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The Washington Post - 31st July

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election 2024 Paris olymPics

Foreign After a challenging journey,

policy flair targets
a key test U.S. women stick the landing o∞cial
for Harris
in Beirut
Given limited portfolio as
VP, aides say she’d bring claims killing of a
a lawyer’s zeal to crises hezbollah leader
Retaliation for deadly
BY M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM attack in Golan Heights

In a White House where Presi- This article is by Kareem Fahim,

dent Biden has grounded his rep- Sarah Dadouch, Michael Birnbaum,
utation on 50 years of dealings in Mohamad El Chamaa and
global affairs, Vice President Har- Steve Hendrix
ris has had little chance to forge
her own foreign policy, even as BEIRUT — Israel carried out an
she has traveled the globe on his airstrike in a densely packed
behalf. neighborhood on the outskirts of
But if she claims the Democrat- the Lebanese capital Tuesday, in
ic presidential nomination and an attack that it said killed a
then the White House, Harris, a senior Hezbollah commander re-
longtime prosecutor, would apply sponsible for the deaths of 12
her decades spent battling in children over the weekend in the
courtrooms to confronting the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights.
world’s most pressing crises and The strike, which threatened to
standing firm against U.s. adver- escalate hostilities between Israel
saries should they seek to test her, and Hezbollah at a combustible
say people who have worked with moment, occurred around 7:45
her. Observers said the leaders of p.m. local time in the suburb of
Russia and China would be most Haret Hreik. Lebanon’s Health
likely to try. Ministry said the strike killed a
Aides say the core of her for- woman and two children. Tele-
eign policy would not likely vised footage showed several am-
swerve from Biden’s robust sup- bulances leaving the scene of the
port for Ukraine, which remains Toni L. SAndyS/The WAShinGTon PoST
strike, residential streets choked
at war with Russia, and his hard From left, Jordan Chiles, Hezly Rivera, simone Biles, sunisa lee and Jade Carey of the heavily favored U.s. women’s gymnastics with smoke and debris, and a
line on China as it seeks to dis- team exult together after winning the gold medal Tuesday in Paris. “This team has definitely been through a lot,” lee said. multistory building partially de-
place the United states as the stroyed with several floors col-
world’s leading superpower. On lapsed.
Gaza — the most divisive global
issue among Democrats — Harris Biles leads the way as squad rebounds from previous Olympic disappointment In a statement, the Israeli mili-
tary said the strike had killed
has carved out a distinct rhetori- Fuad shukr, whom it called Hez-
cal lane, voicing sharp criticism of PaRIS — It took less than 10 reflective of the journeys for the women experienced that frightening feeling. bollah’s most “senior military
Palestinian suffering even while minutes to construct the who would soon step on top of that There have been times when Carey has commander.” shukr, the state-
continuing to back strong mili- medal podium following the platform — after extreme hardships — and known exactly how to stick those difficult ment said, was Hezbollah leader
see HaRRis ON a15 women’s gymnastics team shine. tumbling passes, yet her body wouldn’t see isRael ON a12
final. The Paris Olympics When the Americans outclassed all cooperate. she has endured injuries that
georgia: harris holds a raucous
crew went to work on the comers, scoring 171.296 points and soaring felt too difficult to manage. Her month Hamas rule: Government clings to
rally to woo voters in the state. a7 candace floor — first, stretching out in front of a star-studded and sellout crowd leading into 2023 U.s. championships was power in Gaza despite the war. a12
buckner a thin layer along the that redecorated a Parisian arena in stars “pretty challenging.” Then after a trying
Project 2025: The right-wing column apparatus, then carrying the and stripes, simone Biles was the first to year, still giving her all to a sport that takes d.c. protests: Activists of varied
venture will end its policy work. a7 slate-colored podiums made receive a gold medal. earlier in the day, she so much out of its most devoted followers, stripes find a common angst. B1
of wood and plastic. Five had spent some time with her therapist. Carey admitted to having thoughts of
people worked together to bring in the top she does this now, checking in on her quitting.
platform intended for the world’s best. mental state and freely sharing it with the see BUCkneR ON a11

Venezuela When the structure was completed,

workers wiped down the stage, so that
golden feet wouldn’t dare touch dust.
world. ever since a vault in Tokyo ruined
her last quest for gold. The story of Biles’s
stepping away because of the “twisties” has
mascots: This year, bloblike “Phryges” can be
seen at the Games. But what are they? c1
Acting head
protests What it took to assemble Team UsA’s
medal perch Tuesday night needed little
effort and minimal time. Not at all
been well documented over the past three
years, but Jade Carey, the next gymnast to
have gold draped around her neck, also has
a run to history: Jerry Brewer on a thrilling
bronze for the U.S. women’s rugby team. d1
of Secret
of Maduro Service is
turn fatal Russian artists decry Putin’s cultural crackdown ‘ashamed’
Following contested vote, Musicians, actors and writers have faced choice between exile and showing wartime allegiance Tells angry senators he
leader blames opposition BY F RANCESCA E BEL can’t grasp lack of roof
after at least 16 are killed security for Trump rally
MOSCOW — Not even the famed
Bolshoi Theater has been spared
BY S AMANTHA S CHMIDT President Vladimir Putin’s war- BY D EVLIN B ARRETT
AND A NA V ANESSA H ERRERO time push for Russian culture to AND M ARIA S ACCHETTI
prioritize patriotism over artistic
CaRaCaS, VEnEzUEla — As freedom. The acting head of the secret
Venezuelans poured into the several Bolshoi stars have fled service said Tuesday that he was
streets for a second day of pro- the country. The theater no lon- “ashamed” that his agency failed
tests Tuesday, President Nicolás ger tours in europe and America. to secure the rooftop where a gun-
Maduro accused opposition And its longtime director re- man fired on former president
leader María Corina Machado signed last year and was replaced Donald Trump, sparring at times
and presidential candidate ed- with a staunch Putin loyalist, with angry Republican lawmakers
mundo González of “criminal after publicly admitting that its who demanded that he fire people
violence” and a close ally called repertoire was censored to re- immediately.
for their arrests. move works by directors or chor- “I cannot defend why that roof
Protesters are demanding Ma- eographers who criticized the was not better secured,” Ronald
duro publish voting data in an Ukraine invasion. Rowe Jr. told a joint senate com-
election they say he stole, and the The Bolshoi is hardly the only mittee examining the July 13 as-
authoritarian socialist has re- iconic Russian institution under sassination attempt.
sponded with force. pressure. The longtime directors Firing at the GOP presidential
At least 16 people have been of Moscow’s Tretyakov and Push- candidate during a campaign rally
killed in clashes across the coun- kin fine art museums were also in Butler, Pa., the gunman killed
try since the vote sunday, accord- replaced. one person in the crowd and criti-
ing to the rights group Foro Musicians, actors and writers cally injured two others. One of
Penal and a survey of hospitals. who oppose the war are being the bullets grazed Trump’s ear.
At least one soldier has been hounded into exile or driven un- The joint senate hearing of-
killed, the defense ministry said. derground — while artists re- fered fresh details about the first
Jorge Rodríguez, president of maining in Russia are compelled attack in decades on a U.s. leader
the Maduro-controlled national by the government to echo a new under secret service protection,
assembly and brother of Ma- nationalist zeal in their work. nAnnA heiTMAnn/MAGnUM PhoToS for The WAShinGTon PoST which has sparked multiple inves-
duro’s vice president, blamed Those who actively voice support a performance of the opera “The Tale of Tsar saltan” at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow in March. The tigations and forced a reckoning
see venezUela ON a13 see RUssia ON a10 theater is one of a number of cultural institutions under political pressure from Russia’s government. see HeaRing ON a8

in the news tHe economy

a gOP campaign has
tHe region
The Justice Depart-
st yle
The loudoun County
Business news.........................a17
eroded the ecosystem ment sued the railroad school district filed an oPinion Pages..........................a21
Protecting children online The Senate tHe nation tHe world dedicated to addressing company Norfolk FCC complaint accusing television...................................c4

passed bills designed to expand privacy and More than 900 Native some athletes at the the spread of misinfor- Southern, accusing it of WJLA of “dishonest and world news...............................a9

American children died Paris Olympics have mation online. A17 illegally delaying distorted” reporting. C1
safety on tech platforms, raising pressure on at Indian boarding feedback for the food When private-equity Amtrak trains. B1 CONTENT © 2024

the House. a19 schools, a report said. A3 hall: more meat. A9 firms buy hospitals, they Montgomery County’s Food The Washington Post
The suicide rate for a german citizen was sell off assets, research- school district did not One of the chefs in Year 147, No. 53929
ginsburg’s leaked records A former health U.S. children ages 8 to pardoned in Belarus as ers found in a study that punish an electric bus charge of feeding the
Olympic Village at the
worker is on trial in the 2019 release of the 12 has steadily climbed, Russia moved seven challenges industry company for its lapses, a
Paris Games is a former
new data showed. A5 political prisoners. A14 claims. A18 watchdog found. B1
Supreme Court justice’s medical chart. b1 pro basketball player. E1
a2 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

Kamala Harris continues to laugh joyfully in the face of weirdness
For home delivery comments
or concerns contact us at The sound and smile spread across her face and
washingtonpost.com/subscriberservices or sight of Vice a chuckle entered her voice.
send us an email at President Kamala “Now can you believe they put
[email protected] or call D. Harris laughing that in writing?” she said with
202-334-6100 or 800-477-4679 carries bemusement. “Nine hundred
confidence, pages of it!”
TO SuBScRIBE Robin strength and a Vance has heaped scorn upon
Givhan peek into her own her and others in the Democratic
washingtonpost.com/mediakit the Critique humanity. Party and in the country as a
Classified: 202-334-6200
Sometimes it’s a whole who do not have children.
Display: 202-334-7642 laughter that fills Vance has argued that childless
an uncomfortable silence. Often, folks in politics don’t have any
maIN pHONE NumBER as when she stood with her real skin in the game when it
shoulders back in her Delaware comes to the future of the
TO REacH THE NEWSROOm presidential campaign country. He added that childless
metro: 202-334-7300; headquarters and characterized people in the media are
[email protected] Donald Trump as emblematic of “unhappy” and “miserable” and
national: 202-334-7410; the sort of hustling, fleecing and take out their sorrows by writing
[email protected] physically abusive crooks she put stories critical of him. Vance
Business: 202-334-7320; in jail when she was a prosecutor, went on to toss the phrase
[email protected] her laughter is more of a “childless cat ladies” into the
sports: 202-334-7350; knowing glint in her eyes political maelstrom he’d stirred.
[email protected] accompanied by a patient smile. He has since tried to explain
style: 202-334-7535; But mostly, her laughter is loud, himself by noting that he just
[email protected] boisterous and indulgent. Her believes in being supportive of
shoulders shake and sometimes families — despite having voted
Letters to the editor:
she doubles over from the effort. against legislation to provide
[email protected] or call She doesn’t look around for federal protection of IVF — and
202-334-9876 others to join inasmuch as she Demetrius Freeman/the Washington Post
that he meant no disrespect to
opinion: simply reflects the moment: the Vice President Harris laughs during an event with NCAA athletes at the White House on July 22. With those who have been unable to
[email protected] thrill, the fun, the catharsis, the her laugh, Harris gives people permission to lean into pleasures wherever they find them. have children for a variety of
Published daily (issn 0190-8286). you-have-to-laugh-to-keep-from- reasons, whether they are at the
Postmaster: send address changes to
the Washington Post, 1301 K st. nW, Washington,
crying-or-punching-a-wall of it and predators on the prowl in struggles of this country’s because it leaves some folks mercy of biology or unrequited
D.C. 20071. all. every kindergarten classroom. citizens, but she gives them enraged. Who does she think she love. But Vance did not seem to
Periodicals postage paid in Washington, D.C., and
additional mailing office.
Some might characterize Trump, the Republican’s permission to lean into pleasures is? grasp that the overarching
Harris’s laughter as an nominee for president, has wherever they might find them. How weird is it to deride a offense was in suggesting that
expression of Black joy — part of crafted an apocalyptic message She reminds them that they can person for laughing? Not for one’s life is sadly incomplete and
a long legacy of being able to find about the state of America. unclench their fists, stop laughing inappropriately, in the futile without children: “Kids are
hope and happiness when others There’s so much to fear and fear grinding their teeth and breathe. middle of a funeral, for example, the ultimate way that we find,
c ORR E cT I ONS have made it their mission to try is no laughing matter. And so Life isn’t all bad, and it has the but simply for enjoying a good healthy people at least, I think,
to deny you both. On the political Trump scowls. Upon occasion, he potential to get better. chuckle? “Weird,” of course, is the self-meaning in life,” Vance said.
stage, it’s an expression of power smirks. When he’s particularly Harris laughs raucously and word of the moment. It’s the way An army of Harris supporters
l The Sunday Take column in the in the face of misogyny, racism pleased about a line that he’s messily. There was a time when in which Harris’s supporters have rose up in response, mostly with
July 28 A-section misspelled the and scorn. landed during one of his Black folks had to curtail their begun referring to Trump and his droll humor, cheeky sarcasm and
first name of Corie Detwiler, a Her critics would try to steal marathon speeches, he might emotions in public. When running mate JD Vance. cat-bedecked fundraising
Denver-area resident who both her joy and her authority by draw his mouth upward so that women were considered Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) merchandise. Harris’s
discussed her views of President belittling her belly-busting his cheeks puff out. He’ll tilt his ill-mannered if they chortled was among the first to attach the stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff,
Biden and Vice President Harris. guffaws. They call the sound she head from left to right as he freely. Some of her detractors adjective to Trump to sum up the defended the relationship she
makes a cackle, as if to suggest listens to his audience guffaw. can’t help but fall back on racism former president’s nonsensical and her brother Cole have with
l A July 18 A-section article that a natural outburst of delight But he doesn’t laugh. He doesn’t and sexism to argue against her anecdotes about sharks and Harris using wit and emojis.
about Maryland’s efforts to or pleasure is somehow break with his tough guy, candidacy. They refer to her as a Hannibal Lecter, his continued “How can you be ‘childless’ when
reduce the population of invasive unseemly, disruptive or foolish. superhuman persona. diversity, equity and inclusion denials of facts, along with the you have cutie pie kids like Cole
fish misspelled the name of They place Harris’s voice, which Whenever he says something hire, which is the new way of rise of Project 2025, a draconian, and I?”
Veronica Malabanan Lucchese is neither overly emotional nor outrageous, something that can calling her an affirmative action far-right governing doctrine Laughter is power. It’s seeing
and misidentified the Middle shrill in the same category as that be read as a direct assault on beneficiary, which was always a championed by some in his life’s highs and lows in the
Branch as part of the Patuxent of Hillary Clinton’s, which is to democracy, as a promise of way of claiming that some circle. broadest context. It’s having the
River. It is part of the Patapsco say that it’s the well-modulated authoritarianism if only he can non-White man got something “As we work to build a brighter strength to be vulnerable and the
River. The article also incorrectly and sturdy voice of a woman not get his hands back on the that they didn’t earn or deserve. future and to move our nation wisdom to know that a back that
said that Branson Williams grew shy about owning her controlling levers of government, Harris has the audacity to look forward, we must also recognize carries the burdens of leadership
up in Southern Maryland; he accomplishments, releasing her his supporters dismiss the words unruffled by the there are those who are trying to in solitary stoicism will
grew up on the Eastern Shore of ambitions or speaking her mind. as a joke. As they see it, the man characterization. She seems to take us backward. You may have eventually break. Laughter is
Maryland. They regard joy as an eminent who publicly refrains from think so little of the substance of seen their agenda. Part of it is only human. And surely that’s
danger because it contradicts laughing is constantly joking. their argument that when she’s called Project 2025,” Harris said what one hopes a potential
their depiction of the country’s Harris laughs with gusto. She out on the campaign trail, she during a July rally in president sees — someone
the Washington Post is committed to status as dire, with barbarians at doesn’t dismiss the dangers the has the gall to laugh. Her Indianapolis. As she spoke, she flawed, empathetic and confident
correcting errors that appear in the the gate, heathens in the temple country faces or downplay the laughter is edifying precisely paused for effect. A bemused — when they look in the mirror.
newspaper. those interested in
contacting the paper for that purpose

200,000 livestock workers will be o≠ered influenza shots

Email: [email protected].
call: 202-334-6000, and ask to be
connected to the desk involved —
national, Foreign, metro, style, sports,
Business or any of the weekly sections.
Comments can be directed to the being simultaneously exposed to been infected in the outbreak. All birds on two Colorado poultry The CDC is also awarding
Post’s reader advocate, who can be seasonal flu and the H5N1 bird flu had mild symptoms and recov- farms. Finland has said it plans to $5 million to community organi-
reached at 202-334-7582 or CDC program will cover that has infected at least 172 dairy ered. offer preemptive vaccination zations such as the National Cen-
[email protected]. poultry, pig, dairy farms herds in 13 states, according to Even though the federal gov- against bird flu to some workers ter for Farmworker Health for
the Agriculture Department. ernment has 4.8 million doses of with exposure to animals. outreach and education efforts.
amid outbreak of bird flu Such exposures raise the rare risk H5N1 bird flu vaccine, officials Pressed Tuesday about why The CDC will buy the seasonal
of the two viruses exchanging are not recommending the new poultry workers at highest risk of flu shots and states can order
genetic material, a process known vaccine because those infected contracting bird flu are not being them as needed. The shots will be
BY L ENA H . S UN as reassortment, to create a new have experienced mild symp- given the H5N1 vaccine, Shah said administered through state
influenza virus that “could pose a toms, the virus is not being trans- discussions about the possibility health departments and commu-
The Centers for Disease Con- significant public health concern mitted between people and the are ongoing. nity organizations at farms,
trol and Prevention is launching a by becoming more efficient at virus is not being spread asymp- “I don’t think we ought to look churches, community centers
$5 million initiative to provide spread and potentially more se- tomatically. at introduction of a new vaccine and other places workers gather.
seasonal flu shots this fall to vere,” Nirav Shah, the CDC’s prin- Some public health experts through the lens of why not,” he Shah said there will be enough
about 200,000 livestock workers cipal deputy director, said at a have argued for vaccinating U.S. said. “There has to be a strong and shots to vaccinate every livestock
in states hardest hit by the bird flu news briefing Tuesday. Wide- farmworkers against bird flu. compelling case to do something. worker in the country if they want
outbreak. spread seasonal flu vaccination Among the 13 U.S. workers infect- Particularly since this is a new to. But less than half of the U.S.
Workers on poultry, dairy and would reduce that risk, he said. ed in the outbreak this year, nine vaccine where uptake may be population typically gets the sea-
pig farms are at greatest risk of Thirteen farmworkers have were workers culling infected unknown.” sonal flu shot every year.

Never Paint Again!

d I gEST

VERmONT three hours. individual identified only as

In just four hours, 7.79 inches of “Conspirator A” to disclose
Torrential rains cause rain were recorded. July’s average various documents, photographs
Our siding products resist extreme climate conditions, flash-flood emergency monthly rainfall is 4.43 inches. and other national defense
— Matthew Cappucci materials since June 2022.
including high temperatures, humidity, rain, hail, snow, Thunderstorms dumped two and Jason Samenow Schultz was paid $200 for that
months’ worth of rain in the information, which then
and even hurricanes. Northeast Kingdom of Vermont juSTIcE dEpaRTmENT prompted Conspirator A to ask
on Tuesday morning, with 8 for a “long-term partnership.”
inches coming down in just six Soldier to plead guilty Conspirator A, who was
18 months with hours. A dire flash-flood to selling secrets described in the indictment as a
no payments and emergency was issued for the foreign national purporting to
no interest town of St. Johnsbury, about 60 An Army soldier accused of reside in Hong Kong, later
Or miles east of Burlington, as selling sensitive information suggested that Schultz could earn
50% off Installation roadways turned into raging related to U.S. military more money if he handed over
with 12 months rivers. capabilities has decided to plead “internal only” material rather
Flooding was reported in guilty, according to federal court than unclassified documents.
no interest with several areas of northeast documents. In total, Shultz received at least
minimum monthly Vermont, including around Sgt. Korbein Schultz, who was 14 payments totaling $42,000.
payments* Lyndonville, about eight miles also an intelligence analyst, filed — Associated Press
*with approved credit. Call for details. north of St. Johnsbury, where the a motion last week requesting a
Offer valid 30 days following date of
written price quote given prior to 7/31/24. Weather Service received a report hearing to change his plea. Officer shoots armed man on
of several homes destroyed. In “Mr. Schultz has decided to Purdue campus: A police officer
FREE Gutters and East Burke — about five miles change his plea of not guilty to a fatally shot an armed man on the
Downspouts with north of Lyndonville — a road was plea of guilty pursuant to an Purdue University campus in Fort
the purchase of washed out and multiple cars agreement with the government,” Wayne, Ind., on Tuesday after the
New Siding submerged. wrote federal public defender suspect failed to respond to
*Terms and Conditions Apply. See Ameritech for
details. Minimum purchase of 1000 square feet. There was also flooding in Mary Kathryn Harcombe, officers’ commands, police said.
Brighton State Park and the town Schultz’s attorney. The shooting prompted school
of Morgan in far northern U.S. District Judge Aleta officials to close the campus for

Call Today
Vermont, where weather radar Trauger set the hearing for Aug. the remainder of Tuesday. It was
estimated more than half a foot of 13, which was originally when unclear whether the man, who
rain had fallen. Schultz was supposed to go to was not immediately identified,

for Free The flooding was largely a

surprise, with forecasts only
calling for widely scattered
Schultz has been accused in a
six-count indictment of charges
was shot by a Fort Wayne officer
or a Purdue-Fort Wayne officer.
Fort Wayne Police Chief Scott
Estimate showers and thunderstorms. Any
flood risk wasn’t anticipated to
including conspiring to obtain
and disclose military defense
Caudill said the DeKalb County
Community Corrections office
come until Wednesday. information and bribery of a contacted his department about
2 02- 8 97- 4155 DC Around St. Johnsbury, a single
thunderstorm blossomed near
public official. The 24-year-old
was arrested at Fort Campbell,
7:15 a.m. seeking help locating a
man who had failed to return to

301-264-8642 MD
the core of a low-pressure system which straddles the Tennessee- their custody. Minutes later,
transiting the area. It erupted Kentucky line, in March shortly police learned the suspect might
VA #2705029456A | MHIC #46744 around 11 p.m. and dumped 1.99 after the indictment was released. be armed with a handgun and
DC #67000878 | NC #77474 703 -586 -9 050 VA inches on St. Johnsbury between
midnight and 1 a.m. Then came
The indictment alleged Schultz
— who had a top-secret security
was possibly on the Purdue-Fort
Wayne campus, he said.
another 5.7 inches over the next clearance — conspired with an — Associated Press
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A3

Politics & the Nation

More than 900 died at Indian boarding schools in U.S.
BY D ANA H EDGPETH But he said many died amid out- them their identities, and steal
AND S ARI H ORWITZ breaks of disease. For other chil- from them the languages, cultures
dren, “it’s very likely that many of and connections that are founda-
More than 900 Native Ameri- those kids died of abuse or the tional to Native people,” Haaland
can children died while being aftereffects of the abuse,” New- said in a statement.
forced to attend Indian boarding land said. After their first report in 2022,
schools, according to a new feder- Navajo Nation President Buu Haaland and Newland spent more
al report that urges the U.S. gov- Nygren said the Interior Depart- than a year traveling from Okla-
ernment to formally apologize for ment’s revelation that 136 chil- homa to Alaska on what was called
the enduring trauma inflicted by dren from his tribe died while at “The Road to Healing” tour. At 12
its systematic effort to assimilate boarding schools served as a stops, for up to eight hours a day,
the children and destroy their cul- haunting reminder of the genera- they listened to stories of emotion-
ture. tional damage done to tribal lan- al, physical and sexual abuse told
Many of the children were bur- guages and culture. by survivors and their descendants.
ied in at least 74 marked and un- “Those are grandmas and In this final report, Newland
marked burial sites at 65 former grandpas that never came home,” included some of the harrowing
schools across the country, ac- said Nygren, whose grandmother descriptions by survivors. One for-
cording to the U.S. Department of was taken from her home on the mer student from Wrangell in
the Interior report released Tues- Navajo reservation and sent near- Alaska said the school “was a place
day. The actual number of chil- ly 700 miles away to Sherman that attracted pedophiles and
dren who died and the number of Institute, an Indian boarding many matrons, men and women,
potential burial sites are probably school in Riverside, Calif. “They perpetrated themselves upon lit-
greater, the report said. were deported from their reserva- tle boys and girls. And what I
“For the first time in the history tions to try to take the Indian, to witnessed in the boys dorm were
of the country, the U.S. Govern- try to take the Navajo, out of them. where matrons were sodomizing
ment is accounting for its role in The government took these kids boys in their beds or in the bath-
operating Indian boarding schools and they never returned to their rooms. We saw girls going home in
to forcibly assimilate Indian chil- families. It’s just devastating and the middle of the school year preg-
dren, and working to set us on a it ruined 136 families.” nant and a lot of these children
path to heal from the wounds in- hibulb CulTurAl CenTer, TulAliP, WAsh. Haaland’s three-year investiga- were like 11 and 12, 13 years old.”
flicted by those schools,” wrote As- tion cost $21 million and involved A survivor from a school in
sistant Secretary for Indian Affairs tive American Boarding School a review of about 103 million pag- South Dakota said: “The sad part
Bryan Newland in a letter present- Healing Coalition, met at the es of U.S. government records at about it is a lot of us had to watch
ing the report to Interior Secretary White House with Tom Perez, a the American Indian Records Re- the priest sodomize our — so, had to
Deb Haaland, the first Native senior adviser and assistant to pository in Lenexa, Kan., and nine watch our classmates become sexu-
American Cabinet secretary. President Biden, and asked for a National Archives and Records ally assaulted. So that’s — nobody
The report is the second and presidential apology for the wide- Administration facilities across wants to share things like that. I’ve
final by the department examin- spread mistreatment and abuse the country. But the department learned how to be tough because
ing 417 federal boarding schools that Native American children said some records are no longer you couldn’t cry. Couldn’t do that.”
that operated from 1819 to 1969 suffered. Parker’s group has docu- available. Some schools burned In Michigan, a boarding school
across 37 states. It built on the mented more than 100 former down and those records may have survivor recalled the chilling
department’s May 2022 report to boarding schools in addition to been destroyed. sound of children crying.
further document the scope and the 417 identified by the federal The report’s recommendations “I think the worst part of it was
impact of Indian boarding schools government, most of them run by included that the federal govern- at night, listening to all the other
in the United States, and it makes religious groups and churches. ment should consider returning children crying themselves to
recommendations for the federal The White House did not re- some former boarding school sites sleep, crying for their parents, and
government to reconcile the trau- spond to a request for comment on to tribes. The historical trauma of just wanting to go home,” the sur-
matic legacy. the new report or its push for an federal Indian boarding schools vivor said. “And I remember one
In the new report, Newland’s apology. The report documented and other assimilation-related girl was a bedwetter, and they
team of researchers said they iden- 973 deaths, including 189 children policies “often impacted several made her scrub the entire bath-
tified 18,624 Native American chil- MArk Thiessen/AP who died at the Carlisle Indian generations” and continues to fuel room on her hands and knees with
dren who were forced to attend the TOP: Tulalip Indian schoolgirls in Tulalip, Wash., around 1910. Industrial School, the first federal high suicide rates, drug abuse, al- her toothbrush.”
schools, but noted that the num- ABOVE: Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland, Indian boarding school located off coholism, and poor parenting And in Alaska, another survivor
ber of students was greater. The left, and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland listen as Jim LaBelle, a reservation and established in among Native Americans and spoke of the planes coming to take
report also estimated that the fed- right, speaks at an Interior event in October in Anchorage. 1879 in Pennsylvania. their communities, the report the children and send them hun-
eral government spent more than Newland, a citizen of the Bay said, citing several studies. dreds of miles away.
$23.3 billion in inflation-adjusted May, found at least 122 priests, similation promoted by the gov- Mills Indian Community “The federal government — fa- “I would like to say my aunt said
dollars over 98 years to implement sisters and brothers assigned to 22 ernments of that time.” (Ojibwe), said in the call with re- cilitated by the Department I lead after we all left, after the planes
the Indian boarding school sys- boarding schools since the 1890s The pope has remained silent porters that the Interior Depart- — took deliberate and strategic came and we all left, she said the
tem, similar institutions and asso- were later accused of sexually about the abuse at Catholic-run ment was unable to identify the actions through federal Indian village was so quiet because there
ciated assimilation policies. abusing Native American children Indian boarding schools in the names of many children who died, boarding school policies to isolate was no children. No children in
In 2021, Haaland — a member under their care. Most of the docu- United States. About half of the nor the reasons for their deaths. children from their families, deny the village.”
of the Pueblo of Laguna tribe of mented abuse occurred in the 417 federal Indian boarding
New Mexico whose own relatives 1950s and 1960s and involved schools were operated by a reli-
were sent to boarding schools — more than 1,000 children. gious institution or organization,
launched an inquiry into the net- About two weeks later, the U.S. according to the report. At least 80
work of U.S. boarding schools af- Conference of Catholic Bishops is- of the schools were operated by

ter the discovery of suspected un- sued a formal apology for the the Catholic Church or its affili-
marked graves at the former Kam-
loops Indian Residential School in
church’s role in inflicting a “his-
tory of trauma” on Native Ameri-
ates. On a call Tuesday, Haaland
told reporters that “it would be a TH
Canada. In the United States, gen- cans. The document said, “We all really wonderful gesture” if the
erations of Native American chil- must do our part to increase pope apologized to Native Ameri- ANNIVERSARY
dren were taken from their fami- awareness and break the culture cans in the United States.
lies and sent to boarding schools of silence that surrounds all types The government, the report
hundreds of miles away to be as- of afflictions and past mistreat- said, should acknowledge its role
similated into White society. Chil- ment and neglect.” in running the Indian boarding
dren were stripped of their names The Interior report noted the school system in which many Na-
and instead often assigned num- Catholic Bishops’ apology but said tive American children were phys-
bers, their long hair was cut, and there is no indication that the ically, sexually and emotionally LABOR DAY WEEKEND | WASHINGTON, DC
they were beaten for speaking
their languages, leaving deep
bishops support the idea that Pope
Francis apologize to Native Ameri-
abused and hundreds died. The
report also called for the U.S. gov-
emotional scars on Native Ameri- cans in the United States for the ernment to issue an apology to the
can families and communities. By abuse and mistreatment of chil- individuals, families and Indian
1900, 1 out of 5 Native American dren at boarding schools, as he did tribes that were harmed by the JACOB COLLIER•SAMARA JOY•DNICE•STANLEY
school-age children attended a in Canada. The pope traveled to 150-year boarding school policy.
boarding school.
The Washington Post, in a year-
Canada in 2022 and apologized for
the church’s role there in the “cul-
In the spring, Deborah Parker, a
citizen of the Tulalip Tribes and
long investigation published in tural destruction and forced as- chief executive of the National Na-



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With Biden out and Harris in, hope heightens for down-ballot Democrats
BY L IZ G OODWIN AND future-forward messaging as a because they had seen 30 months
M ARIANNA S OTOMAYOR welcome change. Multiple House of consistent internal polling
Democratic lawmakers, who that showed Biden not improv-
Earlier this month, Sen. Tam- spoke on the condition of ano- ing against Trump.
my Baldwin (D-Wis.) was no- nymity to speak openly about “I saw Biden’s ceiling and I
where to be found as President Biden’s troubles, said the presi- think what we see in the polling
Biden quietly joked about his age dent spent the last several weeks is Harris’s floor,” said the law-
and defiantly declared he would recounting his first-term accom- maker, who spoke on the condi-
not let anyone “push me out of plishments rather than laying tion of anonymity to talk candid-
this race” at a low-key rally in her out a concrete vision for the ly about party leaders.
hometown of Madison. future. Democratic Rep. Hillary J.
But just a few days ago, the Democrats this week cheered Scholten, who represents a swing
two-term senator, who faces a on Harris as she embraced “free- district in western Michigan,
tough battle for reelection this dom” as a core tenet, and they says she has had many “moder-
year in her swing state, was noted her sharper messaging ate, even conservative crossover
beaming as she spoke before Vice compared with Biden on abor- voters” in her district who men-
President Harris in front of a tion rights and other issues. tion liking Harris’s personality
roaring crowd of re-energized “We have an opportunity to and gravitas, and who consider
Democrats in West Allis. move past the chaos and extrem- her a politician “who really
The scene underscores the ism and return to normal, prag- means business.”
feeling of cautious optimism that matic, reliable leadership, and But Democrats say Harris
is boosting Democratic candi- [voters] get that with her. They must use this opportunity to
dates all the way down the ballot get a better understanding of reintroduce herself to a public
in the eight days since Biden what’s on the line in terms of that does not know much about
stepped aside. Vulnerable Demo- democracy and how we’re going her as Republicans are sharpen-
cratic incumbents hoping to hold to strengthen it,” Rep. Greg ing their attacks.
onto their slim majority in the Landsman (D-Ohio) said. “It’s Many swing district Demo-
Senate and flip the House had all also an opportunity not just to crats — which represent districts
but resigned themselves to de- say, ‘Here’s who I am,’ but to set with an almost evenly split mix of
feat after Biden’s disastrous de- the terms of the debate.” JIm VOndruska/geTTy Images Democratic, Republican and in-
bate, and they were running as Over the past eight days, the dependent voters — are telling
far away from his candidacy as once-depressed Democratic base unfavorable score of 42 percent. Harris’s campaign that she needs
possible. has woken up, helping amass Harris’s strengths have presi- to run to the center rather than
Now that Harris has an oppor- more money and a volunteer dential strategists hoping that appeal to the far left.
tunity to introduce herself to a army down-ballot. The Harris Sun Belt states including Ne- “You’re in the general now. If
Democratic base woken up by campaign said Sunday that it had vada, Arizona and Georgia may Democrats are going to give you
her candidacy, congressional raked in $200 million in the be back in play after the Biden the path, you need to run like you
Democrats are starting to see a week since Biden exited the campaign had begun to write understand what it takes to win
path to victory with fewer than campaign, two-thirds being from them off. That is welcome news in a battleground state,” the
100 days until Election Day, even new donors. for Democrats running for the Democratic House member said.
as Republicans are organizing Earlier this week, the DSCC Senate there: Rep. Ruben Gal- “If you all go off to the left and try
themselves around a line of at- raised more than a million dol- lego (Ariz.) and Sen. Jacky Rosen to please the ‘Bernie bros,’ you
tacks they hope will tie Demo- lars online two days in a row, the (Nev.). Democrats also believe got a problem in battleground
crats to Harris’s past positions. most of the cycle, according to Harris’s candidacy will help in- states.”
“We see huge energy every- the group. And Peters said the cumbents in the “blue wall” of Democrats welcomed Harris
where,” said Sen. Tim Kaine number of statewide volunteers Michigan, Wisconsin and Penn- latching onto her prosecutorial
(D-Va.), who is running for re- in his state doubled in the four sylvania, states Democrats his- record to sharply contrast with
election this year in Virginia, days since Harris announced her torically have won to secure the Trump’s recent felony conviction.
which some polls showed would candidacy. White House. Many noted that such an em-
be close on the presidential level The Democratic Congres- House and Senate Democrats brace could help them counter
with Biden atop the ticket. “In sional Campaign Committee had running in swing districts and GOP attacks that Democrats are
the events that I’ve done since its best day of the cycle in the first states had been outperforming JaBIn BOTsfOrd/The WashIngTOn POsT soft on crime.
that announcement, the energy 24 hours after Biden’s announce- Biden before his exit from the It’s a difference from the Har-
is really, really ratcheting up.” ment and one of the best online campaign — strategists said they (R-S.D.), the No. 2 Senate Repub- ris 2020 presidential campaign
Still, Harris is battling deep fundraising days in the House continued to do so in the weeks lican. in which she often times soft-
dissatisfaction with inflation and Democratic campaign arm’s his- after the June 27 debate. National Republican Senatori- ened her record as a prosecutor
the administration’s handling of tory, raising nearly $1 million, But Democratic lawmakers al Committee Chair Steve Daines and attorney general of Califor-
the border among voters, and they said. In the first nine hours feared that if Biden stayed on the TOP: Sen. Tammy Baldwin (R-Mont.) said he believed that nia in fear of disappointing the
Democrats are facing a brutal after Biden’s Sunday announce- ticket, he would eventually doom (D-Wis.) speaks before Vice Harris will eventually help Re- liberal base during a crowded
Senate map full of purple and red ment, the DCCC was raising their chances down-ballot. They President Harris during a publican candidates because it’s Democratic primary.
states that favors Republican at- $1,300 per minute, according to worried that Democrats were campaign rally at West Allis easier to connect Democrats to But Hill progressives are also
tempts to wrest back control of the DCCC. unlikely to hold onto the Senate Central High School in her policy positions, which he embracing Harris as a candidate
the chamber. House Democrats “I love Joe Biden, but I think if Biden lost, given the fact that Wisconsin on July 23. cast as far left, than to connect who will continue liberal policies
have to win four more seats if all it’s a fact that we were having a even if all their incumbents win, ABOVE: Sen. Gary Peters them to Biden’s age. that Biden enacted during his
incumbents are reelected to re- difficult time activating our base. the Senate would be split 50-50 (D-Mich.), seen in January, “She is a San Francisco radical, presidency. Rep. Pramila Jayapal
take the majority. We have that problem solved,” next year. (The president’s party argued that Harris as the and this just feels a lot like a (D-Wash.), who chairs the Con-
“The additional enthusiasm Rep. Daniel Kildee (D-Mich.) gains control of the Senate in the nominee would be a shift to replay of George McGovern and gressional Progressive Caucus,
that the Democrats have shown said. case of a split.) House Democrats the future, a contrast to Michael Dukakis,” Daines said, was asked by the campaign to
will obviously help down ballot The latest influx of cash is also were concerned that a de- former president Donald referencing past failed Demo- stump for Harris in Georgia this
races,” said GOP political consul- something keeping Republicans pressed base would result in Trump. cratic presidential nominees. weekend. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Ca-
tant Whit Ayres. “Whether that up at night because it can take historically low voter turnout, “The nation is not ready for a lif.) said Harris’s past positions
will be enough to overcome the some districts off the competitive which is critical in swing dis- far-left president.” on climate, abortion and the war
other negatives and challenges map, according to GOP cam- tricts where elections are deter- That messaging is being used in Gaza will continue to excite
remains to be seen.” paign strategists. mined at the margins. by Pennsylvania GOP Senate can- liberals, especially young voters.
Democratic strategists run- “Knowing the path forward “I think the dynamic for them didate David McCormick, who Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said
ning Senate and House cam- has folks incredibly energized, has improved simply because it’s released an online ad targeting he will do “anything” he can to
paigns noted an abrupt shift in and frankly, our candidates have not Biden,” said Sen. Mike Braun Sen. Bob Casey (D). In the ad, help elect Harris, but he has not
messaging as soon as Biden, 81, always been running ahead, so (R-Ind.). “We still are trying to Casey praises Harris before a yet formally endorsed her.
passed the baton to Harris, 59, we’ve been on a good path to take catch up in some of the swing lengthy supercut of Harris previ- It’s exactly what Republicans
from an operation focused on the back the House from the begin- states in the Senate races.” ously endorsing policies such as want to capitalize on.
president’s record the last four ning of the cycle and continue to In the red states of Ohio and banning fracking and discussing “That San Francisco liberal
years to a campaign leaning into date,” DCCC Chair Suzan Del- Montana, where Sens. Sherrod “starting from scratch” in design- wants to turn the whole country
the future with slogans like Bene (D-Wash.) said. Brown and Jon Tester, respec- ing the agency charged with into San Francisco,” said Nation-
“We’re not going back.” Both a Siena/New York Times tively, are fighting for their politi- enforcing immigration law in- al Republican Congressional
Sen. Gary Peters (D-Mich.), poll and a Wall Street Journal cal lives, it is less clear that side the United States. In a Committee Chair Rep. Richard
who runs the Senate Democrats’ poll published this week showed Democrats will be aided by Har- memo, the NRSC urged candi- Hudson (R-N.C.) at a Trump rally
campaign arm, called the Demo- Harris faring better than Biden ris at the top of the ticket. Tester dates not to “be shy about aggres- in North Carolina last week. He
cratic Senatorial Campaign Com- among young, Hispanic and is the lone vulnerable Senate sively tying their opponents to added that Harris “wants more
mittee, argued the contrast with Black voters — all key constitu- incumbent who has not en- Kamala Harris’ extreme agenda.” illegal immigration, she wants
Donald Trump would be good for encies for Democrats up and dorsed Harris, even though the (The Harris campaign told re- free health care for illegals, she
Harris and all Democratic candi- down the ballot this fall. But the Los Angeles Times reported in porters this week she now does wants to defund the police.”
dates. Siena poll also registered some 2015 that he encouraged her to not support a fracking ban.) But Harris has brushed off
“Campaigns are about the fu- slippage compared with Biden run for Senate in the first place. In the House, swing-district these attacks, portraying a vote
ture. And how the policies they’re among older voters, showing the “He’s doing his best to try and Democrats have largely em- for Trump as a ticket to the past.
fighting for are impacting their rapidly shifting coalitions that get himself aligned with his braced Harris’s candidacy, with “We’re not going back,” she said
lives,” Peters said. “That’s why I Democrats are still deciphering. state, which is going to be really many believing she can only in Wisconsin last week, as the
think it’s a real problem for An ABC/Ipsos poll released Sun- hard because his state is a far cry improve on her support from crowd began chanting the same.
Donald Trump [that] he continu- day showed an eight-point spike from the kind of San Francisco here. One House Democrat rep-
ally dwells on the past.” in Harris’s favorability rating liberal policies that Harris brings resenting a swing district said Leigh ann Caldwell contributed to
House Democrats also see the from 35 to 43 percent, with an to the ticket,” said John Thune they called on Biden to step aside this report.

GAO report says U.S. courts must do more to stop workplace misconduct
BY T OBI R AJI ees throughout the federal Judici- key ways. For example, the EEOC 30,000 employees by addressing Sentencing Commission, in addi-
ary and that reliance on the good says trainings should explain to workplace conduct issues tion to the current and former
The body that oversees the fed- character and conduct of individ- employees the consequences of promptly and effectively,” Conrad employee, the spokesperson said.
eral courts must strengthen its uals alone has been grossly insuf- “Continual review engaging in prohibited workplace wrote in a letter to the GAO. Conrad’s letter, dated May 23,
efforts to identify, address and ficient,” she said. conduct. None of the court-level In its report, the watchdog said the judiciary has moved to
prevent workplace misconduct, Members of Congress and oth- and thoughtful training materials for judiciary agency said judiciary leaders lim- address workplace concerns by
the Government Accountability er advocates for change have long staff included such an explana- ited access to court-system em- barring abusive conduct and
Office concluded in a report re- raised concerns about how the revision of workforce tion, the report said. ployees, declining a broad request addressing harassing behavior
leased Tuesday. judiciary handles allegations of “Judiciary employees are not for contact information for all whether or not it is discriminato-
The watchdog agency found misconduct, including sexual ha- protections are covered by various federal civil staff so they could participate in ry. The letter also said that it was
that the Administrative Office of rassment and discrimination. rights statutes that provide pro- the misconduct survey. The GAO updating codes of conduct to clar-
the U.S. Courts has documented Calls for change escalated after needed, and the tections for federal employees interviewed one current and one ify confidentiality obligations, re-
more than 500 allegations of Judge Alex Kozinski of the U.S. from discrimination. Instead, former employee. move barriers to reporting, and
workplace misconduct between Court of Appeals for the 9th Cir- Judiciary is they are protected by the judici- Durbin criticized that decision emphasize the responsibility of
2020 and 2022, including nearly cuit in California was publicly ary’s policies and can use only in a statement, saying the admin- all judges and employees to take
200 allegations of discrimination, accused of sexual misconduct by a committed to ... those processes developed and istrative office’s “unjustifiable de- appropriate action upon learning
most of which involved race, sex half-dozen former clerks and low- applied by the judiciary to ad- fiance” was in keeping with the of potential workplace miscon-
or gender. level employees in 2017. addressing dress workplace misconduct,” agency’s “reticence to embracing duct.
But the report said the court Chief Justice John G. Roberts said the report, which acknowl- meaningful transparency.” In early 2023, the judiciary
system needs to gather more data Jr., who oversees the federal judi- workplace conduct edged the steps the judicial sys- A spokesperson for the admin- administered its own workplace
on alleged wrongdoing, improve ciary, moved for the creation of a tem has taken since 2017 to pre- istrative office said officials re- survey to approximately 28,000
its ability to identify and address working group to review work- issues promptly and vent and address workplace mis- fused to provide contact informa- employees. Conrad wrote that ju-
potential misconduct, and ensure place conduct policies. Two years conduct. tion for court staff, citing its in- diciary leaders plan on using the
that such cases are treated the later, in 2019, judiciary leaders effectively.” “[I]t is imperative for the judi- tent to conduct its own survey. results “to help inform future rec-
same way as complaints from fed- revised their system for handling ciary to ensure that its workplace The office “also appropriately de- ommendations to the Judicial
Judge Robert J. Conrad Jr.,
eral agencies. harassment complaints. conduct policies and practices are clined GAO’s request for contact Conference, including any fur-
director of the administrative
“No American should suffer Torres and three other Demo- effectively achieving its goal of information” for judiciary em- ther changes or improvements” to
Office of the u.s. Courts
sexual misconduct, abuse, or ha- cratic lawmakers, including Sen- creating an exemplary work- ployees who had filed misconduct the workplace policies and prac-
rassment while on the job and the ate Judiciary Committee Chair- place,” the report said. complaints, the spokesperson tices. The survey results were not
federal Judiciary must be held to man Dick Durbin (Ill.), asked the Judge Robert J. Conrad Jr., di- said, because giving out their con- shared with the GAO.
the highest standards of integrity GAO to scrutinize those changes rector of the administrative office, tact information would have vio- Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.),
and ethical conduct,” Rep. Norma and examine whether they align said judiciary leaders would work lated their privacy and under- the ranking subcommittee mem-
J. Torres (D-Calif.) said in a state- with the Equal Employment Op- to address the recommendations. mined confidence in the report- ber on the House Judiciary Com-
ment accompanying the release portunity Commission’s recom- “As in any workplace, continual ing process. mittee, joined Durbin and Torres
of the report. mended practices to prevent review and thoughtful revision of The GAO interviewed judges, in saying more effort is needed.
“This report is a testament that harassment. workforce protections are need- circuit directors and staff from “The fix here is not revolutionary
the current system is failing to The GAO found that the court ed, and the Judiciary is commit- the administrative office, the Fed- and should not be partisan,” he
protect the over 30,000 employ- system’s policies did not do so in ted to supporting its more than eral Judicial Center and the U.S. said in a statement.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A5

Suicide rates in preteens continue to climb, study finds

emergency regarding children’s Social media, Twenge said,
mental health, calling for more “was the catalyst for all of these
The increase is funding and more robust preven- changes [because] it’s very
disproportionately high tion programs combating chal- tempting for teens and preteens
lenges in mental health that were to stay up late using social media
among girls ages 8 to 12 exacerbated by the pandemic. [as] the norm for interaction has
In 2022, the American Acad- shifted to be online rather than
emy of Pediatrics urged health- in person.”
BY S ABRINA M ALHI care providers to screen all teen- Some experts say the internet
agers for suicide risk, despite can be a place where children
The suicide rate for U.S. chil- national recommendations say- find community, but with the
dren 8 to 12 years old has steadily ing more research is needed to internet’s rapid evolution, legis-
climbed in the past decade and a assess the benefits and harms of lation aimed at protecting young
half, with a disproportionate rise such screenings. people often lags behind.
among girls, data released Tues- Some experts maintain that The most up-to-date piece of
day by the National Institute of broadening the screening guide- legislation regarding youth and
Mental Health shows. lines could identity higher-risk the internet is the Children’s
The findings, published in the patients at an earlier age. Online Privacy Protection Act, a
journal JAMA Network Open, Horowitz said the study re- federal law that regulates the
highlight pervasive issues re- leased Tuesday highlights the online collection of personal in-
garding mental health that affect importance of starting screen- formation from children younger
U.S. children daily, the study ings earlier. than 13.
authors said. “We have to dispel that myth It requires children to be at
The authors of the study blame that talking about suicide puts least 13 years old to open a social
no single reason for the increase, the idea into someone’s head,” media account, but Twenge said
but experts not involved in the Horowitz said. “There are at least enforcing these rules proves
study say the problem is multi- four studies now showing that challenging because nearly
faceted, citing technology, social it’s actually the opposite, that it’s 95 percent of teens have access to
media and guns as the main not dangerous to ask kids about smartphones, which make social
culprits. CaiTlin o'hara for The WashingTon PosT suicide risk. It actually could save media available without requir-
Between 2001 and 2022, 2,241 Students with Arizona Students for Mental Health attend a vigil in 2022. Experts say causes of the rise their lives.” ing parental permission to open
children ages 8 to 12 — known as in suicide rates are multifaceted, citing technology, social media and guns as the main culprits. Researchers emphasize the an account.
preteens — died by suicide. While need for more public health in- “The amount of effort required
suicide rates were decreasing and Hispanic preteens. increases in anxiety, depression terventions, but some experts to make sure that your child
until 2007, they increased by Firearms figured more promi- and other mental health issues, argue that technology companies never opens a social media ac-
about 8 percent each year from nently in preteen suicides, with according to experts should be held accountable for count is out of the reach of
2008 to 2022. the number increasing from 90 “I like telling parents “This has been going on for a protecting the safety of their 99.8 percent of parents,” Twenge
From 2001 through 2007, 482 between 2001 and 2007 to 440 while, and we really saw things youngest users. said. “It’s virtually impossible.”
children ages 8 to 12 died by between 2008 and 2022. Fire- to talk to kids about pick up when covid started [and] Surgeon General Vivek H. Some states have moved to
suicide at a rate of 3.34 per arms were the second-leading really seeing kids come in being Murthy called on Congress in shield children from social me-
1 million preteens. From 2008 to cause of death, following deaths smoking and safe sex miserable,” said Maria H. Rah- June to implement tobacco-style dia. Lawmakers in Arkansas,
2022, the number of suicides in caused by hanging or suffoca- mandar, a pediatrician and co- warning labels for social media Florida and Utah have attempted
that age group rose to 1,759, with tion. and drug use, but we author of the American Academy that would caution users about to pass legislation banning chil-
a rate of 5.71 per 1 million. Previous research focused on of Pediatrics clinical report on the potential negative impact dren from online platforms, but
Boys continue to have a higher older teens, but data has expand- also have to include suicide and suicide risk in adoles- these platforms can have on most attempts have been sty-
suicide rate than girls, but sui- ed to include younger children cents. children’s mental health. mied.
cide among 8-to-12-year-old girls and the incidence of suicidal mental health “All of the pediatric providers I Jean Marie Twenge, a re- On Tuesday, the Senate passed
has disproportionally increased ideation, suicidal behavior and know were all hopeful that once searcher whose work has focused two bills, the Kids Online Safety
in the past 15 years. suicides, according to Lisa M. issues.” kids were able to get back to on generational differences and Act and the Children and Teens’
Suicide ranked as the 11th- Horowitz, co-author of the study school and their friends and a trends in mental health, said Online Privacy Protection Act,
Lisa M. Horowitz, co-author of
leading cause of death among and director of patient safety and semblance of a normal life that 2012 marked the year when she that would expand online privacy
the study and director of patient
preteen girls from 2001 to 2007. quality for the National Institute mental health would improve, saw a change in social interac- safety protections to include kids
safety and quality for the national
Between 2008 and 2022, it of Mental Health Intramural Re- and we just haven’t seen that,” tions among teenagers, a factor and teens 16 and younger. The
institute of Mental health
emerged as the fifth-leading search Program. said Rahmandar, an associate she believes helped fuel the rise last time Congress passed a law
intramural research Program
cause of death. “To see the numbers rise for professor at the Northwestern in suicides among preteens. protecting children from the in-
From 2001 through 2007, the the younger kids [and] to see that University Feinberg School of “What changed steadily over ternet was in 1998.
rate of suicide for preteen girls life could get so bad for these Medicine. that time, particularly in this age “I like telling parents to talk to
was 1.25 per 1 million and rose to young kids who have their whole Suicide is the second-leading group, was access to smart- kids about smoking and safe sex
4.15 per 1 million between 2008 life ahead of them and they’re cause of death of young people phones and the popularity of and drug use, but we also have to
and 2022. thinking about wanting to die, ages 10 to 24. social media,” said Twenge, au- include mental health issues,”
While Black preteens had the wanting to end their life … that’s In 2021, the American Acad- thor of the book “Generations,” Horowitz said.
highest rate of suicide for both very striking to me,” Horowitz emy of Pediatrics, the American an analysis using national data to
time periods, all racial groups said. Academy of Child and Adoles- assess how generations vary on if you or someone you know needs
experienced increases, including The coronavirus pandemic cent Psychiatry, and the Chil- topics such as mental health, help, visit 988lifeline.org or call or
American Indian or Alaska Na- worsened the country’s ongoing dren’s Hospital Association col- political beliefs and gender iden- text the suicide & Crisis lifeline at
tive, Asian or Pacific Islander, mental health crisis, leading to lectively declared a national tity. 988.

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A6 EZ rE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024


Trump, who has a history of sexist attacks, again faces a female opponent
BYA SHLEY P ARKER, na’s 2016 campaign, speaking on
M ARIANNE L E V INE the condition of anonymity to talk
AND M AEVE R ESTON about private interactions on the
campaign, said that while female
Running against former Hewl- candidates still encounter bias,
ett-Packard chief executive Carly there are ways to capitalize on
Fiorina in the 2016 Republican attacks to appeal to female voters.
primaries, Donald Trump mocked The person said that while the
her appearance: “Look at that younger women on Fiorina’s staff
face! Would anyone vote for that?” were shocked by Trump’s attack
Running against former secre- on her looks, Fiorina took a differ-
tary of state Hillary Clinton in the ent approach.
2016 presidential race, Trump dis- “She was like, ‘Yeah, ladies, this
missed her as “unbalanced” and is what my life has been like since I
“unhinged” and questioned her walked on the engineering floor at
“strength” and “stamina.” AT&T,’” the person said.
And running against former Democratic lawmakers agree.
South Carolina governor Nikki “In many ways, having gone
Haley in the 2024 Republican pri- through this with multiple women
maries, Trump attacked his own now on the ticket running for
former U.N. ambassador as a president, I think we’ve built the
“birdbrain.” muscle,” Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-
In nearly a decade of contests Mass.) said. “We’ve learned the
against women, the former presi- lessons; we’ve built the muscle. We
dent has long deployed sexist and know that these attacks will be
misogynistic attacks — comment- coming, and we’ll be better pre-
ing on female rivals’ appearance pared.”
and engaging in gendered stereo- Former House speaker Nancy
types in a way that could alienate Pelosi (D-Calif.) said that Trump’s
many of the voters he hopes to win petty attacks are best “ignored,” in
over. part because he “always is project-
Now, with Trump expected to ing.” She instead urged her party
face Vice President Harris in the to focus on its vision of the future.
2024 presidential race — going up “With Hillary, he was calling
not just against a female oppo- her ‘Crooked Hillary.’ He’s
nent, but also a Black and Indian crooked. Me — he’s called me ‘Cra-
American one — strategists and zy Nancy.’ He’s crazy. ‘Nervous
aides from both parties are gird- MEliNA MArA/thE WAshiNgtoN Post Nancy.’ He’s nervous,” Pelosi said.
ing themselves for an election “So I think it’s about what we have
steeped in allegations of sexism Democrats will need to deftly par- crowd, “Kamala will not be your moniker.’ … The problem is he’s to offer. He’s bankrupt in terms of
and racism, warning that the dy- ry any attacks, especially given first female president.” the biggest laughingstock in the ideas, in terms of connecting with
namic holds potential risks and that women and people of color “Look, we’re not going to be a world, so he can’t use that,” said America’s working families. So he
rewards for both Harris and still often face additional hurdles socialist nation,” he said at the Donna Brazile, a Democratic has to resort to these projections
Trump. as candidates. time. “We’re not going to have a strategist who is close to Harris. “I of his own weakness.”
Trump has already begun test- “In 2024 America, voters do not socialist president — especially a don’t think we should spend any Harris and Trump, then, face
ing derogatory nicknames for want to consciously hold women female socialist president.” ABOVE: Hillary Clinton and time worried about what nick- different challenges. Harris allies
Harris — “‘Dumb as a rock’ Kama- back, but all of us have subcon- Asked about the Republican Donald Trump meet for a name he gives the vice president of say she remains relatively un-
la Harris,” “Lyin’ Kamala Harris” scious race and bias questions in leaders’ edict not to attack Harris presidential debate in the United States. It’s what he has known and that, especially as a
and “Laffin’ Kamala Harris” — as our heads that make us have on her identity, Trump spokesman September 2016. Trump done to the women of the United woman, she needs to tell her own
well as accusing her of playing doubts about female candidates Steven Cheung — speaking to re- dismissed the Democratic States.” story to voters, underscoring her
“the race card” and purposely mis- that we don’t have about male porters at a rally in North Carolina nominee as “unbalanced” There is also a growing sense on experience and qualifications.
pronouncing her first name. It is a candidates,” Palmieri said. on Wednesday — offered a re- and “unhinged” during the the Democratic side that the land- “She should spend the next
tactic Trump has also deployed The former president has cen- sponse that seemed to underscore campaign. BELOW: Media scape has shifted since 2016, and three weeks introducing herself to
against Fulton County District At- tered many of his early attacks on both the Republican hope (that members watch an exchange that the playbook that worked the American people,” Palmieri
torney Fani T. Willis, the Black Harris on the nation’s border with Trump will stay focused on the between Trump and former against Fiorina and Clinton is no said. “You’ve got to be aware of
female prosecutor overseeing the Mexico, dubbing her “the border issues) and the more likely reality Hewlett-Packard chief longer quite as effective. The party what people need to hear about
Georgia criminal case against him czar” — though Biden tasked his (that Trump may attack Harris in executive Carly Fiorina now has a better sense of how to women leaders — women leaders
for attempting to overturn the vice president with a narrower personal and offensive terms): “I during a GOP primary respond, Democrats argue, and constantly need to be creden-
2020 election. role addressing the root causes of don’t know that it’s off-limits, but debate in September 2015. voters have also repeatedly shown tialed.”
“I’m running against a low IQ migration out of Guatemala, El it’s not something we’ve done.” He made fun of her looks a backlash when faced with overt- Trump, meanwhile, needs to
individual,” Trump said during a Salvador and Honduras and not In a statement, Trump cam- during the Republican race. ly offensive — as well as MAGA stay focused on the issues, Repub-
speech Saturday at a bitcoin con- with dealing with the surge of paign spokeswoman Karoline extremist — attacks. licans say.
ference. migrants at the border. In a press Leavitt criticized Harris as “just as Trump beat Haley in this year’s “In an even more politically
Trump has mocked the appear- call this past week, Trump falsely weak, failed and incompetent as Republican primaries, but he also fraught environment than the
ance and intellect of men as well, claimed that Harris “supports Joe Biden — and she’s also danger- struggled afterward to consoli- ones in which he ran against Haley
including Sen. Marco Rubio (R- mass amnesty” and “will make the ously liberal.” date support in the suburbs — the and Clinton, President Trump has
Fla.), whom he nicknamed “Little invasion exponentially worse,” a “Not only does Kamala need to result, some operatives speculate, to be careful to try to stay as policy-
Marco”; Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), reference to illegal border cross- defend her support of Joe Biden’s of how he went after Haley. focused as possible, such as on the
comparing his weight to that of a ings. (Illegal crossings, which rose failed agenda over the past four Trump has a long history of border, the costs of goods and
pregnant woman; and Sen. Ted to record levels during Biden’s years, she also needs to answer for problematic behavior involving services and the like,” said Rob
Cruz (R-Tex.), whom he called term, have declined more than 50 her own terrible weak-on-crime women that transcends how he Godfrey, a former Haley aide.
“Lyin’ Ted.” He has also repeatedly percent in recent weeks after record in California,” Leavitt treats female opponents. Since the But Democrats are betting —
referred to President Biden as a Biden used emergency measures wrote. “A vote for Kamala is a vote 1970s, more than two dozen wom- and Republicans fear — that
“low IQ individual.” But his broad- to limit asylum access.) for more crime, inflation, open en have accused Trump of sexual Trump and some of his far-right
sides against women have often Trump and his campaign are borders, high gas prices, and war misconduct, including assault, and supporters may not be able to
carried greater political risk by also expected to focus on Harris’s around the world, and our team during the 2016 campaign, an “Ac- resist attacking Harris with racist
alienating female voters who al- background in San Francisco and will make sure every American cess Hollywood” video emerged of and sexist undertones.
ready find some of his rhetoric California politics, as well as her knows it.” Trump boasting about forcibly “He will do it — he can’t help
offensive. unsuccessful 2020 presidential The Harris campaign and Dem- grabbing women without their himself,” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-
Harris allies say they are prepar- campaign. During the press call, ocrats so far have largely tried to consent. In May of last year, a New Calif.) said. “He will say terrible
ing to handle both overt and latent Trump described Harris as “much dismiss the attacks and have re- York jury found Trump liable for things. He will make up things.”
sexism and racism, and they recog- more radical” than Biden and sponded with humor, arguing that sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll, A person familiar with the
nize the challenges of trying to claimed she was “decimated in the the dynamic has changed since and this May, another New York Trump campaign’s thinking,
elect the first female president. But debates.” He also reprised his use Trump first emerged on the politi- jury found Trump guilty of 34 felo- speaking on the condition of ano-
they also say that eight years after of the word “nasty” to describe her. cal scene. One press release the ny counts in a hush money trial nymity to share candid views, was
Trump first rained down belittling “She was by far the nastiest to Harris campaign blasted out involving payments to adult-film blunt: “We hope he doesn’t act like
nicknames and cruel insults on Joe Biden,” Trump said. “She Thursday in response to a Trump actress Stormy Daniels, who a crazy racist and sexist person,
Clinton — as well as just about any played the race card at a level that appearance on Fox News referred claimed she and Trump had sex. but we can’t control him. There
other woman who dared to criti- you rarely see, and she really was to Trump as “a 78-year-old crimi- Trump has denied any wrongdoing are probably dog whistles and rac-
cize him — the playbook has be- very nasty to him, and then he nal” and said “Trump is old and and said all the allegations are false. ist and sexist tropes he’ll stumble
come familiar and, especially in a picked her.” quite weird.” A New York Times-Siena Col- into. His campaign is going to try
post-Roe v. Wade world, has the During the 2020 presidential In another Thursday release, lege poll from early July found that to keep him out of that rhetoric,
potential to backfire. cycle, Trump falsely questioned the Harris campaign cheekily 52 percent of registered voters but it’s going to be difficult.”
Republicans and Trump allies, whether Harris was eligible to be wished a “Happy World IVF Day to said Trump does not respect wom- In the past, Trump has un-
meanwhile, say they believe the Biden’s vice president because her everyone except JD Vance,” attack- en “much” or “at all” — a number leashed some of his harshest in-
most effective attacks on Harris parents weren’t U.S. citizens when ing Trump and his running mate higher among women themselves, vective on women of color.
are not personal invective but she was born — an echo of his for “demeaning women’s choices with 60 percent of female voters In 2019, during a fight with
those that tie her to unpopular previous racist “birther” attacks and their freedoms” — another saying Trump does not respect House Democrats, Trump tweeted
polices of the Biden-Harris ad- on President Barack Obama. indication of how Harris plans to women. And a CNN poll after that “The Squad” — a group of
ministration and define her as an Trump deployed a similar attack prosecute the case against Trump Biden dropped out of the race female lawmakers of color —
out-of-touch liberal from San on Haley, whose parents are Indi- not just as a felon, but also over found that Harris outperforms should “go back” to the “crime
Francisco, where she got her start an immigrants, during the 2024 issues of reproductive rights and Trump with female voters 50 per- infested places from which they
in the district attorney’s office. Republican primaries. democracy. cent to 45 percent, as well as with came.” He described Waters, who
But they also worry that Trump And campaigning in Florida “When Trump started calling moderate voters, 51 percent to 44 is Black, as “low IQ Maxine Wa-
and some of his more extreme less than a month before Election her ‘Laughing Kamala,’ I said, ‘Oh, percent. ters” in a speech, and in a tweet
supporters will be unable to re- Day in 2020, Trump told the my God, he can’t use that as his A person who worked on Fiori- attacked her as “an extraordinari-
frain from deploying sexist and ly low IQ person.” And over the
racially fraught language, which course of three days in 2018,
they fear will hurt him with crucial Trump demeaned three different
voting blocs. Already, House Re- Black female reporters, dismiss-
publican leaders, including ing one as a “loser” and telling
Speaker Mike Johnson (La.), have another, “You ask lot of stupid
admonished their members not to questions.”
attack Harris because of her race After Harris’s 2020 debate with
and overall identity after several Vice President Mike Pence, Trump
Republican lawmakers dismissed called her a “monster” and a “dis-
her as the “DEI candidate,” using aster.”
the abbreviation for “diversity, eq- Still, Democrats say they are
uity and inclusion.” cautiously optimistic that Harris
Trump’s new vice-presidential may be able to avoid, or at least
nominee, Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), overcome, some of the traps that
has also come under attack from ensnared Trump’s past female op-
Democrats for saying in 2021 that ponents.
Democrats without children “We’ve learned a lot, we’ve
should not control government learned how he operates, how he
and characterizing many Demo- throws red meat in terms of anti-
cratic women, including Harris, as women rhetoric to his base,” said
“childless cat ladies who are mis- Aimee Allison, founder of She the
erable.” (Harris has two stepchil- People, a group that supports
dren.) women of color running for office.
“They’ve got to be careful how “Most people have not been able to
they’re coming after the first Black stand up to the way that Trump
female nominee, because they’re has built power, but I think in
already doing badly with women, Kamala Harris, with her unique
and abortion is already a huge strengths as a prosecutor and all of
issue,” said Jennifer Palmieri, the her experience and who she brings
communications director for Clin- with her in this campaign, he’s
ton’s 2016 campaign. “If they take going to have a hard time.”
it too far, that’s going to alienate a
lot of voters.” Emily guskin contributed to this
Still, she added, Harris and MikE NElsoN/EPA
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su A7


Project 2025 is ending federal, state, and local — will

Roberts will take over direct
playbook in 2023, and it always
planned to wind down the policy
program and hand off recom-

its policy work after supervision of the project. Earlier

in the presidential primary, Rob-
erts was perceived as closer to
mendations to the official presi-
dential transition when it starts
this summer. Another arm of the

attacks angered Trump Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. His

relationship with Sen. JD Vance
(R-Ohio) fueled new attempts by
project, a personnel database of
more than 20,000 applicants for
potential political appointments
Democrats to tie Trump to the should Trump be reelected, will
BY I SAAC A RNSDORF ing critical news coverage. project since he chose Vance as remain in operation, people fa-
AND J OSH D AWSEY Trump senior adviser Susie his running mate. miliar with the matter said.
Wiles repeatedly called Heritage Heritage Foundation employ- Trump has not established a tran-
The right-wing policy opera- leaders instructing them to stop ees had raised money on Project sition, even though it is almost
tion that became a rallying cry for promoting Project 2025. She and 2025 and touted its work to do- August. Should he win the presi-
Democrats and a nuisance for Trump strategist Chris LaCivita nors and activists, even after dency, his administration would
Republican nominee Donald repeatedly wrote public state- Trump administration officials have to immediately fill thou-
Trump is trying to escape the ments disavowing the project, complained. Members of Project sands of political jobs. Trump has
public spotlight and repair rela- and then Trump started saying so 2025 continued to meet as recent- told advisers in the past he did
tions with Trump’s campaign. in his own social media posts. GeorGe WAlker IV/AP
ly as this month, preparing for not want a transition because he
Project 2025, a collaboration More recently, LaCivita has start- Paul Dans, director of Project 2025 at the Heritage Foundation, the next administration. Many of was superstitious and had not
led by the Heritage Foundation ed saying that people involved in speaks at a convention in Nashville on Feb. 22. Dans lamented the participants were hoping for won yet.
among more than 110 conserva- the project would be barred from attacks on Project 2025 as a “disinformation campaign.” jobs in the Trump administra- In a departing message to staff
tive groups to develop a move- a second Trump administration. tion. One current employee at the Monday, Dans lamented attacks
ment consensus blueprint for the “President Trump’s campaign Peter Navarro. Miller has denied and rolling back Biden adminis- Heritage Foundation said there on the project’s work as a “disin-
next Republican administration, has been very clear for over a year his involvement in Project 2025, tration environmental regula- had been requests from people to formation campaign” that aims to
is winding down its policy opera- that Project 2025 had nothing to but his America First Legal group tions. get their names taken off the “falsely associate Former Presi-
tions, and its director, former do with the campaign, did not is a participating organization, At least some Heritage employ- work. dent Trump with the Project.”
Trump administration personnel speak for the campaign, and and his deputy, Gene Hamilton, ees are considering leaving the Some donors have also ex- Dans ended by quoting Trump’s
official Paul Dans, is departing. should not be associated with the wrote the playbook’s chapter on organization because they do not pressed concerns about how an- words after he survived an assas-
The Heritage Foundation also re- campaign or the President in any the Justice Department. want to alienate a future Trump gry the campaign seems about sination attempt on July 13,
cently distributed new talking way,” Wiles and LaCivita said in a Many of the plan’s proposals administration and hurt their fu- the project, the current employee which quickly became a MAGA
points encouraging participants joint statement Tuesday. “Reports overlap with official pronounce- ture job prospects, according to a said. Others agree that the con- movement mantra: “Fight! Fight!
to emphasize that the project of Project 2025’s demise would be ments from Trump’s campaign. current employee, who spoke on troversy will pass. Fight!”
does not speak for Trump. greatly welcomed and should Both Trump and Project 2025 the condition of anonymity to Vice President Harris’s cam- Dans did not respond to re-
The former president has re- serve as notice to anyone or any have proposed eliminating the detail internal dynamics. While paign manager, Julie Chavez Ro- quests for comment.
peatedly distanced himself from group trying to misrepresent Education Department and re- Heritage President Kevin Roberts driguez, said Democrats will not Democrats routinely use Proj-
Project 2025 after relentless at- their influence with President versing President Biden’s student has told people privately that the stop talking about Project 2025. ect 2025 and Trump’s plans for a
tacks from Democrats using some Trump and his campaign — it will loan relief program. Both have storm will blow over, employees “Hiding the 920-page blue- second term interchangeably.
of the 900-page playbook’s more not end well for you.” said they want to reintroduce a have texted and messaged one print from the American people Left-wing discussion of the proj-
aggressive proposals to impute Some Project 2025 partici- policy change to weaken tenure another with dismay about the doesn’t make it less real — in fact, ect surged in June as the Biden
them to Trump’s agenda, since pants have responded by doubt- protections for career civil serv- Trump campaign’s continued at- it should make voters more con- campaign and surrogates started
many of the proposals were writ- ing a ban could be enforced when ants and tighten White House tacks on the organization. cerned about what else Trump focusing on proposals in Project
ten by alumni of Trump’s White contributors include close Trump supervision of the Justice Depart- “We are extremely grateful for and his allies are hiding,” she said 2025 to portray Trump as ex-
House. While some participants advisers such as former White ment and other agencies. Both [Dans’s] and everyone’s work on in a statement. “Project 2025 is on treme. While some project con-
in the project started avoiding House speechwriter Stephen Mil- have proposed large-scale immi- Project 2025 and dedication to the ballot because Donald Trump tributors took pride in being vili-
interviews and public appearanc- ler, former acting director of Im- gration raids and repealing tem- saving America,” Roberts said in a is on the ballot. This is his agenda, fied by Democrats and in news
es, Trump advisers grew furious migration and Customs Enforce- porary protections for migrants statement. “Our collective efforts written by his allies, for Donald coverage, they grew concerned
that Heritage leaders continued ment Tom Homan, and former from unsafe countries. Both pro- to build a personnel apparatus Trump to inflict on our country.” when they started feeling the
promoting the project and feed- White House economic adviser posed ending affirmative action for policymakers of all levels — Project 2025 published its pressure coming from Trump.

In battle for Ga., Harris draws thousands of supporters at a boisterous rally

BY M ATT V ISER It was the campaign’s largest
AND C LEVE R . W OOTSON J R. rally to date, boisterous and
energetic in ways the Democratic
ATLANTA — Vice President Har- Party has arguably not seen for
ris, the likely Democratic presi- years.
dential nominee, held a raucous If not for the “Harris for
rally here Tuesday night and President” signs everywhere, the
challenged Republican Donald convention hall could have been
Trump to debate her, as both the mistaken for a concert venue.
Harris and Trump campaigns are The crowd did the wave. Chalie
refocusing attention on this piv- Boy, Frankie Beverly and Maze,
otal Southern state amid a politi- and Beyoncé thumped from the
cal map that could be reshaped speakers. Attendees “dougied,” a
by newfound Democratic energy. hip-hop dance. The event fea-
Trump and his running mate, tured Georgia’s most prominent
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio), will politicians as well as rappers
appear at a rally in the same Quavo and Megan Thee Stallion.
venue Saturday, the Trump cam- Where Biden often quotes
paign said, marking two dueling Irish poets in his speeches, Har-
rallies in a state increasingly at ris quoted Quavo in hers.
play. President Biden, who nar- She mentioned Trump’s name
rowly captured Georgia in 2020, often, a dozen times or more, but
had been considered by many never mentioned Biden, even as
Democrats a long shot to win it she brought up many of the
again, but that calculus could policy aims of the Biden-Harris
change if Harris can energize the administration. She chastised
state’s voters. Trump for urging Republicans to
“I am very clear: The path to vote against a bipartisan immi-
the White House runs right gration package this year and
through this state,” Harris said. vowed to pass it if she is elected.
“You all helped us win in 2020, “He tanked — tanked — the
and we’re going to do it again in bipartisan deal because he
2024.” thought it would help him win
In a sign of the shifting land- an election,” Harris said, “which
scape, the organizers of Project goes to show, Donald Trump does
2025, which was intended as a not care about border security.
blueprint for an incoming Trump He only cares about himself.”
administration but has become a She mocked his policy posi-
rallying cry for Democrats, an- tions — called him and his run-
nounced it was ending its policy ning mate “just plain weird” — DemeTrIus FreemAn/The WAshInGTon PosT

work. and mocked him for not fully Vice President Harris delivers remarks at a campaign event in Atlanta on Tuesday. She mentioned Trump’s name a dozen times or more
Democrats have seized on committing to a debate. “Donald, during the rally, but she never mentioned President Biden, even as she brought up many of their administration’s policy aims.
Project 2025 in an effort to tie I do hope you’ll reconsider to
Trump to policy proposals such meet me on the debate stage,” states ahead of the Democratic from Project 2025. The Heritage ballot because Donald Trump is by the media and Democrats.
as eliminating the Education De- she said. “Because as the saying National Convention on Aug. Foundation, which organized the on the ballot. This is his agenda, Lisa Cassel, 55, said Harris
partment and limiting access to goes, ‘If you’ve got something to 19-22. The new ad — which will project, said it was winding written by his allies, for Donald likely becoming the Democratic
the abortion pills, while the say, say it to my face.’” run during coverage of the Olym- down its policy operations — a Trump to inflict on our country.” nominee has only increased her
Trump campaign has sought to Recent days have seen a re- pics, as well as popular shows move that came after Trump While Harris’s running mate support for the Trump-Vance
distance itself from the docu- markable shift in the dynamics such as “The Bachelorette,” “Big senior adviser Susie Wiles re- has yet to be named, Vance is on ticket. “So many of her positions
ment. of the 2024 presidential cam- Brother” and “The Simpsons” — peatedly urged Heritage leaders a Western swing this week, fund- are so radical. I’m just not ready
In a new interview, Trump also paign, since Biden announced begins by flashing images of to stop promoting Project 2025 raising in California and hosting for her yet. That’s not the Ameri-
suggested that Harris cannot July 21 he was ending his bid for Harris from childhood to adult- and Trump strategist Chris LaC- rallies in battleground states Ne- ca I live in,” Cassel said.
hold her own with world leaders. reelection and endorsing Harris hood before focusing on her ivita repeatedly disavowed it. vada and Arizona. Sam Brown, the Republican
“They’ll walk all over her. as his replacement. Few states track record in public office. “President Trump’s campaign During remarks at a high Senate candidate in Nevada who
She’ll be so easy for them. She’ll reflect that change more than “As a prosecutor, she put mur- has been very clear for over a school gymnasium in Hender- took the stage before Vance, gave
be like a play toy,” Trump said in Georgia. derers and abusers behind bars,” year that Project 2025 had noth- son, Nev., Vance on Tuesday his full endorsement of Trump’s
an interview with Laura Ingra- Biden narrowly won the state a narrator says. “As California’s ing to do with the campaign, did made several references to new running mate before turn-
ham of Fox News. “They’re going in 2020, becoming the first Dem- attorney general, she went after not speak for the campaign, and Trump “taking a bullet” for his ing to attack Harris.
to walk all over her. And I don’t ocrat to do so since Bill Clinton the big banks and won $20 should not be associated with the country, referring to an attempt- “We’ve all been impacted by
want to say as to why, but a lot of in 1992, while Democrats Jon billion for homeowners.” campaign or the President in any ed assassination earlier this her failed leadership on the bor-
people understand it.” Ossoff and Raphael G. Warnock The ad also includes a clip way,” Wiles and LaCivita said in a month. During his rally speech, der, we’ve all been failed by the
Harris is planning a tour of secured the state’s two U.S. Sen- from a campaign rally in Mil- joint statement Tuesday. “Re- Vance drew parallels to his own policy on our economy,” Brown
battleground states next week ate seats. waukee in which Harris says, ports of Project 2025’s demise time in the Marines. Several said. “We’ve all been impacted by
with her soon-to-be-named run- But as the 2024 campaign “This campaign is about who we would be greatly welcomed and supporters wore hats that said their failed policy on energy.”
ning mate, according to a cam- ramped up, many Democrats fight for.” should serve as notice to anyone “Bulletproof Trump 2024.” Ahead of Vance’s first cam-
paign official, with plans to stop privately admitted they saw The Trump campaign’s first or any group trying to misrepre- “Do you want a president who paign visit to Nevada, the local
in Philadelphia; Detroit; Ra- Georgia as a lost cause, especially television ad of the general elec- sent their influence with Presi- is disloyal to this country? Or do Harris campaign hosted repro-
leigh, N.C.; Savannah, Ga.; Phoe- after Biden’s dismal debate per- tion, also released Tuesday, at- dent Trump and his campaign — you want one who is willing to ductive rights advocates on Mon-
nix; Las Vegas; and western formance June 27. Harris has tacks Harris as an evasive, weak it will not end well for you.” take a bullet for it?” Vance asked. day, attacking Trump’s position
Wisconsin. Her campaign has reoriented the campaign, and and distracted leader who did But Democrats noted that He also called Harris “danger- that abortion laws should be left
signaled that she would an- Democrats hope she can moti- not protect the U.S.-Mexico bor- many of the contributors to Proj- ously liberal” and referred to the up to individual states.
nounce her vice-presidential vate young, non-White and col- der from drug trafficking, in- ect 2025 were former high-rank- quick coalescing of support from “Leaving it to the states means
pick by Aug. 7, though her choice lege-educated voters, notably in creased migrant crossings and a ing Trump officials and that the Democrats as a “coup.” you support the worst and the
could be unveiled sooner. the Atlanta area, and close the possible terrorism threat during effort was explicitly intended to “The media … for years has most restrictive of all the laws
“Not yet,” she said, when asked gap with Trump. the Biden administration. pave the way for the next said the Republicans are a threat that have been passed,” said Rep.
as she boarded Air Force Two to As both sides recalibrated to “Kamala Harris. Failed. Weak. Republican administration. Har- to democracy,” Vance said, refer- Dina Titus (Nev.), who alongside
fly to Atlanta if she had chosen adjust to the new landscape, Dangerously liberal,” the ad con- ris campaign manager Julie ring to attempts by Trump and fellow Democrat state Assembly-
her running mate. Anita Dunn, a top adviser in cludes. Chavez Rodriguez said Demo- his allies to overturn the results woman Sandra Jauregui intro-
Ahead of Harris’s rally, crowds Biden’s White House and archi- The Trump campaign made a crats will not stop talking about of the 2020 election. “They’re duced herself as a “childless cat
snaked around the Georgia State tect of his 2020 campaign, an- two-week, $12 million purchase Project 2025. calling it a coronation [of Har- lady.”
Convocation Center for hours, nounced she would leave the Monday of broadcast, cable and “Hiding the 920-page blue- ris]. I’ve got a different word for “I’m here to tell JD Vance, we
with sweaty attendees moving at White House next week to advise digital airtime across Pennsylva- print from the American people it: I call it a coup.” don’t want you in Nevada,” Titus
a snail’s pace in the 90-degree Future Forward, the largest su- nia, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, doesn’t make it less real — in Supporters at the rally insist- told reporters.
heat — a scene that until recently per PAC supporting Harris. Nevada and Wisconsin, accord- fact, it should make voters more ed that Vance’s comments about
was more familiar at Trump’s Harris’s campaign unveiled its ing to the tracking firm AdIm- concerned about what else the societal value of women Abbie Cheeseman, Tyler Pager,
rallies. The Harris campaign ulti- first television ad Tuesday in pact. Trump and his allies are hiding,” without children — whom he michael scherer, Josh Dawsey and
mately announced a crowd count what it said would be a $50 Equally notable were the con- Chavez Rodriguez said in a state- described as “childless cat ladies” Isaac Arnsdorf contributed to this
of 10,000 people. million buy in battleground tinued efforts to distance Trump ment. “Project 2025 is on the — have been taken out of context report.
A8 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

Testifying before angry senators, Secret Service chief resists calls to fire people
HeARInG from A1 by him in 2019 and 2020 that
reflect “antisemitic and anti-
over how to protect high-profile immigration themes” and espouse
political candidates during a political violence.
fraught campaign season. “This was just discovered, and it
An independent panel investi- is being closely analyzed right
gating the security failures started now,” Abbate said, cautioning that
this week and will wrap up its agents need to verify that the posts
review by the start of october, the were made by the gunman.
Department of Homeland Secu- Previously, investigators briefly
rity said in a statement Tuesday. thought that an online post about
Secret Service Director Kimber- the date of the assassination was
ly Cheatle resigned last week un- made by the shooter, before decid-
der pressure from lawmakers who ing that it was not.
excoriated her performance be- Abbate said that if the posts do
cause of the attack and what they turn out to have been written by
saw as her failure to answer their Crooks, “it is the first indication
questions. on Tuesday, her inter- that he is expressing … extremist
im successor outlined how the views and talking about political
agency plans to change its protec- violence.”
tive posture at campaign rallies Abbate offered the most com-
and improve coordination with plete official timeline yet of the
local law enforcement partners. day of the attack, and the gun-
At various moments, the hear- man’s activities before then.
ing for members of the Senate He said Crooks registered to
Homeland Security and Govern- attend the Trump rally on July 6,
mental Affairs Committee and the three days after the event was
Senate Judiciary Committee announced, and searched online
turned emotional and even angry, that day for “How far was oswald
particularly when Sen. Josh Haw- from Kennedy?” — a reference to
ley (r-mo.) loudly called for Secret the Kennedy assassination by Lee
Service personnel to be ousted Harvey oswald.
from the agency. on the morning of the rally,
“Sir, this could have been our Crooks visited the Butler site and,
Texas School Book Depository,” later, bought ammunition. At
rowe told the lawmaker, referring 3:51 p.m., he flew a drone about
to the building that was used in 200 yards from the rally grounds
the 1963 assassination of Presi- for 11 minutes.
dent John f. Kennedy. “I have lost The Secret Service did not de-
sleep …” MiChAel A. MCCoy for the WAshington Post tect the drone because of cellular
“Then fire somebody,” Hawley Acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe Jr., left, and FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate are sworn in before testifying during a Senate connectivity problems in the area
hollered at him. Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Senate Judiciary joint committee hearing at the Capitol on Tuesday. that hobbled the agency’s own aer-
raising his voice in response, ial operations, rowe acknowl-
rowe said he would let the investi- Crooks, fired eight shots from an rowe said the Secret Service any trouble assigning blame on a the Secret Service over the failure edged at the hearing.
gation play out before delivering Ar-style rifle, so he could see for assumed there would be “suffi- partner agency,” foP President to stop the gunman from climbing Local law enforcement first no-
punishments. himself the view Crooks had of cient eyes” from local law enforce- Patrick Yoes said in a written state- onto the roof outside the rally’s ticed Crooks at 4:26 p.m., identi-
“I will tell you, Senator, I will Trump. ment covering the outer perim- ment. security perimeter, and they sug- fied him as “suspicious” at 5:10
not rush to judgment,” rowe said. “What I saw made me eter of the rally, including counter- Going forward, Secret Service gested that Cheatle’s resignation p.m., and sent his photo to SWAT
“This was a failure, and we will get ashamed,” said rowe, who previ- sniper teams in the American countersnipers will join local was not enough. operators in a text message group
to the bottom of it.” ously served as deputy director of Glass research building from countersnipers on roofs and other Sen. Gary Peters (D-mich.), about 5:38 p.m., Abbate said.
rowe separately rebuked Sen. the Secret Service, responsible for which the shooter fired. locations, rowe said, similar to chairman of the Homeland Secu- officers lost sight of him from
roger marshall (r-Kan.), who sug- overseeing daily investigative and “We assumed that the state and the way they handle security at the rity Committee, said Congress 6:02 p.m. to 6:08 p.m. Crooks
gested that the Secret Service may protective operations. locals had it,” rowe said in re- U.N. General Assembly in New needs answers “about what ap- clambered atop the roof at
have “a cultural problem or gross raising his voice in frustration, sponse to questioning from Sen. York. “I’ve directed that when pears to be a problematic commu- 6:06 p.m., according to video from
incompetence.” rowe showed lawmakers oversize John Cornyn (r-Tex.). “I can as- we’re talking to people and we’re nications system” used by the Se- a local business.
“Senator, I know you’re not call- photos of the rooftop, near where sure you that we’re not going to making requests, that we are very cret Service. Two more minutes passed be-
ing our workforce incompetent,” officials have said local law en- make that mistake again.” specific about what we want, we Before the shooting, local police fore local law enforcement spotted
rowe retorted. forcement officers were posted. Those remarks prompted a blis- are providing explicit instruc- assisting with security at the event him there.
rowe, a veteran agent who “I cannot understand why there tering response from the head of tions,” he told lawmakers. had spotted the suspicious young At 6:11 p.m., a police officer was
served on the presidential protec- was not better coverage” of that the National fraternal order of rowe also said the Secret Serv- man, but much of that informa- boosted from the ground by an-
tive detail during President roof, rowe said. “I think this was a Police, who accused rowe of blam- ice will use more drones around tion was not relayed to the Secret other officer to peek at the roof,
George W. Bush’s second term, failure of imagination, a failure to ing local officers for the federal such events and improve radio Service agents who are part of the saw the shooter, and radioed that
told lawmakers that he visited the imagine that we actually do live in agency’s own shortcomings. communications between the Se- former president’s security detail. he was armed with a long gun.
rally site after the attempted as- a very dangerous world where “The Secret Service still cannot cret Service and other law enforce- fBI Deputy Director Paul Ab- In the next 30 seconds, shots
sassination. people do actually want to do seem to provide any answers al- ment agencies that contribute to bate said that while investigators were fired.
rowe said he lay prone on the harm to our protectees. I think it most three weeks after the at- their security. still don’t have a sense of the gun-
rooftop from which the 20-year- was a failure to challenge our own tempt on the former President’s Lawmakers at the hearing, par- man’s motive, they have found a samuel oakford contributed to this
old gunman, Thomas matthew assumptions.” life, but they don’t seem to have ticularly republicans, criticized set of online posts possibly made report.

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wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post EZ rE a9

The World
BY R ICK N OACK paris olympics
PARIS — What does a city proud
of its culinary reputation, but also
committed to hosting a climate-
conscious Olympics, serve to The Olympics emphasized plant-based food.
Unsatisfied athletes asked, ‘Where’s the beef’?
thousands of athletes seeking
peak performance? It’s been a
tricky balance at the Olympic
Village, where caterers are pre-
paring 40,000 meals a day.
Chefs with Michelin stars
helped design the menus, and
Paris 2024 organizers have em-
phasized all the plant-based and
locally sourced offerings that
minimize the carbon footprint of
these Games. Among the options
in and around the cavernous food
hall for athletes are twisted arti-
choke-truffle croissants, lentil dal
and beefless bourguignon.
But some athletes want more
Sodexo Live, the French com-
pany responsible for catering in
the Athletes’ Village and many of
the Olympic competition venues,
said Monday that it had adjusted
supplies in response to athlete
feedback and consumption pat-
terns in the early days of the
“Certain products, such as eggs
and grilled meats, are particular-
ly popular among athletes, so
their quantities have been im-
mediately increased,” the compa-
ny said in a statement.
Paris Olympics CEO Etienne
Thobois told reporters: “There
has been a reinforcement in ani-
mal proteins, with 700 kilos of
eggs and a ton of meat, to meet
the demands of the athletes, who
we place at the heart of the Paris
2024 experience.”
That means the food served in
the Olympic Village may end up
being somewhat less climate-
friendly than hoped — after a
plan to forgo air conditioning in
the village was frustrated by
teams announcing they were
bringing their own ACs.
The loudest food complaints
came from Team Great Britain.
The food “is not adequate,” the
British Olympic Association’s dAvId goldMAn/Pool/AFP/gEtty IMAgEs

chief executive, Andy Anson, told Thomas Bach, president of the International Olympic Committee, tries food from a salad bar while touring the Olympic Village in Paris this month.
the Times newspaper on the eve
of the Opening Ceremonies.
“There are not enough of cer- footprint of London 2012 and Rio 30 percent of what’s on offer in ronmental impact. “They do a really good job of in the dining hall,” said Evy Leib-
tain foods: eggs, chicken, certain 2016. the Olympic Village, according to Charles Guilloy, the primary providing a variety for us, so farth, an American canoeist.
carbohydrates, and then there is But organizers anticipated that the caterers. That remains true executive chef of the Olympic people who are coming from far Still, the United States was
the quality of the food, with raw athletes preparing for moments after the supply adjustments, So- Village, said organizers wanted to away can feel a little bit more at among the nations that decided
meat being served to athletes,” that could make or break their dexo Live said. showcase French cooking while home,” said Casey Eichfeld, an from the outset that it would
Anson said. careers would prize predictability The food court setup, in what remaining sensitive to cultural American canoeist, adding that bring chefs to Paris.
Team GB — which is among over experimentation — and nu- was once a power plant, is de- preferences. “It’s very important there was a sufficient choice of Brian Knutson, director of food
those that routinely bring their tritional needs above all else. signed to allow athletes to adapt to put forward French cuisine proteins. and nutrition services for the U.S.
own chefs anyway — had to add a “They need a lot of proteins,” their menus according to the and gastronomy,” he said in an Sha Mahmood Noor Zahi, a Olympic and Paralympic Com-
chef to support athletes not want- acknowledged Philipp Würz, who needs of their sport — whether interview. “But we’re welcoming sprinter from Afghanistan — mittee, said in an interview that
ing to eat in the Olympic Village, is responsible for food and bever- high protein or high carbohy- the world at our table. We must where typical diets are meat- the presence of familiar chefs “is
he said. ages at the Games. “You can’t just drates. U.S. rugby player Ilona also respect the habits and gas- centric — said he appreciates the something comforting and puts
Members of the German men’s say, okay, you go 60 or 100 percent Maher demonstrated the carb tronomic cultures of other coun- focus on plant-based food in Par- the athlete at ease.”
hockey team also grumbled about vegetarian. It’s just not possible.” possibilities, posting a TikTok tries.” is. “There are plenty of vegetables He and his team have prepared
the food. So while plant-based meals ac- video of her plates loaded with a The more than 500 recipes here that I like,” he said. 200 recipes, using 900 ingredi-
“Basically, it just takes an in- count for 60 percent or more of bread roll, a croissant and a crepe. include meals as distinct as lamb Guilloy said one of his favorite ents that they primarily source
sanely long time because they’re what spectators can buy at Olym- Fact sheets help athletes scan moussaka and fried shrimp with dishes is a lentil dal, made with locally, including a special French
completely overwhelmed at peak pic venues, they represent about the nutritional value — and envi- chermoula sauce. green lentils from just outside cantaloupe. “No. 1 favorite!” he
times,” captain Mats Grambusch Paris, that’s served with a low-fat said.
told the DPA news service. “And yogurt. “It’s very high in protein,” The team still relies on some
then the quality and quantity of said Guilloy, and it also contrib- U.S. supplies: It shipped over 30
the meals aren’t good, because utes to the organizers’ goal of pallets’ worth, including 8,000
there are simply too many people sourcing 80 percent of ingredi- bottles of high-protein milk-
coming at the same time.” ents locally. shakes. For the most part, howev-
Food has been a point of con- Athletes also have access to a er, France has “the products that
tention at past Olympics, too. tasting area where five renowned we need,” Knutson said.
Concerned over food safety, some French chefs take turns present- He said he was surprised to
teams brought their own supplies ing dishes they created for the learn that many French bakers go
to Beijing in 2008. During the Games. on vacation for an entire month
2016 Olympics in Rio, athletes Amandine Chaignot, a Paris- in August. But after negotiations,
were put off by long lines. And in based chef, said her recipes are he said, one was willing “to stay
Tokyo in 2021, organizers apolo- more of “a nod” to French cuisine open and exclusively supply us.”
gized for 175 tons of food that than a full immersion for ath- Operating out of a U.S. training
went to waste. letes. center in the outskirts of Paris,
Sodexo Live, headquartered in “I started off the principle that Knutson’s team feeds American
a Paris suburb, oversaw food for we shouldn’t push them too athletes and support staffers on-
many spectators at the 2012 Lon- hard,” she said, “and that we site and prepares food boxes.
don Olympics, as well as for 15 should still offer something that’s Eating immediately after a com-
Super Bowls. But catering the fairly reassuring.” petition, rather than waiting to
Paris Olympics — including the One of Chaignot’s dishes is a get back to the village, is particu-
Olympic Village food hall, billed twisted croissant, stuffed with larly important for athletes who
as the world’s largest restaurant, artichoke cream and topped with have only short recovery periods,
with seating for 3,500 people — a poached egg, cheese and truf- he said.
presents more challenges. fles. And when their events are all
The “Paris 2024 Food Vision” Guilloy said the tasting area is finished? “It’s game on,” he said.
includes commitments to provide primarily conceived for “mo- “That’s when the pains au choco-
locally sourced, seasonal food, ments of discovery and pleasure lat really come out.”
with less animal protein and MIchEl EulEr/AP after the competitions.”
more plant-based ingredients, as French baker Tony Dore prepares baguettes like those served during the Olympic Games. It is “super cool to kind of have les carpenter contributed to this
part of a goal to halve the carbon Caterers at the Olympic Village prepare 40,000 meals a day. that option and have everything report.

