AICTE Diploma For Revision by Mem Pay Scales Qualifications and Promotions (7th Pay)
AICTE Diploma For Revision by Mem Pay Scales Qualifications and Promotions (7th Pay)
AICTE Diploma For Revision by Mem Pay Scales Qualifications and Promotions (7th Pay)
Regulation dated 01st March, 2019 and Clarifications issued from time to time in respect of 7th
CPC Regulation. This option can be excersied till 31st December, 2024. After this cutoff date all
promotions shall be governed by the Gazette Notification dated 01st March, 2019 and the
applicable clauses in this amendment.
d) In cases, where candidates have not joined, wherein interviews are already conducted either for direct
recruitment or for promotions, such candidates are allowed to join as per the conditions laid down
in the advertisement. Whereas, if advertisement was published, applications invited but
interviews have not been conducted till publication of the notification dated 01st March, 2019,
the organizations shall publish corrigendum/readvertisement in accordance with the provisions in
the notification dated 01st March, 2019.
2.0 General
2.1 Revised Designations and Mode of Appointments
There shall be only three designations in respect of faculty in the diploma level institutes/polytechnics
namely Lecturer, Head of the Department and Principal as given below in Table 1. Also there shall
be no change in the present designations in respect of Library and Physical Education personnel at
various levels.
Following mode of appointment shall henceforth be used i.e from 1st March, 2019:
Table 1: Cadre Structure and Mode of Appointment
Sr. Designations of Teaching Entry Pay Level Mode of Appointment
No. Faculty
1 Lecturer (Bachelor Degree) 56,100 9A Direct Recruitment
2 Lecturer (Master Degree) 57,700 10 Promotion /Direct Recruitment
3 Lecturer (Senior Scale) 68,900 11 Promotion
4 Lecturer (Selection Grade -I) 79,800 12 Promotion
5 Lecturer (Selection Grade -II)* 131,400 13A1 Promotion
6 Head of the Department 131,400 13A1 Promotion / Direct Recruitment
7 Principal* 131,400 13A1 Promotion / Direct Recruitment
*Only those who were already drawing/placed in the AGP of 10,000/- (as per 6th CPC) prior to 1st March, 2019
shall be placed in Level 14. (Relates to point no. 14 of 6th CPC)
2.2 New Pay Structure
2.3 The new pay structure shall involve a pay matrix with an ascending series of levels and ascending cells in
each level. The new pay matrix shall subsume the pay band and grade pay in one simple chart as given in
Annexure - I. The pay matrix shall comprise of two dimensions – a horizontal range of levels starting
from the lowest level in the hierarchy and ascending to the highest level, with the levelsbeing numbered
from 9A to 13A1 covering the entire gamut of Faculty and other Academic Staff. Within each level, the
salary increases as one goes down vertically, with each progression of going down represented by a “Cell”.
Each Cell within that level represents the steps of annual financial progression of 3%. On recruitment /
promotion, an employee shall join at a particular level and progress within the level as per the vertical
range. The movement shall be based on annual increments till the time of his /her next promotion. When
the employee will receive a promotion, he/she will progress to the next level in the horizontal range till it
exhausts. Levels and Cells
The method followed by the 7th CPC shall be adopted in the academic pay structure also, moving from
the concept of Pay Band and Academic Grade Pay to that of Levels and Cells. The changes will appear
only due to the existing difference between the two streams in terms of Academic Grade Pay vis-à-
vis the corresponding Grade Pay. The levels for academic pay shall be numbered as per the
corresponding non-academic level. Thus, the levels are numbered as 9A, 10, 11, 12 and 13A1
corresponding to the present AGP of Rs. 5400, 6000, 7000, 8000 and 9000 respectively.
