity 3 on why around 48,000 people die due to work
related hazards.
3. Introduce the topic on first-aid. Get the trainees fall into groups of 5 or 6. Direct them to role
play giving first-aid treatment to different victims mentioned in activity 4. Trainees may refer
to their trade practical book for first-aid practice or may even browse the internet.
4. Instruct the trainees to discuss their views if awareness and training can prevent occupational
hazards. Activity 5 may be discussed in pairs.
5. Ask the trainees to identify safety measures to be adopted to protect the health of the
workers exposed to toxic chemicals in mines and factories. Trainees may be asked to make
use of the internet. Consolidate the main points of the lesson. Remember to offer positive
feedback and a few suggestions, as required.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

4. Classification of Hazards
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Sensitize the trainees on what hazards are using the information given in the illustration.
Instruct the trainees to work in pairs and identify the symbols given in the visual in activity
1. They may note down what the symbol stands for and where they have seen them.
2. Recall the different hazards discussed in the illustration and direct the trainees to sort the
hazards (symbols) given in activity 1 into the hazard type they fall into and fill them in the
respective column in the table given in activity 2.
3. Ask the trainees to work in pairs o brainstorm about the most common type of injury in the
workplace. Let them also identify the type of hazard. They may note down their responses
in the space provided and share it with the class. At the end of the activities, consolidate the
concepts discussed and close the session with positive feedback and some suggestions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

5. Ergonomics
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Tell the trainees what ergonomics is and how important it is. Discuss the information given
in the illustration. Help the trainees distinguish good and bad postures from the visual given
in activity 1. Let them note down their responses in pairs.
2. Direct the trainees to brainstorm some physical discomforts they may have in the workplace.
Ask them to choose a partner and discuss the reasons for the physical discomfort. Make
them come up with solutions for the problems too. Tell the trainees to share their responses
with the class. They may make use of some problems given in the visual in activity 2.
3. A case study about a poultry processing plant has been given in activity 3. Let the trainees
read the case study in groups and discuss. After the discussion, ensure that the trainees
answer the questions that follow. On completion of the discussion, let the trainees share
their responses to the questions in groups with the whole class. Consolidate the lesson
and appreciate the trainees on what they did well during the group discussion. Give a few
suggestions, if required.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

6. Occupational Diseases
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Direct the trainees to read the illustration section to get an idea about what occupational
diseases are, diseases that affect with the causes and organs that are affected. Let the
trainees sort the diseases given in activity 1 individually. Let them note their responses in
the 2 columns given in the table in activity 1. After that, ask them to choose a partner and
discuss the preventive measures that can be taken.
2. Instruct the trainees to match the disease with the cause given in activity 2.
3. Tell the trainees to fill in the blanks with the organ/disease in activity 3.
4. Ask the trainees to pick the odd one out from the list given. Let them also give reasons to
show how they do not belong to the others in the list. Consolidate the lesson by highlighting
the main points and close the lesson with positive feedback and suggestions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

7. Machine Guards – Types

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Help the trainees identify the purpose of machine guards, types and how they protect the
workers from injury. Ask the trainees read the illustration section carefully. Direct the trainees
to state whether the statements given in activity 1 are true or false. Make them write the
correct statement, if a statement is identified to be false.
2. Ask the trainees to fill in the blanks in activity 2 with the correct option.
3. Instruct the trainees o identify whether the characteristics given in activity 3 are general or
specific with respect to machine guards. Then, make them identify the type of guard. Let
them fill in the responses in the respective columns given in the table.
4. Guide the trainees to match the features of the machine guards with the pictures given in
activity 4 and share their responses with the class. The trainees may refer to the illustration
section and also work in pairs if they want to. Close the lesson highlighting the main points
and remember to offer your positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

8. Environmental Education
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Elicit from the trainees what they know about the environment. Create an awareness
among the trainees about the need to save the environment. Direct them to go through the
illustration section to expand their knowledge about environment education. Instruct them
to discuss about the various activities given in activity 1 to identify prevention methods and
record them in the table given. Let them choose a partner to work with.
2. Ask the trainees to match the cause and effects on the environment in activity 2 individually
and them compare their responses with a partner.
3. Instruct the trainees to match the environmental problems given in activity 3 with the
appropriate visual given and write their responses in the space provided. Direct them to
work individually and compare their responses with a partner.
4. Tell the trainees about their responsibility to solve environmental problems to make the
world a safe place to live in. Ask them to read the various problems given in activity 4 and
suggest ways to solve the problems. Encourage the trainees to work with a partner if they
wish to. Consolidate the concepts discussed highlighting the responsibility of every human
being to protect the environment. Give positive feedback and suggest one or two ways in
which their discussions may be improved.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

9. Pollution, Ozone Depletion and Global Warming

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Introduce the concepts pollution, global warming and ozone depletion. Help the trainees
interpret the illustration section. Clarify if they have any doubts. Ask the trainees to identify
the type of pollution that the statements given in activity 1 refer to. Encourage the trainees
to work in pairs.
2. Instruct the trainees to identify the odd one in the items given in activity 2 and also write
why they are odd.
3. Help the trainees read and interpret concepts about pollution and its types. Direct the
trainees to identify the type on pollution that the visuals given in activity 3 are examples
of. Ask them to choose a partner to discuss preventive measures for the identified pollution
types. Let them focus on causes and prevention methods. Tell them to fill the given table.
4. Ask the trainees to match the cause and effect of the given pollutions. Let them look at
the example and identify the type of pollution in pairs or groups. Consolidate the concepts
discussed and give positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

10. Preventing Environmental Pollution – 3Rs

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

1. Introduce the trainees to what 3Rs stand for and their relevance in prevention of pollution. 40 mins
Help the trainees go through the illustration section to understand about 3Rs better. Ask
the trainees to find out what bio-degradable and non-bio-degradable items are. Let them
choose a partner and sort the items given in activity 1 into bio-degradable and non-bio-
degradable items. Make them share their responses with the class.
2. Direct the trainees to interpret the visual information given in activity 2. Let them then read
the statements given and identify if they are false or true. Tell them that they need to give
reasons for statements that have been marked false.
3. Instruct the trainees to sort the items given in the visuals into the type they belong to –
reduce, recycle or reduce. Let they work in pairs or groups. Ask them to write the names of
the items in the correct columns.
4. Encourage the trainees to interpret the visual given in activity 4. Ask them to discuss what
3Rs is and why is it important to implement it. Let the trainees individually think of ways in
which they will follow 3Rs. Have them share it with the class.
5. Direct the trainees to choose a partner and ask the questions given in activity 5. Tell them
that they need to note the responses given by their partner. Based on the discussions, ask
the trainees to discuss ways of implementing 3Rs in their everyday lives both at home and
in the ITI/workplace. Discuss the responses with the whole class. Consolidate the lesson
highlighting the important points discussed. Give positive feedback on what went on well in
the class. Offer suggestions if required.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Occupational Safety, Environment and Health Education

Assessment Rubric for Occupational Safety, Health and

Environment Education

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying the importance of occupational 40-55%
Level 1 safety and hygiene, recognizing the different hazards and preventing
them, following safe ergonomics, identifying occupational diseases and
prevention methods, identifying the sources of pollution, recognizing
global warming and depletion of ozone layer, recognizing 3Rs and
preventing environmental pollution.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying the importance of 56-65 %
Level 2 occupational safety and hygiene, recognizing the different hazards and
preventing them, following safe ergonomics, identifying occupational
diseases and prevention methods, identifying the sources of pollution,
recognizing global warming and depletion of ozone layer, recognizing
3Rs and preventing environmental pollution.

Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying the importance of 66-75 %
occupational safety and hygiene, recognizing the different hazards and
preventing them, following safe ergonomics, identifying occupational
diseases and prevention methods, identifying the sources of pollution,
recognizing global warming and depletion of ozone layer, recognizing
3Rs and preventing environmental pollution.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifyingthe importance 75 % and
of occupational safety and hygiene, recognizing the different hazards and above
preventing them, following safe ergonomics, identifying occupational
diseases and prevention methods, identifying the sources of pollution,
recognizing global warming and depletion of ozone layer, recognizing
3Rs and preventing environmental pollution.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Essential Skills for Success

Why is ‘Essential Skills for Success’ in Employability Skills?

ITI trainees need to be trained in basic soft skills and life skills in order to function as responsible employees and
citizens. In order to be successful in life it is very important to be able to accomplish tasks with ease and with
lot of confidence. As the world has become a global village, it is essential for ITI trainees to be trained in 21st
century like skills. An exposure to and orientation in life skills will help the ITI trainees in performing well on the
job and in their personal lives.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of essential skills for success. You can also talk to trainees
about the situations that they may encounter in their everyday persona and professional lives that may require
to use their 21st century life skills like using the internet, applying for jobs online, working through apps, etc..
They shall be effective in their job if they know aspects of dealing with 21st century skills. You can tell them that
you will help them learn this topic in an activity-based practical way. Assure them that they will truly benefit
from learning both the concepts and the effective ways of using them at work.
How to deliver ‘Essential Skills for Success’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
essential skills for success. That can be done by telling them that this is not an impossible task and that it can be
mastered easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities. Encourage
your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really been made
easy and practical for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons
and what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Essential Skills for Success

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Essential Skills for Success module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about essential skills for
Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
Think of the trainee relevance of learning about essential skills for success?
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about essential skills for
success? Do they know about the various PPE, signage and hazards?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

essential skills for success!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.
What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
Deliver for them to learn through examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Essential Skills for Success

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify what it is to be self-aware and why it is important
• recognize personal strengths and weaknesses to build a personal goal
• identify the origin and causes of stress and how to manage stress
• plan mental health and identify stress-busters
• identify problem-solving techniques to use in life and career
• recognise factors that affect decision-making and practise negotiation in life and career
• learn time management to eliminate day wasters and procrastination
• identify the need for money management and make a personal plan
• assess the need to migrate and plan safe migration to other jobs/regions/countries.