Di g es t

FraNce vessel used to transport cocaine Afghanistan’s diplomatic passports, visa stickers, deeds and in an earlier statement. The PKK, One person died and nearly 150
through South American missions set up by the former endorsements. which has been waging an were sickened after eating grilled
Massive global effort waterways and across the Western-backed government and The ministry said people in insurgency against the Turkish eel prepared by a restaurant
targets drug trafficking Atlantic — in the jungle of that it will not honor passports, those countries will instead need state since 1984, is designated a chain and sold at a department
Guyana, Interpol said. visas and other documents issued to approach embassies and terrorist organization by Turkey, store near Tokyo, officials said.
Interpol says more than 200 Interpol said a record 505 by diplomats associated with the consulates controlled by the the United States and the Keikyu Department Store said 147
people have been arrested and metric tons of precursor previous administration. Taliban administration. European Union. customers as of Monday had
some $1.6 billion worth of illegal chemicals, used for It’s the latest attempt by the — Associated Press reported symptoms such as
drugs and precursor chemicals manufacturing both drugs and Taliban to take control of Heavy monsoons in northwest vomiting and diarrhea after
seized as part of a two-month explosives, were seized. Afghanistan’s embassies and Turkish forces targeted Kurdish Pakistan triggered flash flooding eating grilled-eel dishes sold in
operation against narcotics The operation, part of a series consulates since returning to militants in northern Iraq with that killed at least 14 people, 11 the grocery section of the store,
trafficking across Europe, South of Lionfish operations since 2013, power in 2021. No country airstrikes, killing 13 members of from the same family, officials based in Yokohama, on two days
America and Africa. was funded by the British Home recognizes the Taliban as the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ said Tuesday. The rains in Kohat, last week. Japan has a tradition of
The international police Office and involved 31 countries Afghanistan’s legitimate ruler. Party (PKK), the Defense Ministry a district in the Khyber eating roasted eel as a tonic for
organization, based in Lyon, in addition to other international In a statement on X, the said Tuesday. The PKK militants Pakhtunkhwa province, flooded the summer heat. A woman in her
France, said “Operation Lionfish organizations. Foreign Affairs Ministry said were “neutralized” in the Gara the basement of a house where 90s died after developing
Hurricane” in April and May led — Associated Press documents issued by missions in and Haftanin regions of northern the family slept, emergency symptoms, but her exact cause of
to the arrest of 206 people and the London; Berlin; Bonn, Germany; Iraq, the ministry said in a services spokesman Bilal Faizi death is being further
seizure of 615 metric tons of aFgHaNistaN Belgium; Switzerland; Austria; statement. The ministry’s use of said, adding that the bodies of a investigated, the Yokohama city
illegal drugs and chemicals, 65 France; Italy; Greece; Poland; the term “neutralized” generally man, three women and seven health center said. The center
stolen cars, some 30,000 Former government’s Australia; Sweden; Canada; and means killed. Turkey’s military children, including an 11-month- detected Staphylococcus aureus
commercial-grade detonators embassies disavowed Norway are no longer accepted. It had conducted airstrikes in old girl, were retrieved. He said in stool samples from those
diverted from military or mining said the ministry “bears no northern Iraq on Friday and three others died in the districts affected.
use, and a “narco-sub” — a The Taliban said Tuesday that responsibility” for those destroyed 25 Kurdish militant of Hangu and Bajaur in the same — From news services
homemade semi-submersible it no longer recognizes documents, which would include targets, the Defense Ministry said province.
A10 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

Putin’s patriotic push is killing artistic freedom

RUssiA frOm A1

for the war are rewarded with

fame and fortune. movies or mu-
sic glorifying the army or uphold-
ing patriotic values receive hefty
government subsidies.
Putin’s push to re-engineer his
country as a militarized super-
power in conflict with liberal
Western values is sterilizing rus-
sia’s once-vibrant cultural land-
scape, artists say. By demanding
that the new turbocharged patri-
otism pervade everything from
fine art exhibits to rap music to
ballet performances, the Kremlin
is stifling creativity and squash-
ing free expression.
The changes represent the
starkest shift since the 1930s,
when the soviet Union, under
Joseph stalin, adopted socialist
realism as its official cultural
doctrine — requiring artists to
depict and promote marxist-
Leninist ideals in every form of
their work.
“I am afraid what we are wit-
nessing now may be the end of
russia as we have known it, the nAnnA heITMAnn/MAgnUM PhoTos for The WAshIngTon PosT

end of the cultural phenomenon

that is associated with the term
‘russian culture,’” the acclaimed composers: rimsky-Korsakov, Cultural purge “my audience has dramatically
russian detective novelist Grigo- mussorgsky, rachmaninoff, Glin- In the country that birthed Leo expanded both geographically
ry Chkhartishvili — better known ka and Tchaikovsky. Tolstoy, Anna Akhmatova and and in size,” said Ivan Alekseev,
by his pen name, Boris Akunin — “The power of these greatest fyodor Dostoyevsky, literature is known as noize mC, one of rus-
said in an interview from Lon- creators — it is absolutely unstop- gradually being cleaved apart. sia’s most famous rappers. “We
don, where he now lives. pable, it has no barriers, it has no Books by well-known authors have internet, so the geographi-
A prominent theater critic said borders,” Gergiev said, echoing such as Akunin — whose erast cal aspect doesn’t play such a
that a soviet relic — the assign- Putin’s expansionist rhetoric. fandorin murder mysteries set in significant role.” Alekseev now
ment of a curator from the KGB some Bolshoi dancers support imperial russia have sold nearly plays sold-out shows in europe
to control what gets onstage — the war through an internal Tele- 40 million copies worldwide — and the United states, and his
has made a comeback, and major gram group that raises money for have been banned, and others songs have become unofficial an-
theaters now have minders from soldiers. But with virtually no deemed too subversive have dis- thems for antiwar russians.
the fsB, the KGB’s main succes- access to the major theaters appeared from stores. filling the gap left by noize mC
sor. worldwide, their careers are stag- In february, a moscow court and others, the platinum blonde,
“everyone has a curator,” the nating. charged Akunin with “justifying ultrapatriotic pop star shaman
critic said. “We are fully returning “Their global reputation is di- terrorism” and “spreading false has experienced a meteoric rise
to the 1930s era of control and minishing and now the theater information about the russian since the invasion and become a
censorship.” has been forced to become more army” and ordered his arrest, face of russia’s wartime propa-
A department within russia’s political,” said Alexei ratmansky, though he was already in Lon- ganda machine, reaching even
Interior ministry, known as Cen- a choreographer and director don. north Korean singers who per-
ter e — named for its official task whose work was censored. “If you Akunin described the charges formed his hits during Putin’s
of countering extremism — plays don’t prove that you’re on Putin’s as part of “a purge of the cultural recent visit there.
a crucial role in the state’s control side, your position is questioned.” sphere” and said that russian
over the arts and often sends museums also feel the tighten- artists and writers will now be Militarizing the big screen
agents to sit among spectators at ing grip. Zelfira Tregulova, who split, as in soviet times, between for two hours, grotesque
performances, according to musi- since 2015 had overseen a refresh those who obey the Kremlin’s scenes unfolded on the movie
cians and directors. of the staid Tretyakov, was ousted rules and those who “shut up or screen.
for this article, The Washing- following a complaint over the emigrate.” Ukrainian fighters worshiping
ton Post interviewed more than a gallery’s “destructive ideology.” “There will be the inside zone portraits of Adolf Hitler while
dozen writers and artists whose Her successor is a woman with of controlled culture where cen- forcing a Jewish violinist to play
lives and work have been upend- links to the fsB. sorship and self-censorship will the Luftwaffe’s anthem. soldiers
ed by the sweeping changes. most A few weeks after Tregulova rule,” he said, “and the outside injecting heroin and dragging
who agreed to speak did so on the left the Tretyakov, marina cyrIl ZAnneTTAccI/Agence VU for The WAshIngTon PosT free zone which would exist on women away by their hair before
condition of anonymity because Loshak, who headed the Pushkin the internet, though the latter raping them. A commander
of the risk of retribution. museum for a decade — and will be eventually firewalled.” shooting a child five times in the
whose daughter and nephew are for many writers, moral ques- back for speaking russian.
Totalitarian curtain journalists designated as “foreign tions posed by the war have The movie, “The Witness,” was
After russia’s invasion of agents” — announced that she consumed their lives. many have russia’s first full-length feature
Ukraine in february 2022, the was “moving on.” Other museum fled russia. some still in the about the invasion of Ukraine.
state’s grip tightened, with tough chiefs, such as mikhail Pi- country risk arrest by chronicling Presented last fall as based on
laws barring any criticism of the otrovsky, director of the Hermi- the trials of political prisoners or real events, the film follows an
war. tage in st. Petersburg, publicly publishing diaries about the inva- ill-fated Belgian musician as he
“The theaters themselves all support the war. sion, such as natalya Klyuchare- bears witness to Ukraine’s pur-
of a sudden rushed to sign Theater director Yevgenia va’s “Diary of the end of the ported war crimes.
nonaggression pacts with the Berkovich and playwright svetla- World.” In russia, unlike Hollywood,
likes of the prosecutor general’s na Petriychuk, who had criticized Other writers remaining in the state is the main patron of the
office, seeking immunity, stag- the war, were arrested in may russia have conformed and arts. most major film releases,
ing plays for the soldiers and 2023 for staging a play, “finist, adapted. A few, such as national- including “The Witness,” are
their kids,” said nikita the Brave falcon,” that prosecu- ist poet Igor Karaulov, are now sponsored by the Culture minis-
Betekhtin, a prominent russian tors alleged “justifies terrorism.” the faces of Z literature — which try and the Cinema foundation.
director who compiled a list of They were convicted this month celebrates russia’s military prow- Official decrees outlining “priori-
dozens of theaters that put the and each sentenced to six years in ess. ty topics” this year focused on
military’s Z symbol on their prison. Writers say russia’s literary films that promote traditional
facades and playbills to cater to Also in spring 2023, arrest scene oddly has become more values. state funding is greater
the authorities. warrants were issued for a Ukrai- dynamic since the invasion, as than ever — about $320 million
In 2022, the Yermolova Thea- nian Oscar-nominated film pro- the government infuses funds last year.
ter company in moscow boasted ducer, Alexander rodnyansky, and seeks influence. “Paradoxi- rodnyansky, who produced
on its website that it had signed who had lived and worked in cally, there’s now more money, the 2014 Oscar-nominated film
an agreement “on mutual cre- russia for decades, and a promi- more projects, more events, more “Leviathan,” called the increase
ative cooperation” with the Inves- nent theater director, Ivan Vyry- literary residencies than ever be- in funding “a way to buy loyalty”
tigative Committee, russia’s most paev. By then, rodnyansky and fore, and so on,” said Dagestani from filmmakers. “In turn, they
powerful law enforcement body. Vyrypaev were out of russia. author Alisa Ganieva, who writes keep silent,” he said. “The govern-
Betekhtin departed russia in The Kremlin denied a request in russian. ment wants the creative class to
may 2022 after two of his plays to interview Putin for this series. Ganieva, 39, left russia in understand that they should be
were canceled; he now directs In a statement to The Post, the march 2022 and has been root- scared.”
plays in Berlin. “Center e and fsB Culture ministry confirmed that less ever since, never staying in In 2022, the Defense ministry,
are incompatible with culture, promoting patriotism is an offi- one city for more than a few at Putin’s request, set up a cinema
but as they try to control it, we see cial goal. months. she broke with her pub- foundation called Voenkino,
all these Kafkaesque processes,” “Today culture is the most lisher of 12 years because they headed by the defense minister,
he said. important resource for the socio- remained silent about the war, to “promote military-patriotic
At the Bolshoi, home to the economic development of the en- and she said she has found her- films and programs.”
storied ballet company, the long- tire country,” the ministry said. self “in a kind of freeze.” Voenkino officials consulted
time director, Vladimir Urin, was “Traditional values of our society “I’m in limbo, between heaven on “The Witness,” mobilizing
replaced by Valery Gergiev, a are transmitted through the im- and earth, neither here nor active-duty soldiers as extras and
Putin loyalist who also runs the ages in cinema, theater, music KsenIA IVAnoVA for The WAshIngTon PosT there,” she said. providing props experts to ensure
mariinsky Theater in st. Peters- and other areas of creativity for FROM TOP: The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow has been under Ganieva is working on a new, accuracy, according to the foun-
burg. Urin had supported rus- russian and foreign audiences. increasing pressure since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine; its untitled novel but doesn’t know if dation’s website. The foundation
sia’s invasion and annexation of And one of the tasks of the longtime director resigned last year and was replaced with a it will be published. “Given that also produced a TV series about
Crimea in 2014 but signed a ministry of Culture is to create staunch loyalist of Russian President Vladimir Putin. the censorship screws never stop the “heroes of the special military
petition opposing the full-scale conditions for more and more Russian detective novelist Grigory Chkhartishvili — better turning,” she said, “there is cer- operation,” which it said averaged
invasion of Ukraine in 2022. works of art to appear in various known by his pen name, Boris Akunin — lives in exile in tainly no publisher for it in rus- 2.5 million viewers per episode.
Gergiev, by contrast, has long genres and forms, which will London. Dagestani author Alisa Ganieva, who writes in sia now.” At a screening of “The Wit-
been an unequivocal supporter of favorably influence the world- Russian, has been rootless since she left Russia in 2022. some of russia’s most beloved ness” attended by a Post reporter,
Putin and had an engagement at view and life attitudes of the singers — including legendary pop it was quickly evident that man-
La scala in milan cut short when younger generation.” diva Alla Pugacheva, rock star dating movies suited to official
he refused to condemn the war. The statement added: “The Zemfira and singer- sensibilities is easier than getting
standing with Putin at a Krem- ministry pays special attention to songwriter monetochka — have russians to like them. some spec-
lin awards ceremony in may, projects that emphasize spiritual, also fled abroad with their families. tators snickered at the script’s
Gergiev said that while the moral and patriotic values, as many, not silenced, have found clunky lines. four people walked
Bolshoi and mariinsky perform well as the cultural sovereignty of new, devoted audiences in rus- out halfway through.
mozart and Verdi at times, their the peoples of russia.” sian diaspora hubs such as Dubai The film flopped, earning
emphasis must be on russian and Bangkok. see RUssiA On A11
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su a11

RUSSiA from A10

about $156,000 — one-tenth of its

production cost, according to box
office statistics. In contrast, the
commercial adaptation of a
Soviet cartoon, “Cheburashka,”
grossed $78 million.
Still, “The Witness” resonated
with some young people who
packed a moscow theater for the
screening. “It was very moving,”
said Anastasia, 33, a film pro-
ducer who declined to give her
last name because she was afraid
of the potential repercussions.
one spectator who walked out
was a young independent film
producer who punctuated her
dismay over the film with an
The young producer, who is
not being identified because of
the risks of criticizing the govern-
ment, said opportunities for her
and her circle of friends — bud-
ding filmmakers, producers and
scriptwriters — have dwindled. nanna heiTMann/MagnuM phoTos for The WashingTon posT

fledgling producers struggle to

get entries accepted by interna-
tional festivals. financing is stance. The two-hour conversa- nancing to patriotic projects, the crackdown on party attendees
scarce. one remaining outlet, she tion amassed 9 million views and russian government also devel- followed.
said, is in fairy tales. “It’s the only ended Smolyaninov’s career in ops blacklists that ban artists Vacio, whose real name is
way we can address the subjects russia. from performing live or appear- Nikolai Vasiliev, was jailed for
that worry us,” she said. one after the other, acting ing on TV, according to artists, two weeks and given a military
The producer said that she, roles he was cast in vanished. At talent agents and event promot- summons upon release. He
too, was afraid to speak with a auditions, he was rejected repeat- ers. quickly fled abroad. Kirkorov and
journalist and asked not to be edly. The blacklists are not pub- Bilan were among 50 artists on a
identified. “Self-censorship is one “Then one director whose film lished or set in stone. Banned blacklist sent to producers and
of the most terrifying parts of all was supposed to receive funding artists who cow to state pressure promoters, russian media re-
this — this is why I wanted to talk from the ministry of Culture at can be removed, as Philipp Kirko- ported. Nine had upcoming
to you, to break through this some point simply called me,” rov, the recently disgraced king of shows canceled.
barrier,” she said. “I’m deeply Smolyaninov said. “He was just in russian pop, discovered. In its statement to The Post,
depressed and I’m raging. I’m the minister’s office, and the min- In february, Kirkorov gave an the Culture ministry did not re-
feeling angry and powerless and ister showed him a paper — my ad hoc concert in a drab hospital spond to a question about black-
desperate.” name was already on some black hall in Horlivka, an occupied city lists. Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin
or gray list of people who have in eastern Ukraine, where video spokesman, denied “any knowl-
blacklists and ministry been banned.” of the event showed he toned edge” of the lists. But a russian
mandates A TV show he appeared in, down his usual fashion choices — music agent, who spoke on the
Artur Smolyaninov was com- already filmed and cut, was Swarovski crystals, feathers, se- condition of anonymity because
pleting his first record when the shelved after an official told the quins — in favor of an all-black of fear of reprisal, confirmed to
invasion started. After working showrunner, who in turn in- outfit. The Post that venues and promot-
successfully as an actor for two formed Smolyaninov, that he for Kirkorov and another pop ers receive logs of artists who are
decades, he wanted to branch out could not appear on screens un- star, Dima Bilan, who went on an out of favor and that local author-
to music. less he renounced his antiwar identical tour of the front in June, ities then take action to revoke
feeling compelled to speak up stance. radio stations refused to the visits appeared to be more show permits.
against the war and support air his songs, he said, and concert about saving their careers than Kirkorov’s penance worked.
Ukrainians, Smolyaninov record- venues declined to let him hold supporting the troops. They were Iced out for weeks after the raun-
ed a cover of “obiymy” (meaning shows. among many celebrities caught chy party, in february he re-
“Hug me,” with opening lyrics “I didn’t want to leave,” he said. in a scandal over a raunchy party sumed public appearances in
that say, “Some day will come/ “But when mobilization was an- in December that war hawks russia, including on state TV,
The war will end”) by okean Elzy, nounced, it was a trigger that denounced as inappropriate de- again dressed solemnly in all
philip Cheung for The WashingTon posT
one of Ukraine’s biggest rock made me realize this is going to bauchery. black.
bands. Katerina Gordeeva, a TOP: The Oktyabr cinema in Moscow. AbOVe: Alexander go on for a long time, get worse, Putin publicly voiced outrage
friend and popular interviewer, Rodnyansky, the Ukrainian-born producer of the the 2014 and that the only path here is that russian rapper Vacio had robyn dixon and natalia
invited Smolyaninov onto her Oscar-nominated film “Leviathan,” lived in Russia for years toward prison.” attended wearing only a sock abbakumova contributed to this
YouTube show to discuss his but is now in exile. Russia ordered his arrest in 2023. In addition to restricting fi- over his genitals, and a vicious report.

candace Buckner

Resilience on full display

as U.S. women strike gold
bUckneR from A1 thoughts of leaving the sport. Yet
in the years leading up to Paris,
Sunisa Lee, the 2021 olympic who could have imagined this
all-around champion, almost U.S. women’s gymnastics team
didn’t have a choice. Health would score a nearly six-point
issues nearly forced her into win over the closest competitors,
retirement. Last year, Lee was when almost every one of these
misdiagnosed with having women needed to overcome an
allergies. Her ailment, however, abundance of adversity?
turned out to be a rare liver “In 2016, we were destined to
disease. Lee had to step away win gold. Everybody already kind
from college gymnastics, and her of said we would win gold, and so
career seemed to be in peril. whenever we went out there, we
But Tuesday night, as did our job and we did win gold,”
teammate Jordan Chiles helped Biles said. “And it was just like,
adjust the Paris medal ribbon we were a little young and naive,
around Lee’s neck, her comeback so it didn’t hit the way that it
story to elite gymnastics could does now. Now that I’m much
not have been scripted better — older and we have so much more
with the former champion experience and we’re out here
beaming in gold once again. really having fun and enjoying
“This team has definitely been what we’re doing.”
through a lot,” Lee said. “It’s just The team began the night on
different this time around than I the vault — that wretched
think [in Tokyo].” apparatus that now causes fits of
These are the gymnasts stress for anyone who cares
responsible for earning the about Biles. Chiles felt it. That “Is
program’s fifth gold medal. They it going to happen again?” dread.
didn’t go the cheesy route and But in the morning, Biles had JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon posT

name themselves the “Comeback told her therapist that she was Sunisa Lee competes on the beam during the team final. Health issues nearly forced the 2021 Tokyo all-around champion into retirement.
Kids.” They’re grown women — feeling calm and ready for
well, everyone except 16-year-old everything, including the vault. Serena Williams, Natalie After the relief, came more joy. 87.432 score, more than three The workers in the teal Paris
Hezly rivera — and they’ve been The meet allowed just one Portman, michael Phelps and Even with two more rotations points ahead of the Italians. olympic polos quickly did their
through some stuff. So, when attempt per gymnast, so Biles Spike Lee. still to go, Chiles, the leader in Gold would not become job in building the medal stand.
deciding on a team nickname, had one chance to stick her “Yo! Hallelujah! No flashbacks, the clubhouse when it comes to official until Biles capped the And Biles, Carey, Chiles, Lee and
they went for something a bit landing. She did, and for a 14.900 no nothing!” Chiles said. “All she having the most fun, was smiling night on the floor. However, rivera did theirs better than
more raw. A phrase that would score. needs to do is do her normal, so and making a heart gesture to instead of the Taylor Swift mix anyone else in the world. It took
show their heightened “After I finished vault, I was me jumping up and down was the camera that followed the that plays during her floor time, and perseverance, and a
confidence and inform the world relieved,” Biles said. “I was like, just like a relief. And from there team to the balance beam. By routine, organizers should have “f--- Around and find out” kind
that they’re back. ‘Whew!’ Because at least no on, she’s the greatest of all greats, that time, clearly, the meet had had “The Star-Spangled Banner” of toughness, for this team to
“f--- Around And find out.” flashbacks or anything.” so I think it was kind of like, turned into a race for who’s queued up. They would soon return to the podium. And so
Nothing stood in their way. No There on the team sideline, ‘okay, we’re about to really do coming in second. The U.S. need it for Team USA’s podium these women deserved to bask in
twisties. No incurable illness. No Chiles was fangirling as hard as this and go out there and be us.’” women led all teams with a moment. their golden moment.
A12 EZ rE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

Hobbled Hamas government clings to power amid collapse of law and order
BY M IRIAM B ERGER “Clan fighting, robberies,
AND H AJAR H ARB shootings,” Abu Saada said. “All of
in JERUSALEm that is happening and there is no
one to intervene.”

fter nine months of israel’s Hamas officials have tried in
all-out war against Hamas, other ways to reassert their au-
the group’s government re- thority.
mains a key source of civil author- When goods were coming
ity across the Gaza Strip — a through the Rafah crossing with
testament to the organization’s Egypt, Gaza’s Economy ministry
reach and resiliency, and the lim- monitored sales, set prices and
its of the military campaign collected taxes, mohammad Abu
aimed at eradicating its influ- Jiyab, the editor of a business
ence. newspaper in Gaza, said by
Thousands of airstrikes have phone.
killed not just fighters and com- israel’s seizure of the Rafah
manders, but also civilian police crossing in may has undercut
and employees from all echelons Hamas efforts to control local
of government — from mayors commerce, he said. Plainclothes
and ministers to medical and mu- Hamas authorities have now re-
nicipal workers — as Prime minis- sorted to extortion, according to
ter Benjamin netanyahu vows to merchants interviewed by The
finish off the group. in an address Washington Post, seeking a cut
to Congress last week, he said from cigarette smuggling and
israel “will fight until it destroys other black-market trade.
Hamas’s military capacities, and
its rule in Gaza.” No room for dissent
As law and order collapse, fear was always a hallmark of
though, Hamas has retained Hamas rule, and the group main-
pockets of power, analysts and tains the ability to silence its op-
residents say, and has been quick ponents.
to reemerge in areas when israeli While many Gazans still sup-
forces withdraw. Local officials port Hamas and its fight against
still exercise a degree of control israel, open criticism has become
over the economy, provide limited more common as the war drags
services to war-battered neigh- on and civilian suffering deepens.
borhoods, and mercilessly punish on July 8, Amin Abed, a promi-
their critics. nent political activist and critic of
“Hamas is part of our national moHAmmEd sAbEr/EPA-EFE/sHuttErstock Hamas, was on his way to deliver
fabric,” said Jibril Rajoub, a prom- The destroyed Hamad family residence in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip is seen July 16 after an Israeli airstrike that donations in Gaza City when a
inent figure in fatah, Hamas’s killed 13 members of the family, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which has put out near-daily war casualty reports. group of masked men with ham-
main political rival. mers and crowbars attacked him.
The movement’s durability has Top leaders remain israel has repeatedly raided the He said they led him to an aban-
widened the rift between netan- underground “Israel has gone after the Palestinian civilian Strip’s main hospitals, alleging doned building and severely beat
yahu and the israeli military, Composed of a political and a they are used by Hamas fighters, a him for more than 20 minutes.
which says the group cannot be military wing — the izzedine population and civilian infrastructure. ... claim denied by doctors and pa- “You insult your masters from
defeated. “Hamas is an idea,” al-Qassam Brigades — Hamas tients. the resistance,” Abed, 36, recalled
Daniel Hagari, the top spokesman embedded itself in all facets of Whoever is fighting back is respected Gaza’s municipalities were al- the men saying. They identified
for the israel Defense forces, said Gazan life over 17 years in power. ready cash-strapped before the themselves as being from the in-
last month. “Anyone who thinks The government employed by the Palestinian people.” war, relying on revenue from util- ternal Security Service, he said.
we can eliminate Hamas is around 40,000 people before the ities and other local services, Abu “i heard the person in charge
Mukhaimer Abu Saada, a Gazan political scientist, on Hamas’s durability
wrong.” war; an additional 27,000 to Saada said. now, many municipal telling them, ‘Break the fingers on
The iDf said earlier this month 40,000 were estimated to belong buildings have been hit or evacu- his hands that he uses to write
that it had killed about “half ” of to the Qassam Brigades. ated. more than two-thirds of wa- and incite against us,’” Abed said.
the group’s military leadership, The militant group’s top opera- ture. chapter of Transparency interna- ter and sanitation infrastructure “And indeed they broke my fin-
but it did not respond to a request tives inside Gaza went into hiding Gaza’s Education ministry sus- tional. He spoke by phone from and about two-thirds of all roads gers with the crowbar.”
for comment on whether civilian oct. 7, when Hamas-led fighters pended all schooling for the Egypt, where he fled during the have been damaged or destroyed, Beirut-based Hamas spokes-
employees of the Hamas-led gov- stormed southern israel, killing Strip’s 625,000 children, who war. according to U.n. estimates. man Basem naim said in a Whats-
ernment were military targets. about 1,200 people and taking make up about a quarter of the Gaza’s civil defense workers City workers throughout the App message that he had “no
CoGAT, the arm of israel’s De- about 250 hostage. population. The United nations continue to provide emergency enclave are still trying to pick up information” about the allega-
fense ministry in charge of ad- Yehiya Sinwar, the group’s mili- estimated in April that more than services, he said, rushing to the trash, repair roads and keep wa- tions.
ministering Gaza, referred ques- tary leader in Gaza, is thought to 87 percent of Gaza’s schools, and scene of strikes despite limited ter taps flowing, local residents “Hamas takes advantage of
tions back to the iDf. be running operations from the all of its universities, have been fuel for ambulances and the say, but many have been repeated- people’s need for food,” Abed said,
“Civil workers, i.e., in water and enclave’s extensive tunnel net- damaged or destroyed. threat of israeli attack. ly displaced and their reach re- “and whoever objects, it attacks
sanitation, are never targeted,” work and tops israel’s most- Gaza’s finance ministry is also He also pointed to the Health mains limited. them only to say that we are here
government spokesman David wanted list. on July 13, an israeli a shadow of its former self. Hamas ministry, which has put out near- Last week, authorities in Deir to stay and that we still control
mencer said. strike targeted his second-in- cannot pay regular salaries, but daily war casualty reports. more al-Balah, in central Gaza, an- Gaza.”
But as the crisis in Gaza deep- command, the shadowy military periodically gives small cash than 39,400 people have been nounced they had run out of fuel
ens, the governing arm of Hamas commander mohammed Deif. it’s handouts to some government killed, according to the ministry, needed to power their 19 wells The ‘day after’
maintains its influence: Civil de- not clear whether he was among employees, Abu Saada said. which does not distinguish be- and water tanks, serving about israeli officials have said they
fense workers respond to the the more than 90 people local Some ministries and agencies tween civilians and combatants 700,000 people. “The municipali- are committed to replacing the
scene of airstrikes. municipal em- health authorities said were are still operating, though it “de- but says most of the dead are ty is trying to resolve this problem Hamas government, but have of-
ployees work to keep public utili- killed in the attack. pends on the place,” said Wael women and children. as soon as possible,” they wrote on fered no viable alternatives. Ef-
ties functioning. officials impose Hamas officials who were out- Balousha, the Gaza Strip director Despite the efforts, Gaza’s state facebook. forts to elevate local clans have
price controls on commercial side Gaza when the war began, of AmAn, the Ramallah-based health-care system has collapsed. been unsuccessful, and netanya-
goods, or ask for their cut on including the Qatar-based politi- Gaza’s police force retreats hu has bristled at a U.S.-backed
black-market deals, and the cal leader ismail Haniyeh, have in the war’s initial months, plan to reinstall the Palestinian
group’s feared internal Security not returned. members of Gaza’s civilian police Authority in Gaza.
Service still crushes dissent. force, which is separate from the “There is no clear scenario for
Since its founding in 1987, Day-to-day influence Qassam Brigades, were among us,” said Taghred Jumaa, a wom-
Hamas “built a network of Hamas established its own de the most visible remnants of en’s rights activist and mother of
schools, clinics, universities, facto government in Gaza in 2007, Hamas authority, helping provide three who has been displaced sev-
nGos, everything,” in the terri- after violently ousting its chief security for aid convoys. eral times during the conflict.
tory, contributing to its staying rival, the fatah party that domi- When israel’s military began “There is fear that the next
power, said political scientist nates the Palestinian Authority in targeting police officers in the stage after the war will be a vacu-
mukhaimer Abu Saada, who fled the israeli-occupied West Bank. winter, they stopped guarding aid um,” she said, resulting in more
Gaza for Egypt late last year. Under an israeli land and sea trucks, which became targets of violence.
And while Palestinians there blockade, the government often widespread, and sometimes Abu Saada said this political
are increasingly critical of struggled to carry out basic func- deadly, looting. void could ultimately benefit
Hamas, that is largely overshad- tions. most Gazans could not “Hamas police is Hamas,” Col. Hamas.
owed by anger against israel, leave, and relied on the United Elad Goren of CoGAT told report- “The ‘day after,’ there isn’t go-
which most blame for spreading nations and other humanitarian ers in march, adding that “we ing to be a smooth transfer, let’s
disorder and deprivation, he said. groups for food, health care and won’t allow Hamas to control the be realistic here,” he said. “Hamas
“israel has gone after the Pales- education. meanwhile, military humanitarian assistance.” hasn’t lost complete control of the
tinian civilian population and ci- leaders spent millions of dollars Plainclothes police are still op- streets of Gaza.”
vilian infrastructure,” Abu Saada smuggling in rockets and other erating in some places, including
said. “Whoever is fighting back is weapons. AdEl HAnA/AP
as guards at shelters for the dis- Harb reported from london. Hazem
respected by the Palestinian peo- The war has badly hobbled Yehiya Sinwar, head of Hamas in Gaza, in a meeting with leaders of placed. But insecurity, along with balousha in cairo contributed to this
ple.” Hamas’s governing infrastruc- Palestinian factions at his office in Gaza City in April 2022. hunger and disease, is spiraling. report.

Israel claims it killed Hezbollah commander in targeted airstrike in Lebanon

ISrAel fRom A1 fire across the border, israel said a ized a military response to the not lead to war.” But in a tele- Saturday strike.
civilian was killed after suffering weekend attack, but the specific phone interview later Tuesday, he “israel is making it clear to its
Hasan nasrallah’s “adviser for shrapnel wounds in one of Hez- nature of that counterstrike re- said he had not expected a strike friends that they want this to
planning and directing wartime bollah’s rocket attacks. Hezbollah mained unclear, even as civilians on Beirut. Lebanon would go to answer the deaths of children
operation,” directing the group’s said its rocket salvos were also “Israel is making on both sides of the israel-Leba- the U.n. Security Council to ask without leading to regional war,”
attacks against israel during the fired in retaliation, for civilian non border — and the region at for condemnation of that attack. said a regional diplomatic official
war in Gaza. casualties in an israeli raid. The it clear to its friends large — braced for it. “The shock is doing it in the familiar with efforts over the last
There was no immediate con- Lebanese group, an ally of the israeli Prime minister Benja- capital,” he said, “not the action two days to persuade israel to
firmation from Hezbollah, and Palestinian militant group that they want this min netanyahu said monday that itself.” show restraint. “The hope is Hez-
the group’s Al-manar TV did not Hamas, has long said it would end israel “will not, and cannot, ig- A senior U.S. official, speaking bollah will respond the same way.”
mention Shukr as it reported on its attacks on israel in the event of to answer the deaths nore this,” before vowing to retali- Tuesday before the strike in Bei- The official spoke on the condi-
casualties from the strike. The a cease-fire in the Gaza Strip. ate: “our response will come, and rut, said the Biden administration tion of anonymity because of the
United States previously offered a As tensions spiraled, diplomats of children without it will be severe.” was pushing the israelis for “max- sensitivity of the issue.
reward for information on Shukr, continued to race to fend off a war. But despite the threats, officials imal calm” and was optimistic “We have finished our retalia-
who it accused of playing “a cen- Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin leading to regional from Lebanon, the United States that the israelis would listen. The tion, and we have no intention of
tral role” in the 1983 bombing of on Tuesday voiced hope that the and even israel had voiced a sense official, who spoke on the condi- starting a regional war,” an israeli
the U.S. marine Corps Barracks in conflict can be defused diplomati- war. The hope is as recently as Tuesday that israel’s tion of anonymity because of the official told israel’s Channel 12
Beirut, which killed 241 U.S. mili- cally, while also saying the United response — while all but guaran- sensitive discussions underway, news.
tary personnel. States will defend israel if it is Hezbollah will respond teed — might be calibrated to said the United States believed Lebanon’s Health ministry said
Lebanon has been bracing for attacked by Hezbollah. prevent a larger conflagration. the israelis were not interested in 68 civilians were injured in the
war since Saturday, when a pro- “i don’t believe that a fight is the same way.” in an interview early Tuesday, escalation while acknowledging attack, including five people who
jectile hit a soccer field full of inevitable,” Austin told reporters Lebanese foreign minister Abdal- they had a right to retaliate in were in critical condition.
A regional diplomatic official
children in majdal Shams in the after meetings in manila with lah Bou Habib said he expected some way. “Hezbollah crossed the red
who is familiar with efforts to
Golan Heights. israel immedi- senior Philippine officials along- the response to be limited. He said ideally, the official said, that line,” israeli Defense minister
persuade Israel to show restraint,
ately blamed Hezbollah and side Secretary of State Antony in an interview in his office that would take the form of airstrikes Yoav Gallant said in a post on X
speaking on the condition of
vowed that it would pay a “heavy Blinken to detail new security Lebanon had heard from “a lot of on Hezbollah members in south- after Tuesday’s strike.
anonymity because of the sensitivity
price.” The United States also said commitments for the Southeast friendly countries that deal with ern Lebanon, where israeli at-
of the issue
Hezbollah was responsible: “it Asian nation. “We would like to israel” that “there will be a re- tacks have been concentrated. But birnbaum reported from manila and
was their rocket, and launched see things resolved in a diplomat- sponse, and this response will not the killing of an israeli civilian Hendrix from Jerusalem. maham
from an area they control,” na- ic fashion.” lead to war.” Tuesday had made the best-case Javaid and Hajar Harb in london,
tional Security Council spokes- But “if israel is attacked, yes, we The information, he added, was scenario more difficult, the offi- Andrew Jeong in seoul, shane Harris
woman Adrienne Watson said in a will … help israel defend itself. provided with the understanding cial said. in Washington, miriam berger in
statement Sunday. Hezbollah de- We’ve been clear about that from that it would be passed on to israeli officials signaled that Jerusalem, suzan Haidamous in
nied it was behind the strike. the very beginning,” Austin said. Hezbollah, in the expectation that they intended the Beirut attack beirut and lior soroka in tel Aviv
on Tuesday, as the two traded israel’s security cabinet author- the group’s response “should also Tuesday to be their answer to the contributed to this report.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A13

Machado and
González ride
atop a truck
in Caracas,
Venezuela, on
during a
protest of
results that
Maduro had
won a third
term in
AlexAndRe Meneghini/ReuteRs elections.
Opposition leader María Corina Machado and opposition
candidate Edmundo González hold electoral records aloft.

Maduro doubles down

against the opposition;
clashes kill at least 16 MAtiAs delAcRoix/AP

VENEzuElA from A1 Guard arrived.

“We all saw how he cheated
machado and González for the us,” Gutierrez said. “We don’t
violence and demanded their want a bloodbath. We have fam-
arrests. The government, he ily and friends all supporting our
said, doesn’t negotiate with “fas- cause. Now it’s in the hands of
cists.” God.”
Earlier Tuesday, masked men outside the U.N. mission, pro-
in black forced opposition leader testers waiting for González and
freddy Superlano and two mem- machado waved red, yellow and
bers of his team into a vehicle in blue signs and sang the national
Caracas and drove them away. anthem. A banner advised: “Let’s
The attacks and threats are an go with the truth and without
escalation for maduro, who violence.”
claims to have won reelection “You can see it, you can feel it,
Sunday despite exit polls and, Edmundo is president” they
the opposition says, the govern- chanted — in Spanish, it rhymes
ment’s own records that show — and the word that has echoed
González won twice as many across the capital for the past
votes. two days: “Libertad!” “freedom!”
While protesters across Ven- Among the thousands waiting
ezuela and leaders throughout under the tropical midday sun
the world demand he prove he was a group of women in their
won, he is doubling down 60s who served as poll watchers
against opponents. on Sunday. Some stayed at their
“There is clearly an absolute voting centers from 4 a.m. until
and total determination to not past midnight to monitor the
respect the popular will of the vote and collect the voting rec-
people through their vote, and to ords.
never respect peaceful protest in “We’re on our way out of this,”
the streets,” said Alfredo rome- said Virginia Castro Saporiti, 61.
ro, president of foro Penal. “It “maduro has the power, but
sends a clear signal of authoritar- maría Corina has the authority.
ianism that has always existed … This will fall, with national
but is increasing.” and international pressure, and
Late monday, opposition lead- the strength of an entire country
ers uploaded printouts of voting that wants change.
center records compiled by thou- “We know the hours and days
sands of citizen poll watchers, ahead will be difficult, but we’ll
which they said proved keep going until the end.”
González’s victory. on monday, crowds marched
“We will defend every vote, to the miraflores presidential
and we will make sure the regime palace in Caracas, blocking
recognizes what the whole world streets, banging pots and pans
knows,” machado told a sea of and demanding the end of the
people outside the U.N. mission socialist state. Across the coun-
in Caracas: “Edmundo is our try, protesters burned billboards
next president.” of maduro and destroyed statues
González addressed himself to of Chávez.
the armed forces: “There is no At least 177 people were de-
reason to repress the people of tained, foro Penal said.
Venezuela.” forty-eight soldiers and police
“We insist that you respect the officers were wounded, Defense
will of the people” as expressed minister Vladimir Padrino López
in the election and “stop the said, in what he called “violent
repression of peaceful protests,” actions promoted by the Ven-
he said in a message on X. “You ezuelan extreme right” during a
know what happened on Sunday. “media coup d’état” supported
. . . The truth is the way to by “North American imperial-
peace.” ism.”
Thousands of Venezuelans de- The apparently spontaneous
scended on the capital, on motor- demonstrations appeared to
bikes and by foot, many from stand apart from the several
working-class neighborhoods waves of civil unrest aimed at the
that once supported maduro and Venezuelan government over the
his mentor, Hugo Chávez, the years in that they included for-
founder of the socialist state. mer supporters of Chavez, ma-
Some carried receipts. As duro and their movement, called
González and machado ad- chavismo.
dressed the crowd, a man ap- “The whole mountain is com-
proached waving a long ribbon ing down. Nobody wants it any-

of paper — one of tens of thou- more,” said Deivis Limis, 40.
sands of voting records that He said he had walked along a
together, the opposition says, highway on monday for more
show González won. than four hours from his neigh-
“We have proof!” the man borhood of Caucaguita to join
shouted. crowds in the capital.

The claim by maduro’s elector- “We aren’t protesting, we’re
al council that he won was asking for our votes. He lost a The CaseStudy®
contradicted by at least two inde- clear loss. He has to leave,” Limis
pendent sources. said. “We can’t continue in this Since our first renovation over 60 years ago,
A Caracas-based group that yoke that he has on us.” we’ve been a team of visionaries. Our unique
obtained official results from a In Petare, where large protests

random sample of 971 voting broke out monday, the streets approach to the remodeling process begins
centers across the country esti- were empty Tuesday, and most
mated González received 66 per- businesses were closed.
with The CaseStudy®. We guide you through
cent of the vote to maduro’s 31 A group of around 50 heavily every step, using 3D renderings to bring new
percent. armed men dressed in black with
New Jersey-based Edison re- their faces masked were guard- possibilities to light. At every phase, we’ll

search, which interviewed 6,846 ing the exits. maintain strict attention to time and to budget.
voters as they left 100 voting In the 23 de Enero neighbor-
locations on Sunday, recorded 65 hood, colectivos — maduro-sup- All backed by our 5-year workmanship warranty.
percent for González and 31 porting bikers — prevented resi- Because you are our highest priority.
percent or maduro. dents from attending the rally
Pollsters consider nearly iden-
tical results produced by two
outside the U.N. mission, accord-
ing to a resident who spoke on Are our ultimate pursuits whether
different methodologies strong
evidence of accuracy.
the condition of anonymity for
fear of reprisals.
you are considering an outdoor
The opposition, which has
gathered what it says are more
maduro ordered security forc-
es to quell the protests in a
oasis, a food lover’s kitchen,
than 80 percent of the voting “maximum mobilization.” or an owner’s suite. CaseDesign.com
records Sunday, says they show “We’ve seen this movie before,”
González won with 67 percent to he said in televised remarks 844.831.5966
maduro’s 31 percent. monday. “We know how to face
In the Chacao neighborhood these situations and how to
of Caracas, a caravan of hun- defeat the violent ones.”
dreds of motorcycles was inter- maduro is under investigation
cepted by the National Guard, by the International Criminal
who fired tear gas and rubber Court, the first investigation of
bullets at them. its kind in Latin America, into ® Our commitment to providing a safe, healthy,
rafael Gutierrez, a 30-year-old claims that his security forces and respectful worksite and experience. MD MHIC #1176 | VA # 2701039723 | DC # 2242
mechanic from Petare, one of participated in the torture and
Venezuela’s largest slums, said extrajudicial killings of dissi-
the caravan was “protesting dents during street uprisings
peacefully” until the National against him in 2017.
A14 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

3rd child dies after attack on Taylor Swift-themed dance class in England
BY J ENNIFER H ASSAN ily as try to deal with the loss of social media in connection with
our little girl,” Bebe’s family said the suspect in the incident in
LONDON — A third child has in a statement shared by police. Southport,” police said in a state-
died following a stabbing attack Alice’s family also paid tribute ment. “This name is incorrect,
at a Taylor Swift-themed yoga to their daughter: “Keep smiling and we would urge people not to
and dance class in Southport, and dancing like you love to do speculate on details of the inci-
England, police said Tuesday. our Princess, like we said before dent while the investigation is
The Merseyside police said in to you, you’re always our princess ongoing.”
a statement that the 9-year-old and no one would change that.” The attack has shaken the
girl died Tuesday morning of the Elsie’s head teacher, Jennifer local community. Multiple wit-
injuries she suffered in the at- Sephton, described the 7-year- nesses described Monday’s
tack. Two other girls, ages 6 and old as “one of a kind” and said events as “mayhem,” recalling
7, were pronounced dead Mon- she was a “loving and bright the sight of children bleeding in
day. member of our wonderful com- the road and their mothers
The singer-songwriter re- munity.” “screaming” for help.
sponded Tuesday, expressing Eight other children suffered Many local shops and pubs in
horror at the crime and sympa- stab wounds during the attack, the seaside town shut their doors
thy for the victims. and five of them were in critical Tuesday out of respect for the
“The horror of yesterday’s at- condition, as were two adults, families affected.
tack in Southport is washing over police said. Hundreds of people gathered
me continuously,” Swift wrote on Chief Constable Serena Ken- in central Southport on Tuesday
Instagram. It left her “completely nedy of the Merseyside police evening at a vigil for the young
in shock,” she said. said at a news conference Mon- victims. Some mourners held
“These were just little kids at a day that the children were at a pink balloons; others placed
dance class,” Swift added. “I am Swift-inspired event at a dance flowers.
at a complete loss for how to ever school when the offender, who A minute’s silence was held.
convey my sympathies to these was armed with a knife, walked The mayor of Sefton, June
families.” into the premises and started to Burns, told the crowd that it was
adam Vaughan/ePa-eFe/shutterstock
In the hours after a vigil in attack. a “dreadful, horrendous time”
memory of those slain, protesters A makeshift memorial is seen Tuesday at the scene of a stabbing attack in Southport, England, that left “We believe that the adults and that what unfolded in South-
clashed with police officers near three girls, ages 6 to 9, fatally wounded. Eight other children were injured, as were two adults. who were injured were trying to port on Monday was “unbeliev-
a local mosque. A police van was protect the children at the time able.”
set alight, and an officer was ing” and had been driven by Police have offered few details attack was not terrorism-related. they were attacked,” Kennedy “Reach out and be kind,” Burns
injured, while riot police re- “speculation and hypothesis” of the suspect in Monday’s at- The three girls killed during said. said. “Let’s just let the families
sponded with dogs and tear gas. about the attack. tack, describing him as a 17-year- the attack were identified by Police said Tuesday that the grieve in the way that they wish
In a statement, Merseyside “The actions in Southport to- old born in Britain. Officers ar- police as Bebe King, 6; Elsie Dot teenager, who has not been to grieve. I ask for calm and
police said that the protesters night will involve many people rested the boy, who they said was Stancombe, 7; and Alice Dasilva named, remains in custody, and respect at this time.”
had thrown items at the mosque. who do not live in the Merseyside carrying a knife, on Monday on Aguiar, 9. they urged people to refrain from
Assistant Chief Constable Alex area or care about the people of suspicion of murder and at- “No words can describe the speculating about the incident. niha masih and William Booth
Goss said the action was “sicken- Merseyside,” Goss said. tempted murder. Police said the devastation that has hit our fam- “A name has been shared on contributed to this report.

German citizen pardoned in Belarus; Russia moves 7 political prisoners

BY M ARY I LYUSHINA military sites. lawyers and family members Arkhangelsk region. His mother were imprisoned for their work moves, and it was unclear if they
Krieger’s trial was murky, with said. sent a food parcel to the colony in Navalny’s organization, which were connected.
A German citizen who was no independent media coverage Ilya Yashin, a prominent Rus- but received a message that Lik has been labeled as extremist by Senior Russian officials, in-
sentenced to death after being or public evidence presented. He sian opposition politician serv- was no longer incarcerated the Russian authorities. cluding Foreign Minister Sergei
convicted in Belarus of terrorism was convicted last month and ing an 81/2-year sentence after there. Alexandra Skochilenko, a pac- Lavrov, have said that talks are
was pardoned Tuesday in a sentenced to death. He had been being convicted of “spreading A few hours later, friends of ifist artist who was sentenced to underway about a potential pris-
surprise move by the country’s shown handcuffed, in tears, fake news” about atrocities by Daniil Krinari, an artist and seven years for a trivial antiwar oner exchange that would in-
authoritarian leader, Alexander pleading with the German gov- occupying Russian soldiers in antiwar activist, said in a state- protest, was moved to Moscow volve the American journalist
Lukashenko, Belarusian state ernment to help him “before it’s the Ukrainian city of Bucha, was ment on the Telegram messaging from a detention center in St. Evan Gershkovich, a reporter for
media reported. too late.” removed from a penal colony in platform that he was also moved Petersburg, supporters said. the Wall Street Journal who was
Rico Krieger, appearing in a Lukashenko’s unexpected par- the Smolensk region and taken from a pretrial detention center The seventh prisoner to be convicted during a hasty trial in
heavily choreographed inter- don, just hours after Krieger to an unknown location on Tues- in Moscow. moved to an unknown location Russia this month of espionage
view on a state television chan- formally requested it, came as at day, according to his lawyer. Two other prisoners — Ksenia was Oleg Orlov, a 71-year-old charges that he, his employer
nel after his conviction, con- least seven prisoners charged in Also on Tuesday, a 19-year-old Fadeeva and Lilia Chanysheva — human rights campaigner con- and U.S. officials called baseless.
fessed to planting explosives political cases in Russia disap- dual Russian-German citizen, are former directors of regional victed of “repeatedly discredit- There was no confirmation
last year near a railway line on peared over the past two days Kevin Lik, who was recently offices of the late Russian opposi- ing” the Russian military in his from U.S. or Russian officials
orders of the Security Service of from the penal colonies where sentenced to four years in prison tion leader Alexei Navalny, who criticism of the war in Ukraine. that the movement of Russian
Ukraine, or SBU, which he said they were being held and were for treason, disappeared from a died in February in an Arctic Russian authorities did not prisoners was connected to any
also had told him to photograph moved to undisclosed locations, colony in the remote northern prison. Fadeeva and Chanysheva provide any explanation for the exchange.

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Blinken, Austin detail new U.S. security commitments for the Philippines
BY M ICHAEL B IRNBAUM istration continues its effort to will “be better positioned to de- east Asian nation, helping the After the incident near the meetings, briefing reporters un-
increase its web of connections fend their sovereignty,” he said. United States enlarge its military Second Thomas Shoal last der ground rules of anonymity to
MANILA — The United States and with countries that have con- “That’s what this is about.” footprint in the strategically vital month, China and the Philip- discuss sensitive diplomatic con-
the Philippines announced plans cerns about Chinese assertive- region. pines signed an agreement that siderations. “And the Philippines
Tuesday to deepen defense coop- ness. on Sunday, the two leaders “A great deal of history in our promises to ease the confronta- is absolutely at the center of that.”
eration, as authorities here seek announced plans in Japan to world will be written in the Indo- tion. But concerns persist about Vice President Harris has also
to bolster their ability to resist modernize the U.S. military com- “Building up a truly Pacific over the coming years,” another flare-up. forged an unusually strong rela-
pressure from an increasingly mand in that country, deepening Biden said in April as he met in The Biden administration has tionship with marcos, meeting
assertive Chinese military in the ties with Tokyo. Blinken will con- credible deterrent Washington with marcos and declared that the Indo-Pacific re- him repeatedly and developing a
South China Sea. tinue onward to Singapore and Japanese Prime minister fumio gion is a priority and that China is rapport since he came to office,
The agreement to deliver $500 mongolia. posture is vital in Kishida, the first time the leaders its leading long-term geostrategic Harris’s aides say. As part of an
million in U.S. defense aid to help The Chinese coast guard of the three countries had met challenge. But it has also been official visit in 2022, Harris trav-
modernize the Philippine armed rammed and boarded Philippine ensuring the rule of jointly. confronted by foreign policy cri- eled to a local fishing community
forces comes as Chinese coast naval vessels last month as they The $500 million in military ses that have drawn its attention in Palawan, a western province of
guard ships grow significantly attempted to resupply a warship, international law in assistance is intended to help elsewhere, first the russian inva- the country, where she met with
more confrontational in harass- the Sierra madre, that is beached Philippine authorities modernize sion of Ukraine in 2022 and now fishers who had been pushed out
ing Philippine vessels plying wa- on a partially submerged reef the Indo-Pacific.” their armed forces and make the the Israel-Gaza conflict that has of their traditional waters by
ters that China claims as its own. known as the Second Thomas Philippine Defense Secretary country better able to focus on threatened to expand into region- Chinese vessels.
Philippine President ferdi- Shoal that has become a central Gilbert Teodoro external defense. The two U.S. al war. residents there have watched
nand marcos Jr. has moved ma- flash point between the two secretaries also agreed to in- Still, both Blinken and Austin Harris’s rapid ascension with in-
nila sharply in the direction of countries. The United States has crease investment in Philippine have made repeated trips to the terest.
Washington since taking office in a mutual defense treaty with the cybersecurity and other areas region to try to address Chinese Jacqueline relator, a resident
2022, visiting the United States Philippines, and Biden adminis- that will make the Southeast expansion and deepen ties to of Tagburos, a town in Palawan,
four times, most recently in April. tration officials have warned that Asian nation more resilient Washington that have waxed and who spoke with Harris during the
His predecessor, rodrigo Du- a Chinese attack on Philippine against threats from China. waned over successive presiden- visit, recalled how Harris bought
terte, was far friendlier to China, ships could trigger a U.S. military Since marcos took office, the “Building up a truly credible tial administrations. from her a bag of danggit, or
with a penchant for anti-Ameri- response. United States has expanded its deterrent posture is vital in en- “The upgrades and revisions to dried local fish, to take back to
can rhetoric. “We are living in an increasing- economic and security support suring the rule of international our force posture that we have Washington.
Secretary of State Antony ly complex moment,” Blinken for the Philippines, expanding law in the Indo-Pacific,” Philip- made in Japan, Philippines, Aus- “She told me she was proud of
Blinken and Defense Secretary told reporters Tuesday, speaking intelligence sharing and other pine Defense Secretary Gilbert tralia and elsewhere are all part me because I taught other women
Lloyd Austin have been criss- at a military base in manila assistance for manila. Philippine Teodoro told reporters. of an overall overarching attempt to dry fish like I do,” relator said.
crossing Southeast Asia and East alongside Austin and their Phil- authorities last year agreed to This is Blinken’s third visit to to modernize our force posture in
Asia in recent days, meeting with ippine counterparts. With the give the U.S. military access to the Philippines, and his second the region,” a senior U.S. defense sofia Tomacruz contributed to this
local leaders as the Biden admin- U.S. assistance, the Philippines four new bases across the South- this year. official said ahead of Tuesday’s report.

Aides say Harris would probably differ from Biden in foreign policy approach
HARRIS from A1 America has likewise been off-
putting to business leaders from
tary support for Israel. the region.
But she is likely to approach on Ukraine, Harris hasn’t driv-
global problems differently from en policy, but aides say she has led
Biden, who has longtime personal at critical moments with key Eu-
relationships with leaders such as ropean allies. In february 2022,
Israeli Prime minister Benjamin five days before russia’s full-scale
Netanyahu and russian Presi- invasion, Harris was charged
dent Vladimir Putin through dec- with walking Volodymyr Zel-
ades of service on the Senate ensky through Western intelli-
foreign relations Committee and gence indicating an attack was
two terms as vice president. That days away, pushing the Ukrainian
experience shaped his rigid views president, who had been publicly
on many issues, officials say. dismissive of the threat, to pre-
Her aides and allies note that pare for war.
Harris, like former president Ba- “It was a combination of really
rack obama, is a lawyer with a incontrovertible evidence and a
social justice bent who challenges senior leader speaking with pas-
staff to prove their assumptions sion and conviction, but also real
and defends law and order with a empathy,” mcEldowney recalled.
prosecutor’s zeal. “I think it was quite decisive in
“She did not come into office persuading him.”
with foreign policy experience, one senior European policy-
but she brought some other maker who attended a Ukrainian-
things which were really invalu- organized peace conference last
able, to include a searing intellect, month in Switzerland observed
really sound judgment and gut that Harris delivered “strong re-
instinct that was invariably on marks” and appeared at ease with
the mark,” said Nancy mcEld- other leaders. But this person
owney, Harris’s national security warned that “niceties” are less
adviser for her first year in office. important than decision-making
“She has spent the last three and a qualities, and said that “russia
half years not just learning on the and China will definitely test a
job, but really leading.” new president they do not know.”
This account of Harris’s foreign If elected, the most complicat-
policy approach is based on inter- ed foreign policy issue for Harris
views with 14 U.S. and interna- is likely to be the bloody conflict
tional policymakers, analysts and mohAmmEd sAbER/EPA-EFE/shuTTERsTock in Gaza, where the local health
others who have worked closely Internally displaced Palestinians outside a makeshift shelter along Salah al-Din Road during an Israeli military operation in the southern ministry says Israel has killed
with her, many of them speaking Gaza Strip on Thursday. The Israel-Gaza war will probably be the most complicated foreign policy issue for Kamala Harris if she’s elected. more than 39,000 Palestinians in
on the condition of anonymity to the months since Hamas mili-
be candid about their private in- tants’ cross-border attack oct. 7.
teractions. Harris’s office de- — her mother was from India and cessful. more condescending than help- lenge given the United States’ Harris has focused on what hap-
clined to make her available for her father from Jamaica — she At a security conference in mu- ful. officials who met with her fraught history with Central pens after the fighting stops.
an interview. has advocated for the United nich in february, where many privately in munich said she was America. Biden has provided billions of
republicans view Harris’s for- States to maintain a robust role in European leaders were looking at more engaging behind closed “What she really brought to the dollars in military support to the
eign policy record as a vulnerabil- the world. U.S. opinion polls and growing doors. table was saying, ‘Look, we have Israeli government and has been
ity, blasting what they say are While speaking in 2022 to U.S. concerned about Washington’s When Biden in 2021 assigned to include the private sector to reluctant to hold back aid even as
failed policies to address migra- sailors based in Japan, Harris future commitment to Ukraine Harris what became her best- have lasting impact,’” a White his frustrations have grown with
tion and what they allege would highlighted the military’s role en- and NATo, Harris sought to quell known foreign policy initiative, House official said. “We’re not Netanyahu over the war’s civilian
be weaker support for Israel than forcing the right to navigate inter- fears. the effort to deter irregular mi- going to solve it overnight, but as toll.
their nominee, Donald Trump. national waters to which China Working with autocratic lead- gration from Central America, he she has said many times, we have But over the winter, as Biden
Trump has said that had he been has laid claim, saying their pres- ers and undermining alliances “is handed her a seemingly intrac- to give people economic opportu- voiced cautious criticism of Isra-
president, russia would not have ence in the Pacific is intended to dangerous, destabilizing and in- table challenge that he himself nity at home.” el, Harris declared the war “a
attacked Ukraine and Hamas defend “rules and norms that deed shortsighted,” she said, tak- had worked on under obama. It rebecca Bill Chavez, who humanitarian catastrophe.” Her
would not have hit Israel. have provided for unprecedented ing aim at Trump and his republi- was a politically radioactive mis- served as co-lead of Harris’s for- remarks, during an address in
“Kamala Harris has zero for- peace and prosperity for the can allies who have contemplated sion. While officials note that eign policy team during her 2020 Alabama, were widely seen at the
eign policy experience aside from American people and, indeed, for leaving NATo. “That view would Harris was never tasked with presidential run, said Harris un- time as more assertive than the
supporting Joe Biden’s weak the people of this region.” weaken America and would un- managing immigration enforce- derstood the need to address the president had been.
agenda that has emboldened our Harris, if elected, would enter dermine global stability and un- ment, which falls to the Depart- underlying drivers of migration, An aide to Harris said the com-
adversaries, led to war in office with a smaller cadre of dermine global prosperity.” ment of Homeland Security, re- including long-standing issues of ments were in keeping with the
Ukraine, and enabled Iranian- foreign policy aides than Biden, many European policymakers publicans labeled her the admin- poverty, inequality, corruption administration’s push for a cease-
backed terrorists to attack Israel,” who had a team that had worked who watched her speech ques- istration’s “border czar” as they and insecurity. Harris also em- fire. But the official acknowl-
said a spokeswoman for the with him for years in the Senate tioned whether her assurances blamed Biden for surging entries phasized “the very real problem edged her forceful tone and that
Trump campaign, Karoline and during his vice presidency. As met the moment. Some were into the United States. of widespread gender-based vio- she had chosen to evoke visceral
Leavitt, calling her “dangerously vice president, Harris has had searching for practical advice Addressing root causes in the lence and on the protection of images — children eating animal
liberal” and asserting there is unusually high staff turnover. about how to deal with political “Northern Triangle” nations of human rights and labor rights,” feed, women giving birth to mal-
“zero doubt that America will be a And her efforts to promote U.S. instability in Washington and Honduras, Guatemala and El Sal- said Chavez, who now serves as nourished babies — in seeking to
more dangerous place if she was policy have not always been suc- said that they found her approach vador would be a daunting chal- president and CEo of the Inter- amplify pressure on Israel to let
our Commander in Chief.” American Dialogue. more aid into Gaza.
Harris takes part in the presi- While officials say the initiative Harris also was an early propo-
dent’s daily brief, an intelligence was never intended to produce a nent of preparing for the con-
analysis of pressing national se- short-term fix, they point to the flict’s aftermath, tasking Gordon
curity matters, when she and fact that dozens of companies and her top middle East adviser,
Biden both are in Washington. have pledged or provided invest- Ilan Goldenberg, with devising
When Biden’s Cabinet gathers to ments worth more than $5 billion proposals in partnership with
discuss foreign policy issues, she’s as part of the effort to create jobs Biden’s White House advisers and
the person who pressure-tests the and conditions to help people the State Department that seek a
advice handed up to the presi- stay put. lasting peace for the region. She
dent, aides say. Her main foreign Harris’s work on Central Amer- was the first U.S. official to push
policy adviser, Philip Gordon, is a ica also has spotlighted her com- Arab heads of state to confront
longtime aide to Democratic ad- munication struggles. When she the issue, telling many at a De-
ministrations and wrote a book in chose mexico and Guatemala as cember meeting in Dubai that
2020 examining the history of her first overseas destinations, postwar planning must be atop
failure when the United States she delivered tough remarks to the agenda, aides said.
has tried to engage in regime would-be migrants: “Do not Her focus on Palestinian suffer-
change in the middle East. come,” she said, comments that ing has given hope to some critics
“She thinks it is important to troubled some progressive Demo- of the administration’s Israel pol-
challenge assumed truths and es- crats who cited migrants’ right to icy. But some analysts caution
tablished patterns in trying to legally seek asylum in the United against expecting a major policy
find new and better solutions,” States. Aides note she was simply shift if she prevails in November.
mcEldowney said. repeating Biden’s rhetoric, saying “There is an interest in trying
All vice presidents face the it played differently on foreign to find daylight between her and
challenge of defining a role that soil. President Biden on foreign policy
has no set responsibilities, and During that trip, Harris also issues,” said Halie Soifer, Harris’s
Harris has been no exception. In gave a widely panned interview to national security adviser when
her 17 foreign trips, she has spo- NBC News in which she appeared she served on the Senate Intelli-
ken on behalf of Biden but also exasperated when asked whether gence Committee and who is now
sought to put her own stamp on she had visited the southern bor- the head of the Jewish Democrat-
policy, building ties in the Indo- JosE ToRREs/REuTERs der since becoming vice presi- ic Council of America.
Pacific and Africa, officials said. Migrants walking along a road in Mexico head to the United States. Harris’s best-known foreign policy dent. Analysts have said her blunt “There’s no daylight to be
The daughter of two immigrants work under President Biden was an effort in 2021 to deter irregular migration from Central America. focus on corruption in Latin found.”
A16 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

Landslides caused by heavy rains kill at least 109 in India’s Kerala state

Heavy rains caused several

landslides in the southern Indian
state of Kerala, killing at least 109
people, and rescue efforts were
underway to help those feared
trapped, authorities said.
At least 176 people were also
injured in the floods, which hit
the Wayanad district of Kerala on
Tuesday at the height of monsoon
season, according to the office of
District Magistrate Meghashree
Indian army, navy and air force
personnel and helicopters joined
the search-and-rescue efforts
Tuesday amid a continuous
downpour that destroyed whole
villages in the hilly district. The
office of Kerala Chief Minister
Pinarayi Vijayan said the “entire
government machinery” was in-
volved in overseeing and coordi-
nating rescue operations.
Amal Kabeer, a civil officer
with the Kerala police, said the
death toll is expected to rise.
Dozens of people are missing,
local disaster officials said.
Images and videos circulating
on social media showed sub-
merged railway lines, highways
blocked by boulders and man-
gled cars stuck in uprooted trees
as muddy rainwater steadily
flowed through the towns and
villages of Wayanad, which is
ordinarily a hub for tourism in
the region.
Indian Prime Minister Naren-
dra Modi said on X he was
“distressed by the landslides in
parts of Wayanad. My thoughts
are with all those who have lost
their loved ones and prayers with
those injured.” reUterS

Latheef P.S., 36, a teacher in Members of rescue teams move toward a landslide site in the hills in Wayanad, in Kerala, India, on Tuesday.
Wayanad who is volunteering
with the search-and-rescue oper- 200 houses were washed away in “If we are not able to locate recent years. The need of the increased and expedited. jan said authorities were trying
ation, told The Washington Post the landslides and that there was people by evening, the death toll hour is a comprehensive action Floods are not uncommon dur- to airlift stranded villagers and
in a phone interview that finding no way to know how many people will rise significantly,” he added. plan to address the growing fre- ing Kerala’s southwest monsoon rig another bridge to reach the
people was difficult because bod- are missing. The area around The disaster — which hit a quency of natural calamities in season, which typically lasts from village of Mundakkai, where
ies were carried up to 10 miles Wayanad is known for its tea state where devastating land- our ecologically fragile regions,” June to September. many were feared to be stuck.
away by floodwater. He lives near plantations, with many workers slides and floods in 2018 killed opposition leader Rahul Gandhi Tuesday’s rain washed away The India Meteorological De-
the flood site and said his home is living in small settlements con- over 400 people and forced more said Tuesday in Parliament. many bridges, cutting off smaller partment said rains were expect-
underwater. structed on the tea-producing than a million to evacuate — Gandhi also demanded that towns and villages from the state ed to continue in Wayanad, as
“Since morning we are trying hills. “Most of these workers prompted warnings from opposi- the compensation announced by highway network and complicat- well as in three adjacent districts
to rescue people and help re- couldn’t get out to save them- tion politicians in India about the the Indian government — $2,400 ing rescue operations, local me- in Kerala.
trieve bodies. But it is not easy,” selves as it happened suddenly. rising risks from landslides. each for the families of the vic- dia reported. According to the
he said. Their houses are gone,” Latheef “Our country has witnessed an tims and $600 for those injured Hindu newspaper, state govern- Shams Irfan and Bryan Pietsch
Latheef said that more than said. alarming rise in landslides in in the floods and landslides — be ment minister Krishnankutty Ra- contributed to this report.

YOUR DREAM BATH Son of ‘El Chapo’ pleads not guilty as

Mexico demands answers from U.S.



CHICAGO — A son of famed drug

lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán
Loera pleaded not guilty to feder-
al drug distribution, money laun-
dering and firearms charges on
Tuesday, his first court appear-
ance since a stunning flight from
Mexico last week that culminated
in his arrest and that of longtime
senior Sinaloa cartel leader Is-
mael “El Mayo” Zambada.
Clad in an orange jumpsuit,
Joaquín Guzmán López, 38, was
soft-spoken as he addressed U.S.
District Judge Sharon Johnson
Coleman during his 20-minute
arraignment. Guzmán, who said U.S. StAte DePArtment/AFP/getty ImAgeS

he is bilingual and declined an Sinaloa cartel leaders Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, left, and
interpreter, waived the formal Joaquín Guzmán López flew to the United States last week.
reading of his full charges — one
of which makes him eligible for yet been notified of Guzmán’s Obrador demanded that Wash-
TRANSFORM THAT OLD BATH TODAY! the federal death penalty. arrest. ington “tell the truth” about what
He also waived potential U.S. and Mexican authorities, happened.
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Attorney Jeffrey Lichtman em- whether U.S. agents participated
phatically denied reports — in- government with in the operation.
cluding from Zambada’s attorney “We need more information,
— that Guzmán struck a deal with Joaquín.” and need them [U.S. authorities]
U.S. officials and tricked the nor- Jeffrey Lichtman, attorney for to tell the truth,” he said.
mally elusive Zambada into Joaquín guzmán López The arrests come more than a
boarding a plane with him. year after the four sons of El
“We’ve got no agreement with Chapo — the “Chapitos” — were
the government. There has never charged in indictments spanning

sunny or soggy? been an agreement with the gov-

ernment with Joaquín,” Lichtman
told reporters after Tuesday’s
da, 76, and Guzmán landed in a
small plane Thursday just outside
El Paso, where they were taken
Washington, Illinois and New
York. El Chapo is serving a life
sentence in federal prison follow-
hearing. into custody. Some U.S. officials ing his 2019 conviction in New
Lichtman said he has had little said the two men had decided to York.
chance to speak to his client in surrender; others said Zambada Zambada is in custody after
Stay one step ahead of the weather with the person. He declined to elaborate was lured onto the plane by pleading not guilty to federal
on how Guzmán ended up on the Guzmán on false pretenses and drug charges in Texas on Friday.
Capital Weather Gang small U.S.-bound plane last week.
Mexican officials have de-
had no idea the aircraft was head-
ing to the United States.
Ovidio Guzmán remains in cus-
tody, though Lichtman would not
manded transparency from Mexico’s government has said disclose where. Both Chapito
Washington over the capture of it had nothing to do with the brothers will next appear in court
the two major Sinaloa cartel lead- detentions. Sept. 20.
ers. In court, attorneys confirmed On Tuesday morning, Mexican
washingtonpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang the Mexican Consulate had not President Andrés Manuel López Sheridan reported from Washington.

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Economy & Business

Trump allies crush field of misinformation research
Supreme Court ruling green-lighting contact between government and tech companies to stymie falsehoods online hasn’t deterred a GOP campaign
BY C AT Z AKRZEWSKI have limited researcher tools
AND N AOMI N IX that allow academics to pull the
hood back on their platforms,
Claire Wardle knew her email and it is more difficult to study
account wasn’t private. Starting newer platforms like TikTok.
last fall, whenever the prominent Once-tightknit relationships
misinformation researcher sent with tech company employees
or received an email, she had to have disintegrated, researchers
consider how the message might say, after employees who had
be swept up and publicly picked championed their work were
apart. pushed out.
That’s because Wardle’s em- “This is a perfect storm of
ployer at the time, Brown Univer- events,” said Brandi Geurkink,
sity, had engaged a law firm to executive director at the Coali-
use AI software to sift through tion for Independent Technology
her correspondence, searching Research, which was formed in
for messages from government 2022.
agencies or tech companies at the Geurkink and other research-
request of a Republican-led in- ers celebrated the Supreme
vestigation into the politically Court’s decision in June as a
divisive field of misinformation rebuke against legal threats. But
research. the court ruled on procedural
The investigation stems from a grounds, avoiding clarifying
legal campaign led by allies of which efforts to fight online mis-
former president Donald Trump information are constitutional.
to cast the study of misinforma- While the case continues in lower
tion as part of a broader con- courts, Republican state attor-
spiracy to censor conservative neys general say they plan to
voices online. It has transformed continue seeking documents to
the daily life and work of Wardle prove their allegations, spurring
and many others who worked at renewed scrutiny.
tracking election misinformation Jordan’s office did not respond
online, a field now reeling as the to a request to quantify how
2024 presidential race enters its many demands it has sent to
final months. researchers. Nadgey Louis-
Wary of the political scrutiny, Charles, a Judiciary Committee
researchers held back from pub- spokeswoman, said lawmakers
licly airing some of their insights had “uncovered incontrovertible
on the spate of conspiracy theo- JAmes Forde For the WAshIngton Post proof ” that the Biden adminis-
ries erupting online after the Misinformation researcher Claire Wardle left Brown University last month after a politically charged investigation into her work. tration “directed and coerced Big
July 13 assassination attempt on Tech and Big Academia to censor
Trump, according to one such Starbird, warned in a July 4 formed a political advocacy Americans’ constitutionally pro-
researcher, who spoke on the article in the academic journal group, the American Sunlight tected speech.”
condition of anonymity out of Science that the initiative has Project, to raise public awareness The House panel on the weap-
fear of political retribution. False jeopardized academic freedom. of the toll attacks on research are onization of the federal govern-
rumors and disinformation have “Courts, elected officials, and the having on national security and ment, which Jordan also chairs,
proliferated online as the nation public must stand up once more free expression. “will continue its critical investi-
reels from that shooting and to this threat to independent “Researchers are afraid to deal gative work to protect Ameri-
President Biden’s withdrawal inquiry and the American demo- with and investigate some of the cans’ First Amendment rights
from the race. cratic process,” they wrote. most important issues of our and put a stop to the censorship
Just last month, researchers The ranks of misinformation time because they’re afraid of industrial complex,” she said.
had notched a victory, when the researchers swelled following the being drawn into investigations, The Stanford Internet Ob-
Supreme Court reversed a lower- 2016 elections, amid revelations afraid for the safety of their servatory incurred millions of
court ruling restricting tech com- that Russia had stoked divisions families,” she said. dollars in legal fees related to the
panies and the government from online to help elect Trump. Re- On July 22, a judge in Dela- investigations and lawsuits be-
communicating about misinfor- searchers rooted out attempts by ware dismissed Jankowicz’s law- fore it shut down. The Election
mation online. But the ruling Russia, China and Iran to influ- suit against Fox News, which Integrity Partnership, which the
hasn’t deterred Republicans ence elections on social media. In alleged that the TV network de- observatory operated in conjunc-
from bringing lawsuits and send- 2020, they studied how Trump famed her as a proponent of tion with the University of Wash-
ing a string of legal demands. used his social media following censorship. Jankowicz told The ington, said it would not contin-
House Judiciary Committee to develop one of the world’s JABIn BotsFord/the WAshIngton Post Washington Post she disagrees ue its work tracking voter sup-
Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) most powerful political mega- House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has pursued a with the decision and plans to pression and election denial in
has peppered academics, includ- phones — and often used it to probe into misinformation researchers. appeal it in the 3rd Circuit. Fox the 2024 race or future elections.
ing Wardle, with document re- spread falsehoods about voting News said in a statement that the Nonprofits are also struggling
quests as part of a broad probe or the pandemic. candid on panels streamed on director, said she has felt “sup- decision protects the First to find funding in an increasingly
into the alleged weaponization of Four years later, the field is YouTube out of concern that her ported and reassured” by how Amendment and called Jankow- polarized political environment.
government against conserva- depleted. The Stanford Internet comments could be taken out of Brown has handled the requests icz’s complaint “politically moti- First Draft, Wardle’s nonprofit
tives. Earlier this month, Observatory, one of the most context. from Jordan’s committee. vated.” that helped organizations with
Meedan, a nonprofit focused on prominent academic institutions Brown University said in a Amid the litigation, some re- Tech companies’ 2021 deci- misinformation challenges,
promoting reliable information, studying misinformation, col- statement that the Information searchers are building elements sions to suspend Trump from closed in 2022 after donors sig-
received a request from Jordan lapsed last month. Some re- Futures Lab, where Wardle of a collective defense. The Coali- social networks infuriated con- nificantly scaled back funding.
about its efforts to monitor mis- searchers, burned out by online worked, would continue study- tion for Independent Technology servatives, many of whom argued Federal agencies have also
information related to the 2024 attacks and legal scrutiny, are ing “how a growing information Research hosts a forum conven- the events confirmed their long- pulled back. Last year, the Na-
election, according to a person fleeing the subject. And compa- crisis is impacting people, eco- ing researchers from around the running concerns that tech plat- tional Institutes of Health froze a
familiar with the matter, who nies, philanthropies and other nomics and democracies.” world to discuss threats to their forms’ content moderation pol- $150 million program intended
spoke on the condition of ano- grant-giving institutions are “Our commitment and focus at work and lend emotional sup- icies were biased against Repub- to advance the communication of
nymity for fear of retribution. withdrawing funding, spooked Brown has been on supporting port. It also directs members to a licans. They began to flex their medical information, citing regu-
Jordan said the Supreme by the political controversy now the academic freedom of re- legal-defense fund that provides political power in state capitals latory and legal threats. In 2022,
Court ruling emboldened him to surrounding the field. searchers at the Information Fu- lawyers to advise researchers on and the House of Representatives the Department of Homeland
continue with his efforts “to bet- For Wardle, who left Brown in tures Lab, including as we re- how to respond to document to launch lawsuits and investiga- Security dissolved its Disinfor-
ter protect Americans harmed by late June for a tenure-track pro- sponded to questions from a demands, subpoenas or lawsuits. tions, publishing examples they mation Governance Board after
the unconstitutional censorship- fessor post at Cornell University, Congressional committee, per Nina Jankowicz, who was turned up from communications three weeks of broad conserva-
industrial complex.” the constant monitoring and standard practice,” university briefly head of the Department of between the government and tive backlash to the initiative and
The GOP campaign has eroded backlash spurred her decision to spokesman Brian Clark said. Homeland Security’s Disinfor- tech platforms to allege a broad Jankowicz.
the once thriving ecosystem of shift from responding to misin- Stefanie Friedhoff, the lab’s mation Governance Board, has conspiracy to undermine the Wardle realized the backlash
academics, nonprofits and tech formation to a proactive topic: First Amendment. was reverberating offline a year
industry initiatives dedicated to how to improve information sys- The Republicans had an ally in ago when members of the Rhode
addressing the spread of misin- tems like media. Elon Musk, who purchased Twit- Island state legislature received
formation online. “I worry that “It’s just the drip, drip, drip,” ter in the fall of 2022 and swiftly an article that called her lab at
we’re going to head into the she said. “There’s been this seri- “I worry that we’re going to head into the allowed a handful of writers to Brown University the “number
election with a blindfold over our ous chilling effect.” publish the “Twitter Files,” reams one leader nationally” in the
eyes, without data to understand For months, Wardle feared election with a blindfold over our eyes.” of internal company communica- “Censorship-Industrial Com-
what political advertising, disin- that anyone who emailed her tions that he said showed the plex.”
Alex Abdo, litigation director at the Knight First Amendment
formation and foreign influence would be pulled into the dragnet. company’s earlier efforts to un- She won’t be tracking election
looked like,” said Alex Abdo, liti- She hesitated before posting on dermine free speech. misinformation during the 2024
gation director at the Knight social media and declined media Musk’s move prompted other presidential elections.
First Amendment Institute. interviews and public speaking tech companies to pull back from “Who is doing that in Novem-
Two University of Washington engagements. She told confer- efforts to trace falsehoods on ber?” she said. “There’s a massive
professors, Ryan Calo and Kate ence organizers she would be less their platforms. Some companies hole.”

D i g es t

stoCK MARKet that the stocks might be agency to exert more influence state rules are finally allowing comment on the report when The owners of 12 Pennsylvania
overvalued. Amazon founder Jeff over whether asset managers or officials to padlock their doors. contacted by Reuters. The U.S. casinos have asked the state’s
S&P 500, Nasdaq dip Bezos owns The Washington other firms building large stakes New York City’s sheriff ’s office chipmaker remains a major highest court to declare that a
ahead of tech earnings Post. in banks should receive stricter says it has shuttered about 700 player in the PC and server tax on slot machine revenue is
The S&P 500 lost 27.10 points, regulation and oversight. illegal stores since new state markets but has struggled to unconstitutional because the
The S&P 500 and Nasdaq or 0.50 percent, to end at Under law, third parties that regulations passed in April. The keep pace with the growing state doesn’t impose it broadly
stumbled to close lower on 5,436.44 points, while the obtain a greater than 10 percent unsanctioned shops had become demand for chips used in AI on cash-paying electronic game
Tuesday, weighed down by weak Nasdaq composite lost 222.79 stake in a bank can be ubiquitous across the Big Apple, applications. Its total employee terminals known as skill games
chip and megacap shares ahead points, or 1.28 percent, to end at considered a controlling interest when the city’s power to step in count was 124,800 at the end of that can be found in many bars
of earnings from heavyweight 17,147.42. The Dow Jones in the bank and subjected to had been limited and the legal 2023, based on a regulatory and stores. The lawsuit, filed
tech companies this week, but Industrial Average rose 203.40 stricter regulation and oversight. market was mired in red tape. filing. Monday, could endanger more
the Dow managed modest gains. points, or 0.50 percent, to end at But firms can avoid those Officials had estimated there than $1 billion in annual tax
Microsoft, seen by many as 40,743.33. restrictions under “passivity were some 2,900 unlicensed Jeep and Ram maker Stellantis revenue that goes toward
leading the artificial intelligence — Reuters agreements,” in which the vendors throughout New York says it will offer buyout property tax rebates and
race, fell ahead of its quarterly investor commits to regulators City — compared with about 60 packages to many of its U.S. economic development projects.
results due after the closing bell. BAnKing that they will not exert influence licensed dispensaries. white-collar workers just five The state’s collection of the
Chipmaker Nvidia, regarded on the bank. — Associated Press days after the company’s CEO roughly 54 percent tax on
as a prime beneficiary of Regulator eyes asset — Reuters said the auto industry is in the casinos’ revenue from slot
potential AI growth and the managers’ bank stakes Also in Business middle of a significant storm. machines, but not on revenue
year’s second-best S&P 500 MARiJuAnA Intel plans to cut thousands of The company told salaried from skill game terminals,
performer, tumbled, weighing on A U.S. bank regulator is jobs to finance a recovery and workers that eligible employees violates constitutional
other chip stocks and the considering a stricter framework New York crackdown cope with eroding market share, will get individual offers in mid- guarantees designed to ensure
Philadelphia semiconductor for how large asset managers targets illegal shops Bloomberg News reported August. The offers will be limited that taxation is fair, the casino
index. such as BlackRock and Vanguard Tuesday, citing people familiar to certain job functions that owners contend. The lawsuit
Other megacap names such as can prove they are not Thousands of marijuana with the matter. Shares of the Stellantis did not identify. It also asks the court to force the state
Apple, Amazon and Meta, were influencing banks where they shops boldly opened without a chipmaker, which is set to report wouldn’t say by how much it to apply the same tax rate to skill
all due to report earnings this hold large stakes. license in New York City after the quarterly results Thursday, have wants to cut the salaried games or, alternately, to bar it
week. Amazon and Meta shares The Federal Deposit state legalized recreational use slumped about 40 percent so far workforce. The company has from collecting taxes on slot
fell while Apple managed a Insurance Corp. voted Tuesday of the drug, but after more than this year. Intel declined to about 11,000 salaried workers in machines.
slight gain on growing concerns to advance a proposal for the a year of lax enforcement, new the United States. — From news services
A18 Ez rE K the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

When private equity

buys a hospital, assets
shrink, research finds
BY P ETER W HORISKEY ment at the time that the agency
would investigate “strip-and-flip
A new study by physician re- tactics” and “other financial plays
searchers has found that when that can enrich executives but
private-equity firms buy hospitals, leave the American public worse
they sell off assets, challenging off.”
longtime industry claims that the “When private equity firms buy
purchases lead to investment in out healthcare facilities only to
patient care. slash staffing and cut quality, pa-
“While private-equity investors tients lose out,” Khan said in the
claim they infuse much-needed statement.
capital into the hospitals they buy, The American Investment
we found just the opposite: Pri- Council on Monday continued to
vate-equity firms quickly liquidate defend the role of private equity in
hospitals’ assets,” said lead author U.S. health care.
Elizabeth Schrier, a resident phy- “While we were unable to re-
sician at the University of Califor- view this study before publication,
nia at San Francisco. the reality is that private equity
The study, which examined 156 plays a limited role in the health-
purchases over the past decade, care sector,” according to a state-
ment from a council spokesper-
son. “When it is used, private capi-
tal helps drive medical innova-
Private-equity investors tion, increase access to care, and
improve local communities.”
“have sometimes sold Private-equity firms, which
pool money from wealthy inves-
acquired hospitals’ land
OfficE Of SEnATOr ElizAbETh WArrEn

tors, financial firms and pension Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) and Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) hosted the first-ever congressional
funds, buy up companies and typi-
and buildings, repaying cally seek to sell them again within
briefing for online influencers aimed at educating the public about the Biden administration’s work to cancel student loan debt in June.

investors with proceeds

and burdening hospitals
about 10 years. Today, more than
450 U.S. hospitals are owned by
private-equity firms, according to
Lawmakers turn to online creators to push policy
the Private Equity Stakeholder
Project, a watchdog group. T AYLOR L ORENZ Earlier this month, the State hosted the first congressional appreciated that lawmakers rec-
with rent payments.” Previous studies have found
Department and Department of briefing for online influencers ognize their need to produce con-
Physician researchers, in a study that patient care can suffer after Social media influencer and Defense invited a slew of content aimed at educating the public on tent. Time was allocated for self-
published by JAMA, the journal of the private-equity investors buy a hos- wedding dress designer Hayley creators to the NATO summit in a Biden and Vice President Harris’s ies and recorded sound bites and
American Medical Association pital. Paige was set to testify at a Senate bid to boost the alliance’s reputa- work to cancel student loan debt. clips for TikTok, Instagram or
Their investments in hospital hearing Tuesday about banning tion with young people. The Seven personal finance influenc- YouTube. The lawmakers also
and other health-care facilities noncompete agreements, the lat- White House, which has been ers with a collective audience of gave easily shareable information
was published Tuesday in JAMA, have also led to some notable fail- est example of how members of briefing influencers and working more than 6 million followers on student loan debt that the
the journal of the American Medi- ures, such as the bankruptcy of the Senate are using online influ- with them to push key policies were invited to a private meeting creators could share with follow-
cal Association. one of the nation’s largest nursing encers to push their policy initia- throughout Joe Biden’s presiden- with the lawmakers in an ornate ers.
Researchers were unable to de- home chains and, more recently, tives and educate the public cy, is set to host its first creator room at the Capitol. Tiffany Aliche, a content cre-
tail what happened to the lost of Steward, which is one of the about their legislative efforts. economy summit on Aug. 14, with “Our Democratic senators ator in New Jersey known to her
assets in every case but noted that biggest hospital bankruptcies in Paige, who has over 1.1 million dozens of content creators and know the media landscape in over 658,000 followers on Insta-
private-equity investors “have U.S. history. followers on Instagram and ap- industry leaders set to attend. their states, and by working with gram as “The Budgetnista,” said
sometimes sold acquired hospi- The new study, which was con- peared on the hit reality show The Democrats are also bringing incredible influencers who are that what sets creators apart from
tals’ land and buildings, repaying ducted by physician researchers at “Say Yes to the Dress,” was forced dozens of influencers to the Dem- talking every day to Americans, traditional press is their relation-
investors with proceeds and bur- UC-San Francisco, Harvard Medi- to stop designing dresses after ocratic National Convention in we’re able to spread the message ship with their audiences and the
dening hospitals with rent pay- cal School and the City University her former employer sued her Chicago next month. of how we’re working to cancel communities they’ve built. “Not
ments for facilities they once of New York’s Hunter College, under a noncompete agreement, On the House side, Rep. Ro student debt, lower health care only do people get to interact
owned.” found that at the hospitals ac- which limits workers’ ability to Khanna (D-Calif.) hosted a four- costs, protect democracy, and so with the [content creator] shar-
The study comes as the role of quired by private-equity investors, continue to work in the same hour live stream with some of the much more,” Senate Majority ing the information,” Aliche said,
private-equity firms in health care capital assets declined by 15 per- industry. A spokesperson for Sen. biggest political Twitch and You- Leader Charles E. Schumer “they get to interact with other
is drawing heightened scrutiny. In cent on average within two years. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said Tube live-streamers to discuss (D-N.Y.) said in a statement to The people consuming the informa-
March, federal regulators an- Assets at other hospitals rose by an Paige was not only chosen to major policy initiatives last fall. Post. tion.”
nounced they would be investigat- average of 9 percent over the same testify because of her direct ex- And, in October 2020, Rep. Alex- The influencers said they were Aliche sent many commenters
ing private-equity acquisitions of time period, a net difference of perience with noncompete agree- andria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) able to question the lawmakers more information about student
hospitals and other health-care 24 percent. ments, but also because of her played the video game “Among about their policies and the issues loan debt by using the platform
providers over their profit-taking Per hospital, the decline online reach. Us” on Twitch along with a cadre that their respective audiences Manychat, which allows influenc-
and effect on patient care. amounted to a loss of $28 million “At a time when more and more of top content creators. care about. After the briefing, the ers to mass DM users. “I said if
Federal Trade Commission in total assets, according to the people are getting their news on “The new generation of Ameri- content creators met with Schu- you type the word ‘details’ on the
Chair Lina Khan said in a state- authors. social media, working with cre- cans aren’t getting their news mer and were given a private tour Reel I’ll give you more details on
ators just makes sense,” Warren from MSNBC, CNN or Fox,” Khan- of his office. what I learned,” she said. “Hun-
said in a statement to The Wash- na told The Post in September. The spokesperson for Warren dreds of people requested that
ington Post. “By reaching out to “That’s just not how millennials said that she and other Democrat- document.”

After safety-related creators, [the public is] hearing

directly on the platforms they use
daily from the voices they know
and Gen Z consume news or get
inspired. One of the ways they’re
making decisions is engaging
ic lawmakers hope to continue
working closely with content cre-
ators and that senators plan to
JC Rodriguez, a 24-year-old
content creator in Nashville, said
the June Senate briefing was his

delays, OpenAI begins and trust.”

The hearing Tuesday came as
political leaders and major gov-
with streamers. It’s the equiva-
lent of talk radio or cable for the
new generation.”
host more influencer-only brief-
ings this fall. After Paige’s testi-
mony on Tuesday, the lawmakers
first trip to Capitol Hill. “It was
pretty cool,” he said. “We’re used
to making content from our

rolling out voice mode ernment agencies are seeking to

build and tighten their relation-
ships with online content cre-
Until now, the Senate has been
a bit slower to adapt to the shift-
ing media landscape. But that’s
are working with the creator-
driven digital media company
Betches to spread the word about
homes in our bedrooms.”
Rodriguez and other creators
also marveled that the senators
ators, often working with influ- changing. the hearing. gave them editorial freedom over
BY G ERRIT D E V YNCK generative AI to finally build the encers to push their messaging, On June 10, Warren, Sen. Ra- Content creators who attended the content produced at the brief-
kind of assistant that has been a rather than relying on traditional phael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) and the June 10 briefing said they ing. “They let us be very candid
SAN FRANCISCO — ChatGPT fixture of science fiction for dec- media. Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.) found the meeting useful and with our content,” he said.
maker OpenAI said Tuesday it ades.
would begin rolling out its new OpenAI’s fans and customers
voice mode to customers, a have clamored for the voice
month after delaying the launch mode, with some complaining TECH FRIEND
to do more safety testing on the online when the company de-
OpenAI in May showed off the
conversational voice mode,
layed the launch in June. The new
feature will be available to a small
number of users at first, and the
Fact-checking Apple’s privacy claims about Safari
which can detect different tones company will gradually open it
of voice and respond to being up to all of OpenAI’s paying cus- BY S HIRA O VIDE ume, though, cookies help com- aggregate can help identify your Safari’s ‘private’ mode is not
interrupted, much like a human. tomers by the fall. panies assemble digital dossiers device and what you’re doing on private from everyone
But some researchers quickly Previous versions of ChatGPT In advertisements that have about your income, location, in- it. This is a moment to remind you
criticized the company for show- have had the ability to listen to aired during the Olympics and terest in mental health condi- The measures, typically called of the limits of “private” or “incog-
ing off an artificial intelligence spoken questions and respond are popping up online, Apple says tions, love of horror movies and “fingerprinting,” are privacy- nito” modes in web browsers.
product that hewed to sexist with audio by transcribing the its Safari is “a browser that’s actu- other things you might not want eroding tracking by another When you’re using this mode in
stereotypes about female assis- questions into text, running them ally private.” insurance companies or super- name. Nick Doty with the Center Safari, your device’s web browser
tants being flirty and compliant. through its AI algorithm, and That’s mostly true, with cave- markets to dig up. for Democracy & Technology said won’t save a record of what web-
Actor Scarlett Johansson alleged then reading its text response out ats. there’s generally not much you sites you looked at or what web
the company had copied her loud. But the new voice features Apple deserves credit for mak- can do about fingerprinting. Usu- searches you did.
voice from the movie “Her,” in are built on OpenAI’s latest AI ing many privacy protections au- ally, you don’t know you’re being That could be useful if you’re
which an AI bot develops a ro- model, which directly processes tomatic with Safari, which you “If browser privacy tracked that way. using a shared computer at a
mantic relationship with a man. audio without needing to convert probably use to browse the web if Apple says it defends against public library or if you’re using
OpenAI’s records show it it to text first. That allows the bot you have an iPhone, Mac comput- were a sport at the common fingerprinting tech- your household’s computer to
worked with a completely differ- to listen to multiple voices at once er or iPad. niques, but Cahn said Firefox, shop for a surprise gift or use
ent actor, and it pulled the voice, and determine a person’s tone of But Albert Fox Cahn, executive Olympics, Apple isn’t Brave and the Tor Browser are adult sites.
called Sky, from its product. In voice, responding differently director of the Surveillance Tech- better at protecting you from But as with most other brows-
June, it said it would delay the based on what it thinks the per- nology Oversight Project, said Sa- getting on the medal digital surveillance. That’s why ers, the websites you’re using and
launch of voice mode to conduct son’s emotions are. fari is no better than the fourth- he said Safari is no better than your home internet provider or
more safety testing. The new That opens up a whole new set best web browser for your privacy. stand.” the fourth-best browser for pri- workplace may still know the
voice mode launching Tuesday of questions, such as how cultural “If browser privacy were a Albert Fox Cahn, vacy. sites you visited. If you use a
does not include the Sky voice, an differences come into play, or sport at the Olympics, Apple isn’t executive director of the It’s fantastic that big compa- virtual private network — soft-
OpenAI spokesperson con- whether people might develop getting on the medal stand,” Cahn Surveillance Technology nies like Apple and Meta and ware that shields your location —
firmed. relationships with bots that are said. (Apple did not comment Oversight Project smaller organizations are com- the VPN owner likely logs where
Tech companies have worked trained to respond to their emo- about this.) peting to win you over with priva- you go even in private mode.
to make conversational AI chat- tions in specific ways. OpenAI The bottom line if you use cy features.
bots for years. Amazon’s Alexa said it worked with people repre- Safari: You should feel reasonably Safari stops third-party cookies Adding privacy protections Safari’s ‘private’ mode has
and Apple’s Siri are ubiquitous senting 45 languages and 29 “ge- good about the privacy (and secu- anywhere you go on the web. So also has trade-offs, including dis- extra privacy protections
and used by millions of people to ographies” to improve the AI rity) protections, but you can do Mozilla’s Firefox and the Brave abling parts of websites you need. When you use this option, Ap-
set timers and look up the weath- model’s capabilities. probably do better — either by browser. You can use either of Smaller browsers might have the ple says it does more to block use
er but aren’t capable enough for Only four unique voices will be tweaking your Apple settings or those on a Windows PC, Mac, freedom to be more aggressive on of “advanced” fingerprinting
complex tasks. Now, OpenAI, available to use, and the tool will by using a web browser that’s iPhone or Android device. Safari privacy than Apple, which risks techniques. It also steps up de-
Google, Microsoft, Apple and a block attempts to get the bot to even more private than Safari. I’ll is available only for Mac, iPhones annoying website owners, adver- fenses against tracking that adds
host of other tech companies are generate voices of real people, the dig into the details. and iPads. tisers, regulators and some users bits of identifying information to
trying to use breakthroughs in company said. Chrome allows third-party when it tightens privacy protec- the web links you click. Whatever
Safari automatically stops cookies in most cases unless you tions. you’re doing on the web locks so
tracking ‘cookies’ turn them off. (You may not be Using the handy “Cover Your no one but you can see it.

These tiny software files are able to do this if you’re using a Tracks” privacy test from the con- You can turn on private mode
used by many websites and are Google or Microsoft account sumer privacy nonprofit Elec- for everything you do in Safari, but
standard for the most popular managed by your employer.) tronic Frontier Foundation, my there may be downsides. Apple
web browser, Google’s Chrome, to iPhone using the Safari browser says that if you use private brows-
keep tabs on where you roam Safari enables other kinds of showed I had partial protection ing all the time, some parts of
online. tracking from common types of data track- websites might not work correctly.
Stories of the past, rediscovered. Cookie tracking across the web Even without cookies, a web- ing. If you choose this option: On an
washingtonpost.com/retropolis is likely why you see online shoe site can pull information like the I got a similar result using the iPhone, go to the Settings app.

ads after you looked up running resolution of your computer Firefox browser on an Android Choose Safari, then Advanced,
shoes once. screen, the fonts you have in- phone. A PC using the Chrome then Advanced Tracking and Fin-
Cookies can be helpful or in- stalled, add-on software you use browser failed the EFF tracking gerprinting Protection and
nocuous individually. In mass vol- and other technical details that in protection test. change to “All Browsing.”
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ re A19

Senate passes landmark bills to expand protections for children online

BY C RISTIANO L IMA- S TRONG fore collecting data from kids this step and is fully committed
under 13. to working together to continue
The Senate overwhelmingly But Sen. Edward J. Markey advancing these important pol-
passed a pair of bills to expand (D-Mass.), who led the push to icies.”
online privacy and safety protec- pass COPPA as a member of the Even if signed into law, the
tions for children on Tuesday, House in the 1990s, said he was legislation is likely to face legal
delivering a major win for parent unsuccessful then in his effort to challenges from the tech indus-
and youth activists who have extend those protections to teen- try, which has successfully halted
clamored for action against tech agers, as the new bill does. parallel child online safety laws
companies they say are endan- “This is the first time in 26 at the state level. While many
gering the well-being of kids. years that we’ve been able to cases are ongoing, federal judges
The legislation, approved 91-3, come back and to put the protec- have repeatedly expressed free-
would force digital platforms to tions that were needed then, and speech concerns over states’ ef-
take “reasonable” steps to pre- are even more needed today, on forts to regulate social media
vent harms to children such as the books,” Markey said in an companies, dealing a series of
bullying, drug addiction and sex- interview. blows to laws aimed at protecting
ual exploitation, and it would If signed into law, COPPA 2.0 kids online.
broaden existing federal privacy would widen the parental con- NetChoice, the tech trade asso-
protections to include kids and sent requirement for data collec- ciation that has challenged those
teens 16 years old and younger. tion to include information from laws, has called KOSA “unconsti-
The bills — the Kids Online children as old as 16. The bill tutional,” citing injunctions it
Safety Act, or KOSA, and the would also ban companies from secured against states as legal
Children and Teens’ Online Pri- targeting kids and teens with precedent.
vacy Protection Act, referred to advertising, a proposal Biden has Chris Marchese, who leads the
as COPPA 2.0 — represent the vocally endorsed in his State of group’s litigation center, said Fri-
most significant restrictions on the Union addresses. KOSA has day that the bill follows the same
tech platforms to clear a chamber fomented more forceful opposi- “model of unconstitutionality” as
of Congress in decades. tion than COPPA 2.0. a defunct California law that
Proponents of the measures Schumer combined the two sought to restrict the sale of
hope Senate passage will amplify measures into a legislative pack- violent video games to minors.
calls for the package to be taken KeNt NIshImura/getty Images age that the Senate began to The Supreme Court struck it
up in the House, where the bills Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.), left, and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), second from left, hold a formally consider Thursday, down in 2011, ruling 7-2 that the
have garnered bipartisan sup- news conference last week on the Kids Online Safety Act with relatives of victims of online abuse. while eschewing other proposals sales were protected under the
port but negotiations publicly to bar young kids from accessing First Amendment.
unraveled last month amid in- years of pledges to rein in the obligations. social media altogether or to give NetChoice counts Google,
fighting between House Republi- tech giants amid a litany of Evan Greer, director of the victims of child sexual abuse a Amazon and Meta as members,
can leaders. grievances. liberal activist group Fight for way to sue platforms for facilitat- among others. (Amazon founder
While senators have focused The bill would create the new “They made their the Future, said in a statement ing improper contacts. Jeff Bezos owns The Washington
much of their tech accountability obligation for companies to miti- that enforcers could use the “duty Odds of passage in the House Post.)
efforts on child online safety, gate potential harms to children, children’s memories a of care” provision to force compa- this year appear dim. While Proponents of KOSA have
House lawmakers for years have known as a “duty of care.” Since nies to suppress content they Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) pushed back on those claims,
pushed instead to take up a its introduction in 2022, a coali- blessing in the form of dislike, including “gender-af- recently told CNBC he supports arguing that the bill sidesteps
broader data privacy bill that tion of child safety advocates, firming care, abortion, racial jus- the idea behind the bills, the thorny constitutional debates
would cover all consumers, not youth activists and parents legislation to protect our tice, climate change, or anything chair of a key committee consid- about speech online and instead
just kids. The dueling approach- whose children’s deaths were else.” ering the bills said House leader- seeks to bring consumer safety
es have bogged down negotia- linked to social media have urged children from the risks Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), one ship has expressed concerns protections to social media, like
tions and delayed attempts to get lawmakers to act, forming a pow- of the three lawmakers who vot- about the bills, without elaborat- regulations requiring seat belts
any legislation over the finish erful lobbying force that gave of social media and ed against the package, said in a ing. And the chamber is only in in cars. Some tech companies
line. lawmakers a visceral reminder of post on X last week that he session for just over a half-dozen have endorsed the bill, including
Those disputes have thrown the potential stakes. other online platforms.” opposes KOSA because it could more weeks this year, with the Snapchat parent Snap, LinkedIn
into doubt the fate of the propos- “They made their children’s Senate Majority Leader “be used as a tool for MAGA election expected to sap lawmak- owner Microsoft and Elon Musk’s
als, which President Biden has memories a blessing in the form Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.), extremists to wage war on legal ers’ attention in Washington. The X, formerly Twitter.
indicated he would sign into law. of legislation to protect our chil- speaking about parents whose and essential information to House broke early for its annual “This is about product design,”
Senators began crafting KOSA, dren from the risks of social children’s deaths were linked to teens.” The bill’s proponents dis- August recess last week without Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-
the child safety measure, after media and other online plat- social media and who urged pute the claims. rescheduling a markup for the Tenn.), who co-wrote KOSA
conducting an investigation into forms,” Senate Majority Leader lawmakers to act Sens. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and bills. alongside Sen. Richard Blumen-
2021 disclosures by Facebook Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Mike Lee (R-Utah) also voted Spokespeople for Johnson and thal (D-Conn.), said during a
whistleblower Frances Haugen at a news conference Tuesday. against the bills. House Majority Leader Steve Sca- news conference Thursday.
showing that the social media Maurine Molak, whose son While KOSA has drawn broad The push to expand privacy lise (R-La.) did not respond to For Congress, Blumenthal said
company knew its products at David died by suicide after facing bipartisan support in Congress, it protections for children dates multiple requests for comment. Thursday, action against the tech
times worsened body-image is- intense cyberbullying online, has faced persistent opposition back decades. In 1998, Congress A spokesman for Rep. Cathy giants was long overdue.
sues for some teens. The explo- said at a news conference in the from tech industry and digital passed the Children’s Online Pri- McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), “Congress is finally imposing
sive revelations sparked indigna- Senate last week that Congress rights groups, who say it will chill vacy Protection Act, or COPPA, a whose committee recently some accountability on an indus-
tion and catalyzed the legislative should pass the proposals “be- speech online and force compa- watershed law requiring that yanked the bills from a legislative try that has gone totally non-re-
push on Capitol Hill, where law- cause no other families should nies to collect even more data websites and other online ser- markup in the House, said she is sponsible and irresponsible for
makers have little to show for have to suffer the way we have.” from users to comply with its vices obtain parental consent be- “pleased to see the Senate take decades now,” Blumenthal said.