2.4 Pay Matrix and Fixation of Revised Pay
For Fixation of pay of an Employee in the Pay Matrix as on 1st January 2016, the existing pay (Pay in
Pay Band plus Academic Grade Pay) in the pre-revised structure as on 31st December, 2015 shall be
multiplied by the factor mentioned in Annexure-I, rounded off to the nearest Rupee, and the figure so
arrived at, will be located in that level in the Pay Matrix and if such an identical figure corresponds to
any cell in the applicable level of the Pay Matrix, the same shall be the pay, and if no such cell is
available in the applicable level, the pay shall be fixed at the immediate next higher cell in that applicable
level of the Pay Matrix. If the figure arrived at in this manner is less than the first cell in that level, then
the pay shall be fixed at the first cell of that level of Pay Matrix.
If more than two stages are bunched together, one additional increment equal to 3% may be given for
every two stages bunched, and pay fixed in the subsequent cell in the pay matrix.
2.5 Date of Increment
(i) Annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with each cell being higher by 3% over the
previous cell in the same level, rounded off to nearest 100. Annual increments to each employee
would move up in the same academic level, with an employee moving from the existing cell in
the academic level to the immediate next cell in the same academic level.
(ii) There shall be two dates of increment i.e. 1st January and 1st July of every year, provided that an
employee shall be entitled to only one annual increment on either one of these two dates
depending on the date of appointment, promotion or grant of financial upgradation.
(iii) The increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted during the period between the
2nd day of January and 1st day of July (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of January and
the increment in respect of an employee appointed or promoted during the period between the 2nd
day of July and 1st day of January (both inclusive) shall be granted on 1st day of July.
2.6 Annual Process of Promotion
Every Institute / DTE shall ensure that the selection process for direct recruitment for various positions
is carried out annually so as to maintain required faculty numbers (in order to maintain Student Faculty
Ratio as Per AICTE Norms). Process for the Screening / promotions of the faculty members shall be
carried out at a regular span annually to avoid any stagnation in career growth of faculty members.
Candidates who are not successful in the interview for promotion, shall be re-assessed after a period of one
year. For such candidates, the date of promotion shall be one year later from the date of eligibility, subject
to success in reassessment. If she/he is not successful in interview for consecutive second time, shall be
reassessed after one year. The date of promotion shall be two years later from the date of eligibility subject
to success in reassessment and so on.
The constitution of the Screening Committee/Promotion committee/Selection Committee as
applicable at different stages are enumerated in Annexure-II. Various stages of screening/promotion /
direct recruitment are given in the Table 2.
A Teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion may submit in writing in the prescribed
proforma as evolved by the concerned Institute / DTE duly supported by all credentials to the Principal
of the Institute, within three months in advance of the due date, that he / she fulfils all requisite criteria.
Table 2: Stages of Screening/Promotion/Direct Recruitment and Mode of Selection
Stage Design Mode of Selection
Entry Level, Stage-I Lecturer Direct recruitment
Stage-II Lecturer (Senior Scale) Promotion through Screening
Stage-III Lecturer (Selection Grade -I) Promotion through Screening
Stage-IV Lecturer (Selection Grade -II) Promotion through Selection
Stage-V Head of the Department (HoD) Direct recruitment/Promotion
through Selection Committee
Stage-VI Principal Direct recruitment/Promotion
through Selection Committee
A Teacher who wishes to be considered for promotion may submit in writing in the prescribed
proforma as evolved by the concerned Institute, / DTE duly supported by all credentials to the HoD /
Principal of the Institute, within three months in advance of the due date, that he / she fulfils all
requisite qualifications.
HoD 16
Principal 6
Note: Relaxation of 2 Hours per week in teaching contact hours shall be granted to HoD/Principal and Other Faculty
members holding additional responsibilities like In charge HoD / In charge Principal.
2.14 Incentives for New Entrants
New entrants as well as existing faculty members of diploma-level institutions should be provided with
a desktop computer/laptop/adequate printing facility and office furniture with internet connectivity in
their office so as to make faculty members Digitally empowered and to enable them access to the latest
2.15 Grants for Professional Development
All faculty members may be given a grant up to Rs. 50,000/- per year on reimbursement basis, which
may be permitted to be accumulated up to 3 years towards acquiring the membership of Professional
Societies and for participating in National /International conferences/workshops etc.
