MBA-Business research-FinalExam

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When is Applied research useful, as different from Basic research?

Write your
example (about 3 paragraphs)

 Business Research
According to Sekaran & Bougie, business research can be considered as the effort that is made to
search for a solution to a problem in the business environment, and it is assumed that this effort is
organized and takes place in a specific system that has inputs and outputs and certain operations
occur on it (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The business environment has a dynamic nature and as a
result, many problems appear continuously. a systematic effort that helps to find solutions is called
business research.

Based on the scope of the problem, the type of research is determined. According to Sekaran &
Bougie, If the research concerns a specific problem at a specific time faced by a manager in the
business environment such research is called Applied research (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). For
example to study the effect of changes in exchange rates on the planned infrastructure projects
handled in MCIT.

Another type of research is Basic research or fundamental research or pure research. When
the researcher tries to find an explanation for a phenomenon or a problem repeated in
different environments where the output of this research can be considered as a general rule.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, “the objective of engaging in basic research is primarily to
equip oneself with additional knowledge of certain phenomena and problems that occur in
several organizations and industries with a view to finding solutions, the knowledge
generated from such research is often applied later for solving organizational problems
(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016)”. For example, the law of diminishing returns.

When to use claims versus hypotheses, with clear comparison, and use your own
example (about 3 paragraphs)

The research starts with defining the problem definition, then determining the major questions and
the minor questions while major questions concern the question about the phenomena while the
minor questions concern the variables.
Claims are the answers to these questions in light of the problem definition which includes the
stakeholder analysis. While the hypotheses are the statement that describes the relationship
between variables to phenomena in evidence of the literature review. According to (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2016) “A hypothesis can be defined as a tentative, yet testable, statement, which predicts
what you expect to find in your empirical data (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016)”.
So, there is a difference between Claims and hypotheses in the locality. Claims come after the
problem definition while hypotheses come after literature reviews.
Critique the following research done in a service industry as to the extent to which it
meets “the hallmarks vs characteristics of scientific research (About 4 paragraphs)

Firstly, let’s explain the meaning of the words “hallmarks” and “characteristics” and the difference
between them. According to the collins dictionary, “The characteristics of a person or thing are
the qualities or features that belong to them and make them recognizable” and the “Hallmark”
word is defined as “The hallmark of something or someone is their most typical quality or feature
According to Sekaran & Bougie, the hallmarks or main characteristics can be listed as they are
listed in table (1).
Purposiveness ………………………. characteristics
Replicability………………………….. hallmarks
Precision and confidence………… Based on confidence percentage and Error Percentage
Objectivity………………………………. characteristics
Generalizability……………………….. hallmarks
Parsimony……………………………….. Based on the kinds of literature

the purpose of the research in the example can be “Pinpointing the problems experienced by the
friendly telecom company customers and determining possible corrective actions to solve them”.
The purpose of business research is considered as the phenomena under study, while the
purposiveness is to determine the variables of the phenomena or the components that need to be
achieved to achieve the purpose. We can conclude that purposiveness is a main characteristic of the
According to Sekaran & Bougie, Rigor in business research can be obtained by using the
theoretical bases in the context of the problem definition and then putting a methodological
design. The research is considered to lack rigor if the sample collected the data is so low a
percentage of the total, addressing biased questions or interviews (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). In the
mentioned case, the researchers developed a theoretical base and collect relevant information
from 100 customers. it’s not clear 100 customers is how much from the total customers. However,
the research seems to have rigor while it is based on a theoretical base. Rigor, in this case, is a
Testability is achieved when the researcher develops certain hypotheses that are testable.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, “A scientific hypothesis must be testable. Not all hypotheses can
be tested. Non‐testable hypotheses are often vague statements, or they put forward something
that cannot be tested experimentally” (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). From this definition, testability is
a main characteristic.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, Replicability is the extent to which the study be repeated easily and
it can be achieved when the researcher is explaining the details clearly in the research (Sekaran &
Bougie, 2016). Replicability increases the credibility of the research however it is considered to be a
hallmark while it’s not mandatory in applied research. According to Sekaran & Bougie, Precision
refers to the extent of accuracy of results or in other words, how much it’s close to reality (Sekaran
& Bougie, 2016). The precision can be accepted in the range (error Max 15-20%). According to
Sekaran & Bougie, “Confidence refers to the probability that our estimations are correct”. The
confidence accepted range is from 75%-80%. In our case, confidence is 85% so the researchers here
achieve a hallmark.
Objectivity is achieved when the researcher makes conclusions based on the facts not on the
researcher’s emotional values. Objectivity is a main charachetertic of business research. According
to Sekaran & Bougie, The broader the applicability of the conclusions outcome from the research,
the more useful the research will be for users (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). That is what is called
generalizability. Generalizability is a hallmark. According to Sekaran & Bougie, Parsimony is
defined as Simplicity in explaining the phenomena which is always preferred to complex research
frameworks that consider an unmanageable number of factors (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).