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Vance’s Catholic conversion is part socially conservative Christian


D Vance’s beloved grand- He also spoke at a 2022 “Re-

of a young conservative movement

mother — Mamaw, as he storing the Nation” conference at
called her — hated organized Franciscan University of Steu-
religion, didn’t go to church benville in Ohio, where he and
and hung a drawing of Jesus in other speakers advocated against
her house that presented him as a a secular and neutral public
kind everyman. So when Vance square.
became drawn to Catholicism, How these converts will apply their new faith to political policy remains unclear Some in the movement are
with its hierarchy, intellectual focused on the idea that humans
rigor and art showing an imperial need a social authority — like the
Jesus, he said, he worried what pope — and want the government
his late grandmother would to join parents and schools in
think. encouraging some ways of life
“I couldn’t shake the feeling and discouraging others, said
that if I converted I would no Mark Lilla, an intellectual histo-
longer be my grandmother’s rian from Columbia University.
grandson,” Vance wrote in a 2020 Others also believe in objective
essay for the Catholic magazine moral truths but are less focused
the Lamp, about the woman he on using state power to lead
credits with raising him. people to those truths, he said.
But Vance, the senator from Lilla says he sees a lot of
Ohio who is now the GOP’s vice- Catholic converts and a huge
presidential nominee, overcame Catholic subculture at elite uni-
whatever reservations he had, versities, including his own.
drawn by what he has described “It’s kind of a reboot of what
in interviews as Catholicism’s [President George W.] Bush
rich, detailed and nuanced phi- called ‘compassionate conserva-
losophy and also its long history. tism,’ ” Lilla said of one view of
Raised nominally evangelical, Catholic post-liberalism. Another
then dabbling with atheism, view, he said, is that it’s essential-
Vance was baptized Catholic in ly made up of Christian national-
2019, in his mid-30s. ists who want “an American Con-
In his conversion, he is part of stitution 2.0.” It doesn’t necessar-
a cohort of rising young con- ily make the Vatican an authority,
servative figures who are bucking he said, but “reinterprets Ameri-
the general trend of young Amer- can law and the Constitution in
icans to reject institutional reli- such a way that there are a set of
gion — and many, experts say, are values and principles that should
choosing Catholicism. Catholi- be taken as foundational to the
cism, religion analysts say, ex- regime.”
udes the confidence and staying Vance’s description of his jour-
power of a two-millennia-old hi- ney from unaffiliated evangelical
erarchical institution — not to to Catholic convert says a lot
mention the world’s biggest about modern American religion,
church — at a time when so much Layman said.
seems unstable. White people like Vance’s
The same thirst is driving ris- grandmother who are strongly
ing Catholic interest in the pre- anti-institution and don’t go to
Vatican II-style Mass, where the church but consider themselves
priest speaks in Latin, many JABin BoTsfoRd/The WAshingTon PosT very much Christian were a huge
women wear veils and conserva- Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance, speaking this month in Milwaukee, has some views that are in opposition to the Catholic part of the Trump base from the
tive views on theology are com- Church: He supports the death penalty in some cases and has voted against many government programs aimed at aiding the poor. start and explain how religious
mon. It’s also reflected in the conservatives could connect with
priesthood, which has undergone him, Layman said. This phenom-
a dramatic ideological change in Mass] or popular piety and devo- unified group, and its members cial conservatism in the future Some Catholics are pushing enon was so common that Lay-
recent decades — from the major- tions, is becoming more attrac- have differing aims. However, needs to be about more than back on Vance. man and a co-author of a 2020
ity being very or somewhat liber- tive in a society that appears to be they are different from most re- “issues like abortion. It has to “Many of those seeking the book about new religious-politi-
al theologically and politically losing a sense of deeper cultural cent generations of the evangeli- have a broader vision of political so-called American Dream today, cal fault lines used the term
until the 1970s to majority con- roots in the face of identity poli- cally influenced religious right, economy, and the common good,” to the point of risking everything, “mamaw” to describe nominally
servative today, according to a tics, overconsumption and the experts say, and from older, he said in 2019. are undocumented Hispanic mi- Christian Trump supporters, an
study released last fall from Cath- individualistic pursuit of materi- prominent Catholic converts In the Senate since 2023, he grants that Trump has villainized allusion to Vance’s grandmother,
olic University. al success,” David M. Lantigua, from the Reagan and Bush eras, has not proposed any bills that and stereotyped in unjust and by then well known because of
Vance has said he looked for a co-director of the Cushwa Center such as commentator Robert No- have become law, and he has deceptive ways,” Lantigua said. his popular memoir “Hillbilly El-
philosophy that incorporated for the Study of American Cathol- vak, House Speaker Newt Gin- voted against every major spend- “If Vance is serious about putting egy.”
doubt, embraced scientific ad- icism at Notre Dame, told The grich and Sen. Sam Brownback ing bill that has come forward. virtue and duty back into a poli- Vance, fluent in both evangeli-
vancements like the theory of Washington Post in an email. “As (R-Kan.), who emphasized tradi- Largely, he has approached help tics concerned about the com- cal and Catholic cultures, is now
evolution and also came from religious belief and church at- tionally conservative economic for those in need by favoring mon good and low-income work- navigating a party whose rank
somewhere “more ancient,” he tendance declines among young- policies. boosting economic growth over ers, especially those who pick the and file is dominated by the
wrote in 2020 in the Lamp. er Americans, Vance reflects an Vance, like others in this era, government welfare programs — produce he eats, then he will have former, even as he represents the
“I really like that the Catholic interesting turn to institutional talks more warmly about some contrary to the U.S. Conference of to reckon with Trumpist policies rising power of the latter in the
Church was just really old,” Vance religion that preceded, and per- populist economic ideas and is Catholic Bishops’ position that that are overly isolationist, down- conservative movement. He has
said at a 2021 conference of the haps even inspired, his entrance more skeptical about free trade the government can levy taxes to right nativist, and rhetorically sought to unify the groups
Napa Institute, a conservative into the political process.” and big business. meet its responsibility to “assist racist.” around a common social con-
Catholic think tank. “I felt like the Other prominent conservative Vance has said he saw Catholi- and empower” the poor and un- The church teaches that “the servatism, as opposed to any
modern world was constantly in political, media and academic cism as reflecting messages from employed. He has at times sup- dignity and rights” of a person differences.
flux. The things that you believed figures who have converted to across the political spectrum: ported initiatives that break with aren’t dependent upon that per- In a talk this month to the
10 years ago were no longer even Catholicism include Harvard le- from the right, an emphasis on Republicans, however, including son’s political and citizenry sta- evangelical advocacy group Faith
acceptable to believe 10 years gal scholar Adrian Vermeule, TV personal responsibility, and from legislation that would have given tus, Lantigua said. & Freedom Coalition, which lists
later.” host Laura Ingraham, journalist the left, an emphasis on the harm low-income people subsidized in- The very different policy prior- “marriage and family” as its top
But Vance’s Catholicism, like Sohrab Ahmari and same-sex caused by systemic barriers. So- ternet access. ities of Vance and Biden, both priority, Vance mentioned his
that of many church members marriage opponent Brian Brown. churchgoing Catholics, show “Christian” faith several times
including President Biden, lines Data on the number of conver- “there is no one Catholic faith,” but never used the word “Catho-
up with Catholic teaching only in sions is spotty. Polling organiza- said Geoff Layman, head of the lic.” When he told his story of
limited — but very different — tions including Pew Research University of Notre Dame’s politi- returning to faith, he spoke not of
ways. Vance supports the death have long showed that many cal science department and an the intellectual pull of his new
penalty in some cases, wants to more people are leaving the Cath- expert on political behavior and faith or the comfort of its longevi-
boost fossil fuels, wants to deport olic faith than joining it — by religion. Vance, he said, is very ty, but of his desire to be a more
millions of migrants and has more than 6 to 1. The most committed to church teachings gentle father and husband.
voted against many government recent General Social Survey, in on abortion and gender, while He urged the group not to be
programs aimed at aiding the 2022, estimated that 1.4 percent Catholic officials like Biden ad- discouraged by Trump recently
poor. All of those positions are in of all adult Americans are con- here on economic justice and omitting references to same-sex
opposition to his church. A verts to Catholicism, which immigration. marriage and a federal abortion
spokesman for Vance declined to would amount to about 3.7 mil- Vance has addressed several ban in the GOP platform, moves
comment for this story. lion people. According to the recent Catholic conferences fo- that irked some Republicans.
Religion experts say some of Center for Applied Research on cused on new right ideas like One of Trump’s great virtues,
the same instincts Vance fol- the Apostolate, a Catholic re- post-liberalism. During a panel at he said, is “he is uniquely aware
lowed are also driving the growth search center at Georgetown Uni- a 2023 book event at Catholic of politics being the art of the
of interest among younger people versity, most are former Protes- University in Washington, Vance possible. How do we advance the
in general in gods and goddesses tants or people who used to be identified himself as a member of ball one yard before we advance it
of paganism as well as saints, religiously unaffiliated. the “postliberal right,” Politico 10 yards, before we advance it to a
angels and demons and com- How this crop of conservative reported. touchdown?”
memorations of the new moon. Catholic converts will apply their ChARles Rex ARBogAsT/AP Broadly, the post-liberal move-
“The appeal of religious tradi- new faith to policy is not fully JD Vance and former president Donald Trump at the Republican ment seeks a greater government liz goodwin contributed to this
tion, whether through the [Latin clear, as experts say it’s not a very National Convention this month in Milwaukee. role to form a society run on report.

More than 350 prominent advocates on climate endorse Harris’s candidacy

BY M AXINE J OSELOW climate change is a top concern ry, and she delivered a forceful Other signatories of the letter Club, he asked oil executives to Day-themed event in April 2023
for young people, who are more speech at the U.N. Climate include former White House na- steer $1 billion toward his cam- at the official vice president’s resi-
More than 350 prominent cli- likely than older generations to Change Conference in Dubai last tional climate adviser Gina Mc- paign while promising to reverse dence, the U.S. Naval Observa-
mate advocates on Tuesday en- face raging wildfires, rising seas fall. Carthy, famed climate activist Bill dozens of environmental rules, as tory, where Ellie Goulding per-
dorsed Vice President Harris for and stronger storms in their life- Kerry said that, other than McKibben, billionaire clean- first reported by The Post. formed, according to two attend-
president, a sign that environ- times. energy investor Tom Steyer and “Y’all saw that a couple months ees. Goulding is an English
mental leaders believe her cam- “Her candidacy instantly lit an environmental justice advocate ago at Mar-a-Lago, he literally singer-songwriter and an ambas-
paign will energize like-minded electric spark under young peo- Catherine Coleman Flowers. promised Big Oil companies, Big sador for the U.N. Environment
voters in a way that President ple across the country,” Inslee “Her candidacy Many of the signatories had pre- Oil lobbyists, he would do their Program.
Biden could not. said. “That’s going to bode well viously endorsed Biden before he bidding for $1 billion in campaign Now that Harris has replaced
In a letter shared first with The for our fortunes.” instantly lit an electric ended his reelection campaign. donations,” Harris said at a rally Biden at the top of the Democrat-
Washington Post, big names in Without directly criticizing Flowers said Harris, who creat- in Milwaukee last week. “On the ic ticket, environmentalists have
the environmental movement — Biden, Inslee added: “Now poli- spark under young ed one of the country’s first envi- other hand, we are running a contributed to a flood of cam-
including former U.S. climate en- tics is fun again because people ronmental justice units as district people-powered campaign.” paign contributions. A virtual
voy John F. Kerry, former secre- have hope and a dynamic leader.” people across the attorney in San Francisco, has Trump and his allies, for their fundraiser for Harris last week
tary of state Hillary Clinton and Saad Amer, a 29-year-old cli- focused on helping disadvan- part, have attacked Harris’s past hosted by environmental advo-
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) — mate activist, U.N. consultant and country. ... That’s going taged communities that are dis- support for banning fracking dur- cates raised roughly $100,000
wrote that Harris has long priori- founder of the consultancy Jus- proportionately burdened by pol- ing her previous presidential bid. from small-dollar donors. Over-
tized climate action and would tice Environment, said Harris “of- to bode well for our lution. As president, she said, The National Republican Con- all, the Harris campaign said Sun-
continue to do so as president. fers so much energy and excite- Harris could take Biden’s envi- gressional Committee, the cam- day that it had raked in $200 mil-
“We know that protecting our ment and potential, which I think fortunes.” ronmental justice efforts “even paign arm of House Republicans, lion in the week since Biden
planet for ourselves and future young people are hungry for.” Washington Gov. Jay Inslee (D) further than where they are right wrote on social media last week exited the campaign, with two-
generations requires the kind of Amer noted that as California now.” that Harris’s policies would thirds of the haul coming from
bold leadership that Kamala Har- attorney general, Harris sued the Harris and Trump have taken “crush” Pennsylvania, a swing first-time donors.
ris has demonstrated her whole Obama administration over its sharply divergent approaches to state and the country’s second- “The enthusiasm is off the
life,” they wrote. “We are proud to approval of permits for fracking Donald Trump, no world leader climate policy and the fossil fuel largest producer of natural gas. charts,” said Leah Stokes, a cli-
support her and be in the fight off the Pacific coast. “I mean, “has pulled out of the Paris [cli- industry. Harris has described (An official with the Harris cam- mate policy expert at the Univer-
against climate change with her.” that’s so iconic,” he said. mate] agreement or spread dan- global warming as an “existential paign clarified Friday that she sity of California at Santa Barbara
Inslee, whose ambitious cli- Kerry, who left the Biden ad- gerous disinformation about threat to us as a species,” and she would not seek to ban fracking if who co-hosted the fundraiser last
mate proposals during his 2020 ministration in March, said in an wind turbines causing cancer.” prosecuted Big Oil companies elected president.) week in her personal capacity.
presidential campaign influ- interview that Harris was a “ter- “I think the case is crystal clear over hazardous waste while serv- Even before announcing her “President Biden has delivered
enced Biden’s climate policies, rific ally” on climate policy. He that Kamala Harris is the exact ing as California attorney gener- 2024 campaign, Harris had on climate like nobody else in this
said Harris could help mobilize noted that she was an early advo- opposite: a committed, sensible, al. Trump has called climate sought to engage climate leaders country in history,” she added.
young voters, a crucial Democrat- cate of the United States reaching down-to-earth, practical leader,” change a “hoax,” and during an and activists. She invited dozens “But now it’s just a whole new
ic constituency. Polls show that net-zero emissions by midcentu- he added. April meeting at his Mar-a-Lago of environmentalists to an Earth race, and the energy is crazy.”
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re A21

grants? What if a Red governor, allied
with the president, tried to deploy his
National Guard across the neighboring
Blue state line?
Our players had no immediate an-
swers. Their counterparts in real life will
have legal advisers to turn to, but they
would be well advised to probe the limits
of their authority in advance.
Past presidents of both parties have
taken steps we would regard as authori-
tarian today. Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Lyndon B. Johnson used the FBI to spy on
political opponents. Richard M. Nixon
tested laws in his war with the federal
bureaucracy. Several presidents contem-
plated disobeying court orders. What is
new today is the potential for many
abuses of this sort to happen in one term.
Our participants assessed that the
guardrails that held Trump back in his
first term would likely not suffice in a
second. His party has been largely
purged of people willing to oppose him
openly. The president would have a
cadre of loyalists who know this time, as
one of our players said, “where the door
handles are.” He would appoint few, if
any, establishment figures like the ones
who bottled up some of his authoritarian
ideas in 2017. Resignation threats, which
at the Justice Department partly de-
terred Trump in January 2021, seem less
likely to do so again. Federal courts,
increasingly partisan, are friendlier ter-
rain for him now.
Even so, our exercises did not suggest
that any authoritarian would command a
uniformly obedient federal workforce.
No president does. No matter how many
career civil servants he succeeded in
firing, he would be unlikely to find
enough men and women who are both
loyal and equipped by experience to fill
the thousands of positions required to
carry out his plans.

RaPeePong Puttakumwong/getty Images here is no official leader of the
opposition in American politics,

How to harden our defenses but the pro-democracy coalition

cannot afford to splinter. In 2017, with no
advance warning, opposition to Trump’s
authoritarian policies coalesced quickly.

against an authoritarian president

If, ahead of 2025, rule-of-law advocates
take time to prepare, the coalition could
work even more closely for the common
Many of our players, in debriefings,
BY B ARTON G ELLMAN thoritarian promises, with implement- own authority. Then she urged the state country against antifa.” The general tried observed that the pro-democracy actors

ing details in the Heritage Foundation’s adjutant general, played by retired Air to help him translate that language into lack the resources to match the gravity of
t is late afternoon on Inauguration Project 2025, pose a profound threat to Force Maj. Gen. William Enyart, to dis- an executable military order. The presi- their mission. One good use of resources
Day 2025. Protesters fill the down- constitutional government. Defenders of obey the president’s order. (If he did so in dent cut in: “You’re fired, too.” would be to help defenders of democracy
towns of American cities, enraging democracy, our participants assessed, real life, he would be relieved of com- There were many more moves and make ready to defend themselves. It
the newly sworn president. Send in must do more than they are doing now to mand and court-martialed.) countermoves around the room. Efforts might not be possible to stop Trump from
the military, he demands. Invoke the prepare. The exercises suggest that it Unexpectedly, the Red governor, to restrain the president’s worst impulses targeting his many enemies. But now is a
Insurrection Act. Federalize the National would not be possible to block every played by a retired GOP state legislator, finally dissuaded him from a full, nation- good time to recruit networks of lawyers,
Guard in all 50 states. Tell the troops to abuse, but there are tools available to also objected. He wanted to keep his al call-up of the Guard. The defense accountants, crisis communications
use all the force they need to clear the deflect, delay and diminish the damage. Guard soldiers at home in case of state secretary drafted orders that were not teams, and experts in digital and physical
streets. emergency. And activating the troops illegal on their face. The generals saluted. security to come to their aid.

So began one of five tabletop exercises ur exercises included a scenario would pull them from essential jobs such Nothing came close to stopping the Governors, mayors and state attorneys
I co-led in May and June, along with that tried to predict what might as police officers, firefighters and president from crushing demonstrations general may have more power than they
former Defense Department official Rosa happen on Inauguration Day next paramedics. by force, but military leaders warded off know to defend against an authoritarian
Brooks and historian Nils Gilman. We year. When the Red commander in chief The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of talk of potentially lethal measures. (Dur- president. Friends of the rule of law
based the starting scenarios on the elec- invoked the Insurrection Act, which en- Staff, played by retired Army Lt. Gen. ing protests outside the White House in should help them explore the fine points
tion of former president Donald Trump ables a president to deploy military Mark Hertling, began asking questions. 2020, according to former defense secre- of their authority in advance. Blue states
to a second term, and we asked partici- forces domestically to suppress rebel- What happened next was not the tary Mark T. Esper, Trump asked, “Can’t can pass laws and write regulations to
pants playing the president, all of them lion, among other things, Blue players “deep state” conspiracy of right-wing you just shoot them? Just shoot them in restore protections that the federal gov-
Republicans or former Republicans, to imaginings. Nobody in our exercise took the legs or something?”) When the sol- ernment removes. They can bring civil
base their gameplay on Trump’s publicly any step to undermine civilian control of diers arrived in our exercise, grass-roots suits and criminal prosecutions against
stated promises. the military or disregard an order from organizers kept the protests peaceful. unlawful acts undertaken in the presi-
As a nonpartisan think tank, my em- The role-playing exercises the commander in chief. Faith leaders in clerical garb positioned dent’s name.
ployer, the Brennan Center for Justice at And yet, the chairman paused. All themselves as shields. Pure good fortune To inoculate against the human in-
NYU School of Law, takes no position on were designed to test officers swear an oath to the Constitu- warded off serious violence when the two stinct to fold under pressure, friends of
how Americans should cast their votes. tion, not to the president personally. The sides met. Our game controller rolled a constitutional government should seek
Nor do we predict who will win in how well checks and Uniform Code of Military Justice re- pair of 20-sided dice to represent un- “pre-commitments” from potential allies
November. Some of my colleagues are quires them, under penalty of prosecu- known odds. Bloodshed, according to the to take specific, lawful actions if certain
doing scenario planning for a Democrat- balances might restrain tion, to disobey an unlawful order. And dice, was largely averted. As any gambler red lines are crossed. When the time
ic victory, too. senior military leaders promise under knows, the next roll could have brought comes, individuals, organizations and
The role-playing exercises were de- a president from abusing oath, at Senate confirmation hearings, to another outcome entirely. corporate executives can be encouraged
signed to test how well checks and give their unvarnished advice. to draw upon the courage of convictions
his power. The results were
balances, broadly understood, might re- In that spirit, the chairman asked the n two of our five games, Red over- they expressed in advance.
strain a president from abusing his pow- president to define the mission more whelmed Blue with an “everything, Civil servants and other guardians of
er. The results were not encouraging: The not encouraging. clearly. Under exceptional authorities, everywhere” battle plan on many the public interest should carry on with
games demonstrated repeatedly that an the military could “assist” state and local fronts at once. their essential work. Friends of constitu-
authoritarian in control of the executive law enforcement, he said, but Blue gover- One Red administration featured the tional government should counsel them
branch, with little concern for legal filed a long-shot challenge in court. The nors and mayors were denying any need firing of inspectors general, senior feder- against resigning, stiffen their resolve to
limits, holds a structural advantage over judge, who was designated as non- for federal assistance. al workers, special counsel Jack Smith follow lawful procedures, educate them
any lawful effort to restrain him. aligned, dismissed their complaint. What rules of engagement did the and several generals. The IRS formed a on whistleblower channels and offer
But they point to preparations that Courts have interpreted the language of president have in mind for use of force on task force to revoke the tax-exempt status legal support against retaliation.
could be undertaken now to improve the the act to give the president exclusive Americans exercising First Amendment of universities and think tanks that Trump’s biggest “center of gravity,” his
odds for democracy and the rule of law — authority to determine when to use the rights? The judge advocate general, the “spread misinformation” about the essential source of strength, is public
and some existing guardrails that might power it grants, which is what makes it so chairman said, would have to review the 2020 election. The Education Depart- opinion — including those well beyond
not be widely understood. dangerous. rules for compliance with military law. ment mandated that states withhold his strongest supporters. Many of our
Participants in our exercises, 175 in all, The Blue House of Representatives Fed up, the president, played by a federal funding from schools that taught participants agreed that public senti-
included Democrats and Republicans, moved to cut off federal funds for any former GOP party leader, fired the chair- critical race theory. The Labor Depart- ment can set boundaries on abuse of
liberals and conservatives, independents domestic troop deployments. The Red man. Then another senior general, ment prepared rules to ban diversity, power. But the democracy coalition will
and centrists. Many had held senior attorney general, played by Peter Keisler, played by a retired four-star, pointed out equity and inclusion policies in public need a communications plan far more
positions under Trump or a previous who held that position on an acting basis that mobilizing every state’s National companies. The FBI and Justice Depart- extensive than anything it has organized
president. Among them were former under President George W. Bush, found a Guard would consume about half of all ment opened criminal investigations of in the past.
Cabinet secretaries, former governors way to use existing budget authority. forces designated for foreign contingen- Joe Biden, his family and members of the Defenders of democracy can deter the
and state attorneys general, former The Blue governor, played by New cies. Adversaries might seize the oppor- former House committee investigating president’s enablers from breaking the
members of the House and Senate, a Jersey’s former Republican governor tunity to do something dangerous. the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capi- law by holding them at risk of legal
retired ambassador, retired flag and gen- Christine Todd Whitman, tried to pre- The president waved that point away, tol. All “Jan. 6 patriots” secured pardons. action, loss of future employment and
eral officers, a retired federal appellate vent the federal call-up of her state demanding that the general “restore law The Justice Department held that the professional sanctions. And yet many
judge, labor leaders, faith leaders, grass- Guard. First, she deployed it under her and order” in the cities and “defend the Impoundment Control Act was unconsti- participants said in debriefings that the
roots organizers, members of the Bren- tutional, and the president refused to Blue teams leaned too heavily on law-
nan Center staff, and C-suite executives. spend appropriated funds for programs suits. Courts may help restrain abuses of
We gathered twice by videoconference he disliked. power, as they did in Trump’s first term,
and three times in a hotel conference In that game, Blue and its allies strug- but other tools may prove more potent.
room outside Washington for six-hour gled to respond. Career prosecutors who The most pressing legal question
sessions around a large U-shaped table. pushed back against spurious criminal raised in our games was what to do if an
About 35 players per game were assigned charges, for example, were fired or chose authoritarian president defied a court
to the Red, Blue or Nonaligned teams. to resign. The Red attorney general order. Nobody had a good answer, but the
(Those colors do not signify political found willing replacements. rule of law demands one.
parties — they are the conventional ones In another game, which focused on Democratic self-defense may rest, in
used in government tabletop exercises.) Red’s mass expulsion of migrants, in- the end, on the demonstrated will of the
The players announced their moves and cluding American-born children of un- American people — expressed, if neces-
countermoves, negotiated, interrupted documented parents, Blue expended the sary, in persistent, large-scale protest —
one another and occasionally shouted bulk of its energy on lawsuits that moved to reject authoritarian rule. Agents pro-
over our unflappable controller, Ed too slowly to match the pace of events on vocateurs and deepfake videos will at-
McGrady, an experienced game architect. the ground. tempt to discredit orderly and lawful
The starting scenarios did not test Red’s deportation efforts did lead to expressions of dissent, and peaceful pro-
policy questions within the ordinary interesting power struggles across feder- test might be met with authoritarian
bounds of democratic debate: taxes, reg- al, state and local jurisdictions. Our violence. Americans have overcome that
ulation, climate change. We focused in- players, despite real-world experience in before and might have to again.
stead on threats to democracy itself and their roles, encountered novel questions It will not be a roll of the dice, as it was
the institutions that uphold it, such as that they had not considered before: in the games, that decides the ultimate
misuse of regulatory or prosecutorial What if U.S. marshals started rounding outcome. Friends of our constitutional
powers to punish political foes. up people who could not prove their legal republic might need to defend it implaca-
None of the exercises left us sanguine. status on the spot? Could Blue city police bly — by every lawful means.
Participants were almost uniformly so- officers make them stop? What if an
bered by the paucity of effective con- Immigration and Customs Enforcement Barton gellman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning
straints on abuse of power. The exercises ed mcgRady
task force showed up at a Blue state journalist and author, is senior adviser at the
showed emphatically that Trump’s au- The Hilton Old Town Alexandria before the games began. sanctuary for undocumented immi- Brennan center for Justice.
a22 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024



The GOP threatens a D.C. takeover

N THE District of Columbia, the federal govern- because of the city’s own missteps. In fact, the ing that a light federal touch to city management is documents, needs no further justification. But if
ment already influences everything from city D.C. Council tried to impose a sweeping criminal enough to dissuade D.C. officials from adopting Republicans need one, it is that democratic systems,
council spending to the location of the city code reform that critics, including Mayor Muriel radical policies. Even then, it is likely that democrat- for all their messiness, tend to self-correct in ways
government’s office buildings. Republicans E. Bowser, argued would have made it harder for ic pressure would have succeeded, anyway. Local that top-down systems do not. Congressional Re-
have now endorsed even greater federal control over authorities to restore public safety. backlash to rising crime rates would have prompted publicans might relish the prospect of ruling D.C. be-
the city and its 680,000 inhabitants as part of their In the end, though, democracy worked, as it has in action with, crucially, the support of the local cause legislating for the city is a good way to score
2024 platform. Apparently, former president Donald the past. Voter concerns about rising rates of carjack- community being policed. points with their own constituents back home —
Trump isn’t kidding when he promises, frequently, ings and homicides pushed the council to shift gears, while facing none from the disenfranchised people
to “take over the horribly run capital of our nation.” enacting anti-crime legislation Ms. Bowser, a Demo- their actions actually affect.
Assuming that Mr. Trump could pass the appro- crat, also supported. Courts increased the use of Though not quite the “killing field” of Mr. Trump’s
priate legislation, a takeover could be perfectly pretrial detention for potentially violent defendants, A takeover could be perfectly hyperbole, D.C. has a long way to go to become as
constitutional, given Congress’s police cracked down on open-air drug markets, and safe as it should be. Crime rates are still above
EdiTOriaL unique authority over the District. the city hired more officers. constitutional but would reverse one pre-pandemic levels. But the District is responding.
But it would also be rankly undemo- Crime is now easing, despite notable counterex- Fighting crime requires knowing an area’s history
cratic, reverse one of the civil rights movement’s amples, such as a carjacking this month near Justice of the civil rights movement’s signal and communities. The recent reclamation of public
signal achievements and, on a practical level, make Sonia Sotomayor’s home. Many cities have seen spaces as drug-free zones, for instance, was a revival
life in D.C. worse. crime rates decrease this year, but D.C.’s was among achievements and, on a practical of an older, proven D.C. policy. Solving the crime
For a taste of what Republicans might have in the largest drops. problem will also require courts and prosecutors
mind for a Trump-led takeover of D.C., consult the Perhaps the biggest success has been the decrease level, make life in D.C. worse. taking up more cases and city welfare agencies doing
nearly 50 bills to change laws in the District — on in carjackings, which disproportionately skyrocket- their jobs better. The strategies federal interveners
subjects as diverse as sports team logos and local ed during the pandemic. The most recent monthly might use, in contrast, are likely to be more blunt —
election laws — that GOP lawmakers have proposed carjacking figure is the lowest since September Mr. Trump’s threats would instead force local as evidenced by the Republican desire to deploy the
in recent years. One would ban abortion in the city; 2022. representatives to focus on pleasing Congress rather National Guard in D.C.
another would repeal home rule entirely. The plat- True, it is impossible to know whether the council than their constituents, which is often not the same As the Trump allies who produced the Project
form outlined at the Republican National Conven- would have course-corrected as swiftly or as force- thing. This, indeed, is the point: Even if the District 2025 document wrote, “the principles of federalism
tion this month justifies federal control in the name fully without the threat of potential federal interven- had not rebounded, its people, like all other Ameri- should be upheld; these indicate that states better
of restoring “Law and Order in our Capital City.” tion looming, as it always does, over the heads of cans, have an inherent right to rule themselves, even understand their unique needs.” The same principle
And, to be sure, crime in the District spiked during local leaders. But President Biden has generally if it means their leaders sometimes make mistakes. applies in D.C., and there should be no special
the pandemic (as it did in most other cities), partly opposed meddling in the District’s affairs, suggest- This principle, enshrined in the nation’s founding exception to it.

LETTErs TO ThE EdiTOr draWing bOard pricing power available to all such individuals
who want it. Medicare-for-all is unaffordable, but
Was crowning an untested this would be a step in the right direction and
extend the progress of the Affordable Care Act.
Ms. Harris a mistake? Ms. Harris must quickly reframe her original
proposal from her 2020 presidential campaign
When President Biden courageously ended his before she gets boxed into it.
reelection bid, he gave Democrats a golden Girard Miller, Laguna Niguel, Calif.
opportunity to win in November. Now, many
Democratic leaders and delegates seem intent on As a young person, I’m not alone in questioning
squandering that opportunity by rushing to make many aspects of our political system. Why aren’t
Vice President Harris the party’s nominee. there term limits for Supreme Court justices? Why
Their aim is to coalesce quickly around do we have a party duopoly in which candidates
Ms. Harris as the heir apparent and forestall a feel more manufactured than elected during
nomination fight at the party’s convention next primaries? Why are we still using the electoral
month. But for all her achievements and admirable college system to choose presidents instead of the
service, Ms. Harris may not be the person for the job popular vote or ranked-choice voting? Why are we
at this moment. always asked to choose between the lesser of two
She, like Mr. Biden, has been trailing Donald evils? This year, our options are one candidate
Trump in polling and is unlikely to carry the who serves in an administration that has provided
handful of states — Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and money and arms to fuel Israel’s widespread
Pennsylvania — where this election will be decided. destruction of Gaza and another who has mocked
Democrats should take a deep breath and consider disabled people such as myself and whose policies
their options. If they are guided by data and seem aimed at elevating straight, White, Christian
political instinct, they can choose the candidate men above everyone else.
most likely to defeat Mr. Trump. Many of my peers, especially those failed by
John D. McGreevey III, Havertown, Pa. both mainstream parties, wish for another
Joe heller option. Third-party candidates are appealing,
What on Earth are Democrats thinking? especially those who campaign on issues such as
Replacing a candidate who was polling behind environmental justice and an end to the violence
Donald Trump with one who also runs behind in Gaza. Given the gravity of these concerns, it
makes no difference. Behind is behind. feels unjust to vote for someone who neglects to
If it is not already too late, Democrats need to run act. Though Vice President Harris has called for a
a more revealing process in which the nominees temporary cease-fire and for more aid to reach
stand and are heard and compared. It can be done Gaza, she still serves in an administration that
cordially. But niceties aside, job No. 1 right now is has shipped immense quantities of bombs to
nominating the best person to defeat Mr. Trump. Israel.
Anointing someone in two days without public To win over undecided young voters such as me
input is the exact wrong way to go. Instead, it would and my peers, Ms. Harris must prioritize
be prudent to provide an open nomination process environmental justice and permanent peace and
that would be more likely to produce the best aid for Palestinians.
candidate — and provide suspense as an antidote to Hannah Reynolds Martínez, Los Angeles
Mr. Trump’s tired road show.
Gary W. Litchfield, Rockville
Writing in Mr. Biden
Regarding the July 22 editorial, “Mr. Biden’s The battle for the soul of America was lost on
decision”: July 21 when big-money donors, ambitious
If President Biden has endorsed Vice President politicians and a bored corporate-owned media
Harris for president, how could an open nominating joined forces to defeat America’s last hope,
process be anything more than an exercise rigged in President Biden.
favor of the vice president? During his time in office, his only surviving son
To say Ms. Harris would be a stronger candidate has faced the possibility of jail time. In recent
if she faced an open process is correct in theory. But weeks, the media have treated him with
given that potential rivals, such as Michigan condescension. His friends turned against him.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, have already announced mike smith/las Vegas sun news Still, he fought for us and the American
they will not challenge Ms. Harris, how would such experiment.
a process test Ms. Harris at all? An open nominating How did greed and ambition finally win out?
competition came to a screeching halt before it Democrats, though claiming to fight Trumpism
could even begin. and its threat to democracy, chose not to accept
Ever since it started to seem possible that National Committee feels like, with texts and Beshear or Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro is the the results of multiple elections. If large -dollar
Mr. Biden would exit the race after his disastrous emails pounding around the clock. The message is presidential nominee. I don’t care whose “turn” it donors and bored media can force out an
debate with Donald Trump, there has been a great “This is your candidate; get in line and donate.” is. This is a critical moment for American incumbent president, no election or party is safe
deal of discussion of the potential consequences of Is it worth reflecting that this is the same team democracy, and Ms. Harris has less chance of from this becoming the new normal. Does it really
passing over the first Black, Asian and female vice that just days ago had the same message about an winning than Mr. Biden. matter who wins in November? Decisions are no
president in favor of other candidates. The most impaired President Biden? Again, it feels as Cyrus Torabi, Carlsbad, Calif. longer made by those who show up, but by the
common conclusion has been that it would cause though a decision has been made for us and we powerful.
terrible disappointment among Black voters, should feel powerless to resist it. When my ballot comes in two months, I will
resulting in an increasingly divided Democratic But the Democratic Party has an opportunity to What she needs to say to win write in Joseph R. Biden Jr. I know my vote won’t
Party. behave in a democratic fashion and to listen to If she is to run a successful campaign for count, but my vote didn’t count in March, in what
Less discussed has been the potential effect on voters. Before leaders on the national committee president, Vice President Harris needs to come I thought was a free and fair election. At least
other voters if Ms. Harris were swiftly anointed by allow this juggernaut to build up too much out swinging with two important policy forfeiting my franchise will be my choice this
party leaders. Former House speaker Nancy Pelosi momentum, they would do well to show some announcements rather than allowing Republicans time. Democrats are all about choice, right?
and others have stated that voters would view an resilience and ask the delegates to the convention, to frame issues on their terms. Wendy Lafauce, Belvidere, Ill.
open nominating process as one in which the party “Do you really believe that Vice President Harris First, she should declare, “As your next
elites were not choosing the next nominee. It would can win the election?” president, I will sign any genuine bipartisan bill
be seen as fairer and more democratic. Thomas Anthony, Los Angeles passed by both houses of Congress that secures guest opinion submissions
In a recent BlueLabs Analytics poll, Democratic our southern border and delivers swift justice to the washington Post accepts opinion articles on any
voters said by a nearly 2-to-1 margin that they would criminal immigrants as well as those seeking topic. submit a guest opinion at [email protected]
prefer an open nominating process aimed at A sad reality asylum.” This position would throw the border or read our guide to writing an opinion article at wapo.st/
selecting the best candidate over defaulting to the Now that President Biden has stepped aside, it issue back in Donald Trump’s face given his role in guestopinion.
person seen as “next in line.” My president and party is imperative to nominate a Democrat who can undermining a recent effort to pass major
have disappointed me by short-circuiting a real defeat Donald Trump. Vice President Harris is not immigration legislation. Letter submissions
debate over this election and the future of the party. that candidate. Anyone who is undecided in this Second, she should announce a Day 1 draft bill letters can be sent to [email protected].
Bruce Kirby, Rockville election is vulnerable to Mr. Trump’s white- to provide Medicare-at-cost to all Americans ages submissions must be exclusive to the Post and should
supremacist strongman rhetoric and will not 55 and above who lack private or group insurance, include the writer’s address and day and evening
consider a California-based woman of color. We all using actuarial costs for their age group. There telephone numbers. we are unable to acknowledge
A case of whiplash have to do everything in our power to ensure that would be no federal subsidy for this program, but submissions; writers whose letters are under
So this is what the full force of the Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly (Ariz.), Kentucky Gov. Andy the government should make group coverage and consideration for publication will be contacted.

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wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re a23

leana s. Wen catheRine RamPell

How we can Would you trust

prevent child JD Vance with
drownings your kittens?


rowning is the No. 1 cause of
death among young kids, the he real reason to be furious about
Centers for Disease Control JD Vance’s “childless cat ladies”
and Prevention recently re- comments is not his rhetorical cru-
ported. In 2022, the latest data avail- elty. It’s his attempt to hide the
able, 461 children ages 1 to 4 drowned, actual cruelty his party’s policies have in-
an increase of 28 percent from 2019. flicted upon American families and
The disturbing report also docu- children.
mented significant racial disparities. By now, you’ve probably heard that the
This is consistent with a 2023 analysis Ohio senator and Republican vice-
from the Consumer Product Safety presidential nominee has described Demo-
Commission, which found that 21 per- crats as “childless cat ladies” who, by virtue
cent of all drowning deaths were among of their having no biological children, sup-
African American children. Among posedly lack a “direct stake” in America’s
5- to 14-year-olds, African Americans amanda andRade-Rhoades/foR the Washington Post future. The remark has infuriated and
made up 45 percent of deaths. A police officer stands outside the Supreme Court on July 1. energized women across the country. Here
These numbers tell a grim story of in western Massachusetts, where Vice
tragedy and inequity. Here are three President Harris held the first fundraiser
policy changes that can help save lives: Ramesh PonnuRu of her presidential campaign on Saturday,
homemade “Cat Ladies For Kamala” signs

An unconstitutional reform ...

1. Increase supervised community
swimming spaces. dotted the crowd.
The CPSC report shows that 80 per- Mostly lost in this culture-war brouhaha,
cent of child drownings occurred in however, is the more substantive claim
residential settings. That means most Vance was making. Vance said his point was

kids died in their own home or that of a that Democrats are “anti-child” and that
neighbor, family member or friend. Of resident Biden and Vice President had nominated him and the Senate had But where’s the fun in any of that for Republicans are the “pro-family party.”
these drownings, 91 percent were kids Harris just endorsed term limits confirmed him. progressives? Calling for a constitutional “Our country has become particularly
younger than 5. for the Supreme Court, but they Progressives who have gone along with amendment is almost always pure sym- hard for parents, especially under the pol-
There are several reasons residential are being vague about the details. the idea that Congress has the power to bolism. Democrats are not going to get icies of Kamala Harris,” Vance said Sunday
settings can be especially hazardous. In Would the current justices have to abide regulate the justices in this way should three-quarters of the states to agree to on Fox News, adding: “The left has increas-
many instances, the kids were playing by those limits or only future ones? think about the implications. Republicans destroy the conservative majority on the ingly become explicitly anti-child and
without adequate supervision, or they The silence is deliberate. A proposal could win the presidential election and Supreme Court. A statute that limits only anti-family.”
were supervised by older children or that applied only to future justices control of both houses of Congress this future justices, meanwhile, is a kind of Words like “Orwellian” and “disinfor-
adults who don’t know how to swim. would lose much of its appeal to Demo- fall. Adam J. White, a conservative col- unilateral disarmament in the judicial mation” are often overused, but such de-
Increased access to community swim- crats. But any statute that limited terms league of mine at the American Enterprise wars. If a hypothetical President Harris scriptors seem apt here. Just look at the
ming spaces, such as lifeguarded pools for current justices would be blatantly Institute who served on Biden’s commis- worked with a Democratic Congress to two major parties’ records on family-
and beaches, can improve safety. It can unconstitutional. sion on court reform, has already imag- adopt the idea, they would be making related issues.
also help reduce inequities. The CDC The Constitution grants federal judges ined how a ruthless Republican govern- their own appointees less powerful than Americans who have experienced chal-
study included survey data that showed life tenure, subject only to impeachment ment could use the power that the the current justices. That’s no way to lenges with fertility, or know someone who
67 percent of Black adults spent no time at if they fail to exhibit “good behavior.” Democrats’ constitutional theory offers bring Roe v. Wade back. has, have (understandably) bristled at the
a swimming pool in the past six months, Alexander Hamilton described it as “per- them. Which obviates the political point of insensitivity of Vance’s remarks. But more
compared with 44 percent of White manent tenure of judicial offices.” Pro- If a statute can remodel the justices’ the whole project. Anger at the current consequential than his insensitivity are the
adults. Communities should invest in rec- gressives who hate the current conserva- offices, then Republicans would have the conservative majority and a desire to things he and his party have done to com-
reation centers with year-round pools as tive dominance of the Supreme Court power to neuter the most recently ap- undo its decisions are what motivates promise access to fertility care. For exam-
well as efforts to make more natural bod- think they have found a way around that pointed justice instead of the most senior this push for “reform” — watch for that ple, after an Alabama court ruled that
ies of water swimmable. provision. Congress would just create a one while appointing their own pick. loaded word in the coverage, by the way frozen embryos were people, leaving in
2. Ensure there are enough life- new kind of judicial office. It would They could, that is, strip Justice Ketanji — of the Supreme Court. vitro fertilization in legal limbo, Demo-
guards. include the full powers of the Supreme Brown Jackson, Biden’s appointee, of the There is no politically achievable way crats tried to pass a bill federally guaran-
Last year, a third of the country’s Court, as we know them, for 18 years but power to vote in crucial cases, and thus for progressive foes of this court to get teeing women’s right to IVF nationwide.
309,000 public swimming pools were more limited powers afterward. convert the 6-3 conservative majority what they want in the near or medium Republicans blocked it.
closed or opened only sporadically be- Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) and into a 7-2 one. It would be just as runs. Expanding the court to get new Vance was among those who voted
cause of a growing lifeguard shortage, eight of his colleagues have sponsored constitutionally faithful a move as the justices would be unpopular, and Demo- against advancing the legislation.
the American Lifeguard Association re- legislation to create these offices. It says one Democrats are considering. crats are not united on it. The courts Additionally, Democrats have for years
ported. This is a travesty — and a fixable nothing about exempting the current And then, of course, a future president would rightly swat down statutory term been pushing to expand the child tax credit
problem. justices. Presidents would nominate new and Congress could reshuffle the jobs limits on existing justices. Term limits on to help lift poor children out of poverty.
Solutions include making lifeguard justices every two years and, as they did again, restoring the powers of previously future justices would take enormous Republican lawmakers have repeatedly
training free, incorporating that educa- so, the most senior justices would be weakened justices and enfeebling a dif- political effort and offer progressives no stood in the way — including by scuttling a
tion into high school and university demoted, no longer able to vote in the ferent set of them. Liberals could ulti- payoff. tentative deal reached earlier this year to
curriculums, and increasing pay and vast majority of cases. Justice Clarence mately come out on top, or conservatives Biden and Harris are trifling with the trade a child-credit expansion for addition-
offering more flexible hours to attract Thomas would be the first to be affected could, or the courts could stay in radical Constitution. Even on the most charitable al tax breaks for businesses.
more employees. by the new rules, followed by Chief flux forever. Who knows? The effect on view, they are trying to rev up progressive Vance, who sometimes supports tax
There should also be more opportuni- Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Justice the rule of law and public confidence in it enthusiasm for the Democrats by pre- breaks for parents, claimed on Fox News
ties for people to make lifeguarding their Samuel A. Alito Jr. is easier to predict. tending to do something meaningful that Harris has called for “an end to the child
profession. Traditionally, many life- But redefining the office doesn’t over- There are two fixes that might make against the conservative justices. A gener- tax credit.” This is an outright fabrication.
guards are teenagers who see the work come the constitutional obstacle to term the term-limit idea constitutional. One ation ago, Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan Harris has advocated for expanding the pro-
as a one-time rite of passage. To ensure limits. Applying the bill to a sitting would be to apply the limit to sitting (D-N.Y.) said his fellow Democrats were gram, and she has highlighted its poverty--
an adequate workforce year-round, justice would mean, effectively, revoking justices but do it via constitutional offering “boob bait for bubbas” to win reducing potential all over the country.
there should be a career path for those his current office and appointing him to amendment instead of statute. The other conservative votes without delivering on At Saturday’s fundraiser in Massachu-
who choose to lifeguard full-time. Such a a new one. He would no longer have life would be to stick with a statutory change the substance. This time, they’re selling setts, among other recent events, Harris
career could be integrated with other tenure in the office to which a president and exempt the current justices. boob bait for Brooklyn. ticked off a list of other family-friendly
public safety roles. For instance, emer- policies that her party has fought for, such
gency medical technicians could work as expanded child care and paid family
shifts on ambulances as well as at the leave. Republicans do occasionally pay lip
pool. Jason Willick service to such proposals. But when given
3. Teach kids — and adults — how to the chance to act, Republicans have
It should come as no surprise that
teaching kids water safety reduces their
... that’s nothing but a supreme stunt blocked them from materializing.
Vance himself has even mocked calls to
make child care more affordable, saying in

risk of drowning. A study in JAMA 2021 that “normal Americans” do not want
Pediatrics concluded that participation ince Joe Biden was dragged kicking stances — such as when the president current Supreme Court majority, Biden to “shunt their kids into crap daycare so
in formal swim lessons reduced the risk and screaming from the 2024 presi- orders a military strike abroad — in which has polarized perhaps the least- they can enjoy more ‘freedom’ in the paid
of drowning by 88 percent. dential race, Americans have been courts “would properly recognize some controversial reform idea on the table. labor force.”
In Australia, most states and territo- treated to many an encomium to kind of immunity.” As for a “binding” ethics code (again Meanwhile, Republicans’ draconian po-
ries have compulsory swimming pro- the president’s selfless statesmanship. One constitutional amendment on the using congressional proposals as a guide sitions on abortion have, perhaps paradox-
grams for school-age children. In Eng- Well, the statesman has struck again, this subject proposed by Democrats in Congress because the White House doesn’t say ex- ically, also made it more difficult for Ameri-
land, all public schools are required to time with a bitter, partisan “reform” aimed says that former presidents are not immune actly what it intends), that would mean cans to expand their families when they
provide swimming lessons and water at the Supreme Court. Supposedly con- from prosecution for breaking an “other- putting lower-court judges in charge of wish to do so, even when they don’t need
safety education. By the time British cerned for “the public’s confidence in the wise valid” criminal law “on the sole Supreme Court justices’ decisions wheth- IVF or other assisted-fertility treatments.
kids finish primary school, they have to court’s decisions,” Biden, in a Post op-ed ground” that their charged conduct was an er to recuse themselves from a case, dis- That’s because obstetricians, fearful of
swim the length of a pool unaided. and speech in Texas, has endorsed a trio of official act. But Chief Justice John G. torting the judicial hierarchy. It might also legal liability if they provide the emergency
Contrast this to the United States, vague, dead-on-arrival proposals useful Roberts Jr.’s opinion in Trump v. United involve creating a new bureaucratic office reproductive care their patients might
where more than half of American only for undermining a currently mor- States explained that a law that criminalizes to investigate justices in perpetuity. need, have been fleeing red states. As a
adults say they have never taken a swim e-conservative branch of government and the president’s performance of core consti- The balance of power among the result, some hospitals have shut down
lesson. The numbers are even more stark further polarizing the electorate ahead of tutional duties — such as firing a subordi- branches of government is determined by their obstetrics wings entirely. This has
among minority groups: Nearly 2 out of the 2024 elections. nate — is not valid. Biden’s Justice Depart- the effectiveness and trustworthiness of made prenatal care and delivery more
3 Black adults and 3 out of 4 Hispanic Franklin D. Roosevelt attempted to al- ment made a historic mistake in trying to each branch. The irony of this push to tar complicated and more dangerous. Already,
adults have never taken a swim class. ter the Supreme Court in 1937 after the prosecute former president Donald Trump the judiciary is that it comes from a White states’ antiabortion laws have jeopardized
Implementing mandates may not be justices blocked a major chunk of his New for such obviously protected conduct. House just caught in a grave concealment the lives and future fertility of women who
feasible for many schools in the United Deal legislative agenda. Biden can make As Justice Amy Coney Barrett put it in of information on the president’s infirmity have been denied care for ectopic pregnan-
States that lack access to a pool, but no such complaint about today’s court. her concurrence, the court’s idea of “immu- from voters. And the push itself is half- cies and other complications.
much more can be done to encourage Yes, the justices in 2022 overturned their nity” is partly a “shorthand” for the proposi- baked: long on clichés, short on specifics Republican-run states have found even
swim instruction. That includes provid- own precedent in Roe v. Wade, returning tion that former presidents “can challenge that the administration can actually more creative ways to worsen access to
ing free classes and offering school abortion policy to the states, and in 2023, the constitutionality of a criminal statute” throw its weight behind and defend. Love prenatal care. For instance, a recently im-
credit for learning to swim. they shot down Biden’s brazen attempt to used against them. On that point, again, the or hate this Supreme Court, at least it plemented Florida law requires hospitals
There should also be options for seize Congress’s spending power by can- Biden Justice Department partly agreed, shows its work. that receive any Medicaid dollars to collect
adults who want to learn basic water celing over $400 billion in student loan telling the Supreme Court that presidents Fundamentally revising the constitu- information on every patient’s immigra-
safety. Growing up, I was terrified of the debt. But to the extent that this president’s “can assert as-applied Article II objections tional balance of power, as Biden wants to tion status (regardless of whether the pa-
water. So were my parents, who didn’t far-reaching legislative agenda has been to criminal laws that interfere with an do, requires more than vacuous endorse- tients are on Medicaid). As might be ex-
swim themselves. I never took classes stymied, Congress, not the court, has been exclusive power.” ments of generic ideas. It requires real pected, many immigrant women have
or intended to, but one day, my then-1- the culprit. Is it Biden’s intent to reverse his own statesmanship and savvy — political mas- since steered away from necessary medical
year-old daughter fell into a pool, and I It’s telling that the one Supreme Court Justice Department’s position — and to tery on the scale of presidents to whom care, including prenatal care, as local
realized I couldn’t save her. I was moti- decision that the bitter Biden wants a con- constitutionally strip presidents of any Biden has been grandiosely compared. health nonprofits have documented.
vated to finally learn, but I couldn’t find stitutional amendment to reverse is the one criminal defense when they are prosecuted The president delivered his address on At the federal level, Republican lawmak-
a beginner class for adults. It took a lot that hindered his administration’s ability to by the opposing party for a controversial the Supreme Court at the Lyndon B. John- ers have also spent much of the past year
of persistence to find an instructor who prosecute his political rival during the 2024 official act such as pardoning an unpopular son library in Texas. Perhaps he should trying to cut funding for WIC, the long-
was willing to start from zero. election season. In Trump v. United States, prisoner? I doubt it, but then again, it have instead traveled to the Andrew standing federal program that provides
Adults who don’t know how to swim the Supreme Court held that presidents hardly matters. Biden and his advisers Johnson library in Tennessee. Another food support to poor pregnant women, new
are much more likely to have children may not be criminally prosecuted for per- seem to be picking an issue they know is a one-term president blocked by his own moms, infants and toddlers. In other words,
who don’t either. As I can attest, it’s forming their core constitutional functions political wedge and hoping the public will party from seeking a second term, since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in
hard to overcome your fears at a later and that they have some level of immunity ignore its complexity as his messaging Johnson also proposed judicial term lim- 2022, Republicans have literally schemed to
age. Making swim lessons more accessi- for other “official acts.” team repeats rote political slogans. (Have its (among other significant structural take food away from hungry babies.
ble to adults would help them with Repeating the incantation that “no one you heard that no one is above the law?) changes to American government) on his Vance is right about one thing: Our
water safety — and, by extension, would is above the law,” Biden expressed his The second piece of Biden’s proposal, way out the door in 1868. country does make it hard to be a parent,
help their children and grandchildren, dislike for the decision and proposed a term limits for Supreme Court justices, That Johnson is widely considered one even though it would be economically and
too. constitutional amendment to “make clear has at various times attracted bipartisan of the country’s worst presidents, but at fiscally helpful for Americans to be rearing
None of these policy solutions will that there is no immunity for crimes a interest. It wouldn’t necessarily favor one least he was statesmanlike enough to sub- more kids. Surveys also show that Ameri-
work in isolation. A core tenet of water former president committed while in of- party or another if implemented only pro- mit to Congress the text of the constitution- cans want more kids than they ultimately
safety is to layer multiple interventions, fice.” But what does Biden want the spectively. But Biden leaves the details al amendments he proposed to pass, so have. But kids are expensive, and our pol-
since they can work together to reduce amended Constitution to say, exactly? The ambiguous, presumably to please his co- their details could be seriously scrutinized icies and work arrangements are often not
risk. The key message underlying all of White House offers few specifics for this or partisans who want to use term limits to and debated. Biden seems more interested family-friendly. Politicians could address
them is that drownings are prevent- any of his ideas. After all, Biden’s own knock out long-serving incumbent jus- in a last act of pathetic but corrosive ideo- such concerns, and some have.
able, and far more must be done to help Justice Department conceded in court tices they dislike. By associating term lim- logical grandstanding as he fades, against Others, such as Vance, have chosen to
everyone safely enjoy water activities. proceedings that there could be circum- its with his pique at Donald Trump and the his will, from the political scene. ridicule them instead.
A24 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

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METRO wednesday, july 31 , 2024 ez re B

high today at VirGiNia THE DisTricT oBiTUariEs
approx. 5 p.m.
in fairfax county, officials Two park police officers on Thomas neff, 80, helped
8 a.m. Noon 4 p.m. 8 p.m.
99° are forced to redo public paid administrative leave turn 20,000 nuclear arms
precip: 40% hearings because of an over a fatal 2017 shooting from the former soviet
78 90 97 91
° ° ° ° Wind: WsW
6-12 mph error over a new law. B2 file a federal lawsuit. B3 union into electricity. B4

Man is on Norfolk
trial in leak Southern
of justice’s
records is sued
Former health worker
by DOJ
is accused of releasing
Ginsburg’s medical chart Company allegedly
holds up amtrak
BY S ALVADOR R IZZO Law requires passenger
trains to be prioritized
As supreme Court Justice Ruth
Bader Ginsburg sought to pri-
vately battle cancer, federal pros- BY R ACHEL W EINER
ecutors said this week, her health
records reached a dark corner of A private rail company is ille-
the internet where users floated gally holding up Amtrak trains
antisemitic conspiracy theories. on a line that runs from new York
Her information, according to to new orleans, according to a
court testimony from FBI agents, lawsuit filed by the U.s. Justice
was accessed by an organ trans- Department on Tuesday in feder-
plant coordinator while she was al court in D.C., the first of its
under the care of George Wash- kind in 55 years.
ington University Hospital in norfolk southern controls all
2019 and then posted to the on- but about 240 miles of the 1,377-
line message board 4chan, which aaron schWarTz/epa-efe/shuTTersTock
mile line, called the Crescent
is known for salacious and Route, and is in charge of dis-
conspiracy-theory-themed dis- patching both freight and pas-
Trent J. Russell was charged
with illegally accessing and dis-
tributing Ginsburg’s records in
Activists of varied stripes find senger trains. Federal law re-
quires the company to give
Amtrak trains preference. But
according to the lawsuit, norfolk
violation of federal privacy pro-
tections. He faces a maximum
sentence of 22 years in prison and
tens of thousands of dollars in
a common frustration in D.C. southern has instead held up
passengers, sometimes for hours,
to allow its longer and slower-
moving freight trains to pass.
fines if convicted on all counts at only about 24 percent of Amtrak
his trial in U.s. District Court in
Alexandria. He was born in Gaza. Hamas held her trains on the route arrive on
time, according to the lawsuit
Russell, 34, has pleaded not hostage. Their calls for a deal fell short. and Amtrak’s own audits.
guilty. He told federal agents dur- Delays cost Amtrak millions of
ing an initial interview in 2019 BY E LLIE S ILVERMAN dollars; along with reducing rid-
that it was possible his “cats had ership, they cause problems with
run across his keyboard,” accord- Ayman nijim walked toward the stage with a kaffiyeh crew and train car allocation. A
ing to a court filing. around his neck and looked out at the thousands of people 2019 audit found that only about
“I never looked at medical rec- in front of him. Gripping the microphone, he told the crowd 46 percent of long-distance
ords for patients I wasn’t assigned that he hadn’t been able to talk to his mother in the Gaza Amtrak trains arrive on time and
to,” Russell testified Tuesday, add- strip for 200 days. that freight railroads were re-
ing that he had made a “nervous The night before — just blocks away on the national Mall sponsible for about 60 percent of
joke” about his cats when he was — Aviva siegel spoke to dozens of people about the terror of the delays. Most of the track
first approached by federal inves- oct. 7. she ticked through the details of how Hamas owned by Amtrak is on the
tigators in February 2019. militants abducted her and her husband, Keith, and northeast Corridor, where per-
The investigation began short- brought them to Gaza as hostages. In november, she was formance is much better.
ly after the data breach, when released. He was not. In a statement, norfolk south-
supreme Court police became nijim and siegel are both appalled at the human ern spokesman Tom Crosson said
aware of Ginsburg’s medical suffering in this war and are outraged with Israeli Prime the company is “committed to
chart circulating on social media Minister Benjamin netanyahu. Both spoke at demonstra- complying with the law, working
and contacted the FBI for help, tions in D.C. last week with groups demanding netanyahu together, and honoring our com-
according to court testimony. A sign a cease-fire deal. mitments,” adding that delays
former hospital executive testi- While they have rallied closer to home — nijim in have been reduced in recent
fied that the spouse of a George Boston and siegel in Tel Aviv — they thought netanyahu’s months.
Washington employee also spot- visit presented a new opportunity. They saw D.C. as the The Crescent runs twice daily,
ted the justice’s chart online and place where their advocacy would carry power, and the once north toward new York and
alerted administrators. sEE PrOTeSTS on b2 once south toward new orleans.
Ginsburg’s patient chart first The train passes through Mary-
appeared on 4chan and quickly Aviva Siegel, above, whose husband was also taken but land, D.C. and Virginia; it’s south
spread to Twitter (now X) and has not been released, and Ayman Nijim — second from of Alexandria that norfolk south-
YouTube, an FBI agent testified left in the photo at left — came to D.c. last week during ern takes over the rails. About
Monday. The screenshot, which Israeli Prime minister benjamin Netanyahu’s visit. 272,000 passengers traveled on
was displayed in court, shows family phoTo
the Crescent Route in 2023, ac-
Ginsburg’s name and the exact cording to Amtrak, about average
sEE gINSburg on b3 sEE lAwSuIT on b3

paris olympics
Watchdog calls out ‘wasteful’
Yorktown High aglow over graduate Huske’s gold electric bus troubles in Md.
BY K ARINA E LWOOD ones, which would have made it
the nation’s largest electric
In Paris, swimmer Torri Huske
Probe finds that despite school bus fleet. The school
was surrounded by family, friends lapses, Montgomery did board approved the $168 million
and classmates from Yorktown project and the system entered a
High school in Arlington, Va.,
not enforce its contract contract with Highland Electric
enveloped in tear-filled hugs as Fleets. The contract stipulated
she won her first olympic gold that 25 buses would be available
medal in the women’s 100-meter BY N ICOLE A SBURY AND by Aug. 1, 2021, according to the
butterfly. L AUREN L UMPKIN county inspector general.
Back in northern Virginia, But the buses did not arrive by
people who knew Huske — and An electric bus company that that date. The school system
even those who didn’t — were was supposed to deliver hun- later reported it received 14 bus-
watching the competition with dreds of vehicles to Maryland’s es in the second quarter of its
bated breath as the two-time largest school district repeatedly fiscal year, which ended Dec.
olympian won by 0.04 seconds. missed delivery deadlines and 31, 2021. Another 11 were re-
Yorktown swim coach Torey made late repairs to its vehicles, ceived in the next quarter.
ortmayer, who trained the 2021 leading to “millions of dollars in A similar pattern occurred
graduate, watched alone at home. wasteful spending,” according to during the next two years, the
He said the stakes after Huske a report from Montgomery watchdog said, with the contrac-
missed the podium at the Tokyo County inspector general criti- tor not delivering any new buses
olympics felt too high to watch cizing the district’s handling of by Aug. 1, as the contract re-
with others. natalie English, an the contract. quires. In addition, mechanical
old high school teammate, was Despite the delays, Montgom- or charging infrastructure is-
moved to tears, knowing the vic- ery County Public schools did sues kept some buses from run-
tory was something Huske had not end its relationship with ning, and those issues weren’t
been working toward for more Highland Electric Fleets — or repaired within five working
than eight years. enforce penalties for the compa- days more than 180 times, ac-
“she just had that sort of star JaBin BoTsford/The WashingTon posT ny’s lapses, the inspector general cording to the county watch-
power, and you could tell that she Torri Huske, a 2021 graduate of Yorktown High School in Arlington, Va., competes in the 100-meter found. now the district is spend- dog’s report.
had this sort of competitive edge butterfly semifinal Saturday at the 2024 Summer Olympics. The two-time Olympian won her first gold. ing more than $14 million to buy Duncan McIntyre, chief execu-
over a lot of people, and it was just diesel buses as it faces a vehicle tive at Highland, said the compa-
kind of this quiet confidence and seeing a high school alma mat- country as Team UsA competes. crossed paths with Huske at York- shortage. ny has been in constant contact
this drive,” English said. “I knew er represented in the olympics is This year, in Arlington, it was town. And for those who knew In 2021, the school district with Montgomery County
the moment would come even- an exciting moment of hometown Huske’s win that brought even her personally, the victory was pledged to replace 326 of its schools and its contract with the
tually, but it was so cool to see.” pride for communities across the more pride for those who had sEE OlYmPIcS on b6 diesel school buses with electric sEE buSeS on b3
B2 Ez rE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

the DiStrict

Police detain 1 of 4 teens missing from psychiatric facility

BY P ETER H ERMANN watchdog, Disability rights D.C., it was not clear why that informa- problems. ter to search for the youths. one Nov. 13, court records show. In
which this month issued a 36- tion had not been relayed to the The four minors had been put was caught and charged as a one, police said he and another
Authorities have apprehended page report detailing repeat find- public sooner. The Post does not in the custody of the District’s juvenile with robbery for stealing youth used a tan-colored hand-
one of four missing youths who ings. The report alleges patients typically identify youths charged Department of Youth rehabilita- the keys, he wrote in the email. gun to rob a person of Lanvin
escaped an acute psychiatric care were sexually and physically as juveniles with crimes. tion Services, which oversees su- “We don’t believe that area designer shoes that can sell for
facility in upper Northwest Wash- abused by other patients, and Thaddeus Bradley-Lewis, the pervision and custody of juvenile residents are in any particular more than $500.
ington earlier this month by over- that investigators had uncovered chairman of the advisory neigh- offenders. danger,” Haskins wrote in the July Police allege that on that same
powering at least one employee many of the units within the borhood commission for the area It was not clear how long they 12 email. day, Dawley carjacked a vehicle
and stealing a badge and keys, hospital “were without the requi- that includes the psychiatric in- had been in custody when about 9 Among the missing is a 16- that was later found with his
according to D.C. police and other site staffing personnel” during a stitute, said residents and busi- p.m. on that Thursday a group of year-old who has been charged as cellphone inside. The arrest affi-
officials. 15-day review. ness owners had expressed con- five youths lured a hospital staff- an adult by federal prosecutors. davit said police recovered two
Police have not said how they A representative of the psychi- cerns about the escapes when er into a patient’s room, accord- Andre Dawley, 16, of Southeast videos on the phone that show
found the 15-year-old, or where atric institute did not respond to they occurred. ing to an internal memo reviewed Washington, was arrested in feb- him sitting in the carjacked vehi-
he is detained. Still missing are an interview request. Bonita “At this juncture, I’m pretty by The Post. They then assaulted ruary after police allege he stole a cle, wearing a mask and holding a
14- and 16-year-old boys and a Bolden, a facility spokeswoman, confident that [D.C. police] is the staff member and fled with vehicle and led officers on a chase tan-colored handgun.
16-year-old girl. Two of the four previously told The Washington correct that they are no longer in keys, a badge and other belong- from Prince George’s County into Dawley’s attorney, rachel
youths who escaped are charged Post that escapes were “infre- this area,” said Bradley-Lewis, ings, the memo said. one of the the District before crashing on Cicurel with the D.C. Public De-
in a carjacking. Two are alleged to quent” but declined to comment adding that relationships be- youths was quickly caught, au- South Capitol Street in Southwest fender Service, did not respond to
have committed nonviolent of- further, citing confidentiality tween the community and the thorities said. Washington. an interview request. During a
fenses. All were ordered to re- laws. She also has declined to psychiatric institute have im- An email from a D.C. police Court documents state Dawley hearing earlier this month in D.C.
ceive mental health care after discuss the critical report from proved over the past 18 months captain to Bradley-Lewis, which was trapped in the vehicle at the Superior Court, Cicurel said she
they were arrested and evaluated. the watchdog agency. with increased communication. he shared with The Post, said six time of the crash and that police was worried about her client and
The escapes occurred July 11 Authorities have not described Bradley-Lewis said the insti- youths had actually tried to es- found a handgun in his breast characterized his mental health
from the Psychiatric Institute of their efforts to find the missing tute and city officials have collab- cape, though only four were suc- pocket. He was charged with un- challenges as serious. Efforts to
Washington, a private facility on youths or why the search is into orated on problems inside the cessful. “The escape was caused authorized use of a vehicle, carry- reach his family were not success-
Wisconsin Avenue near Tenley- its third week. facility that could impact neigh- by the juveniles overwhelming a ing a pistol without a license and ful.
town and Cleveland Park con- on monday, D.C. police posted bors. one of the main concerns, staff member there, taking his possession of a gun magazine Judge Errol Arthur issued a
tracted by the D.C. government to an alert on the platform X that he said, was patients’ being dis- keys, and then using them to that can hold more than 10 warrant for Dawley’s arrest. A
provide mental health care in a one of the youths had been charged into the community with open secured facility doors,” the rounds of ammunition. spokesman for the U.S. marshals
secure setting. caught, along with photos of the no place to go. He said the insti- email said. At the time of his february Service said it is assisting in the
The facility has elicited scruti- youths who are still missing. A tute has worked to help patients Capt. Darren Haskis of the 2nd arrest, Dawley was also sought on search for Dawley.
ny in recent years for patterns of police spokeswoman said author- who are released to relocate and District police station wrote to charges of armed carjacking and
abuse and neglect documented ities had located the youth within put additional staff members out- Bradley-Lewis that after the es- robbery that occurred in two sep- keith L. Alexander contributed to this
by the District’s disability rights a few days of the escape. She said side to discourage any potential cape, authorities used a helicop- arate incidents on the same day of report.


Fairfax to nullify votes, redo hearings after error tied to public notice law
BY A NTONIO O LIVO a local newspaper at least 28 days tweaks to the uniformed retire- three other proposals and hold mcKay expressed his frustra- the idea at the July 16 public
before a hearing and again seven ment system and the county’s new public hearings and votes on tion when announcing the prob- hearing that will now have to be
fairfax County supervisors days before a hearing. The previ- workforce housing policy — was those issues. lem, which also caused the board held a second time.
Tuesday delayed a vote on data ous requirements called for a no- published four days before it was Because many county residents to postpone until Sept. 10 nine “This makes me very angry be-
center regulations and will have tice to be published once a week held, on July 12, county officials are likely to be away during the public hearings — covering an cause we spent a lot of time on this
to nullify votes taken earlier this for two consecutive weeks, with said. remainder of summer, all of the array of issues — that were sched- issue and we discovered this yes-
month on three other issues after the first occurring no earlier than The error, which fairfax offi- affected actions will be taken up uled to be held Tuesday afternoon. terday,” mcKay said during Tues-
officials realized they failed to 14 days before the scheduled hear- cials realized late monday, forced again during the board’s Sept. 10 Particularly irritating, mcKay day’s meeting about the error.
meet new state requirements for ing. the board to postpone its vote on meeting, said Jeffrey C. mcKay said, was the idea of having to wait “This is ridiculous that we’re at
advance public notices on pend- fairfax’s second notice for a the data center issue and plan a (D), the board’s chair. longer to adopt a new policy gov- this point now.”
ing matters. July 16 board of supervisors meet- redo of a public hearing that took The error caused some embar- erning where and how data cen- In a statement, the county apol-
A law that went into effect July ing — which included public hear- place on that matter during the rassment for a county of 1.1 mil- ters can be built in fairfax — a ogized for the mistake and said it
1 changed the rules for notifying ings on a long-awaited zoning July 16 meeting. lion residents that has long been proposed zoning amendment plans to conduct a review of its
residents of upcoming hearings, amendment meant to regulate The county will also nullify the known as a model of local govern- that prompted four hours of testi- public hearing advertisement
requiring that notices be placed in data centers, a land use case, and board’s July 16 vote to approve the ance. mony from those for and against process.

Netanyahu’s defiance during U.S. trip disheartens Israel-Gaza war activists

ProteStS from B1 cide in Gaza.
Nijim said the rally was invigo-
rating, but that it was difficult to
possibility for change. feel present when he knew his
Ultimately, they would both family was suffering in Gaza.
leave disappointed. No deal to “my head actually was in Pales-
release more hostages. No cease- tine,” he said.
fire to end the bombing in Gaza. His family left before thou-
Nijim drove his family from sands amassed at Union Station,
western massachusetts to D.C. where protesters lowered Ameri-
Siegel’s flight and hotel were can flags and set one ablaze. A
funded by the Israeli government, protester climbed the Christo-
according to her daughter Elan pher Columbus fountain and
Tiv. wrote “Hamas is comin.’”
The main pro-Palestinian pro- That phrase made Nijim shake
test that Nijim attended was orga- his head. “That is not representa-
nized by several groups, including tive of our struggle,” he said.
the ANSWEr Coalition, which re- Nijim doesn’t want anyone sep-
ceives donations through its fiscal arated from their families, includ-
sponsor, the Progress Unity fund ing the hostages. He said he wish-
— a San francisco-based nonprof- es people had compassion to wor-
it organization that received more ry about both the hostages and
than $797,000 in revenue in fiscal the tens of thousands of Palestin-
2023. Code Pink, which brought ian children and families who
in more than $1.2 million in rev- have been killed and wounded in
enue in fiscal 2023, and the Peo- the war, as well as Palestinian
ple’s forum, which brought in political prisoners in Israeli jails.
more than $4.4 million in revenue By the time he made it back to
in fiscal 2022, were among other his Alexandria hotel on Wednes-
groups behind the protest. day, it was 11 p.m. Sitting alone in
The protests triggered a mas- his car in the parking lot, Nijim
sive police response. “Hamas is pulled up Netanyahu’s speech on
comin’” was spray-painted on a YouTube.
monument. Inside the U.S. Capi- He watched as the man he
tol, six family members of hostag- describes as a war criminal stood
es were arrested. in front of Congress and received
Nijim and Siegel knew tensions standing ovations.
would be high. But they wanted to The next day, Nijim drove to
broadcast their own message — western massachusetts and Siegel
one more personal and nuanced PETE kiEhArT/FOr ThE wAShingTOn POST stepped onto a flight back to Isra-
than the images that would be Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint meeting of Congress on July 24. Ayman Nijim and Aviva Siegel, activists el. There were hours of travel
shown across television screens with different perspectives on the Israel-Gaza war, spoke separately in D.C. last week demanding that Netanyahu sign a cease-fire deal. ahead, time spent ruminating
or go viral on social media. over the questions that plagued
Siegel, 63, came with a plea After 51 days, in November, she ment. them. Were they doing enough?
during a rally Tuesday night: “I’m was freed as part of a pause in Nijim looked at his 4-year-old Did they make a difference?
begging Bibi Netanyahu, there is a fighting. son waving a Palestinian flag on Netanyahu’s nearly hour-long
deal on the table, and you have to “I’m still in Gaza,” she said. “All Pennsylvania Avenue and address to Congress came as the
take it. … We need this world to be the time. Sometimes I get out of thought of his family’s history. war in Gaza grinds on for the 10th
a better world for everybody. for Gaza for two minutes, and then His grandfather was a Palestin- month. In Tel Aviv, hundreds of
the people in Gaza that are good. I’m back, thinking about Keith, ian farmer who was expelled from Israelis accused Netanyahu of
for the people in Israel that are thinking about what I went his home in Ashdod during the dragging out the war to further
good.” through with Keith.” 1948 war that created Israel, his political survival.
Nijim came with a plea, too. He Blocks from the U.S. Capitol which Palestinians refer to as the In his address, Netanyahu was
wants an enduring solution, one last week, before Netanyahu’s Nakba, or “the catastrophe.” Ni- defiant. He vowed retribution.
that makes war protests unneces- speech to Congress, she recount- jim’s grandparents took refuge in It was disturbing to hear, Nijim
sary. ed the horrors. Gaza, where his family has re- said. So he is left to continue
“We come to achieve peace,” he “I’m here to share. I’m here to mained. writing, seeking to understand
said. talk. I’m here to scream,” she said. Nijim left Gaza when he was the violence from Israel that per-
Siegel heard the horror first. “And I’m here to stand on the about 28 to pursue his education meated his childhood and contin-
At the sound of missiles on oct. table.” in the United States, with the goal ues today. The topic of his disser-
7, she and her husband, Keith, Siegel met Keith, who was born of helping children with trauma, tation as a doctoral student at
who is 65, went to a small shelter. in Chapel Hill, N.C., when he was including those in Gaza. Saybrook University in Pasadena,
messages from their neighbors in visiting his brother in Israel. They AArOn SChwArTz/EPA-EFE/ShuTTErSTOCk He has protested in D.C. before, Calif., is the infrastructure of
Kfar Aza, a kibbutz community have been married for 43 years People near the Capitol on July 24 demonstrate against the Israel- including during Netanyahu’s last genocide, focusing on how mass
near the Gaza border, started and have three daughters, one son Gaza war and U.S. weapons sales to Israel. address to Congress, in 2015. But death is normalized and how to
coming in. Then, someone wrote: and five grandchildren. Siegel this time was different. His three heal from it.
“There’s terrorists on the kibbutz.” called Keith a “person’s people,” children, ages 13, 12 and 4, were “This is what I can do for hu-
Siegel was kidnapped and held who studied Arabic to talk with with him, and he wanted to teach manity,” he said.
with Keith, whose ribs were bro- people from Gaza who worked on them the importance of using By the time Siegel got to her
ken, in a tunnel with barely their kibbutz. “I’m here to share. I’m here to talk. their voices to make the world a apartment in Gazit, a kibbutz in
enough oxygen to breathe. She She didn’t attend Netanyahu’s safer place. northern Israel, she told her
said she watched her husband be speech before Congress because I’m here to scream.” He told the crowd he was the daughter she felt empty.
beaten and humiliated and be- the only thing she wanted to hear plaintiff in a now-dismissed fed- She had done all the interviews,
Aviva Siegel, during a demonstration last week in D.C., recounting the Oct. 7
come frail. She prayed she would from him was “Keith is coming eral lawsuit against President sat through all the meetings. But
abduction of herself and her husband, who unlike her has not been released
die before him. home.” Instead, she used her time Biden and others for their alleged she was still alone at home — and
Then, she had to leave him in America to appear on national failure to prevent what he de- Keith was still somewhere in
behind. television, criticizing her govern- scribed as Israel’s ongoing geno- Gaza.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re B3


Park Police o∞cers on leave since fatal shooting file suit

BY T OM J ACKMAN 2020, and a federal judge dis- Vinyard and Amaya were indicted
missed the case in october 2021. A in october 2020. Senior U.S. Dis-
more than six years after they month later, Interior notified Vin- trict Judge Claude m. Hilton dis-
fatally shot unarmed motorist Bi- yard and Amaya it was moving to missed the charges in october
jan Ghaisar in fairfax County, the fire them. The officers filed a re- 2021, saying the officers’ decision
two U.S. Park Police officers who sponse in february 2022, and to shoot Ghaisar was “necessary
were legally cleared of any wrong- nothing has happened since, the and proper under the circum-
doing are still on paid administra- lawsuit states. stances.”
tive leave. The Interior Depart- “While the [Interior] Depart- In November 2021, the Interior
ment took steps to fire them in ment refuses to act,” attorneys Dan- Department began its own disci-
2021, then never made a decision iel S. Crowley and Katelyn A. Clarke plinary process, the lawsuit states,
on their case. wrote for the officers, “the officers even though Interior and Park Po-
So the officers, Lucas Vinyard continue to remain on administra- lice rules delegate personnel mat-
and Alejandro Amaya, are now tive leave with significant career ters to the chief of the Park Police.
suing the Interior Department and financial consequences, in- But then-Park Police Chief Pamela
and the official in charge of han- cluding damage to their reputa- A. Smith told officers that Interior
dling their case, Deputy Assistant tion, loss of overtime pay, and the had completely bypassed her and
Secretary Lisa Branum, in federal ongoing stress” caused by the unre- violated the collective bargaining
court. The officers aren’t explicitly solved employment action. The agreement with the officers’ union,
seeking reinstatement, only a rul- lawyers declined to comment fur- the lawsuit states, and urged the
ing on their pending case. They ther on Tuesday. Crowley repre- union to support the officers.
accuse Interior of ignoring stan- sented Vinyard in the criminal Smith left the Park Police in 2022
dard disciplinary procedures and case. and is now the D.C. police chief.
failing to provide a decision “at the The Interior Department and The officers claim that Interi-
earliest practicable date,” as feder- Branum declined to comment or’s case to fire them made im-
al law requires. Tuesday. proper use of sealed records from
The lawsuit, filed in federal Ghaisar’s family filed a civil suit the civil suit against the depart-
court in Washington on July 10, against the Interior Department ment, and failed to mention the
also alleges that the Park Police and received a $5 million settle- cRaig hudSon FoR The WaShingTon PoST rulings from the Justice Depart-
never conducted a standard inter- ment last year. James and Kelly a november 2019 vigil marking the second anniversary of bijan ghaisar’s death is attended by, from ment or Judge Hilton in favor of
nal investigation of the Nov. 17, Ghaisar, Bijan’s parents, said they left, a brother-in-law of bijan’s; bijan’s father, James ghaisar; and bijan’s sister, negeen ghaisar. Vinyard and Amaya.
2017, killing of Ghaisar, a 25-year- would use the money to lobby Crowley, Vinyard’s lawyer,
old accountant who worked for his Congress to widen the path for They cannot hide from their re- inspect the damage or exchange Jeep with his gun drawn. Ghaisar reached out to Branum and the
father in mcLean. legal accountability in officer-in- sponsibilities and obligations,” information, Ghaisar drove away, drove off. Ghaisar pulled off the lawyer for Interior in may about
Vinyard, 42, and Amaya, 44, volved shootings. Police officers said Kenneth Spencer, the presi- the driver reported. The Corolla parkway minutes later, and the the officers’ status but received no
have never spoken publicly about who are found to be reasonably dent of the fraternal order of Po- driver pursued the Jeep for a short officers stopped ahead of him indication that a ruling was forth-
the case, and declined to comment performing their legal duties are lice chapter of the Park Police. time but then pulled over with his again, and again Amaya ran coming. In addition, the inspector
Tuesday on their lawsuit, which generally granted immunity from “Their mistreatment of the two front end severely damaged, fBI toward the Jeep with his gun general for Interior launched an
marks the latest turn in a fraught lawsuits and criminal charges. officers was shameless and not in reports show. drawn. Again, the video shows, investigation into the shooting in
chapter for the agency. The high- Kelly Ghaisar said of the offi- accordance with our labor man- Vinyard and Amaya, riding to- Ghaisar drove off. 2022 at the request of Sens. mark
profile killing that began with a cers’ suit, “I find this filing appall- agement agreement or labor law.” gether, were dispatched to the call At the intersection of Alexan- r. Warner (D-Va.) and Chuck
police pursuit on the George ing.” She said the officers “not only Vinyard joined the Park Police since the Park Police have jurisdic- dria Avenue and fort Hunt road, Grassley (r-Iowa), but no report
Washington memorial Parkway were not prosecuted but rewarded in 2007, and Amaya was hired in tion over the parkway. recordings Ghaisar came to a stop sign. Vin- was ever publicly released.
prompted reviews by federal and with years of paid vacation while 2009, the Park Police have said. show they were initially told the yard pulled his marked Park Police Park Police and Interior offi-
local law enforcement and drew Bijan was shot in the head for a Vinyard ranked first in his gradu- Jeep was the striking vehicle, but vehicle in front of the Jeep and cials have declined to answer
the attention of Congress. fender bender,” and “the fact that ating class, according to the law- the dispatcher corrected herself Amaya climbed out. The video questions about the officers’ sta-
Video shows Vinyard and Ama- Amaya and Vinyard are with their suit, and Amaya has received two and said the Jeep was struck. The shows Ghaisar began to roll his tus for more than a year, and for
ya fired 10 shots into Ghaisar’s families, with full pay and ben- awards for saving lives. officers spotted the Jeep in old Jeep around the police vehicle, years have refused to discuss the
Jeep Grand Cherokee as he tried to efits, and not in jail is a middle The episode began about 7:30 Town Alexandria, then followed it and Amaya opened fire, followed status of any internal investiga-
drive away from them after their finger to justice.” p.m. on a friday as Ghaisar drove as it drove south into fairfax, by Vinyard. Ghaisar was struck tion.
chase veered into a neighborhood The Park Police officers’ union his Grand Cherokee south on the where a fairfax police lieutenant four times in the head and died 10 The lawsuit notes that Vinyard
in the area of fort Hunt. Lawyers offered their full support for the parkway toward Alexandria. At with an in-car camera joined the days later. and Amaya “have no other re-
for the officers argued that officers. some point north of the city, pursuit. The fBI took over the investiga- course but to ask this Court to
Ghaisar was driving at Amaya and “The Department of Interior Ghaisar suddenly stopped in a lane The fairfax police video shows tion of the case, and two years later order [Interior] to issue a final
the gunfire was in self-defense. and the National Park Service are of traffic and was hit from behind that Ghaisar stopped once in the the Justice Department declined decision on their proposed remov-
Vinyard and Amaya were in- no different than any other em- by a Toyota Corolla being driven as right lane, and that the Park Police to charge the officers. al,” because the officers cannot file
dicted on a charge of manslaugh- ployer that is bound by labor-man- an Uber ride-share, the driver told officers stopped ahead of him in fairfax County prosecutors an employee grievance or pursue
ter in fairfax County in october agement rules and regulations. police. But instead of stopping to the left lane, and Amaya ran at the picked up the case in late 2019, and arbitration without a ruling.

Montgomery did not address its electric bus woes, watchdog says DOJ sues rail
buSeS from b1 In 2022, maryland lawmakers pany about $372,000 in fees for
company over
district has been amended to
passed a law aimed at reducing
greenhouse gas emissions, in-
the problems but failed to do so.
montgomery County Public delays along
Amtrak route
accommodate later deadlines. cluding growing the number of Schools’ practices within its
While mcIntyre said he takes electric vehicles in the state. The transportation department has
“tons” of responsibility for the measure also requires school been scrutinized the past few
problems, he also pointed to buses purchased in fiscal 2025 years for issues unrelated to the
supply chain disruptions and to run exclusively on electric electric bus fleet. In 2021, mont- lawSuit from b1
manufacturing delays related to power — although the state is gomery County police investigat-
the buses that it provided for the offering waivers to this require- ed the transportation depart- for a long-distance train.
district. ment. ment for potential financial im- When Amtrak was created in
mcIntyre disputed the inspec- That year, monifa mcKnight, proprieties. A state audit and 1970, railroad companies were no
tor general’s finding that High- then superintendent of mont- separate county inspector gener- longer required to provide pas-
land violated its agreement, and gomery County Public Schools, al investigation found that em- senger service around the United
he said the vehicles were deliv- said the district would save “up- ployees frequently misused States. But in exchange, they had
ered within a grace period of wards of 6,500 gallons of diesel county-issued purchasing cards to contract with Amtrak and give
“multiple months” outlined in its fuel per day” and cut costs in half and that the department main- its passenger trains priority on
contract. The Washington Post by switching to electric school tained an “off the books” vendor their rail lines. Amtrak has repeat-
could not obtain a copy of the buses, according to the report. account with American Truck & edly accused the rail companies of
contract. The inspector general said the Ricky caRioTi/The WaShingTon PoST
Bus, a contractor that provides flouting that law, saying viola-
montgomery County schools school district was supposed to a worker installs charging stations for electric school buses for buses. tions lead to roughly 15,000 hours
spokeswoman Liliana López said receive the 326 electric buses Montgomery County Public Schools in bethesda on aug. 12, 2021. In 2023, a former assistant of delays per year.
Tuesday in an email that the over a four-year period ending in director of the transportation most of the delays occur south
school system “will take the nec- fiscal 2025. says that under the amended “There are certainly examples department, Charles Ewald, of Atlanta, the Justice Depart-
essary steps to address the iden- The report said Highland ini- contract, some buses will poten- where repairs took longer than pleaded guilty to a felony theft ment said, where trains are run-
tified issues,” including “imple- tially agreed to deliver 120 buses tially not come into use until the they should have,” mcIntyre said scheme that exceeded $100,000 ning on a single track and North-
menting data tracking systems, for the 2024-2025 school year. 2026-2027 school year. about the montgomery County and misconduct in office. The ern Southern chooses freight
enhancing management practic- But mcIntyre said the contract mcIntyre said the mechanical fleet. He also said the company is former director, Todd Watkins, maintenance over passenger
es, and improving vendor com- had to be updated after a manu- issues — which have included training more of its employees to pleaded guilty to a charge of speed. The company, a Virginia
munication and contracts.” facturer delay on small buses. battery replacements and issues do repairs. “It’s a function of the misconduct in office in part for corporation headquartered in At-
“moving forward, we will be Now, just 30 buses will be deliv- related to high-voltage wiring — industry being relatively new, his role in setting up an “off-the- lanta, runs freight trains that are
working diligently to refine our ered this upcoming school year are common. School districts in developing its supply chains.” books” vendor account, which too long to pull over and let
contract strategies and internal and the remaining 90 will come Baltimore city and county, which Still, the county watchdog’s prosecutors argued allowed Amtrak trains pass.
controls based on their recom- next year, he said. also work with Highland, report- office calculated the school sys- Ewald to steal money from the In January, an Amtrak train
mendations,” López said. The inspector general’s report ed similar problems, he said. tem could have charged the com- school system. was forced to follow behind a
slow-moving Norfolk Southern
freight train for several miles just
outside New orleans, causing a

FBI agents testify at trial in tion in a court filing, saying that

“the agents were aware that mr.
federal prosecutors in Vir-
ginia, where russell lived at the
the White House Christmas Tree
Lighting,” and a Google search for
nearly hour-long delay, the law-
suit said. In february, a Crescent

leak of Ginsburg’s health data

russell had not deleted his hard time of the breach, argued that he “dirty jew.” train was delayed for 80 minutes
drive but had in fact ‘formatted’ it supercharged one of those con- Prosecutors said russell violat- outside Atlanta because a freight
which is not the same thing.” spiracy theories. The screenshot ed Ginsburg’s right to privacy train was blocking access to the
formatting a hard drive entails posted to 4chan, showing Gins- under the federal Health Insur- station platform, according to the
ginSburg from b1 possible” to protect her privacy. erasing its data to improve system burg’s cancer treatments through ance Portability and Accountabil- suit. one delay last year was
Ginsburg was never referred as performance. russell also told in- 2018, came with a message: “She ity Act (HIPAA), which protects nearly two hours, with passengers
dates and times she received radi- a potential organ donor to rus- vestigators he had shared his hos- died dec 31st.” the confidentiality of patients’ waiting for a freight train to be
ology, oncology and surgical sell’s employer, the Washington pital log-in credentials with oth- An fBI agent who scanned medical information. refueled in mississippi.
treatment at the hospital from regional Transplant Community, ers. russell’s hard drive said she Nathan read, who led George Amtrak customers have been
around 2014 to 2018. a federally designated organiza- He told the jury that he was found indications that he had Washington University Hospital’s “subjected to unacceptable, un-
Another fBI agent testified tion that works to identify pa- “not particularly” political, that visited multiple posts on 4chan internal investigation of the necessary, and unlawful delays,”
Tuesday that the image first ap- tients near death whose organs he had last voted in the 2012 discussing the conspiracy theory breach as the hospital’s chief in- U.S. Transportation Secretary
peared in a 4chan discussion could be transplanted, witnesses presidential election for Presi- that Democratic politicians were formation officer, said russell Pete Buttigieg said in a state-
thread in which posters were us- testified. dent Barack obama, that he covering up Ginsburg’s death. had access to patient records be- ment., calling compliance with
ing antisemitic tropes and ad- Lori Brigham, the organiza- served as an Army combat medic The agent said she found an cause he functioned as a contrac- the 1973 law giving passenger
vancing a conspiracy theory that tion’s founder and former chief in Afghanistan, that he received a image mimicking a poster for the tor and was often on-site to evalu- trains priority “uneven at best.”
Ginsburg had died in late 2018, executive, said transplant coordi- coronavirus vaccine and that he 1989 film “Weekend at Bernie’s,” ate patients for potential organ only once before has the Jus-
and that Democratic politicians nators such as russell had “no was not prejudiced against Jew- labeled “Weekend at Ginsburg’s.” transplants. read said russell’s tice Department used a suit to
were covering up her death to business being inside the chart” ish people or any race or ethnicity. It showed then-Senate minority access was immediately revoked enforce the law — in 1979, over
deny President Donald Trump the of any patient who had not been “I respect her public service,” Leader Charles E. Schumer after he was identified as the the Sunset Limited route from
opportunity to make a Supreme referred. She said russell was russell said of Ginsburg. When (D-N.Y.) and former House speak- suspect in January 2019. russell New orleans to Los Angeles.
Court appointment. well aware of the rules because of his lawyer asked him how his er Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) prop- then contacted the hospital’s IT “This critical action by the
Ginsburg was 87 when she died numerous agreements he signed home computer wound up enter- ping up Ginsburg from both help desk the following month to DoJ will help ensure our custom-
the year after the data breach, in and training sessions he under- ing search terms that produced sides, in a morbid play on how the ask that his permissions be re- ers arrive at their destinations on
September 2020, at her home in went. the justice’s hospital chart, rus- movie characters cover up Ber- stored, and was denied, read tes- time,” Amtrak CEo Stephen
Washington. She was the second Hospital officials traced the sell said, “I have no idea.” He nie’s death so that they can use his tified. Gardner said in a statement.
woman and first Jewish woman search of Ginsburg’s data to one added later, “I feel like everyone’s beach house. A member of the hospital staff Amtrak has gotten a major
to serve on the high court and was of russell’s home computers, wit- made typos.” Brigham testified that russell, also conducted an unauthorized infusion of money under Presi-
known for her fierce opinions in nesses said. U.S. officials said he russell conceded on the stand who now resides in Nebraska, search that would have turned up dent Biden, who used to com-
support of gender equality and lied during the initial interview in that he had been frequenting was not known for bringing poli- Ginsburg’s data around the time mute to Washington by train. But
minority rights. A member of the 2019, saying his phone had been 4chan for two decades, primarily, tics or “weird conspiracies” into of the breach, read testified, but its ability to expand is limited
Supreme Court police force testi- stolen when asked about the leak he said, “to talk about TV and the workplace. Prosecutors said that individual did not appear to because the vast majority of the
fied that he escorted the justice to by investigators. The agents said movies and video games . . . cur- they also found 4chan posts on be tech-savvy enough to post the country’s rail tracks are owned by
the hospital at least two or three he then deleted data from a com- rent events.” Some of the con- his hard drive delving into other information to social media, and private freight companies.
times as her health began to wane puter hard drive at his home. spiracy theories proliferating on antisemitic conspiracy theories, he was ruled out as the culprit.
and that the visits were always His lawyer, Charles Burnham, the website were “quite amusing,” including one titled “mossad just The individual was also fired, Perry Stein contributed to this
arranged to be “as discreet as took issue with the characteriza- russell said. tried to assassinate Trump during read said. report.
B4 Ez RE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

thomas L. nEff, 80

MIT physicist helped turn Soviet nukes into electricity

BY H ARRISON S MITH price for the uranium, addressing tary at the Energy Department tored by Wolfgang K.H. “Pief”
opposition from the U.S. uranium said. “It’s kind of incredible.” Panofsky, a particle physicist and
As the Soviet Union teetered industry and finding space in the The agreement, dubbed Mega- arms-control advocate who had
toward collapse in the early federal budget to pay for the first tons to Megawatts, was signed worked on the Manhattan Proj-
1990s, excitement over the end of shipments. under the Clinton administration ect. While serving as president of
the Cold War was tempered by a Dr. Neff began pushing for the in 1993. Dr. Neff continued to the American Physical Society,
growing sense of dread. Experts proposal on Oct. 19, 1991, while champion the program over the Panofsky enlisted Dr. Neff as his
worried that Moscow’s vast nu- attending a meeting on nuclear next two decades, and wrote so assistant and occasional surro-
clear arsenal might fall into the demilitarization at the State Plaza many memos in support of the gate, dispatching the young physi-
wrong hands, or that cash- Hotel in Washington. U.S. and deal, according to an account in cist to Washington for scientific
strapped Russia could sell war- Soviet representatives were both the MIT Technology Review, that advisory meetings with govern-
heads — and the expertise of its “talking past each other,” he re- “at one point he was told to ment officials, including Presi-
atomic scientists — to the highest called, but during a break he met change his typeface, because ev- dent Gerald Ford.
bidder. with Viktor N. Mikhailov, a chain- eryone who saw his memos lying “I had to buy a suit for the first
While Western diplomats wres- smoking leader of the Soviet del- on a desk would recognize them.” time,” Dr. Neff recalled in a Lewis
tled with the threat of “loose egation, and asked whether Mos- Dr. Neff cheered each uranium & Clark interview, “but I kept
nukes,” an MIT physicist, Thomas cow might consider selling its shipment that arrived in the Unit- wearing my sandals.”
L. Neff, came up with a solution weapons-grade uranium. ed States, from the first in 1995 to Dr. Neff later advised the Carter
that was daringly ambitious yet “Interesting,” he recalled the last in 2013, when fuel pro- administration on nuclear issues
appealingly straightforward: The Mikhailov saying, in between cessed from some 80 nuclear while serving as a senior staff
Soviet Union could convert the puffs on his cigarette. “How bombs arrived in Baltimore member at the Ford Foundation.
highly enriched uranium from old much?” aboard a freighter. A reception He joined MIT in 1975, and two
weapons into fuel for nuclear Dr. Neff hadn’t given the ques- commemorating the program years later he was named director
power plants, then sell it to the tion much thought. was held at the Russian Embassy of the school’s International En-
United States for use in reactors. “Five hundred metric tons,” he in Washington, where a brochure ergy Studies program. He was
His proposal, which Dr. Neff replied, offering what he thought estimated the overall cost of the later a senior member of the uni-
pushed to the finish line and guid- was an especially high number. To deal at $17 billion and declared versity’s Center for International
ed from behind the scenes, turned his surprise, Mikhailov said he that the weapons had provided Studies.
about 20,000 Russian nuclear thought they might be able to 15,432 tons of low-enriched urani- His first marriage, to Nicola
weapons into a source of Ameri- make that work. (“If I had known um, according to the Times. Thomsen, ended in divorce. In
can energy, accounting for some how much they really had,” Dr. Bruce G. Blair, a co-founder of 1997, he married Beth Harris. She
10 percent of the country’s elec- Neff later said, “I would have said the nuclear policy organization survives him, as does his daugh-
tricity across two decades. Al- 700 tons.”) Global Zero, later described the ter; a son from his earlier mar-
though it is now little known, the Days later, Dr. Neff pitched his program as “the pinnacle of riage, Chris Neff; his brother; and
swords-to-ploughshares deal that idea in a New York Times opinion U.S.-Russian nuclear security co- two grandchildren. Another son
Dr. Neff pioneered was hailed for essay, “A Grand Uranium Bar- operation,” and officials from from his first marriage, Marc Neff,
reducing the global stockpile of gain,” in which he argued that the both countries credited Dr. Neff died in 2010.
nuclear weapons and helping sta- program would benefit both with seeing it through. In his free time, Dr. Neff hiked
bilize the former Soviet Union sides, with a uranium sales pro- “If he hadn’t stuck with it,” across the West, taking pictures of
after its end in 1991. gram serving “to diminish the Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz his treks through the Stanford
Frank N. von Hippel, a physicist threat of large volumes of materi- told the Times in 2014, “it could hills and Wyoming’s Wind River
who advised the Clinton White al that might destroy commercial have very easily been one of these Range, and tended to a flower-
House, told the New York Times in PEtER goLdbERg/LEwIS & CLARk CoLLEgE markets and pose a major threat great ideas that ends up just spin- filled garden at his home in Con-
2014 that the arrangement elimi- Thomas L. Neff proposed the Soviet Union convert highly enriched to international security.” ning its wheels.” cord. He was awarded the Ameri-
nated as much as a third of the uranium from old weapons into energy for U.S. power plants. U.S. officials were initially hesi- The older of two sons, Thomas can Physical Society’s 1997 Leo
world’s nuclear warhead fuel, tant to back the program, accord- Lee Neff was born on Sept. 25, Szilard Award for his role in the
making it “the biggest single step” nuclear deal to fruition, was 80 of highly enriched uranium used ing to Dr. Neff, and moved only 1943, in Lake Oswego, Ore. His uranium program.
in the history of atomic arms when he died July 11 at a hospital for warheads and the far less en- after Mikhailov and his col- mother was a homemaker, and his “There are always opportuni-
reduction. in Concord, Mass. His daughter, riched version used for electricity leagues suggested the agreement father was a woodworker and en- ties” to propel change in the
“Once Tom formulated it, quite Catherine C. Harris, said the cause generation. in a letter to Washington. But trepreneur who ran a print shop, world, he told the Lewis & Clark
a few people thought it was attrac- was a subdural hematoma, in When he first came up with the when the Bush administration flipped houses and taught busi- interviewer. “There are always
tive,” von Hippel told The Wash- which blood pools near the brain. concept for a nuclear deal with announced in 1992 that it had cut ness courses at Lewis & Clark people who see something that
ington Post in a phone interview. As a researcher at the Ford the Soviet Union, “I was naive,” he a deal with Moscow, officials were College in nearby Portland, where can be fixed. The average college
“They probably thought it wasn’t Foundation and then MIT, Dr. said. “I thought the idea would giddy. Tom got a tuition-free education graduate will probably have an
feasible — until he showed them Neff spent years working in arms take care of itself.” Instead, it re- “Instead of lighting up mush- in physics and math. opportunity in his or her life to do
there really was a deal there to be control, nuclear weapons prolif- quired him and other advocates to room clouds, this stuff is going to After graduating summa cum something that actually improves
had.” eration and uranium markets, navigate a host of commercial, light up homes in the United laude in 1965, he received a PhD in things.
Dr. Neff, who made at least 20 bridging the divide between ex- bureaucratic and political chal- States with electricity,” Philip G. physics in 1973 from Stanford “But the trick,” he continued,
trips to Moscow while seeing the perts who specialized in the kind lenges, including determining a Sewell, a deputy assistant secre- University, where he was men- “is recognizing it.”