2.16 Consultancy
(i) Consultancy work may be undertaken by teachers to generate resources.
(ii) Teachers should be encouraged to undertake consultancy work, with an appropriate environment
created by the Centre/ State Governments/managements of institutions to facilitate faculty members
to undertake such work.
(iii) Suitable parameters for sharing the generated resources between the institution and individual teacher
may be evolved and adopted by the institutions/DTE/State Government where consultancy work is
undertaken by the teacher.
(iv) The teachers engaged in consultancy/ industry interaction/research/start-up activities/community
services/sponsored research projects may be allowed adjustment in the teaching time-table without
compromising their teaching engagement hours.
2.17 Sabbatical Leave for Faculty
1 The permanent, full-time teachers of the DTE and Institutes who have completed seven years of service may be
granted sabbatical leave to take industrial exposure or undertake study or research (other than obtaining PhD)
or any other academic pursuit solely for the object of increasing their proficiency and usefulness to the university
and higher education system. The duration of leave shall not exceed one year, at a time, and two years in the
entire career of the teacher.
2 A teacher, who has availed himself/herself of study leave/sabbatical leave, would not be entitled to the sabbatical
leave, until after the expiry of five years from the date of the teacher’s return from previous study leave /
sabbatical leave or any other kind of training programme of duration of one year or more.
3 A teacher shall, during the period of sabbatical leave, be paid full pay and allowances (subject to the prescribed
conditions being fulfilled) at the rates applicable to him/her immediately prior to his/her proceeding on
sabbatical leave.
4 A teacher on sabbatical leave shall not take up, during the period of that leave, any regular appointment under
another organisation in India or abroad. He/she may, however, be allowed to accept a fellowship or a research
scholarship or ad hoc teaching and research assignment with honorarium or any other form of assistance, other
than the regular employment in an institution of advanced studies, provided that in such cases the State
Governemnt/DTE may, if it so desires, sanction the sabbatical leave on reduced pay and allowances.
5 During the period of sabbatical leave, the teacher shall be allowed to draw the increment on the due date. The
period of leave shall also count as service for purposes of promotion and all other service benefits when the
teacher rejoins the university on the expiry of his/her leave.
However, the sabbatical leave for teachers of Institutions funded by the State Government shall be as per the
policy matter of the respective State Government.
2.18 Incentives for Promoting Innovation and Startup Culture
Instiutions are encouraged students and teachers to promote the Start-Up culture to establish technology
incubation centres, as per policy released by AICTE in National Innovation Startup policy for faculty and
students for incentivizing faculty, taking efforts in this regard.
Ph.D is integrated with benefit in Promotion/appointment, hence, incentives for Ph.D. and other Higher
Qualification at all cadres shall be discountinued for those Teachers/ faculty members who join service/acquiring
Ph.D. and other higher qualifications after publishing of this gazette. However, no recovery shall be made from
those Teachers who have already availed such incentives till the date of publication of this amendment to the
gazette notification 01st March 2019.
Those Teachers who have already availed the benefit of Ph.D. increments may continue with the same. However,
they shall not be entitled for one-year exemption in each stage for promotion.
2.20 Statutory Reservation
The statutory reservation policy for recruitment and promotion of SC / ST / OBC / EBC / PWD /
Women candidates must be adhered to as per the respective state government rules.
2.21 Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) Scheme for Faculty in Technical Institutions
With a view to improve the quality of technical education, all DTEs and Secretaries of higher education of
all the states are directed to implement QIP/AICTE QIP PG Certificates for all the eligible teachers working
in technical institutions. Managements of self-financing institutions are also directed to encourage their
faculty members to participate in QIP / AICTE QIP PG Certificate in emerging areas and as mentioned from
time to time. Faculty members acquiring AICTE QIP PG Certificate in emerging areas or as prescribed
by AICTE from time to time shall be eligible to teach related/similar subjects falling under any course of
undergraduate engineering curriculum.
