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Section 2


Figure 2-2 Sullair Rotary Screw Air Compressor

Sullair recommends that a 24KT sample be taken at After the air/fluid mixture is discharged from the
the first filter change and sent to the factory for compressor unit, the fluid is separated from the air.
analysis. This is a free service. The sample kit with At this time, the air flows through an aftercooler and
instruction and self-addressed container is to be separator then to your service line while the fluid is
supplied by your Sullair dealer at start-up. The user being cooled in preparation for reinjection.
will receive an analysis report with recommenda-
Refer to Figure 2-3. The cooling system (air-cooled
Fluid is injected into the compressor unit in large version) consists of a fan, fan motor, radiator-type
quantities and mixes directly with the air as the ro- aftercooler/fluid cooler, full flow fluid filter thermal
tors turn compressing the air. The fluid flow has valve, fluid stop valve and interconnecting piping
three basic functions: and tubing. For water-cooled models, two shell and
1. As coolant, it controls the rise of air temperature tube heat exchangers and a water-flow regulating
normally associated with the heat of compres- valve are substituted for the radiator-type cooler
sion. listed above.
2. Seals the leakage paths between the rotors and The pressure in the receiver/sump causes fluid flow
the stator and also between the rotors them- by forcing the fluid from the high pressure area of the
selves. sump to an area of lower pressure in the compres-
sor unit.
3. Acts as a lubricating film between the rotors al-
lowing one rotor to directly drive the other, which Fluid flows from the bottom of the receiver/sump to
is an idler. the thermal valve. The thermal valve is fully open

Section 2

Figure 2-3 Compressor Fluid Cooling and Lubrication System

when the fluid temperature is below 170ºF (77ºC). ing. This gauge has a pressure setting lower than
The fluid passes through the thermal valve, the main that of the bypass valve. After the initial 50 hour filter
filter and directly to the compressor unit where it lu- change, the gauge will rarely show red under normal
bricates, cools and seals the rotors and the com- operating conditions.
pression chamber.
The fluid stop valve prevents fluid from filling the
As the discharge temperature rises above 170ºF compressor unit when the compressor is shut down.
(77ºC), due to the heat of compression, the thermal When the compressor is operating, the fluid stop
valve begins to close and a portion of the fluid then valve is held open by air pressure from the compres-
flows through the cooler. From the cooler the fluid sor unit allowing a free flow of fluid from the receiver/
flows to the main filter and then on to the compres- sump back to the compressor unit. On shutdown,
sor unit. the compressor unit pressure is reduced, causing
the fluid stop valve to close and isolate the compres-
A portion of the fluid flowing to the compressor is sor unit from the cooling system
routed to the anti-friction bearings which support the
rotors inside the compressor unit. Prior to entering Water-cooled versions of the compressor have a
the compressor unit, this fluid is taken through the water-flow regulating valve (not shown) which oper-
fluid filter, thus assuring properly filtered lubricant ates to conserve water during periods of varying
for bearing supply. load on the compressor. This same valve automati-
cally shuts off the water supply when the compres-
The fluid filter has a replacement element and an in- sor is shut down. In addition, water-cooled models
tegral pressure bypass valve. A gauge on the instru- have a water pressure switch to prevent operation
ment panel shows red when the filter needs servic- with inadequate water pressure.

Section 2

2.5 COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE SYSTEM, FUNC- separator element. The direction of movement is
TIONAL DESCRIPTION. changed and its velocity significantly reduced, thus
Refer to Figure 2-4. The compressor unit dis- causing the large droplets of fluid to fall to the bottom
charges the compressed air/fluid moisture through of the receiver/sump. The fractional percentage of
a discharge check valve into the combination re- fluid remaining in the compressed air collects on the
ceiver/sump. The discharge check valve prevents surface of the separator element as the com-
air in the receiver from returning to the compression pressed air flows through the separator. A return
chamber after the compressor has been shut down. line (or scavenge tube) leads from the bottom of the
separator element to the inlet region of the compres-
The receiver has three basic functions: sor unit. Fluid collecting on the bottom of the separa-
1. It acts as a primary fluid separator. tor is returned to the compressor by a pressure dif-
2. Serves as the compressor fluid sump. ferential between the receiver and the compressor
3. Houses the final fluid separator. inlet. A visual sight glass is located on the return line
to observe this fluid flow. There is also an orifice in
The compressed air/fluid mixture enters the re- this return line (protected by a strainer) to assure
ceiver and is directed towards the bottom of the proper flow. A gauge, located on the instrument
Figure 2-4 Compressor Discharge System