Compare between Deductive and Inductive processes, using your own examples. (about 3-5
According to Sekaran & Bougie, Both the inductive process and the deductive process involve the
seven steps of research problem definition, hypothesizing, choosing measures, collection of data,
data analysis and the result interpretation (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
According to Sekaran & Bougie, In the deductive process, we work from more general to more
specific while from while in the inductive process, a particular phenomenon is observed and on this
bases, we make a general conclusion (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). A deductive process is needed when
we have a theory that can be applied to solve a specific problem which handled by applied research.
An inductive process is needed when we have some recurring problems in many environments and
the researcher has an observation that could lead to general knowledge.
As an example of the deductive process, the study of purchasing behaviour of customers for a
specific product when increasing its price. As an example of an inductive process, all organizations
can start making a profit after reaching the breakeven point.

How would you go about doing a literature review in the area of human capital (about 3 paragraphs)

Identification, Evaluating and documentation are the three main steps to do a literature review.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, the first step of the literature review is the identification of
published or unpublished material which should be selected very carefully based on the topic of
interest and gaining access to the literature (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Here, the topic of interest is
human capital. for searching for journal articles on the human capital topic, we can use
The second step is the evaluation of the literature. Using scientific journal ranking, we can get the
rank of the journal which measures the quality of the journal in which the article was published.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, To evaluate the article itself, the researcher should read the article
the abstract, which usually contains the study purpose, topic of interest, finding, the introduction,
problem definition and conclusion.
The third step is documentation. According to Sekaran & Bougie, It is important to document the
literature review to convince the reader that the researcher is aware of the problem area and has
prepared the homework that is necessary to conduct the research (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The
researcher can use APA format for citation.
What is the critical purpose of the literature review ? (about 2-3 paragraphs)
According to Hart, the purpose of the literature review is to know the history of the topic of the
research (Hart, 2018). The literature review helps the researcher to know what the science says in
relation to the subject of the research.
The literature review is the base of the deductive process, while the deductive process is based on
theory testing. The researcher makes his/her theoretical framework based on a theory which can be
found in the literature. So the literature review plays a vital role in the research design.
According to Elsafty, The purpose of the research design also depends on the nature literature
review. If the variables found in the literature are totally different from others, here the purpose of
the research design is exploratory(Elsafty,2020). If the findings from the literature are containing
some common variables, the purpose of the research design will be descriptive. If the literature
contains mentioned the variables of specific phenomena with amounts, directions the purpose of
the research design would be explanatory which concerns measuring and confirming the
significance of the variables.


The researcher's use of theories found in scientific articles for other research is a major
matter in the work of scientific research. However, according to Sekaran & Bougie, there
are ethical matters that must be taken into account in this context (Sekaran & Bougie,
2016). As the researcher should not use the original words and arguments of another
person and present them in his research as if they were his own.
While doing a study, the researcher needs to clarify his/her position in the debate by
naming the authors whose work you are building or whose ideas you are challenging.
APA Style gives a clear way in documentation to research papers even for complex papers.
Makes papers easier to read and understand. When the same way of citation is used every
time and a uniform format is used in writing the papers, it makes it a better flow and helps
keep the focus on the content of the paper.