Essential Skills for Success

1. Self-Awareness – 1

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Initiate the lesson highlighting the need to be self-aware. Tell the trainees how knowing
their own selves will help them make informed choices in life and career. Direct them to go
through the illustration section. Direct the trainees to read the information given in activity
1 and write their responses to the given questions in pairs in the space provided. Discuss the
responses with the whole class eliciting from the trainees in pairs.
2. Guide the trainees to reflect on their own personalities to fill the details in the given blanks
about themselves. Encourage the trainees to work individually and share their responses in
pairs or groups and with the whole class. Consolidate the lesson by summing up the main
points. Give positive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Essential Skills for Success

2. Self-Awareness – 2

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Recall the importance of being self-aware. Tell the trainees why they need to identify their
strengths and weaknesses. Direct the trainees to go through the chart of strengths and
weaknesses given in activity 1 to explore their own strengths and weaknesses. Encourage
them to get help from other trainees to identify their weaknesses without getting upset
about it.
2. Explain what personal goals are. Tell the trainees that goals maybe short-term or long-term.
Help them distinguish short-term goals from long-term goals. Instruct the trainees to explore
what their personal goals would be for their personal selves, family, money, health and work
5 years from now. Encourage them to work individually and fill it in the space provided. On
completion, help them share it in pairs and with the whole class. Consolidate the lesson
highlighting the importance of self-awareness, identifying one’s strengths and weaknesses
and having personal goals. Give positive feedback and offer suggestions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Essential Skills for Success

3. Stress Management
Material needed: Four boxes labelled (home, school, society, others), and old newspapers

5 mins Context Setting: None Facilitation

No context setting – proceed to activity.
Sage on the Stage

45 mins Session Activity: Sneaky Snakes Facilitation

5 mins Provide available stationary resources to the class. As session prep: Create
Inform all students that they have to create snakes of burrows across the
different lengths and sizes as per their wishes (by folding classroom (using open
newspapers/tissues). These snakes should represent boxes/ containers/
people/things that make them feel scared/anxious. baskets, etc.) with each
The snake can be as big and as long depending on how one of them having a
much anxiety it gives them. The activity has to be come name indicating a source
individually with minimum discussion and talking. of stress – home, school,
Everyone should do this activity silently on their own. society, unknown.
Ask them to give each snake a name tag as to who/what Use plastic baskets to
20 mins that snake is (For example, “exam time”, “family fights”, represent burrows
20 mins Once students have prepared their snakes, reflect on This activity is to reflect
whether these snakes popped up on their own or do they that most stress comes
have a home, a source? Ask students to walk around the from the world outside
classroom and send these snakes back to their homes, of us, and all of us feel
which are the already set up burrows (home, society, similarly stresses. There
school, self). is no shame in feeling
After they have placed their snakes in the respective stressed.
burrows, close/block the burrows.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

How was the activity?
Did you enjoy making snakes?
Are you still scared of your snakes or you think you can get
rid of them?
Why is it important to send these snakes back to their
What will happen if we have too many snakes in our
How will you deal with them?
How will you use this learning in your life?

Essential Skills for Success

4. Stress Management – Tools

Material needed: Stressors and Responses sheet (trainer reference)

Context Setting: None Facilitation

No context setting – proceed to activity.
5 mins
Sage on the Stage

60 mins Session Activity: Plus or minus? Facilitation

Distribute the Stressors & Responses sheet to all the For example, “Having
10 mins
students. too much homework
Start by discussing each caselet / statement given in the “: what can be the +
box. way of dealing with
this situation? Probably
Encourage students to share what their usual response is
creating a time table
every time they face such a situation.
and dividing work load.
20 mins Similarly, discuss all caselets with the class asking students On the other hand, a
to share their ideas. Also, talk about how do they deal with – response would be
such cases. worrying and crying
Part II (My Stress Management Plan-20 mins) about it to others.
20 mins
After you provide the students handout, ask them to think
of the biggest three areas or situations that cause most Emphasise on the effect
stress or anxiety in their lives. of a positive as well as a
After they list them, now identify the common negative negative response on a
responses that they have every time they face these person’s behaviour and
situations. well-being. When we
have a negative approach
(Eg- Whenever I have exams, I don’t sleep or eat
to most of the situations,
we ultimately build up a
Next, encourage them to think why this response is not lot of stress and anxiety
effective and also a better substitute response which will within us along with
10 mins have positive outcomes and impact on us. causing serious physical
Ask them to make a stress management plan for themselves and mental damage to
and identify the best ways of dealing with them. ourselves.
Part III (Stress Management Techniques- 10 mins)
After you have completed the previous activities, share
the final handout with the 4A’s of Dealing with Stress. Go
through each of the A’s and explain how they can be used
in one’s life to manage and reduce every day stress and
deal with stressful situations.

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection

Part of the activity

Essential Skills for Success

Trainer Reference:
Stressors and responses
Think about some common scenarios where we begin to feel anxious/annoyed or sometimes even sweaty? How
do we deal with these situations?
Here, we will list down the positive (+) as well as the negative (-) responses that we usually have to the given
situations or stressors. So let’s begin! One has been done for you:
Stressor Positive response (+) Negative response (-)

Having too much homework Create a time-table Be worried and cry

and divide work about it to others
Hearing a mean thing about
Getting stuck in traffic
Losing your purse/wallet
Disagreeing with parents
Getting bullied at college
Death of a pet
Being given a task you don’t know
how to do
Being unprepared for a big exam
Getting Scolded by your teacher

My stress management plan

Think about situations that cause us stress and anxiety. Write down the top three situations that create most
stress. Next, write the usual way you deal with that situation and also think if it is effective. Lastly, think about the
successful ways to deal with such situation.

Stressor 1 Stressor 2 Stressor 3

Negative response- Negative response- Negative response-

Why is it not effective? Why is it not effective? Why is it not effective?

Positive Response- Positive Response- Positive Response-

Why is it effective? Why is it effective? Why is it effective?

Essential Skills for Success

Stress Management Techniques


1) Take control of 1) Respectfully, ask 1) Talk to someone( 1) Adjust your

surroundings others to change a friend, mother, standards (don’t
(traffic? take a (I think we can fix brother) set goals that you
different road) this) cannot achieve)

2) Avoid people 2) C o m m u n i c a t e 2) Forgive (Don’t 2) Reframe the

who bother you your feelings let anger destroy issue- try a new
openly you) viewpoint

3) Learn to say NO! 3) Manage your 3) Positive self- talk 3) Look at the big
time better (I am terrible at picture! (Will this
maths/ I should affect me in the
try) long run?)

5. Problems Solving

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

Essential Skills for Success

40 mins

1. Instruct the trainees on the importance of problem-solving explaining what it is. Direct them
to go through the illustration section. Inform the trainees that there is a problem given in
activity 1 for which the solutions are given in the jumbled format. Ask the trainees to work in
pairs to rearrange the steps to solve the problem. Discuss the correct order with the class.
2. Help the trainees work in groups of 3. Ask them to decide on a common problem that they
face. Have them refer the illustration section for the steps in which problems can be solved.
Guide them to go about solving the problem in a step by step process. Have the groups share
their problems and the ways in which they will solve it with the whole class. Consolidate the
learning. Give positive feedback and suggest ways to improve.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

6. Decisions and Negotiations

Material needed: List of dilemmas (trainer reference)

Context Setting: Analysis Paralysis Facilitation

5 mins The trainer begins the session with recalling how dilemmas The trainer should refrain
are a part of our everyday, decision making. Insist on from guiding the session
the fact, that every decision is based on an individual’s to clear right or wrong
judgement- What makes you feel right? answers.

Session Activity: Two steps ahead! Facilitation

45 mins Become the judge yourself, or create a panel of students to
20 mins play judges.
Each team will receive a dilemma situation,
They have to discuss and find a solution – one member is
in charge of writing it down, and another is in charge of
reading it out loud.
Trainer gives a topic.
Teams are given 1 minute to write down two solutions: one
25 mins adaptive and one innovative. Talking is allowed between
team members.
The trainer calls “stop.” Refer to trainer reference
Teams present their solutions exactly as written. Judges/ to understand adaptive
Trainer provide feedback on the decision vs innovative solutions

Essential Skills for Success

Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

10 mins What did you learn from today’s session?

Do you think taking decisions is easy for you?
How often do you face such scenarios in your life?
What steps can you take to deal with these situations in
your own life

Trainer Reference
Adaptive vs Innovative
This activity calls on students to take both adaptive and innovative approaches to problem-solving. It enables
players to see that there are at least two equally good, rational problem-solving techniques for a single
problem. The assumption is that players know the difference between an adaptive solution and an innovative
Adaptive (1 step ahead) - Things we normally do, without much thinking
Innovative (2 steps ahead!) - thinking beyond what we do normally, long term solutions
What is a Next-Level Solution?
1. It is a positive solution
2. It has a long term impact
3. It creates a win-win situation
4. Is this likely to work?
Dilemma situations
1. Your friend wants to cheat from your test during an exam.
You “borrowed” money without asking from mother’s purse and she found it.
2. The Principal has announced that her phone has been stolen. You remember that when you came to school
this morning, you noticed that the kid whose locker is next to yours was stuffing what looked like a laptop in
his backpack.
3. Your best friend told a big lie to your teacher.
4. You are a great fan of Football and want to make a career in it but your family wants you to become an
accountant. You have your exam and final match of the tournament on the same day. What do you do?
5. Your friend has shared her secret with you that she feels someone has been following her while coming
to school. She is scared that if her parents will get to know, they will stop her from coming to school. She
requests you not to share it with anyone. You know this secret is hurting her and will create more problems
for her in future. What do you do?
6. You find a wallet containing Rs. 500. No one sees you pick it up. There is a name inside of the wallet. But,
you don’t know the owner. In fact, you’re not even sure if the address is close to your house. Again, you
look around and realize that nobody saw you. No one needs to know that you found the wallet. What will
you do?
7. At lunch time you realize that you forgot to do your math homework. The assignment is 3 pages long with
45 computation problems to complete. Instead of eating, you start to do the assignment. A friend offers you
his completed assignment to copy before class. What will you do?
8. Over the intercom at your middle school, the dean announces that a teacher’s laptop has been stolen from
her classroom. If it is not turned in by the afternoon, a locker search will take place. You remember that
when you came to school this morning, you noticed that the kid whose locker is next to yours was stuffing
what looked like a laptop in his backpack. Do you go down to the office and share what you know with the
dean? Do you find the kid and ask if he took it? Maybe he’ll give you some money (which you really could
use) to have you keep quiet. How should you proceed?

