Non-Overlapping AP's Caching Scheme A State of Art Technique To Reduce Handoff in 802.11 Wireless LAN
Non-Overlapping AP's Caching Scheme A State of Art Technique To Reduce Handoff in 802.11 Wireless LAN
Non-Overlapping AP's Caching Scheme A State of Art Technique To Reduce Handoff in 802.11 Wireless LAN
Abstract - With the escalation of the IEEE 802.11 good voice over IP service, the handoff latency must not
based wireless networks, Voice over IP and analog- exceed 53 ms [5].
ous applications are also used over wireless net-
works. Recently, the wireless LAN systems are spa-
ciously deployed for public internet services. In pub-
lic wireless LAN systems, reliable user authentica-
tion and mobility support are indispensable issues.
When a mobile device budges out the range of one
access point (AP) and endeavor to connect to new
AP, it performs handoff. Contemporarily, PNC and
SNC were proposed to propagate the MN context to
the entire neighboring AP’s on the wireless network
with the help of neighbor graph. In this paper, we
proposed a non-overlapping AP’s caching scheme
(NACS), which propagates the mobile node context
to those AP’s which do not overlap with the current
AP. To capture the topology of non-overlapping AP’s Fig.1. Typical Topology for Handoff in WLAN
in the wireless network, non-overlapping graph
(NOG) is generated at each AP. Simulation results To reduce the handoff latency in IEEE 802.11 wireless
shows that NACS reduces the signaling cost of network, many researchers have proposed different tech-
propagating the MN context to the neighbor AP’s in niques to reduce the layer 2 and layer 3 handoff laten-
the wireless network. * cies. In [3][5][6] authors study and suggest various tech-
niques to reduce the layer 2 latency and accomplished to
reduce the latencies up to 20ms to 60ms depending on
the client.
1 Introduction Handoff involves transfer of mobile node context in-
formation from old access point to new access point [7].
Recently, the wireless LAN (WLAN) systems are spe- The context transfer is done via inter-access point com-
ciously deployed for the public internet services. Most munication. Consequently, there is some latency involve
of current WLAN networks for the internet access are in this process which increase the overall handoff
particularly based on IEEE 802.11 standards [1] latency.
providing connectivity up to 11 Mbps to 54 Mbps. In Pervious research in this perspective was focused on
the beginning, IEEE 802.11 was originally designed transfer of context information in a reactive fashion,
for the indoor networks where hosts were stationary which implies that the transfer of context will be initi-
and mobility was not an issue [2]. However, with the ated when a mobile node will associate with the new ac-
rapid growth of wireless networks and portable devices, cess point which causes increase in the overall handoff
mobility support in IEEE 802 becomes one of the most latency rather then reducing it. One method to reduce
important issues to be solved. handoff latency is to transfer the mobile node context
Since there is lack of mobility support in IEEE ahead of mobile device in proactive fashion.
802.11 standards, it causes a major interruption while Proactive neighbor caching [8] scheme was proposed
performing handoff. Fig.1. shows a typical topology of to reduce the context transfer latency. PNC scheme trans-
handoff in a WLAN network. A handoff occurs when a fer the context ahead of mobile node in a proactive man-
mobile node moves from the radio range of current ac- ner. To determine the potential next AP, it uses the
cess point to the next potential access point. neighbor graph which dynamically captures the topolo-
The handoff procedure consists of scanning, authen- gical information of the wireless network. When neigh-
tication and re-association [3]. Current Wi-Fi-based bor AP is determined it transfer the mobile node context
networks are not supported by the layer 2 handoff to it in advance. Currently PNC scheme is included in
latencies and contribute approximately 90% of the total the Inter access point protocol (IAPP) specification.
latency which exceeds 100ms [2][4]. We know that for Sangheon Pack proposed selective neighbor caching
(SNC) [9] which is quite similar to PNC. An AP in SNC
* This research is supported by the ubiquitous Autonomic scheme, proactively propagate the MN context to the
Computing and Network Project, the Ministry of Information
and Communication (MIC) 21st Century Frontier R&D Pro-
neighbor AP’s whose handoff probabilities are equal to
gram in Korea. or higher then a predefined threshold value. The optimal
performance of SNC scheme depends on the value of some access point to which it was connected earlier.
threshold, which has to be carefully determined. Fig.2. shows the sequence of messages involved after ter-
In both schemes, the signaling cost involves in trans- minating from the current AP to which mobile node was
ferring the mobile node context information was high. connected.
There is directly proportional relationship between the In Fig.2. mobile node is referring to a device capable of
number of mobile nodes in the network and the signal- performing its participation as an 802.11 mobile node.
ing cost for transferring the context information i.e. if Old AP is an access point with which the mobile device
the number of nodes increases in the network, signal- is associated before handoff procedure and New AP is the
ing cost for transferring the context also increases. access point through which the mobile node will be con-
In this paper, we proposed a new scheme non-over- nected after performing handoff.
lapping AP caching scheme (NACS) to reduce the con-
text transfer latency. In NACS the context is transmit-
ted to the APs which do not overlap to each other. To
capture the topology of non overlapping neighbor AP’s
in a wireless network, a non overlapping graph is gen-
erated at each AP. A non overlapping graph can be gen-
erated much faster than the neighbor graph.
The rest of paper is organized as follows. In section
2, we describe the handoff process in IEEE 802.11 net-
works. Section 3 describes the related work for the con-
text caching. Section 4, describes the non-overlapping
AP’s caching scheme. Section 5 shows the simulation
results in terms of cache hit probability and signaling
cost; finally we conclude our work in
section 6.
Keywords: IEEE 802.11, Handoff, Inter/Intra-domain,
Latency, Context caching.
i j
In proposed scheme, only non overlapping neighbor i j
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