Standards Alignment Guide Introduction To Programming With Vexcode Iq Blocks
Standards Alignment Guide Introduction To Programming With Vexcode Iq Blocks
Standards Alignment Guide Introduction To Programming With Vexcode Iq Blocks
Alignment Guide
The Standards
These standards are aligned with the instruction in Introduction to Programming with
VEXcode IQ Blocks to ensure that all students are given clear and precise instructions
and that teaching practices focus on the learning objectives. These standards can be
used to track student performance and to set expectations for student achievement.
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
1-AP-14: Debug (identify and fix) errors Students rearrange and modify the
in an algorithm or program that sequence in programs and in Try It activities
includes sequences and simple loops. to test and debug programs
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
3B-DA-05: Use data analysis tools and Sensors on the robot collect values that the
techniques to identify patterns in data students analyze and apply to enhance the
representing complex systems. accuracy of their programs and better
predict solution outcomes.
3B-AP-10: Use and adapt classic Challenge activities result in the creation of
algorithms to solve computational a (simple) algorithmic solution and an
problems. accompanying program that implements it.
3A-AP-21: Evaluate and refine Students debug and modify their own
computational artifacts to make them programs to make improvements and
more usable and accessible. compare the outcomes.
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
LO 1.1.1: Use computing tools and Challenge activities result in the creation of a
techniques to create artifacts. (simple) algorithmic solution and an
accompanying program that implements it.
LO 2.3.1: Use models and simulations Students construct and use a “program flow”
to raise and answer questions. model of programming itself to understand
how the robot uses data to make decisions
and control the flow of its own commands.
LO 3.2.1: Use computing to facilitate “Try It” activities allow students to uncover
exploration and the discovery of new concepts and make connections with the
connections in information. learning material and real-world applications
of robotics.
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and coding syntax and then translate it into
and translate information expressed code.
visually or mathematically (e.g., in an
equation) into words.
1.5: Students develop and employ Students learn “Big Ideas” such as program
strategies for understanding and solving flow, role of the programmer, planning in
problems in ways that leverage the
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
1.5b: Students collect data or identify Students use sensors to collect data and
relevant data sets, use digital tools to program the robot to respond according to
analyze them, and represent data in the data analyzed.
various ways to facilitate problem-
solving and decision-making.
1.5d: Students understand how Students write programs for the robot
automation works and use algorithmic including sequences of commands and
thinking to develop a sequence of steps control commands so that the robot can
to create and test automated solutions. complete challenges autonomously.
Introduction to Programming with VEXcode IQ Blocks
communicate that idea with mathematical and logical precision, or it won’t quite be what
you intended.