Essential Skills for Success

Material needed: Colourful chits, and prints of strength statements (refer next page) 5 mins

Context Setting: Speak up!

Ask students: Who are the figures/people in your life
15 mins
with whom you struggle to express your views or
10 mins
opinions? Write the situation where you faced the above
5 mins
problem in few lines in a small chit.
Give 5 mins to students to think and write.
Now collect the chits from the class.

35 mins Session Activity: At a glance Facilitation

Divide the class in a groups of 4. Keep the chits. Use the
5 mins Now give instructions situations described
in the chits to make a
Each group will pick one chit.
case study for the next
Each chit has one roleplay/situation and you have to enact session.
the roleplay in groups with dialogues.
Each group will get 5 min to prepare and 4 min to present
the roleplay.
Each group member should participate in the roleplay.
5 mins
Preparation Time
Presentation Time
25 mins

Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

10 mins
What? What happened in these roleplays? Does this Elicit answers from
happens in your daily life? whole class and write
So, what? How do you generally deal with these situations? them on board for better
What is the conclusion/consequence? reflection.
Now, what? In the next session we are going to learn
how to deal with these situations effectively by learning
negotiating skill

Trainer Reference
Negotiation is a method by which people settle differences. It is a process by which compromise or agreement
is reached while avoiding argument and dispute.It is a skill that our students need to learn especially when
they are dealing with their families or elders or authoritative figures (decision makers) in a conflict situation.
These students maybe good at bargaining with a vendor or argue with friends or siblings but that doesn’t mean
they know negotiation skills. At this point majority of the students might not even acknowledge/understand
that they should negotiate with the authoritative figures in their life if there is a difference in opinion. This is
because of their conditioning from childhood of not questioning parents/elders/teachers or fear for them.
The objective of these sessions are
Acknowledge the need to negotiate with the authoritative figures in their life.

Essential Skills for Success

Learn to engage in a healthy conversation during differences of opinion or conflict situation and negotiate their
way to a better outcome rather than accepting the decision.

Session Reflection
Lead the reflection around the consequence or result of the enacted situation. Explain them how acceptance
of a situation is the last resort. As it will affect one’s life in long term and makes one do things half-heartedly.
If you believe in your opinion or view then you should always try to explain it to others and convince them for
the same with healthy conversation. At the same time listen to others to understand their point.

Why Are We Making Case Study From The Roleplay?

These roleplays are real life situations from student’s personal lives which they have experienced. Case study
formed from these roleplays will help students to relate, think and participate in the session better. While
forming the case study remember to elaborate the roleplay by adding few general details from your side.
Below is an example how you can form a case study from roleplay.

I scored 90% in my 12th boards and wanted to apply for BHU in Varanasi but my parents didn’t allow me to
apply. They said you are a girl, you cannot live alone in a city, it’s not safe therefore you should study from here
i.e. Sitapur. I accepted their decision as parents are always right.
Case Study
Rita is from a small town Sitapur. She is a bright student and scored 90% in her 12th boards which qualifies
her for a government scholarship if she gets selected in BHU. She wants to pursue B.A in History from BHU,
Varanasi. Some of her friends from the neighbourhood are also pursuing their graduation from BHU.
She wants to apply for the course and has to pay Rs 500 for the form. Her father takes the decisions in the
family. She tells her father and mother about her choice but her father says right away that Varanasi is not safe
for girls hence she cannot live alone there. Her father asks Rita not to apply anywhere except for the college in
Sitapur as he cannot bear her education expenses if it’s outside Sitapur. Rita is upset and tensed.
What should Rita do?
Should she accept her father’s decision or try convincing her parents?
Give supporting statements for your stand.

Stay calm, no matter what Raise your voice
Listen to others, think and then reply Interrupt when others are speaking
Rememberthis is not a fight but a conversation to Be rude while you are stating your points
convince others
Develop a friendly, trusting relationship with your Argue but discuss
opposite number
Do try to see the other’s side perspective Be afraid
Develop your points in alignment with the Accept the statements if you are not convinced
opposite person’s personality
State as many real facts as you can to make your Use inappropriate language orgestures
points more stronger

Essential Skills for Success

Points to remember
• Always do a thorough research to collect facts that supports your opinion.
• Gain the support of those people first who can help you to influence the principal decision
Keep your patience and keep alive chances of ‘further discussion’.

7. Time Management
Material needed: Time log sheet

Context Setting – How long is a minute?

Ensure that there are no watches in the class, except with
10 mins your watch. When 1 minute is over
Now give instructions: and if students are still
5 mins Every student should stand and close their eyes. standing, ask them to sit
You will sit down when you think one minute is over.
You will begin the countdown when I shout “Start”
Now, explain:
Even though everyone has an equal (24 hours a day or 1
minute for activity), we experience it and use it in different
5 mins ways. Some of us experienced it as a short period, other as
a long.
Everyone manages their time in different ways. Today we
are going to learn the same but with a twist which will help
us to deal with procrastination

Session Activity: Time Plan Facilitation

Give students the printout of The Time Plan.
45 mins
Now ask them to fill the time slots with activities that they
10 mins dothroughout theday for only Monday.
Explain the concept of WHAT, WHY & HOW of The Time Refer: Trainer reference
20 min Plan. for Time plan format and
Now ask students to fill the slots for the rest of the 6 days ‘what, why, how’ of it.
15 min based on this concept. Clearly state 6 guidelines
Tell them you should follow The Time Plan at least for a for the Time Plan
week to see results.
Repeat the 6 guidelines.

Wrapping Up: Reflection What may stop you from

What happened in this activity? following it for a week?
10 mins
What did you learn or understand?
How will it help you in your daily life?
Will you follow it for a week?

Essential Skills for Success

Trainer Reference
It is a time-planning method with a twist.
Instead of scheduling time for the very thing you’re procrastinating on i.e. work, you first schedule fixed
commitments (e.g., sleep, lunch/dinner/breakfast, travel, bathing, household chores, college), आत्मग्लानि
/guilt-free play (hobbies, meeting friends, socializing, reading, watching TV) – and lots of itand one full day
holiday per week.
In fact, you never even schedule any work. It only goes on the schedule only after you’ve spent at least 30
minutes of quality, focused time working. And when does it happen? In-between your fixed commitmentsand
Instead of creating a week full of work with some play and fun, you create a week full of play and fun with
some work only if you are doing it. Your time-table changes from a list of unrealistic and overwhelming
expectations to a place for fun stuff and a record of your achievements.
Immediately, a few things change. Having a schedule allows you to see where your time goes, reducing feelings
of guilt and self-criticism. Work becomes less overwhelming because you see clearly that you do not have as
much time for work as you may have thought until now – in-between college, sleep, eating, travelling, and
play, there’s really only so much time left in a day to get some quality work done. It’s almost like work becomes
a kind of rare commodity, making it more attractive for you – you’ll find yourself wanting to work more.
Time plan has 5 guidelines
1. Schedule only routine tasks such as college, meals, bathing, etc. and fun activities like meeting friends,
watching TV, etc.
2. Update your work on the time plan only after you have completed 30 min of quality work.
3. Reward yourself with a break/more enjoyable task after 30 min of work.
4. Keep track of the number of quality hours worked each day and each week.
5. Focus on starting a work rather than finishing it.
6. Think small and focus on the work.
Time Plan format

Time Activities

Essential Skills for Success


Essential Skills for Success

8. Money Management

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Explain the importance of money management. Tell the trainees to identify how to use money
with the help of the illustration. Help them distinguish income, expenditure, spending,
investment, saving. Direct trainees to identify their spending habits by filling in the relevant
information in the table given in activity 1.
2. Encourage the trainees to plan the manner in which hey will spend if they had a job with Rs.
11,000/- as salary. Encourage them to work individually and then share their responses with
a co-trainee. Offer suggestions on how best they can save while they earn. Encourage the
trainees to work on the extension activities.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Essential Skills for Success

9. Migrating Opportunities – Should I do It?

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Encourage the trainees to be mentally prepared to migrate after helping them identify what
migration means. Help them interpret the illustration section. Direct the trainees to read the
story given in activity 1 and note down their responses in the space provided. Let them work
individually and share their responses in pairs.
2. Direct the trainees to budget on behalf of Saina individually (activity 2) and share their budget
with their partner. Facilitate the smooth interaction between the trainees assuring them that
there is no wrong answer and all responses are acceptable.
3. Guide the trainees to compare opportunities given in the activity 3 by doing an online search
for the given trades from naukri.com.
4. Discuss the responses that the trainees have identified for activity 3 through the questions
given in activity 4. Consolidate the lesson by eliciting what the trainees have learnt about
availability of jobs for specific trades in their hometown or different cities. Give suggestions
to improve and offer positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Essential Skills for Success

10. Migrating Opportunities – Best Practices

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Direct the trainees to recall what migration is and guide them through the illustration section
to identify the best practices to be adhered to in migration. Instruct the trainees to identify
the process for applying for passport in activity 1 through the given portal.
2. Instruct the trainees on the process of identifying the right home to live in a new city. Tell
them that they may use the key words and search online. Ask them to read the context given
in activity 2 and search for the right home. Make they work in pairs.
3. Make the trainees work on a job relocation in Qatar, Patna/Nagpur using their understanding
of migrating for work. Let them fill in the relevant information in the space provided in
activity 3. Consolidate the main points of the lesson. Give positive feedback and suggest one
or two things that can be improved.
10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Essential Skills for Success

Assessment Rubric for Essential Skills for Success

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying the importance of self- 40-55%
Level 1 awareness, recognizing personal strengths and weaknesses, recognizing
the causes of stress and manage stress, identifying stress-busters, using
problem-solving techniques. Identifying factors that affect negotiation
and decision-making, identifying money management skills and being
prepared for safe migration.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying the 56-65 %
Level 2 importance of self-awareness, recognizing personal
strengths and weaknesses, recognizing the causes of
stress and manage stress, identifying stress-busters,
using problem-solving techniques. Identifying factors
that affect negotiation and decision-making, identifying
money management skills and being prepared for safe
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying the 66-75 %
importance of self-awareness, recognizing personal
strengths and weaknesses, recognizing the causes of
stress and manage stress, identifying stress-busters,
using problem-solving techniques. Identifying factors
that affect negotiation and decision-making, identifying
money management skills and being prepared for safe
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifying 75 % and
the importance of self-awareness, recognizing personal above
strengths and weaknesses, recognizing the causes of
stress and manage stress, identifying stress-busters,
using problem-solving techniques. Identifying factors
that affect negotiation and decision-making, identifying
money management skills and being prepared for safe

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Labour Welfare Legislation

Why is ‘Labour Welfare Legislation’ in Employability Skills?

