Chapter 1 Sample Quantitative
Chapter 1 Sample Quantitative
Chapter 1 Sample Quantitative
The goal of this study is to identify the factors affecting the school
uniform policy on senior highschool student discipline which might improve the
self discipline?
study found that students' emotions impacted both identified and intrinsic
Surprisingly, no new effects were identified in the second year. These findings
At the national level, Philippine basic education faces significant
reveals poor educational quality for Filipino students across the country.
pivotal role in the learning process, which can be the foundation for effective
enjoyment, foster engagement and connection with the subject matter (Zan &
education. This highlights a critical issue facing the education sector: many
(Cardino & Ortega-Dela Cruz, 2020). Existing research often explores either
academic outcomes.
Research Objectives
terms of:
The following hypotheses of the study were tested at a 0.05 alpha level
of confidence:
self-belief approach learning with resilience, set ambitious goals, and confront
develop their potency together with thoughts to find the solution for every
(Anggreini & Priyojadmiko, 2022). With this approach, it is hoped that students
will not only rely on memory in their mathematical studies but will also
understand the origins of rules and be able to develop them to solve specific
various learning and assessment tasks (Wong & Wong, 2021). Learning
differ in their self-concept and beliefs about their abilities across different
subjects. These beliefs may evolve over time, highlighting the heterogeneous
failures and successes play a significant role and can serve as motivational
(Finn, 2020).
in personal and social contexts throughout their lives, requiring the utilization
problems in the real world (Sukariasih et al., 2020), and it influences how they
construct their thoughts and knowledge (Fitriani et al., 2020). The students’
problem-solving skills are not merely valued by their learning results but also
problems and understand when and how to apply knowledge and ability
only enhances academic achievement but also fosters critical thinking and
Conversely, students with lower self-belief may struggle with self-doubt, avoid
taking, rooted in social comparison theory, highlights the crucial role of these
positive attitude possessed by one who believes that he has the ability to
develop a good value for himself and his surroundings. This belief in self-
more likely to actualize their potential as an inner ability that has an impact on
Academic Emotions
which can stem from a wide variety of sources, often result from specific
Pekrun, Goetz, Titz, and Perry has shed light on the prevalence of emotions
opposite effect (Pekrun et al., 2011 as cited in Tan et al., 2021). Fostering a
processes. Conversely, Schweder et al. (2022) have stated that fostering self-
Learning-Related Enjoyment
the findings are limited to the sample used in the study and may not be
experimental design with a larger group and explore its applicability to other
subject areas. Despite these limitations, the study's findings could serve as a
On the other hand, Danuri et al. (2023) indicated in their study that
some students not only perform well in math but also derive great enjoyment
from the learning experience. Additionally, in their empirical report, Jirout et al.
experiences in education.
Learning-Related Anxiety
unable to perform at the best of their ability (Mirawdali et al., 2018). Also,
learning process that impairs individuals’ attentional control, even when there
outcomes, namely poor academic emotions and student attrition (Lisnyj et al.,
conclude that reducing anxiety levels in students can enhance their overall
Theoretical Framework
(2002), which posits that individuals have the capacity to take responsibility for
developed by Ryan and Deci (1985). This theory explores the innate human
drive to fulfill fundamental psychological needs. SDT posits that meeting these
inherent needs allows individuals to function effectively and thrive (Chou, V.,
& Tumminia, A., 2017). According to Tan et al. (2021), academic emotions
play a crucial role in learning outcomes, thus aligning with the premise of
SDT. A study conducted by Chen & Wang (2019) revealed that students
educational settings.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 is the conceptual framework which illustrates the study's
and a strong belief in one's abilities. When evaluating students' aptitude for
related anxiety. Academic emotions play a crucial role in the learning process,
and Hidi (2016), students who are genuinely interested and engaged in their
Independent Learning in
Mathematics Academic Emotions
(Rubiyanti & Eka, 2020) (Pekrun et al., 2002)
Mathematics affects them. The idea that students must be active learners
both inside and outside the classroom to succeed in their studies has become
autonomously, and how it impacts their emotions. The results of this study
that affect their academic emotions when learning independently and guide
providing secondary data, enabling them to conduct further studies that fill
in the first semester of the school year 2024-2025. A survey questionnaire will
be used to achieve the study objectives during the specific academic year,
completing the survey due to time constraints and academic obligations like
Definition of Terms