MAPEH10 ARTS Q1 - Lesson1 Mod 1 Art Movements

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Art Elements and Principles

1 with Distinct Characteristics

What I Need to Know

In this lesson you are expected to:
 analyze art elements and principles in the production of work following
a specific art style from the various art movements
 identify distinct characteristics of arts from the various art movements

What I Know
Pre –Assessment

Directions: Complete the crossword puzzle by identifying the term/words

described in each item below.

Pattern Color Scale
Unity Value Shape
Emphasis Rhythm Space
Proportion Balance Texture
Intensity Form Line

What’s In

“A Line is a Dot that went for a walk”- Paul Klee

Lines can communicate an idea or express a feeling. They can appear static or
active. Lines define objects and depict emotions too.

Let’s Practice Lines!

Directions: Draw the types of line in each of the given boxes below.




What’s new?

Starry Night
Vincent van Gogh, 1889
Oil on canvas

Directions: Let us examine and interpret the meaning behind this painting.
Give your insights by writing it inside the box provided below.


What is It
Here are the different kinds of art movement under Modern Art


Short brisk strokes of bright

Colors used to recreate the impression of light on objects.


Effects of experience Short brisk Glowing Developed in

upon the strokes of colors Europe in the
consciousness of the bright colors mid-1800
Light and
artist and the audience
color to the French Art/
Vividness (clear, picture than Claude Monet
bright)and immediacy with subject
Auguste Renoir
(important, interesting) matter
of nature and life Paul Cezanne
Vincent Van Gogh


Post-Impressionism, represented both an extension of impressionism and

a rejection of that styles’ inherent limitations. The European artists who were the
forefront of this movement continued using the basic qualities of the impressionism
such as the vivid colors, heavy brush strokes, and true-to-life subjects. However,
they expanded with bold new ways like using geometric approach, fragmenting
objects, and distorting people’s faces and body parts, and applying colors that were
not necessarily realistic or natural.


Natural forms and colors are distorted and exaggerated.

Heavy black lines, strong colors


Subjective (based on Natural forms Heavy black Developed in
feelings or opinions) and colors are lines, strong Europe early
treatment of thematic distorted and colors that 1900s
materials exaggerated define form, Franz Marc
sharply Pablo Picasso
contrasting Henri Matisse
Gives visual form to
Edward Munch
inner sensations or
emotions: morbidity
(incidence of disease),
violence, chaos,
tragedy and defeat)

A. NEOPRIMITIVISM was an art style that incorporated
elements from the native arts of the South Sea Islanders
and the wood carvings of African tribes which suddenly
became popular at that time. Among the Western artists
who adapted these elements was Amedeo Modigliani,
who used the oval faces and elongated shapes of African
art in both his sculptures and paintings.
A Russian art which fuses the elements of cubism
and futurism with body modification
Amedeo Modigliani, c. 1913

name was derived from les fauves (“wild beasts”),
referring to the group of French expressionist painters
who painted in this style. Perhaps the most known
among them was Henri Matisse.
Highly fashionable, bold use of color, play use of
lines and colors.

Blue Window
Henri Matisse, 1911
Oil on canvas

C. DADAISM was a style characterized by dream
fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks and
surprises—as in the paintings of Marc Chagall
and Giorgio de Chirico below.
Anti-art, anti-war, had political affinities with
the radical left and was also anti-bourgeois

I and the Village

Marc Chagall, 1911
Oil on canvas

D. SURREALISM was a style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream

world beyond the logical,
conscious, physical one. Its
name came from the term
“super realism,” with its
artworks clearly expressing a
departure from reality—as
though the artists were
dreaming, seeing illusions, or
experiencing an altered
mental state.
Artists painted unnerving,
illogical scenes with
photographic precision,
created strange creatures
from everyday objects and
developed painting
techniques that allowed the
Persistence of Memory
unconscious to express itself. Salvador Dali, 1931
Oil on canvas
E. SOCIAL REALISM expressed the artist’s role in social reform. Here,
artists used their works to protest against the
injustices, inequalities, immorality, and
ugliness of the human condition. In different
periods of history, social realists have
addressed different issues: war, poverty,
corruption, industrial and environmental
hazards, and more—in the hope of raising
people’s awareness and pushing society to
seek reforms.
Draw attention to the everyday
conditions of the working classes
and the poor, and who are critical of
the social structures that maintain
these conditions
Miners’ Wives
Ben Shahn, 1948
Egg tempera on board

Also called non-objective art or non-representational art, painting, sculpture, or

graphic art in which the portrayal of things from the visible world plays no part. All
arts consist largely of elements that can be called abstract elements of form, color,
line, tone, and texture. Prior to the 20th century, these abstract elements were
employed by artists to describe, illustrate, or reproduce the world of nature and of
human civilization—and exposition dominated over expressive function.


Conceived apart Emphasizing Arbitrary or Piet Mondrian,
from realities or lines, colors random Dutch
specific objects and geometric (done without Wassily
Extension of forms concern) use Kandinsky,
cubism with its Distortion of of color Russian
fragmentation of shapes
the object.

A. CUBISM highly influential visual arts style of
the 20th century that was created principally by the
artists Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque in Paris
between 1907 and 1914. The Cubist style
emphasized the flat, two-dimensional surface of the
picture plane, rejecting the traditional techniques of
perspective, foreshortening, modelling, and
chiaroscuro and refuting time-honoured theories
that art should imitate nature. Cubist painters were
not bound to copying form, texture, colour, and
space. Instead, they presented a new reality in
paintings that depicted radically fragmented objects.

Three Musicians
Pablo Picasso, 1921
Oil on canvas
B. FUTURISM Italian Futurismo, Russian Futurism, early
20th-century artistic movement centred in Italy that
emphasized the dynamism, speed, energy, and power of
the machine and the vitality, change, and restlessness of
modern life. During the second decade of the 20th
century, the movement’s influence radiated outward
across most of Europe, most significantly to the Russian
avant-garde. The most-significant results of the
movement were in the visual arts and poetry.
Armored Train
Gino Severini, 1915
Oil on canvas

C. MECHANICAL STYLE the result of futurist movement. In this style, basic
forms such as planes, cones, spheres and
cylinders all fit together perfectly and precisely with
neatness in their appointed places.

The City
Fernand Léger, 1919
Oil on canvas


geometrical conclusion of abstractionism
came in the style known as nonobjectivism.
From the very term “non-object,” works in
this style did not make use of figures or even
representations of figures. They did not refer
to recognizable objects or forms in the
outside world.
Lines, shapes, and colors were used
in a cool, impersonal approach that aimed for
balance, unity, and stability. Colors were
mainly black, white, and the primaries (red,
yellow, and blue).Foremost among the
nonobjectivists was Dutch painter Piet
New York City
Mondrian. Piet Mondrian, 1942
Oil on canvas


Despite this variety, Abstract Expressionist paintings share several broad
characteristics. They often use degrees of abstraction; i.e., they depict forms
unrealistically or, at the
extreme end, forms not
drawn from the visible
world (non-objective).
They emphasize free,
spontaneous, and
personal emotional
expression and they
exercise considerable
freedom of technique
and execution to attain
this goal, with a
particular emphasis laid
on the exploitation of

the variable physical character of paint to evoke expressive qualities (e.g.,
sensuousness, dynamism, violence, mystery, and lyricism).
Uses visual language of shape, form, color and line to create a composition.


- art in which common place objects (such as comic strips, soup cans, road
signs, and hamburgers) were used as subject matter and were often
physically incorporated into the work.
Taken from mass Materials of modern 1950-60’ United
culture impact on technology, such as States and
commercial, graphic, plastic, urethane Britain
and fashion design. foam, and acrylic
images reflected the paint, often figured
materialism and prominently
vulgarity of modern
mass culture, they
sought to provide a
perception of reality


- also called optical art, branch of mid-20th-century geometric abstract art
that deals with optical illusion. Achieved through the systematic and
precise manipulation of shapes and colours, the effects of Op art can be
based either on perspective illusion or on chromatic tension; in painting,
the dominant medium of Op art, the surface tension is usually maximized
to the point at which an actual pulsation or flickering is perceived by the
human eye


Works are abstract Style of Black and traced back to Neo-
Hidden images, visual art that white impressionism,
flashing and vibrating uses optical illusions (dominant) cubism, futurism
patterns, or of swelling they give the viewer and constructivism
or warping.[ the impression of and Dadaism


has joined the larger
sculptural repertoire, and
outdoor settings—both in
open natural spaces and in
urban environments—
attracted much interest.