ITI trainees are going to join the workforce immediately on completion of their training. It is important that they
get to know what it entails to be a paid employee even before getting into jobs. It will make them aware of not
only their roles and responsibilities, but also their rights and benefits from being employed. Awareness about
labour laws, safety and insurance will help them demand , claim/make use of them as required.
Understand the Topic
In this module, trainees will understand what it means to be employed – that it is an amalgamation of knowledge,
skills and awareness about the employee rights in the world of work. This awareness will guide the trainees on
how to operate in the workplace. Trainees will gather knowledge on labour welfare concepts and connect them
to their workplace thereby learn how to conduct themselves in the job, what benefits they are bond to get, how
they can save, etc.
How to deliver the ‘Labour Welfare Legislation’ module?
Instruct the trainees on the importance and relevance of labour laws. Make them identify the different Acts,
rules and regulations related to labour welfare. Sensitize them on issues related to labour welfare and how to
deal with them with the help of the relevant Acts, rules and regulations. Help them in recollecting, discussing
and reflecting on their learning on a regular basis so that they internalize them to make effective use of the
welfare measures while at work.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here. The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional but highly recommended)
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict the
concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A ‘Let’s Learn’ section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concepts dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional, but deeply recommended to be followed through by trainees since it shall make
their experience richer.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Labour Welfare Legislation

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Labour Welfare Legislation module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about labour laws?
Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
relevance of learning about labour welfare legislation?
Think of the trainee
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about labour welfare? Do
they know about the welfare schemes that help them get health and safety

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

labour welfare legislation!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.

What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
for them to learn through examples and activities.

Encourage trainees to be explorers.

Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Labour Welfare Legislation

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify the need for various labour welfare laws
• recognise the important features of the Factories Act, 1948
• identify the importance of the Employee State Insurance and Apprentice Act
• recognize the benefits that workers can claim through ESIC and Apprentice Act
• identify the need for implementation of Payment of Wages Act
• explain the rules and regulations of the Employee Provident Fund Act
• identify the need to prevent harassment at workplace and POSH
• infer the relevance of various labour laws.

Labour Welfare Legislation

1. Labour Welfare – Benefits Guaranteed under Various Acts,

Factories Act

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. The illustration lists various acts that have been enforced for the benefit of workers. Explain
the significance of these years and the acts.
2. Make the trainees choose a partner and brainstorm the basic requirements that employees
require for the context given in activity 1.
3. Help the trainees interpret the distinction between law, rule and act in pairs to complete
activity 2.
4. Instruct the trainees in groups of three discuss the objectives of Factories Act, 1948 in
activity 3.
Consolidate the lesson highlighting the important features of the concepts discussed.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Labour Welfare Legislation

2. Employees State Insurance Act, Apprentices Act

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Describe the objectives of the Employees State Insurance and Apprentices Act. As many of
them would soon choose apprenticeship in a trade, tell them it is important to learn their
rights and responsibilities. Use the illustration section to explain. Instruct the trainees to
interpret the chart given in activity 1 on ESIC.
2. Direct the trainees to interpret the visual on NAPS in activity 2 and explain about it to a co-
trainee. Summarize the concepts discussed and offer suggestions, if any.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Labour Welfare Legislation

3. Payment of Wages Act, Employees Provident Fund Act

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Wages is the central necessity for any human being who works. Check what trainees know
about wages based on their previous knowledge and explain the meaning of wages and its
significance. Direct the trainees to interpret the visual given in activity 1 and discuss why
there is disparity in wages between men and women. Let them work with a partner.
2. Instruct the trainees to identify a retired employee and interview them on the benefits of EPF.
Interview questions may be framed with the visual given in activity 2. Let them share their
learning with a partner. Consolidate the lesson highlighting the main points. Offer feedback
and suggestions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Labour Welfare Legislation

4. Workmen’s Compensation Act, POSH

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Brainstorm with trainees the possibilities of getting hurt at the workplace. Ask for examples
from the experiences of family and friends. Ask them if the employer has a role to play in
helping such a worker. Later draw their attention to the necessity of Workmen’s Compensation
2. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs. Let them interpret the information given in activity 1
on the reasons that cause the most and the least accidents in the workplace.
3. Sensitize the trainees on POSH with the visual given in activity 2. Lead the discussion on
what may be conveyed to the male or female shown in the visual. Help them reason out
appropriate behaviour that one needs to demonstrate in the workplace where both male
and female employees are employed.
4. Ask trainees whether they feel the need for protection and prevention of sexual harassment.
Help them learn about the POSH Act through the activities given.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Labour Welfare Legislation

5. Interpreting Applicable Labour and Industrial Laws

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Trainees might be under the assumption that laws are restricted to certain sectors and
companies. Help them recognize labour laws that are applicable for various sectors.In activity
1, direct the trainees to choose a partner to describe any two labour laws. They may refer the
illustration section of the lessons and make notes.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in pairs or groups to brainstorm on how laws and labour can
work in each other’s favour. Let the make notes in the space provided for activity 2.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Labour Welfare Legislation

Assessment Rubric for Labour Welfare Legislation

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying labour welfare laws, recognizing 40-55%
Level 1 the features of the Factory Act, 1948, recognizing the importance of
ESIC and Apprentice Acts, identifying the need for the implementation
of Payment of Wages Act, explaining the rules and regulations of EPF
Act, identifying POSH.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying labour welfare laws, 56-65 %
Level 2 recognizing the features of the Factory Act, 1948, recognizing the
importance of ESIC and Apprentice Acts, identifying the need for the
implementation of Payment of Wages Act, explaining the rules and
regulations of EPF Act, identifying POSH.
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying labour welfare laws, 66-75 %
recognizing the features of the Factory Act, 1948, recognizing the
importance of ESIC and Apprentice Acts, identifying the need for the
implementation of Payment of Wages Act, explaining the rules and
regulations of EPF Act, identifying POSH.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifyinglabour welfare 75 % and
laws, recognizing the features of the Factory Act, 1948, recognizing the above
importance of ESIC and Apprentice Acts, identifying the need for the
implementation of Payment of Wages Act, explaining the rules and
regulations of EPF Act, identifying POSH.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Qualitly Management

Why is ‘Quality Management’ in Employability Skills?

Quality Management is a basic necessity in the worksite for any employee. It is all the more important for ITI
trainees as they encompass the vast majority of the workforce in the industrial world. An introduction to the
basic definitions and features of quality management will enable better performance when the ITI trainees get
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of quality management. You can also talk to trainees about
the situations that they may encounter in the worksite and help them build confidence to work with quality
consciousness. Finally, you can tell them that you will help them learn this topic in an activity-based practical
way. Assure them that they will truly benefit from learning both the concepts and the effective ways of using
them at work.
How to deliver ‘Quality Management’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
quality management. That can be done by telling them that this is not an impossible task and that it can be
mastered easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities. Encourage
your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really been made
easy and practical for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Qualitly Management

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Quality Management module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about quality?

Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
Think of the trainee relevance of learning about quality management?
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about quality
management? Do they know about the various quality standards?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

quality management!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.

What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
for them to learn through examples and activities.

Encourage trainees to be explorers.

Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Qualitly Management

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify what quality and quality consciousness are
• recognize the need for quality for employers, employees and customers
• learn how maintain quality and resolve problems as a team
• explore quality management system and PDCA
• use quality management system for problem-solving and decision-making
• learn how to maintain a healthy work environment with quality-oriented regulations
• learn the use of tools like fishbone, kaizen, 5s and 5d to enhance quality
• recognise the importance of standardisation for products/services
• identify what BIS, ISI, Hallmark mean.

Qualitly Management

1. Quality Management

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser.

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

1. Instruct the trainees to read and interpret activity 1 and choose a partner to work with. Let
them discuss from their own point of view. Observe the interactions and facilitate smooth
2. Make the trainees choose a partner and brainstorm how the quality of products are
determined to complete activity 2. Let them share their views without inhibition. Tell them
that there is no correct or wrong answer.
3. Consolidate the discussions on activity 1 and 2 with suggestions for improvement. Remember
to point out what aspects of the discussions were good.