Compare between different types of data? (About 3 paragraphs)

In the context of data collection, there are two types of data primary data and secondary
data. The researcher starts by collecting data from references such as research papers,
books, and journal articles. These already collected data are called secondary data.
After collecting the secondary data, the researcher may still need more data to continue his
According to Hox & Boeije, the researcher need to follow many strategies in collecting data
such as surveys, expirements , focus groups or observation ,primary data, also there are
data-sets archived by organizations responsible for general research community (Hox &
Boeije, 2005).
the researcher need to collect data firsly for the definition of the problem and stakeholder
analysis. He/she also need collect data for the research design where secondary data must
be collected during the literature review. In the testing stage, primary data should be
collected to verify the hypotheses of the researcher.

Why should a researcher conduct stakeholders analysis, if one already knows the broad
problem area to be studied? (about 2 paragraphs).

According to Brugha & Varvasovszky, stakeholder analysis is the studying aimed to know
how each stakeholder effects on the decision making , what characheteristics of eash of
them (Brugha & Varvasovszky, 2000). Based on this definition, If the researcher already
know the broad problem area to be studied, he/she should make the stakeholder analysis
to accurately define the problem with all its dimension from all prespectives.
According to Brugha & Varvasovszky, this analysis is important in order to predict the
changes in the relative importance of stakeholder analysis ,also to know how to treat with
those changes (Brugha & Varvasovszky, 2000).So, the stakeholder analysis is important in
the problem definition and also in the conceptual model designing where it helps in making

After studying and extracting information from all the relevant work done
previously, how does the researcher know which references, articles, and
information should be given prominence in the literature review? (about 2-3
According to Sekaran & Bougie, there are many data sources could help in literature identification such
as textbooks, journals, Theses, conference proceedings, unpublished manuscripts,reports , newspapers
and the internet (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). However all those sources of data, the selection of
references cannot be considered as a trival step ,while the caution of this selection is the major
determinant of the literature review quality.

The relevant degree of the literature to the research problem is a vital component should be considered
during the selection. According to Hart, the classification of the literature based on its type ,basic
research or applied research, helps in evaluating the literature (Hart, 2018).

The impact factor is one of the indicators that helps to know the prominence of a reference or journal
article. According to Andersen, Belmont, & Cho, impact factor is a marker for the significant,
importance, influence of a journal (Andersen, Belmont, & Cho, 2006). Impact factor of a journal can be
checked using The Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Science Citation Index (SCI) which published by
the Institute of Scientific Information.It can furnish the researchers with a database of journals’ analysis.

Below is the gist of an article from Business Week. After reading it, (a) identify the broad problem
area, (b) define the problem, and (c) explain how you would proceed further. (about a; 2 lines, b; 1
statement, c; 3 statements)

While Chrysler’s minivans, pickups, and sports utilities take a big share of the truck
market, its cars trail behind those of GM, Ford, Honda, and Toyota. Quality problems
include, among other things, water leaks and defective parts.
Because literature review is a time-consuming exercise, a good, in-depth meetings
should suffice to develop a theoretical framework. Discuss this statement. (about 4
How ever in-depth meetings have a great input for finding a good problem definition, they
cannot be the only base of the theoretical framework. The meetings play a role in the
stakeholder analysis which make an influencing input to make the problem definition.
According to Elsafty, It is one of the 9 elements of the problem definition (ElSafty,
2018).According to Brugha & Varvasovszky, stakeholder analysis lead to a comprehensive
problem definition (Brugha & Varvasovszky, 2000).
However the literature review is an important step during the theoritical framework
design. According to Hart, literature review is the way the researcher study the theories
related to his research problem (Hart, 2018). It helps the researcher to know the tested
variables of its research phenomena.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, the literature review is one of the theoritical framework
designing steps (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Not only literature review existing is a
mendatory but also the caution selection of the references is a mandatory while it has a
great impact of the quality of the research.
According to Sekaran & Bougie, The theoritical framework can be conducted by firstly
define the variables and concepts of the research model, Then develope a conceptual model
that gives a description of the researcher’s theory after that, refering to the theories which
coming from the literature review (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). To sum up, the statement isn’t
acceptable while the theoritical frame work should be a result of 9 Elements , conceptual
model and theory getting from literature review.