Pasyon at Rebolusyon
Santiago Bose, 1989
Mixed media installation


The hanging of pictures or Uses scrap, metals, Pop art–era of the late
the arrangement of objects plastic or any recyclable 1950s and 60s. The
in an exhibition. most notable are Allan
Installation is a site-specific
Installations generally
are exhibited for a
. relatively brief period and
then dismantled, leaving
only documentation

Performance art is a form of modern
art in which the actions of an
individual or a group at a particular
place and in a particular time
constitute the work.
The performance venue may range
from an art gallery or museum to a
theatre, café, bar, or street corner.
The performance itself rarely follows
a traditional story line or plot. It might be a series of intimate gestures, a grand
theatrical act, or the performer remaining totally still. It may last for just a few minutes
or extend for several hours. It may be based on a written script or spontaneously
improvised as the performance unfolds.


Presented to an audience, The performance can be Postmodernist traditions

may be either scripted or live or via media; the in Western culture.
unscripted, random or performer can be
carefully orchestrated; present or absent. It can
spontaneous or otherwise be any situation that
carefully planned with or involves four basic
without audience elements: time, space,
participation. the performer's body, or
presence in a medium,
and a relationship
between performer and

What’s More
Find the missing piece.
Directions: Complete the title in all items using the artwork/terms in the box.

o Canvass o Personages o Western

o Wives o Realism o Super
o The o Sweater o Pavilion
o Blue o Mystery o Wild
o Woman o Persistence o South
o Diana o Guernica o North

1. Miner’s ____________ by Ben Shahn

2. _______________with Star by Joan Miro
3. I and _______________ Village by Marc Chagall
4. _______________ of Memory by Salvador Dali
5. Melancholy and _______________of a Street by Giorgio de Chirico
6. _______________with Hat by Henri Matisse
7. Yellow _______________ by Amadeo Modigliani
8. _______________Window by Henri Matisse
9. Oil on ________________
10. Social _______________
11. _______________ realism
12. Spanish _________
13. _______________beast
14. _______________sea Islanders
15. _______________art

What I Have Learned

Name it and give your thoughts

Directions: Given the paintings below, name what kind of art movement the painting
is representing and point out your idea or first impression by writing your responses
on the empty scrolls.

What I Can Do

Directions: Closely observe the modern artwork and give your thoughts below.


What kind of things do you see in the What elements and/or principles did the
artwork? How would you describe artist use? Where do you notice them?
them? What information can you get What makes you notice them first?
from it?


Directions: Choose the correct answer from the pool of words by writing on the
space provided before the number.

Form Value Balance Pattern Space

Intensity Scale Emphasis Texture Unity
Shape Line Rhythm Color Proportion

___________1.The size relationships of parts from a whole one to another.

___________2.Suggestion of motion through the use of various elements
___________3.Area in which art is organized.
___________4.The light reflected off the objects.
___________5.Relating size to a constant such as human body.
___________6.Spatial Form usually perceived as two-dimensional.
___________7.Tactile qualities of a surface.
___________8.Repetition or reoccurrence of a design element.
___________9.Components of art working together.
___________10.It is created for the center of interest.
___________11.Impression of equilibrium of an artwork.
___________12.The path of a point moving through a space.
___________13.Relative lightness and darkness of a varying level of contrast
___________14.How bright or dull color is.
___________15.Also called the three-dimensional shapes.

Additional Activity


One of the basic things used by the painters is to sketch/draw first before putting
colors in it.

Coloring materials

1. Before you start to draw, focus on the theme “ Scenes of Everyday Life”
2. Make sure to apply the art elements and principles, and
3. Appropriately color your drawing.


(15pts) (13 pts) (12 pts) (10 pt)
Art work is
neat and Art work is
Art work is Art work is
shows very somewhat
impeccable and messy and

little messy and

shows no shows
evidence of shows either
evidence of smudge
smudge smudge
smudge mark, marks and
marks, rips, marks or rips,
rip, tears, or rips, tears
tears, or tears, or
folds. No and folds.
folds. A few folds. Some
erasure lines Erasure lines
erasure erasure lines
showing. showing.
lines showing.
Artworks shows Art work
mastery of shows good
Technique/ Art Concepts

advanced technique.
Art work Art work lacks
techniques in All objects
shows some techniques
composition. All are in
technique and and or
objects are correct
understandin understandin
placed in place.
g of art g of art
correct space. Paper is
concepts. concepts.
Paper is drawn on
Paper is half- Paper is left
completely leaving
filled. mainly blank.
drawn on and some
shows undone
background. background.
Art work
Artwork shows some
shows little or
Artwork reflects reflects evidence of
no evidence
high level of originality. originality

of original
originality. Students thought.
form. Student
Students uses uses line, Student uses
does not use
line, shading or shading or line, shading
line, shading
form in a highly form in an or form in a
or form in a
original form. original slightly
form. original

Modern artists with some
2 Filipino counterparts

What I Need to Know

In this lesson you are expected to:
 identify representative artists and Filipino counterparts from the
various art movements
 reflect on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected

What I Know
Directions: Read and analyze each question. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. Who is the Father of Impressionism?
A. Edouard Manet
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Claude Monet
D. Auguste Renoir
2. What was the most popular subject in Impressionism?
A. Landscape
B. Portraiture
C. Still Life
D. Figure Composition
3. Which of the following art critic invented the concept of Impressionism?
A. Edouard Dujardin
B. Louis Vauxcellex
C. Roger Fry
D. Louis Leroy
4. Who is considered as the post-impressionist?
A. Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh
B. Edouard Manet and Claude Monet
C. Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh
D. Paul Cezanne and Eduoard Manet
5. Who painted the Starry Night?
A. Paul Cezanne
B. Claude Monet

C. Vincent van Gogh
D. Auguste Renoir
6. He was a painter best known for his landscape paintings, particularly
depicting his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds at his Giverny.
A. Auguste Renoir
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Claude Monet
D. Vincent Van Gogh
7. Who painted the artwork Persistence of Memory?
A. Salvador Dali
B. Giorgio de Chirico
C. Henri Matisse
D. Amedeo Modigliani
8. An artwork that has been recognized as the most monumental and
comprehensive statement of social realism against the brutality of war by
Pablo Picasso.
A. I and the Village
B. Miners’ Wives
C. Guernica
D. Diana
9. Which of the following painter is an abstractionist?
A. Henri Matisse
B. Claude Monet
C. Georges Braque
D. Andy Warhol
10. All are abstract expressionist painter except:
A. Jackson Pollock
B. Mark Rothko
C. Lee Krasner
D. Roberto Villanueva
11. He worked on huge canvass spread on the floor, splattering, squirting and
dribble paint with no pre-planned pattern design on mind.
A. Jackson Pollock
B. Andy Warhol
C. Lee Krashner
D. Barnett Newman
12. All are social realism artist in the Philippine Perspective except:
A. Pablo Santos
B. Ben Cabrera
C. Fernando Amorsolo
D. Jose Tence Ruiz
13. Which of the following Filipino painter has been awarded as National Artist of
the Philippines under Abstract Art/Non Representational Art?
A. Fernando Zobel
B. Hernando Ocampo
C. Felix Hidalgo
D. Manuel Ocampo

14. He was a National Artist for Painting who revived the forgotten art of mural
and was link with the modernist artists like Victorio Edades.
A. Carlos Francisco
B. Fernando Amorsolo
C. Vicente Manansala
D. Juan Luna
15. He was popularly known as one of the most important artists in the history of
painting in the Philippines as his craftsmanship includes the rural Philippine
A. Carlos Francisco
B. Fernando Amorsolo
C. Vicente Manansala
D. Juan Luna

What’s In
The order of National Artist (Order ng Pambansang Alagad ng Sining) is the
highest national recognition given to Filipino individuals who have made significant
contributions to the development of Philippine Arts, namely: Music, Dance, Theatre,
Visual Arts, Literature, Film, Broadcast Arts, and Architecture and Allied Arts. The
order is jointly administered by the National Commission for Culture and Arts and the
Cultural Center of the Philippines and conferred by the President of the Philippines
upon recommendations by both institutions.