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Qualitly Management

2. Total Quality Management, Quality Circle

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Enable the trainees interpret what Total Quality Management is with the help of the
illustration section. Instruct the trainees to discuss the impact of Total Quality Management
for employees and employers to complete activity 1.
2. Explain what a quality circle is and organise the trainees to work in pairs. Let them discuss the
advantages of quality circles to complete activity 2.
3. To complete activity 3 and get an better understanding of quality circles, instruct the trainees
read the statements given and interpret them. Let them work in pairs and give reasons on
statements they agree or disagree with. Consolidate features of TQM and quality circle
before proceeding to the next section.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Qualitly Management

3. Quality Management System, PDCA

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. A Quality Management System is a set of processes defined and implemented to enable

an organization satisfy the needs of its customers. Explain this in detail with examples. To
complete activity 1, instruct the trainees to choose a partner to discuss how problems can
be solved when there is quality management system. They may refer to the illustration, if
2. Help the trainees understand activity 2 which is about saving electricity at home using quality
circle principle. Have them discuss the PDCA cycle in pairs.
3. Give instructions to the trainees to use the PDCA cycle to explain to their partner about
methods to reduce use of plastics.
4. Explain how quality circles help in all activities we do, both in our personal and professional
lives. Direct the trainees to choose a partner to discuss on workplace contexts where quality
circles help to complete the discussion on activity 4.
5. Make the trainees reflect on the ways and means of using quality management system and
quality circles in real life situations. Consolidate the outcomes of the discussions and offer
suggestions and positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Qualitly Management

4. Fishbone, 5S, 5D, KAIZEN

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Help learners to interpret the example given in activity 1 – fishbone diagram on why people
may come late to work. With the help of the example, direct the trainees to work in pairs and
create a fishbone diagram for one problem they face as ITI trainees. They may use the given
example situations too.
2. Instruct the trainees to complete activity 2 by matching the correct descriptions. They may
refer to the illustration, if required.
3. Instruct the trainees to engage in discussion in pairs on the importance of 5S method. Guide
them to make notes in the space provided in activity 3.
4. Direct the trainees to discuss the situation given in activity 4 and design a poster to be
displayed to prevent such occurrences in future.
5. Make the trainees discuss on creating a safe work environment in the ITI using the Kaizen
principles given in activity 5. Note down the points and recommend them to your ITI ES
6. Consolidate the lesson, offer feedback on how well the trainees worked through the activities
and offer suggestions for improvement.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Qualitly Management

5. Standardization

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, blackboard, chalk piece, pencil, eraser. 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins
1. Help students identify how standardization adds value to products/services/ work culture
in various professions. Instruct them to work on activity 1 to distinguish standard and non-
standard work. Help them identify the value of clear instructions.
2. Direct the trainees to work in pairs to identify and brainstorm some standard procedures
that are followed in day to day life.
3. Explain to learners how to recognize the impact and benefits of standards on markets and
society. Help the trainees work in pairs to develop a standardized pricing without joining
an organization as given in activity 3. Direct them to note the details in the table given and
4. Enable discussion about the standard marks like BIS and ISI that one sees on products. Make
the trainees discuss on the need for such marks and what do they stand for as part of activity
5. Instruct the trainees to interpret the visual given in activity 5 to list out the benefits of ISO
9001 certification. Discuss the responses with the whole class.
6. Use the prompt given in activity 6 to engage the trainees discuss on adopting standardizing
procedures. Consolidate the lesson by offering positive feedback and a few suggestions for

10 mins
1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Qualitly Management

Assessment Rubric for Quality Management

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying what quality and quality 40-55%
Level 1 consciousness mean, recognizing the importance of quality for
employers, employees and customers, exploring quality management
system and PDCA for problem-solving and decision-making, having
learnt the need to maintain a healthy work environment, using fishbone,
kaizen, 5S and 5D, identifying BIS, ISI and Hallmark.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying what quality and quality 56-65 %
Level 2 consciousness mean, recognizing the importance of quality for
employers, employees and customers, exploring quality management
system and PDCA for problem-solving and decision-making, having
learnt the need to maintain a healthy work environment, using fishbone,
kaizen, 5S and 5D, identifying BIS, ISI and Hallmark.
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying what quality and quality 66-75 %
consciousness mean, recognizing the importance of quality for
employers, employees and customers, exploring quality management
system and PDCA for problem-solving and decision-making, having
learnt the need to maintain a healthy work environment, using fishbone,
kaizen, 5S and 5D, identifying BIS, ISI and Hallmark.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifyingwhat quality and 75 % and
quality consciousness mean, recognizing the importance of quality for above
employers, employees and customers, exploring quality management
system and PDCA for problem-solving and decision-making, having
learnt the need to maintain a healthy work environment, using fishbone,
kaizen, 5S and 5D, identifying BIS, ISI and Hallmark.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Preparation to the World of Work

Why is ‘Preparation to the World of Work’ in Employability Skills?

ITI trainees need to be oriented towards the world of work before they leave the institution. If preparation to
the world of work starts while in the ITI, the trainees shall be able to make appropriate choices from the job
opportunities available based on their training and proficiency. Awareness about prospective job opportunities
will enable the ITI trainees groom themselves for the jobs of their choice or preference.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of getting prepared to the world of work. You can also talk to
trainees about the job opportunities that they may be offered and help them make informed choices so that the
job matches their abilities and interests. Finally, you can tell them that you will help them learn this topic in an
activity-based practical way. Assure them that they will truly benefit from learning both the concepts and the
effective ways of using them to choose jobs.
How to deliver ‘Preparation to the World of Work’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
preparation to the wold of work. That can be done by telling them that this is not an impossible task and that
it can be mastered easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities.
Encourage your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really
been made easy and practical for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Preparation to the World of Work

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Preparation to the World of Work module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about preparation to the
world of work?
Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
Think of the trainee relevance of learning about being prepared to face the world of work?
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about getting prepared to
the world of work? Do they know about preparation to the world of work?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

preparation to the world of work!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.
What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
Deliver for them to learn through examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Preparation to the World of Work

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify what job and career, personal and professional life mean
• recognize aspects that need to be focuses on
• learn what career pathways are and explore it
• explore the world of work by conducting a market scan
• distinguish interest and ability and set short-term and long-term smart goals
• learn and practise how to draft a resume
• explore job search portals and apply for jobs online
• recognise interview skills and how to perform in an interview
• learn how to follow up after interviews and handle rejection.

Preparation to the World of Work

1. Introduction to the World of Work

Material needed: Trainee workbook, pens 20 mins

Part 1
Ask trainees to read the story of Riya from the Trainee Workbook.
Ask trainees to answer the following question by writing in the trainee workbook.
How do you think Riya can come to know about the different opportunities that she has?
Part 2
Explain the meaning of the world of work to trainees using the information provided in the
introductory pages of this session.
Ask trainees to read the following headings from the trainee workbook:
What is a career?
What is the difference between a job and career?
What is the difference between personal and professional life?
How to separate your personal and professional life?

30 mins
Ask trainees to look at the My Quest map in their Trainee Workbooks.
This is a journey map that describes the different skills, qualities and activities that a trainee
undertakes in order to be successful at work.
Ask trainees to look at the map carefully along with the timelines that are mentioned for each
goal. Let them look at the different skills mentioned and tick mark against the skills that you
have acquired.Trainees need to follow this map. They can make changes wherever necessary
based on their own life goals and skills. They can also add more skills to this map by writing on
the map the name of the skill and when you plan to acquire them.
Facilitator’s tip: The point of this activity is to help trainees make this map their own so that
they have a set of goals and timelines against which they need to complete each of these goals.
Encourage trainees to add their own goals and also tick mark the goals that they have already
achieved. Help trainees customize this map for themselves and encourage them to go back to
this map regularly so they can track their own progress.
This is an individual activity, however, trainees can have a discussion with a partner help to
Facilitator’s tip: This is an individual activity. However, trainees might need to work in pairs or
small groups to reflect as they perform this activity. Encourage trainees to talk and share with
each other regarding this activity.

10 mins
Reflection / Wrap up
Ask trainees the following questions:
Based on the My Quest Journey Map, what are the skills/qualities that you feel confident
What are the skills/qualities that you feel you need to acquire?
By when do you plan to acquire these skills/qualities?
How will you acquire to acquire these skills/qualities?
Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Preparation to the World of Work

2. Career Awareness – 1

Material needed: Trainee workbook, pens, computer lab or smart phone with internet 20 mins
Share the following information with trainees:
What is meant by career pathways and why is it important to understand pathways. Share
this information based on what you read at the start of this session plan. Ask trainees to read
the following from the Trainee Workbook: Importance of Planning Your Career Path, Tips on
Effective Career Planning.

30 mins
Part 1
Form groups of 3 trainees. Ask trainees to look at the posters given in the Trainee Workbook.
These are career pathway posters for the following careers- Fashion design, Interior design,
Draftsperson and Stenographer. As a group, they need to go through each of the posters in
detail. After they have gone through the posters, tell them to answer the questions given at
the end of each poster by writing it in the trainee workbook. The answers should be written
individually. However, trainees may discuss in their small groups before writing the answers.
Part 2
Tell trainees that they need to continue with the same groups of three for this activity. As a
group, they need to decide on any one career (aside from the four career mentioned in the last
activity). Trainees will have to research on the career that they choose as a group and come
up with similar information about that career. For the purpose of research, trainees can use
either computer labs or can use their mobile phones. Do not spend too much time on finalizing
a career to research. This activity is meant to help you understand how to research career
pathway posters.
They can try to collect information based on the headings given in the previous posters. Once
they have collected the information, write in it in the space given in the Trainee Workbook. Each
trainee should write the information down in their books. It might not be possible for trainees
to complete the entire research in such less time. You can specify the time that trainees have
for the research and then ask each group to share whatever information they have collected.
Encourage trainees to go home and complete the research and share the completed research
with the class.
10 mins

Reflection / Wrap up
Ask trainees the following reflection questions:
Why are career pathways important?
What sort of information does a career pathway give us?
How do we define career pathways for ourselves?
Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Preparation to the World of Work

3. Career Awareness – 2 – Market Scan

Material needed: Trainee workbook, pens, computer lab or smart phone with internet 20 mins
Divide the class into pairs. Ask them to read the paragraph about the three friends- Sameera,
Amir and Raja and answer the questions in the Trainee Workbook. Inform the trainees about
that this module is going to focus on conducting a market scan. Explain the meaning of the word
market scan to trainees using the information provided in the introductory pages of this session.
Talk to trainees about why a market scan is useful in exploring career options. Inform trainees
that they would be conducting a market scan for a career that they are interested in exploring
further. Ask trainees to read the process of the market scan and sources of information for a
market scan as mentioned in the Trainee Workbook.