27 .Discuss major criteria assessing quality of a literature source, (3-4 paragraphs)

According to Sekaran & Bougie, literature source could be textbooks, journal articles,
newspaper, internet websites ,Theses, conference proceedings, unpublished manuscripts and
reports (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). There are different sources can be used to collect secondary data.

According to Frederiksen & Phelp, “evaluation of sources we are talking about looking at
quality, accuracy, relevance, bias, reputation, currency, and credibility factors in a specific
work, whether it’s a book, ebook, article, website, or blog posting (Frederiksen & Phelps,
Literature source could be a textbook. The textbook evaluation ,based on Frederiksen &
Phelps, can be achieved by revising four items age, sources,Author and publisher. Age is
preferred to be little for science, medicine,health and technology books while it preferred
to be old for history or art. Sources that the auther used is important.Author credibility also
important to be assessed. As much the publisher is popular, the more the assessment of
the book is better.
For journal article evaluation, Credibility/Authority, Accuracy, Reliability/Objectivity,
Currancy, Scope and Purpose. Credilility is checked by knowing who is the author? What
else this author written? And the citation analysis also is important. Accuracy how close the
info of the source fit to other sources. Objectivity can be checked by tring to cricitize the
author conclusions. Are the conclusions biased or not? Currency and how far the info is fit
to the current situation. Scope and purpose can be found in the problem definition of the
author. The relevance also is so important to be considered.
The impact factor also is one of the markers that indicate how the source prominence is.
Also the journal ranking achieved using JCR which divide journals into quarters, the
researcher can check if the journal Q1, Q2 , Q3 or Q4.

20 . In applied research context you do not need to explain the relationships between
the variables in your conceptual model. Discuss this statement. (2-3 paragraphs).

Applied research starting point is the theory where the applied research concern in study a
specific problem by applying theories. According to Sekaran & Bougie, the mandatory steps
of creating a theorotical framework are definition the variable and concepts on the
research model, the conceptual model which provide a descriptive presentation for the
variables, the theory that collected from the literature review (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
So, the explanation of the nature of the relationships is not a mandatory. It’s enough for the
conceptual model to tell that there is a relation between indepentant and dependant

6 . How to conduct comprehensive problem definition and contextual analysis of your

research problem? (about 5 paragraphs)
According to Elsafty, the 9 Elements model is a model used for defining the problem of the
research. How to improve the organizational commitment on MCIT .Determination of the
Organization which is MCIT . Explaining the management function planning , organizing,
leading and organizing in the context of the research point is an important while these
functions definitely have a great relation to the problem. There is no data announced for
the OC planning or other of management functions.
The organizational level, chain of command, has a great impact while it related to the
decision-making process which also should be determined if it is centralized or
The fourth item, business analysis, should be defined clearly. The experience or knowledge
of the organization which is consulting information technology services . The products or
services also should be defined while it will be affected by the problem. Marketing and
sales strategies should be listed. Human resources practices also could effect on the
Financial matters also should be mentioned in the light of the research topic.
The information technology also one of the points that can influence on the problem.
Determining the geographic location is so important while it can be helps in selection the
literature that related only to the geographic location. Not all industries are similar, each
industry could affected by a variable in a different way.
Environmental scanning also can participate in defining the problem accurately. The
studying of the external factors using the PESTEL can give an idea about the political,
economic, technological, economical and legal factors related to the problem. Internal
factors especially the stakeholder analysis helps in studying the problem from all its

18 . Good models are complex. What’s more, a good model should include both
moderating and mediating variables. Discuss this statement. (about 2-3

According to Sekaran & Bougie, there are four types of variables dependent , independent,
moderating and mediating (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). Dependent variable is the major
element of the researcher. The independent variables is the vaiables that affects on the
The moderating variables is that variable influences on the relationship between
dependent and independent. It may change this relation for example from positive to
negative or change its amount or its existence.
The mediatind variables is that variable that make the relation between the independent
and dependent starts and it found only in this time. For example the covid-19 virus as a
mediant variable affects on the relation between working-from-home as an independent
variable and productivity as a dependent variable.

