CEF312 Manual

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CE F312
Hydraulics Engineering Lab

S. No Name of Experiment Page No.
Darcy's Friction factor `f' of pipes of different diameter
01 3
02 Discharge through an orifice under constant head. 4
03 Discharge through an orifice under varying head. 5
The coefficient of discharge `Cd ' of the V notch and
04 6
rectangular notch and to plot the calibration curve.
05 Study of formation of hydraulic jump. 7
06 Verify Stoke's law 8
07 To study the type of flow using Reynolds apparatus 9-10
To demonstrate two-dimensional laminar flow around
*08 11
differently shaped models using HeleShaw apparatus
*09 Study of Metacentric Height Apparatus 12
10 Study of Impact of Jet 13
Study of Specific Energy Curve using Multipurpose
11 14
12 Relevant Data for the Lab 15-16

*Experiment 8 and 9 are to be performed on same day.

Aim: To determine Darcy’s friction factor ‘f’ of pipes of different diameters.

Apparatus/Equipment: U shaped glass tube filled partially with mercury, known diameter water supply
pipe, calibrated scale, measuring vessel.

Theory: When fluid flows through a conduit the frictional resistance offered to the flow depends on the
roughness of the surface of conduit carrying the flow. In laminar flow, this frictional resistance is mostly
due to viscous resistance of fluid. In turbulent flow it is due to resistance offered by viscosity of fluid and
surface roughness of conduit.
The frictional resistance results into loss of head, hf which is given by Darcy–Weisbach equation,
𝐿 𝑉2
hf = f (𝐷) 2𝑔
1. Connect the manometer rubber tubes to pressure tapping.
2. Open the inlet valve by closing the outlet valve and remove entrapped air in manometer, if any.
3. Open the water supply and let the fluid flow through the pipe.
4. Let the flow stabilized, then collect the discharge for given time and observe the manometer
5. Repeat the steps from 3 to 4 for six or seven different discharge.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the other pipes.

Diameter of pipe, D =
Length of pipe between pressure tapping, L=
Mass density of manometer fluid, ρHg = 13.56 gm/cm3
Mass density of water, ρw = 1 gm/cm3
S. No Discharge collected Time of collection Manometer reading h2=
(h3- h1)

1. Hf = 𝜌𝑤
2. Flow rate, Q = discharge collected
Time of collection
3. Velocity of flow, V = 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑖𝑡 𝑝𝑖𝑝𝑒
𝐿 𝑉2 Hf D 2g
4. Hf = f ( ) or, f = (g = 980 cm/s2)
𝐷 2𝑔 𝐿𝑉 2

𝐇𝐟 𝐃 𝟐𝐠
S. No h2 Hf V f=

Result: Darcy’s friction factor f =

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge, coefficient of velocity and coefficient of contraction for an
orifice under constant head.

Apparatus: orifice fitted tank, volume measuring tank, hook gauge, etc.

Theory: An orifice is an opening made in side or bottom of fluid container and having the closed perimeter.
Through the orifice the fluid may be discharged and it is used to measure the flow rate of fluid. The liquid
approaching the orifice gradually converges towards it and emerges from it in the form of a jet. The section
of jet at which the stream lines are straight, parallel to each other and having minimum cross sectional area
is known as Vena Contracta.
The ratio of area of jet at vena contracta and area of orifice is called the coefficient of contraction.
Due to the friction the velocity is reduced. So the actual velocity of the jet at vena contracta is less than that
of the theoretical velocity. The ratio of the two is called the coefficient of velocity.
Due to the effect of friction and contraction of jet the actual discharge of liquid is less than the theoretical
discharge. The ratio of them is called the coefficient of discharge.

1. Open the supply valve in the orifice tank to attain the maximum depth of water.
2. Now allow the water to discharge through the orifice and adjust the supply valve in such a way
that depth of water in tank remains constant.
3. When the depth in the tank stabilizes, collect the discharge in the measuring tank for a
predetermined period of time. Read x and y, the co-ordinates of several points (at least 3) on jet.
4. Reduce slightly the discharge by supply valve and repeat step No. 3. Do three different trials.