For promotion
After completion of AICTE - QIP PG certificate programme followed by at least two year of teaching
experience in the area of PG Certification or any other equivlant program prescribed by AICTE from
time to time will be eligible for promotion in the same discipline/department (Specialization of PG
2.23. Equivalence of Experience of Diploma Level Institutions and Degree Level Institutions
Experience at degree level institutions shall be considered equivalent to experience in the diploma
level institutions at appropriate level, as applicable provided, scale of pay, qualifications, experience
and research contributions are same for the post under consideration as per the present notification.
2.24 Cadre Structure
The “Cadre Structure” in diploma level institutions imparting technical education is as given in Table
2. The following guidelines are to be taken care of while promoting faculty members in different
a. Incumbent faculty members shall be upgraded to higher position, after being eligible, through a
process of selection to be held annually irrespective of availability of vacancies in that cadre.
b. The incumbent so upgraded to a higher cadre shall be re-designated as Lecturer (Senior Scale) /
Lecturer (Selection Grade - I) / Lecturer (Selection Grade - II) as the case may be.
c. With this cadre structure, all faculty members may become Lecturer (Selection Grade - II).
2.25 Fixation of Pay
The fixation of pay and designations of incumbents in the revised pay scales shall be as given in
Annexure - I.
Incumbent faculty members / Principals with Ph.D qualification and who are in AGP of 10,000/- as
per 6th CPC, shall be fixed in the appropriate cell corresponding to Level 14 of pay matrix table
recommended by 7th CPC (Annexure-IV).
qualification, experience, research contributions, feedback and requisite training requirements for
different levels for direct recruitment, screening and promotions for the faculty members are as
4.1 For Direct Recruitment of Lecturer (Level – 9A, Entry Pay 56,100/-)
Those possessing a minimum of 4-year Bachelor’s degree shall be placed in Level 9A at entry pay of
(a) Engineering / Technology
B. E. / B. Tech in relevant discipline with First Class or equivalent.
(b) Pharmacy
B. Pharm. with First Class or equivalent.
(c) Hotel Management and Catering Technology
A minimum 4-year Bachelor’s Degree in HMCT with First Class or equivalent.
(d) Architecture
B.Arch. or a 4-year Degree in an allied field with First Class or equivalent.
(e) Fine Arts
Bachelor’s degree in appropriate discipline of Fine Arts (Applied Arts, Painting and Sculpture) or
equivalent with First Class or equivalent.
(f) Design
Bachelor’s degree in design or a minimum 4-year Diploma in any one of the streams of Design,
Fine Arts, Applied Arts and Architecture with First Class or equivalent or Bachelor’s degree in
Engineering with First Class orequivalent.
(g) Sciences and Humanities
Master’s degree in appropriate subject with First Class or equivalent at Bachelor’s or Master’s
4.2 For Direct Recruitment of Lecturer (Level – 10, Entry Pay 57,700/-)
(a) For Technical Disciplines
B. E. / B.Tech. / Or as specified at clause 6.5 of this notification and M. E. / M. Tech. / M. S.
Integrated M. Tech
B.E./ B. Tech with Ph.D as mentioned in clause 6.1.
At least one degree either at UG or PG level shall be in relevant dicipline with first class/equivalent credits
(marks) at UG and PG in any one of the degrees.
Note: 1 Appropriateness of the relevant/allied branches as per the AICTE notification dated 28th April
2017 (Major/Core Branch of Engineering/Technology and their relevant/appropriate courses leading to
degree in Engineering/Technology for recruitment to teaching positions) and any other amendments from
time to time or as declared/notified by the degree awarding University.
(b) For Sciences and Humanities
A Master’s degree with First Class or equivalent in a relevant subject and, must have cleared the
National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR, or a similar test accredited
by the UGC, like SLET / SET.
The qualifications for recruitment for faculty in the disciplines of Basic Sciences, Social Science and
Humanities shall be as per the UGC Notification No. F.1-2/2017(EC/PS) Dated 18th July, 2018 and
5. Should have satisfied any one of the below-mentioned sets of requirements (Table 4(A)/4(B) as
4.4 Minimum Qualifications for Lecturer (Selection Grade - I) (Level – 12, Entry Pay 79800/-)
1) Qualification as prescribed for the post of Lecturer (Senior Scale) (Level-11) necessarily with a
Master’s Degree in relevant engineering discipline in First Class or equivalent either at Bachelor’s
or at Master’s level.
