Standards Alignment Guide Introduction To Programming With Vexcode Iq Blocks

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Alignment Guide

Introduction to Programming with

VEXcode IQ Blocks
Curriculum Standards Alignment Guide
Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) , Computer Science Principles (CSP),
Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), Common Core Mathematics, Common
Core English Language Arts, International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

Last Updated: 11/2021

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

The Standards
These standards are aligned with the instruction in Introduction to Programming with
VEXcode IQ Blocks to ensure that all students are given clear and precise instructions
and that teaching practices focus on the learning objectives. These standards can be
used to track student performance and to set expectations for student achievement.

1. Computer Science Teacher Association Standards (CSTA) | Pg.3-4

2. Computer Science Principles (CSP) | Pg. 5-6
3. Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) | Pg. 7
4. Common Core Mathematics | Pg. 8
5. Common Core English Language Arts | Pg. 9
6. International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) | Pg. 10

The Big Ideas

Robotics can be something you teach with, as well as something you teach about.
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks uses robots, and covers robotics
content, but ultimately seeks to give students experience and access to a much broader
set of skills and perspectives of Computational Thinking.

1. Role of the Programmer

2. Sense, Perceive, Plan, Act
3. Making Sense of Systems
4. Planning in Pseudocode
5. Computational Thinking Applies Everywhere

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

Computer Science Teacher Association Standards

Standard Connection to Curriculum

1-AP-14: Debug (identify and fix) errors Students rearrange and modify the
in an algorithm or program that sequence in programs and in Try It activities
includes sequences and simple loops. to test and debug programs

1B-AP-10: Create programs that Students write programs that include

include sequences, events, loops, and commands in a sequential order, repeated
conditionals. behaviors with loops, and discrete and
continuous decisions with conditionals.

2-AP-13: Design and iteratively Students write programs with decision-

develop programs that combine control making behaviors by nesting if-else blocks
structures, including nested loops and inside loops so that the robot makes
compound conditionals. repeated and multiple decisions. For
example, students program looped
decisions for the robot to respond to
different objects and colors.

2-AP-19: Document programs in order Students practice pseudocoding that allows

to make them easier to follow, test, and for easier program comprehension,
debug. troubleshooting, and debugging. Students
are able to upload their pseudocode
documents and programs so that it can be
reviewed by the teacher.

2-AP-10: Use flowcharts and/or Students develop pseudocode to organize

pseudocode to address complex and sequence a program that addresses a
problems as algorithms. complex problem.

2-AP-12: Design and iteratively Students learn to control programs by using

develop programs that combine control Wait Until blocks, loops, and if-else blocks.
structures, including nested loops and For the Capstone challenge, students
compound conditionals. iteratively develop a solution one part at a
time. For the final solution of the Capstone
challenge, students combine each of those
parts into a single program with decisions
and loops.

(Continued) Computer Science Teacher Association Standards

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

Standard Connection to Curriculum

3A-AP-16: Design and iteratively Students design programs to create

develop computational artifacts for solutions for model challenges that are
practical intent, personal expression, or based on real-world challenges robots face.
to address a societal issue by using
events to initiate instructions.

3A-AP-17: Decompose problems into Challenges within the curriculum directs

smaller components through systematic students to decompose problems into
analysis, using constructs such as smaller components and build solutions up
procedures, modules, and/or objects. accordingly.

3B-DA-05: Use data analysis tools and Sensors on the robot collect values that the
techniques to identify patterns in data students analyze and apply to enhance the
representing complex systems. accuracy of their programs and better
predict solution outcomes.

3B-AP-10: Use and adapt classic Challenge activities result in the creation of
algorithms to solve computational a (simple) algorithmic solution and an
problems. accompanying program that implements it.

3A-AP-21: Evaluate and refine Students debug and modify their own
computational artifacts to make them programs to make improvements and
more usable and accessible. compare the outcomes.

Computer Science Principles

Standard Connection to Curriculum

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

LO 1.1.1: Use computing tools and Challenge activities result in the creation of a
techniques to create artifacts. (simple) algorithmic solution and an
accompanying program that implements it.

LO 1.1.3: Analyze computational Students perform debugging on their own

artifacts. code, as well as debugging example
solutions in practice programs and Check
Your Understanding questions. Another
activity involves students rearranging the
order of pseudocode according to the
directions of a certain challenge.

LO 1.3.1: Use programming as a Challenges are designed so that there are

creative tool. multiple solutions to a problem along with
some extra challenges and extension
activities. Students use programming to solve
model challenges based on real-world events
and can solve these challenges based on
their own ability and agency.

LO 2.2.1: Develop an abstraction. Robots gather information about the world

through sensors, which turn physical qualities
of the world into digital abstractions. Students
must understand and work with this data to
develop then implement their solutions.

LO 2.3.1: Use models and simulations Students construct and use a “program flow”
to raise and answer questions. model of programming itself to understand
how the robot uses data to make decisions
and control the flow of its own commands.

LO 3.2.1: Use computing to facilitate “Try It” activities allow students to uncover
exploration and the discovery of new concepts and make connections with the
connections in information. learning material and real-world applications
of robotics.

LO 4.2.1: Express an algorithm in a Students plan, write, and produce programs

language. in word blocks.

(Continued) Computer Science Principles

Standard Connection to Curriculum

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

LO 5.2.1: Use abstraction to manage Students use the process of abstraction by

complexity in programs. writing pseudocode and creating code
comments so that complex programs are
organized, accurate, and easier to read.