National Artists are given a Grand Collar symbolizing their status. Likened to
the US National Medal for the Arts and the Order of Culture in Japan, the recipients
embody the highest ideals of humanities and aesthetics and ideal expression of
Filipinos exemplified by their outstanding works and contributions

Let us find out how we can achieve an imaginative/artistic mind.

Get ready and

answer the next
activity intended
for you.

1. Look and familiarize the picture of each well-known painter in the Philippines.
2. Name them one by one based on the given choices given.
3. Write your answer on the space provided
4. Five (5) points in each items, a total of 15 points

Carlos”Botong Francisco” Fernando Amorsolo

Vicente Manansala Cesar Legaspi

1. ___________

2. _____________

3. _____________

What’s new?

ART MOVEMENT is a tendency or style in art with a common philosophy

or goal, followed by a group of artists during a specific period of time.

In this activity you will learn more about representative artists and Filipino

Concept Map

What is It
Presented below are the Modern Artist with a brief summary of their life
and artworks. Let’s get to know them !

Name: Oscar-Claude Monet

Range of existence: November 14,1840 –
December 5, 1926
Notable Artworks:
The Beach at Sainte-Adresse
Impression: Sunrise (1872)
La Promenade (1875)
The Red Boats, Argenteuil (1875)
Bridge over a Pond of Water lilies
Irises in Monet’s garden (1900)
Movement/style: Impressionism
Additional information:
One of the founders of the Impressionist
movement along with his friends Auguste
Renior, Alfred Sisley and Frederick Bazil. He
was the most prominent of the group.
Considered the most influential figure in the
movement. Monet is best known for his
landscape paintings, particularly those
depicting his beloved flower gardens and
water lily ponds at his home in Giverny.

Name: Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Range of existence: February 25, 1841 –
December 3, 1919
Notable Artworks:
Dancer (1874)
A Girl with a Watering Can (1876)
Movement/style: Impressionism
Additional information:
Along with Monet, was one of the central
figures of the impressionist movement. His
early works were snapshots of real life, full of
sparkling color and light By the mid-1880s,
however, Renior broke away from the
impressionist movement to apply a more
disciplined, formal technique to portraits of
actual people and figure paintings.

Name: Edouard Manet
Range of existence: January 23, 1832- April
30, 1883
Notable artworks:
Argenteuil (1874)
Rue Mosnier Decked With Flags (1878)
Café Concert (1878)
The Bar at the Folies-Bergere
Movement/style: Realism/ Impressionism
Additional information:
One of the first 19th century artists to depict
modern-life subjects. He was a key figure in
the transition from the realism to
impressionism, with a number of his works
considered as marking the birth of modern art.

Name: Paul Cezanne

Range of existence: January 19, 1839 –
October 22, 1906
Notable artworks:
The Wine Market
The House of the Suicide
The Card Players
Hortense Fiquet in A striped Skirt
Still Life wih Compotier (1879-1882)
Harlequine (1888-1890)
Boy in a Red Vest (1890)
Movement/style: Impressionism and Post-
Additional information: A French artist and
post-impressionist painter. His work
exemplified the transition from late 19th-
century impressionism to a new and radically
different world of art in the 20th century -
paving the way for the next revolutionary art
movement known as expressionism.

Name: Vincent Willem van Gogh
Range of existence: March 30, 1853 – July
29, 1890
Notable artworks:
The Potato Eaters
Portrait of Dr. Gachet
Sheaves of Wheat in a Field (1885)
The Sower (1888)
Still Life: Vase with a Fifteen
Sunflowers (1888)
Bedroom at Arles (1888)
Starry Night (1889)
Wheat Field with Cypresses (1889)
Movement/style: Expressionism, Symbolism
and Post-Impressionism

Additional information: A post-impressionist

painter from Netherlands. His works were
remarkable for their strong, heavy brush
strokes, intense emotions, and colors that
appeared to almost pulsate with energy. He
had the most recognized works in the world.

Name: Amedeo Modigliani

Range of Existence: July 12, 1884- January
24, 1920
Notable artworks:
Yellow Sweater
Movement/Style: Expressionism

Additional Information: Italian painter whose

portraits and nudes characterized by
asymmetrical compositions, elongated
figures and a simple but monumental use of

Name: Henri Matisse

Range of Existence: December 31, 1861 –

November 3, 1954
Notable artworks:
Blue Window
Woman with Hat
Joy of life
The Dinner Table
Movement/Style: Expressionism- Fauvism

Additional Information: Regarded as one of

the most important French painter of the 20th
Century. He was the leader of fauvism
Name: Giorgio de Chirico
Range of Existence: July 10 1888 –
November 19, 1978
Notable artworks:
Melancholy and Mystery of a Street
The Enigma of an Autumn Afternoon
Movement/Style: Expressionism-Dadaism

Additional Information: Founded the style of

Metaphysical painting along with Carlo

Name: Salvador Dali

Range of Existence: May 11, 1904 –
January 23, 1989
Notable artworks:
 Persistence of Memory (1931)
 The Golden Age
 An Andalusian Dog
Movement/Style:Expressionism - Surrealism

Additional Information: Influential for his

explorations of subconscious imagery.

Paul Klee – Painted Diana (1932)
Marc Chagall – Painted I and the Village
Joan Miro – Personages of the Star (1933)

Name: Ben Shahn
Range of Existence: September 12, 1988 –
March 14, 1969
Notable artworks:
Miners’ Wives (1948)
Movement/Style: Expressionism - Social

Additional Information: Displaying a

combination of realism and abstraction,
addressed various social and political

Name: Pablo Picasso

Range of Existence: October 25, 1881 –
April 8, 1973
Notable artworks:
Guernica, 1937 (Social Realism)
Three Musicians, 1921 (Cubism)
Girl Before a Mirror , 1932 (Cubism)
Movement/Style: Social Realism and

Additional Information:
One of the greatest and most-influential
artists of the 20th century and the creator of

Georges Braque Name:

Range of Existence: May 13, 1882 -August
31, 1963
Notable artworks:
Oval Still Life (1914)
Movement/Style: Abstractionism and cubism

Additional Information:
His paintings consist primarily of still life’s
that are remarkable for their robust
construction, low-key colour harmonies, and
serene, meditative quality.

Name: Gino Severini

Range of Existence: April 7, 1883 - February
27, 1966

Notable artworks:
Armored Train (1951)
Dynamic Hieroglyph of the Bal
Movement/Style: Futurism

Additional Information:
Italian painter and a leading member of the
Futurist movement. For much of his life he
divided his time between Paris and Rome.
He was associated with neo-classicism and
the "return to order" in the decade after the
First World War

Name: Fernand Leger

Range of Existence: February 4, 1881 -
August 17, 1955
Notable artworks:
The City (1919)
Movement/Style: Mechanical Style

Additional Information:
He developed “machine art,” a style
characterized by monumental mechanistic
forms rendered in bold colours.

Name: Piet Mondrian

Range of Existence: March 7, 1872 -
February 1, 1944
Notable artworks:
New York City (1942)
Movement/Style: Nonobjectivism
Additional Information:
A painter who was an important leader in the
development of modern abstract art and a
major exponent of the Dutch abstract art
movement known as De Stijl (“The Style”).
In his mature paintings, Mondrian used the
simplest combinations of straight lines, right
angles, primary colours, and black, white,
and gray. The resulting works possess an
extreme formal purity that embodies the
artist’s spiritual belief in a harmonious

Name: Jackson Pollock
Range of Existence: January 28, 1912 -
August 11, 1956
Notable artworks:
Autumn Rhythm (1950)
Movement/Style: Abstract Expressionism

Additional Information:
He is also one of the first American painters
to be recognized during his lifetime and after
as a peer of 20th-century European masters
of modern art.