2) Three weeks of industrial training at the level of Lecturer (Senior Scale) (Level-11).
3) Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) recognised by
AICTE/UGC/TEQIP/NITTTR/ Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Faculty and
/University/Govt (Level-11).
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE (Level-11).
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
4) Should have satisfied any one of the below-mentioned sets of requirements (Table-5).
Table 5
Set No. Promotion from Lecturer (Senior scale) to Lecturer (Selection Grade-I)
Experience Major Academic Research and Avg. 360o feedback
(Years)** Outcomes Score as Innovation Score as score from Tables 13,
mentioned in Table 11 of mentioned in Table 12 14, 15 and ACR of
Annexure -IV of Annexure -IV Annexure -IV
Note: (i) ** If the incumbent acquires one year of industry experience during the assessment period (Only
from an industry having annual turnover of one hundred crores and above and registered under the
Company Act), there will be an exemption of one-year in counting of experience under column 1 of Table
-5. Similarly, incumbent having Ph.D. degree acquired at the entry level or after entering the service will
have an exemption of additional one year in counting of experience required under column (1) of Table –
(ii) In case of candidate from Science and Humanities (including non-engineering) must have Ph.D. degree
in relavent dicispline.
4.5 Minimum Qualifications for Lecturer (Selection Grade - II) (Level – 13A1, Entry Pay 131400/-)
1) Qualifications as prescribed for the post of Lecturer (Selection Grade - I) (Level-12).
2) Three weeks of industrial training at the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade - I) (Level-12).
3) Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) recognised by AICTE/UGC/
TEQIP/NITTTR/Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission on Faculty and Teaching
(PMMMNMTT)/IISc/IIT /University/Govt. (Level-12)
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course
with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE (Level-12).
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE (Level-
4. Should have satisfied any one of the below-mentioned sets of requirements (Table 6).
Table 6
Set. No. Promotion from Lecturer (Selection Grade-I) to Lecturer (Selection Grade-II)
Experience Major Academic Research and Avg. 360o feedback
Outcomes Score as Innovation Score as score from Tables 13,
mentioned in Table 11 mentioned in Table 12 of 14, 15 and ACR of
of Annexure -IV Annexure -IV Annexure -IV
Note: (i) *** If the incumbent acquires one year of inhouse/fulltime industry experience during the
assessment period (industry having annual turnover of one hundred crores and above and registered
under the Company Act), there will be an exemption of one-year in counting of experience under column
1 of Table -6.
Note: (ii) If the incumbent acquires one year of industry experience during the assessment period (Only
from an industry having annual turnover of one hundred crores and above and registered under the
Company Act), there will be an exemption of one-year in counting of experience under column 1 of Table
-5. Similarly, incumbent having Ph.D. degree acquired at the entry level or after entering the service
will have an exemption of additional one year in counting of experience required under column (1) of
Table – 5.
a. For Promotion
01. Ph. D. in relevant field and First Class at Bachelor’s or at Master’s level in the relevant discipline;
minimum of 12 years of experience in Teaching/ Research/ Industry, out of which at least 2 years shall
be post Ph.D experience and minimum of 3 years experience at the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade-
M.E/M.Tech in relevant field with First Class at Bachelor’s or at Master’s Degree in relevant discipline
with minimum of 15 years of experience in Teaching / Research/ Industry, out of which at least 3 years shall
be at the level of Lecturer (Selection Grade - II).
2. Should have satisfied any one of the below-mentioned sets of requirements (Table-8).
Table 8
Set. No. Promotion to HoD
Experience Major Academic Research and Innovation Avg. 360o feedback
Outcomes Score as Score as mentioned in score from Tables 13, 14,
mentioned in Table 11 Table 12 of Annexure -IV 15 and ACR of Annexure
of Annexure -IV -IV
Note: (i) *** If the incumbent acquires one year of industry experience during the assessment period (industry
having annual turnover of one hundred crores and above and registered under the company act), there will be
an exemption of one-year in counting of experience under column 1 of Table -8.