Diameter of orifice = Area of measuring tank =

Depth of Co-ordinates Rise in level of
S. Time of
water in Velocity water in measuring
No. collection
orifice tank x y tank


V = (x2g/2y)0.5 ; Vth = √2𝑔ℎ ; Cv = V/ Vth = (x2/4yh)0.5

(a) Volume of water collected =

(b) Time taken in collecting water =

(𝑎) 𝑄 Cd
Q = (𝑏); Cd = 𝑄𝑡ℎ ; Qth = A Vth ; Cc = Cv , A = area of orifice

Coefficient of discharge, Cd =
Coefficient of velocity, Cv =
Coefficient of contraction, Cc =

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice under varying head.

Apparatus: water supply means, flow rate measuring tank, fluid container fitted with orifice at bottom

Theory: An orifice is an opening made inside or bottom of fluid container and having the closed perimeter.
Through the orifice the fluid may be discharge and it is used to measure the flow rate of fluid. If the head
over the orifice is not constant, then flow becomes unsteady.

1. Fill the water in the tank up to height H1.
2. Release the valve of orifice and let the water discharge out of tank.
3. Collect the discharge water in the measuring tank.
4. Let the orifice tank be empty and note down the total emptying time (from height H1).
5. Observe the emptying time of portion of tank for fixed cross-sectional area and also of variable
cross-sectional area.

Width of the tank, B1 =
Area of tank, A = B12 =
Dimensions of tank at orifice, B2 =
Initial head, H1 =
Final head, H2 =
Area of orifice, a = (/4)B22 =
(a) Emptying time of fixed cross-sectional area
(b) Emptying time of variable cross-sectional area
Total emptying time = (a) + (b)


For fixed cross-sectional area only

𝑡1 = (√𝐻1 - √𝐻2 )
𝐶𝑑1 𝑎 √2𝑔
𝐶𝑑1 = (√𝐻1 - √𝐻2 )
𝑡1 𝑎 √2𝑔

For varying cross-sectional area only

5 3
1 2 4
t2 = (2𝑘12 √𝐻2 + 5
𝑘22 𝐻22 + 3 𝑘1 𝑘2 𝐻22 )
𝑐𝑑2 √2𝑔𝑎

(𝐵1− 𝐵2)
Where k1 = B2; k2 =

For whole tank, take t = t1+t2 and cd3 for cd1 as well as cd2 and solve to get cd3.


1. Cd1 =
2. Cd2 =
3. Cd3 =

Aim: To determine the coefficient of discharge of V-Notch.

1. Supply tank
2. collecting Tank
3. pointer
4. scale
5. notch.

Notches are overflow structure where length of crest along the flow of water is accurately shaped to calculate

Formula Used:

For V-notch the discharge coefficient is given by:

Cd = 8 θ
√2g H5/2 tan2

Q = Discharge
H = Head over Notch
θ = Angle of notch
1. The notch under test is positioned at the end of tank with vertical sharp edge on the upstream side.
2. Open the inlet valve and fill water until the crest of notch.
3. Note down the height of nest level by pointer gauge.
4. Change the inlet supply and note the height of this level in the tank.
5. Note the volume of water collected in collecting tank for a particular time and find out the discharge.
6. Height and discharge readings for different flow rate are noted

Graph is plotted with log Q versus log H.

Width of tank =
Length of tank =
Angle of V notch =

Trial Ht. of water in measuring tank (cm) Time Volume Discharge Head over
(s) Cd
No. Initial Final Difference in ht. (cm3) Q (cm3/s) notch (cm)

The average co-efficient of discharge was calculated and found out to be =

Aim: to study the formation of hydraulic jump.

Apparatus: water supply, flow rate measuring device, transparent channel with sluice gate at inlet and

Theory: Hydraulic jump is a sudden and turbulent passage of water from a super critical state to a sub
critical state. It is useful mean to dissipate the energy of flowing water which otherwise may cause damage
to bed on which water is flowing. Since the unknown amount of energy dissipates, energy equation cannot
be used to analyze the hydraulic jump and hence momentum equation is used in analysis of it.