Co-Abstract Impressionist:
Mark Rothko – painted Magenta, Black,
Green on Orange on 1949
Barnett Newman – painted Vir Heroicos
Sublimis on 1950-1951
Adolph Gottlieb – painted Forgotten Dream
on 1946
Lee Krasner – painted Abstract No. 2 on

Name: Andy Warhol

Range of Existence: August 6, 1928 -
February 22, 1987
Notable artworks:
Twelve Cars (1962)
Marilyn Monroe (1967)
Movement/Style: Pop Art

Additional Information:
American artist and filmmaker, an initiator
and leading exponent of the Pop art
movement of the 1960s whose mass-
produced art apotheosized the supposed
banality of the commercial culture of the
United States

Roy Lichtenstein – painted Wham on 1973
and In the Car on 1963

Name: Bridget Riley
Birth date: April 24, 1931
Notable artworks:
Fall (1963)
Movement/Style: Op Art

Additional Information:
English artist whose vibrant optical pattern
paintings were central to the Op art
movement of the 1960s.

Name: Joseph Kosuth

Birth date: January 31, 1945
Notable artworks:
One and Three Chairs (1965)
“One and Three Chairs”
“The Language of Equilibrium”
“Five Words in Green Neon”
Movement/Style: Conceptual Art

Additional Information:
American artist and theoretician, a founder
and leading figure of the conceptual art
movement. He is known for his interest in
the relationship between words and objects,
between language and meaning in art.


Art movement Artist Sample picture

Social Realism
- A broad - Pablo Baens
description on Santos
different artworks - Jose Tence
whose themes Ruiz
spew biting - Ben Cabrera
commentaries on - Eugene Vubillo
socio-political - Al Manrique
issues of the

Figurative Art
- Juan Luna
- This is one of the - Felix Hidalgo
most popular art - Carlos Francisco
movements, as - Fernando Amorsolo
figurative art is - Vicente Manansala
meaning it is derived
from real object
sources. A visual mix
of hues, irony are
brought into drama to
an otherwise common
place or situation.

Abstract Art

- Objects from the - Hernando Ocampo

natural world and also - Fernando Zobel
ideas are portrayed - Napoleon Abueva
using color and form. - Tony Leanu
- Jose T. Joya

Conceptual Art

- Idea is more important- Mideo Cruz

than the object. It- Gabby Barredo
encompasses site-- Lirio Salvador
specific art installations,- Mark Ramsel
three-dimensional, Salvatus
assemblages of
discards and non-art
elements, performance
and video art.


- Underground visual
art movement is - Darrel Ballesteros
based on comic - Manuel Ocampo
books, tattoos, punk - Dondie Fernandez
music, and other
alternative-pop culture

What’s More
You have been acquainted with the most amazing modern art painters. Let us
have a short test to measure your understanding.
True or False

Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Write true if the statement
is correct and write false if it’s not.
________________1. Two of the foremost post-impressionist were Claude Monet
and Vincent van Gogh.
________________2. Impression, Sunrise by Claude Monet was finished on 1872.
________________3. Starry night was created by the painter Edouard Monet.
________________4. Paul Cezanne was a French artist and post-impressionist
________________5. Auguste Renoir was a key to figure in the transition from
realism to impressionism.
________________6. La Promenade, 1875 by Eduoard Manet.
________________7. A Girl with a Watering Can, 1876 by Augusto Renoir
________________8. Argenteuil, 1874 by Van Gogh
________________9. Boy in the Red Vest, 1890 by Paul Cezanne
________________10.The Sower, 1888 by Vincent Van Gogh
________________11. One and Three Chairs, 1965 was painted by Joseph Kosuth
________________12. Marilyn Monroe, 1967 was painted by Lee Krasher
________________13. Autumn Rhythm, 1950 was painted by Jackson Pollock
________________14. The Three Musicians was painted by Pablo Picasso on 1921
is an example of cubism.
________________15. George Braque painted Oval Still Life on 1914 and it was an
example for expressionism.

What I Have Learned


Directions: Complete the Venn diagram below to compare and contrast. Choose an
international modern and Filipino artists from the discussions above. Write answers
on the space provided for. (5 points each)



What I Can Do


1. Think about the “Evolution of Modern Art” and draw it on the given space
2. Tools needed may include pencil, crayon, water color, oil paint and any
available materials that you can use.
3. The drawing must not include words or slogan
4. Please read the rubrics provided as your tool for your work.
5. Remember the theme “Evolution of Modern Art”.

(15pts) (13 pts) (12 pts) (10 pt)
Art work is
neat and Art work is
Art work is Art work is
shows very somewhat
impeccable and messy and

little messy and

shows no shows
evidence of shows either
evidence of smudge
smudge smudge
smudge mark, marks and
marks, rips, marks or rips,
rip, tears, or rips, tears
tears, or tears, or
folds. No and folds.
folds. A few folds. Some
erasure lines Erasure lines
erasure erasure lines
showing. showing.
lines showing.
Artworks shows Art work
a mastery of shows good
Technique/ Art Concepts

advanced technique.
Art work Art work lacks
techniques in All objects
shows some techniques
composition. All are in
technique and and or
objects are correct
understandin understandin
placed in place.
g of art g of art
correct space. Paper is
concepts. concepts.
Paper is drawn on
Paper is half- Paper is left
completely leaving
filled. mainly blank.
drawn on and some
shows undone
background. background.
Art work
Artwork shows some
shows little or
Artwork reflects reflects evidence of
no evidence
high level of originality. originality

of original
originality. Students thought.
form. Student
Students uses uses line, Student uses
does not use
line, shading or shading or line, shading
line, shading
form in a highly form in an or form in a
or form in a
original form. original slightly
form. original


Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who is the Father of Impressionism?

A. Edouard Manet
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Claude Monet
D. Auguste Renoir
2. What was the most popular subject in Impressionism?
A. Landscape
B. Portraiture
C. Still Life
D. Figure Composition
3. Which art critic invented the concept of Impressionism?
A. Edouard Dujardin
B. Louis Vauxcellex
C. Roger Fry
D. Louis Leroy
4. Among the artists who is considered the post-impressionist?
A. Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh
B. Edouard Manet and Claude Monet
C. Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh
D. Paul Cezanne and Eduoard Manet
5. Who painted the Starry Night?
A. Paul Cezanne
B. Claude Monet
C. Vincent van Gogh
D. Auguste Renoir
6. He was a painter best known for his landscape paintings, particularly
depicting his beloved flower gardens and water lily ponds at his Giverny.
A. Auguste Renoir
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Claude Monet
D. Vincent Van Gogh
7. Who painted the artwork “Persistence of Memory”?
A. Salvador Dali
B. Giorgio de Chirico
C. Henri Matisse
D. Amedeo Modigliani
8. An artwork that has been recognized as the most monumental and
comprehensive statement of social realism against the brutality of war by
Pablo Picasso.
A. I and the Village
B. Miners’ Wives
C. Guernica

D. Diana
9. Who among the painters is an abstractionist?
A. Henri Matisse
B. Claude Monet
C. Georges Braque
D. Andy Warhol
10. All are abstract expressionist painters except:
A. Jackson Pollock
B. Mark Rothko
C. Lee Krasner
D. Roberto Villanueva
11. He worked on huge canvass spread on the floor, splattering, squirting and
dribble paint with no pre-planned pattern design on mind.
A. Jackson Pollock
B. Andy Warhol
C. Lee Krashner
D. Barnett Newman
12. All are social realism artist in the Philippine Perspective except:
A. Pablo Santos
B. Ben Cabrera
C. Fernando Amorsolo
D. Jose Tence Ruiz
13. A Filipino painter awarded as National Artist of the Philippines under Abstract
Art/Non Representational Art.
A. Fernando Zobel
B. Hernando Ocampo
C. Felix Hidalgo
D. Manuel Ocampo
14. A National Artist for Painting who revived the forgotten art of mural and was
linked with the modernist artist Victorio Edades.
A. Carlos Francisco
B. Fernando Amorsolo
C. Vicente Manansala
D. Juan Luna
15. He was popularly known as one of the most important artists in the history of
painting in the Philippines as his craftsmanship includes the rural Philippine
A. Carlos Francisco
B. Fernando Amorsolo
C. Vicente Manansala
D. Juan Luna

Additional Activity
Creating your Own Modern Artwork: Impasto

One of the most distinctive painting techniques used by impressionist was

impasto, the very heavy application of paint to the canvas – often with spatula/spoon
or knife instead of paintbrush.