Note (ii) Incumbent having Ph.D. degree acquired at the entry level or after entering the service will have an
exemption of additional one year in counting of experience required under column (1) of Table – 8.
M.E/M.Tech in relevant field with First Class at Bachelor’s or Master’s level in the relevant
discipline and minimum of 20 years ofexperience in Teaching / Research/ Industry, out of which
5 years of experience not below the level of HoD / Lecturer (Selection Grade-II).
Additional requirement of satisying minimum score as mentioned in table 9.
2. Should have satisfied any one of the below-mentioned sets of requirements (Table-10)
Table No. 10
Set No. Promotion to Principal
Experience Major Academic Research and Innovation Avg. 360o feedback
(Years) at the Outcomes Score as Score as mentioned in score of previous
level of HOD/ mentioned in Table Table 12 of Annexure -IV THREE Years from
Lecturer 11 of Annexure -IV Tables 13, 14, 15 and
(Selection ACR of Annexure -IV*
5.3 For Direct Recruitment of Assistant Director (Physical Education) and Assistant Librarian
(Level – 10, Entry Pay 57,700/-)
A Master’s degree with First Class or equivalent and have cleared the National Eligibility Test
(NET)/ conducted by the UGC or the CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like
SLET / SET or Ph.D in relevant field.
5.4 For Promotion of incumbent Assistant Director (Physical Education) and Assistant Librarian in
Level 9A to Level 10
(i) Assistant Director (Physical Education) shall be placed in Level 10 at suitable cell as and when
the candidates clear the National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the CSIR,
or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET / SET or Ph.D in relevant field.
(ii) In case candidates do not clear National Eligibility Test (NET) conducted by the UGC or the
CSIR, or a similar test accredited by the UGC, like SLET / SET, they shall be placed in
appropriate cell of level 10 only after completion of 5 years.
NOTE: Methodology of Promotion for Assistant Librarians and Assistant Director-Physical Education
Promotion for Assistant Librarians/Librarian and Assistant Director-Physical Education where there is NO
teaching department (Library Science / Physical Education) in the Institution, shall be as per the Policy
/Guidelines applicable to the non-teaching staff notified by the respective State Government/UTs.
6.0 Additional Requirements
6.1 Research Publications and other
In order to ensure quality of publications for promotions, a minimum standard would be ensured
through the following.
a) In case of HMCT, 1 live case study or 1 live industry project as research / consultancy having
credential of very high standing would be recognized as equivalent to 1 publication.
b) In case of Design, Architecture and Town Planning, 1 live case study, 1 live industry project as
research / consultancy or 1 exceptional design having credential of very high standing / obtained
high level recognition would be recognized as equivalent to 1 publication.
6.2 Equivalence for Ph.D. / Eligibility of direct Ph.D. after B.E. / B.Tech
6.2.1 Eligibility of direct Ph.D. after B.E./ B.Tech
The qualification of Ph.D acquired for the various level of posts directly after B.E/ B.Tech. is
applicable in Technical Institutions, provided degree of Ph. D awarded is in relevant discipline by a
recognised University following the process of registration, course work and evaluation etc. as
prescribed by UGC or has been awarded by the Institutes of national importance (i.e. IITs/IISc/ NITs
etc.), duly recognized by the MHRD. Further, candidate should have obtained at least first class at
Bachelor’s level in Engineering /Technology.
6.3 Class / Division
If a class / division is not awarded, minimum of 60% marks in aggregate shall be considered equivalent
to first class / division. If a Grade Point System is adopted the CGPA will be converted into equivalent
marks as below.