1. Adjust supply valve, sluice gate for inlet and outlet so that there forms a stable hydraulic jump in
the flume.
2. Take the pointer gauge reading for the channel and water surface elevation at pre-jump section and
post jump section.
3. Measure the length of jump i.e. distance between section 1-1 and 2-2.
4. Measure the discharge by collecting the water in a tank of known cross sectional area for known
period of time.
5. Repeat the step 1 to 4 for other position of valve and gates.

1. Width of the channel =
2. Hook gauge reading for the bottom of the channel =
3. Cross- sectional area of water collecting tank =
S. No. Hook gauge reading Height of Time of Length of jump
Pre-Jump Post-Jump water in collection
collecting tank

S. No. Y1 Y2 Q q = Q/B Y2 / Y1 Fr = q/(gY13)0.5 ∆E = (Y2 - Y1 )3 /
4( Y2 Y1 )

Results: Froude No. Fr = ( g = 9.8 m/s2 = 980.7 cm/s2)

Energy Loss =

Exp. – 6 STOKE’S LAW
Aim: To verify Stoke’s law.
Apparatus: Calibrated glass cylinder (filled with glycerine), stopwatch, balance etc.
Theory: Stoke’s law states that a particle moving through viscous liquid attains a constant velocity
or sedimentation rate. The rate can be very slow for particles whose density is close to that of the
liquid, for particles whose diameter is small, or where the viscosity is high. Force that retards a
sphere moving through a viscous fluid is directly proportional to the velocity of the sphere, the
radius of the sphere, and the viscosity of the fluid.
V = (ᵞs - ᵞf) D2
V = terminal velocity.
ᵞs =specific weight of sphere
ᵞf = specific weight of fluid ( = 1.26 gm/cm3 for glycerine)
D = diameter of sphere (volume of sphere = 4/24 x  x D3)
µ = viscosity of liquid. ( = 0.015193229 gm sec/cm2 for glycerine)
1. Take 6 to 7 spheres and weigh them. Note down room temperature.
2. Measure the diameter of each sphere in three dimensions.
3. Calculate the average diameter for each sphere.
4. Now release the sphere at surface of liquid without any jerk.
5. Start the stop watch after the particle has travelled downward 15 to 20cm in liquid column.
6. Note down the time taken and distance travelled by the particle.
7. Repeat the steps 3 to 6 for other spheres also.
Observations and Calculations
ᵞf = µ= Temperature =

Sr. Mass Diameter Distance travelled by the Time taken

No. sphere

Sr.No Diameter Mass/Vol ᵞs = ᵞf = Vcal Distance/Time=Vact

Result: For a particle, actual velocity = ________ and theoretical velocity = ________

OBJECTIVE: To observe laminar, transitional and turbulent pipe flow.
APPARATUS: Reynolds’ apparatus, thermometer, stopwatch.
A flow can behave in very different ways depending upon which force predominates within
it. Slow flows are predominated by viscous force, tend to be well ordered and predictable and are
described as laminar. In laminar flow dye injected at a point will form a clear well-defined line.
Increasing the flow rate will sub sequentially alter the flow behaviour dramatically, as the inertia of fluid
becomes more significant than the viscous forces; this is then a turbulent flow. In turbulent pipe flow
dye injected at a point is readily mixed due to substantial lateral motion in the flow pattern.
There is an in – between stage, transitional flow, in which a dye stream will appear to wander about and
will show intermittent bursts of mixing.

REYNOLD’S NUMBER ‘𝑅𝑒 ’, provides a useful way of characterising the flow, given as

𝑅𝑒 =

ρ = density of water (kg/𝑚3 ) (= 1 gm/cm3)

u = mean velocity (cm/sec)
d =diameter of pipe (cm)
μ = dynamic viscosity of water (N/sec-𝑚2 ) (= 0.01/980.7 gm-sec/cm2)
1. With the apparatus flow control valve open slightly, and the bench valve adjusted to produce a
slow trickle through the overflow pipe, adjust the dye control valve until a slow flow with clear
dye indication is achieved.
2. In order to observe the velocity profile, close the bench valve and open the dye control valve to
deposit a drop of dye at the bell mouth entry.
3. When the outlet control valve is opened observe the dye motion.
4. Measure the volumetric flow rate by timed collection and measure the outflow temperature.
5. Increase the flow rate by adjusting the apparatus flow control valve and repeat the dye injections
to visualise the flow characteristic.
6. Repeat step (4).
7. Take at least 3-4 readings.