Evan Wright, 59

Journalist’s unflinching wartime tome ‘Generation Kill’ yielded HBO series

BY E MILY L ANGER Mr. Wright described his
schooling experience on a TV se-
Evan Wright, a modern-day ries, “Teen Torture, Inc.,” that be-
gonzo journalist who embedded gan streaming on Max the day
with an elite U.S. Marine battal- before he died. He wrote on X,
ion in Iraq for prizewinning arti- “Anyone who sees the documen-
cles that were published in Roll- tary I’m in this week could rea-
ing Stone and grew into the book sonably conclude that I’ve prob-
and HBO miniseries “Generation ably done a lot of work on my
Kill,” died July 12 at his home in mental health ever since those
Los Angeles. He was 59. experiences I had.”
The cause was suicide, accord- He enrolled in college, ulti-
ing to his family. mately receiving a bachelor’s de-
Mr. Wright wrote for maga- gree in medieval and Renaissance
zines including Time and Vanity studies from Vassar College in
Fair but was perhaps best known 1987. Several years after his grad-
for his contributions to Rolling uation, he moved to Los Angeles
Stone, the literary home begin- hoping to make it as a screenwrit-
ning in the 1970s of Hunter S. er.
Thompson, the renegade writer When the career plan did not
who embodied the personal, work out, he got a job as enter-
sometimes subversive brand of tainment editor at Hustler, effec-
reportage known as gonzo jour- tively working as a reviewer of
nalism. porn movies. It was, he said, his
Mr. Wright rejected the fre- first “steady paycheck and a den-
quent comparisons between him tal plan.” He began freelancing on
and Thompson. the side, establishing the reputa-
“‘Gonzo’ speaks of writing that tion that would bring him to the
is more about the reporter than attention of Rolling Stone.
the subject,” he wrote in a book- In addition to the collection of
length collection of his articles, his magazine writings and “Gen-
“Hella Nation: Looking for Happy eration Kill,” Mr. Wright wrote
Meals in Kandahar, Rocking the books including “American Des-
Side Pipe, Wingnut’s War Against perado: My Life — From Mafia
the Gap, and Other Adventures Soldier to Cocaine Cowboy to Se-
With the Totally Lost Tribes of cret Government Asset,” written
America” (2009). “With few ex- ALbERto E. RodRIguEz/gEtty ImAgES with Jon Roberts (2011), and
ceptions, my intent has always Evan Wright, left, and actor Lee Tergesen in 2008 at the Hollywood premiere of the miniseries “Generation Kill,” which originated from “How to Get Away With Murder
been to focus on my subjects in all articles Mr. Wright penned — they led to a 2004 book — that chronicled the brutality and humanity of U.S. Marines serving in Iraq. in America: Drug Lords, Dirty
of their imperfect glory.” Pols, Obsessed Cops, and the Qui-
But for better or worse, the Wright risked his life to get this IEDs, machine guns and rockets, checkpoint — and then discover- that he was “still searching for a et Man Who Became the CIA’s
analogy stuck. To readers inter- story — a rollicking, profane, bru- as they moved toward Baghdad. ing that their bullets had killed a support group for Adult Children Master Killer” (2012).
ested in the affairs of the world tal look at the Marines of Bravo He returned with an unsparing, 3-year-old Iraqi girl. But he also of Alcoholic Lawyers.” But both Mr. Wright’s marriages to Su-
beyond those reported in the col- Company, who led the charge into but deeply empathetic portrait of recounted the actions of a lance his siblings, Nora Wright and san Matheson and Laura Jame-
umns of more tradition-bound Iraq last year,” read the citation. a group of young men whom he corporal who encountered a Walter Wright, said in interviews son ended in divorce. Survivors
publications, Mr. Wright’s byline “In the course of myriad fire- described as “more or less Ameri- group of refugees on foot and, that all three siblings were im- include his wife of three years, the
carried the promise of a riveting, fights, mortar shellings and am- ca’s first generation of disposable with tears streaming down his mensely proud of their mother for former Kelli Helms, of Los Ange-
insightful, visceral read. He infil- bushes, Wright won the trust of children.” face, took a baby in his arms obtaining her law degree. les; three children from his third
trated a gathering of neo-Nazis in his subjects, but he remained “More than half the guys in the because the mother, after walking “I have a soft spot for lawyers,” marriage, Carter Wright, Evan
Idaho, reported from the trenches clear-eyed, depicting the soldier’s platoon come from broken for days, was too weak to hold her Mr. Wright told an interviewer. “If Wright Jr. and Kennedy Wright,
of anarchist groups and chroni- cold-bloodedness as well as their homes,” he wrote in “Generation own child. you can find an honest lawyer, as all of Los Angeles; and his sib-
cled the lives of sorority girls at humanity. Brilliant down to the Kill.” “Many are on more intimate Mr. Wright was drawn to ser- my parents were, there is nothing lings.
Ohio State University, in addition last detail.” terms with video games, reality vicemen and women, he told the better. But as a writer, if you can Journalism, Mr. Wright found
to profiling show business celeb- Mr. Wright expanded his arti- TV shows and Internet porn than Philadelphia Inquirer, because find crooked ones as subjects, in his career, was a “refuge for
rities including Shakira and cles into the book “Generation they are with their own parents. “the voices of actual people in the they’re God’s gift.” rogues and miscreants.” But it
Quentin Tarantino. Kill: Devil Dogs, Iceman, Captain Before the ‘War on Terrorism’ be- military are voices that society Mr. Wright attended public and suited him, he said, because it
Mr. Wright was most celebrat- America and the New Face of gan, not a whole lot was expected tends to ignore.” private schools before being sent allowed him to access parts of life
ed, however, as a war correspon- American War,” published in of this generation other than the Evan Alan Wright, the young- to a center for juvenile delin- that few people outside those
dent, embedding first with the 2004 and adapted in 2008 into an hope that those in it would squeak est of three siblings, was born in quents called the Seed. His of- quarters ever see, and to bring
U.S. military during the war in HBO miniseries that Mr. Wright through high school without pull- Cleveland on Dec. 28, 1964. His fense, his sister said, was rolling back from them stories that
Afghanistan and then, in 2003, co-wrote with David Simon and ing too many more mass shoot- father, an assistant county pros- joints that he had made not with might not otherwise have been
with the Marine First Reconnais- Ed Burns, both of “The Wire.” In a ings in the manner of Columbine.” ecutor and later a corporate law- marijuana, but with catnip. Years told. “It’s a powerful experience,”
sance Battalion in Iraq. His writ- post on X after Mr. Wright’s death, Mr. Wright said that he aspired yer, left the family when Mr. later, interviewed by the Los An- he remarked, “to merge with
ings from Iraq, a three-part series Simon recalled him as “charming, to give a full picture of the Ma- Wright was about 8. He was raised geles Times, Mr. Wright said that somebody.”
published in Rolling Stone as funny and not a little bit feral, as rines, one that went beyond the after that point mainly by his the place “used North Korean
“The Killer Elite,” received the many reporters are.” oft-peddled caricatures either li- mother, a homemaker who then brainwashing techniques to If you or someone you know needs
2004 National Magazine Award In Iraq, Mr. Wright rode at the onizing or vilifying the military. went to law school and entered straighten out kids: sleep depri- help, visit 988lifeline.org or call or
for reporting. front of a column of Marines, He described Marines shooting private practice. vation, threats of physical vio- text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at
“Writer-photographer Evan regularly coming under fire from at a car that had driven through a Mr. Wright recently wrote on X lence, humiliation and boxing.” 988.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE B5


SATURDAY-SUNDAY 11 a.m. - 4 p.m.

DAVID ALLEN MASON HARRIS M. TAYLOR To place a notice, call:

OCTOBER 16, 1981 - JULY 31, 2001 Born on July 4, 1930, Harris M. Taylor de-

No story is
The love is felt even when the being is parted peacefully on July 24, 2024. The life- 800-627-1150 ext 4-4122
gone. You can still hear the words at the long D.C. resident attended Dunbar High EMAIL:
School; Miner Teachers College, where [email protected]
end of the song. Love is the only thing that
is eternal, and David is eternally loved. Our he graduated magna cum laude; and the
Email and faxes MUST include
memories are a constant reminder of how George Washington University, where he name, home address & home phone #
much we loved you, and how much you earned a graduate degree. Harris was pre-

more global.
of the responsible billing party.
loved us. We will always miss you and love ceded in death by his parents, John and Email deadline - 3 p.m. daily
you. Memories of David we will pass on Marie Taylor, and siblings, Raymond, Ru- Phone-In deadline
to those we love and touch, carrying you dolph, Earl, Helen, Gloria Glymph, and Rosa 4 p.m. M-F
through the ages. Eternally ours, for our Washington. He is survived by his brother 3 p.m. Sa-Su
hearts are eternally yours. Robert, a host of nieces and nephews, and
a loving godson, Eric Vaughn, his wife Mia,

More profound.
Love, Mom, Dad, Zach, and all the CURRENT 2023 RATES:
Family and Friends and their three children, who cared for him (PER DAY)
faithfully. Memorial services are planned
for a future date. MONDAY-SATURDAY
Black & White
1" - $160 (text only)

More extreme.
2" - $370 (text only)
DEATH NOTICE 3" - $525
(Age 90) 5" - $725
Mr. William “Bill” Johnson was called to rest
BAKER July 20, 2024. He was born December 16,
1933 in Lexington, Kentucky and proudly
Black & White
1"- $191 (text only)

made D.C. home. 2" - $405 (text only)
LOUIS J. BAKER He is survived by loving wife, Thelma John- 3" - $580
On Friday, July 26, 2024, of son; and was predeceased by beloved wife 4" - $610
Silver Spring, MD. Beloved hus- and mother of his children Cynthia John- 5" - $790
band of Patty Baker; brother TINNY LEE VINSON-JONES (Age 90)

This is
son (1989). Loved by children, Stephanie
of Kitty Bohman, Danny Bak- White (Anthony) and Eric Johnson. Entered eternal rest on July 12, 2024. Mrs. 6"+ for ALL Black & White notices
er, Tony Baker (Robyn), Paula Bill graduated from ‘THEE’ Hampton Insti- Jones was born in Smithfield, NC, a District $160 each additional inch Mon - Sat
Lohdrman (Glen), and the late tute (University), served in the U.S. Army, of Columbia resident for over 70 years, and $191 each additional inch Sunday
Thomas Baker. He is also survived by oth- obtained a masters degree from The Na- a faithful member of Little Rock Holiness --------------------
er loving family and friends. A Celebration tional Graduate University and taught civil Church. MONDAY-SATURDAY
of his Life will be held at Collins Funeral Color
engineering at Howard University. He ded- 3" - $670
Home, 500 University Boulevard West, Sil- icated 25+ years to civic engagement and She was predeceased by her husbands,
ver Spring, MD, on Friday, September 6, Henry Vinson and Albert Jones; and also 4" - $725
community-wide preservation of D.C. 5" - $885
2024 at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers contribu- He was an active member of Asbury United children, Donald, Billy, and Linda Vinson.
Mrs. Jones is survived by beloved children, ------
tions may be made to the Boys & Girls Club Methodist Church, served as Chair of the SUNDAY
of Greater Washington, 4103 Benning Rd. Betty, Hollie and Kathy Vinson; 14 adored

Board of Trustees, sang in the Male Chorus, Color
NE, Washington, DC 20019. and held many leadership positions. grandchildren including Gwendolyn Vin- 3" - $710
www.COLLINSFUNERALHOME.com Mr. Johnson will lie in state at Asbury Unit- son; 10 cherished great-grandchildren; 4" - $810
ed Methodist Church, 926 11th Street NW, great-great -grandchildren, a host of loving 5" - $985
Washington, DC 20001, on Friday, August nieces, nephews, and other relatives.
2, 2024, from 10 a.m. until his celebration 6"+ for ALL color notices
of life service at 11 a.m. Final resting place: Mrs. Jones will lie in state on Saturday Au- $268 each additional inch Mon - Sat
BROWNE Lincoln Memorial Cemetery, Suitland, MD.
Services entrusted to
gust 3, 2024, at Not About Me Ministries,
3106 Branch Avenue, Temple Hills, MD
$299 each additional inch Sunday
Notices with photos begin at 3"
www.stewartfuneralhome.com 20746, from 10 a.m. until Celebration of
Life service at 11 a.m. Final resting place (All photos add 2" to your notice.)
at Fort Lincoln Cemetery, Brentwood, MD.
Services entrusted to Stewart Funeral MEMORIAL PLAQUES:
All notices over 2" include
www.stewartfuneralhome.com complimentary memorial plaque

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and may be ordered.

need arises, All Paid Death Notices

appear on our website through

let families LEGACY.COM

Included in all death notices

find you in the Optional for In Memoriams

Funeral Services PLEASE NOTE:

Notices must be placed via phone or
On July 11,2024 Majorie Ann Browne
passed away quietly in her Capitol Hill
Directory. email. Photos must be emailed. You can
no longer place notices, drop off photos
and make payment in person.
Payment must be made via phone with
home. She was preceded in death by
her parents, Frederick A. and Bernice A.
Browne, her brother Frederick A. Browne To be seen in the debit/credit card.

Jr. and her beloved niece Anika D. Browne.

She leaves behind a host of family, neigh- Funeral Services
bors and friends. Viewing will be held on
Saturday August 3, 2024 at 9:30 a.m. fol- Directory, please call
lowed by Mass of Christian Burial at 10:30
a.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 313 - paid Death Notices at DEATH NOTICE
2nd St. NE, Washington, DC. In lieu of flow-
ers, contributions can be made to the Alz- 202-334-4122. HARDIN
heimer’s Association. Interment, Lincoln
Memorial Cemetery.

When the
Harchick and infant son John Harchick, who
need arises,
passed away days after birth in 1955.
Josephine is survived by her loving children,
John W. Harchick III and his spouse, Ornella;
let families
Robert S. Harchick Sr.; and Matthew Har-
chick and his spouse, Bridgid. She was the
find you in the
N0642 2x10.5

cherished grandmother of Christine and her

Funeral Services
spouse Andrew, Morgan, Hewit, Robert, Jr.,
Stuart, Alden, Roman, Luca, and Rocco and

y do
the proud great-grandmother of Giulia. Jose-
phine was a devoted sister to Carmelina Di

spin How
Franco and her late spouse, Paolo Bordona- LINDA M. HARDIN
feet burnIs
ro, and Elvira Di Franco and her spouse, Elio Mary Linda Melsheimer Hardin, age 85,
Cannovo and she is survived by numerous passed away after a battle with breast
nieces and nephews around the world. cancer on July 29, 2024. She was born

still a a doc
Josephine was known for her passionate na- on March 29, 1939 to Fred and Hazel

when I run?
ture and loving heart, and she touched the Melsheimer in Vicksburg Mississippi. She
lives of everyone who knew her. “Her life married Harry Hardin in 1959 and they To be seen in the
Ho do I thing? was a blessing, her memory a treasure. You
are loved beyond words and missed beyond
had 4 children: Karen (Rich) Fanelli, Chris
Funeral Services

(Dany) Hardin, Stephen (Michelle) Hardin
measure.” and Mary Hardin. She had 11 grandchil-
find a doctor
A Funeral Mass will be held on Friday, Au-

of day to
Josephine Di Franco Harchick, 88, peacefully
departed unto eternal life on July 26, 2024.
gust 2, 2024, at 10:30 a.m. at Holy Rosary
Church, 595 Third Street NW, Washington,
dren and 4 great grandchildren,
Linda was a cosmetologist and had various Directory, please call
jobs in Virginia. She worked at Advanced
I like? work out? She was born on June 22, 1936, in Augusta,
Sicily, to her late parents, Rosina Bellistri Di
DC 20001. Visitation will begin at 9:30 a.m.
Arrangements handled by Demaine Funeral
Eye Care for 20 years. Linda started selling
Avon and was very successful and loved
paid Death Notices
Franco and Salvatore Di Franco. Preceded
in death by her loving husband, Joseph J.
Home of Alexandria.
“Riposa in pace”
meeting all her customers and helping
them. She was very active in her church at 202-334-4122.
especially with Cursillo and Marriage En-



How muc
There will be a viewing on July 31 from 5

hard to make
to 7 p.m. at Jefferson Funeral Chapel at
5755 Castlewellan Drive in Alexandria. Her

exercise i DEMPSEY funeral will be at Nativity Catholic Church

friends as at 6400 Nativity Lane Burke VA 22015 on
August 1, 2024 at 10 a.m.
an adult? too much US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
where she was a member of the Manage-
ment Information Services department for
twenty years. HARRIS
Cindy was a smart and creative problem
solver who could fix anything. Her specialty in-law, Zak Harris-Petrie; mother, Janice Neal
at home was stepping in at the right moment and father, John Neal of Macon GA; brother,
to patiently repair someone else’s job gone Lt Col Jonathan Neal (US Army); an adoring
bad. Her greatest gift was an unwavering grandchild, Caelum
ability to see the good in every thing and Cian; and many beloved in-laws, cousins,
every person. She was a wonderful friend, nieces, nephews and close friends.
neighbor, aunt, sister, and wife. Most impor- Jada graduated from Southwest High School
(Macon GA), Wesleyan College, and Regent

Subtract the noise.

tantly, she was a generous and loving moth-
er who never missed a game, parent-teacher University with her Masters in Christian Ed-
meeting, or an opportunity to encourage and ucation. She began her career as Human Re-
cherish her children. source Director for Neal Foods (Macon, GA).

Add the experts.

She’s dedicated over 30 years to education,
Cindy is survived by Joe Dempsey, her loving starting as a teacher in Ballard Hudson Mid-
husband of 40 years, her children Michael dle School (Macon, GA) and spending 23
(Libby), Kevin (Devon), and Patrick. She is also years as a teacher and recently Director
CYNTHIA C. DEMPSEY survived by her granddaughter, Claire, her of Education, Lead Administrator at Clinton
After a valiant, two-decade battle with five siblings, and many nieces and nephews. Grace Christian School (Clinton, MD).
Parkinson’s Disease, Cindy Dempsey died A memorial service celebrating Jada’s re-
peacefully on July 24, 2024 surrounded by The Mass of Christian Burial will be on Au- markable life and legacy will be held at Clin-
her family. gust 1, at The Shrine of the Most Blessed ton Grace Church. Space at the service is
Sacrament, 5949 Western Ave., Washington, extremely limited. In lieu of attendance, the
The fourth of six children, Cynthia Lyn Cluss DC. The family will receive visitors beginning JADA SHAREE HARRIS family kindly requests that those who wish
was born in 1955 to Mary (Mimi) and Charles at 10 a.m. and the Mass will begin at 11 a.m. The beloved Jada Sharee Harris passed to honor Jada’s memory consider making
Cluss in Uniontown, Pa. She is a graduate of Interment to follow at Gate of Heaven Ceme- away on July 25, 2024 at the age of 56 years a donation to the Clinton Grace Christian
Uniontown High School and Gettysburg Col- tery. In lieu of flowers, please consider mak- old. She was born in Warner Robins, Georgia. School scholarship fund established in her
lege. ing a donation to Catholic Charities of the Jada loved her family and leaves behind her name. This scholarship will continue Jada’s
Archdiocese of Washington (www.catholic- husband Michael; her two daughters, Ashley passion for education by supporting aspiring
After graduation, Cindy and a few friends charitiesdc.org). and Anna; her three sons, Anthony, Zachary, students in their pursuit of knowledge and
moved to Washington, living first in Alexan- Jeffrey; her daughter-in-law, Tatianna; son- faith-filled lives; [email protected]
dria and, later, on Capitol Hill. She worked as
a tour guide at the Custis-Lee Mansion, as
an editor at Realtor magazine, and as a tech-
nical support representative for NBI Word
Processors. Cindy then transitioned to the
Catalina, his four grandchildren; Amy Burns,
Melissa Dolan, Kenny Kolstad and Gary Kol-
stad and four great grand-children; Dylan
NORMAN Burns, Alexandra Burns, Quinn Dolan and
Grayson Kolstad.

as an educator focusing on early networked Steve was born in Saint Paul, Minnesota.
office systems.
He married Shirley Dickson and they had
Brad had many talents and hobbies. He three sons, Richard, Larry and Thomas.
loved skiing, sailing, and vacations with
his family. He excelled as a marksman and He served in the US Army during the Ko-
gamesman, winning skeet shooting and rean and Vietnam Wars. After retiring from
backgammon competitions. Brad cherished the Army, the family settled in Manassas,
all things nautical, including ship models, Virginia.
whaling history, and his family ties to New-
port, RI. He was thoughtful and generous He enjoyed playing Golf, Tennis and hosting
with his time. He believed in education as a parties for his neighbors and colleagues.

means to empower people. For many years He joined the local VFW and the American
he tutored D.C. area children in literacy. Legions and remained friends with many
Also during this time, he volunteered at the throughout his years.
Washington National Cathedral as a docent STEVEN A. KOLSTAD
for 21 years. In addition to his years of ser- May 17, 1929 - July 24, 2024 Steve was a very social person and enjoyed
Can stre vice, Brad was gifted with a beautiful voice.
He adored choral singing from his early Steven A. Kolstad passed away peacefully in
going to the fitness center, chick-fil-a and
playing poker with his friends. He was a

o damage years at St. Paul’s School to 20+ years with

the Cathedral Choral Society.
Hospice Care in Deltona, Floria after suffer-
ing his second stroke on July 12, 2024.
wonderful, generous and sweet man and
will be missed by many.


OCTOBER 16, 1936 - JULY 25, 2024 Brad was preceded in death by his parents He is survived by his two sons Richard Kol- Funeral Services will be held at Arlington
Bradford Norman III, age 87 of Bethesda, and his sister, Priscilla “Penny” Norman stad and Kathy; Tom Kolstad and his wife National Cemetery at a future date.
Whitmore. He is survived by Ann Sabin Nor-
Coffee or tea? Maryland, passed away on July 25, 2024. He
left us, comfortably surrounded by his close man, his loving wife of 47 years; his two

family. children Bradford (Kimberly) Norman IV and

Is one ext Hope (David) Bass; and his two stepchildren

Can I o W hour of
The first of two children, Brad was born
in 1936 in New York, New York, to Eleanor
Katy (Sam) Coleman and James (Shannon)
Mitchell. Brad is survived by four grandchil-
dren, William, Garrett, Alexandra, and Lillian; POST YOUR
Why do I Is walking the
sleep that
new yoga?
McKnight Pierce and Bradford Norman Jr. He
was a graduate of St. Paul’s School in Con- and by seven stepgrandchildren, Jack, Hen-
cord, NH, and earned a BS from Miami Uni- ry, Jim, Sabin, Caroline, Mason, and Reese.
get night good?
versity and a PhD from American University.

do I Can I
A memorial service will be held on August

Is walking
In the mid 1960s, Brad and his first wife, 7, 2024, at St. Alban’s Church, 3001 Wiscon-
Now death notices on
while I’m
Mary Potter Bonsal of Camden, SC, moved sin Avenue NW, Washington, DC. The ser-
to Washington, DC, where he worked for vice will begin at 10 a.m. with a reception
washingtonpost.com/obituaries allow you
nd a really a
the U.S. Department of Education and start- to follow. There will be a small gathering at
What happe Modena Reserve Senior Living Community to express your sympathy with greater ease.
ed a family. In the 1970s, he remarried Ann

kout? Sabin Mitchell of Bethesda, MD. He was a (day and time to be announced) in Kensing-
ton, MD. In lieu of flowers, please consider Visit today.
dedicated and loving father and stepfather.

making a donation to the National Cathedral
Why am
Brad was always interested in higher educa-
tion and loved academia. He was fascinated (https://campaign.cathedral.org) or Norman

is it so Why are some I hangry?

with computer technology. His PhD thesis
involved computers in education. His de-
gree led him to work for Wang Laboratories
Bird Sanctuary in Middletown, RI (https://
normanbirdsanctuary.org). GHI
people dog people N0549 2x10.5

t k
B6 eZ re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

The Weather
washingtonpost.com/weather . x: @capitalweather . facebook.com/capitalweather

High heat is back Today Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday O FF IC I A L REC O RD
T-storm, hot Partly sunny T-storms T-storms T-storm T-storm
It’s the start of several days in a row Temperatures AVerAGe recOrd AcTUAL FOrecAST

of temperatures in the mid-90s or 110

higher. Add humidity, and it’s feeling
more like 100 or higher in the 100 100

afternoon. Expect only an isolated

90 90
storm late, under partly sunny skies.

99° 77 ° 98° 76 ° 97° 75 ° 92° 73 ° 89° 74 ° 92° 73 °



FeeLS*: 102° FeeLS: 102° FeeLS: 105° FeeLS: 100° FeeLS: 95° FeeLS: 99°
cHNce PreciP: 40% P: 20% P: 80% P: 90% P: 40% P: 40% 60 60
WiNd: WSW 6–12 mph W: WNW 6–12 mph W: E 4–8 mph W: SW 6–12 mph W: NW 6–12 mph W: W 6–12 mph
50 50
HUMidiTY: High H: High H: Very High H: Very High H: High H: High
F Sa Su M Tu W Th F Sa Su M Tu W Th F
Statistics through 5 p.m. Tuesday

REGIO N N ATIO N Weather map features for noon today.

National Dulles BWI
High 88° 4:00 p.m. 89° 3:16 p.m. 86° 4:00 p.m.
Low 76° 6:00 a.m. 74° 5:25 a.m. 73° 4:00 a.m.
Harrisburg Philadelphia
90/74 Normal 89°/72° 88°/67° 88°/68°
97/73 record high 99° 1953 98° 1988 98° 2019
Hagerstown record low 56° 1914 48° 2014 55° 2014
97/73 dover Difference from 30–yr. avg. (National): this month: +2.7° yr. to date: +3.0°
davis cape May Precipitation PreViOUS YeAr NOrMAL LATeST
Washington Annapolis
84/64 99/77 86/72 8" 8"
93/73 OceAN: 72° 7" 7"
6" 6"
charlottesville Ocean city 5" 5"
97/74 85/74 4" 4"
OceAN: 69° 3" 3"
Lexington 2" 2"
98/73 1" 1"
richmond 0" 0"
96/74 Virginia Beach J A S O N d J F M A M J

89/76 National Dulles BWI

Norfolk OceAN: 77°
92/77 Past 24 hours 0.26" Trace 0.47"
Total this month 4.21" 2.54" 1.40"
Kitty Hawk
Normal 4.20" 4.02" 4.32"
OceAN: 76° Total this year 23.90" 20.53" 23.09"
Normal 24.63" 25.66" 25.64"
Pollen: Moderate Air Quality: Good
Grass Low dominant cause: Nitrogen oxide
Trees Low
Weeds Low UV: Very High Moon Phases Solar system
Mold Moderate 9 out of 11+
Rise Set
Sun 6:08 a.m. 8:20 p.m.
Blue Ridge: Today, clouds breaking, a stray thunderstorm; Moon 1:58 a.m. 5:57 p.m.
T-storms rain Showers Snow Flurries ice cold Front Warm Front Stationary Front Aug 4 Aug 12 Aug 19 Aug 26
hot in northern parts. High 81 to 86. Winds west 6–12 Yesterday's National World
New First Full Last
Venus 7:26 a.m. 9:11 p.m.
mph. Tonight, partly cloudy; humid. Low 67 to 71. Winds High: Needles, cA 109° High: Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia 121° Mars 1:37 a.m. 4:07 p.m.
Quarter Quarter
<–10 –0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110+ Low: Gothic, cO 32° Low: Thredbo, Australia 16° Jupiter 2:03 a.m. 4:40 p.m.
northwest 6–12 mph. Thursday, mainly cloudy; hot in for the 48 contiguous states excludes Antarctica Saturn 10:09 p.m. 9:34 a.m.
northern parts. High 77 to 82.
NATIONAL Today Tomorrow Des Moines 96/72/t 87/70/t Oklahoma City 100/75/s 102/76/c WORLD Today Tomorrow Islamabad 95/79/pc 91/77/t Rio de Janeiro 74/67/pc 76/66/s
Atlantic beaches: Today, uncomfortably humid, Detroit 87/70/t 86/70/t Omaha 100/70/t 92/68/s Addis Ababa 69/56/sh 67/55/r Istanbul 88/73/pc 88/73/s Riyadh 112/88/pc 113/87/pc
partly sunny. A thunderstorm; a couple of showers, a Albany, NY 82/70/t 91/71/pc El Paso 100/78/pc 101/77/t Orlando 94/77/t 95/75/t Amsterdam 79/62/pc 75/58/sh Jerusalem 91/69/s 93/68/s Rome 92/72/s 91/71/s
thunderstorm, mainly early in the south. High 85 to 92. Albuquerque 100/73/pc 97/73/pc Fairbanks, AK 66/51/c 61/50/r Philadelphia 90/74/t 94/75/s Athens 92/76/s 94/72/s Johannesburg 69/44/s 70/45/s San Salvador 89/69/pc 85/69/t
Winds south 7–14 mph. Tonight, uncomfortably humid; a Anchorage 64/52/s 65/55/c Fargo, ND 83/67/t 91/66/s Phoenix 110/89/s 108/89/pc Auckland 60/47/c 56/46/pc Kabul 99/70/s 100/66/s Santiago 58/46/c 56/45/c
thunderstorm in spots, except dry in the south. Atlanta 92/76/t 96/75/t Hartford, CT 82/71/t 91/71/pc Pittsburgh 92/70/t 84/70/t Baghdad 113/89/pc 113/89/pc Kingston, Jam. 91/81/t 92/80/t Sarajevo 91/52/s 97/59/s
Austin 97/74/s 98/74/pc Honolulu 88/75/pc 87/77/s Portland, ME 77/67/t 87/67/t Bangkok 91/80/t 90/81/t Kolkata 91/81/t 88/80/t Seoul 92/79/t 92/80/r
Waterways: Upper Potomac River: Today, clouds breaking, a stray Baltimore 97/73/t 96/74/pc Houston 94/76/pc 93/76/pc Portland, OR 87/63/s 97/68/s Beijing 89/74/pc 92/75/c Kyiv 79/58/s 83/62/pc Shanghai 102/85/s 103/86/s
thunderstorm. Wind southwest 4–8 knots. Waves less than a foot. • Billings, MT 90/62/s 98/67/s Indianapolis 91/74/t 90/71/t Providence, RI 79/71/t 89/70/pc Berlin 85/62/c 81/60/pc Lagos 83/75/r 83/75/r Singapore 92/80/pc 94/81/s
Lower Potomac and Chesapeake Bay: Today, clouds breaking, a stray Birmingham 95/77/t 96/76/t Jackson, MS 99/76/pc 98/77/t Raleigh, NC 95/75/t 95/75/t Bogota 65/48/sh 67/48/c Lima 66/60/pc 66/60/pc Stockholm 67/53/sh 69/53/c
thunderstorm. Wind south 6–12 knots. Waves 1–2 feet on the Lower Bismarck, ND 85/61/t 93/62/s Jacksonville, FL 94/76/t 96/75/t Reno, NV 98/65/s 102/66/s Brussels 82/65/sh 77/60/sh Lisbon 84/66/s 82/64/s Sydney 61/51/sh 60/50/sh
Boise 95/67/s 105/72/s Kansas City, MO 97/76/s 94/70/pc Richmond 96/74/t 96/75/c Buenos Aires 62/58/pc 70/67/c London 84/62/pc 81/63/t Taipei City 96/78/t 98/79/t
Potomac and the chesapeake Bay.• River Stages: The stage at Little
Boston 81/72/t 91/75/t Las Vegas 108/85/s 105/88/s Sacramento 96/59/s 99/61/s Cairo 99/80/s 98/79/s Madrid 99/71/s 100/72/s Tehran 103/86/s 102/81/s
Falls will be around 2.70 feet today, with no change of 2.70 Thursday. Buffalo 85/70/t 87/69/pc Little Rock 98/77/s 100/78/s St. Louis 100/81/pc 97/77/t Manila 91/79/t 90/78/t Tokyo 93/82/pc 93/81/s
Caracas 79/67/t 78/65/t
Flood stage at Little Falls is 10 feet. Burlington, VT 83/71/t 88/69/t Los Angeles 84/62/s 83/63/s St. Thomas, VI 89/79/t 87/81/t Copenhagen 72/55/s 71/58/s Mexico City 75/56/pc 74/56/sh Toronto 88/71/pc 88/70/pc
Charleston, SC 94/76/t 98/77/t Louisville 93/79/t 97/76/t Salt Lake City 94/70/s 99/74/s Dakar 86/79/c 87/79/s Montreal 78/70/t 88/69/t Vienna 91/64/s 90/70/t
Charleston, WV 92/72/t 91/71/t Memphis 95/78/s 94/78/s San Diego 75/67/pc 74/65/pc Dublin 68/58/pc 72/57/pc Moscow 68/57/sh 68/57/sh Warsaw 81/57/s 84/57/pc
Today’s tides (High tides in Bold)
Charlotte 95/72/t 97/73/t Miami 92/82/pc 92/81/t San Francisco 71/56/pc 71/56/pc Edinburgh 69/53/pc 73/55/pc Mumbai 87/80/t 87/80/r
Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, r-rain,
Washington 5:11 a.m. 12:37 p.m. 5:51 p.m. none Cheyenne, WY 89/57/pc 92/59/s Milwaukee 84/72/t 83/71/t San Juan, PR 89/79/t 91/79/t Frankfurt 90/67/pc 81/65/t Nairobi 73/53/pc 74/55/c sh- showers, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurries,
Chicago 89/73/t 88/70/t Minneapolis 91/72/t 81/69/t Seattle 78/59/pc 84/62/s New Delhi 96/82/t 86/80/t sn-snow, i-ice
Annapolis 3:03 a.m. 9:41 a.m. 2:16 p.m. 8:33 p.m. Geneva 94/67/c 87/63/t
Cincinnati 89/73/t 92/71/t Nashville 95/77/t 98/76/pc Spokane, WA 88/63/s 98/67/s Oslo 77/53/pc 76/54/pc Sources: AccuWeather.com; US Army centralized
Ocean City 4:40 a.m. 10:42 a.m. 5:24 p.m. none Ham., Bermuda 88/79/t 88/81/t Allergen extract Lab (pollen data); airnow.gov (air
Cleveland 89/71/t 88/70/t New Orleans 94/79/pc 94/79/t Syracuse 84/70/t 89/68/pc Helsinki 71/55/c 70/55/c Ottawa 82/68/t 88/68/c quality data); National Weather Service
Norfolk 1:03 a.m. 6:51 a.m. 12:45 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Dallas 99/77/s 100/79/s New York City 85/76/t 91/76/s Tampa 91/79/t 94/79/t Ho Chi Minh City 92/77/t 91/77/t Paris 89/70/r 85/65/sh * AccuWeather's RealFeel Temperature®
combines over a dozen factors for an accurate
Point Lookout 5:55 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 4:28 p.m. 11:40 p.m. Denver 96/60/s 96/64/pc Norfolk 92/77/t 93/78/t Wichita 104/76/pc 102/75/pc Hong Kong 89/83/t 90/83/t Prague 90/64/s 78/63/t measure of how the conditions really “feel.”

‘It was surreal’: Yorktown High aglow over Huske’s gold

OlympicS from B1

even more thrilling to know just “It’s the fact that this is
how hard she had worked.
The news of Huske’s win even almost reachable for so
reached the Costa rican rainfor-
est, where matt mendelsohn’s many people, in terms
daughter Alexandra, who gradu-
ated from Yorktown the same of being able to say, you
year as Huske and sat next to her
in biology lab, was interning, he know, ‘I know her, I
“Everybody who knew some- met her.’”
body was being texted or called to Torey Ortmayer, Yorktown High
congratulate them,” ortmayer School swim coach, commenting on
said in an interview. “It’s a huge the thrill of 2021 graduate Torri
moment. And I think it’s the fact Huske’s gold medal
that this is almost reachable for so
many people, in terms of being
able to say, you know, ‘I know her, crowd excited for her.”
I met her,’ or whatever.” Evan Stiles, head coach at Ar-
An Arlington native, Huske lington Aquatic Club, said he was
beat U.S. teammate Gretchen receiving texts and calls from so
Walsh, the world record holder, in many people who recognized that
the final moments the race Sun- this was a victory for him, too, as
day. someone who helped Huske train
When Huske popped her head for years.
out of the water and turned to the “There’s not that many people
scoreboard, her mouth immedi- out there who can say they
ately fell open and her eyes welled coached an olympic gold medal-
up as she realized what she had ist,” he said.
just accomplished. After knowing all of the hard
It was a shocking comeback in work that she put in behind the
her race, and an even more im- scenes to get there, seeing Huske
pressive comeback from where win on Sunday was unbelievable
she fell three years earlier in To- for Stiles.
kyo — finishing fourth and miss- “That race was just amazing.
ing the medal by 0.01 seconds. She finished so strong. It was
“I’m not going to lie — that was MATTHiAS ScHrAder/AP surreal. It’s like this emotional
devastating,” Huske told The Gold medalist Torri Huske, right, stands on the podium with teammate and silver medalist Gretchen Walsh after the 100-meter butterfly explosion of every emotion you
Washington Post on Sunday final at the 2024 Summer Olympics on Sunday. can imagine,” he said.
night. “But I think that really meyer said she wasn’t sur-
fueled me. I think that did make mean, not disappointing — but they made in 2021 to watch again raphy, capturing athletes around tion in the pool this week, a prised to see a swimmer in the
me better.” everything felt flat really quickly,” this year. the world. Paris marks her fifth moment that made its way pool from Yorktown. The some-
ortmayer recalled that mo- he said. “To see all the sacrifices she olympics as a professional pho- around the world. times intense nature of Northern
ment in 2021. He was with a small melissa robinson, whose made pay off in such a big way was tographer. “The emotion on Torri’s face, Virginia, where she said many
group of Huske’s family and other daughter raquel was friends with just so exciting,” robinson said. meyer captured Huske at the which you can see in my photos students are competitive in their
coaches, instead of the watch par- Huske at Yorktown, printed two The Yorktown presence ran world championships in Buda- and the TV coverage and every- drive for success, often produces
ty that some of her friends and banners celebrating Huske’s jour- even deeper for Huske’s victory in pest in 2022, when she broke body’s photos, is obviously how accomplished alumni.
teammates organized at a local ney to Tokyo in 2021 – one to hang Paris. maddie meyer, one of the through and won the 100 fly and meaningful it was to her, which is ortmayer seconded that idea.
bar. They all knew how tense the at the high school, and one that all photographers capturing the race claimed five other medals. meyer just so incredible,” meyer said. Northern Virginia, he said, is the
moment would feel, and wanted her friends signed and surprised for Getty Images, graduated from remembered first noticing Huske “We’re seeing some athletes be kind of place where your next-
something smaller. her with when she landed at the the high school in 2010. was an Arlington native after see- pretty stoic in their wins. It re- door neighbor could be a con-
“It went from being, like, one of airport back home. She started photographing ing her Arlington Aquatic Club minds me a little bit of golf. And gressman or senator.
the most exciting 50 seconds of This year, raquel was able to swim meets at Yorktown, launch- swim cap in Tokyo. And meyer she really had an emotive reac- or, in this case, an olympic
her life to one of the most, like — I break out the “Team Torri” shirts ing her career into sports photog- captured Huske’s tear-filled reac- tion, which I think also had the gold medalist.

Enter for the chance to win a pair of tickets to H Sinno (of Mashrou’ Leila) on
August 3 at the Lincoln Theatre
Hamed Sinno is a composer, writer, performer and social justice advocate based in New York. Their research explores the vocal organ and digital
vocality as sites of political negotiation. H writes and lectures about popular culture as engaged practice. They have been the lyricist and front-
The Guide to Offers person for Mashrou Leila since 2008 and have been at the forefront of conversations around representation, free speech and sexual liberty in
the Middle east. Their debut full-length opera, Westerly Breath, was in development at The industry Los Angeles and will open at the New York Met
Museum in 2024. Their solo debut, Poems of Consumption, explores the overlaps of consumerism, mental illness and environmental crisis.
See details at washingtonpost.com/entertainment/events/lists/388

wednesday, july 31, 2024

Style eZ re c


On Harris’s
laugh, a
of feedback

ice President Harris laughs at 128
beats per minute — the same
tempo as some truly excellent
dance songs, such as “We Found Love”
by Rihanna or Kylie Minogue’s “Padam
Padam.” Which is why, after an unprec-
edented wave of viral content in sup-
port of Harris’s candidacy took over
social media last week, music producer
Leo Zarucky sat in his Melbourne,
Australia, studio and recorded a remix.
It started with her now-famous “co-
conut tree” quote, interjected with her
ebullient laugh. He dropped the beat.
each “ha” punctuated a thumping bass
line that could get people out onto the
floor in any club.
It’s “such a rhythmic-sounding
laugh,” he says. “When I found the right
BPM, it was actually, like, pretty much
in time. I didn’t need to alter it.”
See LAUGh oN C2


Ammo in
meme war:
and irony

In 2016, while Hillary Clinton and

Donald Trump were duking it out on
the campaign trail, a second and per-
haps more consequential skirmish was
unfolding on a different battlefield.
This was a clash over aesthetics, and it
took place online. The weapons de-
ployed in this second war were not
attack ads or pleas for donations but
irreverent (and sometimes downright
offensive) political memes.
Traditionally, transgression has
been a leftist specialty. But Trump is
not the familiar breed of stuffy, patri-
cian Republican. He is a more flamboy-
ant species, prone to outrageous antics,
and the group of pathologically online
reactionaries known as the alt-right
See notebooK oN C2


Allison Reese, known for her impressions of Vice President harris, says harris’s laugh “feels more uninhibited. … the laugh is truly Fundraising: A Zoom call by “White
coming from this place of inner joy.” the GoP, meanwhile, is trying to use her laugh against her, dubbing her “Laughing Kamala.” Dudes for Harris” nets $4 million. c3

Why ‘weird’ is pARIs OLympIcs

Loudoun district
the most e≠ective The Phryge flag files complaint
insult Democrats flies with Games’ with FCC over
have tried so far quirky mascots WJLA coverage
In the summer of 1946, AND S AMANTHA C HERY BY L AURA W AGNER
“The Adventures of
Superman,” a popular The triangular-shaped benevolent In December, after a string of student
radio show for kids, blobs have sloping arms, folded-over overdoses in Loudoun County public
began a story arc called foreheads and French flags for eyelashes. schools, a reporter mocked Superinten-
“The Clan of the Fiery They’re called the “Phryges” (pro- dent Aaron Spence on social media for not
Monica Cross.” In it, the Man of nounced FRee-jh), and they can be seen giving him an interview about the crisis.
Hesse Steel takes on a shadowy all around Paris — hyping up crowds, “What has Spence and his chief com-
xenophobic organization waved as stuffed plushies or affixed to munication officer, Natalie Allen, been
that, quite intentionally, resembled the olympics merchandise, including water doing this week?” WJLA-TV reporter Nick
Ku Klux Klan. The head of the clan is an bottles, keychains, candles and bright- Minock wrote. “Meeting worms, accord-
evil manipulator, but the rank and file red hats. ing to Spence’s tweet.”
are presented mostly as dopes. In one The hats are meta, because the mas- But the photos Minock attached —
scene, the Grand Scorpion dismissively cots are hats themselves. showing the superintendent handling an
refers to his followers as “suckers” and The Phryges are meant to be “two earthworm in an elementary school class-
“little nobodies.” It comes out that he’s little Phrygian caps” that symbolize the room — had been taken two months
only after their monthly dues; the racism French Republic and freedom, the Paris mArTIn BerneTTI/AfP/geTTy ImAgeS
earlier, as a frustrated district spokesman
was the tool, not the goal. 2024 olympics organizing Committee A spectator wears a hat of the 2024 olympics mascot, Phryge, during a tennis informed the journalist.
The storyline was suggested by a man See MAsCots oN C8 match Monday. It’s supposed to symbolize the French Republic and freedom. “I’m curious,” Dan Adams, the schools
named Stetson Kennedy, who had official, wrote to Minock. “Were you pur-
infiltrated the KKK and approached posefully misleading the community or
producers with the idea of using pop was this another oversight on your part?”
culture to humiliate the organization. Adams denied Minock’s follow-up re-
Apparently, it worked. In Kennedy’s Organization faces backlash over its decision CBS’s evening news anchor will step down from quest for an interview. “I cannot in good
memoir, he describes attending a to interview Donald Trump at its convention. c5 that role and will focus on big interviews. c8 conscience recommend Dr. Spence par-
See hesse oN C3 See sChooLs oN C4
C2 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

The left ups its

meme game with
coconuts and irony
notebook from C1 could interpret the nastiest
memes literally and sign on to a
sensed that he could help them campaign they saw as a front for
reclaim the coveted mantle of white supremacy; republicans
edginess. first on obscure far- who sought to maintain a veneer
right message boards, then on of respectability could insist that
more mainstream sites such as they were just kidding around;
reddit and Breitbart News, they and contrarians without firm po-
launched what they called the litical convictions could be con-
Great meme War in an effort to scripted solely because they liked
get him elected. Their ammuni- to make liberals angry.
tion consisted of funny pictures In the hazy space between
and pithy phrases designed to be sincerity and satire was a dark
replicated and circulated — the glimmer of political possibility.
stuff of which digital culture is

made. or the intervening eight
Pepe, a cartoon frog with bulg- years, the fragile liberal-left
ing eyes, was quickly enlisted as alliance failed to challenge
their mascot. once an innocuous the right’s monopoly on meming,
figure who appeared in comics on both in the United States and
myspace, Pepe had a disarmingly abroad. As the novelist Jessi Jeze-
cutesy appearance that clashed wska Stevens lamented in a re-
conspicuously with his new cent essay on her Substack, “the
ideology. Soon, he was a fixture of loss of leftist ‘cool’” is in part
anonymous message boards such responsible for the staggering iLLuSTRATiON by eLeNA LAcey/THe WASHiNGTON POST; THe WASHiNGTON POST; mOHD RASfAN/AfP/GeTTy imAGeS; iSTOck

as 8chan and 4chan, where he triumph of the far right in the

wore Nazi regalia or proclaimed, E.U. elections last month. In Eu- Suddenly, I was getting invita- said. “I haven’t actually been progresses.”

“Kill all Jews.” He was succeeded rope, as in America, she writes, n a clip that has become tions to coconut parties, and persuaded that Kamala Harris is Still, for now, I don’t think it’s
by a cavalcade of equally dicey reactionary populists have “an ubiquitous, Vice President people were adding the coconut amazing, but she’s an immense coincidental that the left and the
characters: Giga Chad, a muscu- anti-establishment online streak Harris asks, “You think you emoji to their bios on X. Did these relief to me. my enthusiasm, . . . liberal center are more unified
lar personality who typified the that is especially attractive to just fell out of a coconut tree?” coconut enthusiasts actually like it’s for Harris, yes, but it’s also for than I have ever seen them. If
sort of hyper-masculinity that the younger generations.” By way of She pauses to laugh knowingly, Harris? or were they mocking a human being who can string love means never having to say
internet’s resident sexists hoped illustration, she cites a sign erect- then continues, “You exist in the her? I couldn’t tell. I asked my sentences together and could ac- you’re sorry, then irony means
to revive, would eventually show ed by a progressive youth organi- context of all in which you live husband, and he said he couldn’t tually beat Donald Trump.” never having to say you’re seri-
up in a controversial anti-LG- zation in Germany. The poster and all that came before you.” tell, either, even though he has a Nathan robinson, founder ous.
BTQ+ video posted by the ron reads, roughly, “Voting is like funnily enough, the initial coconut emoji in his own bio. and editor of the leftist magazine The painfully sincere Biden
DeSantis presidential campaign. brushing your teeth: If you don’t, context for this statement is now The coconut craze has even Current Affairs, is largely in campaign failed to excite the
It’s probably not possible to things will turn brown.” There is unimportant. As it happens, Har- charmed leftists with plenty of agreement with Sitman, al- Democratic base, and it scared off
measure the effect of the Great a pun at work — the “brown- ris was delivering a speech about reasons to hesitate before whole- though he has a more pessimistic many of the leftists with reserva-
meme War on the results of the shirts,” of course, were Nazi para- economic and educational in- heartedly warming to Harris. Af- spin. He marveled that, “seem- tions about his friendly relations
2016 presidential election military officers — but the image equality at the White House in ter all, “Copmala,” as she was ingly overnight,” Harris’s “mud- with Israeli Prime minister Ben-
(though it is certainly significant is still uninvitingly nagging. To 2023 when she spoke these fate- nicknamed by skeptics during dled word salads and platitudes jamin Netanyahu, his age or his
that some of Trump’s campaign all but a few neurotics, dental ful lines, but the coconut has her previous presidential bid, is a have gone from making her a bungled withdrawal from Af-
staffers were avowed meme en- hygiene is not very enthralling. transcended its origins. Since former prosecutor with a history political liability to being grist for ghanistan. But the euphoric
thusiasts). Still, the meme war- The Biden campaign was simi- Harris’s coronation as the likely of pro-police stances — and al- some kind of semi-facetious per- meming around Harris has al-
riors won an important victory, larly deflating. He, too, relied on Democratic nominee, the clip has though she has pointedly dis- sonality cult.” But he thinks the lowed a wide range of members
regardless of their impact on the chiding moral appeals about the been edited to remixes of popular tanced herself from the presi- coconut phenomenon is “kind of of the Democratic-leaning elec-
polls. They helped to unify the future of democracy. He, too, had songs, including Charli XCX’s dent’s support for the Israel-Gaza a sad sign of how weak the left is, torate to coalesce around her
motley crew of evangelicals, GoP no apparent sense of humor. His “360” and Chappell roan’s “femi- war, she is still associated with an that the best thing we can do is without having to commit to
stalwarts and mAGA die-hards slogan, “Let’s finish the job,” was ninomenon”; lawmakers have administration embroiled in a convince ourselves that we can everything she stands for. Irony is
that makes up Trump’s base by vaguely menacing, and somehow posted photos of themselves conflict that is wildly unpopular accept having Kamala Harris playful and capacious enough to
employing a potent political tool: consistent with a dentist’s des- climbing coconut trees or emerg- among younger and more pro- forced on us without any process permit simultaneous endorse-
irony. perate calls to floss more vigor- ing onto the steps of the Capitol gressive voters. if we embrace her with a certain ment and ridicule.
The posts containing Chads ously. Not only did the Democrat- sipping drinks out of a coconut; matthew Sitman, co-host of level of irony.” In other words, it is the aes-
and Pepes were sarcastic — or ic Party’s standard-bearer seem and videos of people toppling the popular leftist podcast “Know Perhaps the left-liberal détente thetic required for the emergence
were they? for that matter, were determined to lose, but he also down the stairs have appeared Your Enemy,” told me that he will not last forever: Leftist of a coalition — a delicate and
the people who posted them seri- seemed determined to be morti- with captions such as “kamala added the coconut and tree Guardian columnist osita hard-earned achievement that
ous or joking? No one knew for fyingly earnest. There was no way falling from the coconut tree and emojis to his bio on X to “signal Nwanevu told me that, although most certainly does not just fall
sure, and that was precisely the to support his campaign without into the oval office.” The line has my newfound enthusiasm for Ka- “the language of the internet out of a coconut tree.
point. An ironic movement could identifying with it entirely. been quoted and re-quoted, mala Harris,” but added that this might be obscuring that divide a
accommodate all comers. Dyed- Enter, then, the coconut shared and reshared, in a burst of enthusiasm was “tinged with iro- little bit, . . . it will probably Becca Rothfeld is the nonfiction
in-the-wool racists and sexists meme. collective giddiness. ny.” “It’s kind of complicated,” he become clearer as the election book critic at book World.

In Harris’s laugh, a beat going to feel a different way about

And Harris’s particular laugh

— and a bit of B-flat could be especially triggering to

critics, Wood adds. “People in a
position of status and power have
a disinhibited laugh — they laugh
LAUGH from C1 to laugh too much,” says Kathleen more, bigger, louder,” Wood says.
Karlyn, a scholar of cinema and “Part of the reason why people
meanwhile, in Los Angeles, media studies. “It’s predictable have a negative reaction to her is
comedian Allison reese stood that, when Kamala laughs, she’s that she has the status to take up
before a fake White House back- asserting her power and her re- space, to be disinhibited.”
drop in a blazer, wig and pearls, fusal to be silent or play by Disgust is a powerful political
and let out an impression of the these old rules about proper femi- mechanism, says Kate manne, a
candidate’s distinctive peal of ninity.” philosopher at Cornell Univer-
laughter. As a Harris impression- The laugh of a would-be wom- sity. She wrote in her 2017 book
ist on TikTok, reese has probably an president always raises the about how conservatives weap-
spent more time thinking about hackles of those who seek to onized Hillary Clinton’s laugh
that laugh than the candidate knock her down. Hillary Clinton’s during the 2016 campaign, trans-
herself. It’s a little higher in the wide-mouthed, whole-body forming mild pangs of ick into
throat, but not breathy. There’s a howls became known as the Clin- harsh criticisms of her morality.
cadence to it. It’s melodic, but ton Cackle when she first ran for But “voters are savvier this time
within a tight range of notes. president in 2007. It erupted at around,” manne says. Less than
“It’s like she’s surprised at the confusing moments: during an two weeks into Harris’s candida-
laugh,” reese says. “It feels more exchange about Iran on the de- cy, “we’ve seen misogyny, racism,
uninhibited. … The laugh is truly bate stage, and when she was but we’re also seeing people being
coming from this place of inner asked about her health-care plan smarter than they were in 2016.”
joy.” on the Sunday morning talk JeSSicA PONS fOR THe WASHiNGTON POST Harris seems to be in on the
Harris’s laugh has become one shows. Critics called it calculat- Comedian and writer Allison Reese, known for her impressions of Vice President Harris, is seen at her joke, too, owning her outbursts as
of the candidate’s most defining ed; advisers explained that it was home studio in L.A. “She seems like a politician I could sit down and have a laugh with,” Reese says. a proud part of her origin story.
and most dissected personal a way to respond without seem- “Let me just tell you something: I
traits, for better or for worse. ing guarded or sharp. al Committee spokesperson mike before his face turned rigid, Cruella de Vil.” have my mother’s laugh,” Harris
Social media crowned her the de “You guys keep telling me, Berg thinks the attacks are work- flashed a sparkling grin with his or, if you’re Zarucky — an told Drew Barrymore on the ac-
facto queen of IJBoL — “I just lighten up, be fun,” Clinton told ing, though he offered no data to soft chuckle. Trump, on the rare Australian who notes that he has tress’s talk show in spring. “And I
burst out laughing,” a descendant reporters on the trail with her in back up the assertion. “You don’t occasion that he registers humor, no stake in the outcome of the grew up around a bunch of wom-
of LoL (laugh out loud) and Iowa in January 2007. “Now I get need a poll to know that it turns opts for a single, wide-mouthed U.S. election and did it “purely for en, in particular, who laughed
rofL (rolling on the floor laugh- a little funny, and I’m being psy- off voters when Kamala Harris “Ha!” (Like he did during the the memes, for the laughs” — you from the belly. They laughed.
ing). Her chuckles are all over the choanalyzed.” laughs at voter concerns,” he says. 2016 campaign, when someone, can leave it up to the listeners to They would sit around the kitch-
internet: At first, in conservative- “It’s how women have been “I have recommended that we in response to his question about decide. He’s been watching the en and drinking their coffee, tell-
produced supercuts of her laugh- sullied — how women have been ignore it as much as possible,” whether an animal in the crowd fans and haters duke it out in the ing big stories with big laughs.”
ing repeatedly, meant to paint her demeaned as leaders in our soci- Brazile says of the laugh dis- was a dog, shouted back, “It’s comments. “You know I’m never going to
as wacky or unhinged. But those ety,” says Donna Brazile, the vet- course. “Let the historians and Hillary!”) “People will take it whatever be — ” Harris paused and imper-
have been superseded by flatter- eran political strategist who has the political scientists and the mary L. Trump, his niece and way they want to,” he says. sonated a pearl-clutching giggle
ing fan videos adding her laugh to previously led the Democratic scholars talk about the treatment an outspoken critic of his, specu- — “I’m just not that person.”

pop songs, emphasizing it as a National Committee. of women throughout our his- lated that it’s a family trait. Her ur responses to laughter Laughter, scientists and sociol-
thing to be celebrated, a trait that It has been 17 years, but the tory.” Even the good vibes? “If grandfather, Donald’s father, say a lot more about us ogists have found, is an incred-
makes the candidate warm and playbook remains the same. Har- people in the movement want to didn’t laugh, either. “Laughing is than about the person ibly complex and deft communi-
human and, well, funny. ris’s republican opponent, for- celebrate, then fine,” she says. to make yourself vulnerable, it’s laughing, says Adrienne Wood, cator. In studying Harris’s, reese
forget choosing a candidate mer president Donald Trump, Why aren’t people talking to let down your guard in some an assistant professor of psychol- believes it is an “energetic re-
based on whether you can have a floated a new nickname for the about Trump laughing? maybe way, it’s to lose a little bit of ogy at the University of Virginia. lease.” It’s “not like ‘I’m laughing
beer with them, a trope often vice president — “Laughing Ka- it’s sexism. or maybe because he control,” she told Slate in 2020. To those inclined to like Harris — at’” something. “It’s like an ‘I’m
expressed during the 2000 elec- mala” — at a rally in Grand doesn’t. Conservatives seem to have namely, Democrats ready to elect enjoying this moment’ kind of a
tion cycle. rapids, mich., earlier this month. “I find it interesting that her lost control of the “Laughing her as president — her laughter is thing.”
“She seems like a politician I “You ever watch her laugh?” laugh is more of a topic and Kamala” narrative that they tried rewarding and builds an affinity And there’s a reason people are
could sit down and have a laugh Trump said. “ … You can tell a lot subject other than his lack of to create. What they put forth as between her and her fans. for hearing music in her voice: It’s a
with,” reese says. “That’s some- by a laugh. No — she’s crazy. She’s emotion,” says reese, the Harris cringeworthy has been alchem- those who are disinclined, they’re melodic laugh, and the “coconut
thing I want in somebody leading nuts.” fox News personality Sean impressionist. “I’ve never seen ized into coconutmentum. going to find her double-over tree” laugh has a syncopated beat.
our country: Somebody who em- Hannity suggested this month him laugh. Not even, like, polite Whether you like it or not is in the cackles supremely annoying. Zarucky’s music production soft-
braces their humanity.” that Harris’s laugh was a reason chuckles.” ear of the beholder. “There’s always this feeling about ware identified a common note in
“voters seem to detest” her. The (Here, reese proceeds to do an The use of the laugh in music others enjoying themselves when her laugh to be a B-flat.

ut before we talk about any network played a supercut of impression of what she imagines has produced “a really interesting you don’t like them,” she says. That means Harris’s natural
of that, we need to talk Harris laughing alongside the Trump’s laugh sounds like, which artistic and political ecosystem,” Wood compares it to what laugh tone also matches the kind
about why everyone’s talk- chyron “Kamala’s awkward laugh is similar to the noises made by says Justin Patch, an associate happens when a group of close of music she likes to listen to. In
ing about her laugh. And why turns off voters.” A memo of Jurassic Park velociraptors.) professor at Vassar College who friends goes out to dinner — after her frequent stops at record
they aren’t overanalyzing and Harris’s negatives from the GoP’s Trump’s lack of laughter sets studies music in American poli- a few bottles of wine have been stores over the years, Harris has
meme-ing the laughs of any of the Senate campaign committee not- him apart from most of his oval tics. “Anybody can use it. If you poured and everyone’s telling old been spotted buying records by
male politicians running for of- ed — in a section titled “Weird” — office predecessors. Bill Clinton love Kamala Harris, you can clip stories. “If you’re at that dinner miles Davis, Charles mingus and
fice this cycle. that “Kamala Harris has a habit guffawed. George W. Bush snick- that laugh to do things that make table, it’s going to feel amazing,” Ella fitzgerald.
You can probably guess why. of laughing at inappropriate mo- ered. Barack obama had a habit her seem cool. If you hate Kamala Wood says. “If you’re at the table “The jazz repertoire,” says
“It’s been taboo for women to ments.” of cracking himself up with his Harris, you can clip that over and there’s a group of people Patch, the musicologist. “You’ll
speak too loud, to laugh too loud, National republican Senatori- own punchlines. President Biden, laugh and make her seem like laughing their heads off, you’re find a lot of B-flats in there.”
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ Re c3

‘White Dudes for Harris’ abide — and raise over $4 million

BY A DELA S ULIMAN White men to the mAGA right for for all her stance on the environ-
way, way too long,” he said refer- ment.”
After Black Women for Harris encing the slogan popularized by Bridges also managed to work
and White Women for Harris, it Trump, “make America Great in his character’s catchphrase in
was the turn of “White Dudes for Again.” “The Big Lebowski,” quipping at
Harris” — where almost 200,000 “That’s going to stop tonight, one point: “As the Dude might
people, including the actor who because we know that the silent say: That’s just my opinion, man.”
played “The Dude” himself, majority of White men aren’t In addition to raising funds for
helped raise over $4 million dur- actually mAGA supporters. Harris’s campaign, speakers
ing a fundraising Zoom call, ac- They’re folks like you who just hoped to energize supporters
cording to organizers. want a better life for their fami- ahead of what is expected to be an
The more-than-three-hour- lies.” intense race.
long online call saw actors mark A majority of White men have Buttigieg said it was an “hon-
Hamill, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, long sided with republican presi- or” to address “this convening of
Sean Astin and Josh Gad among dential nominees, and Trump dudes, right after The Dude,” ref-
the men expressing support for won a majority of White male erencing Bridges. “The vibes right
Vice President Harris’s presiden- voters in 2020, The Post previous- now are incredible,” Buttigieg
tial bid, alongside ’N Sync star ly reported. President Biden ulti- said of the Harris campaign. “The
Lance Bass and a host of Demo- mately won by assembling a large momentum is extraordinary.”
crat politicians. enough coalition of voters in key “I’ve never felt this kind of
most notable among the celeb- states, winning margins among belief, this kind of enthusiasm
rities was a man introduced as young and non-White voters, col- ever. I want us to enjoy it,” Whit-
the “dude in chief,” actor Jeff lege graduates and independents. ford said.
Bridges, who played The Dude in Harris’s campaign has had to Similar zoom fundraiser calls
“The Big Lebowski,” released in contend with attacks focused on have been organized to support
1998, and joked: “I qualify … I’m her gender and racial identity — Harris’s presidential bid after
White, I’m a dude and I’m for with one republican lawmaker President Biden announced the
Harris.” calling her unqualified and a end of his candidacy earlier in
Attendees expressed enthusi- “DEI vice president,” and many cALLAGHAN o’HARe/foR THe WASHINGToN poST July.
asm and excitement for the cam- political pundits widely presume Vice President harris delivers the keynote speech at the American Federation of Teachers convention more than 44,000 people
paign — while also joking about that her expected vice-pre- in houston last week. “White Dudes for harris” pulled in $4 million with a fundraising Zoom call. logged onto a Zoom call orga-
the lack of diversity on the call. sidential pick will have to be a nized by Win With Black Women
“What a variety of Whiteness we White male to give her ticket the Harris but large amounts of mon- to support Harris, raising over
have here … it’s like a rainbow of broadest appeal. ey were raised through matched $1.5 million, organizers said. The
beige!” actor Bradley Whitford of During monday’s call, Trans- funds and merchandise sales, in- call featured Bernice King, the
“The West Wing” told the group. portation Secretary Pete Butt- cluding a popular trucker hat, the youngest child of martin Luther
Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) igieg framed Harris’s campaign group said. “I qualify … I’m White, I’m a King Jr.; 85-year-old rep. maxine
teased that a White Dudes gather- as one for “freedom.” During his speech, Bridges Waters (D-Calif.), the most senior
ing “doesn’t usually sound like “men are more free when the paid homage to Black Women for dude and I’m for Harris.” Black woman in the House; and
something I would join, but this is leader of the free world and the Harris for inspiring a wave of Donna Brazile, the two-time act-
Jeff Bridges, who played The Dude in the 1998
a terrific cause.” leader of this country supports copycat fundraising calls. “Kama- ing chair of the Democratic Na-
movie “The Big Lebowski”
organizer ross morales rock- access to birth control and to la is so certainly our girl … a tional Committee. That event also
etto also acknowledged more se- IVf,” he told the online gathering. woman president, man, so excit- helped inspire similar fundrais-
rious motivations for organizing The White Dudes fundraiser ing! And her championing of ing calls for Black men and Lati-
the call. “The left has been ceding has no official affiliation with women’s rights, I’m for that, and nas.

Monica Hesse movement is based on a return to

some “Pleasantville” vision of

In 2016, the insult was American normalcy, “weird”

actually hurts. It’s not great to
wonder whether, in the eyes of

a ‘basket of deplorables.’ your fellow citizens, you’re just

kind of . . . lame.
At a broader level, what

Now, it’s just ‘weird.’ “weird” does is reject the entire

premise of the republican
platform, something that
Democrats have seemed to be
heSSe from C1 Harris’s supporters have rolled doing more frequently since
out a new line of attacks against Harris took over the ticket. In the
meeting after the Superman Donald Trump. Whereas the White Dudes for Harris online
episodes began airing, and former president may have rally, which featured speakers
watching hell break loose: “When previously been heralded as a such as mark Hamill and Josh
I came home from work the other supervillain and aspiring JIm WATSoN/Afp/GeTTy ImAGeS KeNT NISHImuRA foR THe WASHINGToN poST SHANNoN STApLeToN/ReuTeRS Groban, one early speaker
night,” one member complained, dictator, Harris’s surrogates are “he’s just a strange, weird dude,” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D), left, said of Donald Trump. “This lamented that, “When White men
“there was my kid and a bunch of more and more just describing whole ‘they’re weird’ argument from the Democrats is dumb & juvenile,” said Vivek Ramaswamy, have organized, it was often with
others, some with towels tied him as a big weirdo. right, on X. “I wish [I] knew a better way to describe it,” Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), center, replied. pointy hats on,” and that
around their necks like capes and “He’s just a strange, weird “masculinity as a trope has been
some with pillowcases over their dude,” minnesota Gov. Tim Walz school prom queen contest. … super odd. It’s just so so far all into a pep rally atmosphere. ceded to the mAGA right.”
heads. The ones with capes was (D) told an assembled group of Win on policy if you can, but cut outside the mainstream.” Not only was it morally correct to other speakers used their time
chasing the ones with 60,000 “White Dudes for Harris” the crap please.” In various television pass judgment, but it was also to argue that the most
pillowcases all over the lot. When at an online fundraiser monday appearances or speeches, Walz festive and fun. They were fundamental characteristics of
I asked them what they were evening. Walz is, if not the has described his word choice as strong; libs were weak. They masculinity — strength, the
doing, they said they were inventor of this tactic, its most a deliberate way to take the wind were right; libs were wrong. They ability to provide and protect —
playing a new kind of cops and skilled proponent. “These guys At a broader level, what out of republican sails. Yes, were with the prom king, who were qualities demonstrated by
robbers called Superman against are just weird,” he laughed at Trumpy rhetoric might be was telling them they were the left, not the right.
the Klan.” The man continued: “I another recent speaking event, “weird” does is reject bullying and authoritarian, Walz awesome, and the libs were “They have Kid rock, Kevin
never felt so ridiculous in all my later continuing: “We’re not has said, but bullying behavior is outcasts in the library, probably Sorbo and a dolphin aficionado,”
life! Suppose my own kid finds afraid of weird people. We’re a the entire premise of the often just masking cowardice. being read to by a drag queen. offered actor Josh Gad, best
my Klan robe some day?” little bit creeped out, but we’re But I think that the exchange “Weird” intrudes on that known as the voice of olaf in
This story has fascinated me, a not afraid.” Republican platform, between ramaswamy and narrative. It doesn’t entirely Disney’s frozen franchise. “We
former English major, ever since Transportation Secretary Pete murphy — and rep. Alexandria upend it, but it does plant a seed have the Hulk, Samwise Gamgee
I learned about it in the 2005 Buttigieg on mSNBC commented something that ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), who of doubt. What if, instead of [and] Luke Skywalker.”
book “freakonomics.” It’s all that vice-presidential candidate chimed in with, “Being obsessed being admired or feared, they are Is any of this going to work? I
about the power of word choice, JD Vance’s remarks about Democrats have seemed with repressing women is goofy” instead being laughed at? What don’t know. But it seems like a
rhetoric and peer pressure. childless women were “a really — more accurately gets at the if, instead of edgelords, they are more effective strategy than, say,
Kennedy’s disgruntled Klan strange take,” and said Vance’s to be doing more dynamics at play. actually just the kids in the calling Trump’s supporters a
member had presumably joined “weird style” was going to bring A central pillar of Trump’s corner eating glue off their “basket of deplorables,” as Hillary
the group because he wanted to about “weird policies.” Later, frequently since Harris campaign is the idea that liberals hands? Clinton did during the 2016
seem powerful and noble to his Buttigieg went on “The Daily are perverted misfits who want to “They called us weird so I’ll election. “Deplorable,” it turned
loved ones, and powerful and Show” and told Jon Stewart that took over the ticket. tear down American values. call them weirder,” said Sen. out, could easily be transformed
terrifying to minority groups. But Vance had “turned out to be,” as married men and women who marco rubio (r-fla.), according into “badass” in the eyes of some
then he was forced to see his own he described it, “odd.” have children are normal, but to an X post — but “weird” is an supporters. “Weird” doesn’t work
actions through the lens of Clearly, at least some of this “I wish [I] knew a better way to couples without children, or insult that doesn’t work both like that. Because it’s not about a
Superman, at which point he rhetoric has started getting to at describe it,” Sen. Chris murphy parents without partners, or ways. Gay kids, trans kids, cat collection of behaviors. It’s about
realized that maybe his fellow least some Trump surrogates: (D-Conn.) replied. “Your party’s children with two dads, or ladies and horse boys have an unpleasant fug that gets on
citizens didn’t see him as heroic “This whole ‘they’re weird’ obsession with drag shows is women who have two children already spent an entire lifetime you and follows you, one that you
or scary. They just thought that argument from the Democrats is creepy. Your candidate’s idea to but also once had an abortion — being told they were weird, and can’t even fix because you can’t
he was kind of … lame. dumb & juvenile,” posted Vivek strip the vote away from people those people are morally they have learned to wear it as a even smell.
Which brings me to “weird.” ramaswamy on X. “This is a without kids is weird. The right deficient. All of this is old-school badge of honor if they need to. In the parlance of michelle
If you hadn’t noticed, Kamala presidential election, not a high wing book banning crusade is puritanism, but Trump brought it But when your whole political obama: They go low, we go “ew.”

After a scare with their you want, mind you, but for him,
because he’s the one who just
faced a worst case of losing both
one-and-Done, but I’m not. I’m
Team This Doesn’t Affect me one
Iota. So I can throw stuff out

first baby, husband says spouse and child with zero local
support and who apparently
hasn’t recovered from that:
there that maybe you and he
won’t risk in what feels like a
meaning-of-life negotiation.

no to having another 1. move closer to meaningful

family — however you and he
define that. His, yours, of origin,
really, it comes down to this:
Your husband wanted “kids,”
plural, before he got a front-row
of choice. look at the possible costs. Now
Dear Carolyn: my gone over and over on this, and I 2. Line up reliable, layered he’s at “kid,” singular. You either
husband and I am really struggling on how to outside support. Do this now both find a way to reduce those
both have always compromise. anyway for the family you’ve got. possible costs, or you join him in
wanted kids, and — Oh Baby Things may seem fine without it, reframing what you have as right
we had our first but you’re just between for your family. (or, of course,
baby about a year Oh Baby: You’re struggling urgencies. Now’s the time to staff you blow up the family you have
Carolyn and a half ago. because you can’t. There’s no up, emotionally or otherwise. in service of building the family
Hax I am Team halfway on kids. You try to 3. Postpone deciding on more you want with someone else,
Second Baby, but expand your family, or you agree kids for another year or three. which I hope is grayed out on
he is now not to. That would give him extra your drop-down menu.)
staunchly arguing for one-and- Plus, if it were enough to emotional recovery time, along That means any “compromise”
done. our first pregnancy ended “understand his fears,” then you with a child who is that much here is within yourself, if it
in early miscarriage. our wouldn’t have reached this older if you wind up on bed rest comes to that. Sometimes even
previous pregnancy was impasse. You need concrete ways or worse. You could have an plans that seem routine —
punctuated by preeclampsia at to address his fears to his uneventful pregnancy and birth, location, spouse, kids — become
34 weeks, an emergency C- satisfaction. sure. or not — and as traumatic contradictory and have to be
section and a 21/2- week NICU You don’t say whether “over as the last experience was, reconciled into a new vision of
stay. and over” has included concrete handing him even an exact who we will be.
I obviously understand his proposals. If it has, then you’re repeat of that in nine to 18
fears, but I also feel as if moving done here. His answer to more months would include his having
forward with the knowledge of kids is no, and your only path is ILLuSTRATIoN By NIcK GALIfIANAKIS foR THe WASHINGToN poST
to wrangle a toddler through it Write to carolyn Hax at
how our previous pregnancy acceptance. alone, which would be [email protected]. Get her
went can help us be more But if your back-and-forth has profoundly more stressful for column delivered to your inbox each
prepared the second time. stalled at his saying, “I’m not him. morning at wapo.st/gethax.
We also don’t have much doing that again,” and your 4. Add children to your family
family nearby and have not had a saying, “But we’ll know better by means other than your  Join the discussion live at noon
lot of outside support or help next time,” then here are some bearing them. fridays at washingtonpost.com/live-
with our first child. We have options. Not so you can get what I probably sound like Team chats.
C4 eZ Re the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

FCC isn’t likely to act on tor Armstrong Williams’s argu-

ments in favor of the federal No
Child Left Behind initiative, with-
fox Corp. has called media and
Democracy Project’s filing “frivo-
lous” and “completely without

complaint, expert says out divulging that he had taken

payments from the Education De-
partment. A decade later, the fCC
The Loudoun County com-
plaint does not call for the fCC to
fined the broadcaster $13.4 mil- revoke WJLA’s license or for any
SCHOOLS frOm C1 doun County has long been a cul- lion for airing segments during other specific penalty — just an
ture-wars battleground,” said local newscasts promoting a Utah investigation and “appropriate
ticipate in an interview with a mark rozell, a political scientist cancer institute without disclos- action to dissuade future unethi-
journalist who does not adhere to and dean at George mason Uni- ing that they were sponsored by cal behavior.”
the most basic ethical principles,” versity — and even more so since the Huntsman Cancer founda- The fCC said it could not com-
he wrote. 2021. A controversy over a pair of tion. (Sinclair points to arguments ment on pending cases. But the
It’s not unusual for government sexual assaults committed by one by former fCC general counsels Loudoun complaint drew a nega-
officials to clash with the report- student at two different schools that the agency has increasingly tive reaction from one key official.
ers who cover them. reporters nearly tore the county apart, and pursued “unpredictable” and Brendan Carr, the senior re-
may have to file freedom of Infor- Spence’s predecessor was fired af- “burdensome” penalties.) publican on the five-member
mation Act requests to get an- ter a grand jury report criticized In 2020, when then-fCC Chair- commission, wrote on X that it
swers from reluctant bureaucrats. his handling of the matter. The man Ajit Pai announced the settle- was an attempt to “censor a news
Press secretaries sometimes com- saga unfolded during the pan- JAhi ChikWendiu/the WAshington Post ment of that and other large pen- station for shining a light on their
plain that reporters are biased or demic, when other disputes erupt- Aaron Spence is superintendent of Loudoun County public schools. alties against Sinclair, he called it activities” and said that the fCC
demand corrections to stories. ed over masking policies, trans- The district contends that WJLA-TV is distorted in its coverage. a “cautionary tale” — but said he should dismiss the filing.
But years of tensions between gender rights, and diversity, equi- disagreed with those who called It’s highly unlikely that the fCC
Loudoun County schools officials ty and inclusion initiatives. canine units to scan students and country: “Connecticut school dis- on the agency to revoke its station would take action on such a com-
and WJLA-TV took an unusual It was red meat for republican their backpacks or cars for drugs. trict removes Veterans Day, Co- licenses. plaint, said Caitlin Carlson, an
turn last month, when Adams politicians — including Glenn The spokesman said that it was a lumbus Day as holidays: ‘Gut “While they don’t like what associate professor of communi-
filed a complaint about minock Youngkin, who made “parental mutual decision between the punch’”; “Oregon high school they perceive to be the broadcast- cations and media at Seattle Uni-
with the federal Communications rights” a keystone of his winning schools and sheriff to limit search- coach resigns in protest of ‘boys er’s viewpoints, the first Amend- versity.
Commission. race for Virginia governor that es to public areas — but that playing girls sports’: ‘Wrong.’” ment still applies around here,” “There are lines between what
The 36-page letter asks the fCC year — and for conservative me- WJLA’s story “sounds as if LCPS is The Loudoun County fCC com- Pai said. is legally problematic versus what
to investigate WJLA for “broad- dia. fox News did dozens of seg- obstructing” the sheriff’s office. plaint cites the series as an indica- is ethically problematic,” she said.

cast news distortion,” citing six ments in 2021 about “critical race And Adams cited WJLA stories tor of slant: “The name Crisis in hether the fCC will re- “I think, from an ethical [stand-
instances of reporting that Adams theory” in Loudoun County, ac- that he claims falsely “drive a nar- the Classroom clearly communi- spond to the Loudoun point], absolutely, there are cor-
called “dishonest and distorted in cording to an analysis by liberal rative” that officials failed to let cates that the stories are going to County complaint is an rections that should be made.”
a way that injures the public inter- watchdog group media matters. the community know about drug be negative in nature.” open question. But the fCC typically chooses to
est.” minock is a former political ap- overdoses in the schools; the It’s not the first time critics have “There is very little case law avoid weighing in on “news dis-
The Sinclair Broadcast Group, pointee in the Trump administra- spokesman noted that a principal urged the fCC to examine Sinclair where the fCC has taken a posi- tortion” claims, saying that it
operator of WJLA and nearly 200 tion’s Transportation Depart- sent letters to families doing just for bias. After anchor teams at tion against news distortion,” said should not act as an “arbiter of
other local TV stations, blasted ment. His reporting has frequent- that. scores of the company’s stations communications law attorney Art truth in journalism.”
the complaint as an attempt “to ly been picked up by national In one TV report, minock said across the country delivered the Belendiuk. “The fCC has set a very “Historically, we have said we
leverage government power to news outlets that have been highly that he attempted to ask the su- same eerie promo decrying “fake high bar for news distortion.” value press freedom over being
shut down critical news cover- critical of Loudoun County school perintendent about overdose no- news,” 12 U.S. senators asked the Belendiuk would know: He has the kind of government or coun-
age.” Said Jessica Bellucci, a officials. But it’s his work for tifications, but that “Spence fCC to investigate Sinclair for his own year-old claim pending try where we want officials — in
spokeswoman for the company, WJLA that is the focus of the walked away.” Adams denied it: news distortion. (The agency de- before the fCC, representing an this case, from the fCC — making
“We will not be intimidated by county schools’ fCC complaint. The superintendent gave an inter- clined.) effort by the media and Democra- judgments about accuracy,” Carl-
these tactics, and we stand by our In one example cited by Adams, view to minock, he said, but WJLA In 2007, Sinclair was fined cy Project to revoke fox Corp.’s son said.
reporting.” minock aired a story suggesting didn’t use the footage. $36,000 after it aired commenta- license for its fox 29 in Philadel- In rare cases, it has taken action
Adams said the school district that the school system had cut WJLA-TV did not respond to phia, on the grounds that the par- against broadcasters on the basis
has tried for years to push back speech pathologist jobs while requests for comment or make ent company’s crown jewel, fox of their character. In the 1980s,
against what he called a “persis- spending $11 million on new bath- minock, who recently won three News, undermined democracy by the fCC revoked licenses for sta-
tent slant” at WJLA-TV, resulting rooms to accommodate transgen- local Emmy awards, available for knowingly airing false claims tions in Los Angeles, Boston and
in what his complaint describes as der students. But Adams said that an interview. about supposed fraud in the 2020 New York after it was revealed
multiple inaccuracies in the news school officials had previously WJLA’s parent company, Sin- election. that their owner had committed
stories it puts on the air. made it clear to minock that the clair Broadcast Group, has be- The fCC can only regulate the financial fraud. Even then, the
“We tried building relation- system simply eliminated a hand- come known for a distinctly con- content that goes out over public process took about 15 years of
ships, working with folks, and of- ful of long-vacant slots while servative stance underlying the broadcast airwaves, not cable bureaucratic wrangling and court
fering corrections where we felt maintaining a number of speech news programming on its local TV television — which is why the appeals.
they were necessary and obvious pathologists “above the staffing stations. Executive chairman Da- media and Democracy Project is Nevertheless, Adams is hoping
and important,” he told The Wash- standard.” The bathroom up- vid Smith has donated generously targeting one of fox’s local sta- that the complaint, along with
ington Post. “But with WJLA, it grades, meanwhile, were for all to right-wing causes, and news tions instead of the cable news other efforts to make accurate in-
continued. … We just didn’t know students and staff. coverage on his channels often giant. more than 25,000 people formation more available to the
what else to do.” In the fCC complaint, Adams reflects a Trumpian viewpoint signed a petition calling on the public, will help clarify reporting
called it “a prime example of that American cities are violence- fCC to hold a hearing on the on school-related issues.

he suburban school system WJLA’s efforts to twist informa- plagued and crumbling. complaint. “We’re going to find other ways
of 80,000-plus students has tion from LCPS to fit an ideologi- In particular, Sinclair has made AmAndA AndRAde-RhoAdes
FoR the WAshington Post
“The American people own to get that good information out
certainly made more than cal or political narrative.” a mission of reporting critically on those [broadcast] licenses,” to our families,” he said. “Whether
its share of news in recent years. Adams also cited a news seg- public schools. Its national fran- WJLA-TV’s Nick Minock is Belendiuk said. “And they de- it’s a podcast, newsletters, even
An affluent Washington, D.C., ment in which minock reported chise, Crisis in the Classroom, am- accused of shaping his reports mand — and the Communications getting out more in person in the
suburb that nearly quintupled in that school officials were prevent- plifies news stories and culture- “to fit an ideological or political Act requires — that licensees be of community, that’s what we’re go-
size over the past 30 years, “Lou- ing the sheriff’s office from using war skirmishes from around the narrative.” a certain character.” ing to do.”

t e le vi sio n lA tiMes CRossWoRD By Zachary David levy

7/31/24 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 1 Snake charming
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11 Many a plaid cap
7.1 WJLA (ABC) + Wheel + Jeopardy! + Who Wants to Be + Claim to Fame + Shark Tank + News 14 Damage,
9.1 WUSA (CBS) + InsideEd. + ET + Big Brother + Real CSI + Tracker + 9 News in a way
14.1 WFDC (UNI) + Rosa + Golpe de suerte + Marea de pasiones + Ellas soy yo (P) + Noticias 15 Like notes that
20.1 WDCA (MNTV) + FamFeud + FamFeud + Fox 5 News + FamFeud + FamFe.. + Strange + Puzzler + Dateline aren’t sharp,
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26.1 WETA (PBS) + PBS News Hour + Nature + NOVA + Sea Change + Amanp.. 16 Fuming feeling
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fixture from 1940
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© 2024 tribune Content Agency, llC. 7/31/24
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Freeform an exotic kingdom. Family Remix Club 35 “__ the fields all-brother 22 Water closet 36 Tofu, essentially 48 Most senior
(5:30) Movie: Movie: Ghostbusters: Afterlife ++ (2021) A family Movie: Ghostbusters: we go ...”
FX Uncharted ++ (2022) learns it has a connection to the Ghostbusters. Afterlife ++ (2021) outfield 24 How caviar may 37 Not out of play 49 Hound’s trails
Movie: A Veteran's Christmas (2018) Grace Movie: An Ice Palace Romance (2023) Golden 36 Actress who 64 On the house be served 38 Luau bowlful 52 Book deal
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(6:55) House of the Movie: Love Lies Bleeding +++ (:45) Hard Knocks (:25) Movie:
HBO need 67 Unforeseen plot Theory” Natives
Dragon (2024) Commandant's Sha... 44 “Love it”
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45 Citation abbr.
History Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars (:05) Pawn Stars PawnStars 42 Pit stop brand principle 58 Ellipse points
47 John who played
Castle Castle Castle (:05) Castle (:05) 43 Singer born DoWn 30 __ tai Blackie Parrish 60 Language along
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Paramount+Sho (2015) cunning adversary. New Jac...
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and Amy ... “Russian Doll”
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wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C5

Black journalists group announces Trump interview, sparking backlash

BY E LAHE I ZADI Tuesday that she would step down Trump by hosting him or the fact swer real questions.” said. “. . . It is our job also to offer
as convention co-chair. that the group did not make the Representatives for NABJ and that opportunity for those candi-
A surprise announcement that “While my decision was influ- announcement earlier. The choice Harris did not immediately re- dates to be here, and not doing
Donald Trump would appear for a enced by a variety of factors, I was of Faulkner, who has previously spond to The Post’s inquiries. that would not be the right thing.”
question-and-answer panel dur- not involved or consulted with in conducted interviews with Trump “It is our jobs NABJ invites major-party presi- Lemon also said that he trusted
ing the National Association of any way with the decision to plat- for Fox News that critics saw as dential candidates during every the chosen journalists to hold
Black Journalists’ annual conven- form Trump in such a format,” she soft and less than challenging, as journalists to have election year, President Ken Lem- Trump accountable. (Faulkner has
tion in Chicago has prompted wrote on social media. (Attiah is a also drew complaints. on said in a video shared by NABJ previously been praised for a 2020
blowback from several prominent Washington Post columnist who The Trump campaign used the those uncomfortable Monitor. He said conversations interview with Trump during the
Black journalists and association works for the Opinions division of invitation to boast about its pur- began with both party’s then-pre- height of racial justice protests).
members. The Post, which operates sepa- ported support among Black vot- conversations so that sumptive candidates more than a According to NABJ, former
The former president and 2024 rately from its news coverage.) ers. Recent national polls found month ago. presidents George W. Bush, Ba-
Republican presidential nominee Other journalists raised objec- between 15 and 19 percent of Black the people who count on Lemon said the Trump invita- rack Obama and Bill Clinton have
will be interviewed Wednesday by tions as well. TheGrio’s April voters supported Trump against tion did not amount to an endorse- previously attended NABJ con-
three journalists — ABC senior Ryan, who clashed repeatedly Harris. us to inform them get ment and called it a “great oppor- ventions.
congressional correspondent Ra- with the then-president during Others, though, defended the tunity for us to vet the candidate At the 2017 convention, some
chel Scott, Semafor politics re- her time as a White House corre- event as part of the group’s mis- the information from right here on our ground.” He add- prominent journalists bowed out
porter Kadia Goba and Fox News spondent, wrote that the invita- sion in journalism. ed that they expect panelists to of a panel discussion about police
host Harris Faulkner — “on the tion was “a slap in the face to the “NABJ didn’t platform Trump. the source.” fact-check Trump in real time, not- violence in part because then-
most pressing issues facing the Black women journalists” who The voters in the Republican pri- ing that the convention theme is Trump aide Omarosa Manigault
Ken Lemon, president
Black community,” NABJ said in a were verbally attacked by Trump. mary did,” Symone Sanders- “Winds of Change: Journalism Newman was invited to attend.
of the National Association
news release late Monday. NABJ is the most prominent Townsend, an MSNBC host who is Over Disinformation.” The actual panel transformed into
of Black Journalists
The organization said it also association representing Black a former Harris spokeswoman, “It is our jobs as journalists to a shouting match, and Manigault
invited Vice President Harris, but journalists; the nonprofit says it wrote on social media. have those uncomfortable conver- Newman walked off the stage after
“her confirmation is pending.” has more than 4,000 members. “Just like anyone else who is sations so that the people who the moderator said the event had
Karen Attiah, the 2019 NABJ Some criticized what they por- running for President, he should count on us to inform them get the “reached the point of diminished
journalist of the year, announced trayed as NABJ’s “normalizing” of sit for serious interviews and an- information from the source,” he returns.”