6.25 55 %
6.75 60 %
7.25 65 %
7.75 70 %
8.25 75 %
Pay Matrix Table for Diploma Level Technical Institutions
(All figures are in Rupees )
Pay Band VI CPC 15600-39100 37400- 37400-67000
Lecturer Lecturer Lecturer *Lecturer
Cadre Title VII CPC Lecturer Lecturer (Senior (Selection (Selection (Selection
scale) Grade-I) Grade-II) / Grade-II) /
HoD / HoD /
Principal Principal
Academic Grade Pay -
5400 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Entry Pay 21000 21600 25790 29900 49200 53000
Cell No. Level 9A 10 11 12 13A1 14
1 56100 57700 68900 79800 131400 144200
2 57800 59400 71000 82200 135300 148500
3 59500 61200 73100 84700 139400 153000
4 61300 63000 75300 87200 143600 157600
5 63100 64900 77600 89800 147900 162300
6 65000 66800 79900 92500 152300 167200
*Applicable ONLY for Ph D qualified Teachers working as Selection Grade Lecturer / HoD / Principal with AGP of
Rs 10000 as per 6th CPC.
Note: The end-points of any column do not signify the end points of the pay received at that level. As was the
case in the earlier provision of traditional pay scales, the last point does not represent the maximum pay of
that level for calculation purposes. The end-points of the column should not be treated as the maximum and
minimum of a pay scale to calculate the average pay for any level.
Constitution of Committee for Direct Recruitment, Screening and Promotion
The AICTE has evolved following guidelines on:
(a) Constitution of Screening Committees for promotion to Lecturer (Senior Scale), Lecturer
(Selection Grade-I).
(b) Constitution of Promotion Committees for Lecturer (Selection Grade - II), HOD and Principal.
(c) Constitution of Selection Committees for direct recruitment of Lecturer (Level 9A/10), Head of
Department (Level 13A1) and Principal.
Selection Proceedings:
All the screening / selection procedures shall be completed immediately after the screening / selection
committee meeting itself, wherein, minutes are recorded along with the scoring Proforma and
recommendation made on the basis of merit with the list of selected / promoted candidates in order of
merit, duly signed by all members of the committee.
I. Constitution of Committee for Direct Recruitment and Promotion:
The Selection Committee for the post of Lecturer, Lecurer (Selection Grade -II), and Head of
Department, (Direct/Promotion) shall have the following composition:
i) Director, Technical Education to be the Chairperson of the Selection Committee.(Trustee in case of
Private Colleges as mentioned in Degree)
ii) The Principal of the College.
iii) Three nominees of the Secretary, Higher Education, Technical Education of concerned state out
of which two should be subject-experts (preferably one should be a woman expert)
iv) An academician representing SC / ST / OBC / Minority / Women / Differently-abled categories,
if any of candidates representing these categories is the applicant, to be nominated by Director,
Technical Education.
Training Requirements for Promotions of Teachers from all the Disciplines
For Lecturer (Senior Scale): Completion of following training requirements at the level of Lecturer
8 Modules of NITTT if not done earlier and One week of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area
out of which at least one of the FDP shall be in advanced pedagogy recognised by AICTE / UGC / TEQIP / NITTTR /
PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board of Technical Education / CoA / IIA / SPA / ITPI /
NRCs / ARPIT research organization / other institute of National Importance / Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course with E-
Certification by NPTEL-AICTE or as prescribed by AICTE from time to time
Completed two such eight weeks duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
Completed two FDPs of one week AICTE ATAL faculty development programme.
Completed two weeks AICTE ATAL Advance faculty development programme
For Lecturer (Selection Grade-II): Completion of following training requirements at the level of Lecturer
(Selection Grade-I)
Two weeks of Faculty Development Programme (FDP) in the relevant area recognised by AICTE / UGC / TEQIP /
NITTTR / PMMMNMTT / IISc / IIT / University / Government / DTE / Board of Technical Education / CoA / IIA /
SPA / ITPI / NRCs / ARPIT / research organization / other institute of National Importance / Design Studio.
One week faculty development programme as above and one eight weeks duration MOOCS course with E-
Certification by NPTEL-AICTE
Completed two such eight-week duration MOOCS courses with E-Certification by NPTEL-AICTE.