Wooden Popsicle sticks
Rags to clean up
Left over paints /Tubes of acrylic paints


1. Choose a simple design for your artwork. Keep in mind what colors of paints
are available to you.
2. Using a pencil, draw a general design on the illustration board.
3. Apply the paints to your design with the brush, then more thickly with the
Popsicle sticks and in certain spots, squeeze the paint directly from the tube.
4. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly before handling or displaying the finished
5. Use an illustration board for this activity following the format below.

Please proceed to
the next page for
your “MY


(15pts) (13 pts) (12 pts) (10 pt)
Art work is
neat and Art work is
Art work is Art work is
shows very somewhat
impeccable and messy and

little messy and

shows no shows
evidence of shows either
evidence of smudge
smudge smudge
smudge mark, marks and
marks, rips, marks or rips,
rip, tears, or rips, tears
tears, or tears, or
folds. No and folds.
folds. A few folds. Some
erasure lines Erasure lines
erasure erasure lines
showing. showing.
lines showing.
Artworks shows Art work
a mastery of shows good
Technique/ Art Concepts

advanced technique.
Art work Art work lacks
techniques in All objects
shows some techniques
composition. All are in
technique and and or
objects are correct
understandin understandin
placed in place.
g of art g of art
correct space. Paper is
concepts. concepts.
Paper is drawn on
Paper is half- Paper is left
completely leaving
filled. mainly blank.
drawn on and some
shows undone
background. background.
Art work
Artwork shows some
shows little or
Artwork reflects reflects evidence of
no evidence
high level of originality. originality

of original
originality. Students thought.
form. Student
Students uses uses line, Student uses
does not use
line, shading or shading or line, shading
line, shading
form in a highly form in an or form in a
or form in a
original form. original slightly
form. original


Artworks Mood and Idea

3 40
This lesson will help you understand the different characteristics of the

Characteristics of the Artworks in Modern Art includes artistic work produced

during the period extending roughly from the 1860s to the 1970s, and denotes the
styles and philosophy of the art produced during the era. The term is usually
associated with art in which the traditions of the past have been thrown aside in a
spirit of experimentation.

What I Need to Know

In this lesson you are expected to reflect on and derive the mood,
idea, or message from selected artworks.

What I know

Directions: Encircle the letter only of the correct answer.

1. This movement arose from the intellectual points of view in the 2oth century.
A. Abstractionist
B. Expressionist
C. Impressionist
D. Post-Impressionist

2. Depicting still recognizable subjects in an artwork.

A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Pure abstractionism
D. Representational abstractionism
3. No recognizable subject could be discerned in an artwork.
A. Representational abstractionism
B. Pure abstractionism
C. Cubism
D. Futurism
4. Which of the following abstractionism art styles derived its name from the
cube, a three-dimensional geometric figure composed of strictly measured
lines, planes, and angles?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism
5. Which of the following art styles began in Italy in the early 1900s and the
name implies, the futurist created art for a fast-faced, machine-propelled age?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style

D. Nonobjectivism
6. Which of the abstractionism art styles became known for its basic forms such
as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together precisely and neatly in
their appointed places?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism
7. Among the different kinds of abstractionism art style which of the following did
not make use of figures or even representations of figures?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism
8. Filling the canvas with repeating picture fragments or symbol.
A. Abstract
B. Op art
C. Pictograph
D. Pop art
9. Which of the following artist is known for his painting “Forgotten Dream”.
A. Lee Krasner
B. Andy Warhol
C. Mark Rothko
D. Adolph Gottlieb
10. Which of the following artworks made by Adolph Gottlieb?
A. Magenta, black, green
B. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
C. Forgotten Dream
D. Twelve Cars
11. Their works ranged from paintings, to posters, to collages, to three-
dimensional assemblages and installations.
A. Op art
B. Pop art
C. Color field painting
D. Action painting
12. Which of the following oil canvas made by Mark Rothko?
A. Abstract no.2
B. Forgotten dream
C. Magenta black green on orange
D. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
13. Which of the following is the famous work of Jackson Pollock?
A. Autumn rhythm
B. Twelve cars
C. Marilyn Monroe
D. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
14. Which of the following is not the movement of abstract expressionism?
A. Pop art
B. Op art
C. Conceptual art
D. Color field painting

15. Which artist became a leading figure in the new art movement?
A. Lee Krasner
B. James Rosenquist
C. Jasper Johns
D. Roy Lichtenstein

What’s In
Can you recall the lesson we discussed in Lesson 1 and 2? Your
previous lesson reminds you to be aware of the different characteristics of the
artworks, on how they derived the mood, idea and the message conveyed on
the selected artworks. It is important to know the basic art elements for better
Let us find out how we can be educated in knowing the different art
works and its message to the viewers. Get ready and answer the next activity.

What’s new?
Directions: Below are some examples of notable artworks. Observe keenly the
paintings. Choose at least three artworks by writing the numbers only and answer
the following questions/sentence/statement below.
Example: No. 10.

1. Give the similarities of the chosen paintings.

2. Write down your observation of the paintings based on your chosen


3. Did you see some styles reflected in the works of today’s artists? Explain
4. Do you want to own an artwork in the Modern art style? Why or why not?
5. Describe how each of the following styles (the chosen three artists) reflect
modern life:

a. Futurism
b. Mechanical style
c. Nonobjectivism


What is It?
In deriving the mood, idea or message of an artwork, it is important for
you to identify the uses of color and objects to represent an idea, person
and event. Color identification must be based on Hue, Value and intensity.


Pure unmixed colors Mythical, literary, There is only a
Impressionism side by side, rather historical, or little human drama
than blended religious subject. but plenty of
smoothly or shaded. atmospheric
Strong color and Emotional force
Worked more with
Expressionism exaggerated forms. rather than with
their imagination
realistic or natural
and feelings.
Swirls of color Concepts of Semi figurative or
Abstractionism space-time and tell story, often
relativity. referred to as
partial abstraction.
Abstract Aggressive mingling Expression of Commonly known
Expressionism of colours reality. as action painting.
Colors are mixed Involve traditional Make use of space

Installation Art arts like painting and materials in
sculpture. truly innovative

Activity 1.2 (Let us Analyse!)
Directions: Below are different art forms from pre-selected modern arts. Identify the
different art elements and principles each art uses and explain the role represented
by the artwork in the society. Answer the questions that follow after the activity
(5 points each).
Elements Purpose/role in
Art Form Artwork/author utilized the society


Luncheon of the Boating Party

Auguste Renoir, 1881
Oil in Cnvas


The Old Guitarist

Pablo Picasso 1903—1904
Oil Paint


The City
Ferdinand Léger, 1919

Oil on Canvas


Autumn Rhythm
Jackson Pollock
Enamil Paint in Canvas

Installation Art

Four Masks
Edgar Talusan Fernandez, 1991
Outdoor installation


1. How does the artwork of the past influence the artworks of the present?

2. Is there any significant style that the present artworks generally adopt?

3. Name one (1) artwork in the present and identify the style, meaning , and the
role of the artwork in the society.


What have I
Activity 1.3 (KWL TABLE)
Directions: Below is a KWL table. For this section, you can now correct your
previous answers on this table. Write what you have learned on the third
Statements/Question What I What I What I LEARNED?
learn? “L”
“K” “W”

1. Abstract art uses

form that has no
recognizable form.
(True or False)

2. What are the

characteristics of
an abstract art?

3. How does abstract

art influence the

What can I
Activity 1.4 (Is there a “Picasso” in you?)
Directions: In this part, you will be creating your own abstract art. By applying the
different techniques and styles of abstractionism, your task is to create an abstract
painting that tells about your locality. This must involve the people’s way of living and
how they interact with the natural composition of the surrounding. Do not forget to
refer from the rubrics. Submit a photo of your output through Facebook Messenger
or draw it on the page below. Have fun!


