3ero Unit 4

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English as a Foreign Language 3RD EGB

Book: Unit 4 Objectives

New Leaders - O.EFL 2.2
Student’s book Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as
and workbook 3 the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative
Pre A 1.1 competence.

O.EFL 2.5
Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich
competencies in the four skills.

O.EFL 2.7
Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written
literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles, and songs, in
order to foster imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a
taste for literature.

Periods: 18, 9 class periods per lesson Weeks: 6

Specific and Generic Competencies Evaluation Criteria

Communication and Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.2.3.

EFL 2.1.6 Make use of basic personal information and expressions of

politeness to introduce oneself and participate in a short
Understand and use common expressions of politeness in conversation.
class while working in pairs or groups on projects.
(Example: please, sorry, thank you, etc.) CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of collaboration by working
together on projects and sharing materials while
expressing personal preferences with peers.

EFL 2.1.7

Collaborate in a friendly manner by sharing classroom

materials and personal objects while participating in
games and activities in class and on the playground.

Oral Communication:(Listening and Speaking) CE.EFL.2.6.

EFL 2.2.1 Listening for Meaning: Understand the main ideas in short
simple spoken texts that include familiar vocabulary and
Understand meanings expressed in short dialogues on are set in everyday contexts.
familiar topics, as well as basic spoken instructions and
simple questions about self, people, animals or things,
especially when spoken slowly and clearly. (Example: CE.EFL.2.7.
greetings, short phrases, basic range of classroom
instructions, common personal information questions: Listening for Information: Follow short and simple spoken
What’s your name? How old are you? Where do you live? texts that include familiar vocabulary and are set in
etc.) everyday contexts. Identify key items of information
within the text, and record or act upon them.

EFL 2.2.4
Identify items of specific information within simple
messages or from short and simple descriptions about Production - Pronunciation: Produce individual words and
familiar contexts, especially if visual support is short phrases clearly enough that other people can usually
provided. (Example: letters of the alphabet, numbers, understand them easily.
prices and times, days, dates and months, etc.)

Practice counting up to 10. Students sing a fun counting

EFL 2.2.8 song, count different objects in the classroom, play
games, read a story and do a numbers tracing worksheet.
Imitate individual English language sounds, especially
those phonemes which do not exist in the student’s own
L1, both in isolation and within key vocabulary items.
(Example: /ŋ/ /ð/ /ʌ/ /i:/ and in words like singing,
these, up, sea, etc.)

EFL 2.2.10

Clap, move, chant or sing along with short authentic


English language rhymes or songs, approximating English

rhythm and intonation once familiar with the text.
(Example: jump or clap in time to jump-rope rhymes, do
the actions to action songs or short rhythmic poems,
enunciating some of words in time with the rhythm, etc.

Reading CE.EFL.2.14.

EFL 2.3.5 Demonstrate familiarity with study resources (both print

and digital). (Example: a picture dictionary, some
Show the ability to use a simple learning resource. flashcards of known words, or a word list.)
(Example: a small set of flashcards, a picture-based
dictionary (online or print), or a simple word list).

Writing CE.EFL.2.17.

EFL 2.4.1 Write simple words, phrases, and sentences to demonstrate

knowledge of spelling, punctuation, capitalization and
Know how to spell simple English words correctly, handwriting / typography, and identify their meanings.
demonstrating awareness of sound-letter relationships.
(Example: sea, mean, bee, etc.)

Language through the Arts CE.EFL.2.22

Describe and write about emotions and responses to
EFL 2.5.6 literary texts through words and images, or other media
(video, audio) on class or school bulletin boards and
Generate and expand ideas by responding in a fun and expand on ideas and responses to texts read/seen/heard in
playful manner to oral and written texts in order to by participating in songs/chants, TPR activities and
increase enjoyment of the language through TPR, playground games.
playground games, and songs and chants.

Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Indicators Evaluation: Activities /

Techniques / Instruments

Communication and Cultural New Curriculum EFL Communication and Cultural ACTIVITIES and TECHNIQUES
Awareness for Elemental EGB Awareness
Identify all numbers and
Count numbers from 1 to 20. New Leaders - I.EFL.2.3.1. count mechanically from 1
Get familiar with numbers from 20 Student’s book and to 20.
to 100. (20-30-40-50-60-70-80-90- workbook 3 Pre-A 1.1 Learners can use basic
personal information and

100) expressions of politeness in Respond to pictures

Recognize numbers from 11 to 20, New Leaders Pre-A short dialogues or counting and writing the
focus on counting and spelling. 1.1 (Audios) conversations. (J.2, J.3) corresponding numbers.

Responding questions about I.EFL.2.4.1. Learners can Complete a short, picture-

vocabulary of the unit. example Flash Cards from 67 select pictures with the based evaluation form
(What is this? / How many? to 68 numbers in order that they
Playing games in which learners listen. (J.2, J.3, S.4) Look and answer with short
can count some objects fast. Activity Book questions. Wh. Questions
(AB59 – AB66) Oral Communication
Oral Communication:(Listening and Follow basic commands.
Speaking) Cards with the I.EFL.2.6.1.
numbers Recognize and count
Picture Cards Learners can understand the pictures with numbers.
"The Numbers Song", is great to main ideas in short simple
use when you are teaching numbers Colored crayons
pencils spoken texts and infer who Respond with the meaning of
and counting, but it can also be is speaking and what the
used as a fun warm-up or played at flashcards
CD / Tape player or situation is, without
any point in the lesson. decoding every word. (I.3)
something to play Listen and write the
Listening to short, staged the song on I.EFL.2.7.1. numbers, use the right
instructions and carrying them Open the present. spelling.
out. (Example: Open the door, sit Teaching numbers and
down, stand up, Walk, silence counting. Identify the
please etc.) numbers 1-10 (I.3) INSTRUMENTS
Listening to very short (spoken or I.EFL.2.8.1. Rubrics
recorded) descriptions of scenes,
and writing, coloring, or drawing Learners can pronounce most Oral interview
items within them. familiar vocabulary items
accurately and can therefore Picture-based test
usually be easily
Showing the student some picture understood. They can also
flashcards of familiar vocabulary produce some phrases and
items and asking them to count the short sentences clearly.
objects. (Example: circle, square, (I.3)
triangle, rectangle, to see if
they are easily understood, etc.) Reading

Put the students in pairs and give

each pair a number of objects I.EFL.2.14.1.
(e.g. 3 plastic fruit, 3 cars, 3 Learners can successfully
pencils, etc.). Have the students use simple online and print

practice counting and touching the learning resources.

objects. (Example: flashcards,
picture dictionaries, word
Reading lists, etc.) (I.2)

Predicting main ideas by reading Writing

the title and using other
contextual clues (e.g., I.EFL.2.17.1.
illustrations, subheadings, etc.)
Learners can write words,
Testing each other on the meaning phrases, and short simple
of flashcards. (Example: a boy sentences using the correct
shows a picture on a flashcard and conventions (spelling,
asks: What is this? Girl: it’s a punctuation, capitalization,
blue pen, etc.) and handwriting or
typography, etc.), for
Writing making simple learning
resources. (I.3)
Locating specific words on the
page and writing them in a list. Language through the Arts
(Example: all the words beginning
with the sound /k/ or all the I.EFL.2.22.1.
words that contain the long /a:/
sound, etc.) Learners can report emotions
and compose short responses
to literary texts through
Language through the Arts words and images, or other
media (video, audio).
Creating a dance for a song or
rhyme. Learners can generate and
Participating in TPR activities expand on personal opinions
such as acting out the movements and responses to oral and
of a character in a story as it is written texts through TPR,
read aloud. playground games, and songs.
(I.3, S.3)
Moving to the rhythm of a song or
chant about numbers.


Students with Special Needs Specifications of the Material to Be Applied

CLIL Components - Science/Technology/Arts:

Transversal Axes

Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect,

multiculturalism, responsibility, solidarity,
responsibility, honesty, respect, love,
peace, justice, innovation, etc.

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Date: Date: Date:

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