A lab experiment would be more useful than a field experiment. Discuss this statement. ,
using your own example. (4-5 paragraphs)
According to Sekaran & Bougie, Field experiments are studies that interested in
establishing a relationship cause and effect relationships in the natural environment. The
researcher studies the employees, customers and all the elements of the environment
(Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
The field experiments achieved by studies called field studies that field studies which is
done in noncontrived settings.Lab experiments are studies that conducted in contrived
The lab experiments are more useful while it permits the researcher to change the
variables amounts, directions, the significant or even their existence.The researcher in the
field experience cannot study by experiment the change and the result what he exactly can
be achieved in lab experiment.
In lab experiment, the researcher can change all the variables and study the result of
change.Finally, the results from the lab experiments will be more useful while it’s tested
and come out from change and test while in field experiments it cannot be achieved

University researchers usually develop more complex and elaborate models than Business
researchers. Discuss this statement.

The statement is true, while the main focus of the university researcher is to make an
accurate study about the effect of independent variable to depending and also studing the
possible moderating or mediating variables. However, the main target of business
researcher is to get the practical solution for the problem.

Make up three different situations in which service delivery would be an

independent variable, a mediating variable, and a moderating variable

1st situation, service delivery is an independent variable, the service delivery has an
effective significant effect on the number of sales. 2nd situation, the cost-of-service delivery
as a moderating variable is the relation between number of sales and the profit. The 3rd
situation, the effect of service delivery activation on the relation no. of orders and customer

Operationalize the subjective concept 'Shopping Anxiety' and use the needed
measurement scales.

Definition of shopping anxiety is Pantano & Willems, the shopping anxiety can be defined
as the customers’ feeling of risk , panic or fear during the shopping process which might be
led to panic attacs and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) compulsions.
The elements can be used for trying to measure the shopping anxiety can be measured by
the following:
D1: frequency of shopping process
: E1 : Number of revisits of same customer whithin a month
: Question 1: Do you visit the store this month? “Nominal”
 No
: Question1: how many times do you visit our store? “Dichotomous scale”
 1
 2
 3
 4
 More
D2: Paying a lot on shopping
:E1: Number of Sales for each customer per month
: Q1: what is the average of number of money do all customers buy per month?
 300 L.E
 200 L.E
 100 L.E
 other

:E2: number of refunded products per month

Q1: how many times customer make a refund this month “Dichotomous scale”
 3
 2
 1
 other
D3: Spending time in the same store
:E1: Time the customer spend in the store
Q1: how do you descripe the time you spend in the store
( strongly happy, moderate happy,quite happy, happy, neutral, quite sad, moderate
sad, strongly sad) “interval scale”
D4: comments and feedback of customers
:E1: which products the customers dislike?
Q1: order the following products from the best to worth “ordinal order”
 orange
 apple
 bananas
 kiwi
 mango
Why is the unit of analysis an important element of the research design? Use your own
example (1-2 paragraphs)
According to Sekaran & Bougie, unit of analysis can be individuals, dyads, Groups,
organizationa,machines and etc (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). unit of analysis is the unit is the
primary entity that the researcher is analaysing in the study. For example, if the researcher
study the organizational commitment in an IT company, the unit of analysis here is the
Selecting the samle of the unit of analysis is very important. Categorization also is
important which is organizing, arranging, classifing of units. The unit of analysis effect the
on the measures of the variables and data collection methods.

Discuss the inter-relationships among: non-contrived setting, purpose of the study,

type of investigation, researcher interference, and time horizon of the study, using
your own example.