For HoD / Principal : Faculty member promoted or selected as HoD / Principal is required to undergo two weeks of trainng
in advanced or emerging technology atleast once in every three years.
Annexure - IV
The Score shall be determined on the basis of following parameters. The evaluation of the scores shall be done for every
academic year. The average over the assessment period shall be considered.
However, the activities mentioned in these criteria are indicative. The Concerned State department/State University
may amend as per the requirements and prescribe templates and methodology for the same.
I. Major Academic Outcomes(Maximum Score 100)
(a) Academics (Maximum Score 80)
(b) Updation on website and data collation and for reports for accreditation and ranking (Maximum Score
II. Research and Innovation Outcomes (Maximum Score 100)
The faculty shall represent their activities as mentioned in Tables 10 and 11 respectively along with
documentary evidence. A committee constituted by the institution shall verify and recommend the score
based on the documents submitted.
III. 3600 feedback
a. Students’ Feedback (Maximum Score 50)
The institute shall incorporate a mechanism to obtain anonymous online feedback from the students for
every subject teacher, in every semester, as prescribed in Table 12. The department/institute shall
communicate the score to the teacher and mentor wherever necessary. An average of the feedback for
the assessment period shall be considered.
b. Departmental Activities (Maximum Score 20)
This section summarizes all the responsibilities assigned by the Head of the Department to the faculty
during academic year under consideration. The scores shall be given as per Table 13.
c. Institute Activities (Maximum Score 20)
This section summaries all the responsibilities assigned by the Head of the institute to the faculty during
academic year under consideration through a proper office order. The scores shall be given as per Table
d. ACR maintained at institute. (Maximum Score 10)
Calculation of Score
Present Position
Name of Department
Academic Year
Table 11
A. Major Academic Outcomes (Max Score 100)
Table 12
B. Research and Innovation Outcomes (Maximum Score 100)
Table 13
A. Students’ Feedback (Max Score 50)
Note: i) The feedback of students having less then 75% attendance should not be counted.
ii) The feedback of students having bottom 20% score should not be considered.
Table 14
B. Departmental Activities (Max Score 10)
7 Student Mentorship
8 Anti-Ragging / Grievance Redressal Departmental Committee Coordinator
9 Department library coordinator
10 Any Other (Please Specify)
11 FDPs/STTPs/Conferences /Seminars/Symposiums etc. conducted/coordinated/Co-
Coordinated @ 4 for each event
12 Emerging/multidisciplinary competency-based FDPs attended which are sponsored by
National agencies or organized by Institutes of National
Importance/organizations/Universities or institutes with NIRF ranking in top 50/NBA
accredited department for 6 years @ 4 for each event
Note: Max points for Coordinator and Co-coordinator 2 ; Max point for member will be 1
Table No. 15
C. Institute Activities (Max Score 10)
12 Alumni activities
13 Contribution to SDGs/Society
14 NSS/NCC/Community services/Sports
Note: Max points for Coordinator and Co-coordinator 2 ; Max point for member will be 1
Annexure – V
Max Marks 10 10 10 10 10
Student 1 7 2 4 8 8
Student 2 3 9 8 7 9
Student 3 6 4 8 9 7
Target marks: Average of marks obtained by the students (say target marks for CO1 is 8)
Condition CO Attainment
Level (L)
If 35 or more number of students have attained target marks (e.g. 8 Marks) 3
If 30 or more number of students have attained target marks (e.g. 8 Marks) 2
If 25 or more number of students have attained target marks (e.g. 8 Marks) 1
If less than 25 students have attained target marks (e.g. 8 Marks) 0
Step 7. Calculate Average of CO attainment values of Internal Assessment Tools and End Semester
Examination (Table 3)
Assumption: Weightages of IA and ESE are same (each 50%)
Step 8. Course Exit Survey (Indirect CO attainment): Get the CO wise Course Exit Survey and map the scores on
a scale of 3 (Table 4)
Step 10. Calculate Course Attainment taking average of values tabulated in Table 5 = 2.198