Diameter of pipe = 1 cm
Area of cross section = 0.785398163 cm2
Viscosity of water = 0.01 gm/sec cm



(𝑐𝑚3 ) (cm3/sec)


Reynolds number is calculated as above for different flow rates. On the basis of Reynolds number
categorization of flow type is to be done i.e.
If 𝑅𝑒 < 2000 ( Laminar flow).
𝑅𝑒 between 2000 to 4000 (Transitional flow).
𝑅𝑒 > 4000 (Turbulent flow).


AIM: To demonstrate the flow pattern around a two-dimensional model using Hele Shaw

APPARATUS: The present equipment demonstrates the flow pattern around two-dimensional
models. A set of three models is supplied with the equipment. The equipment consists of acrylic
tanks adjacent to each other. The tanks have small holes at the bottom on one side. These holes
open in a channel where the model can be placed to visualize the flow pattern. The acrylic test
section with the drain cock test specifications has following accompanying models.

1) Unsymmetrical airfoil model

2) Square model
3) Circular model
THEORY: Flow through pipes, channels may be laminar or turbulent. The type of flow depends
upon the rate or volume of flow, surface roughness of pipe/channel, velocity of the fluid. However,
in most of the cases the flow is turbulent. Present experiment is to obtain laminar flow condition.
Under laminar flow condition, fluid particle moves in layer with one layer of fluid sliding smoothly
over adjacent layer. Viscosity of fluid plays key role in its development.


1) Keep the apparatus on a fabricated frame. Close the valve in the tube at the bottom side of
the channel.
2) Pour water in both the tanks. Put either potassium permanganate (KMnO4) powder or
droplets of ink in one of the tanks.
3) Insert the model in the channel gap and position it as desired by the hook supplied carefully
without disturbing the water in the tanks.
4) Now open the bottom cock / valve. Water & coloured die will start descending down. With
proper opening of the valve / cock one can easily get the flow pattern around the surface
of models.
5) If the valves are much more opened the water & die will inter mix indicating turbulent flow
pattern. On the contrary if the valves are closed appropriately, we can see that the flow
pattern is laminar.
6) Hence for a particular opening of the valve we observe proper laminar flow pattern. In the
laminar type of flow the stream lines (as per coloured die) do not change direction or
7) After the tanks become empty, put fresh water in both tanks.

After the experiment is over rinse the tanks & channel. Completely dry the equipment and then
keep in safe place.

Aim: To determine the Meta-centric height of a floating body.

Apparatus: Take tank 2/3 full of water, floating vessel or pontoon fitted with a pointed pointer
moving on a graduated scale, with weights adjusted on a horizontal beam.

Theory: When a ship is heeled, the centre of buoyancy of the ship moves laterally. The point at
which a vertical line through the heeled centre of buoyancy crosses the line through the original,
vertical centre of buoyancy is the meta-centre.
The meta-centric height (GM) is a measurement of the initial static stability of a floating body. It
is calculated as the distance between the centre of gravity of a ship and its meta-centre.

W = is weight of pontoon.
w = is unbalanced weight
x = is the distance from the center of pointer to striper or unbalanced weight
Ɵ = is angle of tilt or heel

1. Place the pontoon inside the tank filled with water.
2. Fix the strips at equal distance from the center.
3. Put the weight on one of the hanger which gives the unbalanced mass.
4. Take the reading of the distance from center and angle made by pointer on arc.
5. The procedure can be repeated for other positions and values of unbalanced mass.
Observation table

Sr. Distance Tilt of the Metacentric Distance Tilt of Metacentric Average

off the Ship ‘θ’ in off the the
No centre to Height = centre to Height = GM (in
. the left degrees GM1 (in Ship ‘θ’ GM2 (in cm)
‘X’(in cm). the right in cm)
cm) ‘X’(in cm) degree

Result: Meta centric height of the pontoon is measured with different positions and weights.