According to Elsafty, the purpose of study can be determined according to the nature of the
literature had been reviewed (Elsafty,2020). If the finding in the literature was many
variables that are completely different than each other’s so there aren’t a group of common
variables then the researcher needs to explore the variables effected on the phenomena by
himself/herself, then the research said to be exploratory. Then the type of investigation
would be descriptive statistics, these variables considered as non-contrived that the
researcher cannot control any of the variables or may be he can control only about 20% of
them then this study called field study and almost done once which means that the time
zone is cross once.
The variables can be contrived more in the descriptive or explanatory research. If the
researcher interfaces found a group of variables affect the researcher phenomena then
using the descriptive research, the researcher would trying to make his/her theoretical
framework and even study the amount and directions to be a descriptive research and in
this case the researcher use correlations as a type of investivation or the researcher can
study the cause and effect of the variables using the multivariant as a type of investigation.
In the two last type of study purpose, the variables are contrived. In descriptive about 50%
of variables are contrived but in explanatory , all the variables can be controlled and this
study called lab experiment.

Compare between exploratory and descriptive research design purpose, using your
own example.(3-5 Paragraphs)
According to Elsafty, based on the references or the kind of literature , the researcher can
determine the research design purpose (elsafty,2020). For example if the researcher trying to
study the variables affect on the big data adoption in the educational organization. Then the
researcher found the first literature that tell the variable is the number of employees and in the 2 nd
literature the researcher found the variable is the IT team quality.
In the 3rd literature found the infrastructure of the organization. So, the researcher found distracted
independent variables for the phenomena. In this case , the researcher has to make an exploratory
research to discover the variables of the phenomena. Another example of phenomena, if the
researcher studies the ways of improving the organizational commitment.
He/she found some variables that may be agreed by all literature. While in the first literature
he/she found that training, empowerment, teamwork and work-life balance are the tested
independent variables and in the second literature he/she found that training, empowerment,
teamwork and innovation are the tested variables.
the researcher can make his design as the following, the training, empowerment, teamwork are
the independent variables while the innovation can be a moderate variable that affect the relation
between teamwork and organizational commitment, the dependent variable, this type of research
can be descriptive or explanatory.
It can be descriptive if the researcher only studies the amounts or directions of the independent
variables the he/she can use the correlation as a type of investigation. In the explanatory the type
of investigation is multivariant and the researcher here study the criticality of the variables to get
confirmed significant.

List and label the different types of variables at following case: explain and illustrate by diagrams the
relationships among the variables :

A manager finds that off‐the‐job classroom training has a great impact on the productivity of the
employees in her department. However, she also observes that employees over 60 years of age do not
seem to derive much benefit and do not improve with such training.


off‐the‐job productivity

List and label the different types of variables at following case: explain and illustrate by diagrams the
relationships among the variables :

A manager of an insurance company finds that “anxiety appeal” in commercials are negatively
associated with consumers’ behavioral intentions to insure their house. This effect is particularly strong
for people with a high inherent level of acceptance.

High inherent
of acceptance
Commercials’ ve Customers
anxiety appeal behavioral

Product Quality
relationship Switching

Sleepless Nights at Holiday Inn: Just a few years ago, Tom Oliver, the Chief Executive of Holiday
Hospitality Corp., was struggling to differentiate among the variety of facilities offered to clients under
the Holiday flagship – the Holiday Inn Select designed for business travelers, the Holiday Inn Express
used by penny pinchers, and the Crowne Plaza Hotels, the luxurious hotels meant for the big spenders.
Oliver felt that revenues could be quadrupled if only clients could differentiate among these. Keen on
developing a viable strategy for Holiday Hospitality which suffered from brand confusion, Tom Oliver
conducted a customer survey of those who had used each type of facility, and found the following. The
consumers didn’t have a clue as to the differences among the three different types. Many complained
that the buildings were old and not properly maintained, and the quality ratings of service and other
factors were also poor. Furthermore, when word spread that one of the contemplated strategies of
Oliver was a name change to differentiate the three facilities, irate franchises balked. Their mixed
messages did not help consumers to understand the differences either.

Oliver thought that he first needed to understand how the different classifications would be important
to the several classes of clients, and then he could market the heck out of them and greatly enhance
the revenues. Simultaneously, he recognized that unless the franchise owners fully cooperated with him
in all his plans, mere face lifting and improvement of customer service would not bring added revenues.

a. Identify the problem with conceptual model, b. Develop a theoretical framework, c.

