Full Download Statistical Mechanics: Fourth Edition R.K. Pathria PDF
Full Download Statistical Mechanics: Fourth Edition R.K. Pathria PDF
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Statistical Mechanics of Neural Networks 1st Edition
Haiping Huang
Statistical Mechanics
Statistical Mechanics
Fourth Edition
R.K. Pathria
Department of Physics
University of California San Diego
La Jolla, CA, United States
Paul D. Beale
Department of Physics
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, CO, United States
Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
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Previous editions copyrighted 1972, 1996, 2011
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ISBN: 978-0-08-102692-2
Cover: The image depicts a high-level wavefunction of a quantum Sinai billiard created using an algorithm by Kaufman et
al. (1999) and IDL software (Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Boulder, Colorado).
Problems 285
Preface to the third edition
The second edition of Statistical mechanics was published in 1996. The new material
added at that time focused on phase transitions, critical phenomena, and the renormal-
ization group – topics that had undergone vast transformations during the years following
the publication of the first edition in 1972. In 2009, R. K. Pathria (R.K.P.) and the publish-
ers agreed it was time for a third edition to incorporate the important changes that had
occurred in the field since the publication of the second edition and invited Paul D. Beale
(P.D.B.) to join as coauthor. The two authors agreed on the scope of the additions and
changes and P.D.B. wrote the first draft of the new sections except for Appendix F, which
was written by R.K.P. Both authors worked very closely together editing the drafts and fi-
nalizing this third edition.
The new topics added to this edition are:
• Bose–Einstein condensation and degenerate Fermi gas behavior in ultracold atomic
gases: Sections 7.2, 8.4, 11.2.A, and 11.9. The creation of Bose–Einstein condensates in
ultracold gases during the 1990s and in degenerate Fermi gases during the 2000s led
to a revolution in atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and provided a valuable link
to the quantum behavior of condensed matter systems. Several of P.D.B.’s friends and
colleagues in physics and JILA at the University of Colorado have been leaders in this
exciting new field.
• Finite-size scaling behavior of Bose–Einstein condensates: Appendix F. We develop an
analytical theory for the behavior of Bose–Einstein condensates in a finite system,
which provides a rigorous justification for singling out the ground state in the calcu-
lation of the properties of the Bose–Einstein condensate.
• Thermodynamics of the early universe: Chapter 9. The sequence of thermodynamic
transitions that the universe went through shortly after the Big Bang left behind mile-
posts that astrophysicists have exploited to look back into the universe’s earliest mo-
ments. Major advances in space-based astronomy beginning around 1990 have pro-
vided a vast body of observational data about the early evolution of the universe. These
include the Hubble Space Telescope’s deep space measurements of the expansion of
the universe, the Cosmic Background Explorer’s precise measurements of the temper-
ature of the cosmic microwave background, and the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy
Probe’s mapping of the angular variations in the cosmic microwave background. These
data sets have led to precise determinations of the age of the universe and its compo-
sition and early evolution. Coincidentally, P.D.B.’s faculty office is located in the tower
named after George Gamow, a member of the faculty at the University of Colorado in
the 1950s and 1960s and a leader in the theory of nucleosynthesis in the early universe.
xvi Preface to the third edition
• Chemical equilibrium: Section 6.6. Chemical potentials determine the conditions nec-
essary for chemical equilibrium. This is an important topic in its own right, but also
plays a critical role in our discussion of the thermodynamics of the early universe in
Chapter 9.
• Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations: Chapter 16. Computer simulations
have become an important tool in modern statistical mechanics. We provide here a
brief introduction to Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics techniques and algorithms.
• Correlation functions and scattering: Section 10.7. Correlation functions are central to
the understanding of thermodynamic phases, phase transitions, and critical phenom-
ena. The differences between thermodynamic phases are often most conspicuous in
the behavior of correlation functions and the closely related static structure factors. We
have collected discussions from the second edition into one place and added new ma-
• The fluctuation–dissipation theorem and the dynamical structure factor: Sections 15.3.A,
15.6.A, and 15.6.B. The fluctuation–dissipation theorem describes the relation be-
tween natural equilibrium thermodynamic fluctuations in a system and the response
of the system to small disturbances from equilibrium, and it is one of the corner-
stones of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics. We have expanded the discussion of
the fluctuation–dissipation theorem to include a derivation of the key results from lin-
ear response theory, a discussion of the dynamical structure factor, and analysis of the
Brownian motion of harmonic oscillators that provides useful practical examples.
• Phase equilibrium and the Clausius–Clapeyron equation: Sections 4.6 and 4.7. Much of
the text is devoted to using statistical mechanics methods to determine the properties
of thermodynamic phases and phase transitions. This brief overview of phase equilib-
rium and the structure of phase diagrams lays the groundwork for later discussions.
• Exact solutions of one-dimensional fluid models: Section 13.1. One-dimensional fluid
models with short-range interactions do not exhibit phase transitions but they do dis-
play short-range correlations and other behaviors typical of dense fluids.
• Exact solution of the two-dimensional Ising model on a finite lattice: Section 13.4.A. This
solution entails an exact counting of the microstates of the microcanonical ensemble
and provides analytical results for the energy distribution, internal energy, and heat
capacity of the system. This solution also describes the finite-size scaling behavior of
the Ising model near the transition point and provides an exact framework that can be
used to test Monte Carlo methods.
• Summary of thermodynamic assemblies and associated statistical ensembles: Appen-
dix H. We provide a summary of thermodynamic relations and their connections to
statistical mechanical ensembles. Most of this information can be found elsewhere in
the text, but we thought it would be helpful to provide a rundown of these important
connections in one place.
• Pseudorandom number generators: Appendix I. Pseudorandom number generators are
indispensable in computer simulations. We provide simple algorithms for generating
uniform and Gaussian pseudorandom numbers and discuss their properties.
• Dozens of new homework problems.
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Yhdeksässeitsemättä luku.
— Onpa onni, etteivät liekit minua polta eivätkä pirut minua vie.
Seitsemäskymmenes luku,
— Mikään kipu — vastasi Sancho — ei ollut niin suuri kuin se, joka
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että minulle antoivat niitä kamarirouvat, jotka piru periköön; ja minä
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uni suo lievitystä valvoviin kärsimyksiin.