Individual Development Plan

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Action Plan ( Recommended

Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Developmental Intervention)
A. Teaching Competencies (PPST)
Objective 1, KRA 2 Objective 3, KRA 2
Managed classroom To use differentiated, To attend LAC session Learning and Development
structure to engage developmentally appropriate Team
learners, individually or in learning experiences to address To seek assistance through Supervisors
groups, in meaningful learners’ gender, needs, coaching and mentoring from School Heads
exploration, discovery and strengths, interests and department heads Local Funds for trainings
hands-on activities within a experiences. To observe teaching strategies and workshops
range of physical learning from Master teachers and fellow
environment teachers

Objective 1, KRA 1 Objective 1, KRA 5 Apply new learning from School Head
To apply knowledge of attending courses/seminars/ Science teachers
content within and across To monitor and evaluate Workshops or readings from Books on
curriculum teaching areas learners’ progress and internet. Monitoring/Evaluating
achievement using learner Use feedback to try a new Learners’ progress
achievement data approach to an old practice of
monitoring and evaluating
learners’ progress

Objective 3,KRA 4 Attend seminars School Head

To communicate promptly Objective 1, KRA 5 Reading books on various Internet connection
and clearly the learners’ To perform various related teaching strategies Colleagues
needs, progress and works/activities that contribute Partaking in discussions or Science teachers
achievement to key to the teaching-learning practice activities contributing to
stakeholders, including teaching-learning practice
parents/guardians Benchmarking
B. Core Behavioral Competencies (DepEd)

Professional and Ethics: Results Focus To seek assistance through Local Fund
Makes personal sacrifices Delivers error-free outputs cost coaching and mentoring from Supervisors/
to meet the organization’s of the time by conforming to the department heads and Master School Heads
needs. standard operating procedures teachers Master Teachers
correctly and consistently.
Able to produce very To attend INSET on DepEd Internet surfing on sample
satisfactory quality work in matters on innovation of innovation
terms of usefulness/
acceptability and completeness
with no supervision required.

Certification and Commitment

This is to certify that my competency This is to certify that I have completed the I commit to support and ensure that this
assessment and development plan has been competency assessment of my staff. agreed Individual Professional Development
discussed with me by my immediate Furthermore, I commit to support and ensure that Plan is achieved to the agreed time frame.
supervisor. I further commit that I will exert the agreed Individual Professional Plan of my staff
time and effort to ensure that my Individual is achieved according to agreed time.
Professional Plan is achieved according to
agreed time frames.
Name of School Head and Signature/ Date PSDS, OIC-Assistant Schools Division
Name of Employee and Signature/Date Ratee Superintendent
Ratee Approving Authority

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