Aim: To compare the Actual and Theoretical Forces for Stationary Vane: hemi-spherical shape.

Apparatus: Sump Tank storing water for constant supply, Measuring Tank with Piezometer to measure
water level, Pump with a Control Valve in the Discharge Pipe for controlling flow, Nozzle, Leak-proof
Nozzle Housing with Transparent Watch Glass, Hemispherical Vane mounted on rod connected with a
spring to add mass, Stopwatch to measure Time for Rise of Water.

Theory: When a jet of water is directed to hit the Vane of any particular shape, a force is exerted on it by
the fluid. This force is large in magnitude, acts as long as the jet is making impact with the plate. It is termed
as Impact Force. The magnitude of this force exerted on the Vane depends on the Velocity of Jet, Shape of
Vane, Fluid Density and Area of Cross Section of the jet. More importantly, it also depends on whether the
Vane is Moving or Stationary.
In our present experiment, we are concerned about the force exerted on the Stationary Vanes.

The following are the theoretical formulae for different shapes of vane, based on flow rate.
1) Flat Plate:
Ft = ρ A V2
2) Flat Plate inclined at θ angle from horizontal:
Ft = ρ A V2 cosθ
3) Hemi – Spherical:
Ft = 2 ρ A V2
4) Curved Plate with angle of deflection 180-θ:
Ft = ρ A V2 (1 + cosθ)
‘A’ – Area of jet or nozzle in cm2
‘ρ’ – Density of water = 1000 kg/m3 = 1 gm/cc
‘V’ – Velocity of jet in cm/sec
‘Ft’ –Theoretical force acting in the direction of jet.
g = 980 cm/sec2

However the actual force as observed by the Weight Balance is lesser than the one calculated from above
equations. For a given setup the ratio of actual Force to the theoretical Force (coefficient of impact) remains
constant. This experiment is aimed at finding the same.

Observation Table:
Type of Vane: Hemi-spherical
Trial Ht of water in measuring tank (cm) Time Volume Discharge V=Q/A F a= Ci
No. (s) (cm3) Q (cm3/s) (cm/s) gm = Fa/Ft
Initial Final Difference in ht.

1. Fix the Suitable Vane and Nozzle in the Nozzle Housing.
2. Make sure the lower end of Suction Pipe is submerged in the Sump Tank.
3. Open the Control Valve fully and start the Pump.
4. Note down the readings in Weight balance.
5. Measure the time taken for height of water collection in Measuring Tank.
6. Repeat the procedure by changing the Control Valve position for different Spring Balance readings.

The average co-efficient of impact was calculated and found out to be = Ci =

AIM: To find out experimentally for a fixed discharge the variations in the depth of flow in an
observation section in a tilting flume and then plot the specific energy curve.

APPARATUS: Control flume with a point gauge


1. Adjust the input valve such that there is sufficient flow through the flume.
2. Adjust the tilting flume to different slopes and take the readings for depth of flow.
3. Take one reading for the bed of the flume with the point gauge and another for the water
surface, giving the depth of flow. The water surface reading is taken for each slope of the
4. Take 4-5 readings with different slopes but with same discharge.
5. This procedure can be repeated for different values of discharge.
1. Point gauge reading for the bed of the flume R =
2. Discharge Q = 50 x 50 x h/t cm3/sec
3. Width of flume, b = 20 cm
Slopes Point gauge reading for Depth of flow in cm. Mean velocity of flow Vm2/2g E= y+ Vm2/2g
water surfaces Y=(R-S) Vm=Q/A=Q/by


1. Calculate the mean velocity of the flow at the observation section, for each slope.
2. Calculate specific energy and plot the specific energy diagram.
Froude No. = F = vm/(gy)0.5
y2 = y1/2((1+8F12)0.5-1) (alternate depth)

q = Q/b

yc = (q2/g)1/3

Ec = 1.5yc

g = 9.8 m/s2 = 980.0 cm/s2

CE F312 (Relevant lab data)