MOVIE DIRECTORY (!) No Pass/No Discount Ticket

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

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Raayan 7:25-10:50
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Deadpool & Wolverine: The
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AMC Potomac Mills 18
2700 Potomac Mills Circle
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11380 Bulloch Drive
AMC Georgetown 14 AFI Silver Theatre Oddity (R) CC: 10:45AM PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:30 Longlegs (R) 10:25-1:40-5:10- 7:00-10:15 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 20575 East Hampton Plaza Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM
3111 K Street N.W. Cultural Center Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) XD: 7:50-10:25 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 5:30-9:20 The Land Before Time (G) Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 8633 Colesville Road CC: 4:00 9:30-7:00-10:10 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:20- 11:30AM 11:00AM 11:00AM
CC: 11:40-2:20-9:55 The Portrait of a Lady (PG-13) Bad Newz 7:10-10:25 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30 12:20-3:30-6:40-10:10 La Cenerentola: Met Summer 1:50-4:00-6:30-9:00 Wild Strawberries (Smultron- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 12:00 Sound of Hope: The Story A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) La Cenerentola: Met Summer Encore 2024 1:00-6:20 A Quiet Place: Day One stallet) (NR) 7:15 12:20-4:00-10:20 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:45
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:20- Thelma (PG-13) OC: 3:30 of Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 7:50 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 The Fabulous Four (R) 10:35- (PG-13) CC: 12:10-2:40-5:10- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:10-
1:50-6:40-9:00 Beverly Hills Cop (R) 9:15 10:15AM Despicable Me 4 (PG) 5:10 Raayan 12:50 1:10-4:00-6:40-9:15 7:40-10:10 1:50-4:40-7:25-9:45 3:30-6:50 7:10-9:40
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Alps (Alpeis) (NR) 7:00 The Fabulous Four (R) CC: Inside Out 2 (PG) 6:30 The Duel (Premiere Event) Deadpool & Wolverine: The Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 12:10- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:40- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 1:00
12:30-3:45-7:00-10:00 It's Always Fair Weather (1955) 10:15-1:00-3:45-6:30-10:15 Twisters (PG-13) 7:55 (R) 7:30 IMAX 3D Experience (R) 12:20 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 3:35-7:00-10:25 12:10-12:40-1:40-2:50-3:20-3:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:50-2:40-
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 4:45-9:45 (NR) 12:30 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 7:20; BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-1:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:00-12:40- 4:50-6:10-6:40-7:10-7:40-8:10- 5:40-8:10
5:00-7:45 Cinépolis Gaithersburg PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:40-10:00 3:30-6:20-9:05
Twisters (PG-13) CC: 12:00- Gabriel Over the White House 10:30AM Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:40- 9:30-10:00-10:30 Twisters (PG-13) 11:20-12:20-
629 Center Point Way
1:20-3:00-4:30-7:25-9:20-10:20 (NR) 2:45 Deadpool & Wolverine: The Regal Hyattsville Royale Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 9:30- 2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 Twisters (PG-13) 10:55-2:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-1:50- 2:20-3:20-6:20-8:20-9:20
Ghidorah: The 3-Headed Mon- IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: Jaws (PG) 7:30-8:30 12:50-4:15-7:30 MaXXXine (R) CC: 8:20 5:55-7:45-9:10 4:30-7:20-10:15
Longlegs (R) CC: 2:50-5:20- 6505 America Boulevard Longlegs (R) 1:20-4:20-7:20-
6:15-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:15- Longlegs (R) 10:30-1:15-4:00-
7:50-10:25 ster (1964) (NR) 8:45
3:00-5:45 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Inside Out 2 (PG) 6:05 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:20- Twisters (PG-13) 11:20-12:30- 9:50
Touch (R) CC: 12:00-4:20-10:05 Swing Time (1936) (NR) 4:45 The Beast Within (R) 10:15 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) Twisters (PG-13) 12:00 11:45-1:20-2:45-4:20-5:45-7:20- 6:45-10:05 3:40-6:20-7:00-9:40-10:10 Deadpool & Wolverine: The
Sons of the Desert (1933) The Duel (Premiere Event) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Longlegs (R) 8:40 8:45-9:45-10:20 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Longlegs (R) 11:30-2:20-5:00
Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 11:30-12:00-3:00-3:30-7:00-9:00- 5:30-8:50 IMAX Experience (R) 12:30-
4:15 (NR) 6:45 (R) 7:30 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Longlegs (R) CC: 12:00-2:30- PINK in Cinemas 5:00 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 6:30-9:30
9:30-10:25 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
Deadpool & Wolverine: The The Last Picture Show (R) 1:00 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 11:00AM 11:05-2:20-5:40-9:00 7:30-10:10 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:15- 2:10-5:20-8:40 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
PINK in Cinemas 5:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:30-1:30- 11:10-12:20-1:35-2:05-2:35-3:45- La Cenerentola: Met Summer
IMAX Experience (R) CC: 1:10- AMC Academy 8 4:30-7:45-11:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC:
7:35-10:30 6198 Greenbelt Road Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: 11:20-2:30-5:10-7:50-10:20 10:30-11:50-1:50-3:10-5:10-6:30- 11:50-2:15-4:40 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 The Fabulous Four (R) 1:40-
4:30 Twisters (PG-13) 10:00-1:15- 8:30-9:50 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) The Duel (Premiere Event)
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 4:30-7:45-11:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:40- Angelika Film Center Mosaic 4:10-6:40-9:10
CC: 11:45-3:00-6:15-9:30 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 1:20-4:00-6:50-9:40 Twisters (PG-13) 10:20-1:15- CC: 10:15-1:15-4:15-7:15 2911 District Ave (R) 7:30 Deadpool & Wolverine: The
1:30-7:30 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) CC: 12:45-4:00-7:15-10:30 11:00-2:30-6:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 2:20 4:10-7:15-10:10 Oddity (R) CC: 7:10 The Seven Samurai (Shichinin Twisters (PG-13) 2:30-9:20 IMAX 3D Experience (R) 3:30
1:30-4:50-8:00-9:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 7:45 Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-11:45- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:35- Deadpool & Wolverine: The no samurai) 11:10-3:30-7:40 Regal Dulles Town Center The Duel (Premiere Event)
CC: 10:50-4:30-10:15 The Fabulous Four (R) 1:15- 2:55; 10:00AM
The Fabulous Four (R) CC: Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:30- AMC Magic Johnson 1:50-4:30-7:20-10:10 IMAX Experience (R) CC: 12:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:55- 21100 Dulles Town Circle (R) 7:30
4:15-10:45 6:00-9:00
11:10-1:40-4:10-9:20 1:10-3:30-5:50-8:10-10:30 Capital Center 12 Twisters (PG-13) 10:50-11:50- Xscape Theatres 2:15-4:30-6:45 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
800 Shoppers Way BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC:
Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 2:15 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: PINK in Cinemas 6:25 2:10-3:10-4:10-6:30-7:30-9:50- Brandywine 14 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) 11:00-1:30-2:00-2:30-4:00-4:30-
Deadpool & Wolverine: The 10:00-12:00-1:00-3:00-4:00-6:00- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 10:35 7710 Matapeake Business Drive 3:50-9:30 11:00-12:00-1:45-2:45-4:30-5:30- 11:00AM 5:00-5:30-7:00-7:30-8:00-10:00
IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: 11:00-1:45-4:30-7:15-10:00 Greenbelt Cinema Longlegs (R) 11:40-2:40-5:15- Dirty Dancing (PG-13) 1:00- Bad Newz 6:00 7:15-8:15 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 4:40
7:00-9:00-10:00 129 Centerway
4:20 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:45- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 8:00-10:40 4:00-7:00 Sound of Hope: The Story Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:35-1:55- 1:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 8:30
BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 2:30-5:00-7:10-9:40 CC: 11:25-2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 Gimme Shelter (1970) (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Shrek 2 (PG) 9:30AM of Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 4:10-6:25-8:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:50- Twisters (PG-13) 5:20
PINK in Cinemas 5:00 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:40- Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 8:00 3:20-6:40-10:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30- 5:50-9:10 Twisters (PG-13) 11:05-1:00- 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:10
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 12:50-4:10-6:15-9:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:45- Touch (R) 7:30 The Fabulous Four (R) CC: 2:00-4:00-7:30-9:00 Regal Springfield Town Center
The Duel (Premiere Event) 11:10-3:50-5:10-8:50-10:50 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 6859 Springfield Mall
OC: 7:30 Longlegs (R) CC: 10:20-1:40- 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 Widow Clicquot (R) 5:45 (R) 7:25 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 Widow Clicquot (R) 11:30-1:45- 11:20-12:30-2:40-3:20-3:50-
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 3:40-7:20-9:50 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Landmark Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 1:15-6:25 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 4:00-6:15-8:30 4:50-6:00-6:40-7:10-8:10-9:30- Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM
11:00-11:30-2:00-2:30-8:00 12:30-1:00-3:30-4:00-6:30-9:30- Bethesda Row Cinema 11:05-11:30-12:30-1:00-1:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:10- 10:40-1:10 Castle in the Sky - Studio Ghibli 10:00-10:30 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Inside Out 2 (PG) OC: 7:20 CC: 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00 10:00 7235 Woodmont Avenue 2:00-2:50-3:50-4:20-4:50-6:10- 2:30-4:50-7:10-9:30 Deadpool & Wolverine: The Fest 2024 (PG) 7:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) 4:00-6:30-9:00 11:00AM
Touch (R) OC: 7:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00- 7:10-7:40-8:10-8:40-9:30-10:30; Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:50-1:10- IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Twisters (PG-13) 12:20-3:40- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
AMC Annapolis Mall 11 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 2:20- 2:00
The Fabulous Four (R) OC: 1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 4:30-6:45 10:30-5:20 3:30-6:10-8:30 3:00 PINK in Cinemas 5:00 7:00-10:20
1020 Annapolis Mall Road
6:50 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 11:20- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 12:00- Regal Laurel Towne Centre Deadpool & Wolverine (R) The Beast Within (R) 11:30- CMX Village 14 Longlegs (R) 11:10-1:40-4:10- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:40-
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 2:15-5:10-7:35-8:05 1:00-2:00-3:00-4:00-4:45-6:00- 14716 Baltimore Avenue 10:20-10:40-11:00-12:20-12:40- 7:00 1600 Village Market Boulevard 6:50-9:40 1:30-4:30-7:20-10:20
5:00 9:00 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:15-1:45- 1:20-1:40-2:00-3:20-3:40-4:20- The Duel (Premiere Event) Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
7:00-7:30-8:00 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 10:00- The Mask (PG-13) 6:20
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:15-6:45-9:15 4:40-5:00-6:20-6:40-7:20-7:40- (R) 7:30 10:40-2:00-5:20-8:50 11:20-11:50-12:20-12:50-1:20-
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema - CC: 11:50-2:20-5:00-7:35-10:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-2:45- 10:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Deadpool & Wolverine: The 5:00-7:20 8:00-9:20-9:40 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN La Cenerentola: Met Summer 2:40-3:10-3:40-4:10-4:40-6:10-
DC Bryant Street Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 IMAX Experience (R) CC: Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 9:50 PINK in Cinemas 5:00 12:00-2:40-5:20-8:20 6:40-7:10-7:40-8:20-9:40-10:10-
630 Rhode Island Ave NE Twisters (PG-13) 4:15-7:15 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) Twisters (PG-13) 10:10-12:50- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:20- Encore 2024 1:00-6:20
The Land Before Time (G)
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:00- 2:00-8:00
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 10:10-10:50 2:10-4:30-7:30-8:10-9:50 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 1:50-4:20-6:50-9:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 1:20 10:30-11:00
11:20-2:00-4:30-7:10-9:35 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 10:45-11:00-11:30-1:45-2:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) 1:10-3:50-
11:25AM Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: CC: 11:30-2:30-5:30-8:30
12:45-3:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Longlegs (R) 12:15-2:45-5:15- 2:40-4:45-5:00-7:45-10:15-10:30; Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Regal Fairfax Towne Center 6:50-9:50
The Fabulous Four (R) 12:10- 1:40-7:30-10:15 7:35-9:55 11:00-11:30-12:15-12:40-1:00- 4110 West Ox Road
Wild Strawberries (Smultron- 10:45-1:45-4:45-7:45-10:45 Sound of Hope: The Story of Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 8:00; 4:30 Twisters (PG-13) 10:50-2:20-
stallet) (NR) 7:30 2:15-4:25-6:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- 1:30-2:30-3:15-3:35-4:00-4:30- Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM 5:50-9:20
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:10- Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 4:25 12:00-1:00-3:00-4:05-6:00-7:00- AMC Shirlington 7
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30 12:50-3:20-4:25-6:50-9:20 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:15 1:30-4:10-6:40-9:20 5:00-5:30-6:35-7:00-7:30-8:00- Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) Longlegs (R) 2:30-5:30-8:10-
The Fabulous Four (R) CC:
Batman: Return of the Caped Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:20- 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:45 Twisters (PG-13) 1:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:30 9:00-10:00 2772 South Randolph St. 8:30-9:15 11:00AM 10:50
Crusaders (PG) 7:15 Landmark at Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-12:15- iPic Pike & Rose Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 1:45- Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-2:15- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30-
12:30-1:20-3:30-4:20-6:25-7:20- Deadpool & Wolverine: The 6:40-10:40 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:30- 9:25-10:15 Annapolis Harbour Center 3:00-5:40-8:20 11830 Grand Park Avenue 5:10-7:40 2:00-4:40-7:20-9:50
IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Twisters (PG-13) 11:50-12:25- 10:30-1:50-5:20-8:50
1:00-3:45-6:30-9:15 Longlegs (R) CC: 12:00-2:40- 11:00-5:00 2474 Solomons Island Road Unit H-1 Longlegs (R) 11:00-1:50-4:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:15- Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
7:20-10:10 2:30-6:15-9:15 10:30-1:30-4:30-7:30-8:30- 1:40-3:00-3:45-4:50-6:45-7:10- La Cenerentola: Met Summer
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 12:10- 5:20-8:00-10:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: The Lego Movie (PG) 11:00AM 11:40-12:30-2:50-3:50-6:10-7:10- Encore 2024 1:00-6:30
3:35-7:00-10:25 La Cenerentola: Met Summer Deadpool & Wolverine (R) (!) 10:30 8:10-9:25 8:00-9:30-10:30
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 7:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:10- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:05- Longlegs (R) 12:50-3:25-9:05 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:00-1:45- 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 2:25-4:40-7:05 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 10:30-11:00-11:30-12:00-2:15- Twisters (PG-13) 11:20-12:50- PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:30-
AMC Montgomery 16 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 2:45-3:15-4:00-6:00-7:00-7:30- 11:20-4:10-9:10 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 4:00
4:30-6:45-9:45 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:00- 10:00
7101 Democracy Boulevard PINK in Cinemas 5:00 9:00-9:30-10:30-10:45 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:05- 2:00-6:15 Longlegs (R) 1:40-4:30-7:40-
Twisters (PG-13) 12:00-2:45- CC: 6:00 12:00-12:30-1:00-2:00-3:00-3:45-
3:25-6:15-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:30- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:40- Twisters (PG-13) 12:15-3:30- 1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 The Fabulous Four (R) 11:40- 10:20 Regal Virginia Gateway
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 4:15-4:45-5:45-6:30-7:00-7:30
Longlegs (R) 10:45-2:00-5:00- 11:30-12:15-2:30-3:15-5:30-6:15- 12:45-2:00-3:15-4:30-7:00-9:30 Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:35-2:50 11:30-12:00-1:10-2:00-2:40-3:20- 7:15-11:00 Longlegs (R) CC: 10:00-12:30- 2:10-4:40-7:20 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 8001 Gateway Promenade Place
7:45-10:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:20-5:15-6:00-6:50-7:40-8:45- Inside Out 2: The IMAX Experi- 3:00-5:30-8:00-10:35 Cinema Arts Theatre 2:10-5:20-8:40 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 10:10-
8:30-9:15 CC: 11:15-9:15 Twisters (PG-13) 1:20-4:00-6:40 9:10-9:40-10:00
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:10- ence (PG) 11:45-3:00-6:45-9:45 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 9650 Unit 14 Main St. La Cenerentola: Met Summer 11:00
AMC Center Park 8 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Longlegs (R) 5:00-7:25 Twisters (PG-13) 11:40-12:45- Longlegs (R) 1:00-4:45-8:00-11:00 10:40-3:35
12:30-2:35-4:10-5:05-6:00-8:30- La Cenerentola: Met Summer Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 9:40- Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
4001 Powder Mill Rd. 11:15-12:15-12:45-1:15-2:15- 2:50-4:00-6:10-7:10-10:20 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Hijack 1971 (R) 12:10-2:40-5:30 9:50-11:00
9:25-9:45; 1:40 Encore 2024 1:00 12:00-2:30-4:00-5:00-7:30-10:00
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 3:15-3:45-5:45-6:15-6:45-7:15- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) PINK in Cinemas (!) 6:30 CC: 12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Escape 2:30-4:50-7:10-9:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
Angelika 8:15-8:45-9:15-9:45-10:15 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 4:40 Twisters (PG-13) 9:55-12:25-
12:30 12:30-3:50-7:00 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 2:50-5:15-7:40-10:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:00 2:10-5:20-8:20
Pop-Up at Union Market
550 Penn Street NE - Unit E
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00-
CC: 3:30-6:15 12:00-1:30-4:45-7:15-9:45
Phoenix Theatres Marlow 6
3899 Branch Avenue
Regal Rockville Center VIRGINIA 10:20-1:25-4:35-7:40 Touch (R) 9:50-7:00-9:15 Twisters (PG-13) 7:00-10:10 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:50-
199 East Montgomery Avenue Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: Thelma (PG-13) 12:15-2:20-4:40- 12:00-1:30-2:30-4:20-5:00-6:50-
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 12:00- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 12:00- Twisters (PG-13) CC: 11:00- AMC Courthouse Plaza 8 Regal Fox
The Cat in the Hat (2003) (PG) Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM 1:10-6:00 7:10-9:10 7:50-9:40-10:10
1:00-3:15-4:15-7:20 1:45-2:30-4:00-5:30-7:00-8:30- 2150 Clarendon Blvd. 22875 Brambleton Plaza
2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 10:00AM Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) AMC Tysons Corner 16 Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
Twisters (PG-13) 12:30-3:30- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 10:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 9:55- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM 11:20-12:50-1:20-2:40-4:10-
Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 12:50- 11:00AM 7850e Tysons Corner Center 10:10-1:00
6:30 12:00-2:00-3:00-5:00-6:00-8:00- Longlegs (R) CC: 2:00-4:45- 3:35-6:30-9:45 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:10-9:35 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: Widow Clicquot (R) 10:05-12:20- 4:40-6:00-7:30-8:00-9:20
Castle in the Sky - Studio Ghibli 8:45-9:15-10:00 7:30-10:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:10- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 11:00AM
1:50-4:15-7:30 10:00-11:00-1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00- 7:55; 3:30 2:10-4:10-6:00-7:50-9:40 Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-1:00-
Fest 2024 (PG) 7:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 1:30-4:00- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 2:30-4:45-7:05-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 11:55- 3:50-6:40-9:10
CC: 6:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:00- 7:00-8:00-8:20-10:00-11:00 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: The Fabulous Four (R) 9:45- 1:40-4:20-7:00-9:40
Avalon Theatre 6:30-9:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:40- 3:00-5:50-8:20-10:20 12:10-2:25-4:35-7:20-9:20 Twisters (PG-13) 11:40-12:40-
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 9:50- 10:10-5:30-10:55 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:30- 3:00-4:00-6:20-7:20-9:30-10:30
5612 Connecticut Avenue Twisters (PG-13) CC: 12:45- 12:00-1:30-4:25-7:10-7:45-10:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
3:45-6:45-9:45 4:15; 5:15 12:20-2:50-5:20-6:30-10:20 Cinemark Centreville 1:40-5:15-8:40
Thelma (PG-13) 12:00-2:15- Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:30-3:00- 11:40-12:10-1:10-2:20-2:40-3:20- CC: 10:05-12:35-3:05-5:40-8:10- Longlegs (R) 2:50-5:30-8:10
Longlegs (R) CC: 2:15-4:45- AMC St. Charles Town Ctr 9 5:30-8:00 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:50- 6201 Multiplex Drive Inside Out 2 (PG) 12:05-1:50-
4:30 4:30-5:40-6:10-6:40-7:40-8:10- 1:40-4:40-7:30-9:10-10:20 10:45 3:00-5:30-8:05-10:35 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 7:15-9:45 11115 Mall Circle Twisters (PG-13) 11:00-1:45- 8:40-9:20-10:00 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:30-1:50-5:10-8:30
Longlegs (R) CC: 10:10-12:40- Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:50- 8:55-11:35-2:20 Kalki 2898 AD 2:05-9:35
2:00-7:00 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: 4:30-7:30-10:35
CC: 1:00-4:00-7:00 1:15-4:15-10:00 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:20-1:20- 3:10-5:40-7:50-11:20 2:25-3:50-6:20-9:00 Migration (PG) 9:00AM Longlegs (R) 11:30-2:30-5:05- La Cenerentola: Met Summer
The Bikeriders (R) 11:30-4:45 3:50-6:10-8:50 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:25- 10:50 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30
Daddio (R) 8:00 AMC Columbia 14 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:00-10:30 Twisters (PG-13) 11:20-2:10- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 8:30- The Fabulous Four (R) 11:15-
CC: 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 4:30-9:30 11:30-2:05-5:05-9:45 Jatt & Juliet 3 3:20-6:30-9:25
Landmark 10300 Little Patuxent Parkway CC: 12:30-3:00-5:30-8:00-10:30 Regal Cinemas Majestic 3:40-7:00-10:10 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 8:30- 2:00-7:40-10:15
Deadpool & Wolverine: The
Atlantic Plumbing Cinema Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC: Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:45- Stadium 20 & IMAX Longlegs (R) 2:30-5:15 12:20-3:25 11:45-2:50-6:00-9:10 9:30-12:40-3:50-7:00-9:10 IMAX Experience (R) 12:10- BLACKPINK World Tour BORN
807 V Street Northwest 7:30; 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00 1:40-4:05-6:30-9:00 900 Ellsworth Drive Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) MaXXXine (R) CC: 10:10 Inside Out 2 (PG) 8:50-9:20- 6:40-9:50 PINK in Cinemas 4:50
AMC Hoffman Center 22
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM 10:30 206 Swamp Fox Rd. Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 11:55-2:30-4:45-9:55 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 3:40-
10:30-11:00-2:00-3:30-5:00- La Cenerentola: Met Summer 7:00-10:20
3:30-4:00-4:30-5:00-6:15-7:00- CC: 11:40-2:10-4:40-7:10-9:40 Bad Boys Ride or Die (R)
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) OC:
Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:50- Twisters (PG-13) 9:45-11:20- 10:00-1:10-4:30-7:40-10:50
7:30-8:00 Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 8:00-9:30 10:25-5:05 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 12:15-1:50-3:15-4:50-6:15- 12:45-2:15-3:45-5:10-7:40-9:50- La Cenerentola: Met Summer Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:15- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:45- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 4:30; 1:30 7:50-9:20 12:20
Twisters (PG-13) 4:15-7:15 Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) 10:35 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30
4:15-9:15 7:45-9:00 11:00AM 12:30 The Fabulous Four (R) OC: 7:00 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:40-2:30-
Longlegs (R) 4:45-7:45 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:30- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Longlegs (R) 8:45-11:25-2:00- Bad Newz 11:40-6:15 Reston, VA -
Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:45- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 5:20-8:00-10:40 4:35-10:55 Raayan 11:45-2:45 LOOK Dine-in Cinema
Landmark E Street Cinema 1:20-3:50-6:20-9:00 1:30-4:30-7:00-7:30-10:15 10:40-1:25-4:10-6:55-9:45 PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:40-10:10 11:30-2:15-4:50-7:25-10:10 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Deadpool & Wolverine: The 11940 Market Street
555 11th Street Northwest
Longlegs (R) CC: 10:50-1:20- Longlegs (R) CC: 12:00-2:40- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:15- A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:20-1:10
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 5:15-6:15-10:30 Regal Waugh Chapel CC: 10:30-4:20-6:45-10:30 11:40-2:50-10:10 IMAX 3D Experience (R) 3:30 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13)
3:50-7:25-10:00 1:10-3:50-6:40-9:25 1419 South Main Chapel Way Deadpool & Wolverine: The Raayan 10:00 The Duel (Premiere Event) 2:45
2:30-3:30-4:30-6:30-7:00- Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:15- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:30- Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 11:00- IMAX Experience (R) CC: 10:00- BLACKPINK World Tour BORN
1:30-4:00-6:30-9:00 (R) 7:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:45-
7:45-8:15 1:15-4:15-5:15-7:15-8:15-10:15 CC: 11:45-12:30-2:45-5:45- 10:55-11:20-11:35-12:40-12:55- 11:20 1:05-7:20-10:25 PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:30 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 1:15-3:45-6:15-8:35
Inside Out 2 (PG) 5:00-7:25 6:30-8:45 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC:
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 1:20-1:35-1:50-2:20-2:40-2:55- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 7:10 PINK in Cinemas 5:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
Twisters (PG-13) 4:15-7:30 CC: 12:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 3:25-4:00-4:40-5:10-5:40-6:00- Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) 11:00-2:00-5:00-8:00-11:00 CC: 11:05-2:15-5:25-8:30
1:15-3:45 Migration (PG) CC: 11:00-2:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 6:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:05 10:30-11:00-12:00-12:30-1:30-
Longlegs (R) 3:45-6:00-8:30 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 6:15-6:45-7:20-8:00-8:15-8:30; 11:00-11:20 Oddity (R) CC: 8:25 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:00- 2:00-3:00-3:30-4:30-5:00-6:00-
Thelma (PG-13) 3:25 Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 11:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 7:20
1:45-6:45 9:00-9:20-9:35-10:05 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: Twisters (PG-13) 6:50 11:40-12:40-2:30-3:00-4:00-6:00- 6:30-7:30-8:00-8:30-9:00-9:30-
Kinds of Kindness (R) 3:15 Deadpool & Wolverine: The 7000 Arundel Mills Circle Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:30-2:10- 2:00-4:30-7:00-9:30 7:25-10:35
10:25 MaXXXine (R) CC: 9:15 Longlegs (R) 8:10 6:20-7:30-9:20-9:40 10:30
Sing Sing Loyalty Screening IMAX Experience (R) CC: 11:00- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) XD: 4:45-7:35-10:15 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:30- La Cenerentola: Met Summer Twisters (PG-13) 10:30-1:30- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:10-11:30-
(R) 7:00 10:30-1:40-4:50-8:00-11:10; Twisters (PG-13) CC: 11:00- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
2:00-8:00 Twisters (PG-13) 12:00-2:00- 1:20-4:00-6:45-9:30 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 8:00 4:50-7:10-7:50-10:10-10:40 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:15
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) La Cenerentola: Met Summer 9:00-9:15-9:45-10:45-11:00- 3:00-4:55-6:10-8:10-9:15 1:00-2:00-4:00-5:00-7:00-8:00- The Fabulous Four (R) CC:
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:50- 10:00-11:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Longlegs (R) 8:00 Puss in Boots: The Last Wish
5:15 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 11:15-11:35-11:45-12:10-12:20- Longlegs (R) 10:35-1:15-4:15- 11:30-12:00-1:05-1:30-2:20-2:40- 10:55-1:40-4:15-7:05-9:45 Raayan 6:10-9:35 (PG) 12:15
Inside Out 2 (PG) 3:00 12:55-1:25-1:55-2:10-2:25-2:40- Longlegs (R) CC: 11:50-2:20- 9:00-10:00-10:30-11:00-12:10-
The Fabulous Four (R) CC: 6:50-9:40 3:10-4:10-4:40-5:40-6:00-7:30- Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 9:55- 1:10-1:40-2:10-3:20-4:20-4:50- Twisters (PG-13) 10:15-1:20-
11:15-1:45-4:15-6:45-9:15 2:55-3:30-3:35-4:05-5:05-5:20- Deadpool & Wolverine: The 5:50-8:20-10:50 1:55-7:00
Regal Kingstowne
Regal Gallery Place 8:00-9:00-9:20 Touch (R) CC: 10:00 5:20-6:30-7:30-8:30-9:40-10:40- 5910 Kingstowne Towne Center 4:20-7:45-10:35
701 Seventh Street Northwest Deadpool & Wolverine: The 5:35-5:50; 6:05 IMAX Experience (R) 12:20-3:40- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:35-1:40- Deadpool & Wolverine: The
Twisters (PG-13) 9:20-9:40- 7:00-10:20 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: 11:10 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Longlegs (R) 12:45-3:15-5:45-
Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: 10:30-12:40-1:10-1:30-1:55-3:40-
IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC:
Cinemark Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 10:30 8:45-10:15
Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) 5:00 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Twisters (PG-13) 11:25-2:10- 4:10 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13)
BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 4:10-4:30-4:55-6:40-7:10-7:30- 11:50-3:10-6:25-9:50 6:20-9:40 Deadpool & Wolverine: The The Beast Within (R) 4:55- Fairfax Corner and XD Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG)
11:00AM 9:40-10:10-10:30-10:55 IMAX Experience (R) CC: 11900 Palace Way 11:00AM 5:15
A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) PINK in Cinemas 5:00 La Cenerentola: Met Summer Longlegs (R) 11:50-2:30-5:20- 10:15
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Longlegs (R) 8:05 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 8:15
The Duel (Premiere Event) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) The Fabulous Four (R) 11:15-
2:10-4:50-7:50-10:40 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Thelma (PG-13) CC: 10:45AM 8:50-11:30-2:10 3:00-9:40 1:45-4:15-6:45
Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:00- 10:30-1:30-4:30-6:30-9:30 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) Deadpool & Wolverine: The (R) 7:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
XD: 12:40-3:50; 10:15-12:25-3:20- 12:05 IMAX Experience (R) 12:30- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Migration (PG) 10:00AM Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:10-
3:00-6:00-8:30-11:00 AMC DINE-IN Rio Cinemas 18 4:35-7:15-8:15 CC: 11:30-1:15-2:30-4:15-5:30- Despicable Me 4 (PG) 8:55- 12:40-3:20-6:10-9:10 10:00-1:00-4:00-7:00-10:00
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 9811 Washingtonian Center The Fabulous Four (R) 10:10- 7:00-10:20 10:30-12:25-1:40-4:50-6:40-
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 1:05-4:05-7:15-10:10 7:15-8:30-10:15 9:50-11:00 11:25-2:05-4:35-7:05-9:35 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 12:20- Smithsonian -
10:30-11:20-11:50-12:50-1:50- Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R)
6:30-6:40-6:45-7:45-8:30-8:45- Raayan 2:15-10:35 2:00-5:10-8:30 Oddity (R) CC: 10:45-1:15-3:45- BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 7:00-10:20 Airbus IMAX Theater
2:40-3:10-3:30-6:10-6:40-7:00- 6:00-9:00 9:00-9:15-9:40-9:50-9:55-10:25- 6:15-8:45-11:00 8:50-9:15-9:50-11:00-12:00- Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-1:00- 14390 Air and Space Museum Parkway
7:40-8:40-9:40-10:10-10:20 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 10:55-11:25-11:40-11:55 The Duel (Premiere Event) La Cenerentola: Met Summer PINK in Cinemas 5:00
(R) 7:30 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 La Cenerentola: Met Summer Twisters (PG-13) OC: 10:50 12:25-1:00-1:20-3:10-3:35-4:10- 4:00-6:50-9:30 Journey to Space 10:20-3:00-
Inside Out 2 (PG) 11:10-1:30- CC: 10:30-1:15-5:50-8:20-10:45 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 5:20-6:20-6:45-7:20-7:40-9:30- Twisters (PG-13) 10:50-12:30- 5:05
4:30-6:50-9:50 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 10:30- 9:05-11:50-2:30-5:10-10:30 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Deadpool & Wolverine: The AMC Worldgate 9
PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:45-10:30 IMAX 3D Experience (R) 3:40 Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 9:55-10:30 2:00-3:50-7:10-10:10 Aircraft Carrier: Guardian of
Twisters (PG-13) 10:20-11:30- 1:00-4:30-7:00-9:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 9:10-9:20- 4:20-10:35 13025 Worldgate Drive Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:00-11:40- Longlegs (R) 10:40-1:30-4:20- the Seas 12:40
1:20-2:50-4:20-6:20-9:30-10:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 9:40-11:50-12:10-2:20-2:40- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) BLACKPINK World Tour BORN A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 2:15-5:00-7:35-10:20
10:00AM PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:40-10:10 Bad Newz 1:10 10:15 Deep Sky: The IMAX Experi-
Longlegs (R) 1:25-4:00-7:10- 10:00-12:15-1:15-3:30-4:30-6:45- 7:40-10:10 The Fabulous Four (R) CC: CC: 4:00-8:45 Twisters (PG-13) 10:15-10:50- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) ence 10:55-1:20-3:40
10:00 7:45-10:00 Migration (PG) 10:00AM Regal Germantown Regal Westview 11:30-2:00-4:30-9:30 Despicable Me 4 (PG) CC: 1:15- 12:45-1:15-1:50-3:45-4:15-4:50- 3:40
5243 Buckeystown Pike Deadpool & Wolverine: The
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Migration (PG) CC: 11:30-1:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 10:00- 20000 Century Boulevard Sound of Hope: The Story of 3:45-6:15-9:30 6:50-7:15-7:55-9:50-10:15- The Fabulous Four (R) 11:30- IMAX Experience (R) 6:00
12:30-3:50-7:20-10:50 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 10:00- 4:20-7:30 Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Kung Fu Panda 3 (PG) 11:00AM Possum Trot (PG-13) CC: 7:25 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: 10:55 2:10-4:50-7:50-10:40 To Fly! 4:30
La Cenerentola: Met Summer 12:45-2:15-3:15-6:00-8:30-9:15 Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:00-9:15- Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) Bad Boys Ride or Die (R) 9:10 Deadpool & Wolverine: The 12:30-1:00-3:30-4:00-5:00-6:30- Longlegs (R) 9:10-11:50-2:35- The Duel (Premiere Event)
Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 The Dream is Alive 2:10
MaXXXine (R) CC: 9:00 10:45-11:40-1:20-2:15-3:55-4:50- 11:00AM Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile (PG) IMAX 3D Experience (R) CC: 7:00-8:00-9:30-10:00 5:15-8:00-10:40 (R) 7:20
Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 11:00-11:05 Blue Planet (1990) (NR)
Twisters (PG-13) CC: 10:15- 9:05-11:40 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) 4:00-7:00 Inside Out 2 (PG) CC: 2:15-4:45- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 11:45AM
12:10 11:30-1:15-2:45-4:15-5:45-7:15- Longlegs (R) 9:25-12:05-2:45- 10:35-4:20-10:20 A Quiet Place: Day One (PG-13) Inside Out 2 3D (PG) CC: 12:00- 7:15-9:45 10:10-2:10-4:30-8:30-10:50 PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:40
The Duel (Premiere Event) 8:45-10:30 5:25-10:45 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:40- 3:30-10:05 2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00 Twisters (PG-13) CC: 12:30- Bad Newz 10:05 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) University Mall Theatres
(R) 7:30 Longlegs (R) CC: 11:45-2:25- Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 1:10-3:40-6:10-9:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) 10:10AM The Beast Within (R) 7:30 3:30-6:30-9:30 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 11:40-12:00-12:50-1:20-1:50- 10659-A Braddock Road
BLACKPINK World Tour BORN 4:15-7:30-10:15 1:10-10:40 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:05- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 6:45 BLACKPINK World Tour BORN Longlegs (R) CC: 12:00-2:30- PINK in Cinemas 5:00-7:30 3:10-4:10-4:40-5:10-6:20-6:40- Deadpool & Wolverine (R)
PINK in Cinemas 5:00 Despicable Me 4 3D (PG) CC: La Boheme: Met Summer 12:00-12:40-1:00-1:20-1:50-2:50- Inside Out 2 (PG) 9:15-2:30-5:05- PINK in Cinemas 5:00 5:00-7:30-10:00 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) 7:30-8:00-8:30-10:00-10:50 12:00-2:30-5:00-7:30-10:00
Deadpool & Wolverine (R) 11:15-2:00-3:45-6:30 Encore 2024 1:00-6:30 3:10-4:10-4:30-5:00-6:00-6:20- 6:50-9:30 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) CC: Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) XD: 12:40-3:50 Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) Despicable Me 4 (PG) 12:15-
4:10 Deadpool & Wolverine: The Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) 7:00-7:40-8:10-9:10-9:40-10:30 Twisters (PG-13) 2:15-3:20-5:20- 10:30-10:45-12:30-12:45-1:45- CC: 12:00-2:00-3:00-6:00-9:00 Deadpool & Wolverine (R) XD: 2:20-5:40-9:00 2:20-4:45-7:15-9:15
Deadpool & Wolverine 3D (R) IMAX Experience (R) CC: 9:45AM Inside Out 2 (PG) 10:20-10:50- 6:15-8:15 3:30-3:45-4:45-6:30-6:45-7:30- Fly Me to the Moon (PG-13) CC: 9:30-10:35-1:45-4:55-7:00-8:05- Deadpool & Wolverine (R) Twisters (PG-13) 12:25-2:50-
10:50-2:20-5:40-9:10 11:45-3:00 Bad Newz 10:00 1:30-4:00-4:40-6:50-9:20 Longlegs (R) 10:50-1:30-4:05-7:50 7:45-9:30-9:45-10:30-10:45 1:00-6:30 10:10-11:10 11:20-2:40-6:00-9:20; 10:00AM 5:15-7:40-10:00
C6 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024





♠ Q54
♥ KQ6
♦ K93
♣ A642
♠ 10 9 8 7 6 2 ♠ A
♥ 10 8 4 ♥ 9752
♣ K ♣ 10 8 7 5
♠ KJ3
♥ AJ3
♣ QJ93

The bidding:
1♣ Pass 2 NT Pass
3 NT Pass 6 NT All Pass
Opening lead — ♠ 10

e have a pair of
animals, male and
female, of every kind on
board,” Noah’s wife report-
edly said to him on the Ark.
“Why do we have two pairs of
“We needed two,” Noah
explained. “They’re the good
gnus and the bad gnus.”
At today’s 6NT, East took
the ace of spades and led a
his hand and led the queen
of clubs. The good news:
West’s king covered, and
when South took dummy’s
ace and returned a club to
his nine, the finesse won.
The bad news: West discard-
ed on the second club, and
East was sure of a club trick.
Before committing himself
in clubs, South must try to
bution. He takes his tricks
in the other suits, ending in
his hand. South will find that
West had six spades, three
hearts and three diamonds,
hence only one club.
South has one chance:
He must hope West has the
singleton king of clubs. So
South leads a low club at the
10th trick, and the sight of
ingly good news.
You hold:
Your partner opens one
spade, and the next player
passes. What do you say?
ANSWER: A natural and
forcing 2NT response would
be quite descriptive, but
as a conventional forcing
raise. They would have to
respond two clubs (or per-
haps a super-heavy forcing
1NT, as per their system).
Some experts have come to
believe that the natural 2NT
response is too valuable a
bid to give up.
— Frank Stewart





wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post EZ RE C7



You like to research
people. You’re a
natural observer of
the human condition.
You are insightful, and your
communication skills are
excellent. This year is the
beginning of a new nine-year
cycle for you. Expect major
changes. Keep your eyes open
for opportunities. Prepare for
Moon Alert: Avoid shopping or
making important decisions
from 10 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.
today. After that, the Moon
moves from Gemini into
(MARCH 21-APRIL 19).
This is a good day to finish
projects related to writing,
teaching or driving. You will
also enjoy entertaining others
today, as well as exploring
social opportunities that
include light flirtations and
promising romance.
(APRIL 20-MAY 20).
Family discussions, especially
discussions related to
purchases for home and
family or ways to make your
home look more attractive
will go well. These discussions
might also relate to family
businesses or real estate
(MAY 21-JUNE 20).
This balsamic Moon is an
excellent time to finish
especially related to sales,
writing, teaching and learning.
This also applies to anything
related to driving.
(JUNE 21-JULY 22).
Today you might be driven
by your gut instincts when it
comes to making financial
decisions regarding earning
money or spending. You are
wise and practical when
it comes to your personal
(JULY 23-AUG. 22).
This is a lovely day to
schmooze with friends and
groups, especially female
acquaintances. Nevertheless,
it’s also an excellent day to
wrap up business that you
might have dealing with
(AUG. 23-SEPT. 22).
Your success in some
endeavor, along with your
ambition and efforts, will call
attention to you today. This
might be about a secret love
to a private plan that you’re
nursing, which is coming to
fruition at this time.
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22).
Be open to new, fresh and
unusual ideas today, especially
from creative friends. These
suggestions might entail travel
or getting further education
or exploring new avenues that
will ultimately enrich your
(OCT. 23-NOV. 21).
important discussions with
authority figures to decide how
to wrap up a financial project
or finish work being done on
wills, estates, inheritances and
shared property.
(NOV. 22-DEC. 21).
If you have been toying with
travel plans or ideas related
to publishing and higher
education, this is the day to
wrap things up. Finish that
manuscript. Finish that paper.
Finish your travel itinerary.
(DEC. 22-JAN. 19).
You will be successful at work
if you focus on wrapping
up budgets, allocations for
increased machinery or
equipment and the necessary
paperwork to get something
(JAN. 20-FEB. 18).
Although this is an excellent
day to wrap up issues that are
work-related or even health-
related, it’s also a lovely day
to schmooze and enjoy the
(FEB. 19-MARCH 20).
This is a good time to finish
things. They might be related
to your job, your home, a
family event or a work project
or an important discussion.
Basically, wrap things up
so that you can move on to
something new. You might
want to cocoon at home today.
— Georgia Nicols



More online: washingtonpost.com/comics. Feedback: 1301 K St. NW, Washington, D.C., 20071; [email protected]; 202-334-4775.
C8 EZ RE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

From a mascot maven, a tip of the hat to the Phryges

MASCOTS from C1 dise for years after.”
Could the Phryges suffer a
said in a news release when the similar fate? Sales of miraitowa
Phryges were unveiled in 2022. merch were particularly slug-
one of the blobs, the olympic gish, since the pandemic meant
Phryge, is meant to be a “fine that the Tokyo olympics were
tactician” and “true mathemati- held with barely any spectators.
cian.” Its relative — the Paralym- So how is the Phryge being
pic Phryge, who has a prosthetic received in Paris? Photo agencies
leg — is “spontaneous and a bit have snapped several pictures of
hotheaded.” fans sporting Phryge hats, but
Gigi Burris, a milliner who our fashion critic, rachel Tashji-
works out of manhattan, is an, who has been glued to her TV
thrilled by the fact that a hat was for days watching the olympics,
chosen for this year’s olympic can recall seeing only one specta-
mascot. tor wearing one.
“We put on hats at very emo-
tional times in our lives,” she
said. “They’re very transforma-
tional objects, and they’re often “The choice to go with
cultural signifiers, even in mod-
ern society.” the freedom-based hat
for Burris, the phryge, with its
rich history and unisex applica- instead of picking an
tion, is a perfect choice for an
olympics held in Paris. animal, like a cat or a
more perfect than, say, a beret?
She admits that the beret may dog, is interesting.”
have made more sense on the Chris Carlier, who’s compiling his
surface, but that the phryge’s mascot photos for a book
history holds more significance.
“What it represented was a work-
ing-class person working on the “The french are very choosy
Eiffel Tower, a sense of revolu- about their chapeaux!” Tashjian
tion, a sense of independence,” explained.
she said. If the Phryges aren’t a hit, it
wouldn’t surprise Edie fake, an

he soft, conical hat the artist who became an ersatz ex-
mascots are modeled after pert in anthropomorphized inan-
originated in Phrygia, an imate objects. In the early 2010s,
ancient Anatolian kingdom that’s EvElyn HockSTEIn/REuTERS
fake released two zines called
now part of Turkey. A similar cap, human body. one birth worker a Japanese shipping company. “Lil’ Buddies,” featuring his pho-
the pileus, was worn by newly said she loved how the mascot “The choice to go with the tos of big-eyed cartoon charac-
freed enslaved people in ancient looked like a female sex organ. freedom-based hat instead of ters around Chicago. (full disclo-
rome, according to Encyclopae- The Phryges call to mind previ- picking an animal, like a cat or a sure: fake is a friend of one of the
dia Britannica, and Phrygian ous olympics mascots, such as dog, is interesting. I guess people reporters.)
caps have long been an emblem the aggressively cheerful “Adven- see them and think, ‘What is “I’d give them a 6 out of 10,”
throughout french history: The ture Time”-esque Vinicius and that?’” fake wrote. “I love that there’s a
chapeaus were adopted as red Tom from the 2016 rio olympics According to Carlier, this is a little bit of a desperate aura in an
liberty caps during the french and Paralympics and the ab- feature, not a bug. “There’s a anthropomorphized Phrygian
revolution, and the hat is fea- stracted figures of the vaguely tradition of the olympic mascots cap — like we’re running out of
tured on marianne, a prominent funko Pop-looking fuwa from being weird and nobody knowing things to turn into cartoons,” he
french republic symbol, in the the 2008 olympics in Beijing. what they are,” he said. Perhaps elaborated. “I docked them
romantic-era painting “Liberty The tradition began with the he was referring to 2012’s Wen- points because their Care Bear
Leading the People.” character Shuss at the 1968 lock, an angry-looking cyclops bellies with logos on them suck
You can also see the cap all Games in Grenoble, france, be- with a taxi light on his head, who and their expressions look like
over the U.S. Capitol building and fore Waldi the dachshund be- was created from “one of the last generic forced-fun.”
on the heads of Smurfs. came the first official mascot at drops of steel used to build the Perhaps part of people’s reluc-
Still, Burris admits that she the 1972 munich Games. olympic Stadium in London.” tance to embrace the Phryge
only recently learned of the phry- Chris Carlier, who started doc- Because of his work with mon- could be its somewhat … anatom-
ge’s significance after she saw the umenting Japan’s many (many) do mascots, Carlier was invited to ical shape?
mascots. Like many people, she mascots in 2016 via the social the unveiling ceremony for Not so for fake. When this was
didn’t register the red blobs as media accounts mondo mascots, miraitowa, a big-eared, big-eyed MauRo PIMEnTEl/afP/gETTy IMagES brought to his attention, his es-
hats upon first glance. is working on a book of his figure sporting a blue and white teem for the Phryge seemed to
Left scratching their heads, mascot photos. checkerboard pattern, who was “I have a fondness for them At top, the mascot Phryge only grow.
people are coming up with their Carlier praised the originality the mascot for the 2020 Games because I saw them a lot,” he said works the crowd at a basketball “They do look cheerfully clito-
own interpretations. on social of the Phryge. “They didn’t go for held in Tokyo, where Carlier has of miraitowa. “Because the olym- game in Villeneve-d’Ascq, ral!” he wrote. “Which hopefully
media, the Phryges are being the obvious design,” he said, al- lived for more than 10 years. pics happened without [public] France. Above, a fan holds up a adds to the beauty and meaning
likened to Doritos, tongues, a red though he did recall precedent in Leftover miraitowa merch holds events, the whole of Japan was Phryge plushie at a beach of these wonderful caps. Blessed
poop emoji and other parts of the a baseball-cap-shaped mascot for a special place in his heart. filled with these cheap merchan- volleyball match in Paris. be.”

Norah O’Donnell will with some fanfare in the summer

of 2019.
She first joined CBS in 2011 as

step down as anchor the network’s chief White House

correspondent, after a long run at
NBC News. Between 2012 and

of ‘CBS Evening News’ 2019, she served as co-host of

CBS’s morning show.
o’Donnell said she will be an-
choring CBS’s election coverage
BY J EREMY B ARR News” — she added that “it’s time as well as any candidate debate
to do something different.” the network might host. (The
After only five years in the role, o’Donnell’s move “was a joint Biden campaign agreed in may to
CBS News journalist Norah decision” between her and Wendy CBS’s invitation for a vice-pre-
o’Donnell will step down as an- mcmahon, who serves as presi- sidential debate.)
chor of the network’s evening dent of CBS News and Stations, “Norah’s superpower is her
news show after the presidential according to a person with ability to secure and then master-
election in November, she told knowledge of the situation who fully deliver unparalleled inter-
surprised CBS colleagues on spoke on the condition of ano- views and stories that set the
Tuesday afternoon. nymity because they were not news cycle and capture the cul-
She will remain with the net- authorized to comment. tural zeitgeist,” mcmahon wrote
work and shift to a new role as a “I see this as an opportunity,” in her own memo.
senior correspondent conducting o’Donnell wrote in her memo. “I mcmahon told employees that
big interviews, like her recent want to thank Wendy mcmahon the network “[remains] commit-
sit-down with Pope francis. Her as this new role will also allow me ted” to the evening news show
work will appear on “CBS Eve- to extend the reach of the work and said plans will be shared
ning News,” “60 minutes,” and we do to new audiences in new soon.
other programs on the network’s ways.” While CBS’s evening news
broadcast and streaming plat- Joint decision or not, the move show is generally third behind
forms. stunned CBS News employees. NBC’s “Nightly News” and ABC’s
“There’s so much work to be one longtime staffer said it came aManda andRadE-RHoadES foR THE WaSHIngTon PoST
“World News Tonight,” it still
proud of!” she wrote in a memo “straight out of left field.” Norah O’Donnell, pictured in 2022, will step down as CBS’s evening news anchor and will shift to a drives a large traditional televi-
that was obtained by The Wash- Earlier this month, CBS News senior correspondent role in which she will conduct high-profile interviews for the network. sion audience in an era when
ington Post. But noting the “rig- President Ingrid Ciprián-mat- viewership is increasingly splin-
ors of a relentless news cycle” thews resigned in the wake of a company Skydance media that is of the situation said the o’Don- female host of a broadcast eve- tered among different platforms
during her combined 12 years as a merger announcement between expected to result in waves of nell news was unrelated to the ning news show, ascended to the and programs. Between 2022 and
daily anchor — CBS’s morning CBS News’s parent company, Par- cost-cutting. merger. role as anchor and managing 2023, “CBS Evening News” aver-
news show before “Evening amount Global, and production But the source with knowledge o’Donnell, who is the only editor of “CBS Evening News” aged 4.83 million total viewers.

Model apologizes for ads franchise in April after a global

boycott was called in response
to restaurants there offering
on Sept. 5, 1972, eight mili-
tants from the Black September
group stormed the olympic Vil-

linked to Munich Games free meals to soldiers.

“Connecting the liberation of
the Palestinian people to an
lage dorms in West Germany,
demanding the release of more
than 200 political prisoners. The
attack so tragic, is something militants killed two Israelis and
BY F RANCES V INALL Palestinian and is an outspoken that hurts my heart,” Hadid’s took nine Israeli hostages, who
pro-Palestinian advocate, in the statement said, referring to the were later killed.
Supermodel Bella Hadid apol- ads. In response, Adidas said it 1972 munich attack. “Palestine Hadid and her sister Gigi,
ogized monday for participating would revise the campaign. is not synonymous with terror- who are American with Dutch
in an ad campaign for Adidas In a statement posted to Ins- ism and this campaign uninten- and Palestinian heritage, are
that was criticized by Israel, tagram, Hadid said she was not tionally highlighted an event two of the best-known of today’s
telling her more than 61 million aware of the shoe’s history. “I am that does not represent who we supermodels. Both have been
followers that she “would never shocked, I am upset, and I am are.” criticized by Israel at various
have participated” if she had disappointed in the lack of sen- “I will forever stand by my times.
done more research. sitivity that went into this cam- people of Palestine while con- Hadid has previously made
Hadid had appeared in ads to paign,” she said. Photos of the tinuing to advocate for a world headlines for her pro-Palestin-
promote the sportswear brand’s ads before the criticism show free of antisemitism,” she added. ian statements, including wear-
rerelease of its classic SL 72 her and other models posing In its statement, also posted ing a dress that referenced the
sneaker, which first debuted to with flowers while wearing the to Instagram, Adidas said that it kaffiyeh, a Palestinian scarf,
coincide with the 1972 munich Adidas shoes. had “not meant” to make con- during the Cannes film festival
olympics. Those Games were The furor was the latest exam- nections to the 1972 tragedy. It this year; clashing online with
targeted by Palestinian attack- ple of a brand caught up in the apologized to the celebrities Israel’s far-right national secu-
ers, resulting in the deaths of 11 heightened rhetoric around the photographed in the campaign rity minister, Itamar Ben Gvir,
Israelis and a German police conflict in the middle East. and to “communities around the over restricting Palestinians’
officer. Starbucks, Disney and mcDon- cHRISToPHE SIMon/afP/gETTy IMagES world.” movement in the West Bank last
The Israeli government’s X ald’s are among the companies Supermodel Bella Hadid. The 1972 Olympics were targeted by “We made an unintentional August; and attending pro-Pal-
account slammed the brand for that have faced criticism. mc- Palestinian attackers, resulting in the deaths of 11 Israelis and mistake,” the German brand estinian rights protests since at
using Hadid, whose father is Donald’s bought back its Israeli a German police officer. added. least 2017.

wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . washingtonpost.com/sports sU D

pariS olympicS

Good as gold, again

toNI L. sANdys/the WAshINgtoN Post

Cheered on by her teammates, Simone Biles dominated on the floor as the heavily favored U.S. women’s gymnastics team claimed the gold medal Tuesday, followed by Italy with the silver and Brazil with the bronze.

She’s part influencer, Biles caps comeback as

all winner: With Maher, U.S. women complete
women’s rugby takes o≠ their return to the top
Ilona Maher put one foot up
and leaned against a metal ParIS — The last time simone Biles took the
railing. she touched the stage in an olympic team final, she grimaced.
bronze medal dangling she knew right then, as soon as she stalled
around her neck, trying to midair during her vault, that she was not
Jerry relax. she couldn’t. so she okay. she stepped off the mat with her lips
Brewer started talking really loud pursed and a look of concern. The world’s
and really fast. best gymnast had been defeated, not by a
“IT HAsN’T REALLY sUNK IN YET. I competitor but because her body refused to
DoN’T KNoW WHAT’s HAPPENING,” she work in sync with her mind.
said, and she spoke those 11 words as if Biles took a break from the sport, nearly
they were one. two years away, then began the comeback
Eventually, she took a breath. Joy had that led here: to the vault runway in the team
left her disheveled, a rare state for a final at the Paris olympics. Biles felt calm and
woman whose life plays out on social mAddIe meyer/getty ImAges
prepared, but only after she planted her feet
media, often through clever videos. But she Kaylee McKeown is the latest Australian to thwart her American rivals for gold. on the mat after a successful 11/2 twist did she
wasn’t a star Tuesday night. she was a feel relieved.
captain, the leader of the U.s. women’s she smiled before she had finished con-
rugby sevens team. If anyone ever dared to
doubt her priorities, Maher became more Americans keep coming up dry in the pool trolling her landing. she knew then that this
day in Paris would go as planned. This time,
than an athletic content creator Tuesday Biles was not the superstar who withdrew.
night at stade de France, more than a social BY R ICK M AESE next to her name or Regan smith’s? she was the dominant force that propelled
media maven TikTok-ing into flimsy fame. Either was feasible; the two backstrokers the Americans to the team gold medal by a
You can consider her an influencer, but nanTerre, France — The Australian have traded the 100-meter world record massive margin.
sEE brewer oN D9 speedboat, Kaylee McKeown, flew into back and forth these past five years, and sEE gyMNAstics oN D8
the wall, popped out of the water, found the collection of women in the olympic
‘This team has ... been through a lot’ the scoreboard on the other end of the pool Tuesday was responsible for the top From oxon Hill, with gloves
Candace Buckner on the golden U.s. women’s arena and then … nothing. 25 times in history. Before Jahmal harvey became an olympic
gymnasts, who let nothing get in their way. a1 one of the most anticipated races of McKeown’s wait would last a tad lon- boxer, he had to learn to stop fighting. D8
the Paris swim meet, with weeks and ger than everyone else’s in the building,
men’s triathlon on hold months of buildup, and shortsighted but that certainly didn’t diminish the The northern Virginia connection
that plan to show off the seine as swimmable? McKeown couldn’t quite make out the celebration that followed her masterful U.s. men’s soccer team routs guinea to reach
right. Pollution levels force delay of triathlon. D6 numbers on the board. Was that No. 1 sEE swiMMiNg oN D6 knockout phase for first time since 2000. D9

Nats trade Floro to Diamondbacks but decide to keep Finnegan

Victoria Azarenka finds
her form just in time to
BY A NDREW G OLDEN nationals at Diamondbacks with whatever happened, so I’m “It was weird: He had kind of a ington for Floro. advance at the dC open. D2
AND S PENCER N USBAUM 3:30 p.m., mAsN2 happy to be here.” look on his face like he didn’t The Nationals signed Floro,
on the web: Last night’s game This is the third year believe me,” Martinez said. “It’s 33, to a one-year contract in pro FooTBall
PHOenIX — Heading into Tues- ended late. Visit postsports.com. Finnegan’s name has surfaced nice that he’s still here and he’s December, hoping he could In their sharpest practice
day’s MLB trade deadline, two around the trade deadline. He still going to get the opportunity bounce back from a subpar 2023
arms in the Washington Nation- the team it faced later that night. has learned to focus despite the to save games for us.” with Miami and Minnesota. The
yet, Commanders’ draft-
als’ bullpen remained logical can- But Finnegan, who is under team noise but admitted he was follow- Floro thought Martinez was right-hander had a 2.06 ERA in night vision is realized. D3
didates to be moved: right-hand- control through the 2025 season, ing the day’s many trades in the joking when the manager told 51 appearances and proved to be
er Dylan Floro and closer Kyle remained. final few hours. He wasn’t sure he him he was heading basically one of the Nationals’ best reliev- BaSEBall
Finnegan. “I’m happy to be a National was safe until Manager Dave across the field to join the Dia- ers. A trade deadline defined
When the 6 p.m. deadline and that we can put this behind Martinez called him into his mondbacks. “I’ve seen it before, but it’s a
passed, Washington had sent Flo- us and focus on winning games,” office and told him he was, in Arizona sent minor league in- little weird, a little different with by pitchers and sellers
ro to the Arizona Diamondbacks, Finnegan said. “I was at peace fact, staying. fielder Andrés Chaparro to Wash- sEE NAtioNAls oN D3 comes to a chaotic close. D3
d2 eZ su the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024


SOCCER 608 assists over 1,365 games in a
career that included stints with
Wave president sues the New York Rangers, Minnesota
former team employee Wild, Buffalo Sabres, Montreal
Canadiens and Florida Panthers.
San Diego Wave President Jill Staal’s last game came in the 2023
Ellis sued former team employee Stanley Cup finals. …
Brittany Alvarado for The New York Rangers avoided
defamation following allegations arbitration with Ryan Lindgren,
of a poor work environment. signing the hard-nosed
Alvarado, a former video and defenseman to a one-year
creative manager, posted on contract.
social media July 3 that “the Lindgren, 26, has become one
treatment we endured under club of New York’s most important
President Jill Ellis has been players, skating on the top pair on
nothing short of life-altering and the blue line alongside 2021
devastating to our mental health.” Norris Trophy winner Adam Fox.
Alvarado accused Ellis of a He averaged more than 19
“narcissistic personal agenda, minutes of ice time last season,
fostering an environment where then more than 20 in the playoffs.
abusive behaviors among her
subordinates are allowed to PRO BASKETBALL
flourish.” She called on the
National Women’s Soccer League Hawks sign Barlow,
to remove Ellis from the team and will waive Fernando
the league.
Ellis issued a statement the The Atlanta Hawks requested
next day calling the allegations waivers on center Bruno
“false” and “personally Fernando and signed forward
damaging.” Dominick Barlow to a two-way
In a lawsuit filed Monday in DAMIAN DovArgANes/AssoCIATeD Press contract.
California Superior Court in San Fernando, a former Maryland
Diego, Ellis claimed defamation California love star, averaged 6.3 points and
and intentional interference with 4.3 rebounds in 45 games,
Rookie tight end Brock Bowers signs autographs after Las Vegas Raiders training camp in Costa Mesa, Calif., on Tuesday.
contractual relations. including two starts, last season.
“As a direct and proximate He has averaged 4.0 points and
result of the publication of the 3.3 rebounds in 203 career games
false and defamatory statements, with the Hawks, Boston Celtics
plaintiff has suffered general and and Houston Rockets.
special economic and emotional SP O TL i GH T The Hawks had an excess of
injury, damage, loss and harm, frontcourt players following a
damage to reputation, anxiety, deal that sent high-scoring guard
embarrassment, humiliation,
shame and severe emotional
distress,” the suit said.
Ohio lawmakers pitch turf ban for pro teams Dejounte Murray to the New
Orleans Pelicans on July 6. The
Hawks received forward E.J.
Ellis asked for an injunction Liddell, guard Dyson Daniels,
against Alvarado that prevents BY J ULIE C ARR S MYTH Upchurch of Cleveland, and a represen- bid on any of the jobs that his legislation forward-center Larry Nance Jr.
her from publishing defamatory tative of the NFL Players Association, might create. But he said he is wading and center Cody Zeller as well as
statements against her. CoLUMBUS, ohio — Two Ohio lawmak- which is pushing for similar require- into the sports world’s grass-vs.-turf a 2025 first-round pick and a
“Our client, a courageous ers were joined by an NFL players union ments nationally. debate because he has expertise in the conditional 2027 first-rounder in
former employee, has stepped representative Tuesday in unveiling leg- The bill would require that playing field. the trade.
forward to exercise her First islation to require the state’s profession- surfaces consist of no less than 90 per- Upchurch said it’s the right move for The Hawks traded Liddell to
Amendment rights, shining a al sports teams to play on natural grass. cent natural grass. the athletes. the Phoenix Suns for forward
light on the pervasive gender The effort clearly is aimed at the At a scant two pages, it sets no “Although we go to the games mainly David Roddy on Monday.
discrimination and emotional Cincinnati Bengals, who have installed a deadlines for compliance nor contains to enjoy them, get out of the house and Barlow appeared in 33 games,
abuse within the organization,” nearly $1 million synthetic turf field at any penalties for violators. have some fun with family, the safety of including one start, during the
Alvarado’s attorney, Casey Paycor Stadium ahead of the NFL’s 2024 The Bengals are among numerous the players should be a top priority,” he 2023-24 season with the San
Hultin, said in a statement. “Her season. The Cleveland Browns and most teams choosing improved soft plastic said. “It was found that games, whether Antonio Spurs. He averaged
voice, echoing the experiences of of the state’s professional baseball and grass surfaces that look and feel increas- it was baseball, football or soccer, that 4.4 points, 3.4 rebounds and
many, calls for immediate and soccer teams already play on grass. ingly like the real thing over natural occur on natural grass surfaces result in 1.1 assists.
substantial change to protect In defending his bill at a Statehouse grass, which is costly to maintain. The fewer noncontact injuries.” The 6-foot-9 Barlow was
both staff and athletes from news conference, Rep. Rodney Creech team said in a statement that it is aware Creech said he looks forward to the originally signed to a two-way
further harm. This is not just a said: “Player safety, player safety, player of the proposed legislation and will bill having a hearing when lawmakers contract by the Spurs after going
plea for justice; it’s a demand for a safety.” continue to monitor it. return to Columbus after the election. undrafted in 2022.
safe, respectful and equitable The western Ohio Republican — who Creech acknowledged his back- He said he would entertain extending
environment for all.” … majored in agronomy and runs a turf- ground may present a conflict of inter- the requirement to high school sports COLLEGE BASKETBALL
Southampton completed the grass business — appeared with his est, pledging before reporters at the once he sees how this bill goes.
signing of forward Ben Brereton co-sponsor, Democratic Rep. Terrence news conference that he would never — Associated Press Baylor extends Collen
Diaz from Villarreal on a for three more years
four-year contract.
The 25-year-old Chile Baylor extended the contract of
international shifted from TE LEviSiON A Nd R Ad i O women’s basketball coach Nicki
Blackburn to Spain last summer Collen through the 2029-30
and went on to spend the second season after her teams posted a
half of last season on loan to PARiS OLYmPiCS, SEE PAGE d6 74-28 record and reached the
mLB 7:30 p.m. NWSL Summer Cup: Washington vs. Chicago » Paramount Plus
Sheffield United, where he scored 7:30 p.m. Friendly: Liverpool vs. Arsenal » esPN NCAA tournament in each of her
six goals in 14 top-flight 12:30 p.m. Toronto at Baltimore » MAsN, WIYY (97.9 fM), WsBN (630 AM)
7:30 p.m. USL Championship: detroit City at Hartford » CBs sports Network first three seasons.
appearances. 12:30 p.m. New York Yankees at Philadelphia » MLB Network The Bears were 28-7 and made
8 p.m. Leagues Cup, East Group: Santos Laguna at d.C. United »
3:30 p.m. Washington at Arizona » MAsN2, WJfK (106.7 fM), WDCN (87.7 fM)
Brereton Diaz now has made a fox sports 1 it to the Sweet 16 last season,
4 p.m. Seattle at Boston » MLB Network
permanent move to the English 7 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Cincinnati » MLB Network
8 p.m. Friendly: Crystal Palace vs. Wolverhampton » BeIN sports when they were 13th in the final
Premier League by joining newly 10 p.m. Friendly: Real Betis vs. manchester United » esPN Associated Press poll. They won
10 p.m. Colorado at Los Angeles Angels » MLB Network (joined in progress)
promoted Southampton for a 10 p.m. Concacaf under-20 men’s championship, quarterfinal: Honduras their first 14 games; that was the
SOCCER vs. Cuba » fox sports 1
reported initial outlay of 7 million second-best start in school
pounds (about $9 million). 7 a.m. Friendly: Tottenham at Team K League » CBs sports Network TENNiS history behind only the 40-0
Also, Bournemouth signed 7 p.m. Concacaf under-20 men’s championship, quarterfinal: Costa Rica
11 a.m. ATP/WTA: dC Open, early rounds » Tennis Channel national championship team led
Spain under-21 defender Dean at mexico » fox sports 2 by Brittney Griner in 2012.
Huijsen from Juventus for an Collen was the coach of the
undisclosed fee. … WNBA’s Atlanta Dream before
Everton strengthened its being hired by Baylor in May 2021
defense with the signing of to replace Kim Mulkey, who won
Ireland center back Jake O’Brien playing alongside Everton Jesper Lindstrom. … HOCKEY contract to retire as a member of three national titles in her 21
from French club Lyon. captain Seamus Coleman in a 2-1 Zimbabwe appointed the organization that drafted him seasons with the Bears. Mulkey
The 23-year-old defender win. Germany’s Michael Nees as its Following 18 seasons, second in 2003 and won the left to return to her home state as
moved to the Premier League He is Everton’s fifth signing of men’s coach following a winless E. Staal opts to retire Stanley Cup with him three years the coach at LSU.
club in a four-year deal worth the summer, following the loan start to World Cup qualifying. later. There were three years left on
19.5 million euros (about return of Leeds winger Jack The 57-year-old Nees Former NHL all-star Eric Staal The Hurricanes said they will Collen’s original contract, which
$21 million), Lyon said. Harrison and arrivals of previously coached Rwanda and is retiring after 18 seasons. retire Staal’s No. 12 jersey in the was amended with the extension
O’Brien won his first Ireland midfielder Tim Iroegbunam and also was the South Africa director The Carolina Hurricanes upcoming season. that added three more seasons.
cap against Hungary in June, forwards Iliman Ndiaye and of coaching. announced Staal signed a one-day Staal, 39, had 455 goals and — From news services


No. 6 seed Azarenka digs deep, outlasts D.C. native Baptiste in the first round
BY V ARUN S HANKAR the set with a backhand winner, tough match in the first round
then won three of the first four where you’re like, ‘Wow, I could be
Midway through last week, games in the next set. Baptiste out of here,’” Tiafoe said. “… Defi-
Victoria Azarenka didn’t know responded, forced a tiebreak and nitely gets your feet going and
how she would compete at the DC took a 3-1 lead. ready for the tournament. … You
Open. But it wouldn’t last. Azarenka get really tested.”
She withdrew from Wimbledon won the next six points, celebrat-
with a shoulder injury. She came ing with a reserved fist pump. Townsend learns lessons
into Tuesday’s first-round match- “I would say it's a good start,” For Taylor Townsend, meeting
up with D.C.’s Hailey Baptiste hav- she said. Russian Anastasia Potapova in the
ing failed to complete even two first round was less than ideal. The
practice sets. She was full of uncer- Tiafoe survives a scare pair had met twice, with Potapova
tainty. Seconds after he won a mara- dominating both matches.
So, of course, the WTA veteran thon second-round match against But digging through those loss-
of nearly 20 years was stretched to Daniel Elahi Galan, Frances Tia- es revealed lessons for Townsend,
the limit in a 140-minute grind in foe swung at an errant tennis ball who turned the tables on Potapova
the afternoon heat at William H.G. and knocked it out of the stadium. in a 6-2, 6-2 first-round win. She
FitzGerald Tennis Center in Rock It was unclear whether the blast will face Marie Bouzkova of the
Creek Park. Ultimately, the former was in joy or relief, but the Hyatts- Czech Republic in the second
world No. 1 held off Baptiste, 7-6 ville native survived a scare after round Thursday.
(8-6), 7-6 (7-3). an early stumble for a 6-7 (10-8), Townsend declined to speak
The No. 6 seed, who won exactly 6-3, 6-3 win. with reporters but said in an on-
one more point than Baptiste in “I didn’t feel so good after that court interview after the match
the match, advanced to a second- CrAIg huDsoN for The WAshINgToN PosT
first set. … I really found my game, that she and her coach watched
round meeting with China’s Yafan Belarusian Victoria Azarenka, who is ranked No. 20, grinded past Hailey Baptiste, 7-6 (8-6), 7-6 (7-3). so I hope you guys enjoyed it,” he plenty of video to prepare for Pota-
Wang. said in the on-court interview af- pova.
“It was hard for me to expect a er felt comfortable. Wednesday, is ranked No. 20 and The first set took more than 70 ter the match, which lasted “This is the real me,” the
high level of tennis today after “After a break, you have those has earned nearly $40 million in minutes. Baptiste led 5-4 and 6-5 2 hours 22 minutes. His home- 28-year-old said, addressing the
having a break and coming off hesitations, you have some of her career. She finished No. 1 in but couldn’t close Azarenka out. town crowd, cheering his every crowd. “She’s been hiding for some
from injury, not really having too those doubts,” she said. “Some- 2012, the same year Baptiste Azarenka took a 5-2 lead in the word, did seem to enjoy it. time.”
much time on the practice court,” times the quicker decision-mak- turned 11. first tiebreak, but Baptiste cut her Tiafoe, seeking his first DC The win builds on a milestone
Azarenka said. “But I feel like I ing is not as natural after not Baptiste is ranked No. 97 and deficit to one. With a chance to Open title, will face the winner of season for Townsend. She and Kat-
fought really hard today. In the playing for a while.” had to win a qualifier just to make even things, Baptiste took a ball on Wednesday’s Roberto Carballes erina Siniakova won the Wimble-
tiebreaks, in the important mo- Azarenka and Baptiste are com- the main draw. But once the play- her forehand — a strength of her Baena-Aleksandar Kovacevic don women’s doubles title this
ments, I really executed well.” ing from opposite ends of their ers were on the court, not much game — but sent it into the net. match in the round of 16. month for her first Grand Slam
Despite the win, Azarenka nev- careers. Azarenka turns 35 separated the two. The Belarusian eventually won “I think it’s good to have a really championship.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ SU d3

Commanders let Daniels loose as rookie quarterback stretches out his arm
and Terry were just talking about few reps for journeyman Trent He was flanked by minority
it on the sideline. [Daniels is] Scott. Two of those four probably owner mitch rales and General
No. 2 draft pick shows putting the ball in places where it will start at the tackle spots in manager Adam Peters.
his pinpoint accuracy makes our job so much more Week 1.
Vertical threats emerge
easier … where only you can get it
on several deep throws and the defender has no play on newton debuts in team drills A different wide receiver scrap-
it. You truly got to cherish stuff Second-round draft pick John- ping for a roster spot pops each
like that and be thankful for it ny Newton was finally a full-go practice, and Tuesday was Brycen
BY S AM F ORTIER because not everyone can do that. after his second foot surgery and Tremayne’s day to shine. He is a
He’s a special talent.” participated in team drills. The 2023 undrafted free agent who
The Washington Commanders’ defensive tackle didn’t stand out seems like a long shot to make the
offense, led by quarterback Competition is on — it was his first day back, after roster even though he’s nearly
Jayden Daniels, had its best prac- Coach Dan Quinn — in his all — but he got in some challeng- always the first player on the field
tice of training camp Tuesday, most definitive comments of ing reps, including a bull rush of and is the only receiver taller
connecting several times down- camp — said the only two locked- Cosmi. than 6-foot-1. (He’s 6-4 and 212
field and drawing big cheers from in starters on the offensive line Newton, in his first interview pounds.)
the roughly 3,000 fans in attend- are right guard Sam Cosmi and since the draft, said he was The best argument to keep
ance in Ashburn. center Tyler Biadasz, the former “shocked” that he needed a sec- Tremayne and Dyami Brown,
This was the first time the Dallas Cowboy who signed a ond surgery but “kind of happy who’s taking nearly every snap
Commanders’ draft-night vision three-year deal in the offseason. that we found it now” so he could with the first team but remains
for Daniels — a dual-threat quar- He said left guard Nick Alle- heal before the season. He said on the roster bubble, is that they
terback and deep-ball maestro — gretti (signed from the Kansas he’s eager to get back to his old are vertical threats who can help
burst into reality. offensive coor- City Chiefs) is “almost there,” self but also is trying to be realis- Kingsbury and Daniels keep the
dinator Kliff Kingsbury schemed JohN McDoNNell For The WaShiNgToN poST
though he’s still sharing reps with tic. deep-ball vision alive.
up vertical shots and Daniels “With him, anything is possible,” wide receiver Jahan Dotson said michael Deiter. The glaring omis- “Just taking things day by day,”
connected on several of them, of Jayden Daniels, above, who got to show off his arm tuesday. sion is right tackle Andrew Wylie, he said. “rome wasn’t built over- a loud reminder
including a pair to wide receiver who returned to practice Sunday night, so I’m not expecting to get Defensive line coach Darryl
Terry mcLaurin. son for a toe-tap conversion. De- the “best go-ball player in freakin’ from what he called “tightness.” back to 100 percent [on the] first Tapp is the loudest coach on staff,
“I’m telling you: That s--- is fensive coordinator Joe Whitt Jr. NfL history.” The team has rotated four play- day of practice.” and since the pads were put on
money!” mcLaurin screamed af- shook his head, grinned and Perhaps hyperbolic, but it’s ers through first-team right and monday, he has urged his players
ter hauling in a 40-yard pass. dapped up Daniels. representative of the excitement left tackle, with roughly equal Harris in attendance — including Newton and line-
Later, on fourth and medium, Dotson was so inspired by the in Ashburn. time given to Cornelius Lucas, Principal owner Josh Harris backer/edge rusher Jamin Davis
Daniels rolled right, away from offense that, among other ambi- “With him, anything is possi- rookie Brandon Coleman and attended his first practice of — to announce their presence
pressure, and found Jahan Dot- tious claims, he called mcLaurin ble,” Dotson said of Daniels. “me Wylie (when healthy), and then a training camp. with authority.

nFl noteS
Hectic trade deadline features no blockbusters but lots of moves
Rodgers BY C HELSEA J ANES prospects. The Blue Jays, who

might not BALTIMORE — In the immediate

aftermath of the chaos, the story
chose to sell only expiring con-
tracts rather than tear things
down completely in the midst of a

play during of this year’s major League Base-

ball trade deadline seemed more
about the players who were not
disappointing season, dealt Kev-
in Kiermaier to the Dodgers,
Trevor richards to the minnesota

preseason traded than those who were. Af-

ter weeks and months of specula-
tion about aces such as Detroit
Twins, Isiah Kiner-falefa to the
Pittsburgh Pirates, Turner and
García to the mariners, Nate
Tigers star Tarik Skubal or Chica- Pearson to the Chicago Cubs and
A SSOCIATED P RESS go White Sox fireballer Garrett Danny Jansen to the Boston red
Crochet, neither moved. Sox in moves that will help bol-
Aaron rodgers’s next snap in a The prizes of this year’s mar- ster their depth ahead of another
game for the New York Jets might ket, when all was said and done, attempt to contend in 2025.
come in Week 1. were Jack flaherty, Yusei Kikuchi, But in sum, the star power
Coach robert Saleh said Tues- Tanner Scott, Jason Adam and a exchanged at the deadline was
day that his “instinct” is to keep handful of other late-game reliev- limited, particularly compared
the 40-year-old quarterback on ers who can eat the innings con- with years past. There was no
the sideline for all three of the tenders are so desperately trying Juan Soto deal seizing the spot-
Jets’ preseason games. But Saleh to fill. The reason for the relative light, no future Hall of famers
left open the possibility of rodg- lack of star power moved was, in such as max Scherzer and Justin
ers playing in the finale against hindsight, simple: In a year de- Verlander on offer. on the flip
the New York Giants on Aug. 24. fined by injuries to front-line side, no prospects ranked in Base-
rodgers hasn’t played since starters and relievers, contending ball America’s top 100 were dealt,
tearing his left Achilles’ tendon teams were so in need of pitching the first time that has happened
four snaps into last year's season that those who had it to sell were since at least 2014.
opener. asking for the moon. As has been true since mLB
“We haven’t really talked about In many cases, they got it. The expanded its postseason to 12
it,” Saleh said after practice. “my Toronto Blue Jays received three teams in 2022, more teams in
instinct right now as I stand here big-league-ready prospects for a reach of playoff spots meant few-
is we’ll see. ... my instinct is no, but few weeks of Kikuchi. The miami er true sellers, and fewer true
I want to leave it open. That third marlins got three of the San Diego keViN M. cox/aSSociaTeD preSS sellers meant fewer opportuni-
game is the one where we’re de- Padres’ top five prospects for clos- the Marlins dealt left-handed starter trevor Rogers to the orioles for Connor norby and Kyle stowers. ties for buyers to pry stars away
ciding. er Tanner Scott, and the Tampa from their current teams. It
“He definitely won’t play in the Bay rays got three more top from the Cincinnati reds to offer reliever in Tanner Banks. The Los Erceg and swingman michael showed.
first two, but the discussion on the Padres youngsters for Adam. some right-handed-hitting out- Angeles Dodgers stockpiled in- Lorenzen. The Seattle mariners Now, any additions that teams
third one we haven’t quite had The Baltimore orioles had to field options after trading Austin field depth in Tommy Edman and tried to fix their anemic offense need to help them get to and get
yet.” cough up one of their better Hays for Domínguez last week. ex-ray Amed rosario, along with by trading for randy Arozarena through october will have to
l BEaRs: Chicago wide receiv- prospects, Connor Norby, along- As contending teams go, that michael Kopech and flaherty. — one of the biggest stars moved come from inside the organiza-
er DJ moore agreed to a four-year, side promising outfielder Kyle qualified as a substantial haul. The first-place Cleveland this week — and Justin Turner, tion. few contenders will be sell-
$110 million contract extension Stowers for starter Trevor rogers, The New York Yankees added Guardians, meanwhile, retooled and they added to their bullpen ing out jerseys for new big-name
with $82.6 million guaranteed, who owns a 4.53 ErA but will be infielder Jazz Chisholm Jr., but on a budget: They acquired Lane with Yimi García and ryne stars. This deadline was defined
his agent said. under team control for two more they did not add a starter even Thomas from the Washington Stanek. more by moves made to plug
moore, the former maryland seasons. The orioles made sev- though they needed one. They Nationals and Alex Cobb from the The biggest deal in hype and weaknesses, not suddenly estab-
star, led the Bears with 96 recep- eral moves to bolster their roster acquired late-inning relief option San francisco Giants in moves quantity was the three-team deal lish new strengths.
tions for 1,364 yards and eight for the stretch run, also adding mark Leiter Jr., traded away re- that cost relatively little in money the Dodgers, the White Sox and Perhaps, in time, a contender
touchdowns last season. ... starter Zach Eflin as part of their liever Caleb ferguson and and fair returns in prospects, the St. Louis Cardinals made that will prove that this deadline
rookie quarterback Caleb Wil- rotation remodel, trading for for- brought in reliever Enyel De Los addressing major needs in both resulted in Kopech and Edman changed its fate dramatically. But
liams will not make his NfL pre- mer Philadelphia Phillies reliev- Santos from the Padres. The Phil- deals. Their top American League joining the Dodgers and Erick the whole event might best be
season debut in Thursday night’s ers Seranthony Domínguez and lies got the right-handed platoon Central competition, the Kansas fedde and Tommy Pham becom- summarized by the fact that, as of
Hall of fame Game against the Gregory Soto (in separate deals) option they needed in Hays, the City royals, also made major ing Cardinals. The rays and mar- 6:01 p.m. Tuesday, exactly who
Houston Texans, Chicago Coach and acquiring Eloy Jiménez from closer they needed in former An- improvements by acquiring re- lins orchestrated large-scale sell- that team might be simply was
matt Eberflus said. The No. 1 pick the White Sox and Austin Slater gel Carlos Estévez and another lievers Hunter Harvey and Lucas offs that netted them multiple top not clear.
in the draft out of Southern Cali-
fornia will sit out the first game, as
will all of the Bears’ other starters.
Tyson Bagent will start at quar-
terback Thursday. He and Brett
rypien are involved in a battle for
Nats flip Floro to the Diamondbacks but decide to keep Finnegan
the backup position.
Eberflus wouldn’t commit to nationals from D1
n At i o n A l S o n d e c k
Williams making his debut in the
Aug. 10 preseason game at Buf- myself being in their shoes,” flo- at Arizona diamondbacks
falo. ro said of being traded. “… Came
l titans: Tennessee Coach here to get ready for a game. Just Wednesday 3:40 MaSN2
Brian Callahan is aware of a re- going to be doing it in a different
port that Titans outside lineback- uniform.” vs. Milwaukee Brewers
er Arden Key is facing a six-game In Chaparro, the Nationals ac- Friday 6:45 apple TV plus
suspension to start the regular quired a third baseman from the
season for violating the NfL’s pol- Diamondbacks’ Class AAA affili- Saturday 4:05 MaSN
icy on performance-enhancers. ate who has made massive strides Sunday 1:35 MaSN2
With the suspension not hav- this season, hitting .332 with 19
ing been announced by the home runs and a .967 oPS. The vs. San Francisco Giants
league, the first-year coach 25-year-old was not listed on any
couldn’t say much about the major publications’ lists of Ari- Monday 6:45 MaSN
pending punishment Tuesday. zona’s top 30 prospects.
“It’s not something that you In total, Washington traded Tuesday 6:45 MaSN
wanted to hear, but we don’t real- four players this month, includ- aug. 7 6:45 MaSN
ly have a choice,” Callahan said ing 28-year-old outfielder Lane
after practice. “We’ve got to go Thomas, who on monday was aug. 8 4:05 MaSN
play football with who we have. If dealt to the Cleveland Guardians.
we can find someone else, we will. Ahead of the all-star break, re- Radio: WJFK (106.7 FM),
If we can’t, we’ll go play with what liever Hunter Harvey departed WDCN (87.7 FM)
we have. That’s where we’re at.” for Kansas City. on Saturday,
Key had six sacks last year in outfielder Jesse Winker was trad- Washington called up Joan Adon
his first season with Tennessee. ed to the New York mets. to replace floro; Adon primarily
l Colts: Indianapolis defen- “We thought we filled a lot of has been used as a starter in the
sive end Samson Ebukam is ex- our objectives at the trade dead- Mark SchieFelbeiN/aSSociaTeD preSS
majors, but the Nationals have
pected to miss the entire season line,” General manager mike riz- signed in December, Dylan Floro had a 2.06 ERa in 51 relief appearances for Washington this season. transitioned him into a long
after suffering a torn Achilles’ zo said. “We got a deeper minor relief role.
tendon in Sunday’s training camp league system. We feel like we got to the Los Angeles Dodgers. And hope. And this month, the Na- To fill out their major league In late-game, high-leverage sit-
practice. a couple of impact players. I in 2022, Washington traded star tionals added seven more players roster, the Nationals called up uations, martinez said he could
l CoWBoYs: Dallas activated think that it’s going to prove to be outfielder Juan Soto to the San to their system. outfielder Travis Blankenhorn to turn to former closer Tanner
cornerback Trevon Diggs from very beneficial long term.” Diego Padres. Harvey netted minor league take Thomas’s spot. martinez rainey, who has struggled this
the physically unable to perform It was another step in Wash- Through it all, the Nationals infielder Cayden Wallace and the said he anticipates Blankenhorn season, posting a 5.90 ErA enter-
list, the latest step in his return ington’s rebuild, a years-long have revamped their minor 39th pick in the draft, which and Alex Call to split time in ing Tuesday. Even with the uncer-
from a torn ACL. process that has included the league system and shifted their turned into catcher Caleb Loma- right, though Blankenhorn also tainty, one thing is clear: The
l Bills: Backup offensive midsummer departures of sev- focus to the future. Some players vita. right-hander Tyler Stuart could see time as the designated Nationals will have finnegan
lineman Alec Anderson was ex- eral players over the past four who arrived in those seismic arrived in the Winker deal. And hitter. closing for the rest of the season.
pected to be released from the seasons, including some beloved deals — including left-hander Cleveland sent Washington in- With floro and Harvey gone, “I hope to continue to play
hospital following a brief stay in stars and household names. In macKenzie Gore, shortstop CJ fielders José Tena and rafael martinez will need bigger contri- well, and I’m inspired to finish
which he was treated for 2021, ace max Scherzer and Abrams and outfielder James ramirez Jr. and left-hander Alex butions from some of the reliev- the season strong and get ready
heat-related illness symptoms. shortstop Trea Turner were dealt Wood — have already given fans Clemmey in the Thomas trade. ers at the back end of his bullpen. for next year,” finnegan said.
d4 eZ sU the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

national league american league
East W l pct GB l10 str cEntral W l pct GB l10 str WEst W l pct GB l10 str East W l pct GB l10 str cEntral W l pct GB l10 str WEst W l pct GB l10 str
Philadelphia 65 42 .607 — 3-7 L-3 milwaukee 61 46 .570 — 6-4 L-1 x-Los angeles 63 44 .589 — 7-3 W-1 Baltimore 64 44 .593 — 4-6 W-1 cleveland 65 42 .607 — 6-4 W-3 seattle 57 52 .523 — 5-5 W-1
atlanta 57 49 .538 71/2 3-7 W-1 Pittsburgh 55 52 .514 6 6-4 W-3 x-san Diego 57 51 .528 61/2 7-3 L-1 New york 64 45 .587 1/
2 5-5 W-4 minnesota 58 48 .547 61/2 4-6 L-2 Houston 55 52 .514 1 4-6 L-3
New york 57 50 .533 8 7-3 W-2 st. Louis 55 52 .514 6 5-5 W-1 x-arizona 56 51 .523 7 7-3 W-1 Boston 56 50 .528 7 3-7 L-1 Kansas city 59 49 .546 61/2 6-4 W-2 texas 52 56 .481 41/2 6-4 L-1
x-Washington 49 58 .458 16 5-5 L-2 cincinnati 52 55 .486 9 5-5 W-2 x-san Francisco 53 55 .491 101/2 6-4 W-4 tampa Bay 55 52 .514 81/2 7-3 W-3 Detroit 52 57 .477 14 3-7 L-3 x-Los angeles 46 60 .434 91/2 5-5 W-1
miami 39 68 .364 26 5-5 L-2 chicago 51 58 .468 11 4-6 L-2 x-colorado 38 69 .355 25 4-6 L-4 toronto 50 58 .463 14 6-4 L-1 chicago 27 83 .245391/20-10 L-16 x-Oakland 44 64 .407 121/2 7-3 L-1
x-Late game x-Late game

d’backs 9, nationals 8 Mets 2, twins 0 Guardians 5, tigers 0 n ot E s

Late Monday sean manaea struck out José Ramírez moved
NAtIoNALS Ab R h bI bb So Avg a season-best 11 over past albert Belle into sole
Abrams ss...........4 1 1 0 0 1 .256 seven dominant innings to possession of second pErsonnEl dEpt.
Yepez 1b .............5 1 2 0 0 0 .364
Ramírez dh .........4 2 2 2 1 0 .333
pitch New york past place on the cleveland angels: shut down
Wood lf ...............3 1 1 1 2 1 .239 minnesota. career home run list with
Ruiz c ..................5 1 2 2 0 0 .220 OF mike trout’s rehab
mark Vientos homered his 243rd, hitting his third
Call rf ..................3
Vargas 2b............5
2 3 2 0 .368
2 0 0 0 .269 and J.D. martinez had an in two games to help the from meniscus surgery
Young cf..............5 0 2 0 0 1 .254
RBI single to help the mets guardians beat Detroit. and placed 3B anthony
Lipscomb 3b........5 1 1 0 0 1 .217
totALS 39 8 15 8 5 4 — win for the 15th time in 21 Hall of Famer Jim thome Rendon (lower back
games. they matched their tops the list with 337. inflammation) on the
D'bAcKS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Marte 2b ............... 5 1 3 3 0 1 .299 season high at seven gUARDIANS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
injured list.
Moreno c ............... 5 1 1 0 0 0 .253 games above .500. Kwan lf .....................4 0 0 0 0 0 .332 Brewers: activated RHP
Gurriel lf ............... 4 2 2 0 1 0 .269 Thomas rf .................4 1 1 0 0 2 .250
Walker 1b ............. 1
Newman 1b........... 3
0 0 0 0 1 .254
0 2 1 0 0 .274
twINS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Ramírez dh ...............4 1 1 2 0 0 .275 Joe Ross from the injured
Margot rf.............3 0 0 0 0 0 .244 J.Naylor 1b ...............4 1 1 1 0 1 .241
Carroll ph .............. 1 1 1 2 0 0 .214 Larnach ph-lf.......1 0 0 0 0 0 .242 Martínez cf ...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .234 list to start against the
Grichuk dh............. 2 0 0 0 1 0 .272 Buxton cf.............4 0 0 0 0 4 .277
Pederson ph-dh..... 1 0 1 1 0 0 .280 Lewis dh..............3 0 0 0 1 3 .279
Giménez 2b...............4 0 1 0 0 0 .249
Freeman 3b...............2 1 2 0 0 0 .224
Braves. He had missed
McCarthy rf........... 4 0 0 0 0 0 .280
Suárez 3b .............. 3 2 1 0 1 1 .219
Miranda 3b..........4 0 0 0 0 3 .319 Rocchio ss.................1 1 1 1 0 0 .204 more than two months
Santana 1b..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .243 Schneemann ss-3b....4 0 1 1 0 0 .214
Thomas cf ............. 4 1 1 0 0 0 .197 Castro 2b.............3 0 0 0 0 1 .259 Hedges c ...................2 0 0 0 0 0 .153 with a back injury.
Perdomo ss ........... 4 1 2 2 0 1 .253 Martin lf..............2 0 0 0 0 0 .231 totALS 33 5 8 5 0 5 —
totALS 37 9 14 9 3 4 — Kepler ph-rf.........1 0 0 0 0 0 .264 rays: the Pinellas county
Vázquez c ............3 0 0 0 0 1 .209
wAShINgtoN ..510 002 000 — 8 15 0 Lee ss ..................2 0 1 0 1 0 .244
tIgERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg commissioners approved
ARIzoNA ..........000 110 115 — 9 14 0 Vierling cf ...........4 0 0 0 0 2 .253
totALS 30 0 2 0 2 13 — Keith dh ..............4 0 1 0 0 1 .255 the county’s share of the
One out when winning run scored.
Lob: Washington 10, Arizona 6. MEtS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Malloy lf .............4
Pérez rf ...............4
1 0 0 1 .214
0 0 0 1 .246
funding for a long-sought
2b: Ruiz (10), Abrams (22), Ramírez
(3), Newman (15), Suárez (16).
Lindor ss..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .254 Madris 1b............3 0 2 0 0 1 .346 30,000-seat stadium, a
Nimmo lf .............3 1 1 0 1 1 .234 Ibáñez 2b ............3 0 0 0 0 2 .278
3b: Thomas (1). hR: Call (1), off Mont- Martinez dh.........4 0 2 1 0 1 .266 Urshela 3b ..........3 0 0 0 0 0 .241 big step in the team’s
gomery; Marte (24), off Finnegan; Car- Alonso 1b ............3 0 0 0 0 3 .244 McKinstry ss ......2 0 0 0 1 0 .177
roll (8), off Finnegan. RbI: Wood (16), Winker rf.............3 0 1 0 0 1 .333 Rogers c ..............2 0 0 0 1 2 .200
Ruiz 2 (35), Call 3 (4), Ramírez 2 (15), Taylor rf ..............0 0 0 0 0 0 .239
Newman (22), Marte 3 (71), Perdomo 2 Vientos 3b...........3 1 1 1 0 0 .285
totALS 29 0 4 0 2 10 — rangers: OF evan carter
(14), Pederson (44), Carroll 2 (38).
Sb: Young (26), Abrams (20).
Iglesias 3b...........0
McNeil 2b ............2
0 0 0 0 .342
0 0 0 0 .231
cLEvELAND ....000 110 021 — 5 8 2 is likely to miss the rest of
DEtRoIt..........000 000 000 — 0 4 0
cS: Young (6), Abrams (10). Torrens c .............3 0 0 0 0 1 .294
E: J.Naylor (7), Williams (1). Lob:
the regular season
NAtIoNALS Ip h RERbb So NpERA Bader cf ...............3 0 0 0 0 2 .265
Parker................5 4 2 2 2 3 744.31 totALS 28 2 5 2 1 10 —
Cleveland 3, Detroit 4. 2b: Schneemann because of a lumbar
(7), Freeman (14). hR: J.Naylor (23), off
Barnes...............1 1 0 0 0 0 113.59
Ferrer ................1 1 1 1 1 1 197.71 MINNESotA .. 000 000 000 — 0 2 0 Faedo; Ramírez (27), off Foley; Rocchio sprain in his back.
(4), off Wentz.
Law................... 1/3 2 1 1 0 0 183.27
Garcia ............... 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 114.26
NEw YoRK..... 000 110 00X — 2 5 1
gUARDIANS Ip h R ER bb So ERA yankees: RHP gerrit cole
E: Alonso (6). Lob: Minnesota 5, New
Finnegan ......... 1/3 5 5 5 0 0 283.48 York 4. 2b: Martinez (17). hR: Vientos Williams .............. 5 2 0 0 1 8 3.72 was scratched from his
Herrin .................. 1 1 0 0 0 0 1.27
D'bAcKS Ip h RERbb SoNpERA (15), off Festa.
Sandlin ................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 3.76 start against the Phillies
Montgomery .....4 9 6 6 3 1 786.51 twINS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Smith................... 1 0 0 0 1 0 1.95
Castro................2 5 2 2 2 0 415.93 Festa.................... 5 3 2 2 1 6 6.98 Clase.................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.72 because of general body
Cecconi ..............2 0 0 0 0 3 315.96 Alcala ................... 1 1 0 0 0 2 1.63
Jax........................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.14 tIgERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA fatigue. the reigning
Mantiply ...........1 1 0 0 0 0 114.08
wp: Mantiply (5-2); Lp: Finnegan (2-5).
Thielbar................ 1 1 0 0 0 1 5.53 JIm mcIsaac/getty Images Holton .............. 22/3 2 0 0 0 1 2.83 american League cy
Faedo................ 12/3 2 2 2 0 1 3.81
Inherited runners-scored: Garcia 2-1. MEtS Ip h R ER bb So ERA young award winner
Havin’ a blast
Miller ................ 12/3 0 0 0 0 1 4.35
hbp: Cecconi (Abrams). t: 3:00.
A: 18,790 (48,359).
Manaea ................ 7
0 0 1 11 3.50
0 0 1 0 16.2
Vest ..................... 1
Foley.................... 1
0 0 0 1 3.02
2 2 0 0 4.10
made his season debut
how thEY ScoRED Díaz....................11/3 0 0 0 0 2 3.77
Mark Vientos, right, celebrates his fifth-inning home run against the Twins on Tuesday with teammate
Wentz.................. 1 1 1 1 0 1 5.80 June 19 after recovering
NAtIoNALS FIRSt wp: Manaea (7-4); Lp: Festa (1-2); wp: Williams (1-3); Lp: Faedo (5-3). from right elbow
CJ Abrams strikes out swinging. Juan S: Díaz (13). Inherited runners-scored:
Díaz 2-0. hbp: Festa (McNeil).
Jose Iglesias, whose song “OMG” has helped energize the Mets during a midseason surge to contention. Inherited runners-scored: Miller 1-0.
hbp: Faedo (Freeman). t: 2:20. inflammation that had
Yepez singles. Harold Ramirez walks.
wp: Festa. t: 2:12. A: 27,767 (42,136). A: 23,239 (41,083).
Juan Yepez to second. James wood sin-
gles, harold Ramirez to third, Juan Ye-
sidelined him since
pez scores. Keibert Ruiz doubles, James spring training.