Very Good Good Fair
Components Score
5-10 8-9 7-0
Reflection The artwork The drawing The students
and represents a represents a clearly not
Knowledge clear somewhat understand the
understanding of understanding of information.
the information the material. The artwork is not
presented. representative of
the knowledge

Draw/Create here:

Directions: Read the question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct
1. Who is the Father of Impressionism?
A. Edouard Manet
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Claude Monet
D. Auguste Renoir
2. What was the most popular subject in Impressionism?
A. Landscape
B. Portraiture
C. Still Life
D. Figure Composition
3. Who reacted against the limitations of Impressionism?
A. The Fauvist
B. The Expressionist
C. The Cubist
D. The Post-impressionist
4. Which is not associated with impressionism?
A. Shadows with complementary colors
B. Energetic brush stokes

C. Shadows using brown or black
D. Painting ‘en plein air’
5. What is the main visual element in impressionist painting?
A. Color
B. Pattern
C. Line
D. Shape
6. A type of art style in which it uses bold, vibrant and visual distortions.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitism
7. A style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world that seemed to
exist beyond the logical, conscious, and physical one.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism

8. A style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks

with surprises.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
9. An art style that incorporated elements from native arts.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
10. A type of art style on which artists use their works to protest against the
injustices, inequalities, immorality and ugliness of the human conditions.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Social Realist
11. He worked on huge canvases spread on the floor, splattering, squirting, and
dribbling paint with no pre-planned pattern design in mind.
A. Jackson Pollock
B. Andy Warhol
C. Lee Krasner
D. Barnett Newman
12. An American Pop Artist who became a leading figure in the new art

A. Roy Lichtenstein
B. Andy Warhol
C. Jasper Johns
D. James Rosenquist
13. Another movement that emerged in 1960’s.
A. Optical art
B. Pop art
C. Conceptual art
D. Modern art
14. The action taking place in the viewer’s eye.
A. Optical art
B. Pop art
C. Action painting
D. Modern art
15. One form of abstract expressionism was seen in the works of Jackson
A. Optical art
B. Modern art
C. Pop art
D. Action painting

Directions: Through the use of a Video Log, discuss your piece of Abstract
Artwork. The discussion must revolve on how the artwork depicts the life of your own
locality. You must also include your own learning on how artworks influence the life
of the people in a society. You may post your Video Log on Facebook, YouTube,
Twitter, or Messenger. Your Video Log will be scored based on the rubric below.

Very Good Good Fair

Components Score
5-10 8-9 7-0
Reflection The artwork The artwork The students
and represents a represents a clearly not
Knowledge clear somewhat understand the
understanding of understanding of information.
the information the material. The artwork is not
presented. representative of
the knowledge



Role of Modern Art
This lesson will help you understand how the combination of art elements and
principles affect its role or function in the society.

You are expected to evaluate modern art based on these combinations.

What I Need to Know?

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
 Explain the role and function of artwork by evaluating their utilization
and combination of art elements and principles.

Get ready for the first Activity
Good Luck!

What I Know?

Activity 1|Let us check what you know. (Matching Type)

Directions: Below are the different art elements and principles utilized in modern
artworks. Your task is to match the items in Column A with its definition in Column B.
Write your answers on the space provided before the items in Column A.


_______ 1.Line A. It is a characteristic that identifies

how light or dark a color is.
_______ 2. Shape and Form B. it is the surface quality that can
_______ 3. Value be seen or felt. It can be rough,
smooth or hard.
_______4.Color C. It refers to the visual weight of the
elements of the composition.
_______ 5.Texture represented in three ways: symmetry,
_______ 6.Space asymmetry, and radial symmetry.
D. It is a mark with greater length than width.
_______ 7.Rhythm It can be horizontal, vertical,
or diagonal; straight or curved;
_______ 8.Balance
thick or thin.
_______ 9.Emphasis E. It is the result of using the elements
of art such that it moves around the viewer’s
_______10.Harmony eyes by using a repetitive pattern.
F. It is the difference between elements of art

L. Opposing
l.l sizes, shapes, contrasting, colors,
or other means to place greater attention or
certain areas, objects, or feelings in artwork.
M. Associated with rhythm, it refers to the
arrangement of parts in an artwork that creates a
sense of motion to the viewers.
N. A set of compositional strategies used by an
artist to make parts of a painting or another work
of art hang together as a whole through visual.
O. Principle of art that adds interest to an
P. Principle of art that refers to a relative size.

What’s In?
In the previous lesson, you were able to identify the mood, idea, and message
of an artwork based on the different art elements and principles. It is concurrent that
in this lesson, you need to explain the role or function of these different art elements
and principles in a given artwork and what idea, mood or message it conveys to the

Notes to the Learner
Your knowledge on identifying the different art elements and
principles is crucial in understanding this lesson.
You may go back to the previous Lesson in order to gain
additional information on the terms used in this topic.

What’s New?
Mood, Idea, Message
Art Elements Art Principles

Role or Function of Artwork

Figure 1.Utilization of art elements and principles in explaining the role and function
of the artwork.

The figure above shows the effect of applying Art Elements and Principles in
the role or Function of an Artwork. Let us see what you can do for now. Below is an
artwork that shows various art elements and principles.

Activity 2| Art Elements and Principles

Directions: Identify the different art elements and principles included in the artwork
below. Write your answers on the spaces provided inside the box.


Black Iris III (1926)

George O’Keeffe

What’s Is It?

Artwork interpretation differs from one viewer to another. It is sometimes

based on personal impact or visual impact to the viewer. However, in this portion,
you will learn to interpret an artwork based on the different elements and principles
as it is applied in the artwork.

Below are the different Genre of the modern art movement and how the
different elements and principles of art are applied in each.


Impressionists utilized the elements of arts freely. Their works varied greatly
in the application of art elements and principles. Instead of individually using line,
form, and composition, impressionist uses these elements freely through a technique
called “broken strokes”. In this manner, impressionist were able to achieve artworks
with elements that are intentionally made visible towards the viewers.

The resulting artworks in broken strokes show energy and life through
movement of color and repetitive patterns. During this era, objects are made lifelike
as impressionist prefers to create artworks using natural light which introduce
freshness and vibrancy on the canvass. In other words, impressionists give
emphasis on color hues, value and intensity rather than on form and shape of the
object being painted.


The expressionism movement is characterized by utilizing distorted outlines,
stronger colors, and exaggerated forms. Instead of focusing on natural and realistic
images, expressionist creates artworks with more emotional force.

Artworks convey a strong feeling of emotion and the artists’ imagination.

Below are the five (5) styles that arose during the expressionist movement:


Neoprimitivism  Faces are represented Amadeo Modigliani Head
by elongated oval (1913)
faces. Stone

Oil in Canvas
Fauvism  Bold, vibrant colors Henri Matisse Blue Window
 Visual distortion (1911)
Oil on Canvas

Woman with
Oil on canvas
Dadaism  Dark lines Giorgio de Chirico Melancholy
 Vivid images and Mystery of
 Perspective a Street
representation (1914)
Oil on canvas
Surrealism  Concentrated colors Salvador Dali Persistence of
 Distorted lines Memory
 Distorted images (1931)
Oil on Canvas
Social Realism  Conveys social issues Pablo Picasso Guernica
Oil on Canvas


Abstractionism arose from the intellectual revolution of the 20 th century. Most

artworks represent inventions and/or scientific breakthroughs. Most abstract painters
use variety of colors and entangled lines to represent object, ideas, person or event.

There are four (4) styles of abstractionism.


Cubism  Objects are broken Pablo Picasso Girl Before a
down and represented Mirror(1932)
by geometric shapes. Oil in canvass
Futurism  Utilizes basic Gino Severini Armored Train
geometric unit (points, (1915)
line, and plane) to Oil in Canvass
represent mechanical
objects’ motion, force,
speed, and strength.
Mechanical  Uses basic geometric Fernand Léger The City
Style shapes such as (1919)
planes, cones, Oil on Canvas
spheres, and cylinders
to form a mechanical
Nonobjectivis  Uses lines, shapes, Piet Mondrian New York City
m and colors resulting to (1942)
cool and impersonal Oil on canvas

What’s More?

Activity 3|Artwork Analysis

Directions: From what you learned in the activity “What Is It?” segment, interpret the
given artwork below based on what dominant art elements and principles are utilized
by the artist. Write your answers on the space provided.

Le Boulevard (1911), Gino Severini

Dominant Elements: __________________________________________________
Dominant Principles: __________________________________________________
Interpretation: ________________________________________________________
Role or Function of the artwork:

What I Have Learned

Activity 4|Building Your Method!

Directions: Complete the ladder of knowledge below. You must answer the question
by providing your answer on every step of the ladder. Complete the unfinished
statements that follow. Write your answer on spaces provided.