Experiment 1: Darcy’s friction factor

-length of pipes = L = 1m = 100cm

-diameter of pipes = D = 1.5cm, 1.5cm, 2.5cm, (top, middle, bottom pipes)
-mass density of manometer fluid (mercury) = 13.56gm/cm3
-mass density of water = 1gm/cm3
-acceleration due to gravity = g = 980cm/s2
-discharge collection chamber dimensions = 40cm x 20cm
Experiment 2: Constant head
-orifice diameter = 1cm
-area of measuring tank = 40cm x 20cm
-acceleration due to gravity = 980cm/s2

Experiment 3: Variable head

-B1 = 25cm
-B2 = 1cm (orifice diameter)
-A = 25 x 25 = 625cm2
-a = /4(1)2 = 0.7854cm2
-acceleration due to gravity = 980cm/s2
-area of measuring tank = 40cm x 20cm

Experiment 4: V notch
-angle of V notch =  = 900
-length of measuring tank = 55cm
-breadth of measuring tank = 45cm
-acceleration due to gravity = g = 980 cm/s2

Experiment 5: Hydraulic jump

-width of the channel = 24.5cm
-cross sectional area of water collecting tank = 39.6cm x 24.5cm
-acceleration due to gravity = g = 980 cm/s2

Experiment 6: Stokes law

-specific weight (density) of fluid (glycerin): 1.26 gm/cm3
-viscosity of liquid (glycerin): 0.015193229 gm sec/cm2
-M = mass of spheres to be measured in gm.
-D = diameter of spheres to be measured in cm using digital vernier caliper
-V = volume of spheres = 4/24 x  x D3 cm3
-specific weight (density) of spheres = M/V gm/cm3

Experiment 7: Reynolds Apparatus

-density of water = 1 gm/cm3
-dynamic viscosity of water = 0.01 gm/sec cm
-pipe diameter = 1cm
-cross sectional area of pipe = /4(1)2 = 0.7854 cm2
-mean flow velocity = volumetric flow rate (cm3/sec)/cross sectional area of pipe (cm2)

Experiment 8: Metacentric height + Hele shaw
Metacentric height
W = weight of pontoon = 1.7268 kg
w = unbalanced weights, to be measured in kg
x = distance of centre of pointer to unbalanced weights measured in cm
 = tilt or heel angle (left or right) measured in deg

Hele shaw

-using pencil draw flow pattern around two-dimensional square, circular and unsymmetrical airfoil
models for laminar flow condition in the region from model edge to free flow condition

Experiment 9: Impact of jet

-force exerted onto vane due to flow of liquid (water) = 2AV2 (for hemi-spherical vane)
(Divide RHS with 980 cm/sec2, acceleration due to gravity to get force in gm)
- = density of water = 1 gm/cm3
-diameter of jet nozzle = 1 cm
-area of jet nozzle = A = /4(1)2 = 0.7854 cm2
-collecting tank dimensions = 40.2 x 20.56 cm2
- flow velocity = V = volumetric flow rate (cm3/sec)/area of jet nozzle (cm2)
-coefficient of impact = actual force from weight balance in gm/theoretical force from equation in
gm (constant for a set-up, find out average value for different trials)

Experiment 10: Specific Energy Curve

-convention, y1 for depth of flow more than critical depth, y2 for depth of flow less than critical
-cross sectional area of water collecting tank = 50cm x 50cm
-width of flume = b = 20cm
-five slopes of flow for same discharge for five different depths of flow (10cm vertical to 3.28m
horizontal upwards, 5cm vertical to 3.28m horizontal upwards, 0cm vertical to 3.28m horizontal,
5cm vertical to 3.28m horizontal downwards, 10cm vertical to 3.28m horizontal downwards)
-acceleration due to gravity = g = 980 cm/s2
-if y1 obtained from experiment, corresponding y2 (alternate depth) to be obtained from equation
-if y2 obtained from experiment, corresponding y1 (alternate depth) to be estimated from drawn
specific energy curve
-critical depth yc and minimum specific energy Ec to be obtained from equation for known
discharge and flume width (20cm)


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