Wholistic ROOTS Newsletter 101
Wholistic ROOTS Newsletter 101
Wholistic ROOTS Newsletter 101
Righteous Order Of True Success
Choosing a Livety
o Avoid t Toxins
1. MSG Artificial Flavor Enhancer: Monosodium Glutamate is an excitotoxin used in foods to excite our tastes buds into eating MORE. Commonly used in fast and junk foods, this harsh chemical can cause severe effects from ongoing headaches to brain tumors and neurological strokes or seizures.
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If our meals are pale or two toned it is a sign that we are not exploring the abundance of fruits and veggies available. Introduce a new food to your meals each week. Now is the time to let go of the diets and embrace a Livety of Wellness.
Be H eal th y H a p p y a n d Who l e
hank you for choosing wellness and activating a healthy way of life for you and your family. Try marinating some traditional cooked greens like kale or collard and serve raw. Get connected with the Farmers Market or a farmer in your area. Unplug from the hormone treatment, and chose free range organic, kosher or halal products when you buy meats. Have fun with fresh salads of all kinds daily. Let your food enhance and awaken your life with a rich livety. And remember, Variety is the spice of Life.
Here are a few quick tips: Raw is best or lightly cook your veggies to maintain their nutrients. Choose at least one day a week to go veg, leave meat off your plate. Cook with cast iron, stainless steel or glass. Remix your left overs with preservative free sauces. Add flavorful spices, peppers, garlic and onion to your dishes.
3. Mineral Oil
Liquid Poison: The skin is our largest organ and everything that we put on it is ingested into our bloodstream. Mineral Oil is found in the following products: lotions, vaseline, baby oil, petroleum jelly and much more. This oil blocks the skin from absorbing nutrients and releasing toxins- interrupting the bodies natural immune system. Although mineral oil is used in most cosmetics to date, it is known to cause the conditions such as eczema, and dry skin.
Fou r E lem e n ts o f B a l a n c ed He al t h
Whether it is gardening or some good old bird watching. Spending time exploring the planet we have inherited is a sure therapeutic remedy for life and living. There is much beauty to experience on our planet earth. Find an outdoor interest and let nature awaken your senses and rejuvenate your appreciLuv for life. Our favorite is lunch in the park or evening strolls in the neighborhood;)
More on Livety
Fresh air has been documented to aid in lowering blood pressure and balancing the insulin in our blood stream. Again our skin is a major organ and serves as an external brain for the body. Therefore it is essential that you wear breathable materials. 100% Cotton has been coined the most breathable cloth for us, especially in our reproductive areas. Take some time to INHALE and let your skin breathe too.
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4 - 5 Artificial Colored & Processed Foods
Colors These artificial methods are used to trick the mind into thinking it is a whole food. Although the mind may be fooled briefly the body knows that it is a toxin and food colorings have been reported to be deadly in test animals and linked to our ADHD in our children. Processed Creativity is a gift, yet how useful is it when creating nothing out of something causes us to be sick. That is what is happening when whole foods are processed (stretched and experimented with). On the energy scale of livety- processed foods often turn to sugar and serve as a temporary filler instead of nutrient rich. Choose whole foods!
Our bodies require water in the same way as the trees, plants and vegetation of earth. The hueman body is about 75% water. In order to remove toxins and maintain healthy brain functioning, adequate hydration is a must. This means our goal should be to drink half your body weight in ounces per day. Meaning a 100 lb individuals goal is to drink 50 oz a day. Clean water is key! Good water lters are alkalized, reverse osmosis, magnetized, mineralized and living water or all of the above. Most other sources (tap, bottled etc.) are not pH balanced and can add to the acidity of the body. An acidic body is the foundation for dis-ease. Drink up!
Sunlight. Say yes to Vitamin D. The sun is your friend. Malillumination is sunlight deciency and has been linked to psychological and emotional imbalance. Seasonal Affective Disorder SAD is a state of depression that arises in areas where sun exposure is minimal. Overexposure to articial uorescent lights can also cause stress, hyperactivity, anxiety and inability to focus ones attention. Increase your peace of mind and get your daily dose of glorious sunshine!
The Righteous Order Of True Success (R.O.O.T.S.) Institute is a research platform to uncover natures truths in maintaining and sustaining our existence on earth. Our goal is to make Enlightened Living available for those who choose by providing wholistic scientific information, resources, and models for individual success through wellness. Set up a FREE phone consultation. Then set an appointment for an in home/video conference for your families wellness activation. Our ROOTS to Success: Wholistic Wellness, Brain Balancing & Sustainable Living. Get Rooted with R.O.O.T.S Join us at
9. Dairy Products
Nursing Cows Even the baby calves only drink its mothers milk for the first year of life. Now that the hueman has began a diet high in dairy products many dis-ease states have emerged. Obesity is a given thinking of the size of the cow, along with vast lactose intolerance & mucus buildup. Healthy alternatives are (unbleached) Rice, Soy, Coconut and Almond milk to name a few.