For me to explain How will I

explain the role
the role and and function of
function of an an artwork?
artwork I need to?
What are the
principles of

What are the

elements of

How will I know
the name of an

Complete the given statement:

1. To explain the role or function of an artwork, I must _____________________


2. Artworks have different meaning because ___________________________


What I Can Do?

Directions: Using a color material of your choice, create your own modern art on the
box provided below. Write your own interpretation of your artwork on the
space below the box. Your output will be scored based on the table of
Points Characteristics
5 Maximum utilization of art elements
5 Maximum application of art principles
3 Visual impact of the artwork
7 For personal interpretation
20 Total

What does it mean to you?


Directions: Read and analyze the question carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.
1. Which style implores oval as representation of elongated faces?
A. Neoprimitivism
B. Neoobjectivism
C. Nonobjectivism
D. Nonprimitivism
2. Abstractionism is an art movement that represents objects in a non-
recognizable or logical manner. Which style is NOT of Abstractionists?
A. Cubism
B. Fauvism
C. Futurism
D. Neoprimitivism
3. Which statements describes Impressionism legacy?
A. Contemporary life fully acknowledge as a subject art.
B. The root of all modern art.
C. Revolutionized method and concept of painting
D. All of the above
4. Which art critic invented the concept of Impressionism?
A. Edouard Dujardin
B. Louis Vauxcellex
C. Roger Fry
D. Louis Leroy
5. Who of the following artist is considered as the post-impressionist?
A. Paul Cezanne and Vincent van Gogh

B. Edouard Manet and Claude Monet
C. Auguste Renoir and Vincent van Gogh
D. Paul Cezanne and Eduoard Manet
6. Who painted the Starry Night?
A. Paul Cezanne
B. Claude Monet
C. Vincent van Gogh
D. Auguste Renoir
7. The following are complimentary colors, except:
A. Blue and Orange
B. Black and Gold
C. Red and Green
D. Purple and Yellow
8. A type of art style in which it uses bold, vibrant and visual distortions.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
9. A style that depicted an illogical, subconscious dream world that seemed to
exist beyond the logical, conscious, physical one.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
10. A style characterized by dream fantasies, memory images, and visual tricks
with surprises.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
11. An art style that incorporated elements from native arts.
A. Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Neoprimitivism
12. A type of art style in which artists use their works to protest against the
injustice, inequalities, immorality and ugliness of the human condition.
A Fauvism
B. Dadaism
C. Surrealism
D. Social Realism
13. Its name came from the term “”super realism”.
A. Dadaism
B. Fauvism
C. Surrealism
D. Social Realism
14. Its name derived from les fauves (“wild beast”).
A. Dadaism
B. Fauvism

C. Surrealism
D. Social Realism
15. They chose the child’s term for hobbyhorse as they refer it to their new
A. Dadaism
B. Fauvism
C. Surrealism
D. Social Realism

Activity 7 (Paint me!)
Draw or paint an artwork in the style of Abstract expressionism which
promotes either “peace” saving the earth, gender equality or any other issues that
you might think about. Give a title and short description about your work.

1. What did you feel as you were making your masterpiece?


2. Does your artwork visibly convey the characteristics or idea of abstract


3. How does your artwork illustrate the idea and the message of such issues
you have decided to work on?


Lesson History of the various
5 Art movements
This lesson will help you understand the history of the various art
movements.You are expected to evaluate modern art based on these combinations.

What I Need to Know?

At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

 Uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the various art


What I Know?
Activity 1 TRUE OR FALSE

Directions:Read and understand the sentence. Think clearly and answer them with
the word True if you believe that the statement is correct and the word False if you
believe that the statement is not correct.
__________1. Impressionism focused on the almost impossible task of capturing
fleeting moments of light and colour.
__________2. The main contribution of Impressionism to modern art was to
legitimize the use of naturalist colours.
__________3. Fauvism was the fashionable style during the mid-1900s in Paris.
__________4. The main contribution of Fauvism to modern art was to demonstrate
the independent power of colour.

__________5. Cubism introduced a compositional system of flat splintered planes as
an alternative to Renaissance inspired linear perspective and
rounded volumes.
__________6.Cubism offers a whole new alternative to unconventional perspective,
based on the inescapable fact of the flat picture plane.
__________7. Futurist art glorified speed, technology, the automobile, the airplane
and scientific achievement.
__________8. Futurism to modern art was to introduce movement into canvas, and
to link beauty with scientific advancement.
__________9. Expressionism was made famous by two groups in pre-war Germany.
_________10. The main contribution of expressionism to modern art was to
popularize the idea of subjectivity in painting and sculpture, and to
show that representational art may legitimately include subjective
_________11. Surrealism was the fashionable art movement of the inter-war years,
although the style is still seen today.
_________12. Surrealism to modern art was to generate refreshingly old set of
_________13. A broad art of abstract painting, developed in New York just after
World War II, hence it is called the New York School.
_________14. The main contribution of abstract expressionism was to popularize
_________15. Modern artist are first to develop collage art, assorted forms of
assemblage, a variety of kinetic art.

What’s In?

In the previous lesson, you were able to explain the role and function of
artwork by evaluating their utilization and combination of art elements and principles.
It is concurrent that in this lesson, you need to use artworks to derive the
traditions/history of the various art movements.

Notes to the Learner
Your knowledge on deriving the tradition/history of the
various art movements is crucial in understanding this lesson.
You may go back to the previous Lesson in order to gain
additional information on the terms used in this topic.

What’s New?

Art Form Artwork/author History

Impressionism Auguste Renoir (1841-1919),
His early works were
snapshots of real life, full of
sparkling color and light.

Mlle Irene Cahen

Auguste Renoir, 1880
Oil on canvas

Expressionism Munch recalled that he had
Edvard Munch been out for a walk at sunset
The Scream 1893 when suddenly the setting
Oil on canvas sunlight turned into clouds.

Abstractionism This can be seen in the

works of Fernand Léger.
Mechanical parts such as
crankshafts, cylinder blocks,
and pistons are brightened
only by the use of primary

The City
Fernand Léger, 1919
Oil on canvas
abstract expressionist works
show the influence
of Surrealism


Baziotes, Cyclops, 1947, oil
on canvas, Chicago Art
Institute. Baziotes'

What’s Is It?

Artwork interpretation differs from one viewer to another. It is sometimes

based on personal impact or visual impact to the viewer. However, in this portion,
you will learn to interpret an artwork based on the different elements and principles
as it is applied in the artwork.

Distinct Characteristics:
1. Color and Light
- Short broken strokes
- Pure unmixed colors side by side
- Freely brushed colors (convey visual effect)
2. Everyday Subjects
- Scenes of life
- Household objects
- Landscapes and Seascapes
- Houses, Cafes, Buildings
3. Painting Outdoors
- Previously, still lifes, portraits, and landscapes were painted inside the
studio. The impressionists found that they could best capture the ever-
changing effects of light on color by painting outdoors in natural light.
4. Open Composition
- Impressionist painting also moved away from the formal, structured
approach to placing and positioning their subjects.


The expressionism movement is characterized by utilizing distorted outlines,

stronger colors, and exaggerated forms. Instead of focusing on natural and realistic
images, expressionist creates artworks with more emotional force.

Artworks conveys strong feeling of emotion and the artists’ imagination.

Below are the five (5) styles that arouse during the expressionist movement:
Neoprimitivism  Faces are represented Amadeo Stone
by elongated oval Modigliani
Yellow Sweater
(1919)Oil in Canvas
Fauvism  Bold, vibrant colors Henri Blue Window
 Visual distortion Matisse (1911)
Oil on Canvas
Woman with Hat
Oil on canvas
Dadaism  Dark lines Giorgio de Melancholy and
 Vivid images Chirico Mystery of a Street
 Perspective (1914)Oil on

representation canvas
Surrealism  Concentrated colors Salvador Dali Persistence of
 Distorted lines Memory
 Distorted images (1931)Oil on
Social Realism  Conveys social issues Pablo Guernica
Picasso (1937)Oil on


Abstractionism arouses form intellectual revolution of the 20 th century. Most

artworks represent inventions and or scientific breakthrough. Most abstract painters
use variety of colors and entangled lines to represent object, ideas, person or event.