O’s cap stressful day

wood to third, harold Ramirez scores.
Alex call homers, Keibert Ruiz scores, yankees 7, rays 9, Marlins 3 reds 6, cubs 3 orioles 6, Blue Jays 2
James wood scores. Ildemaro Vargas phillies 6 (12) trade acquisition chris- santiago espinal extend- bLUE JAYS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
singles. Jacob Young hits into a force

by defeating Toronto
out. Ildemaro Vargas out at second. Jazz chisholm Jr. had his topher morel homered in ed his hitting streak to 10 Springer dh .........3 0 0 0 1 2 .226
to d ay
Varsho cf ............4 0 1 1 0 1 .200
Nationals 5, Diamondbacks 0
second straight two-homer his tampa Bay debut, help- games with a two-run hom- Guerrero 1b.........2 1 1 0 2 0 .312
Trey Lipscomb lines out. CJ Abrams game for New york. ing the new-look Rays come er in the second inning as Horwitz 2b..........4 0 1 0 0 1 .284
doubles. Juan Yepez grounds out. har- Kirk c...................1 0 0 1 0 0 .239
old Ramirez singles, cJ Abrams scores. YANKEES Ab R h bI bb So Avg from behind to beat miami. cincinnati topped chicago. Serven c ..............1 0 0 0 0 1 .063 nl games
James Wood walks. Harold Ramirez to Verdugo lf...........4 1 1 1 1 1 .238 Ben Rortvedt and yandy Right-hander tony santil- Clement 3b .........3 0 0 0 0 0 .266
second. Keibert Ruiz flies out.
Nationals 6, Diamondbacks 0
J.Soto rf..............4
Judge dh .............4
1 0 2 0 .309
3 0 2 0 .319
Díaz each contributed a lan got the start for the
Barger rf .............4
Jiménez ss..........4
1 0 0 1 .178
0 0 0 2 .228 orioles 6, blue jays 2 NAtIoNALS At DIAMoNDbAcKS, 3:40
DIAMoNDbAcKS FoURth Wells c ................6 1 0 0 0 3 .234 two-run single off reliever Reds because the sched- Berroa lf..............4 1 1 0 0 2 .167
Ketel Marte singles. Gabriel Moreno Chisholm 3b........6 2 3 5 0 0 .400 totALS 30 2 5 2 3 10 — Gore (L) 6-8 4.51 10-11
grounds out. Ketel Marte out at second. Torres 2b ............5 0 0 1 0 2 .234
Declan cronin during a five- uled starter, Frankie mon- BY T AYLOR L YONS Gallen (R) 8-5 3.70 9-8
Lourdes Gurriel walks. Kevin Newman Rice 1b ................4 0 1 0 0 1 .211 run sixth inning that gave tas, was traded to milwau- oRIoLES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
doubles, Lourdes gurriel scores. Randal LeMahieu 1b .......1 0 0 0 0 0 .173
tampa Bay a 6-3 lead. kee earlier in the day. Cowser lf ..............5 0 2 0 0 1 .243 bRAvES At bREwERS, 2:10
Grichuk walks. Jake McCarthy flies out.
Nationals 6, Diamondbacks 1
Stanton ph..........1
Cabrera 1b ..........0
0 0 0 1 .242
0 0 0 0 .246
Rutschman c.........4 1 1 0 1 1 .263 BALTIMORE — Anxiety engulfed the Baltimore Sale (L) 13-3 2.68 13-6
Henderson ss........3 2 1 0 1 0 .283
DIAMoNDbAcKS FIFth Volpe ss ..............5 1 2 0 0 1 .255
MARLINS Ab R h bI bb So Avg cUbS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Santander rf .........3 1 2 2 1 0 .246 Orioles’ clubhouse in the hours leading up to Peralta (R) 6-6 3.94 13-8
Eugenio Suarez doubles. Alek Thomas Edwards ss..........5 1 2 0 0 3 .380 Happ lf .......................4 1 0 0 1 0 .230
grounds out. Eugenio Suarez to third.
Grisham cf ..........4 0 0 0 1 1 .186
Burger 1b ............5 1 2 1 0 0 .235 Busch 1b ....................4 0 0 0 1 3 .259
O'Hearn dh............3
Mountcastle 1b ....4
0 1
0 0
2 1 1 .277
0 0 1 .273
Tuesday’s 6 p.m. trade deadline and the 6:35 first cUbS At REDS, 7:10
totALS 44 7 11 7 6 10 —
Geraldo Perdomo flies out. Ketel Marte Rivera dh .............5
J.Sánchez rf ........3
1 2 0 0 .212
0 0 0 1 .240
Suzuki rf ....................4 1 2 0 1 0 .268
Bellinger dh................4 1 2 2 0 0 .272
Westburg 2b.........4 0 0 0 0 1 .271 pitch against the Toronto Blue Jays. Hendricks (R) 2-9 6.95 4-10
singles, Eugenio Suarez scores. Gabriel
Moreno flies out.
phILLIES Ab R h bI bb So Avg Hensley ph-rf ......1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Paredes 3b .................4 0 0 0 0 0 .000
Mullins cf..............3
Urías 3b ................4
1 1
1 3
0 1 0 .221
2 0 1 .244
There were young stars who knew they were safe Lodolo (L) 8-3 3.45 11-5
Schwarber dh .....3 1 0 0 2 3 .245 Bride 3b ...............2 0 1 0 1 1 .243
Nationals 6, Diamondbacks 2
NAtIoNALS SIXth Turner ss ............6 0 1 0 0 1 .318 Lopez 2b ..............4 0 0 0 0 1 .225
Hoerner 2b .................4 0 1 0 0 2 .250
Swanson ss................3 0 1 0 1 1 .219 totALS 33 6 11 6 5 6 — from being moved yet still budding with angst
DoDgERS At pADRES, 8:40
Trey Lipscomb singles. CJ Abrams flies Harper 1b............5
Bohm 3b..............6
0 0 1 2 .278
1 1 0 1 .293
Bruján cf..............4
Gordon lf .............4
0 0 0 1 .222
1 0 0 1 .232
Crow-Armstrong cf.....4 0 0 0 0 1 .188
toRoNto .......000 100 100 — 2 5 1 about which of their teammates might leave. The
out. Juan Yepez grounds out. Trey Lips- Amaya c .....................3 0 1 0 0 0 .215 Kershaw (L) 0-0 4.50 1-0
comb to second. harold Ramirez dou- Marsh cf-rf .........6 0 0 0 0 0 .249 Fortes c ...............4 0 3 0 0 0 .214 Tauchman ph .............0 0 0 0 1 0 .243
bALtIMoRE....103 110 00X — 6 11 0 handful of young players and veterans whose
Realmuto c .........5 1 3 0 1 1 .258 Cease (R) 10-8 3.50 13-9
bles, trey Lipscomb scores. James
Wood walks. Keibert Ruiz singles, Castellanos rf .....4 0 0 0 0 1 .238
totALS 37 3 10 3 1 9 — totALS 34 3 7 2 5 7 — E: Jiménez (1). Lob: Toronto 7, Balti-
more 8. 2b: Varsho (16), Santander (17).
names had been floated in rumors were even more
James wood to second, harold Ramirez Rojas pr-cf ..........1 1 1 0 0 0 .235 RAYS Ab R h bI bb So Avg REDS Ab R h bI bb So Avg hR: Urías (5), off Bassitt; Santander concerned.
Wilson ph ...........1 0 0 0 0 1 .192 (31), off Little. RbI: Kirk (26), Varsho
scores. Alex Call walks. Keibert Ruiz to
second. James Wood to third. Ildemaro Stott 2b ..............4 2 1 0 1 1 .243 Díaz 1b ................5 1 2 2 0 3 .271 India 2b................3 2 1 0 1 1 .264 (46), Santander 2 (72), Urías 2 (18), Once the deadline passed with only one player on nl scores
B.Lowe dh ...........4 1 1 1 1 1 .262 De La Cruz ss.......5 0 1 0 0 2 .262
Vargas grounds out. Hays lf ................4 1 2 4 0 0 .250
Morel 2b ..............4 2 1 1 0 0 .250 Steer lf ................5 0 1 1 0 2 .237
O’Hearn 2 (43). Sb: Mullins (18), Berroa
(5). cS: Cowser (3), Urías (1). SF: Kirk.
the major league roster — second baseman Connor MoNDAY’S RESULtS
Nationals 8, Diamondbacks 2 totALS 45 6 9 5 5 11 —
J.Lowe rf .............5
Caballero 3b ........4
2 1 0 0 .217
2 1 1 2 .240
Stephenson c ......5
Candelario 1b ......3
3 1 0 1 .242
0 0 1 1 .227 bLUE JAYS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Norby — being traded, Baltimore could play at Arizona 9, Washington 8
at Cincinnati 7, Chicago Cubs 1
NEw YoRK .. 100 001 300 011 — 7 11 0
Jake McCarthy grounds out. Eugenio Su-
arez walks. Alek Thomas grounds out. phILA. ......... 130 000 001 010 — 6 9 1 Palacios lf............3 1 0 0 2 1 .233 Friedl cf ...............3 0 2 2 1 1 .221 Bassitt................. 4 9 5 5 1 3 4.02 stress-free. The newly revamped team put together at Milwaukee 8, Atlanta 3
Siri cf...................2 0 0 0 0 2 .198 Little.................... 1 1 1 1 0 1 4.32
Eugenio Suarez to second. geraldo per- E: Realmuto (3). Lob: New York 12, Rortvedt c ...........4 1 2 2 0 0 .263
Fairchild rf...........3
Fraley ph-rf .........1
0 0 0 2 .226
0 0 0 0 .278 Burr ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1 4.91 one of its most complete games of the season in a tUESDAY’S RESULtS
domo singles, Eugenio Suarez scores.
Ketel Marte strikes out swinging.
Philadelphia 13. 2b: Verdugo (24), Volpe
(20), Bohm (37). hR: Chisholm (3), off
Walls ss...............3 0 1 0 1 2 .150 Marte 3b..............3 1 0 0 1 0 .177 Cuas..................... 1 0 0 0 3 1 9.00 6-2 win at Oriole Park. Washington at Arizona, late
at Cincinnati 6, Chicago Cubs 3
totALS 34 9 11 8 5 11 — Espinal dh............4 1 4 2 0 0 .237 Pop....................... 1 1 0 0 1 0 5.29
Nationals 8, Diamondbacks 3 Nola; Chisholm (4), off Strahm; Hays Benson pr-dh.......0 1 0 0 0 0 .194 With the last-place Blue Jays selling at the Atlanta 5, at Milwaukee 1
DIAMoNDbAcKS EIghth (1), off Warren. oRIoLES Ip h R ER bb So ERA L.A. Dodgers at San Diego, late
Gabriel Moreno singles. Lourdes Gurriel YANKEES Ip h R ER bb So ERA
MIAMI ............ 200 010 000 — 3 10 1
tAMpA bAY... 000 105 21X — 9 11 0
totALS 35 6 12 6 4 10 —
Burnes .............. 62/3 4 2 2 3 7 2.47
deadline, Corbin Burnes didn’t have a lineup to plan
singles. Gabriel Moreno to second. Kev-
in Newman lines out. Joc Pederson Warren ............. 51/3 4 4 4 2 6 6.75 E: Fortes (7). Lob: Miami 9, Tampa Bay chIcAgo ........ 000 002 100 — 3 7 0 Pérez .................. 2/3 1 0 0 0 0 4.18 for until 40 minutes before first pitch. Still, the
Cano.................... 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.83
pinch-hitting for Randal Grichuk. Joc Cousins............... 2/3 0 0 0 0 1 2.45 9. 2b: Fortes 2 (9), Caballero 2 (15), cINcINNAtI ... 230 000 01X — 6 12 0
Domínguez .......... 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 right-hander threw 62/3 innings of two-run ball and
pederson singles, Lourdes gurriel to Kahnle ................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.28 J.Lowe (10), B.Lowe (11). hR: Rivera (1), Lob: Chicago 9, Cincinnati 10. 2b: Swan-
collected seven strikeouts, his most since June 16. al games
second, gabriel Moreno scores. Jake Weaver................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 2.87 off Springs; Burger (14), off Alexander; son (14), Amaya (6), India (22), Espinal 2 wp: Burnes (11-4); Lp: Bassitt (8-10).
Holmes ................ 1 3 1 1 1 0 2.89
McCarthy flies out. Lourdes Gurriel to
Leiter................... 1 1 0 0 1 0 0.00
Morel (1), off Cabrera. (6), Steer (26). hR: Bellinger (10), off Inherited runners-scored: Pérez 2-1.
hbp: Burnes 2 (Clement,Kirk). pb: Ser-
The Orioles, who scored five and three runs in the bLUE JAYS At oRIoLES, 12:35
third. Eugenio Suarez flies out. MARLINS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Richardson; Espinal (7), off Steele.
Nationals 8, Diamondbacks 4 Tonkin.................. 2 1 1 0 1 3 2.47
Cabrera ................ 5 3 2 2 2 7 6.65 cUbS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
ven (2). t: 2:47. A: 21,710 (45,971). first three innings of Monday’s doubleheader, w-L ERA tEAM
Alek Thomas triples. geraldo perdomo
phILLIES Ip h R ER bb So ERA Cronin .................. 1 3 4 4 2 2 4.03 Steele................... 5 6 5 5 4 7 3.38 struck early again with Anthony Santander driving TBD ---- ---- ----
Kitchen................. 2 5 3 3 1 2 13.5 López.................... 1 2 0 0 0 1 0.68
singles, Alek thomas scores. Ketel Nola .................. 52/3
Alvarado............. 1/3
2 2 3 4 3.43
0 0 0 0 4.22 Roberts ................ 2 4 1 1 0 2 1.12 oRIoLES’ bAttINg LEADERS the effort. After Gunnar Henderson walked with Rodriguez (R) 12-4 3.82 13-6
Marte homers, geraldo perdomo scores. RAYS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
Gabriel Moreno lines out. Lourdes Gurri- Strahm ................ 1 1 3 3 2 2 2.41
Springs...............32/3 6 2 2 1 3 4.91 REDS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
Entering Wednesday’s game. two outs in the first, Santander slapped a double RoYALS At whItE SoX, 2:10
Ruiz ..................... 1 0 0 0 1 2 4.55 Avg R h hR RbI bb
el singles. Corbin Carroll pinch-hitting
for Kevin Newman. corbin carroll hom- Estévez................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 Alexander ..........21/3 1 1 1 0 3 5.81 Santillan .............. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 Pache 1.00 0 1 0 0 0
down the left field line to score the shortstop. Singer (R) 7-6 2.82 13-8
Kelly.....................2/3 2 0 0 0 1 4.20
ers, Lourdes gurriel scores. Hoffman .............. 2
Kerkering............. 1
1 0 0 1 0.98
1 0 0 1 2.21 Cleavinger............1/3 0 0 0 0 1 3.19
Martinez .............. 4
0 0 0 3 3.58
2 2 1 1 27.0
McKenna .375 3 3 2 2 1 Ramón Urías’s homer — a solo shot for his first Thorpe (R) 3-2 4.80 3-5
Stowers .306 3 11 1 9 0
Diamondbacks 9, Nationals 8
wp: Tonkin (3-2); Lp: Kerkering (2-2).
Rodríguez............. 1
Bigge.................... 1
0 0 0 1 2.50
0 0 0 0 0.00
Wilson.................. 1 0 1 1 1 1 4.66 Henderson .283 86 119 28 64 55 since June 19 — and Ryan O’Hearn’s two-run single MARINERS At RED SoX, 4:10
Cruz......................1/3 1 0 0 1 0 4.78
Ibb: off Holmes (Schwarber), off Leiter
wp: Alexander (4-3); Lp: Cronin (2-3). In- Farmer ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.76
O'Hearn .277 44 82 12
Mountcastle .273 48 103 13
made it 4-0 after three innings. Kirby (R) 8-7 3.03 10-12
(Realmuto), off Tonkin (Harper).
NAtIoNALS’ LEADERS hbp: Warren (Hays), Kahnle (Schwar- herited runners-scored: Cronin 1-1, Alex- Díaz...................... 1 0 0 0 1 0 4.23 Westburg .271 54 105 18 58 21 Santander grew his team’s advantage in the fifth Bello (R) 10-5 5.28 12-7
ander 3-0, Cleavinger 2-0. hbp: Cabrera Rutschman .263 54 105 17 61 42
Entering Tuesday’s game. ber). wp: Holmes, Tonkin. pb: Realmuto
(4). t: 3:51. A: 44,502 (42,901). (Siri), Cronin (Morel), Rodríguez (Bride).
wp: Martinez (5-5); Lp: Steele (2-5); S:
Díaz (21). Inherited runners-scored: Wil- Kjerstad .261 6 18 3 12 9 with a solo shot, his 31st home run of the season.
bAttERS Avg R h hR RbI bb wp: Bigge. t: 2:54. A: 17,931 (25,025). son 1-0, Cruz 1-1. t: 2:45. A: 25,678 Hays .255 18 40 3 14 9 — Baltimore Sun al scores
Call .368 7 7 1 4 5
Yepez .364 14 28 2 14 6 MoNDAY’S RESULtS
Game 1: at Baltimore 11, Toronto 5
.333 7 17
.276 35 92
Mariners 10, red sox 6 cardinals 8, rangers 1 Braves 5, Brewers 1 royals 4, White sox 3 pirates 6, astros 2 gAME 2 Game 2: Toronto 8, at Baltimore 4
Vargas .269 17 52 1 22 16 Jorge Polanco homered tommy Pham smashed a Jarred Kelenic broke out michael massey hom- michael a. taylor Blue Jays 8, orioles 4 Cleveland 8, at Detroit 4
Winker .257 51 81 11 45 53 at Boston 14, Seattle 7
Abrams .256 64 101 15 51 33 in the fourth inning and pinch-hit grand slam in his of a month-long slump with ered and michael Wacha homered and Bailey Falter Late Monday Kansas City 8, at Chicago White Sox 5
Young .254 54 77 1 22 20 added an RBI double dur- first game back with a homer and a double to pitched seven strong in- returned to the rotation bLUE JAYS Ab R h bI bb So Avg tUESDAY’S RESULtS
Thomas .253 42 76 8 40 32
Wood .239 11 22 2 16 10 ing seattle’s five-run fifth, st. Louis, powering a win lead atlanta to victory over nings as Kansas city sent and threw one-run ball into Springer dh .........3 2 1 1 3 1 .228 at Baltimore 6, Toronto 2
Horwitz 2b..........5 0 0 1 0 1 .285 Cleveland 5, at Detroit 0
Meneses .231 19 65 3 42 21 Dylan moore drove in three over texas. milwaukee. chicago to its 16th consec- the sixth inning as Pitts- Varsho lf .............1 0 0 0 0 0 .199 Seattle 10, at Boston 6
Adams .222 8 22 2 8 9
Ruiz .220 27 62 8 35 9 with a bases-loaded single Pham’s blast off reliever Before tuesday, Kelenic utive loss, which extended burgh beat Houston. Guerrero 1b.........5 2 4 3 1 0 .311 Kansas City 4, at Chicago White Sox 3
Schneider lf-2b ...4 0 0 1 1 2 .218
Lipscomb .217 20 38 1 10 14 in the sixth, and the cody Bradford capped a was hitting .125 (11 for 88) a franchise record. taylor’s fourth homer of Clement 3b .........5 0 3 1 0 0 .270
Senzel .209 25 43 7 18 27
Rosario .183 26 40 7 26 13 mariners beat Boston. five-run fifth inning. It was in July with a .189 on-base Wacha scattered five hits the season gave the Jiménez ss..........5 1 2 0 0 1 .245
Millas .167 2 5 1 1 2
MARINERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg his first at-bat since being percentage and a .239 over seven sterling innings. 33-year-old outfielder his
Serven c ..............4
Kiermaier cf........5
0 0 1 1 .067
2 0 0 0 .195
Interleague games
Gallo .164 17 23 5 11 21
Nuñez .143 9 2 0 0 2 Robles cf.............5 3 2 0 0 0 .360 dealt to the cardinals from slugging percentage. He has won five of his past first back-to-back games Berroa rf .............4 2 1 1 1 2 .143
Robles .120 3 3 0 2 5 Raley cf...............0 0 0 0 0 0 .226 MARLINS At RAYS, 12:10
Arozarena lf........5 1 1 1 0 1 .375
the White sox as part of a austin Riley went 4 for 5 six starts, and Kansas city with home runs since totALS 41 8 13 8 7 8 —
totALS .241 458 856 87 432 315 w-L ERA tEAM
Raleigh c .............5 1 0 0 0 1 .215 three-team trade monday. as the Braves won despite has won 11 of 17. august, when he was with oRIoLES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
pItchERS ERA Ip h ER So Turner 1b ............5 0 1 2 0 1 .200 TBD ---- ---- ----
Polanco 2b ..........4 3 2 2 1 1 .213 RANgERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg leaving 11 on base. RoYALS Ab R h bI bb So Avg minnesota. Cowser cf .............4
Rutschman c ........4
2 0 0 .240
0 0 1 .263
Vargas 0.00 1.0 2 0 0 Bradley (R) 6-4 2.43 9-5
Floro 2.06 52.1 42 12 40 Moore 3b-ss .......3 0 2 3 1 0 .212 Smith dh.................4 0 0 0 0 1 .281 Massey dh .............3 1 1 1 0 0 .250 Santander rf.........4 0 1 0 0 0 .243
Garver dh ............4 0 0 0 1 1 .171 bRAvES Ab R h bI bb So Avg pIRAtES Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Williams 2.22 56.2 45 14 47 Seager ss................4 0 0 0 0 0 .273 Fermin ph ..............0 0 0 0 1 0 .291 Mountcastle dh....3 0 1 0 1 0 .276 YANKEES At phILLIES, 12:35
Haniger rf ...........3 1 1 0 0 0 .205 Duran ss .................0 0 0 0 0 0 .256 Kelenic cf.............3 2 2 1 2 0 .239 Blanco pr-dh ..........0 1 0 0 0 0 .236 McCutchen dh.....4 0 1 1 1 2 .224
Salazar 3.00 3.0 3 1 6 O'Hearn 1b ...........4 1 1 0 0 1 .276
Marlowe rf..........0 0 0 0 0 0 .200 Semien 2b ..............4 0 0 0 0 0 .243 Riley 3b ...............5 1 4 1 0 0 .259 Reynolds lf..........4 0 1 0 1 1 .287 Cortes (L) 4-9 4.13 7-15
Law 3.27 63.1 66 23 54 Witt ss...................3 1 1 1 1 0 .347 Westburg ss.........3 2 2 2 1 0 .273
Rivas ss ..............2 1 1 0 0 1 .308 Langford lf .............4 1 1 1 0 2 .250 Ozuna dh .............5 1 1 1 0 3 .305 Pasquantino 1b .....4 0 1 2 0 0 .261 Cruz ss ................5 0 0 0 0 4 .249
Irvin 3.44 128.1 109 49 111 Kjerstad lf ............4 0 0 0 0 2 .261 Sánchez (L) 7-6 3.05 10-10
Rojas ph-3b.........2 0 0 0 0 0 .238 García rf .................4 0 1 0 0 0 .211 Olson 1b ..............3 0 0 0 2 1 .223 Tellez 1b .............5 0 1 0 0 3 .247
Finnegan 3.48 44.0 34 17 44 Perez c ...................4 0 0 0 0 1 .273 Urías 3b ................4 0 1 0 0 1 .232
totALS 38 10 10 8 3 6 — Lowe 1b..................3 0 1 0 1 1 .272 Murphy c .............5 0 2 0 0 2 .217 Melendez lf............4 0 0 0 0 0 .194 Bart c ..................4 2 2 0 1 2 .246 twINS At MEtS, 1:10
J.Barnes 3.59 42.2 39 17 33 Norby 2b...............4 0 1 0 0 2 .188
Jung 3b...................3 0 1 0 0 0 .400 Rosario lf.............4 0 1 2 0 0 .180 Renfroe rf ..............2 0 1 0 2 0 .236 Hayes 3b.............5 1 1 0 0 0 .239
Harvey 4.20 45.0 43 21 50 Joe rf...................4 1 3 0 0 1 .244 totALS 34 4 9 4 2 7 — López (R) 9-7 4.73 12-9
Garcia 4.26 38.0 35 18 51 RED SoX Ab R h bI bb So Avg Heim c ....................3 0 0 0 0 1 .232 Duvall ph-lf .........1 0 0 0 0 1 .188 Frazier 2b...............4 0 0 0 0 0 .193
Taveras cf ..............2 0 0 0 0 1 .224 Arcia ss ...............5 0 2 0 0 0 .224 Garcia 3b................3 1 0 0 1 0 .236 Triolo 2b..............3 1 1 1 1 1 .201
Parker 4.31 100.1 95 48 84 Duran cf ................ 5 0 1 0 0 1 .290 Taylor cf..............4 1 1 2 0 0 .209 toRoNto........120 210 011 — 8 13 1 Severino (R) 7-3 3.58 11-9
Gore 4.51 105.2 115 53 121 Jankowski ph-cf.....1 0 0 0 0 0 .206 Laureano rf .........4 0 1 0 0 2 .241 Isbel cf ...................2 0 0 0 0 1 .233
Abreu rf ................ 2 1 1 0 1 0 .270 bALtIMoRE ....120 000 100 — 4 9 3
Rutledge 4.76 5.2 5 3 7 totALS 32 1 4 1 1 6 — Alvarez 2b ...........4 1 1 0 0 0 .100 Hampson ph-cf......1 0 0 0 0 0 .252 totALS 38 6 11 4 4 14 — RANgERS At cARDINALS, 2:15
Refsnyder ph-lf .... 2 0 0 0 0 1 .306 E: Schneider (2), Westburg 2 (7),
Herz 4.79 41.1 43 22 53 Yoshida dh............ 5 2 2 0 0 1 .282 totALS 39 5 14 5 4 9 — totALS 30 4 4 4 5 2 —
AStRoS Ab R h bI bb So Avg O’Hearn (2). Lob: Toronto 14, Baltimore Heaney (L) 4-10 3.77 6-14
Corbin 5.26 118.0 133 69 86 Devers 3b.............. 5 2 3 4 0 1 .301 cARDINALS Ab R h bI bb So Avg
bREwERS Ab R h bI bb So Avg Altuve 2b ............5 0 1 0 0 1 .309 5. 2b: Guerrero 3 (25), Clement (15), Ki- McGreevy (R) 0-0 0.00 0-0
Adon 5.40 5.0 6 3 3 O'Neill lf-rf ........... 5 0 1 1 0 0 .269 Winn ss.................. 5 1 1 1 0 0 .280 whItE SoX Ab R h bI bb So Avg
Bregman 3b ........4 0 0 0 0 0 .251 ermaier (7), O’Hearn (13), Norby (1). hR:
Rainey 5.90 29.0 30 19 22 Smith 1b ............... 4 0 2 1 0 0 .237 Burleson lf ............. 3 2 1 1 1 0 .282 Turang 2b..................3 0 0 0 0 1 .263 Lopez ss .................3 2 2 0 1 0 .241
Alvarez dh ..........3 1 1 0 1 0 .299 Guerrero (21), off Irvin; Cowser (15), off pIRAtES At AStRoS, 8:10
Weems 6.59 41.0 49 30 34 Wong c.................. 4 0 0 0 0 1 .296 Contreras c ............ 3 1 1 0 0 1 .269 Monasterio ph-2b.....1 0 0 0 0 0 .193 Vargas dh...............4 0 0 0 0 2 .000
Diaz c ..................4 1 4 1 0 0 .295 Francis; Westburg (18), off Francis. RbI:
M.Barnes 6.75 13.1 16 10 10 Hamilton 2b.......... 4 0 0 0 0 3 .252 Nootbaar rf............ 4 0 1 1 0 1 .236 Contreras c ...............4 0 0 0 0 0 .282 Robert cf ................3 0 1 0 1 0 .222 Pérez (L) 2-5 5.20 6-10
Peña ss ...............4 0 0 1 0 1 .276 Clement (28), Berroa (1), Horwitz (16),
Ferrer 7.71 4.2 4 4 4 Rafaela ss............. 2 1 1 0 0 0 .255 Goldschmidt 1b ..... 3 1 0 0 1 1 .231 Bauers 1b..................4 0 0 0 0 4 .217 Vaughn 1b..............4 1 1 2 0 1 .234
Meyers cf............4 0 1 0 0 1 .236 Guerrero 3 (69), Schneider (37), Springer Valdez (L) 9-5 3.43 11-7
Gray 14.04 8.1 15 13 9 totALS 38 6 11 6 1 8 — Carpenter dh.......... 2 1 1 0 0 0 .259 Adames ss ................3 0 1 0 1 1 .250 Sheets rf ................3 0 0 0 0 0 .218
Singleton 1b .......4 0 0 0 0 2 .231 (41), Cowser 2 (46), Westburg 2 (58). Sb:
Willingham 18.00 1.0 2 2 1 Pham ph-dh ........... 2 1 1 4 0 0 .500 Chourio lf ..................3 1 0 0 1 1 .260 Benintendi ph-lf.....1 0 0 0 0 1 .199
Dubón lf ..............3 0 0 0 0 1 .267 Berroa (4), Springer (13). SF: Schneider. RocKIES At ANgELS, 9:38
totALS 4.25 947.2 931 448 870 SEAttLE ........ 100 153 000 — 10 10 0 Crawford 3b........... 4 0 2 1 0 1 .182 Frelick rf....................4 0 1 0 0 0 .266 Baldwin 2b .............4 0 0 0 0 2 .175
Hoskins dh ................4 0 1 0 0 1 .220 Caratini ph ..........1 0 1 0 0 0 .276 bLUE JAYS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
boStoN......... 003 000 300 — 6 11 3 Gorman 2b ............. 3 0 0 0 1 1 .202 Senzel 3b................4 0 2 0 0 0 .118 Freeland (L) 2-4 6.23 5-5
Siani cf................... 3 1 1 0 0 2 .248 Mitchell cf.................2 0 1 0 0 0 .281 McCormick rf ......4 0 2 0 0 1 .215 Francis.............. 52/3 6 3 3 1 2 5.68
E: Smith (7), Rafaela (11), Wong (3). Fletcher lf-rf ..........3 0 1 0 0 1 .179
Sánchez ph................1 0 1 1 0 0 .219 totALS 36 2 10 2 1 7 — Little.................... 1 2 1 1 1 2 4.12 TBD ---- ---- ----
Lob: Seattle 6, Boston 8. 2b: Moore 2 totALS 32 8 9 8 3 7 — Sosa ph...................1 0 0 0 0 1 .236
Perkins cf..................1 0 0 0 0 0 .252 Green................ 11/3 0 0 0 0 1 1.67
nl leaders (18), Polanco (6), Devers (24), Smith 2
tEXAS ............ 010 000 000 — 1 4 0 Ortiz 3b .....................3 0 1 0 0 1 .249
Lee c .......................3 0 0 0 0 1 .213
pIttSbURgh.. 010 202 010 — 6 11 1 Cabrera ................ 1 1 0 0 0 2 3.59 AthLEtIcS At gIANtS, 9:45
(16), Abreu (24). hR: Polanco (10), off totALS 33 3 7 2 2 9 — hoUStoN....... 000 101 000 — 2 10 3
Entering Tuesday’s games. Paxton; Devers (24), off Castillo. St. LoUIS ....... 111 050 00X — 8 9 1 totALS 33 1 6 1 2 9 — oRIoLES Ip h R ER bb So ERA Stripling (R) 2-9 6.02 3-9
bAttINg MARINERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA E: Goldschmidt (4). Lob: Texas 5, KANSAS cItY 001 000 030 — 4 4 0 E: Cruz (17), Brown (1), Singleton (5), Povich............... 41/3 7 6 3 5 1 6.27 Webb (R) 7-8 3.72 9-13
AtLANtA........ 004 100 000 — 5 14 0 chIcAgo ........ 100 100 010 — 3 7 0 Peña (10). Lob: Pittsburgh 9, Houston
Castillo ................ 6 6 3 3 1 4 3.43 St. Louis 5. 2b: Carpenter (5), Crawford Webb .................. 2/3 1 0 0 1 1 2.87
Ohtani, LA ....................................... .314 MILwAUKEE .. 000 000 100 — 1 6 0 8. 2b: Triolo (7). hR: Taylor (4), off
Saucedo.............. 2/3 2 3 3 0 1 2.86 (5), Nootbaar (10). hR: Langford (6), off Lob: Kansas City 4, Chicago 5. 2b: Ren- Irvin ..................... 3 4 1 1 0 5 4.85
Arraez, SD ....................................... .309 Lynn; Winn (7), off Scherzer; Pham (1), Lob: Atlanta 11, Milwaukee 7. 2b: Kele- Brown; Diaz (10), off Falter. Kimbrel................ 1 1 1 1 1 1 3.46
Ozuna, Atl ........................................ .306 Snider ................. 1/3 2 0 0 0 0 1.47 froe (16). 3b: Lopez (2). hR: Massey (9),
Profar, SD ........................................ .301 García .................. 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.00 off Bradford. nic (14), Arcia (19), Mitchell (5), Adames off Cannon; Vaughn (13), off Wacha. pIRAtES Ip h R ER bb So ERA wp: Francis (4-2); Lp: Povich (1-5). Inher- Interleague scores
RANgERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA (25). hR: Kelenic (12), off Ross. Falter................ 51/3 6 2 1 0 3 3.95 ited runners-scored: Little 1-0, Green 2-0,
Marte, Ari ........................................ .296 Muñoz ................. 1 0 0 0 0 2 1.25 RoYALS Ip h R ER bb So ERA MoNDAY’S RESULtS
Scherzer............... 4 4 3 3 1 5 3.89 bRAvES Ip h R ER bb So ERA Santana ............ 12/3 1 0 0 0 2 3.71 Webb 2-1. Ibb: off Povich (Guerrero).
RED SoX Ip h R ER bb So ERA Wacha.................. 7 5 2 2 2 5 3.58 N.Y. Yankees 14, at Philadelphia 4
Bradford............... 2 5 5 5 1 2 3.38 Elder...................61/3 5 1 1 1 7 5.67 Harvey ................. 1 2 1 1 0 2 4.91 Nicolas................. 1 1 0 0 1 0 3.38 wp: Cabrera. t: 2:59. A: 22,272 (45,971).
Stratton .............. 1 2 0 0 0 2 4.13 at N.Y. Mets 15, Minnesota 2
Paxton .............. 41/3 6 6 3 1 5 6.23 Garabito............... 2 0 0 0 1 0 1.04 Minter..................2/3 1 0 0 0 0 2.76 Long ..................... 1 0 0 0 0 2 2.35 Texas 6, at St. Louis 3
Kelly ................... 1/3 1 1 1 2 0 2.68
al leaders Ramírez ............ 11/3 3 3 2 0 1 13.5 cARDINALS Ip h R ER bb So ERA
Jiménez ............... 1 0 0 0 1 2 2.36
Iglesias ................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.82 whItE SoX Ip h R ER bb So ERA
AStRoS Ip h R ER bb So ERA Pittsburgh 5, at Houston 3
Brown ............... 52/3 9 5 4 2 8 4.11
Entering Tuesday’s games. Criswell ............... 3 0 0 0 0 0 3.91 Lynn ..................... 5 3 1 1 1 3 4.06 Cannon................. 7 1 1 1 3 2 4.11 tUESDAY’S RESULtS
bREwERS Ip h R ER bb So ERA King .................. 11/3 0 0 0 0 3 2.84 Entering Wednesday’s game.
wp: Castillo (9-10); Lp: Paxton (0-1). Fernandez............ 1 0 0 0 0 1 2.57 Ellard....................1/3 0 2 2 2 0 54.0 N.Y. Yankees 7, at Philadelphia 6 (12)
bAttINg Roycroft............... 2 0 0 0 0 2 4.15 Ross ..................... 5 8 5 5 2 4 4.98 Martinez............. 2/3 2 1 0 1 1 2.92 pItchERS ERA Ip h ER So at Tampa Bay 9, Miami 3
Inherited runners-scored: Snider 2-2, Anderson .............2/3 2 1 1 0 0 5.34
Witt, KC ........................................... .347 Leahy ................... 1 1 0 0 0 0 3.57 Wilson.................. 2 4 0 0 1 3 3.96 Shuster ................ 1 1 0 0 0 0 4.50 Dubin ................ 11/3 0 0 0 1 2 4.95 Nittoli 0.00 4.0 2 0 3 at N.Y. Mets 2, Minnesota 0
Kelly 3-3, Ramírez 2-0. hbp: Castillo
Kwan, Cle ......................................... .336 Jay........................ 2 2 0 0 1 2 0.00 wp: Falter (5-7); Lp: Brown (9-7). Domínguez 0.00 3.0 2 0 4 at St. Louis 8, Texas 1
(Rafaela), Ramírez 2 (Haniger, Moore), wp: Lynn (6-4); Lp: Scherzer (2-4). wp: Wacha (8-6); Lp: Ellard (0-1); S:
Judge, NY ......................................... .315 Saucedo (Rafaela). wp: Ramírez. wp: Elder (2-4); Inherited runners- Inherited runners-scored: Santana 1-1, Vieira Inf 0.0 1 3 0 Pittsburgh 6, at Houston 2
hbp: Garabito 2 (Contreras, Siani). Long (1). Inherited runners-scored: An-
Guerrero, Tor ................................... .311 t: 2:49. A: 36,592 (37,755). scored: Minter 2-1. t: 2:28. A: 28,810 Dubin 3-0. t: 2:47. A: 37,518 (41,000). Coulombe 2.42 26.0 13 7 28 Colorado at L.A. Angels, late
t: 2:22. A: 32,395 (44,494). derson 2-2. t: 2:18. A: 15,360 (40,241).
Altuve, Hou ..................................... .311 Smith 2.45 7.1 5 2 10 Oakland at San Francisco, late
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post EZ SU D5

O lyMPiCS te n n i S
8. Gustavo Batista de Oliveira, Brazil, 85.79 (Q). Frank de Wit, Netherlands, def. Hugo Cumbo, Vanuatu, 14. Ryann Paige Phillips, United States, 71.
Paris Summer Games bASkEtbALL 9. Ernests Zebolds, Latvia, 84.94 (Q). Ippon, Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame, 0:48. 15. Lucy Charlotte Hall, Britain, 70. DC Open
mEDALS tAbLE mEN 10. Jeffrey Whaley, Canada, 78.51. Lee Joonhwan, South Korea, def. Achraf Moutii, Moroc- 16. Kathrin Murche, Germany, 70. At Willian H.G. FitzGerald Tennis Center; in Washington
AftEr 56 Of 329 EVENtS Spain 84, Greece 77 11. Marin Rantes, Croatia, 76.29. co, Waza-ari, Uchi-mata, 4:00. 17. Catherine Skinner, Australia, 69. Purse: $2,100,230
Nation G S b tot Canada 93, Australia 83 12. Vincent Leygonie, South Africa, 75.85. Sagi Muki, Israel, def. Timo Cavelius, Germany, Ippon, 18. y-Lee Bo Na, South Korea, 69 (CB:16). Surface: Hardcourt outdoor
United States ...................... 4 11 11 26 France 94, Japan 90 2OT Sode-tsurikomi-goshi, 3:17. 19. x-Alessandra Perilli, San Marino, 69 (CB:7).
France .................................. 5 9 4 18 Germany 86, Brazil 73 wOmEN Alpha Oumar Djalo, France, def. Zelim Tckaev, Azerbai- 20. Rumeysa Pelin Kaya, Turkey, 69. mEN’S SiNGLES — rOUND Of 32
China.................................... 6 6 2 14
PArk jan, Ippon, Ura-nage, 1:42. 21. Rajeshwari Kumari, India, 68. Miomir Kecmanovic (12), Serbia, def. Jeffrey John Wolf,
Japan ................................... 7 2 4 13 QUALifiCAtiON Sharofiddin Boltaboev, Uzbekistan, def. Sajjad Sehen, 22. Shreyasi Singh, India, 68. United States, 6-2, 6-3; Sebastian Korda (4), United States,
Britain.................................. 4 5 3 12 tHrEE-ON-tHrEE bASkEtbALL 1. Hannah Roberts, United States, 91.45 (Q). Iraq, Default, Fusen-gachi, 0:00. 23. Ana Waleska Soto Abril, Guatemala, 68. def. Cristian Garin, Chile, 6-3, 6-2; Brandon Nakashima
Australia.............................. 6 4 1 11 mEN 2. Deng Yawen, China, 91.03 (Q). 24. Zuzana Rehak Stefecekova, Slovakia, 68. (13), United States, def. Christopher O’Connell, Australia,
South Korea......................... 5 3 3 11 Latvia 21, Lithuania 14 3. Sun Jiaqi, China, 87.83 (Q). ELimiNAtiON rOUND Of 16 25. Carole Cormenier, France, 67. 6-2, 6-2; Denis Shapovalov, Canada, def. Adrian Mannarino
Italy...................................... 3 4 4 11 Netherlands 21, China 16 4. Perris Benegas, United States, 85.44 (Q). Matthias Casse, Belgium, def. Attila Ungvari, Hungary, 26. Kang Geeeun, South Korea, 67. (6), France, 6-2, 6-1; Frances Tiafoe (5), United States, def.
Canada ................................. 2 2 2 6 France 21, Poland 19 5. Iveta Miculycova, Czech Republic, 84.46 (Q). Ippon, Soto-makikomi, 5:47. 27. Maggy Ashmawy, Egypt, 66. Daniel Elahi Galan, Colombia, 6-7 (8-10), 6-3, 6-3.
Brazil.................................... 0 1 3 4 Serbia 22, United States 14 6. Queen Saray Villegas Serna, Colombia, 84.42 (Q). Takanori Nagase, Japan, def. Vedat Albayrak, Turkey, 28. Lin Yi Chun, Taiwan, 65.
7. Macarena Perez Grasset, Chile, 84.24 (Q). Waza-ari, Uchi-mata, 4:34. 29. Melanie Couzy, France, 64.
Hong Kong ........................... 2 0 1 3 Kamilla Rakhimova, Russia, def. Katie Volynets, United
Kazakhstan.......................... 1 0 2 3 8. Natalya Diehm, Australia, 83.89 (Q). Antonio Esposito, Italy, def. Guilherme Schimidt, Brazil, 30. Noora Antikainen, Finland, 62.
wOmEN 9. Laury Perez, France, 83.26 (Q). Waza-ari, Seoi-nage, 4:17. States, 6-4, 6-3; Taylor Townsend, United States, def.
South Africa ........................ 1 0 2 3 mixED tEAm Anastasia Potapova (9), Russia, 6-2, 6-2; Marie Bouzkova,
Sweden ................................ 0 1 2 3 Germany 17, United States 13 10. Nikita Ducarroz, Switzerland, 79.78. Francois Gauthier Drapeau, Canada, def. Adrian Gandia,
Canada 22, Australia 14 11. Charlotte Elizabeth Worthington, Britain, 79.01. Puerto Rico, Ippon, 2:52. 10m Air PiStOL Czechia, def. McCartney Kessler, United States, 6-4, 4-6,
Germany .............................. 2 0 0 2 fiNAL 6-2; Victoria Azarenka (6), Belarus, def. Hailey Baptiste,
Belgium................................ 1 0 1 2 Spain 18, Azerbaijan 16 12. Kim Lea Mueller, Germany, 77.95. Tato Grigalashvili, Georgia, def. Wachid Borchashvili,
China 21, France 19 OT Austria, Waza-ari, Seoi-nage, 4:00. brONzE mEDAL mAtCH United States, 7-6 (8-6), 7-6 (7-3); Peyton Stearns, United
Ireland.................................. 1 0 1 2 fENCiNG States, def. Clervie Ngounoue, United States, 6-3, 7-6 (7-3).
Kosovo ................................. 0 1 1 2 Somon Makhmadbekov, Tajikistan, def. Frank de Wit, 3. India (Manu Bhaker; Sarabjot Singh), (580, 16), 596.
wOmEN Netherlands, Waza-ari, Tai-otoshi, 4:00. 4. South Korea (Oh Ye Jin; Lee Wonho), (579, 10), 589. mEN’S DOUbLES — rOUND Of 16
Mexico ................................. 0 1 1 2 bEACH VOLLEYbALL éPéE tEAm
Poland .................................. 0 1 1 2 mEN Lee Joonhwan, South Korea, def. Sagi Muki, Israel, GOLD mEDAL mAtCH
tAbLE Of 8 Karen Khachanov, Russia, and Giovanni Mpetshi Perri-
Turkey.................................. 0 1 1 2 Ippon, Uchi-mata, 4:22.
Poland 2, Australia 0 (21-16, 21-16) 1. Serbia (Zorana Arunovic; Damir Mikec), (581, 16), 597. card, France, def. Michael Venus, New Zealand, and Jamie
India ..................................... 0 0 2 2 Poland (Alicja Klasik 1-0; Renata Knapik-Miazga 1-0-2; Sharofiddin Boltaboev, Uzbekistan, def. Alpha Oumar
Germany 2, France 0 (21-15, 21-17) 2. Turkey (Sevval Ilayda Tarhan; Yusuf Dikec), (582, 14), 596. Murray (3), Britain, 6-4, 6-4; Jordan Thompson and Max
Moldova ............................... 0 0 2 2 Martyna Swatowska-Wenglarczyk 1-2; Aleksandra Jar- Djalo, France, Ippon, 2:30.
Cuba 2, Brazil 0 (21-13, 21-18) Purcell (2), Australia, def. John-Patrick Smith, Australia,
Azerbaijan ........................... 1 0 0 1 ecka 2-0), def. United States (Anne Cebula 1-1-1; SOCCEr and Diego Hidalgo, Ecuador, 6-2, 6-3; Marcelo Melo and
United States 2, Morocco 0 (21-12, 28-26)
Margherita Guzzi Vincenti 0-1-1; Hadley Husisian 1-2; QUArtErfiNALS
New Zealand........................ 1 0 0 1 Spain 2, France 1 (23-21, 21-23, 15-8) mEN Rafael Matos (8), Brazil, def. Ariel Behar, Uruguay, and
Katharine Holmes 0-1), 31-29, 49:41. Takanori Nagase, Japan, def. Matthias Casse, Belgium,
Romania............................... 1 0 0 1 Netherlands 2, United States 0 (21-13, 21-15) Dominican Republic 1, Uzbekistan 1 Nicolas Barrientos, Colombia, 7-6 (9-7), 6-3.
France (Coraline Vitalis 1-0-2; Auriane Mallo-Breton Waza-ari, O-soto-gari, 6:49.
Serbia................................... 1 0 0 1 Egypt 2, Spain 1
2-0-1; Marie-Florence Candassamy 2-0-1), def. South Antonio Esposito, Italy, def. Francois Gauthier Drapeau, wOmEN’S DOUbLES — rOUND Of 16
Slovenia ............................... 1 0 0 1 Argentina 2, Ukraine 0
wOmEN Korea (Kang Young Mi 0-1-2; Lee Hyein 0-1-2; Song Sera Canada, Ippon, 6:06. Wang Yafan, China, and Liudmila Samsonova, Russia,
Uzbekistan........................... 1 0 0 1 Morocco 3, Iraq 0
Italy 2, Egypt 0 (21-16, 21-10) 0-3), 37-31, 54:28. Tato Grigalashvili, Georgia, def. Somon Makhmadbekov, def. Maia Lumsden, Britain, and Anna Siskova, Czechia,
North Korea ......................... 0 1 0 1 France 3, New Zealand 0
Brazil 2, Lithuania 0 (21-13, 21-14) Italy (Giulia Rizzi 2-1; Rossella Fiamingo 2-1; Alberta Tajikistan, Waza-ari, Seoi-nage, 4:34. 7-6 (7-4), 2-6, 10-8; Xu Yifan, China, and Ashlyn Krueger,
Fiji ........................................ 0 1 0 1 United States 3, Guinea 0
Brazil 2, Spain 0 (21-12, 21-13) Santuccio 3-0), def. Egypt (Aya Hussein 1-2; Nardin Ehab Lee Joonhwan, South Korea, def. Sharofiddin Boltaboev, United States, def. Sloane Stephens, United States, and
Georgia ................................ 0 1 0 1 Japan 1, Israel 0
Netherlands 2, Japan 0 (21-16, 21-14) 0-3; Shirwit Gaber 1-2), 39-26, 51:01. Uzbekistan, Ippon, Kata-guruma, 0:57. Eugenie Bouchard, Canada, 6-3, 6-4; Aldila Sutjiadi,
Mongolia.............................. 0 1 0 1 Paraguay 1, Mali 0
Tunisia ................................. 0 1 0 1 China (Tang Junyao 1-2; Sun Yiwen 1-0-2; Yu Sihan 2-1), rEPECHAGE Indonesia, and Miyu Kato (4), Japan, def. Olivia Nicholls,
Croatia ................................. 0 0 1 1 bOxiNG def. Ukraine (Dzhoan Feybi Bezhura 1-2; Olena Kryvyts- SwimmiNG Britain, and Tereza Mihalikova, Slovakia, 6-2, 4-6, 10-8.
ka 0-2-1; Vlada Kharkova 2-0-1), 45-41, 53:02.
Egypt.................................... 0 0 1 1 mEN Matthias Casse, Belgium, def. Francois Gauthier mEN
Guatemala ........................... 0 0 1 1 51kG CLASSifiCAtiONS 5-8 Drapeau, Canada, Waza-ari, Kuzure-kami-shiho-ga- 4 x 200m frEEStYLE rELAY
Hungary ............................... 0 0 1 1 PrELimiNAriES tame, 6:54. fiNAL wEDNESDAY’S OrDEr Of PLAY
Slovakia ............................... 0 0 1 1 South Korea (Kang Young Mi 1-1-1; Song Sera 2-1; Lee
rOUND Of 16 Hyein 3-0), def. United States (Anne Cebula 1-2; Hadley Somon Makhmadbekov, Tajikistan, def. Sharofiddin 1. Britain (James Guy, 24.52; Tom Dean, 2:09.62; StADiUm COUrt
Spain.................................... 0 0 1 1 Boltaboev, Uzbekistan, Ippon, 0:55.
Billal Bennama, France, def. Roscoe Hill, United States, Husisian 0-3; Katharine Holmes 1-1-1; Margherita Guzzi Matthew Richards, 3:54.32; Duncan Scott, 5:39.44), [7] Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova vs. Amanda Anisimova, 11 a.m.
Switzerland ......................... 0 0 1 1
3-2. Vincenti), 45-39, 48:41. 6:59.43. Followed by: [15] Alex Michelsen vs. Mattia Bellucci
Tajikistan............................. 0 0 1 1
Alejandro Claro Fiz, Cuba, def. Michael Douglas da Silva Ukraine (Dzhoan Feybi Bezhura 2-0-1; Olena Kryvytska
SEmifiNALS 2. United States (Luke Hobson, 24.79; Carson Foster,
Ukraine ................................ 0 0 1 1 Not before 3 p.m.: [1] Andrey Rublev vs. Luca Van Assche
Trindade, Brazil, 5-0. 3-0; Vlada Kharkova 1-1-1), def. Egypt (Shirwit Gaber SEmifiNAL Of tAbLE b 2:09.82; Drew Kibler, 3:54.90; Kieran Smith, 5:40.06), Not before 6 p.m.: [1] Aryna Sabalenka vs. Kamilla Rakhimova
Rafael Lozano Serrano, Spain, def. Yusuf Chothia, 0-2-1; Nardin Ehab 0-2-1; Aya Hussein 1-2), 45-31, 40:59. Tato Grigalashvili, Georgia, def. Lee Joonhwan, South 7:00.78. Followed by: Radu Albot vs. [2] Ben Shelton
Australia, 4-1. Korea, Waza-ari, Sumi-gaeshi, 8:07. 3. Australia (Maximillian Giuliani, 24.90; Flynn South-
tUESDAY’S rESULtS Yunior Alcantara Reyes, Dominican Republic, def. Nijat SEmifiNALS am, 2:09.89; Elijah Winnington, 3:55.70; Thomas Neill, JOHN HArriS COUrt
Italy (Giulia Rizzi 2-1; Alberta Santuccio 2-1; Rossella SEmifiNAL Of tAbLE A 5:40.81), 7:01.98. [8] Alejandro Davidovich Fokina vs. Mitchell Krueger, 11 a.m.
ArCHErY Huseynov, Azerbaijan, 5-0.
Patrick Chinyemba, Zambia, def. Amit Amit, India, 4-1. Fiamingo 3-0), def. China (Tang Junyao 0-2; Sun Yiwen Takanori Nagase, Japan, def. Antonio Esposito, Italy, 4. China (Ji Xinjie, 25.00; Fei Liwei, 2:11.37; Pan Zhanle, Followed by: Seongchan Hong vs. [3] Karen Khachanov
mEN'S iNDiViDUAL Ippon, 2:28.
David de Pina, Cape Verde, def. Thitisan Panmot, 1-2; Yu Sihan 1-2; Xu Nuo 0-1), 45-24, 49:07. 3:57.20; Zhang Zhanshuo, 5:43.24), 7:04.37. Not before 1:30 p.m.: Emma Raducanu vs. Peyton Stearns
1/32 ELimiNAtiON rOUND France (Coraline Vitalis 2-1; Auriane Mallo-Breton 2-1;
Thailand, 4-1. CONtEStS fOr brONzE mEDALS 5. France (W. Amazigh Yebba, 24.92; Hadrien Salvan, Followed by: Reilly Opelka vs. [7] Jordan Thompson
Thomas Chirault, France, def. Andres Hernandez Vera, Saken Bibossinov, Kazakhstan, def. Samet Gumus, Marie-Florence Candassamy 1-1-1), def. Poland (Marty- 2:11.19; Yann le Goff, 3:57.68; Roman Fuchs, 5:43.48), Not before 7:30 p.m.: Caroline Dolehide vs. [2] Daria Kasatkina
Colombia, 7-1. na Swatowska-Wenglarczyk 1-2; Renata Knapik-Miazga Lee Joonhwan, South Korea, def. Matthias Casse,
Turkey, 5-0. 7:04.80.
Tai Yu-Hsuan, Taiwan, def. Antti Tekoniemi, Finland, 1-1-1; Aleksandra Jarecka 1-2; Alicja Klasik), 45-39, Belgium, Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 4:48. GrANDStAND
Hasanboy Dusmatov, Uzbekistan, def. Juanma Lopez de 6. South Korea (Yang Jaehoon, 24.90; Lee Hojoon,
6-0. 53:03. Somon Makhmadbekov, Tajikistan, def. Antonio Esposi- Thanasi Kokkinakis vs. [14] Aleksandar Vukic, 11 a.m.
Jesus, Puerto Rico, 5-0. 2:13.80; Kim Woomin, 4:00.00; Hwang Sunwoo, 5:45.16),
Marcus D’Almeida, Brazil, def. Mykhailo Usach, Ukraine, to, Italy, Ippon, Ura-gatame, 1:24. Followed by: [9] Giovanni Mpetshi Perricard vs. Emil
6-2. 80kG fiNALS 7. Japan (Tatsuya Murasa, 24.89; Katsuhiro Matsumoto, Ruusuvuori
Fumiya Saito, Japan, def. Nicholas D’Amour, U.S. Virgin PLACEmENt 5-6 fiNAL
PrELimiNAriES 2:10.56; Hidenari Mano, 3:56.59; Konosuke Yanagimoto, Followed by/after rest: [5] Lloyd Glasspool and Santiago
Islands, 6-4. rOUND Of 16 Takanori Nagase, Japan, def. Tato Grigalashvili, Georgia, Gonzalez vs. Thanasi Kokkinakis and Frances Tiafoe
South Korea (Lee Hyein 2-1; Song Sera 3-0; Kang Young 5:43.70), 7:07.48.
Kim Woojin, South Korea, def. Israel Madaye, Chad, 6-0. Ippon, Tani-otoshi, 2:48. Followed by/after rest: [7] Julian Cash and Robert
Cristian Javier Pinales, Dominican Republic, def. Tuohe- Mi 0-0-1; Choi Injeong 0-1-1), def. Ukraine (Dzhoan Feybi 8. Germany (Lukas Maertens, 24.35; Rafael Miroslaw,
Lin Zih-Siang, Taiwan, def. Pablo Acha Gonzalez, Spain, taerbieke Tanglatihan, China, 5-0. Bezhura 0-1; Olena Kryvytska 2-1; Vlada Kharkova 0-2-1; wOmEN 2:09.20; Timo Sorgius, 3:56.14; Josha Salchow, 5:44.47), Galloway vs. Sebastian Korda and Alex Michelsen
6-2. Gabrijel Veocic, Croatia, def. Hussein Iashaish, Jordan, Darja Varfolomyeyeva 0-1-1), 45-38, 49:25. 7:09.56.
Tang Chih-Chun, Taiwan, def. Arif Pangestu, Indonesia,
63 kG COUrt 4
5-0. ELimiNAtiON rOUND Of 32 9. Israel (Denis Loktev, 24.94; Gal Cohen Groumi,
7-1. Nurbek Oralbay, Kazakhstan, def. Callum Peters, Aus- PLACEmENt 7-8 2:11.64; Tomer Frankel, 3:58.22; Bar Soloveychik, Xinyu Jiang and Fang-Hsien Wu vs. [2] Giuliana Olmos
Mete Gazoz, Turkey, def. Andres Gallardo Ferrada, Chile, United States (Anne Cebula 3-0; Hadley Husisian 2-1; Kim Jisu, South Korea, def. Barbara Timo, Portugal, and Alexandra Panova, 11 a.m.
tralia, 3-2. Ippon, Kata-gatame, 3:53. 5:47.10), 7:10.22.
6-0. Murad Allahverdiyev, Azerbaijan, def. Abdelrahman Katharine Holmes 1-1-1; Margherita Guzzi Vincenti), Followed by: David Goffin vs. [10] Flavio Cobolli
Eric Peters, Canada, def. Ilfat Abdullin, Kazakhstan, 6-4. def. Egypt (Loulwa Soliman 1-2; Nardin Ehab 1-2; Aya Miku Takaichi, Japan, def. Maylin del Toro Carvajal, 800m frEEStYLE Followed by/after rest: Alexander Erler and Arthur
Abdelgawwad, Egypt, 5-0. Cuba, Ippon, Yoko-shiho-gatame, 3:18.
Dhiraj Bommadevara, India, def. Adam Li, Czech Repub- Oleksandr Khyzhniak, Ukraine, def. Pylyp Akilov, Hunga- Hussein 0-2-1; Shirwit Gaber), 44-30, 48:35. fiNAL Rinderknech vs. [4] Nathaniel Lammons and Jackson
lic, 7-1. Katarina Kristo, Croatia, def. Nadia Matchiko Guimend- Withrow
ry, 4-0. 1. Daniel Wiffen, Ireland, 7:38.19.
brONzE mEDAL mAtCH ego, Central African Republic, Ippon, 2:54.
2. Bobby Finke, United States, 7:38.75.
1/16 ELimiNAtiON rOUND Wanderley de Souza Pereira, Brazil, def. Cedrick Belony- Angelika Szymanska, Poland, def. Savita Russo, Italy, COUrt 5
Duliepre, Haiti, 5-0. Poland (Martyna Swatowska-Wenglarczyk 1-1-1; Rena- 3. Gregorio Paltrinieri, Italy, 7:39.38.
Thomas Chirault, France, def. Tai Yu-Hsuan, Taiwan, 6-5. ta Knapik-Miazga 0-0-3; Aleksandra Jarecka 3-0; Alicja Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 4:00. Juncheng Shang vs. [16] Arthur Rinderknech, 11 a.m.
Turabek Khabibullaev, Uzbekistan, def. Eumir Felix Prisca Awiti Alcaraz, Mexico, def. Nigara Shaheen, 4. Ahmed Jaouadi, Tunisia, 7:42.83.
Marcus D’Almeida, Brazil, def. Fumiya Saito, Japan, 7-1. Klasik), def. China (Xu Nuo 0-2-1; Yu Sihan 0-1-2; Sun 5. David Aubry, France, 7:43.59. Followed by: [11] Roberto Carballes Baena vs. Aleksan-
Kim Woojin, South Korea, def. Lin Zih-Siang, Taiwan, Marcial, Philippines, 5-0. Refugee Olympic Team, Ippon, 0:35.
Arlen Lopez Cardona, Cuba, def. Kaan Aykutsun, Turkey, Yiwen 1-1-1; Tang Junyao), 32-31, 54:02. 5. Sven Schwarz, Germany, 7:43.59. dar Kovacevic
6-0. Lucy Renshall, Britain, def. Katharina Haecker, Aus- Followed by: Anastasia Potapova and Yana Sizikova vs.
5-0. GOLD mEDAL mAtCH tralia, Ippon, 7:06. 7. Luca de Tullio, Italy, 7:46.16.
Mete Gazoz, Turkey, def. Tang Chih-Chun, Taiwan, 6-2. 8. Elijah Winnington, Australia, 7:48.36. Robin Montgomery and Clervie Ngounoue
Eric Peters, Canada, def. Dhiraj Bommadevara, India, wOmEN Italy (Giulia Rizzi 2-1; Rossella Fiamingo 0-1; Alberta Lubjana Piovesana, Austria, def. Esmigul Kuyulova, After suitable rest: [1] Asia Muhammad and Taylor
6-5. 54kG Santuccio 2-1; Mara Navarria 1-1), def. France (Coraline Kazakhstan, Waza-ari, Seoi-otoshi, 4:00. wOmEN Townsend vs. Hailey Baptiste and Peyton Stearns
PrELimiNAriES Vitalis 1-2; Auriane Mallo-Breton 2-1; Marie-Florence Szofi Ozbas, Hungary, def. Renata Zachova, Czech 100m bACkStrOkE
wOmEN'S iNDiViDUAL Candassamy 0-2; Alexandra Louis-Marie 0-1), 30-29, Republic, Waza-ari, O-uchi-gari, 4:00.
1/32 ELimiNAtiON rOUND rOUND Of 16 fiNAL
Andreja Leski, Slovenia, def. Eter Askilashvili, Georgia,
Ana Luiza Sliachticas Caetano, Brazil, def. Zana Pintaric, Stanimira Petrova, Bulgaria, def. Huang Hsiao Wen,
Ippon, Tai-otoshi, 0:58. 1. Kaylee McKeown, Australia, 57.33. tra n S aCt iOnS
Taiwan, 4-1. Amina Belkadi, Algeria, def. Anriquelis Barrios, Ven- 2. Regan Smith, United States, 57.66.
Slovenia, 6-2. fiELD HOCkEY 3. Katharine Berkoff, United States, 57.98.
Syaqiera Mashayikh, Malaysia, def. Alexandra Mirca, Chang Yuan, China, def. Jennifer Lehane, Ireland, 5-0. ezuela, Waza-ari, Sasae-tsurikomi-ashi, 5:27.
mEN 4. Kylie Masse, Canada, 58.29.
Moldova, 6-0. Widad Bertal, Morocco, def. Jutamas Jitpong, Thailand, Tang Jing, China, def. Kiyomi Watanabe, Philippines, mLb
3-2. Spain 3, France 3 5. Iona Anderson, Australia, 58.98.
Wioleta Myszor, Poland, def. Ankita Bhakat, India, 6-4. Germany 5, South Africa 1 Ippon, Kuzure-kesa-gatame, 0:51. baltimore Orioles: Assigned LHP Cade Povich outright to
Pang Cholmi, North Korea, def. Nigina Uktamova, Clarisse Agbegnenou, France, def. Gili Sharir, Israel, 6. Ingrid Wilm, Canada, 59.25.
Bhajan Kaur, India, def. Syifa Nurafifah Kamal, Indone- Britain 2, Netherlands 2 Norfolk (IL). Acquired LHP Trevor Rogers from the
Uzbekistan, 5-0. Waza-ari, Soto-makikomi, 6:58. 7. Emma Terebo, France, 59.40.
sia, 7-3. India 2, Ireland 0 Miami in exchange for INF/OF Connor Norby and OF Kyle
Hatice Akbas, Turkey, def. Tiana Echegaray, Australia, Ketleyn Quadros, Brazil, def. Cristina Cabana Perez, 8. Beryl Gastaldello, France, 59.80.
Catalina Gnoriega, United States, def. Katharina Bauer, Argentina 2, New Zealand 0 Stowers. Recalled C Blake Hunt from Norfolk. Designat-
Germany, 6-0. 5-0. Spain, Ippon, 1:23.
Enkhjargal Munguntsetseg, Mongolia, def. Lenuta Lac- Belgium 6, Australia 2 ed LHP Cole Irvin for assignment. Acquired LF Austin
Diananda Choirunisa, Indonesia, def. Laura van der tAbLE tENNiS Slater, SS Livan Soto and cash considerations from
Winkel, Netherlands, 7-1. ramioara Perijoc, Romania, 4-1. ELimiNAtiON rOUND Of 16
Im Aeji, South Korea, def. Tatiana Regina de Jesus mEN Cincinnati in exchange for a player to be named later.
Michelle Kroppen, Germany, def. Giorgia Cesarini, San GYmNAStiCS Kim Jisu, South Korea, def. Joanne van Lieshout, SiNGLES — rOUND Of 32 Selected the contract of SS Terrin Vavra from Norfolk.
Marino, 7-3. Chagas, Brazil, 4-1. wOmEN'S tEAm Netherlands, Waza-ari, Tai-otoshi, 4:00.
Yeni Marcela Arias Castaneda, Colombia, def. Preeti, Shunsuke Togami, Japan, def. Deni Kozul, Slovenia, boston red Sox: Agreed to terms with LHPs Devin Futrell,
Yaylagul Ramazanova, Azerbaijan, def. An Qixuan, fiNAL Katarina Kristo, Croatia, def. Miku Takaichi, Japan, Shea Sprague and RHPs Brady Tygart and Steven Brooks
India, 3-2. Waza-ari, Seoi-nage, 7:22. 9-11, 11-4, 8-11, 11-7, 11-3, 11-5.
China, 6-5. VAULt Dimitrij Ovtcharov, Germany, def. Vitor Ishiy, Brazil, on minor league contracts. Acquired RHP Lucas Sims from
Yang Xiaolei, China, def. Rihab Elwalid, Tunisia, 7-3. 1. United States (Jordan Chiles; Jade Carey; Simone Prisca Awiti Alcaraz, Mexico, def. Angelika Szymanska, Cincinnati in exchange for RHP Ovis Portes. Sent 1B Triston
57kG Poland, Waza-ari, Kata-guruma, 4:00. 11-4, 11-8, 11-9, 11-13, 11-3.
Lisa Barbelin, France, def. Gaby Schloesser, Netherlands, 6-2. PrELimiNAriES Biles; Sunisa Lee; Hezly Rivera), 44.100. Hugo Calderano, Brazil, def. Alvaro Robles, Spain, 7-11, Casas to Worcester (IL) on a rehab assignment. Designat-
2. Brazil (Jade Barbosa; Flavia Saraiva; Rebeca Andrade; Lubjana Piovesana, Austria, def. Lucy Renshall, Britain, ed LHP Brandon Walter for assignment. Optioned RHP
1/16 ELimiNAtiON rOUND rOUND Of 32 Waza-ari, Tani-otoshi, 4:34. 13-11, 11-9, 8-11, 11-3, 11-5.
Lorrane Oliveira; Julia Soares), 42.366. Lin Yun-Ju, Taiwan, def. Andrej Gacina, Croatia, 11-4, Trey Wingenter to Worcester (IL) and subsequently desig-
Ana Luiza Sliachticas Caetano, Brazil, def. Syaqiera Sitora Turdibekova, Uzbekistan, def. Marcelat Sakobi, Catherine Beauchemin-Pinard, Canada, def. Szofi Ozbas,
3. Canada (Ava Stewart; Elsabeth Black; Shallon Olsen; 11-9, 11-9, 11-6. nated him for assignment. Activated RHP Yohan Ramirez.
Mashayikh, Malaysia, 6-5. Congo, 3-2. Hungary, Ippon, Ura-nage, 3:27.
Aurelie Tran; Cassandra Lee), 41.866. Chicago white Sox: Acquired LHP Trey McGough from
Bhajan Kaur, India, def. Wioleta Myszor, Poland, 6-0. Esra Yildiz Kahraman, Turkey, def. Marine Fatoumatta Andreja Leski, Slovenia, def. Amina Belkadi, Algeria, wOmEN
4. Britain (Georgia-Mae Fenton; Alice Kinsella; Ruby Baltimore in exchange for OF/DH Eloy Jiménez and cash
Diananda Choirunisa, Indonesia, def. Catalina Gnoriega, Colette Camara, Mali, 5-0. Ippon, Yoko-shiho-gatame, 3:10. SiNGLES — rOUND Of 32
Evans; Abigail Martin; Rebecca Downie), 41.732. considerations. Activated INF Miguel Vargas. Recalled
United States, 6-5. Alyssa Mendoza, United States, def. Mijgona Samadova, Laura Fazliu, Kosovo, def. Tang Jing, China, Ippon, 4:16.
5. Italy (Manila Esposito; Alice D’Amato; Angela Andreo- Chen Meng, China, def. Linda Bergstrom, Sweden, 8-11, INF Lenyn Sosa from Charlotte (IL). Selected the
Michelle Kroppen, Germany, def. Yaylagul Ramazanova, Tajikistan, 3-2. Clarisse Agbegnenou, France, def. Ketleyn Quadros,
li; Giorgia Villa; Elisa Iorio), 41.665. 11-4, 11-7, 11-9, 11-8. contract of LHP Fraser Ellard from Charlotte.
Azerbaijan, 6-2. Nesthy Petecio, Philippines, def. Jaismine, India, 5-0. Brazil, Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 4:00.
6. Romania (Lilia Cosman; Ana Barbosu; Sabrina Mane- Bernadette Szocs, Romania, def. Margaryta Pesotska, Cleveland Guardians: Activated CF Lane Thomas. Op-
Lisa Barbelin, France, def. Yang Xiaolei, China, 6-2. Xu Zichun, China, def. Irma Testa, Italy, 3-2.
ca-Voinea; Amalia Ghigoarta; Andreea Preda), 40.999. QUArtErfiNALS Ukraine, 12-14, 11-5, 12-10, 14-12, 11-4. tioned CF Will Brennan to Columbus (IL). Acquired RHP
Julia Szeremeta, Poland, def. Omailyn Carolina Alcala
7. Japan (Kohane Ushioku; Rina Kishi; Haruka Nakamura; Natalia Bajor, Poland, def. Fu Yu, Portugal, 11-7, 11-8, Alex Cobb from San Francisco in exchange for LHP Jacob
Cegovia, Venezuela, 4-1. Katarina Kristo, Croatia, def. Kim Jisu, South Korea,
bADmiNtON Mana Okamura), 40.765. 15-17, 4-11, 7-11, 12-10, 11-8. Bresnahan and a player to be named later. Sent LHP Sam
8. China (Zhang Yihan; Qiu Qiyuan; Luo Huan; Ou Yushan; Ippon, Sumi-gaeshi, 4:32.
mEN Pyon Song Gyong, North Korea, def. Nina Mittelham, Hentges to Columbus (IL) on a rehab assignment.
CANOE-kAYAk Zhou Yaqin), 39.999. Prisca Awiti Alcaraz, Mexico, def. Lubjana Piovesana,
SiNGLES Germany, 6-11, 9-11, 11-9, 11-8, 11-8, 7-11, 11-7. Detroit tigers: Acquired C Thayron Liranzo and INF Trey
Austria, Waza-ari, Tani-otoshi, 4:17.
GrOUP PLAY StAGE mEN Andreja Leski, Slovenia, def. Catherine Beauchemin-Pi- mixED tEAm Sweeney from the Los Angeles Dodgers in exchange for
kAYAk SiNGLE UNEVEN bArS RHP Jack Flaherty.
GrOUP G 1. United States (Jordan Chiles; Simone Biles; Sunisa nard, Canada, Waza-ari, Yoko-shiho-gatame, 5:49. DOUbLES — fiNALS
HEAtS 1St rUN Clarisse Agbegnenou, France, def. Laura Fazliu, Kosovo, brONzE mEDAL mAtCH
kansas City royals: Acquired RHP Lucas Erceg from Oak-
Pablo Abian, Spain, def. Viren Nettasinghe, Sri Lanka, Lee; Hezly Rivera; Jade Carey), 43.332. land in exchange for RHPs Mason Barnett and Will Klein and
21-9, 21-19. 1. Titouan Castryck, France, 83.71. Ippon, Tani-otoshi, 0:34.
2. China (Luo Huan; Qiu Qiyuan; Zhang Yihan; Ou Yushan; South Korea (Lim Jonghoon; Shin Yubin), def. Hong Kong OF Jared Dickey. Acquired INF Paul DeJong from the Chicago
2. Jiri Prskavec, Czech Republic, 83.74.
Zhou Yaqin), 42.666. rEPECHAGE (Wong Chun Ting; Doo Hoi Kem), 11-5, 11-7, 11-7, 14-12. White Sox in exchange for RHP Jarold Rosado. Designated
GrOUP H 3. Martin Dougoud, Switzerland, 86.30.
3. Italy (Giorgia Villa; Alice D’Amato; Elisa Iorio; Manila RHP John McMillon for assignment. Optioned SS Nick
Toma Junior Popov, France, def. Howard Shu, United 4. Finn Butcher, New Zealand, 86.35. CONtESt GOLD mEDAL mAtCH
Esposito; Angela Andreoli), 42.665. Loftin to Omaha (IL). Acquired RHP Jarold Rosado from the
States, 21-11, 21-12. 5. Pedro Goncalves, Brazil, 86.64. Lubjana Piovesana, Austria, def. Kim Jisu, South Korea, China (Wang Chuqin), def. North Korea (Ri Jong Sik),
4. Britain (Alice Kinsella; Georgia-Mae Fenton; Rebecca Chicago White Sox in exchange for SS Paul DeJong.
6. Jakub Grigar, Slovakia, 87.10. Ippon, Sankaku-jime, 1:21. 11-6, 7-11, 11-8, 11-5, 7-11, 11-8.
Downie; Abigail Martin; Ruby Evans), 42.233. Los Angeles Angels: Acquired RHP Mike Baumann from
GrOUP J 7. Quan Xin, China, 87.23.
5. Brazil (Lorrane Oliveira; Flavia Saraiva; Rebeca Laura Fazliu, Kosovo, def. Catherine Beauchemin-Pi-
Jeon Hyeok Jin, South Korea, def. Ygor Coelho, Brazil, 8. Noah Hegge, Germany, 87.67. nard, Canada, Waza-ari, Uki-otoshi, 4:26. tENNiS San Francisco in exchange for cash considerations.
Andrade; Jade Barbosa; Julia Soares), 41.199. Placed 3B Anthony Rendon on the 10-day IL, retroactive
21-12, 21-19. 9. Pau Echaniz, Spain, 87.84. Surface: Red clay
6. Canada (Ava Stewart; Elsabeth Black; Aurelie Tran; SEmifiNALS to July 27. Recalled 2B Michael Stefanic from Salt Lake
10. Mateusz Polaczyk, Poland, 87.89.
GrOUP i Cassandra Lee; Shallon Olsen), 39.800. SEmifiNAL Of tAbLE b mEN’S SiNGLES — rOUND Of 32 (PCL). Acquired INF/OF Matthew Lugo, INF Niko Kava-
11. Timothy Anderson, Australia, 88.37.
7. Japan (Mana Okamura; Rina Kishi; Haruka Nakamura; das, RHP Ryan Zeferjahn and Yeferson Vargas from
Lee Cheuk Yiu, Hong Kong, def. Luis Ramon Garrido, 12. Giovanni de Gennaro, Italy, 88.46. Andreja Leski, Slovenia, def. Clarisse Agbegnenou, Taylor Fritz (7), United States, def. Jack Draper, Britain,
Kohane Ushioku), 39.133. Boston in exchange for RHP Luis García.
Mexico, 21-5, 15-21, 21-17. 13. Isak Ohrstrom, Sweden, 89.43. France, Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 4:00. 6-7 (3-7), 6-3, 6-2; Felix Auger-Aliassime (13), Canada,
8. Romania (Lilia Cosman; Amalia Ghigoarta; Ana New York Yankees: Announced the release of INF Jeter
14. Mathis Soudi, Morocco, 89.90. def. Maximilian Marterer, Germany, 6-0, 6-1; Lorenzo
GrOUP N Barbosu; Andreea Preda; Sabrina Maneca-Voinea), SEmifiNAL Of tAbLE A Downs who signed a contract with Fukuoka SoftBank
15. Felix Oschmautz, Austria, 90.07. Musetti (11), Italy, def. Mariano Navone, Argentina, 7-6
Tobias Kuenzi, Switzerland, def. Anuoluwapo Juwon 38.899. Prisca Awiti Alcaraz, Mexico, def. Katarina Kristo, Hawks in Japan. Acquired RHP Mark Leiter from the
16. Peter Kauzer, Slovenia, 90.93. (7-2), 6-3; Corentin Moutet, France, def. Jan-Lennard
Opeyori, Nigeria, 22-20, 21-14. 17. Alex Baldoni, Canada, 95.18. bALANCE bEAm Croatia, Ippon, Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame, 3:11. Struff, Germany, walkover; Alexander Zverev (3), Ger- Chicago Cubs in exchange for INF Ben Cowles and RHP
18. Noel Hendrick, Ireland, 98.64. many, def. Tomas Machac, Czechia, 6-3, 7-5; Alexei Jack Neely. Acquired RHP Kelly Austin and an interna-
GrOUP m 1. United States (Jordan Chiles; Sunisa Lee; Simone CONtEStS fOr brONzE mEDALS tional signing bonus from Houston in exchange for LHP
19. Salim Jemai, Tunisia, 101.11. Biles; Hezly Rivera; Jade Carey), 41.699. Popyrin, Australia, def. Stan Wawrinka, Switzerland,
Jan Louda, Czech Republic, def. Uriel Francisco Canjura 20. Wu Shao-Hsuan, Taiwan, 101.22. Clarisse Agbegnenou, France, def. Lubjana Piovesana, 6-4, 7-5; Tommy Paul (9), United States, def. Jakub Caleb Ferguson. Selected the contract of RHP Will
Artiga, El Salvador, 21-12, 21-10. 2. Canada (Cassandra Lee; Elsabeth Black; Ava Stewart; Austria, Ippon, Harai-makikomi, 1:32. Warren from Scranton/Wilkes-Barre (IL). Optioned RHP
21. Yuuki Tanaka, Japan, 103.21. Aurelie Tran; Shallon Olsen), 41.433. Mensik, Czechia, 6-3, 6-1; Daniil Medvedev (4), Russia,
22. Andy Barat, Comoros, 105.82. Laura Fazliu, Kosovo, def. Katarina Kristo, Croatia, def. Sebastian Ofner, Austria, 6-2, 6-2. Yoendrys Gomez to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Acquired
GrOUP k 3. Italy (Manila Esposito; Alice D’Amato; Angela Andreo- Ippon, 5:27. RHP Enyel De Los Santos and RHP Thomas Balboni Jr.
23. Joseph Clarke, Britain, 136.89. li; Giorgia Villa; Elisa Iorio), 41.199.
Duc Phat Le, Vietnam, def. Fabian Roth, Germany, 21-10, 24. Yves Bourhis, Senegal, 150.11. wOmEN’S SiNGLES — rOUND Of 16 from San Diego in exchange for OF Brandon Lockridge.
21-10. 4. China (Zhou Yaqin; Qiu Qiyuan; Luo Huan; Ou Yushan; fiNAL Angelique Kerber, Germany, def. Leylah Annie Fernan- Oakland Athletics: Traded RHP Paul Blackburn to the New
HEAtS 2ND rUN Zhang Yihan), 40.800. Andreja Leski, Slovenia, def. Prisca Awiti Alcaraz, York Mets in exchange for RHP Kade Morris. Selected the
DOUbLES dez (16), Canada, 6-4, 6-3; Donna Vekic (13), Croatia,
5. Britain (Georgia-Mae Fenton; Rebecca Downie; Alice Mexico, Ippon, 1:44. contract of RHP Gerardo Reyes from Las Vegas (PCL).
GrOUP PLAY StAGE 1. Titouan Castryck, France, 80.09. def. Coco Gauff (2), United States, 7-6 (9-7), 6-2;
Kinsella; Abigail Martin; Ruby Evans), 40.099. Seattle mariners: Activated LF Cade Marlowe and INF
2. Jiri Prskavec, Czech Republic, 84.90. Danielle Collins (8), United States, def. Camila Osorio,
GrOUP D 6. Brazil (Julia Soares; Flavia Saraiva; Rebeca Andrade; Justin Turner. Recalled LHP Jhonathan Diaz from
3. Giovanni de Gennaro, Italy, 85.34.
Jade Barbosa; Lorrane Oliveira), 39.966. rUGbY SEVENS Colombia, 6-0, 4-6, 6-3; Zheng Qinwen (6), China, def.
Taiwan (Wang Chi-Lin; Lee Yang), def. United States 4. Joseph Clarke, Britain, 85.62. Emma Navarro (11), United States, 6-7 (7-9), 7-6 (7-4), Tacoma (PCL). Optioned LHP Gabe Speier and INF Tyler
(Vinson Chiu; Joshua Yuan), 21-12, 21-13. 6. Japan (Mana Okamura; Rina Kishi; Haruka Nakamura; wOmEN
5. Timothy Anderson, Australia, 85.78. PLACiNG 6-1; Anna-Karolina Schmiedlova, Slovakia, def. Jasmine Locklear to Tacoma. Acquired RHP J.T. Chargois from
China (Liu Yu Chen; Ou Xuan Yi), def. Japan (Takuro Kohane Ushioku), 39.966. Miami in exchange for RHP Will Schomberg.
6. Noah Hegge, Germany, 87.15. China 19, Britain 15 Paolini (4), Italy, 7-5, 3-6, 7-5; Barbora Krejcikova (9),
Hoki; Yugo Kobayashi), 22-20, 21-18. 8. Romania (Amalia Ghigoarta; Ana Barbosu; Sabrina tampa bay rays: Acquired RHP Shawn Armstrong from
7. Pau Echaniz, Spain, 88.37. France 19, Ireland 7 Czechia, def. Elina Svitolina, Ukraine, 7-6 (7-5), 2-6, 6-4;
Maneca-Voinea; Lilia Cosman; Andreea Preda), 39.000. St. Louis in exchange for CF Dylan Carlson. Activated
GrOUP C 8. Peter Kauzer, Slovenia, 88.84. South Africa 21, Fiji 15 Marta Kostyuk (12), Ukraine, def. Maria Sakkari (7),
9. Mathis Soudi, Morocco, 89.45. fLOOr ExErCiSE Japan 38, Brazil 7 Greece, 4-6, 7-6 (7-5), 6-4; Iga Swiatek (1), Poland, def. RHP Hunter Bigge and 3B Christopher Morel. Recalled
India (Satwiksairaj Rankireddy; Chirag Shetty), def. RHP Joel Kuhnel from Durham (IL).
10. Quan Xin, China, 89.80. 1. United States (Sunisa Lee; Jordan Chiles; Simone Britain 28, Ireland 12 Wang Xiyu, China, 6-3, 6-4.
Indonesia (Fajar Alfian; Muhammad Rian Ardianto), texas rangers: Acquired LHP Andrew Chafin from Detroit
11. Salim Jemai, Tunisia, 90.03. Biles; Hezly Rivera; Jade Carey), 42.165. France 21, China 7
21-13, 21-13. mEN’S DOUbLES — rOUND Of 16 in exchange for RHPs Chase Lee and Joseph Montalvo.
12. Noel Hendrick, Ireland, 90.68. 2. Brazil (Julia Soares; Flavia Saraiva; Rebeca Andrade;
GrOUP b 13. Pedro Goncalves, Brazil, 90.71. SEmifiNALS Rajeev Ram and Austin Krajicek (4), United States, def. Designated RHP Jonathan Hernandez for assignment.
Jade Barbosa; Lorrane Oliveira), 40.966.
14. Yuuki Tanaka, Japan, 91.78. New Zealand 24, United States 12 Thiago Monteiro and Thiago Seyboth Wild, Brazil, 6-4, toronto blue Jays: Selected the contract of INF Luis De Los
South Korea (Kang Min Hyuk; Seo Seung Jae), def. 3. Romania (Amalia Ghigoarta; Ana Barbosu; Sabrina
15. Jakub Grigar, Slovakia, 91.80. Canada 21, Australia 12 7-6 (7-3); Matthew Ebden and John Peers, Australia, Santos from Buffalo (IL). Recalled RHP Yerry Rodriguez from
Thailand (Supak Jomkoh; Kittinupong Kedren), 21-16, Maneca-Voinea; Lilia Cosman; Andreea Preda), 40.599.
16. Felix Oschmautz, Austria, 92.40. def. Marcel Granollers and Pablo Carreno Busta, Spain, Buffalo. Optioned RHP Jake Bloss and LHP Brandon Eisert to
21-15. 4. Britain (Ruby Evans; Abigail Martin; Alice Kinsella;
France (Toma Junior Popov; Christo Popov), def. Czech 17. Alex Baldoni, Canada, 97.25. Georgia-Mae Fenton; Rebecca Downie), 40.199. brONzE mEDAL 6-2, 7-5; Kevin Krawietz and Tim Puetz (2), Germany, Buffalo. Acquired UTL Jay Harry from Minnesota in ex-
18. Yves Bourhis, Senegal, 97.85. United States 14, Australia 12 def. Edouard Roger-Vasselin and Gael Monfils, France, change for RHP Trevor Richards. Acquired 3B Charles
Republic (Adam Mendrek; Ondrej Kral), 21-18, 21-19. 5. Italy (Manila Esposito; Alice D’Amato; Angela Andreo-
19. Wu Shao-Hsuan, Taiwan, 99.45. 6-3, 6-1; Jan-Lennard Struff and Dominik Koepfer, McAdoo from Pittsburgh in exchange for UTL Isiah Kiner-
li; Giorgia Villa; Elisa Iorio), 39.965. GOLD mEDAL
wOmEN 20. Andy Barat, Comoros, 107.59. Germany, def. Nuno Borges and Francisco Cabral, Portu- Falefa and cash considerations. Activated OF Joey Loperfido.
6. Japan (Haruka Nakamura; Mana Okamura; Rina Kishi; New Zealand 19, Canada 12
SiNGLES 21. Isak Ohrstrom, Sweden, 135.55. gal, 6-2, 6-2; Adam Pavlasek and Tomas Machac, Acquired LHP Ryan Yarbrough from the Los Angeles Dodgers
Kohane Ushioku), 39.599.
GrOUP PLAY StAGE 22. Martin Dougoud, Switzerland, 138.24. Czechia, def. Nicolas Jarry and Alejandro Tabilo, Chile, in exchange for OF Kevin Kiermaier and cash considerations.
7. Canada (Aurelie Tran; Cassandra Lee; Elsabeth Black; SHOOtiNG 5-7, 7-6 (8-6), 10-4; Rafael Nadal and Carlos Alcaraz, Arizona Diamondbacks: Acquired INF Josh Bell from Miami
GrOUP E 23. Mateusz Polaczyk, Poland, 139.58. Ava Stewart; Shallon Olsen), 39.333.
24. Finn Butcher, New Zealand, 142.08.
mEN Spain, def. Wesley Koolhof and Tallon Griekspoor, in exchange for a player to be named later or cash consider-
Ratchanok Intanon, Thailand, def. Lianne Tan, Belgium, 8. China (Zhou Yaqin; Ou Yushan; Zhang Yihan; Qiu trAP Netherlands, 6-4, 6-7 (2-7), 10-2; Andy Murray and ations. Recalled INF/OF Pavin Smith from Reno (PCL).
21-8, 21-8. wOmEN Qiyuan; Luo Huan), 38.666. QUALifiCAtiON Daniel Evans, Britain, def. Sander Gille and Joran Placed INF Christian Walker on the 10-day IL. Acquired RHP
GrOUP m CANOE SiNGLE rANkiNGS DAY 2 Vliegen, Belgium, 6-3, 6-7 (8-10), 11-9. Dylan Floro from Washington in exchange for INF Andrés
Kristin Kuuba, Estonia, def. Fathimath Nabaaha Abdul HEAtS 1St rUN 1. United States (Simone Biles; Jade Carey; Jordan 1. Qi Ying, China, 123 (Q). Chaparro. Designated RHP Miguel Castro for assignment.
2. Nathan Hales, Britain, 123 (Q). wOmEN’S DOUbLES — rOUND Of 32 Atlanta braves: Reinstated RHP Hurston Waldrep from
Razzaq, Maldives, 21-7, 21-9. 1. Gabriela Satkova, Czech Republic, 99.44. Chiles; Sunisa Lee; Hezly Rivera), 171.296.
2. Jessica Fox, Australia, 100.05. 3. James Willett, Australia, 123 (Q). Diana Shnaider and Mirra Andreeva, Russia, def. Ajla the 15-day IL and optioned him to Gwinnett (IL).
2. Italy (Angela Andreoli; Alice D’Amato; Manila Esposi- Tomljanovic and Olivia Gadecki, Australia, 6-3, 2-6, 10-6;
GrOUP J 3. Monica Doria Vilarrubla, Andorra, 101.28. to; Elisa Iorio; Giorgia Villa), 165.494. 4. Rickard Levin-Andersson, Sweden, 123 (Q). Acquired RHP Luke Jackson and OF Jorge Soler from San
4. Zuzana Pankova, Slovakia, 103.27. 5. Jean Pierre Brol Cardenas, Guatemala, 122 (Q). Heather Watson and Katie Boulter, Britain, def. Angelique Francisco in exchange for LHP Tyler Matzek and INF
Neslihan Arin, Turkey, def. Ines Lucia Castillo, Peru, 3. Brazil (Rebeca Andrade; Jade Barbosa; Lorrane
5. Mallory Franklin, Britain, 104.72. 6. Derrick Scott Mein, United States, 122 (Q). Kerber and Laura Siegemund, Germany, 6-2, 6-3; Danielle Sabin Caballos. Designated RHP Darius Vines for assign-
21-16, 21-17. Oliveira; Flavia Saraiva; Julia Soares), 164.497.
6. Klaudia Zwolinska, Poland, 106.84. 7. Giovanni Cernogoraz, Croatia, 122. Collins and Desirae Krawczyk (4), United States, def. ment. Recalled Bryce Elder from Gwinnett.
4. Britain (Rebecca Downie; Ruby Evans; Georgia-Mae Despina Papamichail and Maria Sakkari, Greece, 6-1, 6-3;
GrOUP G 7. Elena Lilik, Germany, 107.95. Fenton; Alice Kinsella; Abigail Martin), 164.263. 8. Yu Haicheng, China, 122. Cincinnati reds: Traded RHP Frankie Montas to Milwau-
Polina Buhrova, Ukraine, def. Tereza Svabikova, Czech 8. Marjorie Delassus, France, 108.34. 9. Mitchell Iles, Australia, 122. Barbora Krejcikova and Katerina Siniakova (2), Czechia, kee in exchange for RHP Jakob Junis, OF Joey Wiemer
5. Canada (Elsabeth Black; Cassandra Lee; Shallon def. Latisha Chan and Hao-Ching Chan, Taiwan, 6-4, 6-0.
Republic, 21-19, 19-21, 21-18. 9. Evy Leibfarth, United States, 108.82. Olsen; Ava Stewart; Aurelie Tran), 162.432. 10. Driss Haffari, Morocco, 122. and cash. Designated SS Livan Soto for assignment.
10. Miren Lazkano, Spain, 109.49. 6. China (Luo Huan; Ou Yushan; Qiu Qiyuan; Zhang Yihan; 11. Owen Robinson, New Zealand, 121. wOmEN’S DOUbLES — rOUND Of 16 Sent C Luke Maile to Louisville (IL) on a rehab
GrOUP A 11. Eva Alina Hocevar, Slovenia, 109.57. 12. Yang Kun-Pi, Taiwan, 121. assignment. Optioned OF Joey Wiemer to Louisville.
Zhou Yaqin), 162.131. Sara Sorribes Tormo and Cristina Bucsa (8), Spain, def.
Kaloyana Nalbantova, Bulgaria, def. Xuefei Qi, France, 12. Alena Marx, Switzerland, 109.66. 7. Romania (Ana Barbosu; Lilia Cosman; Amalia Ghigoar- 13. Mauro de Filippis, Italy, 121. Nadia Podoroska and Maria Carle, Argentina, 6-3, 6-4; Recalled RHPs Lyon Richardson and Yosver Zulueta from
21-18, 21-18. 13. Ana Satila, Brazil, 109.95. ta; Sabrina Maneca-Voinea; Andreea Preda), 159.497. 14. Alberto Fernandez, Spain, 121. Hsieh Su-wei and Chia Yi Tsao, Taiwan, def. Dayana Louisville. Activated SS Ty France. Acquired 3B Davis
14. Marta Bertoncelli, Italy, 112.28. 8. Japan (Rina Kishi; Haruka Nakamura; Mana Okamura; 15. Oguzhan Tuzun, Turkey, 121. Yastremska and Marta Kostyuk (7), Ukraine, walkover; Wendzel from Texas for cash considerations.
GrOUP P 15. Huang Juan, China, 112.88. 16. Giovanni Pellielo, Italy, 121. Colorado rockies: Acquired LHP Luis Peralta from
Mia Blichfeldt, Denmark, def. Yvonne Li, Germany, Kohane Ushioku), 159.463. Sara Errani and Jasmine Paolini (3), Italy, def. Caroline
16. Viktoriia Us, Ukraine, 113.67. 17. Khaled Almudhaf, Kuwait, 120. Garcia and Diane Parry, France, 5-7, 6-3, 10-8. Pittsburgh in exchange for LHP Jalen Beeks. Recalled
21-14, 14-21, 21-12. 17. Viktoria Wolffhardt, Austria, 114.27. HANDbALL 18. Jiri Liptak, Czech Republic, 119. RHP Angel Chivilli from Albuquerque (PCL).
18. Lena Teunissen, Netherlands, 115.51. wOmEN 19. Sebastien Guerrero, France, 119. mixED DOUbLES — rOUND Of 16 miami marlins: Agreed to terms with OF Jacob Jenkins-
GrOUP L 20. Eduardo Jose Lorenzo, Dominican Republic, 119.
19. Lois Betteridge, Canada, 120.22. Germany 41, Slovenia 22 Zhang Zhizhen and Wang Xinyu, China, def. Luisa Cowart on a minor league contract. Recalled RHPs Roddery
Jenjira Stadelmann, Switzerland, def. Rachael Darragh, 20. Haruka Okazaki, Japan, 122.50. 21. Prithviraj Tondaiman, India, 118. Stefani and Thiago Seyboth Wild, Brazil, 3-6, 6-3, 10-8; Munoz and Shaun Anderson from Jacksonville (IL). Claimed
Ireland, 13-21, 24-22, 21-15. Norway 26, South Korea 20
21. Michaela Corcoran, Ireland, 129.55. Netherlands 29, Spain 24 22. Andres Garcia, Spain, 118. Taylor Fritz and Coco Gauff (3), United States, def. RHP Jesus Tinoco off waivers from the Chicago Cubs.
GrOUP N Hungary 31, Angola 31 23. Saeed Abusharib, Qatar, 118. Maximo Gonzalez and Nadia Podoroska, Argentina, 6-1, Recalled RHP George Soriano and LHP Austin Kitchen from
HEAtS 2ND rUN 24. Mohammad Beyranvand, Iran, 117. 6-7 (6-8), 10-5; Gabriela Dabrowski and Felix Auger- Jacksonville. Activated SS David Hensley. Transferred LHP
He Bing Jiao, China, def. Kirsty Gilmour, Britain, 24-22, 21-8. France 26, Brazil 20
1. Jessica Fox, Australia, 103.10. Denmark 25, Sweden 23 25. Matthew John Coward-Holley, Britain, 117. Aliassime, Canada, def. Heather Watson and Joe Salis- Braxton Garrett from the 15-day IL to the 60-day IL.
GrOUP D 2. Elena Lilik, Germany, 103.29. 26. Marian Kovacocy, Slovakia, 117. bury, Britain, 7-5, 4-6, 10-3. New York mets: Agreed to terms with SS Trey Snyder on
Supanida Katethong, Thailand, def. Lo Sin Yan Happy, 3. Ana Satila, Brazil, 105.16. 27. William Hinton, United States, 116. a minor league contract. Acquired RHP Tyler Zuber from
Hong Kong, 21-14, 21-9. 4. Lena Teunissen, Netherlands, 105.33. JUDO 28. Leonel Martinez, Venezuela, 116. VOLLEYbALL Tampa Bay in exchange for RHP Paul Gervase. Designat-
5. Zuzana Pankova, Slovakia, 105.71. mEN 29. Gianluca Chetcuti, Malta, 116. mEN ed RHP Ty Adcock for assignment. Acquired RHP Huascar
GrOUP i 6. Viktoriia Us, Ukraine, 106.09. 81 kG 30. Said Al Khatri, Oman, 114. Italy 3, Egypt 0 (25-15, 25-16, 25-20) Brazoban from Miami in exchange for SS Wilfredo Lara.
Jia Min Yeo, Singapore, def. Kate Foo Kune, Mauritius, 7. Gabriela Satkova, Czech Republic, 106.54. ELimiNAtiON rOUND Of 64 United States 3, Germany 2 (21-25, 17-25, 25-17, 25-20, Designated C Logan Porter for assignment.
8. Evy Leibfarth, United States, 107.09. Alpha Oumar Djalo, France, def. Abdelrahman Abdelgha-
fiNAL 11-15) Philadelphia Phillies: Acquired RHPs Seth Johnson and
21-12, 21-6.
9. Klaudia Zwolinska, Poland, 107.89. ny, Egypt, Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 4:00. 1. Nathan Hales, Britain, (123, 48), 171. Slovenia 3, Serbia 0 (25-21, 25-19, 25-19) Moises Chace from Baltimore in exchange for LHP
DOUbLES 10. Eva Alina Hocevar, Slovenia, 108.22. 2. Qi Ying, China, (123, 44), 167. France 3, Canada 0 (25-20, 25-21, 25-17) Gregory Soto. Optioned RHP Seth Johnson to Reading
GrOUP PLAY StAGE 11. Huang Juan, China, 108.47. ELimiNAtiON rOUND Of 32 3. Jean Pierre Brol Cardenas, Guatemala, (122, 35), 157. (EL). Acquired LHP Tanner Banks from the Chicago
GrOUP b 12. Viktoria Wolffhardt, Austria, 110.39. Matthias Casse, Belgium, def. Sibghatullah Arab, Refu- 4. Rickard Levin-Andersson, Sweden, (123, 30), 153. wAtEr POLO White Sox in exchange for INF William Bergolla.
Bulgaria (Stefani Stoeva; Gabriela Stoeva), def. United 13. Marta Bertoncelli, Italy, 110.43. gee Olympic Team, Ippon, Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame, 1:40. 5. Derrick Scott Mein, United States, (122, 26), 148. mEN Pittsburgh Pirates: Acquired LHP Josh Walker from the
States (Kerry Xu; Annie Xu), 21-18, 21-12. 14. Alena Marx, Switzerland, 111.10. Attila Ungvari, Hungary, def. Abylaikhan Zhubanazar, 6. James Willett, Australia, (123, 19), 142. Australia 8, Serbia 3 New York Mets in exchange for LHP Nicolas Carreno.
China (Liu Sheng Shu; Tan Ning), def. Hong Kong (Yeung 15. Miren Lazkano, Spain, 113.60. Kazakhstan, Waza-ari, Ko-uchi-gari, 5:58. Italy 14, Croatia 11 Sent RHP Shintaro Fujinami outright to Syracuse (IL).
16. Lois Betteridge, Canada, 115.60. Takanori Nagase, Japan, def. Alain Aprahamian, Uru-
Nga Ting; Yeung Pui Lam), 21-18, 21-15. France 14, Japan 13 Acquired OF Bryan De La Cruz from Miami in exchange
17. Marjorie Delassus, France, 119.22. guay, Ippon, 1:52.
trAP for RHP Jun-Seok Shim and INF Garret Forrester.
QUALifiCAtiON United States 14, Romania 8
GrOUP A 18. Haruka Okazaki, Japan, 130.42. Vedat Albayrak, Turkey, def. Askerbii Gerbekov, Bah- Greece 17, Montenegro 16, Greece wins 5-4 in shootout Acquired OF Billy Cook from Baltimore in exchange for
China (Chen Qing Chen; Jia Yi Fan), def. Japan (Wakana 19. Monica Doria Vilarrubla, Andorra, 151.68. rain, Ippon, 4:49. DAY 1 Spain 10, Hungary 7 RHP Patrick Reilly. Placed RHP Carmen Miodzinski on
Nagahara; Mayu Matsumoto), 21-16, 21-15. 20. Mallory Franklin, Britain, 152.41. Guilherme Schimidt, Brazil, def. Edi Sherifovski, Mace- x-won tiebreak the 15-day IL. Activated RHP Jake Woodford.
Malaysia (Pearly Tan; Muralitharan Thinaah), def. Indonesia 21. Michaela Corcoran, Ireland, 168.08. donia, Ippon, Ude-hishigi-juji-gatame, 2:18. CB-count back San Diego Padres: Agreed to terms with OF Kavares Tears on
(Apriyani Rahayu; Siti Fadia Silva Ramadhanti), 21-18, 21-9. Antonio Esposito, Italy, def. Valentin Houinato, Benin, 1. Mar Molne Magrina, Spain, 75. a minor league contract. Acquired LHP Ronaldys Jimenez from
GrOUP C CYCLiNG Ippon, 3:31. 2. Fatima Galvez, Spain, 74. Men’s soccer Pittsburgh in exchange for LHP Martin Perez. Acquired LHP
mEN Francois Gauthier Drapeau, Canada, def. Joao Fernando, 3. Penny Smith, Australia, 73. Tanner Scott and RHP Bryan Hoeing from Miami in exchange
South Korea (Kim So Yeong; Kong Hee Yong), def. Japan PArk Portugal, Ippon, 5:13. 4. Mariya Dmitriyenko, Kazakhstan, 73. UNitED StAtES 3, GUiNEA 0 for RHPs Adam Mazur and Bryan Hoeing, LHP Robby Snelling
(Chiharu Shida; Nami Matsuyama), 24-22, 26-24. Adrian Gandia, Puerto Rico, def. Nugzari Tatalashvili, 5. Adriana Ruano Oliva, Guatemala, 73. United States ........................ 2 1 — 3 and INF Jay Beshears. Activated RHP Jason Adam.
Australia (Angela Yu; Setyana Mapasa), def. India
United Arab Emirates, Ippon, Uki-otoshi, 3:38. 6. Silvana Maria Stanco, Italy, 73. Guinea.................................... 0 0 — 0 San francisco Giants: Acquired LF Mark Canha from
(Tanisha Crasto; Ashwini Ponnappa), 21-15, 21-10. 1. Kieran Darren David Reilly, Britain, 91.21 (Q).
Tato Grigalashvili, Georgia, def. Mihail Latisev, Moldova, 7. Wu Cuicui, China, 72. first half: 1, United States, Mihailovic, 14th minute; 2, Detroit in exchange for RHP Eric Silva. Recalled INF
2. Marcus Christopher, United States, 89.48 (Q).
Ippon, 5:49. 8. Maria Ines Coelho de Barros, Portugal, 72. United States, Paredes, (Aaronson), 31st. Marco Luciano and C Blake Sabol from Sacramento
GrOUP D 3. Logan Martin, Australia, 89.39 (Q).
Wachid Borchashvili, Austria, def. Mohammad Samim (PCL). Sent LHP Ethan Small to Sacramento on a rehab
4. Justin Dowell, United States, 89.07 (Q). 9. y-Zhang Xinqiu, China, 72 (CB:11). Second half: 3, United States, Paredes, (McGlynn), 75th.
Denmark (Maiken Fruergaard; Sara Thygesen), def. Faizad, Afghanistan, Ippon, Seoi-nage, 2:42. 10. x-Jessica Rossi, Italy, 72 (CB:7). assignment.
France (Margot Lambert; Anne Tran), 21-16, 21-12. 5. Anthony Jeanjean, France, 87.58 (Q). Yellow cards: Dietz, United States, 36th; Camara,
Somon Makhmadbekov, Tajikistan, def. Fares Badawi, 11. Liu Wan-Yu, Taiwan, 71. Guinea, 38th. washington Nationals: Selected the contract of OF
South Korea (Baek Ha Na; Lee So Hee), def. Thailand 6. Rimu Nakamura, Japan, 87.03 (Q).
Palestine, Ippon, 1:01. 12. Rachel Leighanne Tozier, United States, 71. referee: Tess Olofsson. Travis Blankenhorn and recalled RHP Joan Adon from
(Jongkolphan Kititharakul; Rawinda Prajongjai), 21-9, 21-12. 7. Jose Torres Gil, Argentina, 86.66 (Q).
13. Ray Bassil, Lebanon, 71. Rochester (IL).
D6 Ez Su the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

paris olympics

United States France China Live updates: For analysis and

4 11 11 26 5 9 4 18 6 6 2 14 visit wapo.st/parisolympics.
Medal leaders through Tuesday.