LO 5.3.1: Evaluate a program for Students perform debugging on their own

correctness. code, as well as debugging example
solutions in practice programs and Check
Your Understanding questions.

LO 5.3.2: Develop a correct program. Programmed solutions to challenges must


LO 5.4.1: Employ appropriate Students use mathematical concepts in

mathematical and logical concepts in programming by understanding that turning
programming. of the robot comes from a proportional
relationship between the wheels and

LO 7.2.1: Connect computing with Students discuss how the process of

innovations in other fields. abstraction and decomposition in
programming and robotics can be applied to
other subjects and fields of work.

Next Generation Science Standards

Standard Connection to Curriculum

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

MS-ETS1-2: Evaluate competing Solving challenges requires students to

design solutions using a systematic create and evaluate both hardware and
process to determine how well they software designs.
meet the criteria and constraints of the

MS-ETS1-4: Develop a model to When solving more difficult and complex

generate data for iterative testing and challenges, students are guided toward
modification of a proposed object, tool, iterative testing and refinement processes.
or process such that an optimal design Students must optimize program parameters
can be achieved. and design.

4-PS4-3: Generate and compare Students will be able to identify patterns of

multiple solutions that use patterns to robot behaviors within code and use those
transfer information. patterns to create loops and functions.

HS-ETS1-2: Design a solution to a Problem Solving methodology for

complex real-world problem by challenges directs students to break down
breaking it down into smaller, more large problems into smaller solvable ones,
manageable problems that can be and build solutions up accordingly;
solved through engineering. challenges give students opportunities to
practice, each of which is based on a real-
world robot.

Common Core Mathematics

Standard Connection to Curriculum

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.7.RP.A.2: Students make use of the relationship

Recognize and represent proportional between quantities such as degrees turned
relationships between quantities. and distance traveled by rotations.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.2.MD.A.1: Students measure the distance the robot

Measure the length of an object by travels using a measuring tool.
selecting and using appropriate tools
such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks,
and measuring tapes.

CC.2.4.4.A.6: Students measure angles needed for the

Measure angles and use properties of robot to turn around different sized shapes.
adjacent angles to solve problems.

Common Core English Language Arts

Standard Connection to Curriculum

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.7: Students write pseudocode that consists of

Translate quantitative or technical a hybrid language between written English
information expressed in words in a text

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and coding syntax and then translate it into
and translate information expressed code.
visually or mathematically (e.g., in an
equation) into words.

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.9-10.9: Students compare the results they find after

Compare and contrast findings the robot executes their program to how it
presented in a text to those from other is shown in the curriculum.
sources (including their own
experiments), noting when the findings
support or contradict previous
explanations or accounts.

CC.3.5.6-8.C Students follow step-by-step direct

Follow precisely a multistep procedure instructions that teach the fundamentals of
when carrying out experiments, taking programming.
measurements, or performing technical

International Society for Technology in Education

Standard Connection to Curriculum

1.5: Students develop and employ Students learn “Big Ideas” such as program
strategies for understanding and solving flow, role of the programmer, planning in
problems in ways that leverage the

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

power of technological methods to pseudocode, and more to develop problem

develop and test solutions. solving skills in computer science.

1.5a: Students formulate problem Students create solutions to challenges by

definitions suited for technology- using sensor data to predict outcomes,
assisted methods such as data planning in pseudocode, and then
analysis, abstract models and translating the pseudocode into an
algorithmic thinking in exploring and algorithmic program which is a form of
finding solutions. abstraction.

1.5b: Students collect data or identify Students use sensors to collect data and
relevant data sets, use digital tools to program the robot to respond according to
analyze them, and represent data in the data analyzed.
various ways to facilitate problem-
solving and decision-making.

1.5c: Students break problems into During the process of pseudocoding,

component parts, extract key students decompose large solutions into
information, and develop descriptive smaller tasks in order to understand what
models to understand complex systems exactly the robot is needed to do.
or facilitate problem-solving.

1.5d: Students understand how Students write programs for the robot
automation works and use algorithmic including sequences of commands and
thinking to develop a sequence of steps control commands so that the robot can
to create and test automated solutions. complete challenges autonomously.

The Big Ideas

♦ Big Idea #1: Role of the Programmer

Students learn the roles and responsibilities of a programmer, which is to identify the
task, plan out a solution, decompose that solution into steps that the robot can carry out,
and then explain the steps to the robot through a program. As a programmer, it is
important to keep programs precise. If you want the robot to do something, you need to

Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks

communicate that idea with mathematical and logical precision, or it won’t quite be what
you intended.

♦ Big Idea #2: Sense, Perceive, Plan, Act

Sensors provide information about the world. The program uses that information to
figure out when to stop. And then the robot acts accordingly. Sense, Perceive, Plan, Act
(SPPA) summarizes the four critical capabilities that every robot must have in order to
operate effectively.

♦ Big Idea #3: Make Sense of Systems

To understand the way something works, students construct a mental “model” of it that
captures the important features and rules of the system. This helps with understanding
Program Flow and how other similar systems work and execute programs.

♦ Big Idea #4: Planning in Pseudocode

Students learn to plan complex programs in pseudocode so that their programs can be
accurate and organized. The process of pseudocoding involves the decomposition of
large tasks into smaller steps. And then abstracting those steps to be translated into
code so that the robot can understand its task.

♦ Big Idea #5: Computational Thinking Applies Everywhere

These skills – mathematical and logical clarity, using data, systems thinking with mental
models, and problem solving – are not just for robotics. They are key to solving many
problems in the world.


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