Unit III Protective Relays
Unit III Protective Relays
Unit III Protective Relays
Unit - III
Concept of protective relaying:
An electrical power system consists of generators,
transformers, transmission lines, distribution lines etc. In
the every-day operation of a power system, there is the
possibility of disturbances in normal operation and the
occurrence of faults in the separate parts of power
system equipment
The most common form of disturbance in normal
operation of electrical equipment is overloading due to
which the flow of current exceeds rated value.
The most severe and common form of fault is short
Some defects other than short circuit ,are also called as
faults. For instance, the failure of electric current
conducting path due to a break in an electrical
conductor is a type of fault.
SGP Protective Relaying 3
The short circuit current considerably exceeds the rated
current of the affected part and can disturb the normal
operation of an electrical power system. The short circuit
current leads to damage of the equipment or the circuit
element in which it develops. It also causes a
considerable drop in voltage and frequency.
An electric power system needs protective devices and
arrangements that will automatically and very quickly
disconnect the faulty section from healthy section to
keep normal operation or initiate an alarm of disturbance
in normal operating conditions.These functions are
performed by systems of protective relays.
In other words, protective relaying senses faults or the
disturbances in normal operating conditions in any part
of the power system and isolates that part from the
healthy system, or gives an alarm.
SGP Protective Relaying 4
Desirable Qualities or Fundamental
Requirements of Protective Relaying :
The principal function of protective relaying is to isolate
promptly any element of the power system, when it under
goes a short circuit or starts operating abnormally.The
protective relays should have following following qualities.
1.Selectivity and discrimination.
2.Quickness of action or fastness of operation (Speed).
3.Sensitivity , power consumption.
6.Simplicity and
SGP Protective Relaying 5
1.Selectivity and Discrimination
Selectivity is the quality of a protective relaying by which it is able
to “select’ (search out ) correctly the faulty part of the system and
isolate it from the healthy part of the system, by tripping the
nearest circuit breaker.
Also,it should be able to distinguish whether a fault lies within its
zone of protection or outside the zone. The quality,
‘Discrimination’, enables the protective relaying to distinguish
i) Normal and abnormal condition
ii) Abnormal condition within its zone of protection
iii) Abnormal condition outside its zone of protection.
The relay should also be able to discriminate between a fault and a
transient condition like power surges or magnetising inrush
current of a transformer. The magnetising inrush current of a
transformer may be 5 to 7 times the full load current.
It is the quality of a protective system by virtue of which the
protective system remains inoperative i.e.it does not operate
and remains stable under certain specified conditions such as
system disturbances, through faults (i.e faults outside its zone
of protection), transients etc.
Solution : Relay current setting = 150 % i.e. the pick up current will
be more by 50% than 5A i.e. 5 x 1.5 = 7.5A
C.T.ratio = 400/5 = 80
P.S.M= Primary Fault Current / (Relay current setting x C.T.ratio)
2400/(7.5x80) = 4
i.e. P.S.M = 4, Operating time from the given table for PSM = 4 is 5
seconds. This time is for TMS = 1, Therefore the operating time for
TMS = 04 will be 5 x 0.4 = 2.0 seconds
SGP Protective Relaying 21
Basic Relays
Most of the relays used in the power system are of electro - mechanical
type.They work on the following two main operating principles.
Electromagnetic attraction (actuated by d.c.or a.c.quantities)
Electromagnetic induction (actuated by a.c. quantities only).
Thus, the basic relays can be classified as
Electromagnetic attraction type and
Electromagnetic induction type
Electromagnetic Attraction Type Relays
The important types of electromagnetic attraction type relays are
1)Attracted armature type relays,
2)Plungcr type or solenoid type relays,
3)Balanced beam type relays.
Current is taken from C.T. and given to I to V converter
because many electronics circuit require voltage signal for
The A.C. voltage is converted into D.C. voltage by using
This D.C. voltage is proportional to load current only.
The output of rectifier is given to Multiplexer.
The Multiplexer gives output to A/D Converter where Analog
DC voltage is converted to Digital form (in form of O and 1 i.e.
binary form).
Microprocessor understands only codes in 0 and 1 form.
Construction :
2)SGPNon-directional or overProtective
current relay unit.
Relaying 73
1. Directional element: It is essentially a directional power
relay which operates when power flows in a specific
direction. The potential coil of this element is connected
through a potential transformer (P.T.) to the system
voltage. The current coil of the element is energised
through a C.T. by the circuit current. This winding is carried
over the upper magnet of the non-directional element. The
trip contacts (1 and 2) of the directional element are
connected in series with the secondary circuit of the over
current element. Therefore, the latter element cannot start
to operate until its secondary circuit is completed. In other
words, the directional element must operate first (i.e. con
tacts I and 2 should close) in order to operate the over
current element.
The two CTs are simply connected at both sides of the element
to be protected that is alternator winding which is shown in the
above figure. This type of relay simply compares two voltages
either in phase or magnitude or in both & it trips the relay circuit
if the difference exceeds a fixed set value.
SGP Protective Relaying 84
The CT’s primary windings have similar current ratios which
are connected with the pilot wire in series. CTs secondary
windings are connected to the operating coil of the relay.
Dr.Mahesh S. Narkhede
Electrical Engineering Department
Government Polytechnic, Nashik
[email protected]