30 mins

ACTIVITY 2- Market scan

Part 1
Thinking and Shortlisting careers for exploration:
Ask trainees to think about 2-3 careers that interest them. These can be based on the trade that
they are studying. However, it should not be limited only to that trade. Divide them into pairs.
Tell them that they need to discuss which are the careers that they would like to explore and
why they are interested in exploring it. After discussing, they should shortlist one career that
they would like to explore further.They need to write answers to the questions mentioned in the
trainee workbook.
Part 2
Getting started
Once the class has shared, try form trainees into pairs based on those who are interested in
exploring the similar careers.Those trainees whose career aspirations do not match others, can
work independently.Tell the trainees now they will have to collect this information about the
career that they chose. They can conduct the research with the help of computers or their
smart phones. Additionally, they can interview professionals after the session.They need to
write answers to the questions mentioned in the trainee workbook. Ask a few trainees to share
their research with the rest of the class.
Facilitator’s tip: If you feel trainees need more time for the research, you can ask them to share
the responses to only 1-2 questions in the class. They can complete the remaining research as

10 mins

Ask trainees the following reflection questions:

What are the ways in which we can collect information about a career?
What are some of the questions that you have regarding the career that you chose?
What are some of the questions that you plan to ask professionals during the discussion with
What are you looking forward to with respect to learning about a career?
Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

Preparation to the World of Work

4. Career Plan – Interests and Abilities

Material needed: Trainee workbook, pens 10 mins

Tell the trainees:
You will learn about something very, very useful in today’s class. This topic will be beneficial for
you in your career as well as your life
Ask trainees to read- What is an interest, What is an ability and what is the difference between
interest and ability from the Trainee Workbook.
You could share a few examples of your own interests and abilities to help trainees understand
the topic better.
40 mins
Activity 1
Divide the class into pairs. Ask them to read the paragraph about Mehraj and answer the
questions in the Trainee Workbook.
Activity 2Identify your interests and abilities
Inform trainees that for the next worksheet, they will have to reflect and write in the trainee
workbook. They can continue to discuss in pairs if they feel it will give them more clarity.
However, this is an individual activity.Read out each question and give trainees a few minutes
to reflect, discuss and write the answers. Encourage trainees to write answers honestly as this
will help them think of career options for themselves.
10 mins

Reflection / Wrap up
Ask the following questions and make your trainees respond. Tell them that they can be creative
in their answers, and that there are no strict right/wrong answers to every question.
What are your interests?
What are your abilities?
Are your interests and abilities the same?
What are the career paths that you think are a good balance of your interests and abilities?
Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

5. Recall

Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser. 10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 6 lessons that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus more.

Preparation to the World of Work

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.

10 mins
Reflection / Wrap up
Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

6. Setting Goals for Career

Material needed: SWOT analysis questions, career awareness chapter (Employability Skills student workbook),
setting goals for your career chapter (Employability Skills student workbook)

Context Setting: Session Prep Discussion.

Elicit situations from students where they often have two
10 mins
plans like travelling for vacation, college selection, etc.
Tell students similarly we should have two job plans for
our career.
Reflective activity
Ref: Career wareness
45 mins Session Activity: Let’s choose and draft Job Plan A and B
(Ch. 2)
5 mins Ask the class to review the career awareness chapter from
Ref: Setting goals for
Employability Skills student workbook and summarise the
your career
career path information about their trade.
(Ch. 6)
Share the SWOT analysis with the class on whiteboard.
5 mins SWOT questions
Encourage students to note answers in their notebook.
are designed to give
Ask students to prepare a persona SWOT, on the basis of
students a ‘reality
their answers to the SWOT questions.
check’. There are
35 mins The class will now elect a job role that is aligned with their no right and wrong
trade, and is also aligned with their personal SWOT. answers. Each student
Guide the teams to create a job plan A and B, as per should feel free to
25 mins
Activity 4, Setting goals for your career – Ch. 6 share their take on the
Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection
What was the experience of filling SWOT questions like?
10 mins
What did we learn about ourselves today? What are the
questions that remain in our mind about our career plan?
What additional information do we need to collect about
our career options to create a clearer plan? How can we
acquire this information?

Preparation to the World of Work

7. Resume Writing
Material needed: Colourful chits, and prints of strength statements (refer next page)

Context Setting: मेरीखासियतहैकी

10mins Before context setting, ask the students: Which personal

strength makes you a good fit for your dream job? Think
about it for 2 minutes!
Invite a few students to share their strengths.
Set context – Introduce resumes
Resumes are our first impression for an employer. The
content of the resume, and the format – both leave an
Session Activity: Understanding a resume Facilitation
40mins Ask the students what according to them should go on a Plan instructions
resume. In one corner of the board, list their answers on
the whiteboard (use their words, not the given names of
resume sections)
When they have exhausted their options, add the field(s) A sample resume can
that they may have entirely missed be viewed in Resume
Invite the class to arrange the fields in a logical sequence. Writing (Ch. 7)
Make the sequence only as per class consensus, keep your
inputs to a minimum.
Give feedback about correct resume section sequence. Encourage the class to fill
(Refer – student workbook, Preparation to the World of details in English. If they
5 mins struggle, ask them to
Work, Chapter 6)
switch to their regional
Ask them to fill in their details in Activity 1, chapter 6.
Go around the class, answering queries

Wrapping Up: Reflection + Next steps Reflection

5 mins Email the resume
What? What are resumes? Why are they important?
So, what? How can we use them? templates to students.
Now, what? How will you mail the resumes? How will Remind the students
you meet the submission deadlines? Any expected to submit their revised
challenges? resumes to you by
email. Share individual
feedback over emai

Preparation to the World of Work

8. Applying for Jobs Online

Material needed: Rope or brown tape, case studies (for facilitator reference)

Context Setting: How to land a job? Sage on the Stage

Invite four students on the stage for a skit – give them the
10 mins
following scenario.
You are all friends, and one of you is in urgent need for a
job. The other three advise him/her on different ways to
find a job. Ask the students to take 2 minutes to decide
who plays which character and start enacting.
Tell them they will have 5 minutes to perform
Set context:
Ask students what other options of searching for jobs are
they aware of, apart from the ones discussed in the skit.
Introduce today’s topic.

Session Activity: Introduction to classifieds Activity-oriented

40 mins Divide the students into groups of 4-5, with at least Tell the students that they
newspaper copies with each group. Share with them the can all use your phone, if
5 mins
objective of the activity – they don’t have one / are
find any two-three suitable job vacancies low on balance. Remind
them it doesn’t matter,
call and inquire about how to apply if they do not qualify for
Job search + phone calls. the job – if they find it
25 mins interesting, they should
Ask students to view the keywords provided in Activity 1,
Chapter 8, Preparation to the world of work call and inquire.

Invite a member from each group to share their experience If internet connection
of making these calls with the rest of the group. and smartphones /
10 mins
computers are available,
ask students to look
for jobs online (refer-
Preparation to the World
of Work, Chapter 8)

Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

10 mins What? What did we do today in the class? How was it?
So, what? Why were we applying for jobs for which we did
not even qualify? What did we achieve? Did we achieve
anything at all?
Now, what? How can we explore better ways of finding a

Preparation to the World of Work

9. Interview Skills
Material needed: Trainee workbook, pens 15 mins

Ask the trainees:

Have you seen an interview in TV or YouTube?
What happens in an interview?
Explain to them that an interview is a process where an interviewer asks questions to another
person (interviewee or candidate) for a specific purpose. Interviews of famous people are
conducted for newspapers, TV channels etc.
Now ask them:
Do you know what a job interview is?
When and where does it happen?
Interview is conducted before a person gets a job. It is the process by which a candidate gets
selected. An interview is the most important step before getting a job. If a candidate can get
the interview process right, they can be confident of getting the job they wish for. Interview is
an important selection technique where there is two-way exchange of information between
the candidate and the employer. It can be one-to-one basis (1 candidate is interviewed by 1
employer) or by an interview panel (1 candidate s interviewed by 3 or 4 members from the
employers/HR). Interviews are used by all employers and companies for selecting their staff. It
assists employers in selecting a right person for a right job. It also helps job seekers to present
their knowledge, job skills and attitude required for the job.
There are different types of interview depending on the job role and the industry. A candidate
may be asked to appear for different types of interview at different stages of selection.
Sometimes, a candidate may be asked to go through 2 different types of interview with HR,
their own manager or a senior team in the organization.

25 mins

1. Help the trainees identify the importance of preparing for interviews. Ask the trainees to go
through the illustration section. Direct the trainees to read the information in activity 1 and
role play. Have the trainees work in pairs. Let them make notes, if required.
2. Instruct the trainees to choose a partner. Let them read the questions given in the poster
in activity 2 individually and make notes. Direct them to share their responses with their
partner and discuss.
3. Make the trainees read the poster given in activity 3 and answer the questions individually
and share their responses in pairs to complete activity 4.
4. Tell the trainees that they are going to prepare a checklist of things to do before, during and
after the interview to complete activity 5 based on what they have learnt. Direct them to
work independently.
5. Help the trainees read the situation given in activity 6 on how getting rejected in interviews
give experience to perform better in future. The trainees may be directed to refer the lessons
on Mock Interviews in the module on Communication Skills from Employability Skills student
workbook 1. Encourage the trainees to make a list of reasons for failure in interviews and how
to rectify them. Ask the trainees to share it with a partner and the whole class. Consolidate
the lesson highlighting the main points. Give positive feedback and a few suggestions for

Preparation to the World of Work

10 mins

Ask the following questions and make your trainees respond.

What are the different types of interview?
What do the employers expect from candidates when conducting interviews?
How can you prepare well for an interview?
What will you do to improve your present interview skills?
Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.
Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and

10. Recall
Materials needed: Trainee Workbook, pencil, eraser. 10 mins

Prepare the class for formative assessment of the 6 lessons that have been covered.
The questions are meant to assess the learning and not to test the rote memory. Instruct the
trainees on the purpose of the formative assessment (recall).
Make them recognize that it is meant for their benefit and will help them recognize areas that
they need to improve/focus more.

40 mins
Conduct the test ensuring that the trainees answer the questions independently.
Assess the trainees learning based on their performance and ensure that suitable remedial
measures are taken for trainees to continue learning without any impediments.
Record the assessment in a descriptive format to track progress during the next recall session.

Discuss with the trainees about their performance suggesting methods to improve their
performance. 10 mins
Ensure to offer positive feedback followed by one or two suggestions ONLY.
Focus may be more on the positive aspects than on what went wrong.

Preparation to the World of Work

Assessment Rubric for Preparation to the World of Work

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying what job, career, personal 40-55%
Level 1 and professional life mean, recognizing career pathways to explore,
identifying how to conduct market scan, distinguishing interest vs ability
and short-term vs long-term goals, drafting a resume and applying for
jobs online, recognizing interview skills and identifying how to follow up
after interviews and handle rejection.

Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying what job, career, personal 56-65 %
Level 2 and professional life mean, recognizing career pathways to explore,
identifying how to conduct market scan, distinguishing interest vs ability
and short-term vs long-term goals, drafting a resume and applying for
jobs online, recognizing interview skills and identifying how to follow up
after interviews and handle rejection.

Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying what job, career, personal 66-75 %
and professional life mean, recognizing career pathways to explore,
identifying how to conduct market scan, distinguishing interest vs ability
and short-term vs long-term goals, drafting a resume and applying for
jobs online, recognizing interview skills and identifying how to follow up
after interviews and handle rejection.

Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifyingwhat job, career, 75 % and
personal and professional life mean, recognizing career pathways to above
explore, identifying how to conduct market scan, distinguishing interest
vs ability and short-term vs long-term goals, drafting a resume and
applying for jobs online, recognizing interview skills and identifying how
to follow up after interviews and handle rejection.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users

Customer Interaction and Service

Why is ‘Customer Service and Interaction’ in Employability Skills?

Customer interaction is a very important part of sectors that involve engaging with the public. ITI trainees in
many trades will have to directly interact with customers both if they work for organisations and when they are
entrepreneurs. Effective interaction with customers will help win customers and help in sustaining longstanding
relationship with the customers. An exposure on how to greet, identify needs, service and handle customers will
help ITI trainees in performing well on the job.
Understand the Topic
In this session, you will introduce the importance of customer interaction and service. You can also talk to trainees
about the situations that they may encounter in the worksite that may require to interact with customers. They
shall be effective in their job if they know aspects of dealing with customers. You can tell them that you will help
them learn this topic in an activity-based practical way. Assure them that they will truly benefit from learning
both the concepts and the effective ways of using them at work.
How to deliver ‘Customer Service and Interaction’?
The main task for you as a trainer is to build a sense of excitement and confidence in trainees about learning
customer interaction and service. That can be done by telling them that this is not an impossible task and that
it can be mastered easily! You also need to tell them that they will learn this topic through simple activities.
Encourage your trainees to enjoy, ask questions and take your help while learning this topic, which has really
been made easy and practical for their benefit.
How the lessons have been organized?
The content has been organized into lessons that can be taught in one-hour duration. The flow of the lessons and
what each step means is elaborated here: The lessons are divided into three sections:
i. exposure – objectives, concepts, KWL, illustration
ii. immersion – activities, let’s learn, KWL completion, recapitulation
iii. extension (optional).
The lessons have been structured from objectives to recapitulation. Enough care has been taken to restrict
the concepts introduced to as much that is necessary for the ITI level. A let’s learn section is included only for
those topics that need further elaboration. A KWL chart is introduced for instructors to assess RPL about the
particular lesson by eliciting responses from the trainees. Trainees need to fill in what they already know, what
they want to know in the first two columns. Illustration gives visual and verbal examples of the concept dealt
with in the lesson. The development of guided, controlled and free activities will make learning easy, fun and,
therefore, a rewarding experience. The learned column of the KWL chart will be completed by the trainees after
the completion of all the activities. The final section recap will sum up the outcomes of learning the particular
lesson which shall be aligning with the objectives of the lesson. Extension given at the end of each lesson is for
further learning and is optional.
At periodic intervals, the lessons have been chunked to include a section called recall which may be used to
consolidate the learning and for formative assessment.
If the session is going well, you will see trainees:
• actively engaged in the activities
• clarifying their doubts by asking questions without fear
• speaking with peers in small groups.

Customer Interaction and Service

How to prepare yourself to deliver the Customer Interaction and Service module?

Have your trainees had the opportunity to know about customer

interaction and service?
Think of your region, your institute, and your classroom – what is the
Think of the trainee relevance of learning about customer interaction and service?
Are the trainees motivated to get an awareness about customer interaction
and service? Do they know about the various PPE, signage and hazards?

Read the Employability Skills facilitator manual – know everything about

customer interaction and service!
Prepare yourself to instruct in an activity-based approach.
Follow the guidelines in the manual to enable the trainees work in pairs/
Prepare your plan groups to interpret laws and regulations.
Ensure that the activities in this module are done effectively to enable the
trainees interact well to internalize the concepts.
Follow the step by step instructions to help the trainees complete the
activities in the lesson and encourage them to interact well.

Be a guide:
Your trainees will not learn to be team players, if you give them a list of dos
and don’ts of working in a team. They will learn only from experience! Let
them see you practising what you ask them to do.
What if they do not understand well? Use the illustration section to help
the trainees identify and interpret the concepts better. It is an opportunity
Deliver for them to learn through examples and activities.
Encourage trainees to be explorers.
Enable an ‘I Can’ attitude.
Help your trainees to try and do and apply as many concepts as they can in
the real world. They will imbibe the concepts that much better if they are
encouraged to apply all that they learn.

Cultivate the habit of completing the handbook.

Interact with trainees who appear to be lagging behind or are silent in
understanding the concept after the class to encourage them to participate
Follow Up better.
Seek feedback from the trainees – pay attention to their body language in
class. Ask them how they feel about the sessions, act on the feedback and
recommendations you receive!

Customer Interaction and Service

Key Learning Outcomes

At this end of this module, you shall be able to:
• identify the importance of customer interaction and service for employers and customers
• recognize ways of making first impression through greetings
• identify how probing questions help in identifying and satisfying customer needs
• identify and practise listen-ask-repeat technique of probing
• identify and practise closing sales in simulated contexts
• recognise the importance of customer feedback
• receive feedback to improve customer service
• identify the need to listen to customer grievances and handle it effectively
• recognise the need to and build customer relationships.

Customer Interaction and Service

1. Importance of Customer Service

Material needed: Four boxes labelled (home, school, society, others), and old newspapers

Context Setting: Who is a customer? Facilitation

Ask students to list any 10 products / services that they
5 mins
are ‘customers’ of.
Prompt student to think of services like ITI (education), local
businesses, and public transport along with mainstream
commercial products /services of entertainment,
communication, clothes, food, etc.
What makes us loyal to a product/ service? What makes us
search for other options?
Session Activity: Sneaky Snakes Facilitation
45 mins Divide the class into groups of 4-5 students. Prep time: 10 minutes
10mins Ask each group to discuss their experience regarding: Presentation time: 5
1. calling a telephone company regarding an inquiry or minutes
10 mins
2. calling an online shopping regarding an inquiry or
3. ordering food from a menu in a restaurant.
4. inviting a plumber / electrician to your home.
Ask them to classify their experiences as: good / bad /
great. In each list, they should also share reasons.
Invite each team to present their experience. Generate
25 mins discussion on examples of dos and don’ts of customer
service that emerges from each presentation.

Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

10 mins What is customer service?
What are common reasons of a product / service losing its
What is the role played by the employees of product /
service company in retaining or losing customers?

2. Forms of Greeting

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.

Customer Interaction and Service

1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Help the trainees identify what greeting is, why is it important. Ask them to go through the
illustration section to recognise the difference between formal and informal greetings. Make
them identify the importance of making first impression on customers. Direct the trainees
read the contexts given in activity 1 to reflect keeping themselves at the receiving end as a
customer. Let them note down their responses and discuss with a partner.
2. Instruct the trainees to work in groups of 3 with each member having a specific role to play
as a customer, a salesperson and an observer. Tell students that they have to imagine they
are selling a phone to a customer in an electronic store. Give one piece of paper with the
instruction to each of the salespersons. Each group will have to come up to the front of the
class one by one and perform their role play followed by a discussion
Instructions to the customer:
• Imagine they are walking into an electronics store to buy a phone.
• They have no idea about which phone to buy so they would like to explore different phones
and then make the right decision.
Instruction of the observers:
• They need to make notes on exactly what the salesperson did and how did that impact the
• At the end of the each role play, they have to share their observations with the class.
Instructions for the salespersons:
• Write each of the below instructions on one small piece of paper.
• Give each listener one written instruction to follow, from the list below. This should not be
shared with the observer or the speaker:
a. Greet the customer with a frown
b. Use an angry tone to greet the customer
c. Do not acknowledge the presence of the customer and continue doing your work
d. Listen carefully and ask relevant questions and give appropriate suggestions to the
e. When the customer enters the store, continue talking and joking with your colleagues
f. Look around the room and appear distracted when the customer is talking
g. Stand too close to the customer so as to violate his/her personal space

Customer Interaction and Service

h. Interrupt and prevent the customer from finishing his/her sentences

i. Attend to the customer in a polite and courteous manner
At the end of each role play, ask the salesperson to read out the instruction given to them. At the
end of each role play, ask the observer to share their observations. Also, ask the class to share
their observations.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

3. Probing to Identify Customer Needs

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is no
correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is the
best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Introduce the concept of probing with the help of the illustration section. Direct the trainees
to read the information given in activity 1 and fill in the blanks with the appropriate
information. The activity has two sub-tasks as parts 1 and 2.
2. instruct the trainees to interpret the visual given in activity 2 to learn how to ask probing
questions. Help them complete the activity given with probing questions that a small vendor
who sells raincoats for people who ride cycles, bike and those who walk near the railway
station would ask.

Customer Interaction and Service

3. Facilitate role play in pairs between a customer and a salesperson in a garments shop. Guide
the trainees to list probing questions and the order in which they would want to ask the
questions before the role play. Consolidate the features of probing highlighting why it is
important in customer interaction. Offer suggestions and positive feedback.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

4. Probing – Ask-listen-repeat Technique

10 mins
Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Introduce the concept Ask-listen-repeat technique as an effective tool to ask probing

questions to identify the needs of the customers and extend service accordingly. Direct the
trainees to go through the illustration section carefully. Help them distinguish open-ended
questions from close-ended ones along with when to use them appropriately. Encourage the
trainees to work individually and write probing questions using ask-listen-repeat technique
for the given situation. Ask them to discuss with a partner and share their questions. Conduct
a whole class discussion and consolidate.

