A Proactive Horizontal Handover Algorithm Based On RSSI Supported by A New Gradient Predictor
A Proactive Horizontal Handover Algorithm Based On RSSI Supported by A New Gradient Predictor
A Proactive Horizontal Handover Algorithm Based On RSSI Supported by A New Gradient Predictor
Two important high bandwidth wireless certifications in our days are
Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) and Wireless Fidelity
(WiFi). They can interoperate to form a wide geographical network in which
Mobile Client (MC) can move. We suppose a combination of two WiFi Access
Points (AP) and a WiMAX Base Station (BS) that interoperate putting a WiMAX
Wireless Network Interface Card (WNIC) in the WiFi AP. The BS can request real
time video or Video on Demand (VoD) from a server allocated in the fixed network
(to which the BS is connected). In order to model the movement of the MC, we
build a diagram state to represent the areas in which MC can stay, and from what
area to which one the MC could pass. Classifying the areas in connected and
disconnected ones, we can discover the different actions that are achieved by
different entities of a simple protocol, that are allocated in the BS and the AP.
These entities are in charge of controlling the buffers to efficiently support
disconnections due to handover and out of coverage situations (disconnected
states). Our algorithm is based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)
measurements. These RSSI values are used to change the state in the diagram state.
But to predict the next state of MC, we use a new prediction technique that we call
RSSI Gradient Predictor. We test our predictor using some synthetic proposed
RSSI values for different MC movement shapes. These movements include
Regular and Irregular movements. The results show a good behaviour of our
Figure 2: Coverage area parts and MC mobility While a particular MC is crossing from WiFi
cell 1 to WiFi cell 2, it can experiment
disconnections due to different situations:
a) MC is in AH, so connection can be lost during
any interval of time, although MC has wireless
connection, but it is trying to reconnect to the
appropriate AP.
b) MC is in AW and it losses the WiFi connection.
In this case it can reconnect to the AP it was
connected or to a new one.
In both cases, the result is a loss of video
reception during sometime.
The challenge is to anticipate predicted
information to the MC in order not to loss video
during the above disconnections. This challenge
exhibits different solution for real time video and
for VoD. To do this, we consider a mechanism that
Figure 3: States and transitions of the cooperative every ∆t discovers the state of MC, and anticipates
protocol among MCBM, APP and BSBM MC state immediately after this time. Also it must
inform the state to different entities allocated in the
In the case the MC crosses between Area 3 of AP, the BS and MC in order them to do some
different AP, the MC that is associated to an AP protocol actions. The first entity, named AP Proxy
can move its connection to another one, if the signal (APP) is a simple proxy that forwards signaling
level received from this AP drops to a low value information from MC to BS and data from BS to
We divide the buffers BSM and MCB into buffers simultaneously. When the transition
several parts defining a series of limits: LimAi, i=1, Cross_Ai+1-Ai occurs, the last LimAi video frames
2, 3 and W or H, With LimAi < LimAi+1. LimA2, are stored. We can support a wireless disconnection
LimA3 and LimAW are the limits associated to or handover because in the BSM is stored a set of
transitions: Cross_A1-A2, Cross_A2-A3, and the last video frames sent by the real time video
Cross_A3-AW (the same is applied for AH). LimA1 server. When the MC is in AW or in AH, it can
is associated to transition Still_in_A1. When the repeat the consumption of the last video frames
transition Cross_Ai-Ai+1 occurs, the last LimAi+1 stored in the MCB (from 0 - LimA3). When the MC
video frames (from 0 to LimAi+1) are stored in these returns to A3, it can request the BSBM the last
of MC is not constant, and its movement has not a Then the predicted value of x will be:
known regular shape (shape G, Fig. 5).
xˆk = (∇( xn )t × ∆t ) + x0 (13)
4.1 The RSSI% Gradient Predictor ∆t n
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Time (s)
Figure 5: Coverage area vector field and RM Figure 6: Gradient if MC moves as shape A
the exact time to store the video. We are now
working to develop a new Filter named RSSI%
5 Gradient Filter. This filter will solve many points:
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 1. It will detect all instant states that can not be
Tim e (s) detected by the RSSI Gradient Predictor as
zigzag, SIN, COS, spiral or IM cases.
Figure 9: Gradient if MC moves as shape E 2. These instant states can be buffered and stored
for future needs, for example to study the route
of MC.
3. All these states are very important to trace
80 transitions between non consecutive states.
60 Finally, we find that, the RSSI% Gradient
Gradient Predictor can be used to know the exact time to
30 store the video and the RSSI% Gradient Filter can
be used to avoid all the entire actions that are not
0 necessary.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (s)
Figure 10: Gradient if MC moves as shape G
This work was supported in part by the Spanish
CICYT (MEC) and European Research
Development Fund (FEDER) under Grant
TSI2005-07764-C02-01, and by The
In this paper, we presented an approach for Canaries Regional Education and FEDER under
efficient management of VoD and real time video contract PI042004/164.
in wireless networks that combine WiFi and
WiMAX technology. While in recent papers several 6 REFERENCES
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mechanism, we study a more complex problem that [1] Ch. Guo, Z. Guo, Q. Zhang, and W. Zhu: A
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