Section 2

panel, shows red if abnormal pressure drop through START MODE - 0 TO 55 PSIG (0 TO 379kPa)
the separator develops. At this time, separator ele- When the compressor START button is depressed,
ment replacement is necessary. the pressure will quickly rise from 0 to 55 PSIG (0 to
379kPa). During this period both the pressure regu-
The receiver is ASME code rated at 175 PSIG lator and the pilot valve are closed and the Sullicon
(1206kPa) working pressure. A minimum pressure/ Control is inoperative. The spring on the control
check valve, located downstream from the separa- holds the butterfly valve fully open and the compres-
tor, assures a minimum receiver pressure of 55 sor pumps at full rated capacity. The rising compres-
PSIG (379kPa) during all conditions. This pressure sor air pressure is isolated from the service line in
is necessary for proper air/fluid separation and this phase by the minimum pressure valve, set ap-
proper fluid circulation. proximately at 55 PSI (379kPa).
A terminal check valve is incorporated into the mini- NORMAL OPERATION MODE - 55 TO 100 PSIG
mum pressure/check valve to prevent compressed (379 TO 689kPa)
air in the service line form bleeding back into the re- When the compressor air pressure rises above 55
ceiver on shutdown and during operation of the PSIG (379kPa), the minimum pressure valve opens
compressor in an unloaded condition. and delivers compressed air to the service line.
From this point on, the line air pressure is continually
A pressure relief valve (located on the wet side of monitored by a line pressure gauge. The pressure
the separator) is set to open if the sump pressure ex- regulator and the pilot valve remain closed during
ceeds 175 PSIG (1206kPa). A temperature switch this phase, keeping the Sullicon Control inactive.
will shut down the compressor if the discharge tem-
perature reaches 240ºF (115ºC). MODULATING MODE - 100 TO 110 PSIG (689 TO
All compressor models are equipped with a high If less than the rated capacity of compressed air is
pressure shutdown switch to shut down the com- being used, the service line pressure will rise above
pressor at 135 PSIG (931kPa). This prevents the 100 PSIG (689kPa). The pressure regulator valve
pressure relief valve from opening under routine gradually opens, applying air pressure to the dia-
conditions, thereby preventing fluid loss through the phragm chamber of the Sullicon Control which par-
pressure relief valve. tially closes the butterfly valve on the compressor air
inlet; reducing the amount of air entering the com-
pressor until it matches the amount of air being
WARNING used. The control system functions continually in
DO NOT remove caps, plugs, or other compo-
this manner, between the limits of 100 to 110 PSIG
nents when compressor is running or pressur- (689 to 758kPa), in response to varying demands
ized. from the service line.
Stop compressor and relieve all internal pressure The pressure regulator has an orifice which vents a
before doing so. small amount of air to the atmosphere when the
pressure regulator controls the butterfly valve. The
orifice also bleeds any accumulated moisture from
Fluid is added to the sump via a capped fluid filler the Sullicon Control.
opening, placed low on the tank to prevent overfilling
of the sump. A sight glass enables the operator to UNLOAD - IN EXCESS OF 110 PSIG (758kPa)
visually monitor the sump fluid level. LINE PRESSURE
When no air is being used, the service line pres-
2.6 CONTROL SYSTEM, FUNCTIONAL DESCRIP- sures rises to the setting (cut-out pressure) of the
TION pressure switch. The pressure switch opens, inter-
Refer to Figure 2-5. The purpose of the compressor rupting the electrical power to the solenoid-type pilot
control system is to regulate the compressor air in- valve. At this time, the pilot valve allows dry sump
take to match the amount of compressed air being tank air pressure to be applied directly to the control
used. The Control System consists of a Sullicon diaphragm, keeping the butterfly valve closed. Si-
Control, a butterfly valve (located on the compres- multaneously, the pilot valve sends a pneumatic sig-
sor air inlet), a pressure switch, a pilot valve and nal to the blowdown valve. The blowdown valve
pressure regulator. The functional description of the opens the sump to the atmosphere, reducing the
control system is described below in four distinct sump pressure to approximately 40 to 50 PSIG (276
phases of compressor operation.The following de- to 379kPa). The check valve in the air service line
scriptive text applies to all 12 and 16 Series com- prevents line pressure from returning to the sump.
pressors. For explanation purpose this description
will apply to a compressor with an operating pres- When the line pressure drops to the low setting (cut-
sure range of 100 to 110 PSIG (689 to 758kPa). A in pressure) of the pressure switch (usually 100
compressor with any other pressure range would PSIG [689kPa] on low pressure compressors and
operate in the same manner except for the stated 115 PSIG [793kPa] on high pressure compressors),
pressures. the pressure switch closes, re-energizing the three-

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