There are four (4) styles of the abstractionism.

Cubism  Objects are broken Pablo Picasso Girl Before a
down and represented Mirror
by geometric shapes. (1932)
Oil in canvass
Futurism  Utilizes basic Gino Severini Armored Train
geometric unit (points, (1915)
line, and plane) to Oil in Canvass
represent mechanical
objects’ motion, force,
speed, and strength.
Mechanical  Uses basic geometric Fernard Léger The City
Style shapes such as (1919)
planes, cones, Oil on Canvas
spheres, and cylinders
to form a mechanical
Nonobjectivis  Uses lines, shapes, PiestMondrjan New York City
m and colors resulting to (1942)
cool and impersonal Oil on canvas

It’s amazing to
know how they
made it!

What’s More?
Activity 2|Artwork Analysis

Direction: From what you learned from “What Is It?” interpret the given
artwork below based on what dominant art elements and principles are utilized by
the artist. Write your answer on the space provided.

Luncheon of the Boating Party
Auguste Renoir, 1881
Oil in Cnvas

Dominant Elements: __________________________________________________

Dominant Principles: __________________________________________________
Interpretation: _______________________________________________________

Role or Function of the artwork:


What I Have Learned?

Activity 3(Let us Analyse!)

Directions: Read and explain the different art elements and principles of arts, its
uses and the role it plays in the society. (5 points each question)

1. How does the artwork of the past influence the artworks of the present?

2. Is there any significant style that the present artworks generally adopts?


3. Name one (1) artwork in the present and identify the style and the meaning
and the role of the artwork in the society.


What I Can Do?

Activity 4 (Collage making!)

Directions: The artistry of the early Filipinos was expressed through painting
designs. Research on the different artworks in the Philippines, collect pictures, paste
them and label each artworks. Make an album of the pictures you collected. Please
refer to the rubrics provided below as your guide, and answer the following reflection
questions below.

1. What are the elements of art shown in the pictures you pasted?

2. What are the characteristics of the artworks that you choose to consider
and classify as abstract expressionism?
3. Name some Philippine artwork/s which have similar characteristics with
Abstract expressionism.


Directions: Read and understand the sentence. Encircle the letter of your choice.

1. This movement arose from the intellectual points of view in the 2oth century.
A. Abstractionist
B. Impressionist
C. Expressionist
D. Post-Impressionist
2. Depicting still recognizable subjects in an artwork.
A. Representational abstractionism
B. Pure abstractionism
C. Cubism
D. Futurism
3. No recognizable subject could be discerned in an artwork.
A. Representational abstractionism
B. Pure abstractionism
C. Cubism
D. Futurism
4. Which of the following abstractionism art styles derived its name from the
cube, a three-dimensional geometric figure composed of strictly measured
lines, planes, and angles?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style

D. Nonobjectivism
5. Which of the following art styles began in Italy in the early 1900s and the
name implies, the futurist created art for a fast-faced, machine-propelled age?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism
6. Which of the abstrtactionism art styles became known for its basic forms such
as planes, cones, spheres, and cylinders all fit together precisely and neatly in
their appointed places?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism
7. Among the different kinds of abstractionism art style which of the following did
not make use of figures or even representations of figures?
A. Cubism
B. Futurism
C. Mechanical style
D. Nonobjectivism

8. Filling the canvas with repeating picture fragments or symbol.

A. Pop art
B. Op art
C. Pictograph
D. Abstract
9. Which of the following artist known for his painting “Forgotten Dream”.
A. Lee Krasner
B. Andy Warhol
C. Mark Rothko
D. Adolph Gottlieb
10. Which of the following artworks made by Adolph Gottlieb?
A. Magenta, black, green
B. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
C. Forgotten Dream
D. Twelve Cars
11. Their works ranged from paintings, to posters, to collages, to three-
dimensional assemblages and installations.
A. Op art
B. Pop art
C. Color field painting
D. Action painting
12. Which of the following oil canvas made by Mark Rothko?
A. Abstract no.2
B. Forgotten dream
C. Magenta black green on orange
D. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
13. Which of the following is the famous work of Jackson Pollock?
A. Autumn rhythm
B. Twelve cars

C. Marilyn Monroe
D. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
14. Which of the following is not the movement of abstract expressionism?
A. Pop art
B. Op art
C. Conceptual art
D. Color field painting
15. Which artist became a leading figure in the new art movement?
A. Lee Krasner
B. James Rosenquist
C. Jasper Johns
D. Roy Lichtenstein

Activity 5 (Paint me!)
Directions: Draw or paint an artwork in the style of Abstract expressionism
which promotes either “peace” saving the earth, gender equality or any other issues
that you might think about. Give a title and short description about your work. Refer
to the rubric provider for.

Directions: Answer the following questions after you had made your artwork.
4. What did you feel as you were making your masterpiece?

5. Does your artwork visibly convey the characteristics or idea of abstract
6. How does your artwork illustrate the idea and the message of such issues
you have decided to work on?


Multiple Choice:
Directions: Read and understand each question carefully. Encircle the correct

1. A distribution of visual weight on either side of visual side of vertical axis to

achieve equilibrium.
A. Balance
B. Contrast
C. Emphasis
D. Pattern
2. He is considered as the National Painter of the Philippines in 1972, in which
his paintings depicts rural life.
A. Vicente Manansala
B. Carlos Francisco
C. Francisca Aquino
D. Fernando Amorsolo
3. An art movement that started among 1907 by Pablo Picasso.
A. Impressionism
B. Expressionism
C. Cubism
D. Fauvism
4. This movement was concerned on capturing the impression of light and
objects and scenery and was made famous by Claude Monet.
A. Abstractionism
B. Expressionism
C. Impressionism
D. Abstract Expressionism
5. A broad description on different artworks whose themes spew biting
commentaries on socio-political issues of the country.
A. Social Realism
B. Surrealism

C. Figurative Art
D. Cubism
6. What particular movement of art does Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Cezanne
has taken?
A. Impressionism
B. Post-Impressionism
C. Expressionism
D. Abstract Expressionism
7. Which of the following painting is the most noted works of Andy Warhol?
A. Marilyn Monroe
B. Twelve Cars
C. Fall
D. One and Three Chairs
8. Who is the Spanish artist of Guernica?
A. Marc Chagall
B. Paul Klee
C. Ben Shahn
D. Pablo Picasso
9. The art critic Louis Leroy coined the term impressionist from a painting
entitled Impression, soleil levant ( Impression, Sunrise). But who painted it?
A. Claude Monet
B. Paul Cezanne
C. Vincent Van Gogh
D. Andy Warhol
10. What are the Principles of design?
A. Separating colors to create a pattern
B. Repeating lines, shapes or other elements to create a pattern
C. Similar elements that helps arrange the ingredients elements
D. None of the Above’
11. Which of the following gives the visually satisfying effect when combining
similar art elements?
A. Balance
B. Harmony
C. Unity
D. Pattern
12. _________________ is usually created when an artist’s repeats or alternates
a specific element created a feeling of movement.
A. Balance
B. Rhythm
C. Unity
D. Pattern
13. Choose an example of texture.
A. Rough and Smooth
B. Very dark colors
C. Bright colors
D. Oval shapes
14. Which combination completes this sentence? Unity is the way various parts of
a design to promote a sense of oneness or wholeness in a work of art. You

create unity in your art through _____________________, simplicity,
theme/variation,_________________, Proximity (___________________),
underlay/overlap, and running off all the four (4) sides of paper.
A. variety – harmony – shape
B. repetition – contrast – limit negative space
C. variety – balance – harmony
D. None of the above
15. What does “OP” stand for in “OP” Art style?
A. Optimistic
B. Open
C. Optional
D. Optical

Included all third party materials or sources in developing the material
Follows the Chicago Manual of Style 17th edition
Art and design(Lisa Marter) May 22,2019, retrieved June 21,2020
Elements of art, The J. Paul Getty Museum, J. Paul Getty Trust (2011) Downloaded
June 21, 2020 10 am.
Raul M. Sunico, PhD Piano Performance, Doctor of Humanities, H.C, Evelyn F.
Cabanban, Doctor of Humane Letters, H.C, Mellisa Y. Moran, HORIZONS (Music
and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos), G10 Learner’s Material.



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