Customer Interaction and Service

2. Instruct the trainees to role play the situation given in the activity 2 using ask-listen-repeat
technique. Let one trainee be the customer and the other the salesperson. Tell them to
repeat the role play by reversing the roles after completing first round of role play. Direct the
trainees to take feedback from their partners. Instruct the trainees to offer positive feedback
and one or two suggestions, if required. Consolidate the lesson highlighting the importance
of probing and how ask-listen-repeat technique is the best way to ask probing questions.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

5. Closing a Sale or Service

10 mins
Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins

1. Let the trainees identify why it is important to close a sale. Help them recognise how it helps
to build good customer relations. Encourage the trainees identify closing a sale using the
illustration section. Have them identify what direct and indirect closing of sale are. Instruct
the trainees to complete activity 1 by sorting the given closing of sale into directly ask and
indirectly close. Let them refer to the illustration section, if needed.
2. Initiate a role play activity by encouraging the trainees to convince a customer to buy a
specific kitchen appliance which is available on discounted price. Tell them that they may use
the information given in the visual in activity 2, if necessary.

Customer Interaction and Service

3. Explain the steps involved in closing a sale from the visual given in activity 3. Direct the
trainees to role play as customer and salesperson in pairs using ask-listen-repeat technique
and close the sale appropriately. Consolidate the concepts learnt through the lesson.
Remember to offer positive feedback and one or two suggestions, as required.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

6. Customer Feedback – 1
Material needed: Four boxes labelled (home, school, society, others), and old newspapers

Context Setting: Learning from feedback Facilitation

Ask students to recall instances when someone pointed
5 mins
out their mistake. How did it feel? How did we react?
Briefly talk about growth mind-set, sharing that it is only
by accepting and learning from mistakes that we grow. If
we accept a mistake as the final verdict on our ability to
work, we will never be able to grow. Informed criticism
can enable our growth.

45 mins Session Activity: Case Studies Facilitation

Invite volunteers to do 3-4 role plays (select role plays, Prep time: 10 minutes
30 mins from the list in trainer reference)
Role play time: 5
At the end of each role play, generate a discussion on: minutes
- What was the mistake made by customer sales
15 mins
- How can the mistake be avoided?
- How can the mistake be rectified after it has been

10 mins Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection

What can be the common causes of a negative customer
How can a customer service representative avoid
negative interactions?
How can the damage done from a negative interaction be

Customer Interaction and Service

Trainer Reference: Case studies

1. Tanvi has ordered a cake for her parent’s 50th anniversary. She ordered an egg less cake as her mother is a
vegetarian. The bakery has mistakenly baked a cake with egg content. The customer service representative
informs Tanvi of this error when she arrives to pick up her cake. Tanvi is very upset.
Reflection points: How should the customer service rep manage this situation? How could this situation be
2. Saiba booked a cab to reach the station at 11pm in the night. The cab driver has cancelled her ride and a
cancellation fee has been charged unfairly to Saiba’s account. Saiba is running late for her train, and she calls
the customer care number of the cab service to seek help. Saiba is very agitated and upset. Customer care
executive curtly informs her that the cab service cannot help her in this regard.
Reflection points: Was there an opportunity for the customer service rep to win a customer for life by helping
out Saiba? If yes, why? If no, why? How can such mistakes be avoided?
3. Joseph has ordered a takeaway burger and fries from a restaurant in the city. He has been waiting for his
order for 10 minutes and is now getting very restless. He angrily calls out to the cashier and demands an
explanation for the delay in his order. The recommended waiting time for any order in this restaurant is 20
minutes. How should the representative deal with this customer in this case?
4. Zafar has purchased a heater from a nearby electronic store. He has also received a warranty for this product.
The heater begins to malfunction on the very first night of its use. Zafar is very troubled and takes the heater
to a local mechanic. When the local mechanic attempts to repair the heater, he accidentally damanges its
body. Zafar remembers that the heater is still covered by a warranty. The customer sales representative
from the company has to inform Zafar that the warranty of a new product becomes void, when the product
is serviced by an unauthorized repair person. How can this communication be made in a manner that Zafar
remains loyal to this brand?
5. Trainees of XYZ institution often make fun of the rude staff at their canteen. They have now stopped going to
this canteen, and instead go to the chai stall outside the college for snacks and tea. Imagine a conversation
between 4 friends from XYZ institution. They are discussing the bad behaviour of the staff from the canteen.
What are the some behaviour of the staff that can disappoint the trainees?

7. Customer Feedback – 2
Material needed: Colourful chits – with names of business (refer: Session activity)

Context Setting: Learning from feedback Facilitation

5 mins Ask students to name some of the products that their
families have been using for generations. These could be
electronic products or brands of staple food items like
wheat flour, tea, coffee, rice etc.
What makes us loyal towards a product? How can the
same loyalty be created for a service?

Session Activity: Case Studies Facilitation

45 mins Divide the class into group of 5-6 students. There should Prompts for skit: Create
not be more than 5 groups in the class. a scene in which each of
Give each group on of the following topics: these businesses make
15 mins their customers not
- First day of a traditional restaurant
only satisfied, but feel
- Telephone repair center delighted.
30 mins

Customer Interaction and Service

- Hair salon
- Bakery
- Retail store of fashion clothes
Each team has to spend 10 minutes preparing ‘a perfect
day at this business’ skit. At the end of each skit,
Each team presents for 5 minutes each. recognize and applaud
customer interaction
behavior that made the
experience ‘delightful’.
Wrapping Up: Reflection Reflection
10 mins What is customer delight?
How is it different from just satisfaction?
What are the factors other than meeting basic quality
standards that make customers return to a business /
service provides?
How can these factors become more frequent in a

8. Handling Grievances – 1

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be 10 mins
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

1. Explain what grievances are and how it may affect the organisation/company if they are
not addressed properly. Use the illustration section to help the trainees identify how to
handle grievances. Facilitate the completion of activity 1 using the given frames and visual
information to prevent the customer who is ready to leave the shop as no one has attended
to him/her. Let the trainees role play the situation. Direct them to make notes, if required.

Customer Interaction and Service

2. Make the trainees work in pairs to complete activity 2 to describe the process of resolving 40 mins
customer complaints with the given visual information.
3. Help the trainees role play as a customer and customer service staff. Tell the customer to
follow the steps given in the visual in activity 3 to draft a compliant and submit it to the
customer service staff. Direct the trainee playing the role of the customer service staff to
follow the steps given in the visual to resolve the compliant. Consolidate the lesson on
handling grievances. Give positive feedback on what went well.

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

9. Handling Grievances – 2

Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper 10 mins

Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.
40 mins
1. Recall the importance of handling grievances. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration
section to be sensitive in handling complaints. Stress the importance of being polite and
apologising to customers when they come with complaints. Instruct the trainees to read the
3 situations given in activity 1 and discuss. The trainees have to handle complaints in each
of the 3 situations as customer service representative, head waiter in-charge and supervisor

Customer Interaction and Service

2. Direct the trainees to identify the correct statements that are made by customer service
representatives when customers come with a compliant. Tell them to mark the correct ones
“C” and the wrong ones “W”. Consolidate the key concepts and offer positive feedback.
10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

10. Relationship Building with Customers

10 mins
Material needed: Student workbook, pens, chits of paper
Tell the trainees that they will learn something very useful in today’s class. This topic will be
beneficial for them in their career as well as life. Learning this topic can make them confident
and smarter!
Divide the class into pairs and groups of 4. Ensure that they always get into pairs/groups when
you want them to.
1. Explain to the trainees the way the lesson will progress from introduction of the topic to the
2. Make the trainees work in pairs to read and interpret the concept that the lesson focusses
3. Instruct the trainees on how to fill the KWL chart. First, let them fill what they know about
the topic of the lesson that they just finished reading in “What I Know” column. Then, have
them fill the “What I Want to Know” in the column 2.
4. Direct the trainees to go through the illustration given after the KWL chart to get a better
understanding of the concept.
5. Encourage the trainees to ask questions and speak in the class by telling them that there is
no correct/wrong answer for most of the activities. Also, tell them that making mistakes is
the best way to learn a skill.

40 mins

1. Explain how building good relations with customers will benefit employees and employers.
Make the trainees recognise the importance of customer loyalty and retention for businesses.
Help them interpret the information in the illustration section. Direct the trainees to work
in pairs as a customer and craftsman and role play with the given information in activity 1 to
build good customer relations.
2. Direct the trainees read the activity 2 to identify how ABC company should try to retain Rahul
as a customer. Make the trainees work in pairs and discuss.
3. Direct the trainees work in pairs to identify ways in which they can retain customers as self-
employed craftsmen. Guide them to note down their views in the space provided. Help the
trainees share their views with the whole class. Offer positive feedback on what went well
and give one or two suggestions for improvement.

Customer Interaction and Service

10 mins

1. Guide the trainees to complete the third column of KWL chart.

2. Review the outcomes of the lesson. Check answers.
3. Check if trainees have any doubts. Clarify if they have doubts. Summarize the activities and
4. Encourage trainees to work on the extended activities on their own.

Assessment Rubric for Customer Interaction and Service

Basic Shows very limited ability in identifying the importance of customer 40-55%
Level 1 interaction and service, creating first impression through greeting,
asking probing questions to know customer needs, identifying and
practising listen-ask-repeat technique of probing, closing sales and
receiving feedback, handling customer grievances and building good
customer relationships.
Basic Shows some degree of ability in identifying the importance of customer 56-65 %
Level 2 interaction and service, creating first impression through greeting,
asking probing questions to know customer needs, identifying and
practising listen-ask-repeat technique of probing, closing sales and
receiving feedback, handling customer grievances and building good
customer relationships.
Intermediate Level 3 Shows good degree of ability in identifying the importance of customer 66-75 %
interaction and service, creating first impression through greeting,
asking probing questions to know customer needs, identifying and
practising listen-ask-repeat technique of probing, closing sales and
receiving feedback, handling customer grievances and building good
customer relationships.
Intermediate Level 4 Shows a good degree of control and ability in identifyingthe importance 75 % and
of customer interaction and service, creating first impression through above
greeting, asking probing questions to know customer needs, identifying
and practising listen-ask-repeat technique of probing, closing sales and
receiving feedback, handling customer grievances and building good
customer relationships.

Level 1 – dependent users mostly with good amount of supervision

Level 2 – dependent users with some amount of supervision
Level 3 – independent users
Level 4 – confident users


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