Business Meetings
Business Meetings
Business Meetings
Business Meetings. English
1st year common branch
Miss Bensaad.Y
1. Essential Vocabulary in Business Meetings
1.1. Defining Business Meetings Main Discussion: The core part of the
A business meeting is a gathering of two meeting where topics are discussed in
or more people for the purpose of detail.
discussing or Closing: The final phase of a meeting
making decisions where decisions are summarized and next
related to work. steps are outlined.
Business meetings Quorum: The minimum number of
can be held in participants required for meeting to
person, over the proceed or make decisions.
phone, or by video Follow up: actions taken after the
conference. They can be formal or meeting to ensure that decisions are
informal, and they can range in size from implemented and tasks are completed.
small one-on-one meetings to large Consensus: A general agreement
conferences with hundreds of attendees. among participants without significant
1.2. Meetings Vocabulary: opposition.
Agenda: A list of topics or items to be Robert’s Rule of Order: A set of
discussed in a meeting. parliamentary procedures and rules
Minutes: A summary of what was commonly used in formal meetings.
discussed and decided in the meeting. Adjournment: The formal closing of
Participants/Attendees: Someone the meeting.
who takes part/attends a meeting. Webinar: A web-based seminar or
Chairperson: The person responsible presentation typically conducted over the
for leading and facilitation the meeting. internet.
Decision-making: The process of
reaching a conclusion or making choices.
Action Items: Tasks or activities
assigned to individuals after a meeting.
Opening: The initial phase of a
meeting where participants are welcomed
and the agenda is reviewed.
Miss Bensaad.Y
2. Types of Business Meetings
Status update meetings: These meetings are used to share updates on current projects and
initiatives. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that any potential
problems are identified and addressed early on.
Decision-making meetings: These meetings are used to discuss and make decisions on
important business matters. This could include anything from launching a new product to
setting strategic goals for the company.
Problem-solving meetings: These meetings are used to identify and solve problems. This
could be anything from a technical issue to a conflict between team members.
Brainstorming meetings: These meetings are used to generate new ideas and solutions.
This is often done through a process of free-flowing brainstorming, where all ideas are
welcome, no matter how crazy they may seem.
Information-sharing meetings: These meetings are used to share information with
employees, customers, or other stakeholders. This could be anything from a new product
launch to a company financial update.
Team-building meetings: These meetings are used to build relationships and trust among
team members. This can be done through a variety of activities, such as icebreakers, team-
building exercises, and social events.
These meetings are used to discuss sales goals and strategies, or to train new salespeople.
Boardmeetings: These meetings are held by the board of directors to oversee the
management of the company and make major decisions.
Miss Bensaad.Y
3. Does And Don’ts in a Business Meeting
-Come Prepared: Attend -Adhere to the Agenda: -Exercise Conciseness:
the meeting having Maintain alignment with Present your insights
diligently reviewed all the outlined meeting succinctly and directly to
pertinent materials and agenda, preserving focus. conserve valuable
agendas. meeting time.
-Engage Actively and
-Adhere to Punctuality: Thoughtfully: Contribute -Cultivate Respectful
Demonstrate punctuality substantively to Interaction: Uphold a
as a sign of your respect discussions, proactively decorous and courteous
for others' time. inquire, and offer demeanor, even during
informed input. differences of opinion.
-Establish Clear
Objectives: Precisely -Exhibit Attentive -Leverage Visual Aids
delineate the meeting's Listening: Exhibit keen Judiciously: When
purpose and intended attentiveness to the incorporating
outcomes. discourse without presentations or visual
premature interjections. aids, ensure their
relevance and clarity
3.2. Don’ts:
Refrain from Tardiness: Curtail Tangential concerning others'
Avoid late arrival to Discussions: Stay proposals.
safeguard against undue resolutely focused on the Avoid Verbiage:
disruption. agenda, deflecting Articulate your insights
Prevent Domineering divergent discourse. succinctly and pertinent
Behavior: Steer clear of Eschew Multitasking: to the topic at hand.
monopolizing dialogue, Divert your full attention Refrain from
permitting equitable to the meeting's Overlapping
participation. proceedings, eschewing Conversation: Maintain
Abstain from distractions such as decorum by awaiting your
Interruption: Allow mobile devices or laptops. appropriate turn to speak,
each participant to Sidestep Negativity: even if possessing
conclude their thoughts Exercise constructive compelling viewpoints.
prior to your contribution. critique rather than Venerate Time
disparaging remarks Constraints:
Miss Bensaad.Y
Demonstrate reverence Depart with Clarity: items, determinations,
for the allocated Assure the and subsequent
timeframe, steering clear comprehensive procedural steps prior to
of protracted discussions. elucidation of action adjourning the meeting.
3.3. Practice:
Assess the two meetings below and articulate the positive and negative aspects
observes within each:
Meetine N1: Meetine N2:
-Participant A: Good morning, everyone. -Participant A: Hey, guys, thanks for
Thank you for joining today's meeting. finally showing up. I mean, punctuality,
Before we begin, may I kindly request who needs it, right?
that we all ensure we're on time for our -Participant B: Yeah, whatever. Let's just
future meetings to respect each other's get this over with. The agenda is here
schedules? somewhere. I think.
-Participant B: Absolutely, punctuality is -Participant C: Agreed. Who cares
essential. Now, let's review the agenda. about objectives? We're here because we
It's clear and concise, and I appreciate that. have to be.
-Participant C: I agree. The agenda -Participant A: Alright, let's just dive
outlines our objectives for this meeting. It into the sales thing. John, you have those
helps keep us focused and productive. numbers somewhere, right?
-Participant A: Excellent. So, let's -John: Uh, yeah, hold on a sec. (John
proceed with the first agenda item, the fumbles with disorganized papers.)
quarterly sales review. John, could you
please provide an overview?
-John: Of course. I've prepared a brief
presentation to share the sales figures and
trends. (John starts a well-structured, clear
Miss Bensaad.Y