Develop at least four hypotheses. All with needed figuers.
Problem Identification

Holiday INN needs to differentiate than its competitors by presenting diverse marketing mix. The
problem is that the mix’s product cannot be differentiated by the customers. Also, it was found that the
ways to compete more effectively through enhancing holiday hospitability which can be accomplish by
enhancing buildings quality, service quality, common name and franchise owner cooperation.

Conceptual Model

service quality
Owners Clear Marketing
Cooperation mix


According to Tepeci, service and building quality , brand loyality customer base, innovation , customer
satisfaction are the variables affected positively on the competition in the holiday hospitality industry
(Tepeci, 1999).

Clear Marketing mix


buildings quality

service quality
Brand loyality

Franchising Owners

Theoretical Framework

Choosing Tepeci Model

H1Ø: Clear marketing mix has no effect on the differentiation than

H1a: Clear marketing mix has a positive effect on the relation between
innovation, service quality, brand loyality and service and building quality
and the differentiation than competitors.
H2Ø: Franchising Owners Cooperation has no effect on the differentiation
than competitors.
H2a: Franchising Owners Cooperation has a positive effect on the relation
between brand loyality and differentiation than competitors.
33 . You want to find out whether customers between 21 and 40 years of age
tend to buy electronics and whether customers between 41 and 70 tend to
buy electronics. Which type of sample to be used? with clear justification?
Cluster sampling is the suitable type of sampling in this case. According to
Sekaran & Bougie, in case of homogeneity within each group and
heterogeneity across groups the cluster sampling is the best way to select a
sample where target segments is divided into clusters (Sekaran & Bougie,
2016). The researcher should draw a random sample of each cluster by this
way all the customers can be presented in the sample.
28 . Below are three scenarios. For each, indicate how the researcher should proceed
with the following, giving reasons covering:
The purpose of the study
The type of investigation
The extent of researcher
The study setting
The time horizon for the study
The unit of analysis.

the purpose of study is how the Information technology adoption effect on the sales volume
and profit margin. According to Olugbode, Elbeltagi, Simmons & Biss, effeciency ,
integration , E-commerce stategy and communication are the variables that affect on
performance and then profitability
Olugbode, Elbeltagi, Simmons, & Biss Model

According to Al-Azzawi & Altmimi, IT investments affect positively on the profitability and performance
(Al-Azzawi & Altmimi, 2005).

Based on the literature review the model will be that independent variables are Efficency , integration,
E-commerce Strategy and communication , the dependent variables are performance and profitability
and moderate variable is financial investements on the relation between efficiency and performance.

In this case the research is descriptive based on the literature review nature. Time horizon can be cross
once. Unit of analysis is product

Type of investigation is correlation statistics , this is a field study about 20% of variables can be

Scenario B: Mr. Paul Hodge, the owner of several restaurants is concerned about the wide
differences in the profit margins of the various restaurants. He would like to try some
incentive plans for increasing the efficiency levels of those restaurants that are lagging
behind. But, before he introduces this, he would like to be sure that the idea will work. He asks
a researcher to help him on this issue.

the problem here can be defined as studying the effect of incentive plans on the effeciency levels on
restaurants. Based on literature review the research purpose will be determined . if it was a
explaniratory ,which study the cause and effect ,the type of investment would be Multivarient , all
variables could be contrived it could be a lab experiment . time horizon could be multible cross sectional
, more than once on different respondences.

A manager is intrigued why some people seem to derive joy from work and get energized by it, while
others find it troublesome and frustrating.

Problem can be defined as the following , studing the variables affect on the employees’ joy level.
According to Chaiprasit & Santidhiraku, Job inspiration, Organization’s shared value, Relationship,
Quality of work life and Leadership are affecting positively on the employees’ Happiness level.
Based on literature the research type is descriptive and the investigation type is correlation the study is
a field study where 30% of variables can be controlled the longtidinal which means more than once for
the same respondences.

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