Pollution in the Seine Roberts is No. 1 seed,
forces postponement and Worthington is out
The grand plan of Paris and five-time world champion
olympic leaders to make the Hannah roberts of the United
Seine swimmable took a hit States topped qualifying in the
Tuesday when organizers were freestyle BmX competition at
forced to postpone the men’s Place de la Concorde, while
triathlon for at least a day reigning gold medalist Charlotte
because of pollution levels. Worthington of Britain failed to
The decision was announced advance to the finals.
at 5 a.m. local time in Paris, three roberts, who finished second
hours before the triathlon was to Worthington at the Tokyo
supposed to start at the Pont Games, had the best single score
Alexandre III. It came after of 91.80 points and the best two-
leaders from Paris 2024, World run average of 91.45, sending her
Triathlon and city and into Wednesday’s finals as the
government agencies gathered at No. 1 seed. She was joined by
3:30 a.m. to decide if the American teammate Perris
pollution — primarily E. coli — Benegas, who had the unenviable
levels had dropped enough to first qualifying position but
meet World Triathlon standards. wound up fourth.
moving the men’s triathlon to In the men’s competition,
Wednesday means there will be Britain’s Kieran reilly was the
two triathlons that day — if the top qualifier with a two-run
water is determined to be clean average of 91.21 points. American
enough. The women’s triathlon is marcus Christopher was second
scheduled to start at 8 a.m. and at 89.48, and defending
the men’s at 10:45 a.m. champion Logan martin of
If Wednesday’s triathlons are Australia third with 89.39.
postponed, Paris 2024 leaders are
considering moving the events to 3x3 BASKETBALL
friday. Three more open-water
swimming events are scheduled Both American teams
for next week, including the JEROME bROuILLET/aGENcE FRaNcE-PRESSE/GETTy IMaGES
lose opening games
mixed triathlon and the men’s
and women’s 10-kilometer swim Walking on air Jimmer fredette and the other
races. After a superb tube run in Tahiti, Brazilian surfer Gabriel Medina kicked off a wave and soared in his signature celebration. members of Team USA’s three-on-
— Les Carpenter three men’s squad lost to Serbia,
22-14, on the first day of
BASKETBALL competition.
fredette, a BYU legend turned
Wembanyama, France TE L Ev I S I ON professional nomad, scored four
need OT to top Japan points; the Americans were led
by six from Kareem maddox.
In the most dramatic game of aRChERy CyClinG GymnaSTiCS TEnniS marko Brankovic had a game-
the men’s tournament to date, 8:05 a.m. — Individual eliminations — USA Net- 7:10 a.m. — Women’s BMX freestyle, final — USA 11:30 a.m. — Men’s all-around final — NBC 6 a.m. — Men’s and women’s singles, third round; high eight for Serbia, which
work Network men’s and women’s doubles, quarterfinals —
france got past Japan, 94-90, in 8:45 a.m. — Individual eliminations — E! 8:45 a.m. — Men’s BMX freestyle, final — USA RoWinG Peacock overcame an 8-5 deficit.
overtime after trailing by four in baDminTon
Network 5:50 a.m. — Finals — E!
ThREE-on-ThREE baSkETball The U.S. women lost their first
the final minute of regulation in 4:15 a.m. — Qualifying round — USA Network
DiVinG SailinG 6:30 a.m. — Qualifying rounds — USA Network game, 17-13, to Germany.
Villeneuve-d’Ascq, france. baSkETball
5 a.m. — Women’s synchronized platform, final —
6 a.m. — Day 4 — Peacock 11:30 a.m. — Qualifying rounds — E!
3 p.m. — Qualifying rounds — E!
— Des Bieler
france, a 171/2-point favorite, 11:15 a.m. — Men: Serbia vs. Puerto Rico — E! SoCCER 4:35 p.m. — Men: United States vs. Poland — NBC
forced overtime when guard 3 p.m. — Men: United States vs. South Sudan —
USA Network 10 a.m. — Dressage, qualifying — E!
1 p.m. — Women: United States vs. Australia — E! TRiaThlon TENNIS
matthew Strazel made a four-
Gauff loses argument
SWimminG 10:45 a.m. — Women’s final — NBC
bEaCh VollEyball FEnCinG
point play with 10 seconds 5 a.m. — Qualifying heats — USA Network VollEyball
and third-round match
4 a.m. — Women: Switzerland vs. Germany — E! 9:50 a.m. — Men’s team saber, semifinals — USA 10 a.m. — Qualifying heats — NBC
remaining. 9 a.m. — Women: United States vs. France — NBC Network 2:30 p.m. — Men’s and women’s 100-meter 11 a.m. — Women: United States vs. Serbia — USA
4:45 p.m. — Women: Canada vs. Switzerland — 4:30 p.m. — Men’s team saber bronze medal Network
Japan Coach Tom Hovasse USA Network competition and final — E!
freestyle, men’s 200 butterfly, men’s 200 breast-
stroke and women’s 1,500 freestyle, finals — NBC
WaTER polo
chose not to dispute the call in CanoEinG FiElD hoCkEy TablE TEnniS
American Coco Gauff was left
1 p.m. — Women: United States vs. Italy — USA
his postgame comments, and 1:45 p.m. — Women’s slalom, final — USA 7:15 a.m. — Women: United States vs. Australia — 6:45 a.m. — Elimination rounds — E! Network in tears after getting into an
france Coach Vincent Collet said Network E! extended argument with the
the four-point play was “like a chair umpire over a ruling
miracle, for sure.” during her 7-6 (9-7), 6-2 loss to
french star Victor Donna Vekic of Croatia in a third-
Wembanyama posted 18 points, round singles match at roland
11 rebounds and six assists, and Garros.
he shook off a slow start by In Saint-Étienne, Thiago ShOOTINg China’s Qi Ying had to settle The United States’ wait for a Top-ranked Iga Swiatek
hitting several clutch shots late. Almada scored a brilliant solo for silver after he missed four of shooting medal in Paris will advanced to the quarterfinals
— Ben Golliver goal in Argentina’s 2-0 win over Bronze is Guatemala’s his last 17 shots for a total of 44. continue after Derrick mein and will play eighth-seeded
Ukraine. Collecting the ball just historic second medal Hales finished with 18 hits in a placed fifth. American Danielle Collins.
SOCCER past the halfway line, he charged row. In mixed-team air pistol, on the men’s side, Americans
upfield before curling a shot past British shooter Nathan Hales Hales smashed an olympic Serbia won the gold as Zorana Taylor fritz and Tommy Paul also
Egypt defeats Spain, Ukraine goalkeeper Kiril fesyun kept his cool in the heat in record as he scored 48 out of 50 Arunovic and Damir mikec beat advanced.
moves to quarterfinals from around 25 yards. Châteauroux to take gold in in the final. That’s five more than Turkey’s Sevval Ilayda Tarhan In doubles, rafael Nadal and
In Nice, the moroccans men’s trap shooting, and the the previous best and one short and Yusuf Dikec, 16-14, in the Carlos Alcaraz moved into the
Ibrahim Adel scored a pair of advanced as Group B winners by oldest competitor, 41-year-old of his world record. final. quarterfinals with a 6-4, 6-7 (7-2),
goals as Egypt’s men advanced to beating Iraq, 3-0. Jean Pierre Brol, won bronze, just Without any shade on the India’s manu Bhaker won her 10-2 victory over Tallon
the quarterfinals atop Group C morocco’s three goals, from the second medal in history for open-air shotgun range, the heat second bronze of these Games Griekspoor and Wesley Koolhof
by beating Spain, 2-1, in Amir richardson, Soufiane Guatemala. wave in france made it even after she and teammate Sarabjot of the Netherlands.
Bordeaux. Spain advances rahimi and Abde Ezzalzouli, “I’m so excited. If I talk too harder than usual to stay Singh beat South Korea’s Lee — From news services
despite the loss. came in the first half. much, I’ll begin to cry,” Brol said. consistent and concentrated. Wonho and oh Ye Jin. and staff reports

American swimmers dominating medals race, but Aussies gathering more golds
SwiMMing from D1 move — hanging back before broke the record in 2019, then
blitzing past the leaders in a mad mcKeown lowered it in 2021.
win. She turned to find a second dash to the final wall. He sat mcKeown won olympic gold
scoreboard behind her and saw comfortably in third for much of three years ago, Smith won the
that her 57.33-second finish low- the race and found a new gear for world title a year later, and
ered her own olympic record and the last lap. He passed Italy’s mcKeown won at worlds last year.
topped second-place Smith’s time Gregorio Paltrinieri but ran out of “regan pushes me to the best
by 0.33 seconds. pool and couldn’t catch Ireland’s of my abilities,” mcKeown said,
“I can still see splashes and Daniel Wiffen, who won gold with “and I do the same for her.”
things that happen around me,” a time of 7 minutes 38.19 seconds. At the U.S. trials last month,
mcKeown explained later, after finke took second, touching the Smith reclaimed the world record
she had replaced her goggles with wall in 7:38.75. with a time of 57.13 seconds,
a pair of flashy designer glasses. In the 4x200 relay, Britain’s sending a warning shot heard
“But it is a bit of a scary moment speedy freestylers led from start around the world. mcKeown said
when you’re like, ‘Is that first, to finish, winning gold with a it was a motivator these past six
second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth?’ time of 6:59.43. The American weeks, though neither would
You never actually know.” quartet of Kibler, Luke Hobson, challenge that mark in Paris.
She had successfully defended Carson foster and Kieran Smith Both swimmers burst off the
her Tokyo title and now has three finished 1.35 seconds back, taking starting blocks Tuesday, and it
olympic gold medals in her col- silver in a race the Americans was Smith who made the turn
lection. Her pool splendor had once dominated. michael Phelps first, a hair faster than the field.
never been in question. But Tues- and ryan Lochte helped the Unit- mcKeown was fourth but only
day’s win also helped bring focus ed States win four straight gold 0.06 seconds behind. The Aussie
to some broader questions that medals (from 2004 to 2016), but plowed through the final 50, cov-
have been swirling around Paris Britain has won the relay in back- ering the length of the pool in
La Défense Arena this week. The to-back olympics since. 29.25 seconds and fending off
women’s 100 back was a critical regardless of what the Ameri- Smith down the stretch to defend
race in the United States’ quest to cans or Aussies did, french sensa- her title.
top the Australians here. And tion Leon marchand again de- “We have traded world records
again, the Americans repeatedly manded the spotlight, even and things like that, but she’s
found the podium — Smith’s U.S. though he didn’t have a medal always good at getting it done
teammate Katharine Berkoff took race Tuesday. marchand swam in when it matters,” Smith said. “I
bronze in the race — but not their a pair of semifinals, capturing the want to give her credit where it’s
preferred position. top seed in the 200 butterfly and due.”
They’re swimming plenty fast, posting the second-best time in Afterward the two shared a
but the Americans have now gone SEbaSTIEN bOzON/aGENcE FRaNcE-PRESSE/GETTy IMaGES
the 200 breaststroke. on Wednes- moment. Sure, they are rivals, but
two straight days without a gold American Regan Smith had to settle for silver in the 100-meter backstroke behind Kaylee McKeown. day night he again will swim both they’re also competitors who are
here. They settled for second — for the third time in around 32 continually pushing each other,
place in all three finals staged um, and it was really tough a few But through 15 events, the But the Americans are plenty hours — but this time with med- redefining what’s possible in a
Tuesday night. years ago missing that podium. Americans have heard their na- busy, and that rivalry will see als on the line. No swimmer has race they both love. fresh off their
“We’re always shooting for So it’s a step forward, but we’re tional anthem played just twice, plenty more splashing. Katie ever won gold in butterfly and latest battle, the swimmers
gold. That’s the American stan- always shooting for gold.” following a first-place finish in Ledecky and Kate Douglass have breaststroke events of any length thanked each other.
dard,” said Drew Kibler, part of The medal count can be read in the men’s 4x100 freestyle relay on two more individual events on in the same olympics. As mcKeown explained, “I
the United States’ 4x200 freestyle one of two ways: The United the opening night of the meet and tap. Bobby finke, too, will be a But much of the intrigue Tues- wouldn’t be the athlete I am if it
relay team that won silver, a States has 15 swimming medals then again after Torri Huske’s heavy favorite in the men’s 1,500 day surrounded the women’s 100 wasn’t for her.”
welcome result after finishing four days into the nine-day meet, gold in the women’s 100 butterfly. free, though he failed to defend back. Smith and mcKeown have
fourth in Tokyo. “But it’s a really far more than any other country. mcKeown’s win Tuesday gives the his title Tuesday in the 800. been trading otherworldly marks Dave Sheinin contributed to this
special thing to be on that podi- Australia is the closest with eight. Aussies four golds here. finke again tried his signature the past few years. Smith first report.

paris olympics wednesday, july 31 , 2024 eZ sU

toni L. sandys/the Washington Post JaBin Botsford/the Washington Post

JaBin Botsford/the Washington Post

They’re simply the best:

U.S. women’s gymnasts
are atop the world again
After a hiccup in Tokyo three years ago left
them with a silver medal, the U.S. women’s
gymnasts dominated the team final Tuesday in
Paris to claim gold. Powered by Simone Biles,
the Americans finished well ahead of the field;
Italy took silver, with Brazil getting the bronze.

TOP LEFT: Jordan Chiles, who was part

of the team in Tokyo, competes on beam.

TOP RIGHT: Biles had a brief moment of

unsteadiness on beam but found her footing.

ABOVE: Biles and Sunisa Lee, the all-around

champion in Tokyo, revel in their team’s win.

LEFT: Gold tastes sweet for, from left, Biles,

Jade Carey, Chiles, Lee and Hezly Rivera.

toni L. sandys/the Washington Post

D8 eZ sU the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

paris olympics

To become an Olympic boxer, Harvey stopped fighting

The Maryland native took up the sport to prepare for the future he saw in football. Now it’s his ticket to a wider world, including Paris.
BY L ES C ARPENTER Something changed after that.
Harvey grew more determined,
PARIS — The boxing ring that more focused. Davis was amazed
Darrell Davis built years ago at at how Harvey seemed to mature
the oxon Hill Staff and Develop- overnight. As a fighter, Harvey
ment Center in maryland was less got better. He became a part of
a ring and more a contraption, a USA Boxing. The pandemic came,
flimsy 16-foot square marked off and Harvey and Davis kept train-
with ropes and pads in the corner ing in parks and on sidewalks,
of a room. He said he called it The anywhere they could.
Doghouse “because there was no In 2021, Harvey went to the
room to run.” world championships in Belgrade
So when Jahmal Harvey, a 13- and won gold. The man he beat
year-old star running back on the was 23 years old and had fought
youth football team Davis also in that summer’s Tokyo olympics.
coached, showed up one day in He began imagining Paris and
2014, Davis taught the kid a few made getting to these Games his
basic moves, then gave him gloves obsession. He was an important
and headgear and threw him part of USA Boxing’s future. He
straight into The Doghouse. He was traveling the world, filling his
did this with all his new fighters. Instagram page with pictures of
“Got to see if they have heart,” places he never imagined visit-
Davis said. “Got to find out what ing.
you’re getting before you waste He found he liked studying the
your time.” cultures and the history. It felt
Harvey faced three boxers that new, exciting and fresh. He was
day, all with months of training. going to Paris; he was sure of it.
He walloped them all in a flurry of Then he started losing.
punches. When he was finished, The defeats came from no-
Davis had his answer. “I got me a where in 2022. Before then, he
fighter,” he said to himself. had just two losses, both coming
Seven years later, Davis has not in 2017. But then he dropped
only a fighter but a featherweight three straight bouts, losing twice
amateur world champion, a boxer to oliveira, Wednesday’s oppo-
with the rare mix of speed and nent. He was feeling weaker. He
power who is now an olympian. didn’t understand why. finally, a
Wednesday afternoon, Harvey doctor realized that Harvey, who
will face his longtime rival, Bra- MArTin MeJiA/AssociATed Press
had become a vegetarian a few
zil’s Luiz oliveira, in his first fight to reach his potential as a boxer, Jahmal Harvey had to learn to stop starting brawls with sparring partners and start appreciating them. years before, wasn’t getting
of the Paris Games in the round of enough protein and was deficient
16 at 57 kg (125.5 pounds). He is appealed to Harvey. He was short his first season of football. He fights all over the East Coast. That Harvey didn’t know how to stop in a number of vitamins.
probably the United States’ best and light. Despite turning every started to wonder whether maybe year, he won his first big tourna- fighting. He couldn’t stop being A nutritionist urged him to
male hope to win a boxing medal oxon Hill roadrunner game into his 5-foot-6 frame wasn’t going to ment, the junior olympics in Dal- the kid in the street fights, the one start eating salmon. His strength
at these Games and perhaps be- a gallery of juking, cutting, hold up in football. las. Two years later, he won them with a grudge. The boxers he came back. So did the victories.
come the first since Andre Ward sprinting highlights, he was a In 2016, Harvey met Gary rus- again in Charleston, S.C., and sparred with started holding him Last summer, he won the Pan Am
in 2004 to win gold. small child, and in the neighbor- sell, the WBC featherweight then the youth national champi- back with their hands or wrap- Games title, beating oliveira in
Harvey imagined none of this hoods where he grew up around champion from nearby Capitol onships in 2019. ping him in their arms. He hated the semifinals to take a 3-2 lead
that day he first went to Davis’s Southeast D.C. and oxon Hill, Heights, and realized he could Davis kept testing him, throw- being wrapped up in the ring. over his rival. After that, Paris was
gym. He already knew his desti- kids his size got picked on — have a life as a professional boxer. ing him into sparring sessions His fists would fly, punches all but a certainty.
ny: He was going to be an NfL which meant learning young how He met the father of another with top boxers around Washing- coming in a frenzy. The bell rang, “I know the olympics is going
running back. Already he was punches are thrown. fighter whose son was trying to go ton and beyond — fighters older and he wouldn’t stop. He knocked to be my time to shine,” he said.
tearing up the fields for Davis on “I had already been in a lot of to the olympics, and the father and stronger, with more experi- the other fighters down and tried Davis will be at the North Paris
the oxon Hill roadrunners foot- fights,” Harvey said on a video call told him how his son got to travel ence. to hit them on the floor. more and Arena on Wednesday. The Dog-
ball team, the kind of back who not long before leaving for Paris. around the world, often missing “I was going with guys that more, his sparring sessions ended house is long gone, replaced by a
got about three or four carries a “Like too many to name. Too school. were national champions, that in brawls. regular boxing gym with a regular
game, racing for touchdowns ev- many to count.” “To me, that was just the best were at my weight,” Harvey said. Davis remembers the last time boxing ring. But he keeps photos
ery time and then not touching The next week, Davis took Har- thing ever,” Harvey said. “Then I started going up against it happened, around 2016 or 2017 of The Doghouse on his phone,
the ball the rest of the day out of vey to one of the top boxing gyms That summer, he watched rus- bigger guys that were national during a session at a gym called sharing them with anyone who
respect for the opponent. in the Washington area to spar sell’s younger brother Gary Antu- champions. Started sparring NoXcuse. Davis and a couple oth- asks.
Boxing was just something Da- with a fighter known in the local anne russell fight at the rio de pros. And then pros that were the ers had to pull him out of the ring. “We made something out of
vis suggested to stay in shape for community. Harvey did well Janeiro Games. He was sold. world champions. Was sparring on the drive home, Davis said, he nothing,” he said.
football. football was going to be against that boxer, too. High from then, he wanted the olym- an olympian. He always put me told Harvey that the fighters he Just like the kid who walked
his life. school started, and Harvey had pics. in there with the best.” was sparring with were supposed into The Doghouse that first day,
But something about putting been working out so much, fluid Harvey and Davis started hit- Harvey could fight with them to be his friends. They were help- a fighter who needed to learn how
on the gloves and hitting people gathered in his knees. He missed ting the boxing circuit, driving to all, Davis said. The problem was, ing him get better. to fight.

Biles leads the charge as the U.S. women complete their quest for redemption
gymnaSticS from D1

Jordan Chiles, who also was

part of the Tokyo olympic team,
has trained alongside Biles as she
has worked her way back into
world-class form, and once Biles
made it through Tuesday’s vault,
Chiles said she thought to herself,
“Yo! Hallelujah! No flashbacks.”
What did it take to get here?
“A lot,” said Cecile Landi, who
coaches Biles. “It’s been a roller
coaster for the past three years
with a lot of good times and very
difficult times. So today is just
The U.S. gymnasts have called
this olympics their “redemption
tour,” with the team gold as their
shared goal. four of the five mem-
bers of this team competed in
Tokyo, and they all felt they had
more they wanted to accomplish.
Biles had the most high-profile
letdown, but even Sunisa Lee, the
reigning olympic all-around
champion, left disappointed by
some of the medals she didn’t win.
Chiles made several mistakes on
her sport’s biggest stage in 2021.
And Jade Carey won gold on floor,
but a stumble on the runway kept
her from vying for a vault medal.
After the chaos of Tokyo, Tues-
day’s team final was pleasantly
After Biles endured an injury
scare during Sunday’s qualifying,
the anxiety over how she would
perform here only heightened.
But with her lower leg taped, Biles
competed with her usual power
and precision. Biles, who said
adrenaline takes her mind away
from the pain, sealed the gold
medal with her floor routine in
the final rotation.
Biles and the U.S. team had
been excellent all evening. JABin BoTsford/The WAshingTon PosT

Chiles’s fall on her difficult front Simone Biles was in fine form on the beam during the women’s team final. Biles captured her eighth medal, making her the most decorated U.S. gymnast in Olympic history.
pike salto mount onto the beam
was the only blemish on an other- The U.S. women stood far they overshadow her consistency. flashbacks,” referring to the trou- ments when it mattered most. podium with the U.S. team before,
wise fantastic performance. With above their peers, storming out to That’s the greatness of Biles: She ble in Tokyo, she stayed composed The fifth gymnast, 16-year-old but that was eight years ago.
russia banned from competing as a lead that kept growing. This does the hardest skills in the all night. Hezly rivera, did not compete. “We were a little young and
a team in Paris, the United States type of performance — not what world with superb execution and Chiles and Carey both strug- She was the only one who wasn’t naive,” said Biles, thinking back
had no serious challengers, and happened in Tokyo — is the norm hardly makes major mistakes. gled during the 2023 season and part of the Tokyo squad. for the on the success she had in rio de
its final score of 171.296 left it for the U.S. women’s gymnastics Chiles called Biles “the greatest of failed to earn spots on the U.S. others, the value of the gold medal Janeiro as a 19-year-old. “So it
nearly six points ahead of Italy, program that has been the stan- all greats.” team at the world championships. was rooted in their past olympic didn’t hit the way that it does
which won the silver in its best dard-bearer in the sport for more In the team final, Biles stepped Kidney-related health issues up- experience. now.”
women’s gymnastics team finish than a decade. out of bounds twice on floor, and ended Lee’s training last year. But for Biles, the eighth olympic What has changed, for Biles
since 1928. Brazil, headlined by Since Biles made her competi- she had a brief moment of un- it all came together in time for medal made her the most decorat- and the other returning olympi-
rebeca Andrade, won bronze, the tive return last year, she has been steadiness during her beam rou- Paris. ed U.S. gymnast in olympic his- ans, is what they’ve been through.
country’s first olympic team med- fantastic. Sometimes her difficult tine. But even though she initially They have climbed to their tory, breaking a tie with Shannon This medal was proof of redemp-
al in women’s gymnastics. skills generate so much buzz that found herself hoping, “Please no competitive peaks in the mo- miller. She has stood on top of the tion.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ su D9

paris olympics


Americans roll into quarterfinals for first time in 24 years

here to do. Hopefully the fans are
UNITED STATES 3, going to get behind us and keep
GUINEA 0 supporting from back home, and
hopefully we can give them
something to be proud of.”
BY S TEVEN G OFF The olympic success comes
less than a month after the na-
SaInT-ÉTIenne, France — As it tional team was bounced from
turned out, the U.S. olympic Copa América in the group stage,
men’s soccer team did not need to resulting in coach Gregg Berhal-
win its Group A finale Tuesday. ter’s dismissal.
Already in grand position to ad- Yow — a Clifton native em-
vance to the quarterfinals for the ployed by Belgian club Westerlo
first time in 24 years, the Ameri- — made an impact in his first
cans nonetheless didn’t let the start of the tournament with
favorable circumstances affect tricky, piercing runs on the left
their mentality and plans. side. The pressure on Guinea’s
for the second time in four back line grew.
days, they were ambitious and mihailovic shattered the dead-
opportunistic from the opening lock by hooking a right-footed,
whistle, and with Djordje mi- 22-yard free kick into the top
hailovic and Kevin Paredes scor- near corner for his second goal in
ing in the first half and Paredes two matches.
adding his second goal late, they Later, the Americans used per-
claimed second place with a 3-0 fect timing and execution to
victory over Guinea at sticky score in transition. Aaronson and
Stade Geoffroy-Guichard. Paredes synchronized their inter-
Their reward is a trip to Paris action to the millisecond. As
on friday to face morocco, which Paredes made his run past the
edged favored Argentina for the left back, Aaronson threaded the
top spot in Group B. Argentina ball through a channel. Paredes
and Group A winner france took a touch into the box and
(3-0-0) will tangle in a heavy- placed a low shot into the far
weight quarterfinal in Bordeaux. corner.
“We didn’t even think about “We know each other’s quali-
other results and what’s going ties,” Paredes said. “He put me in
on,” Coach marko mitrovic said. great position to score. I had to
“We came here to be who we are.” do the easy part.”
When on their game, they are a Late in the game, Paredes cut
dynamic attacking unit that loves inside and blasted a 16-yard left-
setting the terms. Paredes and footed shot that took a slight
Griffin Yow — longtime friends deflection and splashed into the
from Northern Virginia who rose near side of the net.
through the D.C. United academy “I was very, very tired,” he said.
and in mLS before venturing to thAIeR Al-sudANI/ReuteRs “But once the ball got into that
Europe — were menacing on the South Riding’s Kevin Paredes scored twice against Guinea to send the U.S. men to a quarterfinal matchup with Morocco on Friday in Paris. position, I just had to smack it.”
wings and worked with Paxten Since turning pro 41/2 years ago
Aaronson in dismantling Guinea comfort Tuesday knowing a draw Americans snatched control since Rick Davis in 1984 against only olympic appearance came at 16, Paredes has made a name
in the first half. — and perhaps even a loss — right away and went ahead on Costa Rica. in 2008 for group-stage elimina- for himself with his speedy, un-
“We’ve been together the past probably would have been mihailovic’s free kick in the 14th The last time the U.S. men tion in Beijing. Regular failure at predictable runs. on Tuesday, he
couple camps, really finding our- enough to remain in the 16-team minute. advanced to the olympic knock- regional qualifying in 2004 and showed he has refined his finish-
selves together like a brother- tournament featuring players “We knew if we came out from out stage was in 2000 in Sydney, 2012 through 2020 frustrated ing touch.
hood, each and every day, getting mostly 23 and under. minute one, foot on the gas and with a roster including teenager and embarrassed U.S. Soccer offi- “We spoke with Kevin a lot
used to each other,” said Paredes, Given how well the U.S. team get the first goal, we’d be in a Landon Donovan, over-aged se- cials, who see the olympics as an about that, and I think this tour-
a South Riding native who plays performed in its past two match- really good position,” defender lection Brad friedel in goal, opportunity to expose national nament could be a [break-
for Wolfsburg in the German es — albeit against considerably Walker Zimmerman said. young backup keeper Tim How- team prospects to international through] for him in his career,”
Bundesliga. “It just shows in our weaker opponents — the 3-0 loss In the 31st minute, Paredes ard and third-year pro Ben olsen. competition. mitrovic said. “He has a lot of
football. We’re so happy to have to france in the opener seemed collected Aaronson’s exquisite The Americans won their group “Nothing’s really been accom- qualities, and he’s always trying
the ball. We’re so happy to play longer than a week ago. pass and scored. Paredes struck and defeated Japan before losing plished yet,” said Zimmerman, to be clinical. He’s getting more
together. In these past couple Sustaining the rhythm that again in the 75th to become the to Spain in the semifinals and one of three over-age selections mature in the final third [of the
games, it really showed.” carried them to a 4-1 victory over first U.S. man to score two goals Chile in the bronze medal match. on the 18-man roster. “We’re at field], and it’s great for his fu-
The United States (2-1-0) took New Zealand on Saturday, the in one game at the olympics Between then and now, their the first step of what we came ture.”

JERRy BREwER knowing I’m not alone out

there,” maher said. “I play a

In wild win, team sport, and that’s what

makes it special. If I’m not on
my best game, I know somebody

women’s else might be on their best

game. I think that makes me
feel grounded because, I mean, I

rugby grabs knocked the ball on there, I

missed the tackle there. But it’s
not just about you, and I need

the spotlight to remember that because I put

it all on myself sometimes.
Being on a team, though, is
really awesome.”
bReweR fRom D1 Without Sedrick, maher
wouldn’t be able to celebrate. A
first you must refer to her by a gymnastics coach gave Sedrick
title that motivates her the the nickname “Spiff ” when she
most: winner. was younger because she had a
With a heart-stopping finish, spiffy energy about her. The
the United States needed every name has stuck. Sedrick prefers
second to defeat Australia, 14- “Spiff ” to “Alex.” After
12, in the bronze medal game. It completing a full-field, walk-off
ended with Alex “Spiff ” Sedrick try, she can go by any name she
scoring on a long try as time wishes.
expired and then putting a kick “one minute for the rest of
through the uprights to clinch her life,” teammate Kristi Kirshe
the first rugby sevens olympic marveled. “That’s a life-
medal in American history. changing moment for all of us
“I mean, I’ll give my firstborn and for rugby in America.”
child to Spiff,” maher said. maher invited as many
maher is the one we’ll people as she could to rugby
remember, but Sedrick was the sevens. The team made the
hero. That’s rugby. It’s a tough, most of the attention.
fast, physical team game that Considering that maher was
isn’t over even when it should able to elevate interest before
be. the United States stepped onto
In the sevens variation of the a medal podium, you can expect
sport, the competition is a mIchAel steele/getty ImAges
her to leverage this
short, 15-minute test of tenacity. American Alex “Spiff ” Sedrick scores her team's second and winning try during the bronze medal match, a 14-12 victory over Australia. breakthrough in a most
maher has created a platform incredible — and entertaining
with millions of followers on had to prove our worth because — way.
Instagram and TikTok because America loves medals. They love “So I think people come to
of her humorous videos, vibrant winning, and it was really the olympics like, ‘okay, I’m
personality and candor. But she important for us to do this to going to make something
sets herself apart with show that we can be something myself,’ and I do that as well.
vulnerability, never shying from and to get other young girls to But I did it by just being myself,
any topic, including how she aspire to do this.” and that’s who I am,” maher
learned to appreciate her body. maher admitted to feeling said. “So I think it’s like really
She’s strong, muscular and pressure. She talked with a being authentic because people
fierce. She’s silly, too. She’s just sports psychologist throughout can tell that, and I think people
Ilona, a rugby star with a this run, trying to remain really resonate with it. But
following and a mission to centered. there’s a lot of pressure now. ...
welcome others to her sport. Her online persona had That’s in our culture of, you
During this olympic run, she helped her become one of the know, I have this pressure now
befriended Jason Kelce, the more recognizable American to do everything right and to
recently retired Philadelphia faces at an olympics full of want to say the right thing. So I
Eagles offensive lineman. He superstar talent. am nervous in that way, and I
wore a shirt with a repeated She has an addictive charm. am trying to protect myself in
pattern of maher’s face and the maher, a 27-year-old from that way as well.”
American flag Tuesday, copying Burlington, Vt., played college Eventually, she will get
from the maher family rugby at Quinnipiac and comfortable with this new level
wardrobe. With Kelce as a hype graduated with a nursing of stardom.
man and the team making degree. She played for the U.S. Before Tuesday, some may
history with an unforgettable team three years ago at the have separated the athlete and
final play, the sport has an Tokyo olympics, but she came influencer. for certain, they
opportunity to grow its to Paris anointed an athlete to have merged now. maher is one
popularity. watch. Despite all her charisma, spectacular, interest-generating
“We wanted to do this to she was concerned about machine, and unlike olympians
show what rugby could be in meeting expectations. PhIl Noble/ReuteRs
who see their celebrity vanish,
America,” maher said. “And we “I stayed centered by From left, Americans Naya Tapper, Alev Kelter and Kayla Canett are left stunned by the final result. she’s not going to fade away.


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Official Notices Official Notices Bids & Proposals Bids & Proposals Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Fauquier County Stafford County
Maryland Department of the Environment ARHA Public Notice BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC TRUSTEE’S SALE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE OF
Land and Materials Administration 10045 MEETZE ROAD,
Issue Date: July 23rd, 2024 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 MIDLAND, VA 22728
Notice of Tentative Determination and Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
Public Hearing The Alexandria Redevelopment and Housing Authority (ARHA) has In execution of a certain Deed
issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Legal Services on July 23rd, (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 of Trust dated April 2, 2008, in
In execution of a certain Deed of
Trust dated November 23, 2015,
In accordance with §1-604 of the Environment Article, Annotated 2024, available on the ARHA website (https://www.arha.us/ [arha.us]) the original principal amount in the original principal amount
Code of Maryland, notice is given that the Land and Materials Admin- and Housing Agency Market Place (https://ha.internationaleprocure- of $251,335.04 recorded in the
istration has made a Tentative Determination to reissue the following ment.com/ [ha.internationaleprocurement.com]). Proposals will be SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for
of $495,853.00 recorded in the
Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for
State and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) received by 2:00 PM EST on September 17th, 2024, through Housing OF REAL PROPERTY AND OF REAL PROPERTY AND Fauquier County, Virginia, in Book Stafford County, Virginia as In-
General Discharge Permits: Agency Market Place (online submittal). 1292 at Page 675 as Instrument
strument No. 150021126. The
undersigned Substitute Trust-
General Permit for the Discharge of Stormwater and Hydrostatic Test Pre-Proposal Conference signed Substitute Trustee will ee will offer for sale at public
Water from Oil Terminals to Surface Water or Groundwater of the State Date: August 5th, 2024 offer for sale at public auction
(MDG34) Time: 2:00 PM EST 12212 APACHE TEARS CIRCLE 9032 WASHINGTON AVENUE in the front of the Circuit Court
auction in the front of the Cir-
cuit Court building for Stafford
This permit authorizes the discharge of stormwater from aboveground Location: 401 Wythe Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 LAUREL, MD 20708 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 building for Fauquier County, County, 1300 Courthouse Road,
storage tank secondary containment dikes and loading rack areas and Note: Zoom option available 40 Culpeper Street, Warrenton, Stafford, Virginia, or any such
hydrostatic test water to surface water or groundwater of the State Virginia, or any such temporary temporary alternative Circuit
from petroleum terminals storing less than 5,000,000 gallons of oil. To access the RFP documents, visit the ARHA website (https://www. Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust alternative Circuit Court location Court location designated by
This permit sets numerical limits on the effluent concentrations of the arha.us/ [arha.us]), click on “Procurements and Solicitations,” or go to
petroleum product contamination following treatment of the storm- Housing Agency Market Place (https://ha.internationaleprocurement. dated September 7, 2018, recorded in Liber 41386, Folio 148 dated October 12, 2007, recorded in Liber 28884, Folio 436 designated by the Judges of the
Circuit Court, on August 29,
the Judges of the Circuit Court,
on August 29, 2024, at 2:00
water or hydrostatic test water. com/ [ha.internationaleprocurement.com]) and follow the directions among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, 2024, at 10:45 AM, the property PM, the property described in
General Permit for the Discharge of Treated Groundwater from Oil
to register and download the solicitation.
an original principal balance of $63,000.00, default having with an original principal balance of $400,500.00, default described in said Deed of Trust,
located at the above address,
said Deed of Trust, located at
the above address, and more
Contaminated Groundwater Sources to Surface Water or Groundwa- If you have any problems accessing the RFP documents through the occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees and more particularly described particularly described as follows:
ter of the State (MDG91)
This permit authorizes the discharge of treated groundwater previous-
ARHA website, please contact Mr. Muhsen Sultani at 703-549-7115
ext. 232 or by email at [email protected]. For issues with the Hous- at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince as follows: THE FOLLOWING DE-
ly contaminated by petroleum products as the result of spills, leaks, ing Agency Market Place, contact 1-866-526-9266 or email larry.t.han- County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PAR- PROVEMENTS THEREON AND ALL
or discharges of oil. This permit sets numerical limits on the effluent
concentrations of the petroleum product contamination following
[email protected].
Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on CEL OF LAND WITH ALL APPUR-
treatment of the contaminated groundwater. ARHA is an Equal Opportunity Agency and encourages minori- ING, SITUATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE COUNTY OF STAFFORD,
MDE has scheduled a Public Hearing at the Maryland Department of
ty-owned, women-owned, and Section 3 businesses to respond. AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:18 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:56 AM OFF VIRGINIA STATE ROUTE 643
the Environment located at 1800 Washington Blvd., Baltimore, MD DISTRICT OF FAUQUIER COUNTY, LOWS: LOT 20, LIBERTY KNOLLS,
21230. The Hearing will be held on August 26, 2024 starting at 12:00
pm. Written comments on the Tentative Determination and draft per-
mits will be accepted until the close of business on August 27, 2024. buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince JR., DATED NOVEMBER 29, 2000, 080016674, AND AS PLATTED IN
Comments should be addressed to: George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the A HEREWITH, AND CONTAIN-
PLAT MAP NUMBER 080000160,
Mr. Tyler Abbott, Director aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. VEYED HEREWITH IS THE NON- RECORDS OF STAFFORD COUN-
Land and Materials Administration
Maryland Department of the Environment
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE 5O-FOOT
1800 Washington Boulevard, Suite 610 an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions POSED RIGHT OF WAY) FOR TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A
Baltimore, Maryland 21230 and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and INGRESS AND EGRESS TO THE
bidder’s deposit of ten percent
(10%) of the sale price or ten
Similar permits have been authorized for these discharge classes on a BWW Law Group, LLC with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold with no warranty of any kind. CEL OF LAND FROM VIRGINIA percent (10%) of the original
5 year cycle since 1997. Both federal (40 CFR 122) and State (COMAR
26.08.04) regulations require discharge permits for these activities. 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced ROUTE 643 AS SHOWN ON THE
principal balance of the subject
Deed of Trust, whichever is low-
Specifically, State regulations require that discharges of any wastes Rockville, MD 20852 at the time of sale, if made available to the Substitute Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certified RIGHT OF WAY HEREIN GRANTED er, in the form of cash or certified
or wastewater to surface water or groundwater, regardless of volume,
be authorized by a discharge permit. Federal regulations address dis- (301) 961-6555 Trustees. check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the IS THE SOUTHERN-MOST AND
funds payable to the Substitute
Trustee must be present at the
charges to surface water only, requiring a permit for the discharge of purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase OF WAY SHOWN ON THE ABOVE time of the sale. The balance of
pollutants. The limits for these permits are based on what has been
demonstrated to be technologically achievable. Self-monitoring is
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE Terms of Sale: A deposit of $6,000 in the form of certified price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money DESCRIBED PLAT AND IS FUR-
the purchase price will be due
within fifteen (15) days of sale,
required to verify compliance. This permit also sets operational re- OF REAL PROPERTY AND check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or CONNECTS TO THE PARCEL OF otherwise Purchaser’s depos-
quirements, such as routine inspections. The Permit Fact Sheets and
Draft Permits may also be viewed via MDE’s website at: https://mde.
ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date LAND HEREIN CONVEYED ON
it may be forfeited to Trustee.
Time is of the essence. If the
maryland.gov/programs/land/OilControl/Pages/index.aspx. For fur- price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash OF SAID LOT. sale is set aside for any reason,
ther information regarding this Notice or to request an interpreter,
please contact Mr. Brad Barzin, Section Head of the AST & Permits
8722 EAST GROVE at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A
the Purchaser at the sale shall
be entitled to a return of the
Section, Oil Control Program, at (410) 537-3483. UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20774 any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the bidder’s deposit of ten percent deposit paid. The Purchaser
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before (10%) of the sale price or ten
percent (10%) of the original
may, if provided by the terms
of the Trustee’s Memorandum
1447 Autos Wanted 850
Montgomery County Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. principal balance of the subject of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled
dated August 29, 2003, recorded in Liber 18512, Folio 185 Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Deed of Trust, whichever is low-
er, in the form of cash or certified
to a $50 cancellation fee from
IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR the Substitute Trustee, but shall
Lutheran Mission Society of MD MONTGOMERY COUNTY, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private funds payable to the Substitute have no further recourse against
Compassion Place ministries MARYLAND an original principal balance of $30,000.00, default having settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Trustee must be present at the the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or
time of the sale. The balance of the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form
help local families with food,
clothing, counseling. Tax deductible. ROBERT A. JONES, et al occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and the purchase price will be due copy of the Trustee’s memoran-
MVA licensed #W1044. Plaintiffs, Substitute Trustees at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and within fifteen (15) days of sale, dum of foreclosure sale and con-
otherwise Purchaser’s depos- tract to purchase real property is
v. County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible it may be forfeited to Trustee. available for viewing at www.bw-
www.CompassionPlace.org foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Time is of the essence. If the
sale is set aside for any reason,
wsales.com. Additional terms, if
HILDA E FORASTIERI front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. the Purchaser at the sale shall
any, to be announced at the sale
and the Purchaser may be given
Environmental Engineer: Defendant(s) AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:26 AM thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the be entitled to a return of the the option to execute the con-
deposit paid. The Purchaser
Conduct engineering studies Civil Action No. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ may, if provided by the terms
tract of sale electronically. This
is a communication from a debt
for water main & sewer line C-15-CV-24-000900 ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed of the Trustee’s Memorandum collector and any information
rehabilitation & replacement. of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled
Assist professional engineers NOTICE buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is to a $50 cancellation fee from
obtained will be used for that
purpose. The sale is subject to
in broader engineering activ- George’s County, MD and more fully described in the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ responsible for obtaining physical possession of the the Substitute Trustee, but shall seller confirmation.
have no further recourse against
ities. Provide advanced geo- Notice is hereby given this 15
day of July, 2024, by the Circuit aforesaid Deed of Trust. or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or Substitute Trustee: Equity Trust-
graphic info sys technical sup- by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
port to DC Water. Perform
Court for Montgomery County, The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form
copy of the Trustee’s memoran-
ees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road,
hydraulic & hydrological
Maryland, that the sale of the
property mentioned in these an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions responsible for obtaining physical possession of the of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, dum of foreclosure sale and con-
Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229.
For more information contact:
analyses. Identify environ- proceedings and described as and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower tract to purchase real property is BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys
available for viewing at www.bw-
mental risks & dev risk mgmt 5703 Stillwell Road, Rockville,
MD 20851 will be ratified and with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid wsales.com. Additional terms, if
for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003
Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rock-
strategies for civil engineering of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
projects. Forecast water confirmed, unless cause to the subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced any, to be announced at the sale
and the Purchaser may be given
ville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555,
demand. Analyze maps,
contrary thereof be shown on
or before the 15 day of August, at the time of sale, if made available to the Substitute but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, the option to execute the con-
website: www.bwwsales.com.
drawings, blueprints, aerial 2024, provided a copy of this NO- Trustees. entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without tract of sale electronically. This
Jul 1,8,31 2024 0012465051
photography, or other topo- TICE be published at least once a
week in each of three successive
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of is a communication from a debt
collector and any information
graphical or geologic data. Est ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
quantities & materials, equip, weeks in some newspaper of Terms of Sale: A deposit of $5,000 in the form of certified shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, obtained will be used for that
or labor costs. Perform field
general circulation published in
said County before the 15 day of check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. purpose. The sale is subject to
seller confirmation.
work to evaluate existing con- August, 2024. The Report of Sale purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
dition of water main & sewer states the amount of the sale to
be $528,000.00. price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Substitute Trustee: Equity Trust-
ees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, Trustee’s Sale
line rehabilitation & replace-
ment & prep condition at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229. 20 Century Street,
Stafford, Virginia 22554
assessment reports. Interface KAREN A. BUSHELL
CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten For more information contact:
BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys (Property ID: 29C 7 725;
w/ other disciplines & par- FOR MONTGOMERY COUNTY, funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003 Alternate ID/PIN: 41940)
ticipate in project meetings liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rock-
to execute projects in accor-
MARYLAND within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit ville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, Default having been made in
dance w/ project work plan. SIWPC File# 82907 Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted website: www.bwwsales.com. the terms of a certain Deed of
Trust dated July 18, 2006, in
Min Rqmts: Master’s in Civil Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012466449 purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds VA-360089-2.
the original principal amount of
Engineering or Environmental settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Jul 24,31 2024 0012464584 $62,500.00 and recorded in the
Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court
Engineering or Structural as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Engineering or Construction Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural of the County of Stafford, Virgin-
Engineering or Architectural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable ia in Instrument No. 060025234,
the undersigned Substitute Trust-
Engineering. EIT Cert req. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Knwl of or exp. w/ metal spe- foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Spotsylvania County ees will sell at public auction on
August 28, 2024, at 1:15pm in
ciation & toxicity, chemical front of the building housing the
composition & evolution of IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Stafford County Circuit Court, at
natural waters, hydrodynamic MONTGOMERY COUNTY, thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366528-1) the main entrance of the Judicial
Center, 1300 Courthouse Road,
transport, practice of separa- MARYLAND
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Trustee’s Sale Stafford, VA 22555, the property
tions & conversions in water James E. Clarke, et al. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., 4613 Colonnade Way, designated as Lot 725, Section 7,
quality & residuals mgmt, Fredericksburg, Virginia 22408 Austin Ridge Subdivision, as the
coagulation, adsorption, ion
Substitute Trustees
Plaintiffs The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 367229-1) Substitute Trustees (Parcel ID: 36F-44-54R) same is duly dedicated, platted
exchange, oxidation, sedi- ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ Default having been made in
and recorded in plat book 41,
pages 74 through 80, among the
mentation, flocculation, filtra- v.
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., the terms of a certain Deed of Land Records of Stafford County,
tion, pollution control & Substitute Trustees
resource recovery. Verifiable
Estate of Andy B Vinh by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is Trust dated March 23, 2004, in
the original principal amount
Virginia. Sale is subject to all pri-
or liens, easements, restrictions,
ref. Job Loc: C. C. Johnson responsible for obtaining physical possession of the of $167,900.00 and recorded in covenants, and conditions, if any,
& Malhotra, P.C. (CCJM), 1025 Civil No. C-15-CV-23-000640 property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit
Court of the County of Spotsyl-
of record, or other matters which
would be disclosed by an accu-
Connecticut Ave., N.W., Ste.
NOTICE PURSUANT TO from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit vania, Virginia in Instrument No. rate survey or inspection of the
1201, Washington, DC 20036.
Resumes to: C. C. Johnson MD RULE 14-215 (A) of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466924 200400011984, the undersigned premises.
Substitute Trustees will sell at
& Malhotra, P.C. (CCJM), 9210 ORDERED, by the Circuit Court but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower public auction on October 2, TERMS: CASH. A deposit of
Corporate Blvd, Ste. 370, for Montgomery County, Mary- entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid 2024, at 01:00 PM in front of $6,250.00 or 10% of the sale
price, whichever is lower, will be
Rockville, MD 20850. Attn: G. the building housing the Spot-
land, this 15 day of July, 2024,
that the foreclosure sale of the off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466607 sylvania County Circuit Court, required of the successful bidder
property described in the deed shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, Judicial Center, Circuit Court at time of sale. Prior to the sale,
interested bidders will be re-
entrance, 9107 Judicial Center
T JOBS of trust docketed herein and lo- in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without 851 Lane, Spotsylvania, VA 22553, quired to register with and must
cated at 13303 Lydia St, Silver
Spring, MD 20906 made and interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of Prince Georges County the property designated as Lot present a bid deposit which may
be held during the sale by the
54R, Section 1, Germanna Point
KPMG LLP seeks Senior Asso- reported by James E. Clarke, ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR at Lee’s Hill, as the same is duly trustee. The bid deposit must be
Christine M. Drexel and Joanna Manage your

ciate(s) in McLean, VA. Pos property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, dedicated, platted and recorded certified funds and/or cash, but
Foronda, Substitute Trustees,
req bach deg in Finance or MARYLAND
print subscription! on a plat of re-subdivision in Plat no more than $9,900.00 of cash
rel field + 2 yrs exp in offrd
unless cause to the contrary
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Book 6, Pages 718 and 720, in will be accepted. The successful
pos or rel occ. 2 yrs exp be shown on or before the 15 the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further ANDREW J. BRENNER., et. al.
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 wapo.st/my-post the aforesaid Clerk’s Office. Sale bidder’s deposit will be retained
at the sale and applied to the
is subject to all prior liens, ease-
must incl Sales & exchange day of August, 2024; provided
a copy of this Order be inserted
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any Rockville, MD 20852 ments, restrictions, covenants, sale price. If held by the trustee,
transactions under IRC 1001,
1222, 1223, & 453; Debt- in THE WASHINGTON POST, once papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, and conditions, if any, of record, all other bid deposits will be re-
turned to the unsuccessful bid-
or other matters which would be
financing considerations
in each of three (3) successive
weeks before the 15 day of Au-
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service vs. S0435_1x1
disclosed by an accurate survey ders. Settlement is to be made
under IRC 108 & 1017; gust, 2024. The Report of Sale by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser JOSE JAVIER LEIVA
or inspection of the premises. within 15 calendar days. The
successful bidder will be respon-
Deductibility analysis under states the amount of the sale at as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted JURY ANDREA SANCHEZ
IRC 163; Foreign reporting of $402,000.00. TERMS: CASH. A deposit of sible for obtaining possession of
Forms 5471, 8868, & 8858 purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds 7553 Woodbine Drive
Laurel, MD 20707 Washington Post newsletters deliver more. $17,000.00 or 10% of the sale the property, and for all costs
and fees related to recording
price, whichever is lower, will be
pursuant to IRC 6038; Indi- BY THE COURT: resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Defendant(s). the Trustee’s Deed, including the
vidual itemized deduction
Karen A. Bushell
Clerk of the Circuit Court improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Case No.C-16-CV-24-001390
washingtonpost.com/newsletters required of the successful bidder
at time of sale. Prior to the sale, grantors tax. The successful bid-
assessments, incl IRC 213, der will be required to execute a
164, 163, & 170; Individual Orlans 22-009421
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable S0114 2X2
interested bidders will be re-
quired to register with and must Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale,
self-employment tax assess- title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification NOTICE present a bid deposit which may available for review on the Fore-
Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012466420 closure Sales page of www.glas-
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the be held during the sale by the

ments, incl IRC 1401 & 162; Notice is hereby given this 12 trustee. The bid deposit must be serlaw.com [glasserlaw.com],
U.S. GAAP; & BNA Bloomberg. Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the day of July, 2024, by the Circuit
Court for Prince George’s Coun-
certified funds and/or cash, but outlining additional terms of sale
Interested? Apply online at deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363979-1) no more than $9,900.00 of cash and settlement. A Trustee’s Deed
https://www. ty, Maryland, that the sale of the will be accepted. The successful will be prepared by Trustee’s at-
property mentioned in these bidder’s deposit will be retained torney at high bidder’s expense.
kpmguscareers.com/ proceedings and described as

a gift
job-search & type requisition Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., 7553 Woodbine Drive, Laurel,
at the sale and applied to the
sale price. If held by the trustee, This is a communication from
number 113188 in the key- 851
Prince Georges County Substitute Trustees MD 20707, made and reported
by the Substitute Trustee, will be
all other bid deposits will be re- a debt collector, Glasser and
word search box for Experi- turned to the unsuccessful bid- Glasser, P.L.C. on behalf of Atlan-
enced Professionals. Should RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED, un- ders. Settlement is to be made tic Trustee Services, L.L.C., and/
less cause to the contrary there- or REO Solutions, LLC, and/or
you have any difficulty in within 15 calendar days. The

IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR of be shown on or before the 12 successful bidder will be respon- Auction.com-VA, LLC, Substitute
applying for this position PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY, day of August, 2024, provided a Trustees, Crown Center Building,
through our website, please sible for obtaining possession of
MARYLAND copy of this NOTICE be inserted the property, and for all costs Suite 600, 580 East Main Street,
contact: us-hrscatsadmin@ in some daily newspaper printed and fees related to recording Norfolk, VA 23510, File No.
kpmg.com for assistance in ANDREW J. BRENNER, et. al. in said County, once in each of the Trustee’s Deed, including the 234557-01, Tel: (757) 321-6465,
6003 Executive Blvd, Suite 101 three successive weeks before

the application process. If grantors tax. The successful bid- between 10:00 a.m. & 12:00
Rockville, MD 20852 the 12 day of August, 2024. der will be required to execute a noon only.
offered employment, must
have legal right to work in
Substitute Trustees/Plaintiffs, Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466613 The report states the purchase
price at the Foreclosure sale to
Memorandum of Trustee’s Sale, Jul 24,31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012465435
available for review on the Fore-
the U.S. EOE. KPMG offers vs. be $250,000.00. closure Sales page of www.glas-
a comprehensive compensa-

serlaw.com [glasserlaw.com],
tion & benefits package. No KEYA BEALE (DECEASED) Mahasin EL Amin outlining additional terms of sale
phone calls or agencies 4410 Oglethorpe Street Clerk, Circuit Court for and settlement. A Trustee’s Deed
Unit 717 Prince George’s County, will be prepared by Trustee’s at-
please. KPMG, an equal Hyattsville, MD 20781 Maryland
opportunity employer/disabil- torney at high bidder’s expense.

ity/veteran. KPMG maintains BWW#MD-366787 This is a communication from
a drug-free workplace. Case No.C-16-CV-24-001034 Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012466416 a debt collector, Glasser and
Glasser, P.L.C. on behalf of Atlan-
Legal Notices NOTICE tic Trustee Services, L.L.C., and/
or REO Solutions, LLC, and/or
Notice is hereby given this 12

picnic or movie?
Under Va. Code Ann. § 8.01- Auction.com-VA, LLC, Substitute
day of July, 2024, by the Circuit Trustees, Crown Center Building,
324(J), ARLnow.com, an on- Court for Prince George’s Coun- Suite 600, 580 East Main Street,
line-only news publication,
hereby provides notice of its
ty, Maryland, that the sale of Gift subscriptions Norfolk, VA 23510, File No.
the1property mentioned in these 201954-24, Tel: (757) 321-6465,
intent to file a petition in the proceedings and described as washingtonpost.com/my-post
Circuit Court for the County between 10:00 a.m. & 12:00
4410 Oglethorpe Street, Unit noon only.
of Arlington to be certified to 717, Hyattsville, MD 20781,
publish ordinances, resolutions,
notices, or advertisements in
made and reported by the Sub-
stitute Trustee, will be RATIFIED Manage Stay one step ahead Jul 31,Sep 4,11 2024 0012467519

that jurisdiction and in the City AND CONFIRMED, unless cause

of the weather with the
of Falls Church that are required
by law to be published in a
to the contrary thereof be shown
on or before the 12 day of Au- your print Give the
newspaper under Va. Code Ann.
§ 8.01-324(I).
gust, 2024, provided a copy of
this NOTICE be inserted in some subscription! Capital Weather Gang
Under Va. Code Ann. § 8.01-
daily newspaper printed in said
County, once in each of three
successive weeks before the
wapo.st/ gift of
324(J), ALXnow.com, an on- 12 day of August, 2024. The
line-only news publication,
hereby provides notice of its
intent to file a petition in the
report states the purchase price
at the Foreclosure sale to be
my-post wpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang
Circuit Court for the City of Alex-
andria to be certified to publish Mahasin El Amin @capitalweather Gift subscriptions
ordinances, resolutions, notices, Clerk, Circuit Court for
or advertisements in that juris- Prince George’s County, washingtonpost.com/my-post
S0141 2x4

diction that are required by law Maryland

to be published in a newspaper
under Va. Code Ann. § 8.01- BWW#MD-359939 S0435_1x2
324(I). S0390-1x5
Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012466418
851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated June 25, 2015, recorded in Liber 37224, Folio 110 dated December 13, 2006, recorded in Liber 27047, Folio 32 dated October 4, 2021, recorded in Liber 47254, Folio 421 dated March 2, 2007, recorded in Liber 27497, Folio 229 dated October 27, 2006, recorded in Liber 26854, Folio 18
among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD,
with an original principal balance of $262,500.00, default an original principal balance of $95,000.00, default having with an original principal balance of $461,487.00, default with an original principal balance of $234,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $271,120.00, default
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:54 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:50 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:46 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:42 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:28 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and described as Unit No. 7101-B-1 George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and described as Unit No.102, Building George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
aforesaid Deed of Trust. in Holly Hill Condominium and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. 9, Phase IV, of Lake Pointe at the Town Centre Condominium aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $45,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $7,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $17,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 369023-1) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363726-1) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 84396-2)
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 360120-2) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 355964-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees

Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466923 Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466916 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466614
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466921 Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466914

Rosenberg & Associates, LLC

BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC McMichael Taylor Gray LLC 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 BWW Law Group, LLC 7470 New Technology Way, Suite P Bethesda, MD 20814
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Frederick, MD 21703 (301) 907-8000
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Rockville, MD 20852 470-480-1820 www.rosenberg-assoc.com
(301) 961-6555
HYATTSVILLE, MD 20784 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust from Donald Bolton dated January 26, 2008 and recorded in
dated November 16, 2006, recorded in Liber 26987, Folio dated February 9, 2021, recorded in Liber 44948, Folio 430 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated July 19, 2006, recorded in Liber 25887, Folio 209 Liber 29894, folio 640 among the Land Records of Prince
628 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with dated August 26, 1998, recorded in Liber 12427, Folio 488 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, George’s County, MD, default having occurred under the
MD, with an original principal balance of $450,000.00, an original principal balance of $90,000.00, default having among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with an original principal balance of $199,000.00, default terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the
default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell with an original principal balance of $114,379.00, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St.,
Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located
Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, on Main St.), on
MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:00 AM
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:52 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:48 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 11:10 AM
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 10:44 AM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #06-0631093.
aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust. George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #03-0230599. The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind.
subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $41,000 in the form of certified at the time of sale, if made available to the Substitute Terms of Sale: A deposit of $24,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Trustees. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $11,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money Terms of Sale: A deposit of $9,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash date of sale to the date funds are received in the office
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the the event additional funds are tendered before settlement
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser.
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit.
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges,
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc.
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment.
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes),
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, responsible for obtaining physical possession of the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser.
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward.
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale.
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the surplus results from improvements to the property by said
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 357842-1) title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 21-00075-14) be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 160405-1) attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Diana Theologou, Gregory Thorne, Adrian Jacobs, all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the
Substitute Trustees deposit without interest. (Matter No. 369002-1) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Matthew McKetney, Christine Cotton, resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees document filed in connection with such a motion on him/
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
Substitute Trustees expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’
file number 22-001271-MD-F-1.
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466922
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466915 Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466855 Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees

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Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851 Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County 851
Prince Georges County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
BWW Law Group, LLC

Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated July 24, 2019, recorded in Liber 42389, Folio 310 dated September 4, 2020, recorded in Liber 44197, Folio dated February 7, 2007, recorded in Liber 27272, Folio 675 dated March 9, 2007, recorded in Liber 27669, Folio 166 2201 DHOW COURT
among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, 577 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, BOWIE, MD 20721
with an original principal balance of $338,750.00, default MD, with an original principal balance of $116,400.00, with an original principal balance of $600,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $232,000.00, default
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince dated April 25, 2008, recorded in Liber 32426, Folio 209
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on with an original principal balance of $740,696.00, default
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:24 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:22 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:16 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:12 AM will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and described as Unit numbered George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:38 AM
aforesaid Deed of Trust. 703 of a plan of condominium entitled “The Oglethorpe, a aforesaid Deed of Trust. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in Condominium” and more fully described in the aforesaid The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Deed of Trust. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and George’s County, MD and more fully described in the
with no warranty of any kind. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. aforesaid Deed of Trust.
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $35,000 in the form of certified with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $42,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase Terms of Sale: A deposit of $11,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase with no warranty of any kind.
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or Terms of Sale: A deposit of $82,000 in the form of certified
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit responsible for obtaining physical possession of the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366172-1) of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 368078-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366848-2) Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 367615-1) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., deposit without interest. (Matter No. 366124-1)
Substitute Trustees
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees

Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466612 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466606 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466603
Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466611
BWW Law Group, LLC McMichael Taylor Gray LLC Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465867
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 7470 New Technology Way, Suite P
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC Rockville, MD 20852 Frederick, MD 21703 TRUSTEE’S SALE
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 (301) 961-6555 470-480-1820 6900 Saint Ignatius Drive Apt 304,
Bethesda, MD 20814 Rockville, MD 20852 Fort Washington, MD 20744
www.rosenberg-assoc.com OF REAL PROPERTY AND OF REAL PROPERTY AND Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND Washington, MD 20744. By virtue of the power and authority
LAUREL, MD 20707 UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 recorded in Liber 26066 at Page 181 among the land records
11824 BROOKEVILLE LANDING COURT 6205 PLUM WAY of the County of Prince George’s, in the original principal
BOWIE, MD 20721 CLINTON, MD 20735 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust amount of $150,000.00. Upon default and request for sale,
dated October 26, 2006, recorded in Liber 26370, Folio 270 dated February 16, 2007, recorded in Liber 28076, Folio 655 the undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, at the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S,
from Anna R. Allen dated June 18, 2013 and recorded in dated June 21, 2007, recorded in Liber 28729, Folio 340 with an original principal balance of $228,000.00, default default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. at the front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex
Liber 35660, folio 556 among the Land Records of Prince among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for located at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland
George’s County, MD, default having occurred under the with an original principal balance of $487,500.00, default will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, 20772, on August 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM, all that property
terms thereof, the Trustees will sell at public auction at the having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on described in said Deed of Trust including but not limited to:
Circuit Court for Prince George’s County, 14735 Main St., will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on
Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 10:52 AM Tax ID# 12-2849172
on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:14 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 10:58 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 11:20 AM ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with the ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #13-3507027. of-way, as may affect same, if any.
buildings and improvements thereon situated in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the George’s County, MD and more fully described in the The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #07-0701888. aforesaid Deed of Trust. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
The property, which is improved by a dwelling, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions with no warranty of any kind. subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and at the time of sale. paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale.
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $22,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $32,000 in the form of certified Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $23,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase thereafter assumed by purchaser.
the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
purchase price to be paid in cash within ten days of final price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
ratification of sale by the Circuit Court for Prince George’s at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date dues and assessments that may become due after the
County. Interest to be paid on the unpaid purchase money any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
at the rate pursuant to the Deed of Trust Note from the funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps,
date of sale to the date funds are received in the office within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
of the Trustees. There will be no abatement of interest in Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
the event additional funds are tendered before settlement purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be
or if settlement is delayed for any reason. The noteholder settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
shall not be obligated to pay interest if it is the purchaser. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the
TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. There will taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
be no reduction of interest due to overpayment of deposit. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy
Adjustment of all real property taxes (excluding recapture foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 23-294462.
of previously reduced or exempt taxes) and any other front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
public charges or assessments, to the extent such amount thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer charges, for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
and ground rent to be adjusted to date of sale and paid at taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP,
execution of the deed, except where the secured party is the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400,
purchaser, and thereafter assumed by the purchaser. All ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed Charlotte, North Carolina 28216
due and/or unpaid private utility, water and sewer facilities or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is (410) 769-9797
charges, condo/HOA assessments and Columbia Assoc. by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
assessments, to the extent such amount survive foreclosure responsible for obtaining physical possession of the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
sale, are payable by the purchaser without adjustment. property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
Cost of all documentary stamps, transfer taxes, recaptured from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
taxes (including but not limited to agricultural taxes), of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
and settlement expenses shall be borne by the purchaser. but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining physical entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
possession of the property. Purchaser assumes the risk of off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466490
loss or damage to the property from the date of sale forward. shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
Additional terms to be announced at the time of sale. in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
If the Trustees are unable to convey good and marketable interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
title, the purchaser’s sole remedy in law and equity shall ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
be limited to a refund of the deposit without interest. If property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser fails to go to settlement, the deposit shall Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further

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be forfeited, to the Trustees for application against all the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
expenses, attorney’s fees and the full commission on the sale liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
price of the above-scheduled foreclosure sale. In the event papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
of default, all expenses of this sale (including attorney’s days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
fees and the full commission on the gross sale price of this by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
sale) shall be charged against and paid out of the forfeited as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
deposit. The Trustees may then re-advertise and resell the purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Search our database of tested
property at the risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
or may avail themselves of any legal or equitable remedies improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable recipes by ingredient or name.
against the defaulting purchaser without reselling the Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
property. In the event of a resale, the defaulting purchaser title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the washingtonpost.com/recipes
shall not be entitled to receive the surplus, if any, even if such of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 361912-1) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
surplus results from improvements to the property by said Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 22-003165-01)
defaulting purchaser and the defaulting purchaser shall deposit without interest. (Matter No. 367610-2) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
be liable to the Trustees and secured party for reasonable Substitute Trustees Diana Theologou, Gregory Thorne, Adrian Jacobs,
attorney’s fees and expenses incurred in connection with Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Brian Campbell, Christine Cotton,
all litigation involving the Property or the proceeds of the Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
resale. Defaulting purchaser waives personal service of any
document filed in connection with such a motion on him/
herself and/or any principal or corporate designee, and
expressly agrees to accept service of any such document
by regular mail directed to the address provided by said Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466604
purchaser at the time of the foreclosure auction. Trustees’
file number 23-000718-MD-F-1. Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466609 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466491
Diane S. Rosenberg, Mark D. Meyer, et al., Trustees

Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466617

851 851 851 851 851 851 851 851 852 852
Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Prince Georges County Anne Arundel County Anne Arundel County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC McMichael Taylor Gray LLC TRUSTEE’S SALE BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 7470 New Technology Way, Suite P 9906 Frank Tippett Rd, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Frederick, MD 21703 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 470-480-1820 Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by (301) 961-6555
premises known as 9906 Frank Tippett Rd, Upper Marlboro,
104 FARMINGTON ROAD W County of Prince George’s, in the original principal amount
1948 VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE 5607 BIDEFORD COURT ACCOKEEK, MD 20607 of $160,000.00. Upon default and request for sale, the 1 CLEARSPRING COURT
HYATTSVILLE, MD 20785 BOWIE, MD 20715 undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at GLEN BURNIE, MD 21061
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S, at the
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated July 1, 2020, recorded in Liber 43855, Folio 330 among front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated February 26, 2008, recorded in Liber 29566, Folio 67 dated June 24, 2021, recorded in Liber 45858, Folio 308 the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with an at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on dated January 4, 2017, recorded in Liber 30620, Folio 250
among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, original principal balance of $100,500.00, default having August 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD,
with an original principal balance of $146,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $461,334.00, default occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: with an original principal balance of $117,870.00, default
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince George’s having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Tax ID# 11-1163369 will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle,
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling Annapolis, MD 21401, on
AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:25 AM and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior
AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:36 AM AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:32 AM covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:27 AM
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any of-way, as may affect same, if any.
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel
George’s County, MD and described as Unit No. G-182 in George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #05-0348300. or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
phase four, Windmill Square Condominium and more fully aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per of Trust.
described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or with no warranty of any kind.
with no warranty of any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $12,000 in the form of certified regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $46,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the thereafter assumed by purchaser. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $10,000 in the form of certified
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $13,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or dues and assessments that may become due after the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 24-295844. charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed (410) 769-9797 ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465473 entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser TRUSTEE’S SALE days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted 4410 Oglethorpe St #106, Hyattsville, MD 20781 by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. premises known as 4410 Oglethorpe St #106, Hyattsville, resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable MD 20781. By virtue of the power and authority contained improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification in a Deed of Trust, dated July 29, 2022, and recorded in Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Liber 48069 at Page 278 among the land records of the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the County of Prince George’s, in the original principal amount of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 24-000192-01) of $191,468.00. Upon default and request for sale, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363853-1) undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at deposit without interest. (Matter No. 363849-1)
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 173143-2) Diana Theologou, Gregory Thorne, Adrian Jacobs, the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S, at the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Brian Campbell, Christine Cotton, front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees August 6, 2024 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in
said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
Tax ID# 16-1814359
Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling
Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465864 Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465838 and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior
Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465866 covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights-
of-way, as may affect same, if any.
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466912
TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash
or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per
TRUSTEE’S SALE annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be
BWW Law Group, LLC paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale.
BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 8829 Fairhaven Avenue, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852
Rockville, MD 20852 Trustee’s Sale of valuable fee simple property improved by Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or
(301) 961-6555 regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and BWW Law Group, LLC
(301) 961-6555 premises known as 8829 Fairhaven Avenue, Upper Marlboro, 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
MD 20772. By virtue of the power and authority contained thereafter assumed by purchaser.
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL PROPERTY AND in a Deed of Trust, dated January 15, 2015, and recorded (301) 961-6555
OF REAL PROPERTY AND in Liber 36713 at Page 583 among the land records of the If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association
ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON dues and assessments that may become due after the
ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON County of Prince George’s, in the original principal amount SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
of $203,978.00. Upon default and request for sale, the time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser.
17211 USHER PLACE Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, OF REAL PROPERTY AND
6702 KEYSTONE MANOR DRIVE UPPER MARLBORO, MD 20772 undersigned trustees will offer for sale at public auction at ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON
DISTRICT HEIGHTS A/R/T/A FORESTVILLE, MD 20747 the Courthouse for the COUNTY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S, at the transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident
front of the Duval Wing of the Courthouse Complex located to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be 106 MOUNTAIN ROAD, UNIT #2B
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated April 13, 2007, recorded in Liber 27783, Folio 74 at 14735 Main Street, Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20772, on GLEN BURNIE, MD 21060
dated November 20, 2004, recorded in Liber 21084, Folio August 20, 2024 at 2:00 PM, all that property described in forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of
among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the
89 among the Land Records of Prince George’s County, MD, with an original principal balance of $210,000.00, default said Deed of Trust including but not limited to: Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
with an original principal balance of $140,500.00, default Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy dated December 27, 2004, recorded in Liber 15802, Folio
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince Tax ID# 15-1724178 552 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD,
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Prince is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 24-296304.
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, with an original principal balance of $181,500.00, default
George’s County, 14735 Main St., Upper Marlboro, MD, 20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on Said property is in fee simple and is improved by a dwelling having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees
20772 (Duval Wing entrance, located on Main St.), on and is sold in “as is condition” and subject to all superior William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees.
LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne
AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:30 AM covenants, conditions, liens, restrictions, easement, rights- Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle,
AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 10:34 AM of-way, as may affect same, if any. Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400,
Charlotte, North Carolina 28216 Annapolis, MD 21401, on
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any (410) 769-9797
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince TERMS OF SALE: A deposit of 10% of the sale price, cash AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:29 AM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Prince George’s County, MD and more fully described in the or certified funds shall be required at the time of sale. The
George’s County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. balance of the purchase price with interest at 6.00% per ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in annum from the date of sale to the date of payment will be buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions paid within TEN DAYS after the final ratification of the sale. County, MD and described as Unit No. 28, Phase One, in the
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and Condominium Regime known as “Sun Valley Condominium”
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. Adjustments on all taxes, public charges and special or and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust.
with no warranty of any kind. regular assessments will be made as of the date of sale and Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465023 The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $26,000 in the form of certified thereafter assumed by purchaser. an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase If applicable, condominium and/or homeowners association with no warranty of any kind.
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money dues and assessments that may become due after the
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or time of sale will be the responsibility of the purchaser. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $21,000 in the form of certified
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Title examination, conveyancing, state revenue stamps, check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash transfer taxes, title insurance, and all other costs incident purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit to settlement are to be paid by the purchaser. Time is of price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the the essence for the purchaser, otherwise the deposit will be at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before forfeited and the property may be resold at risk and costs of any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. the defaulting purchaser. If the sale is not ratified or if the funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Substitute Trustees are unable to convey marketable title in within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private accord with these terms of sale, the purchaser’s only remedy Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive is the return of the deposit. Trustee’s File No. 23-292847. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and William M. Savage, et al., Substitute Trustees. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer LOGS LEGAL GROUP LLP, charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. Mailing Address: 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400, foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
Charlotte, North Carolina 28216
(410) 769-9797
picnic or movie? front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the Stay one step ahead
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the weather with the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower Capital Weather Gang responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012465699 property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without wpost.com/news/capital-weather-gang but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of Manage your entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that print subscription! @capitalweather off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. wapo.st/my-post in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
S0141 2x4

Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any

papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from State-of-the-art Booklets • Brochures papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
Posters • Flyers
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification PRINTING. as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Postcards resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 179024-2) Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 27542-1) Business Cards title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees
RESULTS. And More Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 368853-2)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,

How can we Substitute Trustees

LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,

Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465865

Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465863
help YOU? A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508


A Division of The Washington Post

Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466913

Anne Arundel County 852 Anne Arundel County 852 Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 852
Anne Arundel County 853
Calvert County 853
Calvert County
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated September 6, 2005, recorded in Liber 17012, Folio dated January 31, 2022, recorded in Liber 38316, Folio dated August 6, 2010, recorded in Liber 22940, Folio 351 dated December 23, 2020, recorded in Liber 35956, Folio dated September 28, 2011, recorded in Liber 3794, Folio
200 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, 116 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, 323 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, 192 among the Land Records of Calvert County, MD, with an
with an original principal balance of $279,000.00, default with an original principal balance of $381,954.00, default with an original principal balance of $292,500.00, default with an original principal balance of $203,500.00, default original principal balance of $221,000.00, default having
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne at public auction at the Circuit Court for Calvert County, at
Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, the Court House Door, 175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD
Annapolis, MD 21401, on Annapolis, MD 21401, on Annapolis, MD 21401, on Annapolis, MD 21401, on 20678, on
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:23 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:21 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:15 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 9:33 AM AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 2:17 PM
buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Calvert
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed
of Trust. of Trust. of Trust. The property will be sold subject to an annual of Trust. of Trust.
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in ground rent of $120.00. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind.
with no warranty of any kind.
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $29,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $37,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $18,000 in the form of certified
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $20,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 370157-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 362699-2) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 369071-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 354727-1)
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 334158-1)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508

Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465862

Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466910 Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466909 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466496 BWW Law Group, LLC
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466906 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852
BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC BWW Law Group, LLC (301) 961-6555
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 BWW Law Group, LLC 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 Rockville, MD 20852 SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 Rockville, MD 20852 (301) 961-6555 OF REAL PROPERTY AND
289 JEWELL ROAD 2024 FOREST DRIVE 15 BEACH ROAD Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
DUNKIRK, MD 20754 ANNAPOLIS, MD 21401 2001 CAMBRIDGE DRIVE GLEN BURNIE, MD 21060 dated September 28, 2012, recorded in Liber 4022, Folio
CROFTON, MD 21114 306 among the Land Records of Calvert County, MD, with an
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust original principal balance of $239,481.00, default having
dated April 26, 2007, recorded in Liber 19072, Folio 563 dated May 20, 2008, recorded in Liber 20231, Folio 132 Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust dated October 16, 2006, recorded in Liber 18413, Folio occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell
among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with dated March 17, 2006, recorded in Liber 17832, Folio 334 120 among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, at public auction at the Circuit Court for Calvert County, at
with an original principal balance of $384,000.00, default an original principal balance of $70,000.00, default having among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County, MD, with an original principal balance of $541,357.50, default the Court House Door, 175 Main St., Prince Frederick, MD
having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will with an original principal balance of $325,000.00, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees 20678, on
will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne
Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 2:15 PM
Annapolis, MD 21401, on MD 21401, on Arundel County, at the Court House Door, 8 Church Circle, Annapolis, MD 21401, on
Annapolis, MD 21401, on ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:25 AM AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:19 AM AUGUST 13, 2024 AT 9:35 AM buildings or improvements thereon located in Calvert
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 9:17 AM County, MD and described as Unit 1362, Phase XIX,
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any Building HH & Marina Unit No. Q-4 in Solomons Landing
buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel Condominium and more fully described in the aforesaid
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed buildings or improvements thereon located in Anne Arundel County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed Deed of Trust. Tax ID #01-234781 & #01-216104.
of Trust. of Trust. County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in of Trust. The property, believed to be waterfront, and any an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of with no warranty of any kind.
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of
with no warranty of any kind. any kind. Terms of Sale: A deposit of $19,000 in the form of certified
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $30,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $5,000 in the form of certified check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $27,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $38,000 in the form of certified purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the deposit without interest. (Matter No. 358976-3)
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 141519-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 369171-1) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 203129-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 367744-1) Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Substitute Trustees
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees
LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193, LICENSE NOS. A000113, A000176, A000177, A000193,
A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508 A000424, A000479, A000507, A000508

Jul 17,24,31 2024 0012465847

Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466911 Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466908
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466907 Jul 24,31,Aug 7 2024 0012466499
Charles County 855
Charles County 855
Charles County 855
Charles County 873
Prince William County 873
Prince William County 878
Stafford County 878
Stafford County 879
Culpeper County 881
Orange County
9503 Damascus Drive, Manassas, VA 20109
38 Dawson Drive, Falmouth, VA 22405
3079 Flat Run Rd,
6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 6003 Executive Blvd., Suite 101 CULPEPER, VA 22701 Locust Grove, VA 22508
Rockville, MD 20852 Rockville, MD 20852 By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
January 11, 2018 and recorded at January 16, 2018 in Instrument Num-
By virtue of the power and authority contained in a Deed of Trust dated
May 12, 2006 and recorded at May 18, 2006 in Instrument Number
Orange County
In execution of a certain Deed
(301) 961-6555 (301) 961-6555 ber 201801160003009 in the Clerk’s Office for the Prince William Coun- LR060016480 in the Clerk’s Office for the Stafford County Virginia Cir- of Trust dated June 28, 2019, in In execution of a Deed of Trust
ty Virginia Circuit Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was originally cuit Court, Virginia, securing a loan which was originally $340,000.00. the original principal amount in the original principal amount
$284,747.00. The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth The appointed SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, Commonwealth Trustees, LLC will of $205,050.00 recorded in the of $60,000.00, dated February
SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEES’ SALE Trustees, LLC will offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of offer for sale at public auction at the front steps of the Judicial Build- Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for 20, 2007 recorded in the Clerk’s
OF REAL PROPERTY AND OF REAL PROPERTY AND the Circuit Court for Prince William County located at 9311 Lee Avenue,
Manassas, VA 20110.
ing, Circuit Court for Stafford County located at 1300 Courthouse Road,
Stafford, VA 22554.
Culpeper County, Virginia as In- Office of the Circuit Court of
strument No. 190003321. The un- the Orange County, Virginia, in
ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON ANY IMPROVEMENTS THEREON August 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM dersigned Substitute Trustee will Document No. 070001876, at
August 30, 2024 at 1:00 PM offer for sale at public auction the request of the holder of the
improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the in the front of the Circuit Court Note, the undersigned Substi-
116 QUAILWOOD PARKWAY 3081 HEATHCOTE ROAD improved real property, with an abbreviated legal description of the following described property, to wit: building for Culpeper County, at tute Trustee will offer for sale at
LA PLATA, MD 20646 WALDORF, MD 20602 following described property, to wit:
LOT 60, SECTION 2, FALMOUTH VILLAGE, as shown on plat of subdivi-
the corner of West Davis Street public auction at the entrance
and North West Street in the to the Circuit Court of Orange
Being known and designated as Lot 95, Section 3, West Gate of sion prepared by Webb & Associates, recorded in the Clerks Office of Town of Culpeper, or any such County, 110 North Madison
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust Lomond, as the same appears duly dedicated, platted and record- the Circuit Court of Stafford County, Virginia, in Plat Book 26, Page 81, temporary alternative Circuit Road, Orange, on September 3,
ed in Deed Book 309, at Page 691, among the land Records of as corrected and recorded in Plat Book 26, at Pages 259-261, to which Court location designated by the 2024 at 9:30 AM the property
dated October 11, 2019, recorded in Liber 10856, Folio 197 dated September 22, 2017, recorded in Liber 10014, Folio William County, Virginia. plat reference is made for a more particular description of the property. Judges of the Circuit Court, on described in said deed, located
among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an 374 among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an September 26, 2024, at 12:00 at the above address and briefly
AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. AND as more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. PM, the property described in described as:
original principal balance of $539,987.00, default having original principal balance of $138,225.00, default having said Deed of Trust, located at the
occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRE- TERMS OF SALE: The property will be sold “AS IS,” WITHOUT REPRESEN- above address, and more partic- Containing 2.318 acres, more
SENTATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, TATION OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND AND SUBJECT TO conditions, re- or less, as described on plat of
at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County, at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County, restrictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other mat- strictions, reservations, easements, rights of way, and all other matters
ularly described as follows: ALL
THAT CERTAIN LOT OR PARCEL survey recorded in Deed Book
200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in 200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in ters of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced of record taking priority over the Deed of Trust to be announced at the OF LAND, TOGETHER WITH ALL 300 at Page 416 Less and except
at the time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price, time of sale. A deposit of $20,000 or 10% of the sale price, whichever 1.394 acres more or less, con-
the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District whichever is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of is lower, will be required at the time of sale, in the form of certified
THEREON AND PRIVILEGES AND veyed by deed recorded in Deed
Court), on Court), on certified check, cashier’s check or money order by the purchaser. The check, cashier’s check or money order by the purchaser. The balance APPURTENANCES THEREUNTO Book 606, page 245 and correct-
balance of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in of the purchase price, with interest at the rate contained in the Deed BELONGING, SITUATE, LYING ed in Deed Book 655, page 543
the Deed of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are of Trust Note from the date of sale to the date said funds are received AND BEING ON RIPPLEBROOK ,with any improvements thereon
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 1:00 PM AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 12:45 PM received in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within in the office of the SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE, will be due within fifteen (15) DRIVE IN THE TOWN AND COUN-
fifteen (15) days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bid- days of sale. In the event of default by the successful bidder, the entire TY OF CULPEPER, VIRGINIA Subject to any and all covenants,
der, the entire deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and deposit shall be forfeited and applied to the costs and expenses of AND DESIGNATED AS LOT NO. conditions, restrictions, ease-
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any expenses of sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges sale and Substitute Trustee’s fee. All other public charges or assess- SEVENTY-THREE (73) SECTION II, ments, and all other matters of
or assessments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred pri- ments, including water/sewer charges, whether incurred prior to or
buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles or to or after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be after the sale, and all other costs incident to settlement to be paid
record taking priority over the
Deed of Trust, if any, affecting the
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed paid by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges by the purchaser. In the event taxes, any other public charges have BY SURVEY OF RETTEW ASSOCI- aforesaid property.
have been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted been advanced, a credit will be due to the seller, to be adjusted from
of Trust. of Trust. from the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to the date of sale at the time of settlement. Purchaser agrees to pay
ATES, INC., DATED JUNE 10, 1993,
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in pay the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of the seller’s attorneys at settlement, a fee of $470.00 for review of the IN PLAT CABINET 3, SLIDE 389, posit of $20,000.00 or 10% of the
the settlement documents. settlement documents.
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the suc- Additional terms will be announced at the time of sale and the suc-
sales price, whichever is lower,
cash or certified check will be
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and cessful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute cessful bidder will be required to execute and deliver to the Substitute TY OF CULPEPER, VIRGINIA. required at the time of sale, but
Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of Trustees a memorandum or contract of the sale at the conclusion of
with no warranty of any kind. with no warranty of any kind. bidding. bidding. TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A
no more than $10,000.00 of cash
will be accepted, with settlement
bidder’s deposit of ten percent within fifteen (15) days from the
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $50,000 in the form of certified Terms of Sale: A deposit of $12,000 in the form of certified FOR INFORMATION CONTACT
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
Rosenberg & Associates, LLC
(10%) of the sale price or ten
percent (10%) of the original
date of sale. Sale is subject to
post sale confirmation that the
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the (Attorney for the Secured Party) (Attorney for the Secured Party) principal balance of the subject borrower did not file for protec-
purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase 4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
4340 East West Highway, Suite 600
Bethesda, MD 20814
Deed of Trust, whichever is low-
er, in the form of cash or certified
tion under the U.S. Bankruptcy
Code prior to the sale which af-
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money 301-907-8000 301-907-8000 funds payable to the Substitute fects the validity of the sale, as
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or www.rosenberg-assoc.com www.rosenberg-assoc.com Trustee must be present at the
time of the sale. The balance of
well as to post-sale confirmation
of the status of the loan with
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date Jul 31,Aug 7 2024 0012465016 Jul 24,31 2024 0012463429 the purchase price will be due the loan servicer including, but
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash within fifteen (15) days of sale,
otherwise Purchaser’s depos-
not limited to, determination of
whether the borrower entered
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit it may be forfeited to Trustee. into any repayment agreement,
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the Time is of the essence. If the
sale is set aside for any reason,
reinstated or paid off the loan
prior to the sale. In any such
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before
Take The Post for a run
the Purchaser at the sale shall event, the sale shall be null and
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. be entitled to a return of the
deposit paid. The Purchaser
void, and the Purchaser’s sole
remedy, in law or equity, shall be
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural may, if provided by the terms the return of his deposit without
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private of the Trustee’s Memorandum
of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled
interest. Additional terms may
be announced at the time of
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive to a $50 cancellation fee from sale. Pursuant to the Federal Fair
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and the Substitute Trustee, but shall Debt Collection Practices Act,
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
Washington Post podcasts have no further recourse against
the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or
the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form
we advise you that this firm is a
debt collector attempting to col-
lect the indebtedness referred

go with you everywhere

copy of the Trustee’s memoran- to herein and any information
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer dum of foreclosure sale and con- we obtain will be used for that
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. tract to purchase real property is purpose.
available for viewing at www.bw-
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the wsales.com. Additional terms, if SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C.,
ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ any, to be announced at the sale Substitute Trustee
and the Purchaser may be given
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
Politics • History
the option to execute the con- This is a communication from a
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is tract of sale electronically. This debt collector.
is a communication from a debt FOR INFORMATION CONTACT:
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the responsible for obtaining physical possession of the collector and any information SAMUEL I. WHITE, P.C. (89345)
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
Culture • More obtained will be used for that
purpose. The sale is subject to
seller confirmation.
448 Viking Drive Suite 350
Virginia Beach, VA 23452
757-457-1460 - Call Between
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
Substitute Trustee: Equity Trust- or visit our website at
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower ees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road, www.siwpc.net
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229.

Jul 31,Aug 7 2024 0012467259
For more information contact:
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys

S0108 4x3
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rock-
ville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555, Roommates
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of website: www.bwwsales.com.
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that SE - Just renov, wall-to-wall crpt.
Special: $200 & up per wk. Cen-
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. Jul 24,31,Aug 28 2024 0012466489
tral AC/heat. Call 202-207-5569
Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by MARYLAND
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any Roommates
papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten BRENTWOOD - $800 + dep, util &
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service cable incl. Shr BA/Kit. N/S. Quiet
by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser neighborhood. Call 301-404-7883
as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted 881
Orange County SILVER SPRING - 2 rooms for rent.
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds MBR or Room w/ shared bath. Avail
now. No pets. 301-613-6747
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from

improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF 225

Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable

title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification RHOADESVILLE, VA 22542 BUYING: Baseball Cards and
collections + all sports cards.

of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the In execution of a certain Deed Call 202-322-7241
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of Trust dated July 13, 2007, in 245
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 370313-1) deposit without interest. (Matter No. 354501-1) the original principal amount
of $165,000.00 recorded in the
Clerk’s Office, Circuit Court for Get DISH Satellite TV + Internet!
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Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al., Orange County, Virginia as Instru-
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Substitute Trustees Substitute Trustees signed Substitute Trustee will Limited Time Up To $600 In Gift
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Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
Under a power of sale contained in a certain Deed of Trust
dated March 28, 2019, recorded in Liber 10613, Folio 263
dated July 19, 2007, recorded in Liber 6424, Folio 766
among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an
go with you everywhere TERMS OF SALE: ALL CASH. A
bidder’s deposit of ten percent
(10%) of the sale price or ten
among the Land Records of Charles County, MD, with an original principal balance of $102,700.00, default having percent (10%) of the original
principal balance of the subject
original principal balance of $334,714.00, default having occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell Deed of Trust, whichever is low-
occurred under the terms thereof, the Sub. Trustees will sell at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County, er, in the form of cash or certified
funds payable to the Substitute
at public auction at the Circuit Court for Charles County, 200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in Trustee must be present at the
200 Charles St., La Plata, MD 20646, (Sale will be held in the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District time of the sale. The balance of
the purchase price will be due
the breezeway between the Circuit Court and the District Court), on within fifteen (15) days of sale,
Court), on otherwise Purchaser’s depos- INSURANCE
it may be forfeited to Trustee.
AUGUST 6, 2024 AT 12:40 PM Time is of the essence. If the SERVICES
AUGUST 20, 2024 AT 1:02 PM sale is set aside for any reason,
the Purchaser at the sale shall DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any be entitled to a return of the Mutual Insurance Company. Cover-
age for 350 plus procedures. Real
ALL THAT FEE SIMPLE LOT OF GROUND, together with any buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles deposit paid. The Purchaser
may, if provided by the terms dental insurance – NOT just a dis-
buildings or improvements thereon located in Charles County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of the Trustee’s Memorandum count plan. Do not wait! Call now!
Get your FREE Dental Information Kit
County, MD and more fully described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust. Tax ID #06-318738. of Foreclosure Sale, be entitled
to a $50 cancellation fee from with all the details! 1-855-337-5228
of Trust. The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in the Substitute Trustee, but shall dental50plus.com/MDDC#6258
The property, and any improvements thereon, will be sold in an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions have no further recourse against
the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or
an “as is” condition and subject to conditions, restrictions and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and the Mortgagee’s attorney. A form
and agreements of record affecting the same, if any, and with no warranty of any kind. The property will be sold copy of the Trustee’s memoran-
with no warranty of any kind. subject to a prior mortgage, the amount to be announced
at the time of sale.
dum of foreclosure sale and con-
tract to purchase real property is
available for viewing at www.bw- Give a
gift that
wsales.com. Additional terms, if
Terms of Sale: A deposit of $33,000 in the form of certified any, to be announced at the sale
check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the Terms of Sale: A deposit of $30,000 in the form of certified and the Purchaser may be given
the option to execute the con-

purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase check, cashier’s check or money order will be required of the tract of sale electronically. This
price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money purchaser at time and place of sale. Balance of the purchase is a communication from a debt
collector and any information
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or price, together with interest on the unpaid purchase money
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash
at the current rate contained in the Deed of Trust Note, or
any modifications thereto, from the date of sale to the date
obtained will be used for that
purpose. The sale is subject to
seller confirmation. every day
within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit funds are received by the Sub. Trustees, payable in cash Substitute Trustee: Equity Trust-
Gift subscriptions
Politics • History • Culture • More
ees, LLC, 8100 Three Chopt Road,
Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the within ten days of final ratification of the sale by the Circuit Suite 240, Richmond, VA 23229.
purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before Court. There will be no abatement of interest due to the For more information contact:
BWW Law Group, LLC, attorneys
settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER. purchaser in the event additional funds are tendered before for Equity Trustees, LLC, 6003
Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural settlement. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE FOR THE PURCHASER.
S0108 4x5

Executive Blvd, Suite 101, Rock-

ville, MD 20852, 301-961-6555,
taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private Adjustment of all real property taxes, including agricultural website: www.bwwsales.com.
charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive taxes, if applicable, and any and all public and/or private VA-309778-2.
foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and charges or assessments, to the extent such amounts survive Jul 24,31 2024 0012464583 S0390-1x2
front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and foreclosure sale, including water/sewer, ground rent and
thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible front foot benefit charges, to be adjusted to date of sale and
for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer thereafter assumed by purchaser. Purchaser is responsible
taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser. for any recapture of homestead tax credit. All transfer
The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the taxes and recordation taxes shall be paid by Purchaser.
bo ks?

ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/ The purchaser shall be responsible for the payment of the
or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed ground rent escrow, if required. Condominium fees and/
by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is or homeowners association dues, if any, shall be assumed
responsible for obtaining physical possession of the by the purchaser from the date of sale. Purchaser is
property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property responsible for obtaining physical possession of the
from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit property, and assumes risk of loss or damage to the property
of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including, from the date of sale. The sale is subject to post-sale audit
but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower of the status of the loan with the loan servicer including,
entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid but not limited to, determination of whether the borrower
off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale entered into any repayment agreement, reinstated or paid
shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy, off the loan prior to the sale. In any such event, this sale
in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without shall be null and void, and the Purchaser’s sole remedy,
interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of in law or equity, shall be the return of the deposit without
ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that interest. If purchaser fails to settle within ten days of

h &
property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub. ratification, subject to order of court, purchaser agrees that

Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by property will be resold and entire deposit retained by Sub.

he a
the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further Trustees as liquidated damages for all losses occasioned by
liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any the purchaser’s default and purchaser shall have no further

papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten liability. The purchaser waives personal service of any
days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service papers filed in connection with its failure to settle within ten

by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser days of ratification and expressly agrees to accept service

as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted by first class mail at the address provided by the Purchaser

w e ll n
purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds as identified on the Memorandum of Sale. The defaulted
resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from purchaser shall not be entitled to any surplus proceeds
improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser. resulting from said resale even if such surplus results from
Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable improvements to the property by said defaulted purchaser.
title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification Sub. Trustees will convey either marketable or insurable
of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the title. If they cannot deliver one or the other, or if ratification
Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the of the sale is denied by the Circuit Court for any reason, the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 358174-2) Purchaser’s sole remedy, at law or equity, is return of the
deposit without interest. (Matter No. 24-000314-01)
Howard N. Bierman, Carrie M. Ward, et. al.,
Substitute Trustees Diana Theologou, Gregory Thorne, Adrian Jacobs,
Brian Campbell, Christine Cotton,
Substitute Trustees Washington Post newsletters
deliver more of what you’re looking for. Washington Post newsletters
Discover and subscribe for free at deliver more of what you’re looking for.
Discover and subscribe for free at
Jul 31,Aug 7,14 2024 0012466863 washingtonpost.com/newsletters
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840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840
Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC Trustees Sale - DC


801 17TH STREET, NW • SUITE 1000 • WASHINGTON, DC 20006 • 202-452-1400


Rents, Security Agreement and Fixture Filing (the “Deed of Trust”) from CGI 1100 OPO OF 183.50 FEET,A DELTAANGLE OF 19° 55’ 58” AND A CHORD BEARING AND 183.50 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 27° 21’ 15” AND A CHORD BEARING AND 1. DUE NORTH, 70.72 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE
Management, LP, a Delaware limited partnership (“Borrower”), to First American TR DISTANCE OF SOUTH 53° 57’ 53” WEST, 63.52 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE DISTANCE OF SOUTH 50° 15’ 14” WEST,86.78 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO
Services of D.C., LLC, as trustee, dated May 11, 2022 and recorded in the District of A POINT, CROSSING THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID A&T LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323, 2. SOUTH 70° 32’ 34” EAST, 212.29 FEET TO A POINT AT THE NORTHEAST
Columbia at the Recorder of Deeds on May 12, 2022 as Instrument No. 2022051952, THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID C STREET, N.W. CLOSED PER SAID SUBDIVISION BOOK
securing an indebtedness in the original principal sum of $285,000,000.00 to
MSD RCOF Partners XL, LLC and MSD PCOF Partners LXVIII, LLC, (collectively, as
“Noteholder”) together with that certain UCC Financing Statement from Borrower,
and Noteholder, recorded May 12, 2022, as Document No.2022051954, among the
the Noteholder, a default having occurred in the payment of the indebtedness secured OF 204.33 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 4° 43’ 52” AND A CHORD BEARING AND 34. NORTH 42° 36’ 13” WEST, 0.98 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; THE ASSESSOR OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION
thereby and the covenants contained therein, and in accordance with Public Law DISTANCE OF SOUTH 68° 28’ 18” WEST, 16.87 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID EAST THENCE PURPOSES AS LOT 804 IN SQUARE 323
90-566 and following the mailing of a Notice of Foreclosure Sale recorded among LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W.; THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING WITH SAID
EAST LINE 35. 6.39 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 5.14 The Property is being sold subject to that certain Ground Lease, dated as of August
the Land Records as Instrument No. 2024061828 and Affidavit of Non-Residential FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 71° 17’ 25” AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE 5, 2013, by and between the United States of America acting by and through the
Mortgage Foreclosure recorded with the Recorder on July 3, 2024 as Instrument No. 6. DUE NORTH, 41.61 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. OF NORTH 78° 14’ 55” WEST, 5.99 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; Administrator of General Services (together with its permitted successors, “Ground
2024061827, and the recordation of a Deed of Appointment of Substitute Trustee CONTAINING AN AREA OF 1,915 SQUARE FEET OR 0.04396 ACRES OF LAND, MORE THENCE Lessor”), as landlord, and Trump Old Post Office LLC, a Delaware limited liability
(Substitute Trustee) recorded with the Recorder on May 9, 2024 as Instrument No. OR LESS. company (“Predecessor Tenant”), as amended by First Amendment to Ground Lease,
2024043563 the undersigned Substitute Trustee, will sell, at public auction, within 36. 16.87 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS
NOTE: AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED ABOVE IS DESIGNATED OF 204.33 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 4° 43’ 52” AND A CHORD BEARING AND dated as of March 3, 2014, Second Amendment to Ground Lease, dated as of May
the office of ALEX COOPER AUCTIONEERS, INC., 4910 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, 30, 2014, Third Amendment to Ground Lease, dated as of August 5, 2014, Fourth
ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PURPOSES, AS A&T LOT 809 IN SQUARE 324. TO A POINT ON THE SAID EAST LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W.; THENCE RUNNING Amendment to Ground Lease, dated as of November 6, 2014, Fifth Amendment
AUGUST 5, 2024 AT 11:00 AM THE AFORESAID LOT 802, SQUARE 323 AND LOTS 808 & 809, SQUARE 324 BEING WITH AND BINDING ON SAID EAST LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES to Ground Lease dated as of June 15, 2016, Sixth Amendment to Ground Lease,
the following described land and premises (the “Real Estate”): AND DISTANCES dated as of October 26, 2017, Seventh Amendment to Ground Lease, dated as of
LOT 802, SQUARE 323 AND LOTS 808 & 809, SQUARE 324 (KNOWN OF RECORD DESCRIPTION: March 2, 2020, as assigned by Predecessor Tenant to Borrower pursuant to that
AS “PART A”) certain Deed of Leasehold Assignment, dated as of May 11, 2022, by and between
BEING ALL OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION (A&T) LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323 AS Predecessor Tenant and Borrower, and as further amended by that certain Eighth
SEPTEMBER 5, 2013, SAID LOT 802 HAVING BEEN CREATED BY COMBINING FORMER BEING ALL OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION (A&T) LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323 AS SAID A&T LOT 802 Lessor and Borrower (as may be further amended, the “Ground Lease”). For purposes
A&T LOT 800 AS SHOWN ON A&T TRACING 323 AND PART OF C STREET, N.W. CLOSED ASSIGNED BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF TAX AND REVENUE ON of clarity, “Ground Lease” shall include the terms and provisions of the Programmatic
SEPTEMBER 5, 2013, SAID LOT 802 HAVING BEEN CREATED BY COMBINING FORMER 38. DUE NORTH, 386.92 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Agreement (as such term is defined in the Ground Lease described above) which is
19, 2013 IN SUBDIVISION BOOK 207 AT PAGE 138, BOTH ON FILE IN THE OFFICE A&T LOT 800 AS SHOWN ON A & T TRACING 323 AND PART OF C STREET, N.W. CONTAINING AN AREA FOR PART A OF 133,249 SQUARE FEET OR 3.05898 ACRES OF attached as a schedule to the Ground Lease described above.
A&T LOT 802- SQUARE 323 OF TAX AND REVENUE ON SEPTEMBER 5, 2013; ALL BEING MORE PARTICULARLY SQUARE 323 AND A&T LOTS 808 AND 809 IN SQUARE 324. hotel features 263 guest rooms and suites. Hotel amenities, including a spa, fitness
DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS IN THE MERIDIAN OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA AIR RIGHT LOTS 7000, 7001 & 7002 - SQUARE 324 center, on-site restaurant, and business center. The hotel offers 38,000 square feet of
1. DUE EAST, 200.17 FEET TO A POINT AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SQUARE AIR RIGHT LOT 7000 buildings, structures, improvements or appurtenances, and any furniture, furnishings,
323, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A&T LOT 808 IN BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WATER TABLE OF THE WESTERLY FACE OF THE equipment, machinery and other personal property owned and located in, upon or
SQUARE 324 AS SHOWN ON A & T PLAT 3862-K ON FILE IN SAID RECORDS; INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) BUILDING LOCATED AT 1100 CONSTITUTION about the above-described land and any buildings thereon all as more particularly
THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID A&T LOT 802 AVENUE, N.W., SAID POINT LYING 231.57 FEET DUE SOUTH AND 412.18 FEET described in the aforesaid Deed of Trust (collectively, the “Property”).
2. DUE SOUTH 370.21 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING OF SAID A&T LOT 808 IN SQUARE 324; THENCE LEAVING SQUARE 323 AND BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W. (85 FT. Pursuant to the Deed of Trust and upon occurrence of a default thereunder, the
A&T PLAT 3862-L ON FILE IN SAID RECORDS THE FOLLOWING TWELVE (12) AVENUE, N.W. (160 FEET WIDE), THE NORTHERLY LINE OF 11TH STREET, N.W. ON AND RUNNING WITH SAID A&T LOT 811 THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES intangible assets of the Borrower, will sell at public auction on the same date and
3. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 20.22 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE BOOK 99 AT PAGE 130 AMONG THE SAID RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE 1. SOUTH 89° 49’ 29” EAST, 7.15 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE TANGIBLE PROPERTY, ETC. of the Borrower located on or about the Real Estate (that
4. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 6.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL SURVEYOR AND THE NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID A&T LOT 808 2. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 12.66 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE is subject to the security interest and lien of Noteholder and not owned by any third
AVENUE, N.W. AS ASSIGNED BY THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA OFFICE OF TAX AND REVENUE ON FACE OF SAID IRS BUILDING which yields the highest price for the Property will be accepted by the Substitute
5. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 48.47 FEET TO A POINT INTERSECTING A GRANITE SEPTEMBER 5, 2013; THENCE RUNNING AT A RIGHT ANGLE TO PENNSYLVANIA 4. NORTH 00° 10’ 31” EAST, 12.66 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: Trustee (unless the sale is postponed or cancelled) and all bids will be provisional
A GRANITE WALL ENCLOSING AN AREAWAY OF THE ADJACENT INTERNAL CONTAINING 91 SQUARE FEET OR 0.00209 OF AN ACRE OF LAND. reserves the right to postpone the sale and/or cancel the sale at any time until the
REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) BUILDING LOCATED AT 1100 CONSTITUTION AVENUE, SAID LOT HAVING A LOWER LIMIT OF ELEVATION OF11.30 FEET AND AN UPPER auctioneer announces that the Property is “sold” and the deposit in the required
N.W. AND ALSO RUNNING IN, THROUGH, OVER AND ACROSS SAID 11TH STREET, amount and form is received by the Substitute Trustee. The following shall be
7. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 1.18 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE N.W. CLOSED THE FOLLOWING FIFTEEN (15) COURSES AND DISTANCES AND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. required, as conditions to bidding, evidence to be delivered via email to both Carol S.
TWO (2) COURSES AND DISTANCES 3. SOUTH 19° 43’ 43” WEST, 14.82 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PURPOSES,AS LOT 7000, IN SQUARE 324. the amount of $5,000,000 in the form of a cashier’s check or certified check and
9. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 29.54 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND APPROXIMATELY 0.17 FEET OFF OF THE AIR RIGHT LOT 7001 (ii) the potential purchaser shall meet the requirements of a “Qualified Transferee”
WATER TABLE OF SAID IRS BUILDING THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES AND (as defined in the Ground Lease), and provide evidence of same, including a written,
FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 60° 58’ 13” AND A CHORD BEARING AND DISTANCE DISTANCES executed certification that such potential purchaser meets the requirement of a
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) BUILDING LOCATED AT 1100 CONSTITUTION “Qualified Transferee” (as defined in the Ground Lease), which requirements include
THE FACE OF THE BUILDING COLUMN THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) COURSES AND that the Transferee (a) will use the Premises for the Permitted Use in accordance with
THENCE DUE EAST FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SQUARE 323, SAID CORNER ALSO the Applicable Standard (b) is authorized (or qualified) to do business in the District
DISTANCES 5. SOUTH 19° 01’ 05” WEST, 10.11 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W. (85 FT. of Columbia, (c) has a good business reputation and is not an Excluded Contractor,
11. NORTH 53° 37’ 37” WEST, 1.73 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE THENCE WIDE) AND THE SOUTH LINE OF D STREET, N.W. (70 FT. WIDE), THENCE BINDING (d) has demonstrable prior successful experience in owning and operating (either
12. SOUTH 36° 22’ 23” WEST, 1.48 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING WITH ON AND RUNNING WITH SAID A&T LOT 811 THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES itself or a Person holding a controlling interest (which satisfies items (i), (ii) and (iii)
AND BINDING ON THE EDGE OF A GRANITE BORDER THE FOLLOWING TWO (2) AND DISTANCES in the definition of Control) in the transferee) a full service hotel of quality equal to or
COURSES AND DISTANCES 1. SOUTH 89° 49’ 29” EAST, 7.15 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE better than the Applicable Hotel Standard (which operating experience element of this
13. NORTH 53° 37’ 37” WEST, 2.18 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE THENCE 2. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 12.65 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE clause (d) can be satisfied if a Qualified Operator is retained at the Premises), (e) has
14. 23.77 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A RADIUS 3. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 7.15 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WATER TABLE OF sufficient capability to manage properties of historic significance (which clause (e)
8. NORTH 89° 56’ 18” WEST, 1.53 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; can be satisfied if a Qualified Operator is retained at the Premises), (f) has sufficient
DISTANCE OF SOUTH 40° 17’ 15” WEST, 23.75 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE FACE OF SAID IRS BUILDING financial capacity to perform its obligations under the Ground Lease, and the financial
9. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 15.94 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; condition and operating performance of the transferee is similar to or better than
324 AS SHOWN ON SAID A&T PLAT 3862-K the financial condition and operating performance of the initial Tenant under the
ENTRANCE TO SAID IRS BUILDING CONTAINING 90 SQUARE FEET OR 0.00207 OF AN ACRE OF LAND. Ground Lease, and (g) has a Person holding a controlling interest (which satisfies
15. DUE WEST, 73.58 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID EAST LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W.; 10. NORTH 89° 56’ 18” WEST, 5.40 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; SAID LOT HAVING A LOWER LIMIT OF ELEVATION OF 11.30 FEET AND AN UPPER items (i), (ii) and (iii) in the definition of Control) in the transferee that has Access
16. DUE NORTH, 386.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BUILDING DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. interests in Tenant multiplied by Thirty Million Dollars ($30,000,000) (escalated for
CONTAINING AN AREA OF 75,563 SQUARE FEET OR 1.73469 ACRES OF LAND, MORE 11. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 20.46 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; NOTE: AS OF THE DATE HEREOF, THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED ABOVE IS DESIGNATED inflation in accordance with CPI) and a Net Worth of equal to or greater than such
OR LESS. THENCE RUNNING WITH THE BASE OF A GRANITE WALL AT A WESTERN AMONG THE RECORDS OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FOR Person’s share of the direct and indirect controlling interests in Tenant multiplied by
AMONG THE RECORDS OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, FOR AIR RIGHT LOT 7002 used in the preceding sentence and not defined herein shall have the respective
ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PURPOSES, AS A&T LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323. meanings set for the in the Ground Lease. The deposit must be increased to 10%
THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL TO AND APPROXIMATELY 0.17 FEET OFF OF THE BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE WATER TABLE OF THE WESTERLY FACE OF THE of the purchase price within two (2) business days after the sale, which increased
DISTANCES deposit must be in the form of a cashier’s check or certified check and delivered
BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SQUARE 323 AS SHOWN IN ORIGINAL AVENUE, N.W., SAID POINT LYING 271.59 FEET DUE SOUTH AND 412.06 FEET to the office of the Substitute Trustee. The Noteholder secured by the Deed of Trust
RECORD OF SQUARES BOOK 2 AT PAGE 323 RECORDED IN THE SAID RECORDS OF 13. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 15.83 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; DUE EAST FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SQUARE 323, SAID CORNER ALSO (or any related party) shall be exempted by the Substitute Trustee from submitting
THE OFFICE OF THE SURVEYOR, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER THENCE BEING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF 12TH STREET, N.W. (85 FT. any bidding deposit. The Substitute Trustee will, as a condition of the sale, require
OF A&T LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323 AS SHOWN ON A&T PLAT 3862-H ON FILE IN SAID 14. SOUTH 89° 56’ 18” EAST, 1.53 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; WIDE) AND THE SOUTH LINE OF D STREET, N.W. (70 FT. WIDE), THENCE BINDING all potential bidders except the Noteholder to show their deposit before any bidding
RECORDS; THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THENCE ON AND RUNNING WITH SAID A&T LOT 811 THE FOLLOWING FOUR (4) COURSES begins. The retained deposit of the successful purchaser shall be applied, without
PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. (160 FEET WIDE) AND DISTANCES interest, to the successful purchaser’s credit at settlement, provided, however, that in
1. SOUTH 70° 16’ 17” EAST, 103.56 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING AT A THENCE 1. SOUTH 89° 49’ 29” EAST, 7.15 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE the event the successful purchaser fails to consummate the purchase in accordance
RIGHT ANGLE TO PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. AND BEING COLLINEAR WITH 16. SOUTH 89° 56’ 18” EAST, 1.87 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; 2. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 12.64 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE with the terms of sale as herein provided, such deposit, at the option of the Substitute
THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF A GRANITE WALL ENCLOSING AN AREAWAY OF THENCE 3. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 7.15 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID WATER TABLE OF Trustee, will be forfeited. The terms of sale must be complied with and settlement
THE ADJACENT INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE (IRS) BUILDING LOCATED AT 1100 THE IRS BUILDING; THENCE RUNNING WITH THE WATER TABLE ALONG THE consummated thereon within 75 days from day of sale unless extended at the sole
CONSTITUTION AVENUE, N.W. 17. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 5.20 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; discretion of the Substitute Trustee. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. The balance of the
2. SOUTH 19° 43’ 43” WEST, 14.82 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING purchase price over and above the retained deposit, with interest thereon at the note
18. SOUTH 84° 35’ 30” EAST, 143.96 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT, 4. NORTH 00° 10’ 31” EAST, 12.64 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING: rate then being charged from the date of sale through the date of receipt of the
SAID IRS BUILDING THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES AND DISTANCES CROSSING THE EAST LINE OF SAID 11TH STREET, N.W. CLOSED AND THE WEST CONTAINING 90 SQUARE FEET OR 0.00207 OF AN ACRE OF LAND. balance of the purchase price, will be due at settlement in certified funds; and if not
LINE OF FORMER SQUARE 349 AS SHOWN IN ORIGINAL RECORD OF SQUARES SAID LOT HAVING A LOWER LIMIT OF ELEVATION OF 11.30 FEET AND AN UPPER so paid, the Substitute Trustee reserves the right to retain the deposit and resell the
3. NORTH 70° 58’ 55” WEST, 3.66 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE BOOK 2 AT PAGE 349 RECORDED IN THE SAID RECORDS OF THE OFFICE OF THE LIMIT OF ELEVATION OF 35.21 FEET IN THE DATUM OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser, after such advertisement and
4. SOUTH 19° 01’ 05” WEST, 10.11 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE SURVEYOR AT A DISTANCE OF 42.73 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) FROM THE DEPARTMENTOF PUBLIC WORKS. on such terms as the Substitute Trustee may deem proper, and to avail themselves
5. NORTH 89° 56’ 18” WEST, 18.61 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE BEGINNING OF THIS COURSE; THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING WITH THE NOTE: AS OF THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION, THE LAND HEREIN DESCRIBED ABOVE and the Noteholder of any legal or equitable rights against the defaulting purchaser.
6. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 20.17 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WATER TABLE OF SAID IRS BUILDING IS DESIGNATED AMONG THE RECORDS OF THE ASSESSOR OF THE DISTRICT OF The Property is sold subject to the rights, if any, of parties in possession, if such
7. NORTH 89° 56’ 18” WEST, 1.53 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE 19. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 208.35 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT, COLUMBIA, FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PURPOSES, AS LOT 7002, IN SQUARE rights have priority over the Deed of Trust, and to any and all covenants, conditions,
CROSSING THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID FORMER SQUARE 349 AND THE NORTH 324. restrictions, easements, rights of way, and limitations of record. The Property will
IN SUBDIVISION BOOK 99 AT PAGE 130 AT A DISTANCE OF 69.94 FEET (RECORD STREET, N.W. (70 FEET WIDE) DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA MAY 9, 2013 express or implied, and without any representation or warranty as to the accuracy
9. NORTH 89° 56’ 18” WEST, 5.40 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING THROUGH AND SURVEY) FROM THE END OF THIS COURSE; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL of the information furnished to prospective bidders by the Substitute Trustee or
10. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 20.46 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING WITH THE BUILDING IN, THROUGH, OVER AND ACROSS PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. (160 FEET WIDE) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Property will be sold without
BASE OF A GRANITE WALL AT A WESTERN ENTRANCE TO SAID IRS BUILDING AND D STREET, N.W. (70 FEET WIDE) IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; SAID LAND representation or warranty as to (i) title to the Property, (ii) the nature, condition,
11. SOUTH 89° 56’ 18” EAST, 5.40 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING PARALLEL INTERSECTING THE GRANITE WALL SURROUNDING THE AREAWAY FOR THE IRS structural integrity, or fitness for a particular use of any improvements, fixtures or
PUBLIC LAW 104-134, SECTION 313(D), AND BEING DEPICTED ON NATIONAL PARK personal property included within the Property, (iii) the environmental condition of
BUILDING THE FOLLOWING SIX (6) COURSES AND DISTANCES THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES the Property or the compliance of the Property with federal, state and local laws
STREET, JURISDICTIONAL MAINTENANCE BOUNDARIES”, SHEET NUMBER 7 OF 25, and regulations concerning the presence or disposal of hazardous substances, (iv)
THENCE compliance of the Property with the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar
law, or (v) compliance of the Property with any zoning laws or ordinances and any
and all applicable safety codes. Acceptance of the Substitute Trustee’s Deed to the
CROSSING THE WEST LINE OF SAID A&T LOT 808 IN SQUARE 324, THE WEST PART 1 Property by the successful purchaser shall constitute a waiver of any claims against
16. SOUTH 00° 03’ 42” WEST, 5.20 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. the Substitute Trustee or the Noteholder concerning any of the foregoing matters. The
PAGE 130 AND THE EAST LINE OF C STREET, N.W. CLOSED AS SHOWN ON (160 FEET WIDE); SAID POINT BEING SOUTH 70° 16’ 17” EAST, 20.22 FEET FROM THE successful purchaser recognizes that any investigation, examination, or inspection
17. SOUTH 84° 35’ 30” EAST, 143.96 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING WITH A PLAT OF SUBDIVISION RECORDED IN SUBDIVISION BOOK 207 AT PAGE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SQUARE 323; SAID CORNER ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST of the Property is within the control of the owner or other parties in possession of
BETWEEN A&T LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323 AND A&T LOT 811 IN SQUARE 324 THE Conveyance shall be by Substitute Trustee’s Deed, without covenant or warranty,
PARALLEL TO AND APPROXIMATELY 0.5 FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH FACE OF OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA; THENCE RUNNING IN, THROUGH, OVER AND ACROSS express or implied. The risk of loss or damage by fire or other casualty to the Property
SAID IRS BUILDING FOLLOWING TEN (10) COURSES AND DISTANCES PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W. THE FOLLOWING FIVE (5) COURSES AND DISTANCES from and after the date of sale will be upon the successful purchaser. Sold subject
19. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 155.24 FEET TO A POINT INTERSECTING THE 23. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 6.00 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; 1. DUE NORTH, 30.62 FEET TO A POINT; to all taxes, ground rents, public charges, assessments, sewer, water, drainage
RUNNING WITH THE OUTSIDE FACE OF THE GRANITE WALL THE FOLLOWING RADIUS OF 6.00 FEET, A DELTA ANGLE OF 35° 28’ 06” AND A CHORD BEARING The Noteholder and Substitute Trustee assume no liability for fuel, gas, electricity,
TWO (2) COURSES AND DISTANCES 24. NORTH 89° 49’ 29” WEST, 48.47 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT AND DISTANCE OF NORTH 17° 44’ 03” WEST, 3.66 FEET TO A POINT ALONG utilities and other operating charges accrued before or after the sale and all such
20. NORTH 00° 10’ 31” EAST, 6.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE INTERSECTING A GRANITE WALL; THENCE RUNNING WITH THE OUTSIDE FACE THE SOUTHERLY BACK OF CURB OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W.; THENCE charges shall be the sole responsibility of the purchaser from the date of sale. All
OF THE GRANITE WALL THE FOLLOWING THREE (3) COURSES AND DISTANCES RUNNING WITH AND BINDING ON SAID BACK OF CURB costs incident to the settlement and conveyancing including, without limitation,
A&T LOT 802; THENCE BINDING ON AND RUNNING WITH THE EAST LINE OF 25. NORTH 00° 10’ 31” EAST, 10.87 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; 3. SOUTH 70° 26’ 27” EAST, 41.56 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE examination of title, conveyancing, all recordation taxes and charges, all transfer
SAID A&T LOT 802 IN SQUARE 323 AND THE WEST LINE OF SAID A&T LOT 808 THENCE taxes and charges, title insurance premiums, notary fees, settlement fees and all
4. 7.80 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A RADIUS OF 6.00 other costs incident to settlement shall be at the cost of the successful purchaser.
THENCE If the Substitute Trustee cannot convey title, the purchaser’s sole remedy is a return
22. DUE NORTH, 370.21 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SOUTH 37° 13’ 28” WEST, 7.26 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE of deposit. Further particulars may be announced at the time of sale. For further
CONTAINING AN AREA OF 55,771 SQUARE FEET OR 1.28033 ACRES OF LAND, MORE 27. SOUTH 00° 10’ 31” WEST, 0.32 FEET (RECORD AND SURVEY) TO A POINT; 5. DUE SOUTH, 26.48 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID information, please contact Paul Cooper 443-470-1437.

Food wednesday, july 31 , 2024 eZ ee e

Should you
store produce
in jars? No,
probably not.
Fueling the

You’ve probably seen them: Images of

clear glass canning jars filled with multi-
colored berries that look like little jewels.
asparagus stalks, plunked into a glass
turned vase that doubles as a charming
social media is awash with food-in-jars
storage hacks that are a joy to ogle — but
do they translate to real-life solutions? I
asked produce and food safety research-
ers and experimented in my own kitchen
to learn which of these storage tricks are
worth it and which are recipes for things
you really don’t want to eat.
spoiler alert: although water soaks
and vase treatments can perk up pro-
duce, experts said to beware of water- Once a basketball player,
submersion hacks promising weeks of this chef now has to feed
shelf life. That invites microbial growth.
Be careful with tightly sealed jars, they
the Olympic Village
warned, which can suffocate living,
breathing fresh fruits and vegetables.
and remember that every type of produce
has different needs and quirks, and every
piece of produce has a unique history that
could be the difference between quickly
going fuzzy or staying pristine for a
month. a hack that works this week could
easily result in mush next week.
The best thing you can do to extend the
life of most fresh fruits and vegetables is
to get them into the fridge as fast as
see jArs on e4

Changes in
climate lead to
some winning
new choices
Climate change is
transforming wine. We’ve
seen devastating wildfires
threaten or destroy recent
harvests in California,
australia, Chile and
Wine Portugal; harsh winters
Dave decimate vineyards in
McIntyre British Columbia’s
okanagan Valley and the
eastern United states;
and spring frosts, an age-old enemy of
vignerons, become increasingly
menacing as warmer average
temperatures nudge vines to send out
their tender shoots earlier in the spring.
It might seem strange to suggest that
climate change has produced any
winners, but if we look to higher latitudes
and higher altitudes, we find surprises.
It’s hard to imagine england’s delicious
sparkling wines rivaling Champagne’s
without an increase in average
temperatures in recent decades. Colder
regions where grapes have traditionally
struggled to ripen are enjoying more
consistent results.
Germany is another oft-cited example.
rising temperatures shorten the growing
season, so the traditionally late-ripening
riesling reaches maturity earlier, making
see wine on e7

sandra Mehl for the Washington Post

BY J ESS M C H UGH room. The 47-year-old former pro basketball cording to one French radio station.)
In MarseILLe, FranCe player has a disarming smile and the demean- The Mediterranean sea is a short walk from

or of a coach. He talked frequently about the aM, and Mazzia’s signature style includes lots
n a recent Tuesday, nearly a dozen importance of teamwork in the kitchen, and — of local seafood and vegetables, often spiced,
people were milling in and out of aM, like a good coach — he seemed aware of roasted and smoked. His fresh, clean ap-
the three-Michelin-star restaurant of everything happening around him. at one proach — coupled with his background in
chef alexandre Mazzia. The restau- point, he jumped up from our interview with professional sports — made him a natural
rant was closed, though you couldn’t tell from an “excusez-moi” to open the door for a sous- choice for his next challenge: cooking for the
the level of activity in the kitchen. The chef’s chef carrying metal trays and plastic tubs. athletes descending on Paris for the olympic
fleet of staff was preparing ingredients for The bustle of the restaurant is a good fit for Games.
some of the dishes that have made Mazzia the frenetic atmosphere of Marseille, an an- He and two other French chefs (amandine
famous: trout roe and wild salmon in a smoky, cient port city more than 400 miles south of Chaignot and akrame Benallal) are designing
eat VoraCiously
hazelnut milk or lemon-geranium langoust- Paris whose varied reputation in France in- and executing menus for 15,000 athletes in the
flavorful, fun tomatoes. e3 ines with a seaweed popcorn. cludes its stunning natural gorges, fresh fish olympic kitchen, which is open 24 hours a day,
Presiding over the whirl of activity was and drug trafficking. (Marseille is often de- seven days a week. In addition to the chefs’
Mazzia, who, at 6-foot-4, towered over the scribed simply as “gritty.” or “sulfurous,” ac- see olyMpics on e8
Dinner in minutes
Bucatini becomes the star. e2
Alexandre Mazzia is the chef of AM, which has three Michelin stars. As such, he’s used to cooking for people who live to eat,
not those who eat to compete. “These people think of food as fuel, that’s for sure, but fuel needs to be fun,” Mazzia said.
more at washingtonpost.Com
grilled Peaches With Mascarpone Whip e2
smashed Potato salad With tzatziki dressing e5
gooey Butter Cake e6
Chat at noon: wapo.st/chats
E2 ez ee the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

An ode to bucatini,
the pasta that’s as fun
to eat as it is to say
I love bucatini. It’s strange and untimely barring
so fun to say. Let’s from the U.S. border,” Rachel
give it a go: boo- Handler wrote for Grub Street.
kuh-tee-nee. (It (That last factor was caused by a
helps if you use Food and Drug Administration
your most hold; the company’s pasta didn’t
Aaron exaggerated have enough iron to meet the
Hutcherson Italian accent.) agency’s standard for enriched
DiNNer iN See, fun! But it’s macaroni products, which is how
miNutes even more pastas in the United States are
enjoyable to eat. labeled.) Thankfully, such woes
Also known as are long behind us.
perciatelli, bucatini is a thick, Bucatini’s mysterious allure
long pasta similar to spaghetti aside, food blogger Marta Rivera
but with a hole running down the Diaz likes it for the noodle’s
center. Italian dried pasta substance. “It’s also more filling,
artisans have been making the which means I can stretch a
shape since around the 16th recipe when using it to get more
century, and it became portions, i.e., leftovers!” she
particularly popular in Rome, wrote.
where it is the characteristic But bucatini isn’t without its
pasta served with Amatriciana downsides.
sauce, starring tomatoes and “I like bucatini in theory,” said
guanciale. wine writer and entrepreneur
I first encountered bucatini a Tyler Balliet. “However, in
decade ago, when I stumbled practice, eating bucatini means
upon it at the grocery store, then you get pasta sauce all over your
posted a recipe with it on my face and clothing. Only make this
blog. It was love at first bite. “I’d for people you love, because they
definitely say I’m a fan after using will see you at your worst.” photos by rey Lopez for the Washington post; food styLing by caroLyn robb for the Washington post

it in this recipe because of the As television show host

heartiness it provides and its
delicious chew,” younger me
Alejandra Ramos oh-so-colorfully
put it, “It’s like a bowl of mini out-
Bucatini With Zucchini and Sausage
wrote. of-control garden hoses 4 to 6 servings (makes about 10 cups)
And I’m not the only member splattering garlicky oil and Zucchini and Italian sausage star in this simple summer pasta.
of its ardent fan club. To find out pecorino all over the place.” Bucatini is the pasta of choice for this recipe because of its delightfully
why, I put out a call on social Yes, bucatini can be messy, and chewy texture, and ricotta adds just a touch of creaminess.
media asking people to tell me when you try to take a bite, you’ll Storage: Refrigerate for up to 4 days.
about their feelings toward the find that the noodle fights back. Total time: 25 mins
noodle. It’s hard to wrangle with a fork, From staff writer Aaron Hutcherson.
Events professional and but bucatini is well worth the
magazine founder Amber effort for its unparalleled texture. Ingredients serve 1/2 cup of the pasta cooking
Mayfield Hewett said it “feels a Enjoying a bowl of bucatini is a l Fine salt water and drain the bucatini.
little fancier than it is,” calling it practice in giving up control, l 8 ounces dried bucatini l Meanwhile, in a large (12-inch)
“spaghetti’s sophisticated cousin.” which can be difficult for the Type l 1 pound hot Italian sausage, nonstick or cast-iron skillet,
Others said it carries a certain A personalities among us. casings removed combine the sausage with the
sense of indulgence, which might However, take it as a lesson that l 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil. Set the skillet over medium-
explain why it’s the best-selling sometimes things happen that oil, plus more for serving high heat and cook, breaking
pasta at both locations of Caruso’s are out of our control, and that’s l 2 medium zucchini (1 pound the meat apart with a wooden
Grocery, according to chef Matt okay — and can be fun, too. total), trimmed, quartered spoon, until the fat renders and
Adler. In another comparison to To put it to the test, make my lengthwise and sliced 1/4-inch the sausage is no longer pink, This dish features summer’s perhaps most prolific vegetable,
its more common relative, Bucatini With Zucchini and thick 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer to a zucchini, along with hot Italian sausage for a spicy boost of flavor.
fashion designer Bach Mai said Sausage for dinner tonight. (I’ve l 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground plate or bowl, leaving the fat in
“it’s like spaghetti but hiding a been calling it zucchini bucatini black pepper, plus more to taste the skillet. move from the heat, taste, and tra tablespoon or two of oil. Zuc-
little secret inside, making it in the office, because who doesn’t l 1/2 cup whole-milk or part-skim l Add the zucchini and pepper to season with more salt and pep- chini >> other summer squash.
mysterious and sexy,” which can love a rhyme?) The dish features ricotta, plus more for serving the skillet, sprinkle lightly with per, as desired. Divide the pasta Bucatini >> another long dried
make it even more enticing. summer’s perhaps most prolific l Chopped fresh parsley leaves, salt, and cook, stirring occasion- among bowls, top with a dollop pasta. Ricotta >> goat cheese or
So much so, in fact, that you vegetable, zucchini, along with for serving ally, until somewhat soft and of ricotta, drizzle with olive oil, mascarpone. Parsley >> basil.
might remember the great hot Italian sausage for a spicy lightly browned, 7 to 10 minutes. sprinkle with parsley and serve nutrition | per serving (12/3 cups), based on 6:
bucatini shortage of 2020. “[It] boost of flavor, and creamy Steps l Return the sausage to the skil- immediately. 437 calories, 32g carbohydrates, 46mg
was a combination of factors: the ricotta cheese. All you need is l Bring a large pot of salted water let, then add the ricotta, cooked l Substitutions: Hot Italian sau- cholesterol, 25g fat, 2g fiber, 20g protein,
9g saturated fat, 739mg sodium, 4g sugar
pandemic’s pasta demand, how about 25 minutes, and you can to a boil. Add the bucatini and bucatini and reserved pasta sage >> mild or sweet Italian
recipe tested by aaron hutcherson; email
hard it is to make bucatini have a bowl of chewy, delicious cook according to the package cooking water to the skillet, and sausage. Vegetarian? >> Use a questions to [email protected]
because of its hole, De Cecco’s pasta to enjoy, mess and all. instructions until al dente. Re- stir until evenly combined. Re- plant-based sausage and an ex-

Grilled Peaches With Mascarpone Whipped

6 servings
In this dessert, which is beautiful to look at and simple to prepare,
grilled peaches are topped with dollops of mascarpone whipped cream,
a drizzle of honey and crushed gingersnaps. Leftover mascarpone whip
is great as a fruit dip or topping for other desserts.
Storage: Refrigerate the mascarpone whip in an airtight container
for up to 3 days.
Total time: 20 mins
From cookbook author and registered dietitian nutritionist Ellie

Ingredients such as clothing, is near the

l 1/4 cup (2 ounces) mascarpone heat. If you can hold it there for
l 1/4 cup heavy cream about 4 seconds, the heat
l 2 teaspoons honey, divided should be at medium, or about
l 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract 450 degrees. Pull your hand
l Two (2-inch) gingersnap away from the heat before it
cookies (1/2 ounce total) gets painful.) Make sure the
l 3 ripe peaches, any size, halved cooking grates are clean.
and pitted l Place the peaches on the grill,
l 1 tablespoon neutral oil, such oil side down, and cook until
as avocado or canola they soften slightly and grill
marks form on the bottom,
Steps about 2 minutes.
l In a large bowl, combine the l Transfer to a serving dish, and
mascarpone, cream, 1 teaspoon let cool slightly or completely.
of the honey and the vanilla. When ready to serve, dollop
Using a hand mixer on medium- about 2 teaspoons of the mas-
high speed, whip the mixture carpone whip into the well of
until soft peaks form, 2 to 3 min- each peach half. Drizzle with
utes. You should have about the remaining 1 teaspoon of
3/ cup, more than twice than the honey, sprinkle with the
amount needed for this recipe. crushed gingersnaps and serve.
l Place the gingersnaps in a small l Substitutions: Peaches >>
zip-top bag, and use a rolling nectarines. Gingersnaps >>
tom mccorkLe for the Washington post; food styLing by gina nistico for the Washington post pin or mallet to crush them into graham crackers or vanilla wa-
medium-fine crumbs. Brush the fers. Mascarpone >> crème
cut side of each peach with the fraîche. Can’t have dairy? >>

Easy grilled peaches exalt ripe summer stone fruit oil.

l Prepare the grill for direct heat
(if using a grill pan, see Varia-
Whip coconut cream instead of
the heavy cream and mascar-
pone. Gluten-free? >> Use glu-
tions). If using a gas grill, set it ten-free cookies. Vegan? >> Ma-
I tend to gravitate watermelon or a fragrant peach oil, then grilled for a couple of and a crunchy crush of to 450 degrees. If using a char- ple syrup or agave instead of
toward fruit for in the summer. minutes, until it is warmed and gingersnaps. (Vanilla wafers, coal grill, fill a chimney starter honey.
dessert because it But now and then, I want a has taken on beautiful grill graham crackers or lady fingers with charcoal, light it, and l Variations: To make this in-
satisfies my desire fruit dessert that’s a bit more, marks. Once cooled a bit, each would also work well.) when the coals are white-gray side, preheat a grill pan over
for something well, dessert-y, without having to half is treated to a dollop Beautiful on the plate, the with ash, pour them onto the medium-high heat until hot.
sweet in a light, take the time to make a full-on mascarpone whip, made by halves offer enticing flavor: The charcoal grate, adding more Place the peaches on the pan, oil
Ellie refreshing way, crisp or pie. Enter the zhuzhed- whipping the rich, velvety cheese juicy, caramelized fruit, rich charcoal, if necessary. Put the side down, and cook until they
Krieger with the bonus of up fruit dessert: fresh seasonal with a touch of heavy cream, mascarpone, sweet honey and lid on the grill, making sure the soften slightly and grill marks
NourisH health-protective fruit that gets just enough honey and vanilla. This recipe zing of the ginger cookie crumbs vents are open all the way. form on the bottom, about
antioxidants, special treatment to make it feel makes twice the needed whip, all come together to turn the When all of the coals are gray 3 minutes.
vitamins and extravagant, without requiring which you will not regret having simple pleasure of fresh fruit and hot, about 15 minutes, your nutrition | per serving (1/2 grilled peach,
fiber. Often, perfectly ripe fruit much time or effort. This on hand to use atop fresh berries, into an extraordinary dessert. grill should be medium-hot. 2 teaspoons mascarpone whip, plus
does the trick on its own: slices luscious recipe is a prime perhaps with a drizzle of (Use a grill thermometer, or toppings): 98 calories, 10g carbohydrates,
13mg cholesterol, 7g fat, 1g fiber, 1g protein,
of apple or pear fanned out on a example. balsamic glaze, another day. krieger is a registered dietitian test the heat by holding your 3g saturated fat, 19mg sodium, 7g sugar
plate, a bowlful of orange It is an exaltation of summer The mascarpone-topped nutritionist, cookbook author, and hand, palm-down, about 4 recipe tested by olga massov; email
segments in the fall and winter, peaches, where the fruit is grilled peaches are then treated cooking show and podcast host. inches from the grate, making questions to [email protected]
or cherries or berries, a wedge of halved and pitted, brushed with to a luxurious drizzle of honey Learn more at elliekrieger.com. sure that nothing flammable,

food and dining editor: Joe yonan • deputy food editor: matt brooks • Recipes editor: becky krystal • Art directors: cece pascual, marissa Vonesh • Photo editor:
food Jennifer beeson gregory • Assistant recipes editor: olga massov • food critic: tom sietsema • Staff writers: tim carman, g. daniela galarza, aaron hutcherson, emily WeekNigHt
heil • Copy editor: rachael bolek • Editorial aide: anna Luisa rodriguez | Contact us: [email protected], 202-334-7575. the Washington post, food, 1301 k st. nW, VegetariaN
Washington, d.c. 20071 He is away. His column will resume
when he returns.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post Mg ee E3

Stu≠ tomatoes with garlicky breadcrumbs and bacon for a flavor jackpot
It’s hard for me to
believe, but this is
my last time
filling in for
Daniela Galarza
on the Eat
Julia Voraciously
Turshen newsletter. I have
Eat learned so much
Voraciously over the past five
months while
keeping her seat
warm, including the stamina it
takes to write a four-times-a-
week column and the value of a
band of smart, insightful editors
who make it all sound and look
so much better than I could
Most of all, I have been
buoyed by your engagement,
whether it’s responding to the
questions I’ve posed in various
newsletters, cooking the recipes
we’ve featured and sharing the
results on social media, or just
sending a kind note along
the way.
I recently went back through
my inbox to read the first
newsletter I wrote, from
March 11. In addition to
introducing myself and
describing how I approach
cooking (long story short:
simple, comforting food with
as few dishes to wash as
possible), I wrote a little
proclamation about cooking
dinner regularly:
“Making dinner might not
seem like a big deal, but I think
it is. It is a big deal to feed
yourself and the people who rely
on you. I think you’re doing
something important. And I’m
here to help.”
I hope my work on Eat phoTos by rey lopez for The WashingTon posT; food sTyling by lisa Cherkasky for The WashingTon posT

Voraciously has helped you do

this very important, very The recipe, Tomatoes Casino, any simple main course, such as basic infrastructure of a recipe includes a number of essays; I everyone, and I hope your days
relentless work of feeding features stuffed tomatoes that air fryer salmon or roast with examples for how to riff on took all the photos myself; and continue to be filled with simple,
yourself. have all the familiar flavors of chicken. it. Then there are the recipes for my sweet parents designed the good food that makes you feel
And for my final recipe (the classic clams casino: bacon, Although the recipe stands on each example. In addition to whole thing. loved.
pressure!), I am excited to share garlic, breadcrumbs and parsley. its own in the book, Tomatoes stuffed vegetables (so fun!), It has been so much fun
a special one from my new Serve the tomatoes with a Casino appears in a chart of there are also tons of simple, hanging out with all of you, and This is from our eat Voraciously
cookbook, “What Goes With simple green salad, as well recipes for stuffed vegetables. useful things such as salad although I will no longer be newsletter, which delivers a quick
What,” which comes out in as rice, pasta, polenta or bread, What do I mean by that? The dressings, roasted vegetables, writing this column, I am dinner recipe four days a week,
October — so consider this a to make a complete meal, whole book is a collection of one-bowl baked goods and more. excited to get back to reading it Monday through Thursday. sign up at
special sneak peek. or make it a side dish with charts that each show you the It’s also a very personal book: It along with you. Take good care, wapo.st/evnewsletter.

Tomatoes Casino looking to create tomato cups.

Finely chop the tomato pulp
mixture among the tomatoes.
(If you have more mixture than
3 to 6 servings (makes 6 stuffed tomatoes) and any usable parts from the can fit in the tomatoes, save it to
These stuffed tomatoes feature all the flavors and the texture of tops and bottoms, and reserve sprinkle on pasta or your morn-
classic clams casino: bacon, garlic, breadcrumbs and parsley. To for the stuffing. ing eggs.) Roast for about 25
prevent them from disintegrating in the oven, use just-ripe, but not l In a medium (10-inch) skillet minutes, or until the tomatoes
overripe, tomatoes. over medium heat, combine the become lightly brown and soft-
Storage: Refrigerate for up to 3 days; gently reheat in a 300-degree olive oil and bacon and cook, en but still retain their shape.
oven until warmed through. stirring occasionally, until the Serve hot or warm.
Active time: 35 mins; Total time: 1 hour bacon is browned and crisp l Substitutions: To make these
Adapted from “What Goes With What” by Julia Turshen (Flatiron around the edges, 7 to 8 min- gluten-free >> use gluten-free
Books, 2024). utes. Add the garlic and cook breadcrumbs. To make these
just until fragrant, about 30 vegetarian/vegan >> leave out
Ingredients Steps seconds. Turn off the heat and the bacon and add a teaspoon of
l 6 vine-ripened tomatoes l Position a rack in the middle of stir in the reserved chopped smoked Spanish paprika to the
(about 13/4 pounds total) the oven and preheat to 425 tomato trimmings, panko and panko mixture for smokiness.
l 1/4 cup olive oil, plus more for degrees. parsley. Season the mixture to Parsley >> basil or chives. To
the baking dish l Using a serrated knife, cut a taste with salt. make these spicy >> add a
l 4 ounces bacon (4 to 7 strips, thin slice off the top and bottom l Lightly grease the bottom of a teaspoon of crushed red pepper
depending on thickness), diced of each tomato. Using a spoon, 9-inch pie dish or quarter sheet flakes to the panko mixture.
l 4 garlic cloves, minced or scoop out the centers of each pan with oil. Arrange the toma- nutrition | per serving (1 stuffed tomato),
finely grated one. (Discard the stem, and toes in the dish, hollowed side based on 6: 208 calories, 18g
l 1 cup panko reserve the pulp and juice.) up, evenly spacing them apart. carbohydrates, 10mg cholesterol, 13g fat,
2g fiber, 5g protein, 3g saturated fat,
l 1/2 cup fresh flat-leaf parsley When scooping, don’t hollow Season the interior of each to- 148mg sodium, 4g sugar
leaves, chopped out the entire thing. Keep each mato with a large pinch of salt, recipe tested by kara elder; email Scoop out the centers of the tomatoes to form little cups, then use
l Fine salt tomato intact: You’re basically then evenly divide the panko questions to [email protected] the scraps as part of the garlicky bacon and panko filling.


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E4 eZ ee the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

How To

Getting the most from your grilled steak, no matter the cut
BY J OAN N IESEN If you like the aesthetics of Instead of focusing on searing,
crosshatch grill marks, rotate your best bet is to turn your grill
Grilling, at first glance, can your steak 90 degrees between into a kind of convection oven
seem like an imprecise science: flips. And make sure to keep the and cook the steaks, to start, over
an open flame, a slab of meat and heat high and the grill top open indirect heat.
hope for the best. throughout; there’s no need to Begin by heating your grill to
But given the prevalence of worry about losing heat with between 250 and 300 degrees.
high-quality grills and the quali- these thinner cuts, because Any warmer, and you’re at risk of
ty (and price) of the meat avail- you’re relying on a high, direct overcooking. Place your steaks
able to cook, there’s never been a flame to cook them. Plus, leaving on the grill and close the lid,
better argument for learning the the lid open allows you to flip the which will trap the hot air and
nuance of the method. That’s steaks more frequently and to cause it to circulate, helping the
especially true when it comes to keep a close eye on how quickly steak cook evenly. This will pre-
steak. Beef prices hit record they’re cooking. vent you from winding up with a
highs in 2023, and more increas- As for doneness: Use an in- steak that’s undercooked in the
es could be coming. stant-read thermometer, and al- center and burned on the out-
So if you’re going to splurge, ways pull your steak off when it’s side.
it’s essential to learn the best eight to 10 degrees cooler than Cook the steaks until they
approach to grilling — the keys to your desired final temperature, reach an internal temperature of
steak that’s melt-in-your-mouth regardless of the cut. (A medium- 100 degrees on an instant-read
tender, with a flavorful, crisp rare steak will register at 135 thermometer. The time this takes
exterior. degrees, medium at 145 and me- will depend on the thickness of
Before you head to the store to dium-well at 150.) Don’t worry the meat, but it should be in the
select your meat — and certainly about piercing your meat with a ballpark of 25 minutes. Next,
before you fire up your grill — thermometer or even a fork. This take the steaks off the grill and
take a moment to brush up on the won’t cause your steak to dry out, let them rest for 10 minutes while
best cuts, the best methods, and raichlen said. you crank the grill’s heat up to
the myths that might be standing Peggy CoRmaRy foR The WashingTon PosT; food sTyLing by Lisa CheRkasky foR The WashingTon PosT With belly cuts, there’s one high, between 450 and 550 de-
between you and your best steak. Be sure to thoroughly season your steak before grilling, whether with a premade or homemade rub, caveat: Sometimes they’re thin grees. Then slide the steaks back
or with just salt and pepper. and you should feel free to get creative with the spices you have on hand. enough that it’s hard to get an onto the grill and sear them,
Preparing the grill accurate temperature read from flipping at least once, until the
Whether you’re working with Preparing the meat want to lean on a recipe, consider ing. (At Serious Eats, López-Alt the center. In that case, try the outside is deep brown, with a
charcoal or a gas flame, you first up: the meat itself. No a marinade with brown sugar or performed an experiment that finger test, which compares the blackened crust in spots, and the
should make sure that you brush matter what flavors you’re plan- red wine and herb-infused oil. or affirmed raichlen’s approach: firmness of the steak to the flesh internal temperature lands
off excess buildup on your grill’s ning for your seasoning or mari- go heavy on cracked pepper. or He left a steak on the counter in beneath your thumb. Touch the where you’d like it for your
grates — ideally after grilling, so nade, they’re going to involve try apricot preserves. his 70-degree kitchen for 20 min- tips of your middle finger and preferred level of doneness. This
you’re not dealing with it the next salt, which can also have a ten- And whether you marinate or utes, and the temperature at the thumb of one hand together. should take about five to six
time you want to cook over an derizing effect on steak and other season hours in advance or right center of his steak rose less than With your other hand, press the minutes for a medium-rare steak.
open flame. proteins when applied in ad- before grilling, make sure you 2 degrees.) flesh below where your thumb There’s another, opposite
If you’re using a gas grill and vance. So you might want to salt pat your steak dry right before meets your palm. That’s how a method that’s easy to try if you’re
need to clean before you cook, your steak a day in advance and it’s time to grill. That will keep Thinner cuts: Searing is best medium-rare steak should feel. working on a gas grill with
crank the heat up to high for 15 let it rest in the fridge; in that steam from forming when the for belly cuts — these are After your steak has rested for multiple burners: the “sear and
minutes with the lid closed, then case, less salt will go a longer way. meat hits the hot grate and make thinner options, such as flank, about 10 minutes, slice it, making slide” technique. Start by setting
turn off the gas and open the lid. or you can salt it just before you for a better crust. skirt, flap and hanger — preheat sure to cut against the grain, one side of your grill to high heat
A few passes with a grill brush or put it on the grill. In “The food Conventional wisdom dictates your grill to between 450 and 550 which will make the meat easier and the other side to medium/
balled-up aluminum foil be- Lab,” chef and food writer J. that a steak should sit at room degrees. The final cooking time to chew. low. Place your steaks on the hot
tween a pair of tongs should do Kenji López-Alt suggests salting temperature for 20 to 30 minutes will depend on several factors side, searing them just like you
the trick and get rid of any meat more than 40 minutes or (or more), to slowly bring it (the precise temperature of the Thicker cuts: Indirect heat would a belly cut, until they
unwanted food particles and less than three minutes before closer to the temperature at grill, the thickness of the steak, makes a difference achieve the level of crust you
grease. cooking. Anything in between, he which you’ll serve it, thus pro- your desired doneness), but for Noble cuts, such as New York desire. Aim for about one minute
If you’re using a charcoal grill, warns, will leave too much mois- moting more even cooking. a medium-rare belly cut, aim strip, rib-eye and T-bone, are per side. At that point, check the
make sure to clean out the ash ture on the surface and reduce Steven raichlen, a cookbook for about 10 to 12 minutes. You typically more than an inch internal temperature so you have
catcher and replenish the char- the chances of getting the sear author, TV host and grilling ex- can flip the meat once, af- thick. They’re also often more a point of reference, then slide
coal before you light it. Next, you’re seeking with a grilled pert, said he takes his steaks ter about five minutes, but ra- expensive, raichlen said, and the steaks over to the medium/
with all the air vents open, pre- steak. straight from the fridge to the ichlen advises more frequent “intrinsically tender,” and grill- low side of the grill (at which
heat the grill for about 15 min- There are many great premade grill. He worries about even the flipping. He said he has recent- ing them poses a unique chal- point you can turn off the flame
utes, until it reaches a tempera- marinades and seasoning blends slim chance of encouraging bac- ly started flipping steaks three, lenge: It can be tricky to cook on the hot side). Cook them,
ture of about 450 degrees, then available, and you should feel terial growth, and he said it’s a four or even five times to get noble cuts to your desired inter- flipping occasionally, until
use a grill brush or tongs and free to get creative with the myth that steaks need to rest at a better crust without burning nal temperature without burning they’ve reached the internal tem-
aluminum foil to clean. spices you have on hand. If you room temperature before cook- the meat. the exterior. perature you’re looking for.

Refrigerating produce in Even harvested produce takes

in oxygen and releases carbon
dioxide, just like we do. (This is

jars can breed bacteria separate from the plant king-

dom’s more famous trick, photo-
synthesis, which, among other
things, takes in carbon dioxide
jarS from E1 After weeks in a too-warm fridge, and gives off oxygen.) Different
you could have quite the petri types of produce respire at differ-
possible, said Elizabeth mitcham, dish — or jar — of veggie sticks. ent rates — respiration rate is a
emeritus director of the Posthar- one plot twist, noted Don huge factor in determining shelf
vest Technology Center at the Schaffner, a rutgers University life — and delicate berries respire
University of California at Davis. food microbiologist and Chap- fast. Left in a sealed jar for too
“If you go to the farmers mar- man’s podcast co-host: Although long, they’ll deplete oxygen and
ket and you buy produce, and carrots aren’t immune to microbi- switch to anaerobic respiration,
then you wander around for a few al growth, there’s evidence that which churns out off flavors and
hours, and then you finally get they have an unusual ability to eventually makes the berries fall
home and then put them in the inhibit listeria growth. He wor- apart, scientists explained to me.
fridge, you’ve already lost way ries more about celery stored un- I tried this method myself, leav-
more of the life of that product” derwater. ing jars of berries tightly sealed
than you’d gain from any special while I was away for more than a
storage tricks, she said, especially avocados week. When I came home, the
on a warm day. The hack: Submerge ripe, skin- jars’ inner walls dripped with
After keeping produce cool, on avocados in a jug of water and condensation. The strawberries
there’s a delicate dance between stash in the fridge to extend their smelled of chemicals, and I had
storing it in ways that enable it to life. no interest in eating them. They
breathe, but retain moisture, The takeaway: Do not sub- were, however, more plump than
among other factors (including merge avocados in water. Instead, the berries that I left in the clam-
that some whole fruits and veg- put them in the fridge once shell and that showed no visible
etables don’t do well in the they’re ripe to keep them at their mold, so there’s that.
fridge). The crisper drawer is de- peak for a few more days. Another concern: As fresh pro-
signed to help with this, but it’s a Avocados need to ripen at room duce’s respiration depletes oxy-
tough puzzle, which explains why temperature, but, once they’re gen in a sealed jar, it could create
we’re so hungry for hacks. ripened, the fridge’s chill keeps an environment that’s ideal for
So here’s what to know about them at their peak longer. If you certain bacteria. In this case, ber-
some popular produce storage halve the avocados first, water ries’ acidity could mitigate patho-
tricks: will slow oxidation, so they’ll ap- gen growth, said Schaffner, the
pear good for longer. rutgers food microbiologist, but
Celery and carrot sticks But don’t do this. over time, not enough to dispel food safety
The hack: Store celery and car- the water can facilitate dangerous concerns.
rot sticks in a water-filled jar. bacterial growth, even if the avo- “Generally I think it’s a bad
The takeaway: Use this trick to cado looks great. idea to store foods for extended
keep veggie sticks attractive and food and Drug Administration periods of time, especially under
crunchy, but not to stretch shelf sampling has found listeria on anaerobic conditions,” he wrote
life. avocado peels, and although you in an email.
In the short term, water sub- should always wash your pro- If you’re wondering how to
mersion keeps celery and carrots duce, a good cleaning can’t re- square all this with the sealed
crisp by preventing dry air from move all bacteria. Additionally, bags and tubs of produce sold at
sucking moisture from their cells. an agency spokesperson told me grocery stores, Eva Almenar, a
It also prevents dried-out white that, when fDA scientists stored professor at the michigan State
patches on cut or peeled carrots. whole avocados in refrigerated University School of Packaging
Ben Chapman, director of a food tanks for 15 days, they found that who specializes in produce pack-
safety research program at North listeria moved from the peel into aging, noted that those are made
Carolina State University, said a the green flesh. with plastics that allow for gas
couple days or a week could be exchange.
fine, but once weeks go by, the asparagus But forget respiration for a mo-
water could help a small amount The hack: Store asparagus like ment. The risks of pouring deli-
of bacterial contamination go flowers, in a “vase” in the fridge. cate berries into a jar was enough
from, say, a tiny corner of one The takeaway: Trim the bot- to give ritenour pause. “Whenev-
celery stick to all over the sticks. toms of asparagus stalks and er you’re touching the berries or
Chapman, who analyzed this stand them upright in a glass with moving the berries, you’re giving
scenario on “risky or Not,” a pod- water to keep them firm for a few an opportunity for damage and
cast he co-hosts, said his top con- days. Don’t leave them in water sCoTT suChman foR The WashingTon PosT; food sTyLing by CaRoLyn Robb foR The WashingTon PosT the introduction or movement of
cern was Listeria monocytogenes, for an extended period of time. although water soaks and vase treatments can perk up produce, experts said to beware of water- potential decay organisms,” he
a type of human pathogen with This mirrors an industry prac- submersion hacks promising weeks of shelf life. and be careful with tightly sealed jars, they warned. said.
the unusual ability to grow in the tice of packing asparagus upright, Ultimately, ritenour said,
fridge. In small amounts, it rarely with a wet pad at the bottom, said ends before prepping them. ble my setup kept just enough and put them in the crisper draw- don’t expect your produce to last
sickens healthy adults, but it be- mark ritenour, a postharvest bi- So, I tried this. I split a bunch of moisture in, and noted that my er of your fridge, or place them in forever. As long as you’re follow-
comes more problematic, espe- ologist at the University of flori- asparagus in half, putting one experience speaks to the endless a storage container lined with ing best practices, if putting your
cially for immunocompromised da. The moisture fuels their handful in a glass with some wa- variability with produce. paper towels and leave the lid fruits and veggies in a clear, pretty
or pregnant people, once it has thirsty, growing tissue and pre- ter (which looked delightful in my ajar. This will preserve some container makes them more en-
had time to proliferate. If your vents shriveling. fridge) and the other in a cotton Berries moisture while also allowing gas ticing and gets them on your plate
fridge rises above the recom- If you create an “asparagus bag in my crisper drawer. After The hack: Put berries in a exchange. (for extended storage: faster, maybe that’s the “hack”
mended 41-degree fahrenheit vase” at home, ritenour suggests several days, both bunches looked sealed glass jar and stash it in the Wash, dry and freeze them.) you need.
maximum, he said, listeria grows using a minimal amount of water the same; maybe the vase stalks fridge. A sealed jar traps humidity,
faster. other types of harmful bac- for only a few days, citing, you were a little firmer. Both sets The takeaway: Do not store keeping berries plump. But many Rachael Jackson is a d.C.-based
teria, as well as bacteria that sim- guessed it, concerns about mi- roasted up nicely, so, for me, for fresh berries in a sealed jar to factors, including how often you writer and the founder of
ply spoil your food, also grow crobes flourishing in the water. that bunch, it was not worth the extend their life. Instead, leave open the jar, will affect how they eatortoss.com. Reach her at
more easily in warmer fridges. He also advises cutting off the wet time. ritenour said that it’s possi- them in the clamshell container fare. [email protected].
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee E5

Chicken safety tips: Don’t wash it, keep it cold and more
BY A NN M ALONEY Carothers advises against us-
ing vinegar or lemon juice as sani-
When we talk about safely pre- tizers (or for rinsing chicken).
paring food at home, we often Both combat only some of the
stress the importance of washing bacteria that may be present.
and cleaning as we go. With raw To wipe counters and tools,
poultry, however, experts make an Ayers urges using either paper
exception: They say never wash towels that can immediately be
your chicken. tossed or using clean cloth towels
That’s because and immediately putting them in
how to chicken can be the washing machine to be
contaminated washed with hot water and deter-
with pathogens, including salmo- gent.
nella, which the Centers for Dis- For additional peace of mind,
ease Control and Prevention says boil a kettle of water and pour it
causes more foodborne illnesses over the sink and sponges. It’s not
than any other bacteria. The CDC essential, but it is beneficial, Ayers
also notes that, each year, about 1 says.
million people in the United
States get sick from eating con- Cook chicken to
taminated poultry. the right temperature
The risk is at its greatest when Undercooked chicken can also
raw chicken is prepared for cook- cause food poisoning. Never rely
ing, especially when people on the color of the meat or juices.
choose to wash it, says Meredith Temperature is your ally here. To
Carothers, food safety specialist get an accurate reading, insert an
for the Agriculture Department’s instant-read thermometer into
Food Safety and Inspection Serv- the thickest part of the meat,
ice. But that’s not the only time avoiding the bone, fat or gristle.
you should be careful. Here are The USDA recommends cooking
some essential food safety recom- chicken to at least 165 degrees to
mendations for handling chicken. kill harmful bacteria and prevent
foodborne illness.
Don’t wash chicken Although some recipe develop-
Rinsing chicken is among ers suggest cooking chicken
the leading causes of cross- breasts to a lower temperature
contamination, according to the and holding them there for a cer-
USDA. Splashing water can iLLuSTRATioN by gAiA STeLLA foR The WAShiNgToN PoST tain amount of time to ensure that
spread bacteria by sending con- the pathogens are killed, Caroth-
taminated droplets onto sponges, mercial sanitizer. Wash your Carothers recommends cook- Wash your hands often Clean the kitchen ers says 165 degrees is a better bet
counters and tools. Although the hands thoroughly, scrubbing with ing or freezing chicken within two after handling chicken after prepping chicken for safety.
USDA has long recommended soap for at least 20 seconds. days of buying it, as grocery store Each time you touch raw chick- If your dishwasher has a sani- Dark meat — legs and thighs —
home cooks not wash raw poultry, Sanitizing the sink is essential, refrigerators are colder and there- en, immediately wash your hands tize setting and your tools are is more forgiving (and cheaper). It
many continue the practice. because so much food prep hap- fore more effective at delaying the for at least 20 seconds with dishwasher-safe, you can clean can remain tender and juicy even
“We realized that we are losing pens there, including handling proliferation of bacteria. hot, soapy water. Even the most them this way. when cooked to higher tempera-
an entire population when we say produce and washing other dish- If the chicken is frozen, slowly fastidious cooks can contami- If that’s not an option, use hot, tures, but don’t take it past 195 to
do not wash your chicken,” es, says Hillary Ayers, a family and thaw it in the refrigerator, prefer- nate their kitchens by touch- soapy water to clean tools or sur- 200 degrees.
Carothers says. “This is a practice consumer sciences agent with the ably covered and placed on a plate ing common items, such as faces, rinse them thoroughly with
that likely won’t change for lots of University of Florida Institute of or tray to catch any potential a phone, a cookbook, a maga- clean water, and pat them dry Refrigerate cooked chicken
people. This is how they learned Food and Agricultural Sciences leaks. A low shelf in the back of the zine, a soap pump, spice or with a clean towel or allow them Perishable foods should not be
how to cook from their mothers, Extension Orange County. refrigerator is best. flour containers, knobs and fau- to air dry. Then, to sanitize, left at room temperature for more
their grandparents. It’s seen as Keep in mind that rinsing or Never thaw chicken on the cets. make a solution of 1 tablespoon of than two hours (or one hour if the
necessary by a large group of peo- soaking chicken does not destroy counter. If you’re in a hurry, de- To cut down on hand-washing liquid chlorine bleach with 1 gal- ambient temperature is more
ple.” So Carothers says the USDA bacteria. Only cooking to the frost it by placing it in airtight and avoid cross-contamination, lon of water, according to the than 90 degrees). Bacteria thrive
now offers recommendations for proper temperature will kill the packaging and completely sub- first gather, measure and prep USDA. For plastic or wood cutting between 40 and 140 degrees, so
how to protect yourself if washing pathogens that can cause salmo- merging it in cold water, changing any ingredients you plan to use boards, pour the solution onto the more time the food remains at
your chicken feels essential. nella-related illness, Carothers the water every 30 minutes. It also on the chicken. Once the chick- them and let stand for several warmer temperatures, the more
If you insist on rinsing your says. can be thawed in a microwave. If en is cooking, wash down the minutes. For utensils, dunk them likely it is to cause foodborne
chicken, use as little water as chicken is thawed in the refrigera- kitchen, then start working on the in the solution. Then rinse and illness. For large whole chickens
possible to reduce splashing, she Keep chicken cold tor, it can be kept refrigerated for sides or salads, Ayers says. This dry. You can also use commercial or turkey, Carothers recommends
says. Immediately clean the sink Store poultry in a refrigerator another two days or even refroz- way, the raw chicken and other sanitizers, but check the label to cutting the bird into pieces or
and the surrounding area with set to 40 degrees or below. Chill- en. Chicken thawed in the micro- foods are never sharing tools, be sure that they are safe to use slicing meat before refrigerating
hot, soapy water, then sanitize ing or freezing drastically slows wave or in cold water should be countertops, cutting boards with cooking tools and kitchen it to ensure that all of the meat
with a bleach solution or a com- pathogen production. cooked immediately. or sinks. surfaces. quickly cools.

Smashed potato salad

is TikTok’s crispy take
on a summer classic
BY A NNA L UISA R ODRIGUEZ bined it with mayonnaise to create
a creamy base.
One of my favorite food-related Red onions replace shallots to
debates is which form of potato is keep with the Mediterranean
superior to the rest. There are so theme, and a single clove of garlic
many to choose from — mashed, has a small but mighty presence.
roasted, fries, chips — and my Lemon and red wine vinegar add
answer often changes. In the sum- brightness, and although a num-
mer, I gravitate toward cool and ber of herbs, such as parsley or
creamy potato salads, but in gen- mint, could work, I like my tzatziki
eral, I tend to crave a crispier, to be dill-forward.
crunchier spud. Enter the I was unsure how the cucum-
smashed potato salad. bers would fare in the salad, con-
I first saw the delightful mash- cerned that they might make the
up of golden brown smashed pota- dish too watery, but when seeded
toes and potato salad dressing on and chopped into small pieces,
my TikTok feed a couple of months they provide a cooling crunch that
ago and immediately bookmarked both balances and heightens the
it. Since then, I’ve seen several flavor and texture of the potatoes.
others pop up on my For You Page, The pickles are not a traditional
and though it’s unclear where the tzatziki ingredient, but in my
trend originated — creators book, all good potato salads in-
@ice.karimcooks and @dr.vegan clude them. They mingle with the
appear to have been early promot- zippy flavors of the onion, lemon
ers — it was Hungry Happens and vinegar while still maintain-
blogger Stella Drivas’s take on it ing the refreshing bite of their raw
that went viral. With 15.5 million counterparts.
views and nearly a million likes, The key to this salad, though, is
her salad featuring ultrathin, the smashed potatoes. Boiling
crispy potatoes with a tangy, tza- baby potatoes until they’re tender
tziki-inspired dressing (Greek yo- and easily pierced with a fork al- SCoTT SuChmAN foR The WAShiNgToN PoST; food STyLiNg by LiSA CheRkASky foR The WAShiNgToN PoST

gurt, garlic, herbs, cucumber and lows them to be smashed evenly

more) sent foodies on the app into
a frenzy. Since her video in Janu-
and kept mostly intact. I also no-
ticed smaller spuds were easier to
Smashed Potato Salad With Tzatziki Dressing and preheat to 425 degrees.
Line a large sheet pan with
golden brown. Let cool on the
pan for 10 to 15 minutes.
ary, plenty more variations have smash. Some of the recipes involve 6 to 8 servings (makes 8 cups) parchment paper or a silicone l Make the dressing: While the
popped up, including veganized smashing the potatoes so thin that This TikTok-inspired recipe uses the crispy texture of smashed baking mat. potatoes are roasting, in a large
versions and a genius rendition they almost transform into chips, potatoes to create an unorthodox but delicious potato salad. The l In a large (at least 6-quart), bowl, whisk together the yo-
with tater tots. but I still wanted a hint of a fluffy creamy, cooling dressing is based on tzatziki, featuring a combination lidded pot, combine the pota- gurt, cucumber, pickles, may-
I hopped on the bandwagon and interior and found that keeping of Greek yogurt, cucumber, dill and lemon juice, but dill pickles and red toes with 1 tablespoon of the onnaise, onion, dill, garlic, lem-
initially tried the Hungry Happens them around 1/4- to 1/2-inch thick onion add another pop of briny, acidic flavor. Though it’s a bit of a time salt, and add enough cold wa- on juice, vinegar and mustard
recipe and one from Allrecipes, seemed to do the trick. investment, most of the cooking is hands-off, and the unique texture of ter to cover the potatoes by until combined.
which amassed 4.5 million views Yes, you might be eyeing the the salad is worth the wait. It’s a twist on tradition that is sure to be a hit about 1 inch. Set the pot over l Once the potatoes are cool
on TikTok. The Allrecipes version, total cook time and oven instruc- at cookouts, barbecues and potlucks. high heat, cover with a lid and enough to handle, cut them in
from Nicole McLaughlin, is a bit tions with skepticism, but the 55 Storage: The texture of the salad is best when fresh, but you can bring to a boil. Uncover and half or bite-size pieces and add
more pared down, with a dressing minutes of roasting are necessary refrigerate leftovers for up to 4 days. reduce the heat to medium, or to the dressing. Toss to coat
of sour cream, mayonnaise, Dijon for a crisp, golden brown exterior Active time: 30 mins; Total time: 1 hour 45 mins as needed, so the water is at a evenly. Garnish with dill and
mustard, lemon juice, dill, parsley on the potatoes. Plus, that down- Adapted by editorial aide Anna Luisa Rodriguez from Hungry lively simmer, and cook until serve.
and green onions. Because it’s sim- time allows you to prep the dress- Happens and Allrecipes. the potatoes are very tender l Substitutions: For a richer
ilar to my usual potato salad, I ing without having to worry about and easily pierced with a fork, potato salad >> use sour cream
anticipated preferring this ver- fussing with mise en place first. I Ingredients l 12 / cup finely chopped dill 15 to 20 minutes. in place of Greek yogurt, or a
sion, but I found that the crispy promise, the result is worth it. If For the potatoes pickles l Drain the potatoes, transfer to combination of equal parts
texture of the potatoes needed a you’re worried about heating up l 1/ cup mayonnaise
3 the prepared sheet pan and set Greek yogurt and mayonnaise.
punchy dressing to stand up to it. your kitchen too much, you can l 3 pounds baby potatoes, l 1/ cup finely chopped red
3 aside until cool enough to han- Red wine vinegar >> white
That’s where the tzatziki flavors of also try air frying the potatoes at scrubbed onion dle. Using the bottom of a glass wine vinegar or apple cider
the Hungry Happens recipe had 400 degrees, or just cubing boiled l 1 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon l 1/ cup finely chopped fresh
4 or measuring cup, carefully vinegar. Vegan? >> Use vegan
the advantage. potatoes and tossing them with fine salt, divided dill, plus more for garnish and slowly crush each potato to mayonnaise and plant-based
Although I thought it was deli- the dressing. l 3 tablespoons olive oil l 1 garlic clove, minced or finely 1/ -inch thickness, doing your
4 yogurt. Instead of red onion >>
cious from the start, I decided to Although there is still a place in l 1/ teaspoon garlic powder
2 grated best to keep them intact. Brush try scallions or shallots. Dill >>
tinker with the original Hungry my heart for more traditional po- l 1/ teaspoon freshly ground
4 l 2 tablespoons fresh lemon the tops of the potatoes with parsley or chives.
Happens recipe, pulling from my tato salads and standard smashed black pepper juice (from 1 lemon) the olive oil and season with Nutrition | Per serving (1 cup), based on 8:
recipe tests as well as my own potatoes, the combination of the For the dressing l 2 teaspoons red wine vinegar the remaining 1/2 teaspoon of 257 calories, 29g carbohydrates, 6mg
potato salad preferences. I strayed two is one that will be a staple in l 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard salt, the garlic powder and cholesterol, 13g fat, 5g fiber, 5g protein,
2g saturated fat, 309mg sodium, 3g sugar
from my usual sour cream and my summertime recipe repertoire. l 23 / cup plain Greek yogurt, pepper.
opted for whole-milk Greek yo- And when the great potato debate preferably whole-milk Steps l Transfer the potatoes to the Recipe tested by Anna Luisa Rodriguez;
email questions to [email protected]
gurt, which provides a tangy flavor next arises, I have just the thing to l 1/ cup seeded and finely
2 l Make the potatoes: Position a oven and roast for about
with a touch of richness, and com- contribute to the discussion. chopped cucumber rack in the middle of the oven 55 minutes, or until crispy and
E6 Ez EE the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

St. Louis gooey butter cake is a sweet, nuanced dessert made for a crowd
Ditch the cake mix, and
try a recipe that recalls
the dish’s beginnings

Legend has it that gooey butter

cake was created by accident, at
some unspecified moment in the
first half of the 20th century in St.
Louis, in an unnamed bakery,
with an unclear set of ingredi-
ents. A baker lost his way — or her
way — while baking a cake. The
specifics of this legend have been
lost to time.
You might be able to guess
where this goes: The resulting
dessert was all wrong, but the
baker, pinching pennies, decided
to sell it anyway, and customers
thought it was just right. Gooey
butter cake — the legend and the
dessert — was born.
So what, exactly, is gooey but-
ter cake? I grew up in St. Louis,
eating it at potlucks and barbe-
cues and the occasional birthday
party, but for most of my life, I
had no idea how to answer that
question. Often, the gooey butter
cake I encountered as a kid was a
saccharine, dense bar cookie,
with a cracked, sugary top and
yellowish hue. But sometimes, if I
was lucky, I happened upon a
gooey butter cake that looked and
tasted more like a sticky coffee
cake, with two distinct layers: a
less sweet, breadlike base and a
creamy, gooey, honey-colored
They were, without question,
two different desserts, and I al-
ways wondered which hewed rEy lopEz For thE Washington post; Food styling by lisa chErkasky For thE Washington post

closer to the truth, to that happy

baking accident decades ago. So I cake had entered the historical published variations on the same take hold. ping. This, then, was the gooey nuanced flavor beyond just
decided to try to find out. And record, as neighborhood newspa- recipe, all relying on a yeasted At some point, probably in the butter cake I encountered most sweetness. So banish the cream
even if the creator of gooey butter pers in St. Louis advertised the base and a top layer heavy on but- 1990s, a gooey butter cake short- often as a kid. cheese and light the cake mix on
cake remains a mystery, even if cake, often sold for 50 cents a ter, sugar and light corn syrup. cut was born, presumably to I’m not sure when I first tried fire. Working with yeast is well
that original, messed-up recipe is sheet. Some referred to it as That was the status quo as the avoid the unpredictability and the other gooey butter cake — worth the extra effort when you
lost to time, there’s still a trail of “gooey butter coffee cake,” hint- cake’s celebrity spread. In 1989, a time suck of working with dare I say, the original. But I know wind up with something as bril-
sticky, sweet crumbs — in news- ing at a certain genre: Were these syndicated New York Times story yeast. Bakers swapped the sturdy, I was immediately swayed. It liant as gooey butter cake. It’s the
paper archives and old recipes — cakes not as sweet as other des- referred to gooey butter cake breadlike base for a boxed, yellow wasn’t that I didn’t like the cake ideal cross between a coffee cake
that offers hints about the des- serts and therefore acceptable for as an “intensely rich piece of cake mix and, for reasons that mix version; it was just that I had and a bona fide dessert — which
sert’s murky origins. breakfast? Maybe. gastronomic lunacy” — without boggle the mind and the arteries, no idea it was possible to eat means, of course, that it’s accept-
By the late 1940s, gooey butter Over the years, newspapers knowing what folly was about to added cream cheese to the top- gooey butter cake that had a more able to eat at any time of day.

Gooey Butter Cake Steps

l Make the base: In a small bowl,
smooth, stretchy and pulls
away from the paddle, 7 to 8
stallments, ending with the
milk mixture and mixing well
serve. (If you prefer, you can
dust with the confectioners’
24 to 32 servings (makes one 9-by-13-inch cake) combine the milk and water. minutes. after each addition. Scrape sugar after cutting instead of
For decades, gooey butter cake has been a staple in St. Louis, Whisk in the yeast, until it fully l Using a flexible spatula, scrape down the sides and bottom of before.)
something between a coffee cake and a decadent dessert — which dissolves, about 1 minute. (It’s the dough into an ungreased the bowl as needed. The top- l Variations: To make this cake
makes it acceptable at breakfast time, too. This version rests upon a crucial to ensure the milk has 9-by-13-by-2-inch baking dish ping will be thick but pourable. with instant yeast instead of
yeasted, not-too-sweet base, which is well-suited for supporting a thick reached room temperature be- or pan, and spread it into an l Pour the topping over the risen active dry yeast, skip combin-
layer of creamy, sugary topping — goo, if you will. The resulting cake is fore you add the yeast; cold even layer. Cover with a clean base and, using a flexible spatu- ing the yeast with the milk and
sticky-sweet, rich and utterly irresistible, and best served in small milk may prevent it from acti- kitchen towel and set aside in a la, spread into an even layer. water. Add the yeast to the
pieces. vating.) Set the mixture aside warm spot until the dough Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or mixer bowl, along with the
Storage: Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to while you continue to make the nearly doubles in size and until the edges of the cake are a flour and salt, and proceed with
3 days. base, 5 to 10 minutes. The springs back slowly when gen- deep golden brown and the the rest of the recipe as written.
Active time: 30 mins; Total time: 4 hours 50 mins, including rising mixture should foam slightly tly poked with a fingertip, center is slightly browned but nutrition | per serving (one 2-inch square),
time around the edges of the bowl. about 3 hours. still relatively liquid and wob- based on 32: 241 calories, 36g
From food writer Joan Niesen. (If it doesn’t, the yeast might be l Make the topping: Position a bly. Transfer to a wire rack to carbohydrates, 42mg cholesterol, 10g fat,
0g fiber, 3g protein, 6g saturated fat,
dead, and you may need to get rack in the middle of the oven cool completely; the cake will 123mg sodium, 24g sugar
Ingredients For the topping new yeast and start over.) and preheat to 350 degrees. In a sink as it cools. Dust the top recipe tested by alexis sargent; email
l In the bowl of a stand mixer liquid measuring cup, whisk with confectioners’ sugar, then questions to [email protected]
For the base
l Scant 1/2 cup (115 grams) light fitted with the paddle attach- together the corn syrup, evapo- cut into small squares and
l 3 tablespoons whole milk, corn syrup ment, beat the butter and sugar rated milk and vanilla.
at room temperature l 3/ cup (180 milliliters)
4 on medium speed until the l In the bowl of a stand mixer
l 2 tablespoons warm water evaporated milk (1/2 of one 12- mixture is pale yellow and fitted with the paddle attach-
l 13/4 teaspoons active dry yeast ounce can) fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Scrape ment, beat the butter and sug- Search “Grandmother’s Pound Cake” or
(see Variations) 1 tablespoon vanilla extract down the sides and bottom of ar, starting on low speed and
l 6 tablespoons (85 grams)
l 18 tablespoons (21/4 sticks/254 the bowl and add the egg, gradually increasing to medi-
“Watergate Cake” in our recipe archives
unsalted butter, softened grams) unsalted butter, beating on medium speed until um once the butter begins to Find these dishes and discover more dinner inspiration
l Generous 1/4 cup (60 grams) softened just incorporated. Reduce the incorporate, until the mixture in our archive of more than 10,000 post-tested recipes.
granulated sugar l 3 cups (600 grams) granulated speed to low, add the half of the is pale yellow and fluffy, 3 to 5 Recipe questions? Email [email protected].
l 1 large egg, cold or at room sugar flour and the salt, mixing until minutes. Add the eggs one at a
temperature l 2 large eggs, cold or at room just incorporated. Maintaining time, and mix to combine,
l 13/4 cups (220 grams) all- temperature the low speed, add half of the scraping down the sides and
purpose flour l 1 teaspoon fine salt milk mixture, then the rest of bottom of the bowl as needed. scan the Qr code with your phone’s
l 1/ teaspoon fine salt l 21/3 cups (290 grams) all- the flour and the remaining With the mixer on low speed,
camera or visit wapo.st/findrecipes.
purpose flour milk mixture. Gradually in- add the salt, then alternate
l Confectioners’ sugar, for crease the speed to medium- adding the flour and evaporat-
sprinkling high and mix until the dough is ed milk mixture in three in-

Making chocolate chip cookies, knowing when drumsticks are done and more
Each Wednesday roasting to 165 degrees? They and regular butter, as in our
Q&A at noon, Post look raw and unappetizing! recipe for the Best Brown Butter
aaron recipes editor Are they safe to eat, or should I Chocolate Chip Cookies.
hutcherson Becky Krystal and roast them longer and risk them — B.K.
and BecKy food writer Aaron being dry?
Krystal Hutcherson A: It’s a protein called Q: Can I use a stand mixer with a
answer questions myoglobin, and, yes, it’s safe to whisk attachment to make aioli?
and provide practical cooking eat as long as the temperature is A: I’m not sure whether this
advice in a chat with readers at at least 165 degrees. But also, would work because I believe the
washingtonpost.com/ dark meat is actually better when whisk attachment on most stand
community. Here are edited cooked to higher temperatures to mixers doesn’t touch the bottom
excerpts. Recipes whose names break down more of its of the bowl, so I don’t think it
are capitalized can be found at connective tissue, to anywhere would come in contact with
our Recipes landing page at between 175 and 195 degrees, so the egg yolk and such that you
washingtonpost.com/recipes. you have a lot more wiggle room. start the aioli with. Instead, I’d
— Aaron Hutcherson suggest using an immersion
Q: Why do my chocolate chip (stick) blender or a food
cookies sometimes turn out Q: I generally know when to use processor.
completely flat? confectioners’ sugar vs. — A.H.
A: Among the top things I’d granulated sugar, but there’s one
look at: thing I’m not clear on: Why does Q: Eggplant parmesan: skin or
l Insufficient creaming of confectioners’ sugar taste no skin? I usually take the skin
butter and sugar. You aren’t different from granulated? I’m off the eggplant and slice, then
beating them enough. Relatedly, talking straight from the do a flour/egg/panko treatment
the butter is too cold or too soft. package. Isn’t confectioners’ and fry those in olive oil. I don’t
l Inaccurate measurements. sugar just finer granulated want to encounter tough skin,
Weighing ingredients is always sugar? Am I tasting anti-caking but should I be leaving the skin
better! agents in the confectioners’ on? My friend with Italian roots
l Using silicone baking mats. sugar? Is the dissolve rate tells me to.
They can cause cookies to spread. affecting how I perceive A: I find the skin is important for
l The oven is not hot enough. confectioners’ sugar? scott suchman For thE Washington post; Food styling by lisa chErkasky For thE Washington post
helping the pieces hold together.
Verify the temperature with an A: Confectioners’ sugar usually The Post’s Best Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies call for a mix of brown butter and regular butter. It shouldn’t be tough if the pieces
oven thermometer. It can take has a starch to prevent caking, are cooked enough and the
longer to preheat than you yes. Often it’s cornstarch, so I Q: Why is it okay to eat rare duck different farming conditions, Q: Does brown butter make eggplant is not particularly old. I
realize. If you put cookies in too suspect that may be what you’re breast but not okay to eat rare many culinary professionals better chocolate chip cookies? don’t know whether it’s sacrilege
soon, they will spread rather tasting. Some brands are made chicken breast? believe that duck is less likely to And should we use unsalted? to say so, but the longer, thinner
than set quicker. with tapioca starch instead, A: The Agriculture Department carry harmful pathogens and A: I pretty much always use Asian varieties can make for nice
— Becky Krystal which some bakers prefer for says that all poultry should be that it’s thus safer to eat at unsalted butter in baking. Just eggplant parm, too, and I tend to
both its flavor and ability to cooked to the same minimum temperatures less than well remember that brown butter is find their skins a bit less chewy
Q: Why do my chicken dissolve easier. internal temperature of 165 done. liquid, so you can’t cream it. But than globe.
drumsticks look pink after — B.K. degrees. However, due to — A.H. you can try a mix of brown butter — B.K.
wednesday, july 31 , 2024 . the washington post eZ ee e7

Climate change is transforming the traditional wine maps

wine from e1

it less vulnerable to the onset of

colder weather in the fall. While
the grandfathers of today’s
winegrowers may have
experienced two or three above-
average or exceptional vintages
per decade, that level of quality is
more consistent today. We
consumers can taste with more
confidence, without stressing
over vintage variation. There is
also growing excitement over
German red wines and
chardonnay. (The country’s wine
regions have also felt the flip side
of climate change, with
destructive floods in 2021,
drought in other years, frigid
winters and devastating spring
In march, I attended Grands
Jours de Bourgogne, a week-long
trade fair held every two years to
highlight that famous french
wine region. (English-speaking
attendees were asked to use the
french name rather than the
Anglicized “Burgundy,” which, as
a color, translates back into
french as “bordeaux.”) Effects of
climate change were most
evident in the north of the region.
Wines from 2022, a warm
vintage, were on display. Chablis,
where chardonnay thrives on a
knife’s edge of cool-climate
acidity, were riper than normal.
Not bad by any means, but
lacking their usual energy.
meanwhile, wines from
Chablis’s less-heralded neighbor
appellations were exciting.
Bourgogne Côtes d’Auxerre,
Chitry, Irancy and Saint-Bris
offered vibrant whites from
chardonnay and sauvignon blanc, photos by thomas Lohnes/getty images

and bright, fruity and earthy reds

of pinot noir. At a tasting in the Bourgogne remain largely
cloister of the abbey of Saint aspirational in price and
Germain, in the city of Auxerre, a availability. These lesser-known
fellow writer who regularly areas offer value and increased
attends these events marveled, quality. Wines from the Hautes
“This is the best these wines have Côtes, Saint-romain and Saint-
ever been!” Véran typically retail between
Is it a warming climate? $25 and $40, while Côtes
Improved viticulture? A lucky d’Auxerre, Chitry, Irancy and
vintage? Probably all of the above. Saint-Bris are less expensive.
Unfortunately, most of the wines There are opportunities
I tasted are not in U.S. markets. elsewhere, too. Gabriele Gorelli,
(Importers, take note!) Domaine Italy’s first master of wine, argues
felix has three U.S. importers that Italian wines in general are
(though none in the D.C. area), becoming “more approachable”
while Domaine Sorin Coquard because of a combination of
reaches shelves in New York and increased ripeness from the
California. The gentleman warming climate and stylistic
pouring a racy chardonnay by changes by winemakers. He is
Bailly Lapierre, a co-op best especially excited about
known for sparkling wines, had “mountain nebbiolo” from
just two words for me: Trader higher-altitude vineyards in
Joe’s. northern Piemonte or from
But the winery website doesn’t Valtellina, a mountainous area of
even mention that it makes still Lombardy better known for ski
wines, and a search of the Trader resorts than wine.
Joe’s website proved fruitless. “Valtellina is not really a
Throughout the week, I heard category, but it should be,” Gorelli
buzz about the pinot noir from said. “The wines are chillable,
the Hautes Côtes de Nuits and super drinkable and interesting.”
Hautes Côtes de Beaune, areas on Here at home, Napa Valley
higher slopes or just over the hill vintners wonder whether
from the storied grand cru and cabernet sauvignon will be
premier cru vineyards of the Côte sustainable in the long term.
d’or. for whites, Saint-romain meanwhile, hybrid grapes gain
and Saint-Véran are two minor favor in other parts of the country
regions poised to gain because they require fewer
prominence as the climate chemical treatments than
warms. Although many vineyards are grappling with the devastating effects of climate change, some geographies, such as regions in European vinifera varieties. Some
frédéric Drouhin, head of Germany, pictured, are benefiting from warmer temperatures and more consistent harvests. of these are new varieties
maison Joseph Drouhin in developed to be hardy in severe
Beaune, told me that his family- winter conditions and northerly
owned winery had recently climes. They won’t be in wide
purchased vineyards in both distribution, but if you’re
Saint-romain and Saint-Véran, traveling, keep an eye out for local
including some from longtime wines made from marquette,
suppliers. It might seem strange to suggest that climate change frontenac, frontenac gris, regent,
“These areas are typically louise swenson, brianna,
cooler than the heart of the Côte has produced any winners, but if we look to higher latitudes chardonel and other grapes.
d’or and can struggle in some You’ll find these throughout New
years, so we are seeing more and higher altitudes, we find surprises. England and the midwest where
consistent quality and richness you might not expect local wine,
the past several vintages,” but, with climate change
Drouhin said. rewriting wine’s atlas, you may be
The famous wines of pleasantly surprised.

w I Ne R eC O M M eND AT I ON S

this week’s wines feature a juicy wine. With the saline, wild imported and distributed locally by elite
perennial value from south africa, herb character that makes Prices are approximate. For
a raucous rosé from provence and provençal rosé so fascinating, but availability, check Wine.com, Wine-
a splurge-worthy white from sicily with extra exuberant fruit, it should searcher.com and the websites and
that shows what wine lovers call appeal to american consumers. social media feeds of the wineries,
“a sense of place.” Just as with its namesake show, importers, distributors, and your
— Dave McIntyre don’t look for subtlety here, just favorite local wine store. You can also
delicious fun. this isn’t lovers ask your local retailer to order wines
GReAT VALUe tucked into a quiet cafe in nice. from the distributors listed. Bottle
A.A. Badenhorst Curator this is: “Woohoo! We’re on the weight is included, because this is
white Blend 2023 riviera!” abV: 13 percent. bW: 725 the single most important contributor
 grams (heavy). to wine’s carbon footprint. Have wine
Coastal Region, South Africa, $13 imported by palm bay international. questions for Dave McIntyre? Send
adi badenhorst’s curator white and Distributed locally by rnDc.
them to [email protected].
red blends are tremendous values,
year after year. this 2023 white Monteleone etna Bianco 2022 Legend
marries chenin blanc with 
chardonnay for body, and viognier Sicily, Italy, $54  good: the wine delivers what it
for aroma. the result is a floral, off- mount etna keeps erupting, and promises at a fair price. if it says
dry wine that’s delicious on its own wines grown on her slopes persist chardonnay, it tastes like
or with casual dishes. alcohol by on the palate with an expression of chardonnay.
volume: 13 percent. bottle weight: their place. it doesn’t take much   excellent: a wine with
435 grams (Light). imagination to taste the firm acidity character and added interest. may
from volcanic soil and the saline elevate your eyebrows at the first
imported by broadbent selections.
Distributed locally by Winebow. sea air off the mediterranean as sip.
expressed by sicily’s native    extraordinary: an exciting
Vanderpump Rosé 2023 carricante grape. even if you don’t wine that stands out from others in
 taste the “sense of place” so prized its class. fist-pumping, table-
Côtes de Provence, France, $23 by wine lovers, the wine may get thumping good.
fans of “Vanderpump rules” — as you thinking about planning a trip     sublime: otherworldly.
scott suchman for the Washington post
well as people who like rosé but not there. abV: 12.5 percent. bW: 555 may have you thinking, “so this is
what they were talking about.” FROM LeFT: A.A. Badenhorst Curator white Blend 2023; Vanderpump Rosé 2023; Monteleone etna
reality tV — will appreciate this grams (average).
Bianco 2022.
E8 eZ ee the washington post . wednesday, july 31 , 2024

He was a basketball pro. Now he’s feeding Olympians.

oLymPIcS from E1

menus, a caterer will provide 40

entrees daily, plus a salad bar, a
grill, a cheese cart, a boulangerie,
a hot bar, a dessert bar and a fruit
stand. All told, the olympic kitch-
en expects to serve 40,000 meals
per day for the Games. It’s a
unique challenge, especially for a
three-star chef such as mazzia,
who’s used to cooking for people
who live to eat, rather than people
who eat to compete. There’s an
added challenge for the Paris
olympic Games: france is re-
nowned worldwide for its cuisine,
so serving the dry chicken breast
and brown rice of athletic training
meals would be seen as a kind of
national shame.
“These people think of food as
fuel, that’s for sure, but fuel needs
to be fun,” mazzia said. “for me, it
wasn’t a question of constraint,
but of playing the game and think-
ing, ‘How we can bring something
joyful and fun to the athletes?’”
The way mazzia talks about his
menu for the athletes almost
makes it sound like a sport, one in
which he’s trying to perform his
best while also representing his
country to the world. “The chal-
lenge was to highlight the prod-
ucts of our local region, in our own
way — but above all, to bring in the
imprint of our kitchen to the ath-
mazzia’s style is not old-school
french, with its focus on butter-
heavy sauces such as the classic
béchamel or hollandaise. for the
first 15 years of his life, he grew up
in what is now the republic of
Congo, where his french parents
lived as expats.
The area he grew up in is called
the Côte Sauvage, which trans- PhoToS by Sandra Mehl for The WaShingTon PoST

lates to the “Wild Coast,” and it cLocKWISE FRom ToP: Herbaceous chickpea pomade, peas and smoked fish milk, which will be served during the Paris olympics. The wine and vinegar cellar at Am in
lived up to its name. mazzia re- marseille, France, the three-michelin-star restaurant of chef Alexandre mazzia. Edible flowers used in the dish at top. “The challenge was to highlight the products of our
members seeing surfers riding local region, in our own way — but above all, to bring in the imprint of our kitchen to the athletes,” mazzia said of preparing food for the Paris olympics.
massive waves and hammerhead
sharks swimming in the turquoise ter, as well as peas and beets re-
water. He and his school friends duced for their residual sugar.
sometimes played with stingrays. He’s also planning a mackerel
Because of the oppressive midday dish, a fatty fish rich in iron and
heat, classes were held in the vitamin B, served with grilled
morning and in the late after- broccoli shoots.
noon. In between, mazzia went to In brainstorming his menus,
the beach, where he liked to watch mazzia said, he was thinking
the fishing canoes hauling in their about food as fuel and food as part
fresh catches each day. of the recuperation process. After
food is woven into his memo- all, some of the athletes will be
ries. on weekends, his family eating his meals after they’ve com-
would head to the coastal village peted. (In any event, his meals
of Diosso, outside the city. After a sound infinitely tastier than the
full day of playing in the water, he late-night pizzas mazzia would
and his family would eat grilled eat after big basketball games.)
and spiced meat and fish or mafé, There’s also the fact that a run-
a thick tomato-peanut stew of ner’s nutritional needs are differ-
chicken or beef, spiced with chile ent from those of a wrestler or a
peppers and aromatics. Even now, gymnast. It’s a tall order, especial-
he says, a good barbecue takes ly considering the some 200 na-
him back to his childhood. Then tionalities represented at this
there was the fresh fruit: perfectly year’s Games, each coming with
ripe mangoes and papayas to pair their own food cultures and per-
with meals or to eat raw as a sonal tastes.
dessert. As france’s second-largest city,
When his family returned to marseille will play a special role in
france, the culture shock was ex- the Games, hosting the olympic
treme for 15-year-old mazzia. He sailing competition and some of
had gone from school days spent the soccer matches. In may, when
partly at the beach to the strict the olympic Torch relay arrived
regimen of a Jesuit boarding in marseille from Greece, mazzia
school outside of Paris. Because he was part of the all-star lineup of
was tall for his age, he started torch bearers.
playing basketball, which became The chef talks about his menu
a safe haven. “It was more than a as a good host would: in terms of
refuge,” mazzia recalled. “I got to joy and comfort. many of the ath-
know a brotherhood of some pret- letes probably won’t get to visit
ty incredible people.” much of france other than its
mazzia said he loved the ac- stadiums, and mazzia’s cuisine
countability of being on a team, seeks to bring out his personal
how he found himself being relied protein and nutrient-rich vegeta- flour for his olympics menu. green bean risotto of sorts, with a be healthier for the athletes. It’s a terroir, he said. The word shares
upon by others and being able to bles, but there were also surprises He asked himself almost exis- blackberry and black currant vin- spiced hake with tapioca in a veg- the same root as terre, meaning
rely on them in the same way. “You along the way. rice, he learned, tential questions in his research aigrette. etable broth, cooked to keep the earth in french, and it signifies
had this responsibility to make isn’t necessarily the best fuel for and drafting of recipes. for in- The menus mazzia landed on juicy, nutritional qualities of the not just what grows in the ground
baskets, not for yourself, but for athletes, as its nutritional quality stance: “How can we make green put a twist on some of his favorite fish intact. in a certain region but also the
the team. So you’re quickly in this depends on its origins and the way beans, which are not very rich, ingredients in the restaurant, There’s also an herbaceous local flavor. for mazzia, that’s the
system of work, of performance.” it’s processed, which is too diffi- more gourmet — but, above all, such as white fish and chickpeas. chickpea pomade with peas and fresh seafood and vegetables of
After finishing school, it was an cult to control on a large scale, he have a more exhilarating depth of one recipe is adapted from a clas- smoked fish milk. It’s similar to a southern france as well as the
easy transition to start playing said. So he chose to avoid rice and taste?” The resulting dish is a sic dish served in Am, tweaked to hummus made with verbena wa- spiciness and smokiness of the
professional basketball as a shoot- food from his childhood in the
ing guard, first for a team in mar- republic of Congo. “Above all, it
seille, then in nearby Avignon. was a question of trying to make
mazzia likes to clarify that he’s people happy,” he said.
not a basketball player who be- That shines through in his
came a chef; he thinks of himself cooking — and in the way he talks
as a “cook who played some bas- about food. Despite all the lavish-
ketball.” Incredibly, for many ness and artistry required to earn
years, he was doing both. He land- one michelin star — much less
ed his first restaurant job at the three — it’s clear that mazzia is
Vénitien Prestige in Paris suburb thinking about more than Jack-
rueil-malmaison in 1995 at age 19, son Pollock-ian plating. He spoke
before going on to train at the often of trying to communicate
Parisian establishment fauchon something to the people who eat
under the legendary pastry chef his creations, whether it’s the din-
Pierre Hermé. “I was lucky ers in the 20 seats at Am or the
enough to meet chefs who lis- 15,000 athletes eating from the
tened to me, allowing me to do olympic kitchen.
both,” mazzia said. “It was intense. The olympics set out to pro-
I didn’t get any special treatment mote “excellence, respect and
from either side.” friendship” in the world, and maz-
Since then, he has trained in zia’s approach includes an aspect
other michelin-starred restau- of friendship, even family. He
rants but also cooked in retire- spoke warmly of what he ate at his
ment homes and for corporate grandparents’ house as a kid: the
catering. By 2007, he left his bas- first fresh eels of the season,
ketball team in Avignon, and in caught by his fisherman grandfa-
2014, he opened Am in marseille, ther; the french toast made over
racking up three michelin stars the heat of the fireplace; or the
over the following decade. It is comfort food his grandmother
mazzia’s ability to straddle both cooked at the brasserie she ran on
worlds — haute cuisine and pro- Île de ré, an island off the western
fessional sports — that made him coast of france. There’s a hint of
such a natural choice to cook for that homey feel to his olympics
the olympians. menus.
mazzia has spent nearly two When I first asked him to de-
years researching, brainstorming scribe his signature style, he strug-
and consulting nutritionists and gled for words. Eventually, he set-
sports medicine doctors to devise tled on a simple definition.
his menu for the Paris olympics. mazzia, left, assembles a dish with pastry chef Alessandro moretto. mazzia and two other French chefs (Amandine chaignot and Akrame “It’s really a cuisine of the soul,”
He, of course, focused on lean Benallal) are designing and executing menus for 15,000 athletes in the olympic kitchen, which is